Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 12, 1903, p. 2

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klatlli un liuu i in 1tauml ar air in la hu a most successful event v 3 u nil y i fttpklm- in kaiukltf on uonly th iwu ua lutltl llr juliu titawaii jfrt- i ictou jficc prra tiiultmikay kklllilfahy ll juki tli plilynlnui annwir huodlalchurah on nd monday was very phoptadlk ahd en- 1 joyablk tin uhltr pilll llhcprmli tjidiim voir tl uptioili kditonial notes ml for ootailo xlflli did not i ph mi mn 1jlt- rn- 1 ik- llu hy1llon in hi dr trd by ii iuj mi- maipliroii lu murpljrion fill- h1vlt ivffi- uiii of kcirikluui4 h puim hut till v h1 2diww 111- ilull cllldi- of h in iim- lllld it tall ill nf lipwiiulu r hiotlli h a ar imi ki villi itohlltl iii illl lllllltlfte ill monliral iitinily kiilil an faiib lin manitnlm hovinumnt lamumuidlhc kfliikilqiifllini i cloud mill nrlllur at tin pivwiit imrrl any futinv iihii will h i- ivopmd yin m nf ll hwm- of tllf dinnliiiiil jimruiuint building at ottawa n u l kt ijiwivnet rinal- a lrti7t urllanil raind s2llfhl 17 lulrrnlnulal mil way wwiilffc otijiwalvir wnil ifil- nmrr iwforv in tlm huloiy of i mim-iaiiri- itklljilltn luitt llur-t- lwtn kimli w dfpif ml iindconuuiiniluuttalk o i tlu liquor tlttftlc- uu ill llu prvmiil thin- nttw iiuluimu ui constantly mlitf hmiillit into play und tlm ilu- n hmuiii nfthi- lnhl ayutfin of likhtfnu till jljlilhlflllullkj111111- ii willi wop vlni inul kih it nfuu kir vilmd ijuiilrrlmri nntuhd tlm mrtwniy r thociiniidbin manufnctiir- ilv afuumllltioll iii tomiltn lit hi w4k unit tlm kvrniiuiit would rriv dnhkatlnii from tlm iiiauufiudurtti 1vhruary tin nkh in titfiird to tin uiir a tleltkiituui r over 1100 poisonu vuiled otuiwaon yuimltiy ii i po and iiiiuhdiiiuinduf protictlnn at tin- unttlnt of thutjniiil mliiu ikiijii akuuitillmi yinurduy uv dr jhnwli k iidilriu hi- tlm corrup tion in llit rwent ivfinnduin vou uh7ililtlmtatutrii7yiiiini oil inul tvfuwd to uiku tlw iwpon nihility for ii roiniiiuhlon tn lnvihtlku tlm clirjti hi huh tw hi tlihh ycuin or ohji viitlntj mi flfort to iivfifutno rnnnphoiu hn urcl tin niriity fov tin- iipiuiliitiniiit of ii cnminimilon u viw wliirli tiiuiinliiih iil in iitwmu utiuu by mvpiiii other mxaucrj oeoftabrrown the miiiuiiilr at llnnu mi tiuliy ivcnluk wiimu hiulily tiijoyiiui lufiilr many vultiirh wtii ptvwut fwini imt- llllf imillu at tin nifftliik of tin onlrli ilfi1 or the methmlikt tlnnrl inut wihl htv a potter win cordially invluil to leinuiii it tlilnl year milton jim hminnervlhmuim iumii iipjuilut ed iiiweor inul w j amihtlxnift oileetorformlltoiljm klwuln und j w lbwm hint lwen ii iu in teil to ihehraid or health anuinlmiortheliuiilmiimintaueiil etl a luiliqiiet in aeton on momlny rliihik ami dslwre they hiiiluditlliht- ful time tb ounell u it hut huliuk up to the tnrl that if miiuui i ui lt uhriiiht r llu tiuiem imiiiuiiiiiu wi1lh iinihtlhlail ltev i w hnliler n fount ututnr will pnhch iiiinlviixiiry miiiioiiu in the metbiulihlcbnub heieoiikuiidiiv pub u2 inoinlnp anil evenliik on the follnuhik moiuhiy tneiihik mr knluyiwlll ileliwromof 11h uipnhir leetinv crkwbowa co hm bills 1lie i ui mi vtisstmv lulii ron thiuedthim week and are well iiltfiuletl mr ii damperm little daughter kthel had one nf her hnufia rut off mi irldiiy iifteriimil hy her bund cnimiik in rontjiet with u utlrk or wimm her hi other jeoiw aw niitliik dr mikeakiie or aelon divksl the wound ami the utile tliil i now pro- kivkhhikmioinhly i am nlunyu pleawd to retrue neh but pjutleii mndllik me lelteih to lu- puhltuhiitllhikt ilgn theli name othei- wiie tbey will lu eimlnueil to the ulihte luihlet i liam illllhik the uiht weil been the ivrlplent of niub ii iniln i may ulxf wiy thh ulllr iiimui i inei iiliblokiikwiplu dot mli a leiiiiin ulm iiiim iuhii upending the puit iniiiilb or wt at her hoiliebei hi l to hilt on f i- tliy 11- nnltiiwry iuibeti of the miiihmiihi lbtihb hint h uy ttml mnmwy uv uirttlryliikly ful l inotlur idlhune in be ln butory of tbu hi h ho lay wnmnviy nuhiii dn hilt hit oil- tiiiiu- outsell moiplay hi hlod wlulr lilttht ami the tembioee it t mr tei- istbk wmi ery biriv klopiot mid helpful miiiioiiu wiv vietieb4t mornliikhlideveiibitf by ltev v uinilop the ibiklm- nf nmtli pil- bile mb cbiiirbnmuitowhleb wti uppreiiitl hy h eoilknkilioil 11 hiiiiliitehuml ll npoil mini iii 11 and jimw uat ovr iiuuliiht um tiviuiy iud whim hou- tluiinopleeitht money into the llvie myj an emuet mid weiiptiiinl nvllttln of the iliilum of the ivaiury in the ehurh inul clnutm illltinb louind it unu iiuiile tlibi uuipiiwdh very liiui-lliikkuiplliba- tlou of ui following imiiiii tor cbflnlu utlhik oyer aalut the tivtihlliyi i itmluipoltaitrei a ltwu4 the measure of the womhipii love for but iimunurvl hi bi riiiiii lmiem the imdtltude i 11- ou- mtvm1 bow inneb tbey iimt inlo the trtmiry koutbey did it th treanurym k linpii tame it the ibntxb wan euiphnulwil mid it win uhown hint it u mi iiulukndil- iiknt for the lulviuiremmit of liivyi ritiimmvbleli iioebiihb eoiild do with out not utily the work of the rhiirch itmu euhiimtuiuet from tblf ti4hmiiry but tlm nilkloniiry ruin the ediien- tionut inleretm the bibb wwdely itnd klulid lmtltuttom the holy hplrlt bau uieu pjhietl mil and the uatlonr hiftheeiirtbari oiwnto rive the o jmi tbetvnritbuuhmlm of eonwhnitwl wm ken ready ui p m t wblned burvent field hut there in not iinntciont money en tin uviumry it would lu luiil hi euthniitt the kood which ldbl ln anoinpliuhiml he tid iftbeupirlt of kiiieritug kviiij were ubnuul ontiiubij he ventured tlm thnuiht tbut the eon version whirli hud no lulliieiieo ilium n nnmh pjmket inlkbt rnwimbly ik dmibbwl diiiidk fjuthiteiehiuf dlrmiitun tu i it viiv looeh by idoptioo iih hiihlerlalexinolioubid uii k dtplkimlilul and ibiv the wminl rpblt w- not ho fully ibmbtud ith in tinnda km h kid hi hikl the u limopoitunlty foiiolllviliuu k will ml fllohlp mil thkplrit f oh t 1 lu tln life of uml nod- hivi tin- ida of tbeiv imbiif llirmnerf litvii th- vrlmwhiiaina imtdbri him mmim-ii- lilm kind hut bupplly tl k v ivuk lltrvme eiauhwllllltuto iha pie municipal officer stavs iiv sufmikhkmr onio4l hi n- thos- qaholie naappolnticu ciubi 01 pinis uiuaadic ii llr ii 1 hui m in tl rl l ill nil 111 iii inlr i- roliii iul ii 1 ii of munleliuil ollb notlllua pokt t1iu dtiwluttoitsl tln andieon suu ut oauviiu utu auaiutly no aitlu the i ouehulu of the exiiiiiliiiilioii hi nniir iloii with the falliui of the an lnrmin piuule lunik lit oau itle nm huiilkht lib it the kimwledue that there will nut beany letiiiu to the tle- putlt4ih or the liaul mr k 11 tliituiui theiiqnldiitorwildyeleidiiy that they uuiilil iveeue iiolbliik oil their itiluim n ftielt m little bo orniuallliik ihe ioilt ion of the ihinkof llauiltou blibnpp aiid m lie wr- tlieu fillj weuie the tateiueiil whhh will lut foiwaiibd ibeeivdlti rx will i ihow ihiil kf1 iiwilii t umi the isll i loht in ehilkr win thrown out which it will he pro- lluhte for ehurcli ni kerdly to to uimler it lu thu i when you tribute jn the benltiik ujhtiiitf d cuiti of the etiiirrb to u ultutifyliiu hliil imiii rindensl roinfortuble mid uttnicltve you uw only fiyluk vluil youowefor tberomforttitbiih provbll kveryonu who iittimlu rliurch u hi duty lutiiud u do thla lint iwrilde tblu thne nuiwt lu- offorhim for the advancement or jndu eniiiuj fjlvin thuu nu uimi bui4iirikiht4l uu iv nluo- bitely eiithil ui lime worubip and duclpluhlp tile evenlllk wriiion wrth ilium the triumph of the christian tliroiinh faith in rbrll tlie uift wan 2 fur u ii now tbnnkh lu unto und wblrb ulwttyu eatimtb uu to hluinph in lu imu tblu in thehnikiik tu trliiiiiphant apostle to the inntlleu au he vlewa the uuecewi of hu work hi ii niviirber of the koi 1im exulting kplht luuiudm forth in the word or tli text we nrenll eiikk i ll kjit spiritual vontllrt but tlmui the jinre iveu nu we may like paul roll- quer ami trhiinphjwiujyuitlilcilu tlmr nvereonieth the world llir ilk- courw waw ronthiiiwl under tin follow- ilik hi dlvulmmi i tlie k hover u uble tbiouttrb fatb and imtieuee by the uilubt of meiklu triumph 2 he iwahle t tiluniph klf he 1m able to trltliupb over lilu krratekteiieiiiy death i theinedhlin ortliktibliiipli i- jemin christ ml paul wiil it im not by wotku o llkllteoiiuiuwm that we hnveenmpieled bnthy tbeineivyoftjiml 5 to tlm lie llever phrlut lu all ami in nil what a when thrill of joy tdmum hoot tlmniffh every heart when death khall have lkhn hijiiii what a uhnnt or linl- venuil lrlory nu we nbnll hnve the piiilee id tantliik mir trophuyitu the feet nf jimiim rryhip heiiiik and klory and wluhun and thankhkiliik and honor mid power mid inlkbt lw unto qpr iimi for eve i mid evir liie miiiiverwrtry tertmeetlii on monday eveniiik wnn oldfiihlilonm in ebiiiiiiter luid nldfnnbloilsl in uttendiiiile and eiitbunliuin the huoe andleui wnu lhtt ukhennl into the klboolrooiu wheie liuir ii mvhv of hiblem uiv laden with the thrleenl vbindn and rendered ery atrnuti with dainty table linen dilbatmhliia nttliutlve hllverwaiv and pretty flovuiv uwnlte llieai the m-iiiuii- nunn wiim nrtuthally dteoiatsl with flnipiimil buutlnf tlie ladles of tlie eoiikitiition lavuhly iipplbsl the wanta of till and the kiimbiy kebiuil orebthitra reiidenil fiwivt iiimdr while the inner man vtw iwhlr ivrlnt km thebi rredltalle ipvul and tint piibl urtaiikeiiiriiththe hulleu eeitainly deserve uiihlintihl pitilw inul to them iniirh rrisllt u due furlbe in cikh of lhu llftyuhitli auulveiiiy after lea ulieh wau eoneludml nboilly artereihhtovlihktbeaildleihi iikmmiihhsl in the midltoriiun mut the ooniiuniewauproeeded with uev h kniitb 11 i the pautnr wan lu very happy iiummi and performed tbejlutlenof rluiirmimi in u miiidoily uiauiier after an iiulbeiii by the ebuivh mir ivvmihellht lluutluic oftoiouto 1 in pnijer hev h a marplieikon of klliil chill eh uit then iul iiulmisl h k lie of huihii iitfilhtlnilly biuuoiaih iblnhmh und iivumh plniuiue that o imieh jo and jjludnewi l bu nlilfiiulilmunl tea- he ehiiiliiibtl by leelllitk oditrei mid in the kiiule1 boityaiid fe-llnit- hillaui w i i limu f ihetliuewbii the uadvpr tbey nil nmy in- one will i lhllllfeieimlminiien that lime we run at p l1 hpl if v of iwiihi to yr that fullllled ay for ent mly udpia in ionrliulln mr ihowu tonicxitiilatl the pantor and oiik upm the h mii d thl nniiiminiy iit hermit and ev- tnhl the boi4i ibvt lnth the k those who me unbbil may oihhh iilimu be way whleh uhlue on- and inoie unto the m fet day aipiaili tie wini tin n rfudrrtd by mki nliklli and uluk and mi williams and willlavei whhb win fully enjoyd ilei 1 dlil nf the lple rbutxli wan the next hmuker our mminl life ii utile very e to l- develop1 wan bin topic he ho to hil me the djiy when lu our wm iiil ifutbet iiik tbeiii will 1m iiioh of fellowublp one with the other the day imeomliik he deehnvd when all rhrulian jwople will me eye tn eye he hoped the time would route when we would coiniimne hketlur it will e when we tiro willlllk- we nilltt onrwlveulu wulable if ue would hee olbem wwlable mr ihiiiii pihikhii- uhitioiij mid kimhi wuheu wiiu vvy profiim and beaity kvauuellut ihinlliik thenfavoie4tthe the midleiiee with u mill if theroh uurihbhif hi your heal t todny ltev w k mealpine 11 a then kaveaiiiubbiijiepivkwiviof kiwmiwiii mid pleitmiitv with ivfeixliee ui the uaiiieetlmf he douhtl the utate- nieilt oldfakhloind for mfie fudd hiuonit the milltlpuelty of ukdhwnue viiindu on the tahlei there weiii many thlllfpi the old lumipbi never ute it ih a phjnaiiv tn litok into a rmifcnjfrttinn iniule up of dilfeifiit denonduatlonx tltere wim a time lonn to when you woiitil wo the linew drawn much inoni cbwly while tliint lire fctlll illlter- eiksh thero ii u lartfeiiewi if upliltby which we have love for one hi nth i- r thin in isipednlly wi on the pjntor tluwu who aernrdllik to their coiiwunilehi me endrjiivuiiutf to follow tlhrut with miincrouu ilhni- trntlouu he eniihauu4l thin bhuou if yon do not wjhii to publish your own failinipidn not puhlbih the faillnipt or otberi tlie fbolr miiik the initheui wiui kind when tbemild ijt uh jfo inuitbo houwi of thu ijiwi and the pioknlinnie rou eluded with a qnar- utui by mueknhkllii anil iiiiik ami itovu mcalpineaud hniith ihv t hick pnnioimcii the iwne- dlctloti the prok tbrohkbntit wan of an uuiiiinnlly blub tolie mid the aiidleme waa miinlremtly pleatud with the entire pittceixlliikii the lllmial nlferhiku on hunihiy ami the rcelpu mi monday evening amounted t4i iilwmt v1cw1 oinielllir hynih iutilnewl th following iotl moved by ieo llyiiili m muled by j akoew that leave l k to inlioilue a bylaw for the piniwo of atohitlnki munlilluilollber for the yem- umtt foitbpifoiiuame of tle followink till lof i awiiuini tlilbatni sanitary imiwet r iatetaker of towu hall carelakerof pibllek-hoobfai- luku of puhlle park cnnuue or cemetery colle lor of kbch lc u italic itevubln ami lliilldliik k wilkn cuttlnk wexbi conhbible pound keeper titlilllt onieel mid tlieb other dntlen ad may 1m inquired in roinieition with the municipality ami that the in law in- now tvad a lirxttluie tlm bylaw wai iend u jlrt lime and uiwm motion the council went into committee nf the whlile oil til- mvoud mid third ivudhw hie lleeve in tlie chair all went well until the third ivad- mt when the iiimco deelaied lie waw hot prepared to have tin byluw eoiu- pleted with the name of the piewlit otllcer at at a uuhiry of sjmi when a kihmi nun could lu uueiiiel for id and be wiuitid the public to know of bu objection what i1oou think of tlm matter mr urowiiv conn nrownlf you can hiuuv me that w can get the work wi formed hy onlcpr orahnin doiiu for lem tlnni vj i will favor the clmn conn hyiula hut it ih not cimtiiik uti jtooo for onlcer irabrtin i run hhuw you that be earned uhwi buif year which went l red lire bin mibuy to that aiiioimt im i1ikkik kavea he rceivwl ijtli and ida feca au hinpc- tor of the lmvrnient ronlraxu nu the imiuih we paid kuiiilieer hutchwin the yar befor ainouuled to tm1 tlieil in the matter of iihpniihihllily it lu woitlrn wuu dcjil to tblicoijmpu tbn to have a man a eolhvctor of the only a slight cold vt it mty lmk1 to connuiripuaii htid an ttjly orvv ifyourbbmil ih poor or wntecy touch oe cold or intliienzii will wttleln your ihiik and the wllkht coukii of towlay limy turti to the rackinif con- umnptlveu ihiiikii of toinonow weak lurtfm iie raiimd by weak hhwml weak iiiimmi u an open invita tion for doiiuiinptlon to biy up hi you the hiillil of death htop that coukii by enrlcbinu tlm hhwwl and utrciithriiiuk your iniik wilbhr william pink p1iu tbey nuike new ilcb th iiiimmi tbey add rew luting uiwer to the lhnk- tbey have utvml lmndieili from u conihimp- ttveh kmve here m a pjudtive ptiwif that ur william pink imuu cure when other nietliciiiea fall mim katie henry dim lolfetnwn p k i khvu ruuue montlib hko i koi caiiifbt in a rain htorin mid the wetlhik wau followed by a cold at lliut i paid hut little atteutiin to illbur an the cold tluiik ti me and dually ibvelouhl into u- backinit eolith i tucame alarmed mid conuiilul n diurtou who kuvc ine a lutttle or medicine unforluimtely it did not help me and 1 lunan to kiow pjile i lout in weight and my upjietlte oinplet4ly left ne i wiih now iikiiliily under the rare of the doctor who told pie my lunga weiv atfettcd and that 1 wan threateiiihl with roiiuiiuiptloli the ih treatment did not wm ui 1umllt me in the leant nteadily kw weaker and ihially win rommlh4 to remain ii ui atthluthne a friend urgis um to try or wllluiim pink plllu mid eveli hoiikht hie tbrm- luiken liefoit i ihially eonuiiited to take them i have reason now to lbuu my f i lendu lur4utence lutaiim i flt better lie- ifule all the plltu wer kone and 1 kbidly eontlmiihl the tlvatmeut apil get the most qut of your food yn dont and cant t jr liomiih in mak a ttiak toimrb doen intdi- r nlttbnl i vnllnnrily liili into it it net tired wnlly and what ll hull to dlruit u whbuhi aiaorik the ni of vk toitim b urn unenmaeim alter iitliiu libi of ner ou hmdacbe mid durje able bell b- ni i lv lrii trdublid wltli dj k ln ir j ir in nl tricil vry mnriy i in ol of bill lm- il nitytliliiii llml lvn tnllrf llnlll 1 tu iiihhik paritniutrllu i uuiiiit lri1 llu iikllilin u ilil1y rirtli i it liit iit iii- x nlwnya uu it in of miirlni iiixl lull inul wimihl ih1 l xtlllx ll w a kintr il4llivlll- out hoods sarsaparilla streiiktbemi w ml tmiu the toiieu b nud the hlnibi hurilui bjitein now furs are heedeo wi bavd die ikjul vuluo m nffer and our kuaranlcn of nuliii ruffs sibld llrar ailc wlncr lu m nk tlillmt wfd anil iablrt 1owrii mania hriiiliirt kj 50 10 j5 00 oaperines ioiuu ianh kloclric 5i cirry liiuib sabla mliik ac 83 50 10 j7 5 jackets ahula seal if 108150 ivralati lnuh 5f lolito noelwraiib4dlo65 ailrachau ti7oiu l our own mal ialcsl siylcsi knw yorl roboq glovos gauntlots mocoaoirs cape l film madfl in guelph by pracilcal turrlcr only jci worlimandilp ordorn alltujed to promptly uarntai iur sior in western ontario caali or raw lurs h n e ufontainb lowr wyndhwii glreot ouebph mens fu coatfl furljlnod r f6brurrv fbrst on i kit- f u in mil h in jiiillnry il tl vhii- ul llirl fr ilinliilv iiu mm iiutllillllinll illiyioi ullil wiiili imil- init riiimnl ivnlirilninllilii in illl- tl 1i11w nniilli mil i iii- fcbrijuiy pjus hiiniiiiv in mil iliunliniil i1111 tu i ul llii miuih in im- fi int iniiiu iy ivluilw iiili iul 1 1- l nil 1 1 it i 01 lf- iiry ii inly 1 in in viillniniiinililiiiitlniiu lli tnji ll fn- iw unnly iiiimihnm n-iiilil- 7 fin- fciu i nnly iiu i- i mil ivlxlini liillili iii i -l- l1 fin- kii7 i nnly lliilniii innili iiihiiiik nktilur lllji ni- llr i nnly llnr iitiilin inn i in nrf l-kllliit- l fnr h 1 nnly linn uulli nuiltill lulf nillnr fnr v2mi i nnly iiiiiii- aiih lu inikit kil iji fin- l iki i nnly lull lawl 1 111 lull jiukul n-kllllil- tli fill 2il february piajqiclh ilrhi adliriliriiitlito house id itcirtnr sell otl iu- air tillili ll i- ii iljl wlr uh l 1 ui- al-lill- i hum imilllhku notice rpt i 11- 1 flli li oil- iuy i l inulo ii in w i atiw r u vllld- f ani lr l in liilr u unt lrne in ut i 4juiiy isl tlial lla 10 phiea only of heavy rvilbsi tluiuelrtte ik inrhem wide ill lluht und dink pjituoiix woith kh nil kbimny fortlje pleerumi inch bevv klannelette- dilfifnt kiwtd wildiik patteriin a iwial pinchaie woilhhjc foilc a few pattella of all wool fancy ilniuielx iikubir itv leht nary j uvtwy ihltixh military rlanncl extin weimbtand width regular iv for htimk taklnw luihivveabd the fait that we have too many laihe unilci iiklilu on hand anil for nest saturday we make clenruuce of them an rollout under skirts konly heavy llanncitte undeiwkh tu ie ilneu j 1 1 only fancy moire cndeikliut with deep lined ilimiiiv rekillar 1 value for nlojn black ineireilitjii miteeii unditwkihw uutiiiwl dinlku and piice raliiink fiom to 171 lined or uiilhied eouipriliik hie liext uidllnk lv oie linve bad tblu mjiuni all new ilyllnh aiuutn mid well worth the original priiei spehal for saturday only nrc lurtfo hiiinu now coinhik bito the treiimuy in wliom we have emilincnre ijiut year collector irabam collecukl and paid over to the municipal trca- uivr over loimhi and the auditor idiow bin nicounu to lut itlwuilnlely correct- durllik tlnji the follow iuk munmitu thxwi collerud 7ll7 m klectrir likbtiatci jh1 hi kent of town iiill nud piano sab of cemetery iota iteceued for diif7luk ki iteutof pmk ueeiifcc fist colbfcted htrerta and wjiiu rcveu- ucu htntliu lalur free pound fen i 111 j thi to id ol la 00 m 21 00 1 s ee that the hhiuku name of ii d ira- alary lie icjh per 1 move mr 1u la- filled with the liitiu and the i annum conn ajrnew i do dot think that we enn do nny iiettcr the motion wut can led and the bylaw completed chief lauihle of the kin ihlhiule i nt an ii i ftjirii t tim n xiu i kllpb will ci ilet fin lit hi il tnew oesi hi uhit ui tloa t bike v the hank of uauirl i 1 in i ic iiii- bi helili t ml t iim ll uilliml ll ri ll llnnti tin niii illllciilllllwil mi iliullh uihil illl i iii allilinli 1 1 1 1 1 1 lu iniuliii nutmr a2 iiiuiiiok pe he hoi i ible i ollf i ii w puiih a iiiannei ilillnit b blcbellcl- 1 i p mlel at lel- i il mi ihi um applauie u v w s mvalpbimi a of tbe uililt church tviiileiiilimilup io kie which all eujo4s -l- iliuivl uiln tv 1 j ibipu ii a of hi aiiuuin ciiivii iiri lull dncsl tbultibikr m iii w nt jlit1 opuhiuhce ul a ladlle ho ul titbi n in clon lu wau aitolthd on 1utlmkliolb iiweptliiu ml th wu expivst bhii vry happy to lime had an liivlmtiou e- ullo blu he had not much lililuliy wmutwli klleiliik wiim wmii ii i lie i he of ited lid tike il walk eucli ibiy i mn now in thelirut of health and uelh uli iwmndu tliniv tluiil ihfnre i tmik nick i feel tlujf 1 owe my life in dr willlnniu iihllpiiu mid lmik my vrl4iir 111 unelll home dtlier hntferr all iiimiiku which niinn frmn pom- bhuhl oiweak pelvea can ih driven froiil the hyutijin hy the umi ut dr wllllaiiih i1nkdil which may l had front any dealer lu inedhjnc or wilt iot piiid attjk- pti- box or u uixea ru- il by wilthlk direct to the hi wlllhinn midlclm co llrtmkv lib out iteinciuhvr that mib- tnonii h i i m ttwhi i dfni4t j wmir mtn o kood do not cini ii j ii uhiu iitm pfoimok- liiulijte baa liceii appluti4l to the hiiiate tbehyiaw knililliik 2aivll to the phhiiucii uikea he htrtnt hall way wan ivuiihi at luetplp tlm pioltmtaitiiuiht the ehwtlou of mr a h mukjy uhti m l p for noilh lliey w iiui at owen httund wau pr rewirt moved hy geo hyiuu wcoiidwl by jim akliew that be iejwirt of the chief of the ilie hrlnnde ih received and unit the tinuku of the coumil akv hereby tendeivd to tthlef oiunhle and the me ml ten of the ilrigade for their very efllrieut mrvicen the paut year carrie movh1 by john akhuiv ucouded by jmueu haiavii that thou fallible ih rcappnhitod chief and john jjiwuon flm waiihn or acton liie lhiipide for llnkkciu lied only one nccount pjiwiil thronpb tin haiiilu of the cuniiiitte- on phi- ance hint of win hell or l for 10 coithi of wo for the power iioiim- the account wuh pausl a m phillips repivrumthitf an oil llrui calhsl tonddrcuu the couiiell on theviiurtorlty of the oil inauufal-tur- h by biu inn he waiirebnd to the chairman of the propyl ty cuiiiiuittee who bi churned with tie tbity of hecur- iuk hip niippllet nerfwimiy for bin depnrtinent irtlio council weiv to eiiuitniu nil tuivellem wlm hnve wmxu to iu- hem thny mikht tilt tuireii week in- uund of twice a month council ft i jo in mil about nine oclock consumption prevented and cured tfotir marvduxia free remodlo t6f all ufforrt irvadld thlm pap now curotortubrcuuil tlod weak iunr ctmnli and rundown bymtcau waltsg root aol on if you am in nwd of a kdod pump either hi wood or iron edins to aclon pump worlii clatarim wnds- au llpblra vrompuy attended to w1i claanfid- this ch1ckco 5torjiotof2 in aclmcwlmled the il run nine and and best windmill manufacuoed i am ajjeni for thl ilislrlct cill and inveiil- ratc i m for a joti buy t ebbage main stroot aoton i our mail course jn tkn iilij milijiruonia j runt win thy or ynni- lmt nluii ebundiied8 op younoj ipkoplb j timil ii fivv nlilir imiii inn iiit iilmilnir iipliiulil ivmiiiii lniiil l tliiii wi-lli- fin- mlf cntnliik- j i ami cilitiiin nil urtiliini a j t uiutiil will lirlim iu adilrtiuix i mitulinuilflli lliiunllflt r central pusin9s t colcece r- toronto- z v ii klliiw irllhuuil j dont cough ihikiiok irriliilfii tl tlnimt mil liuik muliii tin iimith liurilir t cuiv null iiinuiii tin- nixt mili mini 1iuilrr our bronchial svj1up mill hilll nn to utiip riiuijlllni iv imlly liili liiini tin unit i mi unlclily mi miy ul iiiinily st broxin clumlat and quuonor aoton- do yo4i ccntfih lo yoir bmy wbi you id ytfiirtlinwt mvrdwad hilluued jio you hplt up ililcifiii loe your iwuii at lw lit your upjwitiid ljd amyour luiiipi ilolicate ard you lajntf llctli ar you paid anil tliin do you lack fciaialuu ttio- syuipioma ar puaf tliat you liavd hi your iwwly tlm imu of lli nio dtnikorouii tituludy that inoj evr davm lutd ibd vmhii conatimptlon 1 viw m i iif1 1 lil vul iliayumbtlltlfu- ytui h i un w l ly uiinijj yn free trial treatment tj lu viwiij wll u cwwjl yod 4 wlllvjld 0-ilurt-4- 1 ih slurt ht it u vwlwtif j citujm- ilkm tkt uuii llljh14 tlimdi itlbj tf ttl iuluf lwum fcrtj duuid ii y uu uv vuh tkulj lulunli abiluiu lilij ci l r hwmjy tallfl i ilwt t a fu- r- i i i ii n iuii i rar jj ij iciitii mi wltwiuii i lu slurf cmj wu i b 1 w 1hu wh mvuuk ifvj ulkhl lltm imft sit i it hau ihen well wild that no man bver iuiiil nuder the buiden if the day il ih when uininrmwu bidden in uimihuo the burden of today that the widixht u limit- hall n iniiu rail uturdejum miudomlil how ninny of tbew nvw vol k ivho- hlumu have you kept up to the pie- wnti hahbaqaweya saw and planinij mills lumber and shingles t loiudst pbicos poui foot gladu 2ba coup lllll inn cut lu onler p sayei 3 proutlulor wlite quilts reduced lilnyin iimm nf lurii uium willi qnllu initnl liiuvy wlkht will kl iihiniliiiil inttiiii iikiilmijilii vuliii fin- tin- rt nl llii miry imkiiiimk kiitiinluy nt fih inke trout and labrador herring at close prices in quantiticp highest cash price forfjbtatoes r bscott warren blk mill st acton hrick stoio mid dwelling ro um mut 111- imokuirv fcoll1 brlrk l- i j 1 ll rmixr uf ulll lj vrur lok luu vvii liltua so fhl rlur uutur ut utlo lulllli oil irlrb the wellington mutual wtte inauhanotc company thl 0 aimil u bt tl- w-llllia- 1 l uitul mn liunoo couipuy will llld in tliacnmixtiy it ooloaoti wodtuday vob- lllh rl 1 p ta in nwilv lia blmiuri ih wllli lb pluti- rui ktuiiinl for iii ilia ivollon o olr fnrtlia bauliid ynr ml otuat lu dbu talevsiitlo lit 11 unr- oilsmeltermines davidson fc carter markot btuaro cuolph hklilkhlntind douglas laoey co nbw york klncu luiylliic t i lit oilkhml invvhlinint mtinvil inul iniiiintiwl fall ni- xirltc fin- wiitlriilini -hhrbware- ijuiuiujujuluiumjujumjujumiualiuuiiiiliiluiillv mill street johnstone go hct0n have now the most coinpleln ilok of hardware w over carrll and hive boiuiht at prlcea which will enable u to noil lowur ihan bardwari bu wver boon olforod kbic we cama to aclon we can supply idiellmd heavy hardware in all line in any quantity white lead oils turneiitine we itoclic ihese before ihe rlie and will jivo our cuitonicrt the benefit of lower prices than they could othcrwlui have cxrocted glass from the manufacturers a larko import oraerof glo of all nlzea enpeclctl in a few dayg from the antoun driilsh manufacturers coal oil canadian and american furniture- parlor suuo from ihoo to sooo lldrooin suits from i1000 to 1 3500 ijirfie slock or dhihitf chain sidoburdrablcfltthdtrolhetnurnitlire6tihaiid7- window shadca curtain poles carpeti and house furnlshlne keiiferally undertaking all branches including embalm ing will guaimntuu uvciivtiiinq solo at citv phicliy- joiinsoo g th6liqn bhrghins oddjdtents bhrgh1ns t 7 ends linoleum auction sale of fariti stock ktid itnplttmant in tiiv ulii1rilifl iiils rruw inauruetlauri from a t lluiua to fcll by iiobllo kucumi ou lal ki in tb 6lll mu of ilia lownalll tot koinaaltiif two in 1 14 mai u aoiuti on friday ftibrujry l3lh at nu oelfwik liltaii lla lollolntf valuau i all of fchorthoiu rllcrl hllorthooa cotf 0 ywrt x mw lrw lllracs hk ill ftlxwa aji tj hf lultwrlxl lull hollar ih limutlia lialfa 1 ytlilmiwirlilmuta oiuimcau uyj i tlaa u ola in alftlcl lt 0 lat u ilylvaatei- al aril allil rrata aj o oil muu ouultllanl ticott culll- valor tat lioa lianrue lurnbi icartlaf plow wauol d txi hay taik lwuallgli aillli bo loo allsll wuj taxb lurilll tll4 itviovrhriwir donnrri3trfit rati rid rliar hrilcua tlori alaos of ott i llal swatla turtlla atul h fw k rva iia 1u vrotuutnr it uii aiaal trui ilonuj titular ouli or tlil kum 10 itlolllll erji oil lulllalduil atlrrtl joltll klv ir oallt ra hi it ll 111 oil for clll iuy hiil lurnliai th09 ikqiuu auotlour iazkntd good rjriuutlv- lor tta u ct irul irdba omiiiirull lya4c hrulj ate ttf a e tail tj umr by oulrlela tarni llbai nu apiary or eniiiiiilulon luula w bv oir ud uim utilr oulilviuou dili cur oik u kuarutalla ut diuvrwl 111 bm1 eaiiilillja irb iroul uuajltt w- llavtl ola iwal ami tupal mhnill utt ct liurmary atok lu callaita to day anyuow pelliam nuraory company toronto ont ii fi liy k ft u in riirniiitnlri ii ft 111 in liy lj ft fm-iuii- uliv lift by ll fl it in fill hut iiii 11 ft liy 17 ft ill f ri i ki ll ft by 12 ft fniniitiiriri 12 ft ii in liy h ft ii in fin hut pilci iui 523 1125 i2im 11123 3 ends floor oil cloth i ft nun liviirt fiiiiiiiiiuiri lift liy iii ft i in fniiiiii- pilci t ft ii in liv k ft ii ill fin hut lirlr 41 ill lim now taw now 125 how jit how 11 ml now iiimi now 12m now lkl tow llll now 1ih 1 2 union and wool carpet ends ill yilu fu uiii- in in- vim niiw ll 111 yil fni-ini-l- ni 111 7ji niiw vvi lyilu fnliliiliilii lum llnw 2iwi i2s ili fii nii in l-i- 1ii7h mm iiihi jil fin inii- in i- illtimw 22 ii j in fin mil- il iin hisiiii 221 u yilii fnlinil- lulin 112111 llniv flmi 111 im furnlii- lu-li- 223 linvv lllll 1 1 1 yilu rnrini-i- pi in hu nnu- 2wi iu yilu fiilllli-l- il r iionnw 2h3 31 yilu fnnnii- in-li- lk mm- m 3j yilu liuimr inli-i- 22 niiw lllll not unuily a llttli llliiitillltlnll lim hint llli htliillk tjiiliii nill- ml liiil 11 imi- lint lu- lllliily lillliivitl ulllntilt ili- tllmly iviiiiiviiik thilill vim in limit till- nil ill hrntfii iliilllnliiil lint ii im lint iilllliiiiijilit willi fllil nt it hiwill pilii if nil run uhnnl i lllliw riuilu i lllv nil nnr 1lliilliyn lliinl oot ltitil uiuk or lumlmitfo ui lliinl ml uim ttllhmrtf luiln run ik- lilll t nlilir fin- iiiimih nilllluiwlilrh ih tlvi- llllliii htuuikl hilll hiv ultr uililliili lit inn lliliiikli hi tlmlliu ivnrllih till illilni nf hlllrl- illk ililviult niitiinil llniu ulvii lillif imunily nut miiiki hovitfili llmt ulv- piiliinvnirill fill luiut vnii villi liiini- it iiiiiki llnw- liiiilf yiuiliy ii iiiln hi linlil- ly hnlilliy iliiiliw iviiyilhili in im- 2v ikillli- h ilil liv a t jlinvil w i o ends japanese matting u 31 i hi 31 hi nil illl ml u jimlii ulilli up tn hk- u ynnl fni i6c a yard d e macdonald sv bro the lion guelph cant shake em off theyre made to lit the face the nose the eyes itnd tbey stay on do the eyes a world of good and dont spoil ypiot lookno i yout terrrpcrr these are the qualities pos- sensed by us besides we tell you iixactly the pair you need without any fee sayage co leweleih glitilrh the for 3xay davh kndllhhlonit lowdicuh uavh tuuam ioil aivks days stock iood -oilfattkn- 1n allhlook iliilliil finnl aninutic hilluj lllli iiil ihi cth ask w erskine biuijglut aoton a bak huvluuiiniliamil tlm bilhimmi of the acton lhiliry from mt- muddiml huliva to mutuii lul- many riiktnm- that iibi hi priarid to klvi- tlm hlilrtiht attention to till thiir wmitu ktiivwi lilly and prunptly drllvrnd to any point of the town facia limn umimbnillh etc from both tliriu fauiiiuu lhikrrbw nlwnyx frrub jiiiii uholrmif confectionery- a uiitiiir awmtiiunt nf coufn- tlomry aiurlal niaki- of tatlhn o our own mali- finm piiit-tinaturhil- oytiriillu and vujta in hiawui miss c jhllaii oppiilu drowns druuatdra aoton tiik tailor mimitii- riu 11 t m iiiiv n ill iiiiili ii 1 l inil nt fill iiiimiiitl wniu u tltili llmt will iniiiii flsililiihlllltj vk uavihom 1iviiiia1ns ill niiisniiiilil milti unit hl il in in mil villi f- llnllllln jlllt im uu nu wm coolelt mluciiahi tail i mlii sjuili hcton ll

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