Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1902, p. 2

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won municipal legislators lillnl rwltl lul ui ui liwi a nr t lot ir iui ar 1 mwutl kmii w at tlj 7luy tlll 1 ji llcuci ui u a ii very icduetlladya lunjl o juliu nkku kbeitou jfrcc m5 imjulllayfuiljauy ib 1ww i ditohial note3 th manitoba government ha lo appeal lo lb twinlry kt the sabi ksj ilia llpiur aol relereiilum iwllyualay dr urjo th irovlbnial lugulrer general ia preparing k veyorl oa mkulagr kuuelio ii ha dlacoverod ll- remark kb ucl thai marriage by yoaug men are tally btty r cdf leu frtpnt iheu liy wrr iblrty bine yr bgo a bill for thkqpmnwbopaim bewipeper to bar lutrodaoed into lb laflielatur during tl toreeeol a ion by ojr coom w v i mr canme bi great dulik for bewtpaper ibftt er houly lor campaign burpo which hav tbelr blrlb bhortly before eleotloolni bud be to u shortly kflr air mu no body min tj b re pom 1 hie for th bablloaliotia mil ihelr evidpt pari u to throw tobd on political oppotieuts th chief matter ufor tb lgiklalur to day wlh ba th prohibition hill u u kdrlly bellvd tl l raferendotn will h part of lha bill a provision and ibal kt lal klxty pr mbi of lb vouaoial b rwmlrad iv i dloonll for th public to baderalaod bo why b froli i bit loo 11 vol la not worth a ranou in tbi jlaouon lel bf h uoot man twiarandum may b vou opoa at tb knanlclpaj atactica oo january f tb boxl mr jmo mnuolku x m v kbd mr wium oimooau i boll heaa lft kojaud baokuura tb flllini of lb two ontario aebol4 in tba umiau bring lb bnmur of klnubk llbru bp la w of ui fomjkloidrf a3 arl will gu lb goraroq o ladpddat nipori jm1 bqw toy tool b ua from hdatod la kluod tp qawnmmal tbrafo kil ibuau ftbd barpomrt bj bow k tnij ily la tk eutuu tb itraia btonmanl la tb nor lb w ba fkir ktaai lb bun ittui brought about kv ttr obabj la wimu ooadlllooa lit uial bart of lb ooaauy old aoorai r balnj wlpd ull in a ry aatufaotory knabbair kiwi ubra4 bombama kta biog kiwu for lb koaalutf uuod tbt u ull k lrat dol of graja la li oodbtiy hlobtipuuabrmiik uamootild bol b kbotw owlcltf la lb koatalty of umotporu liod aji lb dallvarled of graia loot ubju u u upaoud will bmoua fttlll bto kotlw abj wllb tb bvkga butubar of tolltart xboul to go inlo tb waat b txublbjt arlbif trad abould abow rat kvouvlly tu wlnnlpag city ooauoll dddl by toajority of oo to aopt mr gatnaflu l w library offar a uolloo lu favorof sunday klraat okrri waj tlatoatad by ii bltnllar ukjorlty count to toltolbaa kotfdit tubm ibdu dylnjf uoo cbarlcri tiuplrlov u kword to- ari ulolaur of j hallo at luda iimii otuwi tb jlubopof xlurodbajappoltiudlu j mooraakad rj cbaalay rclor of tbwoul tba vioaroy of india ulrgrapba tbut tba famloa oollook u ty miliar no rula ku fha had lft ugua olmu in qujrt iljpooutt and eolral india la autiutf la iba ulf ttolton of tba oirp jattim uocabn bouw um wioi ijud was buruad wbild ur attd urf uggaaii wrout in iba tr two oblhran wr la tbd bouiw ktd tba kldar ij 4 ruti outkbdaliultb dor cultluk ol br llitl blaura ap qborobtown ub gloss factory la otpaotkd to ba in oirttatloa la a wk or w now lbapv aalllpary al tb bkatltig rink dmrutf tba oold wtallmr lrdaaulats bo aitotit oo tbaiii with vary itlngarly bup ualuaiuuuday bobool workra svldiiil ly ojoyd tbtiiblwbii wbiu al tba ooa vaullou bar lakl waak luv w ii qttbhaid 11 d iracbd aijuaoroiiuibliitlalaiiiuidjul oburoli ul fcjuuday uv ur lotlr prauliid butil wraary barmoua ul ilookwood ami da- liwrdbu lulura ou tba aiiiidaau war oo iloodaylivultn mr tboma uatakbbw bud family wr lu atiloa oulttdiy atuadltig tba fuuaial tuara of urt jobu t lalou of gbleajc mlaa hulloti of lulhi wan a gul ddrluif tba waakof mra ii i lawon attlta toaallurf of uta iii ub hobool ilard ul uk mr if w kbunftdy u a wa alold olialrmaii aud al tba uutluif of ua ltibllo uobool uaurd a wak or ao bullar bla tuotur mr jobu kauuady wji auotad clulruiau of lbl hoard mr aaorga orabaa gava a fltly ui inula kildraalaadabaaouptoblbllluii lu larr gotta oa mooday bvanltm in oaiiuokoii willi ibaory bucdbarul auulvaravy laa touubl uta malbodul gburob mr 11 v moor of tba fmm iuuii aotod braaobad baruaat anuljraraary ur bioaa a tba uatboduk pbutob ivracou id laftia aud attaallwa ooxlgragalloua till ubtulay mr moor waa bia ou monday mr uabr la uagolallij for a itaw iaotrla blabt bf bibob lamat tiabablly lhai thapraantnil to bupply iuoiaaaad liwr iii i jiiatoh ii w il lab 1 i j t uaiui tt hlfol 1 iiuhx iuliiatdll a lay ll ij i iu ii w iuu mu nuu lknji alodiw r uallntfa ii ii 11 la m l ai i lmy j till luivay t im kuj hit v1 ullli alu at tl aou ii a i lrliiuua i an i that iba trkum y aaid v ij m movwlbyll liwackhabiac aaoondad by jolai ago ibat tba third r port of tba umlluuuvliln- jul rad u kd t 1 oarul movl by john ahandaot acondd byjofgo llyitdri ibal tba auanolal raport of tbhoarl ufhaaltb aliiountlug- to 1jui ii u lopu1 ba inlructrfii i carrlad movod by jubu lliidfaou aaoood by jobu aguaw that mr a j mackinnon ba appolulaj a ineoibar ol iba fraa library hoard lo tuccd uv ii a ii rallrad oarrlad movwl by jobu a iniidaron aoondd by jobu auaw ibal laav u grabud to lulrodoo a bjaw f r tlia purpoa of appotutn b a rouuloipal oflloar tut tba parformauoa lilba fulloaflui dotlaa aa muor tollotor banlury iupoorgaia tkar of luwii hall garaukir of kabila fjohool coieury lubllo lark tuaklng mobtbly collaollona of ilaotrlo llglil ao oouitla outtlbg wada rapalrlntf and btl idluil atdwalk villajta ooitaubu iouaj kr tmul 0llor attd bat- r oibr dulla may ba hqulrd lr oounaollou wllb tba work of tba biunlolpal iiy carnad ibf- by lawwaaliilruduod read iba r t nnnibar of llt4 aud paaaad it td orabam baln r appoinul abd lha alary for tba mtllilfatloua lut of dull bamd balnii qhd al um tba lama aa ui yar movd by qaorga ilyud aaooodad by john agoaw ibal jobu u mallbawa ba ra kppoloud a tuibibar of tba hoard of uaaltb for thla tooalolpallty oarrlad tba council tbao adjoaroad the 45th convention j hv iii i pi ui imiot tiamml 1- it tl v t li 11 ill i in- lb aooaoi ll it i i w tltea aid ibalr frlatida ilk t hi old duunly or halloo oama riolbi- ut tturday anil friday id uhlal omvaauli lha hmupi wara 1 1 i u ii uaollfol oburcb tba i aaby laruu rioiitfraitktlop liorguiwu rnlly ra i 11 til allar raatoratiou ffolil iba ttttcx i1 lbadtaatoua or- laal aaj uailuibu joubv it lha lurm ab 1 bloukada1 roala uatwmk tb iiwradif lbao4unty aaol faor dlrgalaa tliau uaia but tba rpra eaiiulluti fxxii ibaojuuly aa a wkiola waa fair kit i iba pftajramm bbonu lad in maiur full of in la tal lu hooday hobool wok ilia thtvolional mfvloaa wara oouduolad by 1u h irrln iu 1 a maopbaraou luv w fi unalplnr and uav aoatln loltar mr a t u1u fnorvl who h tuoat fallhlully kud vfflolnlty ollaj lha oltloaor raaldenl during tba yaar prealdad at ilia various ataalona h 00 ks w w to a w 0 15 tba hoard of trualaa mat ou mooday availing srd luat membari pi wan i w ifkaaoayobalrmaa dr mckaagua h qrlodallluv u a mkcpbaraou bad w- u lfr tba commit ua oa fcinaooa praaaulad tbalf aacond kaport bod rpoommandad py- mnt of iba following aooouuta waalatuvlialluuratioa co praulum onurjobolloy ttoootnaloal vln luaurabaa co bra bilonvoiaioijpiloy it walllacton i inaurabaa co bra- biluii ou eiaaoo iouo w ii wordaa tlouuk at aauml corporallotl of aalou ooal jobualouaaud co bllud ala m tlioa ulbijj ttortil mludowa is1 is movadbyh arladallaaooodadtiyu a uaopbaraou that tba baooud raport of tba commllta oa kibabo jual iraad ba bdoplad oarrlad movad by w ii daany baooatlod by u a maopharaoa tbbl lobamuob m tb ap polatmaat of luv j 1c goddafl a tattflur of lb la jloaid ba rprcaanlatlooa iba raa library board la illegal that tba kaaolb tloti paaaad at laal toaauntf making auob appolnlmablbabarabyraaolbdaj oarrlad movad by ii a maopbaraou baooudad by xi orludall tbat mr o 0 hojrao ba urn rapraaaauuvo of lbl uoard on tba ivaa library hoard for tba r 1u03 1wi and 1004 carlad movad by u a macpboraod baooadad by ii qrladal tbat tba hoard do uo adjouro to oiaat ou mooday ataolori vaby 10lb hi 9 ooioov oarrlad tba hoard tnat oa mouday avaolajf ba par adjoarbrbt mambar praaaut w u lcatiuay obairtatb u arladall dr 0 a mokaagoa luy xi a mbopharaod itav 3 k goddad bad w h daoay tba coannttta oa tluaboa praaaalad thalr third raport bbd raoomtoandad pay loan of bcocauu bb follow a o a 1 aauabakar luudwar u w 01 u d qrahablb mrauebaa w bi gi movad by it orludall aoooudad by j k ooddo that tho iblrd raport of iba commit tea ou vltiaiioj iut rad ba adopt a carrlad movad by xx orlodall woobdad by li a maapbaxeou tbbl uiu hoard purofak appralua for ui bobool pbyaloa1 boladoa iba llat to lacluda tba ktuolaa nagtcaaud by mlaablarr luoladlagklr pump at 10 00 bbd pbyauul bauuoa at 7 00 tba order for im to u plated wltb tbs map and supply coiuiauy 1oroalo oarlaj movdbyw ii xiaoay ajoudadliy u orlbdll that tba fafar tuaoautiuualloa claa ba colleotad lu advanoa ou january 101b april 11 and bpumbar lit of aaoli yaar carrud luv ii a maopbaraou iuggatd tbbl tba luaallou of byataiuttlmluu tba promo- llou of lha pupil in tba puulo sobool from ona dipartukbt to auollur bbould taoalva tba kluutloo of jdia hoard movad by h a uokkaiiu araudid by j k goddbu that iba lriuolpal aud taaobiru of iba iubllo hoboofba rqulad to bial iba truauaa lu lha gounol clmmur onvrld-yavulog- jklfbiuary at i o clook to dlwmfl iuatloui lu oonuo tloo with promotion tuaiainblioua aud othar work paitalnitig lo lha aolioo garrl tba hnard than tdjourud tha mikboaa lor iia carttnt aar wen i fus ornjl u anil ttia pi i a no oi mlliaa t mwl i iluwn ll fi mumniit ifr l tii waia i ll tyy alt 1 ilia is in llijl u a ma of ll lu tin andlha itltowd of tbabapplaat btnulll tbla town ibu waklawm molaod bj tba arrival of tba daar hltl daubur lu tba bom of ltialotaatarllaudaraoaglvaa blut tb proud tight tobaoajlad grandpa bu boduc ba bavarprawtoualywiioyaj children cry for castor i a mora wraoak of tha iloop ol war poiusor baa imh fouud and it la r ibat tba fouudarad off vbooouvarlalaud thakaray a hawllna sawmill at fambroka waa wraokad by tliaboilar aiploa ion mr luwiln and mr martin orur w am hurt it is muob aular lo ba critical than to ba oorrabt fouud at la i a llvr pill thai i am all aud lura tbat aola uaully juiokly aud iboroagblv bit doi not gilp lixa lur 1111 poeaeaa t quai ilea aud ara a suia our fo lvrvoniplaliti7toua tjphoii iclfltabd aoba a to wa ara rlob ouly ibr uli what w ra fuaa aud kaap for outa wound o1ilblalua oliappad baud rbabbiktiani btlll j liita burn boalda blta of laaau oroui oougha oolda llagyarda yllow oil will u found vu eaoallelll taulady v oaulri ah daalara cmuutaaa iba limning- aialon tburday waa dr votod to ilavotlonal mrv i poliiliui ul of doinniilui t folli nomlall wbrti w v llopklua w lw j a ouvray mlw lvldoi llualiiaaaij graul ilw w h mai pluv if w ktnly it vrrt haaolul1oiituv j w caiuy ilv i 1erilii vv harnl lur a iv j llandcraoi tiiiawooj w 1raamaii mi- nollo mu- davldoii w v uopklua i hart- ly t1ik iiouv hiuredaybjlarbooii luv w m molty read a uwr on ibalulyrf iba ulbla in itio iioiu tba ihblf iba bpaakar aald ia not only to ba traakurad lu tba individual heart but mual he an kbiduxt plaoa ttt tha bom olrol whtra lu irotha alio old b rtgularly taught tba boron ia tba plaoa wlibra iba xllbl la pra oinlaaally fadiapeueiblf dlataaalou waa ungated in by luv w 0 maalplna w v hopkiua hav a xot- ur il v haaaay and luv j m ilngar rii taicuaa luv j w ooolay of mil tori folbawd in an bddraa on tha boaday hobool teaohrr ka a taaohar of tb word of ood tba object waa daadt wllb under tbr baailnga 1 tha taaobat prjpannrt to uaob j tba taaobc taaoblnrt s tba taaohar altar ba baa taught tb uaohair mail bolura ia tbo jvprd of ooj kbd mual have bt laaat a maaaara of ila kobatano wllbin bird ila mual blaa bava ravaraaoa tor tba word and it author abd ba a o ratal kludent of tba hlbli hafora hu clui tba taaohar moil magnify tba word of god end bol hi own opinion bbd kflar b ham taught baahould b oar ful that nolhlurt in hi ufa uagaliv thi word which ha hu bead audeavortbg to uaob tba kddra waa dltouaaed by llev h a mbcpbaraod j b daaoon u p moora bad ha w m mckay uow rikkamtcau iisxf iba bubjaob daalt wltb by luv j m nagarm a of aoloo waa iiow xwant can xlalp in sunday bohool work thy oau help it fiaaboladly la oonlrlbtlunjf t ward tha axpanea of ui bobool and to mlaaloua can b tbat tbalr ohlldred at land regularly oau balp tba babool by praparluj iba lieop wltb lha ohlldrod at homo contmaudlag tba aobool wbau paklng of u bafor tba oh lid nm by abowlag frlaodahlp toward iba taaohar by etraeal prayat among tboa who euttagad lu tba duoui blon wara itav a voxur 11- v haaay hav n a maopbaraou aud d atiaw rwtjiidbmy u abiikkaa tha avauluu baaalou o pan ad wllb a lartfa bluudanoa mr kobla praldanl lu hi bddraaa ill tad that tba county and lowuablpj war oow thoroughly oruablaaj bbd what uow rauialuad waa la pat lb orrfanlaallod into effol ila urtted teaoliar bud offloera to faithfully duobarga tbalr repoial bill ilea irtoov or yiia situ dr workman followed ia a profound add r on iiow to qlujy lha hibl thadr opuad by alatluu that lha nibl waa tha worat uudaralood book lu iba world wltb raapaot lo lha hutarlo meaniut l oauaa of rronoua view of luaplraliou hbd rvlhlm and wrotij method of inlaipr utloii tha hlbla u a dmna book uoauaa man wldi propar menial abd spiritual iraliilnir oau undaraland 1 thar ia no hlbla diolaolty thai oaubol u fairly and rationally oonoaived and uuvl ilia hibla muat b aludlad 0 aa liuralura j a auolut lilaratura 3 aa omutbl liter lura i aa developed lilvratura 5 aa 1npl rd llratura fbe apaakar oamloned hlbla sludaula afialnat taking ayuibolia rr prultlona in tba aotlpturen lliarally u alto aald anion k many otbar thing tbat tba nibl should ba luurpralad lu tba light of tb lima in which it we wriiuli 1 lu harmouy wllhorianlal mode of thought in booordauoa with tha maauluf of iba wrlura dr work roan a in tar pra tat ion of varloua blalorloal hulamauta lu iba old latamauloaufrd boiiiatblii of a at n nat and a llvaly diiouaaion follow i at nxl mnrninua aaaalaji tb oloalnu addra ot trf avauluu waa glv1 by luv f a cauldy u a of obalpb on lha lorda dy ahuua mr oauldy outlined iba gooj work in wbioh lha alllauoa la suuagd and aj peald for iy m pithy and support in ila hi half friday morning a aeailou waa davolsd lo lulertliit ditouwloui on dr workman bddree led y luv a it gregory aud mr 11 d coulla aud lb u u leaobar aa a apliitual influauoa on lha llfa of ilia uabolsr lad by ltav lir lhmuiaon aud oonlfiua1 by d agnow j 11 daaoon w v iiopkhib luv a ioiur iuv i a casaidy ltav mr mokamar prldey bflarooou apaua1 with an in oraatad alaudauca orrilbau tha noiuluatiiiu oommllua a rporl was adopled bv fallows iridutkav d a molr ii d otk vliu vloa irasldedla lb rrasldtnla of lha lowueblp aaaooiatlou uu lrer mbtj davidaon nvuok hiaiiailosluar mr hi iii oil v ilk voutivrl i wrliiuhaul a1 ior ur ifigta u uuaiurtd jo wilier nlkt uleagrao u-i- aud john kilohiiitf nbraaawaya john mo lean ml nobu and j v urowurl lg laijuaalug auditor w v hopkiua an i jubu la vih1ni k ilia lraauurer raporuj iba oeliila uf tba pel ver about flua xpatdiur thu i mr nubu ifealdel i gaikeroualy making up tha daholt ol 1u uui leilaudlug wow ull l ai1 lb tbat iba uiiy koiley ouneepop i with lb tuau1 ip blecratarla ad three wjt tb o1hm u t t i wk uunlilbuled in order to rm i nil ll mui ol the tihoul ui do lit i r jiy wu abould i liaummbad tbetl liwi lil plrxlq aotn it nultw am uui lottn auiiy- my ktiow jual wlval tu eat w in for llbefel ooiilrlbutiona kl thea aervicef iii lolp lilt the beuuf tb aaauolallou 1i al bkaaaca uv il it k1i uf iiauiili iavb all able kldr on ibu j f it u ly of tba ail mr j a jaalbon m r wed i an outline of lb work of tb lruvhtolal aaoalllui buswctlug uumerouatjueslloo aoggeaud a a ualut dlltriboud in tb nouveoliotl i ha fulluwlug wiu eiltuwd 1 tbllbi rr to ndut full klllllca of tba buudy lum 1 of lb bounty wltb a view to raaaulhij a w in lta rcuid to ilia trovtnolal it h aaaocuti n ibi gouoty aaeoolation instruct th fltlllio bo- rotary to anur into curropomlric with tba iopar gflloer or oftloor of iba church of lnttubd h 11 aaaoolelloa for ibeoouuly rvjaeatlng lhani in furiilab k oopy uf tbalr h b kuutidj j ttat htni uir i muob uvl lr oi lu show aeloo dcoadauc of fetiiily re llgtuua 1 to day and alroe tbat oondition maaba great loaa lo many pupil of our ii bchoole and an luoreaaa of lb dljliooltle ofb h work w bllv ptor chutohe aud b b worker should reeolntaly tabor to promotak revival of family religion lu thalnumt of 111 b ii a wall aa tba horn klid tha oh u rob 3 that ilia thank of lb convnllon ba preeeole1 lo ilia lidtll kill heortlbry fur their eflloienl and dillgnl rljj- dur lug iba year to tba jakrfroniouielda th comity the choir of lb ireebylarlab ohuroh mia lealla qrgaum lb irutue of tha oliuroh for tha uta of lha building lha georgetown peopl foflbalr boapltbllty that waaazo tha court of appeal oi tba kbgllab ctllljnuoil hi decided that laglblallou lu harmony with lha will of the xrovitio of manitoba aa xpeaed by lb puueoil ie jbitritapfovinm and where tbla dlouloa gives power to lbs legulalur of lhl lioluoa to klao uglalala aaltha bean empower ed to do by the lerta majority given for prohibition lu tha appeal mad to oar own paplr therefor tblsu b akbooiatloa of tb ooaatf liblt0njac0djtatlliob bwamblo ii toa fully revjaesla tb lguialur lo uglruta la harmony wltb tba vlaws of tha peopla kn anpraaaod in tbat tola and also la barnwoy with tha promlaa given by lha former xramur uou o w ilur cloeixu aiuunou not lha luabl proflumi of ilia varloua in uroeteuifaud liuiruolivaseealousof tha oon veotlan was tha last when iuv g ii fa klu of loronlo bd ttv ii j m olaaa ford of queph gava allrrlug addrfsaaa in whloh ancouraglng worclj wara spoknn to banday bohool uaober aud a dlllgeul btudy of tbs blbl amailly rooomraeuded voxtui tha d1 j a u a war all provided with bornta and tbtra waa room u spar lha bblhuia by tba prtkbjurlau choir wara much nj yad as waa blao tba aolo by mlaa nobla bbd tha duatl by ltav mr mo alplu aud mis moltod lvary muulolpality iop oakvlll waa rprauud tha convention of 1003 will bahald tbtra hints for girls how to phubeiilvb hclth xno good color pat sallow or anammlo olrla n- fctorod to that bright praahnos of youth by natural mauna- qood hbmiui within the fuaoh of all vrow lb hun oremivlll oul mie ukggi uruwulk ol orauiavilld lu a ouug uuy writ kuowu ij lb rdlduuu ot uiu louiu aud gtweily nimuj ty ml her kcquaiuuuo l k ihuuaudi uf oititr juuuy gir a tnruughoul cauda miw 11 row oi u full u violiui to anaemia ur wuury uuod aud for lima aa aha aays hurnli frd shti woolj uavur gdiu eujjy ruliuat buulth llparuiioea ilka uiaa uruwuleea oauuoi fail to ba of butlli to olhur piu and im amino girl aud for ibli reaaou uh kinjiy omimiuad to jlv a atata- maul lo iba iju for publ oalluu my ituae aeld mui urowuua om ou vary grail ually and al ural it maialy eauiad aa though it was b feeling of d pralou aud llicduesa i kept galllug wow howovar aud nuelly bad lo klva up a good poeltloi i waa al tlmaa troubled with b throublng racking beadsoba my a pallia gava oul iba laait eitarllon lirad ma and my heart uould baal painfully my limb amid to faal ilk walgbu and ut other limra iheia was a linking uuu tiun whiouxoau aoaroalv ilciorlbd 1 wa iret4l tjy a good doctor aud took a clui bar of ramadla bul wllbout buy ikvpiov tuaul in my ooutuilou and i bgau to far tbat i waa doomed to ba an iuvalh ou day a fruud who nailed lo aaa ma spoke vry highly of dr william xiuk 1illa aud what aha kald uluraeud my uiutbor to muob lhat aba bought a few box i began taking thaui bud lu tba ooure ot a faw wk thar waa no room to doubt thai they wr helping ma i ooutiuuad taking tha till for a ooupl mouihs or mora wbutflt a wrll and elrouu aa var i had bjin ll ia about a year aluoa i gave up taking tha pllla aud i hav not alnu fell tha bead ol any medloln i think dr william xmuk piu a graud ruedloius and ahonld u taken by all pu aud faabla glrlr dr williams 1iuk 1mii maka rich rd blood with avary doaa laksu and thus ra storing tbb bloom of htedtb bud th bright- tiara aud frwlm of youth to- pal and sallow oltaeka lh rough their aolloii on tha blood they our audi dluaaea ba auar mla uarvouenai beadeoba rbaumallaui dypepala 111 vila dan 6 hart troubled dleaaa of tha kidney tto llieaa pllla also our tba allmaula thai maka tha liva of so many woman a oauslant misery fluid lu boa lha wrapper amuud wbioh uat tba full uamadr willi mk ilok i un for ial xeopla can ba aacura1 from drutfglu or will ba t by mall iioal paid aim o40u a box or slit box or 13 60 by aldaaluu tba dr wiluama madloinaoo hrookvllla onl farmers now for a bargain on oatmeal por oni inltzk ohhlv comuieiicliij lrlly itbrmry 14th jiyiz tnrma nriolly catli vor q6o wo will glv i lbs itor 1 3b wa will glva 1 back 4 b lb or u go wa will glv wholo wok 00 lb including sick cash for grain iolatocu 1nriilpo illlc shvnillmi i ic geo j tliorp warlet ixjnaro g u el ip h ilrancli al hocluoud the ilandiebt cheapest quickebt and most reliable servant for your private and general business is a telephone try it tho bell telephone co of canada sun savings and loan go huad ofrtce toronto ojt ajuohii cajjitaj ti t ooq 00 ted year maturity sham are paid monthly instalments of 50c per ahiro for 13 months wlwn pay mints coau c000 aid in maturlly alua lioooo mony lo loan at 1 straight loaruor rupayabu in monthly irulalmciils on appll at ion to r j monabb agent aoton deatkkkiell of grippe couragaoontlats not lu tllndly overlook uij diugir bul in baaing and oonmjarlntf- 11 a lard the tlmtli 1 ulii of cnppt 1 ountkd mcdttil tittil ha iin its the iccrct for tualiuj tilt irm nitst of ailment i a blow hat will cffcctiviiy and irmnueiitly cxjhlit from lltt sjhtcm and jirtmiit tlit dirt- di trc s that follow in its wale gr1i capable 1 not a tolcnt trt itmcnt but if jou arc n itlnn to gnr or tilijtct to colds and txmuli i it will cm l jon noertamlj uiiiplt follows iln just one tl uusand tlstiiiinmaht to p the truth of tt and jott can tnf any or all of u cm bi writing idrut vocwlug is leu l to trwjlittm xirl co jlt oitaawofcal asthma cure free x ji 1 1 1 1 asthmalene brings instant relief and permanent cure in ail cases i nl ah olllll iv 1 kl j on it i til i oi i oji al wiiitk voiill ilwlt- amu additklui i i aini v chained fob tej1 years him u ikthlk ila aaibmahuwi ll 1 rinll inilanl rnjicf oven in tha wont im it cure when all eli falla i he iuv c 1 wkuls olvuu ludge 111 aart- trul lluof aalbma una ljiuni in gtnnl condition i cannot tull you iwiw thankful i foci for iba ro1 turlved friinr l i was s suv cbalnad wllb putrlil auiii lhroa1 and aalhma fur ten yai 1 uspalreil uf evar twang curat i aaw your advertisement fur lha euro of this dreadful and lormenllng dltaa asthma and llwiugbt you bad ovonpoken youraalvaa bul resolved tu glva it a trial 1 my kalunlahment ilia trial acted ula a charm kcnd tnt a full tiled lollle itt dr morrlej woohaur llabbl of ilia cong una icrai now york jan 3 tins tavt llaod ghmtlimlj your akthnudena la an oi calient icmody fur asthma and hky 1ovef and its compoalilon bllavlaloa all troulda which comblna with asthma it kucccait is aslonlthlng ajv wonderful adoi having it carefully analynxl o cab ktato thai aarhniilen contain bu bjiluiu mqrphlno clorofurm or oilier very iruly your rxv dlf mokk1g wlchbllu du uinrllaoti mrjaiciwu co clnttwubv 1 wrltn ihia ttallmiinui lrod a a of iuly liavlpg t ibn wonderlul euvct of vour attbmaleno fo ih- euro of asthma my wlfa has lan bfthcted will m bblbmi for hie ivast r y my own kklll a wu b many others x chnced to s your ugq u yttt window on rjotb lrt new x v aathmalena wy wlh commencad ukiag it about bfnlornovtnbar i very boon n a tad leal lmpovment after bamr one holll lier aslhma ha dluimcdtrad and u u ealhely free tool all symptom i feel lhat i can cotibiklanily rjnuoend tba toodlclna lo all who are aollcod wllb this dismissing yours respectfully o d rhulps m d da tavviiuoc mkiucint co 1 eb qoi cintiuih iw trouhll j1 ablbma for yeaia i have lrlel humerous remejlua but i hey luiva 1 all u1ui i ro axroa your adverlltsmeal and tlsried will a ulal utile i found tallef at once i lt kiac purclwked your full tin hollu kiwi am wvflrir uful i haw a family of four children bb1 for big year wu unabla i o work i nm now in the test of iwallh and am doing haunts every iy this uailmooy you can make mch uut of as you us fir j iioimuldrcm 335 hlvlngton street s hapiiaul iy uasl 139 st new york city titlal tlottle be a3quolttgly vj om jucokipt o p08tai do not ilalay writ al 00c addressing dr taht nros medicint co 7q last 130th st new york city sold by all druggists hats caps furs gloves mocoasests stfow shoes furlined coats canh for llaw put waiting for a mrtur reduction in tha price of turs and i ui goods will he useless our figures ou hijh data mulf collars uoaj he are always ilia lowest and arc no eicepllin al lha preenl wa haw marked theio fine goodit at price which should attract lovers ollieauty and 1 oodqualhy v manufacturd all the la tost alylea at the lowest po ible prices men i ur coalsi6io n 50 all guaninleed l n e liontkinl5 practical furrier wyndhani st quelp1t sold by all newsdealers we the undersigned do hereby agraa to rjfunl tha minay on a co 011 1 boilu o oramj warraiilad lyrup or tar if l fait to ouia your ootigh or oold wa alao gturanua a vb nejit imljla in prova sail aotory or maiiay rafuu uj a t ijtowu aolon anthlv i111 w ten ol aud iiuo a vat voiuu ut bw ckl cfltt comaxalllom 1 y out itut im it ulatkudttea oflu hluiltf liall vom tiell luktiunuiilal el cumbut r ftir rim- a uonui ij- cent overly uuuritalou va ou ifyiki will wa1 u th uetiw ana ui iij of mva tfwuliemlllt lelminrtiell wawuiksud uu a ouy ot tlia uaauu j w vttrttt fubllakar klsktb lacuelkt kilueelekl b- hohd gnl i bz83 lloatludlill 1r0 uyreguhliill 100 iclgliuma 100 wrujtrejiua iwrfft b4tlaxiluu globe opticat-co- oj voriiia stlrvnt toronto- stock taking sale por sixtv dhvs geo stovel all winter goods to be dis posed of at low prices felt and rubber goods at cost call and inspect our large assortment of all lines ordered work and repair ing in usual excellent manner guelph business college cuelph ont- at tills institution you will be taught shortluxnd bad typewriting by bb expert tleoo kraplierolkawri years experience in tpwtlng bjmi office work who write aliortluuid at a speed of over two hundred words per minute at this institution you will ba taught commercial subjocta mathematics kagluli i rencli and german by a practical accountant and leachei- of illoen year kucceaaful tutpariauca wlio ifl a hrktcuui 110001 graduate and tx teacher oftba most famous american dualnea college and of tha moat progressive camullan unlvanity twenty shies prntince and tomtories ggo stosrel hoot lv siioi dctln uiu btiielt kcton a silver watch lawk or gents size iwuow 1 i iw aiimu 1 kila tiu ruu vtlvjj ji trf ijmtirja cbtvllmklv mllltv wllb i- uij u tjuuuiujiuiahwij mi- lwl umv kvklll hl kaiv ttj t wmtl j i u vl 11 l4 lij t b full au iu dnol0 mbblcinb c0 neiav toronto burpees si are the best that can be grown ya aboau read burpecs farm annual for 1q02 wu i aa lu laadlug arucihaii twd lalalomw 1 iulkl free ia ll lur m l yhir ail todav w atlef buftpgg a co philabuuu are represented on the register of ihl ituil l ut ion us courvo la the most lhorouli and coinprehtnijvo of any college of us kind in cuiatu its diploma is a piti pon to ood poallluot lu lha employ of leading firms syndicate aud corporation of canada and tha united states now is a good tlma to enter i or day or night claeae i or full luformattaiicall ilia college tradom hank llulldlujf or addree m maocormac b a prlnolpal fit b bbrrlibrinnts john 1 maikknik iluilutlr and t ont1iactoii iarjii lun tl al i lli im clieti un lakm 10 itkni 1 r eulr ii lioit sale a4hee it ui njui itua t tu rner lliuicl and u cllar uotl well itew ly uafd omlel in ell until vur paiileulaia urn avenue loroolo of 1 a speight co willow bt aoton undertakers furniture dealers unlitialing in all its branches rtiendad to promptly and quietly i urnllura new block sura to pbuoa our customer our priced ar low dyejric glumllli uy1 ing and c an inc- woitks gui liii ilia plaxeuiuf geiiotiieii 10 liave their sultsaudovorcoaik bbllbdleri garmenls aud huuwsliold good cleiiio1 and dyed oalrlch flumes an lip cleaiiod dyed and curled uaii miucyltam agent kvouy aoid aotoll comfortablti kchidoiico for balk btory aud k 1 all kuubi caat eoutajiia mim ktxiiua bea stutn3 oeller alsleiu hard water sou vealeul hu uumuuiw ea tn lb ticiperlf i l r lt april vat uut aud pucala at py on lb 1 leadae 11 ii llelielu ijrick store and dwelling for gale x realiteooa kl u aidt oj alui and rdr ick llmeeu well built uimvinua lxil twller uodet ui emit buhdlef wltll biuk peiulioik ouenlul kiva tood buviem ytd xraax all uauml imooe further taillonlja tipon apiieetliwi ua iba fceilae to 11 uh as ha ilohilofj mnk brick kesidkncb for baltf ruat flue iwo 4twv uuk reeuaoee oa liovr a avenue wtilctl waa hull t for k peieoou atul t aa ajwey la lwed kino 11 hhuui by tb llatlodlaibtlniatan it bu taloe loonie twit kho wltb hail ale a food oeiuv wdiiuid and 1 puudlill kltuatedoa on ui iwiiuur rdaual kueel la aotoo itubeieuc 1 aeaeealoti b ut july ikiu vut luma an 1 bejtlculera apply to vui nenutraectir htr mnoi a etna orlo uuh kl laliicttlihay id cudtlttlliaul ave touonto a ede im wellington mutual flltfc insur company xh tcenel amttia ueetlng tvf the wllln too aiutual klre iuramc umjiwjiy will wodnasday pobrunty 12 at 1 p to la veaeli tba dlreetora keihmt wltb tb w ubeialhtaaeaieal toalbeaar tb aleotiea of uureoux itw tb eoeulu veej and ouhat bual bee relevant ut the taeellog 11 order -notidi-to-atizeua- buld itiafhvery neoapiuit kb i in eeee there l txi uoo tl i an t tba owner tt every boeee khop boildlbg lei ot baroel of laud and every pexeuii taavltig eberaw or oar of ay ebureb ebapai ot pulill balldliia traatlb a kbuttlug oa any tubllatelorkldwajw shell by ua o eloeh a bi kitr every tall ot loo aeba ui bam tab entirely lnt bs tb aldewalb nppoallaeub hou ebureb abapal ahop or knf other bnlldlbav lot or tieree of lajnd k kloreeeld s etujuea ail provided rortb vtol htua el ihl jiy law j th titreet it weill coulblltu kedaeat all onawnied to aamply kl um wltb tbl ll j law bbd avoid tnkjhl u hwaokhauku chelrmaa eureet it walk aslau vli ulb loa noticcto rcditoia in the matter of the estate of frederick glebe deceased chap lstf and kin boding act that all breou t avtag elalul kalit ui eatal bi kredertek ull let oi u villae of aeuin la lb oounty of lleltea ulllet deaeaaad ha died on or kboututebltb day of ueluher a u lull tr eaolred la kesd by poal prepaid or deliver xo either the underalxud adailuulrslor ot tb bnderalabed admliiutrelrtk uleimrer 1 iwt offlul en or before lb brat day of vabroury 1kb their betuea kddreeee kttd deeeripuob kd a lull autmnt of battieular af their elajma properly verined and u4 baiur ol tb aecorliyju anvi bald by thorn ami that lu mediately eft tb fir day of february inert ike bald adulnutetflr end admluutretrll will beltehuiorth 1 dlatjibuud or any a or imou of wb oat ihea bav boi ullaiuilu uikhktj adtniauuaior hauatt qijcukc doth comb and extracted quota lowed prices and cay bow put up sauuel l lewis k co london lularancas furnliiil at onbiiis carriap worts you can gat a first class 45 gar stl aciicullurai lurnace or 1550 rcptur price i in 50 a root rulper and sllrer watson makj for 7 75 regular price vto 33 dct w ileal barrow made ttoel wheel fpr j regular pries i3 73 34 watlowl daudy i each vrgularprlca fi 1 towl ddudy llag trucks for 1 173 a lot of second hand cutlers buggies spring wiggona ate in good repair atw verv low prk to claar them oil don t neglect lo secure koina of tlieea dargalus j nt o istbxlul qkonautovfk i ijfenlesl- we are fitting and suiting men who are particular awul ihnlr cl ulias man whn look out lor ilia worth of ihclr inonoy men who kuuw when they got what thay wiit oua trial nearly always makes 3 nun our regular pal ton will you glva uj a trial 1 wm coopmu klbbciuhr ran tig mill tuiint wctoh

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