Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 20, 1902, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch aqonoral bankingbuoinosa tranoaotod qprrouponde nco sohoitod haviih depart inrnt interest allowed i alt and upward day of withdrawal no formalities dbuya in drawing money farmers dumuesa iilt lo farmers rtgltimato or one nor- day i dept lt t i 1 110 solicited notes of reap discounted and money loaned ioi nualneas purposes our cohpt uoirdpawmht has every facility or makluc rmi t rio notot nil on n handled and money nilgai ofujne at low rale of interest travollera am notified that the llank o hamilton and ita urnnehea uaue clreula noieaofthe provincial jtanv of intclnnd i lmlledwhlcb ranl caalied whin til v r ii i7tt 1i1iai oi i icf hamilton hhubllwhtl 012 capital paid ui s 09575 reserve fund 1500000 total assets 17071 759 jamta tuhwuuli cashier b forsayeth aoint qoorlgotown branch 1902 waejl paper decorations- tito liew leitor with more well paper lha w i itskinj will lllow you sample ikiy jrotrt him you will lo up to dale hoora moulding chas l nelles wall faf1x ouklph ije itaa jfree thdbbday peuuuauv a lwm lttilb local brieflbts whlort cuaht the ey otreaua of frm prvatsl raportara thu weak tba lc mu t doing a thriving boalneea ui n rattaraoo vacantly purchased the llvety bualneea of johnalone a co tba boya have oommeuoed playing marbles again hpring u auely oomlug tbaguelpb jfeoouia laul baa txd id lourq 1 ludler of toronto tot 2 500 mr david will abiaou offra tor tale bar brick bouaa and ova acrea on main btlml a good alaad stock baa been received al browoeaaw mill lhl winter tba mil will oorotnenoe operallona iti a week of ao mr wuuamfcraklne baa been appoint ad ageaa far tba blauderd idfe auddm company ol kdlnbargb ibe alrodgeel ufa otto in tba world mayor dike ol fort william who wtm in town with bl brotbar vary lulr mtiogly addtaaaetl tba mathodlel hnuday school or sooday afternoon o- a 1mnim recently phi lb naatbaxae tbroqgboul bla shelving tat bu hardware 1 penoabecw u doing a r vary llsaly hardware trad f tba pobllo gaoaraily u intud u tba epworth iacoa homa aodabla u ba bld ak iba rmuaooa ol um ulaaaa klo bil tnmttij aanog jldmlaitoo le abool a aoora ol yooog lolka lorcsad a latching party and vlallnd tba boma ol mr wquam qoiaay rrln laat vllday aenlo a sua aojojabla una waa apant bacralaxy j ii warra mporla tbfl mrabanblp of halloa farmara loatuau ui fttowiaf and lbt u la la advaaoa ol iba targa mambarablp ol laat yaay mr iaaao boyder who waa na dpwti by a rioioo aalf lo bla barn yard a wk or uo daya ago la alowly aooiarluh iroi tba rflaou o b injarlaa ba aoilalua tba aonwaraary aarvloaa ol kuo obarob will ba bald 01 monday ad matob luv h k dtokaoo or gall will praaob uiornlobajjd avanlotf i uia uoaor jodia qoibam baa luvti d tba uafiauaua ciiha ooonty to tiiul blm at tba ooarv boutf mlltoo baxt wad daaday lo oonfar on roattara ol lolaraat in ba kdmlalatratlonofjaalloa mim amy wbal u ujf baal wy ol uiiidk lima in tba wloiar llmav aald ft yoon man who poaaaaaaa a ana drlvaf and oolflt to bla yoan lady ooa mooullubt biht laal waak ula amy 8ulh it it ia tatbar a kad oo- inoldanoa tbat im ol lb stqaaalog youujf man who pullad in tba togaol war at tba valr barw ual fall bat alnoa dlad air hwaokbammr lu korambaraod mrt 3 lloaa on uouday ol ulu waak a kood parlor owik aud olbr wood atovaa alao ptpa lo aau obaapb a baoord winthh ohdbllb koii dtfuyatmv btllinq the news at home mostly tor a local charajbtdr and owarv itam ntoroatlno full ami rrmaturthi her wrimf it wadnaaday aa mini ada fraiteu daukbtar uf ei ojaoclllor kranulp wht bolda a poaltlon aa alanoarapbar and typ writer iu tba cly waa tfoiog down iran villa lllreat iba allppad on an toy pavamant and falllod baavlly on bar laflara fraoltiri ad two bonaa in tha wrut ulaa ftanol cama noma nail day and her injured ajiembar la protframiujl favorably bu tif u lmlr ol romtetl jtaiifoaa ilia 1j of uiluruy aaya al tha oonoart laat nltfbt of tba gaeko tiooiaty at itlobmond hall ulaaea jentila and majmlo htalaaf ttka ona aavan and tba olbar nln of auiod pnpila ofjtlpar gar- murray tnada tbair flraf baforo a tar onto audleuoa aud lapqlttad tbamaalaa lika pror vx coanoillt r and ktra hlalkef wjil ho doubt ba vary proad of tba aoaompllabmat ta ol tbalr illua daoffb laraaauoottlabdanoara aud enlarlalnara tba j w uaa or toronto juuo tlun formerly of aau n wbo baa aooaptad a bait dajlmflrprchad hufarwrll aartnoti laat hunday on ilalurday avoo inri at tba raaldanca ol dr a if larfacl tba manager of tba ihuioh logalhar wltb a toumur of lbs too in bora mat mr ha and praaantad blm wltb an addraaa and a baadaoma oak aaollonal bookoaaa tba voang iaopia a boomy of iba oliumb ajo mada blm a praaantatlon al tbalr maallnif on monday evanlt t hoimoua on i xohlhttlua llav ii a maepberaon- oommatioad a aartaa ol tbrrn aermorra on iba aobjaol of irnhlbltiun 1 kt 01 o lurch laat hanaay aveniuk ilia toplo waa tlia arga taenia thai ara bslin iiacd aijtliial i roblbllluo nil hutxlay avultik ibo argument which ara boin aaed by lioae wbo ara in favor of prohibition will ba jiwoiud and tba aerlca will oonolude with a third on wbaj aboul 1 ba tba altitude ihla cboroh phoojd uka in rauliou lo ljio rjuaallon v llochoy jtfalob tomorroytr mfht ktoaaya llookay t will try oooolna- iona witti uaoritlowu to morrow tilifh tba u- maloli waa won by acton and aa tba ueiu will no down in much at rod gar non tition victory ia a oanlldantly looked for tba turn will una up aa followa frad ltylr to1 jim bmllb point frank molutoli oover point jo uoyd fd uydar harry wllu and jaok aroior furwarda aclou will ba well repreaaaud by oar oluxaao kery rlj in town waa tngabad uat week for tba evadltttf coming and-gohig- vlaltora to and from aoton a varloua othar parwonal note a loacl tllllukluth canadjarj houih jifrlom mtetttorial a mm it an aaoalatioa under lb abo n bai baao omatilxad ondef tba palroaege ol tbalr 1 xcehancirfl tba pari and oonoua of xfiau baviog tba follow i otf objaou 1 to looata tba gravaa of canadian wbo bate loat tbalr uvea lo booth africa in tba eervloe of tba umpire alnoa tba boa lllithwicarameooed in 1ww j to oblalu hubori tlooa for ih arpoee of ralalnij au amount aafhoiaut la allow aultabla mem orlau balnf areolad ovar tba kravatf ol tba brava s to arrange for tha ereatiotl ol tba aald memorial hnucrlptlona will ba received at tba oflloa of tba merobanla ilank anton atnodtiu rooalvad alo tiamaa of anbacribera will be lorwardad lo tba treasurer major maod at ottawa j 1 wiuac muiwor sixty two yur at uouormblm uutotry fw 1 k olbar canadian dra lnar- anoa oorapanlea have aoab a lotm and honorable career aa tba old wellington of gaph oritaulaad in lio ii baa fcr all ty two yaara been before tba pobllc and ita abtlyaooud annual maaliut waa bald laat wthinaaday tbaaunual report pnbliabad in anotber ooldmnabawalhat a fair and aatufaolory arnouat ol buaineee waa irana aotad during the yar for iba drat half of ll about aamtuy tiree oooorrcdaa in tba aatne paililcif tba irvloua yoar but in tba lallar half there war a oooalderable daoraaaa from which iba oompauy pruot ad aa will be aeeii by iho mnauolal alau maul tbaflnanaialpoaltloaof tba oompaay la in a vary baaltby oondllloi wltb ft caraful board of director and with jujlc ioua mauaaiiiaut ibla old ealabllibad and popular oompauy will ooutluua to do a aalo and proolabidbiiiiiim j u umlllon ulaatvual uouumolal at unalpb are o6w ukloordari for oronuejaod marlu mooumaolato ba at op tn la aprlorf at reused prloa wilb i t apbmdld liaw alactrld ud bnauutolld tnacbjnary ul1 bllhntani u able lo axeouta far uioa tnd ullar work tbaii haralolora and in ordr to keep lb maoblnary ronulua all wluur vry low ralav- ta wurk now call at lb vk ini j it uatnuton gualpb tocoftbaoololmomh dav ta a uaaatlee uwwo qalul aa tauau a jroraatal v ordered oajrd to awmy vowtt ta jlimuutud iba fuku iuuaj ia in rooelpt of a lattar from mr jacob i bwaoabamof formerly of aolon wbo la now in tmot looaa ala mr tjwaokbamer baa wan aoifaged aa meobauial eloperlnleudant ol lh houtberrl a wealeru lumber co of taaoalaoaa ila lit a a large number ol man uudar blm tba nompny ia juit oooiplaunif a urg planing mill aud box factory and axpaot to itart oparalioua beitl month lb mill baa a oapacliy of 0 000 faat par day mr tjwookhamer aaya be llka tba oouutry wall uvary ooa la buiy aaading and rardeniug iba ueee ara all greau and tba bird ara binding iba mty ht iarg but lika rainy otbor llouthirn ohim ha uo aldawalkf iba old auva block tllll aunda lu ui oy atjuare i ataod upon tbli block my aau be aaya the olbar day wbaramiuy a alava waa auollooid lo tba blgball blddar lmlj ml iiomt in ylrviw iba remaiua of the lata mrs jfobn t brown ol ioi q oou 7 uraruoea waia laid atraallu felrvuw camalary on moo j ay itav w h qunum xi d oflloliuu mra browu waaalaad wltb plearopnatl moula about tau day bafora bar daatb and though prompt medic 1 aid wan aaourad aha gradually habk and breathed bar laat about mldoigbl on friday 13eaeed vu tba daugbur ol iba lata john oikbooi of bwkokhbtaere ulll and waa married to bar borrowing buabaud on tba ihtb deoim be 1h5j tbay lived for a 1 1 ma on a farm in lriri and than oama lo aotou reeldlug beta for horn flflaed yeeta in l7fl mr urowu eaoured luoratlva poallion in turril wbord iba family lived for tbraa yaarv in 180 they removed lo torouto and tpeul twalva yaara in thai city it- luruluifto adiou tbby recdftlnad hera for a year or ao aud lhetl removed lo iba larm parcbaaed ulna year ago lu krauioaa ibara wra lbra ohildrati in iba family but two daughter died lu oblldbood mr 0 ii drowu tbalr ouly aou aurvlvea mr urawu waa unob mleaniad by all wbn kuew br uka waa a mambc of tba muiojul cburoh llockwooj vlotarld uuilou titl htidlmatmhi tba violoria mlaiou llaud la tba youug aalorgiulitallou iu knox obutob lut u fiau aioaadlugly lively ou oo monday availing tba brat publloanlirlaluuieut under ita auaploaa waa given lu tba itolura rooti tba young paoput niodeelly hoped that a few would find tbalr way to tba ohurob bat weta moved to autbualaam when tba orowd tbat galbartd ovarlaitad lha aatiug oapaolty ol iba room a programma of k holla nl uiferll waa glvau aa followa i uauotlou by arthur orahil u holo a liolure without a frauir ualoolm uouuhru j uttluailoo iltuajaak mluula uakaaua 4 iidio iroinlaa- auula corry o ittslutlou tie piklfcd facj llrl vltirsuoa murray j ilulo uuarj wldlal blwp aouu llarvay t dlalouii a praatiul joka u clialimaii a adjria v1ut ii 0 ualtolluii by orel ikti to ltulu tl a kuiktlr- wl ltuby club ii llinkalluiu tb 1 mbar a veutlou iilk1 kfaubawa u guluruulo luuty- 13 duliua tum way tla uauaej it ihmlt- auuuaad u 13 hlolu0 by orobwilra alur tba progreniiua tba guaata wara luvited to pauuktt of rafrtfabtuiula lu tba olaaa loom up auira whra uauly ral tablea wara arritgj whtu tba orel kmklaa wrabelug rvrd ibout who could uol baaqotluuilodaled aujoyad ul blliglug aud uiualt duwu alaira au irtarlug waa ntda lor tba baiiaot of iba miaaloo hand and tba 1 rt iurer raporta tbt lltt waa tba reaull iluwawbuwra praeattl oil mun- daynlgbt will bop- lo alotbar aularuii maul ntider ibeiama niauaijauiiub 11 egohwa ro ii bligtogt al tbtlr irlla gatiifl agelti lu fl bna lit tba uarlnritnatad aavotaaaj aj iba garoo mlgbi bava baii aarrt ibo olbr day at boon ratloli g bla big driving abola when tba mcroury waa fllrtiug wltb aero poll ta through tbo ii wing out ol a valve iba engine h ii a power houia wa diaabled on muuday avanlng and electric light tiaeri werp dooarijuenlly i ot aaj had wltb ourr nt itapalr who oui lly mada and everything la lu good order again mr uoral carpanler at tha acton tanning co a works received tba aad in lalligenoalaat weak uf ibo death ol bla brotbar a member of kltobaner a iforee fn booth africa tba body baa bocrj embalmed and la now an route boma to toronto a parly of oareleea ooaalara on 11 rock htraet rati bualuil a ndy iii town on moo day afternoon tba contact throwing bar haav ly lo tba grouui no aerloua injury raaulud but while eoaaling a ao freely allowed oo iho alreola lha eeavatera bbould anarolaa al poaalbla prudauoa lltv j m ma preached nlvaraary arnioni lu 1 rln ciroalt on buuday ilav 3 it dyke ol hrln preached abl aermonu lu the maibodlat cburoh hvrr ifa waa arliud in iba aervlora ty bla brother iuv joebua dyka 11 p tha mayor of fori willi n two young mau tolug boma from a parly about three omwk laat balurday baornlug imagined tbay aaw a light lo lha obioe of aruold a clove taolory and a burglar at work thai cobalablt a ijiwhii and crabam wera aurimoiiad but invcall gatlon failed to prava that a butular had been oo tha pramuo a lively imagiua lion waa ail ibat could b faun f mrs c i akiuu ol midland baa aaut lo acton friend a cot a of tba midland yfn jvj giving illublratlona at d ducrip- lion of tba opening of tba flu liaw maibodlat church lu ll al town on tba tb intt tbacburch aud bchoolroom ara 71 113 fact tba auditorium ia 11x73 aud iba febool mom 337 and baa 13 claaa loouii iba uew edltlua oohj0 dw lb pedwood b p duuif jvuuar pnu aaya byduay bmilli managr and auperluuudarit ol tba caatla creak miulug and milling company u in tha city tlaaajalhal work on tba whaaler dill ground ol tba oompauy la going right ill ng- and that everything la avotabla for a buiy waaoi at ilia tnlur on monday iwoablfta of mluara wara jut to work on iba tnlna lu addition lo ihota already employed and ara engaged lb link lug an lnolluaou tba vein mr buitb ia wall plaajed with tba outlook and tba- work tint u being dona lo improve tba com pany a mining properly a ohand affair ivanrthoei camp la drlnulntr tha caudonlanaj wau fab 20 oojr towu people ara to ba favored with a vliit to aotooof thaiamouvorgablaatub known to tba ambaamant worldaa tba caledonian coucart company oompoaed of four artlila of au parlor riiarl thja prom ilea to ba iba- grabdaet ruualcal abd aocial avoiit of tha preeanl aakaoa tba oonoexl will bd bald lu lha town hall brxt wadnaaday avenlug sulb lual ll ll no am ill uudruklug to bring auoh a ao parlor organlxalloa lo town and u la lo ba hoped our townapeopla will turn out lo wdooma theia artlila lu llitlr uultiuaeuter- talnmant aniobt al llama tba com pany la balded by iba fimoua qootllah quteuot toug ulaa eia walker wbo la gifted with a dallghtfully pura aud avau aoprauoxoloa ol sxlendad rauga addod to an axdepuoually grioalul iliga appaajraboa mlaj walker la a haudaoma lvdy mr alfred b blurrok baot tba bunlorlia barllona voloa raoelvoa tburnlaroui ap plauaa al bla avary apparauoa lid boota wba lia u altn ply grand mr calboirt wallaoa the dutiuguiabed vlollnlat and plauolal la ibolhar mcbibar of tba oom ptuy aud ha ia popukrly retarrad lo aa beotund a greataat vloliout- aud lut but by uo iiiuin iuini tbla ipundld v gramma will barouudtd out by fipa major augua m fraiar obampiou danoat- aud pipar uu rprtolr of dautwj i no u j a hlgblabd fling bword ptlica beabu 1 ilubhaa ilwl ballora horuplpa ato mr fraaeraujoya tba proud dlilluollou of balug tba baal draed uigbuudr ou tba auga to ay ivauhoa oamp honu of bootlabd ara tobahaartily oougralulalod oo bringing lo aclott aooti a talaiiled oompauy tick lj for lha ouboart may la hid from auy mambarof tba camp admliolou jo iu dtoaiila loadultaapd 11 canla to cliil iran an acton mot nan clueji gound advloai urn to to the yraatmwntof conatlpatad uabluo tranaiaaaalavllaaaji ita readers toooo ulbula to tlila dolamu 1 you or your friend araaoliigeoeyon a bnlwlay trip or 11 ou lave rrlamlavlaluug yru dfwp a eiad to iba faaa mlaalunn of gll i viaiting mra jaa ffpime ac leu miaa minnie arltmu raluroad from tgrantoon monday mlea mry kalr lit llarllu vinted aotou frieuila but week mlaa anola utapban vlaiuj irlaodv in uuelpb during lta weok mr f joupb or ajftamploa vlailad acton irlenda laat friday mlaaeanalllahulmaaaud ma 11 r j pent hnuday in llvmptoo mr wm jubnton removed with bla family to forgo a laat weak mueulhalfoatarof uuelpb baa beau viaiting aolon friend tba pejl weak mr joe m moore of iba georgetown iltrau vjtited bla father a homa oo bun mre crewaoa uclangblan went lo ooolpb general huapltal yaaterday for treatmrul hx mayor 0 poutgbu of btratfurd pant a day or a tbla week wltb hit unola george mulbollaud lej mra i frauola want to toronto bu mori day lo vllt her eon mr edwin who waa aomewbal fcoriouely indlapoead mr goddard bbiw who haa been ktarney for soma time baa returned tj town and i reaidlog with bla parauta on aguea bt mr p iltuuereou m 1 left laal wed beeday for ottawa to ba preeent at lb opening o 114 iioum ol com men on tbbraday mlaa iaaaon ilia buraa at tba laolalloa ifujpllal lor aevetl weeka returned lo toronto tbla week alur a pood log a few dy u r eating with fruuda hers llev jamei living lou ol wludaor baa bean offerrd 3 000 a yr aud a fr par aonaga to beooma peilor of tha mat bod i el chorcb at pawaoh oily 11 i llky lo aooapt though ba had oonaented to go lo folrolaa llav t ii porbaa formerly of uburcbllh la bow aalllad al orilna man as paator of ilia iretbjurlab oburah iberv an inlaresllng la i la r daiorlpllva ol tbalr preaaut burroundluga wag raaelvad tbla weak from mra forbes by au aolon friend it will appear in tha brxt laaoa ol tba fa faaaa there baajean quite an aojojabla family ra uehn at tlia homa ol ay coanclllor harvey fark ava tbli weak mr and ura join hrown indian haad n w t abdura john culling ol mayvllla mich ara guel there the udlea ara a titers of mr harvay tba former ha bad not eati fur ip j ears and tba utlir for 33 torpid lioer la aotnattmoe raapohalhlo for oimcuti rfj gaatlon utatla ryil kl sla when m t wliat baadarji jlihu roitlp eion what fits of iletpoii icnry what fears ol liuegfikry w natlom wltliuiadlalresiarlar bating ui aotmuim of the alomadi ilia bad uslo in u tnuuu andao forth to make lb ut ui farar acaroety worth llvlnit pyapapala rnauttwl tun tori id hrar in lha case of ura j it jyjo n u h phnajjalthla fw wln was abrralanrferer her eularopnt made in mr 77ih year is that ahe waa corn pi tnly mrad ui u aa t all ita attendant nrbis aid jmlna aa oiimis have boon by a fntuifui tiaa of hoods sarsaparilla that a ta on all tl i u vo raana cirai dyam ala ai r give 1a t nntnt vigor cnj tone lo tha wbo o yetvm stocrtatclnc sale we ara through itook taking and wa find lhat wo have too many dinner beta and have decided o bold a peclaj dinner bet salo nolo aorne of our prlcca 07 lece seta prlnlrs gilt in 1 enamelled riilar prion lg oo aals prlcet oo y tinea pinner scle prlnlwl gilt in i lllumlnaled regular prico in oo alo prleo h 50 97 i hxn jiiar hta nt intel vilt and ulumlnaied rtnlar rvtcoiia 10 aajp prtrf 113 ibmnxits jlilri k and llliimln atcd regular pilco tiff 00 aala pi lea ll 5 00 ou3m3creat february sale la eignalura is on every bo of the centitne laxativ bromoqulnjnc ijiota veai a mu la cwaa clay pish i nur 1 1m un il 1 11 a full llilc 11 blniu ul i id i uli ly ll tho notod rea btore nud oh1ma palaob j pl wcreh cuelph the right house rs uamlllton i lavolini miowing 1 laci finai opportunities vlaa withakoahvanlagoof tha cbancq hi buy faablonabla and mhntjls at prlccatbat will figure up enough almoat to pay for if your ara dpi to dao drtt lh making tlicsb 3m hla01c plttofl watiiiuai3 good value al regular price great bargain tola at tbeca reduc ad fig urea i he yard formerly 3c 1 igurod aplaxaa and plain brges i5cvanl lormerlyo and 6oc bat in clolba and figured boleilea prdly dealgiw and kngllah woraled strt 35c yard formerly 50c atid yjc figured lviniina moliair gran adlpea and 1 nicy lledlord caito of thanks fritou fukk pumju pair rir bafora laavlng your town i fral ll my duty lo txtfrud to aoma ol lha olllaaiiamy barlfelt tbauka for tbalr klud a to ua during onrdayeriaolatloriaj doubtlaaa jou all ara aware ol tha fact taolation la aclilary llut ihla a pall was apeul moat plaatautly iba reasons being oral owing to tba bind grateful eudappreol atlva natura of my pstubta aud teooud lha lultftlgaui kiuduaai of tba poour togelbtrwitb tba board ol uealtva wll llugneaa lo provide lha uaoaaalllaa lor our camp 1 iterator allow ma to iuu that if ilia pal lent a a offer j it waa ibroagb nrglact or hitiorauoa ou part of lha buraa in ooucluilon wa ran join hauda in ibanklngour iltavanly falbcr for bringing ua aifcly through wliblng you a proa paroua 6ir and uo moraamill pox biuoaraly yoara kukax em ox aolon far- 17ih 1003 auc 8 wadnaaday jib uaroli auollon bkla ol farm farm lock itij implamantr iba properly of jar quaullfl lot si con 3 liquating bale ol a look alo at oua dock hal of farm at tbraa oolook terma l6 aud ulna mouths tarma ol larm mada kuowb upon application lo q initio or 0 vu uauaraixt atctlowxau it ia wlaa lg tpend your youth in auoh a manner that iu raoollaotlou ol ll will ba pleaaibl wbau you gal rjd btops thucouqiiand wdllkb offth qold iaurallraoioqululuaabuau aaeolj lu uiv hocurr mo a ay frteaueaale wbau you differ from tha gfat majority ol wlaa and good men 011 any important matter it la wall worth your wbila lo atop aud aak whether yoa may but ba in arrot absolute security genuine cartels little liver pills must bettr felgrllaturw o4 5aa p-c-shiiil- wrwc uakrw couilli allou la a vary ooiumou trouble among tufauu atul yauu abuuiaat at tba mm lima u u alroublatliat will ud to aarloua riaultall not promplly altaiijad lo and tba bowala ratlorad lo tbgir natural oondilloii mra ii htmabaw aolon aya i hava ban using llab j 0n lavbuta for about two month my baby wat vary ooualipaud bu blomauli way tour a id lia vomlud bla food almoai aa uou aa ba look il hu win vary oroa aud iul laaj and i bad lo ba up wnb blm many tlniaa during tha nlgbt a frlaud ariwued ma to uy tlaby a owu xabltlaand i got a boaeamr a t hrowua drug etoraj rtd aluoa giving them lo bin baby u alomaob u uwaet and bla bowela regular ha la ual oroee- alee pa wall audi do not hava to ba up with blm during iba btghl now i kp the tablat onhabd all lhainand would not la without them alnoa i know tbelr valur theee labials are good for oblldreu of all agaaralld dlaaolvad in wata oau be utvori wltb abeolula aafaty lo the yuuugaal lufaul tbey ara a oartain nura fur auoti troubles a aour atumaoh nulla- udljceetlau dirihoe lm 1 in lever an i nouilipatlou lliay break up oolda pmvsilt qiou and allay lha irritation anotimpaiilhg the out lleg of ualb hoi i umlar an ebeolulo nnataulea to oolilalu no opiate or other harmful drug 1 rice j1 oouu tlor te tahawaa agsa carters ip jttj ntchtaoitst rai dluikul fob tobpis uvuu fqi cqtlfatiat roiiaiuwiul retnccoruuw waaeataeaay cwaa 1 t cullfi siok mcadachk corda aio figured alpacaa hoc yard formerly 65c i lain luiler 41 incliea wide joe yard formerly 75c lo it 1 ranch j laufod molialri and btrlped volka anil ilalo lmierltia 65c yard formerly ii 18 and l 10 bilk and wool mlxlurea and grenadine a aillc mlxbd 73c yard formerly i114 ft 35 and tl i rencb lirocadea choice tlealgna and weil of fngland sitltlnga prleailey a mitei pulit and hcrrlufilkino effects hie yard fotronrly ii as 43 inch i au artnuro cloth medium welgbt i and i 50 yard formorly fa it m and ir figured irih fopllnaand voilea very hand soma and ityllali fabric tllkde lo i qil 1cd piocss btuarti fll luilanua of tbla masons moat ualilonable ntalerlala at a great dlacount in prlcea at is yard formerly 00 rough cheviot and tweed good weights and colora mt tu i table for rzntumes tklrta at hoc yard formerly 75c a toned kneel a and 1 lain cbevioli in navy purple garnol browni and groetia at 730 yard formerly i 3j and ll i anna bulling cheviot came a hair alao scotch 1 weed and clieck bulling 46 i inch golden hrowri teal oxford grey navle purple reneda dark red and other good lhade w nha be plcatu to trrrlvci youi ortlera by kuall traturd buycrvntr nt your gervlro nkitl your vrauli irerrivrj the gjtmearrtul uud trouiti nttciitlorjoji if you hboppd la ihnott ordrrg to the extent of fi and ulwnrtlm tiro tent chargcjt imld to railway htntlon lu ontario thomas c sstatfcins king st eaat cor hughoon st hamilton hjvc you uu11 iiiom clknul bloqir wnnti ijjndc of finest bnlliintaip ic i rillly tucltcl jiid pli ulci k clcinng purchrfbt in ide i ut wtc k 1 l ttil lr price would j 5 cli lut wc ir lling it 175 ilnvc you slcii the r it price inducemi nts vc offer in the choice of our lidilind mia c doa uid iieket 1orinitiiice 8 so eo it rorj50 1050 roit for si 750 coats for sjjbe 1 1 t arc t c oll have you ecu tlie extraordinary vilu our k 1cbruary sale hys before 011 m silks and ore 1 goods 75c pure laftctasilk jttc 50c color d drc goods ajfc 75c black ores goodiklc it our lettini i6 time in dress goods have you seen the cktring piice we ofter in tur caper- mes rufts oll irs gauntlets and i urlined cnpco si s grey lamb cape for ij if you havent ou ihould e k bollert fe co 25 anil 27 wyiirtliam bt gukbpil nelsons big removal sale in full rswing spoclals for tho isalanoo of thlts wook ordkrkd clothing 33 lull ends fine imported scotch and hngllib woraleda and tweed uw ocula regular price from lia lo 13 a iult lo day iiqw to order 7 iult audi da vo tila sr blue abiolulely fait colur regular price i14 and 33 a tult to day lirj 00 to order 13 null end imported and canadian tweodi regubr ptlca i16 17 1q a iult todiy f 14 13 to order made up in tint claw it via tit and uoiknmnihlpuniurpaiiod all union labor he member we do juit what we ud verities our half prico hat si la la alill oo x e merchant tarlor and gents furnisher nelson 9ewyndham st quelppt direct prom pkris french worsteds for gentlmens wear two cases french worsted suitings and trowserings from auguste domule paris prance passed into stock today now would be a good time to plclcyour spring suit see them in our window watch repairing specialist wc iiavc engaged at high saliry a specialist on watch repairing skvkge st co i ine watch repairer l oukliph 4 4- 4 i stinter 1 sale saturday morninc the 15th february we start a clearing sale of all hneb of winter goods consisting ol clothing mantles furs fur mantles heavydress blankets coods everything cut to cash in order to turn them into money this is your opportunity to buy goods at your own prico j a mcintosh i son i f 77 upper wyndham st i guelph i d e maconald ov bro the lion cuelph t uluu heedeiiha bowavar auuolllg aud dlauaaaiug ii poiluvely oured by lftka lvr llllj lbuy ata aaay lo lake aud uevr grltw it ia bo alii to apak and writs good ug lleb though mauy gviod mn if judgd by tbalr aelluna j pear to ihluk au llagyard a yullow oil la prompt lo tte and ouia oougbw nulla tor ibrosl eln in tba ubeet buatavtivs juiuay ale lrio- c f goodeye wlah to inform ibdr uimy cuatouiara liat iliayjuwqu liaildi full aaiuxtmeill of grocarui ory goodi mid crockery and till up to data iti lha grocery diiartmeul we offer you 3 iba bilteu for qbd 3 and 4 lbd prunes for 25o j lb cooking 1lyu for 25o 3 lbn haloliim for 2fio 3 ibd gurrtuita for 25o in jam w hlvb the j lb and 7 lb jwll which we bell at 5c and 70c repoctlvoly vlr blrawborr peach uuapberry 1 lum etc iu cauned good we bave a full at nek of no 1 gooda fcucb aa iwa com 1 omatoos lumpkliia 1 oaxbe loir llnejpla imt hi iba dry goods and crocunry departmuni we bave j well kiaurlcd htodi i ive ui a cijl and y u will u pl g f aoodbvs oo juull strdst rcton month ebmnants of dress gtoods flannelettes linings towelmgs lweedslinens cretonnes sheet ings pillow cottons silks etc also a host of odd lines in ladies childrens and mens shoes l ull at greatly raducad prices la claar btifore stock taking we have a few ladieb jackets natty new garments which we will clear fchie weok at prices which will insure immediate sale come early and often h6nderson st co jutlll sthcton

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