makbtki fcl ai lb l kv i h fumml cbateii urndalr iloimaoa iftaiaibat ixldaa notlim var hamilton paator church ioihloa il 1111 ton on tn- kdlui k llorfeaoti i rw wib martin of fccio tmrn j luntaoa of uoalpb b and lr noa kail ablp kit h ilhwi it d w ci mw ij xbu dwbr of uock- kmtdat 81 ixhu bllb oa haaur rk7tt hpumlmr uuinni it of john iocaua4 fotimrly of aston aa4 w ywn jressi thuithday 0t0llkjt la luat manager j a waixace-pare- weux ln ymukuy to aawpm u wnl of uia naw marottonta hank at oak lk m tffmdiiiikd a banquet of koh day evsnino on th- l711 january i ix- 1 win mfixhmiiiii ilnl n hmi at ton ui j lb u lnn hm ilt flml iiutiuiim acton diianoi dldle oocietv th annual macunf on tumday icvanlnjf doui inurunk anil suoooaful tin- tnnnnl i iik of ihi- u llill s uih imi1 i l iuhii m tu jvtuiuf tin ihimi vvi i nll ly lh h iiiiii al iii j ib iuun of j hit nam i t- itucof iwilmxix mill prnjii iik iu u lbuk r ity und i ui ft i of iiny f mm- m i walla flllujlfllllj huvlutf unl vtll m hbasonb por oiv1no tflawks- wv n ttow tnjoyliik worn- 7it tin- iinwtilill if l llw ywthj ntlonly all uiii uulurul xlurlrf r un rarut hv r u jif but thu wfntlitv tt4mir miium to iimv riihui untl iimtunxl until tlt uuikw- ihr titnnut- hw old wliu tttul tkn niniln iu mirititisl utwl tmutl uu milorw utir i ilt- tu tdl ity iitf til n lino iaintlnt- tin hiitinini ufur nil u th r if tl r- h u tli llino f tint lmrvinl t lirttty k w1i iu nf ftult mid f i t- iruitli of tit- rind fnuty mimuiht hlkliu tn vtillvfnu uu ilivkirii11y uiu dioiiuilly tlmt u joy to th wry limit of out- uujllty tlu wtft mllnw waruiut of li niiiil nhuuhlny luyn liuiclmnu f iimiuh miniini-i- ilyj ctf which wx r t pnttit iiuilitdl uniqiw mjid rlmrtrtcrivlir it iu uluir- til willi no ntlur mtmtii lilt till ifcuiiityiuwl huiitniwi it u flotiii it mimt lw cnjoyc wlttm itui lmr mid thtii tut hutt will no out in knutudn nndthunlcuu tlr iwiulltms lltti fortulluhiiiil iuh1ihji lrtitu k niltit mih a utllllll iu rfoi utld ll ki1-4- llijf inlt of tile lutnlrf inl loi imthl liroic oin iilhil i hi uimioni of tli- loit-iiliii- lutind hi 1iihhmik arliitlhu lint lilhii to on of i lintmliihi iiil mr wulliip hm lh- ihhiihhlf tnpliihdihji nnui imhi ihiv mid il on it tiil uiil imitlhulii- luihu iii jtiilhor- itu- imtnnilly tunnel nuln tii mr wtlhtd uliiii omniiik uiiotlmr iiiw hi ihii lnt vtitl in- wiiti tnmifi riinl tnoiil iili- mini initv hriiidi iiuh jiut uiii iiuiii1 ottuiili 1m ii uuilli- jlvnr of nj uw editorial hotw tiia fmilurm in cmiuuia ml rojortrl to dnuutrttk for thurl hlna liionthu of 1002 tmmhnrkd k51 at- i ritjowi of 1h wr cant fro hmt yr whiu iultiutii krtvktal only 00 0041i uwrtajm of sscvnfc from unl yr a tironto rdl tttr domic r iului tho olher uy tlmt tlwiv werw indicituuati of k liiovimmt bnckii thn country l lisdot on a wnill mcau the drifting thr cmintry loptihpion citjrwmrd iutm umii uu tnoveuienl for ynrfl nd lww thurti mitniti in 1mj rnvntw one tlii moat otaiutdn nn lirexlont mondny in luunrt 0mitnin- utmif id ofhi ito n dim woll qnnl imlnnnlfv authority in ilpnmtlos aviwl t otuwa on mtraon of 81 r john of tlio kouan of rmt onn of thf titottt of umi ilouwt uid ii will iiattnr ind u to fill the vacancy hw and forceful writer and orifcy onpw ulmt lon nxitoruftro f rvmtarch gvn hiintlie lindl r bf authority on uto quo- vlnw ritlulrawnl of tho otactlon u- jki uiti croaos iiutu in ohittnc r tlwj tinmt iloclioii in uiui tty u tlio xocalxufrulatura u fav- rtrartlud hy olocuirtt grinnrnuy utiin lias had a surfeit of lruatm in unm arul thy have wnuloui rtimilul hrrs tliti aauitfacuon of the tolluc- im ronpouitlldr for tlipiu or to any vantage t the ciunty llaltoti hi wull rltl of lhn orotuiil m4m1 crtmm lntltlon at tho ireent tllim oitiznn kunwrally of th cmltity wilt 1m uie itutui friundu und itelrhlkoni immiumi of ui wiutdrawal the laillf of actihi itranch of ue w 0 t u liav1 nooit raimin to ft- ulafctiwti aotl i heu of value to uie comuionlty in oil moral imuuo at leant tito nyntcioatlf and iffuctivn nuinner n whirl tliey xnductd tint calnkaift akalnat tjt lromim5 iicennlntf of a billiard room in town wau utimt worthythe cate j they eiouuj tlieir aervicert will nffmln ik liihhiuuluondliriiiff uiervfcr nndnni caiunalgn und it u uncumly belluvm that linllarly vathifartory resulln wll crowm uwiirtrffort lu con- uectlon wltli thu wldttr andeveii knore ii tin kk of caiuulas forjii 1 tnulii u imvural million dollar in atl- vmuce of iat ycaf ror tlte three tnoiitlut of th inmiut llacaloak fnd- iiik mtiteiiilmir mkjt tin affkreftdte tiade of juiiada on thtihau of inimutm for onkumptlon atul exmrtn of all kind amounted lo 1124hl lu crtuurfi o v77olmio ovr the aatm wirlm of uott yir tint itowtrtm fir coininuouon uuhi aulittia htiutf an incnwat of hhyrf iutluhu kirxliiiihow u hotn of kiw 1117 while ioimiru of ftthi kooihl aukliuy declined kmhthd of donwwtio lirtklncn rearlutl a toul of 674uafihi boln an ncroa of v7ls0uhh ovrr uwi minxsjuitulluif ikorimlof idul nafthaoawllya mim atillie molfhednbll imd umjii very hi uu iktott wek wltli uoiull- cltb at the houu of her teuter mrw i town hiwiuthfin muuilo ni1 from ilntiuloti nod u en on or t ik llh wluat mm thuw or that diutiirt of tin- kjit whl niitilikliuttidiiutiof nwrly hue ytmiu in alton mr avmliuv priwd hllf u try umful iitin il fuioritp in wwiitl and imuliul livl and ihjuwhilly uith 1iom who 4nj4y healthful omlhkor wjmh u an umnom vrmitility rluirnci4rinhl him fitr lit uhu 4imlly ut hiimi in cimduftitik tint kiinlny k4rvlcem of kt aumiim chnnlt an a uy reiulor ilnrin the illnf04of the imitutr om in canulnitilf a cricket nuttch or a golf conuw am u miotic un ho rvivderthl hlunmdf utwfnllif cituliictlnt ihipntnr chonuuti and wiim ever ready tmlhhtartiiienurlniiiliik when in the uocial circle jtn fact liu butt mihlic aoeurancu hi town wam on tiknmmy of uiim wixivj when hi htul chatrfl of tho oomhliurfl choir ut thu annual meeting nf acton llranchhuhlo hociuty whoae effortm citntrithitoil tm much to the iiitrruat of the mirvlce all matterx of intiniit to the town had hu cmuddnrauon lul uupjmrt tluaiiuaw tucn and citizen kunrmlly rekttit lih deiarturo from our iiiuihu in connection with mr waluuvn ro- tnoval a in wt tin joy able event wax con buiunmuslbii monday nveiiln whim u complementary liaiuiivl wai4 tendered t uie dominion llouh tim affair wan given under the uimplcm of tl local maaonlc i ire tl mrn itlid the frntli nun of thu golf oluh and wan hufvod in tho well known recherche utyle for which the dominion houd im reluhmt- ed mr a j macklnnou made n excellent cliainnati and some thlky- aix of ute uadliik men of the town wcm aeated around tlie fhtivo iwurd after tlie toaac of the king wan duly honoredtlu toaat u the healtli ami future irtimrity of the ifiieat of the evening waw uroimmwl in u fww well- rhomeu word by mr w rltark mid wau honored with ifrat ntithuiiuiwni nearly every onh nreaellt ttuiko ut the ttutat ami exnuted thh univenutl re ipret felt by all ut mr wallucettdeiiart urvrmlpwirth hnurta hlbtrrtl n rj worui and integrity ud ta uie rrwjwst in which he u hehl hy ull who lnow him durintf ufit tiveuluif tlie clutlruun kreeiiutd mf wallace lu tlie luiuiu of the maa4inlc hrethei il and tho eiitle- kueu of the gulf club with a tiuufnilb cent fur roat and an ull irm tor travel llnffhatf aujaidlklit tukctl uf their erf- te and mawler harry lloluiex jr lireaenuwl lu the name of the lad lew of the ouu oloh u uutiful lunumet of uphndul ro- hiddeu in tho hearts of which were lint that in ituother aury mr wallace wau hiuiom overcome hy thfe lokeith of frieiidulilp and t- twlll lalt tiuulumuuwt futtluilf k11wuulkml tu whlrli he uuiiilml all fiir the rxtit friend liierf and many liiuiiuhuu- khowertk upon him during uu reb denre in artiiu he alao lhajhiki for hu kncceanr u coiitlnuaiico of the lk linn flh etliik thekeatharikandlyfcawmmof tluiir mular tmceriai in bhenexer church on tlie evening of tlie hth lnl itwaainucb uiijoyed n fair alxul aiullince tlie meiidw lie re will regret u learn pmtmra dr himiiuui of jarvla luu boell mrithtaly hi for aweral wee it u iii tiia uuucrnl llopltnl hamilton two mirloun oieruton have iteeii mrforui- el ti liv her relief the anniversary irvifw of ht lavidm church auiplieuvllle were held butt huinuy aide niwui brr- iiiouk weri orearhed by uev mr mf- virar of rvrtfu a teniiteetlu ami nutertalumeut ww held on the follow ing even 1 tig when ahlriwhai were given and uiunle waa funilnhed by- tbe vry fatully of ivrllale with muw w ureeii at couiutnbl aamrrrjtimt h h mr u m hetideiwui min v rahk moont and othcm followed hy uiealiihlugof auld lang hyue by all jimmmit tenulnaftwl one of the lottht tdeaoaht atul mijoyable nvenbm reeoftb exl in lecal auiialw groat creit u due mr hh koliiitnitind otlieniiuwuciau wiui him for the uticceaful ibniie of the tiff air mr wallace lw imcceeded htire by mr a h levitt of ute llerllli branch w t ofatxmwmuiiil tlui at thno yuntr mr hwltt huu m1m luul leuguteuihl e- iwrteiire and rouiew ui acton with highest rmiounietiilatloiia he in married muu and coin it ted witliwuue nf the liottt futiilllelof ihirliu uud wuunlih mr ami mro ihivltt will lat etinllally wehoiiuhl in actouu tooclal citcuri mr wulbuw left yeueiduy for bin uew held t ih luielly ndilnd the i il mih mi a t ii wi a t of the hi nui liwho gave u eiy in lie i oont of the umi moiiii- il during the uit m e lliifiiu iiil idioulng uau gintif- the miioiint uiih1 by biilhi lp- uiiole tloiix imihu shirj llioun iiun ga h rmiil of lh- itlm nuelliig uhlih noiiiiiiiilil iki rnljmvn li i hi alnli wllhlill vuvivia win liiuii kiti inn at llroun ktrrntlrn7t hm ar john in ii if i mooiv h h woitbii jnim mliihh j i wmii john uo1vllmll j k jole- liiuii jim a lliiultiiou w j htuiihilei win cult umn iivd luit- uium geo kor j u whiiiilii ii glhlun itnlkrt wullue ilnlwi t klnaiiii alemrdimfui und the reahlelll lllld liwil ululi of till iu- trii t a lint id hiuue4 nf colic tnru for the imbuing jiiir wioi einbiiticd in mr hiowiih iimirt umi ujuiii iiiolion the whole wiui adopted inliivhting iiddifiiiii upon vmlniiu plutri of jw llible mid the lllbli kiwhty uurluvio llieii ginhy uevw w h mralplne it a- j k unddcn xi a a k kuillli ii i mid ii a muipliciuon the kmihil choir under the euvuhe iendetwhlpr mi j k wulhice rou- trilmulgrently to the intercut of the occnhlou the nltrhdiilice nu full- and tint hope w euteitjdueil tlmt when the ciillcuim uhall have mippllwl their very iiiimht4int pjtrt theixt will 1m u tlnauriiilfchowing vhlrh will fully bum tain the ory gotul topuuttlon til ready earnwl by the acton hiunrli atteutinii wiim culhl by the uecro tary u the fuct that the meeting will urrohged curlier thin yciir tluui ukujii ail the centml uoclety dcttlre u uuuu their ikmilm at the end of the civ 11 year limteod of mutxli itlhl iuj lieritofoisi col lc torn and the public gonciullv am rejiiemuhl ui lihip lu mind thin chutige titid govern theinuidveii uccoril- tlie ivmldetitehh wiui iutttmlucful anl kfivo a brief iiddretu afutr tho uhiiuljvotei of tluinkh to ticiilfrtt mul winger the minting lowed with tho dokology htul lieuedlrtlon crewboks cojinkns a numlier from here lntind tilking in krlu fair on frhliiy aimuil m on tueiduy ufteriiimin uwt the limii of mr w ijiinb lot 21 con 7 ntimiagaweyii wnu buriieil fo the ground mr deimey who bun the phitni rentetl hud occaiiioii to i mi uwny from home uud it uiu during liia ui we i ice the fir urciinvil when he arriveil home the iitruw utuck uiiu utlwme and in an incittllhly uliort lime uiu imni wow cniimimed with the helii of bin uclghltom mr nenne uuccieiletl 111 tie erie library board ilooammanila a publlo haunir to dimuaa lha peov utorory and othar pwvllajfaai tor oiiryounjf poiib t1iic nisadlno hoom iiojiict inadequate i he mliruiy llnerd inel hn1 ill iy evnliig iillluitu4f clialrmau m i p- john ciiinciiin clndimmi ii moot k luy a 1 miiikltiiion hiii itev a ksjuill ii lb tlhllhiniliillii lejiuit fiihn lkit two nionthu vle pi il uu fnl- am- hiii meinliihlt uhi ilkh hiuilh lmilil hi7 zti llltiniy w iu t iuogiitihy 1 vojng n jltiuviih id 1h gcjieiul ilteiiline 7j ol inietiy j 0 illlloi lut 1h aciillglouu 17 ili mlhjwuuuuouii rrr hi 1 ju- kcieruoind alt 2 j caul ueicipu cltjil- ogllci etc h w i li 1illlk lo 11 linie inoiil onm7 implcinelith uud utocl a miw nclf- bhulcr mul iuime iiiumu plgn mid heiui with lietween loo und 7h buiihohi of grain were huincd it mini with great illfllrulty the lioutui umi uivod toj it caught llr wverul tuu thu imru wau inuureil in the hul ton mutual fnrvuoound the miineiiiununt vvuii on uio iuuluib 5r deuney huu uie uympathy of nil in hhi huii the rmiwi tif the fire in u inyhlery lei io one wiim uupuueil to be aliout the pretttliutij nt the time the circum- htnnceti point utrongly to inceuilliir- ium councillor mnrniyii fltti teiuu uf riaiuteri wui liiirlimifiil in eupturlng ilmt prhuiut- unclvvthdnhnulaal weik uov mr kmitli ii i or acton delivered an exuelhiit ucriiinu to n urge coiigivgutlnri hen- on rimiliiy tlie duett hy mr rinrtli and mr j at vr i i- moved byajmucictiiunniccivuilc by a i hnilth thut the vu l df the ijhtuiiau lureriiiveilciiiiled a coilunuiiicnllon wiim ivud fioiu lh uhrmlmi ivipicthig tluil th lloiib coinmittimi tiiiike theiii miiiual ielee- llnn or luioka tar mtdtt ion to hhi ury h iooii ilm pomhlhlll the thnli inun upmintiil miiuiii ii i moore a j miirkiiinnii und itev a i hnuth il iiuciul rmiiuilttiti to inject new 1mmu for the llhniiy to the milue of m con uc nor heiidi1to nn iciiohitimi pukmcd ut hint incitlug if the council rcucimug the itounl ut lu eaillnit ronveuleiice to ieunt to the cnuurll mi to the reiihihlllly or ohning and inulufiiinlug a puhlic rending room wan given very rutiful cimuidoi ution in nil ita luiiilugii it wiui felt thut while ii leiuling looiu would lie upimeciated by iiuuie of thow- uhoui it wiudehlnwl to lunellt therp would lu large uuiuhcm of yoiuig iviople in town who would not lm reucheil by thla iiieamt with it view to it wider plun of urtlnn it wioi finally decided that a public meeting of ritl- aeuu would 1m ulely to ulconipluh niorii than wiui within the province of the hoard to retoniiiiend or or the council to put into eltoct tlie follow ing resolution wnu thererorii juuuih1 iloved by a k kinith luconihl by aj miiekinnnii tluittlieireiii uoiiril linv ing given very rn refill con- wiilcriitlou to the ftiuilbllily of ojienlug and iiiuhitainlug u reading ronu in tho town img to rejtort n follow h thut while we nogulo the dlfllcult- icaintlhi way of mich a project we litlll fiw tlmt something luniit lie done for our young people and we hereby rornitinieml tlutt the ihiivir cull it meeting of the cltlxcim at the cnillciit convenient tliuetowhouitho whohi matter niiiyjmi kubiuftted the llaai then mljoui mil end of coal strike in view peokxal that mineral tie turn to work mnd dlttarvrioval tm stud by board of arbltratoi4 i iiqokuood show makk a niccond tho ltrtfacil attemlaniio ond orvat- oal iltraeldta in the lllutoey at j tho himiloty iiuiitwlhou i- iijivd i iui line or i hm i ml end iii till v liev k limic ciililiil umhiiieiiijlirrthliiirulljtuii thev wii ijoi wau miij i v 11111 ulwii ii uiei riuud thd lie it lmlmnc vill ell l viou i imi hoilnie mituihn uethi hmiileiiil lmth 1i11v jnwl ik exhibit u vvm- uniinally mini ii mil uttiaillv tlii uluv wnu dimitiil to tin uiimic- iiikil jmlglngof the ide bpul- hlltii mi hint i lcithlllg wn ill wtft unli i win n tli gale ucic hi ou ii open to the linilie loud of vini nil ulilm ihlv ill ehihltk ihu ycr in huh unil urin iiuue uuincmiiei tluui cvn aud ieikiiin- in the iuulily of i hr u m l ihn li th tow uu u iiuiilil iiueurenf mi lieu i it b very i letllliihle lo hie ititilwoo1 luu to know tluil it hud hi lhlhinh fioni toronto thu e fiuiu lluiiiiplon mil tu julvllle jjii lh guclph und locul euiii tiiegiuiu uilhlu were no hum lr ellullgcll fiolll pleviiiilii jelllm hilt lla tlie mini ihiimn there weiv miiiic hiilvykwihlemhhuuil lu iiimiiie hlic uflheui weighil ia iim fine or iitiilie weigheil itolbu ill vi getahlcii innolit vveie u huge iihow a spleiiilld hhovilhg vuix hiuiln in llnuei bul in uu ultlithllldlou wusu iillle wiiil thin yejir tu cuttle tin re vuui n hue ihou ing of durham ulven tin in u wn i ihcie vuiejiu icmi huu iix entiiiiiiii thin claiih mullni 1h lu all all tbroii the afternoon the ikihc i mg hjui a ccutrtf of uttiaithm tlieie went- no inoie plcimil men to be found unywheio on wed inwiny eviilug thuji pifidilent gruy mul hcewitury jiilin dmieiou awaited on tucwhiy the rejuutji ii id leu ted that the utiile wau virtually over uud that thu men would return to work ut once at premmt the indlciitlonn uiu not to hopeful for nn luinudiiite end ing of thu great utrike but it n goiierully lnlievml thut the end i hi night thelateutpiopnidtinii thrtt ileuidetit itooevelt appoint it hoanl ofaihltru- tion to ik tt in the dilforenrtii luitvveeu the iitrikcw uud the uprutoni huu luten excepted hy the hitur but 1reuldent mittlu11 of the united mine wiirkenriithryttrrtirentinlkmitmc ceptance t0wt- vdattwuirnuijrrrunye7rtr r a pmhihltion meeting hi to 1 lu the mtthudul chllvh hen uokt monday evening when mtveiul pronl- nint prohibition wotleiu art eximctiwl to uitdrehji the niihitliig alwmt llfty young iunp1e of thih vhiulty upiint a very eiijuyablu time nt the home of mi geo grnhuiu on monday evening in tripping the light fuutiiwlin und varioiiu other kocbtl ainiimeuicutn there iiuh iwuii a conhlilerable halton protest withdrawn mo ktartleubi w tvahitud in thla umi n in oikaral h axso ohcum kktitloh dhowicd on kutnrduy trni elation protect caaea wen atet down for trlid mid ll tliere wtliv no pu tlcularii iuimi the rahiai will iki allowti to hipc only one pwdekt of the entire llhtculhl will procethliil with the iriileaui to he wltltdtuwil ar uu fnltnwirr hiittotrnritrowprittontx u uk hault hu marie andrew mi-caiup- will north york huu k j davu ktuui ontario willuni ii ilnyhu korih wuurhmi ir iikher cvutiv llmce john ms mtewurt i friihtenuc uud criwia tietll liui h j li iviuui 1jiit wellington hon john m giimiii the hearing of thojiroet iii noith grey ugahut mr a g mckay liber al wuu iotpwiued feoui 0tolur w to ntivetuliei uth at o well hound tlie hearing nf the protet lu ghip garry ugalunt w j mcinni ttoitket- vatlve waittlilml fur coruwall oi nov uth tlie on by imppuum a luave llllill ever troubled hluiiwlf with aakllig milch iul wau haptliitui enough to get hit workooe atpouul or uicctituui hi dtim triully lately mrw n rorieii hay ihm rou tined to her home for the piuit weil wltli u very kevvre cold mm m ivvuon who uim uluo nick in hiiprov ing tlie uiuny fileiidn of mbtt khiii nclei will ngret to leurn of her wveim lllueoa ut the home of her brother mi win nelleu guelph mr then oeuilcy hi aluo coullneil to bin home tlnough kicknenj mr guo giuliuin uf owen hound lu vuitlug at tin home of hlx iiutle mr 0 graham mhuihunih hiltou or gcnigctuwur itmu hnnie over hiinday f ihiy mr win ciipw of lhnlln uumt a duy or no al hlu futheru home here mm m creubuu jr hi veiling frlendmiiuauiplhdlvihe limklkoubii- hw jnliii mi wiie and m kmiiinvvln vihiteil rileildaiu lleilln thin weel the wellknown houiervllle home luilirluailicre in owetetrntor wile mrmnrriyknievme in the tidintuu- tluuir the hniiui of mr h dmby wiui the wiitu of a hujipv uvuutluul wedhmluy when tlielr hiwoud daughter mnggiu wnu uuiuwl hi iiiuriinge to air win mlno ehhiit win of mr geo minn of the tttli llihv the luuuy fiieiulu of uu lulilc mul uiooin millc in wliihlng thin tiuiig and peomperniui life mblb undmiy or guelph huu keu iveiiillhg u few diivn ut mi john ltudtiiyv mi john muiivhiul mm kiinawiii huve re tn i mul hnnie from u two weekw trip to liiuioter ohio lb m milbriniil u doing i- doing u larkf tnulo lu wall iuier thin fall he li giving 1 ikrjenu dlnoouut lliiimhlng ahd lymile picking are the nur of the day hadvronrturbthuaaitib tamteaucr mild illauoh tqm liarinv foe tha itafarvudum thu tunwmnre uud uipior force nf ontario uru getting hi rtiulinutui for tin giiat iitrugle winch will come lo an eiidou fhc uh thu prohibition- itu have now over twothlwhi of the piovincu orgiiuiwil while tho liquor mull huve rained large huiiih to prevent the prohibitory liquor iuii from going into effect what the out come of thu utruggte will lw no one cnu pretlict with certainty but lioth fiidiu are luiuguluu uu tu the rouult a mothers praise mil the mtedkjink that jlks- torbd hen dauallteu61 hkaltll bn had buftoeod fiom ebvoi- ifaad- aohaa vomlunjf and etl efaevotlamaaal and fulwl shu would not bahrain itmr blmnbh kvery piiident inoihcr will vvutch curefully the heullh or her young daughter ut the period when uiu- in pamilug from gl i hood lo oiiiuuhnnd thin jmii iiwl in the niot titital in the young gii im life it in then unit hhe liecoiuot pjilfrwuily tirtl undtriuiblcil vrith liiiuhnjuii without uijiitvnt cuune the blooil lutoiucn thin and wiitery and uulj luouipf rtepj me tuken to iiiitore il to ibi rich nil healthgiving condition decline und peril pi ciiuhiiniplion will follow or vjulnm pink pilln huve cured unite pule nun i tiller rnully tinsl giriu than jiny other iniduliii iiul motheih will illlike no in intake if they iiiint ujuhi their growing danghtem taking thcm pilbi riiuu lime to time mil p- gnge u huly well kiiovin in itnuuntoii que uobi what the4ii pilbi have done fur her duughter hhu wiyii my diuighter ciithatliuv aged fnuneeii yeiii- unu small incomes u lii u welt niiiuiiloii hi k further tln many urxr oil it i ilijilji liujiiiuip4idtw 4ltretlttiiiiwrwl tin n tittle ttptainnwtvn it 1 1 nil in 1 lie liuw hov we luijol r lonong oin iwtrouw eery week fretli 11 iik 1 who b h w ii nt a trifling okt tt in oouiethlifg to uhow win re to ivn iheu mill 1 1 fklinul khhu fnrth- immey on ktir davahelow ue givi fuklldtoiirf iln hmtk a t hale e to mve money 00 k whh h iie nilhi 1 old nni nulofdaii f ntiv printed bioun waists we have iovhi lei nn li buiith whb h have at k 12t pel i ugth ukooibi all ltiutlv hvtli urwku hyartlitiu 1 ulling ut ilv yd on katurday we uffer thenl jjiick mercerized salccn waibtk rib 1 id ell u nflli uuuu unoy nf them in mw and exclude dgnw woi hiliil m tilmiilil uiic faiicytllbbil in kle raiikiitg from iti to 11 nth fioui ylv up goon kjile katutiley at bhick marcfriztm sltccii 13c 1 iiiilvnr ini ml iilk lliiihii bin k kate u our regular k- value v ry nfpiiiijite bii- vmiuim or iiuilentklriihatutilwy ut- mr yd j cloihin for saturday 1 nlilvmlhkuindliig tin it4 of the niukm v ho m nut uveihi to ui v ing vsoo on i kiut j in vnud n ttei iilil ill hcu naturday i it will pay yi 1 there uni wlill a few popi if you are one ew peopi iii ofthiw lhetvv bin in all mx migkliiln wallttldlml krenrh faceil ujera ahie at s12u0 1 from ib to 1 1 saturday tfgial of heavy diuk i hi- k twdd kathiliimil rrenrh facaf ektia wei ji n li gulur dl iii value fiir katurday unlyu 2 iwivn y lth kuitn in tin umi double hreuteu all weiuli for luiviifritiii i lo 11 vettm of tie- bet nhu tuclothlng we li khouu bin wjejui lor the next week h2m ud all weighu utwul wtterou mens gioo shirts 8oc kmi iiieni shnli in all new it faiiry ih nignw ull ntxix nil dooi regular slbn luui suturihivoiily wl- i uo for saturday it piltciiik 111 new- tapittry curtalun full him- full fringed a good range i attnutlve idiude ivgular ij value haturlay only 2ki per pair 1 pjittemii onlv in heuv llkp4ryii 1 putteiu in 11c tiiptklry giwwl weight fuiturday 27r u r yd 2 pjitteinu ktuir cjirpit heavv weight he nip regular ijc 71d igut uuioir carpet regular c value katurday lue katunlay lu7wtiiugkiviinyviltiiiveiviitainuhthr vomiting uud uervoiiuuehn khe vviik w coin pletel- run down thut we fear il thu tithe would nut umoverhert1 itugth we iiiki kevinul luliliciueu hut they did not ieeiu to do her any giwwl i then thought we would try d williuiiih pink pilhi and thu ivmiu huu been up to our foiulet hopiii she hun fully it covered her health and ntivngth and i nhiill 1m eiy glad if thin experieiilu will lulp -muiii- ullnv kiltfeiinggirl regain her health ir willlnriih pink pllln uiuke ucli red blooil uud give new itrcngth with y ilihte they cure uuueuiii lu-ul- luhc hcuib piilpilaclui liiiie i ttnil bring the glow of health to pule mid iirtliowtluikii llipkrivhn tertuin cuiv for the allineulii thtu niukn the liven of io ninny- wnnieii u lamleu lie hiiiii jou gej the genuine with the full miine i jr whimim pink pillii for pale piple on the wrapper iiiounil every iwm kohl by ull inediciiiii dliilern or mint poit paid nt uoe per mx or hii luneu fr ifcllm by iiddrokuing the lh william medi- liutcu ilrmkville out if a man imi tnui hla filendo und loyem will fcie to iiln dignity uluil churucter lu puuur in tt uu lu u- much higher weuw than unit know ledge iu jiower klijbowtls clean5e diiuau pe tsbe uuv the 61nuine minft dv lerniafro5yrvpg toh at t flu qbujt5 pwki 50c hwpqttf 1 a inilhelor known itlmut lhiei tiuun n much hh a hpiiinbr thlnkk he dihn aphil teuinonoor the thlugi that make n hiarrieil luuu tntint ihlngx iwl do you want money tlioiinli-tauil- liiuisirifjuuial vtifll ull u lliulrlat01ul ii-kc- ural u iii kll llauollht bllcow lullv uiuuiii uy ualli or al our rbsqqtt wanen blk mill st acton our motto money down- our guarantecmoncy back show your hand ye our rings arc beauti ful and our rings are eodrimdoar tditj solid rold onci arc from 2 up our wedding rings prices from 3 to io arc the best g d pringle issuer of marriage licsmbes guelph brijltbbi canada a new liueof lie sulifctiler a directory for l ho d lli let of wwum onlark includ ing lit a tvriianpa will ba lued cjily in bcnlcmbcr onlarm fir new com icitotiu cuaujie of aihlrea change of naiiiea luplicala ciiiry of tunics tic should lie pheed at once lo 6tiure apptjranco a t brown jjocal miuiqdr alnia ladies college strniomosont iai ul tuh iiult tkliltuu or ilttjthitklj lu umaiii llasail by iji1ij uil kibl uuumiumi1 lituollua huilor miui iiarauual itiauuatloo ampt lu bttuutunl halltul ttduoulu tmui iuuimu iwulhlri wllllhj ylkwivtllil iuou ajj t canaulon bohool otllluatraliou f yihiukijilljrfllil rittaiiui cauau r at w uauii w 11 iiuw dliler prluclti grain wanted acion and georgetown elevators mid jv norval mills tim lily lien t niurkut prlcoii paid tho acton flour uid food storo u 1 tiiifllcd wli hl loh ldo 1 lour all llmu ul uoliji tli illto 1 in tully on htuid kullcd ojih itralukl loot4 lallu uuky uiu uoukut ntiutk wj tlvulhhihh vtoprieiar mlmuttger ut artnt- tim firlhfcil kouih niul one of the lugeil and beat eipilpfjml in canada picpamlory biuihes gradual loo court m 1 a m k 1 liatio ornan slnjtlu violin 1iua art i lacuiiooaud phyalclal cuhur domciaig iickuce coiuiiwrclal healthiest kicjlloii muiloralh cliaru- tuciilykrcoml year write for catalogue kiv pltln waknukma dd sgallpaper bargains for tlie next two mnths we will ell our stock of wallpaper remnants for half price fitta abnli5tmtnls tlxsmllll wanthi 1 aay i r ujlksjiuaxlmck i s stiav jlot siuyuii ui i- ipuii ii wnu ii1j blll j i il iij lvi bm a at- i ll ll mil ieiiy tiri u a- mclll ullkoi kaum tojtknt btmso lh wiilv blf f loluinlk in it st ruixtox tf kuihlif uitti- -avnxk-aswu-v- stitaym imtj aiii i kf r2i hlm tyuf ly t uokijrr crfxer anutliopiing n avis iuiii i1j ritea riuirlf hviawt lu l- nn v tltf i vu y ktuj ululi jalimtlkal iroiiillui brick fatoro and dwelling fol tiab rpt oo- t aolij lrlrk alo and x knaidaau ax ua rxuamf ot uiii alt j krar- lek htiu wi built hr v ajo iool clur uotuf ill- outiia liulullrir ltl briol ullluihu ourllllll acie iunl cimmo la upon hilklly u ul vuil la jiuu asna uouihon faim f0jtale n twu uujfliil rf-i- tot tl id wall- liuitf uiiiim lltii j littks cou i hwluaatuff cjjiiiiiiiuu ulai itu twnl orciiui imvrfalllu iiif ua hi- iiilud u ttiia a mil of ilia ruuiuliltit ton ul aetatj 1o coitlj tj twil lllla all vo ruiuim- flaiucularri hiiy at til k illm ooc tr tv utlr lu uumuecasn a clou iahji vor salk rlta wall anttwo liomttj lot uj eoe t x tkuukbiu iuiwlalni lo acnaa tnowitjt laatf arm iimicidc to ua satata ot ui lata tliud twmuilkr una liuwliaj acra olrarwl aad aloul lijlity aciaa 0 buali uu uia uraui- laaa la a- eooiuiwiloum ktuiia lioia coud bunt ai tiling and ouitiuuasa tiwintf watar lpa la lool liuoaa aiul latu alul fuu tif siaaltauoa knilt kalpr cnd diejiki1 u apla we aitd uiajl iulu rnj la viall- 4auowl ioatd wluiln ball a tiuu tf ualalloua loal offlcwadj u t u deol xmo anj a hau lullw mm jkgum acboola aiil elimcii convaniaoi wo aouulliaiica iu lull i i an uila 111 if tlaalmj lo funlir tarticalani dpply oa ttia fcwwilaa at ta jjutauuuu t o la uultuav uuubviujunlolairaui- mlo willlkubtllilkr xalou t notice to ckkd1t0ks in tjc matter p thu estate oftirorrias soractvillc- deceased not1ck u liwilv cnn iuruiul lo u h 0 uft clia w f oal h liiua livln uium acll uia luto at tit aaltt tikhuu h 1 haijuaaltui budll 1 july- i paidwu i a a rill isuula oliytll haaiivuw ialu hi hi tuauaul ut cuxjlualtuf in lli liliiuiv yt ii lion varui budiwl uunrkuut hi ttitnilj mimliliv tit uu aid ihil l baul ly 1uat uf ilrllf ui uuty ivntuaf vtlla a clou ill uld tliwuim bfr hi twuiy- 0 ootulm a l unrj glf mm atnteaacrtptlnnlinil a tutl alalauiial i tmtusulaia ot tiiir ouluia aill ilia ualur ot hm acoillyl vuyl bu by uim tluly ailal i i- alir lb baiil tlay tli aduilulatialor aoaail li dutribut lb aaala u uia auoutl ui i auullhl luaratd bavins kcatd tuily ko iliu ulaluia t wliisli lw aballuiau liattf bdllc wu auolteih 0 loliur j at alunuaitalor llla uiu lhdi jay uf b a ix lou ui etl tue j asikhjijtestate notice t ci ik ilia toialtrof li blalu ut juuili aiut kuaiciii uu ot tu v illata ui auou lu lb count u italian iiiaimifatmni ilvbil nuiih u luiulv 1 e- uil blbllltmlli on that all cm hi 1 ai 1 aealwl lb talaiu i uiuuiw1 juwililuiiiiiiilit wdo ilimi on tr alhtiit umtarvaairo uinlaira rwinlisvfou or llu tli til uiu hi uay onuwauibr luaj to uuj uy iwiil iatil ur illur to lit nudv ihwl aduiluuliatar uf ball bullalluv llitr u4mrutaatiii ami tlaa- ui lull iwiiioulant ui lifllf alaloia aaoriliulr amhmila mil lit iiakur bl 11 fcauili u an lialj uv tliani iluly aiul toftuar ulsjuuuc uat talluoaaj uiu ill anll alu nwwl toillauiliulu tliakatiii uuoud ui iksiaatta inulnl lliaratn bavluh ajilouly u claiuia or vlilcli b lill lliu bavbaj yxifaujllit ttmaiwatluillilaliator villi dot l i la w lor ilia uli ir any iarl tlix lo any 1100 41 or iwiwiiu of wliua clajws ttolio altall nni liv uu11 rwdttiy by bim al llw lima uf iucii diairluutiuo ii 1 uooiii almiilbliaior of abova 1iuli john iluuoliau liiclurlur iliawlj aliiilnilrwlni- ilwijumuhi wwl 101 onto dalj tb sooi dav or 1u1 moticu to dbetoile ur allcli i chiuut mad sutloor actom the fur buggies and market wagons iu soon qo henei any mi hilamliiiu lo buy ft uaw lluy or marlci wuon thiu bprbir should iiujwct my fctcick huil iiioxlo cliuua they aid ncal ulniiiii anil durable uui vear cut two lictnry joiib 1 you ar f any ariluga ijialiluj coma ruhl ho 11 i call ijivo you iwtlfir vailslacllou hi lliat una than anyjntlwr shop hi ivl orhalton t ulut haw itflral cluui liaraonlioer u7t ibudsf 1 fculkluytiur piutuiii m ombill auxucuctowu stock men say they are ah right prof a v m payu english jonlc powders iii- miuirau ul ljiri for llmw taitl mkj iiiil ionlty thty ulukutnuirfnikb mnlii hrului mixi auttulw ekbkink aalun kmitl two ut nlumi tor fni 1- f cream fur tnkfh alhi n htimk nn1 tii- hverybody iuladltj lo nurcliata will find a couinulo u04lt ot madyto wjr vum al gualikhw u4dy 1ur iittwe ubefat tba iwicba mtmkja- aiul slyu are rlxhl buulo in cuolpb by bwwt woik- mli w hav tho uock alao tbd ability aiufaculiy to lww alluj m n rnmt ly lirai cuad vtoik nt rwuouabbi jwkw okiclally wheal youtiui do iwlta at lioma wih yoarcaali sotna ucuuld rt ltiwwql r hettrr than a lot ui chhuuacu lu ibla irtlald they tuaktf ibelr luouey iwrtu aud ihluk it 1m lo wild il out nf town toronto liouuia etobdly iicotit hy thu chtu of iiootilj wiui li4v to uil up tlm caah hiui 11 a kmat many caaea tin hy uf iiwj loaji valuo i ha kiana- taa- wwll km wtf do lltat i ttloaal vmkkl cill uu liallor at ilotlm if tlwy i u4 vhimi w walll ail thht buaiaca if inaaoaabu liltui will salit oniwa ivrooauy altandad to vttfal uaowdalad h n k latfontaink ijulrj to aitl at to all lititbi unu 1 imoulmly bltu1 but tliso aie liiwlclit ar iv lit out nuur tf t ij ma ullluiu or ti 1hu j ui utjajl ajiainla iiaia fctc uiu it uuw lb uiuiu wiui- wl lly ouiuu lt 1i10 lliuly nuuoiililir tab lab or any vras tlhtj liltati ilia vipbjul lainlly ami ibuu iinmiiisri tli niuiln lauto iiut will ba mail m all naaai wlitmut iwuunu t any oultlil uiaim iimjh for va villain uill im nltun n any lima al tu vuku iuvi ultlrj ii i xiuntii ailuililiuator oil suieller mines acton agoncy douglas liacev co ibuiveru aiul ijukaru now voil 11 hjaiii uoklvw ol ibuibuta jliutn4 k ii ta ina tliiaiujt intkllir ituiitluiauj inluiiic ami mt fimuu amlolmii j aowj uu aoton uochiiiu and licnair shops itiiiituini ty aulwiiiuiuuuiallniiiuijuiituaiii 111 ilo all alotl oalua attluif iiutw luw liiuauilifuiieial na8bagaw1ya saw and plaiiiij mills lumber and shingles kt lowusr muicqs liltl kttill nil it onlrr 1 i suiu biovo imijiii i j a diuihlo cool wboti0 vavaiai w hmtmtl a uxuru oamauj i oayorsf proorlotor faua 1