f georgetown branch agoneral bankingbusinosu transacted correspondence solioitod savinga iipartnint intoroal allowed in ima oni i01 iaicand tipwirih liom iy of ilejwult id day of wlllnlrawal n formallllna ami no delay in drawing mono farmers ituhhittss bolllad nu of rmiioii tilde 4 met illacoupled and mboay loiiml lor ruitimala uutlneas purpose our election department has ovary arllily for tiiallntf 1rdilt bale kt ts r htullei and money advanced on account fumo at low rate of interest travfllorarn notified ha illb hajll o hamilton and urn tltanchea una cirrula nutoliho provincial hank of ktiruitd limited which can ha cashed with uiark trnuhla in any part of itm wnri 1iuat olhick hamilton katabuahaj 1073 capital paid up- 2000000 reserve 1qnd x 600000 total assets 10901942 jauum tfjanlimm catllw b forsayeth agunt georgetown branch tlie big bookstore guelph chas l helles sfltid to u or any of thn ulfitt honlut ww rarrv a hlg block and wtll ttmll 1 1mm to you order for wall i ipar through w erskine our acton agent wld rt ceivo otir imtat attention toronto irlcoi york s chas l nelles tvs mo wall laiull st01ix ooewh ije ximt jtec ms tijukkday hkivcmrilh ib lofti day briep local items 11i uightii next hun- hepteinlut ututher this m mi ilny lovely week council meeting veiling a meeting will lw held ueitt monday o veiling harvest hands niv iillll wanted in the wou apple picking fur idiipnient will noon commence tint fatmura are well advanced with thiif aeedlug tim otpilnmcliil id t inn may now lai oxjavch almost any tiny lvrgmi fulr next thurwliiy und friday supuuulfc-t- ivstli ami lth owing t thn wet wiuithtf unil tho cold ummtmhi urn tcarre thla year wniknifa mm engaged putting down permanent pavement in oak- ille ilit vnui lmwi to new mih- acrlhera until january lwkj for centa a large liuuilwtr attended uelph tlilhiutuv iu tileaday unil wedneh- dy oukvllle rilr will m hcu 011 lite iiiul hi 11i iltl inwu next moiuluy ntul tuehtluy ttm w umin nf tl tmnll lwtyn ft tilt tirclmrtli llopitndiltloutt hlhul tli iihm iirrlvfl kuiuiutijtftwiulili inhibition u 1m lum in owhkjuiwii mmuliiy uiul lsui4lay lh uiul 7th r orttiluir mr i m iitmiltttain hiiiik at th httrvtwb hunio ktuul in tint ltvlty- uirfau cliiiith jdtiivtuwti tiiiwluj nlhli court at uutthhii rtubtluy luforti juliet oorhiini a lurgu nutnlkir of liimgiu wuiv mtuln luthnvuutut ntiw oiiuuw uiuuiojum ofttlii m uihjj wliou folk bin oil imiml and util und oat thn fruit unit idly throw tlui uvimi niuni the uull a meothitf of thn ilnutd of kdnrii- tlon urn oulltvtl for monday mcnliik hut an only thrto incndumii jint in tm upjttiirtinue thii- wan no quotum tliw imitnto cron in thin vicinity mid nmiiyothjir wctlonu of thn nro- vliicuwill full rnnuldeiithly imiow tin uvet nn ow hik ti tli contlnnwl wtl weather rtit him ul lo which will tuniiuiwh the ti up hynt leant one- i thlnl only in tllnliku hnv the titwtl ihinftirmirt jumdy wllr- tht- iivititui luirtiirlitwl j v iliniln fepifiietitlll the lent allto or toronto i uliii ul- hik ordeih in attoii iiiul u hlnee july ihl vliti oeni alt co hai- lelueivdlu acton und lciulty more thun ikti hi uul 11 il mtlialtm tliiir wuililualwuyii unit tluwi if nun of their iikeotji fall to rail on oit mind vuur order t hin ait cu nx mil acton news jf local import fll milllnary ppwitnjtb ior tin jmul f wikh utn uiilllior tr the toun iim ihiu huy k mndyfoi lh full oimnitik and the indies tuny diiw mmmi hinii thn ileiiiiuni of ji vihii ui ituutmm ifthii teiiiitiii nmy of heiulimr ftr rill w7nr mindirwn a o ttuuoiini tithi r tm iiiiik for- tiexl uiloemluy eptinlhr liltlj uul it ii hiotl will holdhloii th following limhy and fuittmluy kptml r lauh lilitij7tli a word ulutolllnm the iindiiik mii 1im jkhwi noil he fl in the fonjt 111 llk ktiitlfy hlmurhully tot lo whtt i- u the hndi ly fit htf a htillt throu it- j leople would rnale nii of wlul uitu lkfor tlifliiuulf tr thlr kiuw lwoiflhlii thty uoiilil oftm tlniv hy 1- navetl ihe unplttimint tnl nf tniij iiik wtnuiditl or utiumi d iyl until home thn fool i not the rl jwihoii lt ntriiht with a k hut he in often the niuli or lwy who huu tnitv itov tabootn vour town t4ill iluiutit writ uul h lttaiitiry the ntreeuf khet k nu to all tinlt khi your nidewiillw hi umh tvjwlr holl all you t an and htiy ull you urn if you are tlrh iuil aoinethiiik employ wunelmwly itt torn t4iu lo ulraiikim tlutt t onie auuuijf you m unit they will no away with muni hiiprikklntiu always theer on thnnimi who rfiviu foriinprovemtint your ihirtlnn will 1 nothing hut what u jiiht liont klrl at any peo- oihd iniprovtiiniit imtitiiirft it lo not cntdnwu totlfty emitii booll mt th briak churuh the t n of kllonui methful- htchurh u mile and a half aune at ton have tnatle arrankeuifutu for it nociil to lm held in the church tut tueulity evening ktjpteinlwr aifril itefrindiinenu u ill lut kervetl from ulv lo eltfht nthuk hy the lad leu of thn con kittid ion lifter whleh hood piokramiuu of iuldnjuuii miltka tnijti ultihi iutilrniiuiiliil mimic and ivrltittlmiii will iki renderetl ctinveyaiieeii will imi at the jwit ofllre aflon fin the evening of thn anciiil for the coitttinlencii of thrwi wiuhltik toutteiid from town churoh nw of inurml tlie urvire in the mitliwlut church next kuhlmtli will iw conducted hy nev mr kinlth of nnrviil jh dlble booltr bxaouuva ml f tt kaituunr a u thik i tf the lph l-l- uulnl1 in hi tihlavmi 1 old thf un mk l lhi ii ih udhr iuki nn unjr afui imdjt llihh i inil cimiii i h w personal and social iriit uprnt w ihhl tie r itlllr tiik t an 1ki frtlu- of the iineii ul mikiii liuihr thehndrhip iitiilli- io of the ilutf ulll in- a ul will 1m of j ii unllmv wutor jfoin to norai topreiwh mi- nlvenuiry mr icin in the mvthndut church there itv a kjuir tkf naawi kauuyn priaclutl in kuoy churrh ut iwith mrvict laut kithluttli it iwliik the rluth imnlverniiy of the induction friv ii a muephemon ntolbc- luutloratn of the rlnlrch mr ilulr no earn en t and eloquent picier uiul lilu iunuoii ut eufli of the aervlcen were ahle mid thoughtful tliuctunweii and were much eujoytsl hy the cou- ktvtfulioii hey ii a mitcpherwtui took juirt at the jlarvebt jlonie ktclul held in the inhytrrian church leorpetowii on tuedny ninlit kerxict uau nihiiiniml nt kt allwtnii cliincli uil hiuuhiy llev j k xuhiatiadituutntttrnliioiy con iomiii ion hev j litritiu cntw of thohiton will cttnduet the wrvicen in knox church uoxt kuhlmtli mr mur- phervnti olnk to thorutou to prvach itnnlveruury mriicni xlllubuktf vwtaatan aulti acuhih fourth k thl uliwiu with the ililhihurp lkitiuduill teitui was played in iroujuct park acton laut hat unlay ttfternimu a luio- crowd kath iliiff tn wltlii malelit white it waa it r exhihltion of luill the pame luck ml the intereat und ex citement of preionn onett the result never laiivt in tlouht lifter actona uorhiff threriuih in thn ii rut iuuhikf nfter which die nmw kept counting up until the llnuh of the juiih- with 10 rum for the home team the iiillu- hur team were only kiicceiaiful iu ket- thik two men iimuliu the latgm huuuik- ing one run in the nixth nnd uuother in the eighth the suptirlor pitching of the acton twlrler wait lo a lartfe oxleut reapoiudhle for th tlifyerenro in acorn although tho vuithik uwlu were imtntaved ull round il ii i acres 10 7 i iiliejuiijiui tl j o tl ihitteruti orhml unil iurk coliean itnd illukey the irwt game wiui playitl iu iiiiih- htibff early in thu htawiu with u hcnru of t 17 in favor of acton the ivturn vxauy kuatld fitom nkwyokc fcu- iv iltbulu- imilgeinan wtrelary if the peury arctic chili vect ixtsl a tlliipatch tlutt peary iw on hin uiiy home on the tihef uhlp yiuduurtl nnd that all on luuntl ltri well peury wiihtl with ilia ex- immlltloii to the north iuli july i 1ww mr uriilgeman left ileut ieary nt capekahine tin the 3th or augint lofll tliiimllff ahlp winilwiml left nevv ork in july hint to ill id the peary ex- firdl tlonrwmhi wrdmt ly lkrtt- ceiaiful v vnuii- 1r men ttt weao car pet artlve men tan make iood hf i jalii inw hutclitl induteluenu to maitted niei himtluh caipitci milton ku ago umt witunljy wluai tlie vihitorn defeated acton with u ucotv of 15 acuni then challenged ilillu- 1mrg to rtuiii inalcheij tlie tlrwt of which wua playisl in hluuhurg ac ton again iwiug defeat cl with a wow of 2 i aettui defeating iilllu- hurg in the game luut haturdny uitfkea the teaumji tie which will iw pluytml hpld ofhi netltial gfoundh next hiiturduv itftermuni the driving park jetirgt- town iwlng tihiuum a giwul gaum in expected mid a large miuiher from 4 und-atittmt-will-go- tlown for the match j a krtly lihituadllltf aery happy nnd prutty w willing ttuik place tueulny hint at the reuidertui of mr und mm john chlahohn mill ktreet when ther daughter mifui alice wan united in muirlagirto mr vivd ityder nw of woodutock hut until luit ipilngm resident of ac lou thtr caieiuotiy wau ptuformwl hy uv ii a miic- phemon in the prtmnce of a nuuilwr of relatliiiih and frieudu the hrldal rouple itiiiuling undei nn urth of ttatefh thhrltltwnb wty prollily giiuned in white tdlk organdie und wow the 1 uiitohuny hrhhij veil tlet nriiud with oiange hloiuiui und tnriied it imuipiet if white luidal roaeu the hildeiauald mm lhitha chiidiohn tf lluiliugton wan idinilurly uttlred cairytlig it luuiipiet of pltik roiieu tlui gixuui viu lupportetl hy hla hrythtr mt kdw hydnr of atton after the rnrtunony ut hiwthe gatiita w paired to the dining room which wuu timlu- fully dec ma led with lloweit and ferua nnd when ample juallre hud lteeii thine the templing feiut many out tx kmuli eyepet latlurrvllt ih ill at ttm tluirxday iu toiler- 2iuu one day only itaimn at agnewi iiol i you mix ii uny tlefi 1 1 in yom uytlght itwlhpny lot ull und me hlrn iu- iiinliiutlou fiee call tally or ou may nutke aiilxiinttneiit at a t ihtiwnn ijrog kljhv j toouiluacolu inowhiiav ilunlukmlilttia w uiuo u tuiiuluiri ua uuli uuk un inuu dmui of ilv ilotxntrttllllp hiv unite rt pltilliw who wiw w tar of the m tluxlut churt h hi re pfii mtlaway i hlu vhi tin kunlay ntor- llilig 7th sept uttiu home in ttu- hri after an illuwaof lait n feu weeka a few wtekaago it w found iu t ebutry for id in logo nodi ihuojh ia- llonforwhat waaihniight to lie hut a dight lt al txouhhhot iimiii examina tion it pmid tt im- tout h mow m i umi thoukh it wau not thought that life wiuj in tlaliger until nltout a wwl ikfuw the eul tame mr plll- liva una wtlxtl into the tulnhdry f lhevvedey trnmih hi ihtooh hi nrtlaluetl hi 1k7 he wna httoiu hi ai tiin mime thfity eitrw agti tjiking up the work h rthe llwt t at- thatthe rhurch wan a eirt uit hy ldf huxing lieell miaimetl from tlie jetirgettiw 11 circuit which it hail uen pwxloualy mtniinvl with a an ollltdde apiwilnt- ll ii the mlnuter living al iet town during hu hdairw w ilh the t on- gngatloii hew linn hgtuul xvaa an mo pllhhetlniid uhn he wau tmmferrt he left mniiy warm frienu hi alton again in ikk m iiuimwaailtliu- tlatacttui uliv le nhly filial the pulpit und fullhfnlk perlomietl the itnatoi al dutieti for the next tnee x earn lilu petcuale wua uinleil with hoth tem pi mi i and kplritual protpeity in the chuwh life when mr ililliui rauie to arton the tiiiult el dnarttl the town iuclf und iwo oufuh tp- luilntmenta at the cspimtlon xif hlu lirt year at inn waanuule a ulttlou ami the ivitoin wt ij toullmsl to the tme churt h and ctulgiegatlon tlie luenilaivhlp wui then alkiul kht hut au u result of ldu eueigttic elfortn the meuilarfhlpnumlmmllhulat tin d of the tluree yeara of hlu autltirtite kilce itaxlllg acton jlia life and mliiutry hnxe imu untrketl hy great fidelity uiul uprlghtnewi ihuide tin phillip he- leavtrt tine unt stft herlart h phllliw tf ttmmto mii itutiw- prai with finlio to mlwt phemle ijrtlug la hoe pjll tup ton for nfew tljm mhw ktt luthy la mp4 month with frletxlx ill iueph mra tihl mxitt wk wi liii liiete mrut lfvlia funlpti mi- a mux- 1 ntu ittie maxai h- hut whk ilh ti oliot nol h miniul mm jihn c mt fttuiula iuto4unui a fuwihiyi il meit i m uhlfemiiii1 miiiiimmi mix siuniel iil n v la xmtlntf at tli kainml iiirl s mli ilewill of iupley onl wtunetl hint utl with fruiala iii ami thwt lloreiirt m duiigllleru al ljiith mi- rr2 kxpltlllkd pow kuiujik allhtkliiivu kept 15 mr ileitx formerly kutte kecwtury of thetrann- xiu will lutll nn keptenilwr j5lh for new york to give u mriei of ifctutv th on lwhitlf of hla ou n fluanren mill for the wiltfit of the iiimth thla un- xjucltlly mr ueltx for the uulttxl huttn la iwittl to lut due tt the liimutanw of the litter geiieinla ihithn deuel- nnd deluwy that the autl ilrltkh piitagaiuht in kuroim inmit la uuahiniteil atrrumm mumana luupiealng oeorgeuiwn oct fl 7 hultnuold ihiyu 7th umdon kpt ill jo owen kound kepu hi 1h guelph kept ill 1h walkerton kepl 17 la ctmikkville ocl h ilockum ocl 7 h hockwood ocl 7 wtwulhritlge orl 15 10 centre- wellington vergua kej 52th und alth ijoit monday uuhercd in the ojieti tiiuon for wild geciuf grtmi- lutrea partridge pheaumtn rail tnlpit wiwul- cjviv iimdlilipknr inv jinleelj ntjther lutrttuigu utlpe uhr ucuul- cttck nitty te uold lufont kept i5th 11m15 kngluh or mongolian pheiuuuui limy notlki kllletl lufort kepl 15th 1003 a pennsylvania etlittu- hna dlw- ctwered that everything in natimt hi playful ho uayn the lightning playa the wind whwtleu tho thunder ml tit the hiinw hieu the waxen hmp and thu flfhlh miilli kven the lneu itluatt and the rivera and utrvwnm il vpfilhtn rtrnngrntnlntlonw kh mvrrecr pn rf tlm happy couple tlu many lastutl ttlt iiwmu ttt the him ert goial wihiuh of thf- ftlelldii of tlie newlyimu i il couple flh hi iden going uvyaygnwn wuu u xtiy luetoniing grey tituoiliiiule with hluy bilk waliit amid ulmwtta of tlowerw gihul wuhtwi mid i u e tin united oiih tleputtutl on the afternoon iral iontlon whew aft r pending tt few day- they will go to thtli new home in wtaautak in take up tho plenum y und duties of notuti uff f jtdmtown home tr mr m fifiil a fw laya lat vek vluting ut the home of ml a stephenson mr juuiea itartlett avlhtrull of llotu muwi la uhndiugu vveek or mutt imirview phue mitminl iui of ltutnlj fuw ilayuiilwuiljgitl the home of mi ivter mnhh mm i- ulu- 11unum who haa imhii v utlng in town for the pal month or wi riilinnetl tti herlumiti iii johuntowu thla uvl mr tom iletulerwm of tonmli la h unit for u couple of vveeku liolldaya lafoix returning to the kchool or science foe the fall urni mr ceorge laiili who went under an op- tiit lot for npimtitllcttif u hort time ago la uov ahnot nnvenl ami villi im ua well aa ex r inu few tivu lmehou3 the itev w m mtkny of nun il preached the harvettt hoow hlivice hi the pivrthytirlau i ktircli on kimday hlaaermoiiau liolli iuterttng and luulrnctlv e tlie church wuutjnitefiillv de oialtst witli fro it a lid grulu qk john mtuitxi uiul ml k lut xan nlrtaiuil ijmehouwe frleuda hot tuewlay an t njoyahle icfter- ikuin xva apeul j mxltom miluut men ucuinl mnulker of piixeu ut the industrial kxhlhulnu to iv m to mr w f deuar huu returned homo totff pains in th sack ar tyxnptoma of m wrak torpid or i fctagnsnt condition of tlia kidneyn or t i mvcr and ftra a warning it ia extremely i iiuirdoua lo oeelcct ap inipnrtsnt nt a healthy action of tlirjfti ortoitn 1 tluiy am commonly altcndrd hy liwia of cnrrjry ladk of courage anil mimtv i unirt by cckiuiy pre boding 04 wl tln- jtomlcncy i i w akrn iii rlb kllncy irihillr uu 1 tirrar e wk i rtkild rjrljf gr mihiixt i lixb luadlcln wiummii tmthll l ilnally tin i i to try iltxhla kr ii u aflrf uhi lltt botiim i iclt an inucli txttrr tliat i ctllid iu uao and til ttulttca made mt a new woman wltan my 11 1 1 1 clrl wbn a tty ijwj could not lup anytlittu tai iwt timoi4 and w fra itmt hooda ilaraapa- rilla wblcb cured her vv tuumi lw- kin uallaoeburc onl hoods sarsaparllla cures kidney and livrr trouhhut r- linrra urn hack and huilda uj the wliole ayatutu direct imoortation inniira la cut irfo it tlio 10 i it in tc ly thai in o oaj just to hand ulnlii- i it iron lj oo up 1 di in i miin fnim f j 00 un hoi jo hfrarinlftiufkllakplllcini aniumallm colonial lltlla illuminated xix c ula at tho fjotad tea btore and chltf a faxaoe jv k 7vco r e 7k odklpb- aiur a few inoiiti lotik wuti fmt highlander hand hefctrta on the ith imt 011 a tour ucro 1 the contin ent w ith the hand mr george il cottivll utm of mr w j cottrcll kupieiiiug left but k for ilrltiji cohunhu he it m itoiinoov- 1 ig7getnryi jnjt ei niiient ngrlcultilrul work nnd he hau lieen tramferrcl from ontario to ilrituh cohmihlu the liodynf win inillock ugil ii foreman of the clay hrlck workuofthe ttironto prefuhnl hrlck co waa found lying tm the c p k tiitrl hut wetl- iiemhty morning in u horrlldy uiunghl condition lie wau lit milton tin tiicr- tlay night returning along the track hricl work it iahu tluit he wuu utruok hy un eaut laiund frilght train at tlie ojieiilng of the i witch iwyoiul the hrlck worku und nearu curve which might jiccount for the unfortunate nut 11 not weeing the train lie waa a reluihle man au fm- man and iiurtlcuhirly exjurt in hand ling dynamite for hlntdlug he left n widow anil wivcu children from nix w eeka to thirteen yearn of ugi flu pulpltrnf uiemrtsntlutchmcir wuii occupletl hy ittv ii it mugg of nawuigitw eya laat sunday miiui kfile keumwly of oergttowu a x iin ut mr 1 a he iiotrmlv mr j d mctjlhlum told hia driving umre nt the toronto icxhihitiou for a gtuul num at the j en end conference of tho mctlualut church ut winnlvrg hev j w ciwdey luut ikjii uppoiuled secntury of the coiiunlttet oil con- fennt e luiundarleu auewtimpof i ho dominion la lie- ing iuuisl hy the department of the iiitthor ut ottawa tlie new larllf of the canadian notthern llallwuy largely ihcivhmu fwight ran from winnlpg absolute uauv- own tab lets uml chluitn wll aiul kp tlim w1l for ukk weak nervoiu fntful cliudivu there la nothing m gotul uu ilahyn own tahlcla they pitnuptly relievo and ciiw ull the htoiiiaeh and luiwet trtmhlea that ahllct little ouea hreak up cold 11 ivduco fever mid ullay tlui irritation occonipiinyinu the cut ting of teeth the ttthlelu 0111 lie given with iwrfeet wifely to the yoiingeut fechhut tuhy uu they itw g uat ait a t harmful drug lir xery aiuall t hil- tlren cnmlt the tahlele to a powder mm u axfoni sl thouutu out luiya ihfme giving my little girl luihyvovtiitiihletaiduminfffivtl fnnn a dimmlered utouiach khixtiinlttl it gtuul ileal und wan very touutlimttsl uiidule und delhato looking she wiuialwayhaiiervttua chiltl and did nut deep well aftec giving her the ttihlrlri then wuu tt gttutt cltuilgtu her hunililtll got iwtlr ahe istuinitl her ftaal her laiwelu iwiaine regular and uhe haa grown iiuuh fatter and haiku the plcluw of health i ulaogive lhttaluttirtt7ryrv hu kttmmch hi mho or when he haa colic and they uhvnvii do hiinigiual i ltmp thn tuhletu in the liouiu- and w ould nol lai without tin 111 lhihyuovuitahltuuif mild hy ull drugkiata or will lai taut pot piid at ia- a luix hy villing dlw i to tim dfwillillulmltllllliecolhotkvllle out security ccnulno carters little liver pius felust bair iblanaiiuro o niciuua raa dinitu nu klubointl roltdirtdutol nil comtlmltlm tm uuuw uil jfsstascmuujum cuhe8ick hladache ii i mtuiiv iuur itf muituik urliwsithnlhkulltiyutofllri aflhl at rniimro hi ihiiiiiih no wttmii the right house iirrihfllhku l43 hamilton- 1avoltltk shopping placii llvn coowi pea then 1rvantd silk vaists h- 550 for 395 wt have received a inninificnt stock of si iic waists they ir iiidc of superior quality of pure taiiita silk ofctifniill wear 1hcy ar in all ooc colors and in ill tzes from yi lo tlicy arc rgur55 uaiilyind t heap at iliit wc them on sale on tuesday and following days at cjach better not delay in cttin our lor theyll he snapped up like- rpe cherries 300 for s45 attlw mutiin youjm nj your choice of ntijaiit finest french flannel waisii of fashionable make arcfulir3waiii at aliarjjainence of mm now mllllnory opening evoiy day ilyti clalli pllii faid a splendid stioning of new bhck dress fabrics a beautiful collection ol new dress materials for autumn costume are here for your approval and are well worthy of a special visit of inspection the best weaves from the foremost makers fjnd representation and the price quotations will suit even the most fastidious vrry pcial value in 56 incited llucl ilomaapunt at ff 10 and 1 35 yard dlub aleilndef suiting vnllat finlall heavy weight j6 ncbc in width anil inalta up jfikuutly w tot unllned coiunici i a si 35 and 1150 yard bbcll zelkallnam with utnel hair h inch iwtmanant hflglit fmlih i130 yard illack llroauclnth suitinra from tha hct prenchandknjtk jt-mj- vciy faahlanabkt w ladles ctuml 54 inches with tlyi fiaial 35yatd ready for the fall orders jqucdrcssrxiinirjdcpart is entirely atyu service miss davidon who is now in charge comes highly recommended as an artiste in the varied lines of her profession and we feel confident will give her patrons entire satisfaction she will be pleased to see intending customers and to take their commands for street dresses tailored costumes or for evening gowns uuck veiuiilau clnttib nui all woal and 4 lnch will tplondid put ilea at fije h51 i yard ilucb iluffuunu coitla very ncli finiill 45 lo 4k liih4 wide at 75c tlc fi and ii35 yawl duck lcnpdln and puphiu 45 inclicd sljwnal and very tuiiahui for jjenero tlrfcb wejr jc 6sc tad tfi yard 46 inch black hevbt vtiry com pi ttunrf rnf il id tfcirctitvnt7 46 inclberi ultle ai 50c 75c and hjc yard mid 54 inch wido at 8110 ft 35 and 133 thomas c ffl atkins king st east cor hughsoo st- hamil e r bollertcfe co 2 an i 27 wyiiilliiini st jukiji jl rich jbix v p x op new fall goods henderson fe cos after completing the largest spring and summer trade in tht history of thib tore we have naturally made greater preparations for the fall and winter trade our stock is now larger and more comprehensive than everbefore and a look through our establishment wilj convince anyone that we are thoroughly prepared lo supply the many wants of the com- utihtll ohduu wkt siptllha dlxvkmv j ii i mil mental work imill waulenof tllefeiitial an uddtmha la fots tht li iin uehh ilintm hi congitiu at phludelphl whipping poau nlltoiiu klectrlcul mimu ka at luilph are now taking ottleivi for itiiltti uiul marh monuiiuilu to luttwt up thlawprlng at vwitltttl prlcr vwtrrttkptenmnrj new elet ti ic und pneuiimtic inutluuery tjiia eituhllahliiflit la ahle to execute fill moie and iwlter wink tluin liute 1001- and in order li keep the uiathiiieiy nuiiiliiu utwulily x low pi lieu lire ladllg given fof vtnk tirdeitl uovi call ut thu worku or drop a caul to j ii llaiulllili iuelph munity iake a i00u tbrougin vveiripcawaslatjyo you whether you buy ur not millinery miss gray and staff arc hard at work and our patrons are invited to inspect the re sult of their efforts on wednesday sept 24th- every one is cordially in vited to come and see the newest and most uptodate millinery ever displayed in acton any early orders can be promptly executed clothing our big range of clothing and overcoats for boys and iwetttindraittproobclothingi mow about complete you cannot be sure you are right in clothing without seeing our large range of up to dale- goods and getting price quo tations- dress goods and ladiesjackets l in ln yaiiety all the new and correct fabrics aro here shown at prices defying competition see our jackets and observe style fit and quality ii we are forever getting in new poods to keep up withhlio times but where do you keep them keep them why we dont keepthem we sell them as fast as we can et them in we turn our stock overso often thi is why we are ableto show you the newest tiling l call and see us no rrnuhlptoilipniiir rnnrk o hf vr rstifrn t fhelion cold weather necessities sale of slightly soiled all- wool blankets only 7 pajw in the lot good large sizes s prices 230 260 290 a pair worth half as muchmore also 22 pairs of flannelette blankets at 65c a pair they will jo and those who come first will have best choice p e mactdoimald bro the lion clielpltu jsmliiltl 5 1 ffl ft fl j7nl c- ii are you next to receive eye comfort and satisfaction here ify6u have the slightest sort of eye troubles you wi never re calling on us we use tlie most modern appliances we have the skill and are positive that we can furnish eyeglasses and spectacles to meet every possible requirement trroltj yiim couc1h ano wokkej of tlltf cold hiiuifiise 1ii ot wmpiwrttteh jtianiialetti himik wouiiinn mi childrenn uiidcrwcar gloves and hoisery we import these ioods direct and consequently can pre sent cntravalues our kid gloves are fully guarantcedand always give satislaction v 7utl st kctom savage fe co lewclora uuklihi ilhlpct kboutyoor phll qt now in u kooti i lino to liavo your order my smcl of liiipmirdnuu iiudun suiting atd overcojlliiji iu well awnrird llli i ho inwtm up in dito luileuui priced hid niokt rcatuniahlo uorl iho nail titivfaclitry hlylij thn timt up loilatu clvo uid acull co r e nelson o110 vrlmi only ilittir lurnisher 71 windham st rj and 1inest tailoring gujillmi