Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1907, p. 2

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w 1 roc tor hl it lalfmbion allli mi i inrlay ji i ii 8 mdlu i ii ii dl l i arlmli iff jr w l4xkll uu rn hhkvmoii in n iii uuroh uiiklll 1 1 ii mm 00 m a llmrr willarl ii ttiill iui 111 tret i i i hah flauulitefomlev i ut 11uthha ji nio 1107 bditomial hotauj fbn rrgmil of tlio lliiislernf justice tin lh htnliptee pissed by provincial lklljture in thehibiooii of ithml has been recti veil liy flm liharti llnvern tiiviiu all fhlf iianiiru have beeiiep proved by tlm ioiirtninii qovernimnt fltl nets imvp oeeq dhtallowrrt r hupifrlnliiudnnt tfeaih in ddr-a- lug tilt knlrhi varjc leeminnt no rlqtlom on monday arrfl poking for tlin mfnltr nf 1 ideation mnde he etateniant that wltllo the juvernnient iiaii hiiundnhed tin minimum salary clause thu principle wi ii noli mm gad the govt rnmeiit though uof ualnif compulsion was offsrlngmfcny induce tuente yoinfr into effect next inn to the hoards to pay more money conditions wero improving in most oilier rsspecte hie third elm certim oku would soon lie a tblna of the past and tb higher gradr whlln not being lowered at nil would mad uucli easier of attainment dr flray liil tlio right nail on the liaad at the mootina of the council nn monday aveninrr whan he pled for some definite atmid and plan ita to atrecfclcunlnp and improvement ai yet thii year a onnrll has done prac tlcalty nothhik in thle department they have rotten down to business admirably in aome other thing hut tills na thft portor aaht liaej bean per blatantly and systematically neglected and tlm council ui a wholn did not earn a bit rnthuslaetlc about develop lotf lb drs siikgoatlon and thin tlm matter la put aside for another two week a why la thle t anton cltlene want tlieli town to look ita butt and it la only one who la not worth comldar ing who will objoot to money being reasonably spent for thle puipma lots have our town look ita boat provincial license irispoctor ayerit appointed to enforce tho law in local option dlatrlcta in addressing the con foroncn at ooderlch on monday eahl lie believed tlmt thaie ii morn illegal liquor nailing in licensed placce thsh in local option districts and that the law waa j tut oa wall enforced in the latter mr ayurut called attention to the way that the law had been evaded by the leaeed bar the amendment to the law covering the point find coniniendod hon iv j ilunna provincial sacra tary for his forte in htrengthanlng the law the cancellation of thellcauae after three convlctiona la keeping a lot of botalkeapere on lk anxious the method u adopted by tlio department bad been crltlcuoil but ho claimed it waa just at honorable to proieouta roeu for illegal balling na the burglar who ran backed dwolllnga nnd atorea the only inatruotlona lie got from the tie pertinent at toronto were to enforce che law and ho waa hound to makn the province u law abiding place if poaalbla dannaokdunh the following la the report nf the atandlng of the pupila of bannock burn school for the month of may i glass iv christopher moffat hi i george mi i tut 77 i llva colo 71 i hubert mann 70 i mugglo henderson 171 alexuntler mann flu i annie dobbin u0 perry wation m willie modonnld fid 1 nhlrley wuuon 411 5 jeusle double 10 1 albert mann 113 olaia hi ion honderiionui nita colo ho helen warron 7511 bush sprowl 55 i mora danny w i may unihay ih annie hcott is oimi ii willie moffat ho donald mann ki 1 martin moffat r3 j harvey luth h1 victor harding 7h 0 kililli ituth 70 mihha m hmitii leanhor to talk aboedssion port willhim out june ft ureal interait la being tijlten in thle district nvorthe apirort1ilng aaialon ineutlng at port 1 runcoa on prlilay and the proipaota nre that a mounter gathering will tnkn plane j he irtovoinent not taken very aerlnuily here the meet ing will bo nttomled by doleguton from all part of thin district and dallnlto plnn of policy will bn adopted ihn meeting will be noil political obligate oiiildrbh llahya utfii have dona nmrn thnnuny other inedlolna to iniiko weaknlokly ohfldran well and etrnng and tho mollim can uau thorn with attolule ctinfldenco ae alio linn tho guarantee of a gnvornimint imnlyut thutlha tabiitt nfunln nn opiate oi harmful di ug mr laurent oyr ilt tie oaaohpadlu n it aaya i liavo uuad iliiby a own tahhita for colic teething trim blue nnd imllgeitlmi mid in ruoro thiui pteaand with the good remilu mnlhi m who una ihla mrdl- olnn will unt ligret it hold by inrdi elnadealera or by nmll ut ta n box rmmtliedr wllllame medicine co nrookvillo out unknown fhentla there are ninny people who have used obuiuherliilu e uolle olmlara and diarrhoea itemed with aplendld re ahlta but who ait unknown becnunt they liuve hohhed about giving u teatliuonlnl nl hah uxpwrlvuoofii pub lloktlnn llifmi pi nple linwevai tun nnna the tnaefilnmla of lltli loinedy ttiey have dune iniit b toward milking it a botiavbiild wind by their peiuomi reenuiinandntloi to frlenila aiatt nelgli bore it la n good imdlolna to have in tlio home and la widely known for ita aurea of dunhoea and nil forma of bowel trouble porente by all ding glita councils rrvision court bevefnl minor ohnie in amm- ment new hldwlkri aeked fopother miinlolpl mt4turw mnanomontt oounell iwt in state aa court of he vlalon on afnnday evening in accord atice with resolution of tlie prevloua imei ling with theineiuberaullpreient the work of the aaaeaaor thle year aaemnd to bs pretty generally eatlafac tory hovi ral nppeule bad 1mm regli tared hut with the exception of one or two they weie dlapoaed of end the original aaaaanient confirmed mr joa kyfe appalal agaluet the nhieaainnnt of hia property nn t hurob atroet claiming tiat bla property which inohidaa aciea ahould be jargely aaaaaaed aa farm land hie fo urt die not grant tvile riut but ae mr pyfe a aiaeaament had beee pill pp a fiiulstrip tblyear it waajradnnad jk mbklng the total 1u0 1 mr v w u mra jennie ii wood and ml ileflti lordoti put in ajmillar uppaula alleging unjuat asaeaa mi tvt thu court jonflniied the nrll rtalluate lirent cuie kmhtir a paeuliar cai aroae in deal ing with the bpiiea and a letter from mr ttoht noble norval who oakaif that the uuaaaainnnt on hie elevator and buelneia bare be made titer aane ua inat yenr on recotirie to wat yeara roll it waa found that the ubueaament on the varloua llama of mr noble a property totalled sjiujo while till year he waa naked to pay taxea on only 92100 in accordnnce with the wlab perlmpa inlatakonly though vary clearly ex pruaaed in mr noble a letter the court rather glrefully ralaed the aaaeaiment to the aauie amount aa laat year ad ding f00 to the aaaeeaora aatluiale the old iiiflatlnn of the aaaeaament of farm property which ilea witbln the corporation came up in the eppeala of meeera jameehrnwnand wm i row wlioio farnii faro main htrcet the court apant a good deal of time can during tie caaea and finally aettlad the matter by reducing mr tamaa browna aiieinuent of 2100 to 1170 laat year a ainount and by cutting 9100 off mr wm ilruwne aaieeameot of k00 meaara j o nelaon w htark and c c upalght appealed agalnet the ohnrge of dog tax the three canlnaa having either died or been diapoied of the appetite were allowed on motion of dr gray and council lor bell the declalona of the court of jtevlalon were confirmed and on motion of counclltore speight and wflllatna the court reaolved itiolf into council and proceeded to the trana- actlon of onllnnry bualnaae after the mlnutee were read and confirmed the finance committee preientod their tenth report aa followai m pittle labor j ii 72 hobt poaraon re pa i re at power home j w municipal world auppllei o 1 1 i w olden laber jtthl j olurridge gravel 1 to w anderson teaming 10 01 57 si the report waa adopted on motion- of ooiinotltora hpelght anil wl i llama the cliatamary grant te provide 10 worth of milk and butter for the acton company during their two weeks etay in camp wae provided for by a motion a petition for a cement eldawalk alongeide bla propel ty on 1lgln atraat wae recti rod from mr t w shaw other petition have elan been before the council for umi tlmu and have nob been dealt with to ohtaln aomethlng dellnlto regarding the building of thaae walka and the repairing of tkoie injur- ed by froat the clork was luitructod to aorreapond with h j barlow of quelph who built the permanent walk laataummer in regard to theae heme and ne to bulling lila uncompleteil contract a cnunuiincatlon waa received from the nydrn liloclrfo power oommlulon of ontario providing blank forma which provldo for the aiibmlaalon of eatlmatea of prlcea on power from the oommlulon moved by t gray aec nnded by a hull that the corporation of aaton raijnait the hydro electric power cmnuilijlon to glvo thle iminlo- ipallty uu aitlniateof the prlco to be charged to laid municipality for joo horao power of electric energy from niagara ialla to ba auppllad at acton ready to bo distributed by the aald municipality carrltd dr giayappanled to the council to proceed to loinrlhlng deflnltelnregard to etreet cleaning and general munlai pnl impiovament here we nie be aald running along into in hi enmmer with tho atreete unraket the weade und giaaa uncut and practically no atepa taken aa to atieet and roadway improvement tbo council beamed to ndinlt the neod of auoh work being dona hut took no etepa regarding the natter 1 ho inat matter to come up wui a diflciiaslon leganling the corpmatlona rigbta to the wtttei in andtireona pond mr w d ueanlmore appeared in behalf of tho firm and asked for the prlvrlege of laying a pipe line from the pond to their wnrke and nf uaing the biirplua wnter for tanning purposes at present the firm are uilng thn water from the stream which iuhb from 1 nil y inke but they find itcnnelderably polluted probably from th refine nf thu glove leather tannery above lhey hnvo receiuy lnatalled a new evopnra tar al inrgtlbxpuiun which reijurlea onnaldeinbln pure water fur operation and they therefore seek to draw the nrpliii weler from the upper pond tlipy pmpoie if the privilege le grant d to lay n pipe linealong klgln atraet to a large well at the top of the bill on tbeh piopeitynt the corner of klgln and agnes and thence to the tanneries ileere fttvankhnmer vxpreaaed aome doubt aa to the pond befngatifflclontto supply the iipibsary ninouiitof water the onipniiillfiu it nppeara are under nrmngenieul in maintain tbehelghtnf the wulur wllliln certain lovele cotfn oil pioinlaed hnwevei to linaatlgate the matter 6ther mnttara of dlaniirsinn catna up in iionneolloii with the mum pond it npmia that when icx heave williams inlsea tho luvvl nf tho pond to n height eufiloliiiit to all bis watering tank at the ltlverittct hydrant it imebe up and ntla up the tlula of the garde ne nf u cniiplo of unwer avenue leeldents wlio4iave laid complaints it la rather a funny pltuatlon mr wllftnini p- peared and prnctloally refused to do sjomb obbbrvatiomm with more oravt cartel umllene on a beautiful bay afloiiiiinn oi heptenilmr jth iltoi u inigi eaauin binge gathered in the evcrgittmi grovn in the circular plot iiumedlatvly facing the entrance to 1nlrvuw cenmtuiy volnuleeia in uniform brnaa bund prominent local nnd county men mid clllxane generally in january itmkl w j mnofv aim of t 1 moore cm teamed municipal clerk wnd 3 teas urar and fur over a acme of yearn principal of tho puhlli hchool bnnd aome gifted intelligent and ndventui oui left acton to go with tint jod contingent from canada to the un happy houlh afrlcnn war hla ex perlencra on the way nnd on the held wero followed with keen internal uf our fllllxeneaa they wan- reported i theje eotnnma however in decern vr following the town hall ling waa einlclejiily- baiin to 1 at half hiaat ahl lllfi word waeipjlckly paaal nriuild that jackmooro hrrd efied in the pretoria hospital from enteric fevei- jlorriw and eaibieaa over the dareuaed and sympathy with the relativeswore freely wprth find a mpveinant w aoittf aeb on foot to cobrtmeininutn acjoh e shaie ju the lah roll f ilritaln a forces ihn moveiliant cul niliiateil lp thu gathering above refer red to when tlm maaalve granlto nioii mil ant wbkb attracta tho attention of all visitors upon arriving at the gntei waa unvelhtd hvhine wero nug prayers offered addreaaee delivered bands played nnd aoldlera marched to and from the place and while the years come and go and generation liae and pan away may be read the name and the atnry of aeton a da ceaaad aoldler boy whose remilnu lie far away at pretoria when a minister of the gospel uvea for a number of yoaie in a community after having served aa pastor of a church far ten years he is very likely at hie decease to leave many warm friends and so when very many of our citizens and those of the cnmmtin ity adjoining in their walka through falrvlew cemetery come to the slender grey abaft bearing tbe name of itev d d cam or on u nntlvo nf port william bcotland and for 10 years paatnr of knox church acton who died peb 25th 1h00 aged 71 yenre feelings of old time friendship for a departed pastor and recellactlons of hie worth will be awakened those who were acquainted with tlm man and his work will best it able to testify to his worth but it may he added that one an entire stranger to hhn relates an occasion of hearing him milts from acton on a week evening in a farm house kitchen aur rounded by men of the fields and women of the home who listened with intonse interest while he did coursed on the beauty of tho lord in language which showed the scholar as well aa the man in intense aympn- thy with bla theme similarly here le the last resting place of another voncrable ex pastor itev h i cook of the llaptlst denomination his active earnest work in the interests of hla church in tho daya of its inception here in tho removal of tho old church from hallln afad and its becoming the worshipping home of hla flock as well aa hla pastor nl work following lauding to the per mnnent establishment of the cause and in the days of hie retirement going to and fro as a joyous ripening saint will awaken when thought of mem orlas fragiant with lb odor of a good lire in folio wlifgtlie rondwuy buck into the wooded heights a biancb path to the right biinge the visitor suddenly upon n cleared space in which stand a large brown granite pillar aur qinunted by a globe on which is traced sonio of the worlds geographic nl outlines the inscription oonvayu the fact tlmt here he the remains nf a loved and hnnnrcd school runnier mi robert mttle principal of acton school imit2 nnd that monument was erected by tboio who had heneot ed hy hla tuition in 1h0i aomn of hia eoholara who though than living far from roenas of their youth felt their thoughts turn to the old times and the old echoolmmter long passed away arranged for a re union which waa laid that year and wae singula y successful the old soholura meeting at the old school visiting the grave of the departed master and in the even ing holding a public meeting anip going ovor the old time scenes to gather it was thun decided to hold a similar gathering in about half a dozen yean and so in july 1100 the second re union took place which waa char acterlxad by the unxelling nflhn mon ument which had been but recently erected by voluntary nontiihutlfms nloglstlo add reset nnd a group photngrnph of the company gathnml around the pillar itnbert uttlew host inonumeut is aald to bn in tho liven of those ho taught many of whose names may be found in plnces and wnya which tnnd to the elovntimi of things good and noble in wandering uround the groundu attention bas often been attracted hy a ptaln white slab bearing the inscilp thin in memory of ituth cornwall ihdoved friend of itev oen i cnoke hector of acton died hept lib 1h01 aged uaaisl and along with a verse of poetry aro alao tbo words she hath dnna wbnl she could wonder bus often been felt as to the nature of the ft leiidshlp thus manifest ed for one peaslhly half a lifetime older than the donor whathet in the capacity of old time neighbor nurse or christian worker there are thuio preed feelings of strong gaatltude alatei eicninlnatlnn discovered aunt hose nu a aitfnll atone at the font almost hidden by ehruhhery but thle may eland foi any or the relationships suggested ilia inolilent anema in bo in kseplng with the olmrnctet of the hector whose euddeii death during hie inounilmnoy hern caileed such i egret nnd ayinpathy hie wrltnra only interview with hi in wnri innrked hy ah oxpremalui nfton rami mheit d alnci wbll iii hpenuiig of nn in i of klndnttum which bail b t n ilnm bj nuit puity fin nuiilhei ngnrillng whh h nllhnukli tluin hnd hnwii a iik iiflary tonvldnietloii invidvid the iteitoi laiunrkod i hnru nn hmveter minii thingx iiinuay runuot buy ortit moie reference iiuiy bn purnilt ted in tbeau iielo regnrdlug piimmia in wikiiu the puhliu bad more m leaa interest in u pint neatly terrarnd nnd always kept in film order a tall biown granlti ebaft surmounted by u draped in n the base atnno of whh h bear the iiniun speight baa en graved nn fin north aid it the woide joseph alhjrl died may ulst 100j with the age- many wui reed the name and nuiieiuber wilb patbeth interest tliaeu jict or the epitaph v is uafe to siiy that in ilia ufp nlnioj every day of tlm nearly jo year of wblrli were spent in acton ha con ducted tolutrvlew whd adjoining burying gnfunu uiorofilni ral than nil other of in saiieiprofrimlon takn ogelber nt to flint periiiil unil yt nn ivbenutlful fliiiumi i nflernoon at th t loan of njlto which hnd oitljr lourhed jts prime ho ti wna iiinvniil bitbur nmidut many ngreln in nunnei- outspoken bruique ntid tuny imp eccentllc yilt be nriloil a hum i nnd pnlpom wbiub iuaiio hlln valued lnot hy tlumn who know hlin deepiat and when at his demise ubouiewbl b hud rnmulned intnct for nsmly half n can tury wae broken up uiuth sympathy wne exprassad trend gemtfy than ye vinltora to 1 alrvlew cemetery and speak eoftly while here for thu is no ordinary place here are deposited traneuree hopes affoctions and just na deep nnd us marked in the rases of those un nannd nn marble slab or printed pngn as are those guen in nn prr mlnonco this lu a plucn of tenra fond ilcnllec tlona and joyfol liopi s of ro unions these considerations coupled with anotlur tlmt wo nil will probably ba conveyed hither sooner than expected should lend to lednctlon on the lines by n venerably writer of many gener all mm ugoi no room for inlitb or trifling hero of life so soon ba gone and then fore by nil nutans our local niithoiltlaa nu referred to laat week uiuy quite uatlflably spend a considerable amount in beautify ing and properly equipping thin our city of the dead any street wateilng so lfug m such coin pla i ntn are cm rent ae a matter of fact tlm corporation are ompoworei to keep tlio pond at a level hbove that which it has reached at any time this year and thecounell thereinto nulhni ixed tho etreet watering to bo mint jim ed j council adjourned after n lengthy session at 10 to ctujct j6x its a mighty comfortable feeling to know that the carriage you buy is a tudhope rccausc you get the tud hope guamntpc and the tudhope guarantee is backed by a firm that has been making carriages in canada since 1855 irc us show you the now seasons styles in tudhope carriages obt acton new ontanio tow nam pa seventy newlyolirieumed by the m in inter of lantle foreate nnd mines a list of the nnmna of now towniblp to be opened in the province tbie yenr baa boon publlahud among tho new nam oa adopted aio 1 ilanueiinun aftorkli homy oamji boll ilniinm man piimn mlnlstm of clreut ililtuiu nnd ireland htrntbconn after imtl ntrathcona und mount itnyal high commlshlonnt for cunndu fushlml artpr his imperial high nsris prluco puublmi aiuoy from japan to thu court nf st jnmea london hriggs afterhev william ililgge bonk tewnnl methodist itook ltooin toronto hpelght aftiir llioniaa ii npelgbt ontario land surveyor toronto colipihouu aftor a ii v unlqu lioun deputy mlnisler nf 1 ducution toronto mulloj aflei i loop 1 mulloy who athliijoliihtwhileflrlillnglunoiith afiloa 1 iiua is money whiin nne la working oiltn linn 3 years in bed with rheumatism i now well it fa simply marvelous hie effect flu ju baa on kheiiumtuun it not mere ly relieves the palu but completely ride the system of the disease buju thlt ottntmc 1ciuniw pill docs this be cause it curea hy khlneys itamfitfoe lnvsuit for a fl vli willi illlhlk lory uhaiibiallim in i win imii ft unlit eiunit ln m frlfihl uft iiil tkliir them h t ii nni 1 ij j ihyatlr ahl alk wlllmiil john holoitoih ail infaiil i eni imllr w large 1a al your tlmiiinlil nr ity dialt amimniwvlmtrk rrfhev tairn eutf tlie clslln camlel co ilbtluj whilur out o for saturday millinerv salc of childrens and misses hals i rice from 73c to ij 50 on bslurday we will will at hirfpin i rlceu children ltaln in trimnmil sllli ami niuxlln head weir we nre toinff o offer lials worth while a chance and a bit chance v rtie backward weaur bua left ua wjlb more pf llieui deius ilian wb iliauld have in rlock at till ute we will iika ua tfunca of 1 he i h not nlllnj dili laun imve decided loxliai up lbs intrto i he luna0- in 00 and fn 00 hobo fori qo 1 13 01 umimi ii0 75 lrhoojrbea ijj 73 j jooo jjrou tn 10 i do droswi 7 73 livery woman vanls n newufnmorjlrna cpuld you auftffcbt atlyoilnr more tlainly sppfoprinlo or forliionsbla than lliese irlili linen llmicu colored roods arii prcily but colored nuterlals will not keep iba freali inowy laundrled appearance of a hand 1 mbroldered linen ijreii anil 100 ions afler you and your friend are tlrsd of a colored pal letn book the i ml roldery i inen coitumo will illll be blyllnl nllrjcllve nnd new heo ibis beaulllul line of drones in our window come inside and let i hem bear closer intpccllof mcns summer suits we iibvb jinl lafc inio sl a c anil eitcntlve line r men s mill liawlnnc i a i tailored in new y so poiltlva are wn of bn una i railing polnl of uibia mil that we- feel juiilflail in iyln that no man wilb oyon could help npprccajna thu manly una or beautifully moulded now york summer suit some ol ilia prellleit clolbi lie tteii uurked lioumera and the moil eiiulshe line ol arllillc kir apery in these kulta 4 re what niale u confident thai mir summer ulls sre vllil 10 iba root when you liave a fw mornedu we woubl like la ihououoia ol llibieipeclsl brmnl mttnsshoas j jo and 14 50 sm new spribr styles ai mwn h hvouv upiiolstcring done and well done we lrvve sdjatl to our ilsff ami equipment the ervlti ol a triodetn ftml jhor0ubly competent upliouterr we flll heiceforlli make a specially xf goiy corner and window kelt we wll aud rdvr urn ll 11 re and rlve lh if kyan a co biisrarme of wholly ndeipjaie wotlmanshlp reeultlns in perfect and complete istlifartlon no work will lie undarlauen which does not neceisliale iiibum ofiome materuila purclibmi ol ut as it is noi our idea to mike money out of upbolitee- irif but raefely lo anlat in elllnjrtur own goodi wf reserve ilia right of refining any orders which wa deem as unprofitable onrfbrtaklnff el ua liern you to furnlsli your home lei us ftiigaelt some improvemetlt 10 lie wrouhhl ihrouflh the inilalllns of window seat coy corners slalr landings and other slcovo arranuements cl j our slockok0l us j x knlvem vol urn end dnooif j g b ryan co sh wool wool wool harris co mama rocktstood 200 a month tho british canadian business college corner yonge it illour toronto tr lil canadian flelh tmadb oovernment will try to build it up ottawa june oth ihe dopartment of railways and oanale la convinced that if aomn system of eo operation can ba devised between tbo flshermon nnd the consumers of flsli there is no reason why a very remunerative tradn shnnld not be bulltiip twtween the marl time frovlnces and ontario the de pnrtment of marine and fuhorlos line been asked to send an expert to the flsb conbinrilng seotlonsnf western ontnrlo with a view to ascertaining bow much fish the maiket can take care of and what the prospect are for the develop in en t of tho trade in view of the fact that now ork htnte bas wllhln n few years built up a tryjde in fish by nutans of oold stnr- ngnnn the railways which totals six million doll are a year it la felt that thero is no reason why the marltimo provinces of canada which produce a mlinh hatter ai tide should not be able to seoiua a very vnhiable market in ontnrlo and eventually ae far as muni tubs 1 lie newg t h timetable tannine intn foice on tlio kith will add con sldcrnbly to tbe onnvenlenco of tho cltlena who travel pleasant as syi up 1 nothing eipiala it as a worm medicine 1 tbe mime in mother grave worm kxtnrmlnator th greatest woini deslioyar nf the age how todreek up cold ii may be a sin prise to many to itmrn that a severe rold nan bn cmnplelely broken up in one 01 two day time 1 he first symptouie of a cohl are dry loilil flfliigb a pi nfuse wntury dlanhnrge from thanoae mid a thin white nat lug 011 tfie tui ib nn when ojiember inlua eiiugb rniuedy u taken oveiy hoin oh the fltat appeurnuiie nf theae eyniptoma it ikiliulpraote tlm nlftnit of the oold and restores tbe aystein to a itenlllry rnudlllon within ndiiyoi two kor snhi by all di ttggleti well finished floors are hk8t mapk with the sherwinwilliams floor finishes they aro made lo finish floorn in the moat durable manner in any stylo you denire fw tonh yinnr t it f iv fftow hqom funt vevvarbultiriimi- hi nor a ilurilila tnor varnltl rewoiliclnsawaiyiniilirwf iv t0m wit t uailihlly craclii w cuit ma ltly mitt aik or tho nooklet i bold ov bbobmbbavabh a t brown aobsctutusrjh o 1ux the wbllinoton mutual insurancb company eaubllsbed 1q40 ilsad offloe qtj11lph ont influnanolson caliii1 uulaal rlan any insuranqe raqulrsd will bepromi lly mtfad w h dbnnyant voubf ui aston aurtajjenl for the union ininrbhoe co biilana dhotoenciravinc halftones or any cta of dwftavwamadvtomihfl punp09fotalocu hmaimti c ijljoneseiitic aflillntf ireeunlm in bllvei whf kmii vintiy chin weil- tllnaf lllnifw i geo hynds i x ml i aoion eeel soe our king hats they are ingluh ielt made in lite latest american styles and conformed 10 fit any bead we invite inspection of tbe new rtibpe e b swncltljamcr men olllluur frmt salts a pleasant effcrvewent combination of trull sails for n uvailve and blood purl fler clears tbe complexion ajc nollles hunters driii store fltlv aburrllcfiiifhtc st ahurs gicl itlcrok lie kv mlliw vllion ma lib i uihy 1 mrniiiq terylc ii fi buhdav ltlmmj mk3itto doflk fojojalb or all lm i ull i io loll tiuruty am011 a 1 lu ii 1 llenami huusemaii jvantjeij qooi u it liwra aaltn wanted imjfeiuately fllumll ltuaiilbt llta priilln hutul aptir to if a j i i dmas wanted an tnrloljllilinuaaworli wii boat i ah una b 1iov ib actoj to es it bargain pricey liou lilaiice or aaoii wo wilt 111 aflrft far ttblclilig rem our i ru wlanlna whit wf iniua ai t cnn i tr setting arjitr at wynrtou perm or lio m aiitou i m etigs kojij1atchino inou an uniurtaaieil itrlrid tl ef rrla 1 wlnnli i m wyan lotic om dollar fr tlldu- llruoljr i an wanial apily lo u a iii alk if wyi at julio farm aotnsi klwll rulci uaire wanted a i oilauaximraloli nl inllililno auvorwar al o nr nil nr al t fe ltllmll hlltlply iiar leloth biii llio jn1 mil lino 1 o iiauaer if iry ullverelolh for t tutr yi ii eauia neiliall trial aam la fia lo any j iliut aub ila waiitn i canada fll ruct 0ti1 co toronto om 1 llio lea b9 gbain cu0iting tub8dav8 and oatuodavg untii turtlior notice ttiln mill sill i a opn wloa tiimilay ami haluruyi bla will not lm oiiail on any otliur ilaya unjar any valuable iropeity in acton for sale tiik lot ii t railitaiico or the lata tlie ma uoluckoe at ll oeomorol mill and wit titir btreoti uait lo nalnn i cos itora ttia lionaa li a wall unlit rouulicatt atnry ami a hall conlalna aeven roomi an 1 nui imtljini hard an i loll water ary ilaiiralile loeallon or urma an i i artle ilam i ily lo jotin niri anton- hollo way nojj 11069 tiik filtstclas jmiiorted clydesdale stallion wit mall ilia bioii nr 1d0t follow tumdav ubvt tie will leave lilt own ilibli loig aitillnakrlu ailoelocu anl rroeaail to bauuane itolet ubiiub aetan biiilramlnoar ulftlll witndbr leaves al 0 s m or ilia dan net hotel slatitai leoraatowii for nlalil tlmnlaylialmveaalua m iorliliowutall halnnlar i leave at ham lor tlio oinba hotel elatilai rrln wliarolia wt mniatn until 1 p m tliannalioma until tlia followliiu tua lav tenna to iniura i9 payal 1 ll ru 1j0t for flintier i brlleularaaaa larua luninr uantati finkitoiiriir i aunaiitr an 1 ogloolor notice to crepitobs in the matter or the btteor jamts flharp latvoftha vlltmateoraeten in tbe county or helton oerttle- man deaeaaed notiok uharahy nln uriuaiit to r ll o iwjt oiiai ijuaiilampinunubai thai all ermltoraanloltinnilibvliia nlaliiia aaalnil in ilbla of uiuoa mil arii lain of the villas of aeion in ll a comity ol helton in nil email ilecaaeait wliorllal on or stout ilia thirteenth flay of ai rll i hot aro ran mated lo aanil or deliver to a uanulniinu nr ilia bald mlteaa ofaoloii hollcllorllrllia i ouior of ilia bald ilaoeaaeil on or eforn tun teutli day of june naat iu0t tlieir naiiira alireeiue ami ilaaflrln hone lounlliar willi a full alalaiiiaht of tlialr olalmi an i tl e i aiure of llio moi ril if aur 1ml uiy iliain and flintier take nolle that after aei i lantb day of juno iwt tho kseoulor will l rno i to dliirlbule tlia auroli nf tho aal t deceaied amona the parlle wittltle 1 it aroto liavli raoard only ifltlieolaliniolvrlilolilia el all then yiave had uoiloa a j malkinsoh kollolim lor jolm ctlmrn kxteulor datol llili mny hut m notice to cubditoks in the matter or the betate or bllaa- beth sharp lato or the vlltajra or aoton in the county of hal ton widow deoeaaed noticil la t era y blen i uraiibiil to ll h o um ohai uiei laiiianillbuaeii lliat all eredltoib an 1 otlieri i atinu claim ana i nil ilia kdala of blliahatli hlmrp lale nf hi ltto f in in the oouiilr of llaltou wl low de iad wlio died on or alioitl ilia lulh dar of r i0ot aro reiimaiot in eaud or ilellvar lo eomalot m of lb i mini nl iba lllao ol aol6n in 1 1 oohuly nf italian one of tlie dieeiitnre of the bill uilblo on or i of ore iii vint dy of july 1007 tlialr naiiim mreabe nd deierln tlone toaellier with a mil ttaumeiil of ihtlr elalnia bill tlio itiivlliai iiatiire ol the teontlly it any and furiliar leka notice lliat after ilia ball flralday of july 11t hi kiaeulore will uro od lo illblrlliuin til of lit aal 1 deaad amnns tlia pallia ntlllod lliernto tiavlns re sard only to the olalmi of wlilon tliar ihall titan libvabaifnotlaa exectltors sale itealj sstatb iiousisiioll goods 13to th lat jm sharp vvjit l iii ll mil tmie tounqhiril aaloii nn bhturdny asth or mmv kt ibra i in iii rollowliia t tmlw oro houioholtl ooode ntol lutrlnraiille i imhib rnm is ra u biiouii lisby ibldehoard 1 cllolien aldeward 1 hed lopni aulla i heditaail 1 halro olh touiira b talle baiaiule l ili r tuaeiilni in lood rjar i ban et jlwrm or ariwu i mintter gffxrfr brb3ttyti terma of bnlofor real eeule ln ier nl on itay of aalo ualaunaaa iimrw aavend 11h11 thar will l a reaerve plt for uoueo noi i 0ooiie eaaii hi nilurrilllitailiilliiiiier wissbi

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