Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1903, p. 1

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tt- voijumio xxix no kvny liil hll ai ontario thursday moknino nov km it kit till uhy kinj io con kkt huh 10 c k n th 1vluy tillmthijay morning arrtib lrrfl lr4i nuniii irhithi-nlr- 11 fu iituiit aotofoht tku llju ilrlnlly lii nlvuni- all iliiletli lhui wliuu lit- urn- for wlilulnliav liavai utd h amilial tti- iul ui wlioli rsry ubmili-ti-nl- 1- 11 i lunolaj nil ui- ju- tal advaatladol illyaa trlililt ajlyaruaa iuuu lllmulil lr niittl-t-illlu- fr itlat lll- rtloil ii uallu laf oil auliualll liuutlau uowtnlot llitbtlht fultltf ubl liln a uurtklmfirtlllrllll o ulailialllalltfl iwclhillllxll ii 6 mo s wi iw iono i 31 no i 91100 i t i w m i wirxil iioo i j to m i in ml tool uj a u t ui i oo 1 1 alwfusmubtlt wltbftill hhmilrth tlllmumh 111 t inuiuil till furlill a ml alum iwoil lnlv trahal- a ii vnlaamait will it ohnittl ino ndl hlonui lar vi hlum- olln1- iwi ddmtidoalhtiii oumihwlllaii muat l iajd for al rculrata ohuicwifor oonuajtuivruaamuu tnoat b in th ofllm by ttooo oil tiiwltji a mount tlla tnnuuly unilluli otlw ill vtat ilut lnmlnii ii c wbr uaaru u alll j- hariy a will twli for u nwu bulnf lillou ami ml varfuoanuu auil wll iih of ell 1- iif 1kb oil wlnti iii km afufiintgb fiirrctatii uxd1cjl yoiin m macdonald mdcm mrrckliiuu to j f uhkn m r a m offlo mill tauauocomr uiu vrdwto huuaouu oote ilourt fcloiaaoaii 1 to l pui aiul r lo 0 vto day sells cheap lyilwiiiilmfl iiuiimih non jaiiiim ui iif ivh and noti cahhon iailii luhiionh all si and foi all machine ouii uljf stock sulufactbn ciirninwl in nery days book store cvolph merchants bank of canada capital 6000000 ret 2 900000 mphos gray m d c m mcgill iu01 unimuuiuiii 1 1 v hqmwuk uuum llaitiail llkuiclb aaaocixriow bo iom6vrdalok ulrt 1 aoltnioiil tt1 d ault m d c m rueaor la ur uckutuf ofric- ml rwliunwi lonnmly omuii4 by u10 ihwlor fimlttriek hi orrieomoumhto idain 1 u j mid aoton ot r drydhn rt bm uim tuuoiv mu hoi ooruar woolwloli uj hjtr fllu ouuuii oricm mouwa10 in- la i pm- d 8 la pn bararru l l nkmhhtt lutf 0bntid1 j u hkll ddb iiu b nuwriar aonah iiouom ou11u1tm 0 fowlmto uwivkjiity viiriwu nyuvlit titd llilrj u dy urookvill- fily llookwtmhl lb utl milbuo ud itlrj 1 ueajli 1 juiottlnnon luuhlbykit nflmoitou cailvkyawc 0lfill vu1 in uluia llloak ulljra stathams bread is always in favor j uumahb uiitk vourlli dmloh court couuly of wl it- i ldatw aijalll iioiwy to lo lata aoton untl e vwcxlljlijxo as m j harpy co avlrti6lta cohtuactoub ani1 nuwa coubusiowoiltt jo ili slri london 12 c euklnnd by vluor- lo ioudau la wlioui j1m rtl will u siva ii j vr a p iiusuand v s mjuuoiurlnvlrlukryoallfl lioti umbr vuiiuin ua4ilmliumiuly i wnnuun hajbar blloli uat tl to va buii- mn uui aouiu ijiuanoltf nunan ilookulhdlih u yuiuiau ht 10 aokiul ltooki ol all kluilm wajlo otitf ijtojujaouvrydirlillouoajiully bound lullurumil urouitilviloua m auiuaok liouniiiib ii i uqoitk urci oyal411uuuh 14iiuubub lrlvluoao- kowilhwul ad l tauidni lu uld avalllutf vt4 ir otaoa acton w tm humutmsut jiosmbkb auttriohmku f til flouuti of walllutlull uj xajuj ufmlaflkt urjtalajtkt lllakmmm lkit- omm aouiti iryriubolu auuti will l irtiujpuy t- tttnul lu tarnia 11-uoilabl- alad liiouwy 10 load ou til tnot fvorblii tale tf luuraaf ill umihcuiuttd htoott calltali lldq0o tiiu wiill1noton mutual inhuiiakjcit company vubiuimd 10 -io- llfadodm oubull oht rhhuuahtk ul altlil ulltual ilall kf i hijiainu riuliud wll lir fruitlltty alu-nd- vjl w h uuskv an- youutt til anion auo litem fr lliw union lnuuiituo cc of iii aoton machine anil itcitalr sliw iiunitvllltlhum i irnrilor i km wall 4lllll- u ll imllllj- v uiiry inummulutil win to uimliln- ny iililb4llaullual lltlulillaltl lu d l bimuitlbtviti ntllnjtiii- liliiil ft mi y nl iikuluuiuiiih wimmlwcru valtalta ikaitwiklaj 11 4 ujftirv iiinir wo oaw ruar auy tiiwiblu liihuitit tf v uiuj hw uiiwadl uixinuiiii oilsmeltermines davidson carter murltui 8 q ll tiro ctiolpb- itkiltkhkntind douglas lacey co new york uwkmmylitkhji fc 1n fmuliiul fvilliiiii tt1imil miki kilitiiititiihl lll nr writ ri- luirtlrtium acton branch a gknural ranking rusinliss transactud inlefdl at moat favomhlo current ralcn allowed 011 gavltik uxnv atcoiinm lotto id of credit uvallublo in all paftd of tho world ltinuod at thid oflleo sncclal attcniloj k 1 fanner dual ucaa money orders voh awv dum uv to ljo rynblo at any ban king point in canada oulaldoof ilia vulon territory tiy now b procurotl at ilm hank counter wltlioui any delay open t very friday evmilnji from lx to ultflil oclock a- h dbvitt mnnocor li very bus ijne 41 of lb lubll0 and liiloraii uiti woll kquipimki aiid styliab iutfa oaa alwayrib4 sooyd t llldiubl a ttodifortab tiu tilaau tl uilt ullwaau 10 a til aujd fl19 t 10 oarjul atuutloilauail uiavaryoniar tli wauuftf oominudlaltiaval lata fully tdat ioiin wliiuams the staff of lifo frkli sconei hum and dough nut every day all kind of cakci oil band tatfa mada to order wuddlng caltei a vlftlly confootlotiory ileal aatorlment of coocctlonery froir bco maker popular price phuitb tuwayit on hand in no anon- vegbtables in varloly ariooenics at oiobo prloos xoe oueam and bummer drinks t statham st son 11 ait bit auii ayoeir uain ar acros hbrriemadewaffies arli a siliclalty with miss b millar willi st aclon ilr 1ui comprlu mailli ckham iea ndt dritt11 sioncii ta1fy almond nochutc woaton broad and williams broad at tba old ificeii caui uuiis joona tart uholls plan gnctjci mom ant uolojna aiwa on hand aoton uauory migg u millar if ihrtf- wllllauia io10w tbayro proiar williams goxl bhnci are l bo fu ini tial on of correct ilrem wllllami khw a ikeil wul tboa for mm women or children 1 liy conirlhuie j and flracu 10 tho feet and are llif llm- 11 of comfort and durability in khorf tlit ocjiio ol bbimi wirfciloii litiwr htymh ari alwayh rkviiy flllt your inhpttftlion pootweae wm wiiliams i bl action j wo know what airepod doc- i tors think of avers cherry pectoral ask yburown doo- i tor nnd find out ho will tell cherry peptoral you how it quiets the tickling throat heals the inflamed iunes and controls tho hardest of coughs ivl chmtrt funl l wii khown 1 urthmlly vltink 11 i ih hn miadulsa hard coughs cno ot ayers pills at bodtlmo will tin ton recovery contly laxative pariru ti1ic bittl1i1 r1 ii 11 y liln lll n 1 1 m nil lll ii will nimlr tl wiiiik lliil u 1 to iii llvloiciiml iii ilimll ii- who lh ud lulll ml niul hi i hiu luivl i will ll 1 t i will illu ii ll iii i till i111 mill ci thlit ih national portland cemant lllli famamko iiuitmam vlikli in lii firal miaton looj uiii hvo a margin in nlu over mi iilicr lmnil on i he canillan nilrlrl of trim rnftnly fivn 10 on imnlrnl tlinunnillinrie 3 men convincing ainmcnt in ii favor loin ouulph aunnlu- john m bond co cuvxrn chamberlain remedies chamberlains cough homedy for coiijilia cnbln croup mill wliuip liiij couli price 35 cchlh larfje ai 50c chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea uomedy for ibdwol compuinbi price 35 cent chamberlalnd paid balm an aiitirwptic hultiiciit enpccially vnhun tie for cuta llniiua sprulnaaiid ubevuiia- u1111 price 35 ceuu larijc ciie 50 ccnla chamberlains stomach and liver tnblcls ior dlttonlem of the slonifldt livci uld rowels price 35 centa every one oe hose preparation is guaranteed and ii no fully sat isfactory to the purchaser the monev will b refunded sold hyat bkown cf stcond buggies 2 phaetons 1 mk waggon all in fir i c i n3 order will im told at fjlauchier irlce musi lie lurnnd into cash ni once cnnio and look them oer hrlng in jour slelgba nnd culler lor repairs now and joi ahead of lha ulnter rush a fow rinw waccoua and iihrhics sill on ham call and w i be in jn0neill cborcbtouin dunlop sioewie tire pato nsft ggj tilo irttfht mid niout ullcctlftlful currlttkii tlr on tlin iimrkct ooiialrticuml with mutm iuiih ovory lliiuiuitrtiw tif 1111 inch vnlciuiliil in nihlmr ami nu actual part of it ho- tiilniul in clnnnilu hy ulrcu nt tho outtr ftlnr iuthi tiptui tlio nhoulilcr formol hy tluihi- cvohh bjim aluinltitfly nollil i ioiiltlvoly iu mo vit 111 u nt w 11 to for mrtlotilnra niul price lint ml vh unok ylro ott llmttll yocoiito w haltber b1us paper makers 1 georgetown i ontario uook nouas colohod pkp9rs john u hakhhli mkill ii 111 l iiiuii1 mi wioiik lilli- t tll4iili i wllllny my liiul in my nriulili ii hiiinl nml tiiuntlmr wn will ntmii uc rhy n tin ll lrinnli mill tin lilark imit it it nil 1 dlvhiknnil tnkliik iimumil iurli oir lliiiiillliiliiiiiil 1tnith wlnirn wo null to itliiy nr in ilnlll mil iiivi iilihll lilrin tlnui lit u will hlh mill 1ail lo linr 1 1 i nilnlll tin wntim of iinilillt htlir lriini tin fnr niul tint lliirlykiinrliil ktrimiiih inn tli jwiolii n lifio ui iny iii unit 1hi tlin rnrn rnvrr mil nvll ilirmuu niul tin youngs rnrn mir initn ll tlioi r fjiul tin hywl plow mid till fnit imuuu tlint ilrnw anil tlir limn we out in iii wiit of mil linnr nrroiilin to thy hiw afliir llmniorlh n iniill itllle lrliwiinr tho iik of lu 11 l llnit i iiki foiil lib inn- innil fiiiul l rilu ir nil onr inn in i ilmlviiiil klpllnu in colli wookly scutl jfuiuilti ilcnbiiij oppositk l ory udokn nttrlltik f tlir chivil- wl train fairly jerked alutcm iiiix into 11 moat iliu ui infill of pnjinih ulld to tho lloor ah hi- iitimiptil to rttmir tin in bin ulitnco fiu upon tlin fiici of ill- kill optoiiit4 it uiiu uvhcfltt mid nciihilli1 frntn- inl in a mift iuhkh oijjnlr thiiv wnn botnftliiii iiltrncuwi in iherteur pil tot- of hii- olnvkh nnd thn nppenling ilvofip r thw iniiulh vit alnlun inlltwl grimly one nf ihn rlhikliiff ypi- hint i ilnhpuf hii alii tn hlmaoir -tlit- kintl tlint acrpflin kt fi minim- niul nil woilirn nrn more or lcsti of tlint vnr- ity it only hiiouu imty ntulihuin urmila lu vvliou uht nrmh hint they imvn cnurnf ltiutnkii lint tho rirl muni liiivt ivmnio run uclmia of 11m rontcuipluoiin acnimny for n fluah roso ui lmr rlirck niul nho till 11 id tnwnitl liu uludnw tlitui ailnioiiluhrtl alntnn httml hliutuir t hlh pnpev ho mil juiit imiiuil liluimir in tin- lock ipintntioiih wliiii thn uhiit wnu nliuoit t111 fun hi lumil moiiih oiif inrtlnil lirnvlly nhninot him lit- lmtti up n aurpruj iut mi- inurd with nngnr hut tho rtrgrfhsin- wnu nlnmtly pnrt wny up tin- nlfdo it won n wointm win ntngnrnil lihndly up tho cur now niu tuiniil unrpi- tnlnly no tlint ho could urn her fnrc 8i10 wnu nn plenanit dkhtjbmhf wiih hlnrk iinhtitl lilark i rowed lultldln 11 fled utl hunk 11 t niul rrliue luul takou nil vfiltmrii tif rc- upilnhllity frnm lmr lialihy clnthtn ayiiaty hlnck ihhuibi wnu piichnl inkfanly on thn hncu of hm htnil kroiu iwnnith thhi grnyhlncl locku hlrnkkhd on ontl chook wnu tho mark of it hrulvo an alio ngiiln liirch- cd pnut uviuvnily flioplupf for tho door iht oyt wore ilxtd in iv rltisuv utnrr her ii ijuittmvd unliitfl- idy ahitoun our tiiuglit n nigh that wns hnlfiisnlk tho ing nt tlir woi ffiir tlilntml nyti othnra in tin cur woi wntcliing mul umillng now nn a lurch of tho train filing linr into 1111 ompty hunt thcra wan on muluiin titter not a hnntl wiih rnuftl ui help linr in n iiilnujo alio wnu on vv- ftrt nkiiii hut tlio jhock hud tnrnihl hnr round niul alio lunn n stcoiul inluir- od passniro up tho car tin- ui imjl hunk into a iuhiinhh- llttlo honp aiutoti wntclutt htihiilf pitlugly luilf nnxiouiily hho wnu jiuit tho kind nf hl u fnlnt nwny ho tuhl liliiiknir an thn wouinn ptibil he cniikht niiiniirt iht imilttirhika thn woixl twfiitythiitl kvltlonlly that wrh tlin utntiou whoro aim wiulutl to til olf homo otui would havf u help her whop tho luotoiuinn hukmi ilulldly ou tho plutfonu iwtween tho ciiih auton coinfortid hliuiudf with thn ifiihctliti that it wnu no hilutniaa of hiw if n woiiian got uo jolly drunk alu nihl not tnkn ram tif hirtiifr city ii f i iiipcrluillcth n rii tnln imitl- niuu to ipllit iliu kiillly coiihcliiuv ho furnrd hguln to thn k hhf too luul mtikltt thn word twitilythlid it wnu ihn unit lutlim nho tonkid nroiuul npuiil- ingly khi wii thn unly wuniiiu in tho rii tho inon wore ttigrontitd in lliilr pnparo ol hiiilllng hrondly nt tlin fun ilcr tncf whitened into ovtoi inliui- tlou hi10 put up himtily und touched the woiuuli on thn uriii tlin wrcteii- eil ittaturn tinned njtgnnuively hut miinelhliik of tho pjiln mid pity in the yuiuik fner aiuniud to pleco her ho- ruddlitl hiuiu tivnntythlnl ajiml nn wild thlrliy while a fnlimux i-inll- pil nvir her fue you wunt tu get 1 ic nt twenty- llllit th hill tipeiiled gently yen i know 1 will help ymt olf aiutoti upuuig to her ulde iai uui hlp ho hnploil the k tinned tu him dellnntly mm thank ymi xhe imld in cool ewil tlllhh hhn iliew line uleiuuu llgtuo tu ihi full height ihhi ttuik the in hoi- a tlgtiie dow i10 rirlyipohlto wnu gnx- oninu with faiiclnntrd he piloted tho tivnihllng nm ohu iilnl pu the ioiik length of thn ml tiiktlliiou oui1 liu mulody them iu mi niiialc hi a rent hut then la tho milking of iiumlr hi it ill our whulo llfouietotly the iiuiuli u broken olf hmv anil there hy rit and wt fooliulily think we hnve eoiun to thn end of tlin time i ml kondn n a time of forced tf inure mlcknoaii din- aipointtut phniu fruutinted olforlw and luakeu uhodden pjitmo in theclior- nl hymn of onr liven nnd wn inmeiit thnt our vuieeti iiuiut luihlleiit nudum- pnrt niuidiiirftijho liiuule vhlth ever goeii up to llie ear of the tyentur iluwiluim ihn niitileiun tviul the lent hi him iwnt tho limn with ntivnrylng cniint nntl cnlch up the next note true and til end y iui if 110 bunking place hud iiiine in lktveen not without denlgn tinea lod wtltn the mimic of mtrlhih he it oiirw to learn the time and imt he dluiiinyed lit the teitii they 1110 not in ho id in 1 ed over not to ho omitted nut to lextroy tint melody not to uluiugo thn uoy iiute ifvu took up oimi llltuuelf ulll ihiii the llniu tor um willi the eye on llho we idiull utilke tint uexi no n full mid clear if wo uny uadly to uiliielvnu them u 110 liiuule in a iejtlel llj lint foiget ihelo lu the milking of moult- lu it th iking ocrnuule la natum mid pnlnfillpiogiiv ralilu lift- bmwpiitleiiilydimlwoiku to- txh liitl ui st long he wulu for mi to lrn tho hioii- john itnukll rich wnhii hnalliy hlool lu given hy lioodnhnihapiiiohiiindlluiacnnghu in nro pi it ill- eorlli ilex died nwiiy tlier wnn mlleh unveiled eoliuuipl in her ilii1l- ing tyrt lhit every man enworvd am on wnlehed her in ihitui- fared wonder thia nmture ir ii11 and podoii thhi avenging grildei- wan veiy dlllviinl fioni the xhy glil who had niuiiiil hefoio hugne alniwt iwf he realid the llniu had topped luul nlai ted mid twenty- iiihi wiih hft far udilud the girl opposite did not riimii hark to lin- ueiit hhohnd 1 tt tho ear whh hrr chaign aa he thought of lliogiay oyea that hatl not lllnehnd during that jomuoy down ilm alula the uulbl liwik of ho uelrappolnted jil had given pluro to a iimv humility ahiton i want you to meet mum huriomt hu idutei umula mild iu lie attolted into the drawing room 11 night or two later he uaw a tdendnr figurn in pate gray and n did lento fiteu fraui- ed in miirt hnk iu horiit gave a gnat throh you hfcvn often lieanl inn iktak of kllxuliotli itut uhn hroko ntf in autoiiluhnmilt a alow hindi luul crept up to tint rootu of her brother hair and turning idm ujiw that it wiih vividly iellerled in thn rheuku of tho glil at haridile oh xion you have met hefmv and infin tl i men eongratuhitlnk mynclf thai i would lw tho unit to umkn you frlendu 1 you wn hnvo unit infore aluton luiuwered mihteudlly lu pity for tlio blunhing girl and ho lunt down in lila couttlleiit ninnnnr and kuued a hruid thnt tremhled urmiilu olirervnnt ninttu uaw that explanations ton due ho uhn utoln a wny alston promptly uat down itcuidn mlixi ilnicmirt on the hlg dlvnjj can you fuigive my luipnitluenro in utaihig at you i ho other day he nuked too hnpituouh to wnutn time on pre 1 111 1 nary conventional i tlit oh if you fould only know how often i hnvo thought of yoir nnce that afteruonifntid how have loathed mxhiilfl hmry man of nu in that car iiiiiimil tmi fen 1 fill of public opln- inn to show that poor cienturo thn rouunniipht bnitinnity r you put mi nil to idiauio hy your courage i dnred not tell my iduter thnt wn were friend hut i want to hi will you let inn idiow you thnt i mn not ulteily a coward hn held out liln hand apieallugly the girl ftnvi him her hnnd i hnve thnughl a hi ait you too nhn coufenieil fihyly hut not nn a end una nfiald llial you would think me too forward and i wan rude too yon iee i iecognlud ymi from mm of your photograph nnd i know you neii- not a coward i know i uhould metit you whim i camo lime today- hho paiimil and n rich tide nf color uwept over her cheokn alauni hnd meant ui lalu her timid hot midden intuition made him drnw her tohlm imitead wo slmll lw fiienduaiid loveiu he uhiupered and ahe did not any him nay bailing anouno tiiu cow mnuy a ieii cnptaln has luiilotl n round the world nlnce tho ndven- tnroiih voyage of tlajiuiln cook hot few navjgauiiii liavi- tried what tho captain of nu kiot intlinmaii ilund to relate nn an ejtperioncn of liln own un wnu out mi a foggy night and bounded iiih foghorn iih ovory wlwi cnptaln ahould lmm tho ntirhonrd alda cm 110 thn lauiiid of a foghoin apjiareiitly from a vewinl very cltuui ami uhowiiig 110 ughu port your holm l bhoulotl thn cap tn in and ihn nixlnr wnu olioyttl then he blow hi hoin flgjtio- duck from tho wmio ndatlvo poult ion although thn uhl hnd alteroil tier coil run tlmo poinui cauin tho anund of ihut itaawrrlug foghorn hard apoi 1 1 roared the captain that too una done nod tin idgual waa tried again hack from oxnetly the hjiiiie poiiiliou although tho venue 1 had now changod her rnnrso tinvoii pointa camo tho uouud of that fog horn the captain alarmed was junt going to give the order to iuveruu onglnou when one of tho ofllcnrw dia- covered thnt the uupjwmed fughorh uauouly the cow that wiih canled on the forward thick to supply fieuh milk for tho puuiioiigiirti twicntv ykalia aoot1iib wieiek intirurijc tuma cull rram ui cr trma of nuvombap zznd 1 i ana or mr ii j hull of merlin wi uiwii yeaurday mr henry i- hill if turiiid llulftlo ynttiittay in acumi on nov lmh to mr mi jauua nlrkllii a daughter karinei ate aaking au high iu if inncord for hardwood cut into atovii leilgttia mr ltolh haalei th nkating rink friiiartoii hkallug lull for thn unoii at th ivreiil piovlneul kithlhlllmi held at liielph thorn wote lyj nutilea of horiiehind 101 of cattle hlelglim wet 11 running a eoiipln of day- hint wrok hut the warm weather blnru hnii milltnl the ideighlug w ii htnivy a hon hav their planing mill machinery in the build ing of hi om plow co now in nit 1- tlou mr win kerr of nawwignwyn who hnd hlat hand liijurod hi a thrvwli- ing muchhm a fow winiku ago died of lockjaw 011 monday the v p akmociatton of victoria univundty jolmiiug aut a loth- rondohuic to thn fnlatlvnu of tho luu- chau av ijtiiliy ha thiu wok mr lztlward hinnllle nf nerval won flrit prito at tlin provincial plowing match hut wiwik with h plow l facturnd hy orlovo a hon george town ijflut friday johnnie thn ulght-yeur- old ami of mr ii w nlcklin fell in hu fatheru mill and fractnwd hhi left arm in twopta dr tnwry iimiugmi thn fihctuif mora hoturt ilmuo qw w ii1111- luiud henry hualwnd and w h ijilng retliriiod from monaomlu n w t laat ovoning thny wilt return in the uprlug mr holirrt knmmwin himlenaetl the 20i acre farm of mr ittilmrt wataon un tho nth hun mr john j iny a of ntujuigtiwoyn goe tti the farm vacat ed hy mr kaniiawin mr peter llttlo poatmnator at cor- whln who wnu wonndnd in tho auinr- ican war hnh irceivsl n eheipia for 7m1 from wnahliigton niul will in future reeelvn a piudon of 8 a month fur life in thn council meeting on monday uvoning upon motion of i hendonion nnd win imnond w h htorey a hon glnvo innnufncturerh wore grant ed partial exemption from tnxntlon for n jieiiial of tin yearn bum oi tllle tonqut i mmd um a vety timid ihtlu ghl and ulio uim po llciilin ly hy ahoul mertllg the iiilnulnr the uilulteii iiiuk wau near maudu home the iinw piearhihad ved ip j- few wenkii lufoie hlu lime and maiidu mother whdied to uend 111- win- iiuiiiu fifth eggnj muutjl go motherr ihn half leaded yin dear her mother muaveied tint eouk lu very huuy mid yoni brother tullik haa gone to the grn- eer11 ao tako ihla 111 tie hiuket and go tpiikjy for me jt dlil heiii tha her mother could have walled until lianka leluiii luit pothjipu die thought it a good way in which lo ovvrrnmn mauda iihynrhu maud wan 10 excited that die eanio near dropping ihn hinktit of iggnwhen llnv mr hlonn lilnikclf iumweied her l lug at lhii dooilvell oood uimnliig mr kgg uhn uliiiiimiiod mother went yon konut wtoucj our uoyn and olru th mv doodllckniie id idialy tlnough hiuiu hei tiliaoit i liainiiotr toglher int 1 in- pi l uitli lla 111i1k im oak ami rhotnillii with taiuutla of gold imling ilihiiiin and the vol- of ii hi heavni of beauty tiui nweit for ida ihloom wltii vanikctiko one of tho teuilnlaceiicea of a very utoiit nnd linalthyiooklng mnmher of tho grnduntlng ctaiia at ynlo wnu thnt bin tutor tuhl him thnt ho wiih itetter fitl llinn taught you teach mo i feed in ysi if wau tho rolurt how doea you llkr do now preach im c naked mr kraatnu plnktey very much nnuwoivd miua mlania drown hoh got n gotwl atuht ho known a henp a wordu iiiijch an uoon nn ho getu em nrrangetl hi do proper order hell huh a mighty fine sermon wiiuhliifttnn hur a little jrroup wnrotuhcukuliiglllolaa comet in 11 country atoro ill toll ye kali farmer hartluhell that wiim a great full nf utaii tha time that com et cainu lilting i aw lufirn than a thousand drop with my own oyea i didnt uee em lempoinhul joihilii itrlght hut i looked noiit the next night uml i nollcotl the htnru wrro thin ned nout conhtdnrnhly if i rntilil only git a bite to eat ho whined why dont you work alio nuked nolhln dtihi in iny line tie answered im a dime 111111011111 gfrieh eater an theyll gettln too common poor man i alio aald uynipathcticut- ly conin right tnniul you can have the lwo ruble ui unit the gbuw dluh tho girl hroke thin innring chicago livening pout man v ways op bayino it it la liitetvfiting to note tlin mimnr- ouu wayu in which n wruin may expreiai tlio iimiu thought aald prauciu ii whltnoy private aociv- tary to poutiuntoi flonernl payne yetitiitlay mid hi thin connection it may imi limited that tho poatofilco aulhoiltica found a groat deal of trouble a few yenru ago in prcucrihiug the proper iwmtniice to lie used on thn face of u kwitul cant ui inform tho uuer ttiat ho oiunt iuucrllva nothing hut tho addrcflu on hint aide heven tittompth were nuulo iwiforo thn pres ent phnimj wan adoptotl one of the enrliiwt rartla wnu made to hear tho ulgu nothing hut tlio uddriiiw can imi written on thin aide wlilcli wan untrue nu many perboim could wilto ilium if they no tleulrotl hhortly aftorwaitl it ivnu chnngetl ui say nothing hut the mhlreuu lu to lu placed ou thin aide which wan inoro heiudhle but una chimuy ami main dliuartlcd the next uuuo of the ciirda won iniieiilwd thn otldrewi only to imi written 011 thhi nidu which it wan aooii neon could imi ojudly fount rued lo lmr thn hho of a type writer tho wnne objection could lu inland to wilu- only the nddrou on thhi hide 1lnnlly tho authorllleu gut liyntur- leal and tho next ikuun of the caitlu informed thn mer that ho could wrluuhoiiddiiikuoiiiyon thluiddo the nieuiuign im tho otluir which waa not only chimuy tint amhlgiioiih and von- vuylng u wrong meaning nn the ottl- fiatu ieally down hi ihulr hvurtu had no uhjectlon tti a iwuiuin writing tho lihhviui on both uideu of the caul later the wort only wau dropped hut without miiili linprovenient it wau tl ally decided that them wau no u111 in trying to im oilglnal and no they fiihhioned the phraun that iu now in lino after the one tiaed nu thn piwtul cattlm limned hy tho itrltlah govern- lhiuit on i- knglluh coiikium uay tho apace inlow la fu llo tutdleu only nil 0 01 ham aaya thin hide for i in lutdreug uily atntinaoutopuicd noutjuinpup the hiut lhjg your yo aro open ilenieiilmr rlint whljo you deep the ulnl oiganu are at lent tho vllallty iu lowered and the ciiu- lallon not h at mug a uiuldeii pi lug nutof immi u a flhork fo tluuo oigami rnpeclally to the iieilrtaiu it nuilli tt pumping tho hlood uiuldenly tako your llinn in getting up yuwn nndutrelch wnk up jlowly olvo tho vital orgiina a eliancnto re- hiinie their woik gradually notice how a baby waken up it atretclieu ila nrmu and lgi 1 uhn itu eyes nnd waku up ulowly watch a kitten wnke up tliut it iitielcbut 0110 leg ihnn nnotlier rnhii itjifnre roltu over ami atretclieu tliu uhole iwwly the hhdu do pot wake upnnd fly ar aoon 11a their eyou uiv upon tboyuhauooutthnlr wlugu anil ntrelch tholr iegn wnulng up alowly dont jump up hiuldonly dont im- in bitch a hurry hutbtvlch and yinvn yawn nnd alrotch btmlch thouriuu and tholega then tho whole dwidy a go d yawn ami ntretcli in ihlur even than a cold hath it will get ynu ihoioughly nwnko mid then you will enjoy thn imth nil the more lost the 11amd j a drum tool of a hand in a uinall town in ijinriuihlre a a llttlo man only five feet high wluhlng to make hiiu- uelflooknu hlg iui wiaidhle he holdu the drum ho high that he cniiiml uro anyone or anything in fioiit of bun the ha ml uiia in tho halilt of playing through tho town nnco a week nnd whenever it did m it ulwnyu wunt in 0110 direction the other duy ttio tender thought he wuutd change thncifurne and lie niude tlio alteration wlthuut unyliig n word to anyone he turned down n ildo nt met for the pnrpouuof taking tho i in ml a different way from which it hnd lieen liefore the tlrununer not knowing what hnd taken place nnd lielngtlu nut man went on iu hie tlliectloti llti hud lken accuutomed to and kept on drumming nn loudly an lio conhl alter coining to thu end of tho tuuo nnd not henrlng any phiyerv ho iiuippiil and moved liln drum lo one utdo to iten what wan the matter ho wan much uurpruetl not tti nee any of the liand at lait he turned to tho peopto who were laughing heartily round him and mild havo any of you neon anything of a liand ahout her p out into th- num dovei i hi tile m i i i he wide world over could 1 1 amp tug ther in joy eompfnlu 1 hlg and nhaggv and white atid yellow k10111 the tim olf ali 11 uohli fellow no mend or bvi- imno true nr tried thau flu- blown ed cieulmt who wiimt hv hide oriltop nloit ut my itallng feel mel t-i- ihnn goldh lib love for nir almoiit human in ayiuiuilhy jtliern may change or love ton loavat ho iu in- luiinn in deep dlitmtul au iu daynofpleaiuio a willing ulavr iliiutlng and gum ding ntvmihl heinlii aint i could trump together happy in euld 01 iuimiier weather haldl c ludborw j novo tceaavontiikmoa how to bavic thic boyo a hanuer iu allegan county mich three or four yenru ngo voted tojlcetno the aalonnu nnd thoy worn brought luick into thu county a fow weckn ago exsenntor huniplnvy vnni at a hotel in allegan and looking out hu iaw tho hanker walking liack and forth in front of tho hotel ban 00111 and looking in whnn anyono tiptuietl the door tho hen a tor went out and upoku to tho hankor tho hunker aaid senator i am unoiiuy aliout iny lwy do you think ho may he in tho aaloon p did you aen anything of him v you i iuiw hitn lu the luick room of tho uatotiu playing cardu and di ink ing replied keuator humphrey the father iirumod iipoochhuiu for n moment and then from a heart full of dlutmua cried out ogod how hull i uave iny taiy fnim ruin v you have a gravo problem to at live i would give half i am woilh to doatroy ovory unlooii lu the country fcaldtho imukei ah i it aeiuiiu cruul to ivmhid you of it now hut you uhould have come tti that toncliudnn when we wanted you to join uu in thu light tti keep tliein out of the county now they have your hoy and 1 ih not know what you can tlo may jotl help you why uhould not tho father exuet hiu imy to full lu with what ho inilom- ed p puronlu think tif that mid vote tti outlaw the in b win iu ninny iinotber platu might tho above mid atory ho duplicated the htnte inane ndateu it or a father hi a michigan town hut hint them me doubtlewrf a huiitlixd tliouuniul hoinen iu which there u uuch a ajailetun in ihn chutet la not nn outspoken eoni- plalnt at a public uieettug whem appeal wau imliig made for fiuidh to foiwaril utiiue elfoit ou luhalf of the young the aieaker declared hint if bnl a ulugle lioy ore iiai ed t he hundred thmihaiid trollaia nuked for umill be wull expended wlui a niund in- ipihvd if he had not poken vxlhvr luuitily he leplled no not if it wau my luiy a each citizen where the ualoou in tuuklng epliaiue ivmeinlkt now lk- fmu it lu too lale lhit ii coming mean ruin to uimelnidyn lioy mul lei eicll fntfieruay to limimilf it im lu- my hoyjtditi v hill dd the hug in eallnd a hog hvnx i10 inikcm hog r himiair it rum- hi tlir f ily all haiiaiohngu tin- hog bu two idea to hlu clmr- aettr mie of which li gonl toejithuil the other ur atil o cordjully iilllilm an an article ot tliet the hog iu one of tho wai ineit fi leiidii to tho human race that i know of moot of him u good for food and thn rent im good for making iiaiiiageu hi liitlebrunhe nnd other n tenidlu nearly every tlilllgaloiit the hog i palatable hut hlu voice th hitter alwayi neeuu to me in koutitl 101 if it had kind oliomed it in haiti that you cant make a id ik punui nut nf a er- if in hidyhoga ear i huvo nevnr heard of any fool hlg enough to try to an u titiiii tho hog iu not 10 warm iliu uiaiineru ami luutlnctu uni grow in the tuctrenie and hlu uolu ambition penru lo la- to eat finm early morn till tar into thn night when 11 nmtt hi dead hn lucotncu tho hitnmrho-aim- 10 and we iny nice tblnga alunit him when 1 hog it dead hn lu kirk niul pt often iinyu confound thhi pork i when i eat too uiuih jul callu me pig a pig bin hogullltliilioy that a all i know about tho hog tu niu i make evicny day count the one who ntai ta out in the morn ing with a determination to tlo aoino- tiling dining the day thnt will amount to uoiiiething that will im dlnlinctlvr that will liovelndlvidiiallty that will give lilm lalurni hon at night lu h great deal more likely tint to wnutri hiu day in fi i volutin unproductive woik than thn one who rtnrtu out with no plan itegiu eveiy day therefore with m pi-oguiuiiui- and determine that let what will come ymi will carry it out iih clouely iia potidhle lollow t up peruitenhy tiny hy day and you will ikj aiirpilia d at tlio reaiilt make up your mind at tlio very outmt ir the day that yot will uc conipliili iioiuething that wllljimount toiioinething ttiut you wilt not allow cumiiti to flitter away your dililo anil thnt you will not allow thn lltthi annoyaiiceii of your himlnniui to ajuill your days work muko up your mind that ou will lu- larger than thai trllleii uhich ciijiple and crump iuimu ocro hi cm and that ynu will ru uimivo petty nnnoyaureii and inter- 1 option nnd iauy out your plana hi a largo and coniiiirtntlliig way make eery tiny of your life couufc for oimthing make it toll in tha grand iimilu imt merely on an added tiny but ai on athhdulny with 10 nie- thitigwntliy aeliieved what in the ditference luitwieiiacitt and uiinmia a cat ban clawanttha ontl of hiu pawn a comma haa a paium at uioend of a claune an acmiho baok tlio teoublo uuuullv du to iinpuir dloott ami clofftfdt kldtiayj that weary dragging liackncho in mom diingerouj than you think it pointa it 1 night to deathly ktdnoy trou ble your kiihujii acho tkicauwi your i hind ji bad and lilteiing through luu- clogged them with iiiilaumiatory ptluoiui toiiunon purging liackach plllacan uevei cure you thoy only excite ihekfdneji thoy cant powlhly touch the eame r the trouble in that tdood dr william- pink p11u aro the only ptedtlw- cmv for aching kttl- neyu they make new rich rd hlood they compter thu i nllavin na tion and dtie out the million thoy cleniuie the udue 11 nnd utlmulaui thum ti luafiliy ail ion then your lutok- achen minltdi ileie lu imwdtlvo proof given by mr iioo jnliuiuiii of ohio n h who miyii my nun now eighteen hili old uuirietl fiom uuvefe linln iu the back with kidney trouble nnd paumtl ileeplea olgbh wo trtetl iviinl uidl una but they did not help him in fait he nnu growing uenker fib aplite failed nnd he could hnully do the iihiiiii woi k that fa i in to the bit of eveiy hoy on a farm kliiiillv a fibmi iieoiiimnnihml ir wllliiunv pink ptlli and thhi wiin tha llrtit iiudiciiie that uachetl tho tiaum of the houble he continued to luad thj pillt ru a ouple of luonthii unit i am now happy to tay that every inpviiui or the tiouble hai tlluapptuir- 111i mul in- li iimv otioiig and healthy 101 any boy of lib ago there can ihi in- d i that lr wllllunu pink pllhr will line kidney tr uble even hi it- 1 t mui roim the- pill eiiie not only lldiiey lioithh- but 11 lbod and nerve trou ble- mul a ibii than aelatlca piutlal pitaljl m vltuu dance in- tligilliii ana una in at t trouble and thealhiuiili thai uakeu voiiianu life miieiille you ui get lliewi pliu fioin auy tiedii im- dealer ortlieywlll ik ueut in 1 tail at ml 1 eiilu u imix oralx luikeu fm yijl hy willing the dr william medicine co iitkkvllle out a

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