Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1902, p. 4

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2voh an my hair aa i ailing dd wry hue and i grfally alarmed i then tried ayera hair vigor and my hair topped raninfcaloree mra c a mcvay aloandrla o the trouble is yourliilr does not havo life enough act promptly savcyoiir hair feed it with aycrs hair vigor if the gray hairs arc beginning to show aycrs hair vigor will restore color every time j xjfcjico adjetret sllk duuksorebk scjje xtnn jfree l thuitsiav octoilkit ltttl ffhr voting jotus babys prayeb w1mii winry with her ivoninu play tho little curly head it wwed in child mi wtnhli ii jui idut kncwl imwm the utl ttmt lltut whlu mld ll la a tie turn wnndrooi fair and cjnd imdjiu very near to im whlln lathy waya her prayer hr felmiilf m vital tiiiim how it thrllla my very wool 1 111 hold it in tvniomhraiicn whlln etamal roll though hvy im tho burdena mint my hnart in exit to lmar ill alwaya find tlni lighter after lathy aayu hui prayer no gloomy vhi or doubting find ltariior in hf hreant bint nflvrw her petition up and lcavea with ilhu tho teat itaeomii to inn no iriortal man ultnuld trvir quite do pair if one lm wtu tho uubjoct of a tmnt- iiitf liabyti nntyir gkoiuik i ckiwicic i1i- kmhtxht i of ir hi rnilil slate wn iiindoii ik- ui- hl ijiimi lrnwtihlulli valley and in ii nml miiiniif w the chi nun wl tiu the il my 1 in ihmii amiii wfiiliirtivwlwtu uxhv llo ii u kiilih llimll aid iiiiwh n uf fitim ii illi if lufh valley ilouiut mi f i uf iu wife ijimi uonhl not allow i in urinau iia frtim iiiimtnnririikii ih-ii- liui inn on th- id f th nuiuitih tana it hlndvd mil- from tl uivt iiii ruil miity otic iliiy a hi t ii imp i miitl hkut ili4 tilluht th- wliln hum hi- i 11 tlio himtt iihil th uni ih ht nivailit whiii huntjiuiiy wlnliinllmikm ihut 1u hl litlr th- h- lii1 mi hi ixplnratioiii into ivith villy ai nmlliikly h- nii4l hu ulf wt tn- ktlir ui iimk tin- iinvh m ik pn- yiiy pmvtitivl thrmr-tt- with- rhilli ut rlilnrnkulmi whl jhiiul with imirttx ntul ikiltisl wnjihl pnttlnrn u urtnu i in me htlylltf prvllll iit nf tl illlll- hunfrf whirl 1 ium1 ti h rumtlfr whiln uwl iiim u i t wnid1 fnilll rill to iihi th lu xluw woulil it liiirn fryunihiyimil llvi hu piiiu oittho iimrimtjtvlyuitlmithixiii iiittl nruii wintink or th nitowtuii of lifi wuulil tlut liwlcli rlmlk- nil tlmt whiunt hw tin liukt to um mili- htiiu with it ttiiiihhntf imiul thu uliniilml ut tint top or hlu volrt ftli huriih ifrtii uihii wiv lichl willi hull iliy hud fmnul iwmix ilm mill wiui wild for twiuly thmwlnl iolutt uiil vintrw umii iilu iti ti ii much in noviuhi sam davis tlut ujuiui at major aiitli- utul of our own nullum huh llvn uigtlmr um ukmmi of mm who lvwl tluir connti- to tlut tittiirnumit if u third nuiy w wluiittml to their cninpauy nliouhl it- hot ixt tiio uttiiii of tuin duviu tint oonfo4lttmu ujiy who mut tliutli on uo hcnifold ut l hi thtt muinuit of lflfllp iliu ciirtsr iiu u py hud hlii utiiiliirly uiirchafiil mtul lid vytumod kuvornl tlnuti nn- crauln bftitf uxncutlltk tint iliobt liaautdoiiu uiifutiotn within thn ialcml lluml at itiikth hnwivor ii wan cjiptin- cj upon iiim ptruni uvm found loctiitinuwiicti pnvcl lu iiiruioi iiu wu triod hy court nuntiul un tpjicod iu im lutiikd- it w of pflntvf intportmncit in tli ikmlertthi to know who wiim tliit nutlor of thtt pjp4n found iljuni duviw mid the union ofht in wluwt ciutuly tint prlmintn- wtw putil wn mtithnrix1 to offr hi til llfo nud liuiy in tvturti for urn ilmiml infoniiutioii ilui cuiitaln whofitltm wiuiii ptfirwmitl ctimin for uaviat pmuuil him ui uceopt thn offer davu iuuiwmi in bilrmc and then hit kld i cannot l4 friltu u my cmurailfii or ut mondij of our camwi within th union llnm th capuln prrjwl thn point ui vain th piuoiiar ntno1 llrim hut hu oonitancy wail to uudcrtfo a hovcro tt davu wait iikdml to m niar- rii to a yomitf woman of northfcni alabama uw uiiliappy nirl icurol a pa to thi union linim and wuu anally accordwl an ititiirvlnw with imt lovor tilia pltuulel witli him ihwir toly fclam if you lovo ni if you lovit your old mother who alu wiipliik for you at hoqw you will uivo your tlf wi u 1l i hnplorti it i do lova you atwl my hwut in nl tnoat breaking an i think of mother but here bin volco uvmhlml hut ho ttiaaurvd hi inotion and prociwl to country riiht wliovn nvory other inouvtt i canikat ik u traitor thn iflrl htf lovtsl undurnuwul him db no loutir btrov u mnvo hiu nnuy luuou but tobl lihii how iilm lovml uud honottml him um uioru huh unothor temptation camo uu uwlaattlay of davlau hfu tho youn captain who hjid liccoimt hlu friend wmm orxbinxl to miprrlnuud iliu micocu- tlott thpy bttwwl uitcutlior on tho acaffnld yhllii tlu lunoinlnloim nnow waa placwrrtui mrtlui primintrh neck oncmi mom thn cuptalu in u voir- lirokui wlui tnuotlnn twnml davlu ut aavn bluiimilf tltn domiul uiiiii innik hla bttad and his lijw movf1 in ulumt prayer tlion h wuuhi vnct uiul luiawumd if i liad a thmuud hvh i would lama uuttu all hnrti iktfont i would w- txy my frlmln or tin conhduot of uy hifortiur thn livi- wan pullihl und ljavin jjihi an hnnorrihlt mmi mirror scales etc there was nrman and his mirror said sallow tuin and the scales said losing weigh l and his friends did wag their heads as he passed by but being a prudent man he forthwith swallowed daily certain pleasant closes ofscotts emulsion then his mirror said ruddy face and tlnj scales sunk beneath his weight and his friends looked upoi him with amaze nat- iliti ih no fabu but is true jutgiy a o en ten otis mkfasrc if it in irt that u m hy tiny othur num would moll im hwt it nhoiild uwt iki true that wluit wo eall an early m when wi- npiik of piitiiuwa by any othir iiaiuu would tin to an uond jlljitiill potauv- utv not i pitlutlcally ntuuwl two women illifnwvd juul um they flnuhd a furinloukui lunch- idii tlnyiwir out on a hioycli tour mid ikcuiiii wry luinnry uu hlcyclivriilrru often do an ther was no inn miy- wher within 1iuy reach thpy anplitnl ut u fiirmhouu fov food an old man they nttemt4ml u neuolhito with him for ft luncheon ili wan very williiik ti do what he could and reaiuiwl them by diw-lur- iiik that although he wau nfrtiid therfl wan not much elw ut eat in the house ho had plenty or potauns and he could rcnniieid thin uu the lihut in thn country the lunchivon wiui entlrly jitinfiic- tnr and after the ipieutfi had flnhiliti u tho iijwlh enthuiautlcjtlly of their tvpaitt and pmiwl the potutfeii in particular viunjuaid tin old farmer lowly you miftht lia done wiuia you luive natiii two schnohuflhtrpl two hlack- umithu four kidiiriya niul a couple o whlti khplmuuc uwttw what it meant of caurui we wont have any ni- iar houuchviniiiut thla timo ot tho year nhn aald hut wo jnlht an well ktraighun thina up a hit and rhmmo thnaitaiiiienient a little i can mo how tlui hoiliui could im nuithi to look much innm attract i ve tomorrow ill not a charwoiuaii nud a man to help ine ut niovo tlp fiirnltui- and what arii you doiiik john i am jiiertly wrapping up my alln- iwirti my drewtliik ulil two otlier thliii to take tot ho oillce hu replied to tako to theofllce 1 nlu excliihu- oh tliathiill r ill brink them liack ho exliahnwl you wm i dont want to havo ui hunt for thorn afttr you hao put tlihifni to rikhu ijhuioii huindar1 dimcra a niana idea if harmony in to hav tvryi4lnk bin own wujv- few flnkera aim burned hi heapliik coiilu of flro on an eneinya head home men find uolid comfort only in liqulila gtwuipu urn tupitlntendenth in uvmblo facturic if a woman lookii muiil iihe in not iiiveiiiuiruytljtuml look i iitf ah hunmnlty in tllvhlwl into three mixiu men woihflti and iiocluty men too many of uu count on tho treat thinti wu nro hi u do h- ovfl j- tim heart of a woman in aii a driven well and ho would uouud itit depth muut ih hleujl in patience even like odd who dien for pearl nvolutloit in nfrwfoumlliiud hhiru th intnuliirtluu int now- fouiullaiulof the imw inhaler iniinmly tatarrhozoni the treatment of ca tarrhal ill wit wh hualms-neiitliviitivo- hillonlwt the oldtimo uuuff and iutenml iiudlcluu luui luuiu caut audu and overyono in inhaling atari h iuoiio it eleiri tho head and throat in twiiiiiiiutiii uiul lit very uuchhlo and ileaimt to um catuttloiuiiio in a wonderful euro for muhr rold catarrh autlua hrouchitin lung tmuhleu ami dfjifneiu ii iviievjh quiclly tuil furotpjinnauently wo iid immiiir irademui try cutnri liojume lriroill tiial ulnei f hold hy a t ilrowu mhiiy a peruui uwm hufplacuiu lifu tlllllliil jtr hliieit ntler than to the piilwm of her frieiuhi nearly all tufa n i a aw more or leiji hiihjeet to dlarrhoilt and iineli ioiii- hhiinth whih teetbliik and im fhin urloil or their iivch uthn iunti kicul uud uiotlmf nil tin id not iwrt without a lioltle or dr j l icillnku hywiltety cunlllll thin medfrlne la a hperifl fm- tun i eomplallith and im highly hpolieii of by thiuu who havo umui tl th piopiletorurliiiui it u ill euro any iju of eholeih ur iiuiimer ciimplahil immense opportunity ftr c4ttnk bonullful froo no monoy roqulrod evorv man woman boy o gui has thol samo oppbrlurhtyundor our syntom luorlrr imm ur amj i- iiiuii to hi pill plsred in ll iiihu ull priux kiillrrinit fmm i1 lrullli wn null llm following lnul hlmia olid- if yui yill uiiul uu ymir uiiw uiul tvilii nut uiitr i v- it for in twh iwnrrioldr anilu iuiimi in in 1ilh u ji l u i j on ai nii 1 1 iv vuvv- a ill alilktji ma1cii chain iii f itltff laillr or iriilu ui if yout clllllcl iwtniy in hrf pfouiiiitiih iurli uu um tt f lrjry iac vlolmf mjiuiuhiih iv4 koiiuiinlicr o wtur want any ikhiv iiiililahnf you w li illlu uiul you ilunt jiae in cl anytnfrjlllh w i k ttxi pi mil 11 ma 1 iiim in u uxia lido ollm hum a irllalilo roinvrri 1l11i luu tihii ihiiuurtiu o ilollar worth nl jimmliiuin 10 acot all ovrt llm ciimilry ifenriiilut aluiihal dr aruom kulub tjxiii ptlln amawom liiiowu rciiutly hr ull hiasna luwlot lleunutiniir nvuulollhlet ami fctnali cimplaliiln mid arn for luiln by all fu ulafcu urujikl o dealefi in iiumlicinc in all url of tlirf world you aro ttol offer tvoifiothllik tlut hid pnopln dont kaow our walclie am thn reyiilar kiamlanl tlo for iilla or grnlhiilflil iii nkkri m ounmcdl ca- willi linilmimn uldmlnajml iluli cnxl rcllama lime kpflr walclxm kucii a tiobily or kentlmiiaii eiiwil bdahaneil o carry rniil lliey will w will ahuklulcly hrti lo all wlio uill only twnlvn 1mhc ui thowi wooilcrful toxin 1llk wrjlo at nnca ami im tlui lri1 in your locality to nam ond of iliord hdatitlfiil waiclie anil tlaiuu a koii aa wo rrchd your letief or pot card wo will uoim you port paid twelve hanvia tocollicr will our illuiiraled csialoctid ami laaulifully color- id card with your name and addrobm oil no our taulaiorturd ueii ilcar in itilml that youwillhqlbajnyjp ull any morn than tim 13 boxeri ailj wo ikm t want aly ijomkv until nfinr you havn sold them w hear all ilia expemui and arn only mau- lintf ihih llbcnil offtx an a mrlliocl of ailvorthinjf dr arnolds iiiluh taxln hl dont ilalay wrllu at once and earn a beautiful prcuiit for yourwlf lor christ- um adttru arnold udolne co dapt- k a so adalauld ot ul toronto ont uibhttoatlolnci qoailantime when queen willolinlna wan a rliitil h wau not allowed oixllnarlly to kliaiv dinner vitli tho older luiiiilwrii or the loyal boiiiiehnld hut on kpeciul ocraiioidi wahipiiinittid to make lier nppeiirn lire at diiiirt liml place hormlf tienlde iotun pjirtlrular favorlte one day wiyii the chicago itei-oiil- herald uhn wit hy a courtly old keuerul pienently iihe e serial iuihi i winiihr youio not afraid to tilt nejit to mo kvorylmdy in the room turned at uiund of tho rhihli treble on the contrary i m pleanwl and linuured to iitnext to my filttue iiimr why dioiild i lw rni1d y aiahiimiuua uoeluono oxproijinn thu little iphsn replied ilecnue all my dlln have the nieniebii llmupruv icrriot eoiuililored with ivfeiiil to itn ii cuivcrative elfcct then in lint no much kood in the ordinary vniuliiin an there iuiuaiiiikle ludtle if llnndii shitv parllla the latter rout a slooflhu fonner wih that i1iutulu how i inch did yiium cont hut year- iiimuiii kjinrtpjtrilla refrenhes the tired blood idinriunn the dulled appetite r4itoni the hut coinage kiwohtir leaoue hicadino co u it an till ell iadllikio imu iii 1u muh lilllklt mvhliuk hk nil pmifltulih- i11iukii011 fm ouf ppi h lu rohiei luhltxof homo iludj nild iri intend ii foi bmiy laimphi who have 11 llltle lilii fill- elmmvlinemeiil ii oltli ii linillo i o uitli 11 letiioualile emmnalimiallhedim ii lhneho ulmlfllllkill the uadiiik ioiliw i a laihulllute for nlnilr ml haplijil mullii and 10111 11 iter of peimini lead llm anie imulinit ho 1110 time tl 1 11 ijeiiellt illhilvhl 11 waiinon theme fm ineiuation and lllu iimiiuii a fin the heiielltlm that of aldhiky h mplo o euie 11 im11il y of ulgl elm lit end tue at a wry nominal 101 1 the till re nlumei in the cmuie for mhfjiiaie i nutiiioh mliaelm by prof ribdin p firay a hannluu hiieili o lionk by 11 lihjiti- of u10 will jeet ii im liuhmtllnnn in eondnuintioil xxhi v jhnmlu it i i clijtlttjylml aneedoteii nud piional ixjvm ioinen 2 tin yoiiiik leailev wdey by llev win midomibl i i thin volume oiikht to ho sad hy all yniuik rlellohl ii h a kiaphioutfuiti tfve and pletuiimuiuecouiit of uielr kreat founder dr medmmld in perllllaily lltted h hl lonkoiepet leliie ami envliounienli to wi lie iurh a vnlnne it hi it im ii f mill liupliluj pletureof wetdeyii llfn and wink 1 a help for tho comuion diiyn hy uttv j it mlher i d tho nadliik ronnuf had iioveial yoai11 ajo a volume hy thin eminent ireihyleilau divine entltl1 kvoryday helinion which wan tnoiit helpful thin newer volume will ho found equally iutereuliiiu and uphitiiully uplifting tho thiee iiplendld vulilini ore xold for mli i- hy mill lir addreui win hi1kk toronto or a t ihown artmi ioumiatlor jelnuiiwila first when wo nndeitjile to jill your iiiihicviptlniiti we kiiv them our undivided uttention and bent euu thu patient 11 welfare hi our unit con- ildeiation mermid we irunriuttee our di iik to imi of full ntrenitth an well an pure and fifili third our niituinioni mo laipplied with jiuitwlmt tbeyaiik for ailiditut- iiik iu nover illriw 1 iaisiti ciriuy romimisn iryoii nie a lailyeier from luluey difpnmllvarcompliiltit blood tronhlen rhciiniutlmiu neural fin or nervoun nrontrutuin vv conjidently iccimi mend the uo or palneu celeuj com pound tlilu relhihlo and hover lh- appointluu imiliciiie hi a tuie dhienso imnhdier ami iytem hulhuv we iiipply the fiiiuitlh pitiliutl celeiy compound a t ijiouiaeion out thiiracter fn inade up of nmall ileedii faithfully pei formed of telfdenlnhi of mdfmirrulci a of kindly iltta ot i0v0 and duty pormanontcura for nuuraltfla kxpcritniclil liiilftireni nlate that no remedy ivllevei nmiiiilgin no piielly iihn hot applli ut ion of inlnoun ker 11- i111- the iannikeil liniment made nrrvilinn in certiiinly virjpenetnitlnu and liai a powerful influence nwr iietualkicpjiinii which it dettroyii aluioiit ut once nerviline in liijhly iecoiumeiidlil for iheuiuathiiii him hniro iriutka and toothache hotter try a liv lnttle iti all 1 ilit kohl by a t ilrown icveu thn uiaidlilijt might eoufeii thntthoworldinau admirable teeth ing rinu for eyeunth cauim or snllttllliit hbadaoliaa iolwmu ticciunuhito in the liliuwl nnil proadiyiry niouieiit to all pnrta ot the imtly the brain iwcouieii conjeit- rvl uervea jrritnted nud tho liiailt hi that awful headache ferroxono in nature own remwly for beiulncheii it in a blood ntreiittb- tner audjuirifler of iinloiuiuon merit u liutiujf potent tonic and tho ureat- eiil luvitrnnt and health uialer known ii oudnrh on never imther quinilo that tnie ierioxoilii after each meat liny a ivor fnun your druuuint forotk- hold by a tiiroun ifii on tbo unit of the people unit 11110 touch of sorrow uiakeu the uhole world kin iovoruud nnu titul hilloumleranke- luonu nr poiiitutdy curtwl hy the iite of pannehmi pillu they not only clejiniu tho titounuli and boweln from all bllloiih matter hut they lien the txcrctnry viuulti cauuiiie them to pour eopioui effuiiiiuii from tho blood into tho luiwehi after which the ww t pt jli 1 iawiitl tf i w 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 y u u- latural uikuiko of uu luuly thuy in uiuil an a feuenil fuitiily uiidlcine with tho laht rtiiiilui peojilo who know anythhik woitl while haveto ncqnire it by bard work solid cloldviwi iust cold fill lco byni uold fill 100 slmbolasiwut 100 wouiurmliuw urfijil utlafaollou gtobe optical co 03 yonttd ntret toronto- tho truly urout people am thomi who bae done everything lhorouuhly and who have never defipiitod unythln however mniill of goda mtiuliik ordlmufy corn cuinib ae danirwiua uecaune they contain acldn hut iut- nainii corn fit tract or in entirely vegetable in coiupoiirion it hi per fectly painleiin uife and mini to cure he willing to leai 11 frouiiiiiylhuly w i nth ii hicadino ill llm olil- cminllmi i mi idpiliiiii mii iltr in- i vlnl- dim for ll hoddetokmn vif cilaliin ill latiui i hi inlidu liilln iihjl uilh um himiui nkmiin the ninmliau iader p in da ui of fmiilliiii fui ihrnj hint 11 innexa hi intilie of 1111 dniihd unit hm icovvu lip hi bin mvii liiiiiihy uud tluit 1 ominiui irn timkt hliknmink canada thimii he nun utile tth in aid in im fiillliu lllll ii litpiilo iiaihind i- ilildeinitiian tooveiiili- the coiiimiilt y you live in thin in the lmme by ilith iintiloptl ifunall the hhai pniliy hiitmy and polily of cuahi inllitt pmieiai fm- ua 11 piimai inu- 1 ei n the miiodiil makiililroroetiilmt him teiiiilkleaim catiadilili uhjejil or by canadian uiilem keen of thnt iu ilhrtralid the vkiiio rf nature hi inly in kdm at hm by imr jaatcluinla i najiiiniiilnn hiittiiiiiil- ouint hhti ltmili on hulinr pheijiii- a lorn hiiiit jtory hy iaidor ivik nuil vueiil topln and helluloiii intellikinee eopiounly illu- iiuuid v uewuitjilitiuy byliil llkl t hllllen the fiiiilimn wiiter of en ulen inauuounied niw itilmi llaiii uill ieieui i he vrivemher mill dereinlmt nuuiheni flee tmmito wiihiiin uiiklpi montreal c w oaten ilalifa s v jluctiu wiii a year yluu fm- uu iiuiullm the idler thai dreomelh of tl lillrercth ifillikit hut lie who hath due fur it liwlll in a piiliue i wantkd we would like to mk llnouh tin ciiliinmit of onraper if there hi any ihlnon who hau uied jieen11 autfiint flower for the enii- f indijl ion dynpepnia ami liver tioiiblen that hint nut iwen iinid and w e nlwi iiie111 their roiultji imrh mi 10111- ilnuincli feinientutlon of fond habltui1 emtiv- iiemi iiervmin dytpeptda headiiclua denpondent feelinipi ideepleiiiiue jn fad any trouble connected with the touiach or liver thh nuliclue hau been old for ninny yrnm in nil rmiu- ed counliien and we wlidi to coi-ii-b- poud with you and wnd you one of our imoka fnc of eoit if you never tried aujuut flow r liy one imittlo unit we have never known of ita rnilinjx if no oinetblutr inure itlouti in tho matter ith you hold by win knikiue iiiikynwla yellow tlh i piompt lo leliove and nuio to cure conlii cold 1010 throat pain in the client honriu- lieiii ipiiuney etc price iv tin- 1111iic uiul riiiinliliii of llhir 10 kimw ill lmli4 u tilth 1111 iv tliim th iirlui 11 t kiimiiiili- gastoria vor lufiuits autl chuilroik it weio safer lo place your iiiniith on the nmle uf a kuii than on the lipn of a deceitful onian tho ittmt phiu mr win vund-r- voort sydney croudliff out wiiten we bni1ueu iihiuk pnimelcem p1ii11 and find them by far the bent pilln we ever uned for delicoleanddelulitut- ed conntitutionii tleio pilln act like a charm taken in nmall d iiles the effect hi both u tolije ninl a ntiinuhitit mildly exciting thn mcretloni of the luuly jjiv iiijr tone ami vijror you can train children not to tell too inpcb hut you cant top kiou nnp folkii if wo could know alt it would not he 10 hard u forkvo all t the front lunu healer hi- round in that eitcolhiut mi-dirlm- imld an lliekliv anticommmptivo nyrup it nnotlieii unddimiiiinheithii emilhllity the ineuihriiuoii ur the tin oat and air panjihuu uiul iu n uiicteiujiiionicdy for all couhiih cohhi luninieiiehh pain nrhoriieuiorthochenlirouchitiiitc it him cured many viheii nupponed to in- far advanced iu enimuinptimi l nothlllklh over nettled until ielthd h hoi feet mra k j nill now aiipafli p tj uiitin for nent ly aiv liionthn i uartmiilhd with burn i ii achen and paint in my f et to 1111 h nil extent that i could lint uleep at ullfbtr-aud-uu- uy tuut- wuio badly muollen i could not u ear my imotn for weekhj at hint 1 kl a 1oule of ur thoiniui kdertiic oil ami nioud to tiy it hhd to my iintoiihihineut i rot uhiimt iiintnut lelief ami the one imttlo accoinplldied a verfeit cure mnyua liuilith id llouein eaipet ihiitluun nud untie 11 1 pel beating there 110 11 miuiui r vaiielii r eoin holiouajncoiu ciirunui re- iuoi any of ijieui call on jmir di ukii and fdu imttlo ut 0111 e children cry for gastoria a clover pertain hi one who acta llkn hot water on tea idio briupn the nweetneiuilld ntlenth out of every- immlyel planty of nerve l n ft m in ot ffirrp it talei plenty of ncrvo itieiifth to tarry on thu wink or llenh makllik hcottn minuhinil hi ine uilh it now norw ntiviith ami rich liiiuihhmeiit a banehiill uiiiphc i nine to i11 tieat en u hlclievcr club u iliu turns bad hbod into 1 rich rod blood n a other- re mctly- pauimnia i uch- rcrfcet climirtinn liealigijand puri- fyinjf properties kxternully heala sore llcer abcfesses ami alt kruptinns internally- 1 cltjrj the stonmcli rlverrnowci-rnndtliotfdltnictillhy- uction if your4ipjetitu in poor jour encrjjv rone vonr nmbuion lost hhh will ristiri you ttthe full enjo incut of happy vjorivuif iifo y for your furniture needs cumiil in- m iil j m struthcrs ouolfh you will li lt at the variety u rlmsn fmni and thnverylowfashpil en privalliuk- ouam tjh k r lav- y- sun savings and loan go j- 1 j oft i tollonto oimt r c c i c c c c attraetiire offer the free press will be sent to any address in crfrmda or the united states for twentyfive cents for the remainder the present year new subscribers for the year 1903 will receive the remainder oftuftyar free that is fifteen months for only 5100 this is an exceedingly low offcrcheaper than letter postage have the paper sent to friends at a distance it will be as welcome as 1 veelily letter giving as it does all the news of the district as well as the general news just as interestingly written as you could do yourself and of far less trouble to you the fnrk press has always stood in the froilft rank of canadian local weeklies and was never more interesttng than it is today show this announcement to your neighbor and advise him to become a subscriber two sub scriptions for si 75 ewcry subscription paid in advance address all subscriptions to the fxwiiilii presb acton ont are a htiro and pennauunl cum for ail kidney mid iiuji1lt trouble backache a wife uhe rouinelliuk eutenth her huidmudx lutud ami after many ilnyti nturiieth to her in jewel and precloui rail unit uiya the philadel phia inquirer attention in the world ni homeo- vjith medicine hun lieeu iu vory uourco of pmirch an in politic and religion the dinhultlei of opinion alul tho iudiiduality of men hic lieou pjnvnt to tho ilimiiftieinent by which tho ntiuilard of uieu iwwlieii have iveen eleat4l so with lnoit if our pn- paiitiom foninont in ilhintiutinu of which truth iliuulu thu worldfamouu ennily tokeiieialdehiliy and huijfour quinine wine and widen when obtainable in ili konuine itrennth hi a tuiniculoun creator of appetite itrlity nnutiniulant to tho knoral feitility in the tyteui quinine wino and iti iniprmemcnt hau from tho unit tlbcn very of thu freat virtues of qiinilimlil a liiediial aient iwiti mm uf the u10l thoroughly drcuijod rcuivliei ever offenil to tbo public it in one of the treat tonka and natural lifejrivifih itimulanta which tho iuell al profenniuu hne iwen enuiiwllcsl to recnnim and priscrilas meiars xoitluop a iyiiuui or toronui lutvo ificn to the prchiiitioii of their puro quinine wine the fift arn tine to ta iiiipoitmee and the ntiuubinl ostcol- eiieeor the art itit which they infer to- tbe public cornea into the market uilkitl ofull the tlffirtii wllvrli wkillwl itittftr uphill mioiietl out in the hiji juoct pn-pivr- lion oih- atter is tho ilrst rtcrn or kldnoy iroublia dont iulcct it 1 chet u it in tima 1 serious irouhlf uilpfnlkiw if jou dont curo your backaoho by taking doans iodney pills t piniuii piilhuiuul on th fli ntinl in tin- luinvl ttuiir in tin- tiih iiiiuuy in tin- inini inlit in u rinintvy fiiiitfiitnuiit in tin- imui- cliitliin tliimil mill 1 iwiily iti m pliiimint tu inur thai liililnir fly fur it hut ithilijith in iinnim f nil mml dr ui w nwiiii illiniv allihnl- thi in nithhik lu iin in inliimry tlilniri lt ui he uiiiiiik in tiy nt iiuylhniku1uil t ph itnftlll linppiiimhiil lh- u ho lit- nt ltihil siclcilheadache food doesnt digest woll- appctlte poor bowefs constipated tongue coaled its your liver aycrs pills arc liver pills thev cure dys pepsia biliousness xv all tlruuiiuti iihi ur irjiiim kr rii bugkingwams dyev3fx the poutvnt man in the world in the tme who hasnothinir but a treat deal of money a standard remedy used in thousands of homaa in caruda for nriarly suty vnnri and has nsver t fallod ta glue satisfaction a purihiiirtw iwy mitir tviinth fn friimlw children cry for castor a onu ainilc will brink ninro than n hundred frowiiu on any market iimtant relief fuarfinttl by uitink mlunim hterlhik hoatlacbe iowdcrn no doptviwihifcf ftfter altict tim iwiy that hint the moat valuahlo thotiffhtii in tbo moat valuablo lmy ari a lbart and nerve tonic nlrtod and tksae haiulcr and ctxnailulioa kciiruir for all troalird will wvak heart or nerves an a food for tlm blood tlm brain and the nerves tliy cannot tws ekcd if jou am trouliknl will nervounra slv4plctnes ncrvou prouration pal- ivitatioa of the hrati sliortncn of ilrasalh weak or fainline knlu aiiaruua or any fonii tr debility taka milburns heart and nerve pills ttiiir cormiiv pow- quickly ma 61- fcucd tliy purify and rrvitalntrf th blood lifiglilen llu ttrain aivd lcady and ktneacllcn tlia nervaj rata ilia first fow a x hukiw clluklw tfimf oat irowtew extof y 5beerf ouuti biitfrliujat dysonturycbfolowlr cholomt morbus chultn infah- tum cramps collo sea sloknoss and all summop complaints its prompt uso will provont a ic tliuo you help another loydj hbt a utimibliiifutonu iu taken from your imth t hlcktntlrithivinwtwpi anil dluttvtuduif bi jmi lively curtml hy lmijvor pilln ttnoy nro cany lo tako and iip or rril 1 1 in a v eary climb from luiyhtual to umnhotul hlewjtl iu ho who leiuln a helplujf baud ffaoat u7nnntniujcoasaiy sultor- luftr and ofton aavo ilfo tlvj yhiliuncullwllltuimtaouuu rubber heels that hold authostl il st riyfr jaainy tlur air pild mratllily nuiahiifiili of soc pr hbarx fiw 3 mnnll4 wlwii pjyoniilifciaia m wd intmu iy iimi moetiiliijli 1 itviaurit lruotxt rpayahlo hi tnotnhly iiialuifau on mjjl- ciinu 0 r j ivicrjabb ao nt aclon vv barber bros paper makers i t ontario ngsitis colorbd prpgrs john r barber a fine showing of fall fabrics tor trouirrs top coats and suit cumo early ind cliooc irrin a com tlocl wm coolbr mcrcitam tahuib mill 5tiuft hcton patents iphomptly secureol v iwp i llw hcutl u frwicb k4ich tr kbadl at your ii wnllaa or liitiovttiurjtt biii w- will i1i yi bmourniuiilnuialnulihhir ll i iobljy jmtculauf uwijrfuiaittwithairbria teen tunfitfully in 1 unit til iy w toulltft ully tjuiiicil nfitr i ii utt watliliiulo ilil-n- fmuitninompt ly luauli uoil oiul rgnullr utut ivtctiu aa tmoailb tliaiivculi 1 ullcuriftienm luniuliil 1 wlculi pnvurcl tlirruli vnrtoti ua- iton lu ptui rtlc4 willful clvwhih ovr tivi urjrkii tf luliiluliil tliinubowt tle iliiaiiuuiu btaajtyiiattut t i t lire r a uil uniilui ol linuf marion marion h tlaht evttrt1 jrtd sol i ol tor nwvorli tuuiirtmtil atuhtit 111 vu tii ac i 1 vd d iristaltl i t um patents guaranteed d u muictni vf t4c7ltaymiii4 alflcli auit tit- ctih um nt any luvf tuum will ikuinitlly trr it ixtr oimikm fi courtrrulug in- lialctilalty o taiuc how tu umaia it ijuur r 11 1 11 wiucl ljutila broiicj ttuihiullu ihfurf ltwotoiirixnmiic wiriita tauru uul llmali uu trrtv aiwr p hjf wllhuuliliaiuahl i uu tatiur uhl iiuu 1 bul cliu j iv ruk auim victor j cyan a co imicat auofagyi eutaat wing wbp u- hj a lir fijtoj bnl yy r alk tar waluvut eriwiijcjry 4uilj lf mi all jatafiualaia tuhiiluiiifal ho tioitauuuiaulihiuujutilaa t bunlok cushion pads tuvy ijvirviit ajjnhij uiuiiuieaiur liijui- itauulj atf lll i hi t jilli f i atxi mi us i jjjit any lult uiu ua 1 t 1 hfu ei wunnr io cataishi thebunlopthccoiiii uuitto rowoiuro tnadc madmu ocivnmutnr ac t um mi ltlyittui l1- x ur tk iij w is tatu lavjilu sckiililic hnirican a tniili ir hi ittrill vmklr trwt mr- kt- iwjtrerti sssk hunnrco wdiainvwcai 8nori6evgravvg or any cias5 of engraving moiglabvertbllgrureeses catal9guesmaga2weir jljonesmg i68bay5ytoronto red rose tea v a name that is a guatantee of quality 1

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