Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1902, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch agononil bunuingbuiiinohu uunauclod conoypondonob solicited saviiipxiicnartuimil tl oni utili ty 11 ill hlll iii i ml l hwin finf ilv il wllluliwj nil li tlcliyn in ilruwlui minify yarimirs itiisiuiss sullcllmb noli nf m jwilliillllii ljllilil lllmouulml mill nullify idllntil lor ikiiimiln inllllni lilfuuid our collection pmwlnusnt una fivury facility inr nmliliiu uiiiil rnlurns fall noltw lljuillnl mill nidiiny uilvjnctiil mi nrxmint h urc inililinil ll llnmilltiii mill lit hi uiclm ilmih clrcub noidh nl ilia irivlticl il iu11u of liiikuml llullcil wliql can lu cllltll ulllllinl lurrti ir trmiiil in my pirl nf tlm i i1had oliich hamilton kuublklil 1dvu capital paid up- 2 000000 reserve fund 1000000 total assets igqog2 jaux tuhmiuui cllllor b forsayeth aount goorgotown branch it the big bdokstor guelph ghas l helles soml 10 ui for any of lie lueti bools we rarrv nhik stock ami will mall ill e ill to you orders for wall iiper tlirotifh w erskine our acton ajtenl uhl odva our bot attention toromo price and now york styles chasl welles nil itiu va fa ikii rrotix guelyh sciic ctdit xtt tyxts thuiwday octohku 0 10ox brief local i cms thnnkfiglving duy- next thum- duy uockwood hhow yentviduy won largely attended a good deal of wood iihu chunked huuda during the week apple picking i iwpuliir employ ment in many fimiftura now niooutnwiiyrtkxlliultlihi will iw held next tliuivdny thunkigivlng day tim hoard of education wll 1 nret nxt mo ml u j oiuuing in regulnr uowdon you could count all tlil- empty houuiii hi acton at preient on your hi gel a mr peter mcglll hiui wild liln farm lot 2d con 0 krin to mr arch ilmil for wuu1 a your lut huturduy tlio juniier moom luonuuioiit was unveiled ut falrvlow w ii storey t hon uro crowded with order they urn miming tint glove factory overtime hovund peach trtfen in town liavo vtiry good cropj thin waiion iome- wlmt rare for thu end tif tint county at liutuitiiiih court of rovlulon wutyfour mitneti wuru ndtlwl to tlio vouicw lut und tlilrtyonn ulrucuoff thn piout of the tnrtuyii will en nip lbjuilhnlnk oay tliiu year they hicvent ot into luiiiik condition yet tlio employ- of w ii ht orey und himwhi hold tlirlrwcond nntmal tvuiltou in the town hull next wed- nmtdiiy oyenlnk- a mtuileut from knoic colleft will piviich in knoic churuhiiext hunday in twlliilfof the mtudentii mhuiiotmry bovloty nuxttliiiuljiy will lu our nut um- k1 tlinnlihklvlnk day lt mi ui tlumkfill i earnent thuie ore ninny rtuwoiih for friitllude uev w ii ournluuu ii a will lvo nti tlluntruted leclnro on a vlnit tuthucaluinliliulklcllt hi the ijrlcu church next tnewluy iiveiihik oiiuiluir uth one hundred linn ulldeti will tut eyhlhlted in rnnheinioiiciiiiftlie hiiiuii nuin- lkr invhent cm tuewlay uvenlrif mr wiilliicn would take thin opjioitunlty of iiuuintliik a full attendance of the inuuilwiwof thn uwcinl choir at the rehtiiittid on triilay evening in the iprehliytiiliui thiucli thu linmial meeting nf the arton ihanrh lllhln uneiiily will lui held in thn ivtihhyteilan tlminh next tuewlay evfiiliik- llcul milutera will diltver iuhuhmm and the wchil choir now hi tialnlnn under mr j 11 wallace will hike pmt uulkv laokacbd w okcltual ukuakvairr troods abu not ouallantajkb o economy oh quality otiu iuikijr of malt brcakpast food mkku a mul roi twntyrtvrf rmu while the nitmufartunu of mult iliviikfuhl koodilo not claim to nvn the pu die lie iikmi hulky packuuo nf fnl timluluuuultlvujitjitj thai one package or their rehihilted foiwl will make tuiie an uiaiiy nieahi for the money an any other film on the inaiuit in addition to thin ecouonilcal feature mult lhvakfiiit kim id li vantly uioit uiiiuihiiiiik foi yomik uiul old teiw or thoiiwuiilit of mem coiulder it thninoit dellrlouh and apiitklnk of all hreukfiikt kudu foodn imiyulclium mid fixvil exjuitm iiay it in a true health ulver liiirtiia evmywheiti in auada it 1 1 mall llivulfuhl 1vmmi the fiutll hii-i- if you have not vt kivcii it a uiul a fur it inbvs op loatwort iubllu lllirurv oonrtl moountf a iu ut lh iulillr lllnuiy hunl i i hie i lull i of a 1iihllc ltllik kin ioniulltl to lion ily uil muuluy iiiik and ot inliopoi taut imtli ulll i- hod on 1ililay ii at yhtht oviwkhi ilmllhniy impruvtil hi iiallomo i i cm iii i iii 11 inuiiy ufthi iliial i i i in liuu mill liiml iillii il lum iiiiiv lunikl hi hllilii l 11m iiiiiiin on john ml i inn liurt lininiiliuit hiiiiot- iiunlk uiul uuy ii in iilni iiunl fiiuii u iluy uiul it liulr ti ut vi n ntiiry luilliiik i will iiiimi u iiiiuiliii illiti iiinf all iiututtu piiuyji ullli luiliiiiiy nf niloiiliil lli ujll mini n ii unit uiul tin ui lil mi uilll iil ulll 1 inlrt wliiii tin hnpimiimnhi uvn iiiiiiilit mlmrlumiimnuilmuivii wry llni 11 1 1 oturntl fwtii caiiiu ttie-artontt-iirrmmitrttityortht-airk- tvkhikiitwhn hietilcinnput niiikaiii otithe- ijike rolurued home on katui- mnyeveninkhy the tlm t huvhitf iwen on thn voud from elht oclock in thn lunrnltik- imy me all pnlty uell and enjoyed thilr kcptemlier cjinip ekuiienre they emliitvd plenty or wet heather hut only one pmade wan lout thitiiikh vuln it huh a iry iiiiitruetue ramp and the new drill win tau with tluiroilkhni tm thn chief idea in it apparently hi to hriiikout the indlvidimllty or the dif ferent men your thtakmirlvltiic tlnne cltlxenu kenilly ar luvluwl to paitake of tliunkiiglvliik dinner in knox church nexttliuiwlay eveniiik- a hot dinner hicludllik foul ve tahlen etc- hill lntterved at idx ochwk ami the hidlen of the church propose that it iw one or the treatu of the iieiuaiii ilenldcu tlio thaukiiklvilik dinner a linn oldfauhloued nntfrtahl- nieiit will 1m- niveii in the church ufter- wartlu the programme will coindntof iiddhfjcii by 11 evil memmi ulalr hoiktuoti mckay and macphoiiion and inuitlc voc4it and luntrumental ly the choir kundiiy hcluwd o re i put in and othini mr mckay of korval will iiiik wviirul of liln linn ftcoicli uoiik ludlden n u u luhbun with the otlirr milliliter h join a tho oanodlout ijist tiiehiluy mr tteorne ktnvel lioot and nhoe meicjiiint mill he hl one of enmuhni fniiiit diuikhteril to thn altar und the twain were joined in in holy wedlock the happy hiido wan miiui mnkkie mciiriow duufihter of jannn kcarrow icwp me of the inoiit lciqwrud yeouiau nf kraiiiona uev w c uatiion m a paator of the mnthodlit church pei formed the ceremony the hrhhil pull went to toronto hy the nvaninji train and after npendiii u few tlnyit with friend there came to arton owin to the recent lire in mr htovelii premlhen liln dwelling han licm dlnarranitd and it will lu uone tiiio lufoie tlmy uio iett1ei in theiiuiiiitiiueconkrat- ulatloiui are pouritik tu upon the happy pjilr tc i forwfciwl movainant for two week ctuninenchikthe lit ocuiiut the inemhenr7irthr lopworth league throiiifhout the mulhodlitt church who takn un inur- cut in the forward movement for idhlo utudy unite in reading the epliitleu of jiiiiuitnud peter theuithnmi upliitleti are road conuocutlvely and in many hoiniii they form the portiou of icrlpturtt for reoponulve reading thin npeelnl lejulllik ooureo in followed hy kpvynrlh lanffiiu day in the churchcii oithunday the 1th hint mid thin with a week of ovnngrllitlc witvlcen uev w ii garnhuni h a ii d of rockwoikl will conduct kp- worth ijatftin iiay nervlceii in the method tut church here imxt sunday lie williimakeiipiciully to the ohlldrou in thu moniiuk ul will uddresu the yoiiiik peoplo ut the evenink iiervlce the wonk of eviitikuliutic iurvireu will lie iqinounced later tiibladu vlaiiuiffmn canort the concert kiven on haturday even ing under l he nuuplren of the uauehjill cluh hy tht ijiuell joucrrt co wan well patronized the town halt lielng filled minn ludcil won her honom in acton uveral yearn ago uiwl nhlyiiun- udiikl her reputation on thin ocean i on hnr vurlouii nunilmtru wein of a char acter which plcaied the audience and won repeated e tirdreit m ih imannian thnnopranowdoliit wiu a new artltit in acuui hhe hau a ann uweot voice xcelhmt ruilk and ijood volume and her ueleclumi were popular and taking with u inlxel audience mlwi flannigan wan huiuu what hand lcippv owing to a inluunilenitaiidlng with refereuci to nn accomjuuilut hhe l ohll to play her own iceniiipunhucntii and idl inunlclaini iiuluriuind how dtnicidt it would w under the clrcuiniitunreii to lo henulf ju ut ice it hi hul fllr to utnle that tliti conimltton on arrange- iita wnm not reiipoiuiihle for the aluuice of uu aceouipanlht ko well plcaucd wee- the ilatin lluil cluh with the entertainment that thenn popular at hhih iim likely to lui iieugaged for onenrt at an eaily date th meethikh held hi the lluptiot cluuvh on widnenduy oct int under thn niuplcch of tin w i t if and addrefawl hy mihii kpiotile the w t u mhuliitiury to the hnuwr eainpii of algouin hern uiuch enjoyed hy tluuat ulio were pivkent in her talku miwi kproille told of the woik an tariiixl on in algoiua tile loncuoine- neiuj uud the teinptatioiiii or the lumtierineii t thn lung intervnhi u- tweeu thn vlulu of inluuioimrleii who hold the only rcllgimiit mrvlceh the uttof lhituuiupitovuv iiuvu and how vuiui him to tlie anothlr succissfui fair icuiuonlnl fair 1 ooorjctown rvdfart wllliauml wmiiioi 111 crow1 uiul kino imhlltl lillryjllt hull ill hi hi in 11 uhhli ii i lliiiiiiiiiinil xlilllllin if hil iuu alliimlliiliil ky linllliil miimliu mill til wln- nf i liln wiu ilimmli h lui thilt i ih inlli i hi ilii ui iliiii- uiul l uiul hlini miliiiini in mill iij the iitiinilmii n mini iiinilly iiiiki- mill lliiiiilili wlni ll ulll ilnilhl i- lliiiir lh pivimmi uf i i nilii imiil nf hiillnil oiil liny mill iii 1 frnlll tiiliniln iiriiiniiillll hy mm 1111 illklllnnililii llnml unu mi imlit lilklily lulkiiiilhiii mill iniitiiiilly in- jnynl tlin hull iwiimill lllhil nn mmiiluy mill luiullll lilliln uu iiltlllillmi mi tin iniihiluv h wilrinni tlmwi vulln imi tn tlui iiiimi thn nvnnhik iniullutf wim iiuuln ninrn inuiviitliik hy inimui rniiblutliik nf twi iluiau hy llnvii a i ninlth mill w h mralpln u unlii hy iii mralphli mill n wlivtum hy tin iliiuili ihnh- nil nf whlrh wmi illjnyml aluihith- mlihikiiihiulwu vluit vyiu u luxiflt- uhln nun tn thn ulilillulii uf thu w t v mi ii iih1 inliivl in thuh- win l uiul hiuiwiw thn uituiut nf thulr iiyiuth tiluiik luwwl toiniuriuirii lliuis llnv ii a mui111 llivulil- i1 ill tlui ihiiiiuk liunillllk ililrf nlhv u wuro iniiiln hy lluvu n i i iii i mil maihi uil 1 iniilllll mitn nf llluulw wm iuiivmi tu mimi hiixillln hy min mni mid ml ill i mitmi lae weio uell inhh7hth hlhltwaiieiijutlally goiu thatofthe fiuit theie ueie iome ilueeithihlhiuf wgelahleu thoiiglixhn eiitliiu of potjiloeii weie mry meagre two featllei vele injieiiay atti ac tive the exhlhlm of lueuewlyfoi mid iloitleultunil himiety and that of dr itiminf thn flm al view grecnhonnen they lent un umuaial at unction to the halt the duplay iif ladle woik unlivery good uud lielng huuted in the k idiowed to udvantnge the intiitt of u immlni of the leiullug nieiehimfcffujicliig eil ihlui in the hall wiim highly enliiihle thoun if mi irirn jarkwm ami cllwon miller t cij uere veryiuurhndinlil on tneulay the entileu or llvo utock and ouuiile cxhlhltu iuuuueucct to eome in early there hiii a full hut or entileu in horiii mid theie wcin uiany line nniiualii kheepand plgu weln well repreiau ted hut the iiliow of rattle won very dlnapp inting und wan the iimal1e him had in a decade thy ilne iierd1 which it umi complained would not lie entered when the fair wmi held at arton wi in uotlce- ahly alent then wan a very iter- eutltlrt fdmwlng of poultry- the luiut exhlhlt of carrlugej waggonn etc ieen at the idiow for yeum wiih made tlio juinclpal exhili- itorhui j k oneluiiud liln vehicle had tunny an admirer the giuiollne engine idiown hi niwrutiun hy hjadght a llmily wmi an exlithit or iiiurhi in tercut h the pioccedingnof the ifteinooil eciiied to centre upon the iiuivul and woh nine iolho ilalton old itoju they arrived hy pcial train idioitly after tuo and artei- mug infmnuly welcomed paiuded thningh the gully decorated utreetji to thn park headed hy the ihth highlander hand and followed hy three hundred of the pilhllc school piipiln each ttnft hag having lirrived nt the ititiid ktmid win mcuiul kw took the cluilr he find welcomed the oldlioyn hi cowllul tennii hack to their native heath und then culled upon the lcliohiiii who luing tn choiim the maplu ijiif und the men of the north- john h-huvlier-m-4jup- uud uceve nixon offtred further wordii of welconmnud willluni uiidlaw k c and k f mckluuon made fitting nplluii the highliinderh hand theil played cock o the north and the croud dluiieriicd to uhnke haudn with the hundred of old frlendn eager to have u word with them jottimin oitin faiii acton idioueil her intercut and nutcily feeltng hy the presence of lw- tween ikk mid uu tif her rltizmi the fiui vttkmt will give the hitof prle wimtcm in next iau the nlde iihouii fakim rtc here in uvidence hy the hcore and forun d a vcrltuhle midway the lain iu the evening interfered with the uulcchji of thn concert pollliaa1 tout of httnllob- tlie joniervatlve paiieni contained thofollowingdinpatch on friday in renponuo to uu nrguut iiemmge nun hon it l honlen i hendermin m p left today to meet the leader of tlui oppouitlon tu winnlhg- for a two weekii tnurof munttolia mr umidi-r- hoiih exhauutive knowlullgii of tlio uirlft trade uud lluuncen or canada will make hhi iiervlceii in thn went in- vuhiahli to mr honlen the phih phioih winhrn mr ii end union an en- joyahle vluit in the prairie province auction qalu nemstkn tukhiiay isrii 0 hulo of utock iiiipleinenta ami imndrlen the prourty f llrock swackhanier lot it con 1 fnipienlng hale at one oclock tetfl i if tnutntcrmntlprrmiln o vf i- thnt amount 12 numthii iredlt no lvidive win henudivet nuctloneer tiluiuiiiay imhlt 0nimu auction lade of fiifui funn ativck and imple ment the propel ty of the eutate of the lute tiioh homerville mi the piillliteii hit lil coll fi kniueiiillg hale nt one oclock 1eiuui on htoek 910 raiih and ten luouthn credit wu iiiiiittiiiirr auctioneer a qadv chahoixd tli mothset how liwasaooom pllhd a u underfill change i the ver dict of a lady rorretmondenl who wrlten uriiimiiil her little one i take plejuure wrlleu mm h ii hlckford of lien hutton que hi certifying to the nieiluor hahyii own tuhleui an i have found them a iiure and reliahle teiuedy m liahy unit tionliltl with ludtgeitlon and wnwticthhig and uioui and uuitlcku uulltllllil tn tuhletn nuide a wonderful change i think the timwly me or hahyn own tahlntirftllght iiihii many u denr little llfnandl houltl recommend nmthen toki ep them in the imiih- tjin opinion or thin nine mother in eihoed hy other iiirrenpoildeiltu iluhji own tahlctii give imrh iroinfnrt und relief to u nick liah they io lii- filuthly pioiluci calm pcarcm nleep tllitt you would nhnoiit think them a uincntlc hut they un not they are only a hcnlthglver mr chidim of any age they cannot poidhly do hnriu- ihoy uhvat dp goul may lw had fioiu huitglti or hy mall ut uv a lut hy wltw dhvi it to the iv wuumin fljjrftiw co hroikvlll ool plrsonal and social- mi uod m- ii a maphioii inv it haiulltn tonight ml john odonnghuet of htiutford vliill nieodnhero thu wk mr ndmo i k1 of huvm eik hnv iioov to acton mm n it lndmy of toninto pent mv1iul dayn in i0w11 thin wk mioichml mm i- holding a ueek ullh oeiiignlowu and anhgiove fliend mr w milutoh of toronto upenl kmiday at the home of ml jim itu 11 mr i huivwiod nf kl juliiiu new foundland in the gucntof ml uuumou pmk ave mit i hemlemon tvtnrul u liln eoiinn nt tile school of iucllml telenielant ueil- mlmi nellie midouulil of ceorge- louu iiwnt ii day or io thin wck at her fat herahniun here mr jumri wlldn jr who hud hu fltnl iioluidly li lolweek in pm- tilugvery favomhlyt dr payne hr or illchhuid lown un ivul ut kmiderluiid villa laut wiml newhiy hi vluit arton frlendn mr alex hecord arrived home for a eiv pleunaut viult to fi lendn in huy cilv mich on woduewluy evening a during her vluit to acton mliui sjiroule mhulouaiy u the lurtilwr eumpk wun thn gueut of mm jinne moor howr aal mun kthnl fouter of unlph re- turned home on tucjduy evening after npnidlug u weok at tlm houin of mm thou homitville mr ami mri john mutthnwn uiul mltui maggie mv njumdlng a few weeku at the home of win brown icwj main fjtnet itnv j li cliuidnu attainted the meeting uf ilalton heauery at hurl lug- ton hint week hncontrihiitndanjipcr on the liuite nf the church air and mm wellington hmlth have kturuu from pafln and will ngnlnreidde in acton mi- hmlth in at preitnut vinitlng hln hnitherliiduw at hi idgnhurg mm r hmith ntturml homo iftnt wednemlny ufui five vaeku tijmiit very pleuwintly at the home of lieiiuiniiiind othem frlemn in fianlt hu- marie uud toledo climbing up tlio laddof ijibt wiil mr iulvvlufromim non of excoiuirlllor frnncln who luui iwen employed with the lillaii linger co eoal mercliuiitn toronto for three yearn wait promoted to the petition of chief accountant of the herkley hi ofuyeof the nhove flrm thin in the reniilt or puliihuiklng application to hln diitleu aild the fuii piuuul him ilciniitreio xleudllig congratulatioin pintcufvmtlon of tlis loud dhv a mellattended unommmthig wiirf held hy the ijinla day alliance in knox church mi hiuuluy evening ut the clone of the evening wrvleert of the vuijoux coligiegatimnv mr john cameron iriddent occiiploil the chair hrlef iiddniuei tiiuchlng the work und liiiwjrtjuit retadtit and de- cliilouu becurud hy the alliance thn niethodii of violation or the lnrdu day and the duty of thu christian puhlie were delivered hy rnvn a k hmith h d iia htiicithnnramt j k hmldfrr ma h p moore of the provinrlid kxeciitlve and juo m wurren kecmtary o thu lornl hrunch many poliitji of iutereiit were hrought out ut the meeting mil stuffed up tlmtii thi comiltioi nl iiiniiy nwilnrfrn fiini rurrh rflpoclajly in llm mornltk ir at didlciiliyja fxperimred in ntoar- uik tho iiad nod throat no oodnr calnrthoih hmdnrhn hnpnlrn thn inula uinllund hearing polluun tlin hrratli dnrnlik8 the doiii- lirh mid ntficta tlin nppitiki to cum caurrlr ire a tomtit iioim lo comtttiltjoiialuiriiuvo qtid ionic 1 111 fr four iiniit tu willi rrttnrrt in tleud m thrtwl h1 r bad unuu und rtmj hlorxl i hal lkrinm ll- roiifbeiht wlwit uf timuaid ixiiklit a ixiltlff f ilmkla i hiii to try l 1 advlao all t uk it u lm od ait1 built ma un m heuii m- boiju wct ukkhiii n h hoods sarsaparilla ciinia caurrh it ooljw ami nuehilh- mu the tiillrotim tinoubraiiu and build up tho wluilo kyidom ilu ipikiuiv i on btry w iu bii za xaii vebfomoquioinevabl dinimsr seirs j ui rr rived itiroo cralea ol nw ilnn s vafti plii led and itlumlnqlort lo in- 0 50 ho oo 7 00 11 oo 8 oo la oo 0 oo dried kpples wf will tuy hltfliot rkr fic hdld garpet in i rii 1 a tho hotod tea 8touk cuina palace xl oublpu the golcjlen lion tho largost hnndaomost ond boat equlppod storo in tho city of cuolph our voif otrnulv imrcluw in lui moil oijuimh inr uud lllme wuul vxxtum ilmiald nuro hmii llun wt ht ulln lo lo llil vrdliu oveil amy th uufpmeiil a nhort tlmo ao wo am rmwilnl wmu dun i nvcr hav vlil uji lltn illiulioti uiidcmiclndcl imi llm nuly way to tmwl ihla eniif li let ulo hm adjolulni llimr m prrlrn imiriipird liv carxt lucf cumin and ulnll to fjcllliuta u mluin drcldrd on a ijctiftrfl ulti if ir cirjw16 v want ihi mjurfi m liadly ond xiiicl- ly luat waited prnpund lo lucrificn on tlin cirimlw in irt iln in out iiilcl hrrna u lo luyr kh lo our olfndnj furs of the largfiit and cliolcimt utoeku of fum itlli nn inn iviuiy l iilimi nill il iii nil ktb hiui illllli 1hi hiikiku 111 11 hiwenterii ontiirio ror a iimidhi of yenrw luuit wn have lutu making i i wh inukliig anil twuinilng of econimiiid our wry large mid varied peittlail ijtliib au trad ml i and absolute security genuine carters little liver pills i must beak signature of lfwj6ialu wrxr b vy wuq kd a toamjr carters ip tel rot ruucir mi dlulmetl rot iiuouiiem- ror t0hm1 utu fot comltifattoi roi iauqw sum rtlvmccompuuom cure81ck headaohir ualuharad l cry iniddeii death took place here hiht fiiday which liermuui of itu ndneiui him utlrrel the comiuunlt uud icuten o iierloun hnuk in the home of mr joueph allan who ivceut- ly ninovel hem from irln towuuhip almut two weukii ptevlouly mrs allan had tuin coiiiiuihi hut had he- ciuue ouite ntning iigaln when ulm hum nttocked with mi uiuiint in the tinoat riitemhllng ipilimy hhe wan ipitte diulifiiuhl on thmwuiy evening hut tihk thn uuuul lemedlen lind iv- tired aliout three ocntcu nhe invoke mr allan uud uppiiirid to lie uumther- ing he hurt ied to get her u drink of water hut hy tho time he returned to tho u-diililn- idle had expired hhe hum thirlyuoven yearn of tige mid her huulmml and eight children urn left till muailih wmo luteriil at chnrcli- hlll cemetery on monday afternoon cinuitfn luutilmi fmur thin uectlnn attended tho towmihlp uhow ut oeorge- tou u on tuculuy a drwulxu ttvlo theie are thee toininoii dincuucu iii lofuln tntiuih and ronuumptiou the flrnt and kecoud commonly go hand in hund and momtjmei a thlnl joinn them- adiviulflll tlio why i all attention to them r hhuply to tell what will euro ucit- ilia and cuturi h uud pniverlt conumnp- liou iircmdlng to incoutrovnitlhle ev ideucn it tu llthhlti hainiipiihiu i iii the fall the prtvgiwi of theae dltmiimii iu mowt lupld and we uould i aimhotluit tivatiueutwlthhlu gnat ineiuilne ik- ihgun ut one again we ai enfjm qnti ijilclal utudy of all that pertiilnw ut tl i 111 londu uull we run confidently iih mniunni tmr very iurk- iui vnnixi ii nuo it me nt iju1 ueuium we wild every pcnduii ijtiiib autraclihli and ilochiilun jacket we had carrying over only two or thrv klwtrlc utnl ciu coiimqnetitly with the ubovoexreption every iur jacket tn utock in iwolutly new we have them fn gnat variety hi all thn mileahln imigthw at evnry popular pilcit und at the very lntt valueii which our liirgo purrlimkhig pjtwe- coiiiinaiidn very special 1r iadikh fuitunkd and furtk1mmfd capiw theu- ar uampleu fnmi a mauufactuier in iwilii jenuimy und w on- offering theuri you at n uavlng of from llx ut 1000 on each garment tadifs and ciiiumifnh caphuiniisin hahle buhle and ijimh hahle uud klfctrle heal und a large variety of make in lower fnru ut popular priced iadhw and ciuidiminhl huffh and hoas haltlii lb liowunu klectrlc henl irtiy ininh ktc ftr iadhw andchiiduknh gauntijith andmufisiu ijimh ny ijimh and klectrlc heal all am unu ivady for your iniipmtlon an usual you ure inviusl tlinnigh ilid examine whether you nro wady to hoy nr not rulan prlcel ur op pikuhll to look d e macdonald 8v bro thelion cuelph the right house kutataiilimn hamiltons favoitltk uhoiping ilacb outer garments por ladies and children a very full and cnirtplcic lock hero and in ttylai that aro not urn in every i ihewi moderately priced jrmunis at 85 jo fadics coils mailo- from hlacli luoavar collar ttnd rettra appliipicd wiih uill braid bell tlctvci item i fill ny al u 75 i-aillo- coal made from piiro wool twde in aiwited hades doidilebroatlihl aiylr dep cuitb full had j unjih at 80 5a ladica coali of zululino cloil tlnild treticd hylo colbr inada wlili plaid and nicely airapp ed with aamacloih alto cuffu bell ilvei 34 length at in 00 ladle 1 ciai of re- xenililc iwmi doutilo hrened stylo plild collar and cufli deep at 13 joladies cono of iwcl mads with solid illu collar and hufti nicely hitched and i rapped at ll 00 m1bi and chlldrrtno iteefen mado from navy liluo procured dlrecl from ilia liet mater ilore wo dirfcc spfclat ntenllon lo f here double breittled styl tsck bacl nicoly uliched and ahsavva whhcuiri at is75 misus and clilldrivi rmlora in varipua blwri of riwwl quality twedieka lyu aiul all neadv 1 rimmed at ivoo mii d cliildruia hwira madd from fancy lwodi la various cood iliodoa douhla neaited uyut with fancy collar hell tti all nlcdy strtpod wllh ulf colors and fancy vvdt inurlion at tjtifl up to i9 00 wa how m fine range of children ulmra in all ihe lajdlotfinaleflala and in arieiy nj prvily new tlybs and daintily i rimmed ti mail ouiieic hvkvtm- ll entirely at your service il you cannoi shop in rxrton trirul buyr will do your buylnn and will lay oul your mney 10 ilia heit advantago tlia ibciuiim afforded by our mall order department almoit rqml tho ajvauiaijm ol a pergonal tclcciloii and cannot fail to create ifttlifaciary butlnesa reladonb thomas c watkins king at east cop hughaon st hamilton tfybftt gant see clearly bmltir cnikuli us vou may ned a pair of ituuvtu or upactacuia w know if you doiii nul lliom wll lull you to 110 clurj43 wliatlier you nd ihfin or ncl wheilier you buy or do not buy hut do nul lllect your yei lhay inav neule i you lnr on a reminder iiijd ouuca nf prvvinilon und what lollowa uverylliln oltlcal hero uui gpeciaclei 10 ortler a cpaclahy savage cfe co ouwelere huellu your nessr fallhat what about it 4iu bhnwlnr die thom nw york my w in hatd and suit iuib mv two bpociuls sruvviesanv iurdhiidyohiato knicuhtuotkiklbwvauwfurhtjoij i tm aiiijiiauaudch and aryyld llounls from lito up in 3 75 cotitcl tlyua ciiaruiitwfd yualliy 1 f r eneuoisl oil illo 0ily uitut vurnishur 71 wynoliam st und fines1 tilori guelpu h plcp iifwpatltrnflfxjnl iiljihil ciril iruur f 1 iujio irlr 77c o-plocrtjrwr-hiikfurr-hruweu-c- jkil let v 25 ttlo pticn 71c 7 piece victoria hrucli carprt tegular uoti alia prica 75c 10 phe imi inllth tapiry cirpol re kc alt prica sc 13 pie- elrjinl tapilry cariml regular 65c aal prica tjc q piccra kooiltaptialry carpet re juc toittf prica nc 4 piece berwool 3 ply carpel rr 1 1 aala price sjc 4p1cwimii luihc rprl l 1 idy cbrwt 3 iy lea jh 1r ulcccaliuod wutillulv rrit ir tllar 70 aalo vicn jic u plrcca itcilt tjnloii curjwl rcpur yic aln jrlco y 5 plk4 union carpet rrular jc talrt prica 15c 3 plrcru union slalr curiwl riintar jc tin prlcr 30c spivii hemp giuir carpal rular 15c tala pri lie moor huz door mntii dining i itooin oqimrcn nil nt coit prica lo llir milcldy e r bollert co 25 umi 27 wynilliaiii st gvvajvh no cokl- but an abundincc of wn 11 cninfo- iii and strictly uptudali cuothitiiit tlie for months pastwe have been planning and arrange- in lor the fajl and winter trad upon which ive arc just enterinp carefully selected kood- of cverv description from fnrand hear this anl the old lund 10 sntisfy the require ments of what we fulli realize will lie a record season in the history of our business all noods of foreign manufacture have been bought directly from the old country saving the wholesalers profit and all canadian ioods have been boupht on the closest net cash 1 asis we are in a position 10 offer you better values than ever before and they are iicmii bright goods no wholesale warehouse cleanings or o called snaps wc want njl the ladies to see our range o jackets the styles are decidedly new and very incoming and moicover they are very comfortable- garments we fulvexpect largcst seasons trade in jackets wc have had for several years we are particularly slrongin childrens and girls cloaks in fawns and blues they are particularly attractive and the prices are a surprise our range of dress stuffs is now complete we arc stronger than ever in blacks and you know what that means we particularly mention the pirle cloths as thltnewest in black a hewlot of homespuns to hand this week in the very new green casts homespuns are a very strong feature and we are fully prepared 1- you will find all your favorites in the hosiery de partment fine plain cashmeres heavy elastic ribbed cashmeres ribbed worsteds and fine soft ribbed woollens every size frojn smallest to largest in a wide variety hos iery is a very important department and wc believe our record deserves your confidence while buying hosiery do not forget our busy shoe department nothing but firstclass goods every pair guaranteed as represented no trouble to show you the goods every man or boy can now find at least twenty suits his size to select from in our largest department our clothing there is nobody we cannot fit and fit perfectly our prices defy comparison and we stake our reputation on every suit look through- early while the range is complete a swell new range of boys and mens caps just to hnnd sec them also the newest thingi in neckwear and fine ielt hats no trouble to show goods in any department l henderson co 7ucill st- kcton nonsense lor tint indies 10 uuvoinawherelelu for luncy cood a when ouch a hood slocl in lent in lown al usva reawimhlc prlccn and aro hnro to clicuma from wo havo the sliclland mmi iu while uhcl ctav yellow vlnli mtiuva luim ami hcd oilier wools in an ul atitl our lutienhuru ilralu am u1m1 for ull uv r tho dominion slipper boles iu all iliai ty colh hldcboarjl covpm llvo oclock tea clullia and odtlnn top at all prh ts 5j hlr wibtfiltk t c

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