Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1907, p. 2

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our v ii 1c r in jif i nun i 1 1 llll ii i iii 111 i tle- pleoplc 8 p till usd vv i vn t7tli mn editorial notkh in atini tin iu with i in iiniiiuiiiui ultnwn in tlw hintri t lm hi h ytai nt tin tlnt inhrt jiivuhih foi ikniuiiiii ulul 1jfi dovcldpuiiiit it h nun lit inn tit hit irfiinn faom tin ihibiulnhluijlif hi ll harnia munttollio iliiu iwt tliilifinnicp jh ixiiiilvo of lw nmiihilon allium jihj ilriittui to miiitt f hinimindiu loktm ihintifthoiit tin itiiiiu li ihtnl lllty primlnff on 11 tin 1 u fi a oliiuiko llwlnvlnmt ui tl m qwifc nuiiliimtlil ami in nmimjti- wlln ili ml n in hiinuh the tut if iim1 nli uitli hut uquoi uuiumi li phiwtiaiiiiiilmihln iii tho im liit o jiuln it t hy anhhlnhupii hi dliii l anil hi ln u innvhtjr n vi ry ihiicimfully on i hi unit nnnthiy hi llihi mouth in tlin hum hot ht hmv uur quota t pi lwtuehiiiihit mar liml liiiill look ihn u mpi rant ii luimh which nricpiliiilh to bibiiihk l kll on a iiiothnih miiinhi ii llmiillulit iiuihiiki joiidhi rrlvr and two counciii0rsi avbtk batwaotohy i iii fill iuii iiki d i mi i ml i mf ml of hr i nil- wli u a liii iiiiwty nniitr inn rih h ii i in m 1iuiibt doktl mot qualify hi i all u imm m tin lint itlil nulla at u vi ii mink mi l l fun fi illifi11w unt it ii i i mflll iii jgnwp imuiunm mtinlilniil tauiill iti tauiiiiti iiiiiihn r liilirj lj uhitnli muni ipit clink i 1 til llrrr iisuiil th i ina cation mill of i flhi pioinpllj hiimo hy llul in illhi i in m xnupil tut nf iiuallll 1 in mi wild id km hunuu- rlllot mn f tin mj p rhh iik tlin no all cil l iim n ho hnvo tin lrbt illtri il u of iim lovviliit hull tn iii lioi hint at hi uiiliiliintinil to 111 tin xntaiiuii in tin t miicll hkh hi in on llxi il foi in xt m tntlnj only can tllihitih will in noniln ituil uhtiiirotiio piuetl to riv u thilr until awl attention to tlio tiuibacllon nf ujjuoicuoi i lnnu anil in an utmioiitlrjil ami jmll doim niiiiinui ii in moat ilnulriihh nln thiitnn vlictlnn hi nvnlihil iut thu vul i ik lut bii ultil hy nocliuiliilii t inailati luvwiinu mid ixpumllluro htiijuiiunt fni ll i inontlib onilutl dlli mlxi u 1 1 nno nf tlieuuiut auliu fm lor ovli ihhiu1 lliolntalniolplu nn cniiholiilauil fund cuuiit wmu tjll hiu7u1 ckiutitllntr iho xiiiulitui inuur tin uiid hliitlliik hy a llttlu iohii than ftltxhhxuhl and ttuhiu i bin pint oli all xpimlituruu onihhied of up pioxhnatily l kmldww hit teculpty uui mail imoiihk ulinad of tin amount ircilvml at tlm kama tlnio a yuar nun wlillo tlm ordinary expoiull turt ii mure than 1 mm oik h b hid niniilclpalltfm of ontario linvo dnno llicli purl in luclariiitf thulr wll 11 n it a uupport and patronka tho hie lljdro i iictrlcpnuiirciiinntlbnion and it roinalno foi lion air dtk mid thouo hhwoclatid with lilin to rurry tlm woik ho well higiia iho naxt movo will h tlm dillnlto plalhn ordom with tlio conununloii and that will follow tlio vntii an anon au tho ron tract fotinu aroprtpartd iho outlook could not ho iiimo hopoful and tlio 1rnvlnco hna uvrry rotiumi to iwpoct a laupntual mipplv of whlta ciml at prltn that will hmiiio ii now eru hi in- duutrlnl iluvoiopnibiit ulolio rroin ottawa couieu tlio intollironcn that four of ihu nxutlntf honnto ncnn- cior hnvo lioon fllhd llio now hon atorwhliftronwardod to hon 0 w ltomh pioatnt lomloi nf tlio ubaral oppimltlnn in tlio ontario lnflmiitiinn mr ltohort ilolth m i of llnivman vlllo hon john coutltfan mi and mr daniel glhuor of nnwiliuimiwick llio two vaconclou fion nova hootln aro not t nilnd hon gotirbii w houi in on of tlio moat prominent ilbiiroh in tho pnlillo uto of tho pomln lou and will add ninttiilnlly to tho do hutlnir and oiatorloal mtronulh f hio uppui 1iouh hh hu riprohpnted went mumiibiiit hi tho doinhilon and lroilnclal iailiauninti for an uuhiok- oil peilod of ii jonra at thn irurulirni noiiiliiutlonb tho rahiilullon huhuv uim pimuiid aiidoiainn tho i utility kooii loadu aolmnto moved hy ilonry w conk uooondud hy alox iirti i tluit wilt i ran ilia local 1kihih tuio of thn imvlnco of ontailo with a vlow to oiilomauo thn hollnrhik of the oonditlon of uio pnbllii hlkhwayn hi tlm pro inci did hi tlio yuir 11h1 jiasu an ant appropilntlntt ono million do inra to hn appjlod an uforimald and liuihiinioh fti thin county u nutltlml to slinimnllinhimlltotnlmilerlvndfroin aldapproprlalhin llo it thorafoio hi halved that tlllu uifothib ot uitopnynm and ouctnm of tho inuiiloipallty nr trafiillinr do hi 1 1 hy dlidoi no tho pi opo altlon or u county njntoinof miidn to iid ronittiiii tod in anenrdnnro with thn not nml would hitobhlconly liilpioaa nn thnui uli nuiy havo tlm honoi of rnpriminlhiu tlil miiiilc1iillty in thn oounly ooiinrll fm tlm intumluir ti nn thu mmiliy and inipouiiocnof kiviiir tho niiittu nn mllvo and inuinntlo hiippnit v looaloitionfiaunko eliiminory of itohultd in tho itooont con taut in ontnrlo iittoiiiuurtu lljiiirui hi ronnnotlon with ulnminnt inoal option ciimpnlbii worn ffhon out yontoiday hy mr v s hpnnto jnutiiat n woio hold in i of inn iilclpalltlnm niklii which wom ro pialu of tlin tttponlh bolini worn volnd down and oiin mirkil tho vll- iiiko of hiulloii luljnlnhitf hiult hlo mai in in hi tnwmilijp of koiah which hau hi on iim npniatod iih ii vll uluno laut yoar wlinn tlm wlmlo town uhlp votod hi fnvoi il lot al option in tlm 101 pliuiii win in niw ontimtii worn imld tho inn il nplloiium won il lout ii hy tho tlummlfllm mnjoilty niullihy tho utuilitlib ninjoilty with thrniiyotto luai fmm llio total 4 tliamfnrp rt won and oil tot tho n- bmriflp liinjnilty nklilit inriil npllftn inllplimchl iii whlithniikktfntii hmjorlty fj i iun 0i pin fdirt j hnimi l ia and hull linn mi v wton w lliuil ulio wnw ilmnl hy ikiliniallon at tlm in ol iiiiininalhin ami who luiuphil am it at tlm mini 11 it mid mild w imi out i uiiib wull k iillnmon i can i nih i thin ilrilaiallni of iiiiup linr u a idhulral pnlot- tjf law willi li nlvrf lu my poiililoil at iiiltint i nuin ui on urn iho hhu nml an jmt wlll imio tnuill foi miolliur uoinlla tlnn fh mil councillor anywji yni mllit inrwiiiriicirlij itiiiuuathii foi two jlli oxpi nun will hn no jjnatit i cannot idun iho dic1artlnn it 1 ui lit i hniy luidififiiiy nftko and jio oupl uoudnatlini oinxt mondny jlliu i i mi hi will mttli ul dlapntoi li ilnmt thon rmnniloil that lm iiuihi b lumk n work anil lift hn council cliauihi i itotvn hiiai klmniu then utatul hint it in ioli illy tho lint iriielnoi of tlm oiiikii to itilkn tho htainltng t uuiitjllhin for tlm jiar mint lut mild wo u u on t tint uiuii in npptitnr until tlm tn o in w iniitrlllnrx nm nh rl id v will tlmuroio dohn the iiittlti r until nfti i tlittlr olcctlon or tmy win nppolntid cluiirmnn of tho oiniiiltti o n 1 iniiiirii until tlio htaudhik cninmittt t n nro nppohitlil u hy law for tho appolntiiinut of aiulltoru fm tho municipality for hi linn ot j i nr win panmd thn appoint tea lnhib a h nukfln uniiihiatid ly ihn ituw ami w utiuk hy tlio ninil nnclladj inrimd to meet at cllit m lock in lliu oviilnr at oljtht p in tho council ions neinhhil tji only imwineso of thcovonlnb way the piihaliirof twohy lan onojiriung iik foi a nomination to ho hold uoxt moud i jlut hint to nojmliintn ooun tllloui to llll iho vamticln id tua twmu ill tho otlu r to nuthoriza the huevo and treiimiur to horrow money for tuuont oxpinihih or tlm corporation council iiiljnurm d to mvot on mon da evening jhtli hint whon it la ex plctod tho iifvv couticlllont will tnko thih aoata htiiht nitifi i lilliili i ii ah i hill i hm iniikllkt al illltiniuilplki of hir ihil iu nn linvo nm lild j hn i in niil i una i lit an i in lili pi nit lth uim i pnyx fn ullil willi i iho iluiviimm i i in lillm t llio th nnlu h m ktmih and in no in yhtniu thol r petal willi ii hh oil iii k ill in iihi hit inli hjkliui llio in pijlnn inibly fi w ili fill ami i mil nn iiiitxi dlmliiill nm vnib to aitun on m hi biijiy hi ii 1h n in in it niui my i arilval in train ai abiaud llhiinhiatlon i in and hliopi wijh in hi iv all alila ohctili llulit vyhilii i hi ii wmi m il imiutofthi i itit uh wiio in lid and taut avhi i lin jj h n on in nil c not uiiif h imfti n wiiif b hi i ii in ilortid upon thiit if nil of am toil r nn iiuiiikru had tin ii uurmii ioiihimi h nivlitttlinni vimld 4m hdu nf ihi- wfthioful uhifiilmillon ami hilfi would tin mucli h hh ituwef m rcikin y jujd u luittlnlinllnnh ahoiit it wiiu ii ro rvuilcd my uii i r u ii itlckin ami ih on ii i it i m hlntnihnllblt hi airmtln iiu a town of liw popnlnll in i luy owp the ilirtrlc and power plimtcof the trtvvil lwo xeam iibou wan found that tlir plant oonld not ho coiill on hmjtat rain without lucnioilog tlm ciiparlty 1 lio nn tre h vul em vxiih adopted and thn ronlt hnf hii n lillily uatlitfadory nokvihihtnnillnu tuat many mlltional iiiiih xvi ro liminlloil the plant under tho inotro yti ui win npemtid fm i i pi i nut l u of lonil laut vent than iiiiih r ihn llat i ite and tlm plant ylilihd iv i cont vt rtv nun hlncnih i in n si ii iwiunmihproid nnxtvlhl 1on tin will lint llml ntoclrir cm n in kulntf to waste in tho utoii mid r uhlcrirm the njietn njntim han inntrrlally hankidtho mt of hiiiib hri idl isiiuotioh bohobo v i at muti cintftftii mi ply of mil tun nan clictul to thu town council of loioutu luncliiiu hy acclamiitiou tiiioiibii iiih filoctlon uu llnove of liatnlbai laut wtuk or duck ontured lilu fm tfuth year in tlio council of hint towuuhlp hn liau ivon it flood nor vico whlth ini heuu appieciatod hy tho i iictoru i in thn coutout laat wook in huipioe lofl t ouiiclllor lliou cook lionihd tlio poll wlthiimitii of li inutmd of t illugliuuriiu wan u ported tlm vote wan au follows cook 151 bin ri nm tw mullln kih wilgblobworti m hnow j7i may hh in uooigutown tho contest was nn nxcoodliibly lively ono our old friend juu monro camo within ono or hemline tho pull ihu voto win as follown ilnrloy aw moore iih iluck 1 w ilnrb- tr iw in tho local option contest in i ia inoaa tho voto lant wenk turiiod tlio minority or ui nf two yenr ago into a majority of 111 nino moio voted would havofilviu local option to tho t own ah i p hi om u n woudcifiil hlondjnu nl iiblnru and vi wtei u auada nut omit hub lhocuiilral poillonu n thoatmloa appniihib i hininuy nirmlie hod and 1luli and nintnr rpoitu in canada puhllahid hy v j inylnrirt woodmtock onuu lo novn hrotlu and juulioc hao aomo of their altfnolii told ahou in pl ntoiln xvltllo jittu wtmiilerfiirrhnriuu of tlm munknkn dud loiiiaaamiillutilutinfontaiinron tiniin to i mi iobci llx d in a iiinnitu that ivivm frobh nwhib to iho fact that tholr niultlfatlnuu nttrattlniui mo m m from dlfftront utniidpulntu hy tholi ilumoroubilovoti t h 1 htrn arn nnninr oua other blot iim iiitlndinn an nrci of ijoki oroy u wiuttin home wlillo tho departments am all up to d it nud audi us to i uudi i thn la at of vico to bporltiniou cnmmlllub thoni juatiq w we nxtund hnth nympathy and con ffratiiutlomi to tho xvorkom in n acnro of munioipnlitlob who lightly judged tlio toinpoi of tho ponplo who coin nooiibly fmirlit for tho right in tho fftoo of oihhi who oat ned victories hy iicibivo mnjuiltlo and yotnrodoprlv- ciil ot tho fi ultil of thulr inhore hy n law that fori ah upon thorn tho worst kind of uiinoiity rule it will not ulwnj n ha bo 1 ho loavim of jiutli o in woikiutc in the hoarth and imlnufotii people thncontnatii or monday will maku moio oloar thnn ovor tho injiiutlro of huttrchalnjc tlin liquor ti afllo hj hpnclal enm tmniit nud piotirtluir it agnlnat pnhlia opinion and tho dealio or thn pcoplo for niiuir and hottni conditlnuw that eontl moiimvlll dud ixpioaalon in thn iegu intiiu and will lulliinnco tlm onvnin it the pooplo will de m nml a clmngo nud tho change will oonio ilouooi ohrapbinidldotftlo light nowyoik tan 11liot iioiboihi cllirurillukoi und waltoi 1 clnrk explnhmd outerduy the winking ot tint lucniidoiiroiit lamp which tliny hiixn invonted with tholi hellon flla mint thny expect to bliavo olectilc light hilt down tonnothhd hm proiont cunt iho hotlon niauint lu coinpnioil hirbiiiy ofiihcin tho nllu i i lpimuihi aiodnp initdl riom tan on a tlm ml of caihnn at pieiiiint ini hillou lamp would rout hi i oiitu imuo tliau hm olliu hilt il in imped lo leducollio ooat and luinnivhilo the lump lu nx pi olid to htkt twlcu nu long au tho otlmi la nidob operating with bo uitich lus enriiml ndwsofti1bi dav aiuiouiil of tlio imlloth eaut in tlm innal option contott at colhigiiond hau hn ii lanted mr aj muntlay elected a manihor j ho flrat lepmt of iho olenthum in kiln townuhlp riivo mr mokeohnlo n ninjoilty of fmii ovm mr aj mutiny tm tho deputy honveiihlp tlinnrtlehil letiiiiib howovoi dflolarn mi muirny oli nlnd hy u initjoi ity of lit i tho ilniu holng murray ij7 makonhnio ihii 1 iiih vote ivijfl mr muri ny n aont nt ihu to iv null ip jo u no 1 1 nu diputy lloovo nud iiiho inuuihoielilp in lie county cuimnil of wolllnglnn 1 1 lu many filomu amiffrntulato him upon ida hhooem in thin very been anntoat auction bale hltoisten tut iihv jlth januaiy llio fmiii btock and linplouu nt of david u il lianiaoii lot 2 con 7 naaungawtya hixu at oua o elock lormu lmouthfi thou ingrain nuctlonlui tiiuiihiv jnn uut 1 inn btock and impltmonu tho piupiity of 1 iod w plank hit 2h con 1 i mjiuhihk flalo at ono oi lot l 1 orum 1 uionthii thoa ingram auttlonuir kinostonjamaioa dbotnoyejd now voiu jau ntim city of kingutou jamaica foundud a llttlu over two conturjob ago ijecauuo an earthiuako nml tidal xvavto had doutoy oil port itoyal tho old eapital wnu on monday mined hy an oaitluinakc uhnck an ofllcinl doupatch hy mi haniai qitonwooil m p thn young tanndliiu iniliiiniontaiy i udui hnrrotmy for the coliinlce who wan in kinghton a tho imperial cotton jonfeiomi utateti that nu drltluh canadian oramoii an vlultoia save tlm diutinguluhid atates mnrt hir lanioa rtrgusuon nro among thn dtiail tlio fatalities mi fur known iulludi iomi forty uoldlciu uilled in tlin col inpus of the military linapltulj a nuin- hor of tho luadlnp in mi of kluguton nml many of tho cnlnicd population tho knooyn dead jirn about ono linn 1 nl lut na hm i died hut ne iliofoltowod thn entth d lu atill raging n full liat of 111 nut ho avallahlu for unum tinio liaku and thv4end w daily padinq away thsetoryofa woman mnde well by dfwllllrrao pink pit in dad hlood nieaiib had lioalth that u why li willi u i u imnu piltu moan good hunlth ilioy actually make now i ioh hltind width hlinngthoiia ovory norvo und ovury oignn in hm hndy llmt lu why pro pin wio ubo lr wllllaiiiii pink pills fwul hrlght agtlvo nml strong mm arthur llnn- nlgnn mnrohvlllf out ia a wltnoaa to tho linth of thobo utatomontu- mru hnnnlgan ayu tm nenily three yonia i mifforod from annouilii lilunil lenunoau und dnrlne hint t lino commit od nml look madlcloo from upviral dootnin without hunullohit mstiltt my complexion was of n waxy nppenr- nnco my llpa and guiiib unonind hlnod- tr mh i biiltoiid fi did hiiidarhiit dlz inohu mid palpitation of tho liumt my apputlto wau no poor that i did not into wlinllui i alii oi not and 1 ginw no wink nud wau wo nun h n tinned in llouh hint my filomlu thought i wnu in oonuuuiptlnn ai i linvnunld i doihoi ed without hnnnllt until thnlnutiloittui whom i coiiuultod ndvund nm to liy ii wllllaniu pluk iniih i folluwod hie ndvirn and iuhs than a ilo7en hnxou hnva mnilo inn tho well woman i am to dny all tho uyinptnma or ihy tronlilo havo vanmiml mid i op joy thn voiy heat of hoiiltli i know there me humhndu of w onion who mo di if ting into tlm mtnin niiudltlun i wnu nud to ml bttoh i would mtiougly uign tlm lm uiodlato nun of di wuiininu 1ink imiik di wllllainv 1lnk piiib do not aot upon hm howolui hoy do nut tlukor wlthmoie hj initoiuu t hmy go tight to thn root of tlm tunthln in ihn hlood that lu why thny mini nil noiumnu nllntnnta like rhnuiuiihuin iioiiralgln ljilnny tiouhle iiaadnrheh nnd hack- anlioh ht vltjiu mlntton und tlin upoolal nlluieuta that hhllut bo nmny women nud growing glilu hold hy all mrdliilno dtiiilniu ul hy nihil at win a luxornlx iioxob foi 9jwi fiom the dr wllllaniu modlelun co ii rook vlllo ont our doctor can tiro jour cinijfh or cold lio jiiintlin nhont 4hnlf hut wliv j to all tlm tronlilo nml in ivnl mi of lonulnn liim up an uih nihinvllihlupriif rlptloil 1 ll il win n you t an nti p into any di iif ilnro lu i tiniln uml nhtnln n lotllo or minion s cuhij foi u ipiiirtor why pny two o ftvo dollnrn xhi u u twontyflvo cont hottlo nf kjiii oil will euro you mi on irk ly vvliy n it do nn linnilvedn of thoui imilii ot aniiillinui havo dino for tlm pint tlijrtyfour yturu m mii oil lmynuriloe- tnr wienovr u cough or cold iipni urn vlihioii vllliuvoyou nndnll dnijtiiiitii h 1c iii thin ntntomont with n pnillivo uuunuitm jim inxt thnn you havo a cnujf h or cold euro it with ssiiloh ghristys london iii iiiiaii l and oiiil iii0wnll hats ebswackhamer kill r siki 1 1 acton ixel us handle tlje floar for you- wo supply to eoorob of satisfiod oubtomera every week iheir bread and pastry flouh aa well ab tlieir meal for breakfast acton flour and feed store n i moottl synolsis ok canadian noittjlvvest humc8tbad nnaulations anv avail nuin te i matlnn nl dniiiliiloii iftiiilnhi mmillnu hbdliwii 1 alliorlu poelllimlliil hi i l raurrvn liny i n i niikntob lull i y any i oraon wlio l iii aula lion nt fainllj or v imli over llj loaranl wc lo hid ritini nt diiikjuarlar taallonof iho borm litcfd cif tnap biurv nul lm hi in i orioiiall et llin loa1 uml offldo or llio ilutrlol in wliloli uio liml in tlm inmplrnilnr i trinlol to pfnrm ui enn lltlniib o nitnmto i lliuowltl nuilur ono of if tlio follier u ildouainl nl uio linniirtymlor rmilta iijnii m farm la liw vloinltv nl iln inn i iiiilor it for llio rtiqulriinmitt a m tiliuicu mv linaallaflbil liv auoli 1 1 rnonu tuulllnu nllli tlio fatlior nr tilniliobiltlnrliialiulormaiiniil rtimanaa in nu fnnnlnu ian i ownmt lv lilm in tho vicinity mii ikiincbinait llio loianri immia ai to mil ilnnqa may iid tatunnl ny ml lonao upon his ills rnniillia notlco in wrlllim tlinul i lio hvuii to his join in ibbloiiar nf dnmluloii t amli at tlawa nf lull ntlnii to mty or i at en t i ii ty nf tlm minutitr at tlm interior n ii uimntliorlai i titiotlnn of tliu art vaituaint nt will not lio nl i for osq i it ryan co g b ryan co great january sale i talk c trpt ti ku curtains etc thi wcclc we will make ygu a prcbcnt ol any irlicli atlvcitisi tl win re th former price pi not exactly as represented by ut or where the reduction from tin original price n not an we advertised carpets rugs curtains etc jar lillowmetaol i will ami thru wc w i i tho e who h tv i w want you ti nnnjmro pritaa m1ud ii llll ttnr purtha i iiilvetliidl a i adv rtued or auru for nothing in in ipeilion nml wo want you to tviei ve win oe v niiii 1 1 icavn iho m utf r to your own judgment tv no ininioiliilj ii i for tlicii mil wr would nay it oa ara going t weed a nrwcnipct n carpet nr o t itifain v hi hi iy main your nelaltlun ami hy milk lag a twenty fivn par titit deposit liuvn il fm yon until oii lira rca ly lo liav it u live red wtiotlnr you want tliefe at ante- waut them l tlilin nt all r inn mill hi coiivimlcu on tin ono jwlrit vii tliut tlia gondii ami priicn urn tmuitly a i bootolj a5tnln5tiriarrot dqov j no yard i lor pnlurciniinnie liav imrilrv to mntih ltni utf trim ii old hh- jreort and linliuu copy preirnt day viilun iiijlos yard iali prkaj dt njutw r nml laid hl yard siiporksif wilton curot 137 yard 7syaruii deep tkh nils iien round hint hand pat t ru mi iwuji r t muttfl pre rut day vliluc ijtt 6e salo juic tut ni ulp uml laid ib1s7 vied bupotrlof witton oarpcit jl 33 yard qfynrdti deep rleh pit rifirdei to niail fnwiirnitnd tuvinll grcon llorul nlternreiihir ft 15 vuhia salt price etit nidle inid lii ift 1 n yard btanclard tsnglliih bcmy brunuold o80 yard 151 nril hody nud liotdi r to niutih graen grniuid mml otiontid piljero ire uut day vafiio fi 13 1 ale prke en t innda und laid nie ym i buporor isiidliali dody ortinuolti 1 05 yard lliyinlh hody and hfmler to mulch twntonn tiruau i iniilrailn lr rrgular 1 40 pulity tula price ml rauile mid laid i os van 1 10 body ufuiitli att h7o oh varda frreon ffround roiotrl novan pattern hndy mui iwinlar to iimttli mile prkr eut mnda and laid r71 ard i ift body dimaaola nt ora 117 vnrdu hndy und hnrdcr to nintcli crimien ground moorcmue lloral put tern talo price cut iiiutiirnnj laid oje yara 1 10 dody druaaelm olio 10s yarilh liorly ami horden to nintcli two totia grean lloral pattern nalo prim cut nude and laid hfle yard namnantawdruaaalaj valvoi nil wilton body only no border length 1 from i inli to as yordw colors crinikoii irecn i ruwn inrhht nyrfhirvfltfteir iii to 81 ii j ird ttule price cut mudo und laid troai jflc up to7fl inffravln cnepata 00 inohcm wide lloveralbie 1 picco all weal standard tlirel ply legular prke al nritt cnljnadu and laiil bbe yard wajii ijli 3 peeti difturei hsc yard rile jl iml prlee ttern nil wool 3 ply rop u la r value madg and laid 03c yard 1 pmee oh vvool fille i col ton warp vegulai 75c quality hale prke eut niadrt ttd laid jjc ard l piece hitlf vool filled totfiilar xe ualnprkc sc yard plctn ltuiouf ragiilar jijc yard furio price g4u yua omtmuiai t 1 wl tn srtiurai itntull uaaf nt pat tern in wo6d ikiihh ituakiis regular value v41 75 halo prke 3173 l wilton squnre choice monreiupie iyrpi otf ht urtnit j vroithdj hire hjxioc ragulr vahio tab as iiulaprlee j h 1 krnwiel irfrinrtr nltractlva kejiil ojlailtal patrern in kft u infill coloring riiciooxiji regular prica hn3l hale prlee 3 75 j hul moral lupuira olive horat nbf i x regular price in j 33 aula price vi jo t hahnoral hquare mid greas utidlirwn loral uui 11 o 3fl regular prfceif7j nuk prleavin 35 1 smyrna htpiuro crltukoo cautre loral tioder hi green hlieqxu regular flljn no inlc price i33 jo 1 hmyrtia hipisre liltte oriental 7 6xm ivgnlhr 9 10 we alt pneo v13 50 ttpftiy aumiaj i3xynriln turkiitli eopy regular 91700 sale price w11 7s i3l4yerd erlmhon ground green lloral regularqoo nale price jo 00 i 1x4 yardh taw 11 11 oral regular 9m go nule price 97 b 7 1 3x1 yardh crimnoii and groan oriental regular ftijoo note pneu u 33 inareeiln ajqur i 1x3 yardh regular 9 0 nale price th 13 3 3x4 yardh regular 9 so talc price in a 1 iix1 yardti regular fl on jiale price on 1 4s yarilil regular ffto n rale jirlce fu 37 hottlnfrhntti laos ouftmtnn our entire range about 6ja paim fiiien 16 in x ij yard up to 5b in x ij yordn regular pneen from 5oe tip to sc o pgjr our aule pritru will he a htruight dihcount at 3o per cent front vonr purclinre wlilih wenna on every purcbao of si aa we refund in cusli 91 on or on a is 50 purclinte lie dliount will he 30c on nr range of iruh paint brumeu net marie antoin etta and ilalkabarg cttrtalnn we make you the uame ireneroua offer vli 30 per cent diicount from your bill g b ryan co guelph 5w ss vtvvvuvi2t druggist and stationett a t brown rawiwiwanjffj2 klnjr of 411 couch medlalno mr 1 onuo a mnll eai rler nf clan- ton centre oonn who lina heon in tho u h hoivloo for nhotit ulxtoon yoam 4jb wo hnvo tiled ninny cotifth inndldlnonforoiotip liutolininhorliilnfl o0113i1 ttnmedy lu king of till nml ono to ho rolled upon evet y time wo nlan find lb tlio heat lomedy fnr couglm nnd col da glvlnff certain loaultii and loav log no had ouvctb tor nale hy all druggists n n unsworth the right house hmiltonb cavoniti bmoppiwo plaoe tremendous reductions on fashionable winter coats pntlrc 1 locli maruod down hirher ureal reductions made immenao hurjplub lo intirrow vlolt the ilopirtmont to morrow an i noo ihdio innilsomo imported coata of charncter atylo and minllty llio low prlcon aro unrivalled womens coats othnllprloo orloss mnrio ol nupoilor ilaavorn hemoyn ilroailclotlia nnd i weoiu in nowrm eftcclho prnctlcnl mylno and woll mllored in every reapbcl i onr looun full and ripple inclt ulylfta illncli and all popular ahntloa in uoili phln nml fmclos nottly ulninuxl ineffectlvofilana 4 00 formerly 7 nnd 7 00 4 on 011 i aoo 5 00 so 10 00 0 00 910 ia 00 warm cloth capes on sale nt ulg rcducilon honlceablo illnrk cloihcapoafnr women at hlg reducilona 1 4 and 7 b innnllia linetl nml unllned thnul rnlhm monn cnllnra or trim moil splunol i ipnllllua n on reduactl from 1400 o70 looo iu00 m i7o0 ncnrscol coals reduced bitln lined innlorn mink collar uovnra nnd cufln j6 inches lnnt very effective and mi potior ipiallly childrens coats uio 10 ulnlor ulylem in nowokt jiuiaty iurv ire iiiln i weeila and plain tnnlurliu nil neilly ulmmed nmt well miilu vj ta 00 ixeitiood rrem jjkj m 7 ro roimerly 910 00 0 oo 914 emit 910 0 oo 910 no nnd 17 bo taoo 9110 and 901 rurlliicil coats reduced fine tormnn ileiver am uroul clolh blielli in brown fiwn nnd black very latent noliby at j ion wlih hnmpiter and rrny lock llnlnua wealern sable auikn sable and itlver mlnb collnra hovom and cuiti iu raduoad rvm 4o 4m oo 75 warm astractian lur coats reduced meweal practical aenalbln alylea well mitla o anlecleil brlulit nnialfoil fur anllit and fanner a ealla lined nice even curl nnnd lull dleevea i ciihlh of 3 and 17 inchea jlico lire great liarniilim harnnlna thai every woman vllh ncont nord ahnuld invnalliiala all nrn depentlntda nihl liotiro qiialirino tin reduced from 9so00 na j niioo 4ft 47 oo thomas c watkins startling values in many clearing linos of winter goods not a dollars worth of winter goods to be left over to another season the following list will give you an idea of the way we are slashing prices dress goods regular i and 125 to clear at boc dress goods regular 50c and 70c to clear at 28c wrappcrcltcs regular 10 and xajc to clear at tc yard ladles vests and drapers to clear at 25c each childrens natural wool combination suits regular si 25 to clear at cite golf jackets regular 250 to clear at 171 golfjackcts regular 300 to clear at 200 willie wool fascinators regular 75c to clear at lilic odd line towels regular at 121c each 5 to 25c each to clear remnants remnants too numerous to classify at prices which you cannot resist wwioii rlni i i wei presents j iviarimiio jleciiscs geo hynds l tlio jtuclry sloro mm st acio 3fr4l flrlu bfafilisrmnilo st 5uhis jiircl kfcrou- tli uct mnlcw wlkin ma i t 1 fut slk pworl olci i nrti 1 ilillllrjitlnl i abnil a i t t s choice giimpi jhhhitns v fon haul irph lulcli 1 rln ion uio 1 r m ikti ii iiiy siino uiht 1 new hlncksmitliiiik itjisinesy n aviso re nl 1 ll n tlml rrrm tly orctll lo 1 by lr ii firli i ii ml mill hi i rui 1 ro 1 01 tn loallbu liul jtuuii ill 11 11 1 inn j tly kill tktulactuiily i h ikjlli utrton irhatc nale ot jloineliold liirnidiu a quantity ot immiloll firnllir ly irlvkto aaln may i i on tl u unm uu 11 uttliiillriulataiiy tlmo lor l wijk jj4 dash 1 mil nt jiou abtjtay qtiltm ntniliciru i1nh tl ut icrulit o t ct l t jj ion 1 i 1 1 1 nlliu nt j it it a ml i lis ol uncoil i nr wl lm i ilt u 1 lu owi ur may rvcuvnr 111111 i y 1 rovliw 1 r j rty nil t i nil ii ji- j04i liitiiomt iv a0i011i o imiease mtv amaccoinili lue 111 will i 1 lacn 1 h llnla collorlllj annoy i t hill ault nn iuti til kllllly uiaku uftmu a inenta tor jn in i cl 1 tl at uu at youranlf any fiirtlur irnj imp 11 ii hcoft valimblo jlojiorty in acton ivor sale pup lot an i r b ut thn lata tl omaa 1 itolucuoti at tl t corn r 1 i huh i i w ll litraircuu nanttoniu na lu a at r tlio liuuaa a well t mil rouul can it rvanla lair roiilaltu m von rootna an i out 1 ull hi rf arlaiilaotl vralor ory halrnl lu i mtlmi i nr tonne and artlculati iy lu jul 11 lamoruu aotun or d mlmagivon lllbtllt out venv dumnaouu residencejor sale that eomiiiolloua noli built two itnrcr liouio at tlm corner i luircli nn i v llluw hiiraoth actnit ilai uliilit raoim tilth liuilry oltwoti bath and mo turn eouvinltirth inn hi 1 imr centra at 11 1 ur lotiiia auj r lion iim a null klocalluu 1 ul tlu ipmi iv 1 1 yl it il snv ifarm itolt sale till woll know 1 hill eomiil icmhi liaritwooi b liouio iinoil bank wltli bl u v lond 1or tornn farm tut nil ul air urn run vi avw 1 oltii r lurluu 011 hill cau1 uov act in nulu it a 1ml utralrliti oa cameron clcaninq auction sale fahjr stock ijtrijd- ments ctc uiuou on lot j eon t saiiaenwoia thursday january 24th i0o7 alouaoilookaliarp ui loiiautiik horsoa1 brown inaro 0 vn nit 1 al it 1 brown id aro n vn ul 1 una ii i lrovii lioraa uyrt uond vroruor cfttttalraalitflrul row ilno to rulvii a rll 01 1 raglalarad lultar 10 11 mitlia ill u mwa ailajunaa 1 oow duo juno ij 1 row ilno juno oaad tabiihioair jh m j vn yoar oil i liolfur j yuan oil 1 yoar olil uoaltee 8hp110 iel cotter owo an 1 1 rm plaa1 vorbalilra iow dim in 1 1n unroll 1 1 ynrinmlro iow duo april i i 1 lut i montlx ut i oo old niabontfw limia ilarru hi arly nevr doirli t uaw ludrlnurallii lift nut lilout drill nearly 11 ft dill lurru ator rowa 3ind plouitlia j i new rioaralio waggon 3 liioli tli 3 oultv j aula iron 1 a inuliu fiuilu ur au natal now uuw toil tiiniry wagon atook an 1 bay molt 00111i lno i yfi ro o liraval nl imllayi wn 11 i at nearly 1 vt launlnu mill jv uallm i olllm ii 1 iiumiti 1 ilroivk haw ian i rollar mruii auwt r nu arnaaeittaaw u iota luam liriiu lianiaii 1 iat rirlvluu liarixiiu 1 neu 1 iirlim bulli wbllluirm loflnlna clialna ornwt nr f rui oooulim itovn 1 nl 1 iow dalay olitirn no nay lurnl a an t nianuol i tormii of snlohumaot am aiul imlor caib over bat amount u 1111 n tlm orn lit on llrorol joint nntea i ivo lor cont oir lit oaali hay roots an i foul cant l lively ha itoierfti aa tlin 1 roi riutor baa old ida arm ttjomag inqram auotlonaer mens mutflcrs and silk scarfs 75c to clear at ilftc regular 50c and 2 cloea orily mens colored dress shirts regular 100 to clear at 50c each mens sweaters at greatly reduced prices conhitn kma sr eabt and huohom hamilton ont farm produce highest prices ptd take advantage of the low prices while the stock is most complete h it unsworth optositr poftt 01tic1c cuharitmo auction sale altsl stock imlkli- su3nt8 ulc tlio unlnrului pin frael w lou 011 li lu farm 1 plank i ii i i ul h i i i jnilnu thursday jnn olnt 1007 at nita o clock eliar tin oil luj vnlualiln aim alook an i hiiilumniu moriuia hay riare ijviaranll in ton in iiiniiirtiil ilraltiinrao liirrl m ro il nr rlv r l v ol tlirilaun uwiiliih haliiit i ira warnti vro ol 1 in tnal tool ii tlariiii vro ill iulnal cttlii 1 niiitiani tnw ilii i lun nurhain oow ltii i nt lilli i hurl am liwlfar nu i uui i hntali hi i ow niullain fnw in rmlf i lnw ilur ilno april 111 4 lloirom an i h ht nl i t alrlt oalvpi llattioitor lno vim nil islnii j jro l oio 1 1 1 olnol to lia la tamil 1 in hun o 1 1 ator itn plaau llarkhlilmhnwadiia ai rll in 1 nru i ilrnhfiwilno april a i ru wlinn rl i rk ililrahnwdiio april 1r 11 ru how ii llnne aliout tlia abnvo atook la all vroll lro olaaaonii lltlmi i rod wliito wianlilt colllodou irrtplftr i ia11uriiol ktikihlro ill nil oil lrol an i u hit uoaborila i inntaimit t ni it ilno 1 don national tiraatii hni afatorr f biidui l trnnk wacnii 1 rnad rart 1 m i i ol nl i i lilntiulu miirnlimlrlll naw nuilli r niwlnnili in imr latidrnllor aol liorrnwa i uriina fmmhii uliavraoke wonfl irntk lira ll raou liay oik rank litter rmu a mil iniu eat liraaaiiinimmd doumnrat bar imw lbetinn bnavr uarnnia u liariioai about tai linn nilxi i ural linrift aloul 10 lima 1 1 1 limn ly nl ttiruiiia and iiiaikinna tit liuliifl lmnua liiic illllullilcliallll wl irnna iiocbynbaa nnllara lirl ll and varlniieflmiiirnrttalua tofma of 8nlohiiinii n m chhi ornrtbat ainniiiil in mmi aiiiriil joint iintpn i our in r oont i raillitin oil loroaili tlralu hay an i root i mnli laalllfly no raaorvn aa ilia i roi rlaliu la ilv liimulaiiiiliifl titoh tktiri ah aitnllnilbet i la vi hiiih hw i m f y bataiiiihiiiltv j tnrli- hi la illnu nti lno urnwl nt ill ii nralu anr i arrnu wb ill oolare lirmioa imnul lonktto irttnlua 1 rjn i n r j

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