bank of hamilton georgetown branch agonoral banking biminosu transacted correspondence solicited savlih dtarlmnt interest allowed on lumivl oni lloi- iak anil upwanu rtm ley ilrjl in day of withdrawal no formalities and no delays in drawlm money fanners ituhimvm solicit oj notes of responsible armcr discounted and money loaned 1or citimato dualneu purposes i our vaauh tion doparmnmt flu every ability for making promt t returns 8alc notes handled and matitty advanced on ft ceo mil ofaaraeat low raleauflntotoat t t travellers arc notified lhat lliailank o hamilton nd its 1 ranch luo ciixula notes of llt j iovlncu hank of fihumd limited which can bo cube i without charj r hi in wy uh2 t th jieai ol i ick hamilton xuubuahaj 0 73 capital paid uj 190575 icrvc fund r 500000 tal asset 17071759 jaukk tukmruii capillar b forsayetii aoent qoorotown hrranoh i0o2 wall paper decorations tlio imw efcauon find lit with mora wall 1 aporiliau over too 300 ltd is i11 olock w i iiskinl will show you sample iluy from him you will bo up lo jala itoom moulding lo match chas l nelles waul fapxx oetelh ije rtott tt6 tyres tuuhsday vbuuuauy 37 1003 uttle localbbieflets which cautfht tha uyom or eake of froo praaa lauortera thla woek february and lo morrow maple auga aeaaon will boon ba br third moqthuarcbou tutardy the wbeela bava aala been put luto ooramueioa now or the valla lo keep off mm rob a aauoiotf wind a tba bright warm weatbeir laal wuk played bim wllb tbe uibli tha nail meeuoe of iioeaiq ooancil will ba held 00 th 17lb of much tb lee harvest coulluuds j are lurnm ara pallia in ioe i baa uatial tba fewt offim baa pal on it aprlng drees of palui and papa and looks tuuob improved zthm roadaalprtaentara in a bad oon diuoo neither wheels nor runner oat be o j wllb oomfort ur tbomae jibbee bad fala right ool badly oruleed by a heavy pomp lotf falling upon it on day laal keek thla long spell oi suttwuea weatw moat jar lb women who like lo aaa tbslr bmbaoda taka exercise before bceakfeat tba laobuloa boepitel uou have been takan down and alorad iu a sbej ott tba beardor farm tb malreeae air war barnad two axoslleoi adooatlonal artoou rf piaadud to tba uaibodut oburoh on sabbftib laat by u j m llagair of aoloo erin advocau a baabala of tbla town baa ban try 1dj for tba paal twenty aara i o photograph bla gld on bla baarl and all ha ha rrwr flotun of bar la a bagalive ii la b old id thai cltlokana ooan boma a trooat- ya oblokaua bava mora udn than a lot our youuj rooatara wbo aiay oot almoat uutll lha break of dy tba bark ahada at tba unitarla hava pratty wall ailed up again lha paal two month tbowaanda oi oorda of bavk bava beu taeaived alnoa lha opablu of the year at tba orand uounoll of tba iloyal tamplara of tamparaboa iu quelph uat weak oooxty oouniltor 1aaoook waa leoiad mamber of tba qrabd co u doll eooura it a dealrabu thai th ioa b oloavii off lbapaamul aa aoou aa poulbla hul tba aaa of uaa for llila purpoea la vary lu jortoaa the pavamaula lu everal putka to town bava baau aarioukly dniiaj by ibia maattf therabr growlorf aigua of ilia uiar nea of eptlui uor warutb lu lha kim kaya mora brl in lha aby lliora ln lenjaimy lu qulok ohangaa from auow llurriaa ta auuhlua and baok blalu all point to tba bud of whiter ho dintd iho langlhaiilog of the daya dciyoij wabl atil elaai polala if yotl do o lo clad hopala k good patlor oouk abd ohr wood atoa alao tlp for lala uhaap u a 8oord wintuh blulnq j ix uamulon a iaoirio1 mouutnautal woi ka at uueli h ara n w uklujf ordara for arotllle ab i w4rl li mauuiiijia lo ba ah up la tbaaprlnt al nduod pioa willi iba aplaudid baw alattrlo and pueuiuatio machinery thla aalauultniaitl n abla lo oiaouu r tit r abj batlar work ll au bofatotora bud in ordai lu ksap lha tnaohlaery ruuujiu wiuur v jw valaa ara being jvab fur work orderad dow jh tbe worke or drop a bard to 7 ti uamlllotauapti the news at home luntly or at local charaotor and voev itwm interostlntr m- lead to ibo tfui1brmt appretiintvtt iho follqwhig teller raabhed lha kc 1 oialbaotliordajj iear hlr throogb tbe kindudaa of an unci a in your town i rcoelve your paper every weak i wrtu lo eay i am alwaya ploaaad to receive it ilia material whloh it oonulna of a hla1 and moral eltnijard an 1 refleole great oradlt upon the mauagcunenl wiahion you every euooeaajl am yonralruly j u ilrown inhau head n w t knob eplallo iial rally kuo ku inoantlva to do bolter truer work in the future and thu will alwaya be uia aim of thla journaj imiivlllc0 llny with mew mttortem thereupayera u will ahortly vole on iy law granting loaue to two new tnanufaolurlaa willing ti locate in lha lakealde town the ktar aaya in iew of the aubmllung of tboaa by law the croaaln company and tlie kilaley company wqra rwjujred u depoalt with lha town two hood tad dollar raoh iryoaaalhe by lwa ara carried the money will be returned if hy lawa are defeated all elpenae oi the vole will be paid oat of tbe depoell tio that if the by lawa oatry the low n paya the bill if they are defeated it will uol cm the town abythlbg enoepi framlug the by la- our uualcjfyal o nicer sot orerjmltl ilrampton wlul a popalatlon about double thai of aolou pay three tlrneiaa mooh for municipal aajarle ee our conn oil jow ihelr munloipal oflloera for 110j have loau appointed a follow t j uuiui clark etr umi j j uabniig iraaaurer lido a n uroddy colleotor of tax and water ralee jtl tboroaa uoora roadmaalar 1100 jaea porry town aaaeakr h0o w 3 lleatty oon alable bj1 per month h ilayeon car a taker ijii wtu u outer cemetery aex ton u0 foul 81 h0 aolona ofuolal for dolug almilar aervloa reoelvlng icm as fallow 1l d graham aaaeavor eolleotor koadmahter oaretakarof all knuniolpal and aohool j roperty ac jm 1 t moor clerk and lraaurer 1c0 j lawaou eonelebli ac i on won liooruato an 01 iliuialu oiowd of hpokey dayara anl ihelr adit irnta nuiiilxriiin 134 ufl at toil laat 1 t tay evening for jnrgetoii abton plot met an i defeated lhat of leorgalown in a rra oil which waa tlhe re- enlt of a protaat anlarod by tlia taller agalnal lha aof n club having a player in lha dial gainb whoin lha uejmgalown hookaylku claimed waa not enlillvd v play rllowaver tl e aolon tx ye allowed ibalr buperiorily aa hookey layer hy winning wilh a boot of two goal o none in a pi la of lite faot lhat ibay were lu a alrauge rink and up ailiiatolnb thai did not know lha rulea of the gamo and thai trvtiueotlr in i took the aotoolmya fortha puck the taama lined upat follow cohing and going vlartofai to and from aoton an various othor parwonail notoa tim raaa 1 aaee utvtlaa all iu tilbuuiqlbiaooluuin if yoa or u rriot aolm away on a bqlulay trip r if yoa bava fiunda vuluoa ym dnp a card la tba vl m u 11 mi lib tout j iliollti cj 1 unllomid v ilyur a uololul iiraduy k ufiur vurwarja attt un liovd cootie lufarea ii v oflemgeun the puok waa foal aharp at u oa and immadululy wnlln the dlreotlon of tu hoiiingial where ll atayed rini of lha lima during ll e hrat half wlutout a v great effort oil the part of the vuitor jh home leani layed rod b liradly made aaivagaltaob on one of tba aetna plaver i he hoy think he would b lu hi element if bant to 1at aavage bot i but of placa in a gentlemanly kama of hookay 1 f20 tlie uutoa j mvw reporl lha paauag of the following reeolutlon by the omoiil uoard of ontario htraet matliodlal churoh in that place relallva lo i lev vr ci fford who waa fur lhra yer lh patlor of the uethodut churoli bare tllaaolvod lhat in view of the harmony and increased proeperily of our church for lha peat yaar lhat we dealr to place uti record our ap praoulloii ot the aervloe of our paator the luv dr oifford wa rcogniaed th fot our uraaaul tlandlug aa a ohurou la largely due lo hu bntlrinp cfforu and marked ability both aji a preacher of lha go pel and paalor of the people an j that wa aa a board heartily invito him lo remain aa our paalor for a fourth year a eeoond raao lull 011 ruatui comphmeiilary referuca to the aervloa of ura oifford iu the in urea i of th ohurob jur hluatd daudhiermiu xiutntl a juurxul very pretty wadding waa aoleninlaod at lha homo of thorn 1 lllotl liq of theaeoondllu i aijuealng a ml j blow aotoo on wodtjeeday afternoon 10th inal at four o cloak at that hour mr joeaph m xugar ii a pronouuoed the word which benienlad lha bond of holy wadlook utwaeu mu lilitja iba aldaat dauhtarof the home aul john v uo dowall of lhuthoum the hrlda waa attended by her auur mia alloa trnlmr william mcdowtll brother of tba k aoud a groomamau tbe bride waa daintily ooattlmed in wblta aatib and tba brldoamald wora a becoming gown of blue lhellalot gueelh waa ooiiflued lo lha ibl medial frieuda of lha oontraaliug partie mr and mr modowall will teeld at lha loroulolimacoa worka at dolly vardeii thialathaaeoond daughitar mr aud mr uiiioll havelvu lu wadlook witblu thra moulhi jjl aia rowh xfablar under lha above baadlug tha toronto jimollou ziurahil jueordtr in it uat eaua made tha following tafereuoa lo iba ronl einallbcta outbreak bare aolott enpeola to eend a good aiaad smallpox bill toloronto jubollou connoll for payiueul on ot thaaa day aooordlug to tha aolou tiikht fux4 ii appear 6ma praoa paaaod lhrough tha juuctlou by train aud medical men her worn turn monad to tba tulioti to report whether th aforeiaid paraou had auiallpoa or uol xhay report ad ibat aha had uol and af ur alia got to aotoo ii waa dlaooverad that ah really had auiallpoi 1 h juaatiou up agalual ua bow if la lha town llablat for lha information of tha itaturud ricardtf wa would fcxplaln that lha anamination wai waa made by tha uadloal health omor of xorouto juuollou aud lb tuld madloal lltallb ofllor gav a twrtlfuaw lhalb lady waa uol afillotad with auiallpox at twoothar poiula at leaat lu tba dominion lowu authorlllo have baau required by action in tbaoourla to reooup tha muuloi palillaaupou wblob tbey badaimllaily uu loaded ibalr amallpox auipaola ll look vary much at if tha towti i llabl au xttjayuliasiiiilmlqmlhtrluil lha 1 p worth ieagua iloolabla at tha retldenoaotlhamltaaa nilaonmill otraat 0u tuaaday wa a vary iutaraatinif and tborouglly anjoyall affair lha mlataa nelaouhava tha faculty of maklug thalr guaali perfioily al horns aud lha ofllor of lb xaatu gav ihiin all naoeeaary tiala- uboo lha foraparl of th avanlug apetil iu uuuiuou game aud auuilry diver kiou thla waa followed by a well rellderad prograuiina of alavau uuuiber aa follow i hlouou otoliaau 9 luuug how uhe won him uua clara uooia 3 cullo uolo uuard wl 11 i ull ur cuaruauaaou i dual 1 molt lbavs ur i william ur u uim q kilo uulur aoaniiuailuibut luv mr uaitlua c llmtllug olorr wejdlug dr- ur 11 1 uoar- t kola he rllounuju ulu howe- h nolo flullar aadouilmiultiiaiit lluv ui ualliluu u luilluu juiiy u a t 1 bow 11 jo quutelia ilauolug or th wav uuwj uittlit- audlalugauj uhi wihuniaaud lluabaud 11 lieluoii oiha-lra- tba part vraall wall taken aud enjoyed by tba largaoojnpany it will not ba 0011 aldrad luvlillou if upvola tefarauoa la biada to tlisiilnjid aolo with gulur ao- oompanlmeut rendered by he w h mo alpine 11 a in addition lu lb arrauged imnrabiimaula lleri huuuy of quelph reudaredu iniiuber of piano aeleotlous wllb niuoh a lofpubc afurtha program lb rmfreahuieula wore daintily aervedaud thus a moel auooeaaful aoolal aveulug wa 06 u olujail al ihu mi boapltabla bom klng hum ptoila think tblug tbey dun i aay hlid other ay lhlig they dou i think btops rhuoouquand wohkti ovv th coiyd laum juhitua lab eukaurd aookf u4 ho lay i t oiuoiuu oond half bogen with tha viat 1 tuh for tbe georitatowii aud loorlurf lu about a titiuuta ltydar wa hjii over tha faooa for a roet for five minute and the rafarcw refoead to let blui back until ton mlunle had elapeed thl wa only on oaaa where th georgetown team we favored while uyder wa of tha ioa tha vialtor scored another goal iii a few minute after tb fir at no mora goal worn aoorad ou either aide though the puok wa mott of th time in the aolon boy hand ono or twle die home uam mad u ruuh with all available atrengtb and number but the vmtorxparieaoed nortrouble in keeping live ubbr away from their goal thus tlia gaina ended muob to tl dlacomfort ol lha georgetown g ttragetloti thay ara 110 doubt aellafied that whau it ooulv lo playing good hookay that thay era uol in it wltb th allien boya who hava prave1 that limy have al nail a bla fin lo lh cup for whloh ihoy ara ooiipetitu aotoil pleyj urn williami no lha georgetown rink ytl lay evening of thl week aud lbs clark of georgetown a week later lit aolou club i making arrange tbe til to havo a apaolel car rntl front georaown to aelon after tb coming int ara ojwr ou which all call return home tha aaiua nlghl icttax church anntvrmry all u ivor tary aorvioaa will b held iu knox churoh nxt sunday harmon will b praaohadbyllav pr dickaon ot central church oalt dr dlckaou iuuo ttraugar lo knoa charolt and la alwaya oordta ly welconiad by lha congregation to blra waa given lha honor of organluug th chrlallanrudovor rtoclely aom uu y ago aud whloh has beau attended with to much auocaai xh choir will render tpaclal mualo lha usual annlvtraary au urlainmau will ba omitted ihuyear liquor men not uuitbd ti10 hotohntin dttoldo to praa for horn chanuoa in tha pro hibition ulll lh liquor man ara dlsatltfled with hon 0 w itoae prohibition buasura lino lblulroduotumcr tha bill tba exeoutlv commltl of tba ontario lloauaed vtalual lixara ataoclatlou biva bad savaral meet- luga aud hava daoided lo praa lh oovernmanl lo inak ohangea iu iba bill that would mak tl mora aul table to them the pre tit proportion of tha vol on lit referendum 1 uutucwbl la tha houl bleu aud thay will make a demand uiat the ooudltlou be changed ao that befor a prohibition is given a majority of lh qualified voleia will bav lo vou ia iu favour thay will further demand that a com penaatiou ctauia b pi aoed iu iba mfcaaur thar lua been talk of changing tba data ot lh vote on lha rafareudabi to january from oalober 14lb xhla tba holalmati 111 protiit aglbtl thay waul tb referendum vol lakeb aa aoou aa poaalbl ao that thay may l all early in th aprlug to tuaka any improvtmtola lo ibalr house it ll polulej out thaluo improvo- itiauta will ba mad it bolala until lb prohlbltloo qaoatlou baa buu aattud loacl nmifluto naaaagawayagot througu their amall pox outbreak at a ooel of 30 35 for 30 vaccina potut and til 00 paid to dr 0 id flail for uim aarvhw aa medical haalth otqcar a couaart larrau future jju to ba bald id lha town hall uudar th aua pica of ihallaptuiy v u lufollowiug talent baa baau aaourad mia wellaot dramalla rvadata of ghloago mia laxl chark of loroulo miu molaod aud ilav w 0 maalpiuogorgatowo try a aaok of aotou ibiur ou aala al gao ho par f a til v be llttl oha arw bubjot to cold anil th llaault i dangarou unualrorntt llametdlal utui ar takan tha lilt out ara afj lo lak oold tu niattar how oarelully a uiother may try lo preveul ii while oold may aifeol tjhilj- rau lu diffarsub wayu th inalu aympaoma ara utually thai tba child grow oto lit skin hot lhappiu tloku aud lh child quit fevariih unite iuiuethlug la dona at ouea lo rellave asliupu oold th rulb i ofteu very aariout to various that uiauy child ufa hkhbaeh liui 1 her j i uo niedy thai can iqual ilabya own lauet lu cat df this kind lba tabul i roinj tly brak up cold and oarry away lha pulaououa utaltar lhat baa bu ralalu ad tq tha vyauin lly dolut that thay tduotlh fef er 1 tba ulea utvjouu bar tnsl lh atpetlla 11 roatorad aud tba ohlld i sgalii wall aud happy mr o 1 1 aria llfockvill out aay i alwaya ua ilabya owu labial for both uiy ohlldfeil aged tbre aud bv year whan lliey tr al all uuwall wboil my htl la girl waa a few mouths oil aha bed l bad attack of whooping oougb slid 1 luurul tb tablets very beuflis tlluoa thai time i always keap lhm in lit houea ready for be when tha ohlllrti ara troubled with ullouui atty drtfaa maul of th bloiutoh ara vlautbrtrtful ur when hey hava a obi j i always ua tla tablet- aud am always iloaaed with the keeulta heaa tablets ara a urulu qui f r imob trtjubuaau 00i10 aour stomach indlueatiou rhoas uonttlpatlon almpu fwr aud oold lliey prevent oroup eul allay the itation acooiuiaiiylng da cutting of teeth 11 ey ara wild un lr an ahtolula guarantee to oontalu ho l or iither harmful jug may iw ii- fr m trajgiii or will be aeul poet paid at jfr oeule a boa byajireeeiuwtba dr william medicine t llrookvllle major i uranl mra wra gumey of krln u spend in weak with aoton ttuttd mia margaret llowee visited bar bomot el dqanwnio o italorday and bnnday ur ii 1 rahem a i landed tba grand rlr ao ii wtl tmohio hut weak ltov aad mr llagar want lo toronto on tuaaday to attend lb 1roblbluoa convention mr john uraea and uaatet oecar want to holland liuidiag and newmarkal blat weak lo vtalt friand tber mlaa rlasaey of geoneeiowo and miea hart huouy of goelpb war goewl of tha mlaee nelano thl weak mr pdw ymlay f lb kinlailh iaper co bl galbarlna waa a walooma aallar al tb kaaa 1 aaa on katurday mr kdwin vranol wa bom from toronto for a vera day daring lb weak raonparauog altar bi reoaat ilioaeo mia hue ibaralon wbo i alayln wllb raletlva in trafalgar al praeeot apeol a eoapla of day last weak wllb acton friend ur auxander mcdcoaid attended tb annual meeting of tba han having and i an co of which b 1 a shareholder toronto laat wee mr maodaon of georgetown wa la town on ilatarday rib o nrganlxtng tclaa lu moal bar la tb mobaruelbod mrr a tt nlckhn u to kllbrid oa ilatarday and spent savaral day with bar daughter mta dairy 1ablto hobool tbara mieajeeeia niakha wbo ba bean lb goeat nf mr jam first brook and olbee friend at xaoelangaibaaa ajao new year rata road bom on ualorday mr joeepb ya vnetalaed a fall on tba blraal a wee ago laat ualorday and ba sine been very ui and confined lo bla boj h i slowly reoovaring however mia maacbrvn wbo went to ham la soma lima ago to tik a altnatlon in lb bom of mr r u nlcklln ba been taken aarioaaly iii ai d rvmoved to lb general hoaplla tbero w era happy to bay that councillor john mogibboa wbo oandilloa ba bean very ontioal tat tooorw than a weak 1 bow aomawbal better and it ia bopvd lbat b will reoovaf mnmdmmt mr it j gnrney wbo recently accepted a poeltlon with th t klon co toronto a bom over bubday mr gtrny a ub plaaaed with bi new situation lit removsl from aotod is bowevtw rrgrauad by hi many frlonda mr chrialopber uaaala who w partially paralysed several month ago hi uert oonflced to tb bona all winter us i gradually improving now and ii 1 hoped with tb oomlng of spring b will b able lo ba about again meaera j u waluoa w uurk l franoia uv il a mabpbaraod a t urowu jqbnhkqbdyk and j law uu v i paid a fralnrnal vlall to bl clair lodjc milton laal- tburadsy evanlny tlia d d g u wam paying hi official vuit to lha milton lode mrs joei oram received tb bad inlaiu gano co hobday of lb dealb of bar toother mi mary weed th day before at tb family taetdene lak city vu mr oram waa bom a year ago laal hummer to ee bar mother afur many year abaeoo liar boelaof friend ber nym pautia deeply with ber in bar prvoent baraavemaat mr ikuttal ilrown wbohaa bead spend lug tb laat iwo month with bla parent aud olhar friend her left on monday for lut portage whar bi pr tool pel bo si nee louielt ar centred mr ilrown ba bead lb tb korlli wee for lhl year and bl euuuueraaa bridgq boildw and noo tractor bav bebd vary gratifying u u on of th moal anooeaaful hmong lb many ontario young mod who lav goo lo tb weil aud hi old fruod bar oougratulal hibl upon thla proe parity auction balk tlugiatbr your alose j 1 1 141 yimi abou i brrallm tbrousb tjr lt 1 1 f tj li llmre wtien your c- i 1 i 3 i vo4isit t rrallwlfanmcblt j i 11 rihicb ifla ntuulb la alwb lw tunc and it la repeclallr itr timir lelbata uaeuea bar born watak r i by uhi scrolulous condition of tba umms imi wblcji calartti acpeods ll kg vlngw hocrncibtowil t- r ri aufrt for ytmt ii1mmou1 if l i iiju aa a rinctna hla ear i i itmibl b rra tbe throucn one of ih illi ik r ilrar hie brad tu lvl wiveral catarrh epetdac nl idi i k alrrlvrd rki bcnelll ba wa 1 llly c i enronjinj to bis own nl ly hoods sarsapariiia tula sreat medicine faulcjilly im par- n hhh lly curea caterrti by rlranalna ua fabwml t i ill lln u tba wlwoa ayetfq uwv riluuiuwlhwuacauuu be cood time to buy i we have suckr a a rule you can buy sugar cheaper in february and marcli than any other month in the year we have jut received one carload of the beat granulated sugar which wc will sell at s42b per ioo lbs tho notod 1tea 8tobe und oiiiha palace 7 jwcrek cuelph instructed icl jll the right house lraaxramd 11b43 hamilton s i avouith bllopping placf tpaanxy iru miacn- sal of farm block and implemanu lb property of lb watat of th lali jan h keith widow oi lb lit dunoau kaulb lot 10 nod 9 eequa- lug bslaal on oclock term 10 aod tight monlba wu uakleramay abciuul r wabukbiy sru miacu aucuon bau of farm farm tuok and unpumaou lb property of jar qaabtlo lo4 91 eon s ltquaalug bale of alook aid at on o olook balaof farm at tbre oclock term 110 aod bin mob lb term of farm mad known upon applioatlon to mr qoautid or lo wu hawtsraaay atctiouaaa ulyriuiiv oni miacu sal of farm alock aud impumanu ib properly ui andrew it obyua lot sit oon 9 kwiu lug adjoin lug aoton hal at ou 0 dock taroialloand binbi04ilb tuwavlbaaou anolioueer to cunu a c i onb dav yak a laxalle luwno qolulrt vaueu tmit absolute security genuine carters little liver pills mutt boac sltpnaturw ol the new goods are here it a urn now tor buylnjrmany thing lw spring and boro 0 tha stock to make your selection eaay t lie vprlng ion com ajrlb u 1 axier being almou beat door lo ba bouk or tlfjb new dltkuu aoodj among tb many choicn 1 alrlcs that am already to bo saed hern are already to be teen here tbca besull fut thing colored vtmnica j inch harris uuiapr in light mid and dark greys lhihl and mid caaior browd light and mid liu and sofa erven will mak up splendidly lor apruig coaiumca or weparat skirts iwd qualille j5c and t yard clyde boiling 6inciie wide shade of castor fawn rdeda o x ford giv and navy blue vry alylixh and fetching f i 10 and vi 15 yard i6 inch clvd suiting fin eav bright tmlalt and very die4y ahaiic of light mid ami dark rey mid and dark toxvy and new recii this la priced at 35 yard 56 inch venetienne in oxford and navy bin ahadra very fin weave good bright finish and very band some cor early spring wear this comes at t j 54 loch cheviot navy blue heavy weight and make up well 4 qualities lrlce 81 00 i 35 tr 33 anr 50 yard inch ham llevvrsibla suiting in shade of oxford grey and green and grey mixture ty stylish and priced z oo yard cheviot friesa and homespun suit lug j 54 and 5h incbe him flnltii and particularly approprdl for early phn coatume or aklrt price at 65c if 00 and 4ts yard 54 inch uroadciotll french mate with a permanent chamois finish medium or heavy wehhl aayon prefer and in five qnalltle priced at i 13 t 50 itjts i io and j yar1 4f locli gllk grenadine vuh broad narrow or in fancy asiln over alrlpe thm nuallilea and priced al ll 35 and si hj yard h inch crepe d coene light weight very aoft and allky finish and banging peculiarly graceful j loch wool taffellrwr with dlluiy over strip of silv thla cornea at if 35 yard 43 inch wool voile french m ake aft light wdcbl yet taking on the tnosi rracnful diad and am i able for either indoor or outdoor wear vi 00 and t 55 yard and 44 inch with silk spots at i 50 our salespeople in the rur s6ction jhck6t section costume s6ction to lcii all good 111 tliusc lltiom up to mirch 1st regardlch of whit they co t wl mill ii ivt- 1 ood bulcl stock ol fur jacket fur c tptfiiio fur ruff fur caps gaurfllctb which we arc determined to close out ai o ladios jockots and coals mlssos lotifi and short coats furllnod capos homospun costuinos walking skirts all 6pwhieh we want to et rid of this week wo arc not shrinking from a prt ent lo to imke sure of our purpose it will pay many a one to buy now and holdover until next winter wc make it worth your while e h bollert co 25 and 27 wyndhaui st guklpli e month wap slvsjl b kicaitfd to rcaaelve yokir orlrl by toaall tralacd baycra tarv at yoar urrvlco aud yonr vranfu rivo tlie kaaao rl bl ttnd trosupt tattauoiiaa if youkhopped ju ttrau orderattollx extent r and upward arc itent cbarxc paid o any rallwaiy kfatlod in ontario thomas c watkms king st enst cop hughson st hamilton jtotice of hemoiral r b n6lson 99 uvndhrk st will remove in a few w1li 10 llutuolabeiwmd 111 truun hank wl clitt ihe jiww ummc wytulhim st tl contractor ara t work runodlla tbo whol iwemuc wltcn trjmrllm i nrr6ct to iiav it very comrileta up to date uote xa tltinlrt 1dm lolntl 0 lifer sotno tpodx xluellucklil ututurob4 th1 1 am lelermlnil to clear mil licfore movlniv tuul if you vatcll ihu lac you will flail fcotuelhlnf to interest you tit balance of my full hutu at huir 1rioo shlriii worth si si 25 and si go at 75a uaoh r e jstelson ome lxaasi only 99 wyndham st gents ifurnisher quelph merchant-tailor-and- i stinter j 1 sale i remhants of dress goods flannelettes linings towelings tweeds5 linens cretonnes sheet ings pillow cottons silks etc also a nost of odd lines in ladies childrens and mens shoes all at greatly rated prices ti char before stock taking we have a few ladies jackets natty new garments whi we will clear this week at prices which will insure immediate sale come early and often h6nd6rson go jucil1- st kcton burpees seeds are the b e sitr that can be grown ituknl werul ir or ulttj uluwu rower y dtu il burpccg farm annual for 1902- will 1 uw a tt a uaaiagjlacflean b0 ctuu ll it huluu free let 11 uetlr tettd your ddtt4 topay w atlee burpee co ph i l d klph i a f continuation of the alteration sale saturday mominc tlie 15th february we x start a clearing sale of all lines of winter goods x consisting of x clothing furg mantles fur mantles heavy dress blankets coods everything cut to cash in order to turn them into money this is your opportunity to buy goods at jour own pneo carters if ji- fockuueaf raa buntu m biuottuns rm tdmid uvea foi eamrifatioa ro uuaw sua iwmc 33- our sick hadach i j a mcintosh i l77 upper wyndham st x gulph i 4btata h tv03 4f is sv fit 7s fcas compar the time as wcpi ly lit waldtaa aiul clocla w sell will a ftlal clikl tcmjtllator biul cawwltlc voumj lit alxuiay ol oiir lllilelcel yu4j lmtw our walclt carry a uaraiiin anlvr lmji iimii in lejulr a whol yc dm uf cluijjd ub uni t cleaiilua suit icjwlfiiijf ul iiknuralo rato cluonu n nlem ai kilt uociii 1 walclteu ami oilier iibiujiu littlumcinii u tjwicljlly to day we make remarkable reductions in the houefumishing department our uriei1 iil iaooaa tlie biwirrudua lucrriara in buiiiieu tlcrtiaruls it walla don t almicli but will lav ta la rcmovad w theu bulky uelbyood3 nreia lha way and muiljo why uot do your tpmiflcajl and lioutefumljiin buying how ou probably luva iiioretlmo ifiiii lai vxaiuluirwijiiicm onjsht to tempi you 300 yda lnjiuli lac oilclolli i a and 4 yarde wlda nifcuur lricaa oc 4jc aud 30c aijuaro yar i l js i nioc llnolaum t3lt wlda by u it 6 in iqhk regular prico sio clturitigphca 7 1 plfic linolaum nt lonj by p fi vucs rcaulatpritchs iijjtur ri4fprkl5 4q 1 pieca inlaid i liioloiinja yiluwiaj by 3 yd lonjt regular t price tt s clidilti prlc3i6 10 nlbcwinialrlttiolautir3 ydiby 4 loiiff rtular price i9 o cloirinc prlc 17 a 1 1 plc uiiolaum antra imaiily u by tg oat rjularly tnltl at 9ib lo clar at v13 1 end union carpal regular jsc now 350 reul 4 pairs tare cuilalim 3 i yclulantfi liar 83 50 now j u 3 ttitls c c carpal 16 il 14 j yda regular prlco 65c clearinj al 4 lie per yd 1 end wool carpel regular valuo 75c clearing 50c 1 ends lapeslry carpet regular i ik uowcoc 4ciidfl lirutila ckirjiol sqx e 37 and 33 regular hjc and jac now 67c 1 ends hrusala carpel regularly eoi lolsi 10 now tijc 4 gutra lajtoolry curtains r 17 now 84 77 3 pairs taimslry curtains regular fu 50 nowblj75 2 tyiira silk cunaim rcjjular fio naw 7 rjy 7 juira laco curlalna regular 8a j nowta 34 3uirs licucuriaiiu rrj ular j 33 now i 5 de maconald bro the lion cuelph srvkge 5c co lnie wjlcli repairers quilt ii i c f goodevb stco- wish to offer you good birgims this week in heavy goods such as vvrapperette flannelettec prints towel lings satins crettones lingcs dres goodi etc as we wish to make room for spring stock we take this way of asking you to lielpv make room by simply coming along and taking advantage ol the lurgain offered in groceries we have 1 full line comprising all tint goes to make up a full line of groceries in the crockery line our stock is not excelled in town as we ii ive everything frtim a pin tray lo 1 dinner set when in ited of any of these good give uo a e ill and be plei ed to know tliil we h ive wh it we say we h we c f goodeve co mill sthdbt ctin