Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 31, 1903, p. 2

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w e bobn rnx in llackwftod rn tbntbday soi i tea 1b0b to jr uhiii llaury fua a uuclifr ihmxmio mitten hi mnniar iafl klh ijul uiur uulun wl laiuan aui wlhboh iii uiiuh w ku4a li wl u l i i a j ui wlal i dausbla mastuiku uvqxwtn latvlin oitalptt oo wa-lia- uf i onl ibttl by ttia 1u w ii uaal pts ii a itauvrt un4lll to ue jaonia uiadlwl twtb ol uualpb ui lata uoton marvin to niun l ilapwoaui on of jaoob uiuuf i ilsiaa ritnuaalntarooln on wadi ord immnbir iva by uav a iu t hojalm d undmrmw of ur allnbaal hal- aaloajlo iuf ntnnj daoabl ui juum palurma ol hdlaa i toijjd tunbsainlar rails oo hatonlay 1w imil leco tboansa uulmso tattta of mr w i ulordm aeumlobuteuij ixnraiiln muloa on thursday if law cbu downl is fau tltli yss wiixjatjtt xi id imumm j btbw il j ti wlllmol hvonfluu do vtuu- dm lata 190a uln flusii wllltnou iamil ol mil too sad bo jmii sad tooolb be ttnn jfm fris thulihday dtiukmilkit 1x kditoiual moteb a reort fruni tlui vt thdiratv an lncraa of twenty prr cent h tho crop ttcrraji f il yi canada may in 1001 wgln u how groat results from um recent heavy immigration tho luolph murctiry publlshoi this libel on tho gtu i it i- liard line t sbava yourself iwtforrt ratchlng tli jaarjivlii train for toronto tuid uml yourself needing another shave ufoi you teach th qutwm city lit thn retirement of councillor jlolma and titisl thorny from public tin tic- thn town loses two fsltli ful unvanu who havo given time htiil ability to tho work tor which thuy wen vimumi 11y ntlm wth 1 on from their rpctivo mxw tl kituie lmaut mtumdu eouki-ntu- uuonfl to mr ii i wntrtvii f tho tioorsotowu iirrtiil uimiti hu nitihc uon to thn oflloo of chief mukutrnto hccbuuatloti mr wnfrtm u tiii tthlu lnnniclpnl toroimntutiv nl in fully coiiwrvliik thn imimi ntitrt tif fau town hlr win mutftck imtiiiurgoi ms hum lvmi m hulwutttui chrutnuiu box ta country noetmiirri 1y vwuio tho iiihiliiuiiii iwlnryfroii 10 u t year tho ktmtimoratimi for hit tnulmctlii of imimui iiotn hiulutxu had boon tlouhltml tho allowmico for t of office apacfl hnu oiko nvii l on n knora miuum11u 1muh tho anthmcluf uuu- in thu uttluxi hutafl cioml for tlia ymr nt clirit- knan after imk1hciik tho inrnt num- bar of tmi in tlio liutory of col kalnlng tito hhlpuloilu from th tulnefl r njhtcd tjl hacir6uo00oo0 mi rfpdnst 300q01 tonu in 1001 hhlpiuonu for thn year 1dq2 owlntf to the atrlkb amounted to only 1m0o0- 050 totu a ory ilccldud ffoh u itoitik tiikj to croto opuoltlou hgnjnt havotnl of tho caudldau for dm omco of tichool tnwlooby htftlitig that uy urn oj- kmmki to tlio uigh school department juul uiulr eloctlon wiumlutaut malitfet 1u contlnuunco tliu u certainly uiv junt to tie gmitlaiiioii who liavo allow ed their kianu to bbiiul for fcloctlou foratuontftlieui all tlierd u not mo who would not tloliulwwt to advanoo the educational onuurtunlties of utu children of uiu community tho talcmonb uiat two tlcknu evll a ihfih bchool and an antlul kchool u as ahtuird urn it la unlnio- tha luaktuinimniui action of couu- cluoiijynli in retiring from th cou- toat for tlia uovalilp andcpunf a placa m councillor fof another year undef uiu circunutanced prevailing will beapimcutud by citlxcno uner- ully hail w retired from tltat of councillor tut writ mt from tliat of tho lueyeahip tho important intnwtu of this town would uacumutrlly lmvu wen placml nury in thu halida of un tried luexptirienctid men aw it hi lilw valuable expertonci in tlio conduct of matt rthidlrltik mout catvful buhr- vuion will bo avuluihlit ho will uo doubt roctilvti willbarttml reward at tbo haudit of tlio eiictori in fiilur yeaw ibdkw mills tharvtildmico of mr jotph moom wam tlio fccetuj of a viry pratty evont on wwlnomlay uuit 23rd doc whon tholr eldeab daugliuir tdiui wall u ol tod in the bondu of matrimony to yrvoiuakl wtlaon nakd4woya at five oclock thn hrldo a urnl tho parlor which wan usufully ducomul with holly leaning on th unu of httr father to tho kit- i an of mfiuhilwohutf waddlntf nmrch playyl ly mrw t jl couumiu th c4raiiiony wna per formed by uev w h curtilium ll 1 tlio iuuim wiw accoonianlwl by her fcutnr jlaia and mr john v wllaou cotutlu of tho kfimuil hcumi a a broouuiiiiati a fur tho luunl couurat- ulatlon tliu lftntu uuiuhvrluif alum alxly adjournal to tlm tllujn imiiu whoro thuy iartiwik of u wihmiii luucbooii tliu bhdo huilml charming in a kowii of wlilto lustra trliunusl with llk lacii and clilffou and canlml t ahowor imuupiot of whlto cariuttlona th lirldeamald wiiu nttltsml lit hlut poralau lawn tllmmtwl with ilco uud uild urrn kllk ami rati 11 a itoumuit of whlto and pink cmriintlonx utilo luuw vhihl hiimiiut coiuln of thn brldtr tnado a jiwout maid of hinior the- brideri koln away billt wan uf blu cheviot doth with hlark plctutv hat to match amouu the mutty bridal prtmwiiu ono of itpoclal mutloti wm valuable niauud chwk from the methiklut ohuixh choir or which tbtf lirldti iiad imtiu u littmiw tlui happy rodph ift on tho inomlutf tralu tor it oouplo of wivkw honey- kdoon to muhlii uud othr polniu woal all join in whthlug tlnini tiuiny hapy and pninputotu yam of wtj- ded lire many nominations but acton has no c0uncil now uot xuiax i- ovr c v iltttturvtrat ci wlluhhmi at i nmock ud momuym ti uml thurluiyj at u on wwdihwliiym untl 1yidayw and loouuaturdayii roui- cndkulm nornliuuhl row u llhivaalilp svararcounou- lor uid klxht to- bvaokmamen kor iibbvic amd iiynuu onlv pxjii council tlit hoiiiimtumi of f th limiilrlpal couixil and hnl of imimaiioii for lucw ut noon on mon dy brookht uul iht liiml uolii of nutntil l tin- hun wn vi ry ijuhilly ikiiit all tin- iiomlnit- ioiim imiuk put hi in writing ijulnsl by rortmt wlutuukry mat tin nt whmt tl uiwii 1 k i ovhwk thn hour for ivlvlnt noui- limtloiim haxin iiii mlllilrlil olork mooiv rnl tho liuim f tlw rnlidldaliriamfollonh vtu uhhvk 1 ikiiiuim hvsiuikouiliiuhd by ii v mooiv ihtoiulwl by henry jrindl 2 ittiiikitr hoiuiji koinluntod by 1l j mrnabb mtoimimi by w i andtraou it ii i ufmtiiknniiiltutuwl by v h tvuny imcondl by giow llyndu 1 ii kwatilukh nominate by j m mcdounld wcimilid by win allan vtill vhjnnruhui 1 nki1attkiumn noinlniiud by ii jrana wvhindiyl by mcintosh i itoiikut horuijt notnlniit- by h lijfohmtoni- m miitlcd by c 1 lomlev it aik-iitajiiuii- noiniiiklwl by tluw t mwire incondwl by 11 i mioro i a t iluoun nominate by jlio afiivir wwoiwlwl by john h coluinan e wiruaw foiuman nomlnat uy 1u it johnhtonit iwconibd by h ohudrll 0 jaiikt ii ukico noinlimlcd by john cameron wwondxl by geork ciimplmili 7 fawmiik hvsiwi nominated by ii jana keeondud by w i andir- min wilt tulkmh thubtuioi 1 dil tiiouau jii vy nomlniitwl by ii p moor fcecoiuhd by john caiiifrou 2 john camkiujs nominated by itolxirt hoiuiibj wecondod tiy h i moore i av h dkvv nominated by jiwirgn ilyndx iieconded by alex hoctni i iliiiikirr b jniintrrfisk-nomln- tuil by itoliert holmci fucomhl by john ktrtmuy jr 5 joun h cn mill am nnmlnnted by lmirt0 llyndu becomlcd by aiux iecord u du j m maciwin m noinin- uttl by it ii jolinntoue heconded by ir mckeaffiie 7 a h dkvitt noinlniiusl by ii grtnihll uecondul by it ii jobn- ktonn tljujutjtvlimiaw nomliintod by dr mckoakun uecnndml by h 11 jolitialono at tho cloae of tho iiouiinatioii mr john cameron j p wnii movul to tho chair tho member of tho present yari council wurti ilrst callod to glvn mi account of their nutwarduhlp iloovc bwackhamcr wnu tlicraforfl tho first bmakor ho tutld the bind- bead of tho premtnt yoar lind ono forwahl in a very luttufoctory initll- hor it wau customary for tho itoovo to mirvn a twoyoar term tuitljho folt that with hu bxpurleiico of piutb yearn lm could rivo better wrvlco an iteuvo in 1001 tin printed llmuicial uuui- meutitp to tlio 15tb decern w inul been dtniributid ho would therefore not hwpilrti to dual with uuaticctf ttio btandhik of tho corihiruunn had lie naldj uhif coimldorably improvisl iblrlilf the year ilfimnce waa mailii to tlio increased hinut of por- mammt walku to tlio ntrrtet uxum- uourf of tho vlrctrie lights and otliar mauara ho retfritud lluit tho vaad bftda of aev6ral of tho utrmtu iiad not lieii improve and auo thut tho council wan powerh to inuuinu otic- lialf thn cot of tho permanent rwivo- iiieula and to wiiuuit tho upciu aiuminentii on conidr lot pavementii an they deirwl to do tho clearing of tho unow off the uulftwnlku won n vextul qiieuon ho www working up a bchtmin for letting of tlio contract fur thlu work to ono man and have tho town pay for it mi it uhould in all life tlmo or uervlco in liehalf of tho corporation ho hud taken a largo inureat in tho affair of tho town he may not potiwbii the ffrtica lul dignity of iwnne but wao willing to loavo hlmaeir in tho ehsctoiv imiida councillor hyudii tho clialrniau of tlio committee on fluuuco uud of tho ktectrlc ugh ting aecylci wouiler- ed an ho vlowod tho array of empty ueau if it whh indltforonce on tlie part of the rateiayorti or an ovldiiico tliat tho affulrw of tho municipality wiro cohiiucuhi with eutiro witiufac tlon mid tlmt uo crltlcium uhh neces- uary ho kumuiel up tho accumplmi- luonti of tlul veal- uiider four lieudu lut ttio iimendnipiit of tlio tviuo- fy hyuv requiring noiiivhlduitu to pjy 7i eeuu pr wpinrti foot for ptou uud belling in rekhhmu who paid uve for llvo centu thin ho felt wan mi ivultiible mid nppi4ciutml cliautn v 2nd tho luanlinoii tannery ex- uinptlou of twenty year luul explr mid tliu mueamimmt inuut w iuijumumi on one huiul theru wera thn uureu of thowiphi to m roiiwldorod on the otlur the fact that tho iwimlmore huuufaa in mi iinppitant iudtmtry and of luimno value ui tho town wo lud tho power to uaxika for full value the entire plant but wo met tho linn fairly and after due coinidratioii made au emi liable uiuumuiitient of o4ju0u which wo filt whm eiitltvly utufactory lmith to the hnu uud to the town he iiojumi rutuni uounciu will deal an goiieroimly witlj thu im- poriaht llrm lrdotir rato of lummineut lu ihlu yar nducl from 21 to ii mlu ho did not uouve in biirphu and the coitmll wam able with he 10 mill ut uw nil elahmi uud niiuliuhiik tat one half our piyiiuoitii tm- iiikmui- trullablw ho tbm tlm coiuull duwrv1 rrtwlll 4ui 1ui llil tliu in lln bllniy thnltla i ilunt ha uinllog fiiod wo iihii on i k liotu i luul i lu urphia of a l llini it inriilimrvw i ii tl- bu f iii- pwrhu b fll that a lm h r niit for tlm rchtillm uikiwm unu li to lb tlfrla of mrl lnllir- lb ml tiidmi wihh-vo- i- th hnliniaii of i- mimliltl i ll rutin- fctumld ik- u who mim klve ftrvful iukivum to nil pnr- 1 mild limn itf u furtlui iuul to ik u by lh orrton of tlu- lhmiof pnilauiut pnviorut dl tuu ii with thti i orimirutlon linking fuiwl lb ui rimniviiig four pr ruit iuir itihund of lh umiui urm piiiit imnk iil our luunr- uie lu llitrluw roinbtlou ho atld w rttirx with i hut i ioiiwinrm and iblu hiidx with rfriic 1 tl- iiouiliuitloii for tho uiovuuhlp i thinil my frbuwlii who promxml my mini and will ulv tho mattr dim rniniihratlon ihfoni dually deriding ii hud lbivnily riven foiirtimri y nrl to tlu uchtua hl nni ounrll conntlllor llobiurii khh a dotnlhj riiwtrt of the work f the coiumltte on htiv4u and walku of whlrh ho i rlniirnuin tint prinuil rtmirt atid ddrki of prwcling imuikuri hft lltlbi for him lit hay lie referred ui the icouoiiiiial oxiuindlturr of hu comuiittthi of the improvixl crmliitm thoy lmd inuln by utlllklug thn hag- khig taken from lh place wlurtt pi nullum t citmuilngrt worn laid and proudly ihowid that the appropri ation whm not overdrawn but htlll uhnwd u imluncr the eonimlttid rould have upenl mom money hot ontiiiorl it ikttur to 1m iconomlral un had not fully ilecidivd aa to nrcept- unre of tho nomination for thn heevn- whip iiu liralth ih not very good and ho had already given twivo ytuiii tn public dutlcii fm- tlio town councillor brown felt that nothing wail left for him to aay further than thut the yearn imkluew wa very agririiahly traiiuutl councillor jeany wiui noil rut when called uwm dr mcrcengue tjuiko for tho iloard of lulitcation ho wild there wan a feeling among a few that the hifh heluud ivuirtmout whn contlug uie town um niurh lie thought thu wan a muapprelieuuion and made oxplnuatloux showing that with tlm grautu from tho legtulature und uie county council the department waa coutlug but to0 per auuutu wo have reached the time he mild whmi tho people think tho chlldon from tho laluirliig manu homo uhould liavo ilucnlloual ailvantagiii espial to thoo of the wnlluwlo citlxeit wo have now aiichool whero tho extra coat of ona mil on tho dollar givey nil chil dren of tho town tho opportunity to puuj examinations that will give them kccnnd clajia certlllcateii acton in progrcidlvo nnd la going aheail ami thu in oiii of the wuyw to krwp it going progroanlyely though i am removing from acton i will alwayn retain my lntemi in ldncational umt- tom linn iiiichoohliig your truutimiii for 1001 i would rocbmnioud that in nil canon mon wlfji children i heloct- el hjj they naturally lmvo a greater interit in providing nclioil advmi- tniferf truuuhtj colemnn and john tit one alo npoko brio fly uxpnuuilng the inuimut they felt in tho education of the chlldru of tho community mr h i moore who hud ihmui nomltuitel for theltoeveahlp waathon c4illl upqu ho tliauked the frluudu who hud propobwl him but felt thut with hlu nearly thirty ytaniexporleiic lu attending the mooting of tho council ho could l of grtatjr mrvlce to the town in the editorial clialr un- traiuetll with office than if elected to tho iteevog chair ho hail pleauuro therefore in retiring in favor of coun cillor hynds who luul lmen no active in the corporation bot lutcreytn an a councillor mr cameron hero left thochulrund in doing uo anld that ho mt tliat ho miut take iimuo with dr mckeaguo in ono of hu ittut utatemeiitu ho con- hidurul it u lilie on tho good men uud true who luul nerved and would servo on tlio hoard of imucatlon who wore not hteaed with children of tholr own to attend iichnol ho clmltidhl miyono to my tliat lio lmd not umnlfcated an grcatah inusr- eijt lu tho very heat welfuro of thn children of thu community an any father hud done uud there are othoru lu ida pobltou eiiiully interoatetl with lilimielf ho felt that dr mckeuguori reiuarku wow in tnudm to lie directed perhomilly ut him ua he wait the only nominee for hchnol trtuitoo who hau no children dr mckoiigue in reply wiiil ho in- tuudil uo oifencn but felt that moii with famlliiui naturally would liavo givater intereut in tho school hi nee tho uoniinution mekra hyndu moom und holloed have withdrawn from the content for the itievwhlp uud meatim iatterwxi unlink heooixl i trow n coleman und 1hu from thut of cuiiiulllnm thu action lonveii koovo kwacklmmer itwlecltvil by itcrlumutiou for tho iteewahlp und touiiclllor hyndu tho only councillor artnu in therefore in rather u pecul iar pivlleameiit a new nomination viii lw luvbmiry uud this the munici pal clerk him railed for monday llth january ut noon tlire more oun- cillow are imicehiary and it in sincerely hopitl lliete will im elected by uccihui- utlon it would la viiyiiiimmmly under the lircuiiiutaurem for uny who havo wilhdrawii to lat again put in uoniinu tion in looking uuiiit thoniforv for available men who uu gual oltlenu would ureepl the dutlea uf cltlxtiuuhlp lu public wrvhe ut the pnuient erulu tho following tiuniea have tieeti ktig- gihite1 to the kilku uuai jhiii hojku w j humpluled juiuorf ijickey laar rrancu und john it kennihly lluiv are nil luurttmtthl property uwueiti and any of tlieni would glvo uatiufui lory neivlce lu tho couulii it1vlll bo wl for nloetor lo riuiiinilrrthat the roiiiteut of cau- ilidattm to tlielr iiomiiuitloti miibt ui teuitul tii the pieut labehu will imi lemilied kor kebool ttuulisii mu devltt itud lteiiny have iitlrml iiviuk j jpainsin the back am ymploma of a weak torjiid or tagnant- condition ol tlm kidney f liver and art a amine itiinln an by liaxanloaa to neglect m iutjuntm a bcalllit action uf tlirao irtah ttioy are commonly umlel by ltiu ol eiwrcy lack of rourace and mmic tunea by lonnty oicbodma bud dr bpoodency b ukrn 111 wtui kldiwy iniutila b lmcnmurak i txiiloktinlirel achiift i look mndkln wlllnait ixiunt imi nusllj- dlid ut try iikmjb iurmrlll atlr umi flrmi bottla i fult iiurl lmltr hut i continued urn u nl alx ixlua nmu nu- a now wmn whmi my little rlh w lby alia could not krrp biiyuliuf hi uf tomarji nd wo e llooda lumii- rlh wblcfa cored her u tutimam i- mia wallaotibnrc ont hoods sarsaparilla cure kidney nd liver troubled ro- heres uio back and biiilua top tlio whole system a1x ltaiohw in the llild ioiirart inlaicloctihl niiuixatinsh kijiuw iiwlllc ill leorketown it i wurrvu wau re eleetixl hevi by itrrlamatlon nnd j o hurley v j harbor j a ibll inul j w wlllou for rouo illom miiyor hamilton ieluu in cnelph lu oppohtd by aidrmhii j nwuad lpieiiig itive david coik und john ctuipladl councihoni tjeorge wrikglimworlh tlioa know john moiiih win uamixhire john mcdonald nik drain and win thonijnou drug appnmtlcb wanted hunter urtnnul arlon h j wc injsltlvcly guarantee dr hartes celeryiron pills tdcnrataanmul andaiutlaw com- ploxioo kooouiuw- hlcpjl41twi illl- ttaimt mluory dcprrulati of hairiu dympfcp rwr amietib imeurfl itlftoif vhnnlra and kniitleri ioor cirmuuee urait i of llreatli krmln wrakiunn nervoim hrail- kthea cahlnibd of tk llxiuld und viet lo of vital lowrr coiwiral wtaktirm ktul imtllity arid all dlaw and jiwirj- rr ar uliifclpp m a run ilown conjitloa of the hcrvoavytirt or wak and wtrry bvj ttre no otw reincily which will so ipiicuy rcloro you to lualtli sad rtrennth ml shjinstinti dfhairtocouryirott 1ilu sad thcm im no alhtr you can buy which u bccoaiiianfcd by a positive uar- huibo of cure of your toaajf re funded ii written guflramtee if you turrhau0 box4 of lf harlas cfllrryirea 1tlu for tiso taka 3 boxes of tho 1ilu mul find you sirs deriving no imncflt from their uut you can return tha 3 mity boxis toflhrr with thn 3 boxes ou kav hat opened slid ret your tnooay hack no feirr upiarir prejiealtleh has ever ivwn onyrrd siul wo wouldnv tlilnk nt tasklri it nnlrita ft atrn eennilcut lh cemmy will do all thst 1 ruimd for il by ths nlofhr be tka ltlbj ar wc a t brown phto b brugglst and u statlonor acton ont xa7vt white onplimreits of ttyeseasoif actons diikalkrr ii aiqwalit wm white cor mill u ul muliikl eden mills flour shorts grkin am all kinds ot clipped fcl always lu klock tit he hcton tutlll delivered to all parts of llm iowii orders left si a t ilrauns doiji sio receive prompt ailetillou clioppiiig ei cry day ih the weak hgnry hortop proprjlqtor- clearing lines before stocktak ing o at tide busy store 1 9c dress goods 1 ytinn ircu4 imwl ktrk- mnlton ktnl culihmr fnnry g littirt iulair2i itic hul wv llm to clear ttt l 60 waist lengths m wnlxl iokthh in ivenb llatmeu allwol dolalna r1 id vfllvnla fancy veunk and colorml scotch clnkliatii all kmxl bud en and designs regular 1u l2i and b for stocktaking mile rio dozen handkerchiefs lodnu itwn halidkurchhtfs with fanry lace corner hem- htitcbkl wltli embroidnry hnildlugou corner and scalloprnl ii1ra with embroidery braiding regular 1 and 15c line to clear nt 38c corsets kc 10 dnfcntt rulieu corncu ii ac c cromplon ami k t uwkea erect form and full fitting plain and fancy in alt hixnrf t ingularoonnd 7ic lines to clear at wc i dozen ladies skirts gold chilly frosty weather well w have a special gents ftjloed oyercoat muik kat lining pordaii oi ollmi collur lapel itcjjular 6o aa to tlj co for 46 caali in order lo clear entire lot ibis week if pouiblo kcidy for imttiodbil delivery at lafontaines otjsycan ihrmauoal furrw wumummmhhmhhhhwhmsluhmmmmmmmwri ummmmwhmhmwwm wmmuwktwwwwmh hckrrosrornct ww ww w wuwwwwwhwhhwmwsfwhwhhmwwluwmhmw jj w w w h w w w w ste are sorry f m w w w w w w s there were some who did not get waited on on w w 2 xmas eve the rush was far beyond our expectations m w w w w a g accept ottr best tlianks jj w w w a w jj for your liberal patronage during the christmas w w jj season and during the past year we solicit and jj w shall endeavor to be worthy of still greater patronage w during the coming year jj we wish you all a happy and s prosperous new yean g f goodbve go kotow itoieiai rjcwwimai tomiiioi y r 8miyw uumiusi tvi imiuuif mjjujii hw vut hlu1ju ttiul tuv vi call early and avail yountelf orriiw valuable bervice ua thld luiratc oppoituully to have your eye piopcr- ly tested fie of charge no ucta woik but a tciciilllic ccitaioty lille cult caca uccu rutely fitted ai i wuug uauan1fki kjfl tirfbji bifeubid lmm will uk at bo mhiloit hotol aolon owii dk ohlv wofiioidiiy junuury tith glirishnas gonfeghonery 1 doxni ladlrv bklrtu in kcy md black ilonuwpun blue lustre tdack leigrvand blu melton lengths from 10 to hi inclua fl flk u- lum tar 110 5 dozen ladies wrappers o doxiu wrnppani lu flannelette colors black and white tiavy nnd whltr irxl itud white rod and black and blue nnd black braid trimmed with mul without frill over sleeve deep t flounce bn bottom regular fllii 1c0 i73 and 105 for 11 ladies flannelette dressing sacques 1 tlnxeii drfualug sacrum in fancy slripti aauirtinl colors regular 100 to clwar at tc our grocery department receives particular attention and is always fresh and up- todate 1 caim ilaking powder lic 2 tiackagni force 25c t bottlos catsup 2so 4 packages jolly powder 2zc 11 iiackagiai corn htarch 25c hiatiuh oltvos icc cranlierrien neroiiirt iflc chrutiou plum pudding ooc 0 liar comfort soap 2jc 7 linni cameo soan 25c 20 llw purfl corn hymp h3c xmmmkim rbw scott wfvfvw still a good stociv to choose from try llilvo tlm hot htm c v liiimivu tviu poluh j ii i afler payiulll of ia umfmili or oiey ih mwilmislil i hwn id j h ihiuali ii it joblihloue ami i anuauoat r iftiiu and allowing fn liitrtu ttitlivwu wlshvs to lt mubllo that h- has full oontrol of tlio u1brattd nawlartu aciwbaikdtuhvwanuuiitasiiufuum for aotoit and vicinity alluthar ufiwrad in mitui mr imitations wlhlk ui i urtltallon rob inhlm at iausntl uii3 00 miss b millar mill st acton in maila piriurallum ur a lilu tnds in chrlbliiur camuei lloil huns nuts i iis iled ol llui cliulcajl braiulu chrlatmas fruits all 111 543ioii ctirlslmau a full him ol climtutiim caii and fdtlry tom tlui lil ukn hejk icvd onlorm or cliiiliu calnii early 1mici aiwavh kuiir mis u miilah wiihi u limn ilinrf h fikilkb tiling lluil klu llji lnliliill ill mjiy lilrlllllltw will llhllwmi llllllllu iuhikuii qlthlilhiyauru will ilil ii n11 in rvw lioiim im ibimi l iluiiur umnim aitm iiimiiirimiiii rit- iu uii although christmas has once more come and e and our fur stock has undergone the greatest christmas selling in out experience there is still a great variety to choose from there will be plenty of fur weather yet to come and to the many who have not already bought we desire to show a stoclt of hiaii quality funs at fair prices why not treat yourself to a fur garment for new years ruffs of sable martin fox and oppossum all lengths caperines with long stole fronts in grey lamb fishjer martin and fox muffs in sable persian lamb seal and martin gauntlets of persian lamb astrachan seal and coney jackets in persian lamb electric seal bocharamastrachan racoon furlined cabes mens fur coats mens fur caps d e magdonalcd bro 5 and 7 wyndham st 3 entrances 55 macdonell st the won guehph pulvotoffsit anqmctalclcmnkr couhinkd tlwmly pairutcd lvllsh hi the world no bust no dirt notimekt no smell coiituiini no heiuhic or oth r cjtpiolvcd luuvo htsktit thotti poluli uud lul lougcr thau any oilier price too at all gocebs vv ctklcvdaco coo llsvlll win wllu uxiuhlsktj a1llowud tlioui who contemplate pi inuumniiutal woik uf uuy d lluhlllg dptlon for their jiiiiiteiy plotw should inxler direct ftvifti uie old toluble tfranlto end nmrblo ihmlur j ii hamilton iimlph aunposts allowil to pur- cluuriirs all woik uml tiiiiutul uur- lauuht iomptllioii dolled the litig it and hot huh k of hiipirtsl uuinlle iii cajlada v 4 iclu abbrrlirituntfi wantki itl r ik iu rr lusy uilll 0 hull irhx ill lfill nriii hiwill iiiiim t ip hiii act lllok in- ii lal lxl iihi f tn all juw iu i- i 111 tut u hult l lfbnll itosli uuiximitom dioliition tl iartiiership notk u 1 t lm tiliiuri lunl ii nil- i u i si al uli k nla traiiuat hs iiaiiuaa hri lirliil in u vllc 11-1- lit- rlni it ii ttalumi 4 111 iiy t 1 tit- lhhijj itwi iiuii tli- nii tho liuai- lwlll iwcuiitlttuiklulular ui- rlui uun ol nlu11 wlicli will l i thl- n lullli miii iiy i- lu- ly ut iti mm kil wluli will cillt all uoouou du lldl1 aetol i j till lurt tr ii mkijuw u u nkiui ukoaunklbos all ltl liiulll la ll ii nrm ai it ii n10x c ufljv iifonua1 that all sa- txiuiiu lilliat 1m ttlla1 un uf ljof- ilia jll day of ilawnlr 1uil uii lib- kj -crii- iilliiauulacturlniltiouas ualntf wall halaluaha ikuiom lbel lritay aualaltbaury jd lll waahly ruwl iixui jd ih11 waa huolijt aalf ajlll it itualn i olor us uouou llld the slioriliaiid system valtllfc11 a ilk- at iii oualio- iluaioaas uintal itivaiilnl ami it urn ulsac lburuat ii haa ati u it ot or aflty vaais ftl aetual lrarllc tn1 las ttmrmt bawl i01i wauunif it la uib lilot klmpu lasiu brjf hii4 co lutt tul r alxutliaiul in auuli kt u y having old oiot toiillll h copus dl iu almnnlary inatruouir it lwdilaa by vi lr pt 1 tfliuirtai in ki apalus eutiula al ual by tlnuruji out ti lunal- yiwirurrf it u hi- only iviura nrndtuf in rtlflcul wai 1v wo1 1r mlnbts ulwlitllw inimt atiiiilol lla you c ux lt iii atunclatlby iii otlf uala a iatst uld luallll llualuaa coluw- call at ulo collij or luliroaa w moocoilmick ba hnoltial 1 ii tlioy willi ll illio lliayro ror williams rdkl shiwa ara daiion of correi williams hhoei bc3l jjoot elocu women or chi contrllnilc exus 10 tlio ivit nnd it of comfort ami lu tlion ulo ocil perfection latiat stvrna auk amvayu ilkauy 011 youit inspk0x1ok footweae wm williams mil el acton j christmas gifts useful and hiiamcntal auiuun rurtyautu roiujvfl uul igatiiur oa0e3 hlblvlil mul hyuh 11001c9 oeuujloid hovixtulo khony aoodl iumt wood alllalua- uain unuuiiss uakd umuons ooila11 aud cow b0xuu xuad uaoakihcb oahdi1 nnd 1004 caloiulr our xmas special a q6o kbony tooth urush for loo a t brown chemiat and siatiunor aclon dont nealect voiji gotirtljs aod golds rvhich uxil to grip uml rneunifmla laxrvtivi yuinini taiiluth j11i check a cou in a f lumru do not cju tiii in thi- lion jc a imk couqiound syruii if wlilio pin or compound syrup of whilo ima wiili tsr will rolio oiul cum our conh ilimt to lake j bottle roit aitiu iriioiii lo linlt ii jmim and inim hghunter pumb hiilisi i iiticiiui 1 ulo uiuir 111 auum nkallt bkul 1

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