tt vijumk 1- y tlil ru itu arron ontakkvrnnwiuy mixi v skptkaikku n 1102 i klnmtc copiks timtkl ckxt- iie jlctott jfm jrcjss kvkky thtjimitay mokninc fro irrahuam wlulinj olflii unx ktukkt atror ont ratuiiivkiibjkirti oui tlitlujr l yur tliitly in kilvkiira all lllxoiliillulia illatxw i iio wliai 11 llmaf wi4iil ull lalll lit tlia ltu lu wlilojj br 11 i urn nuilv j- njdn jitii1ui iutt lu l ulvartla mauu iomhltj l n ljoll mil- if till ill aaxtlun 3 udu l llua iw moil bulsgusii luwlioo ooirruir ujtla lultwuij u1l- btw ihlf talx fnf llt uiaafiuld if ulvailiatitiiaijj ha lo imflinipmiihla u imiih i teem i tsio i gojw l iw 10 lin1 nsjw i von i 1100 jo ipim 1 cm i ui tno i hj turli 0 ajp vo i jo 44tuuiiifl wluiotr biwilaa rtouxhi t1 l lutwrtwl ti otili1 a ad ebrbal ajoujjr instf tnuaiil 4vavuaamuila laul lw ijialij lit dnn v adrtiatnanu lll lm ebktigad oiiwi onui tl dairj vnf tilana uttatia t tioa m moot tli ootn pavilion tnualli lmlo ohjkaarortmntikot titvartlaainanta limit i la h offlaa by hoot oa tdaalaya aooaunu priu monthly mluoouk kdiuf rot tr-1-u- schi90b- books at days bookstore cuolph a1llllmwwhhml11llll copy ioour dltaviho hoohif uxuitciuu 1i0oku uusinrss dirrclory- t oiin m macdonald m d- c h iiuujkium4 vo j k uhkn m d 0 m of0oa ajwl t idtia coruac uui vruuw uuu aoloii offl hutira ulolatil i lo hytai iil ui pts rilllos gray m d c m mcgiul i u u 1 uoiuaukou i b iaholawlow ttlmmm lultlnu u kilt oil- abaocilyldtl u onlojvajailek wt aotouottl v drvden kvtf uah tuwuy amu no conw woulolcll bjul hkw ultmiu uvtitau orruk huuba w td to 1 y tu umi 9 lotlyb bonul 10 lth ta 1 ptol j l ju hbll uur lob odlea of uckfc4 dru titiu- viairimu riavlil kuil ililtj yuuyii 1trouliilla fiuuy 1ux4iwm4 tin uui wuuo u j 11 tuauwl- oca xx 7 -uaakwxaxr- 0rlon mill cu lu uhtliwa mltsi upataj r j wcmaltu kvoaut dlvulou tlauti cauutv nl hj- lo uauaytarat j4a aaaurkuo u lulaxw aitut uiiuy to loo w ovvuik ltryutiu i hlock acto omt uxnciclixnto v3 d ra p uusuandvs lnuluu0uurla vlumry oolw u vwl ut willi buwl aeuui ynsuramcu agiint w it dukny atfaut ualuu vli iluuiuum couilulaa oslo yuuutf hl aoumi f utanoib human tlookoiindku wytulhaai hi oualduoaulla j off w uumt aoooubi itooki of fcll klujt uitul to atdc 1 atuijaol vrwy dadfldtlauawully bouail m auluaak liqhnbkq h v uoouw of uikullam utctviim w u ukmaillkkt wat tba cauuuu of wiuuitau nail halloa mwnlil kl lliwcufk 1ukkm aulod xthau at t i vwijttm lu aeiau will i prouiuiiy l- t 4vuta lfiu uuu4ikltt kxmtt wuwy to lou nu ui uiimt k vol all i kttuxl hk till luwat tua bf tullal lu btul b auu4iuil ul joilk it mnrkkn7le tloildllt and cunthacior jjijahh ufiiltlinl ana titiinalu tu uu atldrtm alton l4utiuuitmi utock cavitai smtf- f hk wluimoton mutual lj inhuiianci company vlablub6d 1040 udomv auklvu okt killiultaiicliojicuklhuil lliitiml iuu any i iiuiuiiiuu01m rfwiii ii iy unitm 11 ul l ul-ltol- trl will m iwuulltly sun savings atitl loan co itirxjro if o i ton q nxqiqiit autbarij cnutl 500000000 tnyur ninlurlty uliaros ar i mmillily inlalnwni o 30c lr har or 13 mootlii wlioo payinanli cmmlto piul in uuturliy value lioo oo- uuwy 10 iiwn al 5 iralit -tt-j-monobbr- hftfifalrfbbkpminljcoolt canada a iujw liiuauf 1i10 huliiiljwr dirccuiry forilw dliinci 11i wuourn uiurio liiuml ltll iltn at tun uhlii aiijd will iw tuuutl btily hi usjtteinlmr onloii tif imw cuii voclluuu illall lilltlni oljuii u klmulu lm placud 41 uncd lu oiuuitf ilml a t blown full ol scliool si lilies tiim iiflwcil lloln mill lwv valtm nl dhys dkv sblis chbwp trader bmof c capital ald up siooqooo assots ovor sooooooo cuelph branch nit ihmin tl hwtth iii k savings bank dopnrtmont lfiniiuht cuiiiikr uatia oklntwrnr xm mi nun lihxlia of wl tt lfru ililimi klloa1 fiuti 1ui ailt in 1l- it mliliukwl 1all or rjnniit1 bu ailmiitwa 111 iul la rikillu irttutt tuicu noimkllb l t abu in ltlt a fral lnikhm biilnj lrid- write for our prices on ice cream freezers merchants bank of canada capital rest 56000000 2700000 a guniittal danking nuillnusg transacted iuiereuultuiuttiivorabf cilitrlratr allowed on ilaviiifl u411i1 murouiit iotuim of credit avoifiiblo in all porta of tho world isaued ttt this a flea- snoclal rtletiifo 1 riven to farmer duklnoaj money onders foil anv cuu vy to io payablo nl any banllnj polnl in canada oulkjila of llitt yuloii territory may now b procure ui ilm uonu counlac without any delay acton branch j h watiaci uwmjor frames fra ml pictur9 waters bros art store cudl ph autiits 0vpiv iioue1 the overland limited ulcctrtlc 1chyed gaixifornia via the union pacific thie train hkaly ib a firstclass modem hotel with urawitue jlaaain 11a uttalv xlfcmvjra saiakltij and jsiiu rao m ildritsr shop tith iiaabugkhot mmj 00i1i wnt ctlttwrlntf willi 1ihmw cll t qlilx xiaotyio ctuiajibnt oburvtlou jtooiu runs ovoy day in ho year full intonnutlon cheerfully furn- tstid on anptlaattlon to g g herring g a 1 26 wooiijd a e dt rilott hi kli -it- vv baiiber bros patjgr makers georgetoin tnlarlo book nous colohod php9rs john r barber any reulur iizc from two qiiirt to ten uirl we like enquiries for ain roods in our line jf 11 poox1b11 llttlie maid1cn a duiiiii mti imiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 u rxi lulltllllit luiiut willi 1 iiikmi ml 1 i ll uil iil of lari nimtil it ami lliol hi ihr ili tl llllh town inluhl l110w it hlu thiiliklitulium lo lillhiu ii next kuiuliiy jiihi in ilivw it hill hmiikii iii lltllu lu wu mii llulhikif ii illll vl id lb ki ulin luiu full ly tut h tin lll liul ll llil linitliik anil uliin ilii rilni ui liiitliii 1111- furnish tho iiiuh vn iiiihllih kn llilu fihillxli lit ll iiiail ktmul uml vmllllllllt tllllllmlf ami iihi tiiil i til- nut milnil unit tiiniuthiil tluin ilown int lllljiiuh i ii11 i i unik tin iliulrnluiiii iic-ihi- iiiktly lniw ynu ilunlly linw mini urn tin wimlu uliu ihmiklit tluy inlit 1111 niiiili uu ilttlu ulilrii l u 10 on m i0m wkfirs no i nijrf guelph good shoes seasonable priecs we avc licre to nerve you faithfully arid well iie whole system of our business revolves around tlic central point tlial we sell good ioods at reasonable prices tlie day of large profits is ynne sudden lortunts are not often made honestly we arjicon- tent itll lilt nu- it 1 iti- ie wards that come fnnn 1 lire trade well manad come and talk shoes with u wt cant discuss politic tuft wc arc lull of ideas on foot gear we sell all lines and suit all customcis tllo choo man mill street acton 1gb brbam ifjei bream s0da yc ve liava your favorlia flavor in itc cream sotla uo feel preity sura como in and try jiem crushed 1ruil lie licit of tmncn wo guo special at ten hon lo iliosa litlo deialla wlilcli mean so nmcliln kvinu you satiu- faction drop ia any time ami et a ra freuliltiff drlnu froah candioa l candlei of all lludi in thli ine loo uo can please you broad caos and pastry tliera aro not many ililn in 1i10 line of hjhiik ilui cannot bo u lre just p cheaply aa tliey can ba mule rl home ty a loaf we lejvo ilia argument lo lie dread t statham s0n hcton saw mills lumber lath shingles ftio wood dukhslid lumuku kougi1 lumiikk iatiisiiihnlks and hfovk woodok alf kind8 ket constamtlv on hand ipertnb eabh james brown public t9lephone sthti0ns 1aoton etv15ry bus lfnk wll kjulojw hid ulyikb ulity ou ul wjvmlwluiuril allullulllai- aiiuillllkilu ltiv ulaalaajt i fy bum11 ju k11 mtil itu til cj jnl ilukilvvry ioiin williams llllt jltv i lirr lirill kllllln uw for nil ihniiklit tin- vi ly liyuiii limy iiuik wuti till nluitil liirliniiiut willi tlm rllilum uml tin- iviitlur mn the lilt of liirn upon it and klut would jil wall ui lutm to llu ihttiiin or tlw prijii lint pnthihvil down tlm hlunt uhimt 1 ullll lulrrliil u tlw hllr till hlu- rtiicliwl licillttlc hurmi mid in n imiuliwixou it iiiul hldiliii tuifn fihiui rrlllru i hif f mil lull little iwuiuit whlrh pwiveii my llttln nmldetik unit 1iiplinf ynu wlllirnil in nvrrv luililwttli imtvlrti but un cchn of ymirmlml and tlm little luml tlmtu filial ultli ullly little iilru will never kt u 1uviiuli from mt- luim or from pruyent ft 3trtmuii mbiiirj victoria vngclarid miniarr uiuimtu flctouiakinoblanul tni- ly un hnpiiitif niiine fur u punt- uoninnl klu- wjlh fifty yeui11 old nlthnuli idle linil the tip- immiiiue of nl leiuit nlxty ilerluilr wnii wliiti- lier form miniewlint immit her fa 1 e wi iolud and lur oyen faded hut tlieic uml wimithiiik uinjfuliirly nttractlvi- 11i1011l liei one could not look her in the fnii without nu in- htjiutjiiieinik ineokultlon of her tiwiut mitiiil one nudd not lnov iut wlthniit liiowhitf ton thai the lord of nil would rim her with hi l in flin dnv wlnm lu- idionld uiiike thiin up all ir idle liiullweii rlell tiu tuletitu what a woik idle w1m1i1i hae done i hut idu- did not fold the tu lentit ahe hud in 11 nuplin iwomini ilie hml only 11 fnw bliu wiui kliiff linn khur not that her nn3rr uiiu cnmlled umoiiu any ten hut uml did not mutter foi it inirly uau ihiollid where the k1iil would it vhieh wai laiftlihiit hi w verj jvor hlu rental n miutll room on the third limn- uf n city tenement the flu vii ted nillroml went lant her our window umiully slit wit at her iiewhikiill tlay lonu by the fitful light of the little window uinm- i illicit limlliik nt hie tirfiioiiio nilnk hy hivmijh liiiii iiilf them tvin when they did not uo at the time i hnt kuiw her ulie una w uom iitul wcur that idu- would have heanl the trnlmi if ihey lutd not ivawo4d ut id hhe uui pule mid thl it mid and iinultertihly loiudy sin- hml 110 apimtitu and wild to hemelf kiiinly that it wint a 1 thhik lurhtir tlint tliern wuunt much pt cat in tliiihe dayu ulut only nt to iie then ihiiik two tfiuu isiuumti for io doliilt vix imcjuui ahe did not ciave food and hiaiuin theie una a hrureity nf it htill even in her extremity her mite wan never wltheld more than tluititvn riwu with the moiitcheer- y tnrtrn unty iin mntwitivr would have wen dlvldiil unhewitiithlk- ly with one more needy than herwelf illuerii invcly little ivoini entitled utile iviiidniw uikih huvo i wen uilttenfor her it to uhly deiicrllwd her iou kave on the way u jilruiuint itinile and thonuht no more almut it it cheiiihl u llfu that vvuu uul the white that mllit have laen wrecked with out it ami m for tin imille uml lt fruiuke fulr 1 youll ieiipu crow i wnnet linn aouie- where vuu iijmlte line duy 11 i heeriiik worl a fid pjttwril to other diitleti it warn iiil u hiuixt new prrnnbui itllrnd and pjilnteil 11 life with hiaullrat anil mi fol tli wortliutil ttiridleut prayer youll tva 11 will 11 wunethue mime- where you lent a hiuid lo a fallen one a lift in lliwtnim uuro it iuvviil n aoul when help wuh none and w 011 a heai t for heju en anil ho for the help you proffered theiv mara tin vuirfiicilliiv nf ho ivhphoa sybirm ul tlm un j weal ol out onu aru cwnvmient lur llin 11 a ol lion nib icillxru ml ok wnada machine andknuiir shops ir 1 im will 41 ilm linrli0ury twh ui uul iwlla hi litn ttk ilnihtiiltuilliiiiai uti- uml it all loiion i u1 iiiuliu ik ik 111 1 nil u wxtii ii nnuiii nuaululutoiy uiallii uy nu l xliy iiktiblua or luitiuiuulil u amy hibjm uw mtuittjbuuijuu- youll hiip i joy itoniitlinn -lumu- wlieif i a pleiiiaut hinili i the poem imya and there never patmed a duy without her kltk it a eliieihlu wonll thin too wiih a dally jrlft of hem a lift in uliicliutuil oh vlrtmlttl after all hiu wati well n allied trtily din would reiti a cnnvii u palm a joy lnexprtmdhh tinmftlm aoine- uliiitt mivinwlillo hnr thmikhta loixer dwelt on tlm cmwn in waltlixk her vvoik to earn htvail til id hotter often bread without the liutun roul ami money to juiy rent kept her hiuulu huuy the if 1 enter juiit of thu time hut ulie wait over tjiklup loving thought of thiimalhiuu olio eold ntieeiultei- day wlilhi uhe wait huully tewlntr tin uhiiiii tlieierumu a ihmded nip at her door uu if koiuu one wan in a great hurry tome in lm called ami in n- ipoiim dr hodge whom idle hud wii uniiiriwtlflttlu-teniiititr- opn lliedoor mimi icingiluiul diopied her work in hui- hid pilhe looking wondniliigly at liervihlturahnheolfeied hint herfhalr uo uuuluwl wiftly 1 yoiioiirirul uml the lim-tot- u wilhoot uvluie n mii for hut ivnouie for you coioefty y ym he nililtjinu om tntil yon atom win iii it unilr uml ulie loole1 anxious au uie m foftlie door nrhidkoietniiidhcrwjthatieiltle touch ilunt ljfilim- miuwitrliifly itu no one that you kuriw hit down my frond woman and ill tell yoil a uhort utory hhe kid down lint iter hand inoviif liervoti allow her intrerueiuj lo isiirr ui tli tii ntwlu it lu an ohl luily who iiihiih you iv hodge cootlnilel i wuh i ioidd preneiit an attrurtlvit plttur- to you hut to leep truth 011 niy itlde i iiuiht admit that my old lady in not eitartly what ime would cull charming hluu a widow her name lu mvvih h hhe iuilniikk to that rhi of wuiowh wh- call fliul rmel for ixivuving them ami who friini the moment of unuy 1 rfuvcmciit until the end oftime think the worhl a wlideriiimui on which the mm never iihluen mix linrh lurhlld- hi uiwi her only child l girl lcd ten yearu ugo thin nionth thrt thiya aftir lier father jwouwd away klnce thuu mm finrhn only ami enntinunmi employment hint ikcti to mourn and luood ami rotuplaln ten dark yearn with her fare- turned nway from her father in heaven have made a de- plninhle eliatigi in her aa you mu imagine at preienl khe lu iulferilig with rheumatluni hhe haw hml three mitiia within live weekn all have detlited that idie wiuirrurked and that thuy wouldnt atanil her iioiiuciim ho lliav uhe hi alone ioor mini 1 exclaimed mlbi klngii- latul in a tone of uniniiitnkiihle coui- pa un i on v youd la that thalu why i came there no mnney in it hut mix kinch need you will jni lome f when mow where doca uhe live not far off ill uke you thims ill go if yoiithlnk ill do her good the mild i know youll do her gmnl he aiihwcnd hho tolded her woik uml laid itunide after which idu went out or the door mil down n narrow hall nipping ofrty ut u low doortlmt fiinu the uitc me might think opened into n low- irovmd attic no one renponilel iu he ohneil the door and went in a titfgitllayraiatuduouiliiiijarii liiill ittovi hit eyia wen reil from weeping ijiulw my dear oh minn ivliikdaiui uhe ioiilied im out of work you know unit olfei i-lmd- mlhm kliikulnntl iitioked the girln hair ulth tender touuh huuh my dear ahe hjmiki aootliiiigly in hurh a toiiti aa a loving mother might mj hi tender reproof dont mention it yuu would not ell your anul for n muii of voltage en if iitarvatlmi umi the only alternative tho girl iipnuik l u in the only alternative idie wiid llercely hhe threw open a uuuill door hi the w all hee idle cried itu empty uiere11 not a cninih imt one and put your hiiud 011 the iitow mim kingidand did wi uml xhlvensl poor dear hiu mild how- lon have you laen without lliv it went out in the night theiva 110 more coal ah how cold unit dnrk the v or id looked to the ihiouragtml iilmomt deu- roiltiiged nlumat deiii4ilrlnggirl i hut maidenly the edge of 111 cloud rolled luick nivealhik a idlver lining whenmliiji kingulauil pjitttwl tlm glrlu idunilder uiftly autihe wild with 11 unille 1 want you u com anil keep himw fur me my dear le iwcu muit for i cunt iitnp to explain werything hut tliertv a ivoor lcl mini uela inn and of cuurtui 1uigolng ill lie gone for four ufcku youll go rilit on with my work wont you iuilw p and when you fin lull thu huttonholiii you know where to take them and mr krgonll juiy you then hell giw yon itiou uido thuruu coal tuiougli to hint 11 couple of wihku nud hy the time j oiill need more youll have earned money to getlu oh mimi kiuichiiid 1 how good you ore 1 oood 1 with a iiiaint luulle that niiule her plain face 111 1110 thing plenn- nnt to we well my deal were all nutiru wild hrotliorhj nrencwe v with u few more reiuuiurlng worita alio loft iuilke hiitcanie i kick pisweitt- ly to auy huiiledly there a h little lilomy in my piirtmi lu lli iii iml nairrird ruvtrt iiullnrtr for hoiuethlug good to cat hhe took the girlacold iiiiiiiih within her own jond hye uhe wiid clod hlem it wioj only about half it mlbjto mrx 1liichti tlilty uwik u ttr4t car hh wmin 10 they wiiv out of the uliimu which ranied them within half n block of her hoine or hodge jmhed wiut victoria klighlaiidiitthi dimr intrxuluce yourwlf he wild mid youll get along letter than if i were with you hlw rang hie ladl with 11 trembling uiind an old ooloird woman opened ihn dmir ive come to do what i can for mru rinch udd mhi kiiigxinlll in her friendly way lun riikeii yo calit do iiotlng for mifdii rinrh ulieu tmugh wld uuiujh fo flier ukulii ilatu what uhe wild hhe ttiu uluiiit to clow tho door mliemfj tflluj h within quvtiy ir 1 lodge brought me here uhe mild and i hae my i nii true tin nu u nee mm finch without 1111 intrdiic- tlon ileaw take ine to her room at once old tlehhy made no rurtlie-ohj- tlonu ohwing and locking the outer door ahe led the way up ubiiru and down a narrow hall pointing to a door uhe tuild yoll find mluiiit pinch in dm- jctii nipoii do dojih dehhy went down ntuhn to mimi klnguliimrn rai a quorulouu voc 11 unweihii dont utiind ther knocking dehhy come in tiihw utthtaolimliitoiidu of threo ynnt- it wau the dear old uuny id the uldowa iulte- lunch to do but itwhut uhe could and it won boui for heaven the liiuall tiuini wan plain and there una very little in it hut it wua cotu- fottiibly warui uml there wau pjirt of a loaf a pat of butter anil home tea in the lit tin cupluuml ijjuiji went to miiiii kinguhimranuun nu uuui tut it wiui vtuiitihl hhe pullwl tin hewing chair uriiuui the room and luitdownhy the hloe hlu middled to the imiie llnie wuh a unuill leakettle jimt hc- glnnlo to ulng on the atove oht uhe cried out maidenly i run i1111 e u cup of lea i hhe uuid mi hulling the acuon ui thu woiiih uhe went to the liiplmuird for the un tu any one imrept the uivitlytatilrkiii the ciipluuird would have uiinil like mother huhluirda ltiitelieuiiiauim-i- alter eaaeu you know and upon -iuiuuiy-lujiad-uuttahuul- aiiicij iiioiuliig of the pievlouuilay it liuule adlifnit iinptehhloii tea i uhe wild to heimir ihvad and hulteirand when hhe ducovelvd half u cup of jidly unit oile egtf uhe cilijimtforjoy toultnei tile uiid- ilen tntiutfoiinatiiiii lu b itpjumi uiitt wnu 11 weroioil oil the power of little kllullieu1 aftetdiiiiklitgaeiipofhot ta and eating the k part of the provi sion uiiiiueuuplriurmi ullll further the uh phktl up the unllolmhl um log uml liegioi working hhe even enjoyed the lioluy elevaus tlaln ludi- itili by for the train wuh company and her uwii poor tliiyluiik i mho bud only nu outlook 011 old bhnk waltu hhe wuit ui i arly liiut night the tiny lud ultuoiighnot 101 uoft it might have luxti wna tklightful to her ut coiilraut u the rude hanl conch llmfuloriiiul luirttn llbuulwxtntrep on it wiu a long time ulure uhe hud llttfrtl n pniyer hot that lilgbt uhe fell nimuou-i- l111111 nod thanked uh that victoria klnguhiiul had ronie to her juut hi time tttere writ h ming ill her heart au uhe wall dropping itulccp hhe tukul jihi ui hleih me uhe uald u herwdf and then uhe fearhi idmulurhind with a umlle or peace oil her flirt- different ulaeu in the room and thu flrut thing tlm t came inui miuu klugu- hinda mind way the uuiry of the three imuix tlinre wiuj the big lied the luiddleuluil lied and the little bed on the niidilleuiiuhl imhi lvoluurvl up hy plllowti nvclintvl a tuily who looked u lie iilvont uivciity hut wiui in real ity only a little pant witty hh re- gnrdwl tlie intruder with a atare of amazement who am ynu uhedetnande with roiiulderahh enciteineiit what do yuu want it uiih 11 very liueet and treutle voice thiitniiuwen im viruirln kingii- land avhut i wnntutodouoniething for you khe lolled an uhe 11 poke hitdiuiiuaid mm finch point ing u a chair luy the liedulde wlio told you uluiut me dr hodge that it utrange very uhe iipoke irriuihly i udd him i didnt want any more nurwa i ennt lwar any of them well im not 11 regular liurwe although ive often cured for the uick oh victoria i you have indeed but it wnii alwayu tho iniiumuch uck enred for only for loveii uaknj and ill do my liciit if you cure to hnv me utny if not kite wan interrupted lit thin piutby mrw finch who had luin ucaunlng tho piile thin dear face eagerly no no dont njiy it foe after hi i think i want you to utny take off your wniui nnd warm yourjdf it wan a pleojuint picture to iu victoria klnguhiiid afur uhe hnd uikeii off her wrupu uml wurmisl heirtudf hlu wat up tlin pllhiwu uimuithed tlm nick woiuatiu hair made lur a ilellciiu jiiice of uutut and did vurimim other things in uuch un lmhcrluhly comforting way that mm flnrh felt her influence at once a wivek uiukihi mrw pinch i in pro vim uuuulily dr hodge who called daily wiui delighuxl itu thwfc hletcvfitttlo waiiutirwrhtv hau done u ho uild with a imille w where did you ihullurl aukeil mix pinch 1 found her in a little room in ttiii utuulmt i dont inlitmv uh- huu ever known what real uourlidi- iiietif lu until uhe mine here hime the wheel turutd around foi- her yon meant qiientlonlngly 1 wlteel lum never turned tirouiid for her he uald uolurly vou dont nieun alio hau i wen poor all her life do you thatll wluit i mean- her wheel wuh in lovertyu rui when uhe wau iwiru mill theiv it hull reninlmil nud there it lum reiiiaimvd and there will ho wheiiuhudleu unleurt- lla loukuiteurueuuy ut aim pinch wideum iihe jueutlouisl llnletui home mm litma it arouimj hotnctihiem h iwmiiied to vleuula au if uhe wiia uulklng in a dream there never wo a day hat uhe did not think of the uuiey of tlnve iwam thrim lunla in mrw iiuchu ikuikuuu 1 thiee vludln around the ttlniilugronm table u big urinehair a mlddeukcd akniehalr and a ilttlu itrmeluilr i three ro keru lu front of the 111 pla lu the ultttliigrtumi a big one u middle aided one uml u llltl um afur what dr lltulgo hail told her idialnow uhidtiiuaiumxiluiid vilidi victoria 11 udling her of ivihihoo when the icilal ended tl iiim uotawonl not a look of loodeiooa- ti 11 inutcul luamlug uk her miil1 mi faa and then followed a uyoiuithelle preui of thehandu at the luglnnlog or tlie tlitld week m flnrh wiunloiitalri ullllng hi the lilill-i- rockei tlial even ing then- wnii a prujer uclvii the fli in un yeaiuat v otlii uug ivbby wau piemnt with heieyeuuhhillik with joy it w101 all uh iild do to keep from happing her handu 10 ahe luncd to lln- lead ing or the lllhl and the piayer olfer- rd iry virtorm kiiikld latciv liiwcvcf 111 thy uerluuloii of her own room uhe riid outthe joy in her heart thuu huu do illy oh de alley de b ight mid inornlu utur an heii eonie here ui dwell along wld mjka vlcliy- ilatu why de ilawkiieot done gone an de ugh im h uhlnlu mini nuuih chriutiiiiia wau near ut hand dr hoilo called one morning when vli uriit wau helping dehhy uiako lulilce plea ah to mrw pinch you look ten yenwi younger than you did thnst wejku ago and wi diuu viruirln i think you muut luivelwen liuulo for earh other uhe to give the clutrful mlnutry ui you nud you to give the uonriuhlng fond and comfoit- uhln quiiruiiu ui one who until now liiut nover known either dr i lodge im going to turn vlruiriaa wheel it imit tin late thank clod 1 owe it u her for tnni- ing my face heavenward hhe ahull live here henroforthif uhe will not uu n lurvaut hut to my fileud and companion heaven bleuu yon i dr hiulge eit- chilmed fervently hlu eyru wet with teuru aye heaven wau hleilig her chriutinauduvned thirmtnrytih the thif lieara wau not iicalled now how could it lu when the big lud utid the little lwl had heeii uiken down luid the bltf chulm mid tho little chair hiul luen put nway for uald mrw pimm ui heiuelf with a look of joy jta juhi an vieuiria unyn they will never want liedu nnd chaira hthlu world theyve ihiii cilhd up higher home day uoiuewheii theyll liu greeting me with ouhi morning i how pretty the hoiuu lookisl with itu cliriutiuaii gurlandu on the wallu mid the chrlutmau nun pouring in the wlndowul and theoliriutiuaw table viruirfa whiium to drop umiii her kneeu wheu- r uhe hiuelt the turkey roaiitlng i tho oven oh it wau a relletterduy u vlcurio ami thru tho one gueflt enme dr hodge brought her in hlu cutter and left her at the dour hhe wan ory jumirly diiumsl but upon her face a light hlione pre4ntly uhe wan hi vlctoriau loving arnm oh mlua kiiighlmul how giwwl of you oh loniuii how- brave of yon to fight and conquer i and whenthe delicloiiii dinner wau nearly over mm finch mild ive lueo htudying your face uml i like j on i uiint you to utay within will you- htny faltered the girl wonder- ingly yen utay with uu well not uu young an wv might lie and it will lu pleaujint tti have 11 young life in the liouu will you htny with uu my dear wodd uhe would any one per- iuhiug from hunger reach out for offertl food would auy one miffer- ing fixmi thlrlitrnup the held out cup id water tho lip of the hniueleun oqihaii julvered and her eyeu filled the team rolling down her cheeku when uhe thuuglituhnrntildcmumund litir voice to eicpriwi hor joy and ktwtitndiriihe wipiilheir yer nd- turned ijer glowing face toward mrw linrh juut then uamo one rapped and then ojutied the door coinpit- hendiug the ucene he luitd hunkt1y heaven bleuu you anil then hiughing he added three cheeni nnd a tiger for you all and guw- them heartily it wau dr hiulge huh day in connecticut in nua the following anecdote which appeared in the huleui mauuichuueui merciuy of augimt li 17km ahowii luith what kind of utorieu wau pi can ing to our aucctorn mid how our hhciilitujii f 1i fiijli t 11 ytne i m told a geiitliinau in the utate of con necticut regularly attendid puhlic wnmhip 011 the iudu day u ith all hlu fiinihy h111 uuiyjiiy evenl ltf l alwuya rauchiucd hlu children and iwrvanui 011 he prlncipleit of religion and what they heard the tiiiulcr deliver fi0111 the pulpit lie had a negxi man wiio ue could remeinlhi 11 mile of the mui tlimih otheiwiue umart at hint niouur peromptoilly told him would nu monday iiiunhig lie up and fhuv him nrst hiuulay evening when in rogauul hud forgotten all on mi day inorillllg hlu mantel- executed threat uo fir an to tie him up the fellow then cried mil liiuiiurhnurv mi wnnethllltf the ininlnter wild what hi itv wild the iuunter the fellow the replied thlu in may uufllce at thlu time hie mauler wan uo plisiacd with wit that he forgave him al it were dllfeivnt for mm piucha like and ulm pmyed thut it might im ikfoie the ilme ol the mioilil wtuk mn finch ullhlinlelletl her hciut ui iiw finch uuhinileiic iiiouairr it iikkuv mm doizle- and will tm lov when im old uml unlovely s dmiile 1 uupwme io yoii 11 hnpldanddutry t iu iwdl t dont think tlm iimt lie cuixil leiuliim of yoiiii vake lhuidu hiiivk- parlllaltu lillie la itv imwer tu cure what biiic ayb my luii- in not u llliidim hhiii nor jl iuuhefhlllem- kor hottentot 1101 ijw1juii hiot nor rom the hot hoiuuu itaveiy plain ubtiuliot fiiiii hulu uorliuhelollgoene ive tried in all the u ull 1 iv lov for mai v anne hernlueejen in mluumpii hhrmtxim hide ain lliuu iv- pliea temiiatlejoojuiiquiikanlueii luk- tlmlitnnfi lianee htmludnli ipiplekbdfell che-u- ivo heaid it uald that love lum got 11 lungnagi of itu own tlnil uuveh lu not imuentliil iu fhift nuyiiihiihli lliiiiiirl 1- and when i litar uiy mary anne hj her uwect monoloue tive utterunce to woulu like the it quite alfectu my heart hilt all in vain do i rimitiliiiii- hht utlll llivuhaik the old re frain teiniatteiwmipanimirkiililueim luik- triiutaiiriicame ktiiilkldliliueetpi piekledftetp chti oh mary anne luaiitlful her hair in golden brown lw wild her iyeu in- axur- uhe u young and panning fulr hhe co in en ami waluf upon me at a n-u- tainaiit i11wntm11 i tieinhb with emotion au idle hi win liehillil my rhalr ilutuhouldi cry ueiiihie id die lor you 1 1 kiow uheil utlll reply tei iuutteiuwipjtuiuit kanlwemi lull- 1ioutanfilcaiu htudkidnilmotpi nlrkledfevtpl cheeu- eenceleree texctudibii why did yon and the little drown glrlugo off hy ynuntel veil thlu morn ing nud leave kuule huiltli crying oil tho cornet ludcd a young glil of her little iduur nhurply the other day khe w anted to go with you and wiih ulliioiit heuitbroken when you hiilgh- nier nnd wonmutlel her come hhe huiied her head agnluut the fence ml ami uohlud for nearly half uu hour after you ueru out of wight what liuule yon tient her w what had uhe done hhe liudnt done any thlng iiniweiid the little winter hajfuulklly ami liitfupologelkully only we hiul 11 wrrct and uhe wuiuit in it and wo dnt want her tagging round tagging ioimdjechiud the elder hotly i uhould like to know what harm it would do if uhe did tag umuml pmir child i dont lieiieve your pi-e- cioiih uecnt wnn anything uhn couldnt have know 11 juut un well an the brown children homethltig aliout that chi fa i uii ft wuh cruel to uliut juuir little huule out of the good time nud make hermiiu-r- ulile iilence followijl thin reproof luoken bythe girlu mother hpeukiug from the next room to auk how the new charade chili wancoinhig on and who hud lucn elected nt the iaut lneelliik the iniuwem to iheue qiieu- iiim turned he conversation in an other elitittlon and the elder girl chattered gully nlioiit the new ucheme for wniie minuteii lufore her mother miked if joninildeni had luiii invlt- isl to join the imn kiilm why no no- luuly kuoux them mtv urll and iicm- are enough wjlhoilt them ilut lurluipti they would like to iklong i dan- nay they would and theyre plcnwint enough anil wellhreil and ull tfuft wirt of thing but you uudemtnnd dont vou iiiotlici you i how it in i uee exactly hoiv it in won tho quiet reply they havent clone any thing to dimne ixrlmilon and are pjiitictiliuly fitted to inlong hut you have a club ami they uhant lie in it ami you dont unnt then tagging aiomid it in urfttly mifeiny dear they were ttwi old to eiillut uyinuithy hy crying on the corner higtiuleiriimlhttlrwiilrrixliioijirj cd tallied glancei and uu elder ieued her mouth to npenk hut chimg- d her mind and wlmt it aain in uilence hut little hiihie hinlth uin initiated into tlie inintuuiu ucret next day uml luforc the month wau out the jouen git in u ev electeil to the toocxclmlic clin in de club at tlm uiiggenlion of that uienilur who imd n annlided to imagine their eelingn hy the night id huuieii leaniludewlllg the front fence no oatiakvinq iiudc voiuin ate liad to uudemtnnd- think uo yen i udd lic uhe tjirrfosl lint- uivh mill iihe wan otfeiuled you dont any yen and then i told her ulm didnt iurry it- well uml uhe wouldnt quak inopanitv ov iiib pltotfjyion whoiithatmientlfle gent hi the iimiii lo uikitl the iiiih hulyj t dtiiiuo nimwcit d the hioiuu kinlletneii out hea a iiluiy mi to 11we1i vou onhl to hear hhn when he cw 11 lotof nudd ji top of hiuluk he tuild dvlllun just unit way malt brcakpastlood iunouilialuno and fiubtainlno mbdtul autliotttlam boy it la ah unsquallaul ilvalui kwhi thoiitiiudu of ieilly reumcaolo iunp1 av quit hidltteivnt to the lequirciniiitu of the ulomiuli unlrtui thut oigaii lu iiriouuly dcuiilcd poor hnakfimt pfiallr ruuirwiou liitet- feie with dlgentlve or when malt ihvilfiij foml h ivgulnly whi euell llioillillg pivfect ikgenlloil tauhly eneigy uud luipplnemi will iu jour lew mil there hi no lumiluhle mtimh lu mult liivukruul fimmi ovry pnllilr hi noiirluhliik the lunt amdli ul uuthu-itiuu-uiy- malt lltvrtk fnnt foiul i uu uiliilllidletl health food forouiigaiidoht h uiiveout urn uiljectucu and lei tlm loumidotlu fluhtintf