it i ed hwauaafkkai liuiguta muli no ttutulay nov i lorn wllii uiiiifr fiwuxoiy ol jiiuiulllh a41l fil fl uxnmat lault lilt hiu on hiiily nov ibui non uolto ca i jil uimk- mm lfcil no i hltun unatcfw hoftuiu iwxttri lir uilmr jr dauxhur t retail yxte qttssl thullsiiay novkmiikh ho uku buitoiilal notiih iltiutrlnvitu in tl ta hid hilt lit onuri tlmt tho ii ttoforo tin ciki litontirt tinnrly fur kwtiim yn luiill- utiiik mi unt of iiluiiiitl ill in mmiom f jumuiry unit i which x month inifllii- thmi iltuirtliultu hi the lillliiiutml itik niltomiitn nix untlilpjitl i inrly vhiiii of thu iuiiti ontario tlu rlty r lilt if thu mayor of well lmvn would writ a a lutur ivjiml to llio oiu t nt lyth- mayor of ninki km- to tlmt brauuuiy firm lit torotitri whohukwl vory fnvor limy roultl think of tor im location of tlwlr work thorn tli bontu tmuttir would think tvvlcn in thn fut urn tkifotxi making tint pirat- icnl druinlidit of thu luthu dllrlpli mercury it l unuuntood hint hut fuuri government will rotiiply with tho trmimnt of tint ipiilutimi from lh xdmln iiy allium und imkn hon day a clomt dity for nil katun hi in will hhittnut violator or tho hnlilmth day from taking udvmiuiku f nil open pillnli tikurdliix tint niithoilty of th ontario ifnuno to lngiuinui tapoctntf tho dun olkmirvimeii of tho lordrf iay durllnhlou and neuwin havo net i profit ahlo uxmuplo for ualton illuliecj pftjlufw ill biwciuiltlff mloctrlc titllwjiy taurfdioiwi mid udrrath jmiimi tim heave u kftrnu took tint ntniw luityuar that uumi fntnchuun wrir valuiihh oiumih and tluit tho cnm- pvlileti uhotild contribute to tint oxclm- qiior accordingly thu pouii wwn aanewmd ilvtt dolluiri imcii all ttpjkrtl wu ntnda o court of iki vidian whom tho mohiiimt xv nh confirmed in duu tltiht thn taxo were paid nuluon township then put on nil mplal nhm-mi- mont and iti utiit cmo tho mpic wmt totlia county judk- iu honor do elded that thn poha might lw uiuwta cd and that flvo dollars u polti wan a rcaaonauli flgtiiu four wuaku from no it monday thu municipal iioiultiatioiu will takt plac naturally our cltlxciiw att uiiinhlk to look numt thciu for prop5tlvo candldn tea for municipal ftonorri aoton importance u a kwiiik iown with htrtftt hunlikmui nud iimnu- factoring lnurvhi and wilii ita own lnunlcital prlvlhkctf dimiiauda that tha beat ponalhlo moil imi ciiomou to uporintond tliotowiiri affnlru hoove 8wackliancr tutritcu hhi upuni in tho council and iinm ixwii hmiorvd thin yrar wlui a placo in uiu chair of tho chief afaklhtrau hit liaa oxnrtod hlmarlf to tlu- umi of liu ahillty in umj natural onur at itvuiita councillor llyniln will at tho coming uhvctioiui ixi given tltd coveted honor no man who ha uvtir occupied a imat ttt thu council iwiard lum xorud himself mora ludunthoiuly and llitelllkently to perforin tho dutloa with which ha haa bttiu ciakikl than mr hyndu 211a work a chuiniiaii of the mrtt nd ijght couitnlttmi imu 1hmii niout wortly of iiliu and of rpcclal vulno to tho town through hu pinuunt and carvtul attention to tho dotoiu of th power plant it hatl immiii made loyloul aaulmtatltlal profit thu year mr hynda will till tho omc of roava with urneu ud dignity and will toko into tli it position an except ionally good yraitp of tmmlciial lumt- ters hie pontonol of tho caunclllom will recolvt future coluidnratlon the teaching staff for 1904 all ttio pr opt iilr ntstafrnt4inrjri ix- alp hooro wholiu a conpllhektanrksolutiok tht llltlllk il tlu ilun1 llf i jlljc l m iy t lnmiiuitt mi mr iliuiiniut fur twinlyiuo y iviimliul if iii hrli uiil mil tin uir wiiu i mill i uli r for lh ml will ik llii iliu in vkiii chilli hum j h ciili jillilluuini k wiii i i jnllutlill of who in ihh the m im ti lioted pnwill tiililllk i for 1001 land u i una dijmrtimmt ol rrtliied for t i iixitou mimday iiveiiiug kihidtiii w it kiminy liiul mihuiti w hjlumiy mi dr mrk nd hemy ohndllt tlicoiiuniloon llnum l their tenth rpoi and utoiiii pjiyiimut of iil4 ouiitti ilu follow j h mlltulowh hllumll p4llltei w i auderaon putting o nidi ni kamii it ii 1 00 wl u another qkorarrown bmab1i two pkomtanjvlvvjnal hunnttur u1 mt at bwltob auid craah follow tlia0q3ail paaiutnger trahni from the went and bouth wom running into georgetown on hatuwlay morning on tlilr ritoctlvd lriwku which uro pur- ajjrl at uiij point und tho wl crotu- over b witch iwlng culpahly left bjhii uium ww an uxhnaiv uniituli both itnhi hud utopped nt thulr diiuaphornahnd lktlng ulmultmieouuly igtialhd tocomo on ubitud together and urn niiglum run ahrvafct tliey wera fortillluudy running utnvvly hilt whan the 4tpn nwltch wan roallnml uia northrfu and korthwiteru mi- glno croalim into the kldo ttho 1 t 1l englutt mid tlioy run a nil ittngtli in thu polllil tliey wero locked to- gftlior in nxiuwt dumtriirtlve omhruci tha driving lnarhiiimy on the ttideu nuxt each othef ikdug torn und twut- nd out of all blinpe the luiggngti nnii went urtml off the inner tuuu und crowdnl utgnthfi ioi tnmitely the paomnger cmim of luilh tialuu iiuuiilii- vl on thu ralu hnd thn rngliuw ln nuinlng at u higher hjuwwi them would undouhudly have lkuni wilouw iwm of life ait the nlviileut occurred on thu eveuty fiiuit oniluiiikuieut tue driver und flivumn of the g t it trilii tint i juiiiwd and the flrviiuiu went iiiidlung tlomi thn eui- itftnknient muulning u tuiveily tipmju- ts k nk le no unit eke wu hui t mr und mt ltolieit clhtmnu muhi h h mrhoiuild olid oluiu mcijiui and mimm4 dnluy nlekiln mid nellie hoimvj of aoton vmi on the ot il train llrwtmuyhenildiuid weekly h of xloutival lu meet log with mi 1 1101 hi- w iiiuivami of utilwilpllonulhuyeai ttie ucvj u well ttewiiyld for they arv giving uie ltlgget dollmu umlh ever offere the puhllr theli two preinlum plnluns4 ihu yeitr mo iwjiiiii- ful ami their hoinlnloit inni uhonld in la over home the genenwlty of the katully hf mid puhllulimw tlilu mwiuoii u winning them tluuimtmlm of lum hud- era in mlniiwtuvery home one lieatit of the validly herald uumuful premium thin boaaoii hpkilal vwlue in iiillitind itiittt lloalery mpd underwear nt 1 tlouukvk st ctta the report wan tulopted mr w h huiwnit huail munur of the high hohmd heiitmeiit iiddr-h- m the hoard niuehtlng that nluiviui and counter lie put in for iiho in thu hfiencn lalmirauny tho property committeo wiu tii- luehuhhocoojvernt with mr hutwurt in arranging tho mutter tint rtuilgnntlou of mr thomliu t mmrv nn irlnclpal of tho puhllc uchool to taku effect nt the explrution of uio proftatit vwiir whm presented movixlhyj h colenim weouded hy h a mrkragiie tlint iniuuiiuch mi tlioinam t xftmitv imiirlpal of the 1ilhlic kchwl hlui undertml u l-ealg- iiatlon to take effect at end of the cur- rout year thin honri nccttpty the ma me nhd wiuhetj to pin re on record lt hlgli nppnchitioii of hu vauiahle iwrvlcwi during the twenty- live yearx paxl it ima immiii the exceeding gmwl fortune of the bojird tho achool and the com- inuiilty to have had n principal whoxe admlnutratloii unit liceii chnrnctartxtml hy buch excellent dnclillne and moral power tho vttvctu of which lmvo imh mid will iwi of untold iwncllt to thu future welllmingof our cnnminn- ity ctlrrlis jjtsy w ii denny wcondwl my ii fiiidoll that the hecretnry in- inutructml to advurtue in the toronto pmjtom for a limle teacher for the tlrwt department of uio puhllc hcluwil nt aalnty of four hundroil dollar ir annum carried moved hy h grindell uocondid hy it ii joliiimtono that the following tuachery ho eugiigeil forltk utiuilarli uumi mlaa mlly dlugmanrhiyh hchool ailint tx miuu georglnu young aocond ileiwtrtnieiit ltoo minn margaret howcw third dnpjirtnjunt 7o mlari miunio huliues fourth de partment 27u mlkji kuui kennedy fifth deimrtiimmit 27e carried the ilttrttxl then ndjonrnod thtt epwouth uaoote con vention tody uid tomorrow wilt klavb good attondjuuw uul bplatt- dld orrmm thu ninth ttiiipial convention of the guelph dutrlct kpworth league which opona in uia metholiut church thlu tifturnoon ut two oclock linn excellent proajiocta for n prolhiihln and wellatuuided gathering thn liaitlua of iwtween seventy and ighty deleauw and hjuutkrti have iheii aeiit iii the will enjoy actoua hohpitallty and will iwi mado to fitel perfectly ut liolliu in the moth- mi ut liomea of thu town v hie 0htiiiiigqverciueij thin afuirilooii arw in clutrgp of itv t it todd guelph and will lio followed withu prviduntd addraliy mr chuw ii harru 1 took wood at240iuv priifeiittor mclnughlin of victoria university toronto will upeak on llllitu study prophecy oudatluohov a humllton 11 v furgiui will report tho detroit iutr- iiutloual convention mliui maud h fjuveiiaou if krln will u ii ut 11g how ti ijttle girl knuiruiuotl tho muwlunary vuitor iteporu of vlco- prldenu and treasurer will follow tliu ovonlng iuv t j tarr ma chairman of the dutrlct will occupy tho chair hov a k hmlth hd paator of tho church will conduct ft uiiig borvlct and ut h oclock irnf mclaughlin will deliver a second fuldreu on niblo htudy uklng up the iuatry of thu jllhle at i oclock uev h clojiver d d of toronto will upcak on mlsrtloiw in the nortli wont tomorriiw morning uev vi l klagg hi will conduct thn dovo- t in ni i lurvlce miu k w kltchliig ofciirwhtii will pivmt pieutlona of mliiouavy hewiru and prof j i huynoldu of juelpli will conduct a hlhhi htudy on tho guuudm uev john kuyv of klora will hae rluirgo of the devntlotih at thn after noon kervlce at 1li0 miw itov j wl wurtvll of ayr will autk dfhlmhiiimt wnikt uev ur ktepheumui or toronto on tlie korwaiil movement and huv t j parr ma guelph on ouiuilverf an ulheia keo uj at tho evening uervlcn uev h k mitivhnll hd tluelil will pieklde itev mr meniven nt kiln will coii- dilit a ming beivice and lev w k hmlth h iniuuloniiry from china will deliver till uddlvtui all wtutiuuh of the convention will lu opin to the genenil puhllc and the progiaiuinu u of a chnructer ui ex eel lout that tivny wlon will lw found lutereiiting ouoltatetown the methmlut hunday hehool will hold their minimi chi iutinuu nutei tain- ineiit on tuejuhiy ihlnd deremlier tliethi we iii ulv hnyeiu at the no vein litr horkut ivir and nine hurwu cluiilg- iwl hiiiidii after tweutyhve yeaiw of faithful mrvue in couuwtlou wli h t hu munlcl- lullty omhiu ivlwlu kiinvli hai4 liuudei tho ifwni hid riialgiuillon which rttipieuu itutl he lui ivlleved of all the vailouu otllren lie holiu hirt rtutlgiiutloti to tiikn etfectuii deeemltei uolli heiuld the prthyurlan hunday rkdiool u pruriitialug foiu colltatit to he glwill tn- chrutniad time tlie hninkhut at thi utiitlou on hulurdny mtfrhlug uuitultnl hundreiu of eltiwim tu view the wteck namaoaweya rrttev- mr riagg prem lied at oak- ville hil hunday mi knii hint ih en i ngaged aw ten her of h h no i for next year ilev i a motr hh iruldent f the llimllloii conreieke m uitklut chili clt prmhid mletlnuary larniotui in the milliiklut cluimh on hunday l hi- extellrut muiuoiiu wero gially enjoyed and the mualonary olfeiiikx will i loillelally in al- miiieuf tin if liixt ynr you mi thai 11 i coonicvic cih y wiipki you feel ei young aw yon ever dhir no i dont ivellew im lllto old enough jet to feel mi young ai i rierdld town iml country- tlw 7-v- tahle kitrt ut c v gouiiil a as citu innko a ult it xiuiim pnaeiit hee them lefore they are nil gone utrrrsn than evkii tlie weekly hun the firiiien hllkinoiul paper promlueil to 1m oveil inoie illtenhtlllg to the rainier in w1 tlnin in the piut the hun u one of the few pnperu that plncen the fnrnlein interiiuta ikifore till otlierd hulwicrip- tloiih may ut left at the vitmt ililout onlce d1sohdbrs ok childhood it uau undouhted fact that nearly all the dluorderm from which lufauu and young children mirfer are raipted hy detaiigemeiitii of the htoniach or imwolw jvrineure for tlmua trouhleii hahya own ttihlela uw gentle fcfywt- ive tnd alwive nil nlwohitcly aafe miv thoa cain of lairing out given her oxpurieileo with thu medicine 111 the following wordu i never had anything do my little wio nu much good nm 1 taliy m own tuhleu fthe watt troiihltml with her utomach and waa tthjthlug mid whu very croon and fret ful a fw dotfeii of tho tahleta com pletely curd hor and x cin sincerely recmntwiid tha tahlela to other luothem thin inwllcluo promptly curen alt utomach and luiwel trouhlttii hreakm up coldn preventu croup dentroya wornim tmd allay tho irritation tu- coinpaiiylug the cutting of tooth hold hy all medicine dealer or attnt hy mail at 25 cmitu a 1ki hy wriu ing the dr wllllnmi mmiiciim co hroekvllle ouu jin jlncient foe to health and happiness in bcrotiila oa ugly na over ninco timo immemorial it caubcii hiiuchcfl in the neck ilu- flgiina lie akin inllamefl tlin niucotia liininhrune wuhlrn tlie miineteh uink- iinn thn hoiien mdurefl the miwer ol reialanro to tll4inih and the cnparity for recovery aud uovdnnii into con- nmonuon two ot my clitldmi tiail m nkiila or whlrli kfpt growlnc ilftr anil kept uwtii rjom ciln to cmmi ir llirwi illullulb ohitiiiciita niklrlim- did no cxl iiu i ihian rlvlnu uir uixhv karaixtrllu ttili iiikllt inn i niibi hut kurna to lnul ultil dm rhtltlikii lmvn ahowit twi nliium of mciitt- uu aluoo j w ufumm wimhuuxk oat hoods sarsaparltla aw rid you of it radically mid per einnuiiuy n it haa rid uiouaauds how iiiikii did itomeov aitked the wouldut funny girl in the halcony well tepllnl her on that dipenda on what julletchleago dally now- den mills fjour iine quillty d thu flour ilia wellknown ii u now of sale in acton by ini 7vcosier at hcton tvtllls the hiiilnaftu will u conllnund at kvni- tonand imnn m1iu ami llrati mlddlin chip 1oed hie will iwiloruleat rllhafol ihete puce cliopin ilono am oat rolled for hone every ilny at bath mil cjtli for whejt ami oal t h6nry hortop buitalo hobes ilu iu1 luiiiil niil ilniilil hill nil iii iiikil i cuiiml imlli miiiiiuiiii iiim puiiif v imt yon n rw irl u in ivmliiil you iii u 111 ic it 7 nn iiotluh i j o co chaff llaukotu 1 tma ttio i j aoa 12 titia banalbto mlnulng knluah iha lltftitidnii loo utluk oh cnm giilvanlvud oa willi liumi f i 2t jawoll oil can unlvanlxod hat with lap it 7sa a full line of granite mid tin win at hock hotuim prkrm fht them iwiforo huylng ehi where acmnh aihcairmt iiaudwaui- wm white cor mill maluhu ibxltcnss allowbd tfiow who ronteiiiphite purchnuliio inonunicntiil wot k of any dewcrlptlon for their einetery pint idiould order illiwt fmm the old rellahio granlto and mat hie dealer j h hainlluiu guelph ah uxhinuert allowed to pilf- chaaern all work and material war ranted compelltinti dolled uio laig- emt und liuut mtock of impirtetl giaulto in canada wiqter gardes tlio haw game vary iabclnallng bourse pit ilinou also lost iikir nations etc special ilariialii in ping pong bets a t brown cliimul and stationer aclon 1h31 the country gentleman thit only agkicultukak paper wnj ojtulludly u14 loijing agricultural journal at tha world ttryilalmvtdak wiilua hf pwjlul ui liiultmt buuioiuum le llili tmiwll lloi noouim tp iwtod tu oitinpai wlul it lu ullflotlui or mllurti urf ul lb kilaulluial n wlul a ilr4 if tutiiituu not nu ltuptd by oiiiart indupuiblhui to all country ileal- deutii whu wuh ui uep up with the timet illllllta llutimf ltloil l u twb iulihlttlolm tu flvaiubufipllauv 3 10 hpocliil iiiduceniqiitu to rnliur of larger clulw r pour mcnithi trial trip ol centn hiiuuuuv con hit wy lu boitutry flf to will im iij11 fi boily inuosudlti iiy wy lu boi miui for ltti ailtmd lriubl luihr tuolor bon auuny ny farming for profit livery fanner should keep tlicjc three uordsi constantly in mind und conduct hiu furni on idrict husinchs principle gucvi work and haphluurd method are no longer uvetl hy iucccjsftil and uptodnta far- nlers ily reading tin wbificjjv sun thu farmers lluuic papr you will jet the tcry httckt and mojt accurate in formation rcurdiii jour inihi- net tiik sunh market report n arc worth many titnes tho fuh- hcriptiou price to you ivvcry farmer in canada should realise the full illuu of the service tint sun has ren- deretl him in a public wuy it wui due to thv- action of tint sun in divine voice to thu opinion of the farmers that the law teuline to cat tlu 1uardn tjriiinae iicrou ruil- wa unthuriil lirei caused by railway locomotives hits been umeiideut we will tend tim vvuuklv sun from now to ut january 1u05 lu cambiiuitioii with- the acton ivcc iress for 175 klihhuimk now 4aui41c knilt tiik ahkimi irvr rfii en ru c h 5 m mrimmmmmhnmmmwhhmmhhmmmiiuwwhm m a w i the xmas pudding jj should be commenced now w m m 3 wc liave everything necessary to make it a success here is one siidhd iiaisins griffin and suoluyn mat llio bin im fuli ioumii pjclafifc 11c it uciililcs ills wa hava pilkon fkclo cumianto iiai01n3 ulicki of air klndi s more fancy china to arrive this week s m m x h x m s u-iiemehber- wo dollvtr k j m w s a f goodeye s go kotow r tt tttpdtj f x xxjli x xujzj xxj2xixli i atotiicr large spcot jast arrived nothklt pull hanoi ol ladies jackctb diniol vltou oku- many oai1lbd foh bouk tiui aoo and now thai till colduit wkatukil 10 couino you will bu tiiinino mow bku i0uuly about youit ncw uidwintii jaohiiv ouh stock 10 now oomtlkti including all tux lai101i bizhb ii you iiavi not aliikady h0u0i1t you will uk l0rkoially inrkitnstkd in tiiib laht muirmunt fiiopll who aill couietknt to judok tkll ub that wl iiavi not only tqi illibt l1n1 op jaokhtb in town but that tiiuy aill thu oiwatubt values uuwn tiiib bkabon jjijecdu 3ltlift to whail with that new jacket and we oan give you one at a vk11y i1eahonai1le rltloe they aiie in the lateht btyle0 ti1e 0utc0s1eb ov the beakonn i1e1it ideau and the aobottt- uenth aiie bo well chosen that a iuiiohaiieii may ieel con- v1dent that hue will koi iind heil belection duilioated we cai11iy a 1 uli line 01 i hues diikhb1no oacquef in etdeii down oil whaiiehktte afl well ab heady towealt wiialikhh and hii1ht waibth at onitiiiiid hav1nob w10ii we cojjld de- bchiiie theu in detail hut thyind co debuuiue bo many htylei1 in 1iiint would only de coniubinq you will hiuily ifave to bee them d e magdonaiid bro 5 and 7 wyndham st 3 entrances 55 macdonell st the lion guelcpfi ten specials for tlii week and next j at tlie busy store ijflu auurrlirmrnls 11 do menh allwool hwm knit hilluth nnl ihiaw- euh hlilituiliiiililiilinuiklnl llnuinisilmi llnllinl k viilmi iii ll liii- nl llliill 111lr r uil 107 ladies lined niiil uniinid waihth lu i iy iiiilii luiilrii lliiiuiiil iulinniotuiill niii mill n- 11l frmu 7m to u1h1 our irir iacli k ami fmi- uly ri 1 ir lanils unil minheh jaokkth nil uiij inuum tyln lil r llullliiwl worth fniin tclf ui 10ik to rir iur nlnk l imh ih iikavv uniinkd walkino kkiiith lu k ir iurk irlx plnlil or fiuiry atltchnl nouir prlco vilflumlul x to elir- now ut mirli 1 do mihhicomihnation hd1th in luilurj wool and rillil union wuiir thn iiikjii luilirwoar for rrowlnf krh anil miuuom wiluht till currlii hy uhoilliltm for wkn 10 to 1ft yiarn ritllnr vim unil liho jwr niilt our lirlcn ttow lmr knit micnh watkitlhooi coath lmavy tnlllnl xirkii wiclniroof iiiumi hy kukiuii rocouii full nixnl viry lightly h riulnr 1im rout only tun of thniii lofu at noch 90c 3c tar ioo hilk ohiiion collah votlnoationh rouiul or piiliitnl lilack or whllii 12j tx 1 1 iiio1il mkuhlr mic hjmku1 2 tor 2i mens iiuavy aliwogl hwkatkhh illh hl roll cohar in hliii k unil lilmi with funny mtrikm hrular 4100 tifmicuii fuch waikt kndm of iriurh mnnnil luntnai anil lvy woollui inln- turou 21 orilyanlhlu llmoixiluulvnlatuirn notwoallkn nknlar iplliiond lw jwir wiilut hilal at tach 7- paiith menh iiuavy duivino alltth uaranac covuinn hiiivy yarn inltt rihiilitr giv lino li rlojir at jnr jvalr 7sc 95c wc wc want butter eggs feathers fowl tallow dried apples honey r tle far departnjeijt we arc agents in acton for the largest fur manufactur ing concern in canada and arc thus in a position to show new styles and designs and guarantee qualities which others not so fortunately situated arc unable to do everything new and fresh with prices consistently low linho aulntehan jnckou 1 yearn nnaranti 2000 2500 ao00 und 11300 luillm iloolinrln lillnli jnckolu with alil eollaru h3on j300 mui mm muna natural iur cantu fatnona ibmion inauufacturr ktiarautihi lioi mnnu illuuk dotf coaui imtllnil fur all uu- 1k11i 1050 2001 nnii 2i00 mn iloavy huhluir lluoil curl oloui coau all blxon now drulon ia00iimll500 monii womliat coal lo00 mui ibo0 liuuhm hahln rcurfi mid nuffw trltliur ilati ur wlui atolo front with from fi to 10 tnlhi uplondul livn fur tho eholco of tho can mllnn market loday lu00 2000 zlul 2il lndloa dyctl sahlo ftcaifu now htolo fronu now fauteuinfpi and trlmniluna 11000 1s00 and 2000 ladliia purulan lninh and haldo catxirinmt lict ualily ologantly llnwl nud irlmmoil 2000 and in lndliu klectrlc bal caiwirlnm atl hcarfa tmw dnddftna full canon mid collar wo0 000 i2c0 iu0o 2000 tjlillcn docharin lnmlicaparlnm 10 laoo licoaml 1700 iullwi nud mlraih omy yamh collars hcarfa calierlundund uctu 00 b00 1000 and lu00 ulubiu groy tilub citlai perfect skim oven curl 92lq 00 and 100 slonii ottor hat cnpn l0o aild 100 monu elmlrlr siul caw ho mciih c conny canu all ulxou bun dark fur ylofl lnilloa aujmrtcd rcnrfu varlouu funt alul fatylna 9o0 up iidlcu iur liunitlotu lamh aeal rat aalraclian all priccu wter mthipy redlieed this week wc put reduced prices on the balance of our readytowear andtrimmed millinery to those who leave the purchase of their best trimmed hat till late in the season this means a considerable saving and as we can now guaran tee getting out orders sharp on time we feel sure that a visit here will prove satisfactory rbsgott thebusy storel mill st actoim heres old santa claus again or 33 years pringle lias had him in his store and for 2 in tlie columns of the fiuih press if not always in his window this year we will have one in but not as rood as usual lecausc wc have so much watch and clock work to do that we have not had time here is a small list of articles we keep see if there is not something in the lot which is juat what you want for christmas for some of tlie family ior kaijk 1 ml i ii iliikl in i j li vuii rhli1ivl 1ihllwti i ily 111 llllf l co v iliiil llohi aclon ioh haic tl- ilirrui ii 1 i i h u laltii flil i iiiil lljll lnlikri imtalm in aruii 1 hiiivoiiuiii ui ii tailmy ilil ol iih 1bi uiolc l l- ul iki f ui llxlf u llilxil hll iih html riiklinoualr for lt ihllly y wiii u mlil 1 ll i m dill iiillmli- ui tjly wantkil au vn lori nl nud lirilml mu- w- in ihu ubiiir antiit 111 ailonun ii4 toiutn ml ul uiautt lut 4r hutlf iti llt h trull lall friilu orn tuiuli iirilli vl 1 1hiui ao kuxli i ma to ultt ami r- lioul kan j kol a inliii hxlllon dr tlt tlfllil itiu ui aliliraury i lroia muiitlsutom koullilll u auction sa ik of tijhjek bkittiis puiilic motici la lii ly tlvatt tliat imnu- j lit k hllthiilllv if oilm ill council tha ili ulilln ilutl tlutiku iii lla loljulitf uiwiialili thiithaiiil attiaw tiatiily im thu murmur iw hiiikhiko- u- tow uali i d nt holt i lvoflhiiii i kin ay in uadl1iali 11 o call 1 1 y ififick ilu lock ftol lrnrli rt l wuwit rlln liituf larrnir art of oaliuriio llit bf lfiiliiull ail riiii 4i of lwtihilihtitlctolautoualltlku ilk an ull lui liwiulilj l kulir til iu ore iki liliirk v ti- r otiatliitf lkr is nil huiv hivkii diiiriaoritmiiui rilu ullllci iw lj1 bii1 lh- fallowing llrth wulium rljjliu ut ul ami runun th hfi tut oik uii cija i in it osj iu 1j0 ijj ijj ilill ui uj 1l3 itth no ulhu iu anil 111 will h- coeiinl for aal hf iublla auellmt 1 111- lriulntl llulllln in tli iltv of to iiui mi wkdwkhdiy ut- ninth uy or lliciuluil iuuj i tha hour of ohk oclnou- in hid allriimin uhau cmititajuliiu uruim and otilltlmt at 1uu all 111 rnm linn a la atm nil lola iuhi tkilnn ejiitiiiriod in bmii ludli will h fiiiriillithl nuitillcatioil bllhar trnaal nr ty ltur lo tha 1 t iii i uf cruwii tamnla to viltlln or iliu ciqwii tlnllir anola 1 ottawa hult htr uarlr iorl ailhitr lut 1ortajo aoj fort viabh i j d1vih coiiiiuiaalonr cowil ihil dklautumjt of riuiwu ijawiui tor on i o july ljlli loul m ii no uiiiiitlitflia1 iuhlicuuu of lhl ajruutalllilt will im ial1 tot acton pump works main stroot acton if you am in need of a iod pump eh lief in wood or iron coma lo aclon pump worli roulirnj mad all luipajni prompuy atlandod la welt qloand- tiib chic3dcco kghmotor is ackncwledrdj liio lightest rutitilnaiu and bit wimlmill manufaclured i am cifjiit fnr lliu district cill and lncll ijalo beoro j ou buy t ebbage ma n stroot- aoton sayers saw mills nassagavcya lumber of alt klndo at lowant mttfkiit prlcos dill gtuff cut to ordnr wood at tl 25 por cord- p- sayers proiurioior nashqgawoya p 0 our optician lmu jiiht rimiplilihl it lillnm pltattltai uouhhi tu trllii und iiltiiik tli ytn wc iihw uli ittikl up a dau1c room mui luikhiimil ii -hlilinnnuii- tlin very tiiuul luttlliiliuilt fur tfuh thn tyj savage co optician c uelph wjtcuh3 toman uhoqcmts locxxtx currlwxx ramcy clqcku knjvxil uiitttr nxuv ixmcilu tooth viaca rovmfaxtf iwcxxt aoojen alu v mx iaoto surtutxg iuoro jjjucaf vmasxna casks vumhmlla ittaiiuit uamtlx 0wamjcm7tj canxx vuou3cfjah xuojy aooau arxnuuta ml vxa nick iaclcii ctitva aoauu cur clash huiiht wood if tkjvt x xa tlxjt 1jctuhx hadxh kwxcyaclxd kyx ulahhxh itvhuku hfauitt mammxaox ucxmukii tookiho atahsi come in and see what we have pot you will have per fect freedom and not he made to feel you must huy just be- cauae you came in to look g- d prinze jcwcliui olii teeth we liavc mui propiratloni for cleaning llictcctli- ligilldd rowiinti iioapn iatiti ttio pastes arr mviinra duinand and under tlii ufj ricnnimtiiil ami nuaniiltj uiisfacilun or llio uu ot cromo dentifrice fot up in tuueu acconlirik to thu formula of r j m 1111 1 ijsdns ami sold only ity us try it 35c tooth immlcs-ourlmp-i- order from cb lnoiten parti 1raucd will pleata yoy aljpricn hhunter pnmb irugknf oiilicimi the isilmaa dutf btois aotol hiqiit utcll oudlijh business college thulak uuiiu uulldlncclulplioitt the only uusihiss cchaagi in canada ivin full up- todate commercial steno graphic penart english french erman and span ish rmnics pull informitlii tnii tuc my addrea m uuocohmiok ua ili iiiim ilkwimtocau na iu1i iitl iili kuuim fruihiir iiiiiik um liavuij wll ijhilll luaiiim iiuilnllay uaini1 utv 90 uil w il nr lwl -iniiu- huiiua mwrul lv iirll ouvlop ii 1 lni iu ea uuuob ujg ultloafo