Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1903, p. 3

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georgetown branch agonoral bankinbuiiinotii transuctod corrtiiipondonco solicited inters alowl kuiiui onlv 101v 1au an1 upwwu ly lfixu to dayowlliawl noonalilu- ami j tifluym it i rawing itunwy karmms kiisiuttss soiail nlnij ifmmiitfclbi arrimiu discounted anil iiomy luinxl loi cinlllhalfl iwlinou pnrpuau our otuetiou lwitminiu lla awy jwrility utt nliiin proniia sail notrw lluwiu- and tiony advaiirnd on aruaiul knm hi low raimtof hileret huad olilcu- hamilton auubllabad 1qt4 capital paid up oopooo reserve kund 1600000 total assets 20000000 jauk tuhmuuli chlei c l laingtgunt georgetown brujioh r nkwsomogahmpolh t 7f chks nlis cu9lph tho big wull papor man hun mxivil 111 un1 uliilit ir 1uki wull pitltarritiihlin ir 38000 rolls or nearly 200 miles of iatmrln length hufllclont u do it2h jtooiilu of li lolj uull tina in only part of ltl4 block to come in 1ukl se5t5 hi jut of irtijtll fkip1sr i sbcrtott3frres rniullsday pkmtuahy 10 iot brief local ttms winter tii not over yoc yesterday wuw ti hlixxnrdy am athere it now fair vluihiiik nuln another tmdu of uro weather thta knox church roopenliik next sunday llotli the council uiul tho hoard of kduratlon will mt next monday thn mercury registered 12 itelnw 4iro on tueyy tmd b wtow yester day uinmlu4f llowinunvlllo with iu population of il50i i111 reduced tlio iiiimlwir of iicetlmed1lotoij ti two in thn bright lexicon or ideluh- riding u hand in thu lumd id worth two in thu muff jiuihv ttierv la ii movement on ftot in fliielpli to reduce tho mjinlior of hotel licvotfw from 15 to h or 0 jmdpli city council luu decided tlmt h11 hnttvuj in tho city iuiut imvrt louwt twotity rooms tiin laniiualual xtt uiit y oi 1 1 qf hicholor of actoli tnked plneo iti the town hull tomorrow ivininf tim umwal wrvictu which wri o4muik1 in tho dlritlti church on hmwlwy tmi imiuk vury w41h utuuulwl th know i billing crati coat v j kuuttit hu atlritctivti k ifu utttl u kho window on tliiirtuhty aetna will mnd ti umkll dih of wttrlttd to thi kuiuliy kciumii con vention at oalvillu uwluy or t- tilorritw- through hi full il rt of tin andrew ic hnwiirtli tuid the aiuh-r- bjuhoiiit jtruiiui lutiikfl lit ojiuvuiu tliat titwil lowui 05t a lnul ft yomik juhj1o took u tduilulriv in corwliiu uit krhlny tvhiilii and witro iuiutiulinxl uimi hy mr ttixl mru cukvil mliluiifrlutrict orjfjudtor or tltu womittitj miloiiy hkloty will tgldrraitlw udioii of tuu ac ion mull lury in thu mulliodut cuuriih lilu uflniojtu ut thriho oclock llcv h a murnlurhou ikaiusl lmt wck ut tnuivittii uoiuuuunorativp tuuttoral luiclitklttliti riowuiiik of icilfth church lilu iwjitoruto tluni uiul thu ktumliuk tlio churcli ht alluuu chinch intend ltoldinu h uirhtr boclnl ut tin honi4 of mr c v htuhtvi on monday ovcnltiff vv 2-lnl- a tilllhlrill niokimiiluln liy llwjll utknt will lw kiviin uornmhuiiiitu wluiwirvwuluriiik tin iimihitf kviythliik luw l ylllt thu ilmiw at mirwhnir jwdury nton now u tho tium to k- y tll tobcit ut in u1 funntiik onlwr i uumvmuuw mtufiictidii r moimy r- futvdi- ir- miiwlwll tli jrtwdhr you will ill uiul u iiki ui r wrtuiu- ruwkn mini jwtdlory ut uiw nw j4iwillry uw cm muin htriit u ilm- to kviimy nuu uhmltotv w1wtkh owdkiu kom ufhlho j ii haiuilumi lcltrutl mono iiimtul woiku ht urlili uw now uklnkoilrrn- iiinito und miirh uonuuunu tn u- wt up tbu nrliiic at n4liuml tiih with tho boltuilid iiiw dtrii uiul tmtuuuiuu iiuwhliury u1i1 unimit i uhl 4 ksiiu fr nioi- uuil iwtlor work than ho- ufnivv ltd in uwliu- t kw tho nuuhlnty wmuliik ttullly vary tflu-kin- liolnk k ui ioihi ii v call nt tlio woiu or l a rj f j lt uuolpu to couic a cold nonilbav tj inur i tili iti ai wlio a pmlnait iniuiy irfliuit hoim ui a l lim lirkoutluriulit iih- k ami tlf kiih not li hl put lu ji to llulr kim lii nliullly tunlu to mrhiml lull will tho id of iiiiiiimh tho ujtpust annlvbrpuy tim dul fr thuiniikoiuiryw i vli ill tho uhi clinch luu ihui iu1 for hondiiy ktli mmh mr will i laimt lhi ly ltv 1rof i-rnli- of mmuit liu ly thrtliolr will ik- nllifor d foi i im- ly uud will nm- vldt ncihi miiuln a uiwl voikmit will im gkvn tint fidlowlutf tvnviik a rovro pobitijjyj in tin- orchvot month of rilruiiry cull diy of tho ul fmriin four llm j rtiiu htn iikjumuwi hut lirtii liimu in tho hmt ici y nimioly in j77k 17ku lws iwu iwr7 ih1k ikjlt ikis ihiu lav itfllt iw7i ikiiud i kill in im t fifty u it will occur ilit tlinfuln mil itc lien loiu n l iul uivaonlp llodjraof inctruatloil it v itni w ii hohlnwni ij u o m will pifuldo at a lo4l f luhlrtiction which will i- hold lit tho mi urn in hull milton tniihut m w itm llu mumiy i o m nnd ollnr iiniuint mnulmrii of tho rn- tornlty nn xi-ct- kt cluir ixlgr milton will work tho hrwt d- cntllt imii fjiorkoljwiithomcoud mid wulw iu atui tin third an njoybl sltjihlnjf ltiy a numlhij- of tho wlioljim and tonchom of tho lujaiut munduy hcluwd with tht jvioitor drovii to tho homo of mr win k noar lot ii con ii hi in liut fiiduy ovuiiliik aftor un it nlimuuint iivnini wim tl hint hi kjiijuii ricjtittioiiii uud idiikliik- all wno will ilijiwtl with tho outlntf und uiiiiiutu1 tho kind linupluillly of mr uud mm nfjir adding a imx1w stoak mr c c hlht who recently nurcliuud tho paniinliockir idjivo nnd unwuro huulnhx hndu u utroiik donuinil for ii hiinlwari uutck hlmilui td tlmt cairlwl liy hiu ptvdcrohiuir he luiu docldil thinifoivtto put h i uuicl oridiolf hanlwiim farm and far- diii tnolu otc nt onro to which numi- tlouiiwill lw hindu from i lino to time to incottho doiuundri blxty hoigo by auotion aciqu lloimkalu autoclittiou liuvif nuikid for thflr iriimlaunilid iud of iiohm to u held hero-on- thuinlay 10th miiifh tlifn will lw olfunsl for milo hy iiiutlou iiluuit idxty hnrwii lu- cludiiik cjiitiuko hlnir nteiwrn ltlvuni und wmkhohr uliio lumihi harihwi and roluot mr uj mcnahh hecrtitary of the aust mint ion will for ward catalog leu ot tho wilo ujton uip1- cjllioil qulphw snudltwk bmf ovrs the iiiniillwni iunr la nvor ijy thu nnnunmlmlfor the heallli authorltlorf uud tint hearty cnoiierdtlou nt tho wonli all danyni of tho u pre ad of tho lueuiut ut pretunit luui imeii nvorud t1u iujirtintino wrlod oxhrl on woduetiny uud ua nil hioho uondiiad went in excellent honltlu tlititi wkm no liekltntloii ulhuit kvoff i ht m uiflr liluky mr jnhn kelly in iiiaklntc kmwi nroftrefui ut tint lionpibil jiielph herald jltou smii fair arraiikeiiientu liuvn iwmn made hy ilultop iuiinerv imtltuo for n wl ftilr to liolield in milton on ha tinday th iuku nt 2 ptn tlila will alfonl uimxcellnnt opwirtunlty for tho wile nnd exrlunii of all klndu of fumd rut nnil will no douht lut m pprituiti1 hy tho fa n n erg of tho county u c cnlmnnrknjttf furrjierw inutttuu- toronto will dtdlver an nddrem on how to improve our kjilm mid ji mrgrkor un auiku clover how jitffted hy the honey iloo an uiotmut my outln iawl thnrwlay ovoulutf ii party of frlendu in town drovo down to tho homoormrviiiiahi mnlllii ifnini iuk to hjhhd n ww- lid evenlilk with tho family a wibytuijoyullo time wim iuiit mid tlu rotuin journoy luui juat cnnimencihl whuti the unn driven hy mr adam cook i hj tame fiucllinui nnd wihmhuk over ubtoiin heap in the farmyard ciip4wml uio vi und throw tho ncrujutnth out with ooiikldornhlo foroe miu cook wuji tvudnrtut iii- nouuiiouu nnd luully htijld hut mix h km recetvoil uipro tkrlouu lujurlimi him had her ulnuildcr hlado fruiuixl nnd lior fa no hadly cut nnd hnilmsl hiu i idnwly vooverlnff uuadn d ui of auv- v smith a willkiiown cltixen uuajl uway very hiiddenly liut kutunlny ihortiiti in the urnii of atexnpilur i hiulth who luui uvod lu liu home on mill ml oppoulu tho touiineiclitl hotel for ninny yeavw mr hmltb luui iwon uulfeiiii from u kovito cold hut watt ohln to in ulumt until monday ovinilnk or hint week when ho wim mihw1 with piikumouln 11u couktilutlon wan in poor condition to eotutkut wjth thli iukldiioim dlneuui and early on katur- dayutornlulieillim much hyuiputliy la felt for mm kmith in her uad und tryiiik iuiieiuo iitutidlhu udj heiouveuiimu her kou und daughter left tho week provluuu for laitlior tu vult there nkter uud iluili mr hmlthg illihi iihe wan ontiivly uloni except when khidheartotf uelhlwira ikriulooiilly run in to ludp her mrti kmith horwdf iu now very 111 with pneumonia mr hiulth wan luirn tu iljiiliitoii rterwlrkklilre heot- hiiid on muy lilnt 1k1i ije cmuo locmuiila with hiu paivutu in ihikl mid tlioy wttliwl on tlio lul line icwiueniuk near aeton ilia futlier whh tlu late jntnen hiulth who wau well known here on dec a7tli hkkl ho man led ann medoiiuld hktor of moiwiw jruhrnu uud allan mctoilu1d of tho fointh line kor n tiuniher o yearw ho wax eiikhk in farming h krlu imt neurly twenty yeuw ao here tirttl fruii tho farm hiui imttlwl in aiton roprowuitltik d iiiukiliuuuiahuittrment umnufurtur era mixfludtti two himu uud tlue dauifhuuu mtrvlvi him ho wan u i ruulav attendant of the 1tiuhyteiinii clnl1 and hlx pimtoi uev ii a mitepheihiui eoudueted the fuueial kerv it ea mi tnmlay nltet ilium the leiimllih weiy itlhl m rft iu lvirvlow mert aiat waldle jno llker jaimrf juntle cruaii m rioiiltl cham oavldoii und john ikavliuou hrllnp hm mi1i ixintvrw tomotou jiu miilha iiii who i j from the pmjtlio of i ilt akot iiiki hitti ataium kijiiiiiii 1 u llieu at miuhon ltuji tuo aul him- jurw ii ia liikt uek nnthiip u till l an inktuiut iutino m the kliualiue hiimh of the 1 t it hutwitli mr mulhauni wllknou uhillty xniim on i areful hiijier- vinlou lu uill i 111 the lotiou and krow in popularity with tho mtrotim of tht tud kno ct uro rtooponliitr- knokchureh iiilee ih1 ifil nw tiiil kvhplnt liiwill uiv d llekthunduy lite ni will have unp4 int rel in llute re- 0mnlilrt mrviert ixmtiuw tho uev j w hue iffoi i- iato- who took i ho initiative in tho iyertlnn of the rhinvh elihl yearn k will pieaih lwilh lihiiniitif and eveiiiujf and alio ndlre the holiday hi km nt moylnek 2 tho ehoir will render tperhil and uproi late inuiil- and 11 heeaiimi lhey will have the opikn tunliy of niallilk a vdimlnry eoiiirihilioo towahl tlvo oliureh thoy ioe ijoo tlouawlll no douht he piveiit with thankiklvink to ji for the lunullfiil plaro of worihip the urviven will im nt 11 a ni i pm und 7 pm personal anu social onbwdohs cpnutcna iarineni uii hnav neltlnjf in their mipplyoflee mr j wulkoia extoiihlvo rlouttiiu wilo will toko plaoo on w1 111 mardi the ovuiielullr miiivh urn wtlll ikliik cftirii on kvanelul iiuuiiiik of torvmui in uaxutin uov mr ci u- huni oial ikwi iu imliik accouipiuh edfhy llmwrvlrcw mr m crwnon jr ha i pmeliiu1 n tlvo hoihoimvtor gakoliiio eiiliio to run hiu drijjhik imuhliio ho han u inrue muiii1hc or wellu to ililll jiihi uill rikllliieiire dllllllio ai noun n npi llltf ojieiiuup v quite a nuuilur from tliefi pubi will ki went it the mpihlk- mm jan kninihaw vultnl iiwville frlomlii for u few djiy taut weel miltoh hamilton dealers nn offering our cltliiuui iinlliriieltti nuil nt 7- pir ton itev ii w hnder or illn h roriiierp4ipularii4iutorortlmmethiuht church here will preach nuniveruiry ihruionn next kiinday un monday u mpiilar eiilertaiunient will he held ntwlilmi uormrrhiiider willdeliver a lecture owuljf to tluruvlty of fuel the ichwtrle mkht co- have nliuliud the comanit of tliwir patroua to the iluit tlllk olf thn liht ut u oclnrl nil hour iirller tlilaarraiiirtnliitwlllcoiitlnuu intil april lit the rohhery or arum pout omre on satuiday nlht will im enxealikateilhy jude iorhaiu today the acton ilia utratc1 conunittwlmielcicliern nlvyearolillad for tlicfilfeuruou mon day ob oiioktown til fmowoll uervire of rev mr nip uill iwheld next sunday at horuhy und htowartluwn the loiik talked of mnsuiilr at homo tmk place oil mmulny icnlu and uun u iiiohi iucceuful und enjoy- iihleatfair homo of thn ontliualaiitlc iieiitii ileelaii the event uatitheriiid- ihl thlnit of thu kind held iu uiuii in twenty yeaiii the jitteiuliiuce wan lnrue und included uetitu fioni acton milton leorketown oakvllle toi-on- to autl other outkldo piintu thn cantumnh of the ladiea uero very flint und tho nlfair v in eery wajwet t i cord mflltert ml coiumillp the fnry hkatr javeavery inunnllii tnhlhllioli in tlmhnk on friday evening her many fancy und llfllcult evolutloum on hkutofi weiv nduiiiid hy thu crowd of aiiectatoru au uuuiuiul intercut iu helnu taken in tho hpiukum convention which u to m hold in the town hull on tuesday ovoiiiue fell 21 tletnteralilliirlit in bald o iki unique in conception and very comical thoro wuhii quarulto or ratlmj live ly jiinlliu r4iortej to have coinu from actonlniojinilerliik atmiut onrfclrvsuon knndjiy iftenuwui latu uo wans jllm rvowpuy kluvd tuttl cujby di wllluknk1nk m1u- wr wilhaiiih pink piluurrfwoiuuiru ikiijt freid fiy oiirlcli tlio hlood lone up tho nervea amlutiviiktlieu tho vital orkunu to iorforin their fiiuctioiia regularly thoy hrinp thomuychimku und uhap4ly fornix tlmt toll of jjimm health mid happlin to tho row- lug klrl thoy mo liinlualie to thn mother they are u neetuedty tn tho woiliun of fuityllvo they moan lollef uiul oaiui dr willlanm imijt pilla him thn itekt nililicluo thatuclouco luui tlnvkihl for woman nt all itouodn of life thoii plllu mucihsl when all otwi fnilri tlioiiujindh of kralofut women endorse tho truth of theuo uuiteuienu mm jihii white halliuintler onu tuiyn r it xivoti mo plejimiuv ui ikuir toatlmony to tho tfreut value of dr william pink illluini a ciiru for llio nituuutu that iitlllrt bo lnnny women i hiilfored kivatly und tho porlnduwaro very inegular hut tlimikutotheiuipiiiti i uiiiimw quit well and ftv frnni the uhiu that imulu my life uhunut n hutden i cheorfully uvv iny enpor- lenet for tho lauielit of imfforhif w liien llomemlkr that uulutlliitiii rnniint cuixi uud iw tlmt the full lianju ir willlaii pink pillu for palo peoplo iy tut thn wrupiwr mimmj every lutx if in douht muid direct in thn 1 william medicine co hmrkvule out and the pill will ui mailed pot vnhl at mlc pot ihix or klx luivea for 9u i i m ife l uillmc lim dnii at kxt oil j mr j m mi tore of the jeorktovn ii laid lwijiu town on hatunuy mi antit mi iii ft nil monday touthud the lomlo llllncjy imtii- i mi j m 1eniley and her litth ilauchler an vl- tho home of mr win llmwn llvvv wiiroo of the rkeuwu heiald waa a ii r at the iukk pitiottt ofllcnm tuim4luv i cuamillor anil mm heudertutn attended tho makonle at home nt iooiktowti on monday evenillk mr havil huillh toronui wioi hi toiii thhiwiek atuodlni the fu il of i la huther iliejuu a hiulth col allan who haw imsu koniewhat lndiipowd for ihve hieku la nhle to tale i nun iiliij walk down unvu ajiilu i jeill kohi of toronto waain town on matinday hiwpllnk tho kloi4 of coiuiany no 1 nt tlio ariuoiy lieiv mr it jjln of haiiilltouiiint heveral dnya the pakt wink with hu klhter mm h a macphoiwm ut knox miiiw mr jind mra wutt mid rlilldren of manltolki who were kucu ntlho metluutlat paraonueo hdt on ftitur- day for woodwork mr and mrx cw huivel went to liuikwui ou tuewlny toaluod thn wildhikof mra htnvidn iter to mr w hohltwuiofoiiolpli k aunn mid nlll llrown dauhloniof counnlllor drown worn kuimiu at tho mauoiilu at houit at ceorkolowu on monday evening mr mmmiii joln ijivoity of luther and mr and mm krnnk arnold of jnliiuitnwn n y ciiinn home thin wwt to attond thlt funeral of tho late mr ale smith mm william maualah wa laut wek tilcken with pjirulytdu and haa luei lu a critical rondltlou hlnce lyiud frienda are iniiiutorliiff to lior wmiu and it l lioptd idio will recover mikm k ni h flitlli ii a latfl teacher in tho llllfli hconl depii tnient of the anton puhlic hchnol haa uecurod u tftuul fdluatioi on tln idaff of armcaiidria colhlau iiiulltuui hr mm tha smith or krlu wuu tlm kuefcttlda wmtk of aoton frlondu dr hiulth niml to leave wliortly for india aa a medical inlmklouary lu ouu of the laijji childrnu huapluild there i aucrion balta iiioibtbh saturday ihth kohrunry farm farm ktock and implements the pioperty of john j wulur lot 7 cm 1 lvwpuitliiif hilout 1 oclock wm lliiiiktttt nuclloneer i thorou no virtue in innu eukae uienu it lairuu up the gtia eoukiiiiiea the ouil mikera the old iiiaii and jveu love a rhaiie ui row cold the net output of teleploilien of the anieilcaii hell telephone conipiuy diuiuit wu wiuiujitii iklnu tliohn- ekt lu the hutory of the coiupttliy tie oipiny ima now lu otoialoii lu uv lnluil suite ilmiul udephouey und hieliuuilierof kiihei ilem tu lu- cieakhiu at a tittiuoiiduu into rmuir- luk an inmrinitiiw luerejiai of cnpltnl absolute security genuine carters little liveppills uiat bear slqnoturo o yljtlj n tiueomeu fob tqbp1d u vul foi covstlpatlol fsi uluw sk1l n tvcc0mpu11u cure b1ck headache twan wild of n ninu iu calcutli overy word that hed nttu hed stuttn till they took him one tlay and turinw ou nil xray and now ho enn tajk nimuitli iu huttn itiuiiitlinauilthit tho iudltde phono companies of united utatod wilt exiumidliohouhidnhdu 1uuj in ox- tending their bipdneiui and tlmt nt lulj new liuciiui will h4i uddiul to the oxnlliillk what huh imwouh of tho ld-faililot- od nweelhearu who llkiwl to writ love lot tent with hlood red ink quito likely thmikli thoy mv npaiikliifc tho youn iiu otln irti ot today who write their fool i id in rim on a typewrit- prevented and cured tkntf knsrwlouri trbcranedlej for mlt utferertf reading thu ppr nw cura fortubfxuiocucouuaip tun wok luoxiotsrrk and trundown mymtml free doyoucoujcfi do your lun pain you ik your tlrot kora uiul lulhouad do you unit up ntilngui g doii your imuil uclui iu your imp i ild ikarft am yourlunb dolicata ar4 you ictnif iu ji an you uild and thin 9 do you uck httiiiiliiu tlmmf iyiejtimiib ard ncoof that you imvd in your body thn iooilrf of th mol dannrou malady that luui btne iiovmw lutsd th earth tooiaioiptuiu vl kid uiul lt u 1 u lnl lu4 kylt tajl j free trial treatment m1 luautua jhid tettj tw all iuav lltmt llut mmi tu- kwl 1 hk cnuiiu lalalllk a 1ii tu kj mill i iiv jla ij ih4 or mi klit ijluo kikj aih4 hxii d kn1 ll lit v0lmlow vtbm hi utujj umtf any timk voi want envelopes note paper lotter pads pursos combs hair brushes school books etc von will hll1 xukv llln mlrirl cco hynds juwulry fnnoy tlooda llor- acton ont amerjrivn milhm iielvovilkut jnu- third more wu thili uiomoo llrit- ikh dlp- eoaior horm mm tims tiinnnwmm ltliind man writni my hualmnd would not to without iii yviiow oil lu the ho like au ho lotnu it n fn dl for iiih tiiring up iho liorw nnd coukklerv it kplemljdivii 2 jioqo men and boys tstairted 11 i 1 1 o sartr25iirsintl ehlfwtftfrwsryitus damct tuu uebm co n ua mictt a wonl or u nil fro 11 11 the koimi imu tuoro tnoro welit thai 1 tho eloquent kjkthhia of oihorw tlgnur l mo ul il touuln dxaiive bitmrto- quinine tlw- 3 rwaady uil vm la m ty he u it fool who 111 tl norrow tiltk to drown yon junuot keep your uplrltu up hy putuok uplrltx down a turkey never worried nlout how it will ih in l fnru uii or uwell dinner qlow wlui worm mm j d mayo south htukely i q wrouaho following one of my rhildlvn tmtk nick with womui ami uuir try ink every thhqf wltlioot kettintf ndlef we prornrtd dr itwa worm hyrup which urtil promptly and ete tually kiep your hand ou your pome to day if you happen ti jet liiui u rrowd ladies luurouxu ital tea ll uwnwlmykyikw luu r a tijhuuliibkicalui lokomiukliic 1 lukrounu pennyroyal tea trarry t tl minim uukii of lilli i ihrti lltritiikli tltu ijiiiulnuon hnln of ti lirk limn loyiu nliltefkmxl vllli lim follnuliik iiiiil hy 1 mens and youths pants lai twiwsl iihiu for ml lf twtvl imiiiji for ui il twimml illtlth ut mi 2im twihii 1hiilm for sii 21i im11i11 workuxl l for 110 2v tumi iviiib for 1711 aul uiiry womusl rb for lu ia ury uill iv iu rir vlxo imili vinll iliuufor mtns suits wirliiilllrnllio lhiiiifluih4lhulbi iii nil 1u11 iiiiulnr ivi u0 mill vim hillu uiul 11iil tin ic on lul for your rlioli i mill 8111 lllll worll hulu in inunk mill ni y jour ilmliv for s7a- whltfli oulli iwml knit mnd torrtiinfltlyiiurillolr fur 90ys knickers sj- siru klllckil ul lvoplo will ciiiil luty thtir m1u1 1 tlmlr iitvn iroluiliy iiwk llm uliikkiimk it fin it cb njlli the right house ictaluklll hauiltoms 1avouitk siioppimc njlck the last call on those underpriced black dress goods score of cuuonnjf imu ikxni befvnd a ud nil of ilom thoroughly knprecul e tho kplcndld luriciias oflorwl slyllsli and f thlnnbla uuck dieu malcili ki lower pdccj iliail you il ever titpoci 10 to t worth your while lo pay a inecul vlitlito tht ilapjrlinettt fur luralni liko ihctriktd not ohen lived tho blnlca cnttiprito mohair intirc vciietbns albitro cloth loured voiicb cam as wtavts silk warp henrlilla and caroelk hair citb 65c yard induced from hie 75c yartl reduced torn uoc to 150 ioc ird rwlufcl from 33c and 41c 4c jard reduced from c and 50c 35c ymd reduced from 65c artl ari wonay pavli illooa on carpets and homofurnlshlngs h you are rlng lo ra fundi lir- spring you kliould rofv crv an aeo what e aro oitriiiu ht carpnl curtiia and oiliof homefurnlkhlnrk irlcej luvd 1m n carvod do n cnnliirablv on many nod lota to eltocl a ctokanca in order to nuke room for ihe new inrlnk cooda ill m aro fast plllnji up 95o yd rocluood from 125 136 and 150 llont ipillllca of iiij1u1i avudiitur wilioa velvet and uruaaeltf carpet in iiik claki ilctlni and iteauiiful colorliifis sultabla for klmoai nay room i65o yd roduood from 85o 90o and 95o unglldi ilruiwu carpet o citira fins iiualitli and good dclraldd ptterna and colothik 5qo yard roduoad from 65c and 76c very rma quality of tapeilry carp t etitrs choice palterna and tullabk tor dinitif room i titling rooitu and wdroonia ousfts lo tace cuftalns aodd iqib conid whh only a single- pair of a pal lorn oibr whh 3 or 4 pair of a kind crcai rliiclion front our regular price in orjof to clcajr iheoi out quickly at mi oo pair reduced irotn utaytt at ihc so pair clured from sh 73 at 7 j pair reduced irom slo ho- and a ery ipcclal lot of kotlliifiliam lace curtain 3 yards by 50 tnchai and fiulilicdai boihics our regular pdeo 1 i as pair fextrdapeciil at ort tliomas c statkins king st eaat cor hughson st hamilton swerters mens rnd boys plain ulaclfpjain nivy blue and mixed colors tioc rsc lir zm 1280 and 3w cacli i e nelson 73 wyhdhauut aukfjim ont onejviceloil nel trailon uanw a new range of sight diweut matter whether itwloiikuror khorter hut nlwayu a letter ono ij afforded autferm from djufnetivo vuion if thoy will lot ua oxtuulu uiolr oyiuj and lit tlauu wltli tltu iwcuuuiry mid appropriate eyo ghuomwi or kpectnrhui if you pufor w will follow uioprcription of luiy itculut of iiomuiiuhi uhm1iiii iu miiy enjmi wo tmuiiltm ridlef if kluuhsi uri wluttu all ui- hi all isuv worul vlot womte1 kolk u3r twhn1 klilckenj 7i tweisl kolk ui- ikic ilk- overcoats i line of w up did nll iny cluwiot stk ovetoatu iv slooj ciwiu your rhtdre for 17i- hvkc1au n0t10k durilik till hiln u 11lal dloiilit of 10 per rel will ukmi off nil our niihir clothing lu r k this ih youit clf anck e r bollert cfe co 2 anil l7 wyullmni st uflemll refuse to pick uparoin or m dollar hill tin the kinw hihuay ita juat uu eimy iui a dollar 1 ly kivltlk our alllulill slnll ulinu halo a rail lliu wiek kyery luair- wu are flndiiiff out lituh fn wliii h ue ar motiwled or linen which mind lx cuarvd mit while tho weather ii mill iaaiainahu all kimmim up- tudate mlubiekkwia uk which we wiidtiey uill tint carry vir otheni tarn picking up inoneykaviue luraiiiit every hour iif tho day why not havn your nhnre homo llnew tliat uhi offered you do not want and wo do not want miyonit to buy fpmmlx they do not retiulro jnxt lmaiiwe tlioy art eheup imt wo huvo wniuluutc for tveryono 11 thla kutiro rtock itmlucinn halo only a few of tiio leading features or iiiih tiinntlon wool blankets hlic pulr only white wool hlnuketc hllw very urne r la5 for i er pair four pair only fltvy wool xlunkftn fllu 2k p- ipjilr pour- mlr mly drey wool luankeu 714 per imlr rour au whlto wtwil four alexandria lllaitl iialr eu i mrcmt our imt iltui rekular 375 tor ifcioa pir pair our lwl lino rviilar 9125 for xvj wr pair our lent hue iviilar 3i7s for 100 er pair till tdtlio blanket cliauco of tho ycitir millinery all hair price many uood lmyhitf opportunities honnnitahlofor prewenb nnil iiprin wear tweeds hiutahlo for xtoym und menu hult- lugit and iiuiu tun pltkni t04m1 putttni uiul rolor- lihra rtrulro0 ui 05c for iftopr yard h41v111 phwi mkiim lunwirted hult- intf 5 tuchoa wide regular iol for 111x1 pryard tula u a rare hiutlce for u chep milt overshoes mtiituoverihacamll alaua woakllu m1 kolarlb0uud l05 for 9i2s a air tim imlaiico of our tockir children h nvrruluiea at ode u pair rubbers chlldd itullrrfu lo 10- 25c mlutm ituhlkcm ii to 2 jt women itiildrw plain luu woitwuii ullhlhth woo uiuhi fioc muuu hithluim wool lined hie quality limb k will tipiiro penult uu to meuu ituliluiri puilnooc home very extra vuljioti in idimt iu clearing llma which ait difficult to pjirutulailw childrons bonn6ts navy and hod felt fur trlnuiml venial- 7v and ih for 25c ouch mens trousers a lot rnmpruiuk ulwmt 10 doxun pair meiia iantu lu deulrahlu uittom and coi iiik dark btiiwj jtredoni- inatln nil inarkej ut prlcea tintt will inrprlho you 1 mens kid gloves tw o of our fit lout hiiejof meitu kid olovea iniporljd itock flue wool llu- in latent cut regularlib uiul 150 for100upulr grocorles beat rannoil iltf 2 hi tilt 23c crown druud toiiinto catnup jwr iwittlajlku- u catin wat corn c ii iim lvet lard mc ilcatm liliinim iile u ran leuiti i5c 4 11m cltiuiiul curranti 254- ci llui laitto califoruu uuiulnn 25c ii llw ivatutruul ieache 25c 3kui iwdu itrluht hyiup wr pjiil 1i0 i khl luiui ilriitht syrup ihr pill uoc fine halt ur uhl 8110 henderson cco juvill st hcton bxjiioxax discount sayagte co jewelers hue lp ii dress trimmings tin 10 iiouc ihinr w- try lo do and tliat is to follow the fmminof the day and procure for you tiuch things as are hu iy to lie in demand we have just received a consignment of pendants lace medallions appliijuc kdiiis over 2000 yards embroideries and insertions march delineators are now in with the leading styles for sprinr als ni irinls 111 a pit arni vnnutv rf twl llu u h4 j mjjvrfoimw 1 at tea uxoparliu oouom and wonkd orv tl oolo do you want any kind of furniture just now ii so dont buy till yon see our joods and prices a very special dicount till stocktaking parlor suites bedroom aim dining room suites- springs and mattresses and couches are all included in this sale besides all kinds of fancy furniture cittpand see us or telephone jmstruth6rs so upipbir xnllvnldimtui cuglph dumb bell gulf buttons- luout ot tho popular tdylum with men of taale it in ono of tho nmny deuiicniitdiown lu oatr awun ttuont jkwkldty viill mln i 1 hhowu in uivikl mu lety tlliilveauty and uoikinamdtlp of thro thing for niiimiiliue wearlv not e eu iniiiawed h the dainty lhlnni tm holloa there in an eleiuire ami ilelueia nlwmt theiii hat uiakt a otil prlrey uuipiia- iiily i89ukr 0 mafirixbe lloenistb

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