uaiillllitl jii drown wltl i il if klrj kibe jkduu hfxtr tyvctt tiiijiihiiay 11limiiklt 11 hut icmtouiai htyraa ill- ivii iii imuii i iv 111 dominion jiiiiiiiki ill ion ilr lnilliil ill ill ponuliilluii if miiiilluliu mill lln- niillnitulliiii will by tlm nil if i in- ill yti- imv li 7iiiuiiuutiil h fully hwiimki inulii it in i il hi- iiniil- mi ilm liilum jiii i1iiiiuiiitk til iliiiiiiilul iljitiin fu- mir flw iniullin iliilliik nm iki liu1 will lliiin luiliiilfimimilt in in iii lit i lilili in rniliitl y lini lu linil 111 miliom hy slimtluii tin nwiiui ilimw 11 iihl uf 3c7ttimo mill till niillniiiy mill riljiltul ikiiull tii 11111ll111il 11 hiiiu moll of i7iv iwi ir fu- tin iiiiiu r iin yiiii- ii11 iliimi lil ulllui un uuilii- lul 1 111 lilililitlilil yiiii- tlliv will lu 11 iiliiiiiun of ylrjmiilia in tin pulilli irlil i ill iii 1 lul itlilk lieu uf tin tilllll fill ilklliim 11 cm 11 hi 111i11 in iii pimuuiiiiil limit iiitul if kiiklluli 11 ill w ll miiw ultli nllrli 111 iiii ai iiiliiu iliiiiiiilul iximmlou vlll lull link 11 littliiiiiuii ilium tliiy lillkll ii liiwlll iii lxlllllltllll ullicl liliuiii tliut nf till ijniliil ktuuu qlllui in ihiiiiuiiii hi 11 mil ii if ii iii tliiuiun niiw liiivi lunik iliuiiit of 1jllklll u null if jki0ik0il0 in llvi yiiu tuiiiulii nuiyuill ill liiuu tin wuilil tu uuilili it hodl llhlll 5 thlndlcutlnuw tiro that holellcviwni kucially tifl f hut tlui void inntthurw- luftlf milnil nhdill mil- ft il tho limn l u nrotty ult demand ut irani tluit cxutinu liquor lawn w oliwivid hi a man nor they havo not ikin hitiolufori tin- iluy ntlvr th vnh tin uuiph mivmy mhluluttho foilcmiiik mr jinicii jnhiinnii of tin- hiimt liotol hau olfind niiditliin that all tlm hutolkotpiim tu ciiiiiili form i4ti irifiuilullinu to ws- unit infiuruuiiii of flu- law to dinhlt jm in 11 city hmil lo w k to tlm tun liorjiitjir iii rami ny ihjnor la lutfmilil in lil hotel cnnttury u tho hiu al thfhhtiiiliiifcuii or the county louiuil ialt uitl to pjiuw h byjaw u ralhiiiiilioniiifiitiiiirur tin hamilton ami nelson toll mad lint wiirdin puqwihid to levy a into of 1j uilllu ovii- tin- uhnh county ami ruiho 311- mhmo 11- hkkl dm hy thn iv- vnnii and iidiiid to all tin iiiuiuciul1- itic ckrt niihoii mid iluiliniitnii hlllrli iuenwrilly hltitvitwl all hut ymiv ihi levy would 1h au followu koltun 2aml hiirliukuni i7i acton 831 tiniiwtnwii tt oalvllle 810 mittou h tnifiiljfitr lj1 1cwhhuiiik sail nuwniriuhyu 111 tliu uould itiiu mi iijultiihlc iirrnneiihint hut hit toimrilloiii cniild not ujjni ujuin it ami iff ir 11 hraud dewciikhlou of thu inattit fc avithtlnally chfirrtd to thu hrd inittink of the new county imicll hi junuary in their eurenilty to inllueiile tht vote tauthnivdiiy tlm liuunimi uild tiii rentu 11 linn to tlichurliiiklnii jizette for the piilihrjlim or tll following lilwl uii4ii the county of uiiltmiiii luhiht uiiii under pro- liihltlon milton had ifl placeu wheiv uiiunr uiimmild arlon 11 oeoiituwii 17 ouuvill- 1j llurlhiktoti ii tnulir the heeiimi law t thns liolelfl in oaeh ujvvii or vltliii mil themtaih the only lnciw uheie lijuoirumd thiu lie wi4 inanufiietiired out nf whole eloth and int farah aitoii ih eonremed we ivceiil it au 11 rowimlly fuluehihml vh1lt4uit nitiy hue hcen tilt- fallur of the kcott art our cltiiiiih never limu of unlirenwd divcii imiuji hi operation here pmhitf he wven yeaiii of the krott ait then- weii- no rhilleii hen for viuliiliou of thu art iimiiinm any pint ew iiitiitle tin itiulitr lioteli and me itll t tote the pronilctom of l lie hoteluchaikd with miiik im- tl dpi atltttial i hoy iiever uf fntario says danish till- bars lanctimnmlnyliy a mnjohly of uvtr 70000 vuuwclty nnd oountry allk vo ffmu i hi i-nmlat- iliati out nf 7mnw illoi in outailo u17 hilt wmmu uii uillloif hol thuimlay to defuiid th ii deal- hi hu 1 li i- of in nplh u that l i i i aid u aetn ihu tui llinl iolilll llluolili iiiki1 ajjidiwd ill- p that it would lut itum to liul ol ivvenue ete t it liilutnl in miiii iiaiti 1 hut the luo- unly did not soil ultlianylliiniluian oi etfutt hut tlieydld thelrnikaiilji tlon won oinphteiiud eveiy hai111011 won a louiinltteaiihiiii thounaudii ol dollaii ueivkpent toim of jiieiatiii wauie hioulnoit and eveiy w ek thim in the liinduete weie exlioi t fiom heiuhpiarleitj in polfthe hivvut luthmihl h it uhmuihii viilli tlty tiiwn niid rountry vohd will kiiit uuijoiltlei tu outlaw the hart mid millll the uulu iiytituin kven toiomiji which wnu 11kiiiil ed an the ktionuhold if the llrjunt huihichi kave a inajoilty of 17vi hi fawn- nf the enactment of tin prohlhltnry upiui art of kur2 and wven other rltliu of tho piovuci kave majorities ispially favornhle the onlehtl ntui u are not yet com pletjhiit nviiy duya iiorji inenvaw tlm tniinlur who uiu thi vole vjw ml pile dp a lutker majority in favor of tho net the hiumt iiuirnii rewirtd were iih fnllowu vof ttioaia aifalmat boiz mojoclty tor cd40 aii the jim tinill uectlomj of the inuinre huve uent very ineoiuphiui ittin ux and millie of the inorc tldckly lett led i ountleii ha o idho ut rompieu their t4tuinn the total may yet im inrreaved to 1wuu with pndudly whp hkiihiht thla voto hi conuidet- ahly over that of the dominion ptehiti- clutof lftwwheu tlm uitnl wan lii2tn while the nayu will apparently full lihorl of tin- total then mcuri itkilnut prohlhltnry lekmon hy fully a00 aw ueai ly all the c- it leu of tlm pro- vtnle voti- yej mid the vote polled wnu u laiiioiu hiiillclent wiru kivuii theiit to loniply with thorvqulrtfimnitm of t mt m 2mt u mm th uiiinllit- otu in tlm run j mitteoiim wnu no douht dtirt to two riiuwii t ifct- the khr wihot which nnwnlled nul nid t that thnim in the county me hkm raiiilllar with the ovlln of the har- miin than the tuldeiit or the clti only wlx count ikm in the wholo of ontjtiio fitvo iiiiijorltleu uktlnwt while thli tyountiej uavo niajot itleu in fiyor of 1mx 2lxmnndiuy kuntkovo 1101 ihjorlty in favor of ulouinc thu luu ldiinhtoii kv h172 mlddles m011 ontario i7t yolk 2171 oxfoit ittl hinuhwiluh wtiinkthlwl i wentworth 127i ivhirn lmwaiil 1711 1 hitlun 1101 and little diilfoiin tit although- the 212721 vol uecewary to put ho ontario ilmiorart of lwtl in force uih not ohtiuliej tho oppon ents of tlm luriwin won 11 very decided victory liiut tfnniuliy with nearly 70no of a nujjoilty in tlmlr favor the uiiiwnuice jwtnple aist in il wwit ion to dmiuind niucli moni w- itrlctlvc liiibilutlnn the linmwlliiht luctlon hi uundkir and tdtlmate iiluilitlnn of tho luirrooiiiu und eurller ciomiiik omcliily on kjitmtluy are on thu propruiuiiu and tho lukluiiitum 111 out mt alwmt provldijjk udvancnl uuiuranlo leiihlatlon without delay kvery icffuhnau ndvantk cf urn ktiut victory won will 110 douht l tuleniuid theovneruof theomriiumiu will do well uukunotlcitthiitontiiro luu dicitl tttn lur nniht ko and itiillnuly tt dfititiulititiiih liquor the inliivit in uiiinlcipid elillnn imitteni ieiiiii ihi yeir to in ipiioler thau iihiul ii hi difficult therefor- to piillrt with much iet taint y iim to tho prohilie jum ml ofaclonm cmmcil foi ukul that then uill 1a cliaiikeu is ellled fact hetce wlllliiiim ftftei tk ai of faithful wrvice llven the iimiilciptillt yean 101 councillor mnl two au hiivehiu de- finitely di chhd to lethv coiuu illot john ueudenoii ami leoi hynik how hum had ample v- pelii fin lie- dolie1 of ihi oltlir nu couim ill huackriaiuer uould mil unuiw hlikinkiinttp hi hill uhclhei the elect 11 wlk t hooe fi nlll 1 1 lii 01 fiom 101111 piev luliti lililiiluli ol lite ciiuncll leiuniiii to lu hcen ue liiue 111 roim able clt- irii ufm uinlll klilm the poiiuloll of cmiiuilloi the iitepayei will do well uou to hid nl out theiii and pre- puie to male inidle uoinliialioimi loiir tioiiiiiiallnn will 1m- niihujoy tin the hihool hi11 thihiai owuik to ihi ivii r uiv mi 11 den m kem mi kealfile and oilildcll hav ld the 1 pi uell inul iiio iuiulhlw fr uwdeul too cauajit in a miakt at kuih- if ai- bolt mtlur- whlhod amund ltd bthppd w 111m clothing cieorke imi of tlui firm nflual ilww fhmr uiilleinof kiln null catnrucl liiul a inlnuiiloiim thcaiki from death on katuiduy when hlu coat caught in a uhuf t iiiukiiiif 212 iiivohitlonu u inltuitj unci lu uilii avhirhil around und uwhiihi lie veincinlhrh nnthiinf itft the 11 rut revolution hurhi wiu found n little later hi a wheal hln nearhy de mulrd or 4verythhik 1l luuitu and collar lie wioi unconucloiiu und fearh wen- iutrrtalntd tluit lm wilh fnliilly hurt mid frlendm weti tehkruphed to that effect lint when he recovered couwloutmeuu oxiiuiinatloii uhowed that lie had fhcupid with a few hnilui and ucrauhimi hut with 110 luineii lutiken mr ihll howeer widfeiid irriutly fnnn uhmk hut in prokmdnn fovoruhly ulcaiidmobc it com qicnicitoua f qvvkw will coplrlbut jwjo townl hie eimmioen of a uullalilo hlivk 1 llpam bulldliiko the ciiljmi coniiiilll whiih wm ilmduli hi 0l4imi t oiih the feolllllty of eieclluk a ixillillliu lit- 11 fu ilalioif d 0 lln link kllliailum iadimt loom etc ueie very hkieeahly binpiued la-i-awd- neutay tirrerclvf fnnn mm hnil- lllol- co the rolloviillif uoeom nlfer mlj ii midthrw mnl hev v- ii a h 1 tin iti mmplii ltu 11 1pii iin liu1 1 1111 hov h a ai ihhl aios iivi afle ihui sill mod to the ii heme our coini luivi in hand to piovlde iome ih imiutiiuiint for t lie oiiiik men town wl would nay that mm iikivo lofinnhdi tllhmim touuii tjliiiiin which yoijr oninltte iiiitixfy 1111 mlll 1m- hi ought to u p uent mid mhrrl iu- and wuuufatwiuiuuuuptu1 when your po mmid the f die uill uhcoiouilttee have l eheinelufoiiuulalidwe illld feel ohllited if you wmilil ihivm itoellkfoie uu nod we would 1 glad toinaki unyiiukgidiouithitt we iolld mid iiiho wfthii viewloiathfylngour- ielvei that the lcheiue will im feioihle mid peiinalieiit- we uimld imk to luivo koi lie oiin nipolnt4wl 011 the coiimiittii whom we might mime to represent our iiiuitetitu or iithcr tlm iliuiemtm of iin- employees an we exwct iniwl of our llilployeei to htkti ailvanliig f miy place of eutoi tail niuntlliut mav 1m provided vomit truly 11111110111 fs co acton dee 2nd 1002 a well kttemled meeting of tin committee wan held in the council elmrnlwr liuit thunulay evening u fmther iliihlder the mutter tin crttaiy wiui lmtructii to nulimw ledge the letter fnnn miiirti ilurd moil t o mid to uxjiiimi tlm apprii alion of the committee at their gener nun off it meuam j ii matthowh john a ilenderwnnniid itev ii a macplur noil were npuiliitejl a romuilttet t vlult oalt pivwum and otlu r uilnta if uecltuiry to wcuiti data an to urgiin ization irectioii and ojuratlou of in liihtltiltiou of the character projmied tho ommittie will report to 11 nietit- ing to iw idled 11 the near future eltmwhouisk mlrfj ivinu iintertiiiuod her hunday hchool chuui nthir hinne luut tlnim- ihiy evening an mijnyahle evening wiu upont mr ivenu hua already liuproved the property he ivcently pun lumed nppohltt the 1ironice w imillrvo ho iulciulh building a riddeiico in the sjhlllg mr i m mcderniid haa ftdlllled hlu laiige contnict for applea wo uniler- ntjiuil hi uimirctlyuati with the teiiiilt lie ih imxlniiit to pnnliuhc another carloud or two thkd county modicl school tuuiuiitltf or tlta utudmltt ut tlit hovuiitbai kvtminatlonw tlihtamhuil reach ntudeut i de- tei mlmd hy the avemgd niarkh made thioughout tin- teim lnr hchool management method lu kng- llh mid mntheuiatlcii mmlc calin- lleulcy mnl dill agiiriilluie and 1iacllcal touching maili poiiihh- lirll till 1 miotieen ivtil allieita mcdonald uw tdihul inn taylor ikbl heie andiew maiv heott uuuaid oiam mhrnienlckell miugimt ijingtiy noccwoop iii ilwiiulili1 wll ll 11 mi in- ii 1 ily 11 i011 i iiiiullili iii lul pull 1 7j 11 i iii i uill in llllll hi- in- mir iii ill tli iiu llil niillv diiigui millie 1 keihut do on mill in 17 h7d 717 hm7 nkw lltehatune tho miuouin hook co toronto luui hhiied a voliiinit for the holiday trad which hi luith dainty ajid uuiipie ovtrththjlnclrcjoffrmrfthtttitltt it tidlw in interesting piraginplin the ufory of the introduction and cillti uonjif rofftn and iiipplen mid hima laiefuu of ainericiiu and kuglltih coffee houmi ailfcdotci tho little volume liilwmnd in enihoiid leather igold lottiifng and lnui gold top it in enclosed in coffee kicking aniuiuakeu a very taking holiday vol 4 1 j public men and pnhll life in icinadiii hy lion jiiiihh young gait lu 0110 of tho tuokt valimhhi cunlrlhu- tlona to canadiin lilntoilcnl literature of the year it ih a wileii of i-eculh-c- tlmih of parliament and preuti and em- hracch a uiiccinct account of the itli r- iiik ovuuth which led to the confedera tion or ttrltluh norlli ammlcil into thu dominion of camilla tho uuthnr iihuu in thin liplcmhd volume of tdlrty chupteiw nud km pngeti to cmliody hln piruonnl ivcolleftlonn of tho principal men and evcuta that rame miller u ohucrvation during a lengthened con nection wilh uliiiameut and the pitiiiu in uiich u form and utylotui will pdeken tho inurewt of the mader in a 1 no 1 ne n to n h mnlod of our hlutory within tho uieuiory of many utill liv ing in thiu im uuccocthi admlriihly hlu connoctlonu with tho picui for many year givhik oppjirtunitlerf and qualillcatloini of a iqwclally helpful character il a word thn voluum lu an interesting and lellahlo iitory of our gnuit canudlnn- confedurntiou it uhnuld lu lu tlm library of all public iniui and iiiomt vlio delight to own canada au their iiittltv laud it uhnuld he in every puhlln library lu canada kino juipcr iwmud in cloth pllru 1c wm hrlggu puhliaher tlktlumku hy j j mowbray bale attracted comiideiable ntuuitioii late lyrhlrsirtldtiktifnrtntmtvjrhnim vim read with much intercut enpeclnl ly by rut nl aiidhiihurluiuietildeiitii the hiteut uork from mow bray a prolific pirn lu tanglcdup in deulah ijiuii h well piintrd volume of itih juigeii it hi a uell told love tory in which thifwcnllhy father of a young mail ith whom he occupied the ivhitlon- uhip of a comiiide rather than a father took him from tint city to tlm country to curapo the l1andidimrntji of a rlmrmlug young lady with de iilgmi in the country tin fathet- 11 ti- luuwiilyuuuruiiijuui u presentation furs flrtn xbtirrlisrmrnld waiitcillnrrijjfiiii mnkcih w iiitvi ii run 11 u iiiai 11 a 1 111 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 wheat i phosphates fpr thc brain nitrate or the imirde carbonate for hear mailt the life ofrjtain naturcstonic digestive inviiorator ittb perfect food wliqaljnilmaltlxmblnfid thoroughly cooked ready to cat delicious with warm ssibk or greattf the ideal food for old or young sick or wcll all grocers majdlj ib cawalja teok owtitiw olaowit w1u1m irt nwtitw wortmrnwr haltavita pure foqdo toronto canada cnewbons coi1nbh8 on himiliiy iiixt tin- lliv mr wut- mmi uf iiiiiliiiiut will pitiicli ill tlll mitliiiillitllnuili uniluiilitiillytliiiii uill imi invito nttiuiiliuiii to liiiir mr wiicmiiii mr m cmuiuiu jr luui iuiiiplitiil ill will ilrillln tnr 1 iii yir hi- limf hull 11 viry luucimtful 11iiuiu a litrjt hiniilwr fnuii lirn iiiuimi tjiuliik in lln- priirliicliil put kliuu kluiw in inliji llili l mr jim iiiiinur7iiiiutiiimnniu curilukii liililllil iii lrpt vrry lillny tliin miiiuii hniiliiit uit uiw iiiilni mnl cuttiiii mil t moniv of kiliii mill kiit siiiuluy nt mr jim miiiiih mr j oriilimu uriuiil liiimi lnit writ fiiun mntiltiilui hi- is miiitly luliu up wltli tin riuiiitry mr jnlin itiiuly nf ilutlli cr1k mlrh mill mliir jliiin ofhumiu- umlit iiiviiul iluyii imit wiil lit mount 1liiumil thi liii- ur mr jim mur mi111 anuli- aiuli1iiiu uf arlill hiwnt kuiuliiy ut mr it ripiwi mr ii jv lnj nt mill i ruut imt kuiuliiy lit iiih iiiiiiii illll- mr it wlluiui uf kiiiitililinll iiihjllt kuiuliiy ut mr jin miminm i1uv yolu clhilulmah illkhdnth i kimxiai haittiainh ifoh kaijludav and wintkll 1ailt wkick 10 dinner sets itjuiai prka boo sljprlco 5 do 10 pinner sets uvular prlr q fip 1lln htlcfi- 8 actscchtlv rz hh vtlft rs the system cleans fpfectiiailv full in luio with lur hliniulf iiuiiiku ulilnwiir in uiiii nut iivimii tu u uiriuut uiiuui with i uttriii tlvu n yuliuu liuly thu 11111 hiiwimr won thu iluy luiilluipphliiiii rmnlly itiiiiil illcu in iliilh ituhl tnislji win hrlkki tiiruntii thu hlinpli- lir- hy chni iuuwiik- ii-i- in 11 ililluhtml ilrtuii ur thn luiilntiiiii llfu in iiiupli iinniipluti uiirroiuulilikh pi iuiiliiit ituumiwlt in 11 rucmit lulilii iviniul41 tin otliii iluy i iu 1 up ill 1 1 iuuil mllnl th- winpu if wriltiii hy cliiuliii wiikiui 11m almillnn mill in pnluliiilliiuiikh hi pun iiiuli u uhiliiiilni iiiik iluiiiiii that 1 uih it iuiilil i inuil im 1 i thliiuilliiuit tliu cuiinliy fliit1i kill tupwllhi willi lliiik tiiiiiutii 1 t v intuitu w ru vft tf u c iicativc 0mnk tuliui- too mvjcii op a good thing it ft ihyfleu t hiiiinetn luaiie a obliged tiiwtop looking for new laud- llihji but ue ail- liiroinied fiom lill- ableaniiki i hat the puhluhcn uf kindly hrinld nod wikly ktainjc moiilieal him- been tiuved to adept thiu 1ouiie foi a few u eekn in unler to meet the eiiirumua rimh of iciu hiiuri ipi ion ihn ing he emlnr tht tftitiinonliili fiiun hiti h uicii an 11 wiule itegihtiarof ile stuck lnf khuu i w llodhoii dominion u htock couuniiioncr ami other u to the value of tin- kiimlly lli-ialil- to fitiiuiiu him created jin luniienwe de- uiaiid fitiln new iaiu1 1 ilurij the piiliuluim will devote their nflenuim thin month to renewuu and new mih wilplioiih thmt aiv ieut iiiiohciled efrectually hz ql permanenttt buy the genuine manft bv tfls q pinner set- lingular pnfo dfwu 31 i i dinner sets iteiuhrpricflbu 50 flc rilcu iq 25 dinner set itrrularpnlo8i5 00 silc prleo 613 00 25 toiet sets lipjjular pcicogjo saloiiko sj 50 ukst vaiui- kviii ollliilil in guhlili ztltllcd apilks watttkd tho imouid tea stoke and emp palaob cuelph acton pump work main stroot acton if you are in ncul of a jood pomp rithrr hi wood or iron coma to acton iump worku cutrna mud ah itapaird promptly atundod to w1u 01 chickco erircotor il rtlmcwl1ji ilio llghlesl ruiinlnc and and iwel windmill uiaiiufjctiirl i im ktnt for llili dislrici call and invcd- rsic itcfore jou buy t ebbaqe main street aoton xxio for i a iiidd 0rrini lnr sldoo lw vtiit is tin- more toniforlalli iilitly or inorc enrral- j ly iiireciatetl a a tift than a piece of handsome fnr our wim1 n- 1- itocl inelikle 111 my articlit ol til kind and the prices are a iiiinrn i 111 kmt neat fit foreither lit or lean pockethooks if ilov- jfalr witntdd wastl llluiiui 11 i 111 m- 1111 itlv iiaiv 1 t il lkii ill in ai iii full lr wii r ill- wlllu nvir itiuriii nil iii uiw run- t linn iii nil lliilllfihiii lyl timinllili lillliv mnl hi i i- jiuullili in kiiif mill ciniy luiuullil hi aihilimi j lhilil mnl ml fiiij ij k1i1 illlulllll in nil thiu imilj lull llillliiiii miiiii cup ill pililll ijiiiiii aiiiii- 1 hi 1 1 llinvii mini ii 11 mil lu mill lil vi- ihts fckijiici- ynv 1 yc 70c iiiiiiiiii ih uiiiiilli ut ihiiinlui wi will liikiliiluilpllniw fin- ihiil p n nil iiiiiu iiuiiiil 1 ill liltiiii ill tlm int nt 7k ur yi ur recciber flopsckjluorets io llpnly liiiivy lnl h kuluy ii011 liluiikilii uhiu 1iiik iuiiiiiii wrii iiiuuk hiu mnl mi ixiilliikly uikkl wiuhik hlmil11 wmtli imywliii l7ri aluiaivuurjimiuiijiclllhluijlil 1 1 5c of il4juj gliistiirijis goods ulill ill piiiil liuiiy ujniihik tiiliuy lllliil iii llrv luuilu till- ollitliiili null mill linipiclliiu on your funl will iiviiil to yon llmt hnw muiilvu null uitiilly wo liivvi- pliiiiniil thiu pnrt ut ynilr iilinptihik tor you- wc w0tyoai- produce thlrkiiui yoiliik i to lloe u iur diirku 10f jur imlr diliil aliplu uulkrlli tiillnw v pr ih lvuthiiii luktolrlli juiiji kuu ino iillru in- ill ii iiiiiiii niii iliikcyu in- lh tlll 7i- ih if you liuvi miylliliiktji ill litlnit it in wu wiult in ilu iiiimiiiiiui witli ynii mill uuy uf itur uilithliuni will itll you how it pnyx thiin to ihtil hnv glliistnttus groceries do your chiliitliuiii iliopiliik hiu our hut in full mill our pritih 11111 ilkht llii mliilil iuiilinu itiiluliiu 111 111 1 in- inlili hiiliilnu 1 ih viry ilm luhlu itnllnii ilnuliiiii s 11m in r11 kllll luu- nil kittiii tlnumlili ltuliilmb 1 ih nuly hi imx lie ih hiiliil itiilullui in 12 112 iwuliiikva ilk- hiiihil ii11i1i1111 ihuliiitiillfiiiilii ft ik- lul hi luii-uiikiw- iv or 2 fi- y dhnlii rliiuiml ciirniillul llu fur 2v olinlii ilmltlnk uk irn llwfnriv ciiiiii- ion li11k dutiu hi 1 lh piii1iniu ilk-lhiirllfurav- ixtru ituiilily iiniiurtiil kuitlluli lik nil iluilu jib 11111i u 11 hi mine muiit in hulk ur imikujt iitlflc hhillwl alinnnilu mill wlllllliu lk lh 28 lbs rodpaths cranulatod 8usar sioo salt lino or coarso ioo por bbl rolled oats io lbs 25c drlod codfish apodal 8c lb r- b scott warren bilk mill st actofi our ivfottomuncy dowq ourguarantee money back three leading line at the dowler co wrct liiia cluuilub we aii- nut tryhip how cheap low pricid we can offer uoodw llnro aro lou of until i y ooiht on tho market at any price wo iiuhnw tlnni how ood in our iiliu and yet thero lu tio funion hut we can unit with rullahle 4ihmiii with a larire tunwiui nucli iui 011111 wo can alwayu handlo the ipuili- tieii which are otfml nt thu mmwim by inauufarturttm iumlidly chimp to raili hnyeiw und we pah them nn toyou plun a wnuill profit u rfcvr xiuruw of tho men who fit you out one of the iwwt lu our now fauioiu s 1000 overcoat made of dark tfrey chm lot with ciiffn and eitlcal pocket- coau kiild for 100 and ijtyoo wont cmnpan with it dont wauto money 011 low prlred kimidii kt the coat ul 1000 and iw wll dreied y2ci coata of heavy mon- teuiic ikaver black wimo coat nold at giauo and iuoo in uwu m toj2oiir pilci yilh iowcr price1 tftuubi in utitck if you want them 1tj tlutta ntoriu proof iiikii wtortn ciilluru heavy kcotch twiid lining double brjtuul no ltter coat to oiiler for li2ou oir price 12k t mno kuitw wm kuiu o0 hultu in rolored mid in black wotvud of lciiliult scotch and canadlun twivishi hinlo and doubht bieawted 110 hiich valueii unywliero ut our price of yilw ijulieu hkh tu tailor made and inado to oixler 11 hkirfa in dark kivy cheviot ilwp utltched buttoiilh prtipit lttliik niuul hnnnintf khrmfnln our pi ice 1240 liti kkirui ilaik kioy cheviot deep utitclud iwittoinii mercirimil ttlappiiif our nrico l7z wo tihow an timninu utiick of iuat4rlul from which you can chmuu and have iikirta inndit u your older lu u few bourn hurh n- our facllltlcj for turning out thtne whuih 2d dozen iiieiceiiwd wiuen under 3 frlllii und iluut flounce with double 1 oihd liaud headluir wo miw tho uiiijeuklrt with a lady who tuut to toronto for iu itnwthar il our piicuuij thiao cuttalnlywlll ik a bltf run on thou wkiiui at thin ipiclal prke auotber liaijiulu 10 loen 1 1 it u ven slil u heavy black waurtl iiuiriii 2 flnuncitii with dimt fiilln heavily cordwl headltik thin week our ptlrp will lw 27v the dowler co 25 cuelph t vwvo tan mt nr au owimits pwt mt warjomi f home study uiiidll tornrtn lctl 6ir -t- mlv11 11v uaii will lluc loil rllllrortluliilluiil uiu op- j wiiuiaii ulm wuibj in numia tor m 14llir iotlu i lit- tlb coit l lint f ltiinllal our uuw tslalhiuc tluluii f uw to huliw ulujiii nil fhlrglt t wilkn it al-lr- coulklllono inui uuiuitijunt genlnl business college j a ulrunu vi7ovl rononto blhaw prlnotpal lioil wlili twkinu irn volll iiiulibil a il li allxltlll inn 0 e m9 day s hngus1i toniotowdiks days crmam for calvhh days stock looij 1oh iattln- ing all stock repaied from aramaiiu iiciiib j id lor 30 clh iai auk erskine druict aoton aoton macliiuo and kciiniu sliopn lllisuyhiuilil l iroirllor a iih well n ulii ij with ml tin tnaoliliieri j jmijarv tu until utj l ruulnf in liiuiliin- uy ui1 urlnulliirlliiliiuuiiioaiil to ila bll hiinurbijlriuliiiilitrimiluuaiiluiirdl uaiikbiiluiltii vvumlwtiru if-lwli- lriixii lu kujxli4v uiiii wm uu tlr biiv anllu rir luiiluint nf diiv iiiju ium rliiiu autlhifiltitluiih oil smtitur milieu acton agency uololas liaokv co hani era and urokorn how york llntilui ulvliiuiiiirtiiirul ili tor r hi luu hioiaiuii iiiitiuiit iui iiwiin i lutlllliali uiliilt tl am mitllor intrnna will frcooti iiulratlnl clumsy owlish spectacles nrtnd iio pi imiiii hi uly ulljuu1- cu billy ciuil itrailvf ph-ulle- nul it im ji k avo lliu plico i reilir lo iiur cm nucr acrcdli 11 us uc dnil im ki- cair w 11k wu itiuil supply in it r iriiui al am pilce un ull onl ilm lu- anil it jl iitwii tic in your cicu llio clip lu y illlit c lataill iniferl dilil mill jyik 11 saltagce fc co liwiliiw ollloliph r q ves lots 0p it ynu nil linoo nf our reputation or fine china at christmas lime hut tills ytar is coing lo heal it nil tliurd it loo much lo ileurriba nilniiltly how can anyona describa clirlsimas china anyway tha imsi uay ii lo corns and ua for yoiirtali opened saturday alio loli of prully glattware at ik i 1 w 11 1 rout v i ltiuuiivj wtwk btows and dwelling ioii vallt ikt it iwnuiry mlll xtuv ko i j i tlin i ulllt yrxic uk luu whii lulllfcvn t fcui loo il 11 h v liollllnif will i irk ullll xyux wollthon cil0ie faioi fob kaik imih faiiji roiiih llnl rolol w tti e a kiju lulu 11 tm- dria auiiii iuii ktiji lliu l ikmiuujrtf llurpjjd iv iiiuim wl iu hiinwif la nn i rruui ciufeii mi ihi wj1 ouldval nud ajlapul la ua kllilbllkk riulne llilclmm illlhul lluiimuilf ul omii in yl um- luu moirut bw buit iti tuloi iiuiiu uuu hiuciiuiltlati inlklli lall luiaaw ll icuonhu yr full lttunol aiiiily lu jl a ioudum arin1 0 oral 1141 nock i uru hchool farm jfojt sale ik fcsquicsina tiiuui oilt ir 11 u wll- kuow uniini houmuail lot iu jou kgubiif ciifjliti uicrj othxl tilij umvmt llliiiit rlifii uiu uilifu a wltlhi a- utlla tot um iliiuiuliiiiif low 11 ii aelnu i01 eoulil tut u uj full vut omwo by lit lo mlsil ucanw aettji new lirirniture at gst tiltu lou k ol tmiitun imiouuiuu to lh uula ot tlm lau j ahiwiult will im aali b trlvata lula at riwd inbtw ott th- hll liinludaj uthuul lrlor htlla llwlru ul ulniuu talil llinlntf ti1m r wm oa dptn dii wldajt alurntmim fiuti llitu us i o clock unlll uia wlulalaaau li yuti ll luinitui you cau buy it uir at lnwjrio tot eh lho from miyaujuiralind aitd lincklua clalirf ilat ajxl couolia tal1 ana chlniuduj tl hyit tlim funiltuim khap will b opfil dil wl mhnted good prtutw for tla h e1 fruit lrf ointiinl al r kiirulw -to- in actnn alltl utmuby tllaltlcla trni libiat on aalary ur hkaiiiilulou imi- w otc ta aora mular euluvuoti a mil tiur toek im burautawlto im tjllietl in d rondltjiit itm ttaiti ti wlaw lla laat anfl rioat rvuijil lut o uuiary bldck ill cattail to day ainlynow pelliam nursery company toronto ont if you want good bread tiiv oun whito brown wad curtuiit loaf fvtili sconei iluiur ami douch nul evary tiny all kinda of cake an imm tatti mads lo order wtddlnff cnki kpclally confoclionnry dffil astorluient of coiifeciionery from bct nurlers popular prices ovrftors ond trruua of ikeit grades in llielr tcaiau ovtcr tarlor now opa oyhtrs terod in niokt popular mcihnds tstathamson halt mr flr j cmoi- iiiwir acton christraas satisfaction we want to make your h d the famous cfnna store the berliner grains fe phone the best talking machine htnlkal sliijirt comic micnd and sentimental wji vluy like h fait iuiul ororclieutrij vo i cia understand rvcry wor a it iik it is llio jrcitct cnttrtaliicr ever made il uuca ilia liil tt dbc ltcuidi which imt tor yrars uuo ciuuijphoiu li niiile ii ciuula a five ycum vrillteii tud- ruutto wllluicli lauthluii unlo for calil iiicu fiie prices 41500 to 40oo sold on easy moinitkly vttyitictintrt if doairod manuf ctulct0 bv e ulkltnfik 2u1523j st cuthcrliifc 8t montktul mmmvjtl mlovv cnirl muhir caaaav w erskine agent acton tory tlm year we have the goods and mikc th prices that will insure this result we have sensible ifts the kind that please most like the following luathrnpuilglvtj up to 82 00 wriilt hacq litc lqonun9 ucbt hair dpuahch eronv gpop i htbrown choraut and otatlonor acton- holiday furs to cutler it maiuifictnrcis own prices hon- colliirs fancy stolla x11it1 ii sible white and red fox mini- hear and martin muds ciiprriiits iiiintlfis love seal skins slipiur- moccasiiih jackets in the latest ilylty furs nats and caps at rilit pnces t n 10 lnlontaine iviuaijlu fruoiicul ami utti jjut- am jimo owclvu jvji mmwubwmsamum