Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1907, p. 4

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itlihihilav alltlt 4th 11ki7 niinnin ortiibcoittbntreil mam aivny mill uwiiy ti 1 hull 1 mli 1 1 and milhity uiihi iii i win id ulllll 11i1 whlttd d lihrfiril ny with in in in w i n 1 know il lll it mini lleifinwlailii sldn it 1 11 the mmns u full f lloiimj hh my jmptin limn mi when im buy fd it it wuu imtbln inil jiut outdnma n they plnnled utonia hi a holu un ill tlml shnw 1 1 10 ihiuiohrgaii iiullutlliiihtniic wmild linvo jiwt urinvfil wumlf lxcupt fur the ciiinti r mnti en tlio ciiimnli limn took n imurd on ullll ihtd kj it cu mnfc soninuiili 1 u i lihiikrmtuniym en bund k11 thuy iwd mu limit it tlru unhu nliiiniuhugliin sw in did i mieilllnf itttln twlru vnutiiilitl 1 1 innuvrtiil niev n said u wit kid in1hiiiiliitilll iii thmiho tnld juv bill tuiiiv liiwruppoiil llntthirtiiinulii n uuirlilillutylrjluunllllit il ui- said it out l0j 10 mibe un iti aoimlthhi ldnjurutiny in lhflippeiiui in j i wjmrn t hurt wlnni yonhitliid ytiir tliumli kei ln tlmrud be im cnppolitri men to ho hud if it wnhlit fl wolds like tltnt fn if thorn wasnt roppontoi uion wed nil have to llvo in llin bam iiiumu thorn wouldnt bo any iioiiubb ii then then what would vg do by darn i iu thecoppantm limn mid wit kod winn he bitted hi thumb nn day un i know wlmt it was bemuse hnurd i n it b hiimslhln 1 dnm nt any i i tlniiind vnuee tooku in wiiiimn llimioctimpnnlofi for march a warning jo thousands of ladies who use package dyes tlio weill a luchuriluon co mm uui of montreal inniinhuturara nl tin wuild finned diamond i1ylh would ahirlitlly warn all useis ol diamond dvis tlmt they hivn not thn slightest imiiiiahm with any arm ii uiiiblniitlnnof peaplo wliofin mnnnfik tmlnjr nnd sriiinp weak ud ultomtud uiul worthhisa package dyus tito iniiniifnnlurm of diamond dvis fin tlnii own interest nnd foi tlin wtdfuio and pioterthm of hi ludlimiil iliundii llnd it iidloniirry to dunuiincn t lift input in circulated ly mnkfia f ciiinimm and imitation ilyun tliat llicli product um put n uccorilliiif to tin fonntiliimif tlio dia mom d ls hhlii claims mado ly makir of wortliloih d eg nro illalionet and tiiluleiuui in insula coinpluto biilcma in honi coloiinn work liny only tlio lime tiled and lulahln diamond dylh tlili inotitli 1 lin weill k lllllinrdi c iiiiiitul montiiial i u will itohd fifii tunny nddioug now diamond do ilxiklut mid pi otty himvtmlkaid for itidij on nlninld have thoiu hollownyu orn cnro la a pacific for til o iduiovui of curna and wnrti wtlmvo novei honrd of iti fulling ti rotimvo lvuii thu worst kind too many indulgent huubnnda nnd fatlmrii allow th lndnlponco to itop with llmiiiualvae tho murlta of hlcklou anti con- uniptlvn hyrupni ft mrn roinedy for ouiihu and colda nro bttantrl by lootoa who know itn powor in giving nliiiont inutnnt rillef whon thu throat uuorowlth coiiflliln nnd tlio wliolo pulmonary irglon dlioidorod in con buqunnce a liottlo of tlilo world fuui ad myi up will iavo doctors lilllu and n krflkt denl of millci ing vt loo si conti at nil iloalem tho oifl of a idodb rnputatlon is iimniiiiifid by thftniimhni of pooplo who talk about lilm alwnyinooud 1iicnd in liualth nnd bnppiitiu wu used np filondi hut when pain mid prontratlnn conio ytp look for frloiully aid troiii aynipblhttlc hands ihfuo humu can mrv ns no liattai than in nilibliik in dr thoiimn kcloctilcoii for whun tho oil l in tho pain iu nut it hns brought rollof to tliouhitiiilh who without l would bo iniuotl fllthltllckh ttylurto hit populni ib nu fntlging aa siniliuk at n iloutiut wlinn lin in got busy with you a cuis for tnvvr ntid ague ihinui yogitiibln iillu nro com poiiudinl foi iiiu in nny ullmatc nnd thny ivlll hti found to pioisivo tbeli ptuvthm in miy liititudf- in fever unit kgun tluy i tnpnu llin mi rolionu und noiitiftllfcti ihnptiimn whloh him found itu way into tho blood tlioy coiroi t tlio linpiiiltlub willi it find untiiim into thn blood fluty toinct thn impiiiltiitv which llnd untrunlo into thu hjatt ni tluough diluuiii wutt i oi food nnd ifmiil um pniviuitlvi fovnm nro avoliloi um think how foolmi it in h houi finidkov ilikinil fitkllugu liitmj no maikvl vnliu t if oti hpuiid yom i linn in growling nhoiii an iniiigiuiuy utnng joti rtii n pt to ncgliil join in n sbni t cuiiiiiijji ivdiy child iu doom id to dluiippolnt incut all clilliluui ininghuy unit uu noon iih tlioy niiktui uty unit tlioy will do nu ihny plimun b ta tti yom vinuu on nny mbjoot nnd if ynui lulcncr nnyt hn hnmt mndn up hii mind ib inlnins im ngrdit ith j mi hiiii donimt liko to y bo i fun ffunil thing tn lmu uunlu hut tliity wont do uninli gnoil if jon lot tlim ot diihty a ifiuwl wnikluaii in lumui to lili bona hoiip mid yiiipntli iloiit ronipnn- onto rm thn ndvimt you linvo to tilun whon j on liitpprn to im ulck homo pniipln rnohokimiuliuidliunily that limy mo icgulni moving honllh rpinrir ii um bony town mil u uhlnn down f um nuih mid 1 mo ii uiod buiitli tbuiy i uhilt ilm mini mid mi a mi full that limy mcitiiandud lhnl v oomplimbnt mill ii hlnclali t l mib a luft bit nib d tonipll- id i pton hiiiiliiir m liotfd iinpou of n irinnik lumlo by i it iimlndu nit- mr vunt on of it coikipliiuiiit m n p ild to n plijairlun i bin pbj bicimi had tiiitrrltd a lilow iiiamoun nlulittohliwlfit vritw n jmiplin unt algh i willlvrtpiilliidoldjloilrithioiigl iifltii nil ami a iiillonl cjno it vn lt mulill you v eu dun hiifil tlm judy l hut tliili yini kljoiv j ti urn uijcl sn vtmhntdui lh ir i hud lily itlinw u joiifiui v l leitniu my p lor diai lolm would bnwt iiipii iiiutil yv the name tud- jn hope is a11 idin the guarantee any man needs when buying a carriage you cant 1 h ilf ns pirtlctilnr about nntcrlali nnd unrumaiialilp nnd spruce n the tiulliopca nrc when n tudhniiccnrnnkelenc3 the factor j itltnbsoliittly faultka 111 ctry wij ttidjjoiiq cringc1 nrc riiarnn- ttul hy us and by tliu house of tudhopc which lias bioii making ilium hi cqtnda for 55 jcara ariy uc rhow ou faome of the tiidhopc carriages root bennett flcton uui fool ukhth thn kd tililus b htm hud nnd tlio w iho uiiin tlm good tliu- unit lit linuulhiid castor 8 a for in flints and olilldrou the kind you have always bought boari tlio euhaturo of wiuii yontl ox pin gut nl ti dili i bigluu to im- slibl motlipi lltim wollilm hill oil mi iimi ntrd with un it hits up and at hi nk clilldilii ihoulil lino woiiu kxtciiulnntor f ltiti principal cumou if lufftmlng in clilldian nnd ihould bo 3 x pulled fioin tbo bj item this dovh tlio city that i icon hub a hnr room nt ovaiy cornor nnd provldoi no piny- groiiudi pimctlcnlly puts thn lisya to chonl on the tnvi ru coi nun nuttiro inmlobnji gingniiouu tho hoys who do nut git woll nibbed on other hnya nra nil thn wtimu foi tho luck hut tha mutual rnmmmilcntiniii of bnya with boyo in idlonnux 111 0 apt to bo anything but uplifting in fuct da grading thu milvittion of hoyh is heart play timktoittbpibnt tlumpinntlon in going tho roiinila how hum will tlm woild initp woll noonu knuwii thn nurnbei nnd duration of it coiih hut it lu prrlty cortalu it alrimdy lusts long ouoiigh to nun bin liliiuituiloh to uptnt who think tliuy havn no tlnio tonttonil tn tlmfi ioiiu hospitals crowded majority of path nts women 1 1 1 i i inkliiiin mill t a guild many pnoplo rtiiml ii ml light i nt inicmtitii hoy nrn nfinhl toniti i aililmf f im mrs mnklininii advlco snvci many rrom tlib find and costly exno- nsneo it in a hiki but trim fin i tlmt t rv mr hrlngti 1111 in n mm in thu liundiir of upirn- tloni pi rwmn d llpll woiiiuu tn our hoiipltnlii mom tbiiu thrio- foiirlhii of thu mllmhh ijiikon tin no nunn whlto hidi uni wonun mid lrlh ulinnm jutnltliig or rnovurlntl iruni ojunulniih iniulit nuimiiry by in kiw t iur mi f tin mi piiihnln hnl ph nty of uiriiliik in tlmt h irinir down fiillnu ulii nt tli i it r iluht of ihtuilhifiiiiin tiiroiiii 1 xbiuixtloii pilu in thu mimll ol thu i ml p hit mlurrh illmtliiiiui until- lnry dihpluit 1 tw or im imlnritti h all o thtihmptnimi 11m iliiliintinilii of 1111 until till tmittltlimi of thn fiiiiuln nruiuih mi i it utt hi 1 th d tint troiibln nm inn n hiuhwi until tlio pcnnlly linn to la paid in 11 iliiimi nnim opt nillmi nnd allnti f liiipiinduhtfuliknt i m- mli in in im 1 1 h tlm n hiiiu um fut il 1 im fitlrmlk lilt r hhnnll hiiliuhni uui mm unhurt nim otluuti out wrlum lunrmm vinklinmt i41u11i jlnl 1 imvi iitiiblnfumpniihil ihkoutlhmd uhlih known tlmt it ilnoiiuil 111 1 1 iiiy ritiimiiu iihiliih hut i 11111 pli nci to mttl it to tlm imun ll it jnn imvn in ii fumr lmin fniiiln n iiiiiim r miirly thrio ori nnd ilidiloitoni told inn lhnl i 111111 iimtiruo an mil mil 11 bill ii j m iu lllinr t l i llrld mnirvtilil11 mnimixl mil i un onlvmophn i ii 1 tno rirltrtiiontl lititopirrtl hrnllli mihiif 1111 hilt tmlu 11 1 ilillhtinim 11 i blllhinliiillnii ill i it m iniirly lliiuiku jiimi nn miri j nu mn dlmiil wnnniml of lin- irotihliii iiiiuiuinlil in lurlultur jiihi ho minli will joilln a vliiuhiiinh vukiliiblti ionipniiiid ihi nlhur woiui 11 whomdlir imm f unit inmhlih lulliini nititlnu klhim tinitlt it hi 1 iii t 1lt11 milt lllld ullmhhlllltiol j mm iliikhiuii lnlbrt nil mrnii n who ant iii lo vrllo hnr fur fno luhicu hhu in h huuhlurtniiut of tydln 13 iliikhniii mill tr iwi ntyfli jumi him 1 iit- k mimiui in u of rlinripi ct tho i tlml von ijnvo aiuumi ilniight mill wliltli lian liofii lu lino fni mur t uih iiiih lutrim tlio hliintnro of 1 mid linn liomiiiiiiiluiiikldr hlh pr- nonul uiicrvlhlnn wliiro km infancy allow ii 011a iodorolvo yon in thin all coiintorfoltm imltntlonn ami juhtiihbortd nro hub lpoflinunfu tlmt trwio vub n id cnduiiuortlio lionlth of iu in tn nnd children kioiilnco ngiiliutt jlxporlmciit- what js castoria cumrla u a hnritilchh mmatulto f cnntor oil pftro- irorlc rol4 nnd mtiotlilttp bjnipm 1 jh liouhnnt it conituhihhtdtliur opiutav flforlrino nnr otliu uurcotlo miilibtnniio itu uiro in lt uimnjntfiti ifc dvrtny worinsf and kllnyu jtnvorhliihh jt ii ren mixrrhoaa and wind coll 0 fi rlnvom tliotlilnjr trfillblerl curmciikllmitlnli and flntlfjoiioy it nnfnimnt n tiro lnidt wffht9 tha bilmioljunliil ibwid iflvln lunlthy nnd jmtttrul hlctf ilio cliljircuii iunncoiitl itithurti rrlintl cenoine castoria alwavs boars tho slynnturo of the kind you have always bought in uoo for over 30 years chiriorctl by dominion luxcrnmont 1 mnhiuhrd isf4 the merchants bank of canada not a hotahlbt hclunllllo tinui us n nllb ratinot mi 11 istaiid that a plant 01 u lmatitlful iftiuiuiiih hiivw ilwrluiiii iiilla up4tt fuui jl nlui- umltnn in a tom illuiiiigh lb 1jnniih tlm willri l ll inw 11 lifiinrd kiiillfiiicii whhuiu piitnl nt huiidmhiition fni 11 mown ii flay nt tin font of a dump rock i a liith utiin man coming totrnid uitf w illi 11 niimii liko nil ihujuiw htik imn jiiky riiovniiiitutu ami biuiiu thing iiimlnt nnil tiunobt in bis ioiiu- triianui unfniluiiktciy i wm looking nl n plaul with long htinlght grin hark and wttllf doltcatn corolla which gruw sur hoiiiii hidden iprings i in took 11 in for 11 raw fid tort imtnum ah hum you mi gathsiing plant i what ly oi itulk clumsy f what will it do in yom herbarium without roots juitbh- cimmijm plant tifipunl ri um hi vlrona of 1wi parifssila pithmtiu itsiii alrnplo rotjt jiauu roiindoii iho lirctartny am ctirioui i guml stiuy pbjnt woll ohuiait coursgtl youll gut on 1 nutjf am nijiotalitit vi y rood you nrn nmdsi vim tun nub plant tilia which yon wbnuld a1iioliiily rarry aay ila i what is that 1 im aiplllngla iyr rlnlca i and niyjltllamnnalartndoinibdjin lurtl olauibcnd up a alnpc carefully dug tbonotl about thu llnwnr took it up without cutting- ft single root nnd n turiitd with sparkling ayes trliim pliant nil nni holding ft aloft ilka a banner llunt puciilhirto thn pyrannos i lavn ioiik wuntad it come my young frland a alight nxauilnutinn you dont know tliu bpccli 1 hut yon recog nize thu family f alni i dont known word of hot- any r ii i link lid nt ma atupafled than why do yon gathar platiup tti ico the in becauia they nra piftty he put iiiu fluwar into his case nd juitod his cup and went away without adding nunthar word 1i1d oi 1 icl movniki ai rreiltlcnt sin ii montai u all an vico prenldani jon vtiian iioighon tin general mannncr 1 1 iiludi capllil ialtl up 86000 000 00 depnslli omi- j17 003 000 oq surplus tigyi yjftiq t011i airti flii ootioooao savings dank deposits ono dollar or unwartu will open an account munoy wltlulrwablo any tlmb no delay wo niltl inter on i lo principal iwlcc n year farmers sale notes wu lave special ficllllle for collccilnil lliunu wo will cnli llnm at once ii desired ii low ralu o iniotcst joint accounts- when rcpiesietl wo will opru nccounli in two mmoj so that cither ono may driw tlm mutiny husband or wllu cic acton branch w s chisholm managor it may b wu good u feat to have nil of 11 lltlln glilu puttkontu tho riium inngth nrftt in to havn u cry thing that gnai on thu itovn cooked at thu fiium tlmo k p a m 1iow mill wncl1 wcaix thrunmllil rt nor- tipfft i fr hi womf im fi tir iu r ul vvvrfil11 w vulll id they havo n dijiy ucnnntion m thu hi ml thn heart pnlpitutiu llicy urtr irntiibli nnd ni rvouu wtalc nntl worn out and tlm unkind hoiimhom ilutlti diiruig tho day uccin to bo n dnik und 11 bunb n milburns heart and nerve pills nrn thu very rcmuly tlmt wink mrvniis tirul out filckly woiuui und tnrihtoro thuin the blciuiingu of rood huillh thny rivo uoiind nslful lib 1 p tonn up thn nurni ntntiktlun ttm liturt nnd mnku noli hood mm mcdnimld 1ortnco la imlrln man wnlcii 1 win troubled with ahnrtnuia of breath piilpl- tntloit of tho heart nnd weak upillx i not four hoxoti of mllliunia heart nnd ncrvo im nntl after taking ilium i wru complotoly cured pnronoronfa nor box or arco hnea for f 1 21 nil dtinfni or thn tim t mil- burn co limited toronto oat whll loafing 11 man uiually thuika nhout n big scbumo that wont wnik ivouriuatton pplnplplss riniti wlinn wo nndcltako to oil out mibucilptlmih wu guo thoin om undivided nttcntion nnd hcut uuo tlm pntiuntv wulfiuo in 0111 flint co nidoifitlou hen ond 1 wo giuiimituu um riiugh lo im of full at 1 ongth nu w u uu pm u nnd f 1 uh third t our dihtnuiurh am hiippllud with jiut what thoyiutk foi iiilntliiit- ing lu liuvoi ullowod iainicu tkiicuv fumilluni if you am a uufturtt from kidnoy diuuiihu ikoi t oinplnkiit blood tioubluh ihuiiinatlhin imuralgla tn uui vouu pi owl 1 atlon wo cmifldunt ly 1 ccom- uiiiid thu umt it 1alnum culmy tlom- pound tbhi ikllablu nnd unvui din- nppolntiug 1111 dii im in a turn dim awe banbilmi und nyhtum bulhlui wu supply tlm gunuiiio inbmrt coikij compnund at lb own anton out an npnlogy mnui ghuu hallufnctbtn to but ono pniion thnomi who maki u it miuw rturstlii kind vou liana always flouflht a jmt i miipliilnt ii 1111 iiunnioila to ound a cold in one day ttuti a lllvo llrouio qiiliilun trtllol all iltuiiuliis rnfmul tlin moiiiy it itulli in diiid i w uhiih hluimiurunn moli lion w 01 nu a hoy tblukr wlmt a good tlmo iv mull linul and n mini thinks what a good union hoy linu 1 and what n pour tlmo bqth havvl osiiiffht cold whlla iluntlnir n diiiff- ur mr wm thus iitinnigiin prnvlmlul ooimtablo nt clinplonu ontailn miy 1 m caught o snvtr rolil whllo huiillirg a hiiiglni in thn foinat uwiimp hut fall lloailng of hiiiiilinilnliim cough kmmdy i hind ii mill ufmi lulu t w 11 iminll hot i bp t wiib 1 omplot uly iiuid litis mmuily ii inlfiidoi uupoi hilly fiif ennghi nnd cnldu h will looiuii anil lull oven novel u oulil in issu tlmu tliundiy any othor truiitmant nnd is a fa vol itn wlininvui mpuiloi okoullnnrn ipm hucnuiu known ln hnlo by nil druggutb if ou must kick mnku it swift and sum and do not piolong uu ugony by imtklng vxcuhcu juil thn tiling i iiat u wunlcil pill tlmt utta iiptin tlm utomncb and ynt li 10 coidpuiuidid that coitnln ingiedlontb of it prouurvo tholr power to act upon tlm iutuhlimil canali iu ah to ckm ilium of ixcmtn thu retention of whh ii cannot hut bo bmtful was long looued foi by thn madlonl pro- ft union it was found in inimelton vugutablu lmlli which am tho losull of iinieh oxport ntw and nio sclontl flcally prepmod ns n laxatlvu nnd nu iiltriiitlvo in one ihu thlngti you dont any cauin you lean grltif in thli hfu than nliuoit any thing nun ilium nnvit wnit and novur will ho a uhimthui pnmicca in ono luinmly foi nil lllu in which fluuh lu heir what would iuuon onu iii in turn would uggiamitu tbo otbum wu havu howuvui in qulnlnu wlnu when ohtiiiuud in a hound nnnduuur- ntud iituto a rem cdy foi many and giluvmm lllu ity it a guidual and juilkloiiu iimu tlm friillmt hyiituiuii ru led into coiimilcud ncii nntl iicrungtli by tho iiilhicui o w hkb quinine oxurtu on nutmuti own iuulointivitt it ro luuiii tbotiti to whom a ihioulc utnlc of iimthid dihpunduncy and lack of intiitxt in lifo u 11 dhnumo nnd t tianipiluhik hu 111 riii dlhponcn i iiniind and ttfiihbliig hiih j hupiirlii v igoi to thu action of thu blood which being iithuuhiti d 0111 una uu ough the oiun ittiungthnmng thn healthy ani mal fiinctltmu of tlm uyntuiu thurnby nmkiiift iiutlvlty a uucuuaiiiy rrmult hticiiglhimlng umfiumu ami giving llfo to thu digiiilio oigunu vhlch uatiually duinaud luuiuahcd iiuhntnnco rihiill liiipiitmid apputlto -noith- op linnn of toionto havu glvou to mm publki thuh uupuilor qiilnlm ity thn opinion id itilimuutti tlm wlnn appioacbiii uiincut piuructhm of any of tlm nun uui all diugglata mil it tulk liiippiiuihh iuopln gut tiiud of hum log of yom wont ts only a cold a trifling dough tliniibaiitu hivn imltl tliu whun tliuy riumht roltl i houiiimiihi h iu nuilnclid tn mini tlm cm i limiimil 1 inuu lllltid n t oiimiuopllwu j 1 imi uiriuili iioglnnt nmt r in gh tin ni1i nr mill it tnti havn but onu it milt it mu tlm thruat or nihn or ititlt ufltilud dr woods norway psne syrup ii tlm lihhllrlun vm not d it ntrltim nt llinvnry fuutid iliun cf nil llnoiit nr lung eohniliilntii ruliovlng or curing ciniifli uiiin llriueliilli aitlhmii cniiip hnrn ltiroit nntl pmvonling inoumuiila and coilhillllpli 111 it linu utmiil um it t hi y yiwi ami id iinw iiurn iinni rillv 11 id ilnm mur it emulim nil tlm liuw l ilinit irttiou of tlm pinii 1 1 n miliii 1 iiilh u ilnlmrrj ilnrk an i mht r p torul mm unit h luunilntui llii u ti ilmm tl brint hlnl uruuuii nllnj irillittiou nul luhduou iiilluiniiiiilliii iinlliiii and lixili tlm irriutml iiarts itnniiiiii tliu pldiii and nun unit nntl aids intiiiu to utuiily dikdii tlm nnrhlil no- ciinmliiliuit dmt ln luuiihutiiil into waiiipling un hultutlkii of lr wondn nor way 1h iu knii it in put up hi n yoltow wriphir unto pimi tro tliu iradn uinrk mul pri ilil ol mr dull in 1 tulaim 11 lit coin n r wrftuii 1 i wan tiiinlilnl with imd iiii ami jiiwinmimiijii whlih nnuiiiiinil tint ii an altlliitlt mi to lip um roiillniil in niv lioiisn i trlid nnvural lumotlliin nilvurtlni d hut limy worn of no avail an n hmt remirt i tried dr wooiih norway ilim hvrup bin 01111 htilun iiin it llin uiinpltuij pastor and people praise mm cures dyspepsia bolls plmplofl headache constipation loii or appotlto gait nheutn eryilpolai scrofula and all troublofl arising from tlio stomach uvor tyoweliorjbiaod mraiihniriio or linfiydijir tut wrltril brllavs i wnultl han loon in niv nrava innir aun bad it not lint n for llurtlock illoml iiiu inr iwaarunilnwn tn lieu mi intent that i con la irnrrn- y raovn alioul tlm in savoro lioailnrlira bwuivaliciii anl hlnl 1 111 anno bono am 1 wm tinalta lo ao my afio wan bono ami nnaliu lo lioiibovrorlc imlnir two bnttli ii 11 ii i fiiiuitl mi fully litnltlifi mivi ntnf whl tha mnttor with tha stosplu cllmbar n m high churchman 9 chamberlains cough remedy always cukes and la pleasant anil sal qrnftnr ntt lirtuk in wlieru liuilara four to trnil oaibitcimv nun tb a l you hlh allfl bflllt d a ulck man talkw about evarythlng oxcopt doitth liver complaint tlm 11vr l um largaat slnml in til body ila o 111 00 a in inko fnun did mikki his prop ilea wliloli form liilo when tin llvorta lorjilil ml inllaninl it onnml funilli 11 1 o in tlia bowula eniiina litem tn ucnmn lniunilini ooliv ttis ymliia nf it fmlink of fulnnia or welilil in tho haiti alda ami ilianlliib jiahu in lla umt rraltni imlna itomcou ho hnultlora vdluwncas of um akin nml oynn umvcla irreaulnr eoslad tniiffuo tisil taato in ilia tnornltif tto milburns laxaliver pills ant pi fit in n 1 unit finny in taltn tin not grips wnknii or ilclimi inivar lull in llinlr effeela n nrn by far iho wifml and qtilcbfit remedy for ii tlimnwa ur illmittlcm ot tlio uvsr price 21 ciinbi or o hottloa for 9100 nil dunltira or mailttl d i root on receipt of prim by thn t muburo co llmllod toronto out no man is big unough to hiuuh nt n roal wni 1 y pronounced sfkeen a mnrvelloua and triumphant record of victory over dlieaao no mudlilnn hmovor iffurtiwl na unra anuiiilkr nl wuiulnrlid tuul almost mar- t llomi urea nit lnychlnn it libs bad ono t ontlnuoiia record of victorlna over dloaoa- pinl tho throat dust lungs and itniuaoh wluro doctorn luo pronounced eaica innirablo from cmimimptlon and other wnrtlng dueaaea rnchlna auipn in and rei 111 11 numltei ictu jmoji1ooii from tho ery vrnioithnnmn cniiahs oilda cnliirrli llrnikhitk chills mghtkweals ijiftrippn ill einn nnla and other- llkn trtubltn nil of wfijcharn furenifuiem o cotiiiimjiilun ylold milckly to tho cur timmwiwentof ihychino mrs i nmpuill nnwol thn manycurcd tin lie the lollqwbigdtalcnieilf irnm iwrali froailfillfna- im who iiftr aikm 11 icdiittftlhiii ml twlikh uilllcti mi inyliinu4 unit grnibwllw r lnfrimiirnilloli inmlt ltd ii1imm ib pil t iiltflilatreaiil my ilium wcjti nj iuil 1 viir nlo rmmo rr4 hit an iirabft w tr ihliofiy 1it klnrt 0l jttrlmif hurrli lf riiniiiuhblllri blfnuura llnr iuiiik lacrlilnu fir h ly i woll lliojilurn awrala nnilenniili rrauxl lhrlt uytlorw m litwllli mil loinuimrlninyllln isjrlilnftlni ml i was hiitl uj mci una aka si un a noil wnnaavr rflvcliiikr novordiwippolntfl lmxiiink bih no imbhfllutu tbmro in no oil or tacdkinu juntu good blt a ilkuu lbihtd its kl il w t0i0nio dr roots kidnoy pills ire a lur nnd permanent euro for rheumatism bright dueaoe ialn in the back and oil form of kidney trouble 28c per box at all dealer dlhclma horn swing hmusllums rojut will h found lying about tlm burn or hark of th hmuu hie ii roiild hn hied to mnku h kwllig but i ii uot ipiltalong niiough for ihn pnai 1 bat in thn tlmn n ulngln ropo awing may bu mndt which will furnuh oiiough fun to suit any buy thn nml of n soup box uinkas a good sunt horn n hotf in ihu inhlilln of a hnnid pahm th ropn through and tin n knot in tho bottom tu tho other und around n branch of a tran at fnr away from the trunk ns pout i hi iit thn board iw not moia thnn six or isvan hirbns wlilu a good athlotlc hoy ran havn gieat fun with inch n swing them la a knack in handling it hut whim onto mastered b can awing hack or forth parfnetly straight in any direction oraip tho ropa as high you can rsacb stand far back nnd with a quick jerk lift yourself off th ground pd tradilnthw swing the board tihould im far anough from ill ground tn let ui tossloual then by touching tbn vrounil occasionally it is pwmlblo n liaep koln airtight and nut reviil if lomtonn is near by to push you can b puibadln nclfcl ilk i innrry go- rniiud i its ewltir fdi mnn tn entwines i vyomnn that ba tovsi hr thatf it u for him to keep her convlurtj aftarjl man ba bann niafrled about sit months ha begin to notle bow ida wlfa reierriblee her mother circumicancac ru rsiponaihle for so njany ofonrmlbuikei treat comfo clrcum tnncna irani trunk railway ojlhtoi1ia bmntlw fi kmd hi liyl bal t1iu hatutlal dbatif all ingliib tourlit travelling in tin north of scotland far away from any w bore exclaimed to ono of tha natives why what do you do when any o you ar ill you can never gut a doctor i nne sir replied handy w just to dee a natural death 1 bsvvkwvvjv vvvaciyvavirtavitv mris vc test i attend personilly loilinrflpalrlna of wilchoi and you can reit auurad llrat i will rivo your walch my best mention heenma i know if i do not malm your walah run well you are i not luly to rive it to ma lo do ilia next lime ii need 1 anything a can- nol possibly do all the woru tlml comes in myself but i always wind nn 1 leit every walch and examine thamcirofullyior defects a h is so much 10 my interest that they should im done well i geo h pripgle guelpli f 4 l iilroinli- ij u ovtv ui of hi nnnuliif tixativo liramoqiiimiic rniiots 1 rumoilv dial w mill lu dho ur in thn pin uh ohuioli nt klrktou mn- notnahlro on a meruit flnndny a moin- bor of the congregation a young mnn tunned thoiuhiy full fmwnrd in his uuat nnd ux plied the old nnd rollablo granlto and marble dolers inoiiutuml htilui wn still till no i in nur tnimloiiiiri it kliolti 11 rtitui ihnu savlliii our ciuttimoru in imr ul w hnvn ihn hvut hiiiiiiriiohb ami lis ly nienlniiiiiiiiii lm domliiloii win can iwr i iiniiiiinlln inolu roiorly wn ami uly lertnina irnm luiuilmila of nnr oiislomfi hi 7orniitn mil ntlirr iurtm wlitira oilnni hivn tn tiiitl law hum in onler tn unllnnl wn have inmaat nml licit simli nl iran ho in ttm ilnldii nr 111 nro uiaii any uirim tloshra lu llin wont wn nro juulimibln ilnaltiri sml nni 1lnv in aoonia ami tin not siiuoy nv iirbi riis nmars liy mhiitlnn nitl ipnnraiit auniililo ulloll ilnra wo ouini uiooliaiilti only nml ilufy ioiiiioidii the right house 4m4mm44t hamil favonitk ahoppiho ptadg an important spring exhibition of new and exclusive dress goods tiih now dress i abrlcs are out on panicle la the east aisle it li ono of iho finest show infill wo over mado the season has developed splendid siuffs variety is the keynoto ot iho display there ro sirjpes and checks and plaids lliere arc most exquisite plain colon it is a showing no ono will earn to miss ii is nuihorilailvo in ilylo and prices are right house prices which moans the smallest you will pay anywhere blaok marquuottob i me illk and wool in rich design ellccta 46 inches wide 9 too ft 30 and i 73 chiffon broadcloths h lock and a ml ranro of rich spring ihadinifi jg inches wldo an extjuiufle satiny finish very correct for tailored weur al per yard 50 stunning vol ion in nil the new spring shados including ivory and black i ami 40 inches wue a very fine even weave of 75c and j 1 00 pure wool at per yard smart worotodo in stripe oercheck and oiorplald denigni for tailor ed drones and coilumoi handsome new spring shades in full assortment at 73c 00 andti 33 satin strlpa bollonnon in shades of reseda navy chnmpigno silver andrailor indies wldo very effective anil stylish ei 33 yard silk and wool volloo slrlped effects in a splendid range of wanted shades 1 iiobo are very exclusive and new ilidcostume langlh s 73 and bl j 30 handsome new bprino suits those stunninrr now sprlno cnitumos sro tho latest expression of fashion in new york and iaiis note ine distinctive style iho exquisite tailoring and the modest pricing handsome duoadclotii suits at 813 00 each navy mill qoblan brown nnd black eton snlls 1laied sklrli inrca quaner ileeves braid trimmed very special 13 50 smart sous in overciieck ei i ects green brown nntl black overchecki ihreo quarter sleeves test effect and braid trimmed molrolla lining very special 24 and 2fi ii lack panama bui lli al only 930- fine quality cloth in stun ning hlylo brjk trimme 1 ullk lined special each fu26 thomas c istatkiits oornen kinq st cabt huqhooh hamilton ont faqokaitll thains ii jc itlogpaplers tho david smith eng lltho go formerly o knlph bmllb co 00 00 go church fttroot adjoining toronto railway chambers toronto -4- cnpjrnvora nml lllhoarnphar elnnk nnd commaralnl btatlonar mnnufflgluroeaofhluh oln cal- omlnra and advortlulng novoltlo savehs saw mills hab8a0aweva four- ton t slt for shle jlemiock anil jvn xujtibei aoao ctttar ricrowt teiwptoa poiom or cttitnr fur nny pttroimn tip to 40 tart joaff tuu stuff cut fo otvltr xnih niirf flhioelih roiifttniilly nn hnnit hamilton sons tier norfolk nwtl wonlwleli ills nuhhlh p sayers 80ns nassaoawkya 7 o excelsior bakery wu ate hcidquir- tcrt in acton for broad calces pas try etc of firbt- clasa quality we also carry a splendid stock of groceries and con- icclioiicry t statham son mill btrcemaoum is 1 footwear you aro look- jog vaf7 if llmttv tli catrj- a to -williams- shoe store i carry n fulv lint of bopts sltoct rub- bera etc for people of all nfics and sizes fall and winter stock now ready for your inspection wm williams the qhoe mnn mill qtrat acton v furs greatly reduced r in price it lafon- taineh ours is a gen uine sale everything in furs selling off at manu facturers cost price regardless of the advance in raw skins we are going to move into larger and more suitable prem ises therefore we are ansious to clear off everything in stock bargains in cloven capj and sleigh robes at lafoiitaines practical furrier ouelpli new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the best quality waters bros cuetph art store acton pump and tile wottlts o b ebbaqe proprietor our premium are now fully equipped with nil the lutes machinery add appliances for manufacturing tittiieanif tritiji shipiwv tilotir woiiu ctmturaw mijiwr to stnnnt jipa fitting toolm autf pip suppuoa onum promptly filled main si reit ac30n trade manna dmioni oopvnioht ac at i ikw til im bvnirrlirmhtivtiibiialaiiia iiii iia lahnii ihn null al11111 hk moalvs uh tlin fkwih uiclinrucltillia scientific junericait alinnilmii1r1llulritnl w4klr ijirahal hr- iiiilliiriiiriliillll 1 tiribl winllltl iftilrmmiiu lllirilualttia points 1prdmptly securedl era lisle mil how you ar bwimls4i nil 11a n rauah skeiclrnr modal of ynurln- 11ii1111 nrliiirnviiuiil nml urcwlllttilynu our n na in whrlttrr ii uriohalty leiiulio ucucird sppllcallonshawinflfn ii aticvcintiilly 1 tibcniui y us wj wit flui iiiiiliinnl nnlpfi in mnmreall lyjlupsleli wnrk nml nukkti aicur vauiitj ttoidar ihipliivniiiti 11 1iujlilrcfarawil ililitl- rniurl llititrli mnilnti h haj rloii rtclt0ptclul nolle wlilmni chart at ovnoo itcvruiaioih tluitllmtrtl tlirmiuliosr thiptmiliilnii l tmirsni marion at marion i palant ttkaarti ihtj solloljo i

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