Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1903, p. 4

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jlching joints injthp angrm umh jbhs lit 1 fcinl other r tlm hotly nro jnuil thai art inflamoo anil wollin by rlruiulim- uiat acid condition or tlm wood wlurli ahoetii ho tmimliii also bultiirerti lrval u um icntuy fur mttmif or lu loni wi 1 uwij s c la commonly worwi in wt wcauir i innrtnl lrtli illy li m f but hav umi ni ltl emel by ii tut uim f- karaa iwitoluoiil i hail n tur of tno rip wllrli tlf wek i1 helpl- ucriii ti m inrii mitum 1 btchi ukln ho hi- tala ii ll tin ii in iks ui8t ettiiaw fml im iivlht i i ltl 1 1 olieallalum lit myitis i onl hoods sarsaparilla hrnno uk ru ol liiimlno oalwml opplicuon cli lko i niiuitsiav wmvi uim mow adoutvouv young titan t m imrti thither i do it maturf ittuti thai wlmrw your krnhtui or if your great- gmgrrt mat law or planuvl orti nor lorn it matt r mm ii to tlay your grautlmothi m know klul what tlm world il1rv to lnor la what u ihiro in jour your fatliuru unrl may prhw ha ttmtui napolnou for jrwu or valor in tlm illtl enduring honor won hom of your uiothi rn titicnatonj hy have pircl cntuir through ut wliat tlm world aula now young man u how nnirli cm yon your motht rw unci nmy havr a aoltlh r hrnvn and girtnt ilvci mado kontu gnatt dlwnrry or rolonlxod u ktatf or with tlm thoukatitla that lm mail ulllll olll kl luu illlowrd hut whft ouiig man haw yotl illiim of which tlm world fuou proiul ttwrf 1 no harm for you oinrg man your llntuig to traco hack to wiim tnlkhty kuiit niliul wlio iixhu hn r hlruvtl um rnco hut lot too whhr till- ui you in it moft until rtonf if you uun 1 wmaui would wr wiav b for yoiirw if your own i ihommh v iorur mrs f wright of oclwcin iowa is another one of the million women who have been restored to health by lydia e pinkharas vegetable compound- a yoimr uow yorlc ifwly tjl of a wonderful curo j my trouhlu wan with tlut ovarun x am tall und tho doctor tald i crow tint tx for my ttr iiffth i uuiritid dt ail fully from lullaminatlou und oocutrm continually hut tfol nohelji i kulfcml from tcirrlhln drafiutr jn- aalloum with tio iunt awful jiaiim low ihtwit in tlio ulda and nalmt in tlm liack and tlm not aifonuhij luradaclu a ko ono koowk wliat 1 ennured oft it i waa kirk to tlm klomaeh and ov llttlo while 1 would hd too nick to yo u work for threw or four daj n i worl in a lareo urt and i kuhoojj ttand injf on ny foot all day maile mo won at tlut nuriritioii of a friend of tny tnauwrrf j wgan to take liyriln dont let hoaducho wear you out ami rwudflr y unlit for iminlnraa or tooaaur muhuruu kurlhiff iiiuul acho powuvra will cure ou tjutckly wl lnav nolmwlaitor wtfucu xluy do tiot ihjir m the- hrart vnrtt 10c mod 2ic when t jrtou in dowtj u tht world an ounca of help u wtur that a pound of preaching luilwnr ib i blood fbitters i at purely vegetable systeiri renovator blood purigcr and tonic a meilictne that acts directly t the tuno tima on the stomarh liver bowels and blood it cures dttpta biliotuaeu constipation pimplcj boiij head- achc salt rheum running sor indigestion erjsiptlos cancer shingle ringworm or aoy diseaso arising from an impoverished or impure condition of tho blood vw au by ail drmgauu tchr can any llttla ulrlulliu who wmm columbua v sad i a frantic ally snapping lir flncra i know tvchar well kadlor badia coluiuuitu urn koiii of tlm ocniu llilladeldhla l vluabirittm sva hllght injuries ofutn iluahln h inati and cauw utveral duyu load of uiud and whnti lihmd polaoti dc vi lopa aomuina ti ault in tho loj of ajand or unih clirinlwriaini4 ilu llatiti li an anjptlc llnlnuiit whoii apjjud o ruu hrtilku u and uirtm it caune tit oui to hful pilckly and with out nm tti ration mid prtiv unu any tlaujrrr of hloml poliuui lor salfl hy a t urou n t i f1rni hll vhi i x j muiui nw llli ih llll m i tf 1 mouth foil uk ih moll m m li u 111 it fl llill rto u nlu ic i iii hi f ih 1 i ivopl i f ikii l llllrll ilikx of nil ih ui y ul imih u dllir hi hi i1m luuor ion ii hi ii h 1 ii h horn h i it ii it fioin j mm jud hut wilt n lit lit i it u lili mi n hoii tht uud thh thiiik inut nl adi mum hlmw in win id woil ilkn piece tc ilnuliuknri vt4ihlo com round und it u ultnply wonderful felt hottrafur tlia llnt two or thmt dobc it 5mpd a though a wlht waa tahrn ore mv uhnuhlnra icon tinuod 1u umi until now i can truth hyaayx arnctklrdyttreh ymtitf- piru who un hiwovm wtltif doctor uhit without iiu1ij anj htolpanl did ought to taka yonw- tocdiclne it coata ko hinrli ira nd it la uuro to cuw them voum truly aoki me 1uilit v auurt avb kiw york tiooe fftt if twi um uut city u tint rwtroanect of llf hariuu with lot opportanlmra sir ii laylor a motharv opinion mm j hutuing umlunvootl onu aayu uiat uho hai iicm1 ur low u pleaaabt worm sjnip in her family for tho paat light year and iilio knows of nothing en good for child ren who fciifft r from a onns he comltej hl lialr dlffcmutly a ery uuwt ye ho hafcitt uarncd lilu part yalfl itocord motlirgraea worm kx terminator iia no otptal for doatroylng uenns in children ami adultn beo that you gi t tho gdiiuiun wiilu purchasing fortuna may find a pot hut your own industry must make it loil rouafteau to lai pvrfactly just in an uttrllmt of tha dlvlna nature to lu w to the utinoat of our ahllltia is the glory of buu addison komrthue af tor gutting o orlnuitml tlimri followu a rhlll tin n a kaern cold thn ipilckiut and iwt romthly fa tho wttmt kind i of i oulm and comu 1b iif wiwwl a ntirway imn hyrtip try iu prlre 2m wiii a niau has not a- gootl rason for doliig a thing ha hao tiuti good ra aoji ftir lotting it alone thoiiia hcott how to gain flesh tlie life of food is tlie fat within it the nore fat the more real benefit from the food that is why cot liver oil ib a powerful builder of flesh scotts emulsion of pure cod liver oil solved the problem of how to take cod liver oil that is one reason whvj doctors have been pre scribing scotts emulsion for all wasting diseases coughs colds and bronchitis for almost tlurty years ii ul yih ui acoyy aownlt you ol thats the spot ttight in amall of tho back lto you vr jol u pain tlvoro if ao do vou know what ii moan 7 it im a backclt a sure sign of kidnry yrtxihte doa t tmjt slop it in time if yoo drtnl acnoua kidwy troubui kltri fcuod lo flkw doans kidney pills tho trui uty i im it xttrrrotl n eiltmlayrltnl in n silli hml ju ui m ik uhli if ih i um hl a lall oil cum lackach dropsy an j all troublrs laufl back dautci kitlnrj and huudrr rsrlmsoo twfcr3fwujalljurt dojtw kldwicy vi1lx co yaoaia oat to iw happy la not the purpoj of our i wing hut to dnurvc liapplui- 1teh agitntlon in llio woild of hoimo ivathlc inudlclnii iiujilwt n ita iry uoul of proftivwiiui in iwilitlri nnd rtllglnn tho illftlcultlfu of opinion nnd of lain lmn jiwn pivjj nt to tho dlu agrim uirntii of which tin htiindiird ol thutluulh havn lwn tliutitl ho with ho inn of our fiimoiia pn luirittloitii ftirttanilii thti world fuinntiu it imtlj to m n ml tlfhlllty ami lattguor qui iilun wlm am width wlu u oh ttthim in u gpiitilnc utwugth la u inintruhmu rnalion of iipjullti tallty add ktliiiulniit to tho uiitiiriil ft rill i ty at tho iiynti in quinino wiiih nnd ita ltuprovtunont luno itotm fioni thu llit dlwtivt ly of tho grvut vlrtiitu of qululiiu m u iniditinar ag nt iwt n out of tho una t thoioiili ly dlurniwd rt uittlit h ovi r olftrtd to hm puhllt it in mm of tlu git at tonka und imtunil lift gilng i tint lilanta uhldi tin liiitllrul proft kiilnii havo lus n touipt tlttl in it i ognixt and pivwrllmi mtjni vnilliiiip x lyman of tim into liuvt guiin tht pit paiiitlon vt tin ir pun quinino wiuo tlm kital ran iltm tti tu im luirtiinro and tht uunulniil t xi t lit tirti ortlmiutiilt whit h tin yolfir to tlu puhllt loiiuatnlo llio nun it t puiitl of nil diriutu whltii iliitul okunu llou iul wlmlllli opinion ha i piiutid ut in tht imhl iticifrotu watct i lutftink of tfi jiit lfi iheclaama il tin k ip riututlil ki nlry rauiaritu- ml haa i it 1 1 i a i mm ut mi i ii t a ihtui t flv 1 tl 1 i tl hu lo h nrjt y i ml i tuil ii hllli walked th m7 hmf ukliia ntly hi front of the altar tl thta tojollywtu ullll lli hg fat w i ludtl l njitau fttrty two hiothi tm alul a half tloxnu tun and how it ukle whao thy vpilnil llinllltln k uud and amid iathleiiiiul applaiinn returned to a mat im ih hi r tnolhtr utoitum journal ihtitton ui iiiany rough iiintllroica pi lh uiarktt that it u muuxtluirn dihlkilt to th whirh to hu hut if tihiid u cough a rolt or any mic film of thx throat or lutigri a wtiold try lllckl u ahtl onaumptli myrip lluwi uhti lu iimtl it think it far ahead of till otht f ppopaxatioua iw um nirmlotl for tilth i timplainta tlm httli folk liktt it ax it umh plount aa wyrtip aw a lintioni tttvfttulioit tlm over rtait ih now tmhwd hy thi aluulo tren druxklna win not cur catarrh till- luathaomi dlmn t mis tl h kxrio lhat lovl tho oh vmnr tlio htul thioat nd uiiik tul 1- oimi fi l ml i t io 1 hu1 it m ma h i 11 nir ul in iut and unulm i in if 1 1 i 1 r11 it i it i th t 11 ol tl inull t 1 in y im imu ful ihriim k i inlwtl i lo v i l oflh lt ioin andht i lo kill ih ml it ll th illlllllltl ii-m- iul pit v hi tht iphi in ih tlxu1 tuililiaolu lte itioi than out i hoi iiidupiain f i of tlm muniw buifai uilh ti hiath laktu throuh ihu uihahtaudarroidu iiihtaut tiir it piraiy mi 4 unh aiilnii and llitint hill i stltl hv lrouki i lw iiioiithn titatmut rlisllki small iixi ji rta or hy iiihii fiom lnkon a fit kiiikitoti out uoth mi9takun dram trunk railway ip uj tl 1 ly i ii ii i i ii in i i iinr i i iiu hi i urf mgi i in lihlf ihi ii ii i nli ii nun ii i on ll 1 li ii 11 mli j in if im lll i ut mi in it in iinr i nu i vi r hum wi ur i ii i in ii 1 mil in i nli l triutkl tl un 1ih it tl ut man evr tlld a drtigned injury unothur hut at th wiiim tium ha did a gr alr lo hliuttjf hoint n 4 hlbklot- y ha f u k i axativc liromoquimnc taau huhtla iiinidn are mindly nnhmialvn only whbn taihuiliutioii aervi tlicirowti illtervhtjl cornd warla hubualotvri ut liiovtsl foi nil tlumantl without i vain hy npplj tug iutiihiu u iru and wart lxlractnr mtaliim no aulj uivr hurnii nlu i a rurea promptly and fthvctitall l only putnam a no itgacy a ao nrh av honhty hhsktmpoart nagguhy what u a prnhlrm noe wgguhy h one tu which the niotiw of th author and thu judgd uiinit of thti puhliuharnr equally pnxi hug to tho reader lultimor amer ican dixnlop reliability ou un iijumi fall mllaaod in dtinlop dululuu isiouhwutj tinwtkoy will no cr imitray nar trut lutmel to tmu- turn ruultwt tarrulr cumof ouilsitb nutrvloa liava uiija tucia of alunwi uul- yftrcal adoption- vcry wliafl wltli arrpu tatlimi i ilttaj wllb uiria lrf ruerpf flxuirciica inlmli oil tho n dunlop tlnu laakd ucycla ciiuitulaata tlwy incrvo lha iilicu- of vlttllak and in i nl ml ta tha trouua itlcycllatf u aa aiuurod booo6 wllit imaknu the itizalop tieo co ilitavlit toronto ont duuuliui bljja vujv iwt oa founj jt bunlop cairi i hie ifikt iruuin wo learn u to lartlou nurclvsn u svar tooth a4h i hau iuumi two iwitllea of dr ijiw a ttmithacha ituii and find it bplundid it cuiwl nu of tho woml ttmitlmclm i tier had iii i v llni k a man your tongue if its coated your stomach is bad your liver is out of order aycrs pills will clean your tongue cure your dys pepsia make your liver right easy to take easy to operate 2il all drnnut tall b buckinghams dye ivn r many ptnoiia dlu annually from rhohirt ami kindittl iiuimutu omplnluu who might halo ht n wtvitl if propt r rtmimltpi had hn tikutl if uttarkrtl do not dt lay in gtit ting a ifiltlfl or dr j i kiliag u ojiumtrj tinual tlm modiilim that nover failu tt plftrt a euro tlinnti who liavi- tihttl it ilty it acta pnunptly and thoroughly hitulutu tho ptdn and tlitaiu an piitituu for liquor lwmtn an um welta for koeptug home man dry aeuu ul cheonlu rhounutlut ar rqtull imiiu o hy iho almnal tuagiral pain lailululug poutr of pol hi nriliiiccaualliuiiillciiflhut- to tutt timed tha ipiuntity ofim otlu r rlmiunatic rtimid norllino ennui lklcrttifci it michiu tho uotircn of the iluleabohnd drhiitlt out of tin hjuum nrrrilinu la an uniiriinll gtual rlum matlc cure and liiaki n umn imuiuul ciirea juut rub it in tlm m xt time ou ha nn ntlick tlin iinniptllato rvitiilt will uirprlwi ou i no cordelia a woman tunt uacr aarlly out of yarn ulmn she knita hor hrouu o 4 ie w o art x j- bwti uaift botjgu nfiitr judge a mill h tho cigars ho givca away doot ilook ua tlrd- ita tmough to iiijtko niio tired ju t to look at you hni t look m i tnl you inukt imhyr u rrlhly you knou that ayura kanmpjirillji rureii iiiimki pmurt nfrmiuii daprtjlon nnd geiural dohlhtyp and it im lwtn dolngthii foroojmrii tlia protligal non of tlia monk nnd lowly hen l a had rgg gastoria sor inlanu ftad ciiildreh the kind you have always bough board uu sign wipe of a grateful dog iittxtur than an un grateful man haadt llavartl vallow oil can uwtl externally or taken internally it curt a ruu hunia hruiuj coiitnctfd rojda huif joitita painful liuillingu ipiumy wira throat to it la a rtgular family mwltcitio clmiit lrlco 2v iaxa iiwr iiiih cuitt lltlion inosu su k hi nilachf ihpeiu in hour st mi oh watir hnith sallim com plixion etc lht donotgnpt wmk ni or i h kt ii small nnd t u to takf pi iro 2tc w first maku on iiir hahita make us hamu and lhfi ptnoinnb stili emilburnss ijave yo i heen ftcaok lag a good thud lately and feel v an occavlonal twiitd of iata rouod yotir heart aw yoo khot ol breath uerveil uuhihm4l uiiui turn of puw aul nuedu llrtuigli your and fiiiars heller tatty a bo two of ililhuoia heart and nrvd imiuaml kt cured iwforo things lcconva too serious nfic far all and ucrvj i ou ufs 1 1 ut y cxn nol tui excelled a tnii iwart ttuuc ijood enticlwratul nrrvd rw- tuwr tlwy aura jwrvouum al4-h- ha nrrvimia prostration biuoki r a iwjtt pjlptutiui of tint heait after elf els at u giiiip etr put six pr laix or lioxem fw i at tll tlnilllu or will ixt lent otrrcempt of pfito liy angtr la tho thumur that soiirs thu milk of huiuan klndneeu rstrraanant wusoulaiutehjrtk tlierf iu thtato lw lairno iji udiiil in thiunhija win u w maii joung men aiv giving o much attnntton to phy ulcal dntlopiiinit in gjinnnatic uud atlih tic oiorciut ii that thtru cannot lw porinatilnt imikcitlnr btrtiigth whom there is not hhuul ntit pgth hmula hatwjwiillji guti hlood htrrngth pttimoti n iligi ttou and aadlnillntlon nnd hiulda up tho wholo nyttmi no man nn iuio tuo mastoro un iffta he ia a lowtlown politician wary brajn wuflter i ggd nut ithuu roint nu ulou ly an iuouuma v tm think of things jnul n minuto or two too late snap a g um tho hiioynuro that nrnilo wot k n pit na tiro ttirta gonn too hut doctoi would u ii you that jim ait um tlouit not i nttng enough nnr digt uting noiigli our ittiintu ii nrt da aid your tliguatton n hraccr too uur hlotal ithpuivh lhotiphonim nod iron that it nmy lie foruud it tulllj vow i t rmxdiu la n wouth rf il lit i vn hrart r mid hi nod inukti ita haul fot tho hlimurxhd iiiiviu it will miikt ou htroiig piiklj and pt niiatii ntl hold h nlldmgghlh 1 ii i winn u mid it ik ill in nil t nplitiii wi i m th m tun hiuluiiltl ill mill ii l ii i k i t o hit pilx nl ulfu i tun lint ton i iih ulitin kttolid i tnaiauti mil thiiuiti la nf lull in iikmi a ntlla pun und tl j lllil oui in it inn i ait iippliid with ju t what tlua kyoi ml ii nl inginu wi alhiwitl 1 mm il i 1 1 u t imioirmi jfyou nit ii i ulf n i f mm kidiuy ii a n itvt i roiiiplalnllilotaltlouhj i llot ullulti illl ihiililljil l in h till l nt t nit ton wi t ontldt illl r oin in ml un ii o of iuui a tlt i j tint uamd lhi ithall and nt t din appointing ihihiii im i a luu di t umi linlhu ami i t m luiddi i wo upil hit iiuiiit p din a it i j omiiimd mimuh v i h out don t woi thn world lo pni t ulm in lo iithim th all hut slungth rt atlj to i i ida u nnwfiilly iinunrldt itfo of goal id vlgn c ili 1 on uiu jit und luu iidiu hul mi food tn tun noun in i tuv igm itt w if i found out uoincthing ut da that i pi o nil ui nufir to toll ilunhaiiil oil goahoatl i inlli um ing clucnijo dally nuwc very llamaf kublo cim ofdiurrhoa alkjitt ik yi aiti ago for lliu it timu in my jlfo i had n nuddim und wun ualk of tliiuilimii ria mid alict mmjai or morgiin tfxn i got toinporary rohef lint it cmnn lurk again and ngnin uud for ui long lafa i h i t rftl moro inint r itni ugonj than i ran ttll it uim wafwi than th atli mj hu ilumd ajvnt liim tlittla of dolhiro fin phyuiclnnn pit irriptioiii anil lit itiuont without axnil i in ill uu mm id to ihnpm count our pit imit homi noil one da i liappumtl to iwrnii ntlxortii mint of ii iinlu rluiiiu colic cholera nnd dintilintn itimttly with tho ti i titnonlal of a man u ho had letn en rod hy it tlii tait wn i un finiilur to my oun that i rnncliiiud to try tlm it imnly tint it ail t van uontlt lful i could haixlly vontiu thnt i wan well ngain or in hi w it could la in afuir hav nf kiilfi ittil no lung hut thnt onu laittlu of iiilililiuo oiling hut a fuw cant i tnutd mi i nt iialn hy v t hiown mr iliidrr has liecoum tpitt i ocioty mail iio goei out vt ry ovb ing indild and whnt h hniught nlwiut thn chajigt he i a a itaavifironl ciiivi land im un dealt r mild but vluorouu w ijlii m aro lirtil of tlm hat o cur i jour frit tuli iaijliit for hr rhitiii ti scott x i inn non it n rat i u r mild listing coinpircd to most iiiodtcim i hut nialj i u a igoroim attack on nil form i of throat uud lung dntni pationco kiki lnclo iikjd ii a great irtuc if n man dor nit gih up hin rogular hiu uu a i in order to t ud to it wnnhington star ojlieilamjl a trieutut who invoutlgatttl tht color of ryclonu found it hu a timely word 11m wiaktr tho ujilttn tin inou lurvatlng tlm ht it and tin git nl i tho ilaugi r of pnu tuition lliia 1 1 n itui uu n uiil it ion ue4ling no nrguiiii nt a unid hi favor of tin jijtlmiii if ft if hotalasmil parilln c tiiutl it iu a fut that till ptuliai iimtli duo ktit ngtlu u i and torn a iui tin oixaiih and fiiiiitloiii and hullda up tin whohi wyi u iu woluliim youwllldo uiil to tni lhaaladiiilugtho hinttd pulnd vildi ron diarrhoea dysentery colic cramps pain in the stomach and ail summer complaints it kffbot8 iie uaiivellou8 r aoys like a oiuhu kkuc lm0t im8ymyamkqu9 plbasmt bapifl kollalilo kffoctual kuenv houbc should have it pmice 3ec llinivil 11lmm1 wit lm ihii nud 1 u llll if uu im ti li i iiui ii iiiim ll in ii ljul iii hi ii ii mill uu iu ul i nun t thu t llhiult- ci lliu nil ljnnu in i a inrantiuii i il i ul 1 ikuiii hill fill il in i lllf ullh flit i llljul t llll lllwmi u iii ii 1 ml 111 i ii un i ll hill ll llll iii lllll i itlllll lllll llll hlml ill lnlll il ii ml ii v castoria axtucliblc ircpar-iliniifth- as ilitilatlitkuatidodolullhtiull tiiig llat b luuodis oiyl uowi l of tomnclhniejnsa vromotcibulcslionclrciful ncssflndrcst conlnlns ncllhcr oirtutn morphliitl nor muaral not mxnc otic v juim ou iy umlitirraajt atxsfcctlumcdy rorcon-ilif- tionsoursloniacli diarrhoea wumib cotivtilsioils kvcrishr istoria for infanta and childron the kind you have always boughi l f i nj ii i llalnfi bears the signaturo of for over thirty years gastoria f tg sooner or lalcr tha krcdlkut finality of our nli muhl lpjmm kwuiii to jou ml vlun you ttf loultliitf tat a ytiu will rouih h-f- litt t at co lo niftlo tl a uitlnw thi- mora tlau tl a vrrarm lwuily luora lltali tl m hvr d luajly lur ll iu ui vrta iu in tl tmjj 1 io4 to myou g d pringle 0llt jiwalar and optician dominion exhibition vdos- torowto 1003 auq b7th 10 bjipt i3lh tho akricullural manufaclurink and natural rourcco of canada will be exhibited on a tcala navcr before ttlomplod ojtltv kaitadks of livk byook r the jubuee phfcbfcnts 1 iuu t ii irlouivauimuwlll 1 11 ii hiiik t r a i j lvl t ii mil imvubi uw h 1 a th dutferin presents and i j ten 1 i li itrntit of mish manufacturc tlf r ii f- nt iiy i 1 rll 1111 i a carnival in venice til 1t ii i ri i lllf ll n nl il i utt uirli will i ca r i srr lr r lurufclm n al fair la ll at u w hi i mil irnur talua wm ucmauohy ic ll n nl il i utt uirli will i al fair la ud ol u w h 1 ul i hid wattr rrom tvuywlji j o omk a paying investment uu man who hii a a tout u orrtoat in rti alnh ut in th worth of t i i 1 1 nt in put intti it wliattwi in i uil i in huh i in i tin um t gootn tin tatuth uith im luga trtiumingt mill worlm in iihln of tho liiglu il tuth i rliati wh wo rail it a ing iw tuu nt wm cooper ikrchwt tailor mill street ac i on i jjf how you can make 3550 if you want to furnish a homo at our stock tal ing bulo of fuinitupo at 80 uppon windham stroot g u o i p h bond tho following iii imoom no 1 llilnimi slut sin fu oak spuuy muttmhs i 11 i hill llnlil minlli fi i ill ihioom v j viiiiiii ni mill iiikii nu i uirtli t iki in vrs siiuuii iuiii uiiui i xt luiii mi nn i hull umi i i in thin kilili ii iiil lliu ih win hi iuiim pi iu im suit iuiii luiiii uiiiii i ii i i ii ill lim i iiinit m kiiin 1 1 ilili itrnl i i lllll- iiullli tin hliuli olilllt far shiu4ki cill and see o lelcphoni 253 1 uu u uu ii uu j- struthers o uppor wyndotvistroot cuulpli hats and tarns i ill t i 1 tl ui 11 111 mum i 1 4 inlli n lll vat i i it llll i ih 1 1 fllr 1 1 i wnnl in r wti 1 1 n 11 itiiy lljl 11 mil lly 1- i ric i u n e lufontaine i un t hi i k ii ontario ui tl wymplfam 3 oujlll out acton livkry ks line t1loi well 1 1 iri m illynnjiclmt 01 ftlku i nf ll h ul up hl lliilcxiuati ill l t wall kmjli pod awl iltyllah 1u oa uilabialtra a cnnftrtatln t ut mukll iran a 1 twrtil 10 a 111 mi 1 i iu 11 larrulaltt ill mil it in v ryotw tlttwhuilui 1 lutclal ribval lotulullyiiil john williams i taruiua tho staff of lifo stat hams bread is awayo in favor 1 re ii s one hiin an 1 don li nui every iliy all linda of cilci on lianj tatin matlc la order u cdilinc cake a tpcialty confoctlonory he l it ortnmal of confcciioncry hoir btliujlcc3 lopuliriiiicc3i fruits alwayti on hand in uoabon veglt abelb in variety oroccnts- at clono pricou ice cnuam and bummer drinks t stathamson biitar jk grocers uais st acton w ballber eros paper make 1 georgetown 1 ontario colorod john k barber bo years experience truut mahku dc01cnd capvinotito a6 jiiifi ii bkplrl t itmfthtlnnitaf q llljnhwl11 if l llrtilll ilniio ffl f i luln i 1 i 1 ll tik 1 lir ult 11 u 1 a fu ilciivi n sciittiff ic jrfnirica 1 rill ulralm v 4jb year f un 111 u 1uij bu hm1u munn co new york irllcl r ir lilrr 1 t la or mln ail lliu jtu bi iihjuj lf 1 1 n roualt at c ti t r watt i f c r 1 1 veiitl lirliiruic tat 1 ur iilllrll u lra r 1 it i 11 oh t i til rl lt ly mtciiut tc ufctc i art ictttlqltalunc if lire 1 1 ao i ii 1 itl ly 1 ui on i irt ll r irl ii fr i 1 xi ureal a 1 uali ilitn liiu 1 ictmlnru il ly tiidl1i u n i i ll ci cilrnli allnln tl cl nil 1 lljt4tir encta liirnll rl i alnl jil i tl vafl 1 1 ft m lit i ticjivasiucljl iw tlu rll t ilttiiua i 1 ovr i llrllu u li tit 1 111 tjloul lit- ii 1 ill ion hokullv i ii t t ilnria f sutliifjc marlon marion patent eporti jntl solicitor oillcmi pjiolbencravlaig or any class ofeajgravwg for advertising pirp9sesl catal9guesmaga2iaies8r jljoneseigg i6bbay toronto rg j3 rtsg ttx is advertised by tliose ssrlio drink it

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