Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1902, p. 4

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my lungs an attack or u grippe lafl me with a bad coiujb my irionda aald i bad conaumptlon i then tried ayer cherry pectoral and it cored me promptly a k bandlcajtokoinl iii i j you forgot to buy a bot tle of ayeis cherry pec toral when your cold first came on so you let it run along even now with all your hard coughing 1t will not disappoint you theres a record of sixty years to fal back on jatfkissnscjasrtk rriilhihlay ktoilkkllt itwu ttb doling jfouifi thamkrmlvino day turky in uu tv ln ok in th twutr haint bit rfmia l tookthkm sinql mandkd a ktthtp of iiuui wl 1t mlttlllk tll ltniknt mm in ttnyu lb reunion t i ktiipti wlun tlutulk tilmtil iimiii tin win in houth a film htvial ir tin u ii w iii hint i ik ih rwalmii wan brink indent rttbhtf will ih a unmurly iokin fllih it un in houth afnn ui wlfikl lifl n vt llllc tlm 1li11 hilt- tuwlal llu jlm ra k nmd imxnhlul i llnttui ion lnk t f ii ii i fill i rimmfll rniil ami tlu r ntly 1 tv utl ii with 01 it booh- all wound i r t1 a haumr w uii a uimpji inn of a vim didnt kt urt of our r j inl n m t li thata till ynl dny hft r i totale it lot r tmtmmtrt mkoih unci fulluuwl tint i l taking uliln i krtyil ami h blu huh mlt r wild tlr iuar abln ni iifllik iiutlli iu 1 uvtimtu out of the nlrrhjuvliiiiwnfniiythtif yrm niu nil 4 mliul but fntnllj ynnjy uin onlj lttiint mcsuuir of 1 li rtit jimt ii that l i in t oh mi 1 in not thut wi on klir till i nnvdnily u uiuul iuitird mull ot ihjtr itdiii lib foe i in onl h bliolurnttu f immense nv utuxlhi uiat halirt aha full iivf my how u wll when wii kiil a rliatic t r tackier turkty meat kay i tin t turky wtulfetl uliclktck i guu uuhikh tj t r n 1 ii ih- ilty iuicl mwjlwuth th liurr i lmmu r thnn coniit nlow win ti f ih ru wttiul all foroimmtn y r know hi it kiih conitti nu4ititlli 1 hlit hip hip hooray hov 1 ttwrui tuuiinft flnt f k tlutnknrvltidjiy majcb tuamkaoivlna a joyous day tluudcwrivink uuhkn cliruuiuui l not ipocnilly tlm rhlltlnmtt day it a a hum- for tho r union of fiuiilhix ivwhich of cihtrw tlu- chlldrtmi r itrludixi ut u do hot cuiy tin chief pucr mm at tlvtr own fthl hut wit nil dtiri to mnkit thi hikhui holkum lnht uikiu hi thii ll of rhlmn n thu pcnllir fwitooi of mcli mhould hn linpluutluxl mi that wiumi twy ciiuin round in nftr ynr unry will ivrlnjc with tin m nomtliink at tho old childuh joyoiam- whlrh no upm- of umo can wholly doprlvu tliuiii of if tliry luiv imm hurclnuitwl with it in ailyllf ladi itoinn journal mistaken or ilirat to ink i- off li llidrrclotlilni i muto yo liao imooiim oi to kt u iktl ut- nt ni miui ru ht dy irtnk mini iukki tliat tnry j hour tnk ii fron ult p u liour kllitkl toiiutiknt that if it llttli- worl cm i it ivlu u k vloli lit utid proloiki t xi ii iimi iw in tti r locomlndi tliat tlu miimlhmt rikoin in tint ltmiimt u lnruc i iiouuh to hkm p in to wlmp immhil to a dtnctdraiiklit htrhnyuwii consicrrekt ait you imllavfr n woman tuffr- uk kiknl mm btronk of oiut of bur youu frlcinda indtttmliaiu wam tint prompt reply i uiluk wu hhould liuvn tlm right to vou on vmy tutioit ami to ciicmmmi tho kuatnitntmt ami do cwrrythlnk that m u can h tlnm why wim you not at our jut- portunt uiecun unit tuwly uvn- njfftwkrdr-mtwj- itro jf-wlui-uw- kovrrity why bald lur yotinrf f rii tul to pnuuhfully i couldnt tlf mr htroiik i jut couldnt our liutu wi out aiul uuitlur dooxtit llkir to txi alona in the iioiumi at lilght ntul 1h- aidcm thtf wwwit anyuwly to coinu homo with hin after thci liiucuni and itm dark bm dark can ut ut our comir now tliuyvo ntovwl tho oloctrld light 1 i tht iiidct of nurhft u ththj lulrroi of out doctrine hi wh opolim u bcliool floihol h prison h vulwitalituliy kn at in thym if and uiorc uinn uiuu apptyrct uutouutlrd atxl 1 t thtt world imi doc ivimi in thf anuiuy uii in tlu llfhtu of ht itvi n a word in uirt liand u wortlt two in the you inkedhr yoo tioodnt kocp on fimllng dlmtrrtu- ixl after taung nor iwlchluu nor v pi riincitinaiumin lta4wwii iiimiu in otht i wordw you khouldnt knp on im intf dypopti ma you cortuiuly blionldnl iiovkuruiwrillu i urni dyhjm pu it utimijrtim a utid umt tlm ktoiuach ptirfii u dlgiiloil criuittm a noriuiil ap il holldn up tlm who nyatiul an imp hi ikrn inwnptip r tmui writ- if uii txlltiu- wi tit to kiiup ut all tin indutuit utn hi lil out lit would umkii ik a lnlllloiialri if lm run u papr in urtord with tlm popular notion hit would wvou imi in tho ulmu luui if ho puhllll hnlf tint it mu im ut to hint he would ut in jmii inilf ut tiinit and in tint luuplui tlm otlibi half neuralgia wcsiuaicilcudiigi poinail utc face by talcing scotts emulsion into the htoniacl usual way of treating neural gia is to rub liniment on the outside that only a make shift scotts emulsion is nerve food scotts emulbion fnds and btrenjthen nerves for an obstinate neuralgia foi nervousn irw weakness take scotts emul siqiu its nerve food andaiervc strength cotl a ikjwmk t1lu vi- to nat tut if you hnd only a intnutti in whit h to flnljdi tho tin al and to rat without ou upp tit or to roiititini ufur i haw tx u mtixlui to kratlfy tho uui to ivti uiitucioihfiry tim to ci rtalu tahlmlul routinii of hmiwktxpink whon it could mom prontaldyiqwnt in rtat or rcratloti opportunity for cot ting beautiful walch and chain froo- no monoy roqulrod evorv man woman boy or ctrl his i ho eamo opportunity under our svatum v inordrf to srt lt arnold i n imln illl url in u haixt ol hi iwiboi ftuijoliik fti iiiihi liralll wo nala tiwi follow 1 1 in mi hurl oflof i you will mini ti your name and ulilma mul airo itj ll of ut tmrelvc wfl arnold l toih litu bt 3lc mi iklk wd will lvfl yuil auhlfuti i fkuie a iii aiiiivui wa1cii an1 clulm in rlilvcr iulvi or gntiu ijo or yourcliolco of i went y ollior pronilum bucii aa nm aelt o jewelry klnjt vulln maiklolln- i mm sjlrrn skri arnrra ric krmrtnlxr wn ikim t want avv uuhttv tinril tirr you kell tlm i ilu and you dont hayn lo m1 xiy moratliaii 13 ijic lo rci ilm premiums hit n niiorva flda offer dom m mllaola concern thai lia riico ihuuundaumollarri wmtli uf premium lo ajrcntet all over tho country icnern alilll or arnold 1nuluh tjio 1ilu mntmoll linjwn romcily or all dlwnc iltabcic ihcomallun imrvoua trouldes uumtmau ompuluia and am for aala ty ail firal clai urugjis and dealer in medkioes io all part of o world yoo art not ouaruuf wmollilnk that lbs prropla dojil itnow our watchar at llm rgular klandartl titti tat ijlle or ceo tit men in nickel or gun moial cae with handoma intimlnmod dial and reliable time keeper walchc ocli a no udy or en tic man nood he aihamcd t carry and i bey will bo aenl ahsolutcly free lu all who aell only twelve bone ol thom wonderful totin tllut wrlla at once and ite ilia flri n your locality lo tain una of thote bcauikul watches and chain aa aaon a we receive your leilir or poi card wo will tend you pol paid twelve boke together with our illustrated catalogue and beautifully color ed caid with your name and address on as our vuliiorucd bietit hear in mind that you will not be suited lo sell any more than i he is bore and we now t want amv womey lintlj tiflcf yotlhave mdtl jhem we bear all the expense and are only mak inft ihls liberal offer- as a method of advertising dr arnold a vnglisli tosln jmu don t delay write at qnca and earn a beautiful present tot yourself for christ address arnold mod led n co r jokpb at a ho adelaide bl icast toronto out land poi tllatl voluntekita csrunoa will b lssusd on novatn- br 1 ulararvola choosapmni aimoum in nt u omli by hon j onvu miuutr of nmn ln thill rllllthtlf ulll i- iu oilant llo ill diuli tlllt1 to l kl i1 itltllloilm hivi ih hi id ixnlyw ih mii nil on m tlmt u nt ih l i npud imhuiii tlitink hi nn of bolt uil1wlr xtuil l in lu niu of thi two tovt iihiij- hlir i i itl lhia miiinoti- koim bpiliil plntm liv nrlvii in a r of ii n tloiw uhlh itiim koim du but tbluh iuuiiih tniiplulir ljll elcct10n protests dismiss d tha dlat llat njuo4sd to about bovan can j to ao inform tlta judjc iiaitton ib not yjct hiettaueo ton- n ktn mt jiimit ud mi jini mm mdi 1 ilidloo sliilit to ii ii nlil fi ti u iltfuro i miuri ncy a manly luart liam tip rtmcdtlu moot tlm tlircatun iiilftlnnifor with undatmtwl eoiiitnn inic aiul wh tin r coinpu rrd or coti- tpm riiiu faciy it alwayw fc othintluke paines celery compound fori cleansing and purifying the blood it fcrtulloauat uxm si ot blat hnvlatoftama auid ilejuvao- ttatat tlioututniu of jiu n and wonu ti ilto lihat nrgli ul tho work of phhlrul rfuh ration in hn ktinunnr inontlim are now carryinu u hurdi it of dimiuti ill tint majtirlly of mms impnm and pouottoim hlood tmd kiokm rlrcu utloimr tin dlroct cuitiwr of nun rtij and hi 1m ry art you rtadtr oim of tlm victim if mi do not luttltabt a nioinont rimtrxllti wliat yoit uliould do tint life httultt nituit ih iitatlo pun tlm tunl uv wrvckl tin injcity of thi hlotwl viowwdu tiliut im forrctni tltt turx tit and tlmhuih lniod imi ltouruh tort rinnvovlrt7h3oittpoii1 j-ui- uicdiclue that puyalriuni hcomuit nd for out incrtaao of pttrn ithmwl en tint arteriiti and for hrouiltik tlm purifying orkauu u caat off thu impurlhoa tlwt rivo hao lui chmumi mr t v- mlt- clmlt now hionlmrtf ontwiiuti w followi myinotlnr wuffnl for flv yturn with it bom xfu and imr uytlt in wan ao far run down tluit doctom oould not hdp lmr khn tfoutd hardly walk nlmut tho hotumi hhf triod aliuoxt nvvrythlu to procuru it cum lwit no ktmxt rostilw namntintll iuiiimm cjolery compound wat iumhi which kvi lmr ittatatit h lltf him u now xulutf a thit1otttiradtthtftldn work tin nt im no cutthik tlm gtmluili knoti of hfrt cacli miut 1 utnllhiky iiunivdlltxl th btory moralnjr tlr in tudd hy inipuini uuhhi poor dlki- tion tdutftthdi hvor uud tlrml imrvoa it u u wartilttk f viry trlotw trotihlo uii ft d and ahotiul prompt boiudhm ptiopht to tiiktt u hrucinp uhtlc llktt tvrroxoiio im bhiuvotlo invponuit uud wdxilldt r rrrooio will ulvo you h ttlmiii npuumu promoto immi di- kidon luul witiml uutp it will md uud inbiulai tlli lnftwddwl ortuiii ttn uutlmu tho iurvo und vital force a tmd r gnrtti tlm heart vor a nuul flu i in in ruth r to im ciiomui tin ii throat rlcht a sure curs foe conattlpauon knnm ri hhmlut ruvo thlu duttiwiuk conipuiint in it dny konm in u month hut nciilin nmu falu to cut- in it fow uiluutt n jiut u n drop of nc r- villiu in hwis u n w watrr thatm oimunji wild awny k thu tyiumu ry cuwmi to jiuiy cmid nc rvllliii ulwan tmvttanpcolio pnin lu uwmtoii und aick luadachn u him lli tlmci tlm utr iiftth and curatu prop rthtiof rrtlliiitri riuuduh and uliould lw in nvtry lioilaudiow ikttur huy a 2zc iwkttlo and try it nurvllhm in all riht- hold by a t ilrown chuutfua uial uroil findiiiu into vikiu atriitli and attihltlon and iiwhi it pilrkly ltuiiuikiihir tlu iihtuft und lu- himi on itnvlnu only 1 rroanim itu th ut tonic 1 1 nul imin toe n r utx or hi ux for 2o0 kdd hy a t liown i a jiu11lihw and tawuiall itlum- tiou tif out uowtuhutiicu i immitilhluk to do uithpildu ilkkhiu antl omit inpuvit hyrtip utnndi at tlm hostd of ttutlut fpr all dlwtuuu of tlm throat and huib it act like ihukil hi hrrakinu up r told jaiuujtwminjuivmluil liuhtuc jf tlmthit i tidioviml nvin tlui wtft lmi of i ntuiilimptlnu im rt knvil wlillu iti rote ut tiiv a it may lu uall m vi t to fall it l- a uudiilntt prowtml rtoyi tin- hillvn prlnclpl u utul vlitthj of imvmii iiitdhlnal hi rlw and tan u dfpiuhil upon for all piiluiiunnj loin plait u j xlantutii me of moin intiwii unit than utwaj lyam thuid in a ytiat im ttttiinliiwa tlapliu ha imi pli uuiiit to taku thut thllilh ii try for it i hut itu d atli to worutu of nil kliuli ih ijiww nvorniahytip a poiiuy aavhl umlu thu lirit h whom tin rua a wilt thnrwn ti fray luatau mil f kuarwiitjmxl by lulutf mllhurui hu rllutjf liiaurlm lwl no ih prcalny uflt i uffct concibe jit i iy ui imru u kmntalutoit tnldtount may muuk th tit to conu lllt k voriuhbin ml butliito pivipnoiih wiu lit itb taita if on ul01 dinu ihniiki lrtii tht r ayouiiu hibthjiud k1ij wlf a niithlth amount and dttilkim ti im envitliik ni p r- i4 1 it tilwi k i h r llfty dollam aiidkuid iwutit yon ui put down whut i nlvn ou on thii nilt and on tlm oth r wriln down tho way it kimm nnd in a forth i lit i will jivt you nnotbt r kuppl m two wt k utt r ho iukod for tlm liook oh i ha k t tliat umvillit bald tho younp matron ii wit la ami ou otu ltk waa inrnlnl loonii tl from auty fifty dollnn and on tlm opimmiito v au thu ktiintnury sp nt it mi if cnli npihul fo lb ilhruinl m llmiind linlol f i cuiumi u tlutt lit fulmwmu uiiadd i hnl ml 0hi hall ihr nrkh from litliy t 10- hi oihl r in iii ill xtill hkl b 1- ihtllnlolllou- ii nr ri ti vni humillon major j h n iru mkhiiouiim- j m 1 rmu hmiui korfiilk win a imihon koutli w rt wmlb john on k ttuin kfhtlll lltirsmi il iil idlnr ktmlh llnit ii 1 t- upp t wnt iiirmim runiin lueuiuillm lrh t hlttiin a ii t1miiiimiii in nil but south wiiitwurili and wat huron th r aiv inw hllimn it u rnmontl that adduiktoil mul ktomiiwit th dat of tnul foi whiih ti thu 2ltl will ih- triiirtfrrtl to toronto and dumuxl alui tlui ltat- hut i- u iom a of u hht of lit ptiiiniii nn 17 immih litliiiut u u trlsl imiorcaat to our 17aarttivavl tint liuttortnult of tlm tltiiltkuvliik ftatlva lltx lu tlm fact tliat on thu day tin pooplo of cnnfwla aro ralbnl uwm ut aitrlhuta th ir liapjihuwu p at and pmmm nt tint to tlm tmiuu of waaliiuuiii or hrock nor to tli irtorlia of wolf ot tint atttuto utaufa- nutiihhlpof thit or that ktvat pnidi nt polltlcluu but to tltt lovu and nu rcy and pow r of almighty gotl wo ro- kard tin arl apivolntuu ut of a day of national tliiiiilngmnk im tli lnipplht tlmuuatt dlkniflihl tlm u- tin thtal that a country could r ntirt to in xlndlltitluk itat if front tlm churu of im lltflou mul philltik itjlf on th kjuim piano ulth otln r chrlhtiuu lmtlaniilltloi a kiillty itutmknca in tlm uiotlu r of inv nllon imiuhiutt aa uprtip nothing cwputln it aa a worm miillriim tlm numu u mothit graii worm ivxtlruiinator tint nthautit wotui dctitroycr of tlm nn viino nun iim rontint not u do luai acttmunrl wnt-t-uwmi4-in- capahlft of u niuin uanikht or fthiik chronic tv rtn iiunita of tho ktonmcli llv r and blood uri upixvllly rmuovml hy tho actlvo prlnclpln of tho jiihtvdimumitfrliib into tha conipoi- tlon of iaruulitii vtt tabla pill tliotut phu net npicihtrtlly on tlio d- rangil orkitiih mtintnlatiut to uctiun thotlonuaut t m rii of tho hmuiii utoruby r moving dltaaao and hinow- inklifo and vlulity to tlm amictod in thla mi- tho ivat wcrt of tho pojmutilty cif iaitntli w vtkttablo im1u wo judk ourw litii hy what w- fil capahtf of tjouik while otln ru judk dm hy what wo havu doitf lomh of ktuitv at mbitva ijuj of iiishii oft 11 moan forco it ukcn pltnty of ntn htimikth u cany on tho work of thili uiukintf hcottn kniulhlou brltik- with it now utr wlttiihth and rich lumrlwhiui ut uttlo uilndm hy inurortniiu uihivo it art lauud and iululu4l hut k mindu iimi hu hi 1 ttm 1ikuttc0iulutlv ttutl tiiony 11 jw atitlly luld imftut tho lubll in tlm coltitmim of tlm dally lutatflovotl that jr liioniht krh trie oil au ulwoluttly puro 1 oniblnu tlnu oftlx of thu llll nl iitsiluil ollii in 1 acutimo r u10ii1m rlu uiiiath luiin 1 tuilkatih uffth tltuiu of tlm throat ami iuukh and t uit u pllt uoutidn uoii h luiuiitimt tuuimh burint mid 111111 1 a of lunhiw and tilth- f14u luilliiiik htiutii nolliiuu ih notlilii- mi unit h uu thy it t u mul thy tdia mo una liwd foai choli ra or liny wtlmimt tomplahtt if- tin y huvu a lmtil ir lit j 1 kiiokk ly ty tonllal rtuily fin u it uinvuw all too iitaiiof tho laiutlii tprontpttmnd ittiia111 lualthy and tuiturtj uttlou ttdri lu a uilu hu adaplitl fot tht youiikundcdd inh mul mki and la rapidly imhouiiiik tlm intk1 populat indlt ln foi liuiu ra d m uti tyit hi tlm inakt i nonsense 1 or li udiea 111 k w niawllara else fof i atry cootl wlieii stfli a lm1 iikl la lcpllti luwu at iuat ai rcawjnihlo pdis and are ito to rlt ftoilv we have the miellai d ilasa in wlilld itlatk ley vrllow i ink mnuvi won dl he oilier wools lu as utf vahely our llatttiliuric llru uie asked for oil over the dominion mlprr tilns in all she iy dlotl sldeuard cover 1 lw ocltml ira clot lis antl cushion i ntvs al all uices ohand tiunk liilway 1 ill h i at i fl ur hi ll lllr i h 1 will t- 1 ii il wt uii 11 an i ft imaj riilihvat ifl m w i u ti i hint 11 u uutit 11 ul uqctt i 1 xlui tj o i tot 1ki j hfr rrirrifrirf toundauon tpvinolpajskst irt wlmn wo unili rtk t llll your huhmcnptloiiu wo k th nt our mulivulod atu iitum and lustt 1 urn jdm pajjiaila vaijfan lt uur-llrbt-coit- nlh ration kocond wi ktutrmuto our dnik t imi o full ttlr ttjjtlt uu wt ii an puro ami frouh tttlttl our ltmuum nt uri uupplul with jiift wliat timy 10l for ulwtitut- iui in nt r allowttl 1llnltfl cfalkhv oolunjml if you aro a uuitfi n r front kidtioy dlmcnhoiivi rcouipjnuihloiltrouhloa rhitiiiiuitiniii n umlkut or norvmin promtmtiuti wt cottldtiuy rvcom- titkiiil tlm lbn id imiwti cii r coin pound tfuu kvlnthla and tuvor dia appointing ttmdlciim hi u truo dlmwait imnimhrr ami uytvum bnildor wr wupply tlm ii tuiimt palnou cl ry cnuiiound a t llriwu at ton out monoy makts tlm ma or o rubber heels that hold fa watlmaul t row z w4 ry sanjjj tltt boc no immtstl fciu uj viumil ilj dunlop cushiqnads tw lwt jlnlmi- 1 t jiar- nwlvl luw a ry k ul mu ila 1 t tlwo y uuliwutl c- pot tl uu wimtu lott cayalou thcbunloptireco umiteo thu u nut a k ilht onl hut wh u itu think how lmhlo ou iih not in thirrliaat for 7 tlm only r uily mil v mally luimii ami a r in- that lum liad taj iaikt ahi f any jindldim in thu worl1 tutu- lwlh for tlm urv and tro4tmntoftoii and tlmvat andhluk trouhl uithout loiuu iu krmt iwipulanty all tlu arnii will la tliaiilful wi culmdjonr utu 11 t ion to lw ho a o sr tin ri ar mi nuui onhuar ioumii hiii4lii iiiuilo h llrlmk nib- m that am ihiap and k f liht toldu ptlutiw but fot wvim ukiih hmmhithi triiup and ihja-c- lully for coiihiiiuption win m tin m iw ihnlcult i xpcuratlon and coiikhhlk dutiiik tho ui mot uiiik tin nu uouuiik hko g niititi hyrtip dd hy win kreun ity u pationt mid loving mhiram of unnoyalicwuro u prtpanuk m- hua for tin ciim iplllh of tnau kflant jon voloe ouv improvsd a hutrtlhik iuipnivt uiout in notlio uhloln ilwj01u ttdukitik iiirolco bi wtroiik r and uiiiudu tltiutt and imtt r thui ik foi- uninif citatth- nznno uhlrh it tin wonderful aid t 1i11k r tpakire and niiuihu im catarrhoxoiu inhuh i imure nlwihito frvhloii from colu rivukht and ntnrrh ch un th jttwa uud tbrewtt undprnwuuhoaiw lutjjitud hiikklm calurbnxnuo mukr- tlu 01co brilliant aiul 1 tularin k ami i iiurtiiimouly wu rrfoiuniliuhilbj pilam oonnan nu 111u m of luirllanirut laujru dortora uud thoutaudii that uwi it daily jloturtry fatarrhoiint price l trial hiiu 23c sold h a t ilrou 11 it u tint th uuetubi not tho proiiuma tnat nuilo nun of na uu wwimmmilalb thai not thtt uijoymcntt tlutt ratnti m tei tlm utattnv of nun ami unim 11 ah puiniidoeri vomituldo pllla con til injnaiulrakil and lumle u tlm eiiiv llv or and kiduoy com plain ta with utu rritik cvrtalntj tlur ulao cum tain roota aiul lu rlw which havo npfciuc vlrtufa truly woude rfnl in thejjr action op tho leuuiuch utul taiweda mr k a cajlrncroaa hlutkewpoaro wrltai icouiuder partmbmu is1u au oxch 1 nt rruutly for hlllloiumt ut aiul thraukopmntof thet hvor having tinil tliitin foraomii tiliu lo le tu rw for your furniture needs call utld inapoit tliunuirk j h struthers gohlphr you will in kiirplaod at thtrv nrlityto choan friiin utul tho lylnwtiudt pih prtiviitlhik s 0 ur chinese lkundry 111 rirnni muiiiihh wfluw uee acton ijiumlry roslrclnl u mi returned 1 amlly waublni at rrimalu rales all work a nia aju ihla rlinmtraltl- 01 i oko i hi 1mnu lloptlur kcton mills a ih autifiil t fiueint a kind 1 tiou an uiua ut a laatity defoinud hajryawlvvuu make 11 iihiire 1 lo 0 make 1 routreuhc 1 nirnkcd uialti jjl tmntipt ti milt o und biii- to crt couhiw coldat aoro throat uiiu in tho chekt litwtr- wtsha piltuy tc ivlco 2ic a fool and hhi monoy c orrupt uruul mamu ra 1 a num u known bj tlu ho ki iw fboud gold s2e- ueevt oou vdl 160 kyiwooidym 1 00 lumttiaaat 100 03 yirit ttt torto- ono to lull of mttuit lual u tlu whtdo world ki in kick lltudarhr hoiiir iiuuoyluk umljlulnnlittf u umittmly e uril by ivuijvr pllln- tlmy urv inay t tiiku uiul imv or uri a word ui tho wlw in n daiikwaiu tiitiur froiti the ktuatot iit onto conuiworeltluitmt jiuiit mrtluin u iikiilu at umk hi wan laid up b innim on tin kedtu of ilu fa t but uu perf ttly runel h pulnaina lniuhi oiiiaud wart kxtuu tin sold b a t llrouu 1 iimnv 1 t iiuiki emvanl of a bad breath a bad breath means- a bad btomucli a bud digestion o bad liver aycrs pills are liver pills they cure con stipation biliousness dys pepsia sick headache iihl wt baj k kmatuul 1 eft- c c l attractive katw saiaw aaav offer the free press will be sent to any addresi in canada or the united states for twentyfive cents for the remainder the present year new subscribers for the year 1903 will receive theremaindcr of this year free that is fifteen months for only s100 this is an exceedingly low offer cheaper than letter postage have the paper sent to friends at a distance it will be as welcome as a weedy letter giving as it does all the news of the district as well as the general news just as interestingly written as you could do ypurself and of far less trouble to you the fuui pituss has always stood in the front rank of canadian local weeklies and was never more interesting than it is today show this announcement to your neighbor and advise lum to become a subscriber two scriptioni for 175 ewcry subscription in advance address all subscriptions to the sub- paid s xvmiji jrlveso aotouont slak hudaahe biuouanesd ly tpsa coated toatnio foul breath heart bunt water brash or any diil of ttta stomach liver or uoucla laxa i ivor pill ore purely cpetauiat neither im uraurn nor alckcn ara easy lo louo r ml luouipt to acl- tln tiitn if trtu imf in till hhort- il uny lliilni alt niii in tlm uorlil iiflniliwih jwitllllliilli iuiilulii iwi 11 il11 m l miiinii ul limkrtwi uu in juilltii 11 anil ih llrtmii tlm tllnlriiltliij of ophiliinii mill tlu ltull lilimllty of nu 11 liitxo imm 11 uin nt to tho iliminrw 1111 nt li vililih tin wtunilunl ill tlnvi ikuiuii i111v11 lw n 1 invuuil s11 ultli mot i of our jirii iiiratlonn fon numt ill illin trillion of wlilrh irtltli mnlnu llin wo 111 falumui 1 inihly tok in ioliliilillil mill liillkont qt inliii- willi uiul uliiin win 11 oliliiiuilili in ilii k iiiiim hlrmutli in u iiilminloiiu tuiitin of aiiiw lili vtlulil mill ltllii limit lo thu kiniiii r rlllit of uu mli m ynlnini im 11ml iln imiirrim mi nt lum from tilt llit iliw 01 1 r of tin klit 1rt11111 of qiiiniliii uh 11 iniiliiiil uki lit imi 11 om of tin limit tlioliiliulll illuwil niiiiillia 1 i r ulfi nil to tlm inlilii iliuuiliiilfthlulxattoniriuliil lliitlllill iirklvliik itiiiiuliinui uhuli tlm liimli tl prffiiol iwvo luuill cliimluil til rmoiiliui mul iriuriln aliiuiw noruiroi i i num of loionlo luun uiv 11 ti tlii ni inmilinli of tin ii imi i dull in mini lln mint mr ilm tli u inthirtuiii4 mul tlui kumhuil i xi 1 1 lllii of tlimtrllili willi ii tln olf 1 til tlm imlillr uiuii llll im li i liinnil in nil tlm ill fi l lilrll b1ii1i1 illllvulioil ullll mil nl ilii oiiiiiiiih mi imllilil mil in tlu ii mi i fi ii imi lion of tliiiuitlti travellers and tourists travelling from place to place arc subject to all kinds of bowel complaint on account of change of water diet ahcl temperature dr fowlers ext or wild strawberry is a otire cure for diarrheal dysentery colic cramps pauls in the stomach sea itcness cholefcrt cholera morbusrcholerattrmllrfiir summer com plaint and all iluvei of the dowels jnchildi en and adults its jffects are marvellottiv r it actsjtke a charm relief is almost instantaneous docsnot leave the bowels in a constipated condition lumber lath shincles and wood dill s3ii lumimit ltouolt lumlinil lath s1un0lkk and hlovi wood ok all icinot kont constantly on hand termb eash janies brown a fine showing of fall fabrics i or trouiri top coals and suits cumc early anil chooiu irom a coniplolc slock wm cooper mluckakt tailok mill srutir hcton wijle i titlrimliif boiilsa w itolp i itow yow r swlaalsst hell i u m twilli skeeb ot wl t yoar if wrihon or i mt rvetc t t snl wlllclli irraritir nt lil 11 ss to wlivlher u lprulwtily cteiusbu urwtcd etpvjnitlatstui ci kirtffefiily i i lu filly iiuii j iil uffirs in stont aiul ws 1 1 in ton l uu vlllus us to pioc ty iuimkii wok siul iiukklytwn rt lftil tutli lll wlritt prnciiirl thrrticli mnlt itloii ctv pcll natlce willtrniicaaih lu ow luo 111 jfjljlcial liullll ii tf t ihluuslwhll th nt4iiitiltil s sfhitually ilikit 1ualnos ut urn lu uufat- bpmlauv lltit li iicrssiiill uii ltrs marion marion psitant er ports jnd solloltortt ilf c nw vert i b w flssrtissu tttopatebtgoftdlim 111 twralrl iddnm judsfj patents guaranteed otirctlurr i if w fait- anyone scwllng slelcli mil dtlrtuinf say tamaiuxe will i iuiii lly t v o ir 01 lalon frc csonfniloj l jmleutai lly of saula how to ouslu s id if ul ttr i rxi t iiiml itcuu sctllj uironh us i ivtitlt lurkjiaoursutia4 i jtcuti taleu out itnuuuh ua tclv jwiis malic will nitclisr lit l um aymmt mkctiso i4 wluly chvulatct jotinisl ruu u rlum lufsrtutrtssuil li viotor 0 evanc go bo years experience tndtc manna dctoha xtvrkurr ac lln fekvtrti fend hchmrtpt1 nutcsly fcn- fietr hi um fnv tltfnllui m f tiftblr lhahuablh wh tctuilulc i lu iu1 llajulual i vlitg1 1111 fcx mlcs t iuniuu si wuljut wllh ml t lu tu sckniinc flimricarir aksujx inlfllllt vpslf il hf tlai im riy k ui tins 1 hiroaj ttt bj a nlunlj iallw wkliui hewfork or any class of engraving for adverti3iai6 pvrwse3l ratawoutma0axtkv jljoneslngl 68baysytoronto japan tea drinkersappre6late i the ttncolored green ceylon red rose tea

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