um3 lo hi mi a uiupd aoimb iuhw sut lira i krhhiki nuuhat tli loiu ok anion on tuiay ifhli namlr itw a k hmitli ii i aaalxwl wlluill ii a ji4ll ic utt1 ulauuwckii kuly uuabu llluulmii tl- trhlijultn ukwmmi nil wvdnawuy kv til llv j a cimtialou u a ullin iimtu mooiui ou uf u lla julii itarru iloobmoou ui umllr ldt of ll ilanry tauu of krlu uj ul tiul juliu nol utly y in j rim tlm 11 klyi ai tilliv llao a oxiiixnin un walaaad uuul b4ui lira vraiik i luu bi u lulunuy kii till 1uus doitam uollirf ul uuuai- tli uaiallat lluk of coin liarpa iijl ajtl w iitttjiat i iui uull1 undy bui hoinlwc lira ioiiu ijuu o nfcuaijvafa ill itoruxi jm vawnaiui at b uury4 vruur 1 1000 tbk k vautwg aa st year luwaiilw lltonwlo junction ou friday tilt no 10cb uul tloly iludu of ul aitd mr tljoeuaa luunatutw in tia tvauty womens interest in missions j an nrunr afcttivitnjr knoour- ailn lleportb ncl inajplrlnaf in icnqx cniuncn laet wicick y in i i-u- i ijo nil aim of rdn ttm tulil fill wjm rftjiitnn f mm ii rnii r yn thongli nl nmtlng iiml tin ivmlt i not only qui 4 hol ex- ynik tin indicating k mid nnrneutnuti in llx w lllitflmwn imlliy h til tl ter hutu slje reto jfm yfe thursday novfmhkr 12 mm bditoiivaij notes thniulifnx chronicle rcferilug in tho rviortl alliance of hit- william whitoway nml cxjhdgo morrioil or newfoundland lo promote union with caiindn any that if tlmy ran bring that colony into tlm ii iu north anitirlcu fiilirntoil tly will f lilllcli for tliwlr own k4ili luiwill m for tlut kiiipltv tlnnt in no kmm1 hliwin it tuiyx why ntwfiiiiilitiitl tihoulil linhl nloof it luiu tmnli ut ialn anil holhhiti u imki hy jnlniiiff tlm dinli inn 1u voiit imi laontlral vvllli nnrii ilw inumnu dn not elnnh 111 any wny it won 11 luivu nn tirilllfh rnny kind to make iu uiklltulln woull iiol im kfffclttt ilw tjicati wnum ilicnniu itn nnkli wmim ha krvitly imielinnrl it woulil imvo the ftjlufnclloik of knowing that it- wim ilnlnit uinrli tn iiritmntii ililtii ouoiictw and utifntli wo can iuiin the moplt nf nowfniiimlinnil front oiu own nxmrinci of cniftxloratlnii tlint uitty would iiuvitr huvi cauuo to u ktt joining nn tlin town nt nwnmrkft win inuiilciuil owntirwhlp nf tht iclric llhtlnjf klant littoh n yjutr hntvlniit to tlntt of acton imu had an xiwt- inncti klmllar ui our own in thn nhuwa ity iimtrw ofiilfttilr riirwnt wlil on thn lint rata tlui krn mivorth that at tha imwtlutf of tint onimcll inwt wisik thtt ijjht coiuinltut pr mfitnd n rthkrt mwonnnmulhi ai iucrnajm in the tlat rauii for olimtri lifflitln liu tinw lichihlulu to cniutt inu forcu mi tin ltit of jnnutiry 11m council witl1 that tlm town nhonl1 own all thu nmurh and charo it 10 ikiicoliu rental the krn tuldii ilio cjhhicihm moving in thu htht dlrvc- tod thn ttoonor tliut inotinj nni lirovldrd fnr tvrylkly nnd tuirh coimuniur utya for thn current h uiw thurti will lm hut kminhllnk nil over low ii actonh lljht coiumlt- u movtwl uuni ul in i in r ii new mnrn tliaii h year u0 hut for miinn rtuuton uia tticoiilliikiulationm of tint coin- inlttthi- kvport wro tuivor put inu nrfict viut4hn km wnuty that tlm mhucr huch wttiw uus tukon tlm wwuitir will tlio kninililhik coat nnd nil cur- rrnit uih1 ihj uiiil for on an iultahln imuiim a copy of hulk tin no 13 tin title 1111 no 100 luprlntod uu auuiidivl an act itifiwmlni tlto intjkhtiou and ttnlu of huhmlj with kxphuuulonu and gnome 11 u haa luoti tvllvtxl ill in pmtnpliitt in mailed for k ilitrl laitlon for thn pmpmui of wrviiik n a notlcu ui thn lnurirul ptihllr und ahtu to provldn menini for clnur tin of tlm hill in luiviatluim t- tlui n- atloni of utcd prudncirit ihm1 in chunlm und wil conuiuimrw tlm hill au aluiuul hy tlm coiiuultttin of tli whnlu during thn ixvtiit uhmion tjf larl lament prnvluv that iu1h ciinalf krntiwh clovirx or loruc phtiitm which contain v bcilu of certain nnxloux wtsslu uinid in tlm dill will im iimhlhlttl from mih it furthor irovldia for nnlforiu mithmlm of grading acconlliiff ui ilnod ulun- darila of purity and vital ity hit timothy auikt nnd hud- clniir mwim olfotxml for wilit in camilla a copy of tlm wiuiphlnt may ho had fnji on application to tlm hfinl division llrancli of tlm cnmmlmiiioimr nf atfij eultum and nlrjiik ottawa itt- trti iuldijkii ail iiliovt tin not rfpilrti oukt oouhty modttl ttohool anion btudnt ivjtklhwiaiiidhim t ootob btkmtitlntlun octnltorm utandlnk wau ltiuirniliusl ly thttrvmiiltn of wiltttm uuuinlnntl in iwychnlntfy whiwil uianiikonumtt liuithotlu and hy practical tnarhlnif hoitora kithtchiuii w p cor over fvcond 70 1am u v naiuiui aiii in ordtn- of juci iu klrtcau4icului vt y h nilllu jliluuu lulllli nirkllntviiiahlmruian akiiiu huwdc claudo mmccioiuiiikii ahdi caiuplwll mmy ijiiigui allwil ijinutry ijiiiji cartwi ikiiu dudley wllliammiu ijiiiiusnlt klluda uny luteli ymuaii bsoiidciuwi oita hlulrluy hau1 lluriiam jituuiu mimhn pa unrkltitt mtutlaiii jiouiu mc- kwon uahnookuutlh bciicol tlm fnllmvinc in thn npoi t or tlm vxnminatiniik held at djinnocklaini h h no ii iuipithln un lrtol ukh thn jmrttiitam nf oioli landltatn in klvonontlm tolii nuiulwr ufinnikh miutlhlti ciatw iv- a lludfnii 71 a iuptdl 11 mann ii t moffat tl m mcdnnnld ib k ilimlliitf cam iiia dnlilili ih k coin m h wnuou il v aftilfil r7 ii malin 1 mcdonaliiai w andivw x 0iik1 ii- p wiithiiiik 11 hyilfi jfi lhpoulti w mtdinmlil 7j j ifcihhm m hndtmu 07 m iind y u vawt ii of iul htiiiltt h kpinwl fth it cohhwl ii wuiiviiiii ptwtlof wit luaulnl maun bl a aihlraw 74 v moiril tw lid pr mlity foirin mmon foiiiirr i nrtlvlly l intnr- th v rkind wur of h tlmn follovd imilliiiini- atuji iuimtirt piayui and md irndnv tlinjiirntni in nuihlui in not miy iiriiuuikiutf- tlmt uuntl in- hinikht iwmtlty tlm individual ifniuuf tlm rciut mniuri hy fallhful th4r- liihmtlon iindpiayiiful inokink lnooil for dlrclion praynr u mm f nr k forci w ilit link iii wlllll-k- mm to lml in piiyr why l u7 chrut kiiikilfim i itol of thin woi 11 it in kplritmd pray ti- in iif4lul to milium lilu work wo lark hliiwitiku lacnuiai wnfill uipray for tlmni hiok innihlly ui ovtiirnint tha uplrlt of ahuhu praynr luui aninpllidmd iiilili in tlm luiu ami what ind him dolin ho ih nady in dn today un thn comlinf yar ht un idrlvo to im morn wlllhik to do our ulnar hi thlx u nrk tlmu iim toour mianlmi hand it in tlm duly of our ainclllnry to hip and imrniirnf ijadinimrf no dlniciilt tn kt for thiini hut thniijh thorn iiro dinlciiuiia and dlioiirakninnla cou- uuiittly mot with tlll if tlm woik i iwklwlml uuiomiih limiwirahln tlm imliila rtdy nnni thn auxllinry mi a child on ila inntlmr hn imiwt tlmy 1 iilipporuhl inlluiiiciml anil iuulliil praytirlmik um aval in nu in all cimi w lutd haduiij for nurlwiniln ijit mi fulfil thn routlltlntik come to lotl liumhly ikdlnvink nd with hilnit- nciuf nnd nkpocliincy gndswl faithful will miroly hfar nnd uiinwcr thou will onr lunula kyuid nnt drop out for lack nf lnadfru the wtiudnii clod with prayer hy mrs mcvlcnr larkn tlm church wiui widl filial lit tlm ivtuiiiik incilluk wlni ii wan provijid hy thn- choir and addivunu wrrtt ilf hvurthl hy ittvii ulalr mc vicar nnd wiliaui mr illair as rhalrman npokn a fiw word tippropriaui ui thn ocrnutoii and intiotluchl mr mcvlcar who im thn ivihytrry nipromiitutllvo hroiiht hijihy jcrctlo fmi unit imdy and mifknui that iiim of the nhli ladhh atttmd imxt pmhyttry tnnnliiitf and rport urn proctliniii thm or au no altiriiutivc that a written rvpoit ihi unt ihtv mr wiuon niivi a uinfit liu- prfiwlvn uildrofij tui why wo uhonld inuiiiit omilvflij in miiwlnnu ho idiowod that tlm tlfort or working and jfivhin for niluslowi had n mot valu- ahli inlhmnco on tlm homo church iln coiujnmhhd thu cotirnkti and fidelity of tlm wonmn mhudonitry intioviit would kvo thorn a momhlaiicu to chrut hlniwir thu krenuut nilwiloii- ary tlm apical nf hvuthunilunt waa nnt dlytiit tliiiinulvijaof tlitlr ivmmiui hillly to chririt and u their purlblntf fiillowinoii krlilay waa a hiihlnowi day tho iuoriiltig ficjulnn ooikmi with iluvotlon- ul ckfircltufl couducuwl hy mrs halt of hockwood who gavo a thoughtful iklhln tvatllng on thn undhijju of tho fiplrlt tliu nilniiuui of tlm pro v i on u uiwloiih wim read by tlio h4crttury tiilii followil thn rvidliif of tvtoru of tlm varloiih auxillarit and mhutlmi luuidu mttt iliw mr illiiiraud mrt cav lit wore npiwilntid a cnmmltuo on tvftnliitioiih tlio noitiluatiiikcoinmlttonhroiilit in tlioir report iow iininmforonicttrt for tho tiinilliik yonravtri laihniltlnd to llioui hut tho follow uk wcrti uur- kistrd hy them volctl on hy the imot- liik nn a whnln dwliirod ilfctml lhi mm hart jimlph lut vicepwa mm mo vicar ferkim 2nd vicopnh mrt mclean gimlph ilrtl vicaprou mm uolhwon puullncli 1th vice- pri mm ito klnrn ywrolnry mba kiirr ult tivamnvr miwj ii cant jalt iuc hcntnry mru cav- oiti jnlt hupply hjcrttary mm jiuwlwln jail tidlnk kdcroury mltw mclennan of jimlph tlio followllik lad lea wirn thoii tltct- tulud thn noiiiluatiiik committoi for tho cninllik year mm llullln i-vr- guu mm iforut klora mm ooldi juolph mm watt gimlph mm mccron lutiph thimpmiitlon an to tlm tlm- or hold ing tlm imitt annual tncntliik wim din- nihuhl it wnu finally dccldod that la tur hi tin- month of novtmilwr would oimhlt tlio niixtliarloa to havu tlmlr thnukotfiiliih and luinual uioitiiiuh without rluuhing or undun hnutn und to pitiuirn tlmlr nuutu for tlm ivn- hytinial uimitiuk- mrt iniwlwin mi lahalf or dm inlemivlllnrhti iiivluil ihn hulln to umot in contral church hilt imxt yrar anil lior invitation waa arciipltil thn nftnriumn iiwluii ohuiil at 2 ovhwu with player and illusion hyiuu im tlm uiluutum of tlm imiifiiiijt wwlun wrni riiul and approval tlm hohalutinii ouiinlttit thru tiroiihlit in thu folowiiiuroholullomi 1 tluitthln piwhylilnl luih imard with liuirli mirrnw of tlm middxil pro f our loved and valuwl lloum moivlmy mm uiant and iialiiiik hoinellihik of thu great mu hiihlaluml hy the hoard ot mninijit fioiu her luatli extoud to tluui our imaitfelt nyupjlthy ami auo in tlm uortnwlng tehitlve with a prayer that our hnavfiily kuthei may cuufoit thmu in tlmlr liemaviilient und ui nluo pray for hlu uuldaiicn in the iholei tif inn- miccimmiir 2 that the heeiitiry im lnllurted tn wtilo letuin nf uyiiipiil hy to mm xl4iivlo mr unrrmiil mm mr- intoih anil mui dow mui all hae hi life ml lieivavenmut within tlm lait fiw innnllni i that wo thank inont imaitlly tlm itlmtilu of arton for llmlr rorjial weliniim and kindly hompiuiity tlm poloran1 inaiiagelmof knox cliinvh for ut of the woiie the oikunlat wild choir mid all who have eoiilrihutxl in 4l vil i uui itoui any way f tlio fan i im t log minh jhef juelph hi luletotlllg pajkr nil t minion il4nd wk the tlgomlel villi the urr in nnioii tl follow- kolplme hug 1y the iv iduit thi kunlenrn piaym hy he ineul win ml mi meekln of waterloo utrd iii kmljiry and tea the he n taiya ltt mihw mrllwrdlh o gall aild aiitieai1 the hniitti uhlih 111 a lekulnr nieeling woulil hj- next in orirr wam dhpemd with and the roll waa called eaill metiih landing lo the edl- lug ot her nam i with u lt coiilaln- lug the woid iive prayer wmk then olfeied and a liynni iug then filluwed llliee iueutlvu lupeii on life or dr paton hy mimuh jean htiiail claia killer itud maud odouimll a ipiaiutte wan then reiulei nweelly hy little a inn glrlx idagialuuu geitlu johii holmes and kllle cnrry knh nmiulki then rend ail fom miiiio million held tlm inmt- iug rlomd with thn ulnglng ut a hymn and prayer w the iieiitiun liwiwcr wan rnuiluittnl hy mm gohlie who ahly animered a nilinwr nrquewtionu thu pivhident having called for any oveloolxm iteiini of huulnewi it wan moved hy mm ltnha ieoiided hy mm ltanuay that a tiyuomii of thhi mooting w neut hy oilr keeretnry ti tlm uov mr mcvirar lergu u piitiwiit tp thu mooting nf thu ivtiiihy- ury to w held in gimlph on nov ikllu a litnnilluk vole of llmnku waa tru throd the letlrlng ivexideut tor tho elluiont way in which ihe and her uttlceiii hnvo donu tlm work of the year juit cloiitl mm it ohm gave the cjming womih or tho meethig klin iipolc or thn iiillmirtiineu of tliiw uiltuiion work with at hoinu and ahinjid of tlm ivaonrceh o thn woilcim tlm iitivugtli and pivmmirn nf thn ioid tint nmii nnd wealth of the church mnio than iiiiu half tho wealth nf our own family of great hrluin jind tlm u k in in tlm lunula nf tlm meinwm of tlm chrlfltiau church it may hnvo won hick of infuriiintlou r tlui poat hut not in tlm pnwnt itwa our lack or interoit and ontluudiuim which hludem thn wmk inleivl hai ita origin in tnowiimlgo and ita outcoino in loving iiympathy the work can never iw accoiupliiihwl hy good wlnhoa and prayer only pemoiml effort lu necofuuiry tho niinuteii of thu tifterikhin iiom- ii on ami thu flnatudal titateiunnt worn ixiid and approvud and thu meeting chhud with prayer hy mm mann nf luramoiui thijiwmpin nf acum wore delighted with thn priiumico of- theia eimrgetic wurkni in mlwionary intoreuta and will gladly wlicoiiiu tlmlr return at roiui future date itching skin durtrrimi hy day nnd iilht tlintd the cornpliiiitt tf thou un arv no inilortuimui ni u he ufllh ud with ixirma or halt kheuui and out- anl npiilicallonu do not cum ttmv l the hourn if tin inmhln in in thn hlood laakit tlml pun and thin mnl- iiik hurilik itching iulu dueawi will dlpmr i v- km with aii utilia on tuf nriiinmllh lnivl viy illoirolil i ioiiiliiini u wii h rlxinii ninl imhicii of iiimmir kimrlll jii iwuuyii rr i hitn tkliik it i ml tllrr nil h wm mi ttcrfortt i w oiroil ll oct lid my k il litwt km iul k wamij com loliit uiu hoods sarsaparltta iiu tlat iiiimmi of nil inipuritlrf and ciirca nil oruptloim annual dress goods clearing mil dutlliiiic chohkw gttkmlf int novol atacoiiveu- llon of the ijiuritla of hoiith welling too on hatmday mr hugh iuthrlef tlm premiit ineiiwr wan iinntiliiioiiuly chomn an tlm iiwial eaiullilato fnrthe next dominion elect inn avo you ieeu urn ijiuriei eiuihiou lop kxwrt them ill mytt wifkc gooitivit it hii1 alwayu ttm moot pilnlnhtu niedtciim tlml cnien tlm qiilcleul school noll of iionoiu iii the ho or honor puhlluhnil lout week fie vera i nainen in tlm lint tot the fourth deiartmont were traniipoaod tlm following n thn correct iitniuling benlor pt ii stanley peatwon lol hortha hrowu iii luolla hoed lit junior pt iigoidon uwkur i ih hoyd clarkn 13h preddlo mccartney ii7 jiiulu ohrien ii7 marku iau1iio 155 vii bj hunuitilb moth eh wliiin llttloonemnro 111 thoiumilhln mother tin lnngor doueii them with imumtouti gfliilug purgntlven nor putn tlmni in ntmtp with tlm kocalled tioothlng preiiaratlon which alwayu contain harmful oplatrn ihihya oin tahlutu havu won luiod hy thouwuidii of niouierh who clmetrully uiwtlfy that tlmy am gentle in their action iiwolutoly wife and innkn little oimu nlflp wmnilly and nuturally lwcauw tlmy miiiovo tlm trouhlu that mnilo why iriltahlo and wakeful on 11 da imiint mm twatnoji harwlluld out wiyu i havo uiud iuhyii own taw lutu and find them u very valunhlu inejlicine for young children when luihy in cnimi or fretful i give her a tahlet nnd it wain puta lior right theno tahlet h euro nil thu minor alhiiniiu of little ouch tlmy art good for all thlldroii fro in hirth on ward hold hy nicdldmrnentom or wnt hy mull at 2a centa r liox hy willing tin- r wilmaiim mmlicine co hrockvilte out teacher williu what would w tlm unit thing to do if a wy iihould got hiimitrurk wllliilet li i tit iitny honm frmu kchnol chicigo daily nuwb dr barter celery- ffiohwlls the remedy wc positively guarantee will cure you orvour money refunded tli it n hint in- v it iutii n rcinily olttol to tlm mlil in it i tli mich nn inmost iuiiran ten of iiiro iiiiiki it an hi ihutt 0h ii- i rnuul iu lie wl treatment la iw turlil fur mirli irutililc at anariiiin liliihuln or irii sliunrn lulu and sillinv rmdjilcxinii nrrvoua iirau nlripl4iiia drain 1uj iinimir minur j ltiri- of jictilo ljy4utia nvn kvlinliun ntrum lkjhli- llynurm kt vitim dunco lvjimle weal- nut riiiiilcj ami llriiitloiih llrurt pat pltation slkirtikan of llreatli limnu ami ralntiu iu irimral weaknrui ainl ivilllly it u a grcut immiii tn icak w rti out run ihnva nuui ultl uuuni uihik tlmai tliat vliioroiu health tliut umleh ufa wartli ilvltijf tliitri i nothing wttcr fur pal im- hallo wyhl girl lo ioula tliu roaychddkml und full of itoumlliiglifiiltli if yoji mru uukloun to try dr hutte cuwylrii pun w will mh you 1 iidin for v- fu with lha uuiliriiluiiiliig mit1 with tlm gmtruul tlntt if you f- ytu um nnt ilcrivinjf l rriuii ttm to of tint 1uu alto- taung thro uxvm eoording to llrmtlitim yen limy retuni tlid j iniipty wxau tootlirr viitli tlm 3 uiuiuiid imprf uint ituvo your luoney tdfuailrd lly thu uintiu hex tld iiu ai tklo atbrown phtn b druggist und mullorior acton ont a iilcn iouveiilr nf alton in an aclon ciudiiun top heo iheiu next wwu ut c gooimvi a con x gul saws axes ggw shains should you rppilru any of llio ohoillnr our prkod are- lli wsl- vou can huy anything you wal in ihn hnrdwaro lino cheapsr in acton llian in the city try ill tin nit uiu ir iic tl uiici tnnii uiu rvr juioo com- iu wlut itauilla n tltu al duiiioihi ti ft- willi lihlu dinula xculkwhiull- if ttr 1 wo a1imllli w axr wmhi clniidr ac ul i t kvl elioiilill cow ctialun uhkiuii llniontii rliil cow clilu uiitfllab illeru oi tlltu cow clialu ariililloll lcuj cow ciiaiii l iiu lull flxlur ijoiiow oli 10a kollll bifllt ayluitr lr airt hi iuaih c1i m a full iiiuiily of iiilrtialloiial illmk koai r liv trv i kiiriiu to tlwullauauou lflof3l aclonsgheapesi hardware wm whmtfi cormirbhil and main street dont neglect your coughs and colds lakativi quinini taumith u fw lipuru do m lu jl- j5ca iho will chrck a cold li cautn intltii in ihn comioundljyuuiop wiiitirrini compound jlvuul of width pinh vltii tall uill rnllcve jnd cum your much plcawnt lo laic- 15c wttlii all the slatnhr1 putiin mrillcliim in ntwl hhanter phmb driigjiml optician mkoklt llull this week wc arc iiilhc midst of the first 6f our annual dross goods clearings ind wc invite every lady who liaseithcr immediate or future use for rtiygf the lines enumerated below to help ui make- this one of the events of the year our customers know that when we make a sale prices talk this one is no exception iiockwooo tin iiilliliiiliiuli i m r n iftlj vlliiiu 111 wiiiko- iliy ijwi uluu-ali- kuity iviiti ii i r mi ii i i iii pi 11 ml i ilnll i ji f ii i 1 ii111 iii lu i iimi mill in vi r lliiilu a p mil n ili 1 iln h111 riiini iriniruily iiiiiiiiii li luii wllli 11 yiu inlllik iii hl llilll iimllil lllllll 11 willi 1 hll irn in i i 111 vlllll h- dkbss goods i hiiikiii oimtiinii iciuliinl hnwiilrlotliu wnilliuui kiuiii ctllni l-hiui- lir null ilmlhii nil tliu wiiwiiim liiimrltuitiuiiiu ni-vv- iiil iirwlii wlilrll vn llliv1 fnuilil ittrihih iwillinl itlltuitlum 111 v ij am u for tlilii woiu your choir ur yil u liiikih rfwitllnui tnllii null illicit kmm1 of ylmhiiiii vliilamrfehii liln- inliikri voiim kohrniifii hrk il our rikhlur 7v k und ll llora liniiik tlii holo mr ikiy1 1m oltiimliliitii hrk- xiikhiiom alltmui vriiu houiiu4iiili imlilll l i vlln m nn hiii wiiky vlllll- i r iill llur liiniil v ii ninl miryl g ml iil ii w illllllll turn y to liiiuiy lillirf worlii morn until tlunlilo tlio prlni tlui lutluho lti- tiuwk imiow 7i ikr yurxl ill tint uxlntonllnury jiriro mr yl hats and tarns uiportnlloiin in mcaa cfllilrcno utuulwur lllfrl lit ifoyu rcnrcjntliik tho oeatona groalcal acliicvemenln in snurtncei and orijjlnalliy of itytr all molently priwl l n e lafontaine hattuk purr1ku iirjcsl hat slock in onlario of llio la lea siylcd wyndtau st avxlvu ont 20 s buggies 2 phaetons 1 mkt waggon all lu firu chii onlnr will wuoldat tjlaiihirr pdcca must w turned into ca1i at once come and look i lie in over hrliif in your slclm and cuttora lor repairs now and ill shead of lha uiuur rueli a low new waggon and hugglcs till i on haiul call and k ilicm jn0n6ill cgorcdtolflzn wwwmhuhhmmmm umhuwuuuuhmhmmmwwuuuhuwuwuw w m m m m j ur rororruc jj h w whmhumhwuhwhhmhwwuuwuwuhwuum a special snap uwwwwwwmhmww wrist bags u we have just rot in a splendid assortment of all j g 1 m thats newest and best in w s m g 5 s wc have them in all kinds ol leathers all styles jj j and milinrs s m j m h we are ofterinl as a special snap regular sioo g u m s baqs at 7fic s s f goodeve go kcton furs high quality r f at fair prices i vc novor lo tilit jfiliat fjci in any department uf itiisaipre hut morn ecially in llio ur tlupjtlmnil oi couibu nil hira luo aihanccd in prkc hnlotir cicry tlh rl i10 hefii dlrccied im bringing lliu prksi in tlio lowest patslbl jinl coiikiatcni with lliu pialuiob livory plcco 01 lur wo havo wan lunidht uarly in llio suuuucr when llw pikei woro llio lowest an wiihlow eiccpnonu tho prices they am olkrtul at arc uu cticap aa wo could pouliy liny tlicni at today tlila laum wo nmko a greater srowirt itinn ever pun jinip oaphu nvvva capkuinkh huaukh and lulra lara ulinwlnj nf 1ur ccaiu phhhian laud hikotiucj hhau hocmauan ahtuaoiian and uacoon in tho moat letirahlu ulyleu wo havo lacn ery caicliitaa 13 lit as wo tvall0 lint a ijraceful liuio may ihi 1 pulled hy an lltlinlii roai wo ituaranlvo a ported fit bcatitiftil jfrinincd mfhicry a splendid array of irlmmtd lialm or evsry occasion ia slmwn hare iteaiillfnl from vnry polui ol lw fikclmiliik in tho elrcanco of ihn iititvrlitu in die lifljiily ol ihucolurintt and lh irleilic lilrndilit ol tluditinliiuihruu whltli isallilimn lit our own wnrl rimiini hy our own uillljiicr and aro crluinly unrveuol ttm inillinismi i very day duty uliowfcomo now fojluttf to liau i haln wliy tho smati thcswri conin lure our wiiulows show wiintiof tho imwcil dn ins d e magdonaird bro 5 and 7 wndhatn st j untritues 55 mudonell st the itlon guelrph ix yardh mdtoim caithmjnti korgtxniid fancy hil and kb llnea for a clean uwoep at ur yd fgular 2v lv urc wc lc in the silk department for tho many lad en who nro ticihhitod with tlm tkcidlencieuof thludepart- inmit tint tun oayn clfnring will romn uu a uphmdld opiwirtuuity to piitvhiii- our stock of htack uilkn lu full and excellently okoited and itt tliupricimiiiounl iwlow iihould bring ti crowd of mthinilubttc liiy hlack fallln fntticaiw regular li1 ioulnmi iui lliu 811k 110 killall kilt 1wi morvollioiix 110 droll omln iio ivui ilo soli ls mouii kllk ia for this avkkk ut por yitril kc ipjirallnhwl opiwirtuuity for the ijullorfof tin all an repniuintinl and guaiauued katufactory neigh 1 o rhood tin thu i ilka a lo juittonia or fancy kilk witittlngw in nil good uliudea and dwlguii very dainty and offecllvn whiulerf rig soc und tj5c iiiuhi for 111 tlyu km y aid 11 hhick jap talfntta juut tlm thing for a lightweight ullk walttt full 27 iuclmu widefant hrllllnnt flnuh goarantwd not to cut w for pir yard 0c hosibby thin duirtlueiit luui nlw caught the halo outagiou and thei tttfei ingu urn la 1 iv to inletviit thu girla and lioyw mm well a tlioir luotheni and higihttra ft dozen nf hrlthili worwtod knitted kcluuil how upllcid kneeu two hy oiifi uihlw witmletoi fwt and gnarailtowl nil wool in niiuh uj lit from i y earn old to 10 at junt half tlm regular vuluu during our clearing wuc p4rialr ili doinni of child re n mikwu and ijuiiw plain heavy ciuiliniem iliua in nil hiwhi from incheh to 10 mtainleiwi with uplicml heel and too worth whohtuile tolay juut what wo uro nuking for them per jwvir iadieii ilhick cajdmiero how wltl fancy hllk nihroiderwl denigiih w- extrinpitdlty flno llnuhiwlr lu fancy lx r pair sfle lior imx iij moiim hlack canliiimro sox with fancy ullk utnhmldfrvd fronu very htyliflh denlgiih heavy weighu it jwillri in fancy imik jwr wtlr ooc j k per iwix lflv mena lancy ciudiiuoro holt in new york fancy uhot effect very now and tlfectlvo deignn full weight por jwiir muuh fanny ileatlierand oroy chock kost knghuh ujniiii fit c turn and denlgn our iwtit lailhtr all nlxoii wr pair innitnid ullh line yoke and n lhlilht mid a white lienvi r hot ultli iill pluiunj mhai idna ieaieu uindea harmiiig llour gill the giooni uim iinpported hy hli hiolh mr ithlmid iii- and itev ii iaiiyand mr ii i wie udteii after the ccreiuuiiy the gueli nlmnt thhlyllviii nuiiilier lining tin hn- medhtto fiieuih und iehttke1 of the eonttfieliiig part leu put took of luin h- eou at thu hoiim of the hi ilen mother after vvhleh i ho imppy eouilo went euit on a nlmi t li ip to toron to itulfalo and now yoil among tlui valnahle pivleiit1 re ilv ed hy tin hi ido wuj a rtirkoo clock the pieienl or tlieyoinig pciph of the clintiui klideavor society uim luul also iiorale tlm ihuivh for the miiiuiui tlmkilumil cotiiiiieihiix nt concit wu held on mninhiy evening and win fniokil ulthu icuidhieaking croud and matelilewii ucatlur tho 1 ill in and choruieu uiivnry pietty and thu oicaiion watt honored hy the preieiic of our local uieinher j i howuey mim juflph who gimi n iouliig pjitilotic adilieiit anolher eiptally hnnored glift cnnmajor j j cntlg hfti feigun who gave a few totrel- lent riiiiiiikit on the edunitlonal nyn- taiti mr jofiti strai linn mh anna water and miu manning weio pivn- rnt and lout u familiar uijiert to tho occjodoii hy their preience mim w ii oeoy who hint iaen visit ing mm i iii for ionm weekit lmn retnrnerrto hamilton aiiiniigiit the viistoni lo our vlllnge are mlui mcdonald inelph mru and mis carter feigiut mr mid mm ildwin harrin toronto mm and miktitiwicy noru ich wye 5wc in our furnishings dept plain scotch kult nilwool shirts and druworu iu all fcliunt doiihlo w hrcauuwi oktni length ithirtu imtimin hnuhed dntwori iwr gtirment wc red kcntcli wool hhlru and drawera inuhlnhraiiuul idiirtu vtr gar- limnt iuro ijitnhii wool unhhrinkahle shirtu and drawem all ainwi per gnriuoiit jjillmi icnmaun aoiuice hhirta and urawflru pom wool giuiruntikxl iinnhrink- f aa able very lluely ilnltdmd ninl cutra vttluo ut wr gormont js iihi muiih fiuhpnl nightcowu with collar gowl weight suitable- pjittcrnu full cut nil bih at each jjc and me itii iyjaiiiiih liuuvy hannehj fancy trimmed faut coloru fancy jwt- k pa utriih ivr fault yl75 and lsm metitj flaiujul topshirta unulo of allwool fancy canadian flannel nil itiiuvi each iwu meno uuliiunderod whlto khirtu unnn ihwoiii lid ciilfh roinforcd widen iiack nud hhouldcrti contltiuuiiu fitcingu lino oven cotton ttody all ua idxeofmin li to 17 each meui heavy allwool sweaters la block white blun given black and yellow blun and rod red nnd white grocn and rod high roll collar c- rtrt knittoilcuira each v mwj munu neck mutileru in wiiyn ktiltttnl and fancy slk rhapeu all new coloru and very fancy dwigna at from ooc menii lined nnd unllittwl glove of all klnda kldu mochtm hjirnnncu ha- suedeijfnr triiiinmd or othrwiho at from imc meuu driving mlttu in linnuiblde rowlildo and buck well lined woll made very ucrvicoable at from 3plow menii diviut and driving cap new knglub goods hmt to band with fuilinwl ear lugu very alglitly uorviceablo ami atylinb spiwu menii swell now shirta juut opened in linw aiucricnn grey offocth all liliuii each iuw bulbs for winter chinese sacred lily each c 4 for 25c siiirle mixed hyacinth each 5c 0 for 25c double each 5c 6 for 25c hints for fall bcousepleaners a uurliln hero a rug thorn maktt tlio living rojuun uitniirh brighter and iiiiuggnr for winter we havo a cnllotlou of uccekwirloa lu that hue that will gladden the heart ur many a tiuity bouwwleanr thin week 411 odd tapeatry cat tuinu worth by tlmpjdr from luw tn llooo iur ialr very tuuiiitiful iuui arllutlo drwlgmi but having no unites particularly elfoctivu for door draping or couch envoi ing for a weeks only at prlreu ranging ut from 0c k each tn w 100caimasaiupietj in h ynrd oiiiln iiinurlrtln worth rognurly iu tlm plice no tii tthl wr yurd ninny exipiinlu orienul deulgnu uultityio for nigs niaiiy inatcliinl ikiuuivd doalgnu iniltithli for lituiru each fixiiu iringuii to inntiai at kit und 12c per yard j hi matting sample very tlno convoiitional nnd llural dehlgiih laiitahlo for matin or itpjindmrtt yntxt wtiar loc half yard mpiant r iijiin ijico curtnliih u vtnl long all and 00 incheii wide ivgularly vi o0 mill 17mmr jialr for per utr piece alt wool two ply curimu flint colora rovendhle iil inches wide talk idiudea and rwl rogular hie imr yd for jutr yard 110 fresk butter lb rolls 20c lresh errs per dozen 5 fowl wanted highest price r rbscott twbu8y toii mill st acton fltia bhrhbmcttta roomers wanted 1tuukihiiid apiilylo lo comrortaliltf home 1r sale lailili fllaa luillatit llonin ci lilov iuilas lirl aluiiarltirillovsttdftarl aiill4 ot vo aiiy to iiisuiiuuivj co commercial hotel acton von sale tfia canliifccll ilolnl on tli loijilifl ui klij on ol lha li t liutliia liolu to acton im ooiiviuut lollia lajiway oviuit ii urp iiutnlwr or lmnlr ami cooj eommui t tail a g llfutl inl hu bt cotilluuou4ly mifovmr iblity vm wilt lm aom ou mi- kbu itniii full irli cuius ujmiu ttwjulry troui tli owner tiioilall illinnrtt k3ui lulllokiul 1 o wanted 1k nountrv uil uka wju tor ofc llaioy hlwclftluod lu fruit tr- ui all foilu oriu- louilmjd kluulw tm viiijj aj iouloi ke lluxik uui to aain ami tt tmia luu joj iaai a iniiniul twtelllou tor hi iliitit bau on elilitr aalary or oonunluilfu utonu a wullisatom kqllllllll kutiullm riu taronlo ont auction sale op timber berths puiimg xvrlcgulolycwriu that utu- aut toautliarltyor orlar lu cjud ilia lujau1 wliitd iins tiuiikh in tlia lallowliij towulilim uorli aul ait usioaiy ih thu niltkict op nilxkhiwo uia towiibiiih of llultnii crutluiau ijklu ayl- uiy jklou uccartliy sirrult alulock valtof vruoll mlrl ofl tuawall ookltm utajtot lanrow lirlof oborii mit of hmjunullaua 1lialim dujtof lhtiikiultrilctolalal01iauurtkrii ituuijuoi uiiitawiiililiftf k liiliatiainuul uob- rtj anl llok w ujr ooavtuu al in tub ihtmy luvku uihtkiotturuil nnt qlnid uutud ow sud tli lollnwlun luttlih willi uia riuliu to out aul iuio tin hlu bitrua lamsru o ur aul ijilri n tidulf ciisuiu liafjt litt li oil ou lid it isa iu 111 uj ita lurlka noi 111 k j kj aj kj will ld oha for sau ly tobilo auonna at ilia rirlumil uilluliilt in tha city al toroolo on wk un km ay tll ninth day of imckutult lus at ut lour at ohtt ooiook lu llu atirtiooii oiata oouialuluu urtaa aud eoadluous of iuu au iul or in a lion aa lo ohi aial lol sil oooo4uiu do uier 11 lu aacli lirtli will ua furulaubjoaatiiilicatlou altliartkraial or by utur lotlialmuhiiitailof ctooii iuij to- routo or ut crown tlmbr auaol at utuwa luult hu uarl lort aiuiur tut tofuo auj voit vrijiow i j mvih gouiuilalour crowu iuda uuitutmuut av ciuiwn luwiw turuuid julujoi iua ii ii no miatiiliurii nu mica t ion or uil ajviudaieal will im lva11 far ijessire j xxvixx jstw tho croat housoliold clounyor ask for sample package fur washinu ilncu silk and flaiuiolii kilchon utotalh slucrdc lnruiicd as a ctranur for soiled uiien a- t brown clicnilt ami stall ui chinese lhundry in reurwmi iliiildnij willow tareoi aclon ijutnlry llltol nnd iclunu 1 luinlly wuvlilnit ul r4 mahh rtlru all wall dnnr y huid no iiiarlilur w clum 4 llaiem hlv lru