allbqnlrel hutch fc lay jll vb by 11 lllolt i lmibll uulilav uf uuver 1aby knuxuc7rh annlvthbary dr ulol ltoquo ion of gait proohi it arid imiirml j xii illiur r ii u bc aftou jfm ikiiss ilujuhuay iuittju iwu 1 ihtfjlha notitti 1 llrll or ihi ntli w illuulon pnmll 1jiitiuii m 1 iiiuik l oulph lfot mr jutln- til tjebou and mr juello iiiml pauloi trla innry jlt-v- hon tihil imaplrlok hs tilm nolle of bill m tmril ui 1wrph tlephouo ooimmil the mmuur of jutlo would miv- q fnienk f tt provuous bui itaui kiiolhr sour kxw l- llut ill uovmmirtil wi 1 lu ih- twwr uuilr iwrulri cirooinilau lu uolnulyuoutrol tit- ifalr of lolh tli gtapb aud telephone oonipanfev fc ktnplvllu cumuli lb- hinltha p11 aw has btii t a uniformed pilicmeii hl a liwil men uqii will set aw fit- and sanitary iupolur truant omor orlkrof lowu 111 ktrl ovr- br and aior and collector they wanud blot lu blip du dlbbe dulcli i 1 walk elr but h kloked to tliy did not inalud that kind o work in tb job ii u l i us pr dy salary major woohlrldu tn jo a pioikilt loo to ibpamreuin couucll ul wk iu build fuftour fealory employing thirty baud if ih town would und him tdooq repayable la 30 annuel instalment th oiler wu favorably revived ii p h imi ol walkrlou hmulfowl toaelabllah abieoult laolory employing thirty tobiaty hand 11 lb tawu would lud lilui 1 1 0000 for lfi jeara the alu of man u lee tori a tm- ploylujj h number o wojkunn i ap preciated fully by tb moat of tha to win of ilia province raeooctlnif lbs proposed prohibition referendum lit montreal wlltuu tl ej- iuk xolilbltloti tidily of tl4 dominion wy und opp6in4 tbw w do how wnm awpoodlngly i3ol of uaitltitf ibrjoou ol rot4 rw aired woabt tbfcl ba tftuoa far ttok mtuuiintf kj klrongly j ftttbcpollat oa tbuuur polot w hivb ourmlve bo qulloa kt kll if vhi rlxailam pfov tul tbt uh o whlmlnfl fabllo opinion lu fvor of pro- bllltloo oorovixnuaiit tolll bd ubrrl by fcny kibltrny uraluliobri lo numlnig from t4asld a prohibitory uw out ubdaf kuy clicurautlc- ui iduuaity kutl br4lh of tbn froblbiuod futf in lb couulry bklok brougbt to lb rfroju ualktidduly ruurod will b on loorj for yotra ui yt lo oonia ut u iia for polllicln ftqil kljma to hi by ububn very urmtlfyiti torti of lb kui kpprovfcl of a limn of lb kujmtlin mkdlbtodjjb uibj ooiumukuil wak to lb couuail lo tpply k fkir w tvklbl th bifttra tyiuca to lb corpora tions tlotrio ukme puol tbr imint to b k dalr oti hll ij4 to kut iu iikklotf thu iraportimt kollou of 6orportlou property w proflubu kd ioiilbl- a flit ru oonumrktd lo ibofkk lux tbl wik uikl lb kdoptlou of tb matird kyutd to nil krvom of u or d iftiu in towu would h k dwlrbl l would kv kurj- ncnotjut of ourrul tiid would b uodju11- lo nay ou if tli mttr yial wrt kdopud tb utktrk ru could b proilbly rdaod to 10 ooiiu rwr 1000 wklu kk lul of oout if utrri of ourroot kr couipvlled in put in meirvi tli tiifetr mukl b luppllad by ths oorpori- tlou 1bu would atiuil an outlay of 1200 or 500 but u fuul of so or j5 mnu bar uiontli lb rku in guelpb mid ollur prlvu tyiumi u bilr would ually pro v id far tbi th uvltitt in oufrot by tbi tntr yium would undoubtedly by tb wboliao of tba uilr required witblu k yr tba vlr uid lllit com- 1 fcaltu mad hood movd imi y by revuitu ih ibhh of rat tiny will do wlor iblntf tbijyir if tby adopt tlia mttrd sykutu lb only ayattm fair allk to douiumarkiid puttl uallinajad a very luurwllutf tji6titi w lild in tbaxbyuruamktik utk nilnjj wbn tba iailor ju ctorj mlla uu uiad ilia rciplnt of tb- followluif ddraa and a wt tilld purw dun vhikmii xhd viston ukalulouiou tlid wim mm w twluva thai for vrytblu llira u a hmou ul llui tur vry work tiimfor- w ilia uituil- of a your ooiifrmtiou al llajlluafaj ak aiwu ujm of uiuj uma lb axprw our hproiillou of youraarviou iuj your arduoua dou iu our bibilf w iu all awara uiat uia iii of a rolulurof tbatiaaimlui uot tr4 frin illmaul- tia dlhouriutbuui kit j houitouuia- ilu coin fori j yl you liv uot bji ovurdouia by uia4 but bay ftoouiiuy tbowu an uiuwl dlt to ajvcuu uia ihuihu or our olmmlt aul iu individual ruauiuan wboia uilil will ba aouia itiouod lo you to kuow thai your afforla ara uauarally apitrmuuj tbaltliay bavu uol bu wlutout fruit aud tbat lu valurtt for your labor you bava tin ooufblaiim aiij lova of your iwoiu aa atuiulbu iumlfullou of iliu wa aak you to acaarlt tbu pma for ut- puntliu of a fur oot wlilati you will klujly nut la ult your omu pmkoiia luu wi ihii uiat you aaatl tliu u a tokfcuof our mimui aud a ramiujr of uurayuipatliy aud cooiaiuou lu yourwotb w boik tbat you may louu ba blbwd with baallli aud autrsy to ba uuni lu our llaitara arvlo aud tbal you aud your uinlly may ba oouilaiilly atututtl by lbs llluu ubloli our hvuly valbar lu uu wu- lrounc la to wlllluk tobaalov voutrfln bmii of ilia eoujjrtilion t tuucouljlttim tbal luv mr 111 no appraoiaimi fully tbtfklud worda and tjiouijblful utll of tba omitirbiialiou was vary in u if 41 ilia reply waa tinily and approprlat kihi all fll tb at tba kiimly faaliuua whiob liava hara- lofora hlatd batwmi pan tor uil paopl bava biii ooiibldarably klrouutbiiial tbrouuli tbaeveul wblob waa ooiiuniuiaud lait avaidii 4j mlbtpn cuuiiuj wiloi fur a tmmter of yaara a rllilit uf tin- town and wll known lllriiiulikul ill ouiilry uw a u buyar dil at bla rtld1 o- uii prluy laurnlutf lail from a winil or prlyul tim fiiural arviwt wi4 lubl in ll oiblbinitti cburoli on humuy vvihiij ul u u0 lb- vbiimln- txluu iwkyti to huiniuou uu tba uundy uiurutiiu iilti ifurmrut took puo- at uvua littamd odiua to wilt on frimii luuiiniaud wuar- bauwtiid luprly lur atmiu ywarm ii- wait in tb- ukin bulna lirr diwthd uv h wlduw uu- aott uti 1 tbv- dujtiun ut j 11 uarriaou ul tralaj- aud two hi llullti vklmlaou tb flll r k wlib litixl- f b11 ih rl il wi lb willi ii 1 hfo i urlli ui huuly i ilpt l unutmty lb onlu of iii llw ifl iuv j ii f llurob till t uil ltiajiiaourawa flublr ill tf cutral lb day 11- and blbly jfi- aitfliri d tb ii i iblli- 1x1 lal v rd tb flrt wblohb 4lijiiitt null noouiitliii ornitu ir diouon bld llitt iiijii wmild lo di ibun hint lb- world would rmmbr iby furttol tby w ikh pliwil in tbrlr pmriiw plo by mora huc owl bd fiut thvrymt jbl wbrx ili wrrn fpoi1 ubjot aid if wool i look our ilult tnmr flow ului- ur uakar oould u aally u lriil hum kld wiihi mi i du a in nawr uitliii iiuiuiti hi fit dlli- uuikif 1 moody a u iin of what euim hlona by uu luilfvidu1 if uiat pruti u tborou ooiikurlfil lo llio mwalr ibluubraud vaimaiii uforf ubd ij into tb work of probhjthyopl wittiiidloh aoiua ioll arvlea in lullaud wlmr una of tbuapkara pryl lou and framrlly for jual ono pcraoil wbo would blliorouib ly oontcarklwl to ibe work uf vii aoula moody uft that ifaciiuk wilb a vow thai ba woulub tbaparaoti wilb wlut ureal ratal ta w all know tb work of john vly wa alo mphaid it apok of lb beuerjldailvwd from a obaerful dlapoaulou a cbrrful tnkll li hlwya tb noak kuooeaaful oil uo inklur wbatber b ba a working hin or a proaaloual on ha pok- of llray au kuyliab lay praobar in coruwkll wbowaitl about alwaya alui- lui and wbo built tuor cburobaa aud ahapvle tbau auy otber man iu ruulaud in ooncludliik b aald w are worryiuif too tiiuob over our worldly kfllra aud ar loo mo ob lakau up with worldly plaaur4 to acooinpliab tnuoh workof aapultukl uati ha kpoka for tbrooukrura of au hour aud wau lutariaaly rjlarwatlno uiroaubouk tba wbola of hla ramarka tbd avanlnkkartnob wa baad on mall 10 and wan b original ilioujihlful aud tnaaurful praaantauon of ihla old yl aver bewloplci follow ma and i will tnak you tlahara of rooo after developing tba iu trod uo tor y thought that atanditijf in iba mldalof hlabaajrart gbtuk uavo tba 011 to a bw ufa with a obu porpom tba uav praaoher unfolded avrailtnporlaut diwaloaaof lb loplfl iu baaullful thought 6brut at tract raaa aud woman lo him aalf to tb una followar hla mranallty ia tba great drawing power obuf of tba elamanta in thta personality lath divinity of cbrlal wblla boo of mad aad a man atoood men ih fetrumthng d09 klntf to ovjrooma fludu in ii uu tba hon of god abl for avary amriienoy to aid aud aald thai prwaohar i would uot for tiiy ufa mlaatbuorany opportunity to ura any and avry fcool lo aooapt iba reat aud im petal lv now to mbr6 tliia offered good for immadlauly thay folowad him and tbla ia tba aall mug out irpt dly tbu oall la for developing energy following ia uot ldltta ualuviuif lu cbrlat for aalvatlon ia uol all it la tba beglnbfag tbla oall to barvlca- bafor ua a par foot fxaro pi to him ia tb annl lo look aud tot to tho4a prof log ghriellau- wbo frarjuant thai oayd- ubla thaalra and ball room who luatead of blug aavad ar bing loal aud who ooufw lnatd of uuwrd ia downward hut tba eya a to b kepi on iliui lbs par feot asamplr whoa obaraeur aud way a war yutb aa to jlorlfy god and b uuful tr man tbla oall la lo a new parpoa i will maka you flhra of men tb aarlhly calling la to ba jjlorlfld bytba oouaoratlou of ita work lo iba aarvica of god riiillipa brook waa quoted aa eky in ff that ba wuhed that ha wr abl to ao ll tbat ba ui loail every oua to tnioy iha bavlouraah did example of mu aaoriwl lollra lu what it regardad aa hunibla lf wara glvu lo ehow wbal can ba dona by aoula oouaoratad lo ghritt niratn oolpb tlbcuiakar by tb graoa ofgwl harlaud tag tb oarpauur auuan lb dundr maaon jerry uo- auley tba wuirf rat moody tba alio uakara boy all aooomullabadrfrdht wovkfor ood allboughjubtunblakpbaraa of ufa yl through oouaaeratiot tby war mlgbly through cbrial dr djekaou waa lluuad lo with uraak attr utlon aud hla warm hau auj rluglug worda avldut1y oonveyd a hood luiprilon tba aveulng balug uufavorabla lb oou- grgtlou was probably not to larg aa it would otbarwla have uwii yal owing to lbs withdrawal of lb uathodut rvlo tb numbar priaul flllail tbs cliarob fairly wall rav ur ilagar raad th uun tudr offarad carnatt and approprlat prayer tba choir rudarad uiuato approprlat to lha oocailon th fjortwuooratloin war praliy and altractlv crbwson8 cohnkuo lb- blr tkuluu lory la lb ou- hould appeal ul a bald headed uiau ibk mr if a murray has riutaj a farm on tba oih line urltt and has uiovd lhar at iba outral rraebylarlau cburob inanu gait on tuesday vb 25 ih by iuv dr dlokmn mr tbouias illiolt of oampbtluilla was uuilaj in biarrlaga lo mia addlaliuby of tbla plao w m- lend lo mriiid mrs kllloll our bearly oougrmtationa th apuual ua- mealing held in tba uathodut ohuroli on waduaxlay avaiile laat uii a grand cuoosss th atuudanoa wau lara ooiuljtrloy th bad atata of tba roads and th programins was oua of lbs beat evsr ulvu br it ooualalad of addraaauaby itavs w h qarubaui of ilookwood and h a maopbarbon of aotou umalo by tba aoton iibytaiiin huuday hobool orobaatra aolos by ur j k wllaou of man atilla and uiaa uarr of oeprlnt lutliiu by aulou lrabylarlau cburob quartatts and mr h wilton aolou organ aud gonial duatlaliy uliaa loltia and llaaal uatan aoton ami dutlls by uiiiiai ually atid tultau iwikwou in tha uuavoldabuab4uo of mr ii l uor aoton ur hbl wauaboroamh uooupld tb chair duruu tha forapart of th evtulug au uioalleut ua waa aarv fed by lit uduu ft lb oouurtion to wbloliklldldauiplti iukiloc tb prooaada which amounted tuovr thirty dular jill la luvoudtu lha aid of lb church muaa kali- am mu mlukll iaut a day ur ao ihla wik with aolm friviida ut urahobu crlpp in iba lublph 0iii hospital on uuiday ur orlppa la now liuprovlug ura j t dvldauiiol aoton up tit aav- arrj la wwk at mr uobi odpp- ulmkuliuruhy of aoluu la vullfn filrudl hrv mr wm muartbur r whuhai baii vlalkiugfrtaude lu ihla ualgbborliood fur lb pdet fw waaka baa returned lollls bom iu ukulluta marin tml uoaru of ppucation the uoanl mnmorlnllaw tl ui nil lo huuilunlre lni 1xiru wurk 11- 1ih mnldey in i iy preaidiuir r prceenlad jubu muvixl by h a mpbrm i i of trualjwi in i v i k ii lniuatu on 1ln lr riuith r ii1 rrooutmeiid t of rjxunt- a follow- up h luiol i riubi a9 v iuimi ciu- u w ki lrllleondd by if hat lb- fourth eikjrt ol it kluaiin jml reed b iloptel uarrl movrl by if jiiiidil twooudml by if a mai dtrroii ul rivl lha lh oltrni and tj u inlrticut lo int k not- of lwt 00 on lb four lb of mrdi luoj ljb lowcal ri of ill for th current jpnra ol tb- luard for eetfrlitiioull uilil lb- koliikil ial aud liillim trht ptllrai l in n i uu fj and aj uf lb- lublln hobwl an nd that tlio glmiruia lrrr id mill on lh i of lb lioar carrin movrd ij llkgl auoiilud by if gmiull ibal llitf j k goblin aud ihgbiriitau u tooiiiiiuufu u draw up uoiniiiuilwellrlll pupil fa and oiplof ih- mi b poud iu tbu 1rincl pp- anil mm blart a romir- 0rruj movdbyka mrkimin wuiiided by ii grind- i that tbti hordary b hi- iruoted to teiidvr ncwuiit- to ull nnn raaldaut pupln did- bird l lb lublln bohool lionl for tlitllon fr du for l taiidaiio ill ijrtl departiuriit akklug or baymeul of tb- um- carriw t inatruolloiia war ulyaii lo wcur a ttw railway map of lha dominion a at ol walghta for pliyalual bauiioajan i a aupply ofinollon blanks or ui- of lb hoard movad by j k goddu aooudd by w if danny that able ilia opening or th- continuation olaa room and lb ituulllug of th uw uleam heetlug ppariur w aa a hoard fil ihut th- orukura dull have haaii uatly luoreaaei aud wa would hereby tiiemorikliaa lb muuiolptl oouuoll to tak kuob uollo of ibl iuoxaaa ttf dull aa it their judiiiut hay inly oonalder fair garrud th hoard adjourned lo uil ihla aveulug at 8 30 oclock lo oou 1 jar promo- lion axani nation wilur la judqcano maoigtiiatlu juds inteir qorham mold a halpful art tlnff mtlntf with tho county mauflatratoa at tba invitation of hla honor 3udge gorbanii iweutybv of lha madlrata of lb oouuty aaaamblad at tba court nouaa mil loo let w4 nvje- in a blgbly lulereallug addr judg oorbam gav a brif hlalory ol lha origlu aud growib- of lb- maglitraay from tba lima of william iii to tba pauh declared tha poaltlou of jutio of tha rolob one of ih liioat auciaut and houorabl of public ofus hufarano waa alao mad to hla action al a reoetil sitting of lb county court in inviting a magis trate of lb county to ait on lha be nob with lilni a toronto newspaper had oharaoti iaed tin au innovation uul ii ws no louowallou ba aald magistrate aro en titled to tha poaltloit and mora ba deolar ed it ia thalr duly to ooaupy tb bench whenever their eervloe ar tdqulrad uoraovar avary tuagielrata la tha equal tba gounly judg in ihla oonnaolun mauy inlereailng and helpful luggeatlona followed louobiug tha dullae and raaponal bill tie of juillo of iba lnao and judga g orb abi and clark of tba ioa matbaaou gav valukbla tuforuiatlon lu aiuw to quaatlojison polutaof prooeadura and uaaga irlaiuu out of lha miprunc uf niaglatra ua iu th perforiiuuc of thalr dull a moo h lha rjuaalloua dlcuaed war lha liability of macialrataa lo taka oaaaa whan damaodd whalhar tha bead of lb muni cipality has any graatar rcapoiulblllllo in maglalerlal uiattara than ths oomttiiaaloii ad tniglalratea tha fjneallon of rauumar allot in lha hoar lug of criminal cam tb raquiring lbk puiotltta maka depoall for coals whan a oat la abler ad aud uum oua minor m alien tha llel of oomublta of lit ouunly was ravlud aud arvaral uaiary ohanga wars mad tba prooaadliig of tha day wars oon eluded with lb fcllowlng vol of thanks to hi honor judga oorbam wm uolaod being called to th obalr moved by ii p moor j p atoouded by o h xaltarsin j v thai ilia lhauks of tha jual i oil of ihs paaca aaaambled at tbla adjourned rjatiaral aaaalous of tin jieaos for tha county of halloo b aud lha sauia ar beraby laudarad to uia honor jndg oorbam for bl invitation to thatn to atland auoh tgaaioua thai lhay baarlily approve of hla action in ihla matur j ap- praelata very fully tha information given and lha augjtaalioni tedrd aud rjol that ha may ba plaaaad to call tha magfe- trataa of tha couuly to meat annually hefe after at tha adjuuruad gauaral eoue the motion waa supported by a uutuber of oompllaaulary addraaaaa and was car ried by a standing vol judga gorbaui replied at length it ipeocb which coupled with his conduct of lha mallug throughout wou tha highest tx praaaloua of appreciation from all raul tb jujgaa wtlooma to hal urn has bn moat cordial aud ilnora in all olrolai nervous troublts tli tiufrti conmfantly unu uuraand will bturl ttia b i lull lout nulou and lu i i yltit 4 1- i y i l uy iil ib- ull atla at ury ioiu i- oppiiju by k lutllllg i tli i avlllullllug awlu 14 guulg iu b pplt i- abaky aeiaumul alill bllbuugh uly ikllaualld klmt- to 11 or h if yo nil worrlwl ur auffir itbluaitou of languor anil mil aikiil irritaliou you need a iirv lood aud lorv- tomo and dr william luik i ill arq abeolutly lb uol iblug in lb world luyoo yuu will tlnd allr liklit ltuiii ibal your tcllng- of duiiv- win wurry klx balog ftpllly raplauwl by ullmijiltl ililidkiho allil lavlliig lliat jou ar till ih- rod tu full ai i oill blih ami ktrllilh got lll mui 1 vouiilna- ill ii only ptelblu a 1 i ulldllig up btfiiug btiedy iirtf ulaa ida duul ualllurkl w ii k i wnide lail in u adtjualoly ixpn- wbtluw to lit wlllum- im a 1illa i was eluckvj by u gripp it attr ilfaolx of vblob took tbfrnl ll urnoim khana ij011 tiileaaluoli wnill i uullblui alid 1 would irrmhle ir jom- 1 i nfe l keverl luliiiii but lb- j l i nut bil ill hi d a tllii wi lit uii 1 wa ultutu wm hi and was ao turvoua umi i ws afraui to remain aton hi a room i ulupl badly at lilubt and would fi tjuntly awako wnii a mart lhal would ooulpl in to aoiain if lit iroubl tub on mw to auah an bxtiiil dial my friouda feared tor my reoovnry at tbla limn my aunt ur m ut try dr wl pink illl- and aflr umg tduhl hpraa i waa oonpulrly reelnrtd ki ballb i feithaldr wlllume pink pllu kei my ufa aud i alncerely hup my rxpetiene w ii ixnaul soma other sufferer thee pill never fail to ruor health and etraugih in oea ilk lb bov tliey make new rich mood with every do atrimlliil lha ura and ihua tlriv ill aeao from iba syalam dr whiiauis 1ltiw pilla ar a crlln our for rheumalum aolalioa partial pralyala h vllua datio iiidlgaaluiu klduoy ml hvrr troubua and tb allmeiita that mak tba llvr ot ao many woman aaourn of rouktaiit air it r lull i aya roy oliv and all elaitlo alep la carlaiu in follow a fair ua of tbla medlolm- he sur ibkt iba full name dr williams pink pills for pal paopl- la on every box you buy all other ar imitation if you da hot find the pills at your dealers lhy will ba sent peak paid at so mil j a box tr kla- fcoxal for 19 ho by addreaelng tha dr william modiolus co hrookvllla onl l1mkhou8e mlaa junia homarviu vmlad frlmds in mil ton uat wek mr tbomaa bomtrvlll apeut a day or two uat weak with aotou friend ha alill reunite his orntches to t around ur john mcdowell and brlds bav taken upvbelr raaldenc in tha alone ho uia al iba domlnlfuikllns ills reported ibkt our uaually qulal ham- ut cams in for a couvldarahle share of no lor laly at lbs meeting of majfutrla at milton last week tor aouia uni the vicinity baa bn lufeaud with tramps and tba preabylarun churolt and tha publia school bava baau bokan into parmara famlllrs in 10 ma intuiicr bava lm ar rorlaad and tha oommuiilty has bean oou- slderably dlaturbad jamas mcloj a tramp was inuuod uat weak by qecrg town majjitralt to a month in goal jolio boott hasbaan appoint a oouuly oonslabu and will aaalal in ridding tba locality of lha tramp theaitlaaus of dlmbbquaa lulaud clear ing lli trampi out of ur w w bootts huabwhertllbtiybrtuoffjindonfor aoms yaarr our conalablaur a dobbi with thaaaautauoa ot koma of our olluto has already madelwoarreauaud sou lha look out for tiiora hla narkar of orltlla speut a fow daya with bar aunl mrs haalty ashonovu mrs ii orabam is aofdrmfl from an alt a oil of punuinonls mlis sella linfoot has returned lo bar homo in hamilton after spending iwo weeks with friend in this vicinity on monday evening ot uit week mus ada u and mr m- ninon anlerlained about alily of their youug friends by pro graaalva crokluols ulaa mibel kin j re was ths priuwiunar among tba ladle and mr kllerv urownrldg wau lha lucky gutlamsn mr alooaj thornton after ipjiijlng a weak al his home has rtturued lo toronto to reums work with a lumbar arm iu th abaeaoa of itar ur poltar wbo was paohlif anuiveraary eermone at clifford mr george graham oacupled tha pulpit bar on sunday ulaaee ida wrljiiiua worth and ada nixon ar vleillng mauds in toronto t nockwion lt i bnrauy forciioi mr alt ilnllon f lwrm eil ilia mlfornii t fall wlul wuuiif along maidontioll rll gutlpli etxlfraohiro lil inn roil abov iiia ikr an i waa lake t i tbo general ho pit i wbar tbo feltiird limb was at ii m kin aetlafaauiry progroar jbn miy iliui delivery bra on monday mad ijulu allr in town owing u1 bad rriaila a urg number r pur- ohae iiud toixnn or ihelr llew farm naollnery mr jamaegreyralee1 lb fialu fog bis nw mill uat priday mir iray wbo waa u arrioualy injured a roilpl of wcaka ago la gradually roouvor- ip ii11 lukpiber of the iworlll iflbo pirulrd very inuoh tba aildrei give consumption 1 iiouvnnd of ierbona are hastening towards their imc a si rodult of thisdend disease w 1 u iy 1 ru j 11 hli 11 1 11 0 a a in i ill l w th iii ukauluuili hi 1 lmlo fro 1 111 nrary iii mulhlt i l ilo ill iry ut tb new lltlinature 117000000 splint in canada uy tli urltuh war ofrio for food- stufr unt to sou tli afrloa orriwa psb 81 ths auuual raport of ths danarliustit of agrlaultura which was praaented to parliament lolay ahos that the department bad forwarded tha follow ing lo south africa hay lift hj0 tons floor uu835 bags iwf u0712 oisaa jams 11743 oater lha txpendltur of lha war umoefor ibis waa 11000000 iufore ill lha oqiilratlu ar computed tha amount will ba about sevan millions tba department has reoalved in order for 15000 long torn of hay rqual to 1071 oauadun tuna lo it shipped to flouth africa during the maniliol maro ih1iqandb tllult to plf03ti mlueubmonu unti llwr companion itwluusod untl arrlvu ut utrumltxu c0astlwtlwilt4l lh 81 mils kllll m hlou- lb auierlaaii mlislouary who wlib mmr tallk ws oiplurl by b1l4tnl in uiadlelrlotof lllbiika lpiauibr u uat haslmtu rumi ami arrive i aciltruiiilu auula audraou vlait4 hr autei i uaceilouu al tlira uihwk this linriilug nlboly wa eliiirumllst li ul mus hums as lbs brluamu bad glvn uo hi- dioatlun whar bay popil to rkja lb prlooiivrs mi th unking of a country horns by j p mowbray is ona of lbs moat iourtst- u volumes 1 1 lily laiuad from ths presua of win drlw publihar torouto it recounts in brisk and grsphio style lbs sxperleuoea of a young new york buslnes man aud hie wit ad au abandouul farm iran formed by ludomllabs spirit into a comfortable and attractive horns tha a lory aographloally told claims only to ba tha raoord of an ordinary mius ak per u uca aud luooess lu bit sffuru to maka ahouta for himself and his family iu lbs country tha writer conceived tli idsa unusual among authors that ik would b a merit lo kwp lha uarritlvs as olots as poaalbu to aolual faots and not avail hlmaif of any mora tomauoa than usually falls to lha lok of au ordinary aud ihrlfty man who perhapt la often a good deal of a hero though ha is himself hardly awar of it and is uol usually calibrated lu literature ths book will haws a strong taudeney lo on oou rag and stimulate other ordinary men who bava lha capacity lo loug for and own homr price cloth gill lop i c w tullk and her baby i lb- asm- lluiu thy ar all 11 uis hloua lunnalulily madlarlf known to th uthorlllm lltrumilaa a hiruiniist ia mar ihwb hnlua oakub lullllad ml4- illous will proiwhi to lialjuloa wllbout delay jjelfimlul ivhi arid tlrvxw fur march on uf tha in oil interesting articles lu this tmmuar is that by c g james m a utputy mluieur of agtloul- turs gnttrlj on tha irish pautiusa wllli portrait tbla n a story of unique lntaraul roiinictliig coiiadian mthotllum wlih th- pirarouling wars uf lmla iv an oulliua of sir lillia arnolls nw potin on tbu aral circilmnavluaiuin of africa uith ftus s iigraviuga soma miking lllualratiuua of ih grand canyon of aria ma aud ploturas audakalohu 1 f ih ukuu lljt ar preiutud of liilyrajl ut ihu prufiii lidpariica crul is tha illuut rated vcoounl of iady iluury sjiulrut sjiolal vairluisnts lu ktiuuud and a ravluw cf ourranl uguuliou an kslur luvnr is ilvau th uunibar by isabolu ilurluus ikqillsils keaur poems prinolpal magkb writ alroojly on tba hwurd of lbs lord hull lm uid gliauollir hirwaali 011 guluga lrob- ului tunihtu william llrlggs j0o a year l 00 for sis monlha old intlda au i old bachelor are unl lb only i whu hav bau iluppolnlu 1 in llma i ll ml- mnbh mlrra or th ut wi 1 munabb hav bought mr plks proprty oppialt tbu mane and will hilly lxroiil ralunth f lha viluj- uallinafau lh of ltv hrclor mnuli who ui ltilliiubal china ual oclour aa a uilunloiiary umlir th- an nrlnlontuiice uf tin oliin uuud ml ion had alelur uil priilay sauulhhl bu la in kkollant bellh and la rapidly urnlug tli- language tbu irtlnr uu dale i january jili viii1v tin maroli 1 lo april uo 1u0j iba ghwuo milwaukee iii pali lulwtty will ii llckla lo montana idaho and north paolflo coast point al tbti following uratly roducrd relai lrom gliloagn in unit luuna ami aiianonl- 10iu1 tpokana tlom pirtuu1 lacohn ittth- vir- loria anil vneruor li i 00 cholo of ruuuavla omaha or bl paul in oiiiw in montana orgon and waahiiigluii for rurlbur information apply lo any coupon lioklagniit in tha uiiltfd hluir gaiiada oraddrtui a j taylor cannlian paseauger agnt 0 king iu uaal toronto on a card wa lha uuuralgnad do hereby sgrna lo refund tba mohay on a o0 oaut bottu areuea wavrtnud ryrup or tar if 11 fall to cute your cough or cold we alto guarantee a ih cent bottle to prove valla- aolory or money rfuuil d a t drown aoton tha moooy some men ow dos not bother tham ao much as ths mouay lhey would ilk to owo uajaby imperuloli ceanjiany matrimony ia a fiartnerehlp rranu moot in whioh thora is itanesally one allonl parlner cant affor to tay xip witk grippe tlit active business mnii 1 juit 03 liable totnkc cold n- nnylkxly and localise ik fcilt lie cannot nftord in lay up with it lie iuk icett it and a itcpkctcil colli icadi only to gripjie and grippe to the open eravc uwanta gr1ppe capsule nipa 11 couhti the hud yon ftu iti pood eftects m a jiffy and it cures liu uinpic 110 need of laying up it 1 lietts while you work i u watb pro m i ut- ut oltnwn llii nmn wyi i ulway urry 1waiila lhiiuilt wllli uir anl nil uij llrl m f a roll i lake iwo nil i mill ulllra ii i untr ban a oil imuu iiii llltlc vtuulcr vorlrr uwanta mrg co kti ollawa oat vt r ii kh r it uir f u y it lna inn unl ul night 1 yt p4n1 in atd jrnii imud t imiaklly7 vi 11 umtili vunublii v- y hi alttibxain ail mi iuih until you h mjilrilmi al liinfmr 1 j in ruit1 frolhy mitrrnilr 1 apt up yellow mutter r i tougl unijoiiloliril ri ilia miriiliik iurm ahorturtdlitculng ii iligual for ulty mods 1 jlilkliijj liflhlnd tlnipnutni iil i in behind hrrual lama t you fifll ynii aro rowiii weauor licri 11 imriiw win in urn throat t ymi cotih wnno nlhl unit morning 3 you pi11 thin and wwiltr 1 1 ni chilli and fovor anil nlglil- 1 i nrri a v of l v ymu wbkb uun1 i iter wr dial iuvu v iir ij mmu of i u ilrhi vtjlirriicniiiilo ioi ii aliirkklszik uuilui ii and ontmac1uh iam lutlltl piii itlloi tlm m pulmq ii u4 dmlt kill i- ii v ik i llal fll am l ii llij i i ihit ini ii u iui h-iv- uii mmrfll ii ly mm- in ut l 1 put m iimv lilriiryn njl bui ivutll u u l-ji- im rlii a 1 ij r ixcuij l ij ami 11 ilr i y rlme i ii wii mhi hi u a l irf ii rulmo uj ulluj av ll 1-1- uo nuihnlllilill y i i u fulr uhtf f 1 lit uh ft 1 hi ill u putmo kd lt uj uallnal- wliffctllvrl lf lrufuiltaa tv i ij t1m u lk i i jj initio fill u ul1 i- y mii ft lb vuu free lvrilliw i ru t ur rl r iun tiul inl u a uul ul hvi lulh r aob all ulla im rulmo co jrfaum 10 kkkt jor salo by a i lirown drugget acton jvtt partlrnlara i llvrf i i ij ld 11 uiu ii tf fljllrl u suy vi u i iitu k0h habk aji pantry adiiim ally o jtchidoneooii itowcr avcnuo fp ual rpbal deniforlabli train- biuw aov lot on jl lluiiar avaiiuu iniilalnliiif tit xmiua wulry uol r luimiir kllrli 1 u1 abail baaai1iillwaur tvinuaa yut lalicu ptiy i war uliain aoton vvil uliaik llowaai spring pield seeds ilmoihy tinlcloar maniloln clover albikn clover aiu1u clover crlmuon clover orchard grata ttl top graiii hramua innvnun hairy vallcliis rata pcaa spcltx mmidichuen hartoy utacu hulleis harley whlln hlillcasllarlcy spring ky llgoiun outa 3oth century oats loantttt oats multl iller peas ukcliali whhfl peas second parly peas golden vina pea and oilier pas geo j thorp market square o xir el ph hranch at hock wood spring nfexnz presh paints g a pawnabecker isallvoto th lact thitt with the advent ol swim paints will he in demand ho has on hand n woll- telectcd una of i- robertsons paints also tjry colors oh and vornlsli class ond putty at lowest living prices gaeannabecker ujaidwakb amd tihwahu juctllst kcton the pressure of business it jrcally rellmeil by ilia uso of the loniy blbtoncotolnphono yon reach yuiir cumomer in a few tccndi and much cm ucnccomplislitd at cogt of l1ttll lime anu ironblo tho hull teluphnno co of canada a silver watch arnold dqt hbdicinb co w h toronto honsy iftittmteid both comb nud ntracled juote lowct prices nod ay how put up samikij lltbwis co london itolrcncc futitlshcd dyeiimc gummtilus dyiung and cf-lan- ing works gullph tha plac for gentlemen to have their suits and overcoats and uadleti garments and houaahold goods cleincd and dyed gilrlch pi um on and tips cleaned tiyd mid curled mias yetutymah agwit vanoy good aoton j a speight co willow st aoton- undertakers and furniture dealers undertaking in all its branches attended lo promptly and quietly rurnliure new stock suro to pltai our customers our prices am low nyals cod liver oil compound tonic and tissue bulldor a palatahla preparation of cod liver ol ataociated uith extract ol wild cherry exlracl of null and the hypsphoiphlle of limp sodium poiatslum iron manranew quinine and strychnine pqr ohlik uv a t brown vchkmlbtfano svatiohbn- aoton jlrick bloro and dwelling ro sal rimur nuatwotory ulll lrlok u mj x w ut tin- al lb corn if of ulll atil v4t lik huhu w1 built aavn year en lixl twllar uiilar tb- anlir- bullilntf willi brick bartluon on nllb acre uoulclauru fra iruni all aueumliranc- vuuir paitloulal utkiii atitluatlon on ui- iretnlim lo kiim xnui uoutuou mnk brick residence foit sale thliiuiiia ultli balu ato a uonl clltur i fulru ami i laucblly alluat on on uf uiiwt tjopular raallanlui hlrt iii alton anoiiniuraut 1ommiiim u ul july iiia ami tlouui jiyly io uui rllll kftwitf anion or to ijlih 111alliitii iiuv ui cumili ave to it 0j to brick kcsidcnco and acres fp 3al tim uiiilu otfu foralou aaay taru uiat eoiiiuiodlou brick ralilue aud na af ajjjolliliiii on ualn blraet aelou th- boua- a wall built basalcbtroorua willi abvbl auj ogtljulljiiie ibtanjba bu a uarkt tuti anil baa a atraaru uiiiniili tb oautt- tb ajr- a clabrn i wll no ix prebihw ioealon cln lui fcofcjuuly if daatred vur fall ltueulj kily lo uitb d wirjuuuom llavelock uoualtb ilvo uuliiri l and executors k0tice to creditorsr iu th m alter ot jhc kutaic or alcxtuidcf miuft deccajted nottolf t tiereby ulvu purauaul u it ii 0 imr eliaiur luj uon trr tbat all peraona liavlug elaluia aaiut tli- nuu or tb abb jtlaiauilr iluin late of ibe towiiablpaf wiumlni lu iii county of helton fuuir wbo uij uu or about tli hh day of vbruary ibul ar- required to mud by pot peiald or to riellvai- lo iloluitl ulm titjl feiriar ielou 1 0 on of tba ixculora of the aaltl huudu or bar tile idoi day of klarab ims uiir baiuas aildreaa aud dmerliitlona and a full alauuieut of ibe particular of uitr ctalull and lb nature uf tb- eurilr if any bbl by tli in duly ortlflx and atlr hi id dyibkic aouloi will prooaed to dlalilbuu tb- uhu of thdd ainotiit uitrll etiuueit ui- lo liavluifratfard only to the elltua of vblob uirabal ihn bar bad hollo uaud tbiaiund day of february lutt 4 wli a kiclkan uollolior for iiomaululmk dcmcam uouajruaa aud 1arau unikurn n usaoutora of uie said fatal m ohellls carrlap works pilling a position clu mnn of ability show their characttr li the lhthfls they vear tha holhea fit and look rluhl its only pouulblo lo have this in anil quality whan perfuct tailoring has ueon dune wod llko todo tbo pcrfact kind for x you wm cooper muncimut iaiiou mill stu you can ret a first data 45 ar stwl agricultural furnace- for i1530 regular prlca lig 30 a koot pulperand shcr watson mala for 775 regular pricu io 35 heit wheelbarrow mado cteal wlinel for i rcular nrlco j 75 34 watford dandy hi trucks for i 73 each regular prico iin a jot of tecond hind cutters huggies spring wttrgona etc in jood repair at a vary low prlro to clear them oil dont nqjlect to cecune tomo oi llieso arnnlno j m o mbit-i- oeouqetown notice to credirors iu tlie mattcv of tbn tntato of ofnutr k ueltb tnfo of th towutihlt it ilunaeulmii in tlin utility of hultou widow itecfuurd notioh i liareby nvaii purauanl to ths uvlal hlatut of oulario llarf cbaliur 1u bat all erwlllor and olbar bavliitf claims akaluat ul halal- or lb aald j all h keltb wbo illl on or about tb will day of ujiilnr a u ibui ar iwiulrad ou or bfar ui uui itay of uamb x li itoj to sand by pout praial4 or djlvr to aj uokiintoo of tb vilw o aelou lu tb oou illy ol hilton hollollor lur tba ouoeulof uf tli laat villi aud lutiuuieol of the ald daoeaam tbalr obrluau aud aunlinim a alid daaoltluu tb lunajtjculus of tblr kucoutil and tb natur of tbe kaeurfti if any bald by tlini attdfuruiriil uotlt tbat altar mob last ineutluued iuu tba aald uxaeutor- will proohd to dulrlbut ul aaaets ol til- dee aed attiornf tli pari- autlilluiereuibavlu raverdnnly to ui elalma or wbloli iby akall tliau ba- noueaaudlbatlbe aald tiawiuuirs will 110 1 b liable fnrtb- a11 iwu o any tjt uiareof to auypareouor praona of wiiom olalina uollo ball uot bav bo ulu veoelved by uleul al lb uma of auob dlatrlbutiou dauj uils oltli day of february a u 1660- a j uokinhoh liollollor for tba uaaoutors pea chop pea bran seed peas i ou salu at iljiurtonh split pea mills cuelph excelsior bakery and grocery- sold by all newsdealers and uuala vam copyright cnmollloiii b ih ularautllom ref ru halt viaa1 bau ilulru nulll r ale for flat tin a mouiii for a cent yearly bubecrtlatorl do ifuu will aaibt u ita t tain and ad ore of vivb bfmiiwis un tbatlmukunaaw will aeuj ouapviyif uia uaaaalaa kid ihtu to wtar llu a ukii and fcpilnutu nur ahw ulut your lackcloth lbs ioy pave- children cry for castoftla lhrg6 stock just opbnbd utotlnlo cooda o tho buyl mimufttoturu oui prlc lire alwnyu ualiafttctoiy and are baud on inwotl llvln rolit call ul oncli and nuo your ordr for cm loin worl all llmu ol halldinadh wol hupalrlnk dolld vililla yon wail geo stotrel 1100 r si biioi humik mili uiubilv noton mi ulalloui uls p m bhiable aeklyi tn per day euoltlly aur aud all penaea atralbi una rule dnmta ury no ouiinlaalon aalary la1 aaeb h ud iiwna inoiiey aduauewi eauli v utah uaaulioubk tljaaaaoau ur cutaabo in aildlt on 10 our dally supply of first clats dread cakes huns hlcof our own nunufcture wn aro now supplying prch oyklers ol the lit bra ml a our oystor porlor is now open and pitrons will rind their orders filled wlih entire salltfacllon a larger stock of grocerlos and pro visions than over before and iho public know our prlcei are always resonahla t statu am son main st acton acton pump wofc main stroat aooct if you are in need o a yood pump either in woiwl or iron couw 10 acton puinn works oularnji uada- au ujjpdlr prompuy alundd to- wall oloanftd- iuu chickco kghmotok la ticliuivvkdurid tliu uhlosi riinnlu aud bsi windmill iiumifiiciurwl i am jhlril for ibis dlalrlct calland inveaiiuati bioo yon buy t ebbaqe oimulu blroot aotop