l ttsk vorjumk xxvit no mu acton ona tiiukhday makoii 1002 vuick thltkk jlonts ht retail tct rcss u l0mbll- uvluy tiiuuhday moiintfnu uiuj htiibut hlttn lrintlnom aotoiiont tm u lliiuxinirrliimoiia dollar fi- year lllollylll ubll all mllbaolllluoiia dlkoll- ulllll wbell tiiotlmalw w i loll ue bavebeii 1u lifc hjltl til 1u lo wlileli aery lit mir 1 1 lion la liald u ileuoud uu u iuldim abal alvaarialm iuyms tranalaul jaru- inou 1u dum paf hiteretlla iw tint lii- eertloo b euu per hue lor each ubquout luawtloay uoktiuirr lutaatii uliltf ubl dtioa oua vale for lb insertion of adraiuaeulttiu lo llnd paiiinl j v jftko 8talhj i tec en i as do i booo i rxo udo kooo 100 i i m cool u no i rool hm ijn h to tool l oa we are stock taking and find several ends of paper enough to do a r6om rajjin from 20c ioc a roll will clear at 5c border and ceiling to mate 27 pino jlamps at cost to cloor mlnobe lolnahee 1 1 noli adaruaeiriiiu without iclna dlraaunnc edit b ttiearte4 till forbid and abaraed uorf invlv transient advertisement lauat ba pall laejufcooa ad art i mill ail la will lx ehatiaa1 oiiea mall tnoolli if wrj vof ollliwa ollmr uaji umt montli um eauioltloii inualbe paid for at rulu rate ctiausaa tot ooiitraol ulvartlaamadu fcntis it b tba dffloa by liout m tuaeileya aooouoli payable tnouuily if- 11001m kdluraad iioiiluw fiustiusis jdirtdorp ohm m macdonald m dcm succaqh to j p tjkkn m d 0 m draldenocorer mill vrjarte onto uaataaolxl onloa hour l to 10j0 a t uj v y m 1 toapn nphos gray m d cm mcgill t it 0 rjulumhuuok 11 1 jfd llatiow uluuwu dhltibu usdiall abocuyiom kwj su0ciia0i to 1u kkllv offloavtadahck huat actou oul d it dryden mlm tuwit ahu hoax 1 corner woolwlob ulj 1uw hueau luuuii orrumlfoua- lo an to j i tu jij a la s y u tlcjmtlla 10 ktal to 1 p ul l l beniktt ldb dkntibt j m hull ddb ldb aoxom oolm ovar uouaari dru utora ilomos titauuiyt ov toiuuiro uwivmuity vlimxd diymyirat kvttd third tuij llrookfilla wlday llockwikkt ttla utml ulmulau0 us 11 jlrj jucojub a j uiokinnon uahmimul ektuonkut oomvatyxuiuw oriiuuui huat la uattliwa mack upalall jb ucluod luuaatktkt koucimilimo couululou 1 km rf tlkinu itmthyir uaja ubaat aabuo ooaoyauol ldoua aiiilu4uay loajo co flt tuoilsaga oil ajru iijvity at itt- j mowaliu qjaikvourtbdiirlaldti oouirt counlf ol haj- tou uobvajrajioai atl vlraand uaaaauiiuio uaj buuta attaat moilay to lom lu ovrius 1 airy tiaali lock a0ton oat 1iscxlljmx0 vs d r a p husband v s urajuau ouuho vataduary oollasa ioh uomuorvaurliiwy wadial ikkouty offlo- ova wnuta harlr ultof uavt door to vaad butra ulll hllraat aouul rnburancu agent w ii dknny ladaral allaut coaladaiatlouijf lajuliiiu jlfiul uuluu vi r a ilwutaiio oouiyatalaa ouu youu bl aetou hknuy ohibt oltiwi clmaiu bolloltor of iauuu fat iutuaii ato fvayaaa alplltlloha forlli cauadlau auiw lou aj4 tuioikaji ifclant oolo ul far ui hanutrfcuoh of tiaja uajrka hatul foi lw talolat tbul lwoyaiaaiijuna f illangib nunan lo0auiihdn abuul jtooka of a11 kluji ulaj- la orj uiodlcaja ol y jaalltlob6aywuny bod ntunvuaailwfhil tiilptlvdaua ii i uooum jlvu0blfl howlwaaawkaflulraj iauaj a ohlm aototj ajloamtau atltlawhma w tba oouutlaa of vbluull ho j lullou uiualalatlattllaatlabl kakaa odtca aelail o htoyjjaufilu aotou will b airotiiplly at- tuuladla truia luwouabla xa iikouay to loau ou ilia moat f ivordju unjaml at ilia itnrisat atas at luloiuulu uuiaulsaoaauil iwindi uuhhohiimp b o lhdbod thuwbimj0yon mutual hue iwhuhanc company uaubliahml uu0- utl onlo otttuu on inhuluhcubncubaud uulual iim any iul i uhloll alia lowajrdal u uiy addnaaa itita kuj mr wlaiibou u will b pioutihv modj i awiateur cameras knd supplies pbemo poco ray magazine cyclone hunting sttameb 41j ml cabinet 35 collin irintino vapkrb solio arist6 velox photox piloyo ynviy kotow ax iays bookstore obejjph dmv atllld ol4ekt 1 merchants bank of canada v capital rest 56ooocoo 2gooooo a general hanking dusiness transacted inlerect at moat fnvorablo current rale jlowed on saving uank axcounla xottara of orddlt available iu all pahd of tho world isauod at thhi ofhod src ui altonlloj klv to farmera money orders volt amv com w to i50 paynhlo at any baiikitiff point in canada oulaldd of ilia yukon territory may now ixi procured at llw ilank counter without any delay acton branch frames frames pictur9 prjt7td staters bros art store cui3ljph ahtibtg aurilv iiduci aoton machine and itciiair shops immiyqulndatxil ivopiubm- ary abilarlauttuirajliillilamauta aiu to da all klndaolitaaju atuuif borab4wintf julaanaiaj blaekauiluila wiuhimmm raiajfri ualtaituaal uj a aallafaauiry tnauoa w aj rilr vuy uiaablua ti lolloamaiit oi aiy buika haw kuuiiala aud nilu joo acton- livery bus line writ xoulpfctod bjui utyluh lua uu all athulublaa a oatafortabla bua uiaau a ualna batmaail u ku abd b10 u ul garlulatuutuirlvalltaavryojrdr ytia ui of tliinjlatoljtiayl- lrt lully mat john wrlllvms pkuhlkyou bread cakoa feonfootlonojcy- oyators canned goods mro anna maddook tuaukalidr uum eroui cuiiomera for tlielr loral mlronai ami aunourvee thai alia j added canned goods and fuesii oysl lilts lo iviratock guel1ih iiudexd etc brud and cakoa ar received from guoljih every 1 uaday tsuraday and saturday iouonio uhlad toronlo irad la locclvoil ovcry monday wcdiiaday 1m day tuul saturday mks anna madpocic mill sthbut acton w barber bros paper makers georgetown ontario pook colphod joiin r barber wattlil0iljl llftuuttm in wvury ulullly bi kauaaul lt- uubifatiy uf btilll 0l4illul 1ulhuu uuo uuj yaajr l j 111 j waaly aa lafiuy abanluuly mlra atij all a dauim alralalili tuiin1f luqtiila uiy tin ttuliliuualuu aajarv iwbl but 1 1 lulutrtlaf allil xiiwiih tiutilay aliii i uauilt wak utah italiuuuuah iuiiiwwur ohio trader bawrt of c capitollpald up 1 000000 asaots ovor so 000000 guelph branch iiit wwb to ao savings bank dopartmont ultllllult iuhuknt 1utij ointltukht bald on a u ilia dahaltal of aiul uvanla inlaxmt allowaj fntn data of ilaxall in nl wltbdrawaj fa li ur ouuithinudad liaji taarly adtbjoaa wij tit raaihuialbla larmara uo uialr own tianiaa at ilia 1 nurraiit talaa no bhuf inula lur oollaauiia aajaa tiolaa ii laji in lual4l a sanaiaj tuklti ljtilia uaikaaeu1 beds wlialfjlvoau mora comfort- hlilo look lo a lorootii tlian a fm urau mounlcl ul r wr can aiiiijly yo w1 timu in lrakd mounlnl or iron at juice from j 50 upwafda ktron well mado jnd vry beat wliao a very larj aaiorlmrnl to clioowi from also clillda crllw ui iron lloda lo imi alilprwd carefully liaclcd our priced always rl john m bond co ijabdwaidj gublph farmers now for a bargain 90 oatmeal comnunciiik trlday february 141113 ioy3 tcrnia iirlclly caili vcr qco wo will glva 0 lbi v vorlqswd wuulvoi aack-iblb- yat 3 bo wo will b whoui aaok do iba lnoludlaa kick gath for grain potatoes turnips iiids slitcpiklm eic geo j tliorp market square cu el tph ilraikch at hocliwaad nabsaqavoiya saw and planing mills lumber and shingles ky loubst pr1cbs dill aluff cut 10 order statu atovd length 81 35 a double cord at tlie mill p savers proprlotor qe handiest cheapest quickeat and most reliable servant far your private and general business is a telephone try it tho bell telephone co of canada e52azbrton knd edgn tuiluls flour and oatmeal mills ileal quality of hour and oatmeal at ulit prlci llran mlddllnev chop fwd etc for cah for wlieal and oata cliopplnp every day al both mllu henry 1i0rt0p rnopnnitoii hctow saw mills lumber lath shingles and woold jhisyji lumiikh nouair lum11kh lath hiunou and htovi wood ov all kinds keti conbyantly on hand janiesbrowi- jpermb gash jjattnj- tloylkxh towt4 i youauiw- t a dial 114 wuiiiau of loiiy bjii taurl lba ilia i11uj nulaa tba uihh would h ma lua k idly uiaia toi uu uija hba lla 14 raluj about u 111 iu att lleil a aujdait lb- blwu uu vorall tllalubajtlal atidalatbfoujib lalcutfauj jatll ttiaty taaati t a wf 111 vlw 1 tbn baiaull lul alxii tbay uaatl lo blt wu a klubt ui tuaaa fu blua tllanttua waai uu aay baaa atl tba will uiat tba kutibaia lilaj vi thai va11 1 a aoul hi all i ltat who kiio idw uiacuia wu llyal til- clim la tll 111 want to waau tbara mu lin una ui climb tba uaa j a i il nobody bail a hliiala taata ua only tb blrla anj b 1 tbiowutll a tllaualsr boy hot oil to bivaal u auell lilaaaaugaia tat if iia1 wnuj uia arratija ditba tba aut fuf tnaaaanuar lllu tliia wu lltlla 1 waaii al iiolla and uolaa tiimo aa uf tbr anj luutli t tba al om town blom it lacwaj lla bowi wu uia tlraarlaia plaoa ta aaitll i tba nntf old woman bacaa u tliail woka wllb a tldaii aoraaol ial ilia f alia briad i ba ba4h aami and 0 wbal a borrul draui i 4v mukda uagimuui sttuci 3fnmilij luaing doiey a jv1ilkin3- uv akma aiby uktcalvanjj maja out appoaiauoa in ibla world of ttat upon ilia a m a day and oar mummiit biua old frunda wa umdi fiom wm oliildhool fail frlaiida and oompanlona wa want to aohool loatlnr wa draaaod ftioh othara dolla p anurad aoolaty toolbar tut uudardlffaraiitelroiiniatanoaa in tuo ouhuait yaara daring wbloli wa had prowu from lafanoy lo woranjliood baul ualoilf dalayu fatharbad mada on of ttioaa uiamiiiotli fortuuaa lhab taault from auooaaaful tnodarn peculation my doajt fatbar oa tin ooolrary had baa a traadlnj tba path that iada downward la ha faoo fnt fortnnp and w wars poor folkti ooaparad la tba uatoalfa dalay balnr an only child and a lltll boatily adlafad aoolaty aa a balla and hlraaa liar ooatutna imporud from xarla bar jawala ol tba tiioat ooally daaorlpllon bar oarruga horaav aurromidliika of awnry kind tltoaa thai only waaltlj oau procure wlou i ay hut wa wora poor folk 1 do uol biaall that war faduoad to i u flaring povarty but wa llvd in a vary qout way luptouly iwoaarvaula and wblla i aoono- liimd in tba houaakaapliih daparlmaut vttl my only brolhar wot kad at ourklny in a wbolatal drujj alara and halpad ttiy ovarworkad fallur in tho family aitpanaaa wa warn inviud out and bad oar abaraof kyly but myooalurnej wara tba work of my own flutfara tba laml tuataflaj ofuui aarvin for two or lhra drta and ty jewal box wa my inharltauoa from tuy mother and hut a alndar a look of pruy trlnkatr i dont know wbau i flrt aaapaoud uiat prad waa in lova wltb dalay wa uir bad bun ao muoli loathar vrad balntf only thraa yaara oldar tbau dalay aud tuyaelf that it waa a tntur of oanraa for both of ui lo dpud upon vrad i au aoot aud lo fulfill tba dutlaa of a brolhar to dalay wall aa lo lila own alatar 0d blook only lay balwaan our tnodt dwalllu and tha auparb brown a una froulof qaul uatoalli alalaly houaa aud not a day paaaad that daliya faat or rulnadld not trip ovar that block u hrlntf ua lotfalbar for k obat and axohaugaofooolljanaa i tbluk it waa tbt wiuur wban wa both m out at a party k by ur malcalf lo iulrodtim ma as wall m dalay to aoolaty that i aral uotload a obauv in frad ua bain la plaad auothar anajta- niaut qolla fraqoonlly whau x wai koiug to uetcalfa or wanud hlu to tot aa dalaya aaoorl aa wall aa mloa ila no long hurried bora whan dalay oaraa to dlaa and apaud a quut avaulou atourhoua tba doatua thay bad utload ukxaulaa lay unlouobad for wsaka upon tba tatule raak and i no lonjtar aaw vrada hama upon dalaya ball programm for four or flva danow and aa ha draw h and toroa of tba hay boyiiblaududoulof bla yo dalay too loal aomatblritf of tba old k briqbtnaaa aud bar alap no louja dauood and sprang as if froui tnare ovarflow of ioyouinaa i might havauolload mora k my own baarl bad aol naa out of my awn keaplufl during that wlnlar and ilia manly faaolnatloua of hurry wilmar an- grojid my own dramt tbla u not by lovaalory m itiuwoaa bar toaay that al ilaalar i btcama ura xlaury wlluur aud took poaaaailod of a baodsouia houu aud ahaiad iha larga inooma of a wallby liutband dalay waa oua of my ixldaa- mmlja and lookad lovsly lo oraamwhlta oaabmera and rlobaat laj ihoatth 1 fauolad a look of palu oama itilo bar aoft biuwo yaa at tha formality wild wbloh frad nllad bla poalllonof haat man ayold- iug ratbur than camtluii lbs opportantlaa otfurod lo pay aapaolal atlautlon to dalay it had baaunad my wajdliifl a litila ibak my fathar aud frad had had a moal favor- ahla offar lotto loiiatbar to tiaoramauto to opn a b ranch lualnsaa for tha urm who a ra ployed irad thara aaatuad to ba avary opportunity for making mouay and tliay wara lolb auxloua to avail lliamialva of ihd offar do tha old bom a waa brokau up and a waak aftar my wadillu fat bar and frd alaiud for tbair uaw immp on llialaat avauiuu fr4 took maa llttla lnlo bla aoufljanoauot frankly and fully aa babadiu many lea important toatura hut uulnj tna ttuaaa muob of tba aubjaol flllluk bla baarl tba prlda bluulug him lo allanoa uy auob half oontmaud i fall aura that haul ualoaux rraal waadlh and bla own unoaruln proapaota upt blm from lalunif dalay aa iba lova ha ohirlbad almoat wllboat hopa for ba tbougbt aha only fait tba ilalatly affaotlou of loiuj in uuiau fruudahlp for hioj ln ibla ultla ba woald uol hava told ma hut ha did uot dar to irual hliuaalf to uiaka a farawall oll aud lulruaud lo ma bla maaajfof imparallva hutlnaaa pravaulltik bla tyln hood by in parttoii dauy will tbluk you vary unkind not to tpara bar fiva mlnuua i aalj you tlouot uudarataiid ha aiiuwarad lnipaliauvly i uu uol unkjuj i am only miaarabla ihaal t dobt waul any pity lla all rlybtt but tbara ara aoina thlna a fvlbw oaiiiiol bland aud uolbalray hlmx1 iiui bar larwll for yaara pmibapa nmlv iuiiiy aa niara friainl la bayund uly alraiiuth hut why ut uu br tbl y har r l who aald i load bar iwl matlc i am not liif u iijiuib in haul malnalfa aye aa a fiiiluno liunlar jut tail dalay 1 olaol fl round and aay k by a for irtr and lororo i roul 1 al r fr i wa orf tha neat murnlntf ii ny i 1 uln ty father aiid brother tklbyu fur mi ludclliilta ilmiy and aa it piowfl m prtiiik from my tlorfatlier w a final on two yeara ulr ba dlad ami it waa uxyra bafdra fratj raturnad homo and than bnly for a brief yult la m in tl- wlnur h waa at iba vary balttbl ol thafatar for art ambrolilery and my parlor a j an impiiuubivu 1ncidunt mbrolilery and my parlor a wara i i i i of lierhapa no bubdrnd dnllata wdad will aiiaolmana of wura lilflaj- nyof them aiile of lb- frni t my i many own ludmtry though niixl wl my own fforla want lo adorn iba peraona ol my drathoru ikrry and my waa baby girt nattl i oballanttad frla admiration for all my p ally trlfloa until i blm lo a ml laborala affair in hand painted aallnpluji banja and obaollu ttiflu tbla i a la tha am of my lot of artwork you would never it that waa only a oomnioo wood on milking jlooi would yout dual auoh a atool aa our grabdmolliora uaad in iba oounury yaara ajjo did you avar ata lovlur palntlu aud auoh floa ambroldary aa ihem la on tba ploah banjat who gava it to you j frl aakad trying wilb hroibarly good uatura u aaara inuraalad i boohlit i abould think you had anoubb without parohaalotf anymy brotbar aaijlau ya but ihla waa to blp au old fruuj i bonxhl ii or dalay kflolf you ra- toambar dalay loonlluued not nojloltitf ua auddan pallor hi frada fac uba doaa ihla aort of work for a ator fntiaw york but i bay do not half pay bar and bar old frlenja order pretty thing thay not aol uallj want lo halp bar what do you maaut frad orla1 bla to ida abarp with pain you knw baul ualoalf waa dsail did you bol ht von mod ha wrlttatt that hi aoraa of tha ultera thai wara lat whila i waaj in japan it waa jaat about lb it lima i aald i auialy wrata it lo ynu wa ail fall ao aorry for daly her motbav illad a faw wala bafore br falbar arid w xptrad ironbla that foilowl mr uwiaalla fortuua that wau auppoead it amount o mllllona did not covar bla dubla wban tha aatata waa aamled narjttiirii waa aold nvan dalaya jawala and uraud piano why la tha not herar prj said walkluu up and- down tba lonu room it tha influlia will f my apllidla laad tabl and fralla brloabrao you pro- faaaad to loi iter why do you not ruo bar a bomaf ilaoauaa aha wont uua it i you uaad uot look at ma aa it i wara a monaur frd 1 avan offarad her a aalary lo coma aa nuraary ftovarnaaa for harry and hettla aud tnada bar lau oat aa marllly aa aba did in our old klrllah a a wban aba had not a oara uut aba la aa proud aa aa aoma otlur folka i know and would not taka obarlty avan from mr i wbralaaha qha la boarding at 407 l qtreal ii qlraetl my brotbar orlad tbara la not juoaul houta lu tha atroal thay are amall pjor houaaa i aald- bat thay ara rapaolabla uoat of tbam ar boarillnjl bojiaaa for clarka ahopniru and n tod la- wo man and dalay livaa ihtra i dalay who utvar buaw a want in bar whole ryttad hfal poor tltlla dalay i haaald praiily tblnkof ir walinjjjir ayaalght upon in oi workaa tbla wblla i yaa i aald after waltlug uiui lima for lha oonolualoa of tba aanunoa you v i am uol amilllonalra aa rkul ualoalf waj aoppoaaj to ba frad aald hut i am oa tha road lowaajlhaud i am already a rloh mao aud ii la aolld tuouay uol galnad iu apaoulatlon but laid up dollar by dollar iu fair bouaat commaroul 1 bualna our builnaia la flourlabluif aud i am al iba ba ad of lha branch bout in arauanto aa you know with avary opportunity lo push my own for tuna aawell aa that of tha firm what tlnia u it nearly alavaul too lata to call auy wbara now i abould aay ao i aald to morrow aald frd tomorrow dalay dlna liar i aald qha oomta to diooar avary tuaaday and djarry aaooru bar boma in lha avaolug ua might howavar ba parauaded to raalgn that duty for ono tomorrow wa cliklad a faw m inula ionar aud than frad want to ida room carrying dalaya mllkinrf atcit with blm wbolbar baaat up am uliihtoouumplallug that work art i am mi a bla to aay but i do know that tha initl aft r noon wban a pala ultla dalay lu daap mourning oania into my alillnn room cxpotitf lo find ma alone aba hail no raaaou to oomplalu of frada ooolnaaa long long tufora i bad guaaid tba aaoral of bar rajaolloti of any aultor and ilia luurat aba took in flaoramsulo laturc hut i iiavar hlntad at my auapl- oloua aud i looked on al thai rapturoua maallng add aald uotblug evo u frad of tba addad color on dalaya ohaaks or tha naw brlgblbaaa in br aya- aftar diunar tha oil dualta wara rum- maga out of a lonp olooad drawer of old mualo aud at ian oolook ilarry mad a no moveinanv whan dalay want lo my room for bar bat aud wrap tba court of una lova ran vary ainoolbly foi iba next mouth lbs lima of prada vlalt lo ma and wban ha raturnad to haoramanlo ii waa not uol aloua dalay put hr prlda aalda aud ul ma provide bar troubau and tba wadding at my liouaa oallad toolbar all bar old frlandr tbara waa a vary baudaoma how of wadding praaeule but mlua wm tuoal oajra- f ully packed by frada own baud aud waa teauudalhia mtuaat harry ttava tha llvar la aarvloa i had aauttad aa my uili for fred banigd thai i would glva ibam dalay a mllkinu alool provud hill bovh rally an t iruly ara jnu aura ll luvsf abu auufd fnaitlvo miawaro i lb i praotioal young man wlm bad jual pruplrl 1 uaud it ttd il yu i iiouiiumi myalf fur indiur luufu i4uwtuufur j lib i uly dold- lug jut wliai tbu ayiiitiun uteauil i waa iravtllllnguirougb tba wcatern por- ii uf tba uu uf trxaa lu x be otomn ih7u and atnpjmmloiiatilkbt at a utile tilla call- rd youngtpiirl having probably aeveiily- tl inbabltaitla tbara wa no inn ami f waa auurlliiad by an old n illegal bla raeldaiior about midnight i waa awakeoad fiom alaep by loud vultxe and iba burrylng uf feat 1 1 aroee and- looking out w a brl light abjul two iulldral yrla y lfatly dralug i found that oua mid of tba new nliuroh building waa on flrr tba india ha i jul beau ereotad at a ooat by tba r- all poor and lu luaa would prova a aail blow lhm t iblnk i bavar aaw atiob aigna uf dutreaa 4a wera mblblud by many of tha epactator from their axoited remark a i learned thai a revival mealing announced to ba bald lha iieitlay in balldlntfi and lha impreaalou aaemod lo ba that aome ananiy bad aal flra lq lha ohuroh uplolblatlma tba fire waa non 11 u d lo uiaoolida ofthe wall at lha hack of lha building and tbe flamaa wera making alow baadway wauravan fordrluktngpurpoaea waa vey acaroa that fall nona iu fact oould ba obtained lo exllugulab tba htnr tba axolud peopla wera kunulng impouutly about thinking ll waa uatuaa to alumpt to atay tba flra al tbla jqnolnraa mau appaareil in tba crowd jia waa about fortyova yaara of ag black lrded with a bomtly naruael fc for a momaul ha atood aurlug at tba flr thau flinging hi a run abova bit bad and gaalng iulo tha aky in alrong aahieat voloa ba began lo pray ilia worda aud tonaa wara lha ambodlmeul of i aulraatj falhwv ba oryad pardon ua pardon u thou of whom wa hava beu told that no aparrowfalla to lha ground but iu loa i la felt by tiee thou baat known our effort our aalfdaulala for thy takr iiow wa hava bull dad tbla lowly ampla lo thea with much hardship iiow wo are without moan a lo bail anollmc iiow wi maaul if lu thy wljom another day dawnad upon ua hint thy dear word boold- ba proaohad bar w ara uu- worlhy our vry prayora may ha aalflib and unwarlby bat o thou search ol baru tbou kuowaal it waa for tby klory many hungry aouli will coma with to- morrowa dawn to ba rofrehod at thy allar and wa atrlokan with loaa bow can wa aaliafy them tby oua will ha homauea harr thy popla will turn with amply hta aoma parbapi to waya of alu coiuldar wa baaeacb tlita onr ory iumambar in halp aud aympaihy our lo tlila homa la our all ii baa iiaau our i dallbt tn autidpailon lo think that in it tby nam could ba up hftld and immortal aoula brought to the 0 lord our god auy theea fuma coma tbou to our i raeou only if oar wlb lack aubmlaalou la tby will aud i uu worthy in tby tight forglva but 1 worthy brant to thy sarvaula a grtoloua anawar- that tbla i tbrvaunad oalamlty may ba auyad wa plaad forgtvantea for ihoaa who hava iraua- graaad agalnat againat ua and unto thaa 0 tbou dlvlua helpar ba honor and glory and pralaa aud uowar foravr and avar ahian tha prayar waa hardly mora tbau two mlnulealo ungtb duriug whiob tba flit ad atlautlon of lha orowd of paopu bad bau bald and lhair baarl a touched by lha preacher faw bad noted iba hlaok wall of cloud thai waa awaeplng wltb almoal hurt loan t ury down from tba norlbwal tlia laat worda of iba prayar bad barely bean apokeij whau tbara fall all hi drop of till bluoo followed tbara was uol aaoundot uaf or wind lo break tha allll- uaaa thau in fiti n i laat llaahad forth ft blinding flood of light almoat abova ua aud a bural of thunder iba made tba very aarlh cook beueatb our fast a wild cry bural from ilia naopla a ory half of fear half ol faith and thankaglvlug bbrukiofl in lla might a burrioaua horlled paatua taajrlng tba jama from lha horning wall aud having upon it a dranoh of ralu that flooded lha orowd of trambllug peopla and tba audaugarad building iu tba fright and ooulualou amid lha roar aud turmoil uf tha lampeal it aearutd hardly uiora than an jniunt from tbs moment lha aral dropa of ralu fall until lha flra waa rjuauoliad and i found myialf alu tub log hajfdrowuej lo my tal from tha ground war lha wind and water had burled mr- i heard tha tualud voioae of tba paopla oalllug out of tha darkuaa to aaoh other aud southward waa tba roar of um departing tampas tbt wall of tba flburolt huilillntf waa only charred the flams had not burned through it i yea in tba oily of waoo taxaa in tba m mm i r of llldo whiu a church oon- ferenoa waa in projraaa and atjay log into lha hall where il waa in araalou 1 aaw upon tha platform iba homely aafnait praioher of youugaporu ila waa daaorlb- log in glowing worda to an intensely in laraaud audlanoa iba magnitude aud far raaoblug oliaraolar of tho ralljloua awakanlug which bagan tha day following that ulghl of flra aud vain ila bald the people apellbouyid whllelie plalurad tba might and majaaty and glory of ijim who rule all a tba hurri cane a cd hold ganla oottjpanlonhlp with aoula that aaak ilia aarvloa and deaira ilia lovr tub ohit uahwllioolio lad- diti tu allnw of bia a fiieuh ain nucipu tho alory of a boy who ralu hla poverty to aland lo tba deelrn for knowledge la raleud by au ri noaily a hundred yaara agn a aluui freoalo iaod awkwid uiy of nlgbleen yoara diaeaad in a tagged wialouat and aboitbraatahca without aumkligj or boe rpiiadixje availing at tha jixir ol m bumble ooluga in llbrtharn huglnd hud aakad tu aaa thathlago mboolmaltxr wliail llil paraxin apijaarod lha boy aald vary i nod al ly i would like loatlaid your evening echoo air and wba do jou wlb to alndyf aaked lim uacbai roughly t id rad aud wrila air auawa ad tha lad tha bchoolmatter glalcad ovr lha boy homely faea and rough t indian anorufully klum but i ou i door and aald vary well hgrll baratagga1 ldjld ilk baturba doing aomathlngrlaa than idg lila letter ulien be cloaeil tb in tha lada faoa if that grit ufa uggad uddu bad aald lo lha bchoolmaeler i mtau to oonii agrat in van lor lo bcooma tba friend of rloh and powerful men lo bold oonver- aallon wtb kinga and lu wrila my name among tha gaat ouoa of aarlh l la likely ha would bava oallad tba boy a fool lo chrr- laheuoh wild tlreamc yet ihla poor ignor ant lad who didnt know hla alphabet at elgbuan aooompllhad all lba tblusa beforahadud ila did it by bard work aud uuuu ha load up lila mind lo do tha beat ha could ila kept pcgiliiig away lila gnorauoa waa a mlaforluna and not a fault ilia paranta wera loo poor to mud blm to echoo ha waa tba on of tba flramau of a pumping angina in a northumberland coilury ilia birtbplaoa waa a hovel with a blay floor mud walla and bare ruluar wban ba waa sva yaara olii ba bagau to work for bla living by herding oowa in tba lujinna aud barring up tha gaua at nigh a ha graw older hawaa a to pitching atnura from tha coal and afur that to ilrlvlru k hora which draw ooal from iba pi ii wul hallfad and half olothl bill fur v that he had man breve aoul lu bu atmdy little ixidy for aavaral yaara ba waa aflttanl fir mau lo bia falbar then ha woa tnaip lira- man 111 meal i flubaarjiiaully at iba ga of aaveuuaii ha waa in ado plu niiii of a pumping angina a poat auptrlor lo hla falbrv dut all this imi though ignoraui of hooka ha had bean uludylun hu iikiuc gradually ba acquired ao coniput a know lidga of bla hiaoliiua umt w bu to takail apart aud make any ordinary ra palrc the grit bara ugged laddia wa amarlor than haatamadaud tbla fact tba teacher waa iiolbng in flniliug out kftr ha bagat to uaab ham at tba end of two yaara by atuiidlnu avanlng aohool ha bad learned all that tha tillage aobootmaaur ould leach him tbla brought bla echoo life lo au and but ha allll kept on htbdyiug ila bought hooka fin uieobenlca and anglnraiiaiaj and pant bla uunre tu btudylug what thay taught aud in experlmeulluti al uaat ha banau to think about makluii balur augluaa than thoaa aloul him uaanwhlu ha had received iba auglua- wrtght at oua of tba ureal collier la of uorlhru huglind aud ba gradually applied hla ulaua for au improved tooomo- motlve ha waa uot entirely tueceaafu al ural but ba waa not dlaoouragad ila aaw bla mlaukaa and oorreoud tham defora ba wu tblrtyfiva be lad oootrucud aavaral locomotive uam augluaa ard flva yara afterwarda be had baooma kuowu u a aucoaaaful aud eorgallo augluear and waa called upon to build long aud dldloult lioeauf rallwayr uol bla looouiollvea wara too alow ha wauled them to run taatir da propoaad to build one that would run al lha rata of twelve ralloa an hour everybody laughed al blm boma thought that ha wait going oraay oua genilaman who considered bimialf very wlaa said lo blm guppoaa you invent qua that la oapabla of runulng nlua or tan mllaa au hour and while il wu ruuning aoow aliould alray upon iba track would uot that ba a very awkward olrcurnauuoa i abould think it would ba very awkward for tba oow ba answered wall heauooedd in making bla ibto- motive and at a trial which took place nur liverpool it alulned tba unprece dented apeed of fourteen inilaa an hour ily making orlaln improvamrnla ibia atulb blluino iba llcokal waa made- to attain tbe arwd of thirty mllea an hour people laughed no lone but admired ua waa luvllad aa a oouaulling anglnur to foreign oounuiaa and wealth llowad upon him phlloaopbera bought hii friend ship ilia king offered him knighthood- but ha ratuead a title preferring to remain plain gaorga utapbaoaon in a recent aaae of illnaea in wlilcb a trained nuraa waa employed tha pleasant air of tba alok room was nolloeabla when comment was made tha nuraa axitalnad cw it waa tuauogad a faw pjewa of mown paper bad been soaked lu aatlpatar water and allowed to dry when oooaulott raijulrad plaoa of tbla waa laid lu a ua pen lupl for the purpaea lha coal sou iii a would aa wall a handful of dried lavilujaf ftowara uld upon it ami a raatab applied tba aroma waa parlioularv rdyajiiiiu aud agreabl auoihr sug4llon in tha earn a llua appllaa to tba una of lavender in another form a fw dropa of oil of uvaudar pouted lulu u glaa of vary hot waur will purify vlia air of tha loom almoat luvuully tbla hit of knowlrttga la ubatul lo iba hoauaa whojj dlunir liuibl ba served lu a email dining room near the kilohai if tbu nnxtiitii it madv jnut befora diuutr u auiinuiind by tlm tlmo tha oompeuy an ura ili room will ha illlad willi a alnl iiiuugbl hut lhonughly acoaplaliu odor nf ftalniha aud all dl- areaaliu atujlinaaa ranmved ttvmotv iav ii rut jojst iuio li kaelitlay la lb beettlay jieoiiabilly vmij i oil lay aoia wo uulltuy ltlpaaall caoll day blita i a jorwllboululul tbuub ll tiy nut ba my oryumalliat la tiaar eodaylth1l ofboilly ayar f tbdaliidaybfailla willi dvn ibal bavauoi iunle prlaa that waa liiimf buinaxl at maaaoua tilub 11 bitii dally wija truth uow mixan uei day la iba ut ouomlmily ayr t 0 lu llutbrlut4 jny ulihid uuaorrow in lalt i 1 1 ik w 1141 w11 eti blud llowhalnabourriattlii how narrow our r- tlaeh day ilia boat of aouiaboly a yar i a r litii d aauda ui lha following itilorct- ing kooauiitof how mua ilullg pel call iulerruplad hr wddluf a wedding iu rural high uf wa interrupted iu a pecul iar fakhloii at walnut ulll conn a fdw daya ago b paruu of ulia nallla hull who i lo baooma iba wife of mr atiaon gear though it wouul ba um ihlng to oaubralo la wadding iu church tba contracting parilaa wtra plotted lib tba auggaalton and proparatlous wara lada for an cuboraa weddiui au lha peopla on thn hill wart inviud and all wan iba church uaa beautifully daooraled with fliwera limit ovr lha pailll leading from tba road lo tha church waa an awning ami on iba ground wa laid a atrip of crptt mlae hull waa very fond of p la ajid among lha aiiiniala on lha farm aha had a pal cow and u ui ooh i fur affdctioil fr lliaa animu waa warmly reciprocated lzlthar or bam would follow her about lika a dog dill j waa ila iinina nf bar pat coll it baiihued that unlav htl hi aya on ilia preparation for tho wcddini lln atood with bl bead over iba paatura lara aud saw hie mltrs climb into tho family carriage und dnvu down iho road a abort lima afterward according tu lha imouy pf lha ltirad man tba coll cluar ad tha harv at a bound and with lull up and hfeala lii iba air waul down lha roid at a lively rata in tba dlrrcilon bia mini r me bad lekou tha wadding party waa in tha oburch aud brida aud bridnroom wera slaiidlng bafora tba mluikur ready to lake their vowa whau thera waa a com motion lu lbs vaelihulc kvary man woman and child in lha ohuroh luruad toward lha door jutl aa utaa iluuecoll thruat iu bead through theopanlmj bealug bla mlalreaa al tha allar tbe animal walked down iba lu and lhru it lug hie head lulwun tha iwq aud began rubbing bia uaa agaiuit iba hridaa shoulder whimpering atfoollauauly tha praohr stopped lha biidee falbar atlemptad to drive tha coll out of iiib ohuroh but il rt fused to go uutil indued lodo ao by hla mllrta who ld tba way wbau the horeawaa ontsil the door waa cloeed id kmp lilm ont and iho yoang wobian returned tu tha altar aud was tuir- rieu when tba wadding proceaalon aal oui for lha unit rveldenoe whoro ratritli men t a had haan apread for tba gurala iho coll trotted along by tba lido of the carriage iu whlculla mlalreaa rodr our diuhi animals s cnmcium dewataof the bahlt of criticism if it take poseeaaion of you it will make you disagreeable uiioomfoiublaand a laughing stock uuch was tbe lamentable t of gyrus tluiall ilia lima waa largely epaiil in discover ing tha faulla and shortcomings of ihlnfl animate and ihinga inanimala wblla urs omall aa it seama was equally vigilaul in atuinpllnu lo bring forward aouetblng of which she oould say thera 1 you cant pick any flaw in that i onoa she thought this happiness would ba barf a certain nun in iba lopu in- battled large wealth under ptoilllar olrouimtauoe it waa hla under tbe law bat whau iba court awarded it to blm ha stood up and uld that in vlsw of all the faou lu hie caw ha hallavl that iba properly balougaj of right to auolhsr hair hla soilou waa generally tookul ujion aa a uohla on ura umall wa loud in her cipreasloul of praiga yaw i know said b4r husband twaa k flue ihln few mau would have dona it and thatd why ha fait m- barrasaad by lha way ho atotu jyrua umall 1 1 should hopa you wouldnt and fault wltb hla allltuda whau ha waa doing suob a vuud ihliiii i oh no i hava ho wihii to- crllloiaa aald cyme but f i bed uaii mi tho plallorm facing sll ihuaa ptjiu i abould hava tried to toe out a 1iuu mora the othun oioc it was ap ideal sttaam for flabing and the auglora way plolurlug to ibemaelvea a basket of troxrfwhen tbay caught ulghl of tba following notice roughly executed ou black painted board i notice any puraana allien here do to al lhair own risk as thesa grouuda is privet if lhara ba auy fltli ibey aint lha sort to ha temled by common worms or dou dealdca there aini iluru aparyj roti cut aud tbs nolo tlniihad tho anglnra liowavar wara undeterred and deoidedto lake lha rlik for two hour thay sat endeavoring to umpt thoso trout with varloua dilicaoka but with no resull hava jou read that notica audjanly inquired a buoolia nultcmaii who miper- naived bad joined lhaauglaia yea wa tho rtply to which was ad ded by wsy of apology but wo wore sorely tempted it dont mall or said tba farmer re assuringly i thought seem ytm a nihln as how you didnt read both alder tho fwhcrmon gavo a hasty glsuoa al lha rovorsasldo of tho board ii iwro a con tinuation of ttio warning in the ihra worda no blessed nl not woflth mbntioninq rinsucisr pulllug through that rail road deal us i tod mo jgo 000 wife your friend lost by h didnt hot all ho had hut then ho only had j5000 you should nut leal tired all tha tlm haillhy taopla duut yon wont if you takrf ukkla haraapanlu for a whilt haroh is apavorlto mbntli for homo dyolng in all well rogulated homes iu city or country the work of homo dyolng la largely dona in march the dresses skirts aspaa jtokels bluusas and other arliclta of wealing apparel used aud woru sv year ago but now dingy aud fadod will ba brought out carefully looked over and rtljod with some now and slyllsb color for lha swmona wear wltb suoh aids sb iba popular diamond dys it is folly to spend niqiiny far nuw tuaurlal and gstiuoute ha dumotld dya always mako old aud faded thlnge m hood aa uaw tha buat au wall as iba humbleal femllioa um the diamond dyb buodaaafully aud protuahly uvurj spring have yuudauldud to mako up a prtilty and slyluh mat or rug from your ran- or waste inatutul thuru u a phi a mini iii being al hijo point lu your uwu bumtiiiuda tuau aud tugi uund jtinr addta lo lha walla aud ulohsrdaou co limtu1 jco uouulaln u elnulraal p j ami you will rwoelvashaalu of dujlgiiu for your lu hpaouon i rl