Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1907, p. 4

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tinnimday almlujn 1imw oauutc roil oomiltmnt i climtllkfiuriinridiiiitt u1ihiiii1 itnl i ilmt iiuo umimlnmnt nil ami 1 ill hiv hlartiu himiuvvi film itiu lenm wmo n illy to full ami li kve iii kith n n liivlnu hiitf ami tlnlm lil thuiimpon llinsofi wit i hi why wliutlins ynuf kniniliimiloiifif i iiykuil tvlhiulilo mia luilo lwy wlmt lias miio diiiii lli criisl m toarhltoi llm siull of joy c through iiilverliik ht t i nihil qhnciillmliiiyuttyri ikinhl- rmino hhftillilpnraymiiiunlajiil klssiiil lia ur m aviy fumi ui yoluw ht riinrcro 4llwn tlil yrrtinlini wftutrt tfilvo th ft otlnun or ttuur pt what aa sb nsy p n h lut iysiu tflhonniiiiy ifiiiy-ti-i- pl gant wasl no ollinr mstliml if lionifl lylfb ovor diivuwl jflvfis tolorn owo imlf no fust brilliant and rmnilioine an dia mond dyih kadi df lb hty colon of 1ia- holi dyks rtvuv a full lirlalit and fash ion nblu iluuu tlmt strong sunlight will nob fndn nor ioi suds wiuu out two tliliifta tlmt nrsj not tine or thn rdultarud nnd common tlyos sold by some 111 rchanti for the inlu of lurra profit whan buy inn dyea for homo color- ink work sou tlmt your morchant bands you tbo diamond dykh imm rco- inanda othtr dyai li doaa so fur his own profit if your marcbant is out of any snacla color of diamond dyhh write to us for tbsui stating what urn- terls1 you wish to color oil wool silk cotton or mixed goods jrlca for all colore of diamond dyis ten cants eaebr- this month w will eanil froa to any address new diamond dyebonklotand pratty hiuivcnlr card for baby wulls ft itlclmrdson oo umitod mmitrca v q no cord or cable inn draw o forillily or bind so fast ne lovo can dp with n single tin i nil unrtou f honthlnb oil to lluow oil upon 1 the doubled wntoin mentis to stibduu to cnlmnoio tbo most bolatsious sin to apply dr ihonins kclcctrlo oil to thn troubled body when it is rsnkud with pnln means speedy subjugation of tbo most rofiaotory elemonts it cures pain heals bruises tnkas thv lira frmu burns and as a general household ititullcliiu le useful in many ailments it is worth much btitaioht tips for euitopean tltavblino ilia pornmnunt cbnroctur or tho kiiropemi pnnsloue renders thorn voiy reliable nnd stven tbo mod out ones aorve bountiful meals in ooumrs writes hither llronk in tho may womans horns companion vory hood board is to bo had as cheap mono dollar a day nnd tbo onus nt one dol lar and fifty cents a day are irglon it only raimtina for the travaltei to exu des the saino delibeiatlon and judge inant lie would in bis nwrt conntiy in selecting and bargaining the subject of tips a onn wbioli sometimes piuxles tbo imlnltlatod a safe rule la to make the tips aggregate ono tenth of the amount expended as til custom of tipping bee ite origin in theoiiulllilical tltha on these urno a servant may not ovor whelm you with hie attoiitlons but be corialnly will ro- spoot you as a person who knows what he la about horn aaeiiia a proper placu to admonish you to keep about you al ways an nexhauatahlosuppy ofcoppor coins one and two centplecss itwill save a etream of dimes and francs wblob qulpkly mount up the days ex- penaoa in the matter of itibgege it is much easier fnr a woman to travel nloue in hurope than in amarlca alio can if he cliogsas travel from ono end of the continent to the othur without ever lifting a flngarwelglit tliero are por ters evarywltpio awarmlng at every station and for a few pennies not more than flvo cents they will take all boxes and packages wherever deslied to tbo diatoms or to tho cab or iiiib they aro usually in soma lort of mil form nnd have number worn promin ently on tho breast it la well lo poto this number as it servos as identifica tion the amount of baggage which may be oh poked on n ticket is vory little and in eonio countries none at all thn trnvoler will find ll not only loss oxponulvn to take bags suit cnnos nnd ranynlls in puco or trunks but aleoleia l rouble it is somotlmns pns- elbln to shook one trunk on twotlokots and thus envo oxcosa baggsga nnibps it la vain to bo always luokliig to ward llm future nnd uovur noting to- wnrd it j f iloyas to foiglvu n fault in nnntbei la uioio a n bill no than in ho fnulllaua onuu self ounrgo hand tho iunllty of tlm llf of every one is thn unnte iiu tho ipinllly of hu lovr hwmlunlimg bo long aa we love wo fane ho long an wo tiro loved by others i would nlnioht way wo uto imlupiii- sabloi and no mnu uiidnau wbllu ho has a filuml itoboit irniu htnplun- uon anpihisnn in thn pristtut without roplnlng mnumihiir thn past wlh thanufiiliumu ami uuol tin fuluio biiinttilly and cheiu wlthiiiit fciu or siiuplnloi ilogiiiii ijoiunlng without llinugbt im labor lust i thought without lahoi lu pi j lubuouflllhlm wo hi a mil uuh vh hi i veil bmt by hpi vlng othpis o o auina kviuy day in thy mm imi ixnf hi thy history iyourgns it whphl bu bettor for niiiot of ui if wo colli plain ml ifiaa nf liolng iiilbiindei- tood nnd took mote caio that wo do notnllsunitoiatunil otbnr psoplo ir john wat eon ih wiiisjkkrh i tliirlur llm huudiiy anbonl lis irllliig mm lltlln boy about tiiiiitulliii uliil bhuuing hnw jt snout lliti uniim hi tba iiiiini nttinctlvn rmii hli utldnauii llluhliatlou tho piv it n r ut sow hildhh nulmvii nil aonn hid paw of n i nt it ih its unfl kh itl nl isnt uy feniii utlierhisa and hnwi ymi sikii lint pnw of a 1 y o well iiuliimgti tho rats pnwins tikit mhit tin in lu nevi itbvhsa rout uulid in it tmuiithiiik ihnt bulla what is llf no itimwu ihu dog hitif suld the leachrr wluiii ho lit in nngi r hut whut doea tho tut do t hmulm auld n buy tjmiict ild ihn lntrhi noddfjig jum luiid mipruvlifgly now what huth c it got thjit tin doiautk jwhukoru snld iboy in the buck minthfl alllwici kiopy grrut uiifii is alwaya lujlug bolpvdby ov rylipdy fin lie gift k to u good cut df nil things mid all poi- loiis tliaktu lurkliju antl junsitutpthi hytiip nurd no locniiiiiioiidiithin to nil who aif fjunlllnr with it it speak for it- biilf years of usn in tbo treatment of colds and i oughd nnd nil affections of th tbioutbas itntpisutlonahly tetnt- liubfd its pluut unong thn vory iwst mndlcinls foi such dlaousus if you glvo it u tilnl on will not rrgrut it you will find it si emits wull invested llirndahlp is thu only thing in the world coiicuriiltig thn uaufuluaue of which all mankind are agroed olcoio 8cfc i si an nti on ui v uiv nt tu qoimlns nxntivc brnmoqiilmnc tabieu ii retnouv uiul n a wm lu tar itaadiiig furnishes tho mind only with matrrliila of knowledge i it la thinking tlmt inukca what wo read nuts iiicko theio iiinir una nnd nuvor will ihi a utilvlihiil panuciui in ono liumdy for nil illu to whhh lluh u indr what would lullovf ouo 11 in turn would nggravato llm otluru wo hav i howiivci in quiulmt wlui wlion ohliilmd in u sound unadnltor- utid hliiiu ii iiimily foi many and gilmouu llln lly it gradual and judhhnik lino thu fiallml iiyhtuuih nro hd into linivalihii iilii and hticngtb by thu inlliuiiui wiiilii qululnu oxoru on nuiihvh own rumtornllvua it ro- miivth thoho to whom a chronic utiitc of niurhld dihpmidiiucy nnd lack of intulut in hfo in a dlimem- nnd by trainpilllzhig tho nerven dlupnauo to sound and lofieuhlng iihup impurta igoi to th itctlon of tbo blood which btlng iitlmulatid louihuu tlmnigh tho velnh fttriiigthonuifl tho healthy nnl- in al fuiu llonii of tho iiyittcm theily inn king activity a liruiuiiary rouult ktumigtlx nlng tbo fiamu and giving lifts to tho dlgeullva organa which naturully dumnud liicroam d uiiliatnnco rchult imptovou appotlto north rop a lyman of toronto hao givon to thu publlu thuir hiiporlor qulnlun ity tho opinion of iiciimtluu tho wii npproacliuu nininut poi faction of nrry of thn maikit all drugglhtu eoll it wo attidct heaitn by tho piellios wo dupliiy t wo retain them by the ipinlitluh wo puasuau hunrd woods norway pine syrup stops tho ivhtatlng oouech loos ens tho phlegm doothos tho ln- tlnmotl tlssuoa or tho lungs and bronchial tubos and produacs a qulolcnnd pormanontouro in all cases of cough o colds bron chitis akthtna honrsonoss soro thro ut and tho drat stages of consumption mm norma bwnnhtnn carglll ont writcn i i tukft groat jilihiiiiro inrocnin- niondlng lr woodh norway 1inohyrup i had a orv bid cold could nob sloop ab night fur tho onuglilng and bad pains lo myihcmt mid lnniii i only lined half m ixitlln of dr wvchi h norway tino byrup and was porfoctly vrull ognln prlee 30 oeate a belli skttled a bbnious quebtioh a poor working girl noted for her prudimce and practicality line lately boon ponilci ing tho pioblem of whotbor to buy an uinhiolla which ahe needs vory much now unit thu rainy nuasnn is coming on hut doesnt want or nn angoia klttun which alio doesnt exaotly need but wunta ao much that it kueps lior awako nt night tbo othur day sho sdtttud it to hvr own satisfaction by doubling on thn klttun which sho thinks in ori inimmli morn piactluil lb nn mi umhiullii becauuo ou can only ukn an uiiihiolu wluu it u lutnlng hut a kitten jou hiun with ou ulimijh llouldoa you can hnirow an umbiollii hut nobody would loud an angina toptku htatu joiiriiul pass it on if hoiulonu glvis jou a lltt do the iiiiiu for oui iinlghhoi whan you got aghiinoo inanycuha dont bo m ham oil oi nfiiild to puvtf nlotig n good thing kpoilull diiut losu tbo oppinlmiuy lo pawu iilong ii giuiil woid it pcophi wtmo iim iiuxlilim lo siiy u i no ihlllgh lis i boy hiviu to bo lo bid fault what a uningo ihiun umim ho in this old hoi h i if mil n hliguo niutld bu foi in- od to puis along good ihlugn of this kind ii ninild do mm good i bun a fiuolgii ml nub ui my uui inly maku mm itmolutliui to toll all hut good tilings ou liini iibiuiiifi iiiilghboi wliou hu ihiiu u good thing i all nn him mid ixpic mm youi uppiti liitluu when you liiuti nf hhi mini run ii any mutlii just walk up to him mid lull hint huwplmis id yim ni0 you wllldiiislopbiiushliio within mi well its nhnot you this ih dm klii 1 1 of light that should bo hit hhluiiflotitiiiuiilly- llukvt mid confer tlnnor 8mmm avcjclacrrcparalionrora8- 5lultalirqllicrikhlnuntculil luiglltcslataaciaaiuluoweuot promotcfldirtcsllonriiccrrui- ncsijindreil contains nclllicr oniuliimoiphinfl fur mineral noramaotic atu3j aperfcrl nncdy-rorvin-illpj- tloii sour slottuchtjtnrrljocn wnnit convulsion jfcvmsh- licfld flnd loss orslfki lacsimilo sitfiietu of hew voiik atu inuiil j5 mosi s for iilfnnth rtnil children the kind you have always bought bears the signature of cxact copyor wttappcn i ifse for over thirty years astoria chartered by dominion government imimlhcd idci the merchants bank or canada iiiad oi i icb montrual inlcreil added four times a year iiq urancliei rresldonl sib ii montagu aiiav vice rmnldonl jonathan lionabosei general manager l v huimirn capital paid up c ooo ooo oo dapnalta over j7 ood ooo oo surplus fj674 5jio total asieta ijioooooooo savings bank deposits ono dollar or upwanla will open nn occaunt money withdrawable arty tlmo no delay wo add in i c ret t lo prlnclpil twice n year farmers sale notes we have special facilities for collccilng tlioio wo will caidi them at onco 11 deilred it a low rate ol intoreit joint accoun1 3 when requested wo will open accounts in two namca ro that either one may ilnw the money liuibnnd or wife otc acton branch w s chisholm manager if a thing is piuilble nnd propnr to man doom it attitluablo by thue mar cus auiollus arc a true heart tonic rvirvs food and rlnnd enrlchar ttuy bulla up and ranaw all ilia worn out nifwmtuf llaauasel tiattedy and radar psrfacthaallt aitdvlitirtolhsanllrasyilsm narvouniaa alfasla iniii nrveua pt trull an llralrt las lack l vltstlly atur lltticlb of la flrlppc anenlaws and llltiy apillttjias el ntmoty ialpllsllnn of his llaart lms el llmrsy sherlnaas el ursalbi etc csnsll bs cur j by uilnj milburns lit art and nerve pills i will linton to unynnoa convictions hut pray lsop your doubts tn your self goo t lis castor i a for infant and children die kind you have always bought beam tho etgnntarft of thnioasuro of a moils ufa la ho wall spending of it not tho lenrth il tit arch mlhl in their action larmuloas vacratabl pills aro vory mlhl in tbolr notion thoy do not oauso gilplns in tho stnmaoh or causa distui bancs lharo aa so many pills do tliorfoi m thn most dolloat can tnk them with out f oar of unpleasant results tlio canoo ba sdmlnlaursd tn ohlhlrnn without inipnshib tho panaltlea which follow tba mo of pills not an citrofully prapniod tho noblost spit it ismnst strnnplyat- tinotod by tho invo of glory ilcoin half tho wold dnesnt know bow the other half llvos and it somutlmes wondora how it hiananea to bant thi ranio itself foundation imnotptaai first i whon wo undoitalco ui fill yoiiruulmcrlptlonn wcglvo tbrun our midivldifl nttvntinn nnd licut enro tho patluntb wolfaro la oni flrut co- hldointlon second i wo gimrnnuo our di iiru tn iw of full utrongth nti woll an puru and fiosb third t out cuhtomoni aro nupplltnl with juut what thoy imk for uulmtltiit ing lu uovnr allnwad ialntth ckluuy colllottki if you nro n nuffcnr fiom kldnoy diiionsohvcr complaint blood tiotiblua rhoumntlhm iiuuralkla oi norvouu proutrntlon wo confidently recom mend tho iino of palnott oulnry com pound thlu rcllablo nnd novor ills appointing medio i no fa a trim dlneaue lianuhor nnd ayittom bulldor we supply tho genu i no palnou cejory ooiiipound art nrown acton ont whon a watch dors go wrong it is tho most unblushing liar imaglnabla pun th j ltini1 v h lfl bot our giuntost gluiy cnnsints not in novor falling hut in iltlng oiiry tlmo wo fall goldsmith chamberlains cough remedy alwa y8 cures and is plana ant and salt what our wealthy young man carry gtma uood la n aojt nt detacbnblo in- santty thoy nro a powoiful narvlna oyspspala causes darangamant or tho neivous sybtem and nervous debility onoa cngantlarsd la dlflloult tn deal with thar aro many testimonial na to thannioaoy nf parmaltaa vtao thblo pills in troallng tldadlhotder linwlng that thoy novorfjlo pro duce gond isaults iy glhigviropnr tana to tho dlgoatlvo organs thoy rrstnro oqnlllbilnm tutlio centres tub motllkr amd iiir oinlb do not imj unduly dlatuilid drar hiothsr nt tho dawnlutf of adrtynl- uioat auie in coiiin lu yom eymrliuo llh youi gltla itdvliivu mr hang mri ill tint woman i ionia com pan ion tin aid it if limy liiiri- stiong rhiiiiiilira u tluy uix iiblo to on iheli own fihl thoy will rnirh n slnllou wlunn thu imln thay takn uiuy lend thorn awny fiom ynu oil lu bavn knld to in with u allude of aadnass that thoy riktnllrd that tin y must hit i ue ii inns luaka diicialoiis of wlilcb their niothrih did not approvw oua nf thelflinplatlons to which fenfulllhlti mothers nra llnbla la that nf igoorlup thn ohvloua fart that grown up daughters oi duiikbtura nearly grown nra not luibli a any longer and aro not to bn compullnd to ylald tbrlrtnillvldu- alily to ours 1lnraracriseslnyouug llvas and thu only ihlng for a piqtbar tn dp havliigipclvcnsunh rotinsnl as kha jhlldtn beat la to fva hr datfghfera crilrly fre to wntk out tutlr nitil wobuiuii knorinisir trrtiihli mill ovurwb etui ins dlanstay liiayfouw intavfaroncp in tba man- ageinent nf othtr iieophtst uvea arid altlhilufk daughtnis am partnf your own klstcncr yet you canpoi trna uiwnas if you were an aulocrat tllvo yqiir dnuglttsra rolm ffir individ ual aypansion and liberty of rliolca oht qulakly hnookad out homn wsaka ngo dining tba aevora whiter waather itoth my wlf and my- sulf contracted savorn colds nhlcli ipoitdily davoloped lulo the woratrklild of la grlppa with nil us inlsrirabla symptoms says ml j h kglastoii of mapu iandinff iowa knsos ami joints aching muscles sore head stop- pad up ayea and nnio running with al torn a to spells of chills and favar wo began using chnmbarlalna cough ileiiiedy aiding the urn with a doublo doss of chamberlains htoinoch and ilver tabutt and by ita liberal tuo soon complatoly kuocked out tho grip hold by all drtigglsta absuiiid lii adversity a countananco of prosparlty and in prosperity moder ate thy tampar i-lvy- oamtoxlua btsmtas alnl bemh tor hanging around after its tltna to ro old winter could glvo points to tha most badly goua lover does your food digestwell whon tho foo1 s imporfietly illy ntt il ha full benefit u lint ilurivocl from it hy the iwdy ami tli i purpouo of cilinii in do fatadi no niattnr how bmki llm food or ilow cs ru fully ndaplwl lo llio unntn of ttie imly it may bo lhua the ihajmpliooflui lieoomot thin wonu and dobilltntcd im rj y ii lacking briulitmun annp mid vim tin loit and in tilr pint win in ihdhu nt li i appotlto dnprcinlini and hintmr it t tn- nn projt lniwlnlgii tn know uhtn t tie ln bidlboalinn wo nf tin nllnwlng kmiiji om genurally uxlxt v ix i couutipitn u jour blomaoh vnrntlito nop titu hiid u lidurtliurti jan in tlm ntomnt i la tim itrcnt point is to liiro it to tt back boqiidiuy lioiltti and lr burdock blood bitters bnoauno it aats in a natural yot wiiy upon nil tlm ortina hivnhcd in tli riroaoisof disnatinii n uinlny tyu oliituh irtpurltios and nuiklnfl easy thcr wjjrki iliflmtlon and wilmiutlon mr it 0 ibtnny amcllnburn oni wrlust i have iuhiii tvuilliloil ulth iu fjpila fnr sovoral yenrs snd after unin hreo imttlos of ilurdnck dlood ilittm 1 was uompluuily eureil i tnnnnt prnun dub enoutth fnr wlmt it linn dnnu fir ma i liiivo not had a aljjn of djhipia inoa do not aooepb a substltuto for bdd there is nothing just as flootl fon politicians and ihebni- atm father orlad a schoolboy as ha eutorod tho houso and bangad tho donr nftet lilm ivo got ft comin drum thats all oilglnal oausa i made it my sol r all alnuo nnd without any help from anyone tho proud parent delayed tin owing a bootjack at tho youngsters bond and motioned far him to ax press it why la a drunkard naked tli lad ilka a bad pnltlolan p do you mean to bo personal yon young jackanapes p roared tbo par ent sarotchlng ida head no dad i naiy a person al then 1 gives it up oauso thn youngtoi said bae always sticking his noio into measuraa to hurt tho constitution tho ana- trallnn tomparanuo world a man in linger la llko a- xjhailbt without a driver a ship in a storm without a plh4 a scorpion which stings itself na well us others a- h it imp if there is a carriage to be bought this spring talk it over with us buyiiip n carriage in jtrcty im portant bunlnca1 with tnont men and oti cant 1o too careful about tlie carrinfie jou decide on tlinto why vc want jou to tallc over your wanm with us and lee tlm tudhope line you know you dont have to buy linlcivi yutl feet lljc it but you will feel like it w1uii you jtec tudhprb carrixoes robt dennett xcton tho propof tlitio for mud to many is whenhu falls lu lov tlu supsrlniity of lotber uraves worm kt term inn tor lu howi by ts gooil offcru m thn rblldran put- ollnsn a bottle otld give it a trial 1 m tohthumd btfad 1iebl miiishal tom thumb itlnhaiil anrmoy haa tuldied at umijukiok tin pnccful littlo market town hi h hornet horn mi april 31th irc hn rrratnl a fiiioia tkly years ago dtuiuu rrowds mnrkiog to tin- 1 gyptlun ilnll nnd viuloua plnres of aiiiuaaiiient through out thn kingdom to so tills lltlln iimn of i feit who was mikuoivlfidgid to b tlis most perfectly foi mrd dwurf in tho world mora than one hn nppanrcd htfmtr ilia lata tjuotm vlctoila whonvlnrtd a kro i internet in his f i whnn ha left the stngu bo adnptud funning as an occupation proving him self a keen hntlnoas men in wellington he soon btennin n groat favorite always bn was unod company ravelling in a fileiuuy plpa with his rural frlemln and evnr rimriy to talk qinlr tboia old jlnies wheii krt was prominent in tliepuhtlceye out on thii tihiitia all rbo world may ha stagevbnt in tlm c luna ltutaplily gsttuigtolxi an nulo i fib king can do ito wrling ll isnt hocuuaa hel doeautjr occa aln i tally corns cajlielntoliirftbln palu hollo- ways corn cura ramovt the irouhls try it and ii what nniniiut bf paljf laved 1 i at lend periomlly loilierepalilnj n wttic nfid you con reil biiurtvi thai i will hvo your watch my beit ilienllon tiecjuio 1 know if i do not make your watch run well you aro not likely lo aive it lo nut lo da the nui lime it needs anything i can not positbly do all die work thai comes in myself but i always wind and lest every watch and emmlno lliemcirelully lor defects al it i to much to my intoreit thai ibey boulil be done well geo priqale ghelpl grand trunk ka1lwav vaohkuobtl t1iainb lliil mhii torli mill arnolds livery john st kcton blijll iflji itouliloorilnplb suprluil 0 lliinl nuilcfl commikciai tkavukttsks okdiiks oiveq iipccal vlirnllon illnrv arnold proprietor j critical exn ml nnt ion of the jilci gond i in our stink nlwayii plganeii u- and rnrely failn to please the oilier mini pauhionalils go properl eu itroporly tdilored properly prked- thefls thiuch vc jiutirantee you order any tlothlin until you unvs sunmltied our stock whi g00pep the taibor corner mill ncl main slrcelh acton many women suffer untold agony from kidney trouble very afim lhiy think it ii from aal pemalo pluaia thara lata ftmala troulila than i hey think woman aultcr f ram tiackaolte jpunem norvnuonsm tiriliiuiity nj a drtaalnsdnwn lino in ilia loin bo da mn ami thoy jo not hvo fomnla tnmhu why limn huma sll your uoublo iq omnia pimuat willi hanllhy khlnrn fw woman will aver have fernnle itlmnlrn tho kldnry aro an elomly connraleil with nil tlia tnlarnal oron lint whop itm kl limy no wrona evarylliing wrniijr itiinti tllitrei wuulj be av4 if omtn vraul i only uls doans kidney pills alalnlrd inicrval prim ho mntiriprbni er llirjn tmiaafor 1 38 sll daaur nr nt dlreot nn reoelpl of silee- tlte doid kiilney till oo toronto oat uparkldo tdkchlir 4 ich man t andloftveg hoihlhw to rjluht nopliqwe nnd nieces what duns oaah rati rchnlni automobiles nncestvri nppanillcllls rhstrasa now lenicinber dilduet tho jonoses nro coinliiff tn dinner to night cjook tonva it to mr muni ill do mawnist thayll novor trouble ynu again voii ara ns lull nf airs ns n hand organ snld a young man tn n girl who refused tn lot him sou her home that may be was the reply hut i dont ro with n prnnk city lloy isnt ft funny to fl that garden full or wntormolonsp iarniar what is funny about it oily hoywhy i nlwnya thoughi thsy grew lu pnndu llku water lilies the old and roltablo granite and marble donlors wd are nistinfaolnrpra anil illrrct linnoita 1 ol all i hull ot ltuiiuiuontal n1 iloalalnna nrorb wo spll dlrofjl to oir piilciisra at vliula isle lirlpa tlius pavliirj our ciiilomori 40 r cent fjo imvo th tiut apr ami ilia duly inabkanlcia in llio dominion who ein 01 nr ate luiauruallotinilu rnpaiy wo ean ulya raferoiooa iroin tiuintrotta ot our outonii in toronto anil nilmr iilaona wlmro olliom luva to llatit law illtls iii order lo onllnol we liava ilia larseit ami liaat itocb ol oraiiuo in the donitnlou or mora than any ui run ileal on lu itiitweat we are itinitlmate ilsalora aixl am lloy nn sooqu ami ilo nol annoy or iitiitoiia ornsra tir sondliia out lunorant skinilto lallolt omraw aniploy umoliaulea only ami afy ooniubtltlon hamilton sons cor norfolk ami woulwloli flu qu1ili 11 savers saw mills nas8acaweya j stmbm for slim jitmlook atio pino lymbor booo codtf fauoo fomtm tpjdjiaob polem af cerfaf for nay pttrvoio up to 40 tttmt loas dill stuff out to ordor tiftfi antf sijibjrjpiponjffanrjoninurf i paper makers jukohgkto w n ont hook nlwh and coloiiiil papuiiu inokiiattlllsn new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artisti supplleb oil and water colors always fresh and of tlie best quality waters bros cuelph art store furniture varnish and furniture pol in- 13 lrwn 1 u mantifuriurliiit dm iimn miwiloir r- i llclna ur 1iiii uto irum ranlnas utoj ly tlio licit lioiiioa ami lunliura tun ova to t lu lnitla a tiollto of saoli jj suoiilii loliioverj lioma for u on lur ro 1 lnui ortiam tlua woodwork furniture varnish 30a rtpnlturp polish gap im varnloh orushss 1c droji lilm card anl tlm onlrr will bs i iirotiiiulv nils i or mar jo had llrnwtii druuhloro kuillaticucliurali tit aelou sffi wj svv swssyj kcton ii yery 1wd bus un tlisuntlariltinaitrpairuuvaalloiltliapalrab a of lue iullloanil lufornia uipw uist woll kfjulpped and btyllab us t slwaysbebeoured at tilaiialiloi a enmfortslila tma maata s trains batwoan 10 a m ana a 10 pm carat ul atttuitlmi ulvon tnoversorasr the wanta of co luirmrelal travel ian fully msl john siuaiilainauts proprimtor acton pump 5 ani p sayers sons ffassaoawkya vo titliograplers l tho david smith engllthoco formerly of holpli smith it co 00 58 60 church rtroot adjoin trifj toronto itallwny olmmbers tonowto dnaravora ana llthaarnpliotrsj drinh nnd commaralal titatlonor manufnoturors of hlfjh closo csl- en tiara nnd atlvortlalnb flovoltlos l h greatest of tonics those who use it get well a certain cure for all run down conditions and wasting diseases highly recommended for insomnia the proof tip followlm is lfl nr thouknnrts las to tho merits or in tho moit lai nf illmpn prsatlos with thn mo it saltintotory roiims sowcrnl yonrnt my wlfo win so sori- ouuly iii nriinij tiou ll kn for imiiitlmto ha uiinhld to unite ul w1ilrll tlmrt 11 notail pliyslolan tolil inn tlmt tho iipki duiuh tlmt i wouhl my for lirr would w n si 1 ron j slid u sett isvcminlc itiul u now rtintinnnlily wslf iluvc k itunnitn llnplulmlnlalnr ioresl out par coughs nnd colds take p5ychine for throat and lung trouble take psychine for catarrh and consumption take psychine for aftereffects of la grippe pneumonia and pleurisy take psychine used psychine 20 years a00 vourniiifn i wnditlnuiml ft jilivnltnl wreck nniliin aiiluninuwili innir trcuikld 1 rionilu nml injlyhlhim ltmnjlil 1 wmikl nuor ijot lilllur 1 luiiitii to dowpitir m ut if loninn fulili in inv nliyxu utn 1 imiliirnl nnnlliorcino whti ruiiiniim mini llio 1110 or isvchinh it un hnini iiiiij injouil itumirlntloii tho cllotl ll liiul 1 mihiumi lo k tin uill cvory dm luxiilo of two uuctim 1 unn nhla to atttiul to ni lumst ivork aiiiln 1 hero nro noanitlouim of liiiiuiinilion nhont mo now mus lllnhlhson hljolmnl for loss of appetite take psychine for indigestion and dyspepsia take psychine for chills or fevers take psychine for ruudown system take psychine to feel young and keep young take psychine an unfailing cure for nil throat liing and stomach troubles a reliable remedy for diseases paused by exposure to cold or wet for rmi m all druvalftti he and too r dr tv sioeum llmlud ito km 5 w torohs tilb wobk8 o b eddaoe proprietor our prcmuus aro now fumy cqiilppei wllh all 1i10 luteal mncliincry ami npnllnncei for vtiamifaniuiink ruwpw nml iniiij supplttm tilo for wvils cistern cuivqmm to stoam npo rittie tooim sad pip suppuos orders promptly filled main street afton scicniieic american ncirduyai pollers prdmptly secured 1 wrllp fir our luivrrminn mm ka invanf r ars jllp t mint u 11 rousfl akiuh nr fcir n htltuil llllllulk i alrnl rftcmri thi htli kli ft ii rtnlva aprclal milk wlihonl hs q r i v llriflclr ilumitii the m minion hmilally 1 rnlont liuniiifa of manilla marion marion faffanl ek parts irtd solicitor j

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