tt tjtkwt- trzr imvjrc -witsoninouettik- toltowal lit imia o lior tiaalaixl lot id inn i kiiu on ualurdav wh ttluailhr nca tcn ucum wiiaol kiiwtnitojuioioa vmm atliul uriiaiiatkault lilo luiu ulch nn wl lblay hapl uut luco w ii utajtdut aon n lr lllaiilll uaoriaubjn tftl lot ita u iuit iwn b xtavc jtn tc tiiuithoay oftoiikit i luh cuitoillal notkd it unnnumd unit mm ianmllun julfh bdlwuy ooiiipnyy freight tariff on whitnl ami horn- im nnw wing r viand una tlm n w tariff will whow rvdiirtlomi of important ti to kwwnrn and alilpi 1 mill mllhrw it hi umh-r- utood lhit nit 1 hi whiil rvducod from h f iiiu to 1 t iot pounda th- floor and wariimr w manltnlut u htdplng thu rilli tnovf imnt it u tqvocunl thut vltli u coii-th- of wonltm of ilim wiiathur thiro will 1h- a big rnh of urn in to tho hpad of dm lakr nnri that tlm truuorlu- tloil cmiumiiuj will for uw or fight wixtkulxi hotiuvly taxed to meot thu duniandii of thj ulilphm all ubourd forhndionm lluy limy u- tho ny ill tlm wlnnlig hlauou wforo tunny yiar huv nlnp mm tim canadian northnru lit li uu advunuigfonu podunn in riiaching oil givul inland nut lt northwi urn liiui nffordlnga good iwlit of partim urn trot wwunmr will not l untlnflrd iwll tlu nctiutl jmiriiiiunt of tulng nmjuuy lia 1 liiadu njw adtuputch from london kngund on monday any hlr homco tor liau rutormd from canada imtuouiudy ipipnwtmd with tho kignu of dnvtdnp- tucnt u vary whom npparnt hi tl dominion ho pnunwl tint govt-rti- inunt uttchtloii to mnlgratiu ami uayu their nwithodu of dhdrlluitlng thorn could hardly lw improved upon it in no idhi ixuutt ui ky that thr domitilou ik thu granary of tha ktu llre calmda u inuttholy loyal with tho octow tiliitllmr hi duiadlalt makitldliu clomon itti twenty- flnit voliuuo unix attalnliiff itm iilajor- lty itun hovit uhuhl jiiirtn tuul h half yiarti erli half ycr ulakli w iotk voluni no otltrr canaillall uriolicnl of lltf cljum hn hail mich ncciful ttcord nlid it peakm willi for th jiatrlotltm titid culttint of urn tkkiplii of caiuulu- tfu currant nuinhar colttnlnn much uuit tcr of liiumat and it throughout litm uf uu ftneot yet iiumrtd of uilu itnluo did ruprcimiitatlvd of catinxllati llurrt- turxi qboroctowm next mondjiy iuornetl bright tuid early nvtirytlilntf will iw in ruudltim for ktmiioliiltl ntitiiihl fair hiu dl roctorti and momlx of tin ukhlbltloti hava buun oxertllik thentwilvt with tuuuiuitl vim and yood toaulbi uu nura to ctruo l1tu ropocui aw that tho onlilos will o mominuiiujron uin usum apd if tho weathur lu nropiuoim the attaiidjuicn will bu lrn thu concert on thu imc4kml tivunlng u look txl forward to with duauvnhki atttl- clpattou mid thu iiuuiaunicnt foci that all who atuiiul will vtijoy thu treat provided captain aulbraoi luu imhjii uppolnt- ed conductor of thath llfthnutlt hand tho cupuun u kit old hmldunt of tioorgotowit and iiuh had hutie xporiimc in conducting landu ami orchestra and no doubt will hrintf tho 20th lund to thu front conner- vator tho ruinaiim of win ii btunduli whodlinl at tho mlchlau fum wnm brought to omirkutown on thu liu1i i nut by hu father dr john hunduh and hiuirrvl in tti fainlly plot in grwuwood ctitnuury thu oiorwulown llnnd ban untn m- kaad to piny at hoclwcwki fair on octowr kill tint lund will wml aout twenty playori crtmduiall llroii hn intwmluclnk noiut ufjw iiulm of inannfiuturt into utnlr imiulpu ouutvwiilt will iv tlm empluyiuunt of moio nnni in uie fac tory and liidcud uui forcu intu already been enlnrwl herald ohbweonb cobmich tho happy wound uf whldlii udu u hoard lu tbu vicinity a douhlo wl- din ut taltlntplac mom particular ueatwnk mr o ajtuuwlitf kinttchhull occuphil thu pulpit of the muthndut church hfro on huiulay morn i u ivuto dlkylok l- tli urdiif of thu day ami thu urop lu tin abundant nun uuwira jan luuimhuw und 11 hwucfc luun ntor tttit thu mkiactuuirw of tho bttavluat wuuhm vsfl bavi liml of tbu year mi ltuuiuhawn potato weigh 2 ponudd uml 11 ounct- whltu at durtug thu poit weuk mr utd mr j murray und mr und mrjt j orxwhni took in thu ekcurton to michigan htht wik ml- mom of llurllnkuin in vultluk at mr j koprn mn wm crlpu hpflnt u fw duyu during thu pjiut wuk 111 htrutford mr und mr- jhk rftiindmw und chlklmli uiiit hutulny with iowvlllu frlwndi a uuuilmr from hcr utuiidud tint cntrul lulr at oiiflph hittt wmk a hiivl mo 1m to t huld ut um hhk riiiirib hhnuni on llitir- day uvuniiiu t- imi kkcouuthloi a murmyu hntdrlv- or won muconil pilmt lu u thoui of ole v tut rtuuuuirw at oulpll hhow bttt wtwk luv mr hinlth of alton mothod- jl iurih dtllviiod nn xulhuit muwdonury miinou from maltin 1a u n luniu t oiiyiiyutlmi in tht i hurch ikto on huiiduy- hu wtlo wan himo tory much upprvuuttd mrj ciwwatth f inthui vmttd ai mr atcrowaoun ilurlitk thu wiuk hioii ut having uo many prtuuut to join in ndehrutllik thu happy ovout of tho imtthuiuiiit of thu now luiktnt whu in june hut wo uiut to any owlbyu to itov h a mucphurmou who hail ikvii our faithful pautor lor mivuii yaatm our hunvtu wiiii wul and huavy oplglit wit niimt to wolconm our nuw pantor and our hiru r ujaln full of joy immuuitu our piuyiru hao imwii ttuuwurtul and un buvu had mii to uh a iiuw uhephurd tim choir tuinu tl nuthclii it- jiiirol thuutnlouttliml uuluiilh aiv a k hinlth ii l lunul cry apt ivinailii iihmi tin ui mwijo othiim buvu iiiluii4t anil yu huvu iiiihhi into thuir lulunu in thu 4iuul piivldcncc of jod he v mr wiimii luu coin uiuonut im if thiiii irt mm lhliik nu nil than unotlnu ui fill hu hum t with joy it limiu lk thu hurinonloum mowrinuut of tvunu which have cuhiilimud in liu cull to thu lunfuniili mi wiltaui folium lutiih yinklly t4wutnd v wulcouit hlui liiitthulklukdoiu of luuviii u not ytl iitnmilahisi hio und lbmt in work for hlui to ilo he iotiif uu u u- mm il waiotumugli rt- turned hibtiivifjr thu xjuva und we- piuy rich l butt wwk uftt i mtv j bbimthgh btim 44ttitnhtl tin- mugr- nd day- very pluuimiitly wlh ln- uatlou i afttr a miction by ihu onlunfra of auum upoiit hii- mr john uinuin j i oil 11 if no chumh conjnaaatlon ajrajn klapplly batuad with aputor afiru vntaney o only four moot h kuok churuh lu iikmiii in hitppy uh- uomiwlthn ill 11 iuth in iu hutory of half it cntury on the llrxt illy of jini liul hv h a mat pllllmut lomsl hill uui rmifll pnil- unale of neatly miviii yrurn und went to clmlnti ci- tonmui on tuimlay ll4v j o wiimoii lulf or htonirvillu wmi indin tl with appro priate roicinohlii im pititor of i be rniigifkulltm after 4i hrlnf h union of thu iliirlph lrbyury at two cicloek he v j mondx of ieiialuu the moei of thu iviahytrry ojwmd thu induc- j mrvlru theii wail a bilef invo- tliun lialiu 07 wmi nuiik pj of thu 2nd und urd chitptirw of huhrowa wurti reaih und ltv p niv uf lh imaclplua oliurch ul in prayer hymn atfi followed and ltfv mr monda prcachid an imprmuivu imttnon 1mm hub m 11 thu httur be wild wua written to tint jowlnh church at jiinthuiuui their m rvlru wan ulinplu hut mitlnudtudic titnu hnd cliahkml ihnlr hop thy wirxi inudu thn ohjitt of nenti mirtiecution and iuul loht a rent deal of their xal much wart tho tllinpointcd hliui of thia church u which thu aiuilhi 1mil wrotu the kplntlu ho tulla them there lu yet 1m p in lod hut thu juwu were not latloflihl und worn hiving their woiwihip to thu ihifli immt tim jown looked to thu huli- tuliomj of monttti but if mowca dem-rv- twl honor bow much nioro wan dun thu chief arcbluct god thu exhor tation to thu hohmwn lu jiut uu mxxb ful to utoday moul of our tiinit in taken up with tiiatuilnl ulfalra wit lat nlgiit f thu clirlatuu ulni wn ixcomu ao tnmruortml with llfuw nui- tfirlal bffalrm that ovntl tut wo hlnk wn can imhi no datigur uheail tim hebrew wnni forkuttlug all that paul hail told them that peace joy fltc waru worth utrivlng for thoy tuiw no inuduku nor do wo wlint n w- huiiibhineu i thu hlh priest uf thu world iu pluoutiru nnd pronpjrity loom up to tako thu phtco of chrut whom wo forget wn forget thu price ail uml that we am uunpluii of uiu holy chout 11m writor of thu tcplatlo bceri thu ticcuasity of nronntnf thenl out of tlielr lethargy wn iumxi to hoc what chrlut haw domi for uu utid liiumt regard lilm uu a deliverer from uiu aftor pruyur and thu hinging of bymu 200 thtt onicial titukj romihictlng thu call of hav j c wlluou went ruiaud and tho uuual pirwtiomi put to uiu pautoroloct uml uutiufactorily anawuriml ltdv a j mann of kmmouc then atrdri4d thn tulnitfur in very help ful words tliu gompel ministry u tlm chief vocation ho tuild st paul aayii tho koajkjl mi uiu try lu of thu tord jtwim chrut of which he in thu iun- huatuulor 11irv things itrtt pro-nml- tiant lchrut mhould ahldi in your heart 2 you uhould lui tllid with thu holy dhoht and 11 you uliould im well ucijiuilutud with tho kcrip- turou much thnu muht ut uikut lu mtudy of tho kcrlpturuk a mlnuur lu k wltniut und muub tivor ajni at n deuikirfxmriflncd with oml nnd iniiht know thu halyghotiiiiu guide hih dutleu to tho congregation weru im- pruiumd nnd uu puiitorbo wuu exhorttdl to uku 1uhh1 to all thu tiock mlnuter- ing to nil old uml young ttm addrcan of ituv a hlalr it a of niumiagnwuya to thu congngntlou wau ikoaed upon ii tlum chap li and wuu a vry troder oxhortahon ciimu rohtuoua ahould uxhtt wtwwm nilnln- ter and pooplo uiu latter uiould pray that thu word of god may imvu fnw coiirw run nnd ho gl drilled tlmrc idiould auo lut piuyer for im kncourago your ininlhtir olvu him worth of kindnuru but no flattory lut him tumt thu progrch of th jiwjwil litmtvory day llfu ilo ivgular in your atumdiiticu ttt thu church nrvlct hhow your upprttclnllou of tin work your inluutcr uccoinplluhtui ha at ikutco among youioelveji at pencil with gwl und with mankind do not gft nugry if hlu nxhortuttoua utrlku you bard the wrvlco was then ciiuum with thu doxology and the iwiufxllctloii tho mlnlatem pnimiut went itovn j monda gtuualun dr torrance and h q m guoiifoid giudph a j mann krauiowi j ii movicar lor- guui a illnir it a nuuutgriweyn m cunningham hawkimvlllu it a cruiihton cromarty j t hull ilckwnoiu geo milne itallliuifiul and a h gregory uf mmntdwootl a vury oujoyuhlo and lurgjy ut- ulldml reception werviou wuu iteld in thu uvtinlug aftr dainty rufiiudi- meutu had iuhiu partukiiu of in thn luutuiiuutt thu congrgiitlou inuunuhhvd in tliu uudltorlum and kidcr georgu hyndm umk thn chair lut-urumr-prmanted- itev mrjiul w1tli cllivun of itlxrnl amount lu recognition ot iiih aurvhh lh uuwler- ntorihiriuic lhi viunm ml hulr ibnnkcl the ou for tin ir mmlni tii aid hjmk furdur b ifl wonhion looking kiwurl tin k ug i not it it hi to oii iihuk im ulwuyii room for diviliipimiit upd kowth lte dlik rl mt wlhxu ofhiutohluiooatloo in all kl vtokn pruiniiiif to the itt- of tl- town he i nngrd united the eou- kiegiillnii liuiit tin ir imppj ietlhm uml tho fulfilment of their ilenlrei the chur1i quultellt tl ialg eltoetlvely ciumi to tl uev if a mm phonton of tormto thu forinei pautor nnule i ery happy jmrrl the ehriiinuuim of 11 own imhutlou uvetr am o uiv inte lutlngly ultl hupoktlu khyct uinu of the co ug ivgutl on imrf vi ry highly of thu town oiinrmi never jilp hvlng uinlplaamtthu moplr who hau uver lived hero be aidd ho had much joy lu attending the induc tion and mhing thn happy ueltleiirut in mr wiihoii you have n mini who will develnp you in many wayu 1 uui uiitlulliil thu church will giow und promikr iuv j g h row ue h a congiulu- ihumi mr und mm wllwm uium their upoolntineiit u knox churcli and wiiduilthem the 1hl und trdt mil cii h uuld lhuplrit which hud tvlgucd in the dayit of tho iuut urn happily gonit fortvr and klndfeohngii and huafty cooporutlou will liu fult chitrarurizo thn two coiuinunloiui in their effnrtu to advance goilii ciinw hitv mr wlluon tlm iuw puittor wan the hint to lut culled upni und hu fervent worda of appreciation for thu very cordial welcomn dtuudixl to mm avllmoiiundhluiilfworo voryeltitlvo hhall i provo uivttff u pmttor worthy of youv will yoirjtrovu yourtuilvea u congngutlnii willing to work for th furtherance of tho kingdom of chris t in tblu town p were thu impoituut que 1 1 ohm im fult itnpniimul the iiiucl veil greji ronpoimlhllitlua mc renting upon in and it bohovcn yon and uiu to prove nurwdviui goml clthutnu und to do all in our powur to lift op tho land und magnify uiu lord jcutm christ thu service chiwd with the hymn llnt lu tho tlo that hlnd and lh lnnjiltcum by itov mr wiuuiu mr wilon iun thoughtful pleahing and forcoful speaker hn hau a fine ttdilrcah ulitpli i nail nor which will never fall to linprcui and win hlu himrcru tho cougrugutlon of knox church u tit im congratulrtuni oii thlr new rclutlouahliiu mktnnv nfajiv kutmiicd them iu no gnuiur tniautiro on poruj than ti healthy happy merry why anything thuroforu thut will kocp thu little one in thu condition lu a prictteji boon to mothers mm wm hull muplo crwtk- n w 1 lellu how nho accomphuhihl thin end nho uuyu i um happy u uivy that jiubyu own tahlctu juive doun my luiby girl u world of good shu wuh luully troubled wlupcotutlpfttllm und very erotiii mid pixtvlidi hut ttincu ndng thn table u nho uaw right i give hor the tuhlutu onco or twicn a woiik und uhn lu now iiucti a merry happy llttht thing thut thuru can imj no doubt huhyu own ttblctu uw juut tho thing for little one hero lu u lejjou for other mothnru who xvunt a fulfil uml ceitidn lnodlcino for thu uilnumth from which tlielr little ouifi uurfiir from time to time thcjttttuhlotu urn uold under- u guar antee to contain no opluto or luiamful drug und they ant good for all child ren from thu now horn imlwi to thi well grown child hold ut 2 conlu u boxorwmtby mull by writing direct to thu dr wmiainv mwltclnu co urockville out for a nice breakfast 1 ijntyor wan utfertml by hnv mr mr hwuckbununorm tiw thu kcah 2i pound imilr th cliulrpum intprfamul th mia irviia uirrol mm luwn vety uk fllt i n tho ww- uoctcwoon a wiiiii of bumiiu ineetingu will b commenced in tho metbtwlut clunch lu a couplu of wiuiku under thu direc tion of the pastor itcv mr guruluun mr h hiymour lu laid up with u wiro knee cutiiuut by a pi ceo of darn ing needle wliich im hail tha lulufor- tuno to run into hla kuituomo months ugo afur having luun oihintod upon it la uiuhmtnod thut he in doing nlrely llv h ijcue n mlwionary mining thu lu m lie r cumiui gave a hicturo lu thn metlnwlliit cluiivh on monday ovmilug ior dirty handatnii kieunouimp it in the lieut ior iiulii by t i- gooiltvn it co don frionu mr j mctttli cay with friend hero of th coiigregittloii und lu very a guarantee to cure a positive assurance of a cure or your monty refunded- on um autlierl ef tint j miirlotora nl da illutlm o ll ilitkh kitim guariiitno thia rnuily to iwi an uliiilut euro fur all diwair und duunl r nrnun from wtul mow watery hltxul or u ru itowii condition o tha tj trm mirli a ahnbicii rudkuiunv c hlklan tired worn out filing hi isakacut nervoiunidh 1 imnuu llii lilnlutuin imiwired meiuury umuil nerci llymturih li mule wetikllpla nm irrejjiiluritw dnrihmliin of flnltiu kphial weak ara ht vitiu dium li w and kuelleiiit ukt ui vital luiu auj cinral dihlllty dr uurtiu oltrylruu im1u mirlclf the meed teiu up tlieiurvrn uml hnijorat- tltc k hole ayhlctii producing in mcui ially uifii ainl luuiuu that buoiik lieroiu lillliy fitliug that makpri hta wortli ikiuff hul jmi luut iieiil to take our worilut u wliat tlitrt llll can anouipliuli l ry uiein youfuir u they duiit lo m l you cat got your nuuiey liack latit unit ulrt yen juirrliufcii from mi 0 laixea tif u for tl fcbi with evtry uueh pur bw i- you our ui4illvt wrilli n icuirriultv tlm i ii r lakhitj a laifior liu 1iln lug to illut fieni ui flml j nn liuvrt tl- rlvod uu ikiiiu frnin ttulr ui- morn tlm t fiiiity i tojllxr h um iiiiivtiu 1iim uml net your nii uk ifjj out abulia box tlm iilu uro cuo a t brown rw b druggist lonfl satlonor actcn ont wo liuvojurtt iciuivod ii rlioicu holoitntu ol itruukriiut kiwmih ilicludiue nil tint mont ut renllieon und up- utiilie ciiiculi ml tho ttinrket aiuoii thehd urn multu vilu isliroildod wheat ituuiiith triittmiil vim lifu cliiin hlr-ijllihid- oil- oti- koinutlillik t huit uvuiy tliuiu then for supper km lib jilrit ireull jiiiinud delicaclm illhh nil kippored norrui pork uml jtuuim corned ituuf duvilleil hoof turkey und tonoipj alijo nioro ivimli kumy itiaruitii mluist to dress istell is rnor the result of ood judgement than the mere lavish use of money our ytock has been selected in the leading markets of thu world with the greatest regard for quality and tastes in trousers we easily lead it will pay you to come and see us r b nelson ono prieo only next jradeia hank gueiph complete stockx latest goods ih boots and shoes at cao stovels tha blfail tklntr in enamelled col ll toots lor geutlomcii aiticrican hyw laditfl fiut kid ilooli auio totuu tho workwomans ijdcr call and tea tut i am ruuiilai off a nlock of worn oi ltutlou uoeu at ltl 0 worth w2 s ss 1 so w mua dutlon and hal at s 1 ao now u llm time to learn your mean tiro for your full and winter boot and klioc geo stoyel i stropt v wm cooper mill blroot suits with character you want your clothea to r- lloct your individuality yim cun imvu them w oijly by placing your order with a tailor who known how to put iudlvtd- ulity and atylo into your gur- mentii tho ntylu nnd lit will ult yon wo are mure tins now milting u ninrothanordintirllyattriictive merchant tailor acton xta sooner or later tho bxealuut ijuility of our uaoa mitbtuaotiitf kpiinut io you and wliti yuu rd laokliieor a watoh ciiimluuiliarlird ttoitu to lild ll tkirli thwuri luu iimji ui bviu umuiiv mom tliaii tlt hvr nuallty mat tliu ui- hvr k4 v1u u llnij twj- riloo to suit you g d pringle ouku jawelor and optician vjfjitiaejvf chocolates dont ou llkdciti v hav juftt roilcii hi a complete slock ofslawtrta cliacolaica dainty dulirlou and dellflilful thay aru ulcely packnd in individual bovcj all luvora and quail ilm jut thd ihlng to tako to tha olf hals or in a drivu try i box konifithtta when piikjtijf oar ico croani jjawij la always opui and we are rcjdy to supplf all llavoio hi lea creum and cool drlnkit our icu cream 1b nianuiaciured in luiullloiiftiulla iti3iuu puroand wliole- konia wehandlo 1ruln pollad couu ad confocllotiory fretli llroad and cakes every day mlsiz b millar mill st aclon w paper keraits wi burduins to clear oat stock a t brown gluutand uutliiifir acuiu if ii is a factory uujiy you want i have tha host on i he nurloi at i65 00 than ii j ay want something iwttcr i have my own make which i fully guarantee to uiva brat 01 aatis faction if you arc koinj to build a silo call and ise impvovod sio gou por it ii the hetil courhr nudo 1 alio furnish itodu compule with j indi jnoneill ooobcbtown- ivptitpery apct dress oods operurjil thursday friday and saturday oct 1st 2nd and 3rd our semiannual opening has come to be an important event with the ladies of aoton uil vicinity- and iu point of range and style of goods to be displayed this on bids fair to eclipse our former successes miss watsou who is iu charge this season has made special visits to the american markets in order that our showing might be particularly smart and uptodate and we await with pleasure your verdict on tho success of her efforts on thursday evening the store will be open from y till 10 oclock for the purpose of displaying to all who are interested not only millinery but also our new fall jackets and man tle iur jackets capcrincs scarfs etc readytowear skirts waists dressing sacqucs gowns wrappers sih-u- waistings couune cloths and an extensive range of very new dress trirmqjngs orchesba present thursday evening a moneysaving corset opportunity we are at present carrying too many corsets and to reduce the stock as quickly as possible have put ridiculously low prices on the portion we wish to clear for opening days 11 lox ijuiiih cirwb 11 c cnmttm am k t uuuu- irl fitknt and full illtiiitl tmuilu lliii mmii fancy i all hlx rkilt- prlrrt of wlilrli wrn soc aul 1 foe friday am lw hutmlay wc school handkerchiefs children are off to school again and it willnot be long till handkerchiefs begin to disappear nobody knows where we have picked up a lot that should relieve a few mothers minds on that subject til iloz phit cnhllkric hnlull rclilaf kuu qiullty lair ulus very tiinhil mid ic 11 oz iiuih hntulbirclteufh of kum lihulithttiuliml lawn ialllfi liillktluhsl utul llm wltl lart laknlum laci inaurul conton worth at liol 10 ami lor for lriiljly and y htitlrtlny oolyic tnch ikr doi 0c 25c dress goods knowing the demand by mothers of families tins season for a cheap but serviceable dress goods and in order to get as many mothers as possible out to see our splendid show ing of misses millinery wo went through our stock and selected 25 pieces ol good serviceable cloths in all shades brown gtyfcn black blue cardinal grey and awn regularly worth from 30c to 50c a yard and placed them at one price for the whole lot this is an opportunity every mother should embrace and as the lot contains many fancy lines suitable for waistc it should prove interesting as well to others lij ilocett 000 yarli of lonblr wultll dri falirtca moluin kr- kt11 hotirloltau ajul fcaiey coatumu clottta it all uliailta worth from lfio to wte jmr yd fritlay ajwt ttaturday only nor yar1 c flttuliifrjjpanui auction kalch ai cottons are high some idea o the remarkable increase in tho price of cottons may be gathered from the lact that canadian mills are making more money by reselling their raw cotton on the american market than they would by manufacturing it for sale here in canada we contracted for our supply of cot tons six months before the market turned and consequently we are today selling cottons at old prices and less than present wholesale quotations just what you are saving by our foresight in this matter can be quickly seen by compar ing the following prices with similar qualities in other store flillltllllotui hlanknu fhio lofty ilnlati full douuui laxl hlu- ill kroy or whlto with 11ul ooloro1 piuk or uliui bordorri mr pliumollottit lllaiikctn name quality as above otio uiao aiuallor wir luiir iallry htriiwml fluatiollotton fiut colon liht anil dark liatuiriis lil inchon wllti jmr yard kuncy ritrllieil kltuitillclui faat colora hiavy wullit as inchs will rokilur ku a yanl 8tc jrc ic 8c iantry htripml vlaiinulbtto faat colom tiatr heavy woight full yurd wfdo a iipiimulid rangi of paluniy kultublo for ull round funilly uo wortli 12c for per yard prlntml fhmnol in nuniorouh now dimtigtiu jwirfect imltntiou of fniicb fliinuilii fast colon good wciglit for wulutu etc i mir urd lcxtru hoftvy kidunlown ihuiuolhttifl nnulo timciully for ilmnw- ciiuim vory pretty und appropriate tie par yard for ing kuciiuim vory pretty und appropriate dtiwiigii worth laic ilim round nviii tbrmd good wtdfihu 10c 10c i5c sc sc 10c 10c isc acton hardware store t our motto la to do io oilmn aa wa would hav a others do us our prkri will compare favorably with any oilier j lace cither in town cllyor tiirrouudlnil country wo luvo a diw lluus tlui va do not waul lu cirry over that wo utll m col lo i loir uwu uoworn scruaii doom horn my oil llatrul chiirni linproveikhleirtslaudiu out ipiuulluiu uu ll- 1u llnu uifuil iuu jwwilio potato ioika ac spadlntf hoc iiulou aii1j iaror 5c i lillimirapll v tl willuy iii lo nrl ptica ik lorn hiiyhiu ihu mualhr article in uiu hardwant hlhi aui ull h arll tanalimn cll at l now w tlu- tiiuo to got jnnr tlmo lii put lu good iiniuihg oithu- 1 guutruntou mtliii tliiu or inuimy io- tundiil 1 t muxhull iho jw dhr i wm- white cheap hardware store cititcr mill aud muin rviicwu oriy cotton full yntxl wid wort4ijurfor per ymil oisiv cottotlt- full yard widit uxtra weight famouu moutnuortiicy brand upluudid hoiuwhold cotton our lador pr yd whlto cotton full yurtl wub hngih iuuiufaituro vory lino bright tlniuh froo from druoaing yor yaril j plcciu ciuiuu knglluh ivintu ull uooj paltwrnu full width luihincu or out iwaboiru block regular iic pir yanl for jur cotton ihitti full hixi ouch liatt unfoldu to uio txact kiu of u inilt two wolghtu h ox he id oa v in spite of the good times thrriiiro utill a fovv of im who do not objvct ui wiving 45ai unci iu u whilii and ho miror urt phin run iio iiraonuiil than our opcnitik halo of clothing our 1000und li butu havo alixuily niailu a rputation for tlunniuluad und coming in thoy do thu uoanoii in the uwill luw gray ibwigmi und na wtll u in our guurantoml unfudabh unuhrinlnuhi hi no and black luirgdu tliulr frioiidn nlnuuly munorouu urfl in a fair way to liu doublim if you nro not nlriudy woai lug out drop lu and look them over ami youll join uu in njiying thut your tailor diuut put nut liotur work ut v1u00 uid iiiuml jut u innko your vliit to our clothing uttiutrinimit huot iturtlng wo havo guthnnjihtigiithcr 00 uuitu uu billow which if you wiuit u kuock-a- hout milt may utotvoit you 3 mtmu huitu of plain hlutorhlncktmrgi tjtuaduintwtwmlin btrijuvm and chuckit ubtcu tl to 12 viu hiiihi uiul triiiimiil uld milu from nuiku worth g100 100 und 701 kiucui for opening next woiik pir milt u muna huitu plain groy plain hi no fancy worunlu and ivimiu ululwh woith riguhirly 70u h0 mid h0 npchtl for iirxt v4k pjr unit 25 itoya mchool hultu goitd bouvy wolght twthhlt and uirucu a- gonmul rhanlug up of nil odd uiuim uiuhi 222h rguljir piictx from 25 to u0 katunluy only s17ft a full lint of tin fuinnuii jim brund iloyu kuirkom with double uata and lmuvu ulul douhlnhliuhtjl muiiiiu in allwool iwimmih halifax und urgo ulwtiyii nn hand redpaths grranulated sugar 25 lbs for 100 this is the season that sugar is required most and in order to give our customers the benefit of our foresight in uurchasing before the recent raise in price we will give kiday and saturday our opening days 25 lbs of redpath sugar for 100 to all purchasing j200 worth of goods grocery specials for millinery opening sklsw li00 0 tvokaifu vyuod uu umt tilit fttuait1 thtb ho llit cimling kigi up lh 2i llrokii ciiuciiii mr lh 2jr lhokiii hwuol itlm-ulurm- 2 timf uiul kulinoii 2v 7 liurn chimifnl houp 2 2 ltil hiul halting iwilur 2i- kvnpniiiuil ivuicbimuo mlnutotaplma 11v hluwl toriuil kur 15c iiwul linking hyrtip iwp ut lqo 2 lba ittffcrii will tolni imnioviil mop ituudhw ilk- itplgu lly ivhuili ac 1 lx m j raluiip lllr u vmaumum truult ae uwt clhiwt oakiiu lu au liswdi luiicy ciilw id 2 bottlwi llm iu1iii1 2v uliotuillnmjulro mm it luittloij lluulurry vimgur 2v ii ihu hkt hie 2v 2 calm 1iiuappli itk i pkgn pure uold com 2u vunod lhith tu kvup4iratil apricotu u tablf lu 0- iui hluvh ltk whrtt kiiniin cu 4 llw iwif hugur 2v oniniiircial hotel acton foil ejate tl duobiurui lloit 11 ilia 1uliui lil ml ll i i liialtvu imlu in anton la niitiultjll tn llm ii1h ilolht liu lr uuuilmi tf mi1siii mill b oml uiiiiiiculi trxli llraiihl kiil imu pouunuoualy kll th vull 4tluu iiih1u vkiuiv tku uio uuf tiiouaii llcnkktt t31 ilklllllklm 1 u kuim pitjimy for ral 1 ifm i nit ioo uih kthlllt tal i ur ullllfa lfotl ijim1 j wall ivuoad mtl walmwl lif li ihii iquii itn lu ih uii nnl kilo orclud tlw in id h mm lion lltoiut xi in noudlill vllli- alx on 1 t 11 vol- urn afidv johmitllaw on ltfiul or uuiih aeuu io out i hkick store and dwcllinrr folt lialfc i aj 111 iudvik ich uihu wall uull i vu yur i loa- tlur uu- ili nllu lumlliitf wlu luk 1hiuo uiw llllli ino iwkioii ka iriuii nil uul inrur tuouui iiutn birliiti nn ll iiriikd lo uhh anna u0uh4om omlovtable dwelling ro ualu j vuttioml lwilll4- w thurrll taeatilly ucfull ly tl- ulijity to unt ellr imnl hlil nu mu kuikll icoliud til4 tj- iluinn and tutikil fulu umi nij ht kud njlitforutil hulu fa 4lia a m lol l v i bw kt ht 4u yd iurtlir triteuura kitly to wu muftiiir tr wu ouukby a clou 0juita wanted bllltl4- auk in rbir- ritu qill kur- iil in ilia lov ii or aoum kl kuiroutwl- ulrv otl uiu ddlnrj tut our llidy i rtilt l 1 1 i d timaw nirulw iom vliif iw1 iiouumi ae ulark tiim to uaiua aul r in ml li jui kl a uiiiaikliit tuulilau for iu rlubt bin aa hltlur ultry at wiuuilk itom a uiiusat0m foulliill nulw tojouio oul judges court of revision m oti c e 111 licrcliy iwu thai a courl will b bm lur- ullltto umoutklo li ijmlajjt kuoftf uiu iult ot tha couitly cnmt tktuoty hi liillod at ut tuwu lull lu ll udof acimi ou trldny oct 2ud luo1 atajtfv in tnlrmj aunnlq- u kl ilaltili of nrrnra ah1 oiiiluloiin in ui l by itu t of u- or aoiou or iu ktloaar uun auj ii il ui attaod at tha u th0h t vioouk cukol tu vulajfa of ielou duj at aclou lujit iui vat auctiun s a hv op timber berths puiiuc noticglauaraliy e tail tutau- aut loaullioiily of orlor lu cotittell tua iuj au4 wlilu 1imu tiuiiuh tu tba tollowida tawulila llh an uauialy ik thi nictiucy qv nipikillkfl uia towuaklii or llullon crluit ruklti ayl- iuc mtoiilciii uccthy uanlck uulack lltaltol tiaucb url of i huwul roeaukit wrtull tlarrow diittjl ouora lit j iikluulbll alll riiajkl ukil ih tllli dlltulct av atjioilaiualakw iu ami ill uh uwii1iim of klultanat uui utih- mu auj block w iiajr oniluii ik iu ti1w 1ui hlvkil dthfiaot juatia oib ui 111 itj ami lit tij lli tollawlna luiuirfwuliuin rlcliu til cut aul raiuova tlia 1 oil sj ull oil 1141 uu luttba no klhj kj auj ui will b otlaiaj or aalo ly 1ublli auciliu at tha rlliaiit ttulhllua lu tlu city ol toronto on wlltl0 tha kihth air of ixiuinii itul at th lour ol ohk oolouk lu um aderuooti vbaata eoutallildq uruii aiid ooiijltlooa ol ktld kiij lu formation aa to atut twl lola alul cuummbm oauiiriuxl in ieh luitu will im rutalalijouaiiikatloi faltlur lwraol of by lltur to ihrt liuirttubol o cruwii l4bu tor rotilo or tliuctuwu tiuiimk- aeiuilaktotuua iull llr uarlr 1orl arthur lut iortauo aud vail vr uq i j uavih caaiiuhuloiiar crowu ltua dwiautuit or fnoki iawh torauto july irjth iau k hho uuaiilbarlim tuhllcatlou of lull dvwtuiiialil will lauu for wall paper ganaiqs ut acr clkrlni all our p3rs a reduced price lutlcar out the hal oiilc ol thu laru sirck lbo hue aatnplct ol i ho lmpite wall ijper co of ioroiuo tlicy have over 51m patlcnni hi ilocl and have reduced tho pricca en imny ol ihcni mdnyons klmkdllts special pricri on ivuil at and granulated sugar in 1 cwt uncles in order to fill i contract we strictly fresh kirs and 17c purlb will jive 17c per do for for ftrntclas butter rbscott the busy store mill st acton hghurrter piimb druggist liitittiau ttta isiluiw dfuaf auiis nioiit uull hats and tarns mlrt iuipiriuliiiih in minu iloyu and chlldrrir tlrdumr rfptil4niiiij hi r 1 011 1 iiinjum achuvrinnu in nmtiiiia und uthluihly ill iiilm1oiuu lrkl l n e ldfonvaine 1 dltkll u itrii ii4i mtwlni ontario nd lh ijijile slyki xivxdiuu xt ovktim oh v fm