farewell to rev j k godiirn okonoarown u mauutku uokft ltaimwkt ui laallanel tirtrf falhar atalu ht laurai wtdmt 6fluir hii t i rati mr o tallurri mekay um unkit tuq in uiiiuuiummi ij ilnljt flnl ej to at til ill mouiar j olio at uhmdih omfblaf ootob bab by itsi a i pin ii a i uunwillbuo u wadiiaatwy w a us ii itli mr win loitn of mim iiiu ualo 1 monuav- wlu llou i a luiliiuujailhi ijku tlu asad ii rjaaaatlolalauillofc hm1i day oubm mill john at iu ftrim- id whlulmmli fa wanwt on uodt october mil mary u vmml blaxt and tuouiar of alia it j hilar lata umiw of aatoa ltlb kabooj lpt al scijc acton jrcc 3rcs tiiiminoay novkmhkll i editor i all notkflr til iotlnu liulllul li ijkii- mm ul lilhiillkiuml iimi u ml ml mr hluirt ulural lu con wilihntjjr coujlnilh lil 1 arionllng nwriil lnvetlgatlnna regrmllug tlm real tinifco if iauperiili in hwodou it lu utod that ifci per teiit of tin- ii rw in that nunlry urn habitual lniuknhlil that in pr cent of the children mivd for i l alinuhouaoa and aayluuia tho father 1m or waa tidnuikurd and that in hu nmtilmr of caaeu iwitll parent went victim of airoilg drink tho vote of thit pmldbitlonula of hulloii cm tho 41 li lwemlier imit utal 2170 if we do our ahnm in tvarh lug tho iieceatjary 21htri in tin proving tho vlwton mh1 tlm vuui in thu guiiiml ilrt tlin of lhtmuu follow- acton 10h liurllnglnii 115h gru town icifl xi hum 27 oakvlllo i7 kaqueaing looh nuuaagawoyu mx nelaoii 708 trafal um if hta to tho 11 v j k cnli iuiwn jitul u lmjf jio fidmidampuhore adilllxh mid goodbye to the toiigre gallon i mt hunhiy llu n wiw a huge nltitidoiiro lmlli morning nml uvi-jilnn- lli mthmiii in tin inomltik sn tt lot ink ikhorutlon u faithful mrvuu in lli mhktory tmutf at lh m it ir i- ryll 1 ii iili il llmll f 11 illill ii iv hi ij lw 1 1 1 a i ill- ih ly 1 u1ik1u t ill 111 iliirl ii m 1kk luwll l v iii lllt llfty k r t jill w ui l lrlll ii l huif r 11 lufhl rvtumitiml mivlit fui uin 1 1 1liiim k nillliik urn ulrh millulily himrillmil hockwood viiinkitmvk mr huuitktihuruwi 11 kiiinlly hrotlir k i iiliut ik ii jw lomii look f- mix in lorki 11 ftuvwull j onirmt fui tit hie kiui tn div1 nf for tho flnitiliiwiiliicttconftklratoti ih 1t office depart u wnt of 0naw u nowonelf titviningbutu- hon win mnlock nnnihjnml nb tt baminit in hu honor at toronto on mondny twonlntf that thurw in uiu yrnr hurplufl of moot- thu ubl yew ot thu into kovprnmont ilium wan n hv- flclt of u76000v ntul ttouloka luu 1m kttlucot to two cuiittf miikmi thii low mill of nrt uhttll im vki y farm mill iii tlntf v uoll with wimikiniiliil tlio wjui vlihly mrinothl on monilny ovcnlnk juwul vvnu timdorml h wlhtii ut uio liomn nf hduhviuiilt htntit a lmk mililj ih-i- of tlm lihiiilkrrf of hu alluiliu cjhurclliinil otlur f i itiulu wrt prvnt mul upprfjriu tlm npimirtunlty f jkiulliik u ww jul hour with mr utul mrn imhlfii pilni u tlnlr diiatlurr an int r mint cvut of tin protv- liikm nu tin pnm nutlnn of tlm fol lowing tultlriim m coippiihusl ly i well hhml puiw llu alrti vu triul hy mi geo olmpiuun chmtli- wniith trthui j k gonukvf m a and mxh gonuuv ikalify ltuutvko tho limy tlirimkhhnly provll-tir- for liurtlnj u nt hiind iiml thu coiikriuutlon uml filnmlnof ht aumiim ciiukii fl that in kuyliik ummlhyn w dtiiliv to rxprrtw n imttnc ulmlit hkrfo mr krt ntfntt ut your removal iroui thin prlh turn thu tmiv4migw of th tltn which hv imuiiwi im tokthr in lovo for m hm wo havwfilt tho holpfiilnttw of your frlotnlly tulvlcx itiul upiriulul couilh1 j thu iicounikliipnt of your pmyer ymnpniinco utul your ktlly wsuunpiw wm buvo alwnyu found in both of you that lovlny mid wlw hympmuiy which in m dour to tho huuuin htutrt n tluuti of norrow und htiravinont- vn urti hiiru your hard and faithful work for our hrlovod church haa immui owhmi mid hlnwunl of god wo hall always look hack with plwumroto tho tlmo yon workod nnioii ua for wo liavo folt tliat our joym and aorrowa wiim yjjurt um wnhopoand truat tliat you will and many warm and lmu fhimda lu your now nthrru f hilior ahd tliat uoda aucclal blcssltuc rurty u vrlth yi nd alld with yourattlw your iw chlldrtni your homo and your church and if wo itmy not all moot broiu horo on earth may w nil a ranaonnsl j htluaiiu li- dluikmmtl innd wuua to it iovom a liy ht johnmclhinhwiiaimwdidutlhi dimuh on huiuhiy ufu i ikhmi whoii ltv j k luldii pivuhil hi fimiwiril juirxiiini ulmmmttllnrkrtiwl hy vlh uiimliiihlimtd tho oimnunity owing u uimoihup ui iir ai tin on monday wnlmtii ik p ni tntln koln iat wan douhid horo for thrni liuun v mimufr of tin iiumlhrt of tho mtthodntoliimh lioro nttendi tlio f oniiiliniloii mtrvh o ut hiiojiiii on kuii- ik- thorn luu loon an actlvo donuiud for hag prod no ta for tho homo loarkbta thla fall and wtocka nro wvll cloantd up tho product linu lately ilwhn mdllnu rilit up ui tlio mnoku houao doirm und tho conaoquimco u that prlcoa lutvo hold vory firm tho popularity of caluidlnn amokil uiouta wm mivor an ffrvu1 tui it hi now with tho imtih nw woll nil ulu ilonutlc trade itrndatrouta of 111- aiur of turnips wno roiittly uhlp- jud finii itofuwoml to otuwu 111 which hnu wi phtiuod tho loiultnoorf thatalmrril of tho uatiui turnimi in onhnil m 1m hlpik1 hy tho krowtr mr geo lloltmi of kimkwofml u lvhldout iliuiativ vlu merfiiry iialton out of it again tlio eihuoh pauuoii and croaua pauuon l4 italy to b ufoupmi aflar all bix ca8cs to dd dismissed i ho moll mid uinpliv iui u in out hnpioluihlo that iuiioiliiini ut wtll wmutlmua4ifull diupjjjnjf ixr nioro olorlion m tlo i ohorw uir m- av11i k- ton hon j m iiir iiintui n waurlim or u knor con i wvtlvo halliui j it ilarui mlkini glu- krry wj mrmml coiihruivo north wtiiilwiirtli it a tliouijiwin wutial jnmuumr j gmwior i rvit i v in thl cwu luutimiiiol iw ri t in rv ino nl i i oi ikitl tumu oadled itpund tub would dlau th o lob in antynv m inula asiianovkc no pw at hlnjf i vli o won hold in tho i hurch hi ro ou sundiiylitht a fcood lynuiiih nitumilwlqiuirtrrly mooting lu gooikotown arrmikonionln iir- lwluo nwulo for jiiinlvomary wrvliouuiln hold in tho mothodlt thinvh horo on huiuhiy nov ilrd uov mr drjwhtlo or goorkotown if itkkui to prviich afuriiooil und ovoulutt mr llnnry wiuou loft iimt wmu for a two wiwkawyult with frloudj 111 mnakok jl will join lu tho chnimi of thu aitltrrlliitrch of tho kioii mr and mrt w trohiu of cmnp- imuviuo vlulud frlrndn hum lat wtnik mlarf utzio killer ha- roturuod to hor honiu him wiui found nt mr j hcotta chlukiiaeounv und r tnriwl on bat unlay laat it u ui 1n iioimi tliat aim now rallo tho truth tlioroii no placo llku homo hallowoetl paaaisl nil viry qnlotly uround the grow ottawa tjov hw kutulfunl klomliik took advuntuko of tlio mm- ilotloii of tu piu iflt- 1 alii- on monday to imind u inouaak nriundtho world it wow iuidrailfcortho govoiuor- gtuumil ottuwaajid him uont lion vln aimtpillu houlli afrlru and kiik- hitid j iiouha4ii duly cumo liatik hnvlnrf oruplrvl 10 hour 1 2 nilnuun in llu lotkt irliik trip the municipal council allairlourmnlonsuraomlon mon- dy i vaolna joyomi throntf hlnff hln pralawa to- kolhor who hath nxliwined u mul uianitud ui lu uhi pncou blood plao accept from na with wvry kind wlah for your futuro happlnoan thla purao um h moall token nf our lovo atid nntoeqi ytiunt in whalf of tho cotifrrratioi and friotubj of ht allialia church q8si rrhwluu acton nov unl 1ww ilov mr goilduu rvphwl ou iwhalf of mm goddoii and id owl f vnry fwl- iitkly ho apprchiuhl vory much tho th indoil humunl thu chluf atliwlly fwotou wonl- of uio nildreaa thriaairoovvrihiicni orah puldudts tinrtthnhecnninanyinfrpn mifok tho full toxt of tho laurwtarto curmptimlouc und rxpnilwwiiuriiriiui tliat mr tartc attoiupta no uxcuo for h ho of arflon whlrh in rnnthir to all tradition of cahlnut kovoratnnnt tlio standard aayfiblrwllfrldmanawvr la wordod with moduratlon which wouul certainly tint liavo 1mmu dupiay- 1 hy tho uuko of wllliiktoii or itl pfvliuoraton tlui tvovincull xjcrliati dpiurtuitlit haa arnt out ituitniotlou to licuilau inaiioctorm throughout thu provlnco u put a atop to tli nan of slot ainhlllg uiochliua in bar niouul tlioy hdvo kvapmarwl hi a- form whlcli ivtmi the kaiuhlor u chaiict hiualt though it may beof wl lilting choc lui wliomifaca vuluo will w rvcotfuumd ut thu liar la caali or for mi uyoopnur innpoctonf or limtructtid to glv warning tliat proaocullonu will follow whi-rovui- uio machlno fa uwid rha grain knovoiiunt lu tlio wuit tiaabrwn vvry heavy tho pt ik tlio rmllwaya hrti huuy huullng tho groin to thu hiko to taku ailvuntagi of tho wauifhhipnienu lo tha koifr nnjtrorniattytowor7coiiuorrthinnr vtigi it la ctinuj that thu 1 it hit ttlnady lwulvd thin kuwoi lvjauw iniahuui tlilw til about n tlftli of tho waaturu whoat crop und uiakon a rconl for uw hlg canadian railwuy ttio wonthtr lu tlio wirft him uani dim lauly und han unuhlil trtio fart tor to oiigagii in ploughing hlid utlur fall wotk now kttlon hn laiay liroakiug griiuud und tho givou acreage tuoct yoar prouiluii to uiunv ui aatoalwhlng liicroattu four woolh from uwuy thu voto on lvohlbltlou bikrn phuo throughoutthi pro vino of ontario thu vot4 in dlffurvnt to tho 1muciuw on lvihlhl tluu which huvo imwu tukoll lu uu paat tlioy wnw takuil liundy to abow tliu ntnjiiktilf tho prohibition vote tho vol on tho 4th ivcoullmir liowovur hi for uiu onaitmuitt of u dudjnct und doihiltd prohibitory law if tha prohibition lata uf thu provide are loyal now to uiu ijuiatloti tlioy havn ao uarnoauy advocated in thu paat ami will go to tlm pilla and ciuit uiulr vote ou uu ith poouinlmr tho rotall iduor uudlia will ui out lawod and w will lutvo u itn- hi hi lory law in fnni kvory uimwr- juic0lcuir whofslu to jvoll hlu vuui la voting moat ituroly for thu liquor traffic nutrition in its best horui malt breaktast food- raomotu and maintains j healtm amd atrbnotk malt urfakfuat looil lu a into luuiui food no other clival ttunl ivmi mich bclentinu ooikmtiilrtttlou of llfo giving nutrlinaiit it iw tho moat dotoiim and appetizing food ovor givoii to tho publhl and win- prtialt7prrdtgt-nt- d tho woakiwt htomurh uually totn- pta j tho prootuuj und appniphuuvi nvary paiticlu mutt lrwi0t pimwi la uio onlybiwakfajit clival that luoi rucelved thu upprovul of tlio ihj phyaiclana and tlio moot uotud tiuhl pocuiuu 1u dolliau havor and groat uutrltivu promrtirf uuuvu it a food of wondurful valuo for itivuluu aiul convajiacvula out iummi it 1m- cgium a noovaalty hi tlu homo alj q rocorauull it ting to hln roiuovnl mr gohlou hald ho ftdt vory kitiuy tho novoranco of tho tlow which huvo imhii iui ittroug hut ho wau luitiathml tliat god woa liwl lug lilnt ho rxprrrimiatcijr dial wuhiot for tho futuru proiwrity of ktj aiimuw church uml for hhaalutpi upon ull pnimiuu kindly wonlii of faruwoll followed by llov ii a maxphorwiu iuv a k hinlth u o mul d hondoraon m i a largo coiiimtny wfiit to tlui dopot ou tuoadiiy to hid thin tutliunblo family gwl miiihhi ohunchillu thorn won i vory light dockol ri iluhlugtoiildonitlonhttho uwiioii of tho tvrtuil11 monday ovonlng mom- uvti fell pnunit ii io rovo lu tho clmlrj a couiuiuiiltatloii wan road fnnn capt latigtou npuutlug tho nailiil gntnt of 1b for huttor and oggm nt camp during 1001 tho nmttur having itwt provloilaly ovorliwtkiil tho twuiltythlrd njioi t of tho cot li mit ton on vltiattc recom uuuidwl liy- mcut of tho following account jniilua carnfichiili woikl for power hnuao h w pint imiuhuut duo hy corporation for purnm- uonl wtilkaand crommlugi id acton tanning co vulvo 2 60 ittiirtlmortt co hathor 1 00 tho roiort wnu ndopuwl tlio council tluin adjourned fond food brain and muscle pure palatable popular hid haa cwudla mw miml bf cuiim bkmm luu oil ftwul irud ttwloim nro rulln naitav1ta till ililfphcy joou tastes good because it is good maltavita la iho vital bo uriwhvina pood i the inviuorator op dkain and body mallavita is the original and oniy cooked toorooxhly malted flaked und toasted whole wheat food and contains more nutrition more tissuebuilding qualities more nerve stimulant than is found in any other food perfect health is sustained by a perfect food maltavita the perfect food eaten for breakfast and tuippcr lasare perfect dltestloa and remores all cause of insomnia and dyspoptla 00 of the ilia of life are due to poor digestion perfect health sound rest ful sleep clear complexion brijjht eyes clean white teeth sweet breath frathc blessings that follow a regu lar diet of maltavita uewarc of imitations insist on getting malta- vita the perfect food require no cooking alwayti ready to eat relished by old aaclyoung aide or well jfairjrft package ai your qrocarh jflrhi aujitrlirnnrnts wanted- fjarrian makcih wm ran y vok ll u r iroaod i lifaliht llo li uxl lr uiaii t1ik ii u ilkai ikalllkul o i4iiihl ti karmwkknt 1xiki ll ohlnlr hklf at lot 131 lilu 1 ll util ruuo of kaxiuoalttc atiuo on vwi v imumi fl ut v ucvimuu urnwn 1 bquitmt m itoa 1t mllumi wm v o itrick btoro and duelling for bale iron tan aco uoud bulldlnc wllb inlch iloodcilatarn vr ick kuu wu bum hm i elur uimim uia ull ithtlliona od01u ynttlim paruauuxa ch0i0k ialtm 011 sale pik twin wmiria 10 utm lot w xa 8 x mju1d italiaa 1 qtll twoqn aetoa uom b ilwriu a ati walk to slimili latnllaa rrom ulpii aod rttaoa bj1 bbllualad uul 4pohl ui iwirtl arauaa nil tuck ijlu 1ft ura uilzwl llmbar mw ljlnaaiuiaul cimmtt lu ynl una botow aaolld b bank batnj boodam impli liihiu 1 aouoti oularn aiul alio laiiar iffinrtb mlaa naauualila irkf lull rtlmki apply to mnitavlta pure food co toronto vanarla mr ilrock swuckhiunitf hold a vory atiucuaafill miction hrtlo laat wouu which wa couducud by wm heiir- trcet tlui votornu auctioning mr hwacklminor will romovo ahortly to cmwaoim contoni ho hau lived nil hu lift hoio und bin rum oval will lwivu a blank lu tlilw vicinity itov jojiu ingram hindloy m a pli i tho wollknown cougmgiitlon ul dlvlno who wnu iwiator of tho chnrch lu n during 1001 mul 1002 dil wislnoaday iiyrnluk of iant wock aftor u lengthy lllnow ho gavu up hlanguur woik in tho pouuirntu wunu lli nil wh ht puovud toquclph- dvcrafcod was liorn in knimoaa iiwir vergua in march 1h1 und wan otln- cted at tho gminniarlbchoola or klonimul nownuirkot ho gnuliuitod jxtmn mcqui uutviuautyuutl f kn wordii took poatgrudimto work ut tho niitlouaiulllvoralty where ho rotelvod hu drgn t p- thu funoml wan hold to kvortnu comoury nn htiturdiiy ufuirnoou after three years mkl joseph roohtttts fcttlkaat- bd vrou rhbumatism iriihlbltloiiliu n uul uccoinplliih a twofold mtult to- will lu thu conuat on tho 4th xwuuiimc they mint poll a majority of thu votia caat and thu total vototiioy cant luuat exceed olio- half of tho nuuilkorof votm iwtlliwl in thu provincial iloctlnu of lhori- tho miuilmjrnf votn ciut in that elrctlon wail 42j4tit mid tlm vol uocooaary to win pnihihltlon u 2v2h2s voiim thu voto will not bring prohibition lutp operation uuhag it u a majority of thu votou cant in tho roforundiuu th it- it if tho toiujkrhnco muiplo obtiuji it thoy will ucimi piiivliiliiil prohibi tion a coiivortion of tho prohlhitionitju of hulum 1h railed to hu hold in milton ou kiiturdiiy iiflornomi uovt haltou haii ulwuya tukon wtrong groinulu ou thu teuihuuncu ihieatlon in fact thu voiiuty luui for thirty yoar- immui known an a luiiiiwr county on thu tin mutant uueathm tlio opuirtunlty uwuy b de wliu uui- cuujh of touilkraucii could ut brought ufoni tho public 11 1 o duukili lllll wau put into unvot nwuy liack in thu llftlo tlui hcolt art hail threo con- t4ata lion doth thu dominion and tho provincial plohuciu- went given gool majorltlihi ami now that pro hibition itaelf la wltlllll nai ll haltoil will aurvly glvo u gootl uccountof hoc thlf kv4ry toiiiiktaulii nwlur who liiii do m bhnuld aluiid the couvontloti ut milton ou ruturtlay rflemibb irons majdftttvtxlltblb dt aoydar m k k torn- morth morfoll unmud ontua1y uiuum nov 4 north norfolk him followed uiu fato of north vorth und a accond couiurvatlvu scat hnu lieo declared void juatlou macmahon ill clarvd tha nlectlou of dr knldor con- aorvailve candldato void trwlny after tlu examination of olio or two wltnoaaoa mr k j jar v hi uwom uiut hu paui for tliu tlckotu for four otoctnni roild- ing lu llrantford out of ida own pockot ami uu tho ngonry of mr jitrvlw wan ndmlttiml tlm court wau uukiwl to dccluru tho oloetlon void without prowtayllng-furtlwr-wltli-ln- thu invimtlgatioii would ik couuldur- ithhi aa thuro worn a largo nuiulior of rimu in tho hill of iiartlrulnrti paines celery compound in makes permanent cures chronic and complicated cases of rheuma tism crlpplad mul tabtl wonlul tlui ii rt hunday lu novomhor wan a irulitlful bright warm itlduti uuniuior day wihtkii otldtorj iroh 6uprimo oeuvehy j if juaiulluiuw klikstrlcal moui inoutul wiirku tit guclph aro now taking order- for gruulto and murh monumouu u lw i up thlw wprlng at ttaluutwl prtiuti with tlio uplnndld now olmti lo and pneuiiuitlo uuuhliury till ejitahlluhtuont ui ablo to uxor nto far mom and iktur wotk uiau hont toforo and lu onloi to koop thu liiathluory iiuinlug utiuullly vory low prl ea am lielng gvoil for work utxlurtal now call at tin workj or drop a ard to j h hanilltou guulph tlui kuhi that- guuiuuuit vuiuiri to tlio polla on douiinlir 4th lu tlio wide that will win voi i cannot ho happy whllo you hawi conn iliuii do not di lay in get ting u ikitth of hollownya corn cur it nnnovi i ii klodii of tonia without uilu kulli ti wltli it a unknown proftuuu- imwattl k pholp m d tjtj- i hail glvou to iiim profijmi a otivo and imtriuaiuiit cum for all form of rhouiimlutin now uo ooniuiou in tho autumn tuiuton to tho ihou- uiatlc thlu truth uhoulil jurovu un- cou raging and com foiling mou and woitutu aiirforlug inumuo agoulon from udlkoaimi that fnpioutly atlffora tho joluta cripple tho uiiiim and and reiulon 11a vlctlmu hclplemt call iwi nntorwil to activity vigor and linalth if puiiiom cvlory compound bo mud for a fow woukn tuoro i ovory javaaonwhy muffiniru hould phi thoir faith to thu lnbtof modlciuls yuui frltmtdu and uoghlmld inivo nwd it with juccuaj tho iiuiiomi phyidriail lu pnarlhlngjt every day in ciuvuh wiiuih all othor inoaiu huvo fallod and thoy nro dulightud with tho grand reimtbi it in your only hope your wifuty and llfo dopoud iiuiu ita um mr m mr- klllop iluiipullford out wilui himiiii hot euro aw followu i wan a kiiifoivr from rhouiuatlni for a long tlmo and uiiduiod givat pain tlm toiila in thu iiaiiuh of my liumht went diawinip in kuou and i deialrml or gttlng ndlor after uhig lalnon 1oliry coinuiiimtl i have hunlmhoil ull my iialiin and iroubluw und llui luyauli uuunguiuuud in every way x think ialnow tilery ntiounil in tho ltet unwllciiio lu tho world for ihoiuuntlnni and all norvoua i nouiaiuu i toronto r lauis lht iii canada for a j f business education r you caji aa luillav ulaat bualuaaa 1 r ulan and ul into llu batt bunliiaaa j iliac aaplally if you kuollil a urta tub ssr umarad muoh ajjrony hla atputa diaaadhlaetiarihlrt mini slop for blmllar bultavm- only ukwui who have nurfond from tho pang of rhounnttlmn know how nnch agony tho aunvrur haa nt thnoa to tmduro ttio jiymptonia oftuti vary hut among them will imj found aenlo palua lu tlie muaclwj and jolntu tlm latur aomutiiiia much hwoiioii at thiiw uio putleiii u uuablo to drvan hliuaolf und tin allghuat jarring itound aggraviitoa thu pjiin unlniitnu and o iippttcatlnnb crtunotr poawlbly cure rhouuiatlam it iimfit lm tnmiul through tho iiiwmi and for thla purjioao thorn ia no iiumuciiui yot dlacovortnl can twplul dr wiihania pinkp when glvouafairuhuv thoauphla novur fall to euro even tho moat utublwini oaiui of rhoinnalisiii mr jtw roebottu a well kuowii nil- rtuiit of rt joromolqiu in an itilur- vlow with u roportlr of 1avonlr du north otfura utrong proof of tho valnu of dr wllllmiim pink ihila id cnawi of of thla kind mr rochotui iuiyu por nearly three yiara i wuu a grout biitfvrer from rholimatluni tho pahi himiiuod nt tltma to elfoct pvury joint and tho ugony i tmduthnl waa terrible boinolliiu i could acureuly niovu about and won unlit for work tho troublo uffthl my appetite and lu thla way my woakuu tncrranwl and my condition liecanui nionidoplnmblo i triial a mmiw of reuumlioa hut nothing holpetl mo until i wau advued to tako dr wllllama pink pilla und tluu rollof caniu gradually thu palua luft nif my apptita luiprovwl and i liucuiuo greatly atrungtlumwl ihiforo i had taku i a ilonlmm hinlth rrthatifeu laittur tluiu 1 did liefnni thu trouhlo uan i huvo not ulncn hud an aclu or pain and i feel couvlut that dr willlanui pink plllaum thu luwt inmicinu in tho world for rhouiuiitlaiu dr whlluhui pink pilli aiv wild in ovory clvlllxod laml and thulr ononn- oua iiulu la dun nntiroly to thoir great nuirit on a lnodlclno thoy cum all uuch troulilihi ar rhouiuiitlam aclaticn locomotor ataxia partial paralyuu uurvoiui headache kidney alhuoiiu iioiiralgu ahdtliowkfas that uftllot w uiuuy woiuon do not tot any dealer iwiruuatla you lo fry-funuu- tldng olw which ho umy any la juut aa good boo tliat tho full iiiiino dr dr wllllanm pink pllla for palo iople in on tho wriippor around ovory boa if lu doubt aeiul dlroct ti tho dr wiiiuiiih myllclnu vat iliwk- vlllo out and thu pllla will b mallikl poal paid at fiflc jiof ikjk or nix ikixou for ii2no central business college xuduchoqhov j shorthand ty powrltlnp and j telegraphing- j writ for muioub x wa giuw prlnoldal x youa- aiul 1 rtinl uu toronto j stoves tinware cranitevvare eavetroughin etcrretc c c speight liaincw full rakbiioii of tha pannalieclcr buiineti atwl li prepirad to iet l ho want ul all olil cutoaior ami dm public uenerjlly it aiiyiliiiiff in tha ahovo llnea at prlcei which am mailed at only a fair living profit csurlfiouh and prompt attention will lie given all orders and havink had twenty fii yara ol pracilcil cxrmrlenc tatufjcilon uiiiurod to all call and itupect vulmn you want any- thinrr in mv lino c c speight kcill uthuqt hcton potuno framinpf j ah al ill iiqic will receive nltnl ii u you want good bread tnv oun wliho brown und currant loaf rrih scones llnni and poiiuli hutu every day ill lludu ol calea oii tiautl tans mailo to order wedding calc a pctiliy canfoctlomiry ttetl risorlniieiu of confectionery from lieet nurlarn ioruiljr prices oysfors and fruits ol iwtt toiler in their wjton ihn utktirtuklb ktlon lu thu novonilwr hagyartru yellow oil i unw kprahin hrtitataona vounda t uta fniatbltea hludaiua htlutoi of iiuovju buriiu mahu tontlialona etc lrlce a they bay i oil lu coining uo chrlmtiiina and cold woathor mllburna hrveeuug uidarho 1 dura liim thu worat hoadat ho lu fn live to twenty iiiiuuumi und leave bail after i rtiw la one powder u ptiwdera 10c 10 pliwdoia jc ciiuiuhan maganlno in oxroplloually utixiug thuro are giwal bhoit utoiua iy jmii riuwott auwirc k king and n ih- luitrand lugtln and tho tlrwt luutalnieiit of vltua hnoaitla now utlul riitltlml foitunou hill thla lattor la a iitory of utudout ur aud doacrlluii the uo of oilucntlon in u country aucli na onra in enabling a young man to rlao to hlglior und iwittor thluga among tlm llluiitrutod urtlcloa tfiilla w llouahuu doacriua tho btauluui in and ulwnit klold u llttlo vllbigo lu thu iwkloat charloa wlakhuw glvta an imprilimiallo- ulutcll uf aim mreplghtenj of turouui wbliih u aeoompunlwl by trlklligpletlliwi while i w nhhii tlio ontario uaturalut wittoa it engagingly of tlio wayitnf tlio whulrkk iiiuiuiuiiumi with hla tiwu llliwlngil ioi tllua tltltrvatfd in hotuoutuily thoni la uu uhthu on hluikiapartth lovo of ijihim mid j anotlior on uwtrouuuiy taith of wlikh hlvciulto readable norman ratteiiuin rtivlewa tho hlliiatioti of tlio alaakau llouudary qinwtlou und r iiuke cniflon thu halirak llbrurlau and hurattinr deula with fcomu iliiprial huglhiant the doiiartituiua an aa llltureatlug hm uaual oj or parlor now open oyheni tned lu luobl popular mttluwu t stathamson 1 uajfaf utl orocara mkntgd good iarmtiuiv tar um ld uf trull um uruti4au nl tmiij aliriilui u lu aolou aiiil iiunr by ilitulolu r llljaiil mi salary or ouuiltllaaluu balri w liavu ovar uu autaa unj- oulilvailnu ami our utmil in fualallua lo 1 ilullvraj 111 fiut oeuiiiusu im iroia dlajla w bavd ulm iudt butl hlolt iumiiuu iul of mary luuk lu cniu lu dy ayiily now 4 pellmiu nurriory ompmiy toronto onr great clearing sale qv ubookidmano uuoail j mailkhtwauonb jl cahth gfcldllisgarnlngewdrks owouottown ii hiikitleii jcrlh i marlil wututoim i thla wejl cuiry all wutfjion iiisphi dray ail acoiul hand und in liri rlnn loimh 1 willwll ilirin clicdp count and jjet a lutein j isi oisreif-i- qfcojiaictown jtresli eggs soc dog butter 17 g per lb we want all your produce and youll find us always open to buy anything you have to sell groceries caul i counts lu every nuirkol wo buy forcanh nnd that la our advantage you buy qrociirioa every day claim prlceu on dlaniofula do not moan no much to you nacauh grocery pricca thui liat will luako a hxiuy tiatunlay for ua ijavo your ortlor early 10 hat wul itnlh1 oau 2 iackiigialqrnniijnulj u5c 2 juickngea mnita vita 25c 2 jutllngia uwim loml 25c 2 juickngoa rico flako 25c 2 luianai bhnaitotl whoat25c ii lwittlea worcohuruhlni saiico 25c h liottlea hoiiitimiu cataiip 25c tplllffir 25t it inra jain all flavora 25c i jar marmaladu 25c 7 liarti koap 25c i uiu llaiuiiih 25c our hneclul it ii ft coffw tvgtilar 10c hhtunluy uc special ceylon green coffee rtgulur jkk wturdrty22fi honey 10 lb una i0j conih ilouoy 7 lb uoctlonu 60c pancy hlaculta 10c lb acton vlour 0 lb uacka rtic acton hlour 25 lb aacku 4oc hoinomuilo catuup in tlua ha hodajuiaculu mr lb 7c cnvim of wluuit itks halt ann nrcoarao utr bbl 9100 hymp genu i no now orlounu pjr lb 21c itti lbs redpaths granulated sugar for 100 readymade gtlyh tbiudopiirtinont la nwlnuor and our uiothoda our gooda mul our prlcoti iuulit a utrong combination for gaining public favor if you have not yot givon ua a look thrjuigh anil if there la no tiling in thoue few hat unlay apecfala given ikilow coinu lu any way and well lai phuonl to ahow you through iloya heavy wolght ijluo rorgo riiuf- mona extra heavy wuterjiroof tltat- do brej duuhlo rnijmuml woiihiumi a uohhy uiaiiuluh cut tiaturtluy 9105 iloya oxtiahoavy giay prloau iluuf uru louhlo histaated inali lkclst- fal imoot heavy lintel mitm odd panta hoavy twwda simieul u0i nta hoavy uujirted patturna hie ora conliiroy collar guaranteed cold tiroof 00 metia odd coata ail wighta all tin- all ooloia uluglit or louhlo hrviiut- rl uatimlay lf0 mfllia heavy moloakul panu 75c moualuuivv fullcloth panta iftlh5 muua odd vuata huavy weights 7e mlllicry a lurot nkiarr ulng hatiiuu tho tluuhlug touch to n ntyllah cotumn and n jkuirly wtrtctumg oa7totnipttba uiilliumuuikoi ukoomino hath und thu wwiww huvo that eluiiui ipuillty i noii t people uould llku t iwwuaa in styix- try uu with a null order jivii have it out on tlmo for you saturday wollens hunt all wool ulnnluu all uolghu and all aiauia lot- ur llu hpei inl heavy ull wool hon regular 25c viilno and good vuluu atthnt on hrtturdny only iwr pair 20c ijidloii heavy wolght caahtuon hoae iilzia a ti 0 1 10 our rtgular i foi 1001 n hatuithiy heavy wolght all wool hwoaterw lu afl color combination vory nptclal valuo regular 100 llun 7cr cuimi weight hcotch knit undorwoar nil wool all itlaea 7ftr hi unit beat hand ucourml canadian ymna all color t7tc wr lb tea you can fool a immt driuvur a cofyiw drlnkor or a toluicco nuiokor but you iint fool u tea di inker llien lu aoiuothliig alioiit high iniullty tea that a toa iltlnkor rorognlzoa hihtaiiily our t5r tea in black iiiikimi or jfupati in uuh daily hy tho moat dlurrinduatlng u drlnkom lu tho nolghluirlimul ou hatur- dny next wosviint you to try it und wu bidl it ou thut duy in lb loiul liuml ruddlou fur wl25 lr auldu r b scott warren blk mill st acton our motto money down our guarantee money back iiwr a quarter of tho time uaually kpeat in tha aalocllou uf klery tan im wved if lh- aotaclluti made hro aoa- a quarier ol ilia prlcu too iliaaaaonmant of waiohttu und chatny li kbitttmkahu iti many uyn hut tlui moat liilbtellu oaturit ia tli wry mode nrjccn afwhtch iiicmj tnally tkoaullful slid nxlallnili gooda aiau g d ipringle ib3uer of maumaqe uoshbkb cuelph farm ifolt sale ik osqubsimo a kail at ui tluurialiiiia iowa of aetoa foi oould ua glvaa uia lalt vo furuiar txunoulaa auiify a u jraaa laa the j asleightestate notice t ch im u malta ot ut aauu ol joaapb aibart uhlaht lata of ul vlll af aetoa in lbf county uf utjtotl biaanfaotarac dioaaiad nouea la batatiy wawma tamwal u um uavuwl btatot of ontario 1hwt enaptatr uw lhat all craalumm ud tabor bavla nlalm aalnat ul aatato bf lba abora maoooood juaapu klbaithpalctir ba dud on or aboal pi lirat day if may ittb ara rwialnd ea o bafor lb uilrtiuj day of nmuur lflol la mmmi by boat orbaii of dalivor lo u badar 1d1 adtultilauato or aald bolletum tbaiy clirtauaa and mroajnaa oddraaaaa uws da- chpuoa ui lull trtuulara of lbalr ouloia uia klataiaaa of uw aooooau aad uia baton oi tha moortoaa if any bald by toad doty vailflad and lurtbaf ukabouca thai kit aoob but untiood data tha aald administrator will brooaad to dltiibota tha mm af um itinit uuonf ui pmtmotm aatluod tbarato batd taardooly u nlaima of xbioh b aball umbi bavohad mxloa t ht a atmtlirr will tiot b lubla lor ui maw or trt i wboaa bio at um um of aoob dlauibouoa if v woore admjauuator of abova luuta john douglas boimum- lo tb mid adtnlalainio- lrgri jo bt wt tom dataj lb vxh day of bapumui- 1kb hotiob tx debtors iy b1to tbat all uuu jti of ox ut j a kpalgbt ar lr- qulrdujatuataoo aoooaau waraaaaloat u all imlablad mom tlm ao a nvabm brompily aatuad bot tbara an many woo did not do ao la ohw to mrmlt of lb wlodum ap of tb astai id luu baraaata ol ail ftumubtl bom m uhtbo b bud with out dly owlaa to th kindly ralauoaahlp w for rfty vj uutal boawavn tb hu family aad tbalr bumtaiam tb admin- lyator bopaa asuumaat xlll b bud la all jjaa wluloot kvooaia la mjlf ootatd tafam xlpt for ttaycoaota will b alwu any um tbraaurjta offlea n oil smelter mines acton agonoy douglas lacey co ilooalala fclwlnjfhar aot lutf thiiallok iktauoaats a laaium hilnlnj oil a aant in oa applluoa uaraaaamtad uf nasaqaweya saw and planing mills lumber and shingles t lowest ftioeis hill kluff cui lo order pa sayers tproorletor aoton machine and kenan shw huhuvoluxbaxl tooprutof itlodaof alaam atllibonhbimiafudtamtbl blaskbulluiltut woodom plia tuatoniiail la aaatlafafilury blauliar w du knur any tuacbla or uiiiuiul of hv mat ua alluulallu lm bstallpaper bargains for the next two months we will ell our stock of vvalj faaa9 remnants for hauf price t 7 t broiazn cuwlt und fltauoner acton urs the tutu tull ol them all lhida and condidoni 1 lay all coil mooay wlwii ail up into wearlnii appaiol tlio trash an well u tha fcood ooa ara aiuifaoturo1 and iq tha unkuowlot puhlui ra bold clieapaud ll funny iba mori v har awry dy horn laoplr who did tul uy tlilr fura roui u hy itada rlbccsonts tint tor oik eaiuraind wai tut buying- in cuefui gt values uavii ui iikl ionian a profit huy from uia lctory illipct li n e lakontalne waujjaj jd tt jtmtmji iaffr aaj huni gamaifa