Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 27, 1902, p. 4

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colds i tiad lrr ihle cold and could hardly breathe i then tried ayer s cherry tcctural and l cvo mo im mediate relief wc layton side ii iii how will your cough i be tonight worse prob- ably for il first a cold i then a couh then bron chitis or pneumonia and at last consumption coughs always tend downward stop this downward tendency by taking aycrs cherry pcc- i toral ije retort jfm re miuuhday puimuaity w iwj abe voting mollis rin kjvu in uvuuttu i all i do uotkmtiw aaatartua amlerarea in ell lba wm til i tiae ot auud a tare joy a koller ground tluut uiu willi ell it tioleuiinii cliajrnl tbs summer hiad and lk far out u our lb- proud lltit to look upon uie utilllltitf elidit of batuia a klcbeel ccm icjf of rulda ur with gtuwlag tlilu tbe aiulda fuuut afar sd -lav- tlr uiifi bf tdeateuauae kily am- bllleld mr eerywlir1 ttol lb- vftlura uett i r tu rw- l mlslit dui lay vat authuiaf la 111 wtxkiurf uy wliauar iidu dya may whitf today be is uiw auumif- kllifj iviini jvyo uii danquiiouo cujiiobiyy laura ye jou im aba told him liar rather had loel all 4iu wealth juil to leal li iowa for lief ad and then 7 iaura well hha will know llar nexl tiro culrli called fcu a dhaa i ourd by- ui atoarloeai tnedlolna orlylnalad and in tb ol catarrhal ot ar u oua tbil medlclaa la hoods haprlll it cure- tjlolly aud permanently in that it rmo tha uuu olentiua the blood of aorolula and all oilier impurities jlovoraiell th affects ot larrh too ud bmhl up tha hole ayeum it ouly by iedy u aphid lha pliyslcl kod moriuul intellectual taglbar tlia oompleu man kn u found vr tba klngum le cos word thai mr jkiuti moonlre is autk niwu ui up by oofna on tit eolea of bu feet but wan parfolly cured by riito lnlei coru and wart kktufilor iuuutlu tojvd wora travry otmlod by tin turu ol aoblilw than by hcrln children cry for castor i a a aroall boy wllb jj wmrul of inow- blu oq mi luoiitf uiid ratable cottuolajot hliouitlb oioiurl by tlii kuimbar of ibloija you willlnu to lo witbout tba brlb o the pluw u tb breath o lit lotuonaomuuv norway tim bymp cotiuln tb la vlrtiia and our aoocbe coldabroaoblurf borau autl 41 tbrot and aaa trouble which if uot atlaudad to ltl to ooutdniptlotl no tuau ou hi providaul of hla lima who la uot prudaut lu tha cbolca of bia wmiptiiy liver pijls thats what you need some thing to cure your bilious ness and give you a good diction ayr s pills aro liver pills they cure con stipation and biliousness gen laxative a jvjiuu buckinghams dye mc qnt ti o unibrb ajdoaaani and otieotful olttian tl joy to all who ociiki lit ciilol kith iii nut only la h hapiy lilinnir ink ollioi ao1o afa ma id llary ly tlio amialilim il bla atuii ry i by thla him w utiin iotly l litllu uy ioaiu a nol a utlli ralluw lafryltj hk u llukuffu all i l bim iuiumy wbnu dl yuii ut aoh a i ui ovar llioo air in lllo biura won l ytiur nxiuiuf im ulad lo y ooi hoii- wilb laabirul uluo rln frtillt vq- it id luruiy h i nlal whin i buld utihaba dunt lll liof uylliliij hoil iba bflate in riiy fl lln m ti ruu on knimyu rainar hd ulvoi him uwji ml ho raolvad that boiicafortb ha w try lo bold up thw brrua and y tiolhiii about the brlra tho somothing just as good substituted for j palnos celery compound boworo of drtifiata who sail imilatlonn knowlhjf thom to bo suolt- tho uoriutbliiii jut ah oaod wbtoh u wqt tall j worlbteaa iuiiliidii of ufa aavluit laliika calory conipounil la fouud on many an uiicxpcatluu buyer by dia- hotiaat and twjy druuulata and doalei who havo not iho alluhtoat iiitaraal hi lb w kick and flliouj tbalr tbouiihta urn wholly oonurcil on extra lrifa piortu 11 i aitialtarof indlbfeuoa to thom iiouiiirjquiryquriilduijiijiyi or dir wo havo reoautly coma into nanaoaolou of ona of lha imitations rafarrod lo wa hava hat it lhiunlolly examiuad aiid llnil it unfit for huniau ui tim laro majority of our druuu ara hontt and ayuiixtliallo diuii and will tinvar coniltxaaiid to aubatltulloil or tlaoep tiou you hhoul i howevar whan anyone mitoju tho hotuellilkjj juut au oooj or olfara you a vlla imitation for tha iaiuau celery onimiutid wbioh alona on maat your oaa t onod riut bu imiartitianoa anil itava hit tlorr ah honet nil atralkbtforward druuilata uujly rccom- miij p in j calary contitounil in tbalr ouatomsra and apak with leaura about tho woudarful cute it baa alfalaj llawara of lit bomatblnu juil aa oood and all imlutlouu haa that lha uatna rlma la on avery wranoar aail bottla llreriroof bulldltiua aro provldail with lira eaoipea juat lha umr mui stkuves udgctts lanj- hitf nb xriteu on jnn i8 iooi in tho fall of 1899 i was troubled with it severe p nn in the buck i could rcakcely c u out of a cfiatf nnd it pnve 1116 pre p to mov ttbout i toolc 0110 boic of doans kidney pilh and wua completely cured i havo not bccn troubled with it since yhara la tv rraat buuty in doitui through ufa witbout anxiety or fair half our faara ara lajialftih aud tlia oilier half dli- arsdiubla solid gou im ilfeuloldvill 1 ho ityraflalilfiu 100 ihmtolfumx 100 w tnumuium ihtfioci aatmaction globe optical co 03 yont0 st root yofonto- ioaiibilitiaa of uanlua ata faw when ooinparad with nipoialuilitlos our tliun la alualiio ooodfamaialika fl wbu you hava kiudul you may lly urrtrva u but if uol kludla ii aalu hi06 beauioba howav aunoyitiy and ulueaihtf la poaluwely curl by laxa lvr illli yhay ara uiy to tako and uovar tnrliw you aava tiala yea qj money too whan you 00 mo to aa to hava your jirojcrip- tljm flllad all out drui and modloindaara warrant ed bb far aa 1 1 re nut h and juality aro oonoariiad k our modern facilities for abqjouly orrect uiipeinlojj enable ua to trvo oui palrouatiuloklyand wu coma to ua for 1eadinit dottlta toilet jood a porf umcb elnonjjoii brmliea comha to iv luloiltlijt itlu bptolal a tu iit ion a d mired to our nw atock of iainaa calury comuiuud thli marifcllaua modloino la raoommanded to yon with marvellous coulideiioa iaiaaa ciary compound tnakaa pur riah blood llbanislin rbaamallim nauralfila ilyipap ala atomaoh troiiblaa liver ootnptaiat and kidnay dlaaaiui a tdrowu dr tinlit acton out tu itraak dp a old altyou rrriitrala- ur ufhol vaurt llltle aiiar and ibirij lr ut l4aoia narvilliia lak- ii ral i11m aiitl in tlia uiomlitf joo will wakn 111 wlibout txjd wi1011 tic e j r llinil ly noivilino il will loua yotl ii ixjlur than allmnlaiita nf i 1 wrd i 11 alckiiaea tml ki i rll u w i i boltle- va lduouon nebuaonl know hie own waaknaaiaa and lu aooiir ijlimly tij lu atlnpi hi ui to any and all olmiliiunoo 1 bar a ro oaaea of tnauiiitl u far advanoad that ijiokl anil inminpl hyrup will uul out but uuu ao bj lhak it will mil juo rnluf ldf mhikii oultla and all affeollouaor tho ibroat luu and ohoel it ia tol0o wbioh ha itevar hoe 11 known tu fail u prninnua a fto and oaay oltaotnraliui thernby ramovinu tho lihlrjjii anil uivea lha dlextd perle hatioa lu hel ljullou unda la lilt one ww want kid thferif ivli touiako iiiri if hi will li rtijht forjl huilf in blalnu a iiiryrt- flflfnl with liuiilou irw in hll in hlifhnr tvuuinlhui bojui llumnkr put n hirftot fuiith on it you cm imvfl dunlttp jlriu with tlwi thlokinrjl irfcfld on any wheal ywi buy o rtra oiutrc a ufa aptut worthily ahouhl ba maaaurad by daoila not yoara milburna hurllbj ilwadaoha tuwdara opululii neitbar morphina bor opium thay promptly cur aiok baadaoha naur- ultfla tiaadaoha huadaoba of itrippa liaad- acha of dalioatd ladioa and haadacha jrom any nauaa wliatavor triad 10 cent atid j5 oanta- to know the wont la otia way whuroby to htlir ii nudiiii looku iiinru utly than to urn a jwroil wluaa hauiia ara covered ovor with warta why havo thaa ilifluremontii on your ieraou whan a uuru runnvfr of all warta oornv ala can bo found in hollo waya cjiu cura iba narrow aoul knowa not tha oojiika glory of forulvintf llrltiah troop oil llufmanl u without axoeiitiou lha mot ffeallvo ramady for out woundup uloefa open aoraa theumi tlirti hllaa alina of hiaecta bin a larua botlla u5 oauta conaiatbiioy la cfiaii but atiolhar nt for ooulrariuoaa castoria vot xufauu and childwii wtlfo tiaju alfuui witpjat whati a mau la apollln for a afiht ha ij aalurally too frab uo it pay to iluyclittp t a ohtap remody foroaugui and col j a ia all riitht but you waul aomathiuu that will raliava and our tho mora aevaro and dany aroua raaulta of throat and lunjj trouhlsa what aball you do f go to a warmer and horartjuiar climate tya if visible if uol toaalblaj for you than in either uu laka tha only lemedy that ha bati intro duod in all oivlllxad oountriaa with aucoau lu aavaro throat aud luujj irouhlci boi- htae carman myrup it not only bails and atltnulalaa tha tiaauea to dcalroy tha germ diaaaa but allya luflamnialton causae say electoral ion glvoa a tfood nlttlui vait and ouru tha patlanl try ouo bottle iteoominended many y by till tlruffulila u tha world cold by wn ursklne noumlryinjj to borrow your naljihbore hoow ahoval aflor tbla it a tetlt hatfyairda yullow oil la prompt to rllava wit oura oouiflig nolda tora throat pain 1i tha blim hoaraviiea rjuhiay tic lria tha tba kaii bill may h a llltt amiaiiou but imuntf it raaalptad la a hoavy one neuralgia we suggest curing apiln in uic face by taking scotts emulsion into the stomach usual way of treating neurau git is to nil liniment on the outside i hats only a make- shift scotts emulsion is nerve food scolls emulsion uuls and sttengthens ntrves for an obstinate neuralgia for nervousness for nerve weakness tale scotts emul sion its nerve food and nerve strength mm lltnl j tluluty u fcojn j ikiwnif- ilwul tk a heated artumdul u oua of ilia tliiiij tha wlaa mat ijuiokly dropa ila a wi6 molhar lu law who kuowi hor own oaiibtira huhband free a silver watch ladies oil gents suk hujiluxlk iiujli luiutmlii h1u ylt n4lt if hlu u ilih- vtlu 1 1 1 mu tto will j4 w4 u tilu iuij wv 1b4m4 lult ulullul 4 flit w iii lull tl arnold medloinii co ikii w tor nto hilu ill nma ib lha result of a miidlroat ed uarch of hajipineid vary many paraooa dlo annually from oholar and kindred aummar complalnk who mlifht havo baeu aaved if projuir ramadlu bad boau used if allacka1 tlo uotdalay in atlluu a boltl ol d j d kollou dyaanlary cordial tha medioino that nayar fails to effeol a euro thoca who hava uaad it ay it aola promptly ij thu roughly aubduaa tba palu aud dltoaar a tiny tot asiurad bar ui other tha other kay that aha bad found out whore they m ad a horaia ohahad u a man flulh nu otir ha waa nalllnu on lla feat alio aald wa ohould correal our own faulla by uealnk how nooomely they appear lu children cry for castoria at ton lion in tba world of hoiuoralh modiolna haa baan ita vry aouroaufpro itraaa aa in polilloa and raliion tlia dif floulliea of opiiiloua and lha individuality f men havo baeu paraut to tha dlaagraa maul by wbioh tha ataudard of lhaa boilli hava bu clovatad ho with moat of our famous pra para i ion a roramoat in 11 luatratlon or wbioh truth bundi tha world faiboua remedy to yonoral debility and htiuiior qulnlno winn and which whan ohlalnahla in its tianuluo btrdnuth ia a mlraoulouu orator of appatila vilalily and btliuulant to lha ywiaral furl ill i y of ha byatam quinine wiito and lu im provameul baa from 1i14 ural dlaoovary or tha nrat virtuoj of qululua aa a madlca alieut baaii onti of tba mod tboroujilily dleouueed rtimbdua ovar offarcd lo tha pub il la oua o tha nrl loul and and natural ufa- ivinn ailmuuuta whlgh tha uiadloal profawlmt hava hoaii ooniwlil to rdootinlaaatidpreaoriba mars nortl top and ijyiiiau of toronto hava lvau lu llm prparauon of ihls pura qululua wiua lha jr cri tlua to lla iiiiportatioa and lha ittudard aaoluuoa of ibaartlala wbioh it ay otter to the publlu oouloa luto tha irarkt purod of all lha ihioou wbioh tul obaervatlmi and aolautlna onuiluu lt4 pjliiud out lu lha uaa prfot pra jar ion of lha latur lluoooae ooinna only lo hill who kaipa himalf allvo a ilva hh awlma aalnat 4h atraam a dad una ro down with it worms altwil tb i id a it lilt itmi aeruua- ly lo tidlrot huiiiblitiioa limy oau 0011 vulluua and dotl if you aupot lha ill to ba preaaut lo dr lowa llhut worm hyrup which dotroya tho worm without itijurhik the chlld irloa vza what da w lv tat if it is uol lo mki life lou dlflloult to ech oilier- lrmelms villa poatoaa tho power of aat hill kfiolnlly ujkjii the ducaud orjua aliimilatlujj to action tha dormant auarloa of tha ayurn tbaroby removing diaa in act ait urut ia tlia power of this iitodl ohio to oleuaa and purify that dlaeaaos of ahiioal avory tiatoa and uatura ara driven from iba body mr i carawrll carawell i o out writas j bava tried lar me leus tills and hud tbomaii u sellout modloino and 0110 that will acll well iunimohb coopui1 an j tttu tovb not mny bo trl j litilm xt iitiwaleye a lhi i r u nr da i- i but r it worn jkjtb in ln an ominllii day ii y d jfnly mel bo f in thai nnr bnlnu only oa ulu marril had dv 1 i djilld iaiy lad wnl hi auirl ll i- mr u loil klwok llrfir in llo wln ni a lb- r hlaif lhair imyhihil u umi tbi in aotu hi- at 1 ib ui a bu 1 wn wi wnm irmlm n v lliwr wlu waa oil of thn biia but 14 lil rill t lilerly lilti living lu clululalld ha i a iba wl rid thla intornll bll f lnla cemie the olhar day lu llvu1 1 ooojmiia town ou imiinily n v jiiii conpr la hi home tl there waa nut a mill lu ihn luwii wb m the bua h 1 lby did mr cir alil mr lirawr llu wj tyi- lllwmiu of the auura ki r mily in ida uya ahd vry lilwrl in lb un of his wlklnu allckuii tbolr bxki wlimi hi u therhem h waa probably unry irritable anil lha boakliaw ihl- ail id a do matter wtirm hy llu put of uuilr way to annoy lum wa liaed wt into hla orchard and elel bla appus tnora fur lbs puaaiiro ll nav ua tomkahim anury than for ibo eke of tba apil hla manner aiuiifcd jo inillnata to ua thai ha had a wry exlld iuii cf hi own importation and tbul w iwiys oiifjlit lo take off our bals to hib uvary limn wa nit him in the atral i was eboul ln jt fold at tho time and had not il any ot bia alorlea 1erbapa ii may aerm odd bill il li a fcil thatwhllol havo all hi wmk in my library i hava tievur read any of ibmu and lha only reooltaotlon that i have ot blm tr thi boyhood ferliuui of rflllka oiumj by bis inamiars and bia treatment of the boys al coopers to we i his auauu strati whfin tha fact ia ooimlderad thai bla alorla livoidoaed ao many tliouiauda of loya luatant rullef ljuarunued by uaiuit mil burus fiturliuy ileadaohu iowdors no deproaaiiift alter rffool strong and vigorous every organ of tho body toned up and invigorated by ygsn mr v w moyara kiiiff ut ll bfirlin out aaya i aufjiirod for flva yftrs with palpitation uhortnoia of hfwtui alcwiplnaandsa and piu 1iplha liaurt but otin box of milhurn u heart and norva ptlla oamplololy romovwl all theuo tils troanitifl aynitilomo i havo not autfarnd alnoa takiiittltni and qw alod well mid foul nlrotijf uml vioroua milburna unart fcnd norva nild oura all diiaauiiii arlaiud from wukheajct worn out nervo uiifluoj or watry blood people ar lak in j our moasura foe hijjher poiltlona or making up their nilcdi to ahaka tie iouk bafora wa baar of il in hla veuelablo pilli or pa rm air a has mvoii lo ibo world the fruits of lon aolan tioo reaoaroli in ihawhola realm of medical aalanoa oomblned with new aud valuable duooverieb never bafora known to man for dalloata and dahilltaud constitutions parmeuea pills ant ilka a charm tskan in small doaat tba affuol i both a tonloanil a allmulaut mildly excltlnu tba aaoreliona of tha lodyi u lone and vior bvsry year it iayrowlnij mora aud mora dlftloull to achlava lha highest suooaaa with anylhing abort of tho bt education tha blur tha education tha urciilar the iuo- cua no ouo ia iisulass inihisworld who htjlitena iba burdens of it for aiioibo mod health is jiiipninlhla wllhout regular action of the bowel p lsk liver pills roulala tho bowels cure couetlpatlou dynpapala billloannes sick liidiohc and all bflbclionb of iba aruaui of d ijeo t ion pdoa li cente all drur- ul there may bo aq iooii tlili still all in lifes stream but you are not likely to cilch tba oro you havo lew il la a ureal baued thraaaijiuiiloiul word wara uied in relation to or thomas eclcctrio oil by a gentleman who bad llmroufjlily leated us inerllb in bla own oast havlnu teon curod by it of uiucubki of tba kntw of thrcaor fouryeare statu hit it uavor falls to remove aurnnoaa as well al wmonoaa and ia an inoomparall pulmonlo and correotiv oeafncui is curable hufferera runt im paired hearltid wll im ulad lo luow tbtt their afllicllon i probably uol due lo any ortfania defeat iu tlia oar bul rvaulln prob ably from a thlokauluu or lha llulnu of lha tulddla nar rjeuaed by catarrhal intlatuma- llon llundrcdi of perfect raooveriaa aa a rtsull of the inlulaticn of catarrboona are reported and on lha highest authority we rooomtiieiid this trsatmenl to our rnadera qalarrlioaono quickly rutoras loit hsarlnu and its emaiauoy ia plaood beyond dispute by the oaaa of mr foxell of ul lltomas who raoovered uirfaot lusrluij by uaiuil calarhiooue 1ut yrary of dbafut4 prioaut at a t urowus jruu alora tboaa who now buayhtl enlutj thorns will by and by have a time of tl silt njj ou thorn utd intcrnully iiinarda yellow oil ouno urb ibroal hoaracneia qnlnsy pain n uib client croup ate tjjed tter ually it ouraa rheuinaiiini ititf jointi oontr acted cords sprains ulrnns burns aoalds outs ami blua ol inieoli it la eicr true that he who dws notblnit for olhars dos iiolhjnx for hunaiir kid noy cry pain in tho luck la tha cry of tho kidneys for help to nfctct ilia call la to dnhver lha body over lo a dluuuui cruol nilhubs and finally ufa deal raylntf south american kidney cur baa power akin to mlraculous in helping lha ncdy kidneys out of the miro of dluuu il rallevcs in clx im ji fold b a t drown pleasures that aro not shared with others soon parish deiouai rival at cannot tuiabick tba lida tho demand fur dr agnow s liltlo pills la n marvel cheap lo buy bul diamonds in quality bin i ah muuj coaled tongue water brash pain alter eating sick lieadaxha naver grlpo operate pleasantly 10 cents 37 dold by a t brown ho that ib nod tor making oiomea ii tl loni ifpod far anylhlun else strike the iron while its hot is good advice take burdock blood bitters this spriiigr is better advice purlin thn uintw luay ml foiulhhii iiuitmu li krip thn ikiiiv warm win n tliu iiprntir cuint i tho itiiuiii i uhh i p tl ll nluiriih blond jim ferl tuul unt uml lm lu iit find that 11 ioih no iimlutiou fit iiml tnki h pom niioii nf mm if jou tnko htutlouk iuihmi littkoi it aviii rtirulutu our hmitnii put nu into ikiiultliiui and itiakiyou fool hnu liuppi luid iyoioiu a chip on the shoulder inilioateo bru tallly not bravery strong wordd by a now voru 6pclttlll after years of teslinjaiid eoinparltou t have no hciitatlon in cavirir thai or afrtaw cure for tba heart 1 1 the quickest safcat and turmi kiumu tu nicdu caltcieiica i ua it in mv cuu practice it rolleves lha niqjt acuta forms of heart ailment intlda of thirty minutci mid never falls 35 hold by a t iirown no ono will lontt oaro for tboaa who oara only for tbcimrlvei dfrieaaj oia vonri tanj- init protracted catarrh 11 is tin new in many caws cit ibn cinnorof torantocanadauasdiaf for m cars from calarrh all irealmrnu failed to relieve dr agnew a catarrhal i ur gavo him relief in one day and in a cry thtut thilc ihodoafnau loft him nnllrely it ullldaas much for you 50 ccnlij3 t 1 by a t brown thara is no pull that oiunta like pulllntl yourself localber ruitnlilty soryja lha oulcoma tl notocl or hid blood hava a never filling balm in or aroow s ointment will heal tho moat alubbornviaies soothes irritation almott inntanily after first application ii relieves all itchlnff and burning ikln diwascs i11 o day il cures piles in 3 to 5 nighti 35cmts 3j cold by a t xlroojl m uy a uirann has din i poor wailing fur his ship m cnio lu c top tho pain but do a troy tho gtotnaoil llni it villy tuonlitntln c l- mi mny naiiu- nil i uunu iuruu tliii lo culi in tba cnl 1 ii luuicut iiiinmclr 11x barm tlun 1 t or von man piminj in iilcii oro i piinly viitilila jmpiin pirmratuui ui bumlt- i in iinlu om ulnr ruhik picm nit u n i mill r of he dicitia organs 6o in a uii 3j iciilv 40 1 hold by a t itroun to ba is mora than lo epinar and poopla aro not loiifj deelvd by whllawaah cclatla iputhlmoriorutohm jus biniili il irjniin f crimaby out utile my lliula iro alniol uulcss from acuiita ami rhnumalum and ivot witliilarulliik my ciilciii f r nbjiicuni i mutlva tho credit ub ru it b i im i am acurod mnn todiy and nutli amu can klimiinuil cnro nuim lino all iln- crudit it 3 marvel j hold by a t hrown when i succoid it lakes pluck when others do its just tlioir luik ono poot lit iht qrava ii tin iliuuumls ol coilo who rush lo an r h 11 rcuildy tit soulli american n r i as a 1 tt result would yet it m u lira i how much mlry ami sufmina lllxjujurid if jim havo any iiorv 1 ier mi neednt aullar a inlimlq luinur v ih nui id ictiinoiiirs to protji lti6 hohl by v t llrnwh if one bad lha powtr of moklnii as uiuoli money wluunil an uduoaiiuu aa with ii itilllil would to a lkra citenl lack lha ijuwer of suloyluij what ha bad mad chlldran cry for castoria what is jnv sv w v v xw castoria civuru ih frjuii t aud clilmrcn cjilorki ii liuriulcum buubtituto for cantor oh urceorlo roin nuil hoothlno hyrnpa if contalnh uclthur opium lorplilno nor uior karcotio nubatauco it im t ruuuit lin ifimrotimi i thirty ym uho by mlllluiih of mothnrx cttmtorlu d tut troy ri woniui and iillnjri l-ovorlxli- iionh oiiwtorln ciirtu llrrhuu atitl wind llc ciuitorli rnllvi toothlui trousii citro coiittutlit unit ilutiilunry cohtorla atlnllut to ihmi roculnt tli hutnuuji uud ituwcli oflnnuitm hudrii irlvinir lirulthy uud iiuturnl ulcnp canlorli- 1 tlia ouudrcni lunivcctt tho afuthorri -rlciul- castoria calru i ail ialunl lrlk vtihbrit uutui bv i i f lla 1 nt t- thlr clilldin ita o c 0io xw juwu cootoria ttru la wll 1 11 in tblmiti lliat i itc i jt a ir in any wttlyaliia itnin luwif it a acuaau jlvilrm v the facsimile signature of wzu appears on every wrapper c f goodeve co- winh to inform thilr many customers that thoy havo on hand a full assortment of grocenea dry corjs and crockery and all up lo dale in lha grocery departmonl wo oiler you 3 iba baton fcr 25a 3 dud 4 iba prunoo fori2bo g lb cooking 1lgu for26o 31b klin for 26o 3 iba ourranui for 5o in jams wa liavw ibo j ih and 7 lb pall- hlch wa trll at 50c and 30c reapoctlvely vlr lrawucrry ivacb llagpbcrry llum ale s in canned goods wn havo a full alock of no i i0oda such as peas corn tomatoes pumpkus 1 achds ieanr hnearrplo lie in the dry goods and crockery department wa have x well aiiorted stock glvd us call and you viii b putauu c fgoodevb go jutlll etrddt kcton hats caps furs gloves moccasins snow shoes eur lined coats cneh for raw furs walling for a further reduction in tha prlco of i um and tur goods will bo ule our fijiurea on hirh clais multa collars iloas lie aro always tha lowest and arc no eiccptlon at tho pre cut iwe havo marked iheuj fine fjuodsi at prices which should attract lovers ol beauty and iol yiality wa manufaciuro all the latest tlyles at the lawesr pibla prices mensrl ir jojtu 16 10 e5o all uarrlcd lnelfontnine practical kmricr wyndliam st gujelpj1 watch repairing specflust we have engaged at high salary a specialist on watch repairing s77ce co fine watch repairers guelph ouand trunk iiailwav ii all f n 1 11 iuii hi ut a in yiuh 1 r ioii u wan iln uliini lilabii in lloliill 1 il 11 um an k tl i1 tbi h11 ll 11 wini mm iit ot htliluj liuulo r livmiy bus line tli- nn lnl riwifullyilllllii iron ai of lbi 1 iibtln ami inbirui tbvin tbal well ulppd amlutytlah hltfoalial waya ba boure lilaatahlaa a ciafurtbl- iu al itabi itwn 10 11 ami n lu 11 in catatul alunlli ilueil tnevbrytirilr v tile wallu lrciiliclitll inrsullyml i john wiijwams acton pump works main stroot aonotl if you aro in need of n tjood pump eljlir in wood of iron coiiks lo aclun pump works c in lor ns sd4 all llopolra prompuy alundad tcw wolls oloanod chickco wrjutotor is acliiowlediiid tha hnhlcst runnlit and 1k wludmill mnmifclured i am auent for ihu ilisirlci call and invebtial i micro you buy t ebbaqe main stroot aotoa stock taking sale por sixty dhys ceo stovel all winter good to be dis posed of at low prices felt and rubber goods at cost call and inspect our large assortment ol all lines ordered work and rrjair- ing in usual excellent manner geo stosrel boot siioi deallr mi otrekt rcton tit vj to patent od ida j may l bdcu1 by oar aid addra i yh caywr c0d bucr patents guaranteed klcicli aud lcici lufin ui any liivenli m will prmjlly rcclvc our uniulou fice courenilhg hie lulcnla illity o um how to ol lain a latent aciil uixtu tiic i aletita cuic tlirmiuli iiaa ivcitlud ur ileal otic raneii i tenia inttii out ttironuh us ri jirc wdjiwltlio tehari e in tuu 1 atkwt vliobu an ubiitrulrl uml blrly cltctltft luiuul coiiiulic 1 1 y ilmiuf itimfiaud tutotoi- luduriiinlciiy fmk addle i vi0yoh j ktvan- co iwrnl attmneyi -vansf- iiiimb wp c tociitii the eye and tho mind at tho samo timo is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true this saying is especially lo those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas ons on kopje and veldt the only boolc dealing eclutivcly- with the canadian contingents is the boolc to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience- not necessary end for free outfit and make money tholoradleycaftretson co llmitod br ant ford pe- sprayiug potatoes b with tbo sjkmwfci 20 acres daily llu the sptaliuhios co laiultm- ortt bll umi idi wlitu lliy nu ti i bli nh 1uuii fcu lljjt ill u 41f fiu- uiouiiu titia uju1u1uiu ij i m 1 spuauiitou jt 4 ty iltiiir kbj 4iuylttrf iiiy v y i u4 uw ll a lu 4l y a lu iuy auj wlu 0u l baj i your uauta u i v aa si ij lll 1 lu ii myutf aul fall iiuui a lu mulmoltlll ivli b u i il luui1 j u cis l u allhll il 111 iv i rf ra patents iphomptly secliredi rrciliik lutp mil llewi at aiiu iiiduiu rnh ahtcli or tnoal or url vtmlqii orliiiiiroveiiiciit aud mr will tell you riur oplti idii na to uliitlirr ii limittly llinlal le vtucltj anivlkauna tivoltu iit ucccurtivly i it rci led i y u w comtiict fully ctjulmifl citiir in aluiilrtel audmailinulautlkuuliriiuiiimt ly tlllluu wii- in i ijiiilliv tcule i uiil aatirdastbelucutl u hiliicm rcfrrcucca isatcnle tnunrpl uiraugk wnlon t uw rliin racelva aiwcui ilnllce wlllmiit charra u ovcriui uciirtiaiiailuliltiiilcil uirniiubout tliclhiiulnloii hlty i i ataiit t mincn il mnufic- tlllrlolhfullllihr marion marion ptant eperta and slloltd llllii new vultlunwv rtftrtueej i jm atl ajillldvhiniitom u oveahs expuinctj ynadt mahk dh cokvhiohyk ac anrmiaaii llnj aklrh nil itciliuo mv riiilfklf tsll i iir i 1 uiui fruj libllur an liiril il ll-nuiwlliilli- ln he ilooiiu mil m intluiilut lla luiiii t ii ulll ri ill 11111 it fof hwkirillj llnllu llxiil takuii llir uuh iluiui xi witjt ihiuuh lu ibe sciclllific hltldhcalh a tuii u inplr hliitlrafel woakly irjt ilf riii u r nr tlai i iiirnal htt iul i irlu niiil llljlrmiuwil in s co nbw yark wllrt im v hi- wll4lhi ua woeww halftones or any class of engraving for advertising purp9ses catalpgutismagazinesftc j1j0nesjg i68bay5ttoronto

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