Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 17, 1903, p. 3

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bank of hamilton llla oriick hamilton ktublulnj uvu capital taid up 2000000 reserve fund 1700000 jotal asset 2000000 moh wll i iau cnwim rtrjilnil kuuu tltumiuim vuui itcld and crucial malta- georgetown branch rv agonoral bunking btibinasu iransaolod corroapotidonco solicitod savings dinartniunt inlrnl lkwl pjk 1 ali ul lipwrl dn luy of ikpoill lo oy ol wlllawawl n otinallilc and icbyl il drawing uiollry karmorn ijiihjiksh solicited note of iriprmlhli fanilrra illicounled al money lomcl i rituhiialu tiiiic purjiom our ifrilcoum department hi every facility lor makl prompt salo noth handled ami initnny advanced on account sfaaino at low ratesof inlrrral c l latng agent georgetown branch get in tlc sin ami huy your cmhistmab things from g h nelles tim finest store ami slock in ontario i100ki1 pancy ooodd calundalio lkatiilil uuonzk jim iiuaks iit xton jfm 0tt tiiuitsdav i3i n io brief local items iliinty uf tiiow for iitclfcliliiff njnv chvbitiiuu a voqv from to-mor- row sclnmiru hit mutt tiiiimjay for chrhdnuui holiiiuyk mr hutulerund taylor preachis ut tho hlhwiu church htut huiuuy mr john unilmiy iuhwo of krlii luui diwldud to rollro from inunlciiwl limim- tltfi kjiwnrth ltauiu linn ttming- m1 for tho itdvi11 conrtrl for monday jun 11th tito mutluulul scholar chrhitmuii jnuwiuttirthu wdioul room imstt mou- tliiy vnliitf thu itourd of kjucjiliou will mwt in tnu council chiimiwir nuxttuoday uvuiilhk at tluiro will lw wniiiihk iwlhi rhitciutf in acton and vicinity during chrhdniua week fit allijmu h h chrutituui tutor- ulliinnilt will bi ludd in thu town hall thu twoiilntf thu amniiil banquet of the uunlph kat htock club hint thursday tivmilntf wtiw u ujrtutt biurcetu jotmijili yjiikur of kdtn mllht wtu incti jx utul coku laal uwk for wjlliiik liquor without a ucaiuut thu uiiimiil clirutiiias examina tion und clualnff tixerclwa at thu publlo kchool will 1m- liuhl iimtt titmlay iiul hut our innrrhautu invitations to tli nnhlio to iwflcct cliiibtuma ifu from tltulr buwliu wuiij iiuvm mrnw corlil than thu imtumt ytar put 1viihk yiikiih plcturw travel talk on tim jraiul tour hi tho mutliwlutclmrcli ouyouriniraiiiiiiu for ohtutumu iivoiiidk- thu bioinl annual nnwllnjf of jlaltoii ktinihrt awuulatiuu will lw linu hi thu town hall milton on ittiumlay ujuruoon 22iiil iiibt uro a ii illackuhy of hi- ojl ful lowu uulltf ataumlutlon kltikn- umi jww acton ijwiu ioor a fruuruul vult ltat thurway tvinilllje mr tliniiinu htotoy who fll frvuu a loail of wo4m1 hi tliu huwu a counlu of wtmilih ago anil fiactuiwil lilu right vhuuhuu hlauv iu inikihmilui favor ably mr v ii htowait head luaauir of thu high hchoul tleulih cortlially to thank thti muntciiull coiuici for khulutum with imfruncu u thu town hall for tint ivtmit lcikwji unttiuhi- liiont- cltlumu icmially wuim viry proniiit iiftfi- knlimlay hltf utorui hi charhitf thu mvthhiilh of mdow thrii wtuti a fow tlulhiiunlu and thru- cullttl foith thu uiiuliriiiiiu of wav- trlunu do you know that 3100 will iul tliu iliki iliiai u any fiunul at a llhtainu fur a ywarl what iktiir chrutuiau iift rouhl you wild than thu ray of uiuuhiuu tlftytwo thm imut yuiir mitt aia k iuuiluiuuiiu of nitwtnihiivol uavo an inuifwtiiik iul1rwi mi vlrfhi lvuttaihy hi cninjuirion with tin- nci voim hyttuiu of tht huuiitii limlyul thi knwoith iwagm on viwmlay ivunlni- thu tlau ill- new kru lat juhl vu- tuivdiihin lullflhyarof iiihucaliuii it u a koii hwal iniiiativo of oakvllhi and uh whlc auau- aihluhur mv lnuu lia our 1h1 hjiii for coutiintd iipj and uhnrlty news or local import uwnof both fliml olhj kivonvimku k wr jki arthur of h oiimi hin dlrd vrry m nhl y nflnkhn hix iloll wlfii alunduhl nflrr only two of llm iluyn llhuiu ihiimonlu wu ll of jr11 lit tiilrii family luv hi- liimrtridlwyiiiimthy all il tladr tlouhh nllfuiiii anouir- twihtr laaljcum mlioi markunil hw4 who lw in1 a iul imtnt and faithful innd of th tu 1ij but of a to piiuu- shiad for tar yrw imw ikim1 and tnkin a wiitioi on tl wuifof tint jsdtllu khool at kmwwu at a rooiidii-hl- wlvnian hi itury mihi how tirn it from thu tlalt hr will u kfiitrnlly rfcntuil a bplndul chrlnuiuu litninbrtim tliu llkk ihkwi lmi jut liffivi tho following intrusting hitlr hau unjoyttl thu knkii iukini a l-ttii- from thu old homu v whik wt imuli thu iait fiw yijtih that i inn going to tjw it n iliriutniau rfinioihrniioi nod iiuk you to iud it to thu following nitdtvm i n- rhwu ticprt nnlir iiiicrly mrw n t r uttlucurrul tuqumtn tw athaian btrlk a munlkr of thu ttx rolhcutrn or thu tnwiudiip with thu oirr of 92 a waul fur collating thu taxni riiftimil to do tho tvork unlctii thijwiy was lnrrjutl ttiu work iw going along on thu iinduniltiidliig wu ittliuvu that mitoc iticnuwj will imi imulu rolahly o kouio yittm k thu colliruir jiy wan vm und thia wn not umi much humid try thlaiwt bror onurinir whii you grt a catnlogmu jrmn a lag mail oidtir houut jut hwikmt nvur and mhi what thuy will wiy you for your product iiimi liumdigatuatidbr what thfir teniih of rnht ar hi cm- you do not havu the rvudy cioli lutw much uill thuy giv towiml thu lop ing npuf llioitiduwallii jint wriuiaud auk thiin how iiiurh thuy will givu ut niiidut thu poor aftvr you havu douu thin and ioceivwl a rrply u if your homu unrelmnl wont do an wull ttl ljjlwy crommlmt clnmk note thu public appruciatu vury much thti now onbir of tlilnga at tho rail way croking tliu pnwt thrrtt wouku thoru baa lieii no caiiba whatuvtr for iiplaintb and no inconvuniuncu uif- furil kvciy train which ftndi it iibcubuary u itaiid on tboiui piita of thu ijwltclny ciomui by mill ktritt aru promptly rut and both jvsiuh- trinnn mid tuanii arc thuii aliowsl frtvu accuwi lor ihlu very gieat improve- nt thu railway muployftti have tint uninka of tho public gcnurtilly aoton tlrkuh bahluiltum ajiwn inuotlngof acton hritnch of tho ftunithriuiii anaociatlou wan held hi the council chnmlier last tluirwlay tvenhig ii v miwnv prttjidunt orctiplml tho clbtir ir mckttigm who will luavu town in a fmv witlti ihbignid bin position an sucrutnry mr j h ctdnuinu was elicusl to the vacancy mr t ii ilartllng trea- urcv wan inctnicuml to remit 10 to thu general treasurer to aid the lyeo sanitarium at gravouliurat where acton ftirniidiud a room winu thno ago duwiulem o b- chrutmait 0tlr4tuf tho iliuipieh kiiuday hchool i providing a inobt enjoyable tiutr- tainiueut for monday evening 2rftb inut the leading ftuitum i miut hay well umcbur of elocution in the dlbclpleu college st ttiomaiu miit ray well will ronder a nunilkr of iopular whctiouu llio pntgrainme will also muhracu wdog and dnot nm addrobea by mlnuteri of thu unvn hov j c wlhaui ha will occupy thu chair the proceed of tbolenter- talninent will lai bent to aid thu rick chlldrviid hoapltnl toronto may vat hava lckmu bloatvlfl w tlio viiolioii of ulctric power hi not yet dead item knglneer car- nitbfrw la now engaged in working out a ocheiue by thu adoption of ulorugu hatterlefi and a hinall direct curriuit gitnerautr by which tho hatterlea can bo churgel duhug the peiliul of light load in the regular linum of ouratiou for thu lighting rorvlce tim advantage ttf thin would bu to keep thu engine woikhigtn itu full capacity thuu getting a higher rftlnncy and ttoriug the kurbiti power fur twu during tho day thent nru many featurtta to recouupeiid tho direct curient josfteiu for uuer pur- pttm0 th tv pr-lr- ctahtlak t lxt the kiiui titlut calendar baa a 1 way it iteeri topuhir and ultxiady thu oyilco iu in receipt of nmnoroiii in- qulrleii a to thu calendar for 1u0i our calendar iu now going thmiijh i bit preui and will la- a very protty and attractive one a flnu half titnu engraving f a couple of littlu innld- riii mirrouttded by llllen forma thu contrepleco it ban a very leglhht calendar tab of giual kiiuk flgurew and luuuiltelluhcsl au thu kuii luiuw job deiuirtmunt uudeimtaiidii uo wull how to nrcoinpliidi with mtiutlc table and hkill otir carrier imyti will deliver thu fiiku puitii lilleii rjihiudar on nmv vearu liiorulug ami all other hiilucriluid will lui uiipplletl by mail during the week annual muiuf wfctnoduit bu thu annual meeting uf tint mulh- wllut sunday heboid wui buhl on monday evening the reportu for thu year vvoru encouriiging tint inlmtion- ary olfeiiiigh wero very credluiblu uud thu buptut ti veil thu educational ruud wiw thu largest given by uny m- limit iu the haiiillttm tjonfvivnce thu fifllnuh for the enbiilng year woro eleettl au ftdlowx kupeilutendint ii 1 motint aioclnte hnpu j h ftdeumn and a k nicklin htvrv- tary w ii hpiigbt aid kee j it miwbler trubiirr lloyd a hmltll llbnirliiuh juiuuj oleiuau k ldainhlu ami f willlamu homu ibpl hupt mlwi k iahig a-o- elate hupu mn a hlepheiimin and mlw ivitymaii unbent u wllllaiiu and don- iekur miku miiwin aiul mr j like organlut meua jmiu htephiiibiu ijiidit of orrhfutii j hill owing to a tvauauifuuiimit ot a uiuulwr of rfakmi the niueheiit will not ixinpimhited until nc uu it hi veiy htm h lvlhr uuil ving i iimunlll mix i ilami unit mh jumei mooiv tui of thu uliht und mot him 4frill irailuiriiif lliu liul nhi ohllgml to vlliu tbeh iilminv will ik- mrlllly felt iii thu mlntnl no undeiifed ciiildnkh mlw murtan qt london ko- pajm lllh conipllmmil to ctwul- inimis 111 mwumfittintbi inti itviul bvnr daily ntwm iii tt id ti her iniirtuiiigh of m wiil thai in ouuw ixlodllum wiutulow ii 111 ootnrio fr i bee thus 11 lil ui wlwit uimlerfcl hllhvn meant and liimrlor lluglie linked ll i toil one thu woitu phyxien dnvm in lttiin the rhil drii ww infiior to culimllulf rhll tllk diotimdbii ualu th crovltmi llolmwl 3rr7jwr7j mc ha b2g 12 bqur him of tlmlwrsold the big ilu of t imur imrthu by the oolnio bnertiment lnt wi k aftr- nnoii iii the piovimu vitn7crrv a total of h3 l2mnmitjiilim of bind w r- duimktl of and ihuarsnigu pi if twill per liilln wav mmi iih mu wum the mivht lurrekhfill ever held and hie- pi lee received have innm tliu huiteelllilmtn of by tl hlieli it u temeliilhivd that tin havu 1n inrieal from si 2t to j per llioitmiud feel itiul the giund itnt fioni it to v per mite the pi iced r- ivi mi iuinlnllr the onleliilx of the wu latidu uiitmint by aluuit a nlnllon dollnm klkl mkn must mot tlnkc nrmiil trunk wul cnuin knulflo itkllwy auuiopium will inaut on frokiloluon a dihviteb fro in mniitreal tefju lutth the canadian iiillc and jraltd trunk itailwayu mil to a great ok- 0llt follow the rti nplo of thkurth- eiil iiciji mid itr the iwgullillg or the new vjr nlll iiihtnl upop thu utiuobt iiolnlety on thu jwrt oftbelr employeeii white the northern pa- elllc wki rwpilre iilnuduui wtbrinty lutb when on and olf duty thu canadian rail way a ftiitn that they will only enforce ruleu while men lire on duty and that to talu a drink whilu oti duty and thu habitual fre- ipientiug of place whem llipiom tiro wild will 1m tauuiununt u courting dumliaii a leading ofllcial of tho canadian i ulatet that if found liocetutary the rubuj would lie made to cover all tinurt alike it wad it good lule that uld rult in giiater etllrleiiey iet n can of our maple syrup weave told it in unec v jmiukvk jl co caiiad v3 pacttiiflrtcalttndaii the ait ijmijiiu calemur for hhi iialieen iuned imt year it wan a work of art thin yea it far outidilnen lln prtileceuuir it7rjiuliot fail to lt ifwlbr only a limited nmnlter fur bale ortler at once price so cent the muuhon iiihtk cii limiuwl tomnln out your holly and mbtlutuo at c f oimhikvi ctiv an undendanding of tho correct iervhig of i meal in of the greatest lin- wrtaiice to the bonituire for a dain tily berved repuit though iilmple in far m lw priferrtsl tti an overladen lulik impriijvlrly rervitil kleannr marcbaut contiibutea to tint january delineator lhellrtif a berieuof paperu oilthe peopi serving of und vimtlng at tll table tho luriei uill lw of great practical value to lhoa who uro ignorauliii thin initortant matter the introductory piier in ronreniod uilb prolluiinary p re ta ration the car of the diniiikruini the linen ullvernnd china the lighting ir thu tablo and other ropiiiiten of correct wrving the uubjertu ant treattml in a bimple eullghtinhig manner and the illnuratlniih add to theeffttueneui of thu paper keu our tin ckvt table c f gtwuuevk a ctu for inner alip icu ciecpni call on geo ktovel who will put them on your rublwr overtimes or imotn hunteru ijixative qiilniniitahleth will chock a cold in a few houru jrice 2scij g- hunter ihtiggiut acton the actin ijaptiatkunday school will bold their annual entertainment on wednesday night 2urd deceinlwtr a iongbervlco vill iwt given by tho bchohint ontluixl that wonderful nighl a bilver collect inn tken at the dcwir all am welcome georgetown iloral co lire now belting fiuui tlwir now greeiihiiiuei choice cmiatioiif niueii rilla lillieu hiullax ahwrnguit c itigbt pi ices and prompt tihipineiit iiuurml kuc ial attention given to order for wicial gutheriugu wethlliign nod fuuernu vour nnlerti wtlirttml social and personal mihu ludi kiuylb ii veiling her mini ml uauie m wilbur sl mr iud mm wlulam ii giiruyif r vi niemim hm- tbiir vuik mr hil iyfe of he ii- hu wurld wioiboinu for a day or u thl uk mluncun k mmmnieiit u oupbi of hj iut whk will fiienilu iu tluetpb miv h t arnold kha ih ltllr tutted aulou filend on tlletmlny mr and mrw fnil htnmy or iblla- drlphih am mhnding a few wttiku at sunderland vilhi mm j w llw 7f mllion-wa- hire yhurlay vulltng her mother wlmurrllleally ill drh a mckengiut bdt on monday tti mptnd a week or wo with friuudu tit ayhnr and hi thnuuoj mtui fern drown enleitaiuwl her ghl friendu at au unjoyahh birthday party labt friday uvunlng mm hctvu swaekltniuur htiu lnn ciltlrnlly ill thu pant few ihiyn hut wih improving an wu went to preei mr aithurhinyth iimji luii imnn t- ihomthe llmrtbildge to the mut- uiwa ibanrh of the hank of ottawa mm annie moiihou who wan taiver- ly mhakeo up by n fall a couple of wiekm ago iu btill coidlnd to her bed mimm holwrtaon of niuuntinyiyit luim laen very 111 thu pjut coiipht of wimku oinluug tluiihlu but li im proving mm il j guney and her llttlo turn of mxeler have mtked lit thu homu of j fyfe iq for tlio cliriut- ma bolidaja mut nellie uutlln of hl clair mich hau iken ipendlng thu iaut week at mootxcroft und with other ftieudu in uwn miwi dalay nicliin ban iwen m-mi- gngiil teacher of iorne riihool und her t inter miui ljlltlt ban meinitl u uuiitiiii on thu buff f 11 u ibidge- tort holiiwtl mra janet auderwon ubo ban iwen an invalid the paid year and for aev- erol nionllw in a very critical uhittt of health nached her elghyelghtli biithday yuhtirtlay ilm tlmiuan htowuit of i jic mhim alluita la the giiebt of her bniher ofllcer uliiham her vult in a j- vat mrpilv it la foiiruvn year huch w leh for the weul mr und mm h ii moore toronto iem wreft of their dear little daugh ter dorothy but wedneialay from diptheretlc croup shu wan one of tlio ttiplels und nearly a year and a half or age mm wm iloumtivet wnu taken uddenly jujtlkiut nnnnvueijlny thu tho tight tiido laing lutrtlally para- ibul the nvliltora ullglit houunorhago in tint brain shu linn improved rnu- nldernblythuiuuit twentyfour houm mr lloyd a hmlth ban laen engaged on thu btaff of the merchanli hank lloyd bi one of our lnlitefit ymuig men and utmal at tho bead of bin high school cbiraan ho will no doubt nmku bis mark in the hanking profouidnu mr lul j monro iuout thin week on tho niinnal tour of victoria unlvemlty gbecluhhb one of thu flmt tenon thent mt forty victoria btuihnta in tho cimpmiy und they am giving con- crt at wimhimutu ijindon herlhi and ulbet point- ding apprentice wanted ii hunter drugrlsl arton j h matthcwo wlshua to in form iho publlo thut he has full control of the celebrated nowland itco8aulcatohwan coat u and robtn for aoton and vicinity all othura offord in aoton urn imltatlonw anyonawlihliitf an imitation rob- can tiava on from him at v7roanci kndhooatfor1200 you take no risk in purchasing dr maries celeryiron pillic w ouarauttd then to curo or moat moaey cltecr fully uefuuded tlui curatlvo ipialitiab of ha iuut cjjuvitun ill ui ar mi ohhitey mrtaili in oj casr uiit tr a luutdrfil tltftt uh luto ila iiiftrttiim m klvhui our wriloi juirniitip that pipy ill poal- lively cuio fiiilb troiilituiua tlila ami watery luootl lalo d hallow com- ulrxliiii 1iinplea ami lnietimui nerv- oujlicwa kleeiileaneim tanifiair aiul lw- prewioii biniii lag aiul yurjjhuhiea anr anpollte iypu l hihgn- timi nnon heailarlitil paljiitatloii of uw heart liy td iviiit tiwu h-rv- ou prunualuni uwlai ot mral la bility ami nil dlbfuwa ami divinlirii arlaiag fruta a run iowu iomltlimi of tlia iirrvuua yltiu or wak aiul ha- povribfd bliuwl with every u btixta of hu luiffvn tvtiuow piljj ju jmroluao at oa tluw wa ilo nr written guaraiiliw hint if u dnal derlv uliellt friia tliflr tue va will iho you jour moiify uel isnt tlut airt tliibiui wu ware pretty nam or ltrl pilu would da what veblui fer ilem w wouldnt ilam male aneli in alb- i lly uulluji- b h uia at brown phm drutfup und itl mur act n ont absolute security genuine carters little liver pills muit qear qlgnttture of vry sml taimh aa kw roi ounioit ro diumut roi uuoatuu m toihd uvik fm comtiptlo si taixow iu- roimcaarujuui cure bick headache xas presents 1 santa claus headquarters 1 vvatohoajowullarygllwavwara toya ualli faoay cluna georgic hynos i acton ont m i m wanted i icfll a rent for iw jo ol kiull 1 ilminl pay vwuly ovlik coo aculiii uixlrfculiivalln our aluck btcltutea a llui tett varieties aa wrll aa lmpiovo1 ail dies ntil ollcfcl by titter fumm xvd puaf- anieo delivery of all sjixli in good coiulul tn 1 1 will pay you lo wiiie ut pit or valiula linte leim as w oiler llio ueal liwluccnteoh in iho itutiiieu apply no lolham nursory company tokonto oxr all appearances uwlicatc tliaj tlii i- iiii to he a very j busy week our prtml preparatory sil is itirrinp up enoriifiou business activity wc have prepared for this wcekji extra rush by an increased staff of salespeople the extraordinary bargain attractions will continue well start the week with mention of the dress goods section here arc the things that force themselves on your attention of course youre ooming to guelph to do christmas shopping and of course youll want your money to go n far as possible tlitrr arc lots of places to buy christmas gifts if you liavc lots of money to squander but if you must make it go a long way we know we can help you out our christmas sale keynote is big dry goods worth for not much money this list will kiiow the trend of values 30c fancy neck ribbons for 15c all siil kuli mklxmi 0 im wil fancy plalil am tlrlp rrnular prlc 35c hiitl 30c jior yanl irulay miwl salurily 15c yd inch plain taffeta ribbons 12jc all liaca piu sill talfcia itlbuna 4 indies wlilo retul r iiic i2c per yd fine victoria kawns at c yd auorlcil nujiif- vlclnrtt iawu 51 up lit 45 lochi- uibln wnufl very fine ind om ljiler clotlia youll find lun in 1 hi lot kiiltahlo for any purpomi worth 15 and igc yd cvira chrutitiia 9c ydt black satana underskirts wonli i135 loroic mail of kn bill wtrcdriiwt satana wp flounca lliie rowi frill all koaini itouiul and aiiicltod a ikirt utll uortb ti35 you would py vi 50 for ii in many stores kutra chrilinait pcial 98c yd white aprons for christmas gifts tlw tmllul kliiwlnjol wlllo lawn a iron w think you vo over iaolm tlirouph worth much more i ban ue ulf kilractirltlmaiecuiu 25 35 and 50c each christmas furs 3 otib auraehari caperliuri wuw cap- iiirii collar 37 inch froat llno1 with ben black uliu heuur plco ono hxtra carlilma ipeclal 675 4 american sable caperidcs a fur wo ruaranlea lo give aplendld wcarlibli comloriabla collar long frool a baricalu al iho txlcs w ptola uulra ctirlfttmaa frci j 450 1 6 astrachan capcrines satin lined wldo cape hill kejiulirljjo kit cdrlttmaa 5fr collar pedal 3 only electric seal stole ruffs 7alncli tlppod whli grey ipilrrel kecular t 50 txlra clirlumju pccbl 75 do not forget that this is the last friday and saturday bqfore xmas it will scarcely be prudent to leave xmas buying until next week jeffries roberts cjnclplis modern store gift suggestions something useful win not combine usefulness with your christmas cencrnsitv and ive something from this list our stock of gloves handkerchiefs fancy collars belts purses dressing sacques and silk shirt waists consists of every thing that is new and youll find this an easy store to shop in when you dont know what to buy gloves yci a ptlr of gloves uotittl br appro firiato anil wo ir tafa in siyln itiat no teller vatuen are kliown anyuliera our etna i dollar kill glovca la coasderably ninrd than 100 cents world of rtylo end tatiifaction oilier linda nra priced from 35c 10 j oo and tome are bovad uptraiely handkerchiefs limlirolderuj hernsilicltiul and plain linen whli inluu bay arc priced from ii for 35c to f flich fancy collars luca collarm ttock collara in nil llut newer dctlftns in suit llio deep purta nr iho hallow rurwo burn 35c stp to pi 50 each belts good thai col liuht money 35c up lo conic in and we will assist you iu waking selections d e magdonald bro 5 and 7 wyndham st 3 entrances 55 macdonell st the won guebph t 75 and a largd auorlntani lo rboou from palms 1or ddcorallna nurpauii wo hav put l a larrmstock 01 tdd pjaiila aiul you can rardly lull incm roin the real thbig tltay ii hriihieii up your houta or xmaa aiul ara notroubht to care for oavcr nl watering are not alcld by frot priced accordlag to ulu 35c jjc 50c 75c fioo and f 3 00 each cimibiui na iutei cuotioo top fancy neckwear hlbboiti umbrlus silk shirt watukaml druinr sliipie thinrs lliat aity lady unuld ua luhuhted lo relia mi clirblmaa gibs wa show w aliracibe fc roups la mjdu effccilve styus ami coltiriinji tday a to uot high priced ebber shirt waula in silk am silk mututwa lustre and french ilaiuudt frnm i 50 lo 7 no iratlag sacpmi al 75c 1 1 30 i 00 ktt1 t jn ebtaului ih31 the country gentleman tiik only aghicultilual ialku atul ajutlltsjiy tlia iaillna aarlculturaj journal of llta world llvlrvtuiuriiiibiil wrlluu ly iiuouhl ida liluinxt suiduiulu tlilr ratmtlllu so ullir itr liliijj lu cuii ulili 11 ttriiialmmuoi uf yutui kurf iff uiriumiutulluial hri wiuj a jr ul rouitlij tatt inn ailtut4a ly uuin indlumulnlbln u all ouimtiy ul- dtiita who whdi u ump up willi tho tinutf hl 11 uj two uucilntloua mui ctvj itinhktuim aaso huclal iudiirmuiiitii tu talwr of luikr ihllw liur mnnllih ivlat ti l fo cnta 1 t 1 hiki juiiv cuitkh tiuiwiiua wuiiiii it win iv iu 1 wily ltitfhl iii mty wv lu iuiutry iii- u it lr llvui a 11 ll luhoi l uckof voib aiuuiy comb to guglph and select vour xmas gift from the old re liable jewellery firm savagoe go 31 ih- muilint in plnlii rian uimi wr 1iw tlifu ii snlli m skill iiot of tliou irlli rnry twnlk vory imnlmiiiiii fu twwhim ri 81i iulo uu 74 ohtvliil hull iiik nrhldt llnjl in hlurl ur mtvy i liirlirn wll prlrn c lrt iil mii iy iiivy rrl unilliiji iklrlli v inh wide rtiilr till wkn iuli iiiit tll- sh lu tnrlllid winilul ml v im llivii miiloilul lv lll kl iriri tuc a ilm liivly iiiiiiim wulul muliilii ill i-iinln- tjk- k fr vae iilack hirks i1imi tirli fur iiiui 1 i2 l iltsliuiln kitli l ianiiv kiiki it kllk fur ll7i mm ivi at haw luiok jl 1iwii lniy vivol 11111i piiiii fnruiuli- imi aop4 nxtutly luilf llr toys ano fancy goods wi liiiv iiivi1 tin ilitlni iiimiiiiiu nf mir imiwl leiwini nil fur llu illiuy r jlnutiii tiiyu cliliiu inul kumy hiumi oiiiiiii ntlil tuo tlimii ciilivil itiinni 1111 llu lurntl ilimr e r bollert co 25 and 27 wyndham slriol gu8lph glhsgom housi practical christmas presents nothing is as much appreciated as a christmas gift as something that is useful and necessary that this is the best place to choose that kind of a gift is quite evident when you inspect our showing ol christmas goods not one article but is a very useful as wcllas a very pleasing gilt for the ladites hiik i1hith- ulc itms 100 anoy c0maiis- h3c uic 75c uv 100 waiht lknothm- lji lw aim a yur1 onil kink iuils- 10u u 1500 hiik iauasous- ih u 250 kid luviw m 125 pink unkn1- uc uiooo fancy i1nknh- u5c to 1v nnmit ilficui en iluklriksl mnurlalii ilinliinnii lulit criatiimi oimii work fittwtii mj- illiui lrlmiiilnkii ilrli chilfonliljick whluiuid iinp tiill niiasviiiil mitithil i iiliiin wpftvoii protty liliiiiuiu hlucl unil ciiliiixil iilkii cllhlillli i lllfn llllri illwilt lllyllll ullll bllhlmmi hll tin- iril film iilnnintril uulitli all unilu nf imiiillini kvrry iilr iiiirauliril wliilr lilack gy lirowu uuiirluxl iir iiulikilliil lliii i ti clnllu or cut itiikllm tray clotlitiuluilmml limfn iliviuiruml rljind cover talili niipkinii ami line tiiuiin won iliivci wniil mitlh wl hon uiiun llaiiilkiivlilifii kinlniiiilrnil ami ki1l hund- koiihlifii wnnl viiiln hhiihuii 1aiciiuiiiini for the gentlemen nkckwkah- li5c a5c 50c nkck hdailkh- 20c 2c 50c 75c 100 jlti suaikndkits- 25c t5c 50c panoy kookh- 25c 15c 50c hiiiiith 75c ami 11v kid iuivi c15c 75c 1iw umhrkiiah- llin 125 150 ituffi llou inj rnilii fmiiiiiluimlii imiwii all llio liitw- nit liatliiiui anil cnlnm itullviilual pivimiitlauim lunciii oxford liiiifllitii wayn nilllllfn ikiilluli iuiuiuv pliiln rnlnm fancy inittmnti nil wool nllk and iialin ullk lluud plain cnlnm fanry iiattiin iilkwulm loathar atwl mohair 1iidn pillf raiilinntri mill wnrstfd lllit and tloavy wflflhuj kllk ilnliimldcrtl ipoln and hirurca wlilti iiliiitx llniii fixintu cnlnrcd nlilrln uawtwt pattitiii pino ilnmait kid and iniiclni uarinty lined natural wood und llnrii liandliii nxccllontilallty covri lnt latint pitrut riinniiii ciillnn cnlfn cup i hals mlllu ciiilerwcar for the youngoters timpnn 25c t5c 50c mitu 25c l5c 50c mtocklntru 15 to k5c hllkti 25c ilojv and llilir lliidi avimlllovih yilc 2v wool lloan 25o llanilkiivhlifii 15 111- wool hnodn tl 50 75o iahclnatnif i ii- vti im- cpii 2 5j llw rwiar infanu llontcis cillani lartcm ullilmnu specials for christmas kblt hiippkilsclilliliviik nun and uidir nmanuil cnlnm nil 15c iiluii mr pair kid hiippkitmindli11 iinu-iilnili- pilinl liatliir -i- piir imhuoiiiuiil iianiikkiiciiikps- a ninil itluinu iinml 10c ipiallty ian n iiuilal miuu- ciili ikntikuknh tl kmian hnini n i mu- vl i i uuid qnallly ullk 5llc lined lljclitnln dmk pallcinii catit christmas groceries ikc iss lac sac llil llalulnii il llu for 25c iinnn andoiaiiki- ivnl per mi 15- hhelleil alninndii i hi ilh- ijirtfii plnrlda oranitea ur iln ilk- lloil kxtrncta s imltleij for 25c lliitlm iiuith ollui for 25c citron lel iii il 25o shelled wnlnnu mr 111 10c clinlieleinon per iliuu 20c yellow siiiinr 25 llu for 100 henderson cfe co glhsgom house kfiton i iiiiirr i mvmunii or viuitramiiysmtnich clmtn wflvlv uwln imiimui rrwriptu a3tlyln uijltkp sr iviauu brothers mothers wr ju1au atrcl xmumuk can for wintry leather llir licity cdii wialltor rnniliidfl ai l ynir lm dolaywl nlvhlj u jinr uidiir it it you cant dabay it any loiicir llur luultjiu ut renal iuu and lniuhii will pli- 1 ilia mum pjr- tlimlir ilin ri wu inika idnin up rliiljt iunr u iidiii tako them wm m coopar mtiiclmli tailor mill slivt acton a n

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