Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1902, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch aqonoral bankinguuiness tranoaotod corrosponde npo solioltod saviiih jepartnuiit inlaral uowc1 on aumaol oni ioi- iajc wul uwara liom day ill 1okw lo lay of withdrawal nn itmiiahilea antim dalaya in iliawlo money farnibrh buhjiiisss solicited note of responsible farmer discounted and money towed lor cgiiimalo buslnoas purpose t our joucction d6ahment ha every facility or making prompt return 8alo noti4 handled a ancl l i arxounl the news at home anotiiuii landmark oonu- travellera are nutlfiod thai lba llank hamilton and tin urancho tttue clrci note of the provincial hank if lnglaad limited which can jbo cmlc1 wiih chargo or trouble in nny cm olllni wti heal oifick hamilton juubluhej 07 x capital paid v 1995750 reserve fund 1500000 total assets 177759 jaba tuautiull cashier b forsayetfi agknt georgetown bronoh 1902 wall paper decorations- the now seaton find u with mora- wall papflf i ha 11 ovfcr 1 no 000 polls i slock w khskini will show yotl sait licit buy from tilm you will bo up to dale room moulding chas l welles otjelph tuub8dav jteuuuakv 13 lsktf uttle local brieflets which cmusht lh by or bara of frm pr ntxrtri thl wak it this bt valentin day lo- marrow 19 ohlne hw yea began rldy tba tttaun btaaou com manoed yesterday luad th puk iuuu valentin alary nlug tba unusual veul of two funeral lu on day u n bar oa tuaeday municipal omor grab am offer for sal hi taaldano uxl th town 1 1 mil tb vr library hoard will matt la tb library uaxt monday vaaiu at v so oclock owing- ta lb blockaded road i bar war oouparatlviy few litinm it oo saturday toronto juuclloo baa seen fit to retir ir uatvaly from th offlott ot media health omoar donald kopmau bull in toronto polio court wu fuithur remanded but friday for a wk mr j t xeoij lupolor publlo bohoou officially vislud th bobool bar la wednesday tia lb vole of lb- tvbovidu x baajtd bim oocnplkln i bava hovld bafoia taoal aboval ytjo dv rmjlac did you look t your ubaj ibla moroiotf to a if lb tlau i corrauy kdanoad 7 tb violcru uiaiou hand of kuo obnxob wlllbil wwial ftiiuruiatnauk xt monday aali owlo to a braakdowu hi uratdplou iba von mall wakt fu hour or to i at oo ttaa4ay aamilutf dr itobaruan uilloti hi bmj appoinud ufedle uaaltb omflr al k jvarty itvlary of rio 00 tb orabaati of tb dutrldu bav daoldadtu bold lblr nil twjflb of july dtnootrauou fct oikvlll aooodlu a ilradatraau oarly abibty paroantof lb oouoartta thai fall lu bafeluoaa an tboa that doul advaitlxa ikfr jt h wallao abd air hbd uv qanllaa aluodttd lh uadbalura hall at goalubou tbortday avaulntt lai iuv mr ooddea wu baalu to kl ibroaitb to bl apuoluttuaut at 1 took wood oo ouuday afurooou omlah to tb drlltad road tbatowu bal wilt a iiuoi of utiuiul l aouviiy monday vdiuk wk matlnkuf oouucll hoard of kduaatiaa vrn llbary llard and uoaid of llaaltb iu t albarl uoor ban uu utiail- inoualy luvlud by tha quaiuily board of zum tabatuaola ilatiitllcu to ruialo paator if illun for a fltlb yaargmlpb 11l1 a kuod tatlif aaak and otkr wood to abw fcii obaab b a beoord winttih ohduttd foh dhlivuhv bphino j huaoiuuioa uuouloal alouutnaalril work at uuaipb now taking nrdr fur qraolla and urbn muuutuaul lo b al tip fa tba plo at kaduoad ytlom will tb ww alactflo awl posomatl maobioary ibla alablubmaoi i kbl l saou far tuo fctd unu wtxlt tbait bamfo aod u onlr lu lb taaobioary aoaln all wiuu vary low ia ar bain tnn for work ordr4 oow uall a lb work ur drop a ord to j u utukluui uuob touurk a c 1m onb dav tivbuu ta larfaiduia n u tl lal to u roraaau wsk moatly of ool crtaraotar and ovorv item intromtlnb wmrttou jooara jtalntj jranrjr mr ii v ok trafalgar wa ruciaif wardaaof1 allot by aoolamaiiofi mr cook oalabratad hi ailw araddlntf hi daujtbufi wa marriad oovadiwmday and b waaelaolwj wardac all in foor wacka a pruy boy moo lb to hom hhorulolf vamwi udrala obairnafct bwtvokbamar gua nulica in anolhar oolnnn tbli waak calllntf tb attootion of oiuxon to u boaliy of blm- urajtlfwlfca oltar of mow aflr aaob atirm tu uow b bw i lo b aofofosd ja all caaa uoai ba btklaoud tba matur to lb dlaoomfuft of padaatrlaru cmbormlory fvr tjlgh frchooi lmp- tti ltoard of kduoalioa i uavinc tiotb- in uudooa wblob wljl jmrfaot tbo hbjb lohujloouratit aoloo inblwlkibool up on th raoooimcndatiod of mia htarrh taaobarof ibat da part man t a laboratory nuw bains lorolahad lot sxparltoanta lo pbyelcm te th apparaloa baa httta urdarikl and will b inaullad in a fw dfcyr tbla addition will b of vary praollo1 batp to ihj pupda in aluadanoa mr 11 t amolj ipot to oampliu tha rttsoia of bla glov work to oorg- own thl wak ill baw factory tbr proaanla an lmponn appaarajuo and 1 ulto ooramodioo tb balldlnff i of brink 117k55 two ktory wltb bwmol th amok alaok wbich i about abbly faat tn bai wa fioubad laat mk mr arnold family do not axpaot lo roda la tiaotg town until bant prio jsptrorfb xtfa loan mm j bio tb kpworlb la th uclbodul oburuli will bold a bom oolabl al th bam of lb mibm kalaoa on tody vanlnif ulb ina an adioykbl lllajary altd wtulcal procraram will b rvndared and hvbl rfrbtottu will b aarvad dar- init tbolaf tb wall known boaptta- llily of lb bov natnad twnpl wltb lb poordiu arranged will no doubt auttur a i allaodabiy stay jit ittttmf tltiftut ttd surv mr w ii diny want to nortal on priday lo attand lb funaral of juv kpltralm u marpr 1 wboiad on waduaaday at lb bom of hi aoo lu cill ilarpar at kanuaku uaaa tb war accompanied front toronto by luva dr dlaokalook dr witbrow abdnuuabfwbolaokbakt uut fan mrtttwi tba uatbodiat obnrob alworval and alao al lb nerval cmury mra wataon tb datixburof dr iiarpr abd bar daughter aooampablad tb rmaln from nanuakel mr wauoa latb idnwof tb lu t a walaon aon of ilourl watun kj korval dr harpr wa boriad at noj tip64l bi kwqaaol lo that ritool iov j u isludhu kd vamlly erth tb d baw raaobod aolon fruod on saturday of tbdalb tba dy prioa of wlnou dohur of iuv jtatnm a mc- luhun m a of lort klglu frntarly pafctorof tbtualbodla church brr it will b ramaaikarad tbat mla wiuul wa lu poor baaltb durlntf ibalr raaldauo lu acloo and that a ortlloal oparatian via parforntad for bar rallaf tbrt waa no anftut rallaf aftordad lr ailment bowavar and ah baa gradually grown aakar tba timkloi war laurrad at i art klgln ou moo4y aflaroooa wlnni wan poaaaaaad of a vary lovau dlapoal tioti and waa a gantra tavorll botb lu lb bom aud la all ciroua wbartva td tnovvd tb ayotpatby of mr mo lacblab forrotr oongragauoo bat aud of mauy otbar friand ij iritlendad in lbla aad abuotiou ilcatmlum uraujht fnt chi attar a long- abd palufal uln daatb odd tb bnffariny of mr john t kaalou at bar bom in obloago laal buu- day vag aoma urn mr kaaton bad bo attrfartntf from a baooat la tb beaut bflvoral month j0 abdbad an opratlon in a chicago boapltil for it rmol tb operation waa at ural tbottgbt to b btioo- fnl but llr davalopmaot provd b ooulrary tb rmalo wr bronitbt to aeloa monday waning by mr ka loo at d lb f anaral look puc tnaaday aftarnoota from tb botn of mr alak hamabaw ouolpb bt broth of daoaaaad ura utonwaalhdaubuot mr wiuifcnou luhwlww bb waa bora in lb boololi dlook and tatn to acton with br pataiiu twaoly flv yaatri ago bb wa baarriad li lib ily aul ioaj la uajrnla aud tbaoo to chicago ur kulon aid lbalr only blld wiuu who bow lu hi lwaalyhrl yraurvlvt bar tba- fubarnl on tooaday afurnoou waa ooiduotdby luv j m llgr u a aud it v u a macpbraov- hymnujk chwjmii wan mdtr iir prom tba bault eil mari jvmt- kttr4 w loaro tbat uar bytnou gabipball bardwar tuarobabu formerly of aoton ar about lo knov into lbalr apuodlj ow tor urit tb ivtj jitid aay it la without au tcjual la tba baah tba building i alghly fact itoui front to roar fifty bvd tul wua aaid baa thru atorl and a baaotiitut oo tba tualu floor at two atori aaeb twouty ava ft wida tba odlliuga ar vntra blub and abe- ad wllb uiitl of a baudeou paturu and hutaj on tba woood floor ar uwaulaau omm voobii wllb oaillnga 11 ft bljih oa tba third floor lbr ar alio aavutaan room a aud br tba oalliugii ara 10 faat in height moat of ilia iularlor fir ithlugi at lo gjor piua aud lba livoka kuoba u ar briur lrlita law la ud u lba kyllithl tba ayaum of heating waa put by lb dominion ludlator co at a ooat oltasoo tb toul ooatu tb whula hulldlug u about 130000 tba plala ulaaa windows lu lb froil ar luala tha urnet data glawbtabufaotuiad i loilb au luhummm cmiluctar tba oulji ihwll rpoita thai a womau wltb a 1 1 111 boy and girl got ou tha train from lb north al 1alnaralou ou tliuraday morulutt aud look a aaal wltb tba llttla girl tba boy 61 apart from bu iiiotlmr wbou tli oonduotor oinn tha womau baudad biro bw ukel aaylugbolb lb oblurau wr undr il ytta of kg ii told hx lba ruu rwulr- ad k sbalf llokal fo bblldrau uudar 8 yaraolj but tha poor wauiau bad uo mouay lh waagolug lo br falbar aud bad pall tba agent ail ub mooy aba pahcxej for bar own i ukel tb oo duolur lhu ilokd tsi uy up hud uattrud bttn out of tb oef and a b aalj mi bint cit at uikxdu tba tuolbr got off auu but whau ah txmld bot odd bai bblld bouia byatarioal a lb train ii tnoaibg ol puumafwr aakadtbbe luau if tb boy waa od if auwerd tbat b wa uol aotbtttraiu waa louuwid aud lbfhllil we put eff aout duuuo from tb autltm tbeti lb lllll girl couibteuo- j crying for bar tnolber aud lb oooduolor put bar us frundl and alona at dray- ion tbtralr aaldlby bavaf baful wltnaad auab ubutnao ouoduob had tb btt bit uf 1 1 m a uao given a aubworlp- tlou would bav ban lakau up in lb train lo pay for lb lick i luotaur john t nation than a bakr hare but who with lb family ubaaiuvotly alaxandor mann bj callad homo atttia cpod old aof iiluhty- ljutl yonm tit roroaja of ono of tyt oljet aud pa oat highly nauamad roeidanla warn laid at reel lu falrvlaw rntury ou tuaajay aturooon omj by on uia plooaara of tfala a4folloajb being called away and ihla time it i alexander mann kl after aavaral jrear of aoraawhet faebla pbyaloal haallb though atrong and vlgoroua mautally lu ltlal ha en la red into eternal reek auiender ma w a man iioiff olen ii wa born iu lb periliuf laggeii lu llangarry luarieaehira boolland lu lb year lau and lu lb aprlng of ilu3 wllb hi pianu h left tb old boron in scotland and name lu fjanadf hl hrotbiua peter hugh aud john rid willi ibatn in llmjnaalng ou lb laib hepumber following vor a weak lby domiciled wtb til lata john maun ar at their huma baar ilia weak th following aprlng mr manu illlej ou th farm juat i uf anion which h- bn he horn of hlnlr aud family fur or qllyjght yara if cleared tba fertu and tllll lb virgin aoil during 11 lhaaa y- m mal be bu oil uf uur tilual reayeptrd taeidauu 11 took a bu partner lu hf mia mopheraou a ulaler uf malcolm utipher- aon of oikvilla formerly of adioii for ovarforly year lhy lived happily to- galhrr aud mr manu paaaad lo bar rawaid avcnlaeu yaarajego oua ton and fiva daughter j hleed lb union nf wboitf tb following anrvlve mr dunoau ucortiror naaiaewuya mr ller mo dunau aoton mli mary lu uamlttou and donald tha only aon who llvo on lb homeatcaj daoeeaed w adheraut aud lib 1 11 inoa paoitated by old ag a regular atundabl of lopok church if a had cqallr view upon acma point uf nharch doaljlii and hi feliblu lb holy aorlpmpeatnl love for ua oouuaal propli and praiuii waa wry murked ilufuriipieiiawy bwrrueatetl luv mr macphrou hn uhor to u that beautlfnlaud ouuilifthanelv vorw john sit a tha bail of hi remark at tha funeral aarvbv tb lubaral ou tuaeday wa aluudad by vry urgoonoouraf frletidaund nalgh bor tb ar v loo war oouduolad by luv ii a maopharaoi and w r mo alplua i a loacl uhirkflets th big- february blow kept up pretty cooatauuy during lb week a a raeolt mnauy of lb road wr blokd tb urattlw thu wlnlar tb aptolal arvio at tba ilrlok chumh 7arviioed avaoln tberiil addreaaa of lviv mr girti- bam mad a lop iuprariion unou iboa wbo ait tided tb hockey matoli wltb fjeor proleatad and upou a techlnoalily wa decltrad off it will b playad ovar agalu a wk from friday evening at georgetown mr ii v moor attended tba annual eeling of tb dominion lit aaeurauo co hut friday at waurlw th annua report ahowad an uuuaaally properoua year buainaa i tba raupayara of oakvilla will vol ou lba lltb march on a by law lo graut a loan of li000 lo oromln dr co toronto wbopurpoe eetablikhlaja plauo faotory to amploy us bandi tha hoard of flealth ba baru tba bard at workad organ ixat on of tha town aluoa tba ski do la th audlilug of b p aooouula baa bmu rjulta a oonlraot but tholr moet arduoua dulls ara uow about eom plated tb htapeler towu oounoll baa r appojoud tbomaa uamaaur oblaf oou- blabla banltary innpeotor ooluotor of uxm ovaraaar of highway car laker of publlo building truant oiflar ato uia talary la 1100 par annum john whit ba bought tba qumy block and 1 giving great bargain iu general drygoodhlap and b lurnjhlng hpaclal clearing of dr good velvet to all wlnlar good will b aold under whol- baja prlo whila drlvug lo qlettwiliaati yeelarday joeeph uouaaur who voeully raturuad from tha norlbweel waa aeriouely iujurted tba bora rati away aud ba bu thrown out and all ou bin liaad waa prlly bldly brokau up sir johjb llarvay aud fatally bava brad into lbalr fine nw hojua oo park av mr ktskln druglt ba takan up lila raeldinoa iu lbs bouaa vacated by ur ilarvay uallinafad a rp coming and going visitors toaincl from aotdn a various other parvoruil notos ttie ra imbaalnvluaall im raaoara toeoi ultui to uiu eefnina if you or vtnir fiiaoil ara aulug ewaf uu holiday ttf or if loo bar frlatml vulliug you dror a card to tb eaas raaa mia julia l of uultlo i tb k of mr j a moorall mir natu cobban la bom from oaorgelowu tbla week mia alloa arm of toronto u vlaltlng at mr thu oamarou mlendtrniiililnwabo from ooelph aavaial day last weak mr bmnrl lrd of walluo apaot bunday with hi family here mr marku mocanp of toronto toad hi luolbar a briaf vlalt tbl week mr the t moor apaat a coup of day laat week wltb fruud fa toronto mr ilourl laird of lumlluu i vlall- i ingjijaalrtor mra u a maopbaraou mr juhu la and mr w bargent of palermo vlall aoton fruodalaal weak ml ada otullw of kincardine 1 apendlnga wrk will her brother mr a j outle ml wlllumoa of oulpb wa in town oiitimly altandlng tb funeral of lb la la alex mann kj mr jobu matin uf tb fourth una who bl ball very ill for bavarat week i aluwjy reoovorlng mia jtau chrtl ooelph and mia vera chrlalla toronto wergaal of aatoofrl bllal weak metmra albert and ulcbard mar ah man went loounejiiliamaon haturday tovlelt elr brother who wa vary iii mr mloolm uaphraon or oikvlll attended th funeral or bli brotborln taw alax maun i ou tuaeday mr allan uttiu rturtid laat pilday from ilnubait wherct ah bad bean vlalling r daughter mr kdiaou bmilb ovitiu to lha etorm aud lb y i moet im- paatabl outidlilun of lb road 11 v dr iliudlay oama by hatnraay for hi rain from quvlph on buuday aarvlca at churchill in order to avoid dltappolnllng dongrgillqii limkhou8e mr peur iloaa wa takbn to toroato ii or pi 11 lat weak for an operation for appandloltl tb lien hulue- i open log up vary lifacurll mr jobu xfoor alleuled tb bunday bohocl canvantlon al georgetown last weak mr qruv of ilrantford waa called bar la weak owing to th death of lj nlokelt tb lllll four earold daughur of mr johu hick ii died on tuesday of laat wk from lock jaw th funeral took plao oa thursday altamooii and u oouducud by xluv l vptilif d a much aympalby a fall for lb urea ad famllf milton tha uttthojul church will bold iu jublle annlvamary aervlo ou sunday kab mrd and monday tb 311b tb bunday aervlo will ba oouduolad by llv gbarlo flah qf toronto wbo wa paator in 53 whtu tha flrt ufaurtb waa arold and by rv jam moallialar of oalt tba annlvaraary hupp on monday fab 311 h will b au oooaalon of unuaual lulcrael lba programm ambraolng ad- draiaai by iliv w f wilaou praaldut of coafrno itav c flab jam moallliur and olbara togthr wltb appropnala rduiio thauuuupirsurlgada will bold their annual banquat and couoart lu tb towu hall lbli vuitif tea wlllju aarvd lu lb dluulug room from c to 8 after which a flratolaia progratum of vocal aud lu elrumoulal wuiio wlllb b prooaeda will 0 toward paylug for tba uaw uni form purohtaad by lbs brlgada it la much aaalaf loauppreaaaflraldealr umi o batlafy t t fol stops thiicouqiiand works opp th colo livtir timmoqulolti vahlel aura a aoul lu ue4ir ho cur- ho fay tru utteni what wa otll dtapalr la ofuu ouly lb ptluful aagrn4 of unfed bop llav mr uilne who wa very hi iml wak la reoovaiiui mr will near waa at terra coll ou uonuay taudailng waeat vocal muala at lba melbodut anulveraary taauiealiul tba oroaa tjroada war pratty eorloualy blocked lba pael uuk ur j k campbtu baa lot th ooutraot for alaiga baok baru to ha ereclsd urxt bum mar all trua work is aioid lu all trua work war il hot trua bard labour thsro a wjioa lbiugof dlvluaue thu garb of daoibs a qraat ithtponalbtllty hants on all mollisrauaby uhould always b brigh and c liable that ax well blp well bat wall act wll aud play wlt a ohlld thai it uot livtly tjwy obnked aud playful uaeda ttu miedthi aiunllou or tb leaultu may ba befioua vrudeut uiothr should alwaya keep riady al baudi a aafa yal fiffotiv luauulu to adtululetkr to lbalr ii ilia on as atuarguuoy arlea uuoh a uiedlolua la baby uwu tauaw tliae tahlal do not aol aa tb so oallad eoolblug uiedl oium do tbay do uol hav a daadaulug ir blupaf ylug atfcol but ou tb oooltary go right to tb aaat of lba troubl aud by i- movlug ii qui tb obild aud prvul a racurreuos uf lba trouur all uiolbaib who bav ucd tbli mad loin prale il aud ala kaap it in tba hou mrf o luluaj bla mil lak out bay- tha llahya own labula which 1 ordered oaiua juu iu uuie my baby waa very 111 wllb ludlgaallou aud bow trouble but i am happy lolay lb tablet rliaad him afur a w do aud b u uow alulug bpuudldly with juat a tablet uow and than whan a utlla traellaa i ibl th uto tiler of blgtit oh i id re u bud i mo bay i ivr had a toed loin- i tluiumhl a biuuh uf aa llahya owu tablet and i bav tiled all th old reiujadlaf i ihltik mo l liatrt i g b t fel w gj h lo keep thetil iii lba lloue til flea of blikaigaucy tbatwuaifluibll thamluor alluiut of ohildu buoli aa ouuatlpatlou aour alomaob rvuilo dlatiboea liuiglou and bliupl feer tiwy break up oohl pva van nruup and allay tb irritation aoooui panylug lb auuloil of leatb thy ar fur nhlldran of all td dlaaolvad lu watat can be biitb seaoluu eafely lo tb voungast lufauk bold by all drugglal st u osnla a box or aul poilpald ou r twin of prlo by addraaaiug lbs dr wil liam msdlolo ou uxookvillo out absolute security genuine carters little liver pills wjt kfoar bluntura o s4 tlwllmu whl dww v u u m ay roriusamt rubuiiku carters ip rcj n uuouuui roi totrn uvt roi comti-atio- ro uiuw uia ru wccomruxiw ama kings evil i tbat la scrofula f no dlsoasa oldrr i ho atsrisaa i really rrirfinllitn for s itrgsr mortal i tr w oonaumpllon i cimimnnly its oulgniwtb tbers is bo a a for irfllcttlim t u make it preaenra known by a many algna such aa glaldcilar tumors rutanccnij mpttona in0am1 ayejlil eoro car rick at catarrti wasting and imrsl iloblliiy oil wren of j w mcolmi vvoutofk onl bad acrorula aoraa so bad utey raild not sllrnd school for lire mouths vbr dltfercnt ktnda of medicine had lfh uw to no potpoaw w ta uttttt t tiro an itdit r a wn t cured aceoraliuj to if r kierjluiis voluiilar teallmonlal by hoods sarsapariltc wblco baa nld ilia i i v trtlu radical and jxriiiaiiriil run of a rofu id old and jounc four specials fqr this- week for off pure wax candles candlemas sunday no i herring heads and split 450 white jiih iindtjquf mixed 525 15 dinner set q7 pieces 700 per set noted ria btoiik ud ouina palace- k mcreh cuelph vun ijii the right house katlkxiilhat 1 hamilto 1avoultli ahoi1inti ilach cleaning up our dress goods stock every yard of ihlu bcaaons rnntf fuhlonablaauit mutt ua got out of the way ero tli uower and later ilulf can find room prices bava ben carved down jullo a bt lo rdrcl this railily gur gcreat february sale have you seen tliose elcrtnt blouse waists made of finest brilliant alpaca riclily tuck a a great cltrinrrmxtjha5cmaciela3rweckrthc regular price would j5 each but we are millinj at l7i- havc you seen the great price inducements we offer in the choice of our ladies and mives coats and jackets for instance l 850 coat- for jul9 05 coat- for ij 750 coats ior si0 these are all thij seasons good have you seen the extraordinary values our great february sale layi before you m silks and j dress gdods 75c pure taffeta silk tmc 50c colored dress goods jc 75c black drcssnf3fdds ittk its our letting go time in dress goods have you keen the clearing prices we offer infur capcr- incs ruffs collars gauntlets and furlined capes 350 grey lamb capes for ijj if you havent you should blaok drood etufili 1qc yard inucid of ac i ljured ahiacaa and hn sere 35c vanl inmeuid ol 40 a ml 00c satin cloths and 1 inured soldi pretly design and kngllsll wor 35c yard intlead of a to 75c i igured poplin molulr orcna- dlnea and 1 ancy 1 ted ford cord alao figured alpacas 40c yard mueail of cc plain loafer 4 incite wldu 50c yard fntlead o 75c lo r rreuch ilourod mohal rund strlpwl volua and plain luilerln 65cyanmnitead of f ihmd llio silk suctwool mhlurct aud grcnadlneb ailk mued 75c yard loatead of li jj li 35 aud il french llrocade diok d- algns and weat of england gull ing prleauya make plain and her ring boo rtfecls 5c yard instead ot 9i 1145 inch plain armur cloth medium weight jl and if 50 vs t ji ii 71 and vt45 1 ijurhl lilsli poplins and voile very hand one block bllkfl and bauna- hare and tempting tola luch aa ara only pouibls by careful planning and buying when occasion afford wau do sole of ram quality re- vcirtlhle lustrous finish and rich black 75c yard worth 90c and hoc or fill forll13 rjuallly talfolis 3 cholc line pur rich finish and splendid value 3 ulito in dies at these moderate figure g 6j and hic yard merve in a uuamile rich ahadea pur silk wide width and closely woven at co aud ujc yard troche in newest and moat stylish designs black and all pure bilk priced at 51 and rhc yard dlsch satin do well wld wulib and rich black 3 qualities- so 6a and uc yard soma ohaiiooa in colored draaa good the balance of this aeaaoua roost fashionable materials at a great discount lu brloo at jc yard instead of 50c itoogh cheviots and tweeds good weight and colors and suilible for costume or skirt at vc yard instead ol 75c 3 loued ftfacu and ilaln cheviots in navy7lrnrptrifrtiet brow a green at 75c yard instead of slas and i panne suitings cbavlots scotch tweed aud check butting and camels hair fi to 41 lach goldea brown baa oxford gray navy purple reaoda dark red and other good shades thomas c watkins king st eaot cop hughson st hamilton e r bollert db co 25 and 27 wymllm11 st guelph month ebmnants of dress goods flannelettes linings towelings tweedsaxiinens cretonnes sheet ings pillow cottons silks etc also anostofxddlmesm ladies childrens and mens shoes all at greatly raducsd pricas t claar before stock talcing we have a few ladies jackets natty new garments which we will clearthisweekat prices which will insure immediate sale come early and often 1 1111111111111111111 i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii page metal ornamentfd fcrxcc rttkasz orname vaiv abow and aarprlabisty eheap 1 1 jsab wbat la wanted fee door yard dlvbdoa feaoe us town lota gran bstlsjlri b pe mjiq foot just tblnkc uf it ti u sand you full parlicmwm wa bieo toake arm litem boultry uaitina nail aad staple u fa wire ca- uh ktfatkefvut bat the lion eiftypairsolladie8jbilkclove8jopjbija shades worth 75c to 1 50 for 55c hend6rson co 3ui1ll sthcton ours siok headaohk wyas cod liver oil compound towlo and tlssuo hollder aglancaat lba hit below will glra an idea of prices dro3fi qoodo 5 plcctaa in fancy chock tweed wa 35c for 15c 7 pieces 43 iii colored homespun wis 1c tot isc f plocca 42 in pancy twd was 50c to h5c far 33c piece 53 id fancy tweed waa 6jc for 43c 1 plecia in ulack and hed check homeipun waioa for 50c 3 place 6 in green cloth good heavy weight for eklm was 83c for 50c ipjecei 14 in hornet pun in llrown and green was 73c for 50c i piece 54 in light cry uomeapun waa 50c for 75c fills 1 psrsjan lamb ca perl no 6 tails was fio for i7 i grry opjiorum caperlns was lis for o 1 aatrachan caprltm oprvoaum collar was h bo- f taftrachn csiicdiio loiig fronttvras vis for 9 1 mtraclianyou capein iectrlc seal trimmings waa iii foriu i asiraclisi yoke caiharine lloctric seal trimmings waa iu for v4 i ldoclrc seal thibet trimming waa vis for i14 1 thlhll caperlu larga sis was v10 for i15 1 partial lamb caparlne alaska sable trimmlnki wia f 35 for fij 1 colorado sable- capcilue wi i10 for 6 3 iu1i bhape muffs wm is for i3 a hell ip mulis waa i13 for u 1 ilaar mull was it loru 1 lot ol children a mulf lo claar at 35c fur roboo 3 illack robei regular price i13 for lia 4 dlack jtobea regular price i3 lorlio 1 illack itolierguurpricel8 for i15 1 ulack hob tegular price i7 jo for f 50 our whltowoar solo i a in pull swiri d e iv1acdonald bro the lion cuelph istinter sale saturday morninc the 15th february we start aclearilig bale of all lines of winter goods consisting ol clothing mantles furs furlmantles heavy dress blankets goods everything cut to cash in order to turn them into money this is youropportunity to buy goods at your own prico i j a jvecintosh ajrijii acxx5lxj k ikalalbl prautrallati uf cuj uwar tl uuiculbil wllb aairacl ol wild chsfry mlracl ol nwlf auil lb iiyp3filiultllt n urn mullmn iiuaaluiu itun lliaiiiiaud- ulntau ami ktrycbnlbaj j klrcb l6h i tav and we wisli to inform you that wo have just received a iarce and wellasorted slock of clothes chaff turnip school and market baskets ranging in price from 5c to 1 ako a lull line of whitewash scrubbing shoe stove clothes antlnailurubhca iromv up ako a full stock of washtubs washboard etc all at as reaiionable prices as can be secured anywhere give us a call 77 upper wyndham guglph st t pringlg guelph- a t illtown clltmiut amd utatiomul aoton c f gboodeve co d pringle miluil stooibt rcton the pest is always the cheapest my stock of watches was never better lcvuv tne thiirouijhly wan led i will not si ii 1 i id watch if i know it cu6lph

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