Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1902, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch agonoral bankinbusinous transacted correspondonco solicited savinfrt deparlmmit iuleiblltttlnwititrirtnrri- w4v imi iau nd upwardasfroiu iy u dr to uv of wlflxtinwal no ftinitalillri ami no uulijra in drftwitim uunwy fafnmrs business boluitml noloa of cajuitialtli lrmeii discoursed unit innnry lomod lor ejhlmatn ouaiitem purpose our collection lopatimmt ii aa nvery ardlliy for mating piompf return 8alo noth handled td nimioy wdvmwod on auxouut mng al low rale d llileoil trv11nf nrw tiotlfiod ijia i lie lullk o ind 4ta iliuu laaua cliculj nolo of iitwnliuikrhikufi idled urhlclt carl ijo cheil y 1 i llgmltt chart tuihlnln n t7it hkad onaci uamiivion capital paid up 2000000 reserve fund 1600000 total assets 19901042 iuk yubkuull culllcf b forsayetii agent aootflolown btaliah tlie big bookstore cuelph ghts l meltes send 10 ui or tnty of tho htett book wo carrv a big atock no j will mall tlwm to you- order for wall i r tlirouftli w rjskine our ac i mi agent will re cti v our beat attention toronto viiost ami nm ork style chas l nelles tllxtllo wall pawttstom guelph thuiihday hkiticm11kii s 1u02 brief local items advortuu your tlray uuluiulu now octoltor will ik iuhotod in next wixltuwluy tim mnullpnx riuuu in mnnttvul thin your iiuvk ciwt tho city fccuxx cuul may lu lcavci hut upphu will u plentiful tlilu wlntor aclnnu hnniu itml htn it kurdiim nr vrry uttrwltivo ut protuut vuninn lib iwiw luylnu tholr plumi for uttondliik tlio local full fiilrj quito a mimlkr from acton und vicinity uttoiuiihl guolph kxhlhltlon- liuil wtiik huvcti toronto luihi went lluod 100 and cohu ouch on mnnduy for ltuuhhitk hy throwing cniprf thunulny kith ocloltor lit pro- chduuxl cunaduw national thimbu kiviiik day for tin iriu itt your tho tiniui luut grown w tiimirluut- ly latcv thai tali- uddditlouul tnilttlllc on tho buwtu in now iicctmiutry kwuiottlnk 1uir ut looruotown on monday und tiuhiy oct otliund 7th will uttrnct iiuiiiy of our cliixjnu tim hchiml itiuivd ni frtinmui in uxttluif in itucoiil in aitfiut illccti uvt ulrviuly admincwl ulwmt 1h wr ctnt millinery 0hnluk thin woik mtuiy ihhutlful now civutlimuimilioinh rxhfruio iuhnlratioiipftli ntw s of local import bt altutna llrvmit ruvhl i1h lutriual mnrvwl tlmnlik hk hiv1 uill hii h hi alluuiu iliunli m xl suimiii tho chiinh ul1lx tuitilv r4l iuii mihui iiutl luminal f hi huhih a jm infittrritnyt iinlw hi- inhmiiihk lll w c t u fublla mtlnk- a huv- lii niiuhi for mui iimtliitniltirhuipuior thr- w1if li ln hrwin tl litthiihhitxt vvhtmluy-v-ii- irtk lhl 0insimii hpnuil- miuioimiy to llttw hinilnr uinim of nnlhnti tutulo will miii 1 tho ihui a qood on on ttio oolrr tin- nlhurnfutihmin um iiihi ut our itntfiuiml men who thliilu thn 1 110 unllmii i4im1 tn u loiiotl 4f thi io1f ilult woi nuuultinn 1vm ki ttvt tmmirltho lliul ulnu kpniikl with 11 utu kvolull itukfil f uolf tlh lh u uuly who llui juxt huuj1 him imri wiiomi oyilht im not vuy lihii iviimrliil u hit- roikimnlou wuliwuliiiutumtaidlurktuiuium huvo rouit tturu that follow w thw 1 1 liiiv w thin fu ifmllon bwuirycinrirnm iimi lliwhop of niikait will hohl coiiftntuicn with ilu rlurtfy linil lully of thn iwncry at hultlni in ihirlliihutii on vashumhiy 0tlhr lit pahtti wihihm vuil oil illlfrvllt unhju ivlutlnk tn tin work of thi chimh in thi uviinory 6ntliuri luy oitolnr ml ti mumhiy hihool onvtiiitioii will folllow tin ron- fiuviwo tlln piok will in out in u fow uyii jim hurul ihiin him uhkii ti himm llt of ginnkihj mill iaihjfcu for iwtth luy hajtoti vmiw totiny atnd tomorrow tlui tlftl tli iinuniil txhhlliiu of iliiltou aklciiltuml hiichity will imi hihl in their ground ut milton uwluy ltnl livinoriow tli ofllcfin nnil ihvi ton ikjwcl h kriiinl tihion rulluicoiliviiihuh or hiilmii nnil huvo wiiuvil tho liitvlriii of tlio juth uihinuiitiil liiiul of iliiiiilltiiii for tlui hojinioii lli luiiwl will wko a ktiinil oiirii t in tlui cvmiliik tho juiwiji im u n rtconlhrtiiuinff oxhl- hitlon iwttl hi jmliitof ontrliu und attoiulnnci to cmp hijc qmirter mnnur gould color botl ciiimhlc corjw hukhkii und hull und imviiuu mukjilio und muuou luft on turmluy in command of limit fonl for camp nullum tho onhr cullhilj tho twontlnth hoiuiiiit u cninp wnu for oftlcorri und otditrlliuj only tliokimrul troktuipnt hj not jnni it in n cuinp ot iutitnictlon wt thut ofllcini limy wcoimi fiiinlllur with wnno now ordirw mnvouuintu und ritliu ltrnl iundoimld will vult tho tilttitfiit rninpi und ituiko ho ucipiulnluiicti of tho oftlconi of tun vurlouh rtkhiuiilu hiuvhi ii am kt blloam- tho ipliiulld cuijw uoll linuiwd put thu luuiplti in oxcullcnt upliiu for tin hnrviwt homo fcttlvul hold ut tlio hlinuui church on tmwiluy ovtmhik ii 10 iittoudiinco vu11 luiouud luchidil u largo ininilmr of actonu citizen thrfpronruiniiiii wiui n niout onjoyiihlo ono nnil includiml oxrcllont fulrirokwoii hy iiovh ii a miicpliuraiin a e smith ii u acton v h mcalpluo ii a nnil it j diywhtlu juuuir f tho coiikrkiithmtil church churchill immi inuiilc wmi prouded hy knott church qimrttu- iho jollltfo ilnw hiklwimhi hou xv h mcalpinn und a k hinlth nlu winu mihw vtry uccoptahly wvll rondoitd rocilntlonu wort ilvtii hy mm a t brown nnil mij btiy jumnott wlilch nil onjnytsl hov w ii fiiirnlmn b 1 tho piutortif tho church prwldwl tho rriiiuln from acuin nppiotltiuml tho kliuhnhdi of tlui faruicm who ilrovo tlututothn church und homo nruhi lifter tho fivtlviil a varnttrdtlurt widi 11 ii ciund lutpldti mich kvonintf irhi wiin a prvtty wtmhlliik wuii wiltiiniixiil ut thu uowlyfiitnulied home or tho coutriictitik iahiom vdl iiouwiiuui mliot on wodnedjiy ovoiilnft when mr rlohiml ciutt wj untuul lii mnriiiiko t miw jnnio vim bunii daufthut of mr and mr iiltlllhil villi blilvil rtl filmt fill lo it ntiiit tim knvoin wuw nttejwlil hy mr nowtumi adunih und mihu nollin van burt- n butor of tho hrlde wim hrhtodiiihid tito mumi doiut uiul katut phiyt5rwvwlnf march wlillo tho hrldol purty plureji under un aicujof- umiliix und whito iwtuim tho hrldo wim droniiod in whito biiwliiu luwu trhmuod with whito huo uiul rllilwmu und cnirltnl uhito wvwm mr und mru q w coov und mlhu oettle vun huron rcelvtid tho t who nmiuvrml nlhiut thirty aftvr thn cfriuouy which wuu pfirforuiiml hy hov mr krolknitrd rifivithiiumitu wor korved wiui ut tiiornton ptoiichhiu hurverft llnnie buruionu thu utimutl kvoiiitivn iiitmitlnu of tho hultitu county knmlny kthool atmiwiutloii will lw hold in tho uchool- rikwn of untmothoilutchnich milton on imduy utlosm tiin tin moinluiiti niv ivquileil not to fornot tho ivhtiiivul of illhlo imiety chnsr in metluulut clmrch lviduy liiljht ut h orlocl it u tuipniuilt thut nil ihiiuihtw ho pivimnt hov j kinithitumu of normal juhii a rhiu b i acton r- board of education aduluonul aooommoluon n mry for lltsli school oapnrttnt tlo 1 met oi personal and social j jlhcient poe iulh h h i tho 1i riheloln mitiilxm pn id rimlimuii u ii leoi muiplurmmi hi- mk j k iikiiioii m a th committer on 1- d their ulxteolh v iucild1 imyiiioi tnltirw y it ii a id hov it w cou a i cilhohu kvt lilk iuiui 1 ih inwiuko ilindruti a co i h clolto itiiiuiiu fo- ivuiihor mull tllitllik ten her i 7 1 a iii m ui moed hy ii a mm phonon meeotld hy j k huldeu tlmt tho mtitof lh oiuuiltfoe mi kmiiiiii e jih ifuilwiidnpndfitniid it t ivpnrttil thut tliitti ut u ttrciltytikllllpl the hlkhuihoo denunieii thy projwity commit i ee mih in- htrudl to huvo thto uihllllomil douhle ouu mid di1 phiied in the ii hehoit rimun uml lo hmo n new cloul it torn ukikiik d a rotiriuilkeliient of the time luhle to penult tho hrtt yeutpupllu to tulfo wverul mihjeitu ijl the imikipalh ntoni wuu iimui the leiihihlllty or the pliiu will lt 1htkeil into luturiludjoiniiwl ut omloi hwl inalplnt but dtrmrlintf ttr alwmt ui i minute ufter twelve on tuemluy ut noon miti cleorie ilyuihi olkiurvccl vohuneii of nnle ttutiih from the reur ttf jooiki kloelu im t at uidu utore on mill utivet ilie uliiiiuwuu ut oiue iuuiiuiimi and wlnim hiwdiiipiilly kiiiheivd altont ten mlnutei ttf hisliinuu uoil u ilh liuclei mihdued tho hanut whlih ver roi- llued to the ripjiir ulinp lilt- uilujlii or the flivirf unknown ittiuirted in u lutx ot liuper mill liiti- the humlnilu of pupt r itlenih iiuukiuu on tlui hihlile pjiitltiou und thou mt iiro tn tho wotuluoil and niuhed up thmilrli the nuylikht to the liwif the interior of tho vein uliop mid con ten i u woro hiuiukol with iwith flro und wnter und tho roof wus iilnifwl wholly doutriiyiml tim kttcu anil huildliik urn rovenml hy liiuninro in the boyul it in fortuiiuto indeed thut thouriiocciirrimldurini tho lay time for luul it lweu at ntht the result in thli ronkjtil epuirtor of ioflmmnjihlo hnudinmi would huvr- lti dimitwtua ckifwsonu cohwkus hi h for hn j11 of wtrlio wiui home ludlet jhuw it cord u imiiiik lutkinl for hard wood her mid uiutiy aw holding their btocu hi tho expectation of much hlghor prlcej brovi r holmes hhlpiwl y onto winy threo ttorlnk plk ho purchnul from h aljiuw which wxltfhtl u poundn tlioy weio ulx inontlm old on kutnr- iluy hov h t hull or thornton iiccuul tho pulpit of kiu church the ninny friend of mr then duiinoy mil pli nwil to hcju ihut ho hau ouch u n txrellent crop mi thii in hit ilrtt year tt furni in theio jturu he threwhti on vhduy mid iiih inre kruitiiry haiifllliml totiveiflimlnjjc the farm he hint rented lu mi excellent crop fui in und tlio yield thin yenr in un exception to the rule colorket cluiu hllliltle mid corp jon ciowuinorno fl ln 3 ilekt left on tilohdny inornltik for cuinp niuuni for tuo woekn annual dilll i councillor a muiniy mid hiu wmj andrew tiro upending n few ueek in teiitim niulnu district mlun imuiuh dirroll of toronto uittl her houie heii thin ueek mr w lieuney uhrr mlni lmii denney of oruiikoville nee luithi theii hnitliok mr t niiney- miwi ijku luinhle han ivtm md hnine after ipeudliik tun eekii wry pleiimiutly lit clemkutomii jlri john crouiuin ulio him lueti 111 kjikhiaw mich nil hiiuuuer re turned home hint thurwlny mr and mm jati itniiiuhuw und children upiiit miinduy in uwlllo mm ivauu oiahuni uiul her imi cuuiplmll of vlctorlii kunl u fiiw duu durluk thu iwint week uith frieiiiu here mr und mm a t muuii tf acton iipeut uinday uith file nil here it in wull that in the puwiii uujiy or old lvulitentu or u uetttenmnt n utth uioixt thnti a mero uhltunry notice- uhould 1m kiven the dentil of mr archiludd bttll on autfiut mint ri moveil un oldtime retihlcnt of tho towuhhip of niifiwiguweyn und one yim wauuullkuowii thwumli jjii towuwldp iltn nenhd hoodhiituo dy uo vulthi mr mn iluy lloluiei thurhiku nrlt or iort llurtu i in oil u vwl a mm mitdduk wnt murnl lliiuk in toronto m lnti wimuiimrii of topuito u villlh mm jiiuh h mm aiulrtw wiu if the motli tuud yuuwt xruiul- uu moiuuy mr burnt rwniliiiu7v ofatmr it nikiiilllik a uvk with frleudn in iiinniriml mi- lvnnell of culpli ihwlinm u tukormi with her friend mm t i m h ii mt all if hiiimiii vutiklut r amiui ciuik iknt u toiiph of iluyw in utuuhotek mr und mm h foor- returned fioiu wiimlit a und tho vi ul itu kul- urduyivenlnk minn bin iter of korvul wtui n kjui ut tho homo of mr u h inny vuuuu utivcu uyirjuminy mr hrnnk clirr of lumlltmil mjeildlii il t oiiplit of weeku with her lliotlieimm hiifiu4 wonlou be eoi of korvul wuu tin kxl f mr wi benny din iniciliin iuty hi town thu vk miii akfi dover left on tuesday inoiimik to tkiwl u few weekn with fi iemlu ut oi unitvillo uiul other imiiiivll mi ken- ilrouii iiun euteivtlthe college of 1hariiimcy toronto in order to coirtpleti- hit tourwe tu u ilnikklnt mr john a hindttrii und child ivu ivim neil on hnturduy evening rwnn her bit with frieudn hi ouiiid bupldn mich miii br pay no who loot ltaeu vry 111 ut tho home of her mothlr mm w ii ktory for virul week in kindly woveiitrtf meuni dun lid uml donald itowrl- utn relurml homo yeuuiiluy uftor ery pleuwint iiojnurn for a roiiple of ueeknln muakokrt kimiiyiiru k neltiou und fnnilly und mr l jaiiie moore prluclutl of ht cleorfjii hcjiool ouelph mwt fniul- ly were ifiicutu acton ielutlve on himdny mr and mm john a unttmu wlfo have livetl in gnlt for uoveial yearn have retiirnml to atm nd will re- iddu on wet ilnmrfi ave mr moffat han heeii eiikk at grludillii miuhlnii uliop tho frliuiiln of mr cjoonto lunih ant plenmd to me hlni uhlo to vm ultoitt iignin be win mitcikmiiilly ttmratil upon merul weeku afi hy dr john m miiliimmid ut hiu homenot ut tho hopluit mi wan inadvertently ubittil lu thewcohiinnn und fceuthutho will iihit tly lie fully restored to hit old- time ior m1ltom thin in the count town hluittht weel of the jeai tho county fair i uill hrine nu itnmenmi coiicounui of jieople tfi toun from the fuct that it is tho jfiihitoo yciu of the society mid that tho hal- i ton old boyn renidont in ilmiillioii will puy the town u viuit unit day acrniuuiuled hy the fninoini kttli bund the kenernl inuteut will lie iviltly mi- luilicsl cltizeilit kenemlly imvo 1mii flltf- hitihhift up their pf ttwa the pant week sit they limy liuik un well jiu piuwihle ror tin iuir the hov win wuuh tf brai npuin und itev a j belt will exchango duhii next hunduy likui liiul tho ohjict iming harviit tluiiikkglvlnji lu lutth bruiuptotlntid milton tint vniuik peophin society or jruoo church have ptvfientel a haiidmint hmwi pulpit ntniidard and lump to tho ehnich ixmnor und mm dencon mr frtdnnd mus flowuioo huvo urilvod lionu fiuiu their prolonged tour they cntkvil tho continent westward throiikh tint unlud htaterf and re- tiunil thrwl1i canada lliey pro- lion it ce thn uceiiory in cumuhi eupociully hi thn hockle au fur iiur- pnudtik that of tho ainericuli irttuu their route wuu n uucceiudoti of phui uurt with a cuhuhihtloti hi couple of weoku ntuy lujviuniptifl durliii jhe mkuiuii of tho generul oonrorencw exlhniik pidpltu only hnilllioruum ihiulil uccflpuhlii iunnnh and uut hrietly uddww tho humlay hrhmd in tho uftiniihtii amwtliikiir the orther of halton pwhlhltlmi ammthliim i ito iuj1 ill tho uoynl tomplum hall mhuni mi hiitnwhiyaftot noon 4th betour iho oruanliter of tho millou wawln urn iihpoi lully detivd ui lui i mr ooorxjo prttiuuii ami muu luuru ivuvel mr mul mm lroil fowuf and win muwur vernon hummjjhu of hunton anton ufui ut chumul4hslili by tie routing huuhuikw ciuck ikill leuiu in the divcldhitf linuo of a kerlo of thwm lu the gooikotown brlvliik park on kuturtluy acton biiheluill cluhuie now winnem of thu biktiiieo ioiinue winiloiv of buxum cup und chiniiplmin or halton county pitcher iviow hud the illllnhurtt halter nthu ineivy ill through tho game utrlkinu out 7 num the following in the and litlklilttirly help ut oldtltuo log kliik und hioho lfeon wcj duly uppwe- inutl hy hiu ucluhlmm and uiutiy n huiuoroiih ntory told only ua mr bull could toll it would nor e to lighten tlio dnyu toll mr boll wuu ltorn on tho old home- uteiul on tho 7tli junuary iku mid nu ho ifrow up to manluuulii tilrcngth ho uhly iituilbted hiu father in the cleat lug of tho forttit und the ivmilt timluy iu a mttft44i j i mtwmmrlimrbriuxawtaunl und viillw munhrni turom of berlin huvo ihhkiiimi ivaunemhlp mr me- bilno ividihil hi alton hotciul youm and wan uiielpeit workman in the mooiit a- mt iiirvln trunk and vultiui wnrkw t i smith ejoiiveilullnt will u in artfin thmndtiy kjioiwi 2iul one day only until i1m1 p in loomn ut akiiowu hotel if you huvo tiny defm t 1 in ydur oyelhht it will pay to i nil and wm hlni kxamlnutinu fi cull ourly or you may make nppolut- inotiu at atiiixiwhh bnikhtine acrn- byderuh i beutlie burk i v beuttie inon p mclntunh lf meoouuld hi hohnen rf vldn ih tttulu utrtmiiut liuklimf oreen th jlioux hm blukoy i loiwuin lh hmlth lf binmtlnitliaiii coluuii p mcuilhy vu it nii in a 5 2 1 2 a ta hcaltli and happitipjia la scrofula a ukly an ocr uinctt thun imntomorial it caujtrn hunclica hi u nock db- lgurca tlui akin inllaitten tlio imicoua mo ni lira do waiufl hut niiiiclra rak- ens uio ixtnus rtuliicra um power ol rminlnricn ut liaeaao ami tlxi capacity fur recovery and tlnvrlojiii into con bumputiu two it ny children i toil twrotula rr wliirlt if i smwliiff tlciotr uiul kfpl llmm from ktll to octwmil lor tlirr uiimillia illtnrl who trmwhrirw lm hafnorf unlil t ifinxla harmtpwv ttlu utcili iimi rtiml llm aiirii ti lutal bikj tlui jl i n imvn altoarit no aliua ariil- ulaajh j w llhm wih out hoods sarsaparifla 111 rid you of it rail ira i ly and por- intiently arf it han rid thcuaatid w a 19 aid r laoa rry sci nf th knul i laxative iiromgquininc riut j m i ab m d lai day direct t 1 importation justto hand llnnrr bl fmm ijnonp toilet si from fa tfc up snother oi iilu lll ho grfn iliu tho notsd tea 8tork and v crnha-paijicl- ouiii millinery display f iztediiesday if and balance of week wt invite you to com and see d e ion acdonald bfco cuelph sayage cfe co liwilcw hublvh blrnket snhp uo jrtiu rrmcfiilwir llifl llltt tiutllnl uao we llill ilv iii july i-u- miflil ill lltfl mkldu j aummr wall i hi k wno m cl lint llai out uium llo juanilly 1mu very lar piclml lipid tin iii kil lilliilirlm nt kr l uli hail pulolt buying a faw tlnys iimi tuit could mil iol llnn t well mlivoiniim lowtllirr lot iol pillr minuny ii lni milt u to i around anton r anvool inn h kol i hw ii pnl on hju lhi wl tod while ihy ut you csnliiy ihrm u ollnwo jacinl uu u lia wrllity ot flylilnliii whiuamliiray pulnjttl twill lh ouur i wt ilunut 3 pdfr si is ua cimlkor an ri lrur nml ltwv iw fluffs lilnul white bftil urat pulii aud tu 111 tthf rnttiltrrrsllunturfciin inrlis u juiiul aiuiolt lu j will pt lolly llwcy iiul vcfv llilck iiuulu i uhiie iiul wry il rrulrll75 ituulnl only i pr ulr f u thirl lfvy lolly n iiuiiimii of fixer 1- uill lu4ly uttilj liwul jmlliu- rrnultr llltul i lor ft during the sale ol llui ultove aindil lilauleia vn will nil jo prr emit illicouiu nil ill our rcutihur lihtlkclh lu klucl donl mlu thu llirulii um then frlwirry e r bollert co 23 nml 27 wiiilliam st uielih henderson co acton m 1 2 1- 7 0 o o ti 1 1 1 11 0 1 l 1 1 o il i a a i 2 i ri n u t ai i tntnrniniriti i ii o ii i ii i i 1 l i li rr r ii 1 11 i i ii n i toouhhacold ih ohtt uav ilrunll isluuil ttin in w utuiui uli f toullh by lunluku- aiuin 0 i 0 0 11 1 i 0 011 huuhuik i 0 0 0 1 0 0 i 1- t twoluike hlu meboiuild hohueu lllukey stunk nut hy lruui 7 hy colteaii h i law i on luilunif jiivu 1 offcolvauo juftou luiun aium 1i1i1k1uku tinio of uh lnh m jkr i mc vrnl byoh of juelph mive uli uj tu v um juuul tuituftu tlon au umpliv njulylltio mr 1hllh1iik dwii- oua of luiiua rttcretltlon vinluil the old country und upout nomeuhut oer n year in tomiiik thioimh irelunil hcot- laud and kiiklaud while in ireland he ontertl into a inutihnoulal union with ono of antriiuh fair duilkhtom the lady itolnu a mih marmiwt bell youukent dnuhter of tho lute alox- andei ihlli of bundulhtoii they uer v lu the lvohy tot ian chuwh of ihilatueuy hy tho he v huiiiiie miuitv u well known autrfm tlklne of hiu day in tho pemon of mm boll mr bell i uivd n lovliik cheerful ful li iruttntrttln itiiittpm tv t hmu rii- uroujouinoy their union wuu hlewt hywlxofufnnilly iz ahx it bell how on the hoiniiiteml dr jan bell of actum mikh muiy b hell und mm- duud tlillik nuijuihhueja m r ihtll uimi leavea an only hhui mm mckuilune of delioit mich iiih inother di jan bell dying a luuulter ufyium ao iu pi mi bell huh n uliiiiiirh uluinif 11 ml wlnnioiuvtilnnkhtrl for the lioimru of puhlle otlhe yet he took n lively iuleivut lu muni tlpid affair and political flhui of lliilui county the fuueiul kortltcu heii oudiu t- m hy hiu itjihtoi the uov a ulalr umlttetl hy tho uov mr murphemon of a1j0ii the liulllhutvu u ull nld- time iielhluini ttf mf- 1u1k viz jan ijkluwutyfe bil khllii jlloudorwm aiidjuimu it heu- ileimin ahukot out nuiwiof uolthlktn4 und frleuili folio ved the honie lu tli nututagiiueiu 1iehlivterluu emottiry utlfylnu hy their pntu e thtlr tuiuem for tho del tuiuul uiitl uyiupuuiy with the runill in theh her the upicul review toirvlce in the hiinthiy hclinoh next hunduy will ho ery uttrurtie parents und vlnltor will lie welcomed hiilutu old boyu of towmto have cmupletihl nifruiikeuiontu for their vltdt to ieorgidiiwn on oct 7th tho day of lvwpieuiiik lull fuir tlioy will ho ao- coiniunliml hy thu luiud of tho 4hth hlkhlnmlerti uho will lvo a concetrt in ym oveniuk th uuccotm of tho fnir iti hminrtvl the lulsdjioruo rportliijhv cement und prleeu jumped from 917 a lutrrel to 2m unco uprhik uml many kldowulk pa emonbi uiv udiiit thlayitl in ontuho townu acton uuu fortuunu lu huvlui pavo- meiit font nu u hero undei taken ourly in the iutivui absolute security por your furniture meeds cull mid iuuprctthoklnck f jh sibuihehs i cuqlph you will iw wirpiw at tho variety to chofroiii und tin very low cuh prlw prevail lug our millinery department is now fairly launch d on anothcr seasons business our staff is vory strong and ladies can have all orders executed with the greatest prompt ness and skill this week we place in stockfurther shipments in dress goodt- a ndladies jcrekets making our assortment the most complete in the country ladies- corsets are an important feature with us embracing all the best can adian makes the b i corsets of which we show a cut in this advertisement has some ex ceptionally good features and is ael worth your inspection while we explain some of its good fiitures it is especial ly comfortable far medium and lout figures to be had in all sizes s ladies cashmere hose we offer a ten dozen lot of ladies heavy all wool ribbed caslimere hose regular value 35c to 50c per pair while they last at 25c pair this lot can be depended on to be of superior value to anything ever offered in this neighborhood at the price yarns from the solid canadian to the finest imported knitting yarns see our yarns and be sure you are right before you buy sec our special values in grey flannels and blankets clothing clothing i mens suits boys suits mens clothing boys clothing h6nd 5c go 5uciil st hcton genuine carters little liver pills luuii boar blbnotuw the clothing campaign has opoiwd ut bowlers our whole store has been overhauled our clothing department ihoioughly g6ne over new stocks placed on shelves and counters ready for your inspection thobest cloths and the best makers have pioduciil iliuirbet goods and our pfices are always right un mulr an mtdeto order ill the best possible style witli prices witliiintfereaehofeverjnone make ho mistake on the inside icfvrm hltta- ki do twit know ilut uu and objictof und wiled anything lias lcoma lfcrraiiidil we luow hour to put it in order etfui wat0i1 repairing u uot only our burhics hut oir puasar hvsry job la well do no bccaiiut un jot crrat ulufscdnn hy xlllav lak hucc wain spring 9l 00 cleaning 9100 g d pjr1ngle iu3dkr ov maumaok lic12m38 etetph xotir neisr fall hat w h at abo u tlt nt it tunr roiaubatts roauutnaxu taituraunb raa caasttmitaa mutuwum raa rat nia t cure sick heaoaomk tjowhercmood oodauwaityou go where low prices greet you go where obliging salesman meet you go io dowlkrsi the dowler co of cuelph 1 hill klmwhitt llu 1i4i bw ifti styui iii luril and suit haiti mv two spuclulu st llnruiiilsnli illlo lnlckiulioclilu1iiovalii iir wuoo ti10 faitiouu daiulocli gull ainylo llrnmlu iioiii bi fui tii id cotroci uyui iuaralilil quullly -t- r je nelson otl vrliu only hatter furnisher 71 wyihlliuu st and finest tailoring guiclph

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