s tthut- uai bfcavc canadian boys die i sir ulun jvlm imiibli hh in ann vva1 1 vimi iii ufiullj t uaroliatil lrr-sout-africa-t- -terrible- baptism of rrc gt harts river iclevicn mohk livjcu iroh tiiic icmiiiiic ur nlxl uir uiu i uil jskltuluufcji m llahilllii i th u wtti uii itr 11- t aun suvrrtt alll ja lllik mulm lo ulal 111a itilruda aliiatiuiti tiafaliiar hill lhmxvl 111 i m ut llm lrll -t- ifiinin tiuimly wilt if i uktohly u- v amy u kmij 1111 iuiik llrat iuu tf wm iiih wig ll j itruiijultt imkiltkllk fill turala ualoll itilll l tl- i- il- hiu rthit ur kal f laoii il wf to ml till 11- ill vur of til parauta on waluua uili april liy ii a afairoii j lt ii a uatillwr 1 ijury daiiw to kill v lauliur of sjrlul jorrw i ifoilaa kj uilli i kumii kkitulii ttji lilt it kliui u3 mourn uiknalbulmm la uulib or april jtu- w uum iilii iii mbuii anuiu kj i ljc cton jfrse r5s tiluumuay april 10 hhti icditohial notes tiprililhitiinlbtnf south yvvwih bun intt on kulurdny in cuiiviiitluji and uninlnulo ah- h cnilm- of ttiwdpli iiu an indfpoudnl prohibition raiidldiiui for- lhi coining rimipahii for tlui ltiiiuliiliuv ii- in idkiilflnilit that tljf hat of tiiiiiaviuil lmiiiiii who hum dikiii tlui twith of iiluiuuri to khik kdwtird lllfjudll tlllt lljlllltt of cllmivlir ktlll tlw itldimt wm or tint licilvfjililcn tnul jiimi tin iuiiih of l1 iiniiilkm of uu krni fiiiolly th thill dally lit fmur lma it-r- id upon iu ninth yjif or publication j ituniil iu npluhma arc iilw ny cl-nr- ly und ikixiiimly prvwd unit it in k- rally nn tin- pmrrjdv mwh of puhur ipmtinna hud 1tui ilhoda ik1 u m tint iriuniph or hla viul in month aft tea iiln end would huvu uillrd foith muttiulwl iiilofitw hla uutinuly iletui khmiuj tu uia owmuwl the impitv hnpivdk w dmply thu un- crt4tnty of iniiii huinitu plunii mid mi- phatloikw jlimenutii ofmllitu hiui i-xpivi- im hlmudf favandilii ui kk pivfir- in to tlwhoutli afiknu iuianii in tlm urntur of wlittlon of n contingent for tlu lofoiiatum tfixuinnliw it ii wllwlmi oppntunlty will hrt iixundwl to tlmut uliolmw mtwii in tlui iltur war thbi will no doubt iiiwl tit apjnoval of loyuj ciiiia dliinu kernrally ii u cli apihi lallmilvdnf thluthi ml ijiuit tilnilt inn moiili hl in uhjlith ihllhli had tlth wiuiiiai in i liiii mh1 konbnitoil id nun wo iil khnu tbut iiiih t h- o fioot dlirimiil mini i with thtio mini and a mini pom thin altu whm imuh ut a nionuat win n tht llitlli hml iift thtirlui in a laam in hiiikof lhtr kalloplnk iuhm the on plain with hi lutvnllon of pmnlii a uu- otivoy whh h had ueiidlmowtvdlho inlljnheul tlir4iuadlanfiout wmi atuelidlu hhojik miuilktii but tluy killantly iqnlled eery attiinpt nmde ly- tlw ho lii to hrak thioiikh ouupiuly of the viuulliuih foiikbt until all w ie killed or uouiulwl mid the hint nmn although moilally wqiiuilml unplthl two imndolliii of cailiiduei at the enrinyund then luoln hlu till tl jliltt iiilj wan mvero and keuetul ft ftlllytlltee lining cvs vnvn iiiisou inni oitvua apill thcviuauihy lint of the iciond canadian monntwl kill in tlulr ilrwl eiiikeiiinit at kl in haifa ltkr on mirnh ill una celvedthla artmiiiaiu at loveiunieut hoiim- the inimlmi- of d ad and wounded innhjfltuuu a uioinnful hut ulmloua tilbuh u the valor or tin nw it who milled rally thin year fmii canadaa ahon kleveu mlted atnl llineterii wounded inule up the totul un fai iceiod men from all t rioiiiliu wiiii to luiva tauen a art n pjii t in the lht but tlww ft inn ontilo unirivd tbu nioht out eleen gallant fellow a who kavo up their lutii wniii lame tioui outiillo of the luiutiluder tvio nr from ih itlal coluiuliia ouit fixun qiiiohc and our from munitolwi the follow llik la the raauallty llit for oihailo killed heitfennt j camplull perry uull corumil al frl hhenltt guelph i iu m k htihum indiii lle w v k mill kan ivtei lwiro iltqiol tl hy tvh mal tiuu an liumi c4inwiril v c knlaley toionto i pie t ii hay toronto kovtndy wfuiudml 1 john giant guiin guidon pieldhiwpiul total h 1ileiidn in niujuik at u itoifiw tldriiik the wu of the tlt ul ihllul tphht on the jhll mlrt i nfte oiillut i u- li illnu 1 vuioiii i llllld m of hlkik ml harry iuwln a uitlve of tb toviuililp after ittainin hi inn honl mr kuli lix1 ii co iph uli elo4l up the ilndy iftentbtiy and phi u philadelphia dental coll l he irttl 1 eiiiiiel lo rell hludyviihwtuk wltha w h ihjikc u iouliiaiy hi- th tilt the mrw vav i hlm t hu ln hiidhlnkuui klii itttf j ik u hudliuatpaikhlll ijud tolartu calilid the gov n nor general au folhmu on monday ijis imw7atrli7 tiruistkiirl r ulnui government houw ottawa i liaa uleifmphwl kitchener liuarty con- kiutulatimifi u trjuipj who did w well at kiel til umltf hiver march 111 hut i would lllu to acquaint the canadian government how n i appreciate tho uptendid utimd of the cauiullan mounusl uillea and how much i rt- jovt the heavy loaw sikw1 itnh- irlu lliu toroutii preahyury him juiul tlui fouowiug ii solution hewihed oiat thia prertbytity while not ex- preaiiinh any opinion on the phnriple or a tvfin iiduin in hbdative inatteni hut now feeling hie only way to obtain the prohibition of tint liquor traftlr oven u llje llniitml extent pntvldwl for in the act lauly uuuud hy the onijirlo ij la hy the luloptlon of a vout on the finlutlon uiertby wnhniittid ta tlui people delrti t utk uimui tlie voters in our chkre and aniong our pimple ij vote and work lai aa to iieruro a imtuo majority voui in favor of tho quewtlon now hiilmiilted owiiik to the nuiular of iuuiiihtiuiui arriving in the dominion thin miimhi tlui iiiotii ilenlrahle faiiuluk landu con- venleilttn tluirlllwayu in the north went are llllliik up more lapldty than over ufon und the prtwp4mu in that pat f the country wero nner ua pnuiiuiuk aa they are at piwnt ktiwtiin uiiulneiui houwu are diuplay- liiu the ki- 4i tent intrtt in tlui noith wittt triuh thla year not only aiw flniu who never did tiubiiieat thriukh tiavellera ikiforti in the noi til vvi luiw toverliik the ground there thbuly hut a jjimmi many ljmlern fhma have opeim htam h iiiiiium in urn wtwluitd ltmil for a laie uiul in- crtuuiink thiliieuii thiai4iv hiutiiliik lt ciiuln iwuuiu of the luulllic puriy uiulluuuramiiitiythi uiey for their jmit do not clahn a tuoial itoiy in manltnlia it u jiomildethat when the ttu u ai- mt fortli iwroie the ukht of lieav ell hliey inay lie found to have ifkinrd a vt ulij mi iliuuoial ui their aiim u wouiu to iwlleve that the iiuhitloua of the uotalbsl lcl mlum piovldml for the lakiuif of aiifi inaila vote whoiuuwver on hlu own ivpi-cunita- uouu and for the takiuu of it at ev ei y pdl we ran only i oik ude that the iu- j uuitlei of the koveiuuient vvaauiuive a hrtuul road for iniquity and it would hectn thatv tu of old tiuiny liave found it ir the villiliktf mbuueaiueitioil lu tine that in aoiue m iloiia he pio- liquoi vote wan unuh uulftir than the nun 1 1 1 1 of the w hide male upuatlnii if themi aiv not evauutjuflonh twill uarely lie uimihle uuleax leal rw-oui- iiaa hi11 pllliomely ouiltteil fiom the met to ihmwi mime nbuiiik hi ta of riautmooiial willi m ohlldren cfy for castor i a i epitome op latblbrr ukwa tb counlry htthliiir th lt lloun bfor- oolmc lo t xjtnl kinilwilybmlead the lhitiidi columbia reillati ihutlnn hill luui iuumd kinu chriutiun cckbiated hia hltli hlitlidnv yeiteiiay iinilonii tjix i-au- baa iwen iikii at iiuiiin miii huuin perry or whitby dropp el di ad w hile wallintf on the htpeul riinre chliqrh win with bin milt haa left pekln for loudon aa china envoy to theionuiation the war oftlcu annouirea that all deapauhea ivlatlve to the fl at hpion kop will lie jiuhlitdiel ijiwi icitrbeiier re porta that at leant thirty iiiuiii ueii killwl and eighty wounded at klein hartu uiver lwrtnn waar of niiimnee hwit hia life hy a houwi that hn vrau ojlutlntf ui move ciiinliiuif him to nrath klitaliiifor luui lioau acquitted of till four charge of liuuder and ia lailntf welhtiiated aa an ordinal y priumwr of war thoninii tluhuer of montreal coin- inltti4l auiride by idimitink hilliwlf in the head at bin rvnidrncu hp went- inount t david hreiuiaii a younu farmer woji utnuk hy a train on u croanklirxvemt zona he nhd the teain worn killed tbn goveriiiueut luui not yut come to any ilectalrin in reajd to tlioaugd hon to proclaim coronation day a public holiday catlllutllbtlef was tiiu iiuiio nassaqaweva ahiidnove m1h geitie pbdur la tun idink couple of vi ka in tomuito mr mnrtlmiii ii a qf kt maia colliubite luatnt n tnrnil onjftatinvljiy to ii nine hla dutl aflei iiiundlni vavav bolldaya al hla ijome heif ilev v w thompjui ii a- luoi now fully rtxoveed and la uahi woikou thekeiilluoithilrult mlaa llele and mr p o k pent knuday at mr h ihilinv arto mlia oidhy cantelon and mr t ledle of ktlietavlue vtel at mm wlexaiidera liujt huiulay mr 11 mrmhou wlu hhow liu il hlepp r at the uuiw idiow in torti tinwl onbwsoma corners wedding ludla unit jo fully viiineulay whiii tvo of our hikhly eidmuieil younu pjople were nuule one pal tlcubira next week the mall now nrrlwa here ou is day tliurwlay and hiitunlny it la an appreciated improvement on tlhe twin- awihk ttervlru that wo formerly luid mr william henthtrectlui vetimli auctlonmr of acton conducts u iuib for mra ilell naiuwikiiweya but tliinwlay it wiui one of tho moat aucteiuiful hiileu condurteil thla wawui in thia wee hon mr m crew tarn jr baa commence dilllllilr oieialloua he haa uirte wella to dilll belt ttila hprinu for meitara m cmuwm hr jolm murray and jatnej itnuiklmw mr chaw fiamhl1 and uuimli gamble alteiulm tho w elding ri-cej- tion of mr and mm jamea taylor at rrrattlaldrtl utsniiyiitkhtr mr it ii wunwlmriuh altjl frienda in hillahnruhdurink tho week mr win crippi who luui lieeii in the northern ontarin lunilwr wtmabi dmiiik the wlnur rcturnied linnui ou tlunijlay mr uolait colemnn went to toron- to on haturday where he haa aciirf4l a iiltuation in ciarka tauneiy mm jauien ganihlit wiui in guelpli ou monday btddhlk farewell u her niece mlwi jennie caiiipladl wlm loft on tueulay for crauhronk ii v vluitlier father who la a luruo uiiiu idiarehohlur there mcuira tlunuau nainahaw and alurt coulwm of lowv llle vlidtwl at mr jamea ilainuhawii on kunduy miilierthagunihlu xialtil rdati here over tiumlny caniuiuih attoki by m form liisimiv apill 0 hie htandaid publuheu a thrllliiik dtauitch nhnw- iukthat lieut hi urn carrutheru of the caiiiullauu wim tho hero of the day at ilarla river tim canadiana worn attacked by a fnrcu luivuu tlniea inorx- iiumeniua which they held at liay for two liouiu until all hut llfteeii weiv kllleil or wounded lieut camitheim i the only ofllcer who wmi nut either ahiln or urlnutily hurt he luui laivrial fhuh wounda hut ho luui atoutly refuwhl to o to the hoapital when he waa taken pi limner itomo of tlui ihieru w tinted to ahoot him theit and then hut they oltiiiiaudy thought iwtur of it miylnu he waa too brave a man to die in tluit way ttbkbutmdum duuatbid tin manitoba kkihlbluoti kfivn- uuin drata tmmi thuidy by owe 6000 winmiiyi apill i tho von on thitpitilithltliiii wreivtiduiii bint wel- neiduy proved a dluuitioua ilefeat for prohibition the total vote uaii 17 uu aunlnat lltt7 ouin tho douiiiiion alliance in manltolia havinkuiked ita uuppmlimi to ijtuhii the rireiviiduiu the fair of the maiiluilia liquor bill referendum wan hawlly in doubt from llu html i homiiukii joiinmnclmihld-tlh- father of the 1mlilhluoit hill uild in an interview i tun not iiiupi iied at ihevite when tin lamition taken hy the doniluloii alluuiie la i oiuddi ml 1 do not think tlm it ut waa a fair one aiwhile thoeopptimd to pnililbition wem uiutid mid in tluif u ith it at hauunuy and lood oikauiintlun he teiiqauiuue jwople weieiw ndinu theii time dlm i ii j iiik w bethel- or not it wax dnirahleto biiik the vote out anil they cveiv u ithuut oi katiuilloii ihth nlili11 imitvril no doubt from the wet idae of the ion in and theditlhulty tliiihiiml in tbeitauitry in kliiuk lhevo4mnit ue c w 1ou1oiiwih the i mult of tin ote hud not tliit oui- aed liiu hev mr mcneil uild that he did not oiwhlei inn did he think the lountiy would tale i4u vote aa repivbciilhik the tiue teuiptiauli ntiltieut of llm tiy in iew of tlu fat t that the toai li of i he k ci iimeiit ikihui tfieh- own in t the leiupejunio jieople hail nolalth iii the vote will h daa not lu tuiy paitkuhu vepitent puhlli ophlillu nooicwooo mr w hal i ia eldcit win or mr kauiilcl hairia who a few weokit uliico accepunl a ihwu ion aa farm inunukyr near ht catluihnea waa inarrietl on thu iveniliuof march llftth at iwronto to mbw annie paiuimorc daukhtnr of dr piuujinoie on their weddlllk trip a few dayn wcw iipint at tho old homo here on tuewlay evontiiff tl meinbera of thu ipworth lejihiw of which the hrldoffrotn wiui thu preil dent prewuuxl lihn wiui ii tillvcr butter coedcr and thu followluff ml- dnui to mu wiwey hakuki diltulliiotimu wu tlui iiieinlmra of uie itockwootl lnuorth ijakue of which you have luui tho honor during the luiat year ui iwj pivaldcut whllat raiidiiu that a very percev- tiblu vouincy u our ralika luui ivthiu orciuilnuml ny your reiuoviu from aiuongiit ua feil that it lu a privilege to avail muvalvea of thu prcwut opiwirtiiuity to oxteiul to you our hearty congratulation laith with ref erence ui the proajwictii uf touiporftl advancement in connection with the iiltuation the dutiea or which you have recently eutertl uimiii and eiqveclally wlut refernce to your recent luarrlogii wti rejoice with you that our heavenly 1ather luui dlrcrutd you in ttiu choice of onu aa a helpmeet who la ptuaumaml of wi many eitlmahlu ipuilltlish and wo un ite i pate for you laith a iouu career of happlneui uiuftilnewj and prtuqieiity no nioviimu period in the huuiry of canaila luui furulahel grander opjvor- tunltlea for uaefulnva and advance ment mum uio piemiit and for tliowt who enter ilium lifeu uutlea aa you ihii do with valr tiimt in the huvior and eaiiuat tiudrea to pioinoto the general welfaiu of mankind theiv la gixiit imuiuiu4itinent an a alight token of our eateein and alao ofour iipprtk iuliiui of your faith ful wrviiett durink xhn teitn of your prehidenry of our litigue wo liig of you to act ept thi butter wwiler with thu luuut that it may occasionally tv- told mmdaand aiom latea hid y iinuull i woik ut llockwtaul wi unite in pniyer tluit the ilch hlcuduu ud mm hurrla thlnuihout the fntui ofour heavenly fauior may attend on and mrn ilurrla thloughout till hlguetloiiludiillf r the itiakwotal kpwotth ujilfue c jmmwk m ttrrtkj a joiiikri 1 hvtiuv m ilykil m hcahiiow ii muiiuw avrmrti viivtrwnna77ltti luuluiuul apill hhri the indiutiou of the hev j t hall into the pjudtnate of the itvahy- tei ian rhurt ii vi ill take pbu e heit today at two numk p m uvv mi mrkiiinon will pi- aide and ltev mr mi oit villi preach the ortlluation win ltev utah will addivmi the iiilnliderraud ltev ii a marpherwiu tbeiaople the day will lm a highly intui- tiling one to our preahyletlun fiieiula a lit eptiou t4i the new mill- uui- will tako pbue in tlm chuich thia evening clailt yu heeie fin lory oiuuwiueil the maiaui vvoil bolt week with iii ellent ploiquh la the annual meeting of the wouuiuh miwiunaryhiuiety ir guelph hmiiil will lm heft in tin- melhodlat church here mi thuyaday llh may a gaio pitigi amine lu he lug ainingl mitholiiau wimlell m p p or dinulaa who waa ehr niau vutlve whip in the ugulalure dbxl lu the hospital iichamiltoit while uimhuhohik an opeiatiou ou thituixliy spring depression pr oplk feel weak easily tiiikd anttf odtof soitts ou mutt armlat nlura in ovr- oomliur thin toaiinc tlrora uia hot wuiar mnnuip arriva it la iiuimruiit thntou nhould ik balhy lo i in spring the hot oio- 1 la omiug on and ol ntl iigth vino and vitality to idt it the rhluik of winklliaa hpi 1- kioit util rhlena whleh ou uutuv tniiii in npiing i- tlblllut lug and ihuigruii von have u- n indonrv u k 11 through tlm wlutit iiiuttb liuvuyukil the uatlal amount of ixert uai perlijpa your i1mh la nhig- gilituul im mid yon ihmi a uioroogh 1unvutloii of the enllrvt iatiii in otiir won hi you nhtl u thtnuigh loni or dr william pink pilla if you ti y tuiu ou will i- anrjiriw1 to liobi how x igoitma you lieglll to feel how the dullbuitude dliupiennt your atop laitunea laatle thieyehrlghtenaiiid a f eling tiniew htnngth tnk a the ptni e of all prvv iouu fslinga thmiibiiiiliilmw priuetl tin- truth tf tha woida and found iv- uomixi health thrtijigh the uia of the pilla in apring time of the many ia mlaa caitahi way of- phtou out who ayt l a few yeani ago i wan cuntl of v ry mivtround prolongtl ulucu tif dyipeiia thrtiugh the iim of lw vllliama pink pilbt lifter all other metlllnca 2 had triod faibl hitha tluttlhihiil haye u1 urn pllhi 111 the tptlpg tut a tunic aiul- hhawl hiiilderand fliul theiu the la ut medi cine i know or for thla puiwie i- pie who f run down at thla time of tho year will make uomlauln in uaiitg dr wllliama pink pllhi ti1k1 pllta tno not a pnigatlve nietllclue and do not weaken tui all purgntiv do tliey are tonic in their nature and ativngtlu n from llratdiuh to hutt tliey aro the lteat niedklnnlu the wiuidfuraheuiuatbini at iatlcji uervnia trouhlfit neuralgia iiidlgeition aliaeinla heart trouhlea hcrofulu and huiuora ill the blood etc tlui genuine atv wdd only in lioxea tho wrapper around which lieara tint full iuliiui dr wllliama pink pilbt for palo iwijilr hold by all tbuilem in medicine or wot jvoat juild at uk a 1kx or nix lioxea for w hy nddreaa- ing the dr williaina medicine ct hrivclvllle out la every town niiy be hud the mica that makes your horbes glad thousands of persona nro llastcniflfc towards their jrnvw aa n rchult of this dread dicac v il xth m iu mw walui iha null uctr auflwr puumo ballinapad the funeral of the laui inaac ileimett ur fmrtn t he home of thmmut hennutt kj buit vrlday wan very largely attended the larvlco waa conducud hy revti j dyke ii a mucphrnum and mr king and wait hnpreiuilve and toiiaoling llierenialnn wereconveyeil u aclou thence to the hoiiie of de- ceiuaul at vlrthu man mr holurt ihmiett ronuinplaten removing to georgetown i the aruiera geuenilly an ietuly for iattliig now seasonable hardware lawn mowers v grass shears f pruning knives pruning saws horse clippers sheep shears fence pllors fencing wires of all kinds poultry netting screen doors screen windows screen wire cloth hoes bakes spades digging forks etc robertsons ready- mixed paints a fw f ilhf von k imi ir ii iiiaglial iiijilf u ilml t l i 1 111 mhlj ii- iijn iii vmlle lili tuu it kale iv haul j i sai 1iwti j 1 luiirhv i iv rini hotly iilrl hi v at pit iii yllowiultor itongl ongoing to ixd 1 mje i lleomieg t jn i i imuh liii uixl limiting 7 lav v tleunvt far fahy raalv iu r rmi iehln1 llo aut li i ym inn imiiuiii hrruil loniv o hi i ih rt nowug wrker t lliore a barnnt pln in llifl tlirtuiti i j at ciinih wiirui nlgltl and morrilnk ii vt lle llit and wiukv i ivi voi liiiiu m fvrjnnd iht- iuy k u f tj llj my wh 11 llu uu uvlluicr w lul i hi i j i im jl j ikj hj oi llu kwt i j lt j i uma ll ul 1 ph mi- it nllukl rt it u wh i 4 i- iulu klih iw lmi i llrf wly i m ii i k tijcwl c0u n1 4 taitmt hhmuinit ymiiinib puuho i- t ritr i nhl i vlflut i ti tv ur lmll irf tth my fnm i nim lwu u tj ry mu ha- mm an u4va w wm iry it i j i 0ai hkitf f i k- jltv i llj ilj and tem puluo h uwltwl iiaitm i d l a4 k vu i k nju ualu mill h- jl1 i y l i ik free nlliiu i vnla vc l ft h bv- -itt- lltml al utii ewh ajja all uua la urf fuumo oo for salo iy a t wiown druggist acton civil mo a xlllncd ic hithlwftra of any line quota pflcoi on a apann a becker it a iip wa it h wul tis wa uk mill st actom the pressure of business h treilly rclavd by tho uw of tho long blstanco tolofihono you roich your customer in a few tcondi and mgchcan bo ttccompluhed at cosl of little vlnm and trouble tho boll telephone co of canada ilu clovtr 16 so hiibh lurstthuojliy fioo buif htt luce f no 7oo sawloy manjjel 15c lb 7 lbfor ii do sd grain all kinds sugar bil all kinds land sail barrel salt etc garden scda 3c pkl 10 pits for 35c v6 take poiatoea in tnule guelph or rockwood geo j thorp market tiquare g ve lip h drjncli at rockwood pringte guelph the best is always the cheapest my stock of watcher was never bettor every ono tlioroughly warranted i will not sell a bad watch ritt know it g d pkingle guljph handsome the right house irfjldlkmd tj- hamiltons iavokiti giiominc 1lacii under srear you c an rely on though inefally known it mlibt bo wall lo remind you that lid- ktorn i und biwmv- has born barred lo nil unworthy tnerchuidlma and in no dejiari uicnl ulhu tnoro vhnl lliu i hit of unuorwear it pays to buy vhcrfl youra nuuretl ibt tho ood you ura polling nra tboroutclily raliblo and iruitworthy in vfy wy youro aio ii you qotnolo thd uight i iouu wndorwear for woman allwool vou iimiiii braiul in natural and white blub neck ionf umjvc at 75c vi 00 and 1113 mid low neck no elocvc ul 750 liaruient womens veils cotton and wool mixed hljh iicck long lcvcb at 50 and 35c karmeiit miw allwool veils swiss male fancy libhcd latijf idncat io i115 and stas and with abort alcoves at vi a6 uarmcni womens voati of silk and woo natural thih bljih necks lon bltiye from 1 1 co to t sq jan natural caul micro veils cartwrlghl a warners premier finish and positively unshrinkable at from vico to ti0 icanncnt womens balbrlgaii veils pen- mans mike sprlntf wcikiiib and all sht and with umbrella drawer fancy trlmmod or ankle length drawera iomatclifcstijtl 50c garoveot reiimiif l white halhrlhgan vess all xlica uhh umbrella or anllo length drawers ment it 75c nr tjndorwoar for men natural wool undershirt and drawers cartwrlght warners make all tints spring weights and uindirlnkaulo at 73c and vroo liarmenl pen mans hlurl wool underwear udlkrinkable all sixes and spring weigh la at yx garment mens rin natural wdol umler- shirts and drawers well fiiiuiied and with silk ventllate1 k tipllw snrtm t 1 priced at from i aa to i 30 rarmcnt ijidlqa cub torn tailoring if you havent alreidy bid your spring cot utile made up fi3 a good time now to have it done a very complete slock here of llm best llllufci ill lilar co mai for early spring wearing wliy consult our tallorlnu kspert oncd tliomas c watkins king st east cor hugheon st hamilton jlrtd 6bfrlibmtnt flrstcloss farm fencing only 3q cents perrod v l yn ifco iir the out wide vkncinq co umlud picton ont wanjsjfoit kaik rjavimi ta4 tiult rim if mr 11 utlli i ilaal in lifotii ui- tubllo llisl i can wii ly ut- t iuum ww bir llanla lalaiiy snl 0kili hu dad ndliutk cuiiiiu in ti ijuknlllr tlll i imht- 1 ul locuaiuuul- nlof l iobiisb j- i vluv fivuvtm ut brick store mid dwelling po sal rplllt niw iwrury snlld lilrk or sbd 1 xaillit al ii xut ut mill l kl rllr uilr ih -11- lullillntf wlm i uk mltlllotia on mill acta imi clalalli vlf iron all aiiuitutialka fmilii ruull uloa allllcalltil n uia til lu alui jtswa uollfhom kggs foii hatc11ikq ituosf uooiblilra4 alnew walt- futxnn 1 aoij llaiiail 1lytilouui luww 00 clu tat la axri 0 clilsks uwhium hit of a alllutf uoiuiu wimjhaotuo buggies and market wagons anyona in coding lo buy a new uuggy or market waggon this spring should duplet my slock band made vehicle tliy are neat strong and durable lll wear out two factory jobs if you are uteedlug any carrloua icivalrlug come right here can give you betlersailmiacllonin that line than any oilier simp in iw1 or holt on i also have a ilrsl ca horsesboer mr reader i solicit your patronage t the lion in an uproar but business coes on as usual a stone wall two ft unci fourtwn ft high and over one hundred and twenty fnt long supporlltifl tho upper etone walu estimated by the archllcct at over seven hundred tonu and the tecond and ihhd floors to gether with llmlr stocks waa successfully removed without a single accident to hold up this immense u it took sis eimi girder weighing jboo lbs each supported by four steel pillars based on stone piers during these alterations and changes va uav btn crodwed for room and have had ta incoiiveiiiiice our patrons and friends last saturday tlw crush was pr- llcuurly heavy and at limes wn could not handle all ihe people who came in the millinery department we woreuiiablelo hold our temi annual milllttery rung this seauin only a email display was tlie bt we could maid ertbcleas the people cam inconveouuced hruselv hy crawlliuf over tlnilirs and put themselves about to order ttieir uastarhals tor all llieie favors we are deeply jjratiriod and wecannol belpbut thlnkihattbo public lias confidencinourwayofilolng business w never mispresni anything lliroughourrepreaeulalive th newspaper main statement of facts hi our annautitfeiivehtsis mow fruitful than extravagant languarje our eyajem of si ore newucrtpdon and prlta is invariably aupporled by hie best values thai can ba offered anil in llid couma of a low weeks w bspert to have one of the most spacious and uptollme dry goods and clqllihuremahluhmenlb in weilem ontario j w oneill qkoliattowm wall paper bargains remnants v half prlco to mala room for our now stock u muit tat rid al tlla old al any prlc wlndouiehftdiuuntl curtain plooa a t brown cttemiot and htationell a0tom ieisr styles english and american union label hatsand caps stiff and soft for 1s5 jvlillinery r i he grneral opinion of thoids who know and appreciate ltandgonio millinery u hat ours la iptllu llio nicest in uulrih we donoi want you to take our word or this howovorrwewoiildltkoyoirirrmtrnurtrahd toolheni lu result wb dre not afraid of wo niako a siwclal siudy ol millinery and are llicrchuu memiiiomly juird to riiuiu you in what to liuy our lialu am all original creations and binbrace uibrylliing in slipo and i rim nil hk ihal is uaw pretty and stylish ptnni au to pricawo think wo can do hetirr fur you in this rosnict iliaji nuiit others we or sure our prlcca ure us low as iscniulstenl wlih good piallly and up to date styles when in cuolph coma in and too ii wo will bo b l haw you through whether you buy or not j a mcintosh 77 uppef vyndharn stfoet gu6lph d e macdonald bro the lion cuelph grand display lrtie lafonuihe lowfeh wfxdqau uthebt oueiiph 1 or- spring jveillinery our millinery owning cummtaicml yesterday hut miss gray who hau cbate thlu uiasou will liegtad to welcome ihsmjulioj if aclun lu day or iiy oilier day to our show rooms llio lalcut cruailoiu hi womartcs hodwoar ulao trlmmlttii3 klowurs vlpsi etc- w 111 lm fiiuitd herd in fvohtatour you will have no small stock lo cliww fi6m oiurylblng hut fashion points ouu being turictt will ba pi fit i hilly rjtrmitilod heid j henperson st co wllul st r6ton ajarage3aiii newspringfootwear just oipibmbp uptodati coodts of tho boat murtufaoturu out prices mo iwayu uuufscioiy and are bikedon lnwei1 living pmlp call at once and uut your order or custom work all linda ut hand made wurk hepairluk donj whln ynn wuli geo stotrel hoot siiou niaiuit hiu btkkb1 m cton