Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1902, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch agonerol bankingbuuinonu tvansaotod corroapondonco soiicitod savings ivparliimni uhmwm wlowrrt on ui uiju uul- laitatul upunnl- liii day of iliikil in tuv ji writ lull jwll no lofllljiltltl unit no dolyriii ilmultijf moury farmferh itunhnkm solkhod nolrtof ic hrtuar dittutittled ami tnoitry loiliod lor ripllmatn tmllincu pal mie4 our collection lttartmoiih ha every larlllty lor maldiitf ouil al noih harwllrd mill money advancnd on account alumival low rtr of ulntial travfdlcraaro notified llu ilia ilanl- hamilton and it llrairfhw uii circula noieaoflha wnvlncl hank of finland qmii charge or irouhu in any ut of tlm wulil hliah olficii hamilton kulabluhaj 107x capital paid up 2000000 reserve fund 1600000 total assets igqog2 juiuj tunnuull ciilllcl- b forsayetii agiint ooorrititown jjronoh the big bookstore guelph cius l heues send 10 u for miyof lti uicti oonla wo carry a hn ttotk and will mall 1 1 tent lo you r orient for wall liper through werskine our act on nfienl uhl rs- celvfl our it attention toronlo wlcs and no yorlt style chas l nelles rim hhjjm a hi va vkii sroux otjelwh b dan tct lrcss tiicksday otrroimn i iit brief local items chrlutiiina twelve weokii from uwhiy grain id coming lu pretty freely nt priuut yttf tin uciulu r iuhomrwhnt fnll- llke now furmera nr huiiy with their root cropj uow cood morning 1 lmv you gut lit your wlnteru uupplyn coal two tlocktt i wilil goeo kw on th ward tm jwut wiwk nwi town jrtwnjuiiivlnj day in two weekn arm ywi gutting the turkey w fattened p ti iomd linnua to thn jilpo initial at gudph wau carried on monday ly ixti to 1ui vilw klghuvu uf our citlzeuw tool hi thn wentent excursion to kiirnlmmv point wl tiutttweek fall wheat li looking very well jiwt now iji uiiiiii heidi tlio plant am up four or hvo inchea tlturtt imu lutn uiorot tliiin tlm uiiuiil uiuouiit of liuiiilillty tin- jmul wivkvtr u in tuiu wctiou tlm fniuii work of tlwltltfiuullttnn to tltu a0u111 ttumiiiif co wurkh iu ltowtcuj up to the fou hit iliun tlm ijullft aid ofkunx church am hiruiikiok or u hot dimur on ttuinkiiklvlii ivonliif from 0 to h oclock imtlculiirw ihut out cilluiiim luid two liouru of the jrkttritrihirtorrktttttdii wovo luul for iiittny a niontli thnr wiui uomuiiik iimiwi nt thu iownr lloiumt mptro iuanj of ioctrlc curront aw pjtutititly wultiup tlm 1ihliicllim to ten contii pi uhu wttitti ritomuiundiml by tho rirn atut ijkht onunltti4i of thn council four inontlih k- tlialckartlt lamlly ut mnitlclan rtul hwlhu ilill ulitkerj kwt a nnlquo tlittl vitry nnjoyuhlit tmuutaluuiaiit in tlm hiwii hull lut fvilnf undttr tlu- ituiilnf of ht allunti church kvtry farmer who huw wtodlo dukwjmir ih prximihi to deliver iiw immin un tlm fall work it over u iu ktmerully iwliove that pilceo will rule higher at the luiiuiliiif of thu cool weather tlwn they will he nt jjirlht- luu mr wtn henihtriiel uuctloiioer ojuiun the wiimiii for fm in utock uileu in thlu vicinity ttn tueluy hth octolntr fit mllijhrtt day for mr ilrock hwackhumer who will k p farminu and ivuiovi to ttowtumu con iu n auction balu liuoitftmll tfiohivv lirtrn otwiiuit nihi of utihk iuipleuieuta and nuudrleii thn ltkrty of llixuk hwtfckhunmr lotltl cull 4 kwpieuluu hnluut one ocloek teruw wm ami under ciudi over that amount id inouth eivdlt no ivtaerve win heiuutitiil nucllmur nliws 0l local import coimnuiilun terviop noit survly- tle mi union m knox chun h m ill lx held mxlhnuuy tun iilnj- lnuiititory wnliiii n ill hm i idy ilihik anil on m hi lay urtriumm at llun u 1h k uv a i hmjui ii 1 mhi rtehl t the iiiday oveiiin iervii n umtryoonaanulhan llurxlan hvli clutiiikhi of ht maryn oniqlhl the ulpit of the ltaptot 4lmivh on hiimhy nftirnni hii pinion w joyd hylhe o tlnii in inivei- lo an m- fr aihtaviie in the itiioh of u new elliiuli at hi mitryn the oiktv lloii the vidlliitf iwolor a lilml donation clm an tin t it today hy iijial tinimj fiom fei 4onniui hy the tldidlf i jimum chih the- una chaiuplon- hip ljulijntjm internuhliaui tei ii wlir lie 4iaii1 iwtwisn lvrunw and ohaua nt i ovhmk the xln lvlv aemim lai nv kud lvtlinilllf leiivtmtomnuiiil lllti tleknu for thecal ni i trip are 41111 and arnuood rtuitifuu hy any train tomorrow al altmltim llithvht kuvl st allianit chinvh pr ntl mi un- tihiially attiacllvn itpmitfincn on hnn- day ti ita harvest ftlval drew tlie xkllfully iiriaiik oinhlimtlon o fruit flowent vekelihleu and uutiii mail viry pntty tint coiikiikttioim weii- hity 1 wti inorniue mid nveiiliik and the i- moan hy vv j ic h m a the rector wm appropriau and inlpiitwive the olfertory whu riuclhlly hlwrau hlnre the iiuddeii death of liln wife hid april and tlmiatlwquenlltnakliik up of hlx happy home mr i a iannilmvker utove dealer and tin- kiiiltli luui lutii nuuttled ho ha now decided ui dhitom of hia hmdnekii mid until lie ikth urtolur will ieu hl tiuick ofjitomn tin and granite warn iit actual rnwl mr ianualtecker hnw taleii u situation in ouelph hix feumval from acton will imi much re- kljltl mr c c huikiil luui pur- lluumd the tonhi and raw niaurlnl buddn dktii ofrivw v cufko the cluulph mltllcuity kivcij jwn- tirulimi of the midden death at hla hotne in guelph on the mnniin if the lilth hritenlmr of ilitv w p clarke for many yearn an eiitistuetl i wellknowir citizen heart fullurewaa thecauwe mr clark wnn traii joiiriatlint iuidjviarfocoii- ttjhulur to agricultural uud aplriud jnuriuilu ueutu ixiru in coventry kntthiud hi hill and wiui the uu of hev vin clarke one of the pioneer uereatoiiai uiiuiutem of outurio lara day auhuio tamm murgr a uiawt mcellnjf of the luteal ilraiirlt of thelordu day alliance will 1- held in liiioi church next htmday oven- iiik th iulit at the chuui of tlm veiling bervire the roiikrkatlnnu f the varioiim rhurcheii have lieen invked toauiuhle tlieiv tijwui the hwte of their remctlvii wrvlcei tdii mrvlce will lu conducted on llneu similar to the very iurciwful niand nitin- lield in the mot hod i a church liuit spring ilrlef addrtuuh will iki liveivd hy thn jut ii torn and othlni k4ultiiir r nkt wtk jreut ireiarationu uio iwing mudtt for tlm iiumial eitlilliltiou mf luuueu ing agricultural society to iwi held at oivorgetown next ollday and tuesday llth and 7th iiiht attrae- tlvo priyea aie oherl in all depjirt- mentii and the hall proinltuw ti ito peclally intireslilig tlm leading feature of tlm fair on the hecond day will lte the vlalt of the haltnn old iloya of toronu ivlw will in niianicd hy the famoua ihth llighlandu ihiiul georgetown will put on her hi ighteht holiday dreuij in honor of the viiiit the illghlandenr hahd will give a grand roncert in the drill idutl in the eeuiug uhirh uill lw well worth attending no clirilt bttuvulmk the toronto newa miyii the hwal dialeru iu cigiretn have hy inhtual agreement given up tlm wile or tlm vohlnnaik their action linii the iippnnul of eeryoue iu town judging hy tlm return lu wo have heard it wcaihl imi jioor millcy for anyone to idait uillintt clgareta iu tttihtiwktitntllmtnrtnnnir73 would la ippreciuunl liy hundreds of citizeuu houmdealerti here are itecoiu- ng rather jimmlwciinuu in thertuitt again if the ngeu of the liuli on the utrttu who indulge are any index it i reported that iu cleveland ohio the tin ii ue tat men have organiul a eruwide agaiuutcigariitii and art plac ing antlcigaret hfuratuisi in all the factoritui the piiriicioiui hahlc hn laconm very unimpiilar there okcluvblhy j ii llaiulltnna kletilutl monu luental woika at inrlph ure now taking iudern for li unite and maih mtmi to u mt up t h ut iulurl priceii with the tipludid new eltxtrlc and pneumatic nuuhiuery udaenumltthinentia aide to execute frinorind lntlr svwulhtiit lire tofoiv and lu onhf to keep the litathilieiy luiiuing itteulil very hlw pilieit aii lieltm given for uoil oilerl imu call at ihowotuor dnp a raid t j ii jluiallton uimlph itra tllhl couol anuxvoklka 4 obrmc cold u uu0ynuiiuia nu tv 1iuujuj iiu f lomt ilia lft ffiftt theiv wlia bad home oiiilng yhtenlnylhn mi lg wild of main hlnl hniiighl id i jihim a omg man of iv tt yone home from ikmiketmii ulliv he iliiried tht if d left fool at theiulpnii maly evening willi a jiiiarilte iiriuiipjinlnim young wllihi uent lo coigotown on u fkight iialn leaving hueat 7nl wii hey anlvd at the vidle hld wiii jumpil olf ld tdiipd ami lil- tool w- aught lyaeir vvhimd niilrrudie1 to u jdlv hi ilmliiblip irnwimi tolhe chul iiiiiim wheie ii iiay of arton and mr nixo f jeogtoun ampiilidd the injuid gallon rd the foot aukerudnenofluly and geulle- men niemltimif ailnn inlm luh uent lo hoi on hjihirduy artiuioou for the iwurn uateh ullh ileoige- towna chili karlileaiiievldentlydoioi li playing on iti m n linlii wlmu ceoigelowu leiently viulled acton they were defeated and on thin oi-m- hlou acttm had a ulinllar exwi uln ilttt pla y jia4 al wan u u i u- 1 j 1 h w i jkokotown acton choe ii dr jf tjiwhihi i ii m wetllealdm j ii wallace 2 ti hhwlulllie ii r mrlntoidi dl w ijiwiiin lw htaik ii dr wauon i 0 ilavward 0 ii a itiiiiibuvii 2 ajlckinniiill j haul at jriy i personal and social vlhltllik f i mu lauihmltli in sagiuau- mich 1 mix iymiiu v frlnd in cudpli ihixuk mr i frumu vului r in ha nla dining the week mi klla ii kid of hamilton l thi kilnl of mr alexhorord ml vl hull of chiirhvillem m lay with a ton hi- mrx jiw hid tin- t- nrmlinr eiaiple of ujmilm at yalrrmlh mr mm ray hoimrvihe rauiu fmni 111 iitn lh wi lait 1vhuy mm tim c miume u vinltlng fi i hiiii hi clair mirji and florae- cnl iuijl wek mr chati davldtu nod ida noil went to tmonto on a uhort vldl mm dr mrkeagtmlaou friday for hii ago to ylnr r umu theri for a ueekoimi mr itd miliiu electrician k a few dnyx during the week with friend at day city mli ma hun ihiiii of tn k toal 17 total ii oenrgntmvn 1 1 up v mw konyetlil mlw byii i mra dim- i mm ilavill ii mlaa mrleod 1 mhui k ilytei 0 ml wetheraldo mru hohneii 0 muoi 11 mckay i mlua neluon hladld iljrferdl mm mcthall i ttxk i h total ii ueoigidown h up uontjuiltfabirthtdvoalx oauf tlie pointer tmnniiurlng any gitjit pvent im ahwiyii exwrt i to give amne idea of itaiupoitiince we do not lie- lieve the ilimrwie or hupieidng agiiiiiuiirnl ko4lely ilteud that tile pillillodioilld coichlile thai the tlilmmv hlacl ink imlfdieet fitv pi iided iii a ilrauiploii printing of ire adv ei tiuing tlie fair to lu held lir crmgethuu on monday and tueulay itli and 7th oetnltcr in an index of what tlmy pnipohe the fair thin year to lie thin ihejijhiit and uiodieit lottuing ptutter ever utued for the iioclety ceitaluly given nn irriiififi impiehijriin the fair proiuiiteii to iki one iitwal1y at tractive ant tucceiiful and if pros pective exhlhitoiii or vlujlnnt will iecuki a flnpy of the nejitly piliittd prluu htt ilbiubl fiom thu gcuruutnwil herald pniien they will ilnd them- kidven much nuiie favoahiy iinprcnicd makeyoururraiigtinenta to attend the fair and you will llud that excellent anaugementu ami itccial atlrattionu have li ptviared the ilaltoii old tltiyn from toronto aiiouipaniid hy the ikth highlander hand will leml a feature iinhpic and eujoyahln to hiiltonlann gelierully dont judge tlie character of the iihovv hy the ji ramp ton jwniter the otllrera wen- io unfortunate in having palmed off upiii them butummafui autumn h ej umihbm the autumn rpiarterly review aervlce in the huudav kchotjla in in- i inldy an occasion yftiwclal intereul in an much mi it in rallying day after thi vitcatioua and fjoniewhut iriegular atteiidaucc of the iuntuier luouthn tfie ftilljrdliy iicrvicchtiit hunday in tlio methvditsnndny hcluml wan an occasion of iwcullar hit ereut the atteudaiiqu reiuduil over lim and coin- 1 prlsud a cmudderfihle nuinlar or the iiarontu inemlu of the home de part nmnt and the cradle hull the tftlcera of the udiool uuw awiluted very acceplahly hy the church choir andkundaykchoolorrhiidia tluhmg wrvlre and roll call featurea were very intcdtlrig and tlitttvhw pmvwl very conrluaively that elyective work ia ihiug done in their hioct hy the excellent tearheni of tliiu ichool the mhnol room wait very pnltily decorated with fruita lovveni autiunn leaven grain etc very cqiu- prelieinive and tntereiiting review wrvice wnn liuld in ivmix hunday hehool mr i uynik hupciiu- teudent and mr john it kennedy hy carefully protouudcd ipieidinnu elleiteil iiuwer fmni the iichotnni which tdiovyeil that the lewma of the pjmt tpiai ut on the journeyin of the x chlidiiii or iraetn tli had iweii well taught ami ivmeiuliei- ih the ujmcial hyinmi aiid iiunic by llui oixheiitra gave an added liitereut to the wrvice cniiwsons coimkts a e tun ilhiidratiml hy one hundred hue iioptlcoii viewn thrown on a largucunvaa will lie given hy ltev v ii ciiirtihitmln the mithotlist cliutvh on friday evening ortolier urd the wnbjertnnfthvdrcttirirwi i fimr rvtnir to thn cohmihliin lrhlhltion nuil thn magnllltent hulldingi and other tutei- eiitiug featured of tlie celehiated white city wilj iw iijen to advan tage mm morgan crevuton in- in very il at present her many frleuda hope that idle will ioon im around again oadvfl f nitar tooth a family uvant ttiiit dmj hot al ways udutf unmixed joy itahya llmt tooth dnrti not coinn un announced inllnuied gmmi and hu- uiired dlgeidion pnaluce a fevet inh and fivtful comlltlon altont whli h tlm mother often feela tuncern tlm hahy imy or mm leorge mitiivgni of huinllton out waa trouhled ft itli tllarrhoja when teething am wan trout and mdlim lie did not ideep veil and inatteni lacaine iiiiuiui the miilhur wrlttit aa fdlowa my thder hail medll own taldeta for her liahy and udviiad me to try litem i goitiriiovraitrthfter giving hnislhleth u the ituhy a tew tlmea he lhgaiijj improve and n noon vudl hj in now a hig healthy hahy iwt uccefnleloimlonuta inul mlka lly sy dia not feel well i give hill a tahht nuil he la luum all i iglit again ihihyn own tahletu uplace with givab kdvnlitrtki-rtid-or-fiil-hhj-olhef- natituonu gtlplng drilgm they mveel- n the htoiiinch pllet the netve mul at dm lviilinit of local hvurtaiitt thifuii pitiui herewith piihllulnw an albitrnct of the ontario gaum lawn giving the open datea for hhoolilig familial game iu thin locality luith dateu given itelng inrlniiive in every cane ddcknftept lt ui dec lllh itsmr and awanu hept loth to may int crouw hepu ifdh to hoc lfith harea hept lml to dec i til iartiidge hpl 15 to dei lq4li hut may not lui luiught or uold lie fore hept itli uhi rheaiiiuiuxept lath u dec 15th quail oct inih to dec lauir hn1m kept loth to dee- loth woiulcock hept lltli to dec htth hipiirrtdu i duck and grey hept lrtli to dm- irth mmdimii jan ibt u may ut bonjr stoey iuitwonmtlatu acton uriwhilucluh have wen nil the ijidell coucirt co for um o their mpulur euteitalunieuta in the towir-hll-tvii-hntnrljfflr-mvriiiniext- tlie piograiiiuie wlllln glvuu hy that union or clever uvlltui ml mailetln iidell one of canaduh leiullug and j intent a few ihtya during tlm wmk at falrvhw place mia iiwaiit nlckliu peiil u few daya duilug the weiik with frleudu in ilerllnandcuelph y miu fred woialhind waa thi guiwt over hunday or mra jennie ii camer on itiimt cottage mr w ii harriaoii of ninum-oii- thelake uui a gilent at falrview place dining the week mimi miller who inr iwsu iitendiig a month with frlenda in tortniu r- turned home thlu week mlu tlvllu hupluuwm went to karnla laut week to upend a couple of weekn with fiieud then- mlui cvtrrlglll who hau heeti njwiid- ing a few diiyn with frlfiuda in toronto retinnwl home thu wik mr kllidia lane or ipiodiig iu ahout to give up fanning and v id move into town pext week mm w i tlimiimnu of craud itapidii mlchlgiin iijwnt monday with mm montelth and mm orr mr auif mm j cainpltell of battle wuah upent beveral dayu at tlm home of mr ii mcdougal thewkt week mm h e mokerrlheii of tuwiiiui upent a tew day a laut wek at the home ofher father ivinrlpal t t mooie mr and mm h trout or ihittalo n y neivttlm guiwui of mm mon- teith uud mm orr a couple of dayu hmt week mr thoiniih mrmackon left on hnu unlay for purltnlu- to attend tlm fuiieinlnrmiiiialiiy wright daugiiter of a f i inner nelghltornt uockwimwl itevn h a mncpherun and a k hinitli ii d nttenilm tlm monthly meeting o georgetown mlnixteriul amaichitlnuiit fjeoigetnwnoir mdn- day mimillerthahointon who went to chealey on a vult home tiiue ago ha decided to reiuuln theie for the present and a attending the high kchoof there mum maggie khtttlrfipent a few dayu lant week with her uncle and aunt in tonuiui him aluo vmuhi tlm xhuif pupiln going lo uruu at uellevllht whllothey were eu voute at thn union station mr aaa hall went to penetiiug on fiiday loupiiul the wlnur with hlu jumi mrz a ilall and family tito old gentleman iu in hit tilth year and natunilly fedn lilutbr u iwi failing ie luut winlieu of hid many frleudu here follow him hfwan accomatilod the trip hy mr j c nelum who ualnil a few day it with thn frleudu at penetang nassaoawbya mr ievl iculey merchant lujuittlng imiw iiioileni front to hln nuirej mr j it mackenzie luui the contract and hovlng the vvork forward ir thouinit ktoreyii hint new two rey hrlck honw in hearing comple tion the contractor mr j it mac kenzie i iniidilug the carpenter work it in very hue home and a credit to tlm huildem the new concreu lioinui of mr i it wiluoii at kiiatchhull u daily growing nkyuard the jout of the wamnd lloor were laid laut week and tlm wtillii will iumiii itn ready for the roof j ft mackenzie 1h tlm carpenter t ltev mr flagg whohaulh-niivend- ing a iouple of vveeka down the fit lawrence will return thu wek rally day wuu a fiiirreajj at klwmiur hunday hfhmd hi uplte of tlm lin- liniiniulng weather the church wau lwantirully decoratiml ulth whito llowem a feiitniv of the wrvlco was a review of the quarteru rwmnhhy the primary clnua mimitrila- of ouelph upent hunday with mm john kitchiug ituu iv4ualuuiuillilmdyd lotk lautthumday miku itura wlbuni and mr jatuen iauterhronk hotli nntiagaweya get the most out of your fo oil you dont and cant ii jotr l o irh i wottk a cak ttonihrli d- n o otili- crt all tliat la ordinarily i- in n int it it ktu tired eaally uid wlttl it faitu vt uct hi wtl amonktlin plena of a hrik i pumrli ara liimaainrba alter rating it- j of m-r- voiih lsdclm nil dltjo nltu lwlch- irnr i kavb been ttuubuu wltil 1 j itala tor yrir ml irlnl rvcry rnnnl i ithi iveric nylhlax dial rvi l ltlrf unlll i took iikmi ttruiriu 1 rnm tki uu iiruli tkohlgbly llm ihi il lii i1omi i mlmnyu lakn it in llxt litii it all al wimilit iwa u wiumhu it w a ntiunr illlflvllu- tut hoods sarsaparilla huniiftliiiim ami unv lai ruannrh and tlio uhd likeative aysunn direct alniur iri oa cv v u him cimtdn xdativc bromc aininc tia importation just to hand ihnner seta rum titm up toilet llstltjm j 00 bi tea iu turn ijim kcnmnnlxn- our xlisit ihcrn autumn llnlm colon ul illun iii mini naled ltoc cin tllun- vt ilia noted tea stohi and ohika tauce 7x mccrk qtjmlfh qrat clothing values wc consider the worvl viiik- to he a combination ol excellence of uahiy and reat oiiahlcik of prizu jmd when we say great clothing values v tncati in extremely low price attached to mens and ijoy cjothini of unfpiestlfan- ed all around excellence here they are boysj suits mens pants a no gohl but an abundance of warm comfortable and strictly uptodate colotliin at the -i- glksgow house teniji fluunigau a aweet htiprnpi whohiuiluid a hrllllant career in a vai ieil and luiwidlamuiuu wilectlipi of nuutlhuu yt mi pi mug wmig and utuiylu iildi ceruiaii mlcii and ollwr dlu- lela niautly hcoteh childliooil lei la maihtly hcoteh childliooil j ue kfoiiinch iiihl hie neive otul imltaliouh and clever imprniatloiih jv healthful- blet p they aie they will eutei lain the lai ge audullje k lo outalli no npluti mid wild hit li autli ipated vlll git them miuu uidli in not a utialtger to an acton aildlenie hav lug aiparhl with mlua caldwell tlm hell known biugee at nun of our fait night couceru wveial yeitmiko to lie auolutely haimhiii if ynlil ilrtlgiflttt doea not keep thtlll you rah ohtitiu a fuluixo lui hy mall poid valil hy wudlug iliu to the ih- wuliama mlulue co ilnukville out- nrhilmnerlady n v absolute security e- coriulno cartels little liver pills iiuwt bair slantur ol 1 for month past we have been planning and arrange- ju lor tlie fall and winter trade upon which we are- just nterinp carefully selected pjoodn of every description from far and near this and the old land to satisfy the require ments of what we fully realize will he a record season in the history of our business all qoods of foreign mapulaciure have been bought directly from the old country savint the wholesalers profit and all canadian goods have been bought on the closest net cash asis we are in a position to oiler you better values than ever before and they are iresh bright goods no wholesale warehouse cleanings or ko called snaps we want all the ladies to sec our range of jackets the styles are decidedly new and very becoming and moreover they are very comfortable garments vvc fully expect the large seasons trade in jackets we havehadforscvcrnl years we are particularly strong in childrens and girls cloaks in fawns and blues they arc particularly attractive and the prices are a surprise our range of dress stuffs is now complete we are stronger than ever in blacks and you know what that means we particularly mention the pirle cloths as the newest in blacky a new lot of homespuns to hand this week in the very new greeri casts homespuns are a very strong feature and we are fully prepared you will find aliyour favorites in the hosiery ue- partment fine plain cashmeres heavy clastic ribbed cashmeres ribbed worsteds and fine soft ribbed woollens every size from smallest to largest in a wide variety hos- iery is a very important department and we believe our record deserves your confidence liyln hull rlu 7- b ny j piw kuiiji fiom irj to wul lny llulwlw i il- uur- hlt1 am ki kklil fmni ifmw to h r m-uvrui- kulu from jfilwi uyllfmi miim trui m11h11 ri111 0wt lo i2u miim vry linn witimlil kulu iii lilmk ami hlihi ft1111 910imi in h1iu0 lutyn ltrin ut hmu yimi in iiiijm irul ovintili4 ill fiiiin tn tfui il ilii mm- l i ililllu nt ytimuill win hi iji aiiilniuluiil 1iililu ill himi will wirtli jimi mimlri wnn hi mul ir- 11i11i ilililiint smo ull w111ii1 irui a inliif llinu icuiilii1 ut iv 1mi1- mill ilv lliiyulln hiiu mill w iiil rmiliiil7viiliilll mlirildllyllllllll olll- viryiilyuiihjilftoiiia7iu iami millu hmli- oiiiviintii in ijiuu mul liliu- 11i fiiiin 8ivi ti klicii an inspection will convince you that we have great clothing values e h bollert co 25 mul 27 wyiidhitiii st iijeilii tor vour v it furniture meds avtry lill una iimii it 111- 1 j a sfrturrldi cuolph 1 vim will mliiiimil 11 tin- yiirlily n rliusn nuiu 11 ul tiio viiv liw riih iciu while buying hosiery do not forget our busy shoe department nothing but firstclass goods every pair guaranteed as represented no trouble to show you the goods every man or boy can now find at least twenty suits his size to select from in our largiest department our clothing there is nobody we cannot fit and fit perfectly our prices defy comparison and we stake our reputation on every suit look through early while the range is complete a swell new range of boys and mens caps just to hand see them also the newest thing in neckwear and fine felt hats no trouble to show goods in any department hoidersoirsrgo juucl st- kctom- stirring tirnqs in dress goods im iaka os uuz carters toe mjuuear iff ronunuu roi uuoiuai f0 tolfid uvu rot ootirtio roi uuow tutl roi thtcoaruxioi 1 w cuhc sick iieadaohl- at tlio doizsrler cos all t hliu l the einphaidn will ih on drw huulu willi kttc1 u utk ouru lu theri will lu- 11 wide latige of choice in drea uiuulu uud in divuu flndink ah to lirlct you have only to we tlm gimwlu we olfer to rwcogniui the hig juducjinent thiio in to ujieud our money hero tor 1 20 ijtdicu fine illaru ilroadclothu u inchea wide all wool z 1 woaded umud pric loj for 13 cheviot in llkirk ii right and tllouiy wmil ftl incheu wide the very lnt unllty our pi ice 41u far 1 io idich fine hhlnar curl cheviutu fid inches vide a big wller lz utlfnrwll for 760 another cheviot un incheu wide warrunt dye eitlra heavy 111 iiml without lining f upon the fingers of one hand jewelery jaiouuh m com jlioiimaiul ordullamooukl lw pluccil iucli a diiplay would ho 1 ulnar fiownor one or two of ilited itcauiiful ijhmnnd itlnt will provdcutiiclonlly tuiraclivo anil ilauip die uciref an a pertnajifl of ood lastc w ton iliouinn a cliaimliik abiorlnifni of ilnjlc nnj coitihinalloa clous rlnc flkiiukllcly ut hi iejil nirnuoiia and ojul tim u4juk at ul tbu ibii jaa prod ucd ou uud dth renurk- ahly haiuliome 1 is9aeb of majihiaoe licenses open to the world 1902 the 56th annual 1002 xhibition of esquesingtnsictnrrmraxfrrtett will bo held in georgetown on- monday and tuesday october 6th and 7th specikl httrkcti0ns 4htii hkuilandkith hani and lllkhs in full div0 iiaiton ouliovh fltom ttjuontt wlllaruve hv peial train at lm p in iircomliaiiiiml hy the highlaiulera llaud and 1ipini mid pincneil to liark whihm an aildriwt of welcome will lie given ami nipornhd to hy win laid law 1y ic c ireiddent and othem itackh v for an ojven trot also liheral pi iyun fm- raiment rnr llire- yearwihl roailauru nlow racea etc hplendid hat or ijteiialii hpkciai fkatuuk in tiik maldvvill he the exhihil made ty the orgtowu horticultural hoclely uhirh will lw inlere1 dig and nutti uihv itallway ilatkh11 t u will imiueidiigle taiv tit let- u 7tli lelolwr aiul a fare and ointhlrtl on the flth gooil to ieturn on the htli cloth w10u for 7i- tailor made uultti worth fop s146 covert cloth all the newet wluuhw for 140 ih tlila lual and iu thiihi uhadtw luidm tlm riiovo we whow ad followu wli tflthi w uw all worthy noodd td ug vlima foist 4q- uuight after ihlllnea i i iuwn ki liuicy j 7c hllpia rlc foi 50o we have made thu the plvnt hue hi oiir liaigdiu kl tl i heavy chovlnu l inches wiije in hrowiiu givyu gtxsruu thn il value for much morethati fiiw yytnouh ut make wltlmut liulng ohlldrvua kiillai i inched for35g ailuumvudirtblojlue h ami jiiht the thing for lrl wide in all the leading bhathw for 16c- foi 25o v iniide onli prle fo 1 goiaic rythlug ut ik and dow hatlop4n find evening udiulmdon niinmeinhei 1 id ceuu admission 20c j grand stand froo ii wilson j meukiin l giitant president vicxirrcflidont scmtnry litfctolt4t j ilarily ii 1 clink h j lomi j a tracy n cllliet 1 flvnii t cool h ii metilhlum j n ontill iita lih tttm mrlahml dr nixon 11 i mtore i omhai choice upon choice in wool llhathlugu lvnch mauiirlii wtudlhtlafutatul fancy waut materlau we have jmd tiomi into huuk aiutther whlpmeiit of the itauiutlful yoiklw in new dtudgtwat inleet icwt titan tumul to ouitu a cola im on dav xit t lllalla uiciua ithe do1stler co of cuelph grand promenade concert iii tin- llrill klnil un tin- iviiiiiii nf tin- fill oiliilur icnlii liiliiiiiinl tuiuliiliwt liy tli will lll iiiiiiii will iliiiiiiiii mul iiiirin 1ln- ihnurillillilii will lw till iuliii iii ifilin lilllilii nil tliiliiirinl in iliiiiuili llii- ijiiiil kliiri nf wlllili tin- pivui willi lliilultiillililimiluiii kiwn ii 1 llllw tlllh yilll will lulmtu tlniil admission 25o itoservod scats 35o chlldiun 15c i iinriltlitlliivlinl iillilip 1iiii- liuliiiuiiiilliillmi in 1 iii ml n i itiii y iikuu n

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