Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1903, p. 3

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ynrhanidir news of local import now dloek tob nullti mr it c clark itnu pm lhi f mlaii ofiick hamilton jatabuhoj liri capital paid up 2000000 reserve kund 1700000 total assets 2jort i ion wiiuau gumh 1iraldeili ultra rumujivtt ileidrnl ami tcuical manar georgetown branch agonorul bankingbusinosu transaptod corroupon donco solicited saving dcpavkiiitiiit inlirril ukwll oft llrfirtln i iioi iah ml uiiwij litiio ily ilhll 1 ilyoiwitliuniwl n foimalllu- ami in ilnlyn in ilrahlii lummy faimms itusiiicsh soticilwl notcol iiiiitltilu fjrmcis illataunlctl anil niuiio iilumm lor ritimaiu uuslnta iiiiiocj our collcclion popart n t llu every uurluly tat inallnif puitnnf eurn 3 salo notoh handle and money ndvmced on account diaima at low rate of interest c l laingtaohnt goo njo town branch 1q per gept discount i for two weeks we will give 10 per cent discount ofl paper hangings now is time to do your paperhanging a t brown will be pleased to how you my sample books of all the latest and newest in wall papers g it newies guelrph lje dan jfm ijpress tikiiwday octouull lim brief local items ltnrkwoml uhnw today ireiwm for thankiiirtvliig next thursday juelph irvdiytc ry hau now no vacancy within liu hound kvory fnrinutoad iidwkivoh mil thn client nuulc 0 iiltvtit home new outailo prei trip on trot pane will 1m fon ml intc renting acton vi hm vvoll reprvmtntrd ut the townwhip fulint cenrgelown on tueu- uny hofmi plucked in acton gurdeiimin octoltor uirely jive evidence of a delr- aide climate tho demand for houuey rnntinuifif ami a number of liudlnrda have ruined tho renu to toiutnlu ihu good ohl winter tliiui uhuuhl lo a popular tltlii foru two a ten juikiu for tlui next few ontin ilobert cleimmt of toronto w fined 910 ami eou or ho tiny in jail for uliootintf chlikh on ahhhrld ihiy on hunday 1w i dick will preach in tlu diaclphv church next hunday evening on the montagu from iliiroda imhon thn identity of clirlal miw heten wutoucoulrallo of toronto haa ixniii added to the raltllfy or tahntunkokutl for thn oddfellow contort on thu hotli hut nuw htmmiul ktaa ruiuuri iwiln inul on thu t it thu woill utwwin ac ton anil ottottowu kour or llvo uctlon k mu vnkakl t tlto work qultitmituiilltlftti to thn lidkiratory nptvltiiikhw iium jnt nuuluut tho hlh kchool u a ww inumt iuuj immmi truatij n thu utility of tll unhjitctu ro- at 11 liuniunk of tlto w c t itmn monday nft4rnoon u cominlluit wan inolntwl to coiihuici tlio fudhlhlllty of opanlntf riiiilllntf wwini for yonntf mon imdur luiiinuictu an inclnhnt lint i uiimm hy u lltthi v fjlrl playing with lilutrluj ut mr t llunlu roxulunco ciiiml uti ahtrm to imj tunnnl in hikt vriday furnmn tlu hrn way uxtlntuuhml with unuill dmnnk imfont tho hrlyuiut uttlvtl ttui mirrhutiu ltank yomin ivry kruny nvvitlliff fnuil klv to tilht ochck ttiu 11 not only h trviit con- vununcti to tho tiiiijtloymm of tho tnll- ncrlt in catihinti thuir chisnn hnt auu to furuhti who tuny in in town ttutt uvuntnx mr j c chcyint will ull itur iourhohl wm1i4 hy muuiuwi ut lift- rltlcnct lhtwar avmiut on krhhiy ut 0 p iu wu huuirrituur antil- umr the luuyor without iflm inait run never tvaicli huavdii lint puhlljtiw of tlui lauiiuy ll-r- 11m utul v4ikly kur of monuvut witni tho piihho tnrtlln an ofr niailu hy eirtiiln iwtjum n whhh uiiotnr montnol mii with h wum- what ul inline imtno ti tim vainlly htmihl u nltrui hi ii rhihuutf i-onl- hlnatlon it u rvmtrtml to tho nnl huh that hi uoiiti khmfu tho olfr ham loin tanvnttwl unilr tlui hi mjoii it wiu tho kinnlly lhruhl uiul wowkly hur that wouhl lw riivtl tho wmt in quitlou ltiw no louuw- llon whiilwr with tin tttiuhy 1i-r- ahl him 4ml1y huir it iu tlui kuntlly hiim uiij wkly ktiu- uml y ifiiiliiu thn huutlwumi luviiiiinn ill inrtuj nnil httno ohnl ii1umi of tw iknulnloti 11 irtiiilniu tho won fainily mlionhl m uwl whtu aalr- wi ltat mhr ttii lantloii altouu liwc uhi ffifhf imiltlnk t mr hoinii akiiuw the jnot hl n- t ivirn tin- l ioiii uiul dnuinth lloth mimiail i kiik fi tmhn for nimvirhilrkhhml t ituni to ih m lis i on thih itinlmi tjtriui tltlrd annual at home ii thinl auniml il homo of th mo- tloiu ut v f hintvy a m liiiitkl will ihiiii niit uliumny ttv uiuit th nl ifon- ttianli- klviiirf mii or htii of toronto will riiniixljiiuxh- u fowl mi ta rvn- lr u iijoyilh tho ho for tho ulfalr u u nxiiul hy invit ation tliinoptiiihtor mbui annlo onvill of iinuhouw uml mr arthiircoomy of tormtowri thhral ut kt joih riuirt ii iui wdw wluy liiorniiilf or hul kjhk u iuthor kiny onh eatwi tim huity loiinlo protdtx lo ijimihiiilmf for tho u-l- litk hivakftut untl left for tin onto hy thntvnihilualnunil will inuku hlr homo in that ully wmmlay ulcantanrnky urvlott u iiimtlii wriiii of iaaiiiilhllc unljg hi ronnitctloii with wulyn hlconlnnary wim rnnniilin hi thf mvthouut chnrrlt on knmhiy uv it khorlnrk of toronto lmilk thn prrarhxr mr hhirlock li nnarliliik cai h ovtnln thin wtok i in uaforrii fill mjniaktir han a numunly k f thu wor1 of owl uiul iiucin tho tn i- tliinki prlvlllifo mill duthii iikon alilkh phmn tlui mrvt will rnnthiint to- illht uiul toni orrow tivitilti a ioin atm lait wliuday ufl mr harry hh- uwu wan tloln htium rarjutittr wotk htthntlwollhitfuii mr h z iltninitru farm lcrln a iwmnl fill from tho coinlco at ui mlrlklnk him on tin nun frurtntvl itoth itoniit lhitwitm the iuuw inul tho wruc mr lihluniu wuij ihlviii to town uiul dr j ray rwlucxl tho fractnrt ft it mtl hlnnlar folriclilenca thut two hired wihiku iik william glhu aw n cjirimintif liail lilu linn uhni- latlyractnrihl dui of tlav tj l brulouj- lv ii u ihvthonr l kiulilimily at niafura fall kouth on hatnrtlay ho wan oiu of tluiiionnni of methodum in ontario muirhik tlu wtatluyan caiifennicu in ltioo ilu wan inithlunt of niatfiim cnifiuxncii in h1 ami occuiuh1 tiohitionu of iit- uwinni1ihty h tlui clmrh ho wau an anliiit ailviwau of prohlhitlon ant ihiring hi juutorau nt milton wauoir of tho wuuit nitnclivo worker for tho adoption anil ilifurctiiunt of thnkcott aliih thyprovlncu mortrn v jtwwluvlt a co tiro biittlng an mimph in uifl nuitui- of tiarly ciomiiix which all iitirchanta in town lulht foliow comfort to tlutiimttlviii uiul tholr iwhiiitoh and will no liicmivmiltiici to thn jmljicv thuy thkio in compllmcd with thonro- viiiiouh of the tarly co4inf hylnw on monday tuesday und thurmlay at ii p 111 and now ulvo notlca to thflr ciuuinorn thut tho htnm will 1hmjoh4u at 1 ochul on winlniwhiyu and lrl- dayu and at 10 oclock 011 haturduyu efoololf aupdrtluirtkacivlnif ntjcht hiikk laiunockn uak raltm nhoit hivail and a that will form thu ankti- tlii inonu fin the tliiinlikiv in nljiht kupiuir in knux thnrcli of coinv thu hcotch wupjkt u tho main attraction hn t thcro will lx im intnivil- ink proktuiniui- ilu well tin juiutor ilnv j c wilson ii a will dolivcr an nddivaij ivof jolmuton kcotch koloiuu of hiinillum minx mlnulu iiuiiiuh ripor murray of toronu uiul thn malo qiuiruitto will tarh pro vide nuinlkru bur to warm the hraitu of ktotchiurm tho unppir will iwi u4irved friiiu u to h oclock dominion hotel chmro lfamla mrmrm clancy and hopkinu pro- pridtorw of thu dominion hotid hiiici jantiary hint haviiik ihw uhl to dl- unlva imrturrwhip huvo dluwm4l of tho i10u1i projuirty und hus initio to mr allurt ijhman lute of tho j frock ft tail iiou1 ncur liulph mr ijihnum tiilih uuuuuiion in it roupliv of wikh tlu dominion 1m thu wtll known akiuiwu hotel and hau ilom a thriv ing hmliu- with tho travtluiih- pnhlic for thirty year mifwim clancy anil hopkinn havo diuio a ljiuid huulueiui and hand ovur tho propfnty to tho niw propriotor in splendid oontllllon mr loiltnirii coiucm to acton with rcotiiuumdatioiii from th ijcmw inupttrtor of wullhitttou haw lod a ictntliikml i and if lui kocju tho dominion up to tho standard of pat yoaid will no douht con ti mm to hiivo n lurun iitronjii maw uoov fov u puula ubiwy th ihwik committor or tlm livo lihniry havo mihuul a cuiimldnrahlo nnmlwr of now itooku for tho library which hav 0 arrlvtwl and will in all pro- uihllity 1m uitwiiiihlfl to vviuluni hy thunkvlntf tim ijhrnry will tlnn havo tijuiu its ciitjilokurri 1ih votunitu of liootn of hiutory and historical romaucrt lhil of hloriiphy 11 of voyakm travclnjtud advonturws ltl of ucieiic- and art 170 of inrtl litvr- iiturui kl of potlryi lift rhuioun worku u2 at flrtloni and oh inlscid- laiuwitiu hi addition to which aro a nuiu- imir of vidiiahlu iwwiku of trfoivne all tlui aii loatuwl fivo ui ioidcuu of tlio town any or wlumimiw ialixl th coiuuonu uhiuiun will lui ploasiul lu havo calliit tint uhrary any monday wvdiuwhty or hntuitlay iivoiiiiik to inaku wilictluus lt u- aivruukw nfit tlnnwlny liith insu having ishiii prorlaluic1 a day for niural ihaiiksuliuk lit uti kivc thaiiku with 1mhouiiulc lratltudi tho proclama tion in thu niiuui of kinjf iulwiiril vii miyj whiiiam it him phawl jvliuikhty hal in hu wrtat hiuhiihmi t vonclniafj thin yiwir unto our domin ion of canada a iwmitlfnl harvost und otlui hhmlnuw i wf thinroro mm- itulirltif that tlaw loi-whik- ilijoy hy inif pioplj thruijhout tlm wild do minion do call for a milr and puhllo muimnvui ilw tlioukht llthy and with tho udvlco of our imvy coiiiuu for camufa to appilnt and uiidoaptliit ttnirhday tho lhtii day trf ormdhi uovt an thn ilay for loiuh ul ihrtukkijmik to almlkhty lod for tho uiuntlfil harvit and othor hlltiiitf with which canada hay uvn fnvoivd thk yur itud wo do invito all our lot- k muhjmiu uitookhoul canada to olxmrvo i hi- toaiil day an a day of kimht- ul uiauktfivliig o0cu1 omra w j hftmrnlll xuvj j iijumu111 wx jutvu kohtci welt liuovn mid luurli imiiov liy mioy auloo friiiur who tint thi sliort urrlw u- iulph ptu lu 1 1 hti ion lciuu whk iththoniatu mill ihvi piur- to i iiujmiui fm llolrhoi ww while lhr 1 with apimndiill ii ikhhii1- rfort wim 1 wdm mnrriinl io iitiiimlnyiir lvt rn lloipita li r- iii a iiath nt fur lillk to hmll of mr iu ln with lur in th noith wu 1ul 1 ui though nvcry iilf to rtjtoro hor whi- iuoumhi uwuy toitul lhudcu wnn a ioiki of tho utomr find mrw iiom koi i of mil- tooniuluuriolhyahrllicraodsi tcrlho former living hi iii ami tho latura hurs- in the htpital it klhl mi 1 n u oootl mllllnecy otmrnlnir ill spite or tlm y imleii i weather a laio and oulhml tttliiili of lad ii tliinli exeninifon mm onolon of the uilllineiy om u the itiy htov the whole stol- with up- suirj aiul down wu l dor atwl and hrilliantly iikiiuxi omiii- uhle iltipliiyn tic drivi kiwwt triiu- mitikm elj- wcro nuule on tho fltwt floor whlloulwive mho l rhjirn of tho hull lvodytoear detart- incut had arrauki u luittiiillrctit hlmwhik ii tho fudiloiuihh and dainty tluiikwhirh t t make lip tlm ihpartmeiit n i ivitlr of at tract inn of cimrw- vh tho lat nllliiiei bhow rom uhlchwau mo ittcilixoly and aitlntlcnlly tho ujiarloiih jly tvoriini whm a favorito reiwh zv u i during tho ovn inif nnd ie inr imlinm to hcuovt that if tho co- coinoi and music ihcoioo peroianeiit fcauimi of tho lluuy kuihi iiilllitiory iiimiiin tho piimieti will have to lat enlarsl mitu maikirt iwllner of ih rlht wan tlu piunlht of tho ov-iiiiik- tlio du- play luulf wax kaid hy ull pnmnt to iwt siqteilur to any ever uhown at any ptivlouu uavou hy mr kcott and woi uihitof style und variety wpml to duplayu mndo hy iuilllimry tatiluihnioutu in much hitk phiccx mk watuni and mlsd wiwwl luith iiewcouicn iu our miiut handled tho laro crowds diirinjf tho nvcnhitf and thu two succeeding dayu wilh surh tact and skill nu to make many wuwn frimidu for thrmudverf and tluiir do- pjirtmtnt und tlm tjiiko uiiiuim-i- of onlem lookel and itilen made nniht ho a vry phashiu token or thu puhllc appro bation at tliir etyoru the leadiiik ktyleu ihmii wim tin american hem- hiiiiult 11 laitte hlark hnt with furluu of fohhitif velvet crown and hiim of hlurk tulle 1ar plume in front oiujchl with iteel pil utein slrtipmrd in hlark ducheui lihlum a mink toque with lirim and imdorhrim of mink crown prettily drapsl iushlrrel hums nin velvet u hiuairuehdiiru injt the crown caught witli inilliu- ery rohhi in velvet hrim dmpsl lu cnyiiii wnctlaii uppllipii wan a veiy taking iityle tho ltahy ioko hat uiiulo in wku stylo of arnel silk vel vet silk hrlm crown of shhrinjtu lonj tleti of kiiruot ducheji rllduui uttractv ed much atuutiou tliu cudor chen- illo hat made ou the new torpedo frame und couo crown ui rch iiifid in casuircluiilllo urffu hinl cnwhin the crown tafettii innire iiiiimiii iu rham- pay no fot initio newt rowtusi with ut nipping f mniiii under hrlm uuu lhihnw the most attractive hhjinon ot the spletulid crentloiih of tho laiku dinplay the holl ov 1ionoi1 suutdlu oi tha iinjtta or anton pubha hmd lllh bohoola fo bptraks thn irwt oxaiuluationu since tho ioujj vacation took plan nt thu 1iihlic mid hih schools last wihk and retidud in itlvhik tho fdlwiiik piipiln places on tlui hull of honor liuht lltivlttukvt cliisa iv iuttle mauui 215 floi- roncu hpcittht 211 1mith bmith 2it hcnlor ihlulujimciheiiu meilo vrick and clara mooiv 2ih minnie mckiuijjuu 2j miulge chupmuii 21h t t mtmiiik rrlnciiuti hlcrilvit ilkcialttukvt senior iii iavolh huiith 151 ijiniu huywurd 1w ktlul clarke laa markw lumtllih 210 junior iii amy kpchjht 15il bim hohuedktl idadrahaut ir7 maiku pvihlo 1sw 1 yoitmi tiacher tlllltll okiautukst hnior ii pttulinu ilildonhruivd 277 marin kinnedy 275 kulu haurr 2t2 murks poudhlo mv junior ii wllllo kvana 2th itnth nowiii 2rtl andy ollrlcitul marku iumwiijio un m m ilnwioi teacher tot tutu inrhtuky kenlor clawa alva harvoy 211 hei lha itrowu iiw ullio hedmtflil 15 junior class klvu mcutrcn and lyeddio mccaitnuy luh ihiyd clark htlmtuhy mularil 1h7 maikupmlhlo 210 m il h111ui01 liuithnr irinll ilkimhtykvt huior ih i ada cumplsdl 101 uly wiuuiii and ijmlo wluut ml harry 1ryvr htl ahhio tayhir kl junior it i cordon men 01 cer- trudo ieartiou oi cliltord declnte ho kntl aiuunnmin ot mirk iwissll4i 105 k kkviaw teachur huiu hi illutu dwahtuicmt vohu iii clawa i myrtle matlheviw hmiloll midllu maiio liwulfvc miiiict johnston muu llhkmim class lharohlnukliu das ii hurry tlatnhain vwiiiu ii jtniol clasa 11 ukk- himwlu aluo cliapman ida ijiiij uuhy clark jen nie hmilh hoiuri lloluuw knu iwrhiiu huilhi lwvlu vuia kouler cliikj ulkrank huvlli annie hurty kiankiun jsuph soc and personal 7 mihh jetuii nh kill vlniled fiiemliiill milton thi xv tl mr j n uiulany of toronto wau in town uo muoluy mr m ktoi itiiuovil hhi family to ltskwlhl wu miu ii h h0i1 spuidliik a we k oruoviilh ftuliiiiiitorino mui alii- liiik tui toil hmiie i10l vi- kuflitr 11 umiillim visit in iiiiiiilluiii mr ii uuihiw ieturii1 last ul fm u very phascnl ill uith fiindu elroit m uoiluls sjmiilt imv ek uith frnmu h mr and mr j eol l w llramptou z mr mul mi i noiuian kuiith of toronto sp4ut htimlay at tho imme of mr a ii i wiu mr win 1oiui of hprmlmhi- vihitml arton filuuudnriiixthewiik mr and mm allart ljilukandlsls- ut hamilton uri vlsitiu- the mi uti liakn4ntrt mi d 1 j0111 and hildrii or dclmitllallsirmvkmstmatherfathiru home on ltwet ave jllna ida inlunum of cuelph was theljuest a cotlphi of diijli hiut wiel of mru alni ki 4 ol hav j k harmor d iwh 1m4ii upimiinlslltasunoftluikirstmeuithliht oiiukii oskosh wis itov- uml xlw t alurt mmihi and hudreii of toronto mpont krlday huit with relative at moonrort mi kellio muliiollaiid f tonmui mas hmiealundin tlui funeral of her uncle mr m klynu last wek mr alex ijiwtrfiii uwik in the wirur- sioit to mhhliu last vieekaud visiul his hmtheraud rilmds there mr td iluiideroil went to toronto last thursday u rmiew hlu stndich ut the kclumil f ivarlual kcleiwni mr d iloudt rwm m i cattiu from ottawa on krlday ti atutid thu jiiiiku court for revision of thu voters uslu mr and mrs wiilliuu williams and miss lulu of watt mich ttunt a fow dayu thin wek with okitjwe wllhamh mhi thou it ui kaston is ittondluk tho aoytual nuattiuii of huniilumconfur- eneo woman w miaslonari fciclety at kl cjitharimrf this wiik mrj c cheyno hau imiu ii detroit for several weeks having wiuril a kwul situation then hn will 1 hortly rinove hlu rninily u utat city mr j h dawe who luui 1m4ii tlm kiieat or ills daughter mm w m wider for the past three niouthu returuwl to hlu homo ut kenton midi this moruinjf mr lhut madfptt of wouton re lieving mr allwrt livanii dayowmuuir rttthe t it mr kvunii in reporunl ui iwi off on a weddinif t ip to detroit and oilier iwiiuui mr charles k goimhtvo uhu recent ly mtninivl iioni winniimif ut visit hu fathers home hits decided to ve- inuin iuactou ulndwill v his atten tion to the husiurtpftjrtho inn mm john clarko ul rlnldrli ar- rivwljionm from their ilvo umiiths visit in holland on kuuday inornliik- kx councillor clarke wt nt to mouttval to nuhit them und uccommiiliil them home mr char leu i holuieii haa lahn trausferini from irvine on i hot i ik to cullniry chut ilu wetus to is- fol lowing horace giileyu advice oo went hes now 200 miles further riin home mi lliuth wolwitmin ii a or the stratford colhkihtinstltule uiul miss knld uolterunn of perth who ib attending thu mrdonuld institute at the 0 a c cuelph wire k this week of thu mtfiuru itolvurtwin clover- dalcfurin havud ttabva lirfiol mra t drlwin cold kock out wrltitu luhyu own tahlets wtvsl tny httla hoyn llfu when thero senit no hops and he is now a hrlkht uwy hoalthy child he suite red luoiv than tongue can udl frvnu olstluute con stipation and iiuhiiciuo gava hi 111 110 relief until i gnvo him ilahy11 own tahleu i would not la- without the tahleuin the hoiiu and think uiey should hi- kept in every homo where there urn young or delicate childrii all tlm minor hlu of childhood such as indigestion colic huuiuicii tronhlea iliarrhimn worms coustliuttlon hhiipla fevcm and cohhi am promptly n lievwl and anocdlly cnreil jlmuigh the uso of uiuui uihleu tliey are guar anteed to contain no opiates and nnty lw given with aisioluto uafety to thu youngest anil moat dullcau child hold hy all inedirino dealers r siit ikuit utllut 25 coutu n luiic hy writing tlio dr william medicine co hrock- vllle o11u carving- sets dinnor hnd toa knivo rogers spoons pockot knivoe razortf scissors ihnul miktmlctl iflr ijw ceo hynds jowclly suiiiiy oplkd csxl alma college fort vovna womkm inhutn llit uod u ilxt doolopmant f hut winniii 1 culo tr 1hhui hi ruiuu qomk ectioi cony 1 atthur1 vttuu l clauw iii vliiint iiumiovvs ivutl honuivllh wlllh- imuiil alfml huuvy lhiy wuuon w ii niinvviu i hud mastet mine kleano mwip hi have you ud it yet your mlkhlc uau ask him ulsut it nly iv a iwr c v jmhkvki jlill uluh lioilliltls jmtuihii roiihins u mlxr i llio nlli fr hrvy lei in iilr and odldinnft coiln jrlcli and litavy wrii vnn k ull lli allrai lions of o tnormoui tudnet spacnbr nrjlv ioiiiiimi uii katn o loliei lnull 1i0 f vrn liwio wo vn avtylliiik in tapfl to do il vn itnvor tliowr burli luridly f iho ll lylr in ijd talttln theraa onlilhir sihiii mir koiii m tillriitnl rout hm dinar run of kssu 1 lioin m irmin tuf 11 till il u u tdunrv l eoll of uut ihouuhl ml ura tr in i uiirl l uv 1 oriel hlu dil ll ii i i y a ily willllilunlol iimwikm lmielhlf r s en 3llmronltlr will ihn dqili rmxujla yl mil ihl 1 rlio of lull cnmui i h llau vu will fuuly lldinirti willi itlicfi lfep tle voriety y wlltte house lr wyiiillimil ml jliirlll s offeri superior service most value for your money untiring attention to your interests always bra haas it clarks stock food 7 pounds 65c j 1 1 xi i lolxtuy kanail iiuke klllrr invtlina1onill tiorj voou ml 1ieiiriiiluiiy vruf uuyukuiiuihl tuoj brulli aulunl uuulnlur hghunter diuist k 0iitiai tn isuaoa lrutf ho- aotuu mluht kiulil thin wryk w want lo interpol yotl in our mall order departmoni wli3levf luuc hels llwy will l carefully looked alci a if you wcrn hiiylriff lo penum maln your wants lnewii aa plainly aa poulhlo and lavotim ret la our ivcrimitul uprvionh it you buy anylhlnif licia llinairh ibe mail or in llui aioro anil find ii l tn ivory way aallafaclory we am imrw to refund your money oi do anything lo malo inly ing here alaolulcly aaa for friday and saturday oar special ilarkaln daye i wo liavfl tec 11 red a mnidwfof liarraiin tlvat will im appreclaled hy utir ctitunera ladlcsl caahmere lifmt full faahloncxl 1 lllck salren undciakhta aylllulily turt jjinxm caatimere iwt trjjular hudn mjrorliod talccn rrtf il oo 35e apaebl lralay hnd satvinuylvalr fc mreclil irliuy and salurday cmc 3 p1ucks vlkuuiuurrii a 30 incli clmti regular he luality ailal fritwantl saturday c not more titan leu yard told lo any one cuitonmr ladh undkltwiiau ladle wool underwear full ai lonad all kltea cvlra jociji tacli nc i out afxe wry tjiccta each iatlu union awl llew under wear thn let value eief taaile ii nji many firraciilaof any luilyhi no cr id bavin iimi town iillod whit i be taut dj many liimim llt llol ultuy d racll und 1 u cuatanlera eiuulv itealiw niery ferui und iitf u nine tf find wtul il want in ltd lumrnaa variety prices j well i hay arf tllit no iiullif wlui lhridn nt imllly no iiiatlef wttelbar a lailya or mlase bi nr ojie inr i hi llllli t lotu ilituiim ti value ami mndaratloo oi price u apiutniit wo laid puim nr a liij hiilii and our huvluj anil aeltlatf an hoili arranifml 10 wards tldu end wri laviln yuti lo wte the jkwu in our cklt hubm and make coniparluini e r bolltrt co 25 and 27 wvrxlliam stfoot cu9lph mhns wool undikwiad plain scolcli woiu 111111 iuum ami jeffries roberts gnelpbs modcrp dry goods store the right house limtakliihkli hamiltons favor1tk shopping plack iiiiiik bkllino ov hadies apd jvl goats ivery one highly deuliicd wlili the superb tlocl of excellent mantlea we have imported ihli iciuui great in vjriieiy correct in itylea thorouflily uell made ami all eraitd values ws imported come cxcrptiqiially ooil values to vu at 7511 sjiv skilui 912511 and i5m tbeae are now herd and can be icen at any time krr 1rl uulii llualikd be mauy auiiiiiisuulu1j aa lo tits auuiea of llaktikj vkll wil wlaujuvt mihfui- vy i e eutuiihtihuli nrw sliluiuiu ul omj ijusjiu bow tutii lliuhe tat yeur jelut foui hpkciai valukfl in irr iuih aisl b1iwsjid i a wortli if ie umuiuii mod1iu l lu clxlm u- d isua sad dainty nolurlua a vtilulld wrlui i uglily hullld ttif wuuand uihlrraul olill- drtlu wjr hlsl futf ulaltd httl l0 ktlru gjk yul kpnlal vju kuiusltj wv- 1 wrlllj la bud- baulstlrllwlaud h1 dlii aed lu kliadari wl etduuu cdt tas bavy llaak and tjnli ii- yiuj uu nullify wnmsr- i- iu hitniui i uuuieuatu and ruu enlarltv aullahla tot iduiea liauim niitla drld4f jmiisu sir a iho balk op- undciprlccd lc catalrs w willi se wtausilfur tltu urf al rt lo cuitalun foraiaa tha havy alvausd lu irfiitu w tmieba ia livia aad mu new ortr lliiti to ynu k1 aveajixc ally ititt jtim ttia mk4 ana in nntlusliaiu and uatila nil s and 31j ysnu lootf and uy liaatumes dmmlgtu ww sr bow sal i in tl daluly euralua at httc worth y 1111 twr worth 9123 8125 worth i5li worth 2l jf2ta worth 275 tlkl wotth r5 thomas g watkins klnu gt cast cor hutiaon hkmilton 10 j 1- liata optiii n rewdiirnlture uloro lu mrs iiocorda itlock wliern un luvn imui an rxcclbnr atuct nf all hoes of ftllul- dire e up for intmcciimi ihui a choice line nf iron lleds springs ami maltrnct wit never ind tucli u line of ilrooin bulla and linl nation tudlcd ikefore to if you liive a iiqiidii of buying 4uiv drnp in before they are plcled over new furniture store a few prices 3 only willie knamel lluuledu a fcjvw hrotij iron iked llirnunhom wllh brake lnolnj eaili 04 ao d only cnbhler stit itockcro iu solid cuk part cut each fjo j only oak lioclcrs uphoutered in ijil at uil and liacb rxch j 50 this is only a k ouple af our values drop in und we ull ik plmuo in ahow you our mpclt johnstone co- ijuit we have rumi a very latre order lo iik klln watch factory lor llioir celebrated uatch tnnvliiieiila and envct lo lie able to tell lliese wniclie very low hi price this fall ind winier savage co 1- jcwellew qukijpii glasgow house at tltc ixion- its a fact we ell you a rood 10 overcoat worth 10 for 10 we are not advcrtiinrar2 overcoat on sale at io but we want to state to you that when you buy an overcoat from us for 10 you get your moneys worth or your money bank oi course we have many styles and qualities priced from 6 to 2ii its a pleasure for us to show you and youll find it of interest to inspect these coats whether you are ready to purchase or not we sell christys english hiti fall myjes now in stock from 0110 to three dollars d magdonaird br0 5 and 7 wyndham st j entrances 55 macdonell st thk hlonj gueixph the proof of preeminence i the outspolien praise of the public the silent apprecia tion of purchasers and above all a greatly increased volume of trade these are certainly conclusive proofs that our efforts towards providing a superior stock of fall and winter dry goods have met with more than ordinary success our millinery department has a reputation that every merchant in the county views with envy exclusiveniss is a feature that many dealers brag about but few accomplish in this department a violation of this rule is not permitted and naturally people have no fear of meet ing the counterpart of their hat on the street our millinery staff have had a busy week since the open ing but we can assure you that your order will always be at tended to in the best possible manner jacobs and capes wo 11111 imimtiuitly in tlm liwikuul tor iiow liliuu in jutkolu ntnl aluiim iwuiy wimil tililu mmillihik nnw til inn- blua tilllltlkknh jadlclnm 11111 11 unwiiil datum nf tldu tlnuhnnul tuul you iihunlil itiiuull imr uliuli i yiu mi- in iuhhi nr n lirw finint dross skirts kivinil nnw ilium to mlvii thin uivl alwnyunitivilnuilt tyu qiudlty uui inuku uunuitiihl rand mullnory and dress goods display all this week i yun mi miuiilly in l inuict ntn laock no imulilii tn how gwl henderson cfe co glhsgqw house hct0n i i 1 1 i iaatisiw jlaas ayaaltjivl ft

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