Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1902, p. 2

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boss uthoiii at oollafa ilalsliu luilih hunday ltepl91 inuf boii urm j u 1 klotkiy uirltiiur llit 1 l mawalto uur ajxl gui uuirif lanuiiuu r aokn ojllieit ul u win ianafeiuuli uuultt-c- mahuied t i am i my brothers keefifc kivrthwhii- wiiaom at hi horn- l tla trld w thunder s1u h w lt ulkw ii i jaraa ituo u uu ynimhi all of uwkwtfk nirtoiiioi u a ioroeful unii iqtpromlv by hov a i smith d d unity and active epfoiltwill win on dicc- 4 tovaisat 1uil1 vwuuf it uubuof mr xlwn auimtuw iuiusay txrroiiku mrj- tcdltoiilali wot ki feienduu 11i of tlmumtiii nt vot ing 1imunu in tii province the oppnulug fun ci mil decidedly hi tllfl llmllll jih u tltlt fxpreiudoir of j opinio in liiu province the llow hi attoiiieyhneiiilu iepaitnmnl lu pulling iu nnihul font down heavily mil suldiuth breaking nu deflnm ly thocliiufmaof hie lnrila day at in operation in thin province the county orwu attoinry 111 chatham luiitltaxiii asked by hm lebituiiuiit to promtciltit tlui wet mlrtr rnmiumlcm who in trctioii of their factories lit walla cohnrg und dresden wnictlvo- ly havu e in ployed sunday bilwir further pmiecullonn uro likely to lie announced lutir on a torn purl win oflhc figured wheat production in munllolbt und in the grut wheal iiglomi of tint north wml- ni huui tflveu ii icntilt nurprnlngly in favor of canudun great granary luwt year in north dakota the wheat yhld wuu wtfluo hunhclu from 4 131 ww lurreu or 1114 huuhulm to tlm ucru in minmiota 05270000 buheln from 0100001 ucivh or inb to the acre while in miinltoki it wan cnnrumk btiidiehi from 201 1n iirreu or 1 t tlm ucre thlu year tlm remilt will ii oven more krutlfyliik lo tliiiiulliiiui tlui ikuth who trttkkixhnto gtrnuni honthwfcl africa uyt tivldfiitly hiul naiik of thrtrdrurhrothini tlm g niatm tlmy liavtt writum to hn bovr wprtnutlv in hnlluml tlmt afrwmler can llvo ntidcr m nf thfi oorniuit vimi tuh nml thoy imy it in imimltir to hvti contuntixlly under til kntflmi uihii utuhr tho xnuujliin mill i lun u it ah u who inunit 1 utmp thlu counlry a howling wlhhroiout huy will proluihly wmn find tlntt tint jlrltluh tlmy linvn hntwl till tluilr viy ixmtt frlilldti cliiciiro ciuuulian- thu mltxinfcrv ofcninos tu show room of mndrwfti oc co- uid r tt- soott thortjrl mkwiri lldiuloron ii co hold tliolr formal fall ojminink o widneitday lmt and all day ioiik tlutlr hlnvti win uirotikml with iudloa from far and ntiav for lnillu mtvor ciu to iw lnuriuud in fanhlonti llcklo fauciea mlllinnry of couriui wn tho chlif altrtroinorliroduyndtvlm oray uiidmlui wuluuui ciirtiunly irniiit huvo hotin krutlflm hy tho utuiition and lulnilt-ituoii- lkktowl on thilr crvalionu tho milunury dhmlaytul thu huakon him 1 jo til in rolori and cotintmctlvo fahrlcu hilurubllty ahovo thu uvtirtinf ild comhliud with a vory attrmctivti conhtrtictioii jind poiwi uliould mitit with tho iiullcv approval in rftulytowrr tho phdomiiiulltiff colonj am rriiy hrowii hlack and wliltxf luwititu und u1ih ilio to tho front in theiui iiornln in trlitllitwl lmtu hlack and whlui n a favorite comlihihtlon with hrown and whito khown larklyl- sihup very protty j grtui hutu in mirror velvet and pluwli- 9i aro pfrluipj thu nuweit iniiovution th la ittuuum iihver cjuiuii hair clotli felt and jiiiihiiom nro tho pro- vallliiffiiiatorlul illnlu hrvjijith ullku plum4j niul boinu very pretty mit and vohlnyrt won nhown thin k duplay lu rrt4ilnly vory attractive aid folly lip fo tbh depjtrtllhmt luual high rtundartl at tho glnsgow hnuwt kotliitik innrii cliarinlur or pleuuiuk to tlio uyo can ho liiuittlmul than tho itoantlfnl display nf fall inhiinir ownel at n ii hcoltn luuttlniiiultty ftiul ividay ilio very iauwt and niot ntyluli urtlcloii of woar for autumn unil wlntttr wore im exhllil- uon und whim ndniiti4l hy huudisuln of imly ralhim tim varioty in iitylw colons and itiuhiinhla tw iiuhuvl luflnlto orfuifrrolfliiintonhttnoiriv und horgimhin cohulnj imunh in 11 now cotiihhiation which in very ofyec uvo und will hfi nmcli worn ihixih of ivruiuuti mw the treat fcittheittd diwo ration for thu wm4on jn colmii krkui of all tonim tueui to nld unit plactt und tho flrroquct hiihiiu will huvd a kwl inn iti u tuple hiiiuicu imiiii cuhtor taluu rthtwlu and i-jmll- iiu ih 1 for lltfht tono tjmpiulw imiti- iiimu und uianue 1or huiutuu tlm uuutt art all of the itilwllne and huliy ativcb anunikbt other trlmiuint uiuul uhi wide saloon of tuupih and ohonulo and wihi eifivclu in kent varluty ulun lmmm volvor wiiikh hrvujiu lurgi hihlu lmupoina urn uluo much hi iivlduncu the trlniimd goody wotii miwt urliutlrwhy dluplayed on buiiiivutu tuliliw dovouul eutlridy to imch of tlm leuilfnu uhiuleu one con- iiuclnk f hlntk unotlmr if bluck and whlu u third the new hltie and reeii rniit1lnatliiiu a t toiiehwjilleotheitf weiv devounl to k thuwhotitforiiilli u liuuit pleiuiln and hftiwtlc plrtuie a oloi lnup4htlon uhowtwl 11 ninwnlfl- cent hlack velvet it ulth octaikon hrlni crowii of while foldwl pjinne velvet luigo plunm ami uliiity wtthi rthlmill thu phlk lumu hut hiul a lilt drkplnjf tulm rimiomd of pirroth wlrncrwn of tollciiidtitsxl ftdt another hutnnirh udmlind wuw made of while ihlinui velvet linueiriiiiiii of foldw wdl crown trimmed tu fiont with inrtfe feathery imin imuih and tknpruy dnipit of the new wool trim- tnlnu wl- ht llul hurf of uwihuiiu felt well ivjuild fur thilr luotlt jalhtt weeku muj hy the very eooiplhiuiitaiy iiiiiailu of til ladle rtilik the attiaitlvk en tt dlpliiy1 jv 1i k ik k lwrllll l ll ii mii 1 1 ki iim lluk li iii- lv mr hi ullli i 1 llliilln ii uuil 1 hi lllll ll 11 mii l iin in11 v 1 1 liil h1 1 ill 1 1 i u 1 illvli 11 il h 11 llr 1 hi im llqn1- lln 1 l time the iwitiioii mim hmd ii wn i in- in li of he oth vi uf dm ith chapter of t la am 1 my lliotheia ke the futheihvod ofdiul aiwl hie liioilimlumml of men i1eirie kiiiitei- n rngtih ion than hail eer et wen veil them uin the pieurhera openiii dik laiatlon that whlrh nekiepttei the hiooiin fuuilly m ulwm mm iui luteivnt in hi hiother lu iiiiint imwoithy the pilnrlpieofkviy iimiifm hiimeir lu tlietininteuiirn of mlllmineii ami throuuhniit und hy every k tlmt of tlm human heait the principle that mint inn or idiould have ail iuteieit in hhi relimiiuiii iw iiiilvrmiillyiaiill we iiiikiii turn lul foite upon the rnul itllle hm inmuqvolh1 triiuta or rmnhinen hut cm thlu orlohlmi ue turn it auliiit the liquor trafllr ill thlu connection the qui if inn wan propounded 1 hint it evir ocruuvd to youliow kiently iinpirtjiiit it in to you that your broil mr tihonld imi kiqtr hy thlu tmnlc n0 diiiuk- imu k iouii to death annually and till- ijateluenl niakeii very little lui- pnhmlon upon men ueimially the word of god leclaiiti thut 110 drtink- md him any place hi tlm kiiiftdom of gimi we are told thut our htntlntict im unreliable that there tu 110 micli d e- 1 111 rtl nil hy the triiftlr well 1 will auk thu objector tli hutlutlru if mil iiiukio tuail hau 0011- down- to 11 druukawlu jfrave iftlur hau lieen the tin flic in at once roodeiuned the pakijiih of the word of giul rihitlnt todrunkennehit are to 1 luteritud tut for the indlvldiinl a niiiklehunimi tioul in the hlftht of god lu or inlhilte value god inrkive uu if through ftelllhliueitwor inditfeiimice wl have in thepiiut utiuul hy und iuii uoiiln 1 throiifch thlu trafllc how may we keep our hrother hy takinjf cava that vv put no ktinnh- lliik hhvk in our hrothera way thiy tuny involve mtf denial mii ruiy tioiiietiiiutt why inuut we d ouraclveti in mmleiatlon of that which 0 thorn utiiui thiiiiudviti with no man llvelh to biiuwlf henc then will alwaya arlwt uccatdnmt for tin hiilmidinntionf iwrwinal liherty for the hrothern jwwl dtiitroy not hin with thy drink for whom clirint died our ijjwi jiicih chrint pleiud not hiiuwlf icfilmnfit ifumnt mak my brother to offend i will eat meat while thu world jitundeth many u muu weaker than hint who drlnku f 11 moderation hi led aatray hy liiu example iyofediik chriutlanh and men of kod reputowho ill ink at the liar endaner thu youn luilii more than thu drunkartl in the gutter tliey 11111 tho danguroiiu uiuti of thu comuiuulty as far au tlm young men uro coucurnetl wh am help ourbrotherby dolnv what wo can tj removo thu htuinhliug block out of hlu way a ilneurud liquor traffic ih 0110 of thetui in thlu respect i fiol quito curbiin wu will huvo itomethliiff to do in tho near future when the votu for iivinclal prohibit ion cornea lwjfor 1111 hlmll ourw i w 1111 attitude of frlendllnetw or ofopionlton 14 1 1 en timat imi drawn hharply wu inunt tuko onu tilde or thu other hlmll tho trfflc contlnuu to bu llcenwvl or uliall it lie prohibited the elfect of llconuo iilwr iuim uo doubt liecn to in nt ruin tho trahlc unil to kmp it from liecomlnk entirely un- inuniijililu hut thu blue imoku of our country uiow that thu cou- uumptlon of liquor pt capita win kniater limt year than it wau n decade ok- nothwitlmtandink tlm llrenu- law thr ilriuk habit in growing von might 1111 wetl eximct the darkim to nunove the light as for tho llceniul liquor trafllc to annllihitu thu drink habit i have tioinetiiuriifeltauhiimed nf my country that the wholes umounuf rained for mlkdionii en canada ami tlm united htateu in a yenr would only puy the drink hllln of the two countriea for four dayn llut the money lout in the leant of nil lokueu goji forbid that wu uhould i m in lire tlm money ulde agaluntthe nidu of iuhiih prohibition liuu an important hbitory and i wluh to nay that not- wlthntaudlng it huu hud many u lithiiff i ludieve tlm quortioii iu more in thu hiuirtu of thu jumiplo throughout tb esh miry toliiy ihairivivlmirori tlm ontario prohibition art in a ntatliui which luui liejnraivfully friun- kl fur the pnihlhitlon of tlm liquor trahlc in outjirlo it in a iitrhigcut act and hau very cnniprchcurivu pro- viiiioiih for itit enforceumnt the igiiilatnre ban iammhi the hill and it now awalta the enriomatlon of the ilectom in the interentuof thu nuihi and hy the hlcniiig and help of god men havu cimiuinuul tu unite iquiii a policy and to rally at tlm pnllu und rant their voteu for thlu lawoij mm 4th december next tertuin it in wo uhall lone if wu divide ily milting our forren we uhall pile up a vnti which uhall atutrttor to ganmy politician 1 liellove with our fnrrci unlhd wu will lie able to wreck any govitrnment which would run 10 into eoullict with our great cmihe it will ik a hot campaign money billiard room proposal un popular nearly au llio tjuuru ami clliwnn ctoiiuixilly ouimiuhi tu urnntlni il04llm counult ioiiic afclklcotoubcow- hil5lcii tilt ulibolutlon imiiliig the nt wiek ihliebiiiiuvii miy geilijil 101 illl iillmnieie lity the t 1 t the muiih lwl onm ii uiiu lut meiinij in nubik jmuiiui iiii koiuk r biiiiiid loom lli imili tie- pi nl h11 billl tiiipilar hm- illl tvithll l ullh theevil iillluilw milk attending 111 ii pla lucouiieclioii with bin evening mini on mumlay ite a i- hmltl made iii feieiiee the pihiuhl i u of thin fii in 1 piuai l the uiuul i meeting nlng ol lilliut lb em it mi jipiimtomauy eilieiih lou u to leiiiu fiimi lite ithiiimhiy mmoing tin dpal toiimil at their lie hall cniiueiited uttif jqu- hilllinl room in ton we told niiimiliouniirarafsnkeir in ihw intel cit of the ymiilk liien in ijiu 11 lili that it would lie to thi-it- ndvantag to iiiwm141 place ofauminent i haw alwayi lhleed juli riiii whati havem4ii and heanl of them unit the i mill 1 inuteud of lielug tul- antaeomt are detrimental to the lwit inteieiitit of young men it would ry 1 ralmd hy the lielievo the e will weigh electmatu 0f i blotml-utain- otliigiiflihl the ill vriywdlgfmuiioilllth i uquor tiftlr hut i llghteoillleiil ofour eiiu liuilewilb the hoheit tan province than all hi ed motley that can lie m 1aiueof prohibition tu conehlmloii a very fervent appeal wan uiiule to all do their duly and mie their rianchimi when thncoutct iomea volcm he mild you unut n- at thu pilu ut iiw yoitivoteloihnilbuw lhlu tuiltle ubleh h an enemy lo your bintbj- women and children yon have gumt influence my that in- llueiue toacconplitdi the downfal of the llceimcil hiiinr tiallle we uu 1111u to god avid plead for hi help hiul guldu ice he killil ylavery lie will nut u iifel- thin wonc tiahic lilt- ijl un pi ay and win l and uo to liilh end and wu will piove i we aie our hi other u kuemr tloillll hillblhl 11hiiii if eiy rll aihwialiopi mid illegal iloinu xiiiioiiikling it 1 inn ery glad that iiethii ii iking already taktu to have thuounull ono llfeh deciuioii and i rail upon thu iwople to give their influence kecure thlu ieinl t and put a fpiiutuu ujwui the prtqikal -wi- want no lilt llapl rthiin in acton and i am cnnfl deiitwu will imvuuoiie ill knox church lat sahluith evem ing ilev ii a mncpliemon pivachetl u mlinou liearlug iquiii he mutter he took for bin text mutt 7 t v- plaining the tixt in itn eonnectlou with prayer the iquaker wild that in lid not intend dealing with it in mich connection but would upcuk on a taibject nngeuted by the wordu crying licedn and their uitinfarlion tlie find need in hint of thu imdy theremuutlu ftuwl jieri tlm iqteaker iefered to thu ninny who lu uonio placen cry for food and nonu lu to ki obtained he declared that it luu vlcloitu nyiteiu unit prevent j uuni from mcuring n hdr reward for houcut laluir a twqwu lieetl in for intellec tual chanicter man hau iwen creaui with um it of mind unit in only rival ed hy that of bin creator there inilht lw fund iaipply for hiin- hero it iitrong plea wan nuule for uion- iwt- liuingu towardn hie public llbniry too many try to tiupply the nel that the intellectual farultieii felt hy thu niowt lndlffernt iertliml of neutqiaper iituif the thirtl touched upon tho need of thu noul inn in a lielug with nplrltlial neceuiltlen to meet out iieedti of the iipirltiifi nilturii we have the church with all itn rellgloun wiricetj nd men might an well try to nntlitfy the rravingnof hunger by nibbling nt n htone au to witlufy tbli ioiil hunger hy anything ouuidu of tho provision thnt goil luia lunde the upirit an a dual mwd that clam- omforatteutlon the tijuiiker mention mi thntif ilenmire the ueo fcaturtu of h wellhalancitl life are work and recreation jimt hhh man jludu ploymont in a vailcty cif vny no ctvatlon in deilved from diffentit wnrcen thin craving for pleuairu ban romi lujforu our town council in a very con crete form no doubt- tunny hiivi tiled the quiiitioii in their own lu in du mime in one way and olhe in another tor luywlf iiid tlm iqwaker i am not in the habit of luiiiring hot idiot into those w 1th wlm religion or politini i do not agree i hope thin mutter will go no further ami now the qucntinn comes to ua ni citbenn who do not approve if thlu wluftait wu going to give in place if- the priqmujil iwfoii the lounril the young men and women mum ti with deidreu for plennurr and heineut we dont get lid of hyui liy throwing utoues at tin ijut thu church en in our village ought to do something in thu way of pixivld- inguuituhh rccrejitian similar to that furnluhed by tin y m a no thut u healthy tone will 1m- fnunt in tlm pleiuiuriii for the youth of our com munity autumn exhibitions kjiqucilllg georgetown tli t ii 7 ilaluuiold iliih 7th cimiknville oft h itocktou oct 7 h ilockwootl oct 7r acts gently liver kid bowels cleflnsk- ef oiwal permanent itsbe ouv the genuine m4nttjbv vi j a call a bpade a spadb- to yctik kiiitoii ok tiik fnuif iiiuui ikvhkiim vour oiithimileii vminln ur ilijipphnil ll mtuit iiilloii uf our 1n1 inlih ee i lie licnhliik of the iiiiunt khni vol i indict the ulliiiintm of thr hi luijorlty of hhmu in aton who huvo imy rl to kiiy uuythliig iiinui it f think hie lieu- a um ituiogiiiipluhl mi oil 1a imlluntlon if 11 in hhoull ihi called 11 ipuh- k-utliwi- uutll ull impluiilullt tit- lnullllul huumdiy other thing thinl 1 lll hy their eoillllooly jjl- 1 nhi nam- in hm lntivtof hh young ill luill wehuliciinughcviihille foin thoe who know tlm lmde id of uuch thhmu that the iultn iv to lie iikked for in the other li r- tiom walking frnin wink the evening hie iiliuoliuceiiient woi inule public a young man lemaiked well 1 nup- mm the young filliwuneed gillie thing 1 than tlm hotel ltematung that then wen- no need of ther hie oluui viitloii wan iigniii uiiuhi that lher plitreu have thtke thl u uuiytm thervu not rmiet in them lta gulnhllu iquikei a third a youth wl m liiiir of life lii hoiiiu of ltudankerounaiqwcti lo vurtotm placj in thlu conllnent than mowt of actouu youthn nnd thin ii hie iqiade or the wlmlu matter hnrely thu pjodnrx of thu chlirheu in artou with their forren of earned sunday hchiwd and other woikei have eiuuglilkeiihd evil ilh well uh other imhln to routeml itgaluut in thelr emlenvor to nave hie yoiug and hi lug them into path- of lit living with out having another liceml iniquity foiuunl iqwin uu hy our authorities of whom from their rimrarter atul mentiu of information we certainly had u rlht tnitv hi thin matter ijt thu pnitumt lu- firm in tone and udld in harking no im to give our ml urn and any otheru concerned no ouht au to actonu utaud in the lnatter it in a pity wu have not mr henilenum now m p in the commit nu bin manly motion 17 or ib yearn ago when he preentid thu largu counter petition of the hidieu hi to tlm overthrow of a uiuillur prowuud for a billiard room yomn patkihmuiuau actim fuht sfltli 100 the county paxh llnlton show t mltton lut wu hooonrut notwithstanding th xat wth dark damp cloudy woathnr with un occasional uhovver uttendel thu jubilw exhibition or hal ton county ljt thursday and friday thin did not deter tho exhibitor from turning out in large munlwifl and hy noon thu limt day tlu hallw were well fllhwlwith un ufutortment of exhibits in tho many cluwiem provided wpinl lo und excelling in tome resqwetn the uhowlng of jvant yearu the amount of titocll which turnwl out thu wcond day wan amazing there wan the uoual line allowing of horvo lenh while cattle mill nheup wen alno well rcpnsuntcd in tho variouu ciiujwh und hrtedn al mhi t one hundred of the hal ton old iloyii jlnmllton took thu trip to miiu7n7atipe7tin lruln brought the jiarty hero thu thirteenth iland ucconipanlwl them ami in hin ovenlng ptayisl n concert in thu tiknting rink lafont a large crowd wasting away mollieiv hhoull ba vmri ctteoful ulisn tli ol- lnutilia cjtiiplaln of homliuilio flukla apmllu ultsliibm ill- llukot fulpllattan b mutiy mot lien iikl i hiehallh of their glowing dujt- vol wll- fili of ouiie hill lvaii limy thliil the ocmilmiid hila a ftoin whi h theyiutr ii li of npue tlte pule heelll aie the imtlllill leiilt of ih- imtking or glrhnd int noodiool thill b a miioiii mi- il i inll in u mln lifewh in- n u nioie alentlou alil uiihi iii little lionhl me il hilly tleitel llouilo dcline and rnuiuuipllou nie aiiv lo follnr what jvery young gill n in at 1 1 f uiiil ii a umw lirli inr thai will ive h i id id blood tiong mimi ami biing hr lafelv hiuugh it eilticat peiiod in h- life km- this puipim then la no other iilsllriiie hi the world fun eimd ih- willilmiu pink p1iu tlutuiaiiuhiorghuuuiughiiul canndaowe hum- piimnt heulhi and happinimi to thin medicine mid hiouh- iiudii of otbeiii w ho an- nulfei ing would iooii ihi iitnug if thry would klvu dr wlluam phil plllii utraii- lilal among the many young ladleu who blue proved the gniit vvoi th of lillunkdlrlim in minn leuuie ihanier of hoyle out mimi ilcaiuer wiyi honu yearn ago i iwcntiie very iii uuil iny fiieiitu feaiwl vviu olug inuiadeellne i wan pale rninv from terrihlu headaibeii my iipjietile wan pjxir and i grew very thin i lieejuuu mi weak that i coilm hardly wulk i remained hi thlu condition for mveial moulhii dining which tluu i tried ieveral inivlliinch hut none heljied mu in the leant tlmu my mother got me aoiim or dr willlami pink pilln und alumni from he- ouliet tluty helwhl me au i continued th in nf tlm pllli the ievvru headuclie hrt me my appetite returned and i gained in weight in fart i won noon eivjiiylng mrfect health and hav hlucecontluited to do io i attiibute thlu entinly to the use of dr wil liiimn pink ptllu ami will hu glad if hot un other weak and ailing girl will profit hy lily eiqieilrucc palo juul willow cheeku clizin heiulacben palpitation of tho honit und u feeling or wearineui that aftlicta bo many young glrln will umn din- appear ir dr wniiun piiik pilln are umxl theiie pilln iihil- illlv ihenuifi- hum dyiqvepidn kidney ailineiitu ht vifevut dance and the other troubled thut coum troiu juxir blood and weak n erven hold by all ilenlem in modi dim or mint pout pjihl or nix hnxen for 8ivbyaddiemiug thu dr wllllniuvi medicine co hrockv ille out hocrwood a qulot wadding took plnco ut tho methodlut iiurtrolutgo on wedueuluy nrternooii kept ird when mr jus ii porlwn of acton and miiui clara iamliert duughtur of air mathluii ijimlurt con krln liociimo man nud wife min ijilu cmwuon wiui hrideamulil niul mr iorne lamliert was groomiiiiiun thu happy rouplu left on the evening train for toronto a inrge congregation awmnbled in the alrtthodlbt church on sunday even ing in connection w ith the annual sunday school hully day uxcrcltusi tlm childnii ncipilttinl theniwdvea ailmirahly a abort uddretii wan given hy the pantor thu iwcretaryh report uhoueo thut lh iholant are ourolhul tho collaatloua fot-uu-yuw- uiuliod over mm mr clancy the huperiiiteniloutof tho nchool and the oftlcem and tcuchem nwiocliiuvl with him are to bu heartily c6ugru tula led on the elilciency of thu ichool mr wenley harrln and wife ot vluitiiig ut tlm homo of mr kamuel hnrrin wealey huven early in october for itegiuu where he huu mcuretl a gooil iiituatlou the bad newn reached here on kut- mxlay of thu death of m ai stock men say they are all rights prof a v m bays english tonic powders five t para to packages for horus cattle uoffs blieep and poultry 1 hey maka tonic food makes heillli and fat agontwerbkikb aoton contracted for itr canada and united slates hy tho day slock food co tor- onto canada do you want money tliolilfllitilllwlii lli trnfbulndtl x f worlil wl to imuitllaiouh 1tiii- 4 f tlfdl ulqilooloa in kli liruoltm suoct-i- f itllv uuulit ii v uaii sr hi our rltldii icliool r vuu omiv luitofli or iiilbtiiitih x f jutuwadl iucle1 liy lro uuixtu- x r ftllu kliimllnnml liiilfmuon huulor i tuiura tofinil luttruailnii elicit in- r ftlrucuifj haliitul cridclatn toruii 4 r iuojaru imwllloii wtltlnir tliorotiuli r iuvttaliiatioi nlkllmt wrltu loiuy r for our luuul iwmklot cuiim lull lu- i r foriuatlaii aildftn r ciuittahui ccliaoloiiuuarauon 5 f youtid nj qetrknl ht toronto cauajk j it w uauii w iiiitavv j ulrmtor lrlncl immense of portuisiity tvrigiitdntghter of mr jthn wright luiker durham for many yearn un cii- teemed resident of himlwimui the hurvofil wrvicet in ht johuu church on hilnday afternoon vvem among thu uuut iiitureuting in the chunhii hihtory the hat vent wr- inoii hy the hoc tor ituv j k goddeu m a wiiuuptmlally uppioiriite tho iiniklc re utlcml hy st giorgen church guelph wan much appreciated the hwojatlouii wuru uitiitie ami altiao- tive the rhurvh wau cmvvdiil to the lour malcolm sinclair alnmttu yeam of age from icrln towmibip fell over dead while ikgliiniiig hin dinner at joh hotel on tueulay he wna un- narrled und vy for bin couiiu alno uaiueil hlmlaltl they drove in to get iioiim gondii at i lie hiirriit mllh ni had put up their team at the hotel und gone lu to dinner the dc- iciiwd tipieinel to get uleepy anil wail gone in iiioimett a u int thu hotel uuil wuii imuudiiitelv iilled7hiinre vlmind7rti7tltnngrot lllll il kiitter milieu acton atjoncy i01jgliak4aky ui lunkairi mul llrokarri nw york llnibll ulvliur slreflil iiluil lor ivtll- iiiu u- iaiuiw rniiiiiiihth una ntofitii ir luuklmaiu itilultiu ml ana iidttttur lutuiil bii i lorn mi ilillilliin ltlohvbtotll lit children cry for castqria for cottlng a boautlful watch and chain froo v no monoy roqulrod cvorv man woman boy or clrl hae tho eamo r opportunity undor our syatom in order to have dr arnold a hiilish to in 1ilu placed in ilia liamla ot nil per ton i niffcrimf from had health wo mala the ollowlnj most 1 literal offer if you will und your name and addrna and arca to toll for us tudm boxeforur arnold linliili tomi pillti at jc w lioiwo will hvo you aicoi uti- lv huua iilautivdi watl aud chain in el lher iidlcu or gnnlu ilia or jour choice of lueiity other proniluini iucli an tino tutu of juuulry h1hk4 violhib mandolin tea boti baleen skirl cauicraa rlc heiiimillier vkfl ik1nt ha nt anv hum v nmllafiwr you toll i ho p1iu and you dont liavo to utll any nmro than u lxnc u ei tlm prcnihiuin dili n a tmna lido olfct irom a rrllaliln concern tlmt hau fivon lliousaudaof dollars i onfi of pnahmims lu bacilli all over the ouhlry kcuointmtr alwuliat dr arnohlt 1 nh vmn 1ilu uciawrl lniwn reiui ly iti nil umnium ilialwles rhiiimilikiu ncrtoti uouhlci nd rniilr ctiiqilalun nud mo lor lain by all fir it cl bu iliujiili unil dcilitn lu medicine in all parlu of ihu vorlj you jru not olfitluk somclliiug thai i lie pe inln ijoul know uur waiclicy aro mm regular kiandanl lioor jnllief cenilcmun in nkkol or gnu moial casou wilh handiuiuu llltiinlimtcd dlidittianduhln time uuri uatches such an no ldy or ntntltsinn nrrd iwi ailiainrd ii carry and i hoy will hn ieni ahkoltiiely hen to all wlm udl only twrlin tnea o llioui wnndcrful tevlu pllli wriio a tire and u thd ilikv in your lcallly tu turn olio id thokd twainlhil uiaiclitu and chiin ah mnu n uuiiccko your luttrr or oit card wo will bcml yon wawjid tweufl lioxei touilnr with our illukiiatod cjilalojfuaaud luuuiifully culur cd cird wlth your tiania and addiciit on uu our aullmriird bkciii hear lu inhid that you will ma mt akked in u11 iti mtim than ilm u hikrtund we imsi am aa uiiii null udrr eu havr void ilirm wu iwar ull tlm otpciuu and arci only uiak lik ihln lllmral olhr uu u uiiihud d advortuinc ir ainoldu lliilti kvln lllu huiit delay wiltu at onto ujul tarn a ujutihil pmtcut mr uutwlf for lhiul- addrn aruold mwlkhid co dpl u a bo adoliodu sl tiuit toionto out are you a crank hi llliiii- lllll u vviiiiiiit iiiiiuitiajviy rnxy li lilimu in liu fliliki ill tliflr llli iiliu in i imillruljr iihiiil milr linlallmt ulov lutvu uiiuilii ilill- null ill iii- 1 j- i ir mlllliiry i1 nn- tl iiih wl 11 i 1 fll 11 i 1 ttm itllllkm yiiiiiihh 1 ii ilirviirimuivlnyiivvuiulwinrvti in th lmtt-t- yiilll iui lmi i will wliiilwn mu 011 ii th of mu ii tluilliiniuil uk nul lli liiny iiiiiiiii ir iuil mul iippi iiillim visl nwnini tiwllmt lli tltirt ir inn- inlllhity uiiiir lliii i in imki th illlny iiil in niiythluk in iui i yiinr lnlrht liy n rnn- mid iiimk 1l wmtliy viiil in i lilnl purl iniitu will iiiiivor li in i i lllild i luiii ir iikmuiiiili tlihlikliiilll th lit i ir i iiuiiti uitii itiiiiiiilir uliiti ynu in- iiluniliik uuil liuvi llin in wiinr vim will ii- in i hutlly lriiin in vlilt inn 11 nw rimmi m nrt 11 im ynu ril lllfn ilniiik mi vim u iii uluiy1 urn i iiinilallllik hw mul inuritlnk mill will mil in inipiiitiiiiiil tn liny liiinim yuu riimn hi njimu cotton remnants so il ciunn ii illilu ill lmlit k1iik1uhi iiiiiiiiiuiiiiii ntliir rnluii fuliri liuuil iii hi fm u y tn yjix a iwhi l hnlunliiy1 lll 75 doz handkorchlefs jit 2c each alinh iiriiljitv lj jk- ilnrrt fitta astirrlibfiittnte stray ilog sltaviji lo lli fsinlu ilia obortl m iif fiwitsr ill flra ynnm i ll- muoilma billl ukl bht liollt wei iikihos t trick store and dwdlling msiat tin two j ii1 1 jllt asma uolitkon rini ti iiimlu farm iok sale ik icbqueblmo 1 irri tut mu ull lluilatj lilt kcoo 1 ilaltitf wjntw luod lielbrd nil un lli- liuiurk i w lti lu nulultitllf ulwh ot actad i iw it uu ull ro i- lty ti- vx vmm llihtjllecah w toen plain white nuildkerclilefni hutunlay he ildoin fancy imirdeitd hundkerru honey at a priee- on saturday we place on nulo li1 tin of honey each containing 10 llwof chiiu lu iht elovtr limmy thin miuwnin nuike what youll in paying 2jr per ih fur inter atljopertlu acton flour 170 per cwt a large nupply of aclon liour guiiniliutl uatufortory by the muu- ufactuhii- for iialu saturday nt iti lb iiagn for i5c 60 lb iwgn for h5c sugar itefpath gianulated uh llw ulltjo hutliath yellow adllwi 100 5 doz corsets 39c tinen moru of cormtii iioiuti clearing ilne which were overlooked lait week all npecial vahlki lunging up to tflixi all uhu sjitimlay wc we have made our utorn a place of hi ui rent to clothing htiyent wiul emi a good ntory lm too often nqmaul surely not if ilnn liudu now hoarcm every tlinn it it la totd unil cuii ninkouow polntn clear tn them wu havu wu lie- lieve the lieiit ceanent and niotit upuwlato nmthod of- kueping our clothing tixtaut towluy qur ntock ujieaku for luulf li careful huyent who mek hm iwsit returnv for their nionny invetigato our offurlngn wo welcome iiihmmt- tlou und coinpurlnon mid tho nioru you compare our volutii with thlw of other ikiiiieuln thu trade the stronger iwcoiudh the conviction of tlm mqmrlorlty of our vuhien r if you arii looking for warmth to mrau thu- pinch of winter weather bent lire our imwfiuihionei1oiig overcoat in ithmidaiicu atprofuvklltlngpriciui kucal linen of mciiti undikiyn mwlhuu und heavy weight huiu at all plicea and iii a large variety of pattern jnut reculvel into ntock rbscott warren blk milt st acton the right house elltjlliimllu hamiltons favoi1ite shopping rlace outer garments for ladies and children a very full and completo stock lisra procured direct from ilia best maker and in styles that ore not tun in every more we direct sneclaj a tt tut ion to l he so moderately priced garments at j 50 ladlei coata mads from black beaver collar and rover appllqued with silk braid bell aloevetf um cut ing at i875 ladln coita made from pure woo tweedi in ni tar ted shades double breasted ttyla deep curra full back length at 9 50 ladiei coata of zehellno cloih single breasted style collar made with plaid and nicely mapp ed wilh same ctaih alio cufft hell sleei 3 4 length at jiioo ladies coats of re- verslhlc tweed double brestbd style phid collar and cuffs deep at 1350 ladles coals of tweed made with solid silk collar and buffs nicely stitched and strapped at 8500 misses and childrens reefers made- from navy blua t filue doubbi brexatod styld lack back nicely slllched said sleavc with cuffs at s 75 mlua uul chlklrcira iteeleni in various tliade of good quality tweeds nlca styles and all neaily l rim mod at 9500 mluea nud children itecfers made from fancy twed in various good iiov double reaiied slyls with fancy collar bell sleeves all nlcoly stripped wilh self colors and fancy valvat insertion at i3 fifi up lo tooa we sliaw a fina rango of childrens ulutr in all tlie leading wslcrlau and in a variety ol pretly new slyui and daintily trimmed olfat milt oublu hvhteh is entirely at your service ii you cannot shop in nusou trained buyer will do your buylnc and will lay out your miaey lo ilia be advniaki facilities afforded by our mall order department almost equal the advautajfci of a personal telecllon and cannot fail to create satisfactory buslneu rebuions fausi foil sale x usumiiu hnillaluit ilu ax wof 1aj blil irmiimituitf bu ul atal of u lt til tkjunjjylll uu lulll um c1mj kud kljuutlllity ir buui oil r 1w lilliljffclid tuilll blua ulaa tl ill la mil of uuitiiit liil7uil rvui cuuulf ho ll vut turo ia or to iliillum j o uj uuitllay louiviirg adraluult urui wu miuitiiiir itiou notice t0citedlt0it8 in the matter of the estate of tliomas somervillc deceaijed nqtwu u tlwu imnuibl lo it h o llavt cl 1tj if ch lht- bj hlurf buima mojiit liiu ltau of ui- um tlmmn tkinjrviiu lt it ilia tuwcalilp of vuju itld in tho couulv of haluui vumcf mlioull oil nrfcbout uitanly meuixtday of july a- i- jtul ktx juli4 u kviwl ty iot 1 u- aitmliiulralor of ilia mm tjhmd khurvlia tla on or lria uia twuigr- nuii tlay 0uibr a u ibui ibajr fauna tuld r mm ftinl amrrii4ain kiitl a lull tuunxpl of lrlieuui of uialr iiuiua tl udilnn of tiia annuity if miy likld ly uiui duly eaatuud alj u5ahjlr lliuil day tli aduitnutrmjo will lrc i u mikluu tli tat of tb llaal ulllotllf uia imulim klluuxl umnto jjlui b wu a uotfak unllettii tat ailmldlaufttai- dlj till ihth ii of ixbuuibai- a u v j sfthnt6d good ttraiiutlv for tt mi of frtill ir nrtlalilvillaj trm atimba ao in aelaamod itttrtrf ilutleu tinw ubvraj on aairy or qoniulaaiou bu w have ormb axr4 uodsr ouluxatloii uij our atoek t kuajtmhtal ta bw dallv1 til gtuml oubdllxao tr riil dlaajm wa tl ttl bt moermom ootntdato lut ofuiuraay ntock lu caiiaa to day aliplytfow pclliain nureory company tononto ont alma iiadieb gohege st thomas ont tliomas c watkins king at east cor hughoon st hamilton tho farihett south and one nf ha urcet and best equipped in canada preparatory studies graduation courseit mij a m e l iiano organ siorlntf violin fine art u locution and hiysiclml culture domestic science commercial ilpallhiett location xfodcrata charge t wen tytc con d year write for catalog uo itliv mtln waunhh madd buggies dnd market wagons anyone intending to buy a new lluiury ot market waoii this tprintf should inspect my stock tut j made vehicles they mm ileal strone and durable will wear cut two factory jobs if you ar needing any arrfaft repahlnk come rlubl here i can rhe you belter satisfaction in that una than any oilier shop in ieel orllalldrf i also have a ilrttclatt horwhhor ur header i tohcii your patronage j n oneill okohaetown a bargain im j ftces bokular loc alrtlttht tina for 5c goldoii lion thoxfirgost handaomaht and baat equlpporj storo in tht city oi cuolph purs again we uif ready tu nhovv one of thu lurgent and rholctuit utockn of vum 1 weiitern ontario lnr u nnnilier of yuam iviuit wo have immui iiialilng a teelul itudy of all that imiuiuu to thu wlootlng muklng anil trimming of 111- hoodii and we euu eonhilently loeoiuuieml our very large mul vurled miort incut ijist ieaiinn we iiold ieery ieiulan laiinb autrucliau and 0eh1t an jacket we intel cm tying over only two or throe hlpctrie syi coatak oithcquiittly with the above exreptlou every iur jucket iii utock u ulhuilutuly ew ve have them in great variety lu all the wilenbla lengthn at every pillar pi ice mul at the ei y luid valuei whlrh our jargo purchuhing jwiwer i vje r ys pec i a l r ik lallllcs iultilnhil avjd 11111rulmmki caimim nipr iijiiiinliii mm a iiiiiiinruiiiiii- lu iliiillii lurmimv mul wu am iitforluu tluun tu yuu ut 1 uivini uf fiiim ipi01 in lllki un ml k iadiioh ani tllllduknm caimitlniotin hulili kawu anil ivnliiu loiiuli jiahlu anil mlrcuk tkul null h liiruu viulety uf luukiall luwrr irlcwl kum at impuliil ji kri raill and ciiiidkfcnh lwpih and 1uiah smiiii iliar oi- jii 111 kli1iilihul lliny ijiiiiii ktr mr ladikh and nmllllknm iaiintikts and muwuln ivkuii ijiiiiii tlivy ljllill ami kliiti lr hinl alt in- now niuly fiijuur liuipiitluii an uuiml yuu aiv iiiviuhi to liuil llusiiiitli anil iiiiliiini uliilliii- iiii an- riuly tn liny nr unt p emacdondal 8c bro the lion cuelph itovwdcrwl ci urn powdered allaplct i iowdcr clc w chemtat and dlauonsr aoton- 1 a fine showingof fall fabrics trodfltu tup cftfis and iiullii 111110 rarly and i huoiai rum u cinnplota wm cuoikr ml uliiam taiiui m t kcstom utfct r 1

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