Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1902, p. 3

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lrvj tokrrf4hinto georplown branch ageneral banking bysinoss transaotetj correspondence soliottod ijavith department internal allowed on luroaof one dol- lar and upwards from day of deposit to day of withdrawal no formalities and no deuys la drawing money farmora bahiness solicited notes of responsible farmer diacogaled and money loaned lor egitimale dusinau purposes oar collection icpar ha every facility for making prompt ntorna salenote handled and money advanced up account pf kama at low rates of interest traveller are notified that the dank o hamilton and it draocheif imuo circub noimofthe provinctii hank of england limited whjch can be cashed without cbanr or trouble in any ph of ike hkad officii kalabuanej capital paid v reservefund total assets jam tuahbull cashier b forsryethaqent gteorgotovra tjranota jhe n at home mostly of a looaj character and ovorv i torn intaraatlntt 1902 wall paper and decorations- the new season finds tii with mora wall paper than ever too sco llolu in slock w krsltlnh wlil ahow you sample boy from blm and you will be uptodate room moulding to match vs l nelles wall patut qttkiaph jshjt xtaa jm flm xrubsday m aiicq is 1003 ivlmlelocal brieflkts tvhloh caught trta fwm or bar of ft praas raportara thla waak 1 baa been daaldadly spring uka tbe tjefiomaa hare in ooo aiders h asitlwhi udua ax talking about i ejeacrag again if roattn township cooccu will mask at ibmtbafu on saturday ortatyoof shamrock for neit mou- va day- i rilaaallillnriar having a wsuearned ijagl yiiacti i t hava had huy winter jtj bmhetars ol iba methodist sunday fdaftqql whl anjnr thifrn- tomorrow tnornlnjt aarvlea of tb sleolho kllglntlltrpun wt diooounod attar f joornlng tbi tpriog rains of lb past week have jawan walooma to lbs average house boldar ttjatfttcna having bean replenished if mr wbyta deputy inspector waa bar trumitiji and inspected tba elaoulo light j iii all 1 gltiag eaoh aaer a certificate as to tabatt ouimot 1 7mjgj oocbau bald a vary brief alulng kfaf thibtwtb division court bare last oo a mi earn op for t tht lnitft ehlpmeow of hemlock tajtrt molina bow in with unabated iffolaba about 160 cords a day u atill riajivaradattbaunnetua mtr beoneumeudioo baa formed jsjiaaaaain moalaoo tba fletcher method huft will be in aolon etesy wedneeday and btadlo al uav air ooddana it tlpaafclng ol uim hlohuna alaging iuranatirt ba herald pays bar tbla jdnsthnfiivt tbfae baa a elsar soprano vpjoe lahtliraata nloaly aoda logs wllb muoh ax- x ibaljorda pay alllanoe lwulbabatil lu acton on monday avanlng ltatb j q bbe uanaral iryollba trovloolal aulanoa will llbamaaung ood parlor oook and otbar wood aisoplpm lor tela ohaap 8 a jwintb orobbb for 8prino jwrv oeuvrv j hamiltons electrical uoootaaotal lworkg a uoalph ar now using ordara for i qranlu d aaarbla modomanta to b aat lp lb tb spring at radnoad prleev wllb ltfaa splendid daw eleetho and pnaomatlo i wnlidtart h aaublubmaat u awa to i tt dm od balur work than rstctofor d oxj to kmd um t sjkjfttn t oolng aji wlottr vary low j yataa ar being fcueo for work oroarad liwrwi 0l ba wokv or drop a oarl to jch hajuiu uualpb auction bactt hhoistw i moirir miuu 17tu81 ol farm atook iiid tfeftomastf laelndlng 0 alaan two ian old 14 leeesahrae yeara old and gyboabtw d mm tba property ol p llotaaeoa i nejuagaweym bala ual ooiooa tarma ho an4 igbt lllilkilbf k chapman aooilonaar ilritaavr hic slarsau ol farm atook tf tba propart y ol alex aau l3o 8 nmwlt bala al x tstfow i0 aad utt mont win atamuooaar 5u itatmbm bu m ijf who i engaged lb ta aaanlad u ajkm tbam u one aaoaptlov ipvjxian would u abta t tin on mtjos ii u nut necessary to oat o wm llaptimt abotvermiry bervloem tba annlvaraary aarvioas in the ilintlit chareb will be held on sunday ssrd lost at a 11 a m and 7 p tn iuv dr good speed of uouuur uolvenlty torouto will be the preaobar ot the day bpectal anutams will be rendered by tbe obolr aaalatanoa being given toy ueoreetowd eholr aad quart tie immjtotl frohmltoy kxmmlnmtlahm tn fiianja ucre ol uim margaret fyn who entered the city iloaplia al roches lern y andolmiaa mabl oook who entered hamot uoaplul btle pa early in lbs year have biard of the anootaa of both yoang ladles tba past week in their respective insulatlona they have paaaed the preliminary examination and have been ad milted to ibv regalar eonrse for training aa nnreef all hero are pleased that they nave to fer been eoooeaafpl s wmrm and flloelr are sola tbe aale oonduoted for mr lames jaanuaon bis farm lot bl eon 3 haqaee log lest wednaeday by apolloneer hem- atreat waa a gretlf ylng aueoeaa tbe entire hat of atock and iroplements were disposed of at satufaotory prloee tbe farm was rchaeed by oooocillor a ii murrey of erin for f 4 000 tb location jaat one lot from bis present homestead meaea tba propeily very ooavenlent for him end his family mr qaaiille lnteada movng to tb dr loary farm herr oar aluxeos will be glad to have mr and mrs jduteo to their mldal agelo darjlmrm la tow a vttdny migbr last friday bight a bargler or barglars v lilted a couple ql oar oituens the boms of mr john pleicb main bum entered aad hi beat aolt of clotbee and a pelr ol good eboas war taken tb b a tcher abop ol mr nell peuereon corner of mill edmain htreu waa eater ed the boflerv breekiog one of the iroal window lo vffeat an entranor here they rifled tbe neeh rvglater arcnrlng a boa i h6 oenu in coppers they elao aeleoted a oholoe roast of beef there are indication at boib polnu that the thieves were well aoqofclaud with the barroandlnge if eo they are likely to be dabbed whea mr pletebe salt is pat into requisition tnutptit of big damlttomm this veer matre w u btorey a bon are finding ba loess decidedly good this year large orders are coming in dally and tbe pros peat are that this tbe larcet glove boslaeee in canada will be able to make 1903 a record year tbe no ruber of the employees especially amoog tbe makers is ooneidsrablly largar then nana a number ol new singer sewing machine of tb lateet improve style have lately been installed and a oomplete new sat of nlokel plated luatn hand boards far finishing was recently pot in this firmlyestablished bnalcees wblob u now in ite thirty fifth year la nil of vigor and enterprise and bas alwaja set tbe peoe for the gjove batlneee of th dominion umptfily wtddod mt tmwmtr thoteeur jweglvee the following paitlculers of the merrlage of m end mrt llltu who vial led frleods here hut week at the beantlfnl home of the ovided toother on llrowolee b treat on wednesday sclb peb ii v j malcolm epok the word which no i ted miss lie lie g rent end mr arab 0 little of hemlou manitoba there were aome fortruv guests prevent all relsttveaoj of tb ooolracutig parties the bride was given wy by mr james warren ol walkerton and looked charming in a ooalnma of cream organdie over cream ellk she was supported hy mies nellie campbell of iuveredele 11 uie miss xlnth warren ol r made a pretty flower girl tbe groom waa attended by ble brother ttr adam xilltla among those present from oatelde point were mr alex mcdonald and the misses mo- doaem and miss ball kennedy aatoa keaaovaf of star o a ulljeffa iuv o a qiuelte w baa minister ed to the tiltcrptee congregation hire the peat itireeoc loor month left jester dy mofnlng for mlahlgan mr gillette baa made many friande daring bis stay here and there la general regret thai be is removing cejied e ulalmior ilev if a maepbereon vial led itookwooj jtni kuan mills on monday aad held con gregatlonal mcallngs to find if the people were ready lo peooecd n a oajl lo a mlnieter tberesnlt of the meaunn waa the iuv j t hill of hood ii4 waa ealud tli guarantee of hllpend was 00 m yvavstid manee is hoped that mr ilallwilleooepttbeoell d hoktm bettsoj la nofpb mr j d mokee who bae been in nw yorkalnoe laat hepumber when be dli poeed- of hla boslneea here to ur krskine bas porehaaad tbadrugbamnee ol grcec ehleldeacrunelph thlsls the oldetl itabllshed drag baeioees la goelph and ite flltinga of qnarter dut oak ar among tbe duett in ontario mr rkeee anion friends will wleb hint evety suooeee la his new sairaundlnga ber marpereoae itoaiblfion serwsoa lo koox oharoh oo bahbetb evening be fore a large and interested oongregatipn llv u a maopheraon ooncladed his ssrlee of addreewee on the subject ol pro hibition ilea poke of the many excellent quel ill s of the present moans system and was sorry that thslaw as it exists el present was trifled wllb- men who ongbt lo have more renard lor honor end lotegilty enoooreged hotel keepers to break the law id bis ludgetoeol the man who enooor- egedanolhrr lo break tb lw was equally as gnlliy as he who broke it tben it ia ulear lo all eeud the apeakar that there la nothing thai more eompletely dutorbs the peaoe ol home and oommno- lly than iqdnlgence lp ktroog drink and u a vhrn it oomee into yoer own circle ol friends that yoa leal the awfolneee of lb il for tbee reeeons in addltloo to many other be felt that for the clinton of christ and for himself et leeat there was bat one course ta be pursued in the present management end that la to be on the aide of that wblob wudaairoua of giving men a chanoe to b better coming a going vfloraloartcr fryrh aotowarhl various other personal notoa local or1epluts tie coatnttt stttt tecfnesvtajr atvaajmg the daptlat yoong people d liberal patronage for their enterprise in arranging tbe splsadid concert to be held la tbe lawn ball next wadnesdey leg tbe taunt le all ol a high order neeneetlng the excellences of mlas lexis clarke miss moleod and bev mrmc- alploe oar eltlaene are wall informed and always show appreciation ol their splendid ability by gjirlng ibem good eodtenoe tbu oooaslon la however the first at which miae wallace reader and impersonator bai appeared in acton bb bears very flatter- jng teetlm the muloo jufort y aiaannarl6awmlbreroev4ialr exoelled any elocutionist who prevloorly appeered in milton it was the general vardioo of thoae present that she was as nearly perfect as could b kol perfectly natural herself and quits si home on the slags bsr selections were given true lo ml bbe was given anoore after saoore tb aadlenoe seemingly not being able to get igb ol bar whether in the tragic the eeriooomla or tighter vein her se were delivered perfectly her striking alette presence adds nol a tittle io her red popularity her ilsvett to lb native uorn was probably the ctn ol the li g judge btrubls of toledo ohio aaye tier work has merited and received the most evoreble eoaelderstlon of tboee who love and appreciate what le bvel end nearest to prefeelioo a woods toek paper aaye i mlas wsllao baa a beantlfnl appearance aad while rendering baa selec tions she held tbe andlenuw apellboand a plan ol tbe ball may be seen at browns drug store where reserved asale may be sacared juaaal preeararlaj coafeteaoe- tbe annnal preabylertel oonlerenoe this year le to be held in knox charob aoloa beginning oa monday afternoon march 17th tbe following u the programme 1 uohiuy irreaaoaw uo lhotloel tusrelses ikllepovt ol bebbeth uabool wbb ii w afelutoah uelwood uuae4mr utodtseusslod bumuuuh1 ol liwnaalutl bn tuureet ulble uludy uv wiu c clark u lf ttreuiiituu auuucuealou mo- wow to ua lu uisyouns lhlsa tuius of tul lueuotulbllkty to uuilal uy irotiltulr tia y loilxil kkerelaee ead tiorvloe ot kong 00lupot bu ctiutob ule and work uv iuv t ii lluu 111 l u u klura c- veeer ejo dleeuaaloa ueors to be ellowad llv utluntes eeeb oloed by air john hootl ultnoeal u 3ol 1 ueotv uuelnh lr j waluoe aleia bocoueuoe and mosto by the gbolr bufcvncilsd workluv uoberf fo llespeler convener j laonotesiag b it la seven years sloee tbe pretbyuflal oodterenee met in aatnaandthe meeting this year will be ol aaaaaal lnureat tba nesting are all opn and tb ealoa of knox chnrch extend a hearty aad ootdlal lor utlot lo alpto attend and to tk pail la uw dleotiealopv tba avealog meeting will b helped by an orohaatia and tba aboxv doth are now praetlolog coondllor ix b hunt ueeeoo baa been aerved with a writ for 13 000 damagei ueeed at the instance of kditot j w lioyu oltbe ileetoo world hunteveinlu ed boyle a abort time ao john maatee propria tor ol th vic tori hotel wee beter lb pouoe mik- trale thla morning charged with keeping bis barroom open laalbnndaylla pleaded guilty end wa fined ijo and eoat j 45 qaelpb ileretry iuvrwm mooh ueeu the boy- m tern piers of tamperanoe ta in town attending lo the reorganisation ol the society toere will be a mealing of all in urea ted at the cloae ol the prayer meet ing in he melhodiat church on tharaday night efforts are being made to have the ontario normal college tf domseilo sclenoe tamoed from hamilton to uoalpb col mntrle kti interviewed hon uiohard uaroomt upon the metier end recommend ed location on the outello agricultural college nam pqe mr w i dick who la a member ol tbe milton publlo bohool doerd was in town no monday examining the new ateam healing apparatus el the publlo bohool chairman kanney and officer orsham gave him all information desired mdloo hoard isahoat lodlsoerd their old stores n tbe aohool tbedntleaoiur uouaater lo hse- peler arel chlel cone table overseer ol highways collector ol texas and overseer cemetery ius salary la mo paid quarterly ii is not oarataker ol the town buildings aa waa stated lo an item copied by ihe fax paxes irom a waterloo tbe faaa laaaa invite all ii readers to eon- trlbute to ibis oolume if you or yoatr friend aregolngewayonaboltday trip or u yoa bava triabmls vlelung you drop a eard to tbe hn mr a ix obeyne and family are ebon lo take op their residence la toejn miss jordan oamb up from toronto or a day or eo last week o visit anion friend mr kd holm operator el llrampeca was home for banday mlmjjiu de lacey of tcroolo il visiting her frteod mlas francis mlaaee andereon and itnddlca vial led miae annie alexander al aahgrov last week mrs p o maddookandohlldwiapenta day or two thla week with friends in toronto mr jubnnlcbolaonolmarlsue mlcfa is ppendlng a few days with friends in aotoa and vicinity ilev w h moalplae ii a ensietad in kpeoul eervloee in tbe uepllat church ulllaburg last week mies oray of blayoer arrived in lows on friday to take charge ol henderson a oe mulinery openings timmi ailing noweet and young spent a ooopleol daya el tba home ol mire dale drampton last week mr will bulham who has been in auee craig tba pest year la spending a week at ble fathers home her he will go yi pans nrxi week where be bas porohaeed k bakery and oonf eollooery bnalneee mrs david wllltsmeon returned home last friday from gloverevilu n y after a pleasant visit of alx weeks wllb her brother mr james wilds acd other irunds mr fred wilds olqliersvilun y1 pending a few weeks with his uools mr d williamson he will leave shortly for cadgary n w t and spend the sommvr in rabohlag qeorqetowm frpra rorelgn words meaning tad omjfc bas come rather to signify frod ttomach for tbe moat common cease of ihe disease is a predisposing want of vigor and lone in tbat organ no disease makes ule more miserable its anftmmra certainty do not use to tali they sometimes wonder if uioy should oaf five w an troubled with it tor nugent ilejlvllle onu was great i with it lor years and learn kan t i aire wla who was and peter i so efflli ted with it that hn was nervous eleep- tras and actuully slrk most of ue time rthteliied uo relief irum medicines pratee- slnnslty prcerrllied tlwy were rtimnlrtnly cured ottiors bar l4n by hoods sarsa par ilia according ui uwlr own at i lenient vol un tartly made tbla emit medicine atrentliona 11m elonmrli nnil itte wtkolr dlrnatlve ayatsni tin sure lo get hoods ma algealnrets oo en x t ol the genuine laxative brorniyquinitic tablets j a elrt on ay leap gcrocerigs it might mean poor quality but it is not owlth us biclala for i 111 week 7 lb palla of jam for 4jc each too tli lesl granulated sugar for gold soap j imu lor ajc ask us about thla soap 6 packages ualmon trout cheap no i h dinner sets special knap s7 co per net at hotod xea btoub obina palace jw k dressmakmgr our dress and costume making room arc now open to receive and execute all orders with which we are favored our manager miss dawson returned last wcelc having vis- itcd numerous fashion centres and supplied herself with the most advanced ideas for the season the high repute of miss dawson which preceded her coming from messrs scut co of toronto has been fully sustained by her during her first season with ue ladies arc assured of a dressmaker of the highest quali fications who is bure to give them every satis faction wchave arranged a very moderate scale of prices and guarantee highcldbi dress making at very low rates wc solicit orders and invite ladus to see our lovely new dress j and costurngj materials 31 it b bootl toeroheal of oookatown has laaasd lor three year the store ia the warren block recently occupied by gorasy co end at present by whit a son mr b00u intends to open an entirely new atook ol dry good groceries boots a shoes dotting and tnilloery about the oral ol april the prayer meeting in knox church waa wall attended the banrament of baptism was observed el or which ttv mr mooll addreeeed the meeting mr moull has lost finished a season of lvangeliallo berfldetenairntmtnitbe keyei-tempiala- ue will spend several days la anion in ther intareets of this work crbwsons corners two wall known toronto clergy men pm away on saturday toronto march 10 tbe ilev henry bath osier for 28 year rector of st johns charob york milu and lor tb past two years oanon at bt albaas cathedral toronto died at his residence gngton oa balurday blgbt aged 78 u waa born la falmouth cornwall england in 1814 and came in toronto early in tbe lortlea and after the usual prvparalioas for the twlnlatry waeordalnsdby blabop btraohan mr howard oram uf aoton ocoopud the pulpit here oa bnnday its mr brand ol lrajxtoaa circuit will preaob bare next babbalh mr jaa qoantioe aale on wednesday last passed ofl very aneoeeafalv auction eer hemslreet ooncuoted l ooanellloea lucrayaad oeabava purchased mr j quantios farm the pile peld was over 11000 mr quettha wlhjmoe to aclooahortl mr j 0 amble bad a valuable male bo badly gored hy a ov on friday ajuroooo that ii bad to be kilted the many trieods of mr john oolamab jr of this plaoa will he glad to learn that b baa been anpoeaafa in psselng his ex amlnaltons lomuwankae lor eblef saarlne engineer mr coleman is one ol the corner boys who baa been very saooeeaful in bis celling bavlag at year peaeea his canadian examination in toronto wllb honors he also he the honor oj being one of the youngest ret da eoglnaers on the great lake qohne many friends kre jauy prood at hi tnarksd sttoosss mies sarah btltna left 00 haturday lor aeorgelown lo take the position of forelady of arnold lires newglove works ther mies lu m colsmau who has bseu vlaluug at her home here lor the peel w uioolhi returned to turunlo oa tburatky mr chas grelab of ifarrulon is vulu lug blhlsnuolsv mr titos lumhew mr and mr wm ouumo y uuntivllls bpeut a law days during the weak at mr ooleeaane bocne bev a tjouslvtlle man claims that las hired girl has so much temper tbat khe kekps bis anure family hot fell the time and saves him lb aapenae of fee frbb to mothers ontv to eery mother of young ehlltlreu who will send oa ber aane and address plainly written on a postal eaed we sand free of all charge a valuable utile book on the oars of infeau and young children tbla book has bean pteparait byaphyalolaa b has made tbe ailments ol lltu eaea a uf lady with tbe book will send a free sample of uabya own tahlsjatbe beat caedlolnatu the world for tbe minor all mettle of infanta and yaoag cdiudrsjs meotlott ttle name ol ibie paper and ad draaa tbe dr avlllisme med id of oo braoktiik ook v botna people undo ailb their totim all tba good thsy do with lbair hands the hoohe matches wllb acton on friday and toseday evening created quite a allr town the arnold clove feel or y le now in working order throughout tbe tannery oomrnsnoed operations some weeks ago hot lb glove department waa inaugurated iblaweek an entertainment will be given in lbs lecture room ol the methodist church on monday evening uarnb sslb under the auspices of tb ladiee aid a concert of vary high order wlu given in tb iovra ball next toseday v lag under the auspice ol tbe hapual yoong peoples union mlsa marion etftanwthwvifcnuira reolfcer and lm- personaier will be the prlnoipal auraotion mc1i ijll the right house kstaklumxu ms hamiltons favorite shopping place the new dress fabrics no doubt about getting the tight ihlng if you come here and new and of lite best quality whaleveolthe price you pay lies are bdng sold dally 00 our coon let uvery thing freab many new novd- balunafad on wednesday last the borne ol mrs angus moeaohem lot 6 6 line lrlo waa the oene oa eery pretty wedding wbes the eldest daughter ml mary moeaeberb waa united in marriage to mr abraham smith ol ooolngsby tbe oeremony waa performed at e oclock to tbe evening by ibb iuv george milne balllnefed in tba avooe ol filly guests il immediate friends ol tbe bride and groom tbe btido waa estmed by her sister mlas maggie mobaobern and the groom was bopported by bis oooalo mr jltoot altar the oere- mooy the goeete par 00k of a eampluoa wedding repeslv- they spsol the evening in boats games and in keeping una to good mosla the heppy 000 pie intend making their home to tb nortbwt leaving about tbe leal of the praa t mntb we wlab am a long and prosperous life mr a p tborapeou u improving alorly bhe is still under tbe doctors oar mr norman loagstreei took an active hart in the cboeen friends concert at nerval latttbureday nigh we believe norman played bis part vary welt called to rest in itili the iuv father ltyen dean of b mlohre cathedra died in hk miobaala lloepltal shortlyafter three odook on sat urday at urnoon he has been iff tor aome time tnd hte death was aniialpated tbe luvvranou ityaa was of irish parentage and was bom in newfoundland in 18 attaa early age be went to ireland wber he studied at several oltbe urge eohools of learning haur he went to frtnmjbfni be eludied with the jeanlu graduated in phlloeophy and thrology on bepl 16 la7ohewasordalnedprlel bboruyaftar bis ordluallou be name to canada as secre tary wllb tbe papal delegate apoelollo the iuv ocouiay who pupil he had been in ireland absolute security genuine carters little liver pols must boat signature o rmuaucu rma dimwm fill mlattlmate fmtuafliuvn fn cmstimt1ml rwlau0vtfnl id oolora wo show theso harris sujlinss 56 loch in a splendid lot of shades nd very poikilar for corlumesor svprata skirt tor pre enl wear 85c and i 00 yard clyde suilinga jc inch very nobby and in ahades of castor fawn reseda oxford gray and navy blue 3 qualities it to and i 35 yard clyde suiting bright finub and very dray in good ahades of greys mid and dark navy and bow green tblsctnesat 01 ij yard navy blue chevtols 54 inch heavy weight anil very dmay for present wear these are priced at lino 1 vs i 33 and f 1 50 yard its 10 your heal in terra t 10 con sult our tailoring expert aa sooa as possible easter being so early and thpse in black cheviot friexa mai homer pan suit inge 54 end 5b inch firm finish and very popular for early spring veering those are priced at 65c lro end iraj yard french broadcloth 54 inch medium or heavy weight permanent chamofarfinhh 3 eplendld qu at m 3 s- 5- n 9 00 yrd itepieys serge 3 inch weights and very of medium u labia for spring costumes these coma at so 60 and 75c yard- wool tauetines of plain weave or with rich overatripe of satin light in weight yet producing the most graceful curves aultahle either tor walsls or summer gowns 44 inches wide l one quality at 65p others at li aj and li 33 yard now waah stuflh for spring and bummer are moving out brikly probably the prettiest collection we ve ever had on dlapuy and other novdlles arriving dally 33 inch zephyrs while ground black fancy slripes 35c yard 33 inch charnbray fancy white on grounds of grev phv and blue 33 and 35c a yard 30 inch chambray white em hroldered polka dots 00 blue ground priced at 300 yard colored muslin in pink and bine neat fancy tickings self colored corded stripes and while stitch ing very new and dai and comes at 30c yard french organdies handaoma ialiley patlerns on grounds ol brown hunwdgewoodpinjc and grey with mercerised overatripe and pink ground with ribbon stripe and white with bine floral design 3 qualities 4 and 50c yard we ahnll b pleased to have your order by wall camibleehutliuartloa in every cake and thomas c watkins king st east cop hughson st hamilton whltewear sale continual nil tblh week miner opealna fciery day farther noelllru just i e h bouert cfe co 25 and 27 wyndham kt 0uelp11 j the dominion life assurance co thirteenth annual meeting a prosieroub year tlilr teenth anntiallrmtlug of tile alove company was held al iha head ollicw water loo on friday i cb 7th and wax well attended from the direclora itcports the following figures bio taken exhibiting the progress of the company ax compared with he previous year amount of applloavlion tollnleel 1 mad mwt inauranoe oodnad touiatrladt keaimittu toted jtaaalet toted baouhiy to ipollovboldarw tooa ioqt est too doo too fismo b44 ooo ssa oo haasoa ojbtq aaa msrt tssocvr lea so b034ji 7uj07o ftaouaed oiaoo bsoboo 08000 tu fyffjilrihllyairanff position of the corrtpaity ihe soundness ol lis aasels no losses having cu7odonnvgtcdrnnds-ainco- he oimpanyjdaitodlho gralllylng increase a bualneas during the year and iha act that our liabilities are conputodorrs ring the year and the act that our liabilities are compul thai would add tio ooo to our surplu if computed oo government standard were all commented upon in tavorablo lerms in the ulecusalon that followed tlta reading of reports a dividend of aeven per cent upon the paid up capital of the company was declared ivontulairibullon lo policy holder continue a heralofore the old iluard of director wis reelected bud organised by innes iveauicat abd c kumf vice president a elccling mr lamas page metal gates zrjs to use woodon ones uxht and yet strong enough to eav tnrtebaevy man on the nd while he ewteaa around tba elrale wtthoot eenatng uum lo sag vtur r appearswlulaelafthnwlueanor 1 theyejewpplled wtm utobwwtuehanow thee 1 deltbarway aedamaelf waling tnetaaly goot that is low eetopab in ov for general arm punxakm wi aleo nek larm and omeeeentel weoe jwtrymettinihslb and kwduw ihzrijzvil treee ce ualtsd welaewtue oat i i spring dress goods new fresh and stylish i newer colorlugi 1 realtor weayoj abd uever more varied id btyul lhau limy vlli bo this cowing bcskou 1 ha french deeignets have denied lltd world with the magnificence of ihdr ideas and the apuuidor of their harntoulaux colorings not aloite lu ihe array of hrilluut colors but of ewaltt tout and doaigu so much adiuued by women who delight it hoe fabrics the lion is tike homo uf a apleiwlld collectiotl ofiha bot lu ttteae hues of woollen dieaii coods aiupttg ttimiow goods leading weaves aid in point of the reputation of our welches for kreptng uniformly correct time is beyond question the weateal of any time piece made whcilierii is a hunting cue or open face a ladys or a gentleman watch tbat you want you will always do boat to make your tc lection from our stock wo havolow priced watches for vacation use thai atgpd rough uugc and keep good time skykg6 st go -fine-wutoli-ropaircrs- quelth neisr spring hats 0pen6d todhy 4 cases ol latest new york hats uptodate styles my sdecials the stnyvcsant hard and soft the dandach hard only the yoang hard only the austin hard and soft the argylc hard and soft latest new york styles the reliable wakefield hard and soft correct styles every hat shown is the correct style and uptodate price from 3 down t si r jbnelson ohk price only merchant tailor and 99 wyndham st gents furnisher quelph printer sale saturday morning the 15th february we start a clearing sale of all lines of winter goods consisting of clothing mantles furs fur mantles heavy dress blankets coods everything cut to cash lr order to turn them into money this is your opportunity to buy goods at your own prico j a mcintosh soi 77 upper wyndham gu9lph st burfltfeii kuimlned xndon twined crepe clotlied lluitrea ooouiiere and barges ill hades ol umm1 gny ltrow link lor tllu mail bull wi jjhl hlao lukull toi cry oij uaui uj bomeipunn oliovioti venetian oovurt cloth and berged in all the leading bbadea bllks ihofiiiwt tnro ul colorl rtul ulck suk n bava owr lwh u4wiivor hul k tlcusr hajouer lut ii ilucn t man pomlme but ii iru our x urua kullo of urmumakenl kra now rejv to mim you iw tllr uccu in euas aiok sadachk stops theqouoh and work8 opp thi ootd lailre tueaoqaulaa ta ear a sold ta oaediv hecgrv hovay nteeffgeeats passed d beapnak a future continuanca uf your pstronage e maconald bro the ulon cuelph c f qoodeve fe co wibh to iimiounce this week the arrival of their spring stock ol dry goods comprising all the lines usually kept in a general btore allow usa few moments of your tlmoby bailing you to look over our list of the dltlorent hues uf goods hve carry vis ureas goods fancy muslins art muslin alluver laces vejeocla laces velveteens bat ens ginghams lawn table neiialos crash and l inert towelllugi imnts silks satins twill and hull linings csnvassea fancy collarettes lund- kerclilafs bhirtlngs white and gray cottons shaker flannels wrapocr ooj hyklan vests hie men a iwtriggan shirts fiummtf ulua and grey s ilygeta overalls una and uana socks lite- 31 these goods arc allciew and of the laiest dchigns give us a call and you will be satisfied with the quality and price we quote you c f groodeve go vaxlkl btrbbt rcton jfissjji

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