Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 31, 1903, p. 3

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t y bank of hamilton lllai oilici hamilton eaubualoj llix j capital iaid up sjoooooo reserve fund 1700000 total aveti 22000000 news of local import hi wll ma lllliui t tuaniu and lnn 1wiii ral maiiigcr georgetown branch aqonopul bunkirigbuiimouy tpunyaotod- correupondoncu solioitod saving dopailmmift inlereai allowi oimumsof onk dolr alt and upward from dy of dapmlt to my of withdrawal n formalities ami no leuya in drawing money fanners kiminesh elicited notes of rewjilbld fam discounted and moony loined lor rjjihmale uilneaa purjio our collection tsahmuut has awry facility for nauntf prompt eturoa sale noteh handled rod money advanced on account fnme at low rates of nlorest c l laing aohnt georgetown bratioh a if tbn hoy or promln it iln ria f nrtlrl mni t nnrlolkjll hi11 lt nnk pumlaluxl 11 trail of id iv it j kll iln- mvlliiullnl ilmrrl jlilli tliiklntrli wii lunrii mr iillil wiu uirn in l urn illl hi milton 1 miiiii ilrlint fnrlli v itufllll 11111 atr i ii l iiwii ii iln a ii v irklwii 11 wiu 1 ilitm get ii tfc sl ami iluy your ciikistmas things from g lr nelles th 1iaesl stora and slork la ontario hookil vancy good calkndahh u5atiiku jluonzk and drabq be ikdimjfxtt ttts thuuhday ikjkmmh hi luul a new vbahs wiu1i 1 wish for you th kladnoss that cnnipirrs twdn and nudliiim tim rvabuhd poaro of fouling that christ in always near that tint pmmhai liuilinif over- to j 011 is nmkun novnr aim wishing thlrf i wish for you tho tflddiit hupjuwt yoar mavlamui laruhikhiiiii brief local items i tl10 schools txopoii next monday jth inst- tho 1itttu ilitttbl wlhcu you all a happy now year ioc your milder iptinn oxplru wui this humwp t santa clans was certainly kotiur- mt this yar in all homos jomorrow will und tlm holiday then for liow years hnslnc tho roads woro hadly hlovd after hundays llow und mondays fid i of utow knox huuday hcltool oiiturtahi- moot hi tho town hull tomorrow nlght- th hclimil tnuuwi tiloctlotu noxt monday 0 a it to c p in uiid o lonar tim uutt ijiiudny of tlm year wjih tlm ukml tillximly of tin flftytwd of 1wix ah itiltrrwtlti luidkiit or corr- ktadvoc id lltmvoldjihly crowded out tbl wwk now jiru to hituhioitd in curium 1 1 tomorrow uwhutd la tliu unit huip ycr in tltflit ycutrf dlvlno uurvlfti will ik lttld hi ht jottophtf clturili lktlli miuuiiitf und uvonhia lomotrow 8turtluy wiim our uldct dity tu fiittiiu wluttii tht mitcury nu- t4rnl uli itelow uro owlnti to tlm volutin of know which hiiht fullott tiwtty itvoftt lira carry hi j mom thuu in nafo chrlmaitulu uimi tuul um hitlritiial huckukhiif utilu wr lliemem ht tho vurlou thttr ik on 8uolay our uuw rulony nf ktiklulimtui think thiicunudinii wlutur u rlytmma for thonl ho fur ikitloiicwl ait odlallri tlilnlc mo too tlm mouldorw of jimlph city ijoakiut htid atlon himjkny lluh will play h match o khirf iwlwutxl ltluk at j oclock oil lvidiiy wiutitt u ti jolly oldtlmu can- aduu chrltituiioi fjuar cold bright and hrachlji w3htlu- hwid hudkhiiik and jituuuihlo bkutlu mf w j olbboiui ttf tlm iotulii- lou uoud whlto hnim yiiltun lvr had kittdly forwitrltd tho lmuk pitluoi ottplun of yukon jmiptrrf durltik thu uiiiitli of dhiuiwf krahi haw uomti hi with very uitufuc- tory volume kojiiu dityu w j iiuiil- phrlm hun uktli in imiulj otmm linji- 0u1 llnv mr 1riuht mltutlotiht froui india kivu a vuiy liitxniiilhij nrddiiimj at th hnptut kinihty krhool on hiifiiuiy on lift und murtlmiiiry woik hi indu mr j u mtmltlur liuu luiiit runuhit tlm arton tulllu uhoitt llfuu t dully or ltlr iho fuimatu hikhly or tlm qunlity r dm work hn id till tihk out tlimditilimif mnmlli ilvhyti bin chimhmonlivil u0dl1iu l th 1tfutor tiifittixl hi h minion 011 lhiulniliknlik to tlmir pi-llvl- tlimf for candy hi lhtiruh kmlimitn ajchaulturml boolly ttm niitiunl liuhtllilf of lquiiiitf aurlimillurulhiully will u- imhl in um town ball jtorkinwu on wvd- itohilay ih jiinmry at mv iiwk for flwllon ofdlrtx torw tuimh atlon of fnlrnf ltntl ltd nllir hu il u now lit my acloiim rl to lint fair for tun or thiyo yuart if our itlrmi mini tlm liitnlt of tlm kimuty hi thli tmhllon nn hiuidiik tor l to li hrld hum it will ik duliilli that a k pr thih iittiidtlmiiniiuid m tl kin buiwathl itlnk afhr ioiik nnd umiiihim dint t um imw kkntlnk fik imttwoii tlm clatk houuii and dominion lfoud him ln4n roinplnui and put into lrmtrlaum run- dltlou it in rommiullouri uud ouvn- iiiitly iirrulid luith for iilutru und wpjctrttont a platform ruiinhxl with wlro lultlnk uurromidw tho let und thin will ixi wry uatuuti uivy to till rninoriird umixh tally diirhi liorktty liuulifm ulnliiik mhllirtlniw tr 11m rhik uau ojhmi on clni day willi tv koki atuinbilk and iiiim lkhn wdii patron ixih1 ulnre an fidl liiklmckiy match with tlm mouuhrw of judph in iiiwutl for now yojum ufumoou baptlatel sctttalma conort tlm lluptbd mundity hchivol hold tlmlr numiitl chrlutnnoi iintcrtaliiinciit lnt wlnowlay nlkht in tlm cluircli a vory hun protaiiiintt roiinittthik of ciioruwti rorltntlonu mul dinlokuth wait ki tniich to thrrwlll of tlm uchnlarti und uhikk who hiul the work in bund onit of the iuoit plciinlug funturtii of tlm ovimiim wan a clock drill klvtm by tiii llttbt irlii condurtcd by mr a c ohap- tnau mru chapman uh ucloiiijwtout nnuiuusl by miuu clinpmati with tlm violin tlm tdlvcr collction laktm tit tlm door waa pilui hloral tlm ilapthft hchool in ablo to hvok liark ovr 11 vury miccswful yr xir a a wonloii who for un ym imu imshi tho ditvouxl ktiprlntitudtnt tmjoym thn coufldiuicn nf nil mid hlu nitoru itavii ikwii of ktmttt aiuatittiki to tlm itchiuil a pruy holiday waddln norimin muujilam wilt thou hnvo thlu womnu to iwi thy vdddid ulfor wiuj tho luthunii iuntlon uuktnl of mr nornmii maanlaa of ilcpwnrlh by iuv j o wiiaom naat tho hoilin of mw uolwrtgurviii iool mtrwt at thrtm thirty on tuiwlay nftormwin ak thlu fhumuikwl yninid tluti lookiwl iiuui hlu iktrotlml mitai ijxilwt iurvin in bur plainly lmauty dockid in hrtihd rolkhi of whlu ullk it wax no woudiu- ho rtupolidwl hi thu afllrtimtlvti with uniibiiul ardor uvmi in tbn pmimco of tlm fifty kucbilh tirjyml tho utiptiml knotlwilog firmly tlivl tho company ftroctmdml u tlildhiintf rwim and pur ik of tbo woddlutf dijoiumr which wis ht ull rnupocu uumptiioim tho totut to tho brldn wuu iitiijumdml to with tho kronuut conluhty mr nnd mra matuihui itft by tho dviiiink train for a trip fitttu tlicy will huttlo hi their nw homn in hopworth in 11 con pit of wookti tho tuidt wiiilmii ot tho coiutiiuulty 10 with thum hk ltik vurh qmtul tour tho method at sunday brhcmilfiiiuir- tainmunt on chrintiniui iittit wn iaroly attended mr krank ycigh wlioriijoyu it cniitlmmtal roputatlou forhui popular oiiurtalulnk and wltt- cutlvo 1jcttiro tritvtd ttilkm kavo llm imiidtonr through homo and fonilko liliulh thu iso plctttrxti vx- hlhltwl worn lmulr plctj inituy of thorn itointf ma do from pholnurnpini uikttn by mr yol in tho cmuao of iiih travohi through canada nnd foittlk laudi mr ytyghu iuutnuiik nurra- livo und dottcrtptlvo x plana tionu or tho numorouu bconow ttxhlhluul on tho canvas wore highly ioutrcittliik id hntft vlvuhiliu to tho hulorlcal and noujil vlowa and protty uciiiory which all appreciated mi tuey uuutihl in iuin- orumlo duplay ho lino hulirf tho vlowu that ovoti uitor tnotv tluiti un hour and a half of vlowu a traco of ilhutapiwiliittnoiit wiuiuanihwiuml whon tho laiitornhit amutunt announcml that owlitk to tho oxhaitittloii of tut it wan impoitilhlo to jinaumt tho prttly bcouo of wonderland in norway and itoiuilo scotland uud tho trip homo to toronto by way of tho canada atlan tic thtumi iowu howovor mr yelnh prouiltwti to nupply without full upon lilii hunt vuit to anton th dlltl h o kourtalnkilant tho chrlutuiau imturtulnnunt of tlm dlicipuim ktimtuy kchool on mo7ufay ovtiihikwim uoll attotidod and tho prtkimiimo proved vory anjoyahlo mr j v wllatin 1ia- pnutdotl with limauiljracandacceptuuct of rouroo muui murkttorlu hay we 11 eltkutiouul of hi tliouuoi win tho prituliuil feii- turooflui pr4fianuno hut intonating lutiulcal luimlwirw wiv ronlrlbiiul by mii iyfo hov mr mcalpimi und uov mr dick hov j 1 lliowu h a hindu a hrlof tulilrtuuti-kpiviui- liik pltiuuutti at tin- friuudly riutlonti ikulltik iktwinii tho vurioiih churcheu in town undroiikirttuliitiiig tho wlnwil niuiii iho worthy ohjert upon which the prociuma of the uvoilink wero to lut ikritowthl mumhuywull la un olocu- tioulut of much merit hbn iiiuj a cuptlvutltik jirtmiici a vory jiuppy niitnnor and un nmiuiially dktinct aitlciilutlon hit chariictir drlhieji- tlniitt tiro rojilutla uud her iuttipmu- tlonu trim in detail a umiurnim nuiiilmii of huhwtlouu weiii ivou a fow of them veri liuwovur ofhllkbtly ancient iirluiubut h for ituiuuiiv tm tlm itiiuk dliinnr imdy and nora uud jaiiiku mian hay well lu in all rwiptcu u lady m1m jean hmlth wrtu the ucnompinut or tlm ovoiilnj tlm pryiihmhi wmo devoted to thu hhk chlldrenti hospital toronto ltmirtitowii lhnal co uro now wljlng from thih uev nittniboini rlinlrii pmiuhuimim ioh uilln lllllt hiullax luparnki ac hlht pi iced undpiompt bhlpuioiil maiiil hk ial utteuthm ylveti to ouuirv for wujui katherhik wedding and inimralu ymir oitlerm wolleluxl tit ci it bilvkit weddino mr and hr alaa bmorl calihrmtod a unplaloiud v ttioli twnly- i nrtli wldlnv annlvamry i a ileltklitful family kuthcrliik wam hold nt vniaiiorf the pretty home of mr uud miali s4inl on itower av mm m chruliuau day it wii in imehrathiii d tlm twenty- ut of houday visitors ubh llfll ami i i ijoy tlm roouim v 1 willi iv llnlik tll hltlo tl id iibi xl ull tlmlr wfdillnk dr autifully dec i anil holly i vntrpi- ilmliilhk7hhli the i enjol a chi ld a very attiurllv liarlkr hull and whh itu fruit w i h lnrfhe tht chruhn04 ty ioehi fully o ire forn il hi i uutrlhit- vlahorw from city nd country fwm far mjtd hoar- during ik wwtuo from jidml- mr 1ark hint 1 4hi n y jlr j 1 motrin klnm for th mr win wau homo ini holiday hi of htiutfiirtf chr ulio hu ota chum it wan uro ufl for nil 1 by a ial uv found that th v iii uddluoil to the kell rexidllt iii toll 1 jjffolliiiiit weru prvtutut fri lutjofne mr m murlntt of san lvnmlwo cul mr and mra cj i yminjf oakvll aij witrrord mr utirtmru hainli atklu mr mid mw w a divhi mm j t touiirm and win harry mr aiimhi hmithri xri hkld of hamilton mihj maruuerlu iimi1 kniilt hi marioj mr t k m xml mrw hionl ami daughter oimlph mr irry hkorl huttalo mr and mm 1 h storey lhladolphln mr ami mm hocord rcelvod many coxtly pniwmta wldeiicliiif tlm wtimru of their many frmudn mr and mm hxnrd wrpjyiirriml by uov it hobu in tlm iioumtu ktandhik on tho lo of tlm prelum t lmiaiitlfnl riuldeiire kutiderland vlflu tlm hiuno of mr hicowvy pjiretiu mr mul mm v ii htory doting tlnir ipuuter century of wmldml life mr and mm hjord have txptrleiiciml many iriinitudeh in the hw of friend and love ohoh hut their home liaa al wayu imniii a homo in tha trneut lunnte uud they havo hvetl hi each others win meut iithctiomt tlm ihuu iuiiiui jolmi their muny frtemlii in wulilntf them uutny futum yearo of wedded hnppinriai and joy touthfr iiouday visrrons mr drutit hwack burner haa im4ii homo front toronto un irnat worltqii uionnt of hl inotherh fcirkifl llhieaa mr and mru hilaa ckiliiimn and dniikhter of loudon visited ab the homo of mr jotaipholejnnii thlu week mr ami mmvm it untj toronto und lxrziml mm vt ii ijiu ry of jul iplrrmhint chrlutuiau i town mm eorko huivtd wait at brint- foril liltt week utcoudiii the mnrrlajcrt of her biother mr i kciirrow vru- tnotui mr und mm a t ilrown will upond new yeari with frloudo in mitch ell mm ilrowiihau iwii thfru forn week or imi mr and mm t jam cm mihirv nf guelph nnd mr nnd mm ihrt mckerhlum or toronto worn kundt of t t moort mw juroli kwnckhuiiier of h nil tip- ton and mm honmr hwackhiinier nf ninifnn pmit haturlay with mm hoove hwaclluuucr mr and mm ii p moorv leave thin mot nhig for nawinarket to attend the idlvor winldlng of mr ntul mrs i u jaclum of thu km tho condition or mm win iioui- iitrcet u not improvhik hho luui luou btiicken with a uecnnd hut very hlihhttroki tho pant wook mr wuftim oraliain of detroit mm wtlwtor nnd mr iloauy wolx tor of lucknow and mr and mm william rahani qf krin upeiit chriatiuiui at ii d ormjiaium a hitter rrnut cluur mut- thewx who is at ireiuont col hi uio heart of tho itockios bayu it dikumt luioni a hit like the homo chiutuuui hunt wo lutvo had un nnow here yet though it in coiiiitantly vlilbhi on tlm mountain peuku around tin weather hi warm uud llku mini um r jihibf local rra wa tlie oluphiyw or chriatuma iiieatu und fowls mudo by n iatuirson and j a wliatham butchers hut wook wnw highly credlliblo und among tho fluent uvor mudo in town tho attention if tho conimitttwj on htroiui and walks is dinwiteil titho dlhgraceful condluon of kuiuo or tho avetnoutu nu attempt to clear them nl inow has lieen niado uhicohtbt know storm miuium ileurdmorc ai co and the acton tn mi lug co treated their in on to chriutinuh turkey j on chrutunui vo kvory man in tholr otuphiy whotlier fur a fortnight or a year received u till key tho carrier hnyu will dliver the vnii 1uicjiii catondur on now years niornlng hmall favom thuiik fully ltmeiviwl is their ktdlug wo tuv unuhlo ui ktuul out the copies u our uulmcrllkim by mull until tnntt wtik a i ua turner ut lulhirton who unit the iuki llttchii un nrtlor for il hpeolal chriotninu clitktlng wrote last wtmk tho tlrfollngw to hand 1 knew you could do il ho appropriate mi tiisty wi imiiwiiable in pi ice thank yiui vei y much i eucloo umt ofllro oilier for uanie j j mr u j jackhou alitor or tlm nowiiiurkit lcra uud huptiiitemleiit of tho miitliodlut hundiiy hchiwil wiifi pnkmintikl at the chrlmtmau enteuiii- iimnt with u kolilinounutl hnuutiiln fen accomiutnhsl by a ciuh mulshed in whlto wjitln and containing a coiii- pleto wiltlnu outllt oruatimiiuil with uteiltng ullver uov a i hnyder m a of 1 reel to u dellveivl hlu celibiulod tectun on womjud toukmo in tho melliikllst chinch civwsoiis corners on monday evening und on hu yearn in tho northwel how wo hem lied urn hhukrmit indians ut uorkwoml in tho molhodltt chtmh on tuelay eveohih uov a i holder ir kwitni priuehed stlirhik wriuoos in the methiklut chiir h lasl hiiudiy ills lecoiiiiiieudatliiii on the moiiling wi- iiiiiii in tlnih who tviiitt to liuiw how to lot itleh uiw in give to j m oimmwnth or theli time and one teuthof tin h- tminiie thiheii- ing senium ta yiing men was mm niton kidomons wuo cholre a ranuiy mr hi lilrtkil tlk ut mr ji nohji absolute security genuine carters little liver pills- mutt boar 8lcniur of rot iunicml rotduziuos roa luoututs fob toiptd uvea fob comstlmtioa roa saiiow sun raanccomruxiu mr it ii hi il ijku xiim l his i fsumrw home hi iteoton m1m minnie lfohueh nnnt a few days in oimlph ut wilt iollco orllrer ji- llyd of ttinmlis was home for chrlstinaa day mlm nellie kniluiily offloorkruiwii tulthl fdonds hem lnt wk mia maymin nickel or haniia is vulting at mr jas llrowiis mr ud mm a 1 heott xprut clihstmah with lelutim- her- mm a k davldaou of 1arls 1 the f lwr mother mm lalls j i drown of toronto vllt- 1 nlatlvm in acton hvnt wook ujl and mm w h limy and msu iirflla alxrboudayiiig at nurva mr 11 ortndrll and family spout ch halloas wiui frlnnds nt kvertou mr and mm w ii jumy of jcorfpelowu kjmmit christmas here mr uourt nellea and mus n lies am pending tho holidays at we ton mr wikkio of montreal uas a utlrat of f rinnds lu acton over himday mis hazel arnold of ceorkuwti is visiting acton fi lends this woek mr j ttihfntd of rtouthnmptou vmtid niendu lu acum ov chrhd- mr and mrs idwlii lraticls and mlsn ada iliincts were ilvts at idyl- wild mr john m mikire of toronto intent chrltmatido ill t in ptnntal homo lmre mr and mis win orlfuu f krin iipont christmas with their daughters her mr ami mrs john h woitlou of port 1lglii spynt chi itumuat tlm old lioum mr knsl h ilrowri of ht tiiouimu smnt cbrixtmni ht his fitheis homo here mr noil mm a it dovlr nml mtas hadlo spent chrlutnias with toronto friends mr amos mason of mead wale visited ills fathers homo hovonil days uls week l murlvarl wullor or lamllm vfcitiml acton rrienda for u few dus lakt week miss hiniiia hawthorn hiiswtumihl from guelph hoapltsl much improvod it hwdui mr prank miuire otho morchuuta uuuki hinp4ler wiui hi town on christmas mr fennel 1 hiuytli of merchants hank hanover ukmt tho holiday with rulatlviwi hoiii v mr j i mulhollalul or iort arthur arrived homo to spend a few weeks holldayn mr itoht nickllu or hniuduti man is swtudiu a couple of weeks with friends in town miu nollio mulliolland or toronto cunui homo last weak to spend two wtoks holidays itov mr irlest iiilhslunury from india is a guest nt thu homo of mr w j chapman mr a v gurimy of hanihi and mr h j gurney or kxeter visitel their acton friends mr olid mm krcil ii kmyth und cliildron of toronto wero guet or mm j 11 penman i mr und mm w i ivick and daughters of toronto wero gliosis of mr nolurtglhhouh mr und mm j w htowart uro upending tho wthk with rclsthej ut atwood nnd jlltievalc during hocuuiy in acton miu hay well of ht thomas wus the gucmt of mm lraucis ut idylwlld mr p seatrow nnd hrldo of kra- mosa wtro kiuts this week of mr uud mm goorgn htnvt mr percy c kecord ol hulfalo n y is spendfug a wwk or no with his mother mrs b a secord mlts iiuu returned lust woik from a pleasant christmas visit with mr and mm ikuuc hornby gruutou mr t h hctwi and hrldo of llml- nay spent christinas with his tuur mm john ilrawn willow hu miss hoss of toronto sinter of prouder itoas was the gurt this wek ut tho homo of dr gmy mi as dot warden enurtslncd her himday hchool claj ut her homo on monday evening id last wmde mr ii cimil of goorkeown in upending tho holidays ut tlm liuuio of mr john 8 to wart ucoud lino mr john d wnhllo or cdttwrlghl artlvtwl last wek to spend a mouth or two with itdatlvaamul friends herx- ktcmayor h 1 nuluon mm nelaon and children of guelph wero hero to family gathering on chrik turns day and mm itolkirt huuium of havo imwui visiting tlm past ut tlm homo of mr t hutham john marshall foreman of tho liny times made tho iuuu a pleasant call on haturday xrcvas picseifts i a wonobrful bttection j opening up at santa glaus headquarters i wtohjjnvoiory si ivor warn toy odll fanoy china j george hyds cjon ont t baaaaaai uw www w i oneils chrrihce works lor your cutteo tlftanjre ilob lclfltb iaipi i lob sleighs iad any m- lulling yuu may rcjulcn lo i torn lines a good ml secood hand ttmtry ikilmehhm of ul cttesp a las sluclf uf knot lulpers and whaelbarrowa alwayi on barnl jnon6ill gborcbtoltfn half price iu aace of chiiftlmaa y dolls etc al ctatlly ha price purs lar nifty uavfl a very of the very i lurm in kuhs car- ma etc nnd if you need 1 ur coat buy ii ber 1 uvc money jeffries roberts jeffries roberts stere rejoicing ssarap for money tcccklbcrtrklc tliii year iiik heen by a veiry long way the largest wc have ever enjoyed and yet there much left to ell many goods that wc arc ready to swap for money and allow you all the profit on many we are prepared to riand a present 1 we think this is ood business theres 1 loorbusines to he done before the year closes look il some of these pointers many of them make gooa new years prcscnto over the biggest holiday business this store has ever known among our new year resolutions is one to make the whitcliousea bcttef store than its ever been better service and if possible better merchandise just now wc are making a clitaxl cxeakancoe of atr iioijiday goods as you know we never carry anything over and a reduction in price will clear our shelves you can buy christmas novelties and in lact everything that does not belong to our regular range ol dry goods at about onehalf their real value any radikh cloth coat id lb liouw il aim ml cal ln any uimu oit miimiir coat al lf it liauikh uiikhh hkiuti1 regular ty itif x 50 100 wllaliiitll hloi matorblu al ii 15 ium1k iitoiji11 waiiitk worll i3 tot sj i4 mini huohinu jaokkts anil iokj coal ff n inr foo 6 v lor a 33 7i30 3j siuoo for 700 uinh mric nkokwkau al j 30c llwi 1mui valua avef anowo 11 cueli minh niok 4hjfiikiui u j3 31 a ill iki ara juat aboal ntn loll llia iiual tirlc yon hvc oi- best wlslics toy a fluppy prosperous ncw ycur if you have have not been a white house now is the time to turnover a new leaf customer jeffries roberts juelpka modem store hoc 2 iyi the right house araaiihuai hamiltons favor1tu sho place great sacrifice sale of maptles our entire stock now ot rodticed prlcoa all lids saauins import allona of womens aud guis coat mat reduced price to clear tin ara aood rxw coals and wen mad by leaduif german manu facturers to our special order tlw bowol tnou up todalu alyles all lhorouih- ly well tusdd and pcrfoct fitting hoo ioduand 1ron 700 7 oo reduced from lloo so do roduod from 12 oo 13 rduod from 1 ti io rctuod from 41 alwiut 150 coats allorllic hlacl and colored and all iiul stola fronts and coliari douhl caned lotoa fancy acalbpod iiw ahwvft and collar trimmed with laacy ktlicldujf and ailk trakb cloth alrapolnas velvet and huitons comd early to laorrow aud fcl besi clioke 100 iti a cloan up 8alo of childrens dresses 135 our kntlro etoou at half prlo tend ls ylitma diwmm llioifoa w11 tads 6f fcoftj wum iusuhi mlm ta bttbluad iii 1 kl u a u b ht uwttartlij bslfcsassrt good cloves sijiiw ttia uluicat cui is iatclsal lu laurolifclns itiailil iri ihm jsrsvkiiiim a jsjissiw yuoldltukrsrso ths foaot sll to usoaly in uiually nahla bm rjl 111 slovw et b wltoi on t a cbrulaim hltt tj jt oaa asiurlly 0lr lo fl ilia luy ajj d- uxatadlzija at0lru 1jltulalw kj olow la ilori vy rlua taalias in black wblu wblla mlttt blacb kovu un uiojm kr aiyros buvw ok bluuj tn- al4 i k btoil anj tstu ltlt u labium av i n ta fclgu a iatltlaju ulj llavs ta all tl ihuiiu aad aot lulilabukjailwott aaj twouum o4 ai v u auj s4aurau rtilllris ku1 aiovj tf ivl l ailr l-j1- h 64 iiimj olovw lu bliik lu txuma sllllr llos bmtua lu ut cult au ulouad itlaat thomas g watkins klntf st bant cor hufhson lwu sbd luek a i2d plr i y uv kuluj wool huj at aa do tlr ww uooa qlow sad 4od plr 1 aoplt fur iliuj sa e r bollert co 2s and 27 wyndham stroot cuslph cant shake em off thuyiii iniidn to ht tho faco tli now tho oyes and they titay on do tho nyoa a world ol kond and dont smui your look or your uuiwr thowi ars th pllllitlch pohimatuhl hy us il- tiuhii uo lull yon nxactly um pair yon nwd wilhout any foe- shmce st co jewellorft oubixph ibfluoru of marriage tiws- glksg0w house ours k hkaoacru- umkhouslt aiuoiik tlm holiday vuitnrs wro mrs t i ivimu ami chltdnii kfllo and lannlo ivmiu miss kadlo ihlt mr ihsli of toronum mr j110 niiwtoii mi i nwton misu m nlckill or kaiiihi mr ijmw of ijilo vlyw mrs uni irtmu mmlldiio hat uant a wrfl at mm ihlllp irians mru jnonlcliill audrliildiviiuiwnt xinau wllh hir luiriiitm hi llrtilllfotd mr and mi lllchard marhall coin- hratoil thrlr twinty llfth wxldhik ftiiulvirwary on ohi utintuj day ilium wro a tartfn nuinlwr of iiiviumi iuts who wort hiuirtllyfitlrrtaliusl hy tholr hiikt and htwuns tlm prtwwnls wfio laith iiimuriiiis and costly und tin tiatst was that tho happy roiipla would hv to rohduau tlmlr tlfthth uiilllvn- sary mr jiln marshall and wlfo of north luy utv vuiuuk his luittii mr and mrs it marshall t i huihii y- sp4 lalul will a in aclon wiilurwlay jany til 1 onu day only room at tlur loinhdon houl ifyoiihavw any ihftct in your vyo- nl it will pay to tall und t- hltu kxaiiilnatioii fivi call tmrly or yoi may ina un ttpmlitliiiint ut a t it rowans drutf htorti sayeris saw mills nussajjawcya luhiuar of mil klttd tat lowsk market 1rlo ulll sturf out to ordr wood nt m as pcy oonl- p sayers rourlolor raaasagawoytt p 0 iksiairmss -to- our many custoraers a happy and prosperous new year tthx3tru3z12ll buntioipqbrearsd haljc tha coomrvkuv majority in horth iiaafw ttrutlod on bslui day watalboa ivuultoutf lkc 2ri r dunlop tjie tnikrtrvatlvo ralidtdau was uhxit- k1 hi nohh ititfrw hy almint m majority tills was cttruillly un nstraordiiiary etuih si net ri mouths aifo wlinii thu lau mr muimi carrluil tha hdlntf for tho ijianus hy 1au mr lainoy claims that ho did it henderson fe co glsgpini housb mcton trnl miii i udj umi vloluua l4eudul 0 f qoopkvh choose yotjr time 1 to huy our utmds ami ulwayn iluht hut dont fall ji sov tho uuw ihtiikh that aro arrivlu lunw dally jiwiidtv watciik4 iiri now oiillnually producing aoi- thlnu now and carli u piluir thai tho hist or linjjiouni liiipriivtnuiit tho itxipiuto hniuty and thin work inaushlp or tluu ulll tiallvo jg ix pringle ukiaii laauar uf ma ftaai uounaes i khm vy

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