Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1902, p. 4

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poorly for two yeaj 1 offered cer ibly from dvpepala with il ueprlon mirl 1 then irkd ayero saraa- rllll ml n one week i was r i john mtrionald mljiliili la dont forget thuljls ayers sarsaparllla that wrll mile you strong and hopeful dont waste your time and money by trying some other kind use the old tested tried and true ayers sarsapa- rilla- auaakasa uwaam sa fht ttmx jxtt tt tiiuumjay hkitkmukhi lwki ht tfoung folks a 1piho who klialht she wnu a young ping pong maiden aud played on a ping iwnu rourt him hopped and danretl and houited tihout vu tt way who had tint tnikit hh loved a plug tm player win had uiiiik rjutnnhig ilroke pot- tti vvamail hrtli nt ping ponglit am uenred nil itlierfnjki k til tmikt iakof their love affair niht youll hehlnul ae h wtruck lmi ovry tlnm tli y iu jump with kit they rtevr uovt when tho puyer luul uli tlm hull fu- he wnii a pin- ttoiig rmouet and ah warn n ping pong wll pollyav ttttt tcltpiionk tim atiiu charm of parrotd in that when they do littfchhtf itu gener ally amudng in inch of taomtthhig tlutt iomktmhtiiry irohhly ihe druggut who flgun in a ohmao mown jiedol uiveu prouder of hi pet umu lt ww imfore thepetallenal- wl a cuaumter tha parrot u largo wild given alert to hear nd prompt to trow tlutt lm iriiicnilwm tin ing lutngntmar- tirf tolephom with thu renilt tltt llly hju lkivcoliit qtllta projudent in ttdnphono talk and furnlahmi much unuacmont to emit on ion who imvo tlnm to utop anil llauu tl ouiui day htylnddy droiued young woman canm ruutling into the htomand aakod pmtnuudon to iitut thn plum tim dnitthmt pointed to urn rear of tlm itott und kliu autttml in tiatdlrocurn th blnrti uaa rather dark ami whtn nlm heard uonm mm apparently talking into thn rceiver aim aeatod hnolf to wait hello cntral hello imlln klvo nut foarloiilillkd nirv y uuowho lu umtp oh y hullo nay no i didnt gt tlmt j u thatuoi woljl kmklhy hiik hollo wmtndj hlln lullo iftvo 110 and no on ami 10 on through wvfral wv- vuuoilkl tliijii thu yonntf woman wuui and ad- vaicwwl with u btauly air to tlm rhrk andaakotl if lui tlioulit tlmt iinon liitundtml to uk thu tolfjdioim ull day why uuitii only tlm wwou ho- hut tlm front door luul aumimwl lw- font lm could h11ui1 lila bcnuiici- ithk sa 41 1 hi whkli mimllolli wt ant yl a nn lit ail and lliio our pul haunt iiftlx ioiiuiik hi r ik tnn mm h rjlhhiu- 4nity 1 ud iky nl i in hl lllll futl uuln i- d k iii kwan j si i miik i ut t u that u wum 1 lwi nninl i w 0 t k uiuunu lluit u iwvutmilhw m mlihh ty in h mi hf- tlirm iim ly jiik t uiul t oim lollf- ft 11 iwnmff na oii mt tin 11 i4it hill a troulilhl kl hlhwtnltl of khih htlm amtliu-tl- oil of un hhttl xt ttouflh lllll till lhllllht thorn an tin hiaitm mv aoiimtlim ovrthuuiiutry tiiliwlnitiit and mnnf mi h tlm iitk ut man int-i- uln t with hoin4 mid frtiw with jnju anil hoimri lth jl hmiui 4 and with iuiiiih- lint ton lritvkoium ti all that i i iih at id mm m11 imd wiath hi that om llmrlknnuh ult1 wrt aim lunuliu hy imwln arnom ir imoim tll4 you that miu h a u ivon hm alu iii of you do not iniilt ckt nut alioiit what j tudd of you hut anuui 1- hi- moi limirmt of my otlur fanlu ilwt lm would not iuimi limntlomd lhi alone kl titun a oooo reason comiiik innui fathoi- iati- otm ulwht old joint ducovrd a tountiy yokfl vthalauu rn utandlnk hy thu lllclmji dlmf youiik nuni waid in uhat art you doliikluiitl ivt roiim a romtliik tiur atumrthik v what tin jou uuaiik will im 1 follower of maty tlm idulmn nimld wn ik you umutlly carry a htnturti whtn you lift on uucli tirrandi aakil tin old man uiircaatkally yen wur iivaya dont tull inu micli tuuuunu ynu had ik-ttii- tw f fiiirliy comtbitr with a laiihni indoti in my youiik dayu i mtv tr uutl uucli n thln no mir rrplir1 tin yokol uldlnu off jiuljfhijf hy your mluuh i uhouhl not think you did lovtllaajlnrquiakly ntorxl n o nl miiv1 i fuil alhjw vln thii f ioiik aljindhik 11 iuitlv w nation anhal whu h prominent clewiyman says douhltcd mkh jroftxohit hho luui juat roftimtal a loan worth a million la it nafcidhl p any rational faxnlaiiamttltm of lur act o- yt film had j nut ucc4nu4l another nuui worui two nillhoti hrooklyu jjfo paincs celery compoundpurt fies he blood and revives the system ho ouii- mcxuoln lu the world hj tov aohlvxl buah xuondoi nil vtotort ovu d ttiui bullwrlntf pahmj chry oouilmind haa wrought uiar ullouli curtui for uufftrlnt nmuund wonmu in ry miction of thu dominion it hail tlm inrinrtmtloti f tlm 1h at limn and wounm in cauailii lamrautat tluy hn found tho r at rinnwly to lat exactly what wan clalnlixl for it hcorva of prouihumit thro haw raufnlly wrltuin itu pniha and rocouimmwlfml it when thtvy have oiijrnrtinlifey itov j d iitilimai of aukiiu out aivcu inn own ncrkoiml oicnvhunco iu follow i havo alwnya found jalnuu culery coiilkiund an ttxriltnt nervtt tonic and liao fniucntly rocunuuondml it to rrrtuini rurftttlntf from norvoiih db hillty and illph i ludlot it to h a iiiont juiwinful mwllciiu it ulno iniriluu tlm hlotral and mvlvtii thn myiiuiui cjivo it a fair trial mid it will in tluuo cauih la found hulpful 111 1 v r c lmltai il iii ili ml lnil ly i1i1i11 y n iii in 1 1 f 1 ir cvu i11u1 in r mill ii iilui nil 11 11 tttiil li vil li illi c11 1111iiii l ui-ii- ihiluul 11 in 1111 a in villi 1 h li ill t ii11 ii in lm ii it r hi uiiult 1 ixolii lliut illu ull 1 lll nil ii wahtku wi win m hl ti 1111l tl iii 111 ilni iim 1 t yum llllllftl ml iny uiw i ml 0 lllll ii 1mvuuiihi ilim 1 fl 1 t h- 1111 1 lillkllnil ivi ll ii ul 1 i twmlili 1 tlmt lioi tint imii 1 iil niul wii iim iu 111 uolr bm lulkltcl uiull r ul11uu li riiiiiiil r romi liiiiliiul lllkri 1111 hi lymjhvllil llull 1 til bmlllllllt flhllllkl mil ji mil ill flltt ull tllllltll lihiiui llml itl tlll tlllllllf ll 11 llv vv illlh iimui1 lllm lusll willi fllllllllll yim iii 111 lltl 1 lint r- mill n wlili ui cm 1 imiul ultli yiu iiil winl you inn nf nil- iwmiiih fni f liinl if yon li- r tilwl aiikiiit lliw r tiy uii imtlv llrl wo lm 11t kinwii r iu fulllllk if iui uiiiiuillihik iiruiiu u tluiiiiuttii- with you holil ly win krulini klrnl founctrntlon prlnolplm win- w iiiilirtikx i jour inilhwriliiiu llvili oil ml tl tl v ur hillll kiii v ii lull i illll mill 11111 i ii ilr ililll- lulllil i lllll illil ink lu ul ivli 1 ft 1 it 1mi111m ir 1 it 11 riiln li 1 iy 11 iu rrniiiillmtllllriil- lliiiiinliinl 111 iiiiikiii in ti v nillill ui innllili nll i 1111 i i tlii llna ly iil 1111 vllilil niul 11 m 11 ulillii iiiii in u 1 1 1 ii ill 1 iuiiii mil lili i 1ii1i 1 w iiimlv ii lull 1 l-di- vi y c uiil1 a t i11ci a tnionl all hiil hln 11 hl lu 1111 im i11i null hliiuil 11111 iiiik- uiilu yolliiw oil llnil w m1 iiill liuliiiilnllik mid iniilliltitf nin illy rn ull mln a inrrltjlwllirttliliijoutltmrrtoni lliuir twiiulh to ml inn lit- llnilil uur iii i it lh r1 ulil- liri iitinlnuillilin cy1 fillit lliln minity luujy lilklly inlnieil ui and 11 u iirliuury litiuliliui luul iiikilii iiimiu litiiy ihulieleii nl dnni kliliiiy pun urn u hiir ui a wl11111il in- until uli inn i- illy luiiuii 11 inn llll lllll kllt km 1 tin 111111 ullnll1l11l11 tulc i itx liti iiuilii lit oil 11 uury in h1i chlldrei cry for castof l cpnstlpation docs your head ache p pah back of your eyes bad taste in your mouth its your liver i ayers pills are liver pills thcycurcconsti- patlon icadachc dyspepsia 33 all avu uih d ud bmun1 51 wah rr tlm frcjt youtiir man ualketl into tlm reataurant and uouctxl a ulffii t forcuma ald oyntctit wlmrv u urn cotmur for loutttrak kvakial tho yomitf nuiu oh you can alt anywhferi- tid thu wulur good tmalth iu lnipomlhltt wltlamt rvifular hvctlon of thu ltowtlu mil- ixtrna ijwaijvtr imihi rikuhito thu bowohf euro coimtlpatlon dyuppda hlllioiuiitsui tack lutulnclm and all kjfbctioim of urn oryatu of dlfttlan lriceic4jnu all tlnifnfutk tliotlkhtfulntmul tot other hi-nrit- ity niodtty aud ialfripat urn thu iualiutai which inako m rol hviitlunuiu or huly ui duuiikululicil from thu vuntwrtal artlclu which coiniuonlykoih hy that uahm hojpeful view the hopeful view consump tives take of their own cases is btrontjly i their favor i year is hhowing a larg per- jcentage of cutes one of the best reasons for jrood hope is the record of scotts emulsion as a medii ine for consumptives so lonj ns the system is strong enough to use medicine of any kind it can use scotts emulsion xhn fsonjqr its hdpluk lies in this disease is because ot its lonjjj toltiance by the patient one does not tire of i tawq uicldyavnthtr intdi- cine and thit ii where the g benefit cjnien tint nuui who inakea awniiik putting otlltr p4miph complotuly in tho uluule to hm6iii you apttout knthiuk will htimulatu a liit lmalthy rclitili for foo1 hntur uwul dlcmtlon and iiurfict assimilation ulo forroxoiic which la thn niowt miccoarf- fill tonic and health rfliiuwer known ui uuwllcal achnict ivrrozonit lit u howdtlvit furo for aiiucinia lmpurt hlood liolttj plmplwi indljuitloiit dyi4jwimia und all utoiuuch and iwiwtd troohleu iiroiunochjinmu t-trurikth- rnjntrtdptiri fliirthrwootlr fci nvinor- uwi thn heart and intrvea imnluhfi klckimnii and pain and makeu ailing pooplo woll try a host or two of lvmnunu throuultwlll iwtaburprlw prlco fioc at drukkiuu hold hy a t brown v 1 ph rj ttitiifw r in not a tiling to to lat anet xa at iarumliot illlu pwmiui the jvower of luthik hikclflcally upon the tlliuaaod orgilnk htliuiilatlnk to uttlon oin dor- 1 mi nt eneiii of the nyrteni tin ruhy ininuiiik dliunk- in ftictjto unuljm tlm power of thhi uiedlrhie to rlennae and purify that tllmnuui of alniowt vttry name and untur artt driven frtim t ho iwalj mr i caiawfll cam- 11 i 0 o11u wrlu ii i lime trlwl ruuleeti pillu and find tlmin an ex- ctilh nietllclnc and nun that w ftjjx if u tun lntheirua a hoiiliumvehln the h 11 tht cninl may tulo a tunv foi itter bolid aatlm blooldyia lfio byin odd fill 100 ltghtirof 100 wotnianu ikirfrct tuumauilloa globe optical co d3 yonuo trnot to onto a food many men insf ho contrary that when they mid 101110 oho who ujjrceu with them they u ill iwick out in hiii vcgotahltt pilhi hr parnmht hnkhto the wot id the frultu of long wleiithlc rtmiirch in the whole ivahu ot liuilicnl iioh lire roiuhined with now and valuahle dloverlea nuver lufoiti lnovvn to man tor del i en to and duhilltnusl conutltutloua panuoleen iillu ntt like r charm taleu in uuall flow 11 thu effect la lwth a tonic aud a ntlinuluut mildly ox- citing tlm hecretlonii of the luuly t- inff tono and ipor tho diitiewt people there tut will nay unit it u mich u iu thiiik to take an occasional lutth thure are no uuiuy cough nudlciueiiin tint market that it lu aouuitlmeii difll- cnlt to tell which to hny hut if wo luul it cough n cold or any ufttlctloli of tho throat or lung wn would try illcklei antlcoiiimniptivi syrup thiuui wiiowf tuuwl ii think it infdr nhend of all other prtpjuatlnna recom- luendod for laich comjilahitii tint ihtte ftillf hlo it 11u it iu aa pleaijint 11a yrup t in fact the price of coat ought to lm mil nil 1 md of ituelf chlhlru aw often attacked hiulden- uiul tfitiigtroiiii o1h7 en dyneutey cholera dr tjiy painful cmniw dial rlii mm hi in cholera lufautuin kowinrm kit tract of wild ktmwlorry iu a priimpt and uuro cmii which hhoulil ulwayit wo jfcpt in the houu 0fqwt ext- 6 diarrhoea dysentery tolic cramps pain in the stomach and ail summer complaints it kfreora he wahveilou it acts lik2 a uii1iiu helicf alh0s7 iklbramyaucous haatadt bapldilcikblo eectua oniiat thouoirrta a iiiii inn 1 1 a lllurfvi n i u iin i ii 1 hili lili mll in i l 11111 i til i- kui in vliliu ii in if kiil f pil l i 1 i i- f h11k in 1 ul tlilili 11111l i 1 1i11i11l 1111i iii in i ir ri imliuilf ii ul i ii 1 iii ii ii i li lt miilillil ilihiik in in 1i11111 ii hi i nf mjiiiiik iiliii 1 ml nl lllll 111 1 irlilll h nry iuriir tun uuu v itll 1 1 m in 1 in ii llliy i in ill iil i1i111 il llnil 1 in in illi i fl- 111 1 nil i i him niul ii11 inn i fill in ly 1 iiiiiiiiiik lo ml ii in i miiu iriiiiiilnii uily hi li wl 111111 ililnic urn i not niul tllimfiinii liiin iiunilliinlt mil lie lialiitrihtiii 111 1i11 r 1i111i111i1 11 nlli nf tlin 111101i llll nf liiniliili lli iii i iii 11 iniii i si 1 1 in inimlilnlij mil i in hi r nil of mull it in mllini llm- 11 hi iiiuiiihiiiji 111 mull ii lull ho mill t fr i ukr hy hi ii i11i1ii1 till- lilnl uli inil mill til uini iiiiilniif nun ii tllll wlui iill 1 muni 11 iiiintj nit 11 llllllit fit ul hit in tnrsit in 1 111 ik of wi tin in pmi i of inlillii u lllll imp how latnat 1ulurul corn nikii iiiii iiioinliii iiiily ilitiiniuii llni iiini iminiii- if 1 ill iiuhli kill til luilil illii 111 in it wltlnul piiln iili llyiiul iilnt- ly umi only utuiiifii jo 1111111 wlioiiilliullfi llliiiiiniii l iilwilulilyttil uli a ad hot ummo illlii tlmllit iu infill flic iiioimi fili uv1liiiitil tliitliiilniif tlin nyilt 111 lii luivtr unl llii iiiullti in often liul llinial illiuul llltlt 111 pin lilt 11 niul lllvlkinit 1 flu- lilno1 fnnm up flu iiyul1111 mill iviitoltii tlin i1111i npiullti lt11 nil litflit tn in- yuii- iiikiihii lint iloll ilt llllil illliuim op yuil kb bloo bitters is a purely vegetable system renovator blood purifier ancj tonic a medicine tlint ncii direcuy nt the iamu time on tho stomach ucr uovvcli nnd blood it cures dvpcpmi biliousness constipation pimploi boils hcnd- acliu salt ilheum running sores indigestion erj stpehui cancer shingles ringworm or any dl arising from nn impcacrishcd o impuro condition of the blood pot sau by tail deuao xwrorlnbleprepflrottonroras- sunilalinftlhcloodnrlhciiula- ilig llic bio mocha nnd bowcu of promou a did iful- ncnnivdllcst contains ndlncr oinu in morphine normincral notalicotlc jox 1 flajrcfe atrcrtccthxincdy for consllpa- rionsoiirstiiiacbdinirhoca woniu convubiotisevcrish- hcjg oiul loss of siaeei tccslrtulo siiiv see that the facs1mile signature is ok the wrapper of eveet bottue op gastoria oularu i nt tip u mim wum ly it uuimuii blk mwx mil j- v mii cm mjujaj tlmwtlx fu w nmiam lut it julm daaa wry f- b tii ym g olstbjua the duller in itfrigeiatinh iigui01 hii profit i en cold cniih liver tiouhlea hillioumieni mi mow completion yellow ejeii jauuihet etc jkld to the uliioe mwi of lnxnuver iillu they ore uiv to cure iv pcnion may lw n lifjlit ideegx r mid utill nleep iu thodaik woriuii cnuiiot exist eitlu r in 1 hild- itii or adultn u he dr bnvn win in synip 111 uuil ja all di ah n without t onuiifaury tluru n no uoral iitreugth cvkrv hous should have it any mini who haunt a good opiulun 6fhiiukelf u inwardly delormed loj fjalujuu lu lommonly gradual one diuh afu r hhorhrriirw r-maldr- tin terifflitnr ttuwi iiit not eaten with much ivluh and ar often mi light an not to affotd nuich uomluhmeut imm of apptlu iu mm of thu unit indication that the uyutem hi running down and there hi nothing elw mi gwwl for it nu hoodw hanuiptirllla tliu ikmt of nil toiiim acltpt no bulantltilui for lltaulu it komelinieu coutiu nuiu ulx monthu of rlikumatiuin tti catch one little lx- hich lull btciujmli mill howbi tcoubly home iwople will eeu kilk if u tretrpntiiiliriniiniinrennnnrp tnthelr xiwclntionn a prtiuiptl ta unfile lory 1 mti fm eruuipa tiollc inillgetiii heaithuru hiliouuiurjj ultk litomai h and uiuniner toinplaint in a few ditipu of nr lllne in awettull vviittr neivillne at once relln 1 a uilu nnd hiiffei lug errad- icatth the tmiui of thu trouble and miu wiiuiineiitly ioimhih nei 11- iiuvd the jat geneixl purjuwe riiuetly fohinteinal jit 1 ho kno iltjii tj ulokly that nn hoiimhtd hlmuld he without il liny a liv iwittle of nei lliim to day itu all 1 i hold hy a t lhowii lrolmhly limit lu nothing no palnfnt to a htlng man nu auotlu 1 umiit wealth iimt it funny when u fellow geutho nprlng foer it iteeum to tke all tin iiprlng out of him toll tlm deaf mr j v kellock dmgght perth wilteii a cuttmicr of hiine having lueu cnnnl of deafnowi hy the uw of dr thomin iloctrlr oil wroto to ireland telling hhi frieiuhi there of the cuit in conno- piencu i received an order to iitnd half 11 dozen hy oxpruiui tti wexford ireland thl 11 wiek children cry for castor i a home jieople think if they niknow- lodg a fault it ih all they need to do if attyckinl with uinh iair wuininer 1 oiuphdfiit of any kind mnd at oiilu for almttrftorur j i kelloggn dyuen- teiycowllaland iimi it ntcoitling to dlrertlon1 it mta with uonderful rapid hi in il xluliig that dreadful dlw- iae mat wtjitki mtuit iitlonglut uillll and unit ih ahiij 11 the oung aud deli- ate tlrnw who haie u thin iholeiii inedwjue nay it yi ta pronidly thonatgh uul 1 or fnlht elft i pxiituiiltiei nhi make wod ina ot n ait your roiuu hail lllujl thdiinilml ullau hae they not had tin wave they not liecii em f ilollouayh 4ittle mil on titi i to renin e imvo had r luiiim kind y il hy t nil cuif t tiy notet unit the thu lung ly 1 ilnihtii haa illu ihoitext t 1 mini price 3lc knahtwririkeptltlumuitr4a heve the gotwl thiugii lit heam ulaiut hiuualf mllhuniii heart and ner e pillu euro aiiaumla ncrvoiimieml ulcepleui- nina uenkneiji luilpltation thitdihing faint upelh dixxineiw or nny condition iirhilng from impoveriiihetl iiiimhi dln- ordertd nerves or weak henit tlit re in no iviuwju why a nuiu who faken hhi mmiey iu oil uhouhl hat a lairtxl look attautiuuiithu wmul of hiin pjith litis iiunluui lain ita very nonicu of progitau iui iu politiui and religion tho dlfticultien or opinlonii and the individuality of nu n hut laen parent to the dhtagrceiiient hy width the iitaudiinl of theiui luullen have 1uen tliivutfd hti w ith intuit of our piv- pjiiatonn foivmoid in illuiitiatlou of whhli tiuth ntaiidu the woilihfaiuuun tliiody to general duhility an i langour quinine wiiu whim wlnn tihtaiiiahle iu ita genuine utiviigth hi u iillrartllouii creator of appetite vitality and iitluiulant to tlm geneial feitllltyortlm num quinine wine imirifiriuipivviinintthbhfttini tlu flmt tlimtitry td the git at ilituni of quinine an a 1nedn1l agent lu en one of the intuit thtirong ily tliiaii tetl lttinetlleit v 1 oiriud to the puhlii it tine of the git at toiiittuud liatuial life giiug tliuilmlita whhh the tut til ulirfiiiiliin have lieeii tompelhd to its oguue jintl piem 1 llus mt mini nntthmpx lmaii nf toronlo have kvh mtthrpitparhlloii if 1her puro quinine wine the gnat iintr due to iu liiipoitjinie and the htmidaitl exiel lii of the at i u le u hli h t hev olf r to- the piihlie hh into the ni itnthtd of all the deft ha tilth ll lniett luanvatloii and ut it 11 1 ith opinlonii ait ululed out iu tlm h m u 1 fi 1 1 prepar- thin uf thilatui cco uavi yoa ffilv cl5 a kwi ttcav 4 an otcimunal rfjj twmgr of pitn tv round our licart lin are j 1111 jinrt ol y lire uli ncrvci lllllllllgi tl sella- on of iicisaiul nrrllei going tlirough our artiu and tingero urtler yh two of mlllnini tli art business sationery a man ia known by the com- nyiiriecpsrand as surely is a business firm judged by the class of business stationary ii uses the friki prtis male a specialty ol commercial and society printing we have in stock some good lines df envcl- ppes writing and account paper and will be pleased to quote prices replenish your stock of stationery before the rush of the fall trade begins tlie acton free press it we are forever r nervo imiu anil ji t cured before tiling- bclotnc too li irt niul ncrvo iron till siln-ycan- to onlud a i10 it art toim moot enrulicr and in ia rr- ivawfir they curt- iu reiii ess sli plvs- new iirrvoun prostration snuii 1 s lieart paliialion of llic lilart alur if 1 ts of it rnpi rlr plica soc ptr net er i lm ntjill dniinists 0 prilti by ifori cipt oftothl i the him of ttm iiih to mm row ihitjhtno oil uiniiikiit ix good for in an or luast iteliei 1 1 wiln 11 thiliu uwelllug jillnjti iulhiiumation i mien ulh huiuii hmlimh njiiniiih htilf joiiila hlteti of int- ihiuina liuui eh a ijugt hottle fin ode iuiipiaitewoitli tun to att mt a git at att milhlimsrljixn 1uei pill itgulate the hni l euro tiiuntlpatinu tlinjieir- nlli hlllioimiu 1 1 h k in ada he und al atftltuiumof the oinaiihof dig tioiu iuit men are oft 11 molihtl uf of fault castor a ydr jiifiuiu aud chililhu getting in new goods to keep up with the times but where do you keep them keep them why we dont keep them we sell them as fast as we can get them in we turn our stock over so often that is why we are able to show you the newest things call and see us no troublettysliowourgoodfi tfii lmit 1111 mill uitlliii lull 11 mill ifyinmmt icir thp fnrinrr liiflullhik- 111 inn mi mill iiitliincliiily tlullkllt flu inlli pimliu ilik i limllilty of li ul inu pi iii iiif i111iu1 thats thet spot kleht in thn small of tho hack do you tivor jej n pain the r of if so do you unow what ll meartb7 it lu a backache a mini mgn of kulm tnaituc pooukgltt mp it ultimo if du doilt bcrioh kidne trouble 1 10 o mho to follow domshbrapitls mro luikilhi i- one hut dalwtti toisv anil all kului mul lllaldor 1 reiitlr mr lea soo uu or 5 fari33ll j doan kidnky ill co- yovoiilo 0it rubberheels that hold ihinufl cilklph tujj vrutf li udllir fl u b lirih i whil bikl w jil far wiihhji e ary sihijj uir hoc alttukuulci nfuilomu no iious1 iuhiu lu hxihui ll dunlop cushion pads tllf iwetllt ilijjok uhillf nurj uiulm- all lruui iul ild samiilo uul drivt ay uumiuiii ih jut litem ulttl ior catawult thcjdunloptircco l1mitlu qrand tl unk iia1lway- m if eazgrton kind ed6n 3vtlllis l lou li od oatmkal mills hrul jiitltt of 1 lour iinl ounral l rlulit nnci 1 litan miihllini lli id l or lair caili fur whuil 111 1 0 itc clmnlnkwtytlyf hcihmilu iienity iioutdp ih01wfctott w barber bros paper makers 1 georgetown ontario colored phpgrs john r barber talking about it if yau lrc talking of a 1 all suit wo innt lo o a lililo illnni too ouit nkwoodsaiejukt in to wn am interested amlva think ue cjn inter est you hy thouliia lliciu lltkiit sullint come in nn- uo tiled wii cooper mlbciiast tailou miu stbllt kcton wlxrdgiuvirvg or any ctass of efngravwg for adverti5iaig purp9se5l catal9guesmaga2we3te jljonesbfgg i68baysttoronto indud rlu w7tu77rtt ttfd ttip a i rciyiu iveuilha rouati e- ti r uunll ft vnltnii orlmi i i it ulnwltyi ftfuirfnii t hi r i in titiutvly tot4uii o- 1 i kww bte niacifi ilv i nr111l y ufc iliirt fntl iulmil jn in klotli mil v hit mllj 1 11 fid ilot 114 wo mti told that if a man reuialiiu all hhi life aeommiui lalairir it in la- tit nia rh trfi wtrtfd iikc hut what would lu t ome or the rountry if et lylauly wan too wlui to w uilnt eommoii lalairf ilytllaiuik jgwojlo ttuliofiili 11 hiiiiitirracj jfimlllic1 j isucul- prrwriltr 1 ho ni kltinn ft u jrloil ncmlvxtrfli 1i c uii icttararilu jovf lou te jfiiwiu ill ullnl t iliritiituout juvr dtiiiiliilmi i bcuhvp 1 iiniiii pi u itaicrsbiol lmlurri marion riarion ptitant ekp j 1 i0m01- bl hll ntrl i it 1 ttdc qhiiml t to patent good idtt fill fhltht woobd oiirlccttuie t ir weliu ally iu waaiiiu ueliti niul tu rliititil uf uuy iuvfillou will ilc ukiu ily ul itiiitr lliiiif la ouahi latcill wr uil riicu istlritla muiicj tllituiuti ui nlvnlicil nr ilc at uur rtuiik imicul i 1i01 uul ihimrli i vr ii7ju irr wllhuiit li r hi l uw iatt r viiiui au llluuatcil 1 ul wlii-ly- rii iilalcd jiiutnal tumult nt lj mi iifulmiuil uicimn una lur umiiu tiiiy hjkic aujim vlcyoh j hvahb 4b co ivifioiiy kuaasr iillnff wabp o bo ycaho izxpckiiinch livml u uliblv luilll innnir ohinulif inml 11wi llmiluxa it lhlnl iiilli olii uii11 liriiiiiiiiilpiii ihiuiii io011 liiiuuili ilui11 v la iuvii wkvloirbmlv waltllllll ulstuil iltllll tleltliiluimcriciitt rnimlivll crj ivj lj v hi wli ri ir ii n it- is generally easy to ind fault haire you any fault to find irrith red rose tea

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