v- 0 xt xt voijumk xxyn no in aoton ontaitto tjuluk8ia y cwruauv s ioou riaok tj i it kic jikis 3ie ctou lew jrrss kvllltv tuu1u1uay moitning at turn vrefl 1reaslrabi ltlouuj j01ff ulllutuijut aotohom yaawn hv tlljbumlryhrf one iliilur pei yar tultlylu all aufcanllil dl llliuxf mllll iii illll for wtlutl ulv liave 1mi1 11i l nlr tli late in wliioli vary ubtorliitluu imil la iluila1 u uie bdm eb1 alvktla1i llitkataiiit advdla uianti 10 oatiu t niitall hub itr fttat li eertlon a oeiila llu ell suimuubhi insertion oobtaiirr ultaetlia flliiwitg ublu ifciiiwri our rale fur hi- iiiarlluii ii ailvuiiiaiiu tur alwclaall wiiixla balanco of holiday stock to bo cloorod at drys i aliilrrnfliullr 111 cults iur ulnohaa lolaahaa it noli j in la l tv bjidi1in o j t 00 wool woo nm 4 soq v00 uw a 60 iw i oa folic catratir col iiiulsiids half price- lifatj photo 1 rumen litlf prk 1 itin hair brush 35 kr cent olf bibles halfprica f toy iwwju mil gamw dolls loyii uolli carriage ltc at coal liral comes 14 1 first choke aooountd t taoolhly iliuoojik uxdwal yoiimm macdonald m d c m uccaktoh ta j v uubn w d 0 m omeaiitrilooooror will prdtik treats aotou odloa hour lo 10so a u 1 lo 8 l il ktlj t to v p in days bookstore ouelph dkv ak3lla chump traders bank of capitalpaid up 1000000 assota ovor 0000000 cuelph branch nut ihoim tl ishuwciu savings bank dopartmont iihitllott cuitllkmt uatii ok intkubtt paid uii bui l oeltai if 61 ahil ulweila iliurwt alluwa1 tiin 1i1i1i iu uui lat tj withdrawal pa til or rutu founded liajr aiy ui-ii- 1 tiali al ilia t miriaii tk no nlikrui tiifta for olladlltitf hjh uuu4 ii vju lit it autaiaj katikti tiukllioaa ualiauuil jjottqi it xa- ixultaii ttiaiaa11 a beds merchants bank of canada capital rest rpiios gray m d c m mcgill ii it c 1 tniminiinii iij l xti l tamo w i ukuuiuliultlhuukilicll alukiutldv ktc ucct0u vo u xlfilv offloa irsjorlok klraol aelonouu d u ditydun t hlm tuflit ai1 k4 coroar woolarlcll tuul llalr llru uukml o vt i cm ii aum- 10 111 to 1 11 ulajltl to 6 l li iutwdat 10bhi lolphi j m bbll ddb ldb unmrut acto uomom uuxxvxtd otduomto llylvxkairy vumud diva vlrat auj ttui tumtuyi lllrooairilla yrldayluxikwood tb uual ajiauiuo umj djirj xjcoaxit orilcmuul ulraat lu uluiw illoek ju mclkou illmkurrmm holiflltofl amd couuiajliam kh trail tlkimd ayyauivtya alajdbul uaorifautwtl coavayaaolntf doua uul bkouy loaoial oil ilrat laoitplg ua taiul 1 roiiaty at jjtjl y j- manallu uuibvauiui dlvulan coutt oouuly ot li- loa convayaucrauulalrabuilijraaaautauiea ut 1ul1 aaut uoily tu 1011 ato uvriua 1aryyniaualilook 10t0m out vrsacccxmcavr d k a p husband v s noils lmlt hli on t tjrajuuouulovurlualryoollia ilnuuaaiuvauitu4iry uatllm1 laulv 01ur wonlau a llulw tuio uaat oa tnbuhamce agunt w ii dwkhy unara aljut cottfltallou lifa aaauu0u afiaul uuuu vlrj luaulauod coullaulm ofllm youujf bl aotoa h bollolw uf 1auuu t jnlallou atfl lrdrappluauotaloiftli ota4uu amwr- lbskuiroimjuiulrt4jj or uli umuuwtlh tilrrtaja tialky hud lor vu1- f illlakoib ml nam wyitdbuilht- oualpli outajlo qyjrw anwaul luwki of tvf kluda wj lo otj tkrioduajaafvnrdrluilauevajullybauud ruunqatnrf imjuitly doua jyiraiinuok ladunbku 1 l 001t uut otf vlateaiaual laokytuia rlau0nl6 holtikteakiulrj iwubj hr ivw ofllm aotom vm ukmbtjlulil rf ajlusmimd xu0ti0umub aor 111 otluutla of wllillulotl allj llallou oiilairilflalllahkm iblkm o0lo actou or aimyitalillalu aelutll will t ultluy a1- ummlatllu tuw liw40slma alao blouy to loau oh tb hloatfkvojalla buiuaatid al mie luwaat jatai of 1bum4 111 uuaof aooalld hrji huuucuiiitcd 6 c simja thk welunqtoj mutual pthli inhutlanou company teuuubd 1u40 uaa oftlo oixklj omf ho ar uufiiaaa til will bi lxotiiitly fcmuilnl to jfluh yayl0hafiut uuajlll nabqaoawkya saw and planing mills lumber and shingles kt loihi3sr pwicgs illll alulf cut to ortlar wtuwl at 9 1 00 a ioaii at ilia mill p- savers proptiot or 56000000 2600000 a gunuial banking business tkansactrd inleroil at rnont fnvorubld current rate ahowxl on cavitira bank accounls loitoim of o rod it avail tiblo in all porta of tbo world 1 aimed at thia oqloo sncclal altemlo hen to rarniora builneii money ouders 0 av euu ut to 830 ijiyablo at any hanmiik point in canada ouuldo of tltts yukon territory may now ha procured at ilia bank counter without any delay acton branch jr nraikcejr frames frames pictuhfes jprrcjuced jit taters bros art store cublph autistq cuitlv iiouli removed johnstone co umlturo doalofs and i undortakors have removed their butlnfcu lo iba more central and comodlous iremlea knowu pearsons store tut ulll lltarri iupply as utual everything in furniture mattresses springs etc special attention j given lo upliouterlng falthcr lu now work or repairing ricturd rramlntf la 0 rpoclalty all order rccclvo prompt atleniion tlia now raymond sowing mtchlrwt ii thd favorite imreabouii and job mi one co uprly litem carpel mada up lo order and houufur- nuhlnua alto in variety lulw blinds o all lilndu in stock 0hn8t0ne co paraltiiw dottluni trndortakoru millsi aclon poaraons old bland sua savings and loan co hbadoppicu tohosmtoonr authovbul ctiutit 6fiooooq0o ten yaur umturlly hhiuoa at paltt uonllily iiuulnionlu of jmjxir aluro for 111 monllib whcii payiitciila gojm to 00 aid lu iiiaturiiy value gtoo 00 ijoimy lo itwn at irabibl aow or lenuyubla lu inoutlily liutalnioutu on appll- iloii lu r j monpbb aifonti aotou amateur cameras kmd supplies premo poco ray magazine cyclone pointing frames 4x3 and cthlnot 35 cenla prinlino papekb 8qli0 aristo velox photox iioto kbtluy kcton ohin9se what kivcsu inotti conirorl nhlrt loflu 10 a lnvlrortni than a lino llraj innnnlcd u1 w caii 6ntily yoir whh ilcd in liraetl iniiuiilcd at iton al prices roin is lo tipwardn tron well mule null very ileal wo have a very larce bhorlniciit to chooin from ako child a crlhu in iron iledo 10 be ehlnprd carefully rianlcd our prices alwayc l john m bond co 11 a iid iim ms guelph good shoes reasonable prices we arc hero to serve you faithfully and well the whole system of our business revolvcsatound the ccgtraj point that we sell good goods at reasonable prices the day of large profits is gone sudden lortunes arc not often made honestly we are con tent with the moderate re wards that come from a large trade well managed come and talk shoes with us we cant discuss politics but we arc lull of ideas 6n foot gear we sell all lines and suit all customers w willi hws- yho shoo man mill stroet acton bread cakos ccmfoctlonory oystora cannot goods mrs anna maddcck thinks her num erous customer for their beral natroiufte and announce that she as nhw canned gpoosand ittlsii oysters lo iwr stock gui brd1ad ltc bread and cakes are received from cuelph every tuesday tliurulay and saturday toronto hrkad toronto bread is rccilved oery monday wednesday i ri- day and saturday mrs anna maddock milu stuklt acton the long distance telephone ii ilia ideil kapld trnt long distance equipment ncret3 the speed and culo down over time charges the cogtrict department will jimuh fisrilculam tlio jiell tolophono co of canada acton- livery 1 bih bii- oblmfxi wlii u ni1 li kaika ol itol1 wliuilitltiulq ih llal 11 otalr locaa1 u il at tl untur ii i luliiht oil b loving tucitjuami llilt lllllua louk1 fiom br vlttju w11 111 ir i uy vhlu il tit krai ali1 uar bijui4 tb miurl a boat b ahailow ta 1 unuy tliy aoaya1 and tliola1 tlul f lr uvuinur tibilil llllaar juut ulmllur n iii ufitllfilulil tlra waa wfcul rlutf willi wfuala iunhlafuay uula fimllali ltilly kla andjrillyfmkluricu driill iktor vuiaur fit woutali rr ilia ttboa lihy llfilly llliiu clujaialla itto willi eml duky dlur th- quait o htu 1l4 ilsuo i alil btlartmliiullually nmllliilu1lluiautraiim tatar tit luiiluklii al tuio tba hi- i a mill t our and tmaiity blackblnla uala11 iliu avry oltal why it u ajllloal lillll lix olaliillila tddla tin um what to fiom ilia itnow to kt you oulj bj f is it ilia clilllrn abotinr mill iiouijrlm ovr luf tbay buruaj u lou at muilli willi your old roealuifebslr 1 kuu jj citiry bus line tbauudanlunatlri wu ulppad and otylult lutlu oui al way ba uaoiuj atlilsstablu a eoiiirorublu liuv inau al u tin a btun lu a iti u4 610 iiiu uirulbtwiiuiiiulvbiitobvaiyorlar tlia wilu o taiiiiimclaltiaval- lar fully mil i0iin williams aoton macliiiio and ilcmiir shops huhuyahlhilkll iropillar lkundry hi tearituu s llujtdliiu willow birov acton ijtuiulry colluclwl biideliinieil 1 atully wiuhliiil kt reaaonabla rates all work doiwby imiui no niachliiou or cltomutls soil 1 1 ii mm 1iuinluor ltuwu wjulii- wlili si lb i kuhuorataalilihlllhtlaauijiwauikul uaokaiilllllllh wlmtawokh llhal lwuultal tu a aaliaaoury ulauuar w itajr uliy ulaolllhtf or liiiuiunt olsuuiai- luw kuluull aul fllllluuuwv j fhwp hcw jciglirjor ill katk u ctkukir ilrft irllcrudmartterykernary ling i oor uiw tialghbor i in quits a whirl of aiclutrmit marjry had daslisd luto tlia onxy roca vhirs br thrm slauiri wsra sltliu qba wait shin- iutf with fulti froiu iub hood of hi- b lray oamer to tba very upai of bor rubbert tbo fluffy browooarla aorcbs hut forehead wtrn spflnklod with brlglik drops and lur oheaka wr glowing from hr rliid wlk you did v i olerrok lively rboruj ihtae aaror volca lyeallydldl ih ha handsome t aikaj jso4t who appreciated sll htauty s luutuely as only a plain looking praou can ldtfluiluallooklnk inquired clolllde who dipped dally lot ktrtaaod and pto- raasad to adore rusbln jolly t qilald liltls brll who wsh at thask when jolly pi p aatrtfcd orld for bar eaptcul amuiemaut nc no no i uufili uarry not baujaoma or burned looking or vati jolly ha u sltnply tba moat awkward look inn mortal 1 avar luhaldl and kha brok into a pml of hwrtltal laucthtrr at roollotlon of bar sooouular with tbrir nsw nithbor you it was this way nil is jrklb off bar uaaiatdair and dlaclolmj a form attlrftd in a dr of ohooouta oahtnord a foioi ihsi wa trim alim and willowy as thai of iwiiat uvaulsflu is spt to ba l wm runnioif homa in a rril hurry for ifa cb ii liar out than you folks inimius and juil aa i rniu oppofaita lha rkls of the oski i iloppd vary suddsuly vor tlhl thara was lbs most irstuandoui hlaok doj i vernawiiatd i oa-wby-l-fcml-h- dldnl ludja i shook my ombrslls al him ha wasnt a bll afraid laald if yoo dont et out 0 tba way ill bit you i and ha actually jrlniid tbr wan noibiiifl to do but step out la tb alrmtu was ao muddy too and wslk around him btit jaat ibsu i auppom uy dlutuma wan apparmt from tba houaa down tba plh ha osnio runufnir oh ha lookad ao rlihouioui 1 ho is about m tall u jaaka laau sislk lan aa a ulh and brown aa an indian wall 1 cxrulnad janat n must bi ohsiniiutf oh i cdd uarusry uoun off lulo w frtah psroxysniof isujibur wbal with his bissws and bin ooat talis flying stralubt out as ha rusbsj to my raaous ha looksd ilka soma graat curious oomloal bird birds dont wsar uu oorrold bsrtla waa bia ooat h swallowuil tha appasl for information waa lttqrad well ha oalud off lh dotf and apolo- riwd for tha rnonaur and thats all l wish hed offer ma tba uu ol bia library slithsd ololilda tbay say the oaks la a parted paiaea as far as furnishing foaj rourmursj janat i think ill ask him to loan ma the lovoly llttla whlta pony daoldad bsrtla the osks had oan siut up ao long avsr slnoa tlia lusrusys had ooma to llv in tha firay crwu oousri nr by iu ownar had loue adroid on tha daath of his niolhar threa ysam stfo lavlotf his handsoma bouw in the oar of n ooupla ok inrvanh hut now that uws of his raturn had sprad ourloally wan rlfa in tha f suhlouabla suburb of ulvarvlw aud not tba ual luuraloif wra ciu hurllns nssr nr liilibors a pleasant room this in which tha alsurs aat a hams like rootw evn if the orpl was thrsadbar lha chtlra vuarabl tha damask ourlalna dsmad psrbsps all the uora honiahka for ibsu atikaatloue of boolal iarvloa and eiparuuoa janet waut ou with bar uak of ruiodsl in an old draas clotilda waul ovar to the window and looksd wistfully thfouyh the drhullau ralu to tha rd wlok oblcnnsyti wbloh roaa above the houu wbiali bald tha oovatsd books uarjosy obajluj a sudden impuhw had euatobed up her aver rady kkelob hook from the labia aud waa ftflratobuijj vigorously away au aostallo llafrom barllr who wan pjplnh otr her ehouldar 01 lid lha bttautlon ol uia othsrs tohor work what isltv asksdjanit marjory lookstl up with ft nod and a nulla waltaiuouieut ou ba brisk pan oil flaw lha dlmplaa it lisr yrty oliiikvdaapviituabli artirita ohuvoua suiild jrw i slliui and p watltulawblirlublripiui in avary iuiuuly ul lrmuilt lam uuihliy hi a111 nualkuttiull kwililor yr iylw4 wwaly iwuy auuhdfy tuirt abvl allot i pwia ti alii 111 ihiii nua isniilui kalary tin ouuiuitaaluu lauiy lll aanli hallliity ah1 tih ntiy uktiil b1 ii wrfk flfah dalll uuumki i dalkihium kt cuidxuo tha i tlba bjd up tha opii hook tha othsrs flookaj around to her o alarary i i lo qatil look llkii thai twhat a oarloature xludailooiiiloal mid krouiiju waa tba drawlnn lit ibu bnk unk llgura wllb tb spldury alrouillloa lbs oyltikt coal uin iho trantoudous ttuttrila ob jul a tdlla acoanjoaud nut olu a carlo lure aha id iaukblnly ti aba qtbolad unclar lb tta mo ibo word our nawnqljbbor tbo tain i oarj off arll ilailir tim kol ruti and ak marnmb ii i umyiit tuoul atidyolf aha tuilnil lloon with bar kulti in hr r and bar illll aulrl at bar bn waa nul on lbs wl roj tba rlt hd julu cmaaati tlia aliruco i sun wsary ul sulk iutf was com i iij out lu iplndld stale in iu radiation every drop oil every olovir lnf was a ill tiering jawet sud lha pool inlhslreat rdlaoluj hits of the btllaiit sky on hud on wandortd uertl birsoaill klrtbliwiu baokwhrd her l- i w lifr urntllnji doaally ai i be bracm oaugbt and played with it at hha pad tba oakai0 pbtiivd 10 put bar small hiquli itlvn foa ajjaluil tba iron rsi uiruuuli wbat a kraild big iiuum it waa and how smoclh and crwn was tba uwu all lowly with bl pf bloom and bow ut tha dowels ktinlled after lb raltt lbs kbranluma and oaroatlijiia and svel brier and vrbcnas i should ao lovs lo sea lb luuliy man uktr uarary w sba sid o holf aud than just aa if lb bad a taialoil tlntf bar ruli ws itratlaad 1or out ou lbs wain walk not twalva fwl awa from a small side path urna ur fjliliritf u slw the little tuaidrti outalde tbo ralllmi lbs bilyhl yj curious fsca u llkad oblldrun ha huiitttod towards tba kls- uaatnary sir iibiio ulud i aula what la your iiainev ob youre one of lbs kaartiy siitars ar you f which ouu t barlie huftgad her kiluo mora liftblly and looked very impoiunt im not the clavcr one she said t tim smiled not no cblilda is the clever one wall and im not the good oua janet iitbe good oua indaad 1os with a nod and im nol tba pretty ou althsr mstro is tie pretty ous and you i ob tbf tba bad oof at si lliat u lha way unola dick sajs wa ouuht to be dls dlsduukafbd bbs was waslbltas from htr itrujle with lha hjt word tbsu bo said luhur h up his lutoi browu synv ibati ll was uargary i saw lodsy ym and i ihlrkjindl waa all wronk i dun t tl ink joura one bit awkward kht i lb ink your downrlubt iiloe and soma day uol now baoai tba ulrla said i mustnt but soma day when were betur acfjuslnud im tloltik to ask you to 1st ma rids on your little wbila pany ha bowed gravely caruiuly its so swell urowluu frunjly and confldsnlial bo you ktiaw uiat last bummir kwp still kiuy3crnsy to tha pussy whlcii waa wrllblnly al letup lluji an aicapa last summer msrury who le tha urindsstsriiit thsl aver lived i iblnk rnada a sketch of 1 wbm it waa out al pasture just wall hero and ill run and get it come o twijr awsyierseanmsrexiriisrtullb d6tfftsr her llmllinaamusadly lha ull brown isuusmsti by tlia s si walled her rtlurn lo about fifteen mlnulaa sha was baok with a flat book ontur htr arm ills in ibsre knd ha satins tfrsss ha look lha book rather diffidently but er y cunoutlyr too i aulj botuiallar bkstebce were mada lo be looked al and this waa a sketch ol hia own ptlpotiy by oeoruel he altuoat dropped uia hoik ob pleau plesa orlsd bertie in an acony of minora i quite forgot your pjotor wts to there what wont uargery aay ob never miud tba ponys picture now ohasnstohod the book turned rsn boms u fast aa hsr fat lafts would carry bar leavloit clive buiunb crltnsomun and liuttblutf h never had oilmsouej and lauihad before well ive tun lajsalf for onoe m othsrs aea tor thanks to tha pralty ona ila droppd his ay ilatfce and aiuntarod biok to the house tor aavral daya he tialthsr saw nor heard any i hint of his tiahibbore than ha ohaucad to anoountu uaiti ob ltiae i osn t talk to you tha tha dull said the tiiils aay im ao no- rellall- you know uarory cauflbl ma when i wae snsakinit hsr sksloh book bsok and made me tsll her whsr i bed taken u lo and ihsn 1 tbsnooufeed bsrtla with oontrlta fiulp eha est down and orlsd 1 ssy i no i dlia did there sha is now oh uar- uary mar i tb lilrl had coma uuexpeotadly askuud tha ooruii to ayold a uiuliutl waa im poaaibl uha waa ijulta near bar alstar and the master of tba osks i this la t liuilm marary you kuow you werent ta riulsrly inlroduowl bafore ive boii ulllutf him how you orlsd about adsllojous buih of morllflaailou rret plillnrf swept aorots uarusrye wild rasa faoe frankly alio held lilted har rlsai ayes- im eo sorry for bsvlnjj ben so ruda will you lorulve ins f you osn and ooms over end play laniila uhu after noon t i lltanb you yw ho said why msrusry lbs othsrs said to hsr whau ha altera rattling uooj lift me had returned home ha is just splendid load looking too aud hllalllbl all ihrea dtoblwl maruery promplly as she souhl iho skttnh of ihtir new uslrtbbor and iolllwralsly lore u up illialsura cllva uleilliih now bsrlla wsairavbrtdsemmt what ml wau lit poit lulur wbuaaht lu tbl itriu lut thaj ioji hail siorui huh bdllor yuuuu jeukliis ol uedutik why t lmttorwby hauayhboiua of tha ball sioum were as wrpj as ouary birds ewtis uislohsplsloobonssl lo b a reporter ust drup him sliua- aud olfr hlui tbu job ul ciubur lu this oaubluhuieiil iiu qave his llfb 1heautborw tlei r an cnlueer pays k inbulato lht memory uf s man ol hia own craft wfco ock to hi imjiu knuwluif that bis geath alouo ouutl laau jeiikaruf ibooa in bla obaru tli train had mood abrllijo aii waa approahbliu a luiiit whlob boiiii ou tba sbaduw hij ol the hill looked ilka a jraat hula i tba hitpv kiturlh lha eligillfror sew a number bf lllk objrols aaalurcti about lit anotbsr semiiid ha dsaoarned what tleao were and roajlid an awful daiijar aa ba raiarsad the bngiiia and appuov tha air brakea beeboulml lu the ftremn lo jump ha mlitbt have jumped hlmaalf for liej aaw tha danger ural but ho auoh lhooihi oaino to blca in another aeooud the pilot waa plowing lbrou a hard of oaltleealoapou the traok if they hail ell been httidlll ha wuull hava upud the throttl end saiil tbsm llyiuti liilolba river wrth less rlk lu bis train but they were lyliid down ktd as ihy rolled under tlia wheals ihoy wlef thattreat angina from tba rails and threw her down the dump at lha very aja of the river butao well had hie mlhful b parformaj bia work that tba train waa stojiped without wrecking aor xlauy of the pasaanuara were not awakeuaj lha ir aln mart batila forward aud found the biiki ha ws able to spoik to ibein ha kuw that ba bed but a few mlnuus ti live and left a loving meeau for his wile tbsu as if be had nothing mora lo say or do ha cloeed his yea folded hiuhuuds ovsr hia brave heart and without a murmur apparently wilhoufpilti died all a dov a nicu tiunkpul old man tiiadupoaltlpu of aoma men to look on the bright side of avery thintf was illustrated on a far western road the other day an oldyantltiuisu bad b inn atlsntlveliauner 10 tho somewhat rtmsrkable itprluoae of hie fallowtravellers breaking into tba oulmmstlin ol aacli aneodola with pious rjicuulioii of piaiae for soma radoamiuk luoldenl in the subject uudac ducnaalon finally they rctlp iwhirk nulurs up on ibe old man and ulllnii aturla in whieh 11 waa hsrd for him toflnd snylhliik to ba tfraulul for but ha msnsijad to rat thera each trip utjlil lha boys were nearly at ihsir wits end butone of lha worst i ever luard of oommsnoad oua of tha peaaatiunrs wmkinji at bia oflmpsnione to look for a smuhar really tha wont waa on lha havauuah and bouiaoojatoadlujglj w rau iflu a coal train aud not a aoul tsesped no not fcoul bvery oos was killail thera waa a monniiila psuu and every one looked at iho old man to how ba woull take it thenk heaven i ha etcialnaj far veiilly tbank heaven i what for v demanded the relator ol the alary what ara you ibinkiug heaven for unwt to think you were killed by tba train jqoulalej lha old janlumsp rolllnd up eyts if you had baeti spared what a liar you would have haeu by tha time you rsachadyaur present thank heaveii for lhat disaster after that the boys 11 him klnua hanooiimannv in i be feudal days of elcolland when nobleman ihoubl it no disyraos to bteal itiatr tiotjjhbors oitilsrvbaron proteoud bis vftsaala from lbs arlstoarallo caltl- hilar by hannlnu oulrlghl thosa takan red- hand without wailing for tha slow pro ira of the uw whan uir william bootl was a youhtf border laird ho made ona nluhl a foray ou uirgtdaott lluiiva landrf wbila drivii off a htrd of oatlla lis was aiught an infl brouqht helora bir qideon order ba baufid iutiulu a osttla tblf wl auoh an averyday affair hist uir gideon wsnt about bis ordinary huslnesa but his wlfa bearing that a handsome youth of a hood family was le ba sxcouted sought hsr buibaud and indlcuantly exolslmad uootqideou whst do i hear you tak tha ills of tha wiuaoma younk laird of harden wl thraa ill faurad lassies in tha4iouea o year aiu lo marry i yara raotli msgiilemy dear replied the baron urasplnn tba situation wollla shall tak oar ruuokle moud meg or alsa hau alratoh for ft tha balplftas prisoner oonaonlad slid muoh to his fathers surprise rlurnod boras wilb a brlda from tho ueihbora hoaaa ba had ridded out hairy wiierg lilies dloom capa colony hul and iho transvaal ara flowsr deokod lands aud many ol the flower hava parlomea subtle and rersh- intf in capa colony fo many mils utwsao laarl and capa town lha una is bdrderad with so oalled nl- lllia nsavr csraa thera aro ureal fields full ol these snowy whlta lllisa wilujthtlr otantysllow pistil la ivstorla roa ara prolific in faol moat of tho streata ara bound od by roea bsilea tbrouiiboul their uuulh and tha ftowera bloom with a frail pink monthly roaa blossom fur three jusrtani of tha yosr tha wild orchids of rwasllaud im fsiiiqus thara ara at least twenty different kinds allhou tbey are no longer rare or valuable tbey are extra i ly ourlour lwarythlnd urowa in lha tranovast u lb iroubla is taken lo plant it the soil baintt all lusolloslly vlryin and naturally rich lha smslltst amount of attention is rtqulrsd aud tha results obtaluad lo a few mouths ra simply marvellous- a well known 1iiq1ii tsnor uavclllti lu lha transvaal onoa remark- ed thai ia bellevad that it you planted walking sticks you could resp umbrellss iti a forliiiuht that the yountf klii of uali is all a boy rawly lu his aialera leihiik if not hia own is amusingly ejiuwu by a story lold of him by a friend oria kieimb tutor lurliitiieo the hot days lu eohimor the lutut ditjlaled to hl pupil all oleiolkili wbild kiciirrrd tba pboie tbo puaaa d lit iho hlfchlal decree lb illliuiiulbtl luajiimia and race uf spoeoh itnuu lu royal prllxmmsa rim mu who wrote lha mivar livo 1 al otiurl ihsts nerulu remrked lha boy lu 1 wbel piakb you tbluk ao 1 delilsildrd blaaaloolabl in lor wby jut look 1 voplle1 tbe llllu pilullu to hu two buuis wliu happened to be in tha rooif iook at lhoa royal lirlnoeeaael look al ibeir dlliiiicuihad maimers i msrja de lea mr toed lay sprawling over w labia looklt shepy and tnibraltd marls treea msliilslue t a mora i utylika sltltuda but was abtlraoleily tortnliliji her bead wllh her left baud in sppaiul em bar rasa man t ovor a problsm of trmoli orlboraphy alfonso pluohad lbs arm ol lis rj slur and palled lha hair of lha ou liner oil you horrid boy i limy boih n ulnibd theres jour jrreoe of speech i ooiu- neuud bis mauty wllh a rouljli ciaum at his laacher ii j it titomv x mlll hi liel ooliulit jual l uiui drew bra auu irua tlllu a mltdari jay all ullbof lit- 11 oae tlimis uia uamu atil lulljllbt toulo al atr al hm llf a- all rlmj 11 bla luarnlid a llibjon a physioisu who has in bis itnplny dflro boy sye that tba amuaament deriv ed by hlmaalf aud his family from the boy answers torjueellons put with a iew to puiullnjj him mora tbtn oumpmiate for his iktiorauoe which is comprehensive go lo my study and brlnj uia lbs bottle of auimoula i hsve lft ou lha desk liia dootor said to lha hoy one day and ba oful for ammonia is a combustible fluid when tha boy returned with tba bottle he seemed a little out of breath end alter keen ilsuce at him iho docttr uske 1 jim do ynu know what m cumbuitibla duid is ysteah osma lha answer uiih reel pruiupuieaa i reckon i diw i it means aoitiethltib datll moit kuook stilmy over dit jesa happen lo smell oh i ssh i no further rofarenca wss nmln to ttis matter but from that day lha d oat or found that tha worda combosllba fluid ware sufllolml to secure any thlnit from ilia tn- slltationa into whioh jims hiulrinb mind mltfht otberwtaalead him donts fon vounq house- dont put bulter in your refrluerstor wllh tha wrappings on dout use butter for fry inu purposes it decompoaaj and is unwhalooma ont keep cuttards in tba oelur in an open viaol tlisy ara liable to uooma poisonous dont pour boll inn wattr over china packed la a pan it will orack by tha sudjen cotitrsolion and expansion dout moisten your foo4l with lha idea of aavinit your taalh it spoils tbo teeth and yoa will soon las them don t dad steal knivas for cutlinij flt oyslsra awaelbrsads or brains tba steal blaoksna aud hlvts an unpleeaant tlsvor dout sorub your refrigerator with warm water when nsoeasary sponge il out ipitckly with two ounoes o formaldehyde in two quarts ol cold waur dant puttableolothai aud napkins that are fruil stained into hot loipsnda il sate or flxaa lha blelnr remove the tltins fir it with diluted tzillo aij weiblug juibkly in clear water a bhucud mantcktwdman r tha shrawdnaej aud lotusclly of market women a araft numbermu more nnuvwra in tba old world than lu the nsw are proverbial and the following aneoilatr in mr dorsni book on tabla traits baars wltnase to the juslloa ol the reputation a member of tbe elsterhood in bristol buuland had a ts impound b snk note and wiibstl lo exchange il for golj whioli was then at a high premium aoaorulugly ehe entsred abiuk and nude known hsr rsquet to ba mat with iiistant refusal the qulokwlttad woman withoul rx ulbiliud any diaappolulmanl thereon asked tha cashier lo ltt hsr have ion of lbs banks onepound uolea iu exchange being oomplatad tha old woman tabiug up oua ul the provincial nolas rasd aloui lbs promise ongraiod upn it la psy the baarsr in cash vary good said shs with a ohuokle bow ci ma good for your note or ill run to tha door and oill oul banks broke 1 there waa no resisting this appeal and thamarkstwomsn depsrud in triumph poontvv uhod a buulaeii man has in ills employ onaqf ihoed quiok wilted eons of uriu who aro rarely if aver at a loss for a brighter rejoinder ona day wlion lha elrests were very sllppary wilb loa a truckman tried lo ol up lo iho tieollsmane door wilb a huavy load tba hoihes having no corks on their shyii were slrugalling aud sllppiuu about about ih a daspersta way wllhoul making any proyraar tba good humerad iruhmanweut out and endeavored la aaisl tha truckoisu at last when il seemed aa if their united efforts were all in vain iul looked up at the uiiu aud said with a gilu lis no use ihlm barbae av yum hava nsrv a shoo en ihlm only slippers i mljoinden to a qaucv qucu- tion vut 111 rill lilaallir i ihii11 tt i tlja 11 liliall i liavlililalfall tu t ace iii11 al i aiil ii not only iinfrli hul full uf iy oui lr iiiji mil s a1 in- lir ul 1 w b jllu tle plea outruh wlnutut in iiiimkhs tw cuiijh wlit llitolvl chsrloltomsriit luolur wbn ws known so long include i as a l o i a lsily of klinujjd tint uliiaturii of her book bid no piruouul buniy kirl in ufa st reaohud a sl nonclujidu ri yarding that clrprivtinii ilbo ska lliul one day sha rxtmined her fucc wilb a miriur sud baud limsj ihn pronto ku unit uh thn full frw milh a very uiuslkfsclory result yl a v ry wi rcsidulioii followed hiura i eoul nu b prill sha ald i rilvd to u unu sml do all 1 could in lha world this sounds hkn a curious echo of an ally fxpenenco of her falhir when ha was a boy ol leu hn bail uumllioit slid came fitrtb wrufully diifliurd wm flaiiry said hia aunpi jou hata ioji til jour nod limku end jnu hsva ucitbing for it but lo meku jonrnk bgrue- abla by our msnnerj end sccompllah- tiieuls tbe words mede a ilrep iinpreutlou ou linn and lhy had ibdr nlliieiico cm bis future lire iul like all pro i who ltva a ewcol and lovely me cbsrloitn tncknr nioit hava found hsr face softcninj and bullfyirg in re pon to to the tfiul wilbin a celsbraud art lit who saw her lu htr jaiir das kaid unbeaiielltigly in reply lo a miestlon re garding bar looks risln no afacnclih otich a look of iiilillecl as muu tuckers coul 1 nover be plain bui aba has mora tbsn tbu look cf lolel- irrt sh had llm look of soul qncatncgo xloro worshipper- ah and this 11 the villsgo gaufitb tbo bntliplaca of the crest and immortal urlj i youll ha sll proud ol uriggs mr wsjbick in it jmnio bngga you meau sirt yejameeadolphua cursuo34jiijjj itba now immortal bard him list writes the poetry sir yes tints the man llm klni ol poets ay lies a bic man in his aln way nae loot but a bscua 1 card of his brottier tammy im thinkln icnocks him into shavings sir iu deed how has ho diititiiuishcd him- aalf may i bsk7 why ho took fourteen flnls at our flawr show lest fall holding mis iioi1sc a blackumitli askrd tiij sppronlloa to hold a borsa whilo ho shod it tha led who found ba wasnidrrstroiiirbnoiigh eall ad upon an able bulled irishman totska hia place and tbo man having dona eo lbs blscksmllh commence tho o pan lion of shoeing one of tbo horses bind feet tba animal howovcr kicked ant fiercely end lha shoar shouted mick wbat for dluna you keep tba bee t uict ilodad eor replied mick my end ul luui is quiet enough ha your end av tbe bisia thats making all tbo mclioui dlot anil volco- a musical writer butne that fico vocal- uts ara rare in counlrirs wlxro llab and msai diets prevail and tint the voice dspnclatcs ss families grow rich and in era am ilia amount of meet consumed neples end genoa where much fish le aslen tio few of italys singers and tha swe t voices of ireland are found in ilia country but not in tbo towns in nor way too mucb uh ia dttn for tba production of smgere bul bwedan is a und of grain and song tho carnivorous birds croak grain ostiug birds sing an alphaultical ad tho schoolmaster iibb illgcovorrd thia alphabetical advoritbfiiioul in au issuo of iho london tinif in ml to whlowera andslnglagiinltcmqnwiuiud by a lady a siltialiau lo superintend tho hougohold aud praalde at table hbo is sgraoablo becom ing osroful dcsirablb7knrlntr faolloue gauerous honest industrious judicious keen livtly murry nlly dbadleut philoaoplilo qululy regular soclabla tsslr- ul taeful vlvsoloua wombniuhxsiillpnlsb yautbfllli kqeloui olo address x y slfiiitums library ljgowaro itosd ho cut tho tano hiq uucond commiuuion a good story is told of a onoa swell young i ulcer who had bean compelled by dvra ciroumstaucaa lo throw up tha gominltilqn ha bald in a orsok regiment fuund il ditllqull howavsr lo forgwt tils former rauk and oua day bluu ordsr- atl to perform so in j usoesaary quly with lha spade lo which ha utrrlwuly objected ho rumoustraled ilul urgnaiit ho drawkd er yuu ar format iva held his msjiisly a cannula siuu nd tba eergfstil out bin sburl and uuw young uu uvo ot tu hold ills msjlty s shonl llora le lha latest story about tbonias w lawaon whlqh boston is chuckling over lata isay summer a young woman who la described as fieeh was silling on the deok of a yschf in marbulibad harbor when mr lvwsiiu csino llusttug in on lha bvniurr ihio j nun j woman knew tha copper man slightly and sbe took advan ufrdot the acqueiiitauoa n pick up a me- phona wbioh whs beil is her iraiu it on lo lha7jriweiki shcmt hello mr laweou hows copper ills huuj that wiijiuiil an lulante hssllsllou mr lawsou piuksd up a moga yhons lu lururaiul tburderml biok tlullo miss blank bows brahs 1 llmtou olul a now story is told lu whi lord iddoalolghl figured whei htafford nortbcote ha wse a liaglstralo fur dovou al iho bsstar wbcro ho a horn oil tu be was haiidud a book tied round had onoa been rod tape not appearance of ll mr nautical hie knife and cut tbu tape aud o lha book discovered that il wi reckoner on whioli magiatralo aworu for atmul thirty yoers h the leta i aa mr pointed a caolu of sworn he rjih wbat liking lha i took out i opening a a ready bed been diamond dyo mat and rug pattorns aro popular with all ladies the manufacuirorn bond full kanuo ol duuijjnu to any aiidroiui tliufaollhat iiint illeasu silbd iron au impure or low uuudllinu uf the blood i fully piuveu by uoiwia uraspailllu mtu morton 1 tallng wlnulparf man wriua aa follows lha throa mat aud rug pat urns ordaratl trom you aro reoalvad they ara lovely and far ahead of othar ddalgus i hava seen i shall show them to my friend many of whom ara diuirouu of taak1ntfdp troita thanks fur your prompt ailantiou to my order i usdd ou qslubratwl diamond dyes and find ilium lha best lsdiad who hava not yet raoelvaj sheolu ot new daslguaof ibo diamond lya matand bug ialuriib win do well lo send a postal card wllh addruvu tu tl a will it ulohftrd sou co lhuiud jm mountain ill moiitrusl 1 j all dusigoii iiallod fits lu auy pdtt ul lvuada aud nowfouinllsud