Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1902, p. 2

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m ffft tlimihuav anion ialn tuitoiiial no teb th prohibition irodura bill n lh uillur ou lb ool dlib bt oorly ol lhliu1 lu lu4ro lb oppoiuloo w i j ooanrutl bo ote4 lib mutaa lbtnurr adu rrirwno ui it i u- lt a 1 rt h iby j bi b i- tbhlbbllo ltto thb trtdbhs bylaw t mm sacorxi chnra lr foraamant unuuly k har pramlaa vnoa th municipal committee of lb lejtl tiara be eodoraad tb principle of mr ratlnllo bill making it illegal for oy municipality lp uap way roo- any other d mublubm industry evaa though lba i ocas try may obeog ll nam lo alb bonus offered all jii nil 114 fc hood m law d ur w v lt wrk lie 1 w iltum j ii a u iiiuovlng lulilhi u parpoa arthur to romo uu c k r fnl ii r- tberaicpayera ot port brlp will vol od a bylew od march vtb to glya a lout to lb dopictoo dujwu company of 7000 kod cnuiuoaunivboau of 13000 and aleonsiag lb biaassnient ot their pro- party fore period ol tan eai with a prlvil- acof ntmmil for k further parlad of ud fc 1 beoreury 3 l warreo of halloo eer- met luteal report a growing interest on the part of tb farmer of lb county in insllial work their intelligence and ta israeli og diaottaalon bav been very gratifying and proutabla tbe member- ahlpfor the preaant yaar already reach 1 nearly box lo all frobebiuty hurt will b a f drther duuod for pwinuuot pavement in town the coming niidnwr la order to c the pevemenla it 1 neoeasay that peliuon bo p to lb coanoll mx ui uly dtvt cituaa hiy aaoara oopia ptuutw iro th uaoldpml ofodar or ourk m maj um a dtpotblloa from mw hamburg lout flnrtduoo ur fjlbkw oo frway oj tltd lht um town u gjvo ftalbority by paoul ujtlabvlion to nuil k boooa of tlo oootoum nw hsubont umtoikouripg ooropaoy wliloh w ba ool ust wk mrclluonuia lhab woow do all b boald it paulion wm praaaaud to iba hoa oanadai aajrranaia forwgo uada for tb albi dmmtluasdidji pabraary 38lb amount- ad to l37047b5a balag aa looraaaaof 17 j004ba aa oota wllb lb wmt period of tba ut ifttyaat tha imports toullad i1s88850g3 or 10g30035 a uiaa tba flrsv algbl- moatba ol tba flcaal yaar wbij tha axporta of owaadiaa ptodaata only aaaooatad to 1195a00s3l ao laoraaaa of 8633782 t an aff ort u balng mada to brio lha bo laaaaol tba ontario lagulatoa to a oloa tbia waak bot tbara ara aavaral qw h vuolf cannot b diapoaad of la barry than la tba uqoor bill lha aapplamao- taxy aallmataa knaat ba panad and thara toay ba duonaaloa opon tbaroataadoptad for tha tmmukamitm hallway tba tanaral alaatria railway aat 4 apportiooombk of railway aabalniaa will aiaotaka una tba prohibit loo bill baa roalad uujftby h in oocnmlttaa of tba lagulatora dqrtng tba waak aowmj lha obaofaa daeldad upon ara tha baaiog o tbavotabpon tba nambar pollad at tbi uat anaral alactlon nataad of tba oom log auotion and providing for tba aola to bt takao daring tha lattar part of xavimbar air cararallan aakad u tha woman who had total at mnniolpal alao wara bot to b inolodfd among thoantitud o vou tba framiar rapuad that tba baai- ot tha rafaraodam wu ta ba tha aama aa that for thfl uttttq oilm b to tbaho in tha dabau uat tfa4nady u t ajagiauiara on tha prohibition vll ur whltnay uadar of lha opposition pat inlf on raoord aa oppoaad to prohibition in oonolofllng bia ada ba aald m oarioot haw prohibition 4o a xrorlno tharatora it u ldla to dlaooaa that kamady x baliat tha ramady llaa ajatharln naing tha powara that wa poa- kaaa namaly wbolaaom raattlotlon daeraaa in lha annahar of lloanaa j r- knoriag tboaa oharjtad with lha admlnu- iraiioo of tha law from political and party inflaaooa and bonaatly aaloreiajf tha law connotllor aodraw b 11 array baa prov- an blmaalf not only an anargatlo roam bar ol erin township council bat ha oeoaaionally dona a good torn to lha north wa oornar of kaonaalng tbla baa baan aooompuanart trywtoarlnff impmaamaau toe tha toad on tba town una and by dlraotiok lha attaotion of kaqttaalqg oonnalllor to oaadad rapairt in tha tlolulty 1 ur aaarray aoai4balndboadto ramorahlhlb hawly anqoirad farm in 12aqoin and iaka a poaluon tn onr township oooocil a pari of issqoaaing which ba for yaara baan oonaidarahly naglaolad oold raoalr attaotion and jtnaoh- improtmaol mi in lha annual raport ol tha ulautar of agilooltara lit afoatiaambart tha dlrc- tortanaral of 1aulo uaaitfa mlbio- roiolooaaia adolt u0wn from small pox ara unworthy of pity but i would go forthar and ooolaod thai at dm naa of amallpaa oanaa ao muoh dutarbanor uantal dutraat ana paououry loa in a oommaoiiy aa u i an autiraly prattlbla fllasaaa and aa tba waana of pravaotlon ra raadlly within tha raaah of all bavlng ibaaniaupoa ahoold b donalltatad a tou- damaanor punish abla by flna or impruoo- aaat or both no knan ha tha uht to volontarily baooma npubud balaauo sod bring oonimaraial and otha lojurua opon hi oooamonliy dr uontiaambart altb in vaooioatiou i abaoluta aa it aafnoiantiy lodloa by tbaaa rmarkr morwuy urauwi mxuu all j willi m- in lba chair iva ouainilllao ou klato prsouta thlf ollb rrpot tomoaudlok payraau of aooouota f4lowa kl itran j ihjut jolin llunr rralxlil anil mrui t3 uocall lima ami uo oil it w ctalabolm ooal ltd f h llolmaa flallit and duly oo ooal w i w ii luray 4k hon olub au 10 ii w vmttu an acoouol waiunr hi 31 uodlmacullousti raiialrl s w tboa hlorjwopd it iloibb or iikaliu b malt pop aacouau ib it m afnvad by john a llaodaraon saoondad b oaorga llynda tbak ttia tapoli of tba comtoluaaoo pitiacca julad ba adopt aoarrlwj ara b a hmjotj wautad upon tba oouboll loadvjoltaif tt was tba ulaolloo of tha cooucil aa 00 or two tntmufi had rarvd bar piuataly to ba laa rladloui lo lba cntorelog uf tba tranalant tradara oylaw and rmpoalog a floa of t0 on ary paraon who propoaaa combaaaalng bqalnaaa bar bha oomplaiaad that aavarat ptoav paotu taoants had baan drln ttom ujwr btoanaa of lhabylaw wdo louoded opan log baw storaa tn bar pramlsa on at uaat of whom was willing lo laaaa oo of bar toraa f or a year bb dcotaradlhal it looaad vary uuah a if tharo va v datar- mioad affoilon tha part of aom paraoua loteraatad to kaap lanant oat of bar pramiaas bat aha bopad kh coo noil would b taas rigorooa lo enforcing lb la bylaw blob aba cbaractrisd a most unjoat and said that aoloo was tba ouly ronalol- pallty id ontario wfelch aoloroa it in- diaorl m 1 oa tal y tba oounoll gava urr flaoord a htngtby baaring and iuet wluutna and councillor bwaaabammaraaaorad bsrlhal tboy old ba glad to ea bar premlaa all ooeaplad and as far as tby war oonoaroad lha bylaw would in fniura only b eafor- oj in tba oaaas of applicant who war oauuaibly transient trader he- j k- ooddao waited npon tb ooocil to request that lb main drain od willow street ba opanad up a h waa aal tba drain waa blookad and lba water la tg iolo tha paiaooag oellar the rtraeu and walks commluaa warn inslrnotad to baaa lha tnalter looked into aa aooo aa lha f mat la out ot tha groood vl v qrabam pr anted ht raaignation uxm tha position of assutant aogloear which be ba oocopadftolanuiuyuirp4r year without salary tha memorial from tba publlo school hoard laf aring to tba inaraaaed datle of the caretaker at the aobool we read councillor bwaokhamar claimed that while tha dalle of lb municipal officer bate baan increased in soma raapiot they haa been reduced a other dlraoiloaa vfbtn wo peeeed the anneal bylaw ther waa no rvqacat for extra aalary and h oonaldared the peering of the by la sallied lba matter for tba present year the iuea advised that tba council do what they consider wise end for the inur- aat of tba oorporation tha municipal officer in a latter to lba oooncll requested in 1w of bla long si- pectano of alavan yaara and hi added rveponalbillue that bu aalary ba increased to rie uandred ollara par annom ur bwaokhamar oonaldared it would be unwise to take any aotlon whatever toward lnoreeaelag the officers salary u ibonghl when th unnlcipal offioar r neivaa axuaa and fro ifgbulobla hooae iba salary waa hlgb eooogb tba vlr and llgbt oommltlae ox plained that the two light wr pot in to be baed aa aalgaa from tb lower uooa in oaa of any trouble with machinery and avary time thara waa any trouble with the light mr graham proceed forthwith to tha power loose and the oommltlae claimed it was a vary na ary peace n h 11 and ulaa alio klllolt aolonapfliit unnday lh lhair auur urer k wrwworlli ur 1u jrabarn ta raoovarinil from a eevero attack of pueoirdiil 1 ur it dick and eon iour allaodd lba funeral of ur wuhujn al clioltaii ham on hundy uiaa kills uorrionls apepdlng a few weeks wllb friends lutoranlo about lasntjr fla uri paopts aent a very ainyable uing at lbs home ol mrs alexander on wednesday of uat weak f rnitrcait oroklhola ti tbs oblel iiudm tnant u wblub uls a dfowqridge and uf x dink wr ota inopeaalul pi ay ara a cumber from iheurove took in the cob perl glaii by lbs cboaai krlanda in morvbo tbtady tnlo ul thay raped tbs prograuime aa balrg uptotdau inetarr way ur iluntco hlxqn apant hunjey wllb irlauda in blaatiuawtya womens ailments ouffbdino which doctors fail to cune iuuinnda of woman throughout canada in a btmltrtr condition words of hopo to sufferar his benvices appbtclated robert johnatonuarprantad with a fur coat by slloam church conbragatlort a friday aoldg last the mambara and adhareote of u i loam afatbodlat obarob to tbe oom bar of aboat on haudrad mak wlib oom moo 000 taut al tb raaldacp of ur itobt- juhnitou lo pras their appreclatlou cl tb aervfpa h ll vccn- larlly trtcdared for a uiimur of year la connection with the church during the etenlq tbe fulowlng address mi read by th pastor of tb tiliuroh slid the present allonof a fur coat waa rued by mr ueory ijeall aud ur paur murray to ata tloiiaar juuharom flu dal tlnornaa wa la liimiilfara and adbarecu o uloaoi wohjodit cburab bave fait for soma lira uet tbe smvloe j 014 baao loua and kraialloualr radafd la con nection wlin out olicrob aboald b lo aoma appropriate btacnar raoognlaad wa bag of yohthaaalaraioaacaptlblagurcoataaa tokto of oar aauam abd aa a allabv reeofcluon of lba aaala lance m4 ijqro ao cbaarf ully rbcdarad and wblob haa in be atucji dacvatf pjplboud to cur comfort lit qut aluodacca upon lba vailccj aaric of lba aanetuary our earnest utavet for ur jclittaicca and jroarself i thai you may both be iocs pared to aoicvtbe coo tinned ecnadeoca and respect of tbe ualahbcrbocd in ablob yon raelos and lha allowrtili of lba cborcb wltn wblcb you bae wan ao long idaatlnad and that whan bluuuualy yoar nllgrlmaitabare aball aad you may be promoted to th hig of- tba abarvb wumpliact that there ull all lha metnbai of your family and lba redeemed and glorified yco may ljuflllu in uis uuandlcg jojs and btveaedneea of our baoloura fraea tta toornuig aha i ayakau tbhaauawsba4eey abd acbtruebaarudearvadt uiaji ahlna aj dctli tba day tilers clod our kin and falbaf in falnaa of ills h bball walbabold fcrarar atul worship faovlc faca uscaa ou behalf j ol the biaoibars aud ajhataotsof tbaallkirab 11khiiyibhub 1 lbtku tiululay comtultu wtu if uarnbabi iasuu- w arch 1th looa after ui preeaoiauoo varices gam were participated a and plaaaattt social time we experienced hefreahment war aervad daring the enlng th wbol affair wa a oomplats surprise to ur jobuslonhatwaj hon tb teal appreciate on that aoooqot ur bwaokhammar hoped tb council would not think thara warn no other men in town who ooold perform tba dalle of uanialpal omcar u ooold find several man within an bonr in any event it will be urn anougbto oonaidar tba matter when tb offloaf tandar his reaignauon coaaollloruynd aald th wbol matter waa a surprise to him considering th extra duties and thajruw of lha bobool board it would be a great tulalaka to allow ur oraham to leavs tha poalltoo u thought tha one doty of oolleoung lafeoo from eleotrlo light con an mart wa worth tha 40 extra aakad tha matter should be oonaldarad vary oerefally x bellev b said that sooner than low mr graham services tha ratepayer wonld an do re oar ktitlofi in tha inainam ooanolllor henderson thought that ur graham often aave tb towu money by bts taoieot auaolion to all do tie par lain- iag tomauart ofhaureilolb oorpor ation lie baa often pot himself about in the interval of tbe towu councillor agaew did but thluk there a any bailer wiau for tb plo tho ur oraham i uoved by jolio a llstldereon mootulad by john agoew that lb tuxthar oonaidar- etloa uf th matter under discussion b deferred until next moating carried tba oounoll adjourned at ten oclock milton lit ootiutuie hosftaa throughout canada w tiara health aud bapplnaaa aboald reign suprvrneti pecallar weaanesa and dta- aae ot woman aia reapoaalbla for ao aimaaphara of bopalaasnaaa and dbtpalr this awlnl oondllloo la largely due u a mlaundaralaotllngof tba proper manner in which to aseci atara for female trouble of any kind ur wiluaro iink ihi have bseu mere anooeaafal la oaees of thl klud than any olhr medlolne and lhay sbonld be in every borna and should b used by eviry worn no who la not perfectly baarty anil attouf mr fred murphy a wallknown re id en i uf 1ubiiloo head tj h obaerlully bears testimony to the great value ot dr wllhama ilnk villa in womans ailment ura ilnrphy say 1 a f yaaia tfu my ttralib wa oom- p lately brokao do it ray imuhlaa bgln- oing in una of the ailment whlob 0 fra- quanlly afrtlok my sex 1 waa a great eqfjaiir front violent a i tack of pain wblo wooldiia m in lba stomach end around lb bear i it lairnporalbla for ma to des cribe the sgony ot my apaami lievsral tlmsa tba uoolo wa baaiily aumrnonad rny ruudff thlnkluk in uflug i was wholly uuabta to per tor ut toy booeibuld i aud was uodar medical ircaltnrnl all ihrough tb uroror bul without baualt wy appetiu uf i iua my heart wonld pl pilata vlolsnlly atur tb least sxeitloa and i waa pah nd amaclaled wy bus- band urged ma to try dr wdllamaplnk 1ilu and procarad me a a apply after using tba ptlu a couple uf weeks i ooold feel ibal ibay were halplng ma and after ualug seven bottle 1 waa fully restored lo heaih yom ibal lima anlll tit spring ot 1001 i a o joyed th heat of baallb butat that lme 1 fall too down aod aosred from pains in the back i at once got some mora of dr williams flokfllls and lhay soon pot me alright and i eta now feeling better than i bav done for year 1 oaudol praise tbaaa pills too mucb nor den i oo atrongly urge tboaa who ara ailing to tal their wondsrfql hlu rearorlqg vlrta dr willlama pink 1llla go rlbt to the otol the trouble by maklug baw rich blood d raalorlng fcbatlered narvef in turway they cure auch irnubua a l faoouooa allojanl otaomoa ret 11 r the glow of health to tallow obeawa oare pl- illation of tbe baarl anaemia headache ndlglicnkidnayaodlvr trouble fbaumausm partial paralyser bt vltua dano ale i sor you gek th genulua with th foil nam dr williama tlnk hlllator pal ieopla on box i you do not rod then k yoar daalars thky will be mailed postpaid al tfl oenf a bog or 0 boxa for h0 by addraailctl the ut whuatna iidico 0o- brockvllla jot- new literatunb explosio at br wm paakar lit m match in th powdar hoom of tha 8 tor branpton aurifloaxplcalon oooqrad yeaaarday aflerooonla paakar d boo hardwai store and william faakar irwaa pwbape fatally injured attar iaa pslnat tb betiding wa aotarad and young paakar waa tond lying ln hi wothlng on fir u bad aavaraj danfarona bona on big bands raos and braaat it i though ba veal to tb powdaroomsndalraak a matnh to as what waa la ttock tha building waa badly damaged a card- vethnndralgnd donarahy sgraa i raiond lb momj on a 60 onl bolu od qraanva warranted byrap of tar u ii flhitoonrtyawrooutfb oc oolo w alao giarant w boaju to prow ati- counly council was in eeasloa on tues day thay had a busy day tb last meatlog of tbe towu oounoll instructed the hueotric ijbt oommitteaca oommeooa bagotlatloua wllb th nl 11 tori fcucirio light co for ih purchase of their plant barrialev o ii ucoiabey is about to rauorato lulbri n w t idt uc- oraney has been preoticlug in ullton for over alt years lie 1 at abl lawyer a bard worker and ba a urga praollo but ha feel that tbal era ytsalar poeslbilltlt or him in a new coupttr tbau in oularlc ill removal is generally regretted tbs ladle aid ol ttuux church will u an at horn lit the huudsy hubiud room un umtday ewnliig 17iu march sbhiouburltltlh hbvuhoh j lord mathuaj woundd aitd carj- turwdhlaforoaof aoo mai oafeaud loanoa tuesday uamb 11 a fsatlug akin lo ibal created during tbe memorebt waak of disaster early in tb 3ulb afri can war baa beau aroused by tbe new wad puhlui tc lay of tb uaptur ol iord if tboaa tbimiut of ba column of 1500 mantand th uaptttr pt four gun by qn pfuray- gsn uibitanhdiiu uilgh fraolurad tb brflub toataa wtr offiotr 8 killed o woandad mol8 killed 7 woandad tha boarawara naaify alt drmd id british nnlfotm tba togagadlant took th march of th whiu uaatd la d added ly inlaraatlng little volaro of 103 pages by tbal prince of modern writer gilbert iarkar who though nowoooapylug a aeat in tbedrilwb tlooae of commons is a aon uf canada a tialwe of oamdan k out tba march of tba whit guard l a alary growing out of tbe xprieooa of hudson day co factor and meu and port irovldeno on of lb iludacn day loel borth weft ofdrnonlor u th oeou around which tbauarratlv revolvts tb umerlty of a rjuarlstt uf while aooooi panled by aa indian goings a two rnoolba jo a may throagh th keenest froeta tn lb deptbofwintr into tbe bamn brounda to look for a lost comrade uluatrale atrength of lb hutnau lu mab the alory la told with a vividness which compel th reader looottuuu tbe incident of the journey th eutfaricg from cold th tarrora of being iot on th whit axpaba are all interesting while th romauoe lulat- woven i a biting acoompalarosnt to the vbole tha mheioti uook co toronto prio cloth oa thaadveutarc ol mbl by qalrry tbnratori ieok wllb lllustrallcuh by uelanlakiiaabath murton thae kr almfls atorla told lu auoh a wy aa really to interest calldreu about flvior six years bf ag and not wrilteti ovr lhir bead a are m tnany l th eo nailed ohlldr torlea of today tha author ha told them again aud hgaltl utcblldrao alid a thay char mad lbm1t u bellaved ihey v ill delight tooel ohlldraii of lhlr a tb ulnalratloaa air drwti to plea lb bhlldratiuoi btuiply ioco7ailbehook thl book was published audarapaeudouyu hut tba author ia now atinounoed aa vrolessor lck of cuuuibla coiiti editor ttu iltulmti and author ct tba 1eraoual kijualton lo dojd utad di co mw york win driu toronio vrioa 100 tb voyeg of lthabal u lb lati prodnollouof birkdwitt arnold author of th light of aala ale tb volubis a dedicated tohu friend uajor james u xoud tfalslataal poello iffuslou i coo aldsred by th literary world lo have added b fraah wreath to tb laurel already won by thudlallugttlihedpol a vivid luler- at llveu thoe huoleut day in palt 1 or lb poraword lhbal f deorlbd it a wealth of ilatsil tli aevei day evper- lauo follow iti auooeailva order a folluvra ilhabal before lbaraoh tbe ship tbs voreel tlia vlalou thallitll and de livery neeta by tba carup vi rea aqd th utiiulatlv 1 11 ureal lu this aiiuudld paom reach a nobl clluiax on th eeatlh day victory baa been achieved aud af rira la uo tnor u it known ithibelv bblm ba aallad arouud all amu our talk la ilofl tb numarou allagorlcsl amltaxl llluatra- tiouar highly inleiwllurf aud artltllc wlo in cloth iu lojiil us wm urltu pobllabr ioroolo dibd at tmk aqk op 103 mr jacob bhoamnker a plonaor of waterloo courtly paanca awny ilxuiiv march 1j mr jbo bhoe- makor a pioneer ot vaurloo bouoty died yeetcnley a th homo uf hie ton alex ander hhoaoieker near hare scad 103 yaara a month and 0 days forth last 73 years ha had lived na lha boroeelaed near darlln us had 10 children or whom two bqyi and three girls aurviv him consumption thousands of person arc hutenlaj towards their iravcx aa result of this dread ducaoc doer btophb looatad found magazlna boouti bupplh ay canadian km munition nrtd- m hlddon in a cava loxioimarob 8 lord kllclianarln a daapatcb from ireturl dated today reporta lha dlaoovory of a doer magariaa in a cave northeastward of halts oranga illvar colony oonlalnlu 010001 rounds of rifle ammunition buudred of ahella and fuaaa itoo poo ode or powdar a ntaalm gen hallo field telegraphs and juaullta of etorar thirty fiv doera have baan oapturad in tbe aama belgbborhool aiopi march 4 the naniloe vtt dtocvared by otaadlati riooilg clmmaivdadby colonel unw victonv for acton our hooka y team wonbvery match and th splohdld cup orrrd irtcornpctltlon oaehaudred aud filly aoloolab went lo georgelown on tuesday blm to wltnee th qua match for th kkjuosid hockey aaoclxiiarrootrvswllaljujikarnfj georgetown tba mxldb we set for tri- day blgbt but ou aooount ol the warm weather waa called for tuady night b ibl week tbe m toll wa batwab lu clerk of georeetowti and btoraya qlub o abloa when ilio borne leant went ou tba loo they war full of oonadenoo h visitor were lbs opposite cod ware oajlug thai ibay were up agalukt it hard tha ice aa axpecled was in poor condition and cover ed with water whilw th rain waa pouring in tbroqghth oof in kppaarauoa lb aolqo inaljl ware far soparlor lo that of georgetowu thay war smarter on their aisle abd handled lhair allckn belter then ibalr opponaulr tbs first goal wa boorcd by btoreya in about fiwo wnuta but waa not allowed tbe ncond t4i won la about the same lima but with uo batter luck to lha aolou hoya a third followed in abort order which tb georgetown umpire could bot dlipuu wllaon pal off lb loafer tle mlnule durlug which lime th clerk soared thi ir firm sad only roa ii wa on uf th fast pljiiron tb to abd had be not bee a pat oft tbaxupla leatrjwoald riol bltva scored al all th aoor at half tlm alood on to on wllb chance yreenly in favor of tb vlritort wbt lb anion boy war afraid of at th start ut th gam was crooked work ou lb pkrl of their opponent aud in soma respect uwy got what tby ax- pec tad tb ulur haf ol the rm could not be called rough for a gain of hockey the vlalloraput th rubber into lb goal in about ij minute ouo or twice tb utorey goal in danger but tb goal keeper very beldam had the puck 0u of tha bom tram received a blow on tha boss which gav tb teat ol th player a rait for tan minute apart from tbl bo accident occurred tb soar at th cloar atood two lo one lu favor of aotooa team when liinfl wag called pauleulqlllbbl kelgbed wublbe aoloa crowd yslllug iheui- ble boxta bom talk ot aproual i heard but a vary lit it grobud fur buch sxlabi it is bot likely that it i anything more than a bluff ou the par lot th dlsappoluted ou the aolou boy wr determined lo biuj thaoupbobi with them it wai diuy- ed lu the wlnduw of itimaieu ui drugglit prevloni lo the gain but immediately after it wbm rablovad out it i reaoh of th vlaltor whom lb qor up town aggraatlou tboughl woum attempt attempt to get it by furor but tha acton crowd ware a gedllauibbly lot although ellghuy exollej by th joy bf victory what wl ohtaluad bolwltbatabdlug th faol that aom of th boy wr doubtful at th btart and got only on half of th lioali that thay diluted an outuldhh8 ulllloh vbhv lqw oatbb to thu nohthwaat tsaiqni -tv- v a 1 mfmrj raaaaay aajanjad a t jlroerji lphuw batwaan tbbf ah and palmuuju shaanara obatwad on thraa al 1 vbaoar obarcad oo thraa aid 7l march 1 lujii bo 100j lbs oblcagu milwaukee ds h- iaul hiuy will aril tloaall lo mottlana idaho and kortb laclflo coast point at tba following graatly reduced rats from chicago to uail helena and anaooudaldoooi bpokaua a0m lartlaud tacoraa beattle vic tori and vancouver fsa00 oholo of rootaayta omaha or fit taut to polnu la montana oregon and waablogloa for fartbtr loformitloo apply to any coupon uokt agaououbajawtad tttata cf cenada oraddrv j taylor oatuauu iamaagr agtnt n king bt baal torooto dug mu hnno kindly allow tn bpaca lu tha fua puuu4 utoonlradlot an artlol wbluh appd in the lalt lea ol lbs jjallon couunkilar fu rtalil ta lha maainbly rltorya lluok team had labt wedlleley bi d that il wa glvu fur th purpoie ul rajallig fuud to pv vkpeutta u bald leatil auoat m to inform ihaoorrbapondatil ihbt when the taimr w ornaulxed suou monay waa railed lo pay all th axpeuah for th tmon ud that tb atsenibly wa glvoii uulre fur a ulghta nttrtaliimaut thap lor a iolimuu lo niabe nmiiuy it ucoti maiu aolou uarch lllh 1u0j yhu march canadian maoa- 2inu ty- thai ii plenty of food fur thought and euwrulunteul lu tba malch cauuiliah hay- umih tb fam0ujliu4u jugeruaul in daacrlbad and aom uf tba popular fallacies concerning lb la festival areaxplalued awayi tb maklus ot pnmmloau or auudrled niet is described aud iluilralsd- lro- fsssor johu cox of muglll wrlti ou- oomoisiouvl lsdooallou from a bw point uf view whtl tbra writers glv lhlr view and much information bonaririg the movamaut fur tarritarial autonomy thtr ar tb otoal bright atoric and care fullyadlted department bom rum 1u and learn and aoma di va la their tlm in tryitiii to forget what llttl tbsy know fltto 2vtffciennntb flretclass havo you a cogli arc ytm loainjf natt7 io you couh l nigftl hnvo ytm iatn in aide i you takn cold caaily 14 your apiitio varlahlo i lavn you alilclim in mule 7 kj ihiii until youii nva uilml at tic dnytkl ral ftlhy i do yhi ipt yelloi luvoyoi 1-llu- malnrial w matlcr ii iin to bed 7 tlm roorniokb t arulhacklnk or fatty foods llavnyot il lovuf i yu i l hcra a lurauig pale ilnd brataat bona srowing- weaker a in tho throat iyj couth woru night and morrung ara you pah thin and weak 7 have you chins and favor and night- mlr th mrm a fw of ll- tw imnjlt- at aj wantwjlfcat muy nave 1 ur bhw kj o aaoa milnw lt i f or urt pul- u ll uwl jiml1 u tui i aia ilwia awl rciiri ih kun is nrt c u huklii ilh fricnis anj thiotfi ttxiclt ulmi hilw i- l iw il d i b ml rc couunfriioh tniwtl al ltnil ifli u cm and all rflr maiuiiji jjti asilao u in liptf 41 ty tlii- al xum p laaa liil v y p r- mpla lmtw ut iiinlb i pwtacei mud a um of r n- y iui m- is lfy free 11 rahust 11 jrenla to arnf tout tu pomuimi kit isjm u ufiu aaj nrnxince vnanalf ibal 1 1 mia aiif ad iausra bt lha rhflmo ooi ubana oodhfrt pwniv j mvli maniv and vutale aa tlll ilx t jiuffilhu no k puluo u ji boua will be dautand lu y r ol u 4forsalcbyatbbown druggist acton coughing no cahl ncctl cuoe cuclt the coliullmakc catrll jtuull kill ll the quickest turvst niul jileiuillttit inwliciiic lu the world today to do it xvltli la the dwumt uwanta grippe capsule trcntiiicut it stimulate circulation suhstitutci the riddy glow pf porinol warmth for the iwiclied aud fevered skill it prevents it cures it never faih to cure couiliicohliorgriiiic liuiidrcdii bear testimony to it efficncy8oul by your druggist at 35 cent- a box or you may order it direct from tho manufacturers uwahtahto co oil out chin6se lkundry- in pearsons dultdlng willow sired acton ijuttilry collcclod onojrolurncd family washing bt reasonable rate all work done y hand no mxcliluofl or chemical iml 1 ponq- leisiilmoiprtpiutor sold by all newsdealers aud uualc a vaai tulano aw neici ceavrlelil comavoaltlone by lnedval pop rtcae or riano oncaa woctb iji centa ymrly bubeoriptlon gaoo ii ami btldraa orunran ou 1 ouo or th alajiaxlua tree yearly oubaortplii t will eiuul us the bam ami audna ftartikruuuvoil iberiauoor onr of viva wulaoud outlj tstoutlou uu jr wr fayehl wtudyt axiwr day almoluuly aura and vii ai- iviumi vualxbt ucuartild rihiilui belary un auiiibiuauiu aalary lw eauli ualijiuay mil ljllu110uilu luaihnouubr cmaim good shoes seasonable prices we arc lmre serve you faithfully and welj the whole system of our business revolves around the central point that we soil good nooils al reasonable prices the day of large profits is gone sudden fortunes are not often made honestly we are con tent with the moderate re wards that come from a largo trade well managed comb and talk slices with us we jcant discuss politics but wc xc lull of ideas on foot gear we sell all lines and suit all customed another opportunity nw hhts 1 v from london england and new york arc arriving at our store daily these are all new ahd the correct styles we will like last season sell them close for quick returns wc have the union label wc also have the best hats for the least money see our 25black english fedora also pur lfi arid jj0 solt hats again our stiff hats 126 and lfi regular m and 2r0 not old stuffs bur isew goods also the latest yacht caps golf and outing caps at the right price ic to 50c and some at 75c all welcome to inspect furs greatly reduced lne practical iutricr lkfqntkine wyudham st quelih farm fencinc 30 cents per rodt for bala by tub outvine pcnoikq oo limited woton ont fraum 10 kent ielo lhkveaierlt balvee of lota 13 aud ii in xi ibe bru rimrijuu of knunli tot paruculata aily lo f vimjtyuccalluu llox lit kllluu i o fob sale pajlu r aurainer klicuen oallar good well naw elaukc choice lot udy baia ooini4ata la all raaneota tatuie ttaaonaula vor paruaultn trhjlm it h claeua aaoua joronio at or par uat joroaic a alls jrijmao actoo tnor v isaar kesidcuce on jiower avenue fo bal that oomfortable frame hocae and lot en ilowaraauue oontaloig alx rooma pantry nod eatar turn mar kltebea and wood abed bard and enlt water terms easy for particu lar apply tn plants job sale havino leased tbe fruit turn ot ut efatibeers 1 daalr to inform tbe publlo tbat i cu aapplv ibe besi rarteues of straw- berry plants raspberry and black can roots red and black cttrveota in any quantity desired i am alao prepared to laka orders for teemlctf iuotibi plow tea oaxdene ate juab dbcruth uardacer bricu 8tore and dwelling fo bal npmat flue iwostory solid brick store and jl reildeaoe al tte eomer ol mill and itreder tok rtau wall bnllteeveu yean ago flood oallar under tbe entire bollolng wlib brick partitions obefltlb acre oood oistarn vree fom all atteambranoe vurtbev par jed are c pou application ou tba premise lo ui 1nna uouiabit fine bbick besidence for balb- rilhat rtia iwoalory bdek raeldanoe ou uovat x avenue abub waa boll t for a pelscosa and baa elwara been used alaoo it erection by ue alatbodlaxuilntatsra u ba dli looiua are bedrocma wllb balla etc a rooa cellar new oiataru and is apleudluiy altuatad on one ol tba mot popular realdsatlai alreas lu acton no anaombereuc ioeasaalan firea 1st july uexl for lanni and particulars apply lo wm ilexnetreee or id p mocra aoion o to miuikllkailktqnuay sj cbnnlaghaai ave tollomto hardware g a pjfflnabecker thowi interested may bot ho aware tbat i keep tn stock a lull una uf llululcra hard ware including nairn hlrnred hangar barn door truoluu qasa patty painu of all kind at lourcat lricc call for callmala wliethcr your orderba largo or small gapannabecker mul bt aotoh wall paper bargains remnants half trloo to mv xootti tat our uw block y- miul gel rid ol llw old 1 ny julcd wlndowishados and curtain polos a t brown chkmiut andrwatiomku actom the pressure of business 1 rlioved by tli um of 111 lontf blatancotolophono dyeing cliumells 1yking and cliian- 1kg wohkb cuulph th place for gentlemen to have ibdr sull and overcoat and 1adlea garment and household good cleaned and dyed ostrtcb flume and tips cleaned dyed brvl curled miss fjcrxtylfam i-fant- aajony oooda aoton ut ohbills carriage works yon can eel a intclara 4 rear steel ajrricultural lurnaco for aij regular wtoo tlqso a root pulper and slicer wat aod make for 1775 regular price 11035 licit wheelharrow made bleel wheel tor regular brlco i3-75- 34 watford dandy hag truck lor fija aach regular price 1110 a lot of becond hand cutters haggle spring waggons etc in good repair at a yury low price to clear them ofl dont neglect to secure aorao ol tbeas argaina or 1st o mbiiuiu oxoaaktowk excelsior bakery and grocery in ajdlloa to bur dally kupplyjol fml clu dread cakesv uun lite of ouru own manulaclun we ara now supplying vretb oytlete oi lha lest hrand our oyster parldrr snow open and pxlrona will iiod tltclr order filled with entire satisfaction a urger block of groceries and pro- vlalomi than aver befcro and the public know our price 1 am always reiaonabla t 3tathams0n main st acton you reach your cikloitter lu a law aocondii kbit mucilcati iut tuxontpllthed at coat of lltllh ttuw and trouble the ml telephone co of canada hv a good thlug to wear your aaokctuth ud aprtnal your mb ou lba lay pav wl 5aiillik7vts tho shoo man mill street aclou- acton pump works main slreot aonot ii you lo j ol uooil pump hlur i wood of irod cooid lo actoo iatop wob ouunu miul- all iudjw vrohibily alundwl tor w ju pllwdt l chpkco kahwotoh 1 kvov11k1 ui iihm i 1 bl ulnjiuill uimuuriurad i n or llil illilrlct cjl j lolll ittfon you buy briek-bcsideuce- and- acres for bale jiive tub undaralfried offare for sat on aasy tarma tbat commodloos brick reeldenea and ave acres adjoining on halo etreat aelon tbi bonae ae wall built bas abtbl rooms wllb alabla and oalbulldlncs tbe land bas been need r well on tb premise ioaseealoa ivan raed lately u dealred vor fall particulars apply to letter oe a wb the undarabtced baying ctreulaied report raflaetiat upon the bonakty and ood character of uay oooc eon cf air adam bad taken money away from onr aon wed wblcb belonged to us daalr to emphatically deny ibal there waa any truth whatever tn lb chart we made acalnal th bcya we had tbak our own boy waatolaly al faall and w desire to apologise to tbe bora sad tbabr parents tor tea anlnai accuaauou we mada and we ainoeraly bope tbat do lit will oome to tbe boy becaoae of the report and tbat this apology wilt be accepted by thoae oonoarued wltneea jiuicautointhrv ullfl ja uccahtnhr aelon uarcb lib lucu auction sale pf farm stock and implb- ment9 rphk cudaralxcad baa recmved inatruclloos uorthwaalofbui mllle o monday 17th m arch at i oeloek abarp lba followlna iiottaab 1 apan general purpose ho id to l year c tije- luil rue ateer couid years li atear ears iknth 1 sat barroar i comln 9 yea tlbihtnth1 aal barrow dearly new lyif arris cultivator nearly baw 1 wbaei bajtuwoo cattle cbalcj about 10 boabels baed teas aad a quantity of tehhsqf balb- 10 00 aud under caabl c- thai uodbntil liloulbs credit on appro ad iulnl botae b per oaot pr annum off for oasb rural pa and tee caab 1lctieu uykim it ctullfax iro auououaar kxecuaxla8v n0tick to chepit0r8 in th matter or iho efiuit or alexander man dcceaxcd notiok i baraby ieu purauant tell 0 ituj cbaour iua muuu 6t ibal all persons having elaliua aaralnat tbe aetata of tbe eaid alasandar alauu lata of the township of kequaelna lu tli couuly of llaltou ir j who died ou or about the vtb day of vabruary 1 m are raqultvd lo aaud bv noat prepaid or to la biuu liikw kai larmar as a and description and full kuuntnl of th parlleulanl of iher olalms aad the kutcre of tbe aacurtty bf anybeld by tbai duly saruflad and allar tba aald day the ka- mowhvwiii oeed to dietrlbuta tb a uiiiimhwj alnuujf uie pertlee ectluad aberw to havltiif raaaidculv to the olalms of whlob tbjy aliall tli bav uai nouae ualad tills blld day of tfsbruary 1000 wu a unwian uollcltor for ilumtii alouaaaoa and 1ktia uuuohaui utmuuii of tba bald kalale t ebbaqe main btreet aoton lltnallfaclory to know that lba ado- oetlou of ilk youbgar gaoarallon i ba ooob foodbatde ohlldren cry for castoriaa lk1rc stock just oipbmbid uptodate coodi o tho boat manufaoturo our prices are iwaya aailalacloty and ara baaed un kraroat living proiit call al ortce rod glva your orrler for ialom work all vlnda ol work l custom work alcvjnda ol handmade kapalring don whu you wait geo stotrel uoot shoe oualrr mill btsbirr notice to credilobs iu tliri matter of iho feiaio of aue h itcltb lato of the to wu ault of eimhtcflltuf tn ttie motility of unltou widow lyecoricd otiou la limiabv kivau pursuant lo th j- itvlfcl hlaluta of ontario iato- latf that all orjlujrt aad other tiavlor latf ibai an ordtujrt aad others baric claim egeliul lb bule cf tha aald jane taemtfwho ihr b tiu d uembeyjl 11 imi ar rauulred on or bat ere tbe lltu day of wareli ijikj to aaud by poet prepaid juoktunon of tbe vulaie of latou lu the ouunir of hal ion solicitor lor lha eueeijlon of the last will end inalrurnent of tn bald deoeaud lhair obruuau and euruamea jdreaeee auj deaorlpuons lb full daruoaur or uialr aocouuia and tile bature of tn baeuriliae if fur bald by ibaru and furtliar uk notice tbat after kueb leal tueullcuad dau tb aaldkteeutor will procead u dlatrlbule tha easel ol lha daoeaaadanioua th beruas anuued thereto bavlug reaard only the elalnia ut wbub ibay ltiiea haww uib aiaiiiia or wuub bay aaal w uan nouoe and ibal tbe aald kxaootora wilt not be liable for ilia aald aaaal or any part thereof to any patacu ur paraoua of vfboe olalma uotloe oelrac bay bean tbsn raoaireddy tnwd al thallmaof kueb dlalrlbutlua rjaud this wilt day of vabruary 4 d uos ajuotllnmom bel teller for lb assautota acton liyery bus li1sje n bnderun4repeetlallyaa4iolulbpatron et of the puhllsaad luforma lham in wail bqutppad and otytlab kgg oan al wajnibaaaourad- atblsatabta a ocnitortable bus meal 1 1 trains between uaniaiutalv pdi oaraful auabtlen given lo a vary order th wants of pomrnerclaltravvj- tare fully taekv john williams l acton j rmui w

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