Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1903, p. 2

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xaumiko i i lu i if 1 i4u v it a ml- 1 am uuil uiu lir u u int iva william t sfoo s1 tm mrwiihuuwli ut tdwly rltl larrl4 rrwlkix twit ad wits of j olio ji ua fuuy oh ixwtuu si hij r ruwir drudgery or iarmcrs urc th so roily of flolp ifow to kxn um oaya in ua country aduniulseel atoublllf wintisll fa kit llimimiiuu fu hum rj huwi killu u lpbuuud th toriair and ui iimii ijc ctoit free jms tiiuitmoay dial mtikh 10 itul editohkaij motua juiik- ciiihiiiiii hiulntr nl ilt thli wlw k llmm iltrtwohtl 111 uuuwhiiioilt lit tint jhll iflijkliouo company fni jjh to sluouo holding tlml tho kilo ntid ulnrf nri ihihhi to tnxittlnn ivrshlrtit ltnoii it ll ids nimut lo conrf hail hi mniubv pruui krstillraunn nt tho ntnl i of urn alaskan ioiilnhiry nwuhl which im wi tin factory in uvt ry wy l utu of iiiauirla1 wdvtilki to our ptmiphi it i utl tlml ilaltou county council will ut ftti early datti dlsctls thikpnuttlnn of tmta hi lulimtf a hmio of luifilkm tliu in hot imcaumi th maiiiltortf v rowing tiijirhirtl nnd ulivo to tin ii tluty from uhimmmi ttxpont hut lkcniii ft kwniit pnact- iiimit nf llm ivovihciril ikiulntum rwpiirm lliat muli hii institution ixt wu111uh1 within two yuun hi nll counties- which luvvn iitfilncftwl up to thjji tlniti to provldo lloiiwn of ytiffn thohluuloiiof thn united sufu- govt rtuiioiit to fortify two uniall lhud outlying vkl4 and ptuuwi wiih tho unluwl huu rvcvlvf dy tint unnx of tho alniiku honndnry kwnril will lw kjmmlily ahamtlnilcxl whon tlm goveniinont ftt washington discover tltat thouu isbouh do not aiuirall coimiutml lirt simpson lur- luiur insuad of lylntf tvujncuvily two antl thrra hiiirm tlubuit n htul in tho memoroiulit imtforo tltn untl- ry coiimilaaloii thtwi i1ah1 of hit- klnti and jrtjunitliuiut according to kiirvoyom who hit vo jut retnniri from lort 81iiifoti tins twenty and thirty lulled dtstttiiu it lx now coochulcd tlmt tlio mrl caiuuia llitettdtf to take at tliu st lotiu worldv fair of ltlol will bun t very till lif which haw beil llrtri toforo utidtrtakoii hy tim dominion hiuru u hot uitt allglitoat douht that our country will mio tli front in tlui lnatuir of nhtiihril teourci forwlry nliurlcrt and inilji ndiutnotf whrti thu niatur of ttwonlu mid irisus in tlcimi ed hy tha jury of awartlu cmuui for yoarri lm heon hloddhik aion juletly dovolopltiif fu huviibui and konxxl ratlur tilall iii uid eyotf of hor tioikh hora to tho aoutlt within tlio luut two or uirimi year however uiaru 1 a cliaiitfti of aupect in tha eym of uuid tnoti and a change of torn in tlio atnahcai um our raaource and pomluhuim art now wintf rualtunl ttvnii to tho extent of thflr imiiiik a factor in com t lion wltli tliofan of tho united blnte for year tho united utaui liava pridckl uiiimiuilva on umir groat aourcr of wheat mu nutat mijv- dllra and of tho advajitafti of thftlr ottler landit tlio rowth of mail i tolia and uiu iiiimoiumi whiwit crw of uiat province in tha last fvti or nix year wiui the millions of actv carry ing rich and fertile aoll htllluuhrokon have shown tho noswlblllty of a rain jtroducjng country thnt would umiii outrival and leavu in tha rear tha ftrcat grain producing aixti of uia united statoa and whild our neigh ikir liavu beil alinoat ditel at till devul opmout in manlloha tlio griut fcraill flaldaof million and mlluonu of acrui la tha north west tonitorla liavo been opened and tha influx of uttlertj not only from tho united hute hut aio from great llrftaln and tlio con tinent hfln coma in tiantrslly only to ralu to a greater estimation our resource and joii hill tied it ui ahow tlio world that our country inta achlevcsl a jioiltion mid htatu of which every canadian ha a kw1 hht to 1mi proud r und ul l tli ul iioviiki win i to the pturthul and limlrurtivt addroumm lit tin vwr oupuhllr knlherhikx 1he mmuiou of the i t rim union luvit uiii exixmuilly intn lur ivulnl niuui mouullh m v iit htratfonl ihlkrntl in nllliii1 illr u dwlt u lie k nlrvir 111 culph arh ultlirul idl had done the fernilk iih i vu of thl fountry ilirou the rooimunuorth din nut mtnlt of the union the liitrwlui tlou nf lui ptvtnl itntln nwlx and ftwhli r hd doneuiudi tolienm the pnuluclloit of farm pnnlut u in ontario al though it haw hiiprovel kn fitly in tahtyarw the condition of the turin or i not yit altoj tin r rttljfii lory iritm a fluniiclal point of view tlm fa run r wa heltt r aft hut uirclty of help had nuuht midi lou hoilm of irtlwn- tiectwutry that hi life wax u coming one of drudg ry camidii wnu coming into tfrtnt proiuitn lie a hii nuriculturnl roil n try und thu pro idiaaid well for the fiirnu ru future proim rity mr k c drury of crown 1h11 vice- president nf the union aald that there wail a grvat deal of lilliwlounry work to he done among the fauuor hefora tint work of onurio artcill tllral college would 1m ndwpluu 1y appreciated hy then addtuotinl addrimtm wlrutivni hy prominent hrriculturlat of cnutiiu ut- al reputation xfr j j kplllinaii of the depart mnnt of agriculture nt wauhlnhton aald thnt farmer thought too little and worked to much one pound of hralu on thu farm wau worth a ton of inuachj hie scarcity of hnlp involved a new prohloiu for farmem whlch would proliahly 1m aolved hy hinall farum morn iutelllgnntly work ed mt martini van iltiamriaer of cirncll university aald uiat to keep the hoy on the farm you tiltint kip tho klrhi thtre and for thl reajum recommended tho work of the mar donold inittltute tho fannern wife held an important place u our nation ajecrmouiy tho prokrehive farmerm tiiembw int11ance teacher hla jesalo hoklnnon of bwahao who como hufhlv ileoon maadoil tlie cholok ill inihll s i mllll ul of lru1 t of aium i in i on kiiuhy nftr itllyditld iipmiueliik n ih m uiy hi th uun lollrf lppll lltldun nt alliiff i mm th inimnmiw ihtihiltilllllk iiiiuiim i wl down u threiitthipn vl th time luu ju m minion hwiit mlwaviuh t m huthwnrd ielin mid miim nellh hullidiy k wniail t wim iuvlld to im- t the i hum on saturday afu rnimiii llny i ai h in 1 1 d the inv itutlon and w nl umayomdoilil wife should keep herself nhn nut of her hutduuid and children pmf 0 k d kmiko on tiih ivokra of uie ontario agricultural coiibro till y ar it had the hitkent attendance in thu hutory of tlm col lege there wore 0 studeutu in tho rvguhtr couratf dr w ii muldrcw doiiii of uio umw macdonald intituu in uiallng on homo apctii of nature 8tudy aald that the etliicatlonal uywteni wan out of touch with cnnditlnni hi ontario the upeaktr then endoniol uie pursuit of nature uttul mud com mended tha work of prof jiavllx in thl direction ottonattowm tho floral co are bending out some very flue cut nowor thesa day alex mcdonald una heet nppohiuml corporation factotum to fill the va cancy caused hy tho retirement of kdwln hearch wlio was for twenty flv yiar hi tha corporation omploy tlm iark committee r port miiowh a halancd in tha imnk of 0 01 tha hockey cluh low iwen re organ iwxl wiui dr flllot n l and w iletd bocraury tit first of tho high school lectnrta watt given hy prof maurice itiltton principal of unlvorwlty collego tor onto in tha town hall on 1 vi day nveiilng thouo pntont won much mlerlotl mr w hall of acton hajj in town over sunday hu lloanl found tin i mi thoiie to iki n iljnlt ult mat irljhe time young hid 1 1 4 had ominl pialiiiitioiiii and their u wtluionlul w of the wryhlgh t fhutuilui imimi ript- ing h iuli lug ithillty mit liuuju lur it wit llually ditlded unit h ugtli ff exjh rh iile in the ui clal work for whhh thu t iigagi nit tit wau u lug made uhould im the ikimi- in tlilu mlk alt kjnnmi u in ly had hit udvun taguind wan ooummpu utly hindu the nuauhuoiiu choke of the uoard mik mi kiiinou hit ti vry uurcta ful itronl nun unchti at itothwell in an entrain a hue of tw ive pupil elu t il wi re illi tv uful llm lnntore inulirwhoni ttlle luim taught give un mullllcd ttitiiuonlal tu ui hi r uhlllty and uucceba mi aickinnnii will comiui nca her dutitu when the school re opi mi ufun nt u ytnt- iluy your iniui grtictrh at v 1 qiuiin i ft co nutum hi uvhriiiinlidy frugal in nialti r itultouu no atom to elude ltn gnimp in mini no thought or ftellug to pjihih it oathrm up tho frag iiifuu thnt nothing lie hut david thnniau wo were nhlo to pick up noma mora iiovoltha enpeclally for xma when in toronto thlx wtek it ua uhow them to you c v jooninki co expknska allowed tho4 who contemplate purchanhig mouumiiutal work of any dehcnptlou for tlulr cimettry plot uhoultl order direct from the old nllahle granite mid mar ida dejiur j h hamilton guelph all nip nwa ttllowtsl to pur cluuior all work and material wnr- rantod rompttltlon dolled tlia larg out und iwat btock of iinmirted gianiu in caiuuhi jill stuffed up h at a uu condilion of iiiaty mill n r fmiii ratarrh t njtecitdly in die morning ireal dldiculty id i xoertxiirod in 1 1 r- i iic tlio in ad and threat no woiid r cnturih aim n linndim he iieiulni the tmu miu ii and in tnnr oillnuii th hnath dirni i tin a h and iiffi cim lito npnt tlltt to cure catarrh tnalnniit uiuftt le renatitiitiunal aluirouxu an 1 ionic j wa 111 rr rkir iuimiiiib willi rnltirrli iii uu head aixl thnuil iu1 s la it t i ii and rslatxl lilood i tisil lhrt i i ii ronrscrxl wticn mf liuattil imhihi t ft i kin of ilixxl hafaatrllla and wniinil ii lee u try it i tnitta all to tsko it ii t a cured and built mo tip uaa hitiu hu bofjil wait ijaeomb w h hoods sarsapartlta cun colarrh t motu a mid hll mmtli tna tlio niuroud tiimiilirallu anil hullil tip uia wliole ayotauj co lo neils chrr1hge works lor your ciillrm i inaturo hob sleluliu i ann iteli mrlha ami any re lulling yfu my require in aliovc llneu a facv tot second hmul llarvry boh ljilim for ualrfclioap k i if mock of koot pulker and wlicmtlbarrow ah hand fayi on jnoneill oborcbtown tho staff of lifo stathams bread alwivs in fjvor preh sconem hum ami dcutjli mm s very day all kinds of cakei on hand tart mad to order wedding cakaa a pcully confotbtlonory iwit atkortitioat of conllonery foir beat maker popular pricel fb0its ujwayo on hand in season vegetables in varloty anooeuies ut clobe pricoo coll the shorthand system uutilaixl txaeiia1 at uia oblljl ilomlno iti mu ui mt invnu1 suj u in iui huny1 uia ut el ovr kuty relio sad b ar u uia luoat aluipla lalbl lirlal slid eoialaulit nyalau of fcliorutitid in aiuutkf slid uid only on bavin sold or twoiellllau uilw liuadrad uiouaui i ottl of itri aumanlajry lustruator u u wrilue by o poat oikiurt llmmimil 1u lacjlaliaial ooutiui sad ul by ui totln alajf ot u luaal rmpatlmt it 1 ui only antm prodatr lag dmtiooatwl writw o j vonla lar eqiudu undafui tuoat uiucot u yo kt th bt in utwrtaiy j le 0u1w boja aob- jmtikt ul uuliu llujnaa ulluc ut colli j or fcdjm waoco ii w i ctcj hju jphetdai ilav ii si limttliousbl mr clijurhw darhy uf knatchhull returned homo on tuesday of hut wk aftar a tlnvm months stay in mail it oh mcasrw imwood o wilou end oeorge ihdl this ahem of natuaga woy conipletml lhflr aeaaoau thnwh liitf uc fitli lltey have tlinuhikl ninety day of ten hour a day tlilu uagmul waiwm work for una ma hlne mr levi h a 11 hum u moving into the hnuihi owmul hy mr ijingrlll mis irlnudalilp uachet ut no 0 school hauhthii mgwgnd for another yarat un inlnuiikhl iuilary mia prlonduhip will hold hoi xmau examhiittlon at no 0 whool on tin day 2nd int lot of uuow and good mltilhhing uw homo of tlm farnifr would aoouur thi a little itoft weather for a while to rtipleuhih their well und tuterna water u vury iwrte in tlilu knctlou coohtv uodul bciioou sfkutllnr o ti lhiitil ut tha last scaatn lnsvuona 11m standing of each pupil shown helow wua th teruihltul hy hi or lur work tlirotighoiit the u rtu in wy hology methml of inutmulon school law drill nallutlu nlca mid practlniil teaching helta kmytli 7w nellie ilunttr hm ldlth nlklln iii ihlllul itllkstll ull vluuhiuinutii 117 muy ijuigiui tilt annie caiujiuvll khj lit sale iuiiiii utt i uude mttlleuuhuii iaj llittu1 harrison tail alliurta ijtngtry thh j htulley wlllhtuimiu ran i iaila urtwrltht tjtl agnvmhunle tn killmla liny uk laura htt ult orosulthtknly fu ueorgfu mvirlltkui mu jennie moon hi i ilessle mekwn 4ul mark- 77a- mr irvln who hmt ikw ii dangorons ly ii i improving mis m ivciihhptnt a fow dnyn in toronto inut week mis sinclair our school teacher una ieeii roeiigaged for nnothnr year mia xi newton vltduvl toronto friend hut wek mia teiut lindaay of ouelidi lu upending a few weeks- at her hmthern mr j ijiulsays ttio pujill are ptvpariig for a school concert mr john moor wua called to toron to thu wok through the death of hiu hrotltur mr win c moore thu iiohoi1 iiolu hlandlna a tha kuuln of acton ftublld hohool laat vruimy tlio monthly mcumiimtiuiiu in acton puhllc hchool were complotxd lust prlday and tiumltad na follow ynurr mci viitiikvr kiinhir iv inura moiini und flohmce hpdghu kli ihtrt ii ohm hcl hue mutthnwh h junior iv main 1 chtipmnii 1j0 ihuuln johnuton 115 ljhui mcllur- hon 1 0 murku puuuihl jm t t mnoiiu puncljuil iihcoil ilkivhtjulivt kenlor iii lavullit huiith 1hi itohln aguow hll amy hji ight 1ui junior iii kriifiut wiinli n 1li ulatlutone ilmdmiid ho kilo jurvin 1u mnrkii iokihio jiu j yuiimi itachi r timtn nm iituivt htnlor iimlrlmil olltlin jhi loin hhh ida 2i muih 1 hildt iihnind ju murk piisille 4 junior iljilm ntluoii w2 jusiu kennedy 1u1 itao cook ikd luikn imisallihi 25ti m m ilnu loi liudnr youuth niiauruuvt keulor pt ujohnnle clarke jill stanley pi arson 107 ijiwtt nee dunn 1hh junior pt ii i i va miurtm und minnie taylor 1iml vmw utlati itey 1ui hum cluiki 100 mutku luslhle x m h hoi max lmln vitru ma vittjikmi ktulnr i- uoluii lllie 107 illy wlum and ijui wiimui im lln hwarkham r ih iit lie it n i mx mmkmihslhle i j jipilor j vhtm coh umii do willie ihdstson hit almu muthlot k brampton qollege o iisic school op locui ion miaa ihulnb how mualcul dlkctrtfui wtntf 1srat onanad movmb 1r pupils iimyhiter ut nny tlino lalctulir aujlyi will frc on apnlullnu mlsa maoik w i ite lick volets culture special slteiilloii la voice placing and choir training kihdkltaahdkm classic slnij e lulorciling practicable mta- katherln tlobiton mibs isaukt a uobkitch taaohak at ihauo and thaory wiaa ytlbdlba maavay violinist rnsamhla clauej hibanaobib utta atcm twaohsk oflhano and voloa bight sinking claris mthuj iltarrtxa vcurran pupil or miu helena how juhldr ihinll aeo0td t stathamson 1nhy ucton xmas mom tf our vila cnotl have arrlwl iil w will i- paui i in have yon call and look llinin over if you da i urt will lol cllcovfl t wkii to buy al preti i julda uny article yon romombor onr bixk of ivrfuniea uiiiip jtiallwi lor ilonalllj ai vat variiiy of o lor 3slyle of packhiff all priefcuajc ijc 50c 60c 75c vi 00 i 33 ii 50 ij oj and ij 35 hghanter pnmb drugiht optician th talaoo dmifc sur aoton nioyit uklt acton pump works main btroot aoton if you are in need ol a kt3i1 pump either in wood or iron come to acton rump work 1 ouunu msde- all uapalr promptly attended to- well audtted- holiday lines at the busy store illavilmno oaskh in iiim k ad aiemriod h atln iv louljiinlug 1 ohili hrtihli mirror h1hm horn soap im umth iiiiihii uuil i jii t at luir mill tile und hutton hmtk ti al tilmny t ilulold or imlimil wiitwl nionutlng v ry dainty 01 u 10 m jugni lac l mid chi1 j on htoll in hhttk while and inn ex in in ly lnsy and dainty pnmeut m to 1w movirhhandklilchil im and vi l poitllomom lu fancy 1 fltlmr llliet with moire hilk at1 katin 1 ml to i tf wit i inc lohtkolioh with hlotur pap r t nv hpe jmsii ard mid mtiltup compjirtiili nta senicaahh from 1 w to hi will4r paoh haichplh oaud oahl puiwiik ii imj jiatim haixjiiklt uauij jahi 1uilhkh in t x i igiiu in rtal ihjii walrua alligator und kangaroo h uthi iii ihki 1 sllvoi and rollel plate mounting from 2zc to 0 00 xthutlvrf lib cover und rhiap coutiilning rou n u lu und chicwco kgftmotor ii nckncwledted the llpbtesl running and and bct windmill ma 1111 facl 11 red i am agent for llilu district call and tmettl j ata before you buy t ebbage main st toot acton wmwwuhhhwmwwwwmwuwuuwhmuwwww whuhwhmwhwwwmsf hmsfwslhwwhwwsfsl if 1 rirt m z w uwwmwhuhwhwhslmhmummmwuumhhuw w sjvcore xmas i specials misj krlnunota aklmmtona teacher of piano miss uiu s a maud hmitii graduate curry school of i locution llotton physdoal cuiuik diata clauea in shakdtpeare te nny ton urown inp filamporanooub bpiljltig clauas for canilemen brampton college of music 1i1i im alklilt m uurlb k liknnkiv tinihir farming for profit i vtry i iritkr should kttp wn three wordi eon tnntly m mind und eonduet hi farm on triet hut im s principle cue work and luiphitzartl niltluuhj arc 110 longer u ed hy hlieeetsful and uptojutc far mers y re uhnjf i 111 wl lkty sum the i inner s ilusiue 1 paper joii will t the ery latet t und inim neeiirate in form ilion reiirtluif jour husi- ness im sun m irket reportj are uorth mnuy tune 1 the mb hertptiiin pnee to till i eo runner in canada should re tluu the full title of theseriee line sin ha i reu- tlered him 111 a puhhe way it wai dm to the uetion of 1 utt sun in iiuif oieo to the opinion i of the firmers that the law re itui to eattlt lju irdu dramaje aero s r 11i- waji und farm hrxs eausenl hy railwa toeomolivis ha 1 ikch fiiiiliuhd wi will he ml i lilt wkifklv sun from now to 1 t j uuiury 1105 m lomhui ition with the acton i ret irtss for 175 huiirtiuiuj now htuiik viu jilk ailkistl i a blousi1 length ia alwayr accepublo to a lady wo ham a g new line juit arrived the newest ihlnj in lilnure goada in black w cream or blue at m 50c yard jj m for the gentlemen a m we have received all the very lateat uhapea and color in gi nts w ties nothing but tlio correct tiling in liglitml dark shadei in jj bows derbg and riowing ends jj soa the dainty bow tie at h 25c each g m our perfume is here s it hat como and it equal to what we haveclaimcd for it all ladies likl idlal peri umls g w still more china s to arrive this wak wo liovo neca able to tecure some special cnaps m in this line and we could not retlki the tempmtlon to buy w dont miss aoolrifv thorn anyway w i g f goodeve go s plamnfj oaud cafitji iittt h on put k glltedgt tl thin tpiality ran with ciich rlhliagy lnmrd and couuur oncnald in odii frvim 7 toj lahils hilk haiin liraxvaml lkatiikh hlltm hi wi ii ni w york d higum now hurklo tmw trluimlng tiw muurhd hi jllwnn oirl jnlc alexandra phncca laiiisif coin mid kypmiui mtyhu at from 2za to i 00 arh matcihd hktts op glotim and napkins irl liuto liutui tlonhhi dainaak now and tchilvo tutturn kouim of thu fluimt kwmlvr whown in uw cloth from 00 to ut hielu long and rnipklnu from ih to t inehotj smiami in this him wo uhow thu hh ntlcol style dnmgu and tpiality 1 lisctl hy tint prw nt prlnco of with on hi trip through oanatf in 1u0 at por unit of ou cloth and tw wrt napkin ror j 01 other prlco fnnn u 00 to ir u por u tt rinp linpn towlllh hhkiuaiid uunnhhsnnd 11111111 hcahvim id plain fringed or hemstlulusl tyh all uiin and ptalltlt at from sir to lik xnch i lui lluoii nnpkhih for ii 00 to 4 00 pinl coiion woolaud kidkitdown filled comiyhtlkith in iiwoll ainorlcnii lutttnrii of aatoott from ii 00 to 10h i thi ppiskntaiion paitahol4 and umhitkllah with pmv nllk or gloria cnvr and fancy par silver and puarl nntural wood or gun me lai handle 200 to i 00 ruil jackets nil kind tiooo to 00 00 iuit collaim ituits ilupis m oallrntlrrj nil pricui nnd uiidntylil hilk waims whlu hlack atul wvoulng ijiads now utylrf all prlcoii imponicd japaniml piano romlvvji miuitlfi nmx plctmo drrttws cuidilon lojw and handkerchief in varioua mtw nnd original color dafclgiw at pricu rajiglng from wkj to ifj 00 smyrna aymin81hh attd tapksthy hugs in llnrul nnlmal nnd oriental doign all ultra up to 7 inche long prlco from lc toioa scotch plaid ahiglti and douhlu plain otid fancy nhawln nnd travelling rug good utaphi value at 50 to d 00 hilk nnd wool hhawl9 and paboinatohh plain and funcy chenlla deigiibiiwliifornt nlit and prlcorf wc have enumerated above some of our spccialjincs but outside of these will be found any number of useful articles suitable for presentation purposes at prices to ac commodate any buyer our christinas grocery trade is a feature with us and the special care given to the filling and delivering of chribtmas orders has placed the majority of the good housekeepers on our list niw im ilh hi vi uiuith new nutb nmv fiqb niw ltlta0tb nkw jj lli1 b r b scott gift suggestions something useful why not combine usefulness with jour chritmas generosity aud give something from this list our stock of gloves handkerchiefs fancy collars belts l dresiing sacquei and silk shirt waists consists of cverj- thing tliat ia new and youll find this an tnsy store to shop in whenfou dont know what to buy laro naiuilniont lo cliooao the busy store mill st acton heres old santa glaus j again 0l0ves yen a pdr of clowi would lr appro nrlate an 1 we aro safd in siyhiji that no iwtier vuhl ar shown anywhere our lrul dollar kid giovoi in coualderably mord linn ioo cents worth of ilylo and aitr ollwr liu ii are priced from jjc to i ooand squid are hoved bepiralaly iundkluciiios lmbroldoixt lietnudtchl an i plain linen with inltale they are priced hum h for 35c 10 vj ooesclt fancy collars l ci collar hock ollan in all ihe nnwrm eijiii lo milt i he itsjp purst or the hbatkiw 1 ins front 35c up to hi 50 each belts iihul llmt cott utile inoiidy 35c up to conre in and wc will assfet you in making selections ft 75 mid from palms i r locoratiiik purpnsiri wo liavo put in a larj n itock 01 ilioen planlu an i yoil can lanlkxjull thoui from the icil tiling tlmy 11 brljibien up your liouso for xnia and arc no iroiihla 10 cara i r novcr noil wiiodni am ii t alluded by froit prlci accordlntt lo ilio 35c 35c 50c 75c it 00 and j 00 etch clialblin ilaoi vatw cushion 1 op fancy nrckajr lllliboni jmiliralus silk shirt waun and orekbiiib slclpjtb 1 binuu that any lady wo 1 ba ddllhind to ttce im m clukima k wti kiiow wi atiraciia ut mipi in mol nffcilvrf tylrn an i ccurinuii ihny ar tint hlh tulcm clihir shirt wahtlu in silk and slllt muiuroii i imlro ouil i rench 1 uiutolu from i so to u droulng sacjuo at 73c i v lu tw mil ii 50 d e magdonaixd bro 5 and 7 wndliam st j untiiinccs 55 micdonel st the won guehph or 33 years pringle has had him in his store and for 28 in the columns of the fimit pimss if not always in his window this year we will have one 111 but not as good as usual because wc have so much watch and clock work to do that wc have not had time ilqip is a small list of arttcles we lcep see if there is not something in the lot which is just what you want for christmas for some of the family irlu vurrhgrmntlb iolt kaiil nl iu oj v ct 1 mill hotel acion you uavic n ii i iii iwi i 1 uric yiioiiaii nt mmctt wanllsl a 11 liit iiij lil t tftfr uni wll i f aru ii ou i uf ut i ti i 1l i a i r 01 r idrdr fruit uw aiuall lr nrn i vl s31 1kiiui jkf 1 tmi a iisn fr 11 hu ju i il imltlon r t ills hlfllt luriit ry 1 1 ii 11 iromf wclf tsiroj fin iii hii tu out taxks nolitfe airiuhuflls um1 ullty of u- iiu of ali f i ii r lull s do- dz j llfl ucoi uluf in iw ihi t iiwld ltb hot 1 i 1 rfc fur 1 ihaiiullu atlon n uh iu2 jtoll kiwi unj x 1u1 of li u ii air ium will b 1 an noiillnauoii usy it i luiiiiu dissolution of pavhitirhliip noticl u litlyulvuitltuikttifrahlp i ulolnrrt 1 lullli u llwi i ii hml kaii u i ni011 nil 1 ui i nujiitmiiuot iiiif i mlii 4 aju uiw lllta nr auihli uiiurili an 1 limn of i ii uim la i vt 11 i ly imii th ml i i ii kalian likvlliir llrl fioiu lli flu 1 ti a bual ri4 will lac in ly tho tlrui htm of htlu 11 vyii wl uli will 1 iihiiit u fr oy in lbluj wlileli my 1 i y tli foninr nil sua which will callocl all fcooulils ilus thi llleiiul ac tin wt sotli ijoi r 11 hbijwu i allljilliiilu tl totlialsu flm nr it 11 wunti i la sra liorl y ii tirml uil kit so- win n u u1u41 i hi kalllil ou or batord tlio slat day of luixtiilwr iul w1htv nvaitiitum 1 uhot to um om fauii hula kl i hiriiiila for innuftuiltik liouas havlnif wll fcul llli 1 i uilnm locsj txillory tajull klary sju ll wkly ud iiiih inoiiay u1vi nl iu1iu1111 iri lattant i uiluwa luavuful kllcl hit kmil lui llaamt dl uuimtlnuuliil travaleru rl uouoo lilli lllloa4f r it 11 1 ta wlllialii i lloj thsy 10 iroiwr williams gotd shoes arc iie fnun tlailon of correct dioaj willianiu slioes are thu iitsl pood biim for men women or children they coniribule eaui and rata 10 tlifl tm and ara the llm 11 of comfort and durability in short hi uciuo of ulioa perfection lafl tjt snwlfl- auk ilwavo iuvdy fott 0im ingiiqrion 1 footwear wm williams mill ut actom j for christmas presents cwiwng knivin and 1 oi1k8 taiul olitu un i0cu1 t ks1i 1 ii a hioonb 1aiiii siouh lamlll hill u and caki knim d slvatl u ouns 1 js luta ol usclul arliclca ixltili want prop in and prices hcloro biyln actions ull aim si iiaiidw uti wm white mill mid main st watcjix3 uinoij uhooc11xs chains tjxcxlicnl x0cxxt3 curr lwxx fancy ci ocjcs 8ioon univxh iusur iruds ixmcjls tooth v1cks xuoxv aoom vovntjlltf jjcwif 3tx11unq sjlvxii nick iocjfjrr vooioj nacxh q un 1jcx1x autjclxs ciuna o0od3 cauxhas cut ola3 kovaxu vuttnt wood aliivus uvllntlxathxil mioto luwuxs yxcruax phaiix- l jwauxh mxcta cxi unxssxxo caxzt xyx olaxxxj uuuxxula xtaxdsj ituauxjt jjriuji uantlx qnnamxxts vauuiaox xjcxn kv tranxm tooxino ojuy- uuuttxluls come in and tee what we have got you will have per fect freedom and not be made to feci you must buy just be cause jou came in to look g d pmie jcxvcllcr guclpl wives mothers is lr vwy mkuiieit or youit ramii v tmtnkfl rtewmt ilistuuiloitlquuiusii tt kwutikad pariusbsou b xln i hh itlug tmuim hhmma rrlll mmtlyln v iw i klkj f4 r dhnk lva4lurltaomuun ura lmt ontswsud wrtlo ha ma januti strst taruala can st brothers cbr1stmas gifts ikoiul mid oriiameiital aluuuii 1icnyuukn ruiluku slid lkalhku oauku uiu4j and hymn uoolw alllajlord hovkltik0 kuohy qoodh hutiil v ocd ailu lua- umlt llkuuht l hand miuhollfj aollauand guhv hoxlh xufttl uaoarinlu oaud 1 unit 1004 caluudaru our xmas spoolul a itio kboi y foolli uiujh fur lod a t brown chciulftl and butiutwr aclmt

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