h ii mi nxi k no sinoiji ooim llti tiikmirohntk ic alulil jull ijjvfs l thy niljuiaymiknn i 1 rltiutiillilri lti- i iliil r luti 1 ii llwwir a af rllmh riluinif milvii t illi 11 rlilj lull iy 1 ehm v h sl i itlmiit clrt iiib in rul till 1 nrlim mul sfc 111 l cliani imln if ilmlr1 ior rhu ink moil ill iii bo iimhlllsii liiu 1 rii 11 v t chli ctt rtvwrlui1 lilli litrto iyii i tin yui uh ii imiookis 1ititor kih v r lln-mitm- ijl wmnt- ut l- 111 111 tot i mutt b j isiisihisa dirtdani witccai ohnm maciionau1 m d c m j r uihn ii d o m rriiloiicconur ulll kwurlnu on t in j i it mm fauiiajja in 1 t os pui i anl tt1io kay m u c m mcciil hum i it o i iiimiuuui 1 ik huitiuii llkeil xl at hot latloll utc ofuco- irjnrlcu ltrn i acltii ioill d dkydun it ih tiiiitwi jul conr ovrua r wuolwlch an uur1 ouiliw llm luiu in lot en he 111 u to giini mluiaf v nrtjtai l rrs ldti ulntibt ukliiuulilciwm outaluo j bull vdi ll8 ljuitut acii ouuuovur llllico uluutitoro houu vihiti i uiuihtii or tobowto uhmtuuitt mi lunhiii anil tlipl tuiijiji llu 1 rijuy ljclwihui tlo la leo at a i mackinnon uniiibiim lioutrron cut in yacku lt ltit in luilliq llltwrl 1111k al mcnaiill foutui ulvliimi tout i c miiity of i in v llioauurinicu ovini rvirmini iiiul tun jjnt ijisckllauxova 1 uk v husband vs iriiirjr cjhrin ar llwlliil hocluly urlcrhiimiitl ihancib susan iiouihiuii at days selliuuotii ste lnrlis wrisl lilies lilic iliiml isaitm t hammqgks xjl at cost and below to cloai das book store gijelfph chamberlain remedies- chamberlains cuuli ruincdy vut catiilth cftmi cnnip and wluxip luii coulji jriri 3 renin 1 irj ioc chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea uuniudy vat lltivia ciunpl iiil price 35 rvnu merchants bank of canada capital kcst 6 000 coo 2 goo 000 acton branch a ginhiial ranking uiilnksb thansactkd jnlcrcm at mom favornhln current ralca allounl an sivinjja hank ncctiunls itottoru or credit avail ablo in all par ui of tho world imiuod at tbia oftlco ial attcniioi jivcn lo farmers special iluslncu monhy oiidhhs you aw iuu ui to 830 iayalile til any banlinf point in cmiaila outuild of i lie ynlon tcrrjiory rmy now 1m iwocuicil ft iho dink counter uitlioul any dehy open ccry iridiy evening from tix lo ht ticlddk a- n devitt mnnasor frames frames pictuh6s irrhmed waters bros art stork cudlph amtit s miiiiv i io u si a carload of buggies chamborlnlnfi pain balm an mitimptic liniiiu nt 1 k iilly ultit me fuf cutx llnini sjir uiiiuild ulicuitu tlwn lriu 35 rail ire 11c 50 ctiitit chamberlains sfomnch and livor tablets ior ijiuinlcrii of tin- slomicli liver every one of tficiio preparallona is guaranteed nnd if not fully sal- islacory o iho purchaser iho money will bo refunded soidliyat iliiuwn ijurtrii vii ulonfi ok uummi1ii- luik i unmn 1 1 1 jsfiitioimii rmil portland cement is te best john m bond co guelph insect killers 4niro iuriri iieun 20c lb iitiitu uuy jiniili 2c il ib 21e sluir shut 10c il i km f 2 iilno ividum inifct lmvilcr ilulletmro llu dentil firtiac oil copiicnih whalodilsoiipuiuo slonc sulphur lunl pliuiloi luiul knit kit- whoikmu ami hiitaii luoltili ontlo- ccaitul ilool of ill klmt 11 riilinfiiu i ntnnntfyilonir m aiutiatil licinhib ifiit 11 obf lullluallc llrr vv rm iumbtwit uicic l1111uua turn p ri adctiiiubkb ullinnion and llkltan ri iuiku onlce acton 01 irtoii will l iirumiilly t- luuiinililc 1ibi1 111 mlo 1101 fvoiftljl 10um tl ol lflnxtll viuiuli farm iropnrty kor salt why pay fancy rrkca for dcory ihihilit ulirn yon can haie your clioicd ol a ca rlo for c15 00 tiny ae aconilctc lol ri up lo date m every particular 1 jjunranlcc them equal to nny ictory liiirkv made in canada movi jljick anii gut a itkga1n j n oneill uimkuutowk for tho boat quality of thi wlll1ngton mutual inhuuancl company vlblabuilnwl 10-10- urii ofrtcfl j ouemmloht auton miuliinc anil hmair shops hulu u all hi wull o ill v iiuitiiiry tixiiktiili khiuitiain nutiitiui dlaikulllilui vvilui 11 b siilutactit iiiuiim r marliiii r liniiluiiiutil ihlaniil aniniuu ollsmeltenmines davidson t carter mnrkut squnro cuolplt uiiilkmisrini douglas lacoy co nkw vomc klitul m miis li 12v liuilinl lnllll imiiii anil immiti4il cull 01- milt ru iitl lllllln flour go to em6rton or edsnwills ahwiyh mm- ut kil thit utut anticlm ql nioiit pmoco llrm miilillliiki tlmi iiil kir fur will- ilmijipilih ilmif mill ualu nilli1 fm- niiiiuviy iluy at iniiii uiil iiihii fur n inut mill onu ceo j yhotlp thb canada pbltmanent and western canada mortgage corporation toronto street toronto luf 1 uiul invclm 1 uiuu absolute security your rr savings mini safe v 11 ikitiv canadao pncui en coupanv ili 1 nniee in ikliliio liuiifh itx liiinniiu iiliiliivr llifkly v1 ill- i inf lniy iinrrniiin iikl lll- liniiuliimiuu wlieii tlin inilti livvllid tlieinoill- in- mid tin- invcly ilnyukniw k ullell till lenmri uff llll illlllli in llll thi lilkhlihi ut tile liunie alid ilihukiiifeuurmiikllleirdinil- muu ll ilmtilunwhnr tlm muih while m ll 1iirlit clilrpulufhiilleim fimiu hinefiiki in tlieuiiim anil lln- molmiiiiid imiutfliunro imhiiiiiik in tilt pllkllinu liu they juikh kiuilliierii rtinii wlin lie iliikon lllune ilrlin lil wuiji jmmiii tliroukh thf ur win 11 l in- hinln me tiiikik heelly to en upmiiuiik luerywliern wh 1 t he iniiiiiiiiiiiih lilciul thilr uiin- d u intounftly nmnldod hum ailtlie iihlu peep nnl in ti mi their diipeiy of vlrint when tin- iitiiiium lmijli vvcy miftly hi lliiiuilluiiniitliky pnim wlii- tint lliiuii rhihter k3ly in llieir nmnytliiled inn while lie rivet in mi ii tipre tlf lliiit i tit cjupbtiliu t if kili and a filiijf iiiiuikh fmniuli pi fct riiiiiiiiu nf llu hninn wnidi llu 11- hltii iilmili henmi ilmi rtifviiiiiiiii iiii mi la 11 llhiplnir liul kill i lmiu i hull iht tnhutl xiinudy nulr lei- h in toi 1iiiihiiiiiiiiii hfoiui ii th lpt t iino finvuta fttoliu nhndowi nt n hiiltty ihmin while iho iiiiirnnii- if tin ifiilhtu tempt toidiimlhtwllli their tunc when tlm elniiiht nil lury wliluiietm uhen tlmlltiiitiplufiii and tlio ijjmmi ttpjiilii iui tljitlirhii mid ihi plenty vt- tlm html whon hi inliietdiinlth tlin numdilin hitu itiimlmivllid umlll at it wnitit ui rlmp tin ntrwunlu diiicinu knyly down tlm lit 11 wi1ii11 limlhluihiitlrii hkn unft lli-ii- iiift t pel niento tlm enrth nnd nlr and iiiinjinleii imiiudictermif meet otiv vininn ivci yhti- huiitinur h rniup i when the air in pn funuilftdet tlittiittfh tlm wiurhrimr tlioulkht when tin- iiiounliglit on tlm in cud nun lm ttlrilled dnmkht aiiitnihlt tlm ink niitl ilvrr nt it ihiftciiu 1 ukkid iremn with itnlifht niil idiiiilnun hhifliiik lhiiiifjli u in ill inn leafy hcruenit kvciv pool 11 idilnliii wonder ciy tier uiihtiidied nrt icvery hill mill vnllny innlinj- of it nun rluiirk n pni t icveiy day n dunin of lnmity cvvery iiinht n new mirpriio loitiy horn- 11 lmnitiii- pirlun for our niiiiiilihuntpd iiyes when nil theie mi iiprend lufuro im jich 11 iiii u ithont nlloy when hi iloiii rciuntli in frlil nnd thcftntli iiiluink uith joy while the hrntt intoneii itt niitlintii- jniiund niliiuiih imr prniw and pertwtinii inertn imrfpctlon in n thmimind unndnmn uny snmuntti rnnm cliicnuo inleiocrnu 9rlrrl 3fnmilu uenbtiig- cinderella iiy miy uyiam un stanton nn idttliif- 011 thmhrte pi llu red pinxzn iiunitiuif tlin nrrlvnl nf iipi jlmly letter hef n 10 ilin iniikht bur loom for her ufurimmi sicitn the lonjr line of windmvn nluiviiwurn open to ruleli tlie find fnttit hnath finin the inoiintiuui the hreath tlmt collect ll inveelnniii from deep tying ludti of damp lunik and fern llltonsl thnnigh tltn iiiiin topwwn it dwceiidh ivnm the ivindoiv in ellinnr cnry11 11 jinit oveiticatl can in a rlppln of lniikltler kllinor henelf framed in itt mi uiiim hlond fiirhiahinu n dainty piir of inoiic nlipperu to wenr ttint itmhilifj to tlniotilloii att idle iurch cd one of tlimii upon the window nill and hlepieil ihicl t viw the iroct of her lituiihwiiil the lacn of urdnmln hhu cjuiiil in 1u imclic and mnt it n hii ling dow n upon tho dnil hrowu h ijid of n young mtin who ik in the pinvjv helow wan mnnd- mm htantoti cuiuht a 1 iitrilludlniiu n poor kdinoih fnen an 1 ui in ilnrtnil ok and then tinned hr 1 kijukh n llll 111 yn hknity iltuttol rnornietou a worthy school c mlliulumi lnilllsi v x i iiviii7iru x i central bus noss gollfip i i r r w philips plunileivlcam and gas piller quaboo 0uat wnat quelph ilumhing and steamfitting im au ilium iuiaiiuiitu a llll good shoes reasonable prices we iri lurc to surv you fiulifully incj well ilit whole s slemof oujjbu sinews revolves around the central point oiat we sell otul oods a reasonable prices the day of lare profits is one sudden untunes nrc nol often made honetly we are con tent villi the modeiate ic- w irdh that come from a lare trade well managed come and tall shoes with us we cant tfiicusi politics but we are fujlof ideas on foot ear we sell all lilies and suit all customer suam miidld falfhink ajttiti liaiu ia iazlxlikms tho shoo man mill slteul acton uui who hud 1miii ho 1111- eieinoninuil tirntcil ilehnl inid thenlipix1n tlm palm of lik hand 11ml wnn tjcainining itcarn- fnll what lnieillu dropped it do t mrthink ntued onrof tlin louiihf iymiing the hidiiwn nluive i tlonl limn iwiltl tlm yonnu iimu hlmvly lie hint only jimt uriivnl 1 ilont kimw hut i am koingtoplny the pfimeaml oml nit and imiiry m nhl uho ran uenr it r they ehnned lviliiipu luhiilil whokimwii and lie dioppiil the jdipjur into tili emit poilet and atfolltnl nwny lint tin iieit hthl pimiih of men mlr ami even pi imes nn nftailry katr in the ninfmni of a hlnil hilmon uau imiithen lelelltleily punuihik the piliie and lutirmi hmir liter in 1 iiiiiuc tu an m gent tehgiani from hi pailmi he wih throwtng ttiinipi into liin hull iuu li citch ihu afuiiiukin tmin to new vnl an hekchiiikrd hi- ihuiiu-i- f the hnmepiiii of tjuvrl mini ihillk fll riom the pnclet fiiidei plllnit it up tenderly uoll the eaih roillhimiiiiihliiitiiiilujiii ine pndpinied no ill juut aln it aloni and h tnolnd it cmefnlly mulei hh eilf niiik o hiiluiintuo icuul in furl to it line von have thmn imlli- liik hnt injt liiu piabji to hut iime 1 came ionyw my iltjir lady 11ml now dint i inn in cd with l fhln imiklmimd for much iuvltti- tlomi loailluiier in hi npit tineiiw 1 l you think i have fulfilled uiy dnidiny- w till you meet him mined mim hlanlun leading tin uny to the run luge kllinor found heiliiilhmnoivaiilih iiiklmfoio hi chinmiiik welromn of her hit mid nlm wa iitliauietl of the little tin ill of ntiifnivtjm which nept ov or her kv hen idle fiiilud uhe witt to hat v the ent of tmiior uu hhi riutil uiii kiomii atu ually in uxiillent tiididieidniiltd to heimlf ni tdm dinwolfhim- tlnve mim titlilf up- pdiilimiita n ui rct the comiiient- d a liltl- hitm- 011 nnd lie him if i nil m111 ktanton claiunt for him idio rmifeetl reluctiiutly ay vh nohd hin rleveuieiil nt leeiini tlu- rcillv ruatioii- al hall rollliik tind tlm tart ultfi w hirh lm put ttinli oiiiiil hiit or her ut till oven why litth amy juy found lu-r- xeir ronfldliik n timid ainrihiti lo p ev en jiilrn of nppierlnlivo earn i nrkimwledip thlit toiudii inn n im- iiiiui a iiulkauii jack ktanlioihj unid an thej ioin from tlin talle lint thern in jiiit one little one i would llkn you nil to dunk htmidhik iwforc un ml join 11 to tin ilhrary fr l-oimi- and rlknfettei it in titudnrclla hnvii yon oiie kul to your fairy tul- tjayn jaru niaed joe wwon puliiik dovyji liiu empty rlmii iih linvr hnntory emiie imw ttiereit a rtiiml 1 lime the uiry vi tainly ild 1111111 ill alva it ti you avlth nn illiniliadou jacl nunurriil an tiny followed the ladeimi into die llhiavy thlit in tlie illuntrntioii liuvn oner and kllin- hrrnth tpiii lenid and her nynn ffnnv wiclo with liuiiy nn idu wutrlieil him tako fi om a hlle lecctn a nmnll hnm7eilipilllcdvlihtiirkiihrijrar and imld it upjti full eew tin koilltf to tell you thr ntnry of thn jindpiilla uho dropped thin he ftnlit iiiniliiiu mid when t tun thtouph pect to lit it on minn jiry mimi j knvoru ami miitcmy in turn only mr htnntoli in exempt lurame idie was fitted lonjr uk lyit hetur iimu ialliior kw pale and led hy till mi nu tlm utory kjiiiii itnelfout mid jack wound up liuitrliiniily with anil 1vr tt to iimriy tlm ill who rmrweur if iihn will have ino it in hilly to he emlimrnijid y hu nmnll a liinp din naid to lienh hut lry an idm mijht and ditl the hot iiiihi ioi kuiltllylo her eheekn when nfuir mlwi uiny hud timidly put forth 11 iihort fat foot iiiurmminif itu 110 mm for urn uon to try it on nnd miwi heveril nhowihl n utrndei toe a n two inches luyonil tlm little liinnxe lippjr jack htjinlmpn railed nut kiiy- ly your tin 11 now minn cnry ii ivnlly ulii ihhiin lielphdy tdruitik to mm htnuton lint that lady wnu ommute ieihiiit tliiii wn wlint idm had audi ipated try it on nhe niid umtiiik i youi chniuion comiuand it and kllinor otm4lienlly hnt llmhiiilydivvv linr foot from her itit in dipper and llppcd it hiiily into tin- little tuoti on i ior a moment thero vua little ein- iwiitahiniipaiihl- tlun tlieyitll lwiiti to talunt oiici mid men stiiutou iu- riutud that her catiinii nan unitiiik and bwcpt kllinnr away lwfii tlm jrlrl wjui quite nine that nie idioulil not liavt- icwnttnl stmihopnii lmnttvhhary prcusitm irhfrhniiilor that idm hul hrftrd him iiuiimur under iuh hirath iih he nrcepted mm hlinunrt invila- lion lo call i havn ielly rmmd tnr nt laitl my tliuhndlil lj unit in june that the ioh1 rteani- hiitji tjiiciiittii easloifli i i invtiw of ikiudnge and svvuiif her nozzle nlovv ly oceaiiwanl innii tlm neat aitle ot jnr inihiitt hiiiulnoine pair htraiiied tlieir nyeu to rn tcli a tliiiipne of 11 lluiin on tin pif then him in dod htr- lurl wavn jour imiiilltilliief jack trilcil the hill why what urr you doiiir yjm aluiuul hoy loi ho man hail fau- teintl to the top or liiu iitick u tittle i1101u1 ulipiur mitl uiinutiiijilliirl aluivehiit head only nahitlnjc lifi with my tnliit- ninndjarliulemdi-ullaheaniivvei- rd teiideilymtthi- pier hulllik nut of ikhl fichsoatj knowlltdok in com t wtlmtitri liwniti ut tell th tiutli tliuwlinln tiutli am in ii iuj hid the tiutli thrli- loowihik imihl i at unit liinid uny mm fnmllur uilh liialn kimvu how thy nn rlirck- d ulimi they iohi t any fit t llmt hu m o mieni lliioiifli ntllel wiil ihiuku muul tide it koinetlineri r 111h11 in fiiniiy iimiwtm friiin thn wit- neuei nn the foltnwilli lllmttnlini ilimu one of dm agent in n midhthd itt- vidoii 0111 tin kiikihihi ohjecti to ii peivou wlmj iihiiik h nn u thn ifuui nn llhitrouiul that linutui rivuil tin- iviwhik luii 1 imui ilelhnd ut nrcept the aiouu unci houev or nudihmumdod cmiiclniilvn tctiniony on tlfrtmint tin- iiktnt of tho otlmr nlde w anil jpivo corrohouttivn iv idinre an ui the deeeuui of tlm ulltlcuiiill ill iiuettlnn itutilr howiloyoii know tlm uiiuth dimdv diiiiiunded tlm luhuu wtllvvauthcrply i dnntknow itt very dinlcult to pmvv ai i up4cul ttiirtithl thn imr- rinter you dont know wlutlierhuii dead or lint thn haniiiti-i- nlmliced ti limijdiantly round thn court hut ida itnhioii fiadual1y underwent 11 rhulljti uu thu uitm nn coolly continued 1 i waji uiy injf nlr lluit i dnntknow whrlhcrlmu dead or not hut i do know thin they hm led hint itlwnit n imnth nmi 011 hiinpicioii li llul itjfio us icvry 01 ti hot it i- u ixpniu liiu nut- thai the pin- j miiw iiwlft ami imw nt k t ttviiy o ounlum of ihu f low n- hi t in uont koiioict tub old oucj3 nay dont f i oht folku l hnyvii liit fornotteii you i tfmuuh ycaiti havn lunuutl uluco yon home mm old heart btlll nm rtaih oh his tail an cxrlniniri ullu of ti couple of nrlu vv lm went to a livery ntahlf ami awkd for a ircntlc luuf nn they wished tti diivnnul in the country it few mllfu the man iptvn thrui nni and toll oifin tin imrmi would lm nil t ifhl if thry lepl the rein from hln tall when they ictiitncd in the cvenink liciuikiml tlifni if tlmy liatl uny tronhlc oh no lutid one thiio wju one hltln tjiowcr hut wo had n uititindla nnd we took tutuh holdiiiff it over the j honuu tail an thai tiier wan not n drop of rain touchwl it and vn rot iiioiik all tijjht it u mtiil thn livory- nan worn a i1ium1 irwiu for tint unxt few ilayti judok uahiioh oh tbattha after qiintinfr front jildo ilarronfl chin j- to thn jury at thn soudoph of tlm pence on tnviuliiy laitt in ivyurd to the diiiiiuutlnu or cilmn through thn dictvau of drunkonneca which he attributed to 1111 tvlucntioiinl procctu tho st tlmuiau tiinru bayu 1 judtio llurmnii vlnvvn on thin inntter nro woithy f thoiikhtful romtiil iitatinn tlmy oiuplnuiizn tlip fnct thai education aloii tiiiipnrnncti liurw in having iti tifnct thoyoui men nit- niom and mnivt itllnwlnfr tlulr nomnion luimo to have rlpht of way no to huak no yountc man nowu- dayn iwlievcn it in a hood tliiii to drink hitokwating liquor ii o known it in not for hin kmi r four or five yotntk men 11 tart nut on n rtfuiul they do 10 in uhcer iloviltry and af ur inctt linn treated tlm othttru they arn not thenikolves tlmy liavo lout common wntn and kv way to ilnlutnthniy they may at tlin tinio imnitioi thny nro nil rlht but tho nest day thoy know thny miule fiwila of thimiiiielvih tlum in wltciv tho trtitink ovil nit own itwlf many a yonnu vvholiohln a ronponilhln wmitiou injuiinn mercaiitilo i-ittnhliuh- uient mid who tipple thinkn liiu cinployerti know nothiuk ulwmt it lint they do know and wlnm nn opmirtunity for promotion comes itloiui it in not tlio tippler hut a total uhiitmuer that hi puulud nhoud wluii yimiuu men allow tlulr luttrr wnw toiivvay thelu tluy will not tako iutnxiriuu and wo imiiiovu mit- youtik men an rttinp mnn and more to im the folly if not the vvickmnci11 nf itiiukinir that which impairs thrir mental facultirti and ilouii tliliu linrui a ttmaly word the weaker tho iiytitcui thn morn xlirviltlnithcjkrtinllllikrnatir thn danger of pnuitrntinn thin in ik irtiiitm a piipojiltinn nendiiik no nrnnient a word in favor of tin- syntiinlc ifoitiiriliuhruhnraiiiarllu in tinuly it in n fnct thnt tliih picnliar iiiimii- clue nlmiuitliniiii and lonea all th ornit mill funrlioiih and liuildn up tho wholn tiynuon wt tnuevn ytn u ill do well to uki- uoiulmluiink thn heated period buccksa mr hrlllymhwlldeiluk lmikik smv an yuteiduy tlm liomw wat drnkrllik nt inn i lu 101 if theyd -ton- tin to hi ikinaikeil dm kood wonmu 111 ji licut ovor tlm wimliiiilwial witllii with mr hrlily one whit hht an liciiti uday thcyio nullopln that fat itu lliotllr rant even citch the tillln nv thllil yuy at thin tolnm idm rontliiutd nftironn tviitftil klance at tliochwk in the coijiif yitlriiltty ni thin inline it wiot nowheiw near half pa 14 1 tin mi today itu nil hnt twilvo a miner wlfn ijimn tluie ago tan up 11 hill nt tlm hutelierh and wan always in fii- of lwinf pixuunl for money jim day ulm upltxl tlm hiilchnr u mr dodifiu coming up thn kminliii path mo uho told in r luiulnid to llp out the irnck way and 10 avoid thn unwnlconin vhdlor the hutrher kcttiuk ui hoiwniw t tlm front door went to thn hack where lm mot tlm liiuluiml coinriikuiit i ui1 ni tlm imuher ho itdad ro am i i wild thn infnnr what wo romiini mild tlm lnming- litf id i tor u tlm uervlceu of ji man rnpiililfl nf taking full chara of our quory host- art you capahlo of ftintwrliik all kludii of idieutinns t woll i rather fiiciu ynu replied tho applicant im thn father of ii j children i ijiwyim havn no oxcmio for roihh lutiiifry na tlm ttatiitin luuo tntii of provlnion for thnin mr willlain jont oh dnar 1110 1 i 11 to too much of that red flintiol uudimklrt i pnlul off thn clothcdluo uiih iiiornliiif mr nitncy ooat why diut you lake a drink of wattw thatll ulirink it a innn dmppad into a hulhor idiop tuo othnr day nnd wnu mimowluit tartliil-ty-tuu- j gilil niml 11 g tlm dnlivery lwiy n thiso unnln now lioy im ilvtdy ilrttik tht 1mhj in mm utuaonu rhopa and put up mr anttioityu ritw in your luuikot iinm11 mm holwrtn livor thnt ulie loft on tho counter yeijlorday and tnkn mrs lnrftnn fnt out ot tin- plckln and de liver tliem rihlit away all right rophtd tho lmy nfur i itaw minn jacknonb teg olf talk lolidkit a now yoritcr dnriiik i jvcunt iitny lu lloaton lind occiiulmi to call on hhi new york ofllce on tho telephone on on urrfliit hiibtniiui unit tor it wmi appjirtmtly an offday for thn iour- dintnnco iiibtruuient fornftnr waiting for over j0 minutes for thn comucllon ko found that now york could not undemtand liiin central kept nnjoinlnu hint to njuiik louder until hiu stontorlnu tnnofi thijatpnud to nlmttor thn delicate illaphrapcin and lm felt hluiholf krowlnjr purpln in tlm face mill now york couldnt gej idm onco inoro central calleil nut ipiorutbualy siiy llouton youll have to talk louder if you want new york to hour you talk inudnr rejoined the hunlneiti man if i could talk uny inudnr i xyhpldnt need your telephone then ho lump up thn receiver anil bent a vviro now york times tin and hav to he nt thtid your fae fonutcju hy thy t 1m 1 nine aaln and htxir ulkher hiioyant and for you hot 1 011 yomur nml hiioyant and f lliim lrki with hwlinndtf ami fife tpiadt out a wuvil- thai how hul tioidn iitraiidii tlm miifil liitffl wfomyour face let yitnnmhviu turn tn uhnre fond heatlylllrhnrittli yoi mid loving hiioiiii yeani nn mailer what your duti what your place in life theiew never heeii a tlnm ihoyd not an in your load ofitrifi and iihruiiktu ulioithhrw truihllntf lianthi ami for out rarkwl hy diuoami would hulvely dnrt llintntvn tolirlotf to you tlio pearl of jwari hodnulfnikit the old fnlku tlmyic not fnrtfottoii you though y 011 m havn naiwoil hioci you won homo tlm old heart u kliii am hue and with hem uivvind then tohrlnir tho unlit into chtdtoyj and make iho woild uiovv onco mraln and hluer pleam tlm iiklni will t hiiu i urn 1111 my decided hot to bkl1l a jiuiper county mo farmer paid uhtlfh tiihuu- to tlin literary tuhiitu of a at lliai real eatato aeol tlio otlmr day i in ilueided to hell hin phtoi tttid got a real nutate agent to write- tlio tice whim tlm itkont trvwl tha notice to liiin lm uild head that iihiiiu after tht itocimd roiulltik l iald i lklieve ill uotkell ivelu tnokinnfoiiiplnco like that kind nil ny life mid didnt know i luul it until you deftcrilwd it to inn a qfimit ttnoiitahitf atmy compoud of iiiiu and women that wml heart mul uml in thn vain effort ii overcome a lack of vlfior in tbw body to roplaco inortla by viiror lo mnko kooii rtul blood that will laitld up thn kyutein to have ntrii timvi ynu umnlcitt more dlget to or and jimtilmilato in 11 re how can it lm ilono hy ining ivrrozono it invimnl litrengthenit pouiteiuen magical hejtb hiving poweiu cjet ivrroino today and make ynu rue if utroug and wull all rt liable ibiikftiutn and medicine lenient nell ierronne the poiitonico department lota received word ihroiiifh tlm ttta department that peru liiu alwillidiml the payment or juitngn 011 all kliulw 01 unwuiipeiii which will beneafuir imi triuiiipocud fixu in that country mblcli iu purticiilttrly intoroatitik here wluio a reform imjutnumturguutiral han been modelling ida rule on tltrt deapiit ttytnin of itinuiin tho killtor and piiblimbur chohta niorhmi crainpii nnd kind red coniphiiutn annually iiiiikn tbulr nppearauco at tho unuin tllun an tlta hnt weather green fruit cucu inborn uuloitti etc and ninny pnrdoua am dcliarred from eating tliran tempting fiuiu hut they need not nltahl if they have dr j u kelloggn dyirfut- nry conlial mid tako n few ilropn ul water it curen tlin crauipu nnd choleta in a remnrkabln uiannor ami is nure to check every duturluwice of tho imwnlu rules wn old aok hichmnl umis itulei for old tjs ivplrj iiuiin o 1 j 11111 r llly hiii alilii1 w 11 tl llwlilia1d saycrsv- saw- mills niissngiiwcyn uiinttmr 0 11 klnilv at lowuiit murkt prloju ulll ltuir out ti utfr wood u ill aa nn-oord- p sayers rourlotor nuuiuguwoya p o cuelph jtiriliicss qoltciic tltadlim uank uuilol ino ouclp1i ont lint iiuni y v in ii 1 11 111 ruaalnu 1ln1nl1il t nil tlneo u mlam i1hbi iiniuiaun wnrl llini ii llll ateuhll m ii dlloilnt a lim mrml umitiimiia liu or 1 l lutlud of lil ttniniuilu fuiitnai ll mosolt colici n i 1 iny 1i1muu11 liy hut imi n il 1- lu ii 14 nil 1 a mdclojialick ii 1 i 1 icili k dear mm huinlm volvuiglowly hfou mow do i i nel kllinoi lhe t illiutl hiignettet achaiiiilugau ciiidniella at dm i1i my dear nald mm hlmitou hiniling and that tvinlmlu nin to jjjl if ynu havn ever hoard anything of vin iiiim film ilipperk nut ivvoil laughed lllluoi i hil alum tlfigol leu thai utile ihiihihii t lal tuiiimei i lin name uautut in- dnnlaiik meiied mm kliinton olfeillli hl dmulleia to the maid fm her hi tip am ou tpiile leadyihiit jack i mot pnilicutmihnut hlu din- imi pailli he liken tvtuy mm o imiiioii lheiliokof tho lmiu i am glad i am to lutloi dglilh ohouf old alonq with me the indy uhhmhiitteii nuuch deliglitfiil letter iigoiiiit tlm depre ritoiy ma- of dm mud feminine ui iteit a coi iikijiniiileut would i nil hmril be glad to hear 11 itory which i mine upiili intel a dixliuglliidiid hi it nil 11 inn hail imuh- rut her a fool of hliumlf a fart which ielleitini bad made painfully evident to hinimlf i am niimil he unid lo ail milient diirheiihot liiu n pimnlaiice oil i-eiitl- iug my nmiih that i am invoking down and luiomiug an old woman in that nill- mild tin tliuhnwi when i livad your npi ecli 1 wan nfiaid jouvvimt becmniijr an old man iildmpaily neu a ihauiiiul hicuouution ii makeii uokiml of dilfeivitre vjho indhle ii i naid it hut uo uiuu wiote it llu icolve ih it to eullivato tbngiace of hilence iecmil it deeii all laultlhiding dial de no gontl 1 hill nnd lo iiikikc when we nro uiu btlvehhiippy uut lo piiumi the iitumti phei e of our neigh i mm hy calling upoi ibiin to 1e111il l iveiy painful am iliiiagi uahle feat in their thilly ue thlul to pin tic pu- giaee and vliim of puma did weevii 1 ml iillvt hint nioie appiopiiale lol ll- hiiion unl wo will fget it if wo dont ll itnyn aiv conutantly writing nin for ndvlie about bow to nucceed mul vv hen i lund thein my recint thny nay that i 11111 dealing out couunuu- place genelalitliui of courts i 11111 hnt thatn what tlm receipt eallu for aiidifaluy will taletbew rouinulu- plain geiiertlitiet nnd knead them into bin job jhe uilxtunll im- enke ouch a fellow 11 got tin- piliunry huhlneiw vii lneji cemented into hin ebiuaitei lieu uifo to build uu lhit vvlu11 0 elurti ciawhi into the ofllcn in tlmluniitlug tike a nick ketter pup mul hnpji frnin hlnutnol at night with the nprmg of a tigur im u little afraid that if i sent idm to tuke chnrgi of n brunch bnmu he wouldnt- ilvvuyn ije aniund when cubtonuni vver hnn the mnt id a imp who would hold back lhe nin an bour evity uioiiilug anil have it gain two cvirj uftninoon if tho u111i won hi gielitnlthe itniim iltmrediuiary pow em that llu gaao jonbun and i have noticed that imn the fellow who iiivailnbly liken a tinrnkuopei- ai an immlt lieu pretty nuiiiomim in hnui- liemi niaii in fact if the glnncn nf the humnu eye coultl elfert a dock- fnie in the mime wjiy that a map count 1 y cmuiiuii illfect their city wvl- eiiiue i idiould have to buy a new dun piece for tlin olllco every 11101 n- iug vrtini utteih finiin 11 holfmude mutclliilit to hlu k011 by doorgi hiirari ijiinier ur ago nn- na followo to hiibniht on light but nutritiouu diet wltb milk nn thn ntnudnrd food hut varied according to sea no n to take foo in nmdnrntu uantlty four tinirii in thn day including n light ueal infoim going to hod to clothe warmly but lightly 10 tlmt tlie imdy may in nil leimoini iiiiiiullinttirtqniittinmpfttitrro to kiup the inuly to fair exiicie and the mind jiutlvn and cheerful to umiiluiin an inuront on what in going on in the world and to take part lu reatvoimhlc inlwrj nod plnai- im na though old agn waa not pwuml to inku plenty of nleep dining nloup- ing bouni to 11 pal id nine boura iu bed at leant nml intake rare dining cold weather that tho teuipeiaturc of tho luuliooui in maintained at 10 ilngrwen fuhr to avoid panuinii excitement and luxury thn imi never trh telephoui n who iiald talk in cheap d it over tlm long dutanco toothaclio cuet in on mlnuta not only toothache but any tterva pain in cured iniittiittly by poison nerviline thniiuaudii havn toutllliml that itii povvcrful penetrating paiu- iiuliduing propertion make it an ulwol- lite cure for neuralgia vlinuiuatiaiu toothai he erainjin colic and all other paimt and nchen dint lionet innnklnd the uotld in challenged tui wpiat nervilino au a houueholil llitiiuoilt large bottle j centit oivuthum a ciiahou- art ph tine populatity taikea deep root hui1 hpivadiluelf wide but the folk fnlu away like blnntiouui for nnthing that n fahn can he hulling a man who can get hi round idui ami keep them make irritw of life the man whu in mi iiart thnt bo tblnka imlmtly en 11 do hiiytbing right but liiuiielf will wind up nine tiiueu uut uf ten in tlm poor hotiw th fiuulty of gntlimiug etover people alumt youi ouly nxcel- led by tho kuurk of letting tbeiit work out their abllllich lu their particular hpburuu it in not for lack nf good unit that wmie concernu tiulfer bul fenui thn fact thnt thenniiinu nio not olowed to vvlpo their nouen withoi getting foriiinl peiiuuhlnu ftnn tti man nt the top wo known concei n of laign capital that liur gnuniutn ibivllim thwmgh thin very evil tlm utnu at tlm head u one of thonn clever men who make tlm 111 intake of trying to buid all tlm itltliigh in i heir own llng thin lu fatal tn thn develop- niiiut id tlmught and ituibltinit any where and in thin cann it linn uiaibi uuloiuatmii of tttoun wlm otborvv ino might have lieromn iutollleiit factum in die urn mini hi the iuntllut ion let blight iniople about nu and give theiuo ehiiuceilaknr a cmifeclimt- j a newhakiin liui hei vitahuiihetl in ilevonnhiee luiglatul to eomhat ilm pievalmit piiielietof ntumling thero are raiteit tif coitlumpllou bo far advanced dint illckhi antl-con- miinpdve syrup will nut cure but nuiin mi had that it will unttgivfl lelitf kor eonglm coldn nml all niyrctiomi of the throat lungs uul bent it in a tiueiilc which hua never tuuit lnovvn to fall it priinoteb a nia and njtay iicpectnratlon therdiy removing thn phlegm and give tho di leaned pni tn it iluinca to heal kurcena hi invent thn awiwutr if long dehied mid attained through manifold nil ugglen and ilefnath a mmuinu alcott one of the grcirtcit hleslng to iwitiiila in mother diaven worm loxteiiuinator it effectually expelii vviirimiaml glvi4 health in a nutrvnl- loon inaiiner to tho little tine thero 111 nn beautillnr nf complexion or form of behavior like tlm with to ucntter joy and not pain around uu he vvoiot kind or nplituug btlad- iiihiii can lm reiivti in live uiluutra liy minmiuii sterling ileiubichu pow- derit pliny dont depreug tho heart 1iiro ilk- and iv tlm cbitr pnng of imutt tilalu lu not it much thy actual hiitfitllig luelf uu our own nplilt ilf m win tan en ttj- it jean jiou the m long cat well bleep mi1 look v well the wink il 1 1 llttl mar- 1 drluku ibo liiotto of the tnngim in iiip4tiilla ma leu dm weak htiimg pay for your own llquom death 011 couirltu dont lel a imw couli grow old 1 kill il while itn young i- it may kill you scott m kuiulhimi rant hurt yn hut iln deal ll 011 eoughn now un ul old irtiui iii ilny p- hum tu iuiiiiii ynu fil iliulll ii111i in llu mrhiili ill whiin ji ii 11 itll 1 hxlllil lhhk 11 lvil