Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1907, p. 2

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m ml i alllrani ai itu rowiil mi tin lav mil mar li i i4la ir 1 urn ala nil i iln n a itjgilln mrl1 klua t until n i i l lliril lncnif urn it i lni mi i ir dili liy kpv iii w a h wotau liu 1 il f i r ui i w i mij ill m tlm hit itu i of uilluio jilrlt iiihiivai ur l nr i ami 11 mmla airll 11 llm ibi will i llu lain huv j i tin 1l v fur m inn til io i aitiir of ii o i ouyro hall mnl liiirili clilirrlilll ji llsl a1mmmuiillt07 ioitoliral noikij op l hi auggytlniinf my illprn ton numnhi r i dinut h ontario otivniiuiuiil will submit n lefweniluiu tu the kiiiniih umnlilpalltloa of hie pinvlno tudlmovoi tho fit unfif ivtll ngunl to t hanging uic ltw of tho on nlial uuumlpil rtcaluiih fi out january io ihcimliu aluasimif sllltwllhi in hi nut publu diht nf cunndn mi increnae of grt 71 n mil in liu ordinary revenue and mi lm una of miljr w in the m dlniny expenditure and or 11hu7u hi tlm tntnl evpeuditiiro nr dig out ataudlug fnutuioa of tlin aplmuud himti cul atateuiont of lint dominion for th flauil priiod ftidtil maicli lut in tliuli mpnit to lit council on monday cwming ueevu kivncbiiamer mid the ounotery t nuimlltoo n com mondial nil iipntidituro tlili your of hi l foi iuiptnvimionta t i ulivlew i mcti i y hi addition to the iuiimi worl to lm ilino by mm municipal oftlcat lliu i h omuu ndallou tviin curiud find citfrmiw gem i ally v ill nppiechtlo till riroit t allll fuilhui beautify tlil uttlllctlvo wliot hndllll iii lu ilmhdulft tloim to iiiun it baa bean n qiiiiufliii in the niludi of niuny cltunnufnr year wliuhei mm tmintll iium boon noting oh hgil lid defoiialhln ground in ualng tlit iiivenuuu of tlio cemetery foi goueinl iimitio t tlin cumulation llio atntuujoxpreiuly foi bid thopiy inunt of any illvlilntl m priilll if nny i until i y com pan id uftoi tlio repnyiiu nt nf 1 ho unit of tlin property all ui li urn nma iiiuttt ho ued in tlin pitiunifili in lniiioeiiianliuid unihul luhuiuiltnf thuroniutoiy if mirli u tho nun win ii lliu ctiimtory uwnod hy pi unto eniiiiiniu hnwiiimli inom iiliniilil it ho tho tnurmi to h tnkon hy uin council uhni tlm nniatwiy ft innnklpnl lnluntum ll cimotory iohi hi coipouition uoiiibtlilnjr ilka jkki ihi mviniiua fm tlu twenty jiiiui iilnn it wim opunod havp nviuikd liitwumi wm mill um por ytin mi khk ut loaut lmm llio iinmiiil xpliiditurch outaldn of tha imutnkfi a uoik liiixo notaxeced oil vi llm town hnu llioiifoi richl hotnidll vkx ufid ifjhu which hiui linen rxpimdod fur uonornl ilhinii ijinl purpouou wo nrui onflilnnt tlio hintlintjiit of thii cituona will i o voicud win ii wo nay it nil lonnclla linronftai hpund all tlio lovunuaa darueil fiom llio comotoiy in ll pieabrmitlon riiipnnomimt rndamhal- llslmmnt ua tho stiitiita dlrccta wo hixvo ouu of thu flnoat cqiiiutlloa in the count y ila nnturiil udvunugca nro umny if ita rovonuon are hpunt with in ta tinunilm oa ihoy klinuli bo tlio rflmdt will hn mout aatlufuctory huovn swiirkhiunor nnil bla commit ton iiilmi taken voiy lunlraho attp ijy nil mnnn kivo thoin oncournru- mout in thla hrnctioii vveryllilnu 1h pnuilhln to thowo who do not fom tlm luipoubllilo abpiunotonic pi wllllm plnu plhi maka nioh nod llaalthalvlnir dlood cold winter monthu onfnrclnr cloaa conflnoinoittlnovu lioatadliadly vtntl i u tail looilia 1 ll hnmo hi tha ihop ttnd in the arlinnl anp llm vitality of tin ati onftout 1 lie hlood hncntnoa clou k with impuritlea tho hvei aliikgiih tha kidiutyu wonkoniid uhipauotibt fill you iiwiiko juat ua tired na wlmn you want to unilf you nrohiw aphlted purhapa huvo lnuduulioa and lilolnhy skin that iu tlm uindltiou of ihmn rnda of poopln vi ry prlnj it rniun to nil iiuihb tlio hlood la nmlclioil hy u ood tonk try dr wllluuia iink illla theuo pilla not only hanlab thla fuullniti it ihoy kd nipilnat tha muni ciioiia aihimiita that nmmlly foi low ilmiiuiatuiii nuivouu dohlllty nnaoudn imllkiathm uml kidney trouhht di wllllmiih iink illla orn jiii iilmil hpilnn iiudlrlno livnry ilnae makuaikw ihli ml idiwirt kvoiy dtop of now hlood luilpa to utioniftlion tho iiv ii u nrki d imrvt h ovoi comoa wiiuiiih mid diivon mm rfirnia of ilia anut frniii lh hmly a thnioukh lieut munt lca you tmimd enemy to ra alal the tm i id uit of tha romliik mei mm inimiu mi donald nugnr ciiuip out aiya i wile hmlly run down felt vi iy wmiu nnd hud no np patltn i id uuirrtly dnik myuuir nhoutund foil mint my roiulltlnu wna krowliik woiao i dunldnd to tiy li wllllnuiu iink illla and imforo i hud mad a douji lioxea i wnu na ation aa evei miippitltii lotuuimlmid i hiii now iililii to do hi hniiaoworu wuhmit fauliiik woin out 1 think ii wil llmiib ilnu iilli tho hnat ionia tliein it iu ft mlaliikn i tnkn pih in tlianpihit natuio oallii for a nicill olus to hulld up thewaatod fomo-iplir- bntlvea only phuoh h ia n inedlolne to not mi miohlood not one to not on uiohinvol whhh i nnminuniy or wllllnnii ilnk iilu uioahlood niedl- ilnatlmy inukopnii ilnh iod hlooil and mlioiikthin miy oman or the i iod y hio that mu full iihiiik mr wllllniuh ilnk l im pulo iooptn lapiintodon the wuippci ariiund eaolt hnk all ollief ailed pink plllri are trftiidiiliintlmltiithhia hold hy modi- nlnedonlmam hy iimll at tt oenta a itnxflt ihlmxeiirm hutu rieuttlia r wiltltilllh meihilnn o llronkvllle unt iiaaar a gratirving success llav m wllaoiiaiulhlatuuay workbrm maktf about ajroo towahl thcr now bt albnnoliuroh rillo town ii all tllcuigmiilitn a fai1iv land ht alb my hain vvhlli wau iall on- lnltialiirit towaid mm arm tloimr lino m iv odllhe foi the rnimii hon huao ihiiiuoiio i in i 11 ua- ftiuliryluily him loorulmid ita pin pm forty nttniiiul iu fimdy u uumvl ded ht am in y l aria ita cauipalifii fur a new t hurcli with h rood alcd nui it u of hidiil ihi in thti in uaui y liroiiuiy wiika llio linlloa of th nikitamou hauhucil loyally auroud iiik thnflfortaof ihu niiurpiiahi i c tor hav m wilann m a in makiiin iritiaijimoiia foi thn hnnnr i nit jhlirailuy nflriiiuriu when the hour foi open irif tho three dyt nvoili np pioaohedmio tu aiid h imn or mi trtwn lialt pmaentoil a nlnat uiilljio junl nttrti the npiieaianie the ipy jim iiriiuniii nt the pretty atnlle mn- proruniua of inhiliiiif anil ihira thn mow ia and plant nnd thonrtutlj nv nog nunlxf tha artlclns fur aajo hi he votliiu ittall t ainoinmiilhuotlii mvp the pieiirwaau nh of fairy lupd at the hour nf opoiiliifc on tliurailny ntl ernnqn cltlona mocked to tlio hall to uilli ipati in thn hiloreathik procortl fiiha ab wrh prraon entered the hall ho oc aim waa proiantlil iipnupayiuoiit nf tppieiita with a dainty hlatmic cat alobiie rlvinii inforuiatlon or intarait ncarnhijt the vnrloua dipartinonla of the hmaur uml n akatrh of the lilatory ofht atlmnatlhuiuh promptly at three oclock itev m wllanu nppmreel on tlio roatruiu hiici proldodfd with thn opaning aervlcua aftar bin the hymn joaita hhnll ueljtn huv mr wilann oftared piayor llothon uildifliand the audience in a hrit f pcich 1 nun tit imglnnlnk to the eni man nmut play many parti id hlihkait anil ho found thla en ciptioiiilly truo in tha nrgnnixatlnn ami cnrrjhih of a chinch hnzaar llio onn nliout to he opunad had not rnmo to llio atutit of poificuon maul rphtrd without the playing or many part- hy lilnioi if and ida inmpra lie had hnped ovuythhik would go for wmd nlthuut any ilibuppnlntmentu hut nt tho wry ntitiup a gront dlanp pnlutiuoiit hud loomed up tlo held a loltoi ucilu1 from aire captain kiutpiiiiiltokproaafng her lagintht ho ing unablu to fullll tha paruaimumiuxl foi hoi- at the oponlng of tile function hhrt had howevor an anffod foi u trip to the old hind and ivan obliged toatait tin jmirnny on tha duy of opuiilng of thu hiixaiir ho had iilao received inti- nmtliui f i inn hov ollhertt davidson r uoi of ouolph who waa to piuaide hat hia lnnlnhip thn illahop would ho in cutilpli that availing tliorefoui he iiuild not coino i thnuglit i would have tn play tho par to of holh mra icliihmiiill mid all davldaon but a good fi loud haa omo to holp mo outof thodllllruhy in all our diiappolnt moil t a we lirwo had much lucnl nnthu luam and gouoioua aid a bad bug hi lug inukui a gond ending la on old pro vi rh nnd wo truat tho good will ultl mutely piovnil i have now much pleasuio in iptro duilng itiv mr uucklaad or ht jmiiea chinch ouolph who will fur umlly opon tlio huiini huv m duckland bald hf cuimo tn how hia interest in thoanuipiiae wo nil legrot tho almcnco of tboao who wuro tn tako prominent plnroa thla aftainoon a certain portion of acrlp turo bvemod vory npplicablt one inailo tha otcuae he had nmrriod a wlfo and thorofore could not come itev air davldaon had mnrrled a church and thumforo he waalimont another had gone to piove a portion of land aim icingamill hud gone to prove another hind the reverend apoaker auht lie waa delighted to be proaant and tale part in the functinn that had coat no muru time mid labor i hollovn lm aald th hnanr la going to ho nn in iliialilled auccean and that you will acciir u jluircli worthy of the cotigrn gatlon anil llm good poopln of acton and whh h will glaildvn tho heart of the good rector we have to rnanrt to ninny muniib for raiulng inoiiny for church ontei pi iwea i hollovo the money bt ought in by those varloua waya will roceiveuode hldaahig tin will on doubt bo a glorloua ending to the dunppointmonla nt thohuglniiing 1 thurofnio now duclnro the bnuai open and hopo fi om t lm moinuut of tha oponlng to tho houi of ita loan th peopto will roiitiiiiio to in big in the abokula and mmlva lod a hluaulng for their glfti itnuluufta ut onro hegnn tv itli a ruuli ilia alalia wore aucoobafully ronduatad by ih following llm cingrngatiniial utall whlnli was huppllod with fancy gonda iiiahlnna lihndkerchlafa etr hy n romuilttno cnmpriuliig mra ncnrgohtatlmin aira cliapmiin alua alonrc mua ilio nmllli who weie nualatoil by mra car- iiuhiin mra ijihd mia waller aira looi mia ii inc aira murray alar donald thu young wniiionauullnlteiuil for aulowtarlug apponil hi in n brao ami family nrlicloa llm committee thoie wua mia white mia collier umuuil hy mia clmkv mlaa alary hiultli aliau hliine mra clnvul aira david wilann tho i in woi plant a nil i uncy utull win nmrniipd hy mlaa lis tier miaal loioiice chapmaii mlaa jortrnde htathain na nlktod hy all ii aw oa mian ada glaiko mlaa ina wlillo mlaa klhnl clarka mlua miuniopliivel cut ihiweih plmiu fanny woik bill lit wood and loathei and fi nit woru here dlapoaod of thn clilldrnua ntull and hah pmid wnapi i imp j llio uinatntti active of thy itll ouiiuliko una aira itowou mua m lllldnihiaml mibu 11 in htnne miu konuudy aira miirah miia jeiao hi ill ah w hm in dor- thn mailing wiia incobuaut fur the throe duya of tlin woio in chtiigu of alia do in itonhn mlaa clnmiiit mia huriy htnthani mlaadelaltuchp alia htatlinm hi nnnlalol hy mra price aira whitley mia abinhain mra llawnl aira con- nui mia wellington huilth miu itoli ntlilro mra t hpiitli mra illldeu in ami aim 1iyui mih kdwuida tho ujillroaueu worn mlaa krlo whltomlaa ilma hnuii mla auilgo clmpinniii mlaa hilda ahtaliriti tlieywved ilo- hnhiim tea anil ice oienm oaken nnil nnufiiimiuicly thn vniing mimu hlnll hud ninny ailhilea iiuoful to the at i not aev thoy aunaold hakiiigpowdni kiiiii hlackliig and bin piluta or the pi pom d new cliurih tlm youuu iiikii in dimgi worn john wood ii h hiwiod ihoa cnphalonir pugaloy w wmd p maani nnd ii cooli lluio wpinalan tun indira who nlily udili trd hluillrh in pnhumiy io llm ldiitnitluf1lou if mrnll pnliiih mia himpaon whoxf pit fuhanl log nil uaa in lb ii dltuo llm- l iii i mid mua ii w1i11 m n di nilil nf loioulo known in lui tint hh m iiifliui ihe itnv ullhit dildmn ma unit dean of welliiiktou mid irrtoi ofht ooorgoa church cltiilph vlalr il the hujaar on haturibiy mid hihlly nddnaaod the gamieiing botwvru fmii and five o cluck ii anld ha rnnin to idiow ihem tbil ida hrnit waa nilh thini iu llio wuil mutt una golugmi at ht allon it tkfly followed their iutts p bjuf ihi light tiey vuuld he auie to niriti dway llo would wtlii flu di nut to atn aftr uiakiug h h iat uituh like thla hurt- to go on alvaillly until tby aroimpllaiud lliuit tjiulir hluco mr ilodiin e cotillng tn artjp imd boon fumdlnr with th plafii itmr ur lliowh and jie nied t b culled 111 llnavenly i wina at collogo mltbniih tlmy wi rt not twitu and nollhar of tjienl could ha aald to bo heavenly ilui hnnar evidently luijilled a great dual of woik and h wiahed lhnt ttuy would om day be ro warded by the erect idji of n church ail hb that rdpnbuiih d on the plana the cauh doiiatloua duilug the bnznar and tho proreeda of thn alalia tearoom nnd gipsy lout uud vaiiouw cumpotltlona weio aa follow aira delaltochp a ihi amhalnta hamilton laughtei or the king hteale llrlgga a co toronto aira ilaiier allaa hall cuelph aira i alano lornnto oakvllle wouiena auilliaiy aacanalon womnna aukiiiuii hamilton ira jotin clarke dr t htutbnm air old ham a rriand air d hondoiaon al p mra or ault mra ihbu kenney mra mackwlck mudlclne hut alia taniaa lnrky tlir htvi ih 1 congregntlonnl a aire collier and aira white ii klowor atall i toya and flab pond ft ail voti so ii in nt atall ii hafieahmant ahdl 7 llpay tent ten room im white clara ham r hilda abraham madpo clinpman evonlnga ina white hnturday 0 aira kdwaida in chuigo or cake ompntition i iw tha caka coiiipntitlnn in which guouboa woro receivod an to the weight of a three eloroy enke wna ronducud hy aira loo i dwnrita tlm rnko donated by t htntham a hon it walghod 11iu- h all hum it i arta wna thn mn romfnl gut umh j in gtiesaeu worn tundo mm hldiiey hmith gnvo a pith tablo foi competition mm ollli won alia alutthvw wlhmn being only il tow votea behind bni there wore doll compi tltlina in which aira hairy itowen uud allaa dora clmko were the buccuaaful com potitora in a content lor a pietty ptctuio pout card soroen in white anil gold given hy air w olmaon mlaa clara lluuci hncurcd iu1 votea nnd allaa aindgo chapmnn ii a beautiful gold mid moalac jnutl cnae from u parcel sont by aira mar donnld toronto waa filled with ahot the pnraou guoaalng thn current mini bar was tn receive tlm cnae aira a h nloklln ami aia murrny mcdonald both gueaaod corructly tho rauo wna einptlud and rnllllod and in tho boroml gneaa aira mcdonald wna aiiccoaaful in tha taillna nail driving lompotl tlon tlio bucneuaful onmpelltora woin aira laird mlaa alaauiiand aira john it kennedy a very amusing ennteut waa alfoid- od hy tho young men who preaumod to try tlialr skill hi trimming lutta among tho mnsciillim milllnera tlune worn three contests air c t alclin wdn agnluat afeusra a ai smith and lunigp llynds air h 1 hiintoi won ngaliibt mr john al avurron and dr lime air nail aionabb also won a prl during thn lm iar hi no print cop leu of tho oxteilor ilinotlon of tho piopou- od now chinch were sold in all the talli the illuatrallon ahnwa a noni modloua edlflio or olmstn ecrlualmticnl deaign itlakllfuot long by k foot in width tlio nhaimel will face j lower avonilu and thn kiilruucn bn by willow htroet tlinehuich will liuvn n aoatlng capaolty ofllw nr kill aliicb nrodit la dun tothn lortni ind alia wilinn foi thn biiccous of the luaai iholi apuiiidiil oigaulttlon and their indafatlgiilila poiaoiial oltnrtb united the forcoa or tlio con- gregatlnn and dnrilad thn outoipiisn tn itu succemrnl uauo it la hopnd tlmy will in dun time uoe tho ilnal onn- aumimitlon of tho iffoit tnpinvldna now church for ht albana j oh i m 1010 10h ilk il ir on r clktt mja 1 102 i jr si io ittmio jj in lo 71 ut1 i7 agton lawn nowlino club rnthubliintle aniiunlmatlnir bplan old iiotot for- tit uuiimoiru uowiiiiht ii minuil ui itliigorjldiiii liwo llmi ling i bib ht i ildiy iviiiliigln ik i nn bill wau llm uiit laiily itlitiiliil ol mi uniting hue llm ngunluh r iln bib piimlbnt hum m luluh omiijlid ihi ihnir iii siinlmy mi u m chulmliii lend mu iinuutil mii it ivhlib wim ii iittufai l j i bo i duim fm 1imi7 win thou ol t 1 an toll iwm ivitnmlliv m w ilaikd iliii pioahjv i j inn prrahhiulaux a sinnil im pica w h chubobn fi lnii hiida om ii iinuilllio m mi ibl w j mould ii jinna a i m trlliinon 11 m m ht imwtflhi t oiuinlttce of mmiagouil ol i i i all la w mivabli liipviinlmif ail- itihxh a iiil nimi 1 bo follow fug ukipi vru fctled fur mmouhoii w i ooulil a j man uliutdii w m sal i a a hroid juw j i ilirn p aiilnlilt a m ktnlth d m hiidimon mo v mouc iioudid hj a j almklnuop that lliln lub baa liliiiauiein ixli lug un inuliill li to tho i utral liwl ii tnllng amiicliitlmi to bold itu tomniiniintfoi 11mw on thn greii of the auni howling lub and that mm hrtuiaiy w hmliucted to nnvay lhla hnltnlion lo mu hctiii taiy if thu anholntion at hla rally noil iuianri aoidinl milt orthauka to mi w a hlon y uan niovi d fn bla continued klndiii m in giautlog tlm c lub thn uao of ciunklin hpiaro f u mm bowling gin u mid for obliging tin gin n i it m lliunud for in ttoi incaiia of water log thn kiuii wna liuiaidirrd all a m hinltb wry kindly dnnatcd a nntri tank for m ur ml mr liailiolkaulimil m npid noi unity n n do i took to in c that tlm noceu y piping la laid and piopnr nmnir tlnna uiiiib not to bo out dour pualdimt s curd proinlnd to mo that tho lank wau kept pumpdl full of water nnd ih could mm crack akll ugici to wiit ill thu urenn comniittoi us mmy mnnlpulutcd ihe llllhii ih hi iimgnuulinnuo oitois weio louliillj aiuptid and tho kind donoim lliaiikid a trhiiliitlini or miaukij wiih illao pithmfil to miomimhiin of aunn piio ih igadn fou mm ii kind hi i v u i u in ihmd- hrt tho i nwi dm lug thu diy ipill luat luiinuiii xufiiiua maltcta of inlorixt to llio club nrui duliitid ftipplka tudurod and thn mooting adjoin nid all prcirnt fi cling laligbtid ullb ibo ktauniia outlook dxdebvu suddicn juki pit aihii llth wm illmk a forinnr hev or unrafrnxu nam 111 wood dlod auddonly yesterday mout ing ho fed thn bonoa cm no in ulo a hem ty lm akfnat ant down luanhali and auildanly expired decenand y widely known in the nnrthoi n poi tnu nr tlio eotinty or wellington pined sco unit cento it w humphip or iiielph ten pedlar nppenred hefoie mayor andnr ami mid hoove tllgglnbotliani luat thurailn ohnrged with n rontrnvon- tlon of the pedlma mid trnnalnnt trnrtera hy law of thn town which reipilroa punpln doing huilueua after his fnuhlosi to tnkn out n llnonae wlifoh haeliean fixed at wl aftei hem lug thn tlefonjatit rubtiuitniu tbnh woi ahlpa ioaeied mmh dociainn whh it liiiaulnonbeonglvin llnlnghuiuphieya 20 anil unitu v c holllmnko appeared for din defeiich- hi fm mi i mr hani itohnite lundureil hu gmitlamah nnil lady filonda n pnity thn iilhei eieulng hioiakn he won hy n giioauiil tlm iidkiiiu being llio poiiiioi net inlo of eiijnymniil new kidneys or 5c a day ulil unliily unit ore innung your liilk nrhe hiit nrt making you uffcr u itli klilttmntlsm bciutlca luniboeoi nro clnngcd into well rtrong kldnwi by ibiju it i iluju the gentle kidney llll llint bcnlu tho kidney a gtvta you practically n new pilr of orandnnd corrects nil iilnddcrtroublea if you know you have kidney trouble or if you suspect it by the luiina hi ibo lnckucndnclicafrcpiciit den re to drhinto tiko iluju on our positive gitamnte that it will corcyoti or money re fun led loc a box nt ilnipflcts ibo claflln client co limited w iudaar out 08 the iiomio and til id school paruulii nnd teachoru hnvn u strong roinmun iihitint in tho nlfnro of ihlldrnn who can hcpiopcrly trained only tlnough complota ayinputhy and uuimnilllngeiidiaoi on tho part of both ituuwiudoni or incllftnunio on tho- pint of mm will do mnoh toniutia- lli tlm beat inl inided mid mout intel llgnntty dlrmtml eltoita or tho other if the hlghnmt ruitiltti mo to ho nccom- plbthud fm thochlldiiu mmio muat be no wopking ut maa puimoaoi by par ol itu nnd toachith lutuanu whom elfuotivo en oputallon la na naay ita it ludohliabln limit laapictiva floldu of activity mo oh ally delluud nnd both nro moving toiiaid minimum goal y diiroient patba the flort nnd ourj anil other spottp lvmy flabonnan foela thoiiuiestof apring and doalioh to ho olf with hla ioil ua noon na thu opou anuson com mniiriib lliat ploiiuant unreat will ho bliongthomd hy mm itpponiunce of thn hpiiug puhlng numhoi which forma tho api 11 iasue of hnd and clun and mutoi kportu in canadu piibllehul by wj taylm or woodltock out in thla number lulling ia told about in vailoim pmtu of cnniidaniid thnatorloa urn uii h us to dolight the heart nt tha llulu i man many nllmr topi en nil llnd phin h in thla uiititbui and justify thu lalm of tlio iiiugulun to by i oimldered mm foiemoht exponont of outdoor llfo in ciiimjii tho niiiuboi iu one whioh iu a rtillt to mm doiiiinlou friday and saturday specials a icw bargains whidiwc expect will brinjr many buyers on irjday and saturdav inline ihi o pco ii nil 1 i if bill cuvu ia bhcbi j and 7 we nre muiuly i in rrdtr that w may give i people want at baruin prk- ni i ok i jca haa of im chttk r i nu bilk m i ktu re tincthi with a liltlo ailk apot 1 1lia line in purl oltoii and an wi d not cure tn sell in the icalnr way cstlon mlxturea jjt our draiifl gooil i department ve buvn ilcliderf tocleor thin little hnu nt i ji a yard ryimitahle for shirt wal t siiltnor children h dnwii cnloninavy mid whit rry unit while itcj1u uud while i urn und wliil and mjinve and white prifce t nyurtl bliti at ii am lhiclve have ialicud luthtr fnlirsinu from our tin it depart m lit and liuvo icuui to null tlia if ijii 1riday ami lnlur it iy ai lialf ptiti tbeie ur only ibrao w the yulire weniburwbkfi lue net of la ntylen of lo duy short ifiatu long leutu wataitl hued dtld mlk lined lieatly atruppd hruldedatid tmlnad h m ii r t jtcmiuble garnienqi ia cvry way ifyaii jcitrm irrmt mt vmiijd uurely lm adviaahl to htiliid at tuli v nilanlefl fkliuuiii ham bklf jnr i r ty aiulh ilurtiiiy colors it myrtle n ivy md twela 1115c ipiliil vnry tipeclal line n cor fft cowr i mliruiilary gdu widtlu naw clean luutenal stc ttilit line at 3l lit i jr rji an exlru dql our uuil ir int otiu ji rtacltledly in nor lor mimbcr oh i do i ril if lit of iuctory cottaii rtacltledly in por lor 1 saturday only nt sr ror ijc a hue of good t tout collonude ilia kind which ii bit led up lo give xiiod lionat servke regular ojc ooda fr ijc a yard mc 1or nca liu of dark mine shirt ngfi dark blue nnd whit ciicllb war run to d indigo llluv our ii olur pric la mq thin line i old in many placeit at ije a ard our pric fur 1ri day und saturday only i ic the banner line 2 half punt three und half pnl fivu o dock only on nuu on saturday ltwen lcvtii ewl iwlivo o deck in thrf therniug uj iehvoi uliio o clofw la the nvountg ijc vorioea tauvaltlbhoji iitelullir fmuw bright kin ctenoid practically ull nvor ike hiinry it 15c a yard a jtvall known tinuw brlujt bin ctenoid procticalh ike tiunry it 15c ft yard a jtval nuwibcr at thatmirkn unl it inoka it in lviry wuy on fridays blwen the 1 of bull bt throe and kalf punfuva wt 11 iijij r iij r u iu l very wuy on rridayiavween th houta it bulf m4t throe and kalf punfuva we will oil thu nhhoii at roc on uuiimluy for in ui umll thu oa lieur in the mrnlrfg between clrven ocuck mijf nun htlf in th cvetillirr tatweaif e4ght and nitfe o clock w will ajfaln m11 thia rihlmit at nt o yard noi nh yard will je fold out h ulo of tho nlmtad liouni io h pluln wo at not iflmlauh tn uoll any reat rpiunttty e thin ntlinlier at tlio hnrgain pilce colon white cream lllack suv imk navy llrown mht cnrdlnul dark cardinal light ueiedi dark hoxiu fawn 1 nr- piniic myrtle and mnuve blile prit toe g b ryan co hb ifiwl stym you can keep dry and a j comfortablrilirp in the v jost in the hardest storm dv wtaftino oniiuht cold while llunilnir n durir- lni air wm ihoil iinoignn provincial oouauhhwit clmpleuu oiitailo auyii 1 liuighl uimvueoohl whlla iutlii a biiiohii in mm foiebl awamp unt full ileal big r hmuhoihirnv cough llmiitilj 1 liid li 1 f two uiuiill linlhvi iimplotoly uuil lliiu- umuly u tntiiidrd iiupm lully foi ougha uml cohlu it will innhon and lellmi a imvoiu rold in in j nnynthni lioafmont nnd la fmoiflo uheioin ita eupnilnr oil vol ion 00 him hormun tnm anlohj nil drugglnln sisters hair grower the opoat hbip tonto la a poelttvo and thorough antlaeptlo and mill quickly oradicnto ull tract of a alp bacteria which ia the cause of liulr fulling daudrnit uud baldinau no uilp can bo healthy und no hair can bo buuiitifufwhen contaminated with then dli oane breed i hf crvaturah they under- mine tlm hair nnd devour all the nutri ment nr life nap of the tcalp without whhli tha sculp driou up mid ncelu nil formiur datidrult and canning tlie m of liuir lovctt sunderlund sihtari hair rower and siidp cleunor aro tin ouly roiucdieu in the world that will destroy theae gennu 1 hey poiietratn the htnlp thoroiigbly carrying witk litem ull ih noiehkiiry propntku to iptkkty rtgencr ato all the impoverished jiurth they re build tho lent tissue of tho kcalp und renew a gmwth of thu liuir iu evory use a tew appllcutiona will lunke ihe liuir fairly hpiuulo with now llfo und vigor thoy mnku huultby hair grow iwiio to thrco times uh funt na it doea norm ally wo hov the niicrnhe thul cauacs lnilnilv lljiiair hair palling and lialdneaa sold by all drngglsta nnd bevm htb erlund sihtcru holo minufacturorh niul lrnin iotoni i laud ellko for canada iu in lorcinln whom lehtimonialii mid phnlngiuphit of pen llo who have used it fin besom consultation froo iiko llnlr 4rewer sncnmlljll nix boltleu for os bcilp clamivr 501 tho only dund riilt cine por shumponiiig it hau ho oipial i ho plioh graph ot llio hovou suthorlaiid sinter group mini ho oh overy imx j ii 11aillv poiclgn muiiagir important noticli hkvln hllhprland mm liky beg to amtoiuuu to llm hulich and gentle men of aoton that tlmy have tnnile arrange mo 11 a with iighuntkr driidlilhl mil will imim ilitily icmoiihliiiliuni iir onn ru loimiwiti luir moikiii alrll 11 npiirillilklriiihiiiiirnilii llul 1 uinl llii 14 miot tlulty invih vori- in in cull uml kiiiiiiii ivllh ilium 011110 iinl iittu ihi innir licnullrii liulr riwu liylhailmiifhlu hovon xiimlrrlulil kin lorn mali jrowcr nnil llnlr mid hmp utiaiipi cnimdlnn lliml oniii n cil lilllht loinnln j p inn mnimkor j h h unswqrtn floor coverings right in lino with a complete new stock of carpctb rugs japan ese mattings oil cloths and lino 36 inch hemp carpet at 25 and 30c per yard 36 inph union carpet at 30c yard 36 inch union carpet at 15c yard 3c inch all wool extra quality at 75c peryard tapestry carpets at 50 go and 75c yard stair oil clothi and stair carpets lrace giiptairjs exceptionally good values in lace curtains and the designs are all that could be wished for 2 yard lace curtains at 25c pair 2j 50c 3 75c 31 100 140 175 and 250 per pair mihipery with the recent purchases in millinery just to hand comprising the very latest designs we are now in better shape than ever to supply your wants if you have not already placed your order you cannot do better than consult miss mcmillan ndw when our stock is replenished with the very cream of faehion all orders intrusted to our care will receive most careful and prompt attention mens hats and g our spring importations arc the correct styles for the latest and best you cannot afford to miss seeing our stock b h unsworth opp0s1ti3 poht officio phono u vj i wcddlnfl rlntts yvddloji frchirts 1 jiriln c lciiscs 1 i gko hynds llio jrvrlr 1 in mill arlon 4 4 ilrlu abbrrlisfiiunla st falljuos qnv a ifn ricrfwf mlir krv mnltlirw w v a i fh of ji attr wllf piut 7 for ha mo wantki jmmiiiatkj ha mill uuaiua no acini joo1 111 i l tub 1 waintku jy who will m ihiru llox 111 10toh 0jan fohhaijh a icvcii oclavi malouanr 1 1 no cut jamki iivltlun iuklic auction sat or chattcl8 iinss yr ic t tla i am lnil lvl inn co r fimrrli mill i l hirir ac haurlay a rll mil aluitloclr 11 lj ww iii mhjitl i t audi aslitltbk of tihiol d rnnh tur iiieluliiiuit lllriidi cut iml tta si i i8viri inn hi fi w j lhal wkaiiv rilolming wlidnltdava and 8atu d lt l irlliviil anuninr wllllitriliilli lnrly huh 111 auihiouj l co vnhiftblu riopcrty iu t vkw sale t rlol tu l it cwocl ii at ii i c in r f mill ail iiair roiitlr rnnini an i out i itllt jr liu iiiy i i t l0 l mmciios ftl exkritous notick mteoitous in tho mnttoor or thu hut or theujob uontop or tha town of nnanniraweya dceenl n al nirauantten 1ui7 llai 1- nt amaiiilnu ol ii crajllora limum olalim afialint iho a ualtliao iu bunlnr lata ot ttia teinli nmnnwra in tlio county m iuh01 i v ti on 1 iwaiily iuy of marol tutn aro miiucau to rtaflvertohj monit ol llio vijiino nl a n lua aall ountv of i la ton again for ilaontoi of llm aj i laonaal o or ofo fourlli dty ol ii aj ij07 tlialr hamas an ilrciim au i iluiorli ii on aj a full atataina llolr 0 laliiit ami ilia ualurx of tha iaurl aliv liaia liy llioin an i f iriliar lako tinllca lliat aftar tha fourth day of may 1007 tlio 1 oonrm will cdb 1 lo dlatrltmto tlio a trot nf ilia aal i il binotili ui iwlloi oitltlal tlaralo rauart only to 1110 auom of wliloluhaf than liam i 1 iiniioi- i mcnaiili aolcn aaiitfrr riteii dalad ai rllmi l j n boroolina kniokorbookor h v anibtopdam a jta insurance w health brand all lantllne ulyt uml new cut lolnrlngii jp gfl tb0 to mi ko -at- s re nelsons kjnb ouelrh d iurnlnlior olothlng til 10 public j1kal fjitiziena ai1k hbaubbtko complv with tub pu iiicalt1i act notioi i tnrol ivan lliat all rllfti aotiuiarn ill i jrlliwlth lo clran dollar ihaliii arl l v olo ouiliill llttita mil itliur 1 n mii ktiil r111 thnrafri hi ull llrt maiiir 111 i utimrjut it wlilnli limy 111 laiu rlliniml llo hiiallh liaa itq aaini no ulntut ly tlm llllli ila may neat on wtiluli lay ii n kiltary ln u will coiuinmim untirruf iiri otloii anil fu lab imilco tlal llm lactl i tun putillo ii aet tirihlhiiliu itu in 1 1 inu ol li l imtwoaii lalfi may au i hut mil nieuihar aaoar ton at ifaal 70 fut ir 1111 auv iwcllliu 1 and ail fui rum am tn c or lain win ko l lro from any at ui ii1111 wlo b i roanl- clianol will haitrloilyu lump i all cliuon am larnamly r lunli i in k i 1 n ifowor lm ii1 lot in aiin with lilaa llulilvoll ui laralu in llll nil ardora fur el till ah arm rrllar u on hurirt 1 ira villi iha iroilma clrnn mat an ii kwackiiami ii llutivuil tin mnnlula aottii k rll ii 1i1 i rr hullkoltllll i li c iw the wcluinoton mutual inhuuanqb com pa ealablldhchl 1010 ijead onioe autellh oiiraaiail mutual 1u11 rmniln ilwllll ornnii tly a w ii di nnv am nl veiiuijul nil fur tlu ltului limiiranco co wall paper decorations i- i ill nunt muulliitil ntvv ue have itniu ilchijiu ait- hctctl our oloi liitn mo it aipio hie htoro ih fttlr run nay wo sell hoidrni un pi lm pir mil iu wall and ruling our immiilimut loiiklhtu ol jlprl ft talli til in 7a per 111 a t browm

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