fc3v -r- vollmk xxviiixo 8 ny i4l iii iii aciox oxtaltlo tjiithhday moiimmj altolht 21 1002 lulwilhkim vru p hinoiji- coimkk tiiimck kn is kviuy ramuiday mounino ay tub ultli htlikkt aotow out tmmiihi tlllhmih irti torisuylil advin unuwf whanlliall uumiinuoiii aluoou- 1 wiilai uiavhv ii tlw ulxeilirttmili 111 la i auulad oil ilia addraaa atithmtialhu ltltn tfiliumil mdvaitla- mania luwib pmt nonpar lift or aral lu- autkwa v mnu l ilka for aob lubwiuuit laawtlon uowtbirr utm- tlta tolloadntf utu allow il tla or uia luartloii of advartiaauianta or wclnl prlodai i euu b 1 4flj i taajm j gn i t do ww i 1000 iim u ipaq i 1100 1 tjwl uw ai i tj i a bo koo ioo a4nrtjtnanu wllhnui ielfl0 nlrouhwi ll ba immm ull icwlild and oharl uwonl- lnlr trwuual a4vruamaau knuat t rw xdtrtaamaau will ba slittaa oum dli tnoalh it daairad for nhajhtaa iiltau uiaji mm a htooui um aocapoaltloa tnual lm tid for at rcali rtl cibncafr oontret advaruawnaol taiol l loth oom by booo an taaadra tybl moauily t u v uottltu mdllorajul 1ruiwulo fiufiinrfis fiirfdorp rohn m macdonaud m dcm j v u1usn m u 0 m oalu kuu ulll wlla ulihuiohw i i u4ilm ali llo uuxluilul books niilhliikiiililuuimiirh lii llm iijny nilil at yum- hiihilnyu mi n iiupjtly nr 1 ivmlliiu img hkv tt pull lime i 111 llu liilul iiiil uuwt iviiilulil i4mi1ii a uiii liuuflikiliiut 2 for 2sc bays retirikg sale davb bookstore ou9lph tub trader bank of c capital palcj up 1 000000 assotfl oyor so 000 000 cuelph branch mkxt imkib tn hmttirrieu j savings bnnk dopartment iflollkttt ouiuiknt jutu of intuioikt aid iu auuiri lafoaltwl f 1 ami uewacl liutt ui i1 ii 1 u ui 11- r wuihlraoaj ll otmmuiiad llf a1vaivm lna1 r fnnn n ullr lll tiam- ml ua lt oumnt utm th tlwla-flll- mllwuftrf aalaa uolm if tvalillnluliili a sdllflxl tlaukllue lluiiltiiwulumuuibml j ttjanxtt merchants bank ofxanada capital rest 56ooocoo 2700000 1 io v im rp iios gray m d c m mccill lillo 1 unimuuuuii 1 l r ah aiiiflow uiuki hhituii uxmoxi aikociitiax ktc o0i0- wwulak iiihi aotooout hy luku tmbu1v il kuali gr and lukoi- uuhu iukuii 0nc koutla ih w- u 1 y tn fctaj 8 to lw tiuhli1a- 10 tal to 1 ytal l l uenkktt lob dent1bt j m hblu dds ldb nr acrux ooloorilalc- dutf him lloho utubuxttf o toiiito umivtaiiirv vuittwa lak awl ujiij tiijaya urookvllu fiidy uookimwd tb ubtat aaullilu umi f il-irj- a j ukihhon orilokuill bu l lb ualtliaw lllwji opmaiia tt 3 monalill clkvauttlluuuloi ciiurt county ai llaj- miscxljcjwxo us pfclt a p husband v s irajuoourlovurlttrycollfh ilou utnbr vauiinry wdlo4 ifoauly oibmo wucdoa lit wny nmt dao u fad bo- uu1 uutal aouwi n3uhancu acunt w dunny oofl akl coordlimiiuafcwiuliou oulm yuuuk hl aeuui f ilunolu numaw uooichinduu wwoibattl bt aualillt oilujflo oyarwiuuiilb 0u- aoooaul laak of k11 lluj toj jo hjm blodfl o ary daaerl bliatl tat mlali buaud m altltlaok llokmbkfl h i uoauu ibii tw uuiiuiai luuthdmj lriu0tllm nowluiajkqulrj iua w u-jljimiixhjikt- vt tli couituw or wallltuiloii aud llou trdlflatlbavkma uuofflmwilw aiiyrldnliiaouiu will im inwayuy l- uiudaulo tarilli luuuablri alao luouty to lftu ou ilia mot favoialu winaof mxibud ujiwajra jolln nilarfcenzlb uoildtn and contpacioii 1lanu furuulnl uialj kbuflihllklllci ardltllactoh uuiiucuinim btncltr ultal 81iil tukwfcllington mutual inrunancecompanv ulabllclikl 1040 ileal otllco j auklfii ohv vntluuami on ivkh t uulit iun iiy 1 ulualtuiw lirftautlwt uiiy tuiuj u will b iiuuuy ihtt mu ot i john tavu1h agjt illi buggies and market wagons- anyona inioiiillrtu la liny a new ltuny or mar li l waoh m prinff 1ioul ipl my thqcultm1 mailo flhlclcn 1 liey ard ial lroiik tiiiil tlurabu ulll wjr cut two actory jocm h yu itr nwllk ay brrla tcjwlrlhk come fiulu lie glud you bcitnr mtljtllou lu ihitl hi j uuy oilwr slioiyiu iel orllftllon raliauavdu llrvlclau lintalioer mr itoatler i italic il yduc prnujjd j n oneill 0k0uo1ctown acton uvery ijus line tba uudorauiiaj kawdttuly 4lolu 111- tmu aa uf ba liublu ajl luiua lbau ul wl tt4ulppd uul htyllb ui oaii till wj b biutd albububw a auortbu bu- tau all ualu uimi uj atu mad h1u u bl uafultlauuaiilxtiaayuw til iuoi ui lwiuutrail tami fully ut- john williams a clinehal hanking i1usinkss transacted rnicerttrmocriivflraiiliciitenlrarea aj lowed on saving lunk axcoutita liqttow of credit available in all part of thu world untied at this office write for our prices an ice cream freezers pnrtry any regular size from two quart to ten quart we like enquiries for any goods in our line simcui hitcmla rlvfiii lo farnmnt money oi1dkrs vob ahv cuu mv to jo tayabla at any ituilln point in canada oulkjdeof l ho yukon terrliory may now be procured nt umi udnw coutilnf without any tleljty acton branch j it waxzacx hmttmar frames frames pictuh6 staters bros art stoke cuclph autiitb uvilv iiol01 good shoes seasonable prices we are here to serve you faithfully and well the whole system of our business revolves around the central point that we sell good goods al reasonable prices the day of large profits is gone sudden lortunts are not often mftdehorteihlvi veft recon tent vith the moderate re wards that come from a large trade well managed come and talk shoes with us we cant discuss politics but we ore-lull-of-ideas-on-foot-gear- vve sell all lines and suit all customer- iaz iailllik7ts- tho shoo man mill street acton rcton pomp works tvfiin stroot acton 1 it i lii umri i mtl ilimp fiihor uikkl ur l run cuiuu lu aciui iuiui wuilii all hpdjr 1roiapuy altuulml to wlbj ouuil- chickco korwcotoh is acknowledged i and bil wlndujll u dknt fur lliumibirici luifiire you buy lie lighten runnln iiiiifociurd i am call and invenljat t ebbaqe main btreot aotou w l b altbeit bros paper makers i in colob8d pkp9rs john it baublik j0hi m itoni co iutrtr mo iiuidwamc c lph the overland limited blkctnic light d to california this tiiain hiialy ib a flrstciass modern hotel with jtuidmotua isrlatr 2rrinr iloaiium 13d cbminburn uoudalr library m saiokiaf mutl in i il kccicm ubr xhopm llth jlaobim lii of ami dolll wf supmrbtyjlppoiatfddlxltifllooiu ailttfcrlntf with tllfc boy pnou towm 1 jint nl a ly tuiix linr1 fyum uw to ktiiy iiwl ot mi uimiim iiim maw unll run down and nid it vw you khou ilia muiit u csll and h d anl lu- nuit wklii um rut jjiittwuho rtiluhliu tl 1m fia rilitvkmiiuillk that lie w il rollnrjuuln ll- and ihni hiiulv idiv 1 uuih 1 1 uit i would iioarly din ifriiiitlim hlnrliy h nnl t utii linrwwk ami tody wl w4jm mi llu uttm hi hkl if hmkutrrf imlinl in iny th i plrlm fr luau wliiii oiii nlil kin id c hliiiui liu run an tlimikli lu tlinutttit lital hit- and ik nlnt i-v-i- uhnt u uitn oihiidu luuiuiiiiulklu ll iiivor iiiilfcml uriiwinicl li mnt in en illvn or uwlm- id imui to think unit in- wnu m im liiml tlnill iilnfclihii hi tlilnkx itu lou of fun u imiup and wi tin- wituruptirl ilnl wont 1lhnb in tln utrn and inf hurt ill rtn utnt nrtlit nlri- aiwmini- iiiiiiiiiimiiuoviuhk hih luinibi iiint lmlf on lijiih mini llu niilii lo piny with kiiiu a iiubwiiliiiiiwlin ui wiiv fimillii in lliw niim llu middiiily not mnd nt jim ilimimi mtumnm uiu himl thcinm inu nf tliliikm hint hn nmt htllilukx uinthlupllldu and hitu iifrnld nf kiindcri uv hut hf nm ll ni rlyht ft rurl family uramnn xjoiria candsllbr qbrv tlatt jloouis metric light ypbqum ximcvrlo ittixdlajc lmuhim runs ovory day in ihoyoar full information chaurfully furn ishsd on appllomtlon to g g herbwg g a i 20 wooilnril ave detroit michigan 1g grbam 1ggram sqda c9 ue luv your favorite flavor in lea cream soda uo ful preny sura come in and iry them crushed i ilio bl ofenlmctt wo give special attention to iholifi liltla detnlli uliicli mean to much in hiving you catii- f act ion drop in any lima and ret a re- frciliinjj drink fnooh candies freili candiei of nil liudd in thli una too we can pleat you broad cakos and pastry there or not many thing in ha una of nallnt tin cannot imi rot herd just ai cliejiply us tlnjyciinbalnafl hrhomarttv at woiojvc ilia argument to ilia ii read t stathamson uttkorumad tirocor eiicrt01ni edeisi 7vtills flour and oatmkal mills i la si cpiallty of flour and oatmra riulu price ilran middlln chop iwd iiic sale cash for wheal and oils chopping every day st hoth oillli hknry iiortop pholmubtoil ghinese lhundry in raikodh liulldliik willow sired ac i on laundry collecteiiiiiidrlunuil family wilflbljlii ttljgitmuitblilriataallwuxk doa by hmul no mach limit or chinlcli ummi lono lhk hincl lronrlator nabaaoawlcya saw and planing mills umbsr and shingles wt lowbst fnicos ill 1 1 iiti cul in oidcr sulu aiovo lciifilt l j5 a ilnuhln mi kl lii mill p sayers prouribiof oor lrittlc ids us itv utn usiifitiii ii llitli miim ilniwii im luiplt nutinrtlvidy nmiuh f lur tyhtwrihr for dmkii a co wiu uiillki thn pmtty tyw- wrltii mtii ivjiiim ulwnit hhn wiih iilinut thlrty-llvi- mid with thif ixcvp- tioiioflmviuflkutifiiiirrny ryt wiuj uully huklnfiii k1 lootn hhi iwdmikid to thnt unfiirtntmu cluiui of individual who inivo wmn lmttjr dnyw nnil whiuw hiiviiih rhcinpuutnccit nuikr itiiimirxiiiuitlvo to tlit- opinions of mm unilil tlii wiiwiui innnihuktildiiiti- of ndlniuuint in inr iniiinur which limmdnihhyoldfmdilonl h could lint lnnccul hut not ludiitf imlowinl with ivrtuth tiuti m- the unnck or twliitinu nul turning which u tin- comfort of womiii with ullin piirwi nil 1 1 wiuit im mc rt trnf thtrtrtr hliiir plainer wmncti tlinn ulic hml unn iniiili httnutivo with ii llttlu tiihuf nml uid in ilrtiui mbiu hrown wiih rmtiimlly rirvtid niul idiu hud few mnmlu utiulihi nf tin kinddiciirul clcrfyiiiiiii nml hu wlfi- ilnpln in hit cirvumutiincfii uw not apt ut u uinght after hi u rrowdud city lilit nfw vml howovur hor mtrviciii wew npiiikiiitvl by drulua cohhiwiuicoiuiciintiumiiniithnioiih in her work quint mid utinhtnihlvn in inunnri nml itu yniiiik mrn drnun nndiiit- hiuiiluoiiio uuuir hml ulwiiyx cjtst lookii nf luititmixlilfe npprolijitinn nt he uniittructlvii littln tlifiuv and jolm dinkoti timucroim uiah iicqimint- iinriii nivir cvinciwl any curiosity or nilniiratioii in that ilitvctlmi juhu dm tn wiui hoinitwhiit uiirprhusl when toin harwoiul hln ufiilnnc fritnil ihunjitly iitnrnil for u ten yiuru htay in cjilifniniii ankml who thn doviwiytwl nwitfaciil llttlit woiiuni in liiu nfllcn willi many worn thn cajw ntltfor for luimh tin n m tom hnrwimwl a luichnlnr of thlitjhiulit witliout u living iidutlvo a nd with n romfmtilhld iwmk nr- count in tint plckiwl up ovry day in tin matrimonial market uu miu druki vli luul pliiim for her winter ilhinche ivpre4tl iu hut tnh i ilurwiuw wui tint to lm eiuiily ntiiffht he hart never luii whut ih rnllisl u bullet man mid throuuli nl pthe yeaiii of iihru uiy lib mining engineer in the wllilu of cal ifornia- with iiialo cnmpjinlonu luul never idhml fur the idht of t woman when the heart or iv iiuin nf uiu ux- tntf in toiuhed it ift apt to im tonrlui deeply mimi ilmwnu jitient little face hud leruilnly miule uu linprttuiinn on hint hiii vuiu ut the ofllce of hu friend drake lujune iimru fminont utul iieveial timen had mlwi ilntwn fianc4l iliailvei tetllly a r iiwh the nwun to meet the inuiit nze of hln lionoit brown eyeit a hind lmuiik limn tlumlil the uiu- tyikwliteri lilkil if die hud 1 ii iiliii pn tier hint inni i eiliilkhe lnildll llllte felt hull h i but iiaiiik nimi bud mi ndinhti in her life the polite klaneeh oftoui haruoijd hair idilelriod by a newu- mkr did not coll up any fmdlnif of vanity and even when one day john drake witlnpiite u detive of formal ity brought hln hmuliumie frjend over to imliui ilrownu corner mid uiid mimi ilniuu iillnw me to preumit to you my filend air harvvoiul who uould like to inquire lilu the liiyo- ullen otxue typwiitlnu niuchinc no idea ex eptluu that of hiodnivwi en ten d her lujad iiu with a quiet dignity ulie explainer all the imi und outii of the tyihwrlthih piiheiwi mid turn hjir- wimmi who wiui thinking how hinootli miduuul hurlmu loakodtiuulluiul different idu uiu from the fituhloiiahhi net of the illaurlie llmildnn typo nliiteil with vhillile tuiilkirtiuuniieut kluyiiilljs w now 1 think unit lu ull there 1m to tell yuii mr hiuwoimi und iim i huve letumt to wi ite youwlll pleauiekcuim uiu t well old huh did ynn have eiioiikli of the typoualunu w tuilil jidh ulth u ineiry twinkle in hl eyen ylw iioi tillluim ho jfrtlhed tom uluhiimiihiilwlly imttpluta keepyourdlktiuiiv uuindott little uomiiii hhe ui he uddinl hy jnve tom i lidlevo yuii liavo the fever ut lant but i dldiil uihik it wniild inn in thin line u johi lttiqliliil i they wnlkisl out loellur john aid miw ihnu iemoru hlk uiree mfiwwi if ultoiulliirhoimlh liitroiliklioii u mihwkiowi 1 think mr iutwmm 1iiuiimi veiy liimilite illunche him inviuil hhjl to at ieint tlht tiiui to ull of which he lum mill exen oidhh theivtof tliiitlmin nqr mt ompbiin that he i equally nikltful of them it in quit evident that he u alttitke to no one i um not mi wnti nlkmil that i4le mild jolm kiiiiuiik- vou iuhhi not uirnt ion it but i ither think he iu f in jnve with little mluu ilniwu our typmviltor dontull mujtuy kiluliiilultoi tlut jolin a hnmelydowdy ilttte old ipuld if hijo werj yomik and pretty i niltfiit think he witvaiulidtitf hlmwclf but you hnve very little pirceptlnii if yon imagine that a man who hiim iimsi apnt fioni the wntet of women uu iniilf um he hiu hi khtf to uke a rancy lo that utyle why jut think of the lovely kiii he conld k john whutled mt he put on hia over- cmit und klmweil hiu ulfeavho hu uould mhwiui put out nml knowing wnue- thhiif of feminine nature he jndlcloioi- ly iiinurkei lurhftw fain iiibttuken iut he watt not niutaken tom llnrwoul for the flint time in hu life uuuiu hjvounii iniklotitllttlo lnuluo ihotvn who had um hiikiiui and miuhwd iuomi of her life could not briiikhermdrtoiiiuikliutjiiithhidelirati rtentloiim meant inyvthlnk wrli kultwhi1lvhheliudcfihhtithltd new for her to huve n kind utroi liicnil who ie tned to take an inteic in her and who hu inft at hint ruth difthleiitly niikil imriuiiuoii to ewiorf her toll cur luraineluilderiui thu duyu lucunie idiorter and a i way it iroliihei way naturally tiwik her to the dooi of the uhulihy imtjirdinirhnuuo uiu rallwl home i dont understand it ulie imid u heimlf one evening looking nt her plain little fare in the kiiik he treatu me uith an pinch reiqwct jlu tluiuyh l unni jl qiiltn uud yut iry cannot iidmlri me i wib i wai yonn and pretty and miii ilrown hlrllml ihit an the dayn uore on u iriidual but upjuireilt i haiifce liecame v iidhlc in henhltbeito uilei usl watdinlw tli entrilviikuiire if n new lmmiet luitiklit ahiiuly til tinned wua indulged iu which tojelher with uu iuexmmde hut ntylliihiy made urnp no truiiii- formal tier hint mm ireuvea the landlady entbunlaiiticully exclaiiuiv wliyr mltt hwiwiii yonihihihiwiu- handiiome and the hi lit umlle and bliiidi which kieeted thin tvmatk nlinnut verifbwl theiuwrtinn hean while mm drake waudiutuiluil in mind iudetd iim- bail not luen ipuui ejiwy uiiilu the juot nln john and nhe hml made tom hurwoiwi the kiibjitct of their dlivri notion and nhe watt umt mi now for cliniicink to it top in the ofllce one afternoon iie noticed miiut hroivtin hupiovisl apvatanie hhe had to acunou lele reluctantly lo hmiulfthut the little tyjiouiitter wiui lint mi remaikuhly plain after nil mid hhe made up her mind then and there thut john must ibid her uiiullirr place men ait v cau thuiiuht nhe tom hurwoiul from mihilrberabdohtilaily liliiy tllloillth pity heinuie intertsted an i run we nhe known him to me her eyed alyly enounb to tiy to excite uymimthy conmwpientiy her plan unit unfolds to john hut heinle itald he it in not only u mrinm thing to thmw a jwnin out or employment but i can uiitke no oxciimi for dniup it ileideii jwwir 0 uir ulit lwlt h utile miui jlrowu lu an ekcuedingi uueful p4irwon lu ml nfllre oh of coiinu then you cure more for mlitit ilrownu in te renin than you do for thotj of my nutirl and mm drake who could cumiuund teuru on uuy ocruuliiii autl kiinwintt well johnii wiiilnllitrlujfantn rry thatuettlel it mi italwayn dill any object mm dtuke deiihinl u ipih- ko inn week bitii miiui hrown after due xllanutloii uiui tia i inferred with high tvcnuilitcnduelnioi to the oftlro of uiwyer hllkiton who wan in need of jimt iiuiii nil efllcient luliion lier place iwdiik filled at drake it coh hy n youiitf mail lawyer silwrtou wua u flnclnokiui kindheartid man of lifty who lutvinir hcen left a ellildleie wiihiuer tili yiam in- rmv bad livl foi tliiriiiiklliif time in bin haudiiiuie lmuie pivmiletl y by hit maiden ijt uho luul an imteihiuleui furtuiii ol linmni and ulm ultl kb t t ol ol m n i mild foiui pot a ian- pan id b i jin mine m haiitv hoth brother und uhder hud uilen a preat funcy to minn ilrown they rcihiiliud the fart that nhe umi ii lady und hiv yinmithieu weie inched hy her lonely condition in the morld nhe watt treated by ilium with the givauiit ieituctiiud enniilileriuion thikinl by condeiueiihiun minn nllhrton own ealbxl at the iiftlrn oi cahiomilly mid imiinted iitoii ttiklng her home in her can iaire to the nivat deliuhtlt mm iivjiven ubo looked out fiom the hulfloned tilmttem to we if tlie ncruiunu of tlie other imuiuliiigliniiiieii opposite uen iew- ing the hunduoiue tin uout ul her door in the meantime tom harvoivd una hm viiry-iuiluippj-iiliiu-iif-iiiiiul-jiii- hiul lueu tmfoituniiui enough to idlp on that enemy of inankind a luniunu tikln und upiuln bin ankle a week uforo mbm lliiiwn h uike li diake wan ton lutforv he wan id i walk alxiut the hou uif an john hmke vlultil him fiipieatly and now that ho kmw when ml lhouii wiim i if wpent honm pnxllng hmmilhwjtw to what exetom- he oum hike to tail at the ohh e when uhe vnu etpplnycd iluully he iiiuiinlk-r- si that he had uome u land the title of which coulil iki lil1 into having wdvtsl thin problem hllii wip ing hpirlu ruvivnd wnnlfwlint and john iilliug one afuiutnii to take him foriuhive found him ipilueheer- jill it waublii tlmt ontltig winie the and- denuiiild he wnm diipmilllteil u find tluit john iimji brought a four-mnti- cnvihin in which were mm druki ami llm llbul- illmllche ml- drake with her ciutinmuy diplomacy lu- iutevl iqwin tjiklng her place on the front imijit with john the vacant one lieidc illanch iteintf hlloltl ui tom harwimnl the day wan dehithtful and awvry fill tlllluut pohmuw4ir of lulomu mwlllwl to lie oiitdiivlng the hiakiw wero kept huwy luiwliig to ftleiidu tom wiu not veiy uulaith ikiiik engaged hi thought out hlu face light- ml up with hluiiyt when mm drake looked around laughingly anil loiid llieiv aiit the hiimhuuiu ami mhui iliowu i iwlleve that will ikiuuuttcli mr harwiuwi tom tunied quickly and although too ttlte to mmi the ftteea if the occil- lianlm of tlim rttrrittktrcoriiirdtfc once thcliark of il familiar head with i tn neatly hriildel coll or hair mlkti ilrown had iaen toip ami uhe felt the hot blood rlwi to her face nmv nhe uifilcriitnod hu chaitgiwl niaimer towunl her how lovely mikm urnudon looked nhe thought utul hhe could not help feeling a little eiivjoiui thut night on going to her room uhe mat down loaned her head on her haiulu und wlgldng dimply uald it wan my conceit to imagino thut ho my ideal iiiuii rmild curi for vur honuily uttlo uiu hut it tmu it luight jvuge lu my life mi old mnidw ronuince tluit ill try to forgot ull ulkiut it and idie miiiiiimi tuully an for howard nllwrtona hhut und biotherly atuiitlomi to miiui hrown they were ieodeisl piuidy from kind- jieui of hejirt mich an idea an liiuny- ing again never having entered th pmcticjil lawyern head hut out- tddern or riiiirw tiwik a dlifereiit view oftherim nmniif them tkltig tom haruihil who huvlnu biimght the 111 i le typewrit np io trttlrt high idandawl in hln imagination could not uudcnitund otliera iailing to ad in in her an h did ho luul not however heroine renlgiied to the present ututo of alfiiim mi lii liejian the unirecimr oinniltutloii with the lawyer ligardlng hln property the llmtajuiiumin he went there it wiui with the full hope and exuctu- tlon of meiug miiui hrown and ho chone the hour when he knmy nhe would lie apt to leave for home un fortunately jt avail me of the dayu thut mina hilieidon luul called to take her for a drive and be junt utiticd mehig her the next time he wuu more nucreti- ful iliittliemimll id hatidwhich wan nervoiody laid in liiu eager nut- utretclie one wan nit cooler than the mutiuer of itu owner nit with o re- ntruiiiwl air niie hurriedly bade him kimwi aftcinoon mid left him alone to recover troiii hiu iiiirprh tom pcnuttrml in bin vitdta until ndiiig that any further udviuircu on ida ptirt uere met by mi mi rirown iu a ny that convhiciil him thoy wero dlmikitinlile to her he hcrauio du luultiuii join bilhiniui tilput the tluie umihht to hear anything of tlie object if hid uilinirullmi he thuiiulit nt tlnd that ho might wilu her a note ex plaining iiih aliwnre and ueut to far hm tolmglu two and tear tliiiu up how do i know whether nhe laiih mild hi imoodlly her man nor hiu only tioeu filendly owuidn me prtiluibly lkeaum i pimlntl mymdf ko eoiifmnullly and then he f ii ui uondeilug if uluime made tlie heart giow foadei with olbein uu t did uith him or uimil ulth her out nfhi muiir mm uiiwuluulm wlll-imt- lntmn4tu without you uexfwodiiewuy vou know the nutertiiiiiiiieiit in for rharity it will in iiiixumllilo mi thai oven ing mlwi huiudoii wu tomu iply foi i haveu nimt imptiitiut engage- ment oh i am mmv it in not mi veiy impoituit thlimsl iu mm diake adding with more euibulty omu milullimtl what in the eilguge- ineut v tom lookinl up with a happy tiuille uud uald the r i am a going u e lidirrhil nti thatiltiy married v nlwlmw drake mid huliche almon t tin miiw hrouth and to whouir imkoil mm drake lu an indignant tone to the uwiutet woiuiin in the woild ivplli to piletiymiin hiown on raged no ft wuu thutj one nftei main feel ing blue mid gcucriilty dliiguhte with the uorldhe to the givut delight of mm dnike uccepted mi inviuitbm to ilhie uith and accomjuiuy them u the theativ althnugh jlliiiirheuviiiutnnwaniint the ntyte of girl tluit- tom udnilrml tin had to arknowledito to hlmnnlf that iheunii bulking iimfdntukuhly hand- oine that eveniiip not luditg awmt that hiu preuticp accounted uomc- whut for her radbuit oxpixtiinn the curtnin wan ulwiiit to rise whon mm drake tapjied tom on the ami ulth her opera glumui tllrmtiiir hiu ttentlou u the opimwote lua he iiuilimi overdhdnuihuuslly und leepiu- tihudow unoumr over hiu line iu lur tbeie gazing dinutly nt him uu mbfli iltmwii ureoinpiiibil by the imieiion- shetinuel uua qiiicklv nut the pfcnti lujr in tv i a ri- ti ir in- tngr o iqned la i allenlinn lt in iioaindei of die emij sleep wi- lliiphlili to tlu ihu ight and hy niornltig he hud fully laid plain having made up hln iiilud- iow that jie hud lind a unite of ivmlzationlo go luul to bin old life in tbewitdu nut thut i run fortfe her naid he lly but then i wont lw bnriiiwcd hy tlih night ufa woiiiuu to make the olhitiou more pjiluful mur deciding to wiy nothing to yone of hiu piiqwiwnl lqiatture mi- til tlie iniit mmiietit hitilrouk u cup of okeis wulktsl aliiihmily out and ally an it wiui found hiimudf going iiechnuicully touuid jlowiml hilu-r- toi oftki mitii hiiun having unnieiuilmruljir uoik tuiipyulrhidh tj- ifllve uiiuuuiilly early thut morning an tom entered nhe wan attuiding on i utq ladder rude ivorlng to reuch amielhliitf fit im u hiih ulielf near the hbe tunied iiildihmly nlfiieil in lamie way and tom foi el ting everytblng juiljiiriuliituujhtt nmhed foi- wunl uud exelaliuing otviit hcu- ii i uiiiim- ileaifit 1 euuuht her in bin nruu hhe mined her eyen llllinl with happy learn and theif wuu ipi inia- uiklug tbehuil of hiu th i v iifet in hln the ihukeh eiv b nin ao after noon i en and tom 1uiwumi who imi ueglecuil them ately dropped til nun mr harwkliwildnhuiclm lhnndon with hei- jmvttli bialla mieoudoerj i ull ye wlwt ttw itmai utd alwl niociiiii in a doleful tone it alnt much iimi hi thin wotld trylu to pleauo nverylwmly u iiiaiiijilghj plvn it up riinlauiumt do wiy what youve got on y our mind an dont a goln all round ilohlu hoodv inn it 1 udmonulutl miu iminohe hlociuu wlitf krptrhoiiafor her hrither mid hud lltth patience with hhi idownenn of wp4hhh and action well now dont luwiturilhle whort hioelie wild mr hlociuu i wjuttjonhkh rm in 1 yirli ed ntri n uilrtlputl or me an took the wordu right oiitn my mouth uu yo inlght nay ive lun workin up iu fiquaiv hoblwn piece httin out u cover for that ditmii well o hln mi little ilije hohlw hen luu uith me conurable off uu on iiiunferiu with your work i pet- uilino ui uay remarke mun iluwlm with acidity well now i didnt view it thut wuyuuid mr nlociiin i uiw hi rod hthe joh an iwaiithhacklmliowii u no 4ipxial uiuu wi i vliiuud it id oughter talk to bijo now an tlienef twah uuy ileahiuv u tin imy ho we lula number o pleuuant uttle tpill together an we wan jeut enjoyln a game o jackatunn ml tlie wellcover twiui juuity nigh halfdone an i hednt lwn but three duyw to winl on it win u up conieo tupniro hn llm an km what wo wuudoln i uwm lie wt light down an uiol a haiid with ye v inquired miwi piiiuim tartly no lii ulilwx itjnliiitl mrr hlocum an whutu iiioif he weiuiil renl put out to we uu tlieiv mi he tuiid unuuthlii thut uoumhl nlnuutii ef hew thought id oiighuve iwfi dolti komethu elm- i lawwo dye wlmiiat he thought twan any purticliir joy t me t lu pluyin that guuie why id iiimi ijiju tote that cover way off from the place where the uell iu bou t he could wt under the trceu whllut he wan pluyin aid of dut in the hroilin mm i an he took the lwiy off hipmif hoblw did an i lied to lug that cover kick an go ui fltttii itwhen i wmi all worn out iiniiniin that child i lidl ye what tin repeated mr hlncuui an be languidly drew up hoi chair to the mipiwrtuhle a man may jivit hpeiyl hln uayii tiyln to make folku happy an it ih nilojodk- ed light along 1 jtlli ifalimeiirfcmqy i klulta my huninuilil vuiu lite boun lint i niunliong and ipiy yoiliant lind lu all ibe town a hnppuejuiy duel i wlllihialili ulth heutyappetlte with nothing toainov itlnauwetnud hue delight to lu a funnel n luy my puntniiie ht ld my cup iu loin tlieieuumut umili my uoni mv limddynho naif- badly wot n they luugb lit ikitll the toe mvmollniiiiakeiaiuiit fn-iin- that f run soon dedioy hilt ii nulwayi fun to w a lively rulioern loy i xiovu fjulluuljuljlillii ulllllll jltlfljiul p- theyiuukeme ihlnk ofdnl the llillaide iwintutvri wbele the hk ilnivvne on tlie freuh given wm tlie upieudiug lneeh and maple tiee theupiliielii ia rule ami toy till- birdi the but let mien the lieei 1 am u fiiruuvn boy i can wltli jackknife i arve n idiip or make a whittle kluill cull wtoueii upon the 1 ler nklp dovui by the old red mill the ullest tnn can nimbly climb can have nplendid jolly time and luii foiiuci a lwy i inc iio lnnii0its tomv kd63a ol it you very often touimyu mother lauin- lued 11m toieo lwm muih he inn leuiued at uiiimii nut hmg idnce the juliovfuviunlx lav tw them mother tommy how kettlugnnntichoolf toiumyfimtmte inn meiilinntlietirnntrttifhnirnof the tlojiienluanimiihi tbeliome the dog tlie pig mention siiiiie iiuiie toniniy tiegoohe the henaui the dark ves i ivu1 thinlliipor roiiileggwl uiiiinulii what uuliiiiil in that uhlrli liven imimly iu the iuum- but uhlih often luuuit a dreadful uoue no that imopteaimot hleepi- four- 1 egged animal v yen dont let imopliitleeij ye tommy ttiuiupluijitlyi tlu piuiio ukn woukh amd hat the iiuiii who hilngii out a new hut uluiiut iuvailahl ivuiaiku when wnnelkmly with an jiiveutigatlng turn of mind aukii him where he got it imun iiatcir1 re wcittoirrr van jtnr thut hut for iiihmii u niontli now itu fur fitiin iwltig nou however the same hut when caiv- fully kcrutinlziiil dimu not uhoiv uuy klguw of wear and getieiatly lookn an iipick und hiuiu iui when it caipe from ihitirkirh iwhc myoitf urn tiotr- the owiierti iiuiuuuqt an u the time of hi aiwvewjon he will utttuilly tell yon that he huu not worn it hut it hun lun nrouipl tfie house for at leuul thirty dayn a woman in dlrfeivnt when idle getu u new luimiet idle iu aiiiioun to get it pmpurly jilacwl and get out on tttroet if oliu mnuui an acqntiiiit- ance and woitlli of ocitaay ami delight tiro not forthcoiuiiig diu invarialily oluniul cant you my new ha i jmt iniugla it aint it iiivihit and i nnl paid liu for it tlie tiiilluiei- ldd-m- bbud held oni mrhin jl and riud th pue fu- on id lelll ih llu among the in hum i n it mi illudnilg iles iiowyomaru uioboap uuuulks it in greut iqwirt u male uoap hubbleii hut it in twice uu miitli fuu if the bubbles a iv big oilcu utituig enough imhu break when they ur tlnaul to the floor hubbies twice an big an your head or an big tin the hlggeut kind of u footlmll can in eiuiily htoun by any one who known bow to mix up the koapbuhlile jiiateiial to mau the big biilihleh tale a piece of cuiilllo simp almut ilu hig in u uulmil ciitltiuuiu citp of uanil ivater unit then add a teu- iip04iuful of glyceilue ntiruelf and hlowfmmaihll pi tluhwiil make bubbles enough to hint all ufter- liuon and thin u ull you caiv to li lake in one day to make pink luihbleu adil a few d ry uio rtt tiii y luirry juice utul tq make yellow put in a little orange juice luardiun amd now hutl bonijy nile got een with him ha buy ing uuch uu exkuhie pumimu i ml artelall howl why tliouit a lku ami a fcuthei on ii uud wcum it linrir illiil- adolphla liullelin hiiofiilu dyukqwn thiummtlrml toinpliilnt i atai ill and general delllit y iitt cured hy uootlt htiiiiparlllu it dont woiik tlieuifeofa uellknoun mid very popular inemlkr tl house of hcpivmiiuthm wan telling a ntory on him which una iniieli tippitwiattl the gentleman came hi rather lute one night after a coin iid time he wan tircdmul kleepy and tctiively stnick lkd ikfore he wuu in a piofound klumlwr toumd morniiig hie good -u-lfu- uuiiiml ly infnwiiil iioimn uud iiiimedlately vuioim of phuider ami iolenre hitiuliii lui- iiuaglnution nhenliool her hiiibo uith vigor und ci led vfui uakeiip wule up he w an immt uud uiore anil tinned over niio idiikik him- iiguin lcnuiuing jim you nuist get up then- ate thieve lu the honc aromdng himself for i moi it he said o no my tlear then- nit- no uijevcjt in the hnuwi theymv ull iir theheiiate- haltliuoiv nun his llttlb dlial hn ha evelaliiiid the htiuiiuvr ikiuithf vou artuully lioughl a mil brick yen aiumeitil fanner coriitosi an he tyuk the ipcrimeu tenderly and laid it on the uiuntleidieir all lie city folktihd came here expected to see one it leeined uke they uoulchlt luilieve i uuu a ivgular fanner uiileaw i could diou- a gold hi irk no ulien i went to town and thin wui ofeiwl ine i gave the fellow 00 in cnnfeder aui money mid a canadian quarur which in clmaper tjimi rmiuuigy n made one inyelf wushingtoii htur music tjiat sootiikd not tlie guikt canin down u blvtikfasl ulccpy and jviidojiilhuu4holioud plopi iiter cheei fully ipierfihl i wid y oi fiijuy tllu-uuui-pluylug-iu- the rontii next to yoi junt nfghlf knjoy it i niwnt half the night jiouiidiiigou the null foh the iinot lo stop himhiemi why heir wilder told niethat he played oerall the tuuea he knew four timet ikuiuse the iei- son it the next room enroled iluiv a priovidkntial poiiteh a kentleiiiitl scotch pieh le in tiiivlliukmlli j eeuiom son told the child uu he put inn to ikst lo ij bir piiy r ii mil uhih t luu llllu wio don i in t ih- i i uli 11 ibe i itlu u imi si lie pmtei-liei- f y mllh the child le no otjiku way doctor voil me nil ni dimiu yon ought toijuit biudnets entirely iatient if rerutidouu i uppoe ill ud tribune u hid upcbirago has tale denied vou a pleasure that thousands now cnjoy ip vou altlcnotubino malt hrea too vou ain mluhitf muuy aitviin- tujriaml tvu unjoyiituiui pkiocuhk a paokaol yilomvouh aitoouh andtkm- it ay iiii in llu pivi i rutiliimilinnil yuii llu iiiuiiliniify nr iiiii im ilrlli iiiuii nml liiiltiiilvliik mull lliviilrnul luil k lnlnj iwiui iiiiiliiumi imiliiu i llu luiuliir luvnlru rii1 ii piiliilttlillliik iiiiiuiiiii uiiik inikiliiii ji miiiui il u ilmli lliiilyim iliiiiiiitiiiriul uiii huiiiiiiiii lural llu iiiuii- unilil illliilllliu ill t lihlily i liy yinuik mi i rii1 u i i i a iii1111 llloll llllllll llllil ly ii 11111 lllllll