Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1907, p. 2

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till i u xitl ii iny mhv ujil i tl fi hitler da uilirul mr llu ij jj ijhk it i u luvat 1 1 llnl iliin u a uy lin u titli alaruarut 1 ullil ll llu ul 1 a v ik 11 iw 1 11 alatu hi i hi hock 1 r ul it uobray ol ut luv ltj 1 11 mthi h iii iran vlll nn 1 111 all ib 1 hf i 1 voi ml uitrlcu hi roianu lll han m i lay 1 ii o uf a l mu ihtl 11 tin am w llallllt u bl iv iliad luatu iibi hi auli r 11 uw aliui i hi 71 yearn iimuy 1 mu i mm u wju rloit jfrrt rt55 illlmtarjan luvijl 1wi7 11m rtiuunl nmv pi li1 ui iinruliuhitu hetivoni oaiuilu uwd tjjjj i nltwlhlntit retiulie tilt puymuiit on in wupapetn of on omit ftnnurli four uiuiraii v fmt hon tliciiof dils meuiis that tli i hi l im hrf u turn paying w cents posture ii ttvuiy yeul u aiihauriptinn in tliu 1 nituil htntes i he future nb icrljitimi piiqa of tho 1 in u im hhmiii to the i tinted htntes inunt nacaartifrhy therefor ii tjit to per tat when 81 is sent in runowal nf wutmct i jhluri to tliu uultedntatra only eljrht months ciedlt will hu mi huhscrlhere will pleumi rmew promptly ut the now it 41 icditonial notbb ihe piovlm ipi jovernitient will do wll to trent the new ontario agitation sympathi ticallj nnd to olfect wlmt chonyos tun within lit power with a view to satisfying the poo pin ijnd ml mlnisterliip ttirlr prospoilty and contentwont mull and i nipiro a cure fill study uf tho statements tlit i innnci lepartmout shows that tli result nf the financial yonr which tintlsil on march 11 last will be a ur pint on th roiiunllilftted fund of fill jvm 000 nnd n dabt i eduction of 91 fioo wm canada la cortnlnly prosperous the first prosecutions in winnipeg for violation of tli new lord a pay act occurred in tho police court them on monday morning whan eighteen rot n 11 nstuurnnta word fined 01 and costs ouch for selling on sunday nior rbandlae not consumed on tho praruleiis in in as i histnncou tohucco wuu thu artlnlo unlawfully dispensed bqmd observation anion now i unlit mid hi iioum d in illu isliik futjimltt may roads country lw of hi intrmt loimtiy uvt 1hv i hip iuhhiuii iimy mil ho ninolid whullioi nmufdniliik thu hunt iiiiiiiiki of ii ilitw uliuntjii link und ritlli mi tin t til ut n foni tnu ku mi mm mill hi ioyng nudtlm imiinhni if pidrutiliinu who inivu to inni i in ii ulli ifima ihii till nywltiin of pi oil i ll in niu ul nut ho uuiiuht for iliaai nlliui iiu mi iiidiiiil by rm uully n lug in i thii ilny u nmnhar of uniiill i hililii n hlnndliig waiting on u uliiint lilldimi iialiirnlly iirwipilt k wlttad mid itld i lint htlll tlirr i- rrao daiifi hi tlm praiteiil elitiim tllllmiu alllllillih adoll la pill llclllaily u liidiinlriml liiiiiiiiiiulty until nnntly hunt of iii nporalivau wire pt rlotia hrnuulifiip hat m dlvconti ntl pm fim from farui oumuiiilllcudjoiliif altimtad by tlt hn nf town lift hut iwiw oildltuia alt t hanging lla jujiiclly hi th la en luarkat la hotng itiipplfl d hy large iiumlieru from r 0vr laaa mid anui tuy wolil j atftudtn uavo aouttf of thf hlilinlgrlt lion prnlili mu on liar linna while dlttiiy of t lingo roirthfttaiul tlifie are luili ail many ooiiiliiflf aro friil thu irvltahlar4hcratjuuannhicmiialnc niiinliei fjoni ntuieiital 1 tiropu und tlllf rtlwaya hilipllaa t rlnua ipiaallona m to thaii omihnllatlun into a tftrtu luunlty and tho roupoulblltin of the coijiinunlty tuwnrd tliaui habitaunil prlnclpli of n wall advanced lifathnn aro not going to ho tlnpwuolf and if thflso aluiuld ho di trltiientut tit the bait inteieata of lha rninmiiuily thero in gravo dangar hut happily there ban in on so fai no asrloue convu ipmncea am h aw wo read of indoed with our own addod folly hi paving tho way for tioubla by providing the llcttfufd laloon some of clraat urit tin b nontrihutlona to our population ku in aomo reapneta ni troulileiomr and morn no than the foielgnare hliihim lo n ty too noma of our can adliuui pruiatil no very wliolnanine eaainpln to tha atraugira 1 lie ineniilo of tmd mile in t ho united htatna la im roualng lour hntidrrd itnd foity ulna mile of whih u hundred and aavauty nine ware nmv brnlta on mm railway in tho month of i obruary onu trip of u fast train on one railway a fuw wueua ago broko eighteen rolu lu llvo liundrad milua in tha ntutw of new oik eight hun dred and thirty alx utnel tinit ralla hrok last year whlln in 11 before tho trnut monopoliird tho huuinaaa of atoal rail making only twunty nine defaatlve ralle weio found on the aauae trucki tim situation li limit aarloue anil qalla for tha immediate puniah mtnt of thuia rosponalbla unfur tunattly ouniidu a i ail way a nra not without unlit in the uilng of cheap and dangerous rail prof it l mucvaghtan of mooill university montreal writing in tha lunu number nf the canadian maga kino intloducna ii suhjuctthutla bound aoonur or luttsr to have a plucn in the pollllus of the dominion tho ipiuatiou of woman suffrage lie goru into tho anhjoot in it thorough moaterly way nnd aa ho has spent aomo years in auntmlin where women exarolio tha franchise he has first hand knowledge of how thrpropouiil works out in prac tloe 1iof macnnghtcn is in favor of giving women the light to vote nnd hie remarks on the uuhjact should imve much weight tils main contention la thnt the vote of the head of a family is generally n vote of prudence and that if women could vote with men the power or tin family or prudimtlal vote would be enormously increaiod llio on nnd ian magalnr it is worth noting is taking a leading plnoe in the tllsauh aton of ipteatlons of national import anoa a docket von tub council mtter which should iuoelve btrenuousi attention mt the next meetlnv the nnlira in a uianufactuiing town at thn liuura of commencement of nnd cmnllon from labor in the way of craainlng vfliisltua clanging belts cluttering feet and chattering voices while perhaps unavoidable as to mini bar might pnaalbly be reduced as to intensity in view of the strain on ovarwuai lud nervous and often invalid humanity there lo ofcourse a cheerlucie in tho fact that so many imve the privilege of being summoned to reuiunerrllvo labor on the one hand nnd on the othot of when re itinse from labor comes families being for n limn re unltrd around the featl board hut wo nre beginning in acton to foul numewhiit in sympathy witli tho pioteata ocuiilonally found in the dailleu against the noises of a city ilia chinch unlou question is being dluouiied tit dilferunt duuominatlonal gutharlugs thia month and at the 1reshyterun oenoral assembly in monttoal on monday itov 7 alovioar tergus suld ho was full of presbyter inn blood and it tingled with delight at the progiess that had luen made in the movement tlisy might an well undertake to sweep the wuturs of the bt iawienceiutn lake ontario with a broomstick an try to stop tlm move ilisnt union was the next luglcal step in tho hietuiy of canada hy the way i did not notlco that at the recont court of ilevlsion that n w hurst magnainlnoiialy appealed against his nam isment as being too low as it was alleged hn had stated that he intended doing verily eti eta cnnaldorublu work lu now cut nut foi tint atti nthm of tho ouncil which must rrnolvo wttmitlon und tihould he oonildured next monday opening as follows t 1 flenflrnl sttect hnproiimiontu j arranging for tho completion of the cement walks unllnlolivd last year i dooldlng upon unw walks which are nncassniy i planning for the laying nf cement erosslngu on mill and uhurdi etrcnu where stone crnsulngs wet n remu ed to permit tho coimtrnotion of the mao adant rondwnyii the nliiivo nio nil mettei a demand lug iminedintt utlcnlimi if actonv lnputii- tlonleto he maintained and our cltl- 9ns enmfort fall ly ronhldorud ibooooohuncii obetnovdd ottawa p lino 11 ihohncieil llitart oliurch cunsldetnd thu moot inngnlll cent cut hoi in odlfhe in ottaxvn tit wan totally luutioycd hy urn hint ovon ing entailing u luoftfurlkk xvlth ln ouranca of 000 mx the lire hinkn out flhoilly lufoin six oclock fioin a oauuo iipinirently tin known i lima wn no thus on in the building at llni tlnit und thn electric current wae tuiuid olf tim lames orlglnatorin tho imihi ontrunce and hy some ii is thought hint bnye uniok ing olg rotten iu thu main entrnnne weio i-esponsllilr- it was cnmddi led ho ihiunh of the high rjasn iceiiufi cbiiiiiiiiuib und hlr wllfiwi luurlor hon 1 i hioihiui and hon i 1 1ul woio nrtiong the parishioners tub doahd of bduoation true tee mownt duly inltlautt hum- eroua behoal lmproveinenta oonaletered tim hoard of icduoatlou met lent wednesday evening members present j h celoinno chairman i kranclt dr ault i a mowut mr mowat who was reosntly elect to all the nfllce vacated by i w ilomphtieu made his declaration nf office mid on motion of i i raucls and i i ault was appointed to the hup plies comuiiltue mr iliunphiies for mer position the 1fnance commlttoe prune n ted its fifth report an follows 1 hna htoroy eolectlng and plant ing young trees h 00 lames ii hood lemnvlug stoim sush i 00 a 0rlat triumph oaimrdbydb willi m pink pillm pon palm pioplk the doetoruornouttt oleiiienh inwll- till prove th value oftkiaao imum in tumcmot mr u llniil oov- r n ma lit lipoloi nf pcievmloih nt llmiittlton out i ioiii the htai llundaa out wo won milt h pleaund to sec mr n hauls tin wull known inveruiuoiit insprrtu uf ulvutor f llhiniltoii in duudas the other duy greatly impinv ed hi health and appuucuike shire the last time we met him a la known to many of the htm nailery mr hani hau rnrovered fioiua long and achate illness and is now ipiite able to ntti nd his 1 1 mm i dut lo rnmi thie lung hi use many predulid mr lunin uoul i neverainvrr and lh fuu that bo i om e mure uhh to go around vtiry ne u ly a apay as he did 1m fme he ww at lacked la lit i la lata than mat villous them in reply to out- repovxer mr jlnrjla relatud the earlystnges of the attiuk ml mil m ipient aulferliihh which lioojc lurlrrtced and whlla hi did not rout i mhllclty deculed thatll he puhlk in tnrest he would relate hiti liuiinnttaii rs ef this wonderful lilth ill nut fourtseii imiiithe ago mr lutriis woke npojijt moiuhig with a stllfittcki try an hn would and after applying all the remedial externally that he coltld liear or think of wee unahl to get ililof it ihe stiffness moved to the aplue and shpuldais tlmn to hie hlpa until it made alinoat a ri ipple uf hlni and it was with extieiue 4llftlculty that he could get nut of bad at all as fur walking it was outof the inititloti with him the ettai k bsi ame n bad that he was unahl to put on either i it coat vest or hat krom tluiu to thin i n i nl led iu various uiadical man none of whom were able to give him much re lief it was almost impossible for hiiu to raise his feet from thu floor and all pronounced his a severe case nrmiuui lar rheumatism giving him little on ceuragement ae to ills ultimate iu covery however one medical gentle men finally recommended the baths mul as a last resort mr harris decided to follow hie advice and went to mount clemen mich ae is custom ery with all patients mr harris had to undergo a thorough examination in order to determine if tho system ran stand this rigorous treatment after several examinations had in en matin ae to mr harris condition the phy slolens there finally decided that he was not suffering from muscular rhou matiam at nil but that hie iillmen twee ef the nerves and told him that tbn baths would da him littlo or no good i that he required altogether different treatment mi harris planed himself in the hands of one of the physlcli there and what ate mud quite ut range to hlni they did nothing for hi in hut administer medlolna in the shape uf pills hbortly after he comuionccd this treatment he began to improve perceptibly and hie appetite greatly improved he begun to walk aiound more than he could for a yaar provlous he was able to put on a coat and vest and began to foel like hie former self his improvement was so rapid and perceptible nob only to himself but to others that ha was piled with all sorts of questions as to his wonderful recov ery the insdloal attendant was quel honed as to the nature of the medicine which was being ndmlnutered much to the surprise of mr harris and othei patients there he was told that it was e well known canadian remedy dr wl i llama ilnk pills and wii advised to continue their use for a time on hie return home mr harris is loud in hie praise of tho wonderful curative qualities nf dr wllllama pink pills and consented to mike his case public in the hope that he might benefit others similarly nllllcteil mr harris has long heon a resident of hamilton being a well know builder of elevn tnre as well as government inspector of tho same so that hie prominence and well known intagilty le ovldoine thnt he le sincere in the statements ho made rheumatics all tell the same story about tke ccti tip jiiey pi 1 1 po you livi iiiirlirtin out or know m in ulio luni hun fin i out fir iiir if li vlr mill fulmlmitbuju it my wo i li tin tin lubujll ii life- i i ar i l wit lr nl i rflt lo i ly for fi ryans specials andsaturda hosiery vvauli collars lies lite 6ilon mi i full unbioncil j regular i itlftd cu httiere ihtr cjiilunn feg aixeii j in krid iy ami hatuulay a in r j on li v- 1 yujil a how jijtrhlylt h hn tin pum infljowrtun ptcli ly jt run ii 1f it lit mu hihiii yell ill uhllr teruninl bujilto on killaufvtimgi 11 l i liar tronu riuiiti jivt n mrn pint oillndik tt jllvr lull ii uivr tt tuny n n in i l n i i r i i i it i 1 i iii ii i itnlm il 1 i i uljlk i iii lv- i r trttrr taw ml i a mr j jf c urn i itt i i ilryfliia i gfn lli ju 1 tjir rr jmi i ntiuuui i li i illt idling lowlbujir urgoii fo l irl ilf du ju mu t rur jiii if fviilmy mil luilhr jniitl ml itlu uinntimu or our iiioiu mill if j niiiq tlj tcfnoliil ovnlirf i s ii i i nr if lof price it yoiirdrun nl lminllni it i the ci j lllnthcnilcil co lu wliwlior out we dont ask you to buy we j3o ask you to see tnvtudhope carriages we will show j on junt the ntylo of carriage jott want for the road for every dny iibc and lor the family tud hopes make them all and rcmemlwr too thnt tud- liope carriages nre rrtmrnntced hy the best liiowa makers in canada robt bennett acfon 00 00 moved hy i francis eseonded by t a mowat thnt the report as pi item ed bo adoptod carried the matter of ri building the school chimney and of other improvements in equipment to lie made during the iimmoi worn considered thn details being left to tha vailousoommlttuea i he hoard adjourned at 010 onmweokt conntens tjin llnh weather of the paat few duja gitntly improvm the looke of the ciops a company hua heon formed with mi ii illaik houkwondaupiealdvnt to dllll far nil hcie they will atart in about two w nka with a inrunr drill mi inhh ilrown had a valuable two yeat old lielfwi atiuuk hy a train and klllvil one night last weok capt c h oamblu hergt ivm orlppaaml itef crewsnn wlltqu and harnes left on tuesday with no i co jolh regiment fm nlagmn un thn ittko i ho ay input hy of he community is ix tended to mis v johnston mid flhlldien nnd mr and mrs hold lohnstdn nod family in tho and death or mi chits ii luhnuton mlsu nnllle uihhons or uoukwnoi spetilndiiy inst week with luu fileud miua uumhlo dallinapad 1ollowing aie the nmiko ohtalued diljlngtha month of may at wood hldii hnhool klin i third class kinnk hwaokhumer iu vluiiitth molntyio i til i human llnttai 111 wllliollutlor i j missed i oxumlnutlous hadmitl bonk margaret wntsmi llli 11 vv i water teacher mi8sbd thbt oat shot oiitl bt catharlnea man aftr pellne make unexpected sa st oiitliarlnes lumill vagrant cata have been bothering tho resident of chestnut htmet of lata and last night o w anderson or the dry gooda flint of madill and anderson sallied forth with a gun a big blnok push darted through the hack lot and mr anderson let my the cut escaped hut in the next etrcet them was a ahrlak homo little ones had been playing on tho streot and a pallet had atiuck nna of them a duughtei nf lohn peart plumber on the leg the injury woe not very serious fiiuvn a puree with smrillar purse inside owner umy recover same at thick piucha office excehsibr bakery wc are headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality we albo carry a splendid stock of groceries and con fectionery t statham son mill street aoton sirn 7 u fl legulnrijl loam i ndu a ul s itnnluy uk i doten children it ulaik cuihmaro ho ua biich to rtgular prke aic rid iy uit h itnnluy km jmlr i lot of wuith collam ngular ijt to sic tnd iy uuil bntimlay aj i hoft dimity 1 let in wbll with bluck euil roidery inmmlugi rtyular jirkc 3jl r iihuy urn saturday ijc eaih i box string tiei hlack with lelrcd ajoln regular prlie aw friday and baturdiy ick i lot j votf tien in navy greiii hrewn rtil aavy pelku dot regnlarrirlci 15c fridiy ana saturday toe hiskutof aie udmiiaiitninilitdrit wiutlui und iu leiigtlia from j trf 8 yardii all at bargal irlten v staple dcpartnicnt ineti wall d rib tbfi 4t vilt l rent line irjlt lineil rridny uad saturday h only heady to nuke mumiii wai ti linked und irlniaml with lace unit ie tcruoii reguhir print i s kilduy and baturduy l 05 s do liel ii old hleath hmkaback lienihlitlhel and drawn work l 1 x ig uuro linen tegular price pair 1 rnhiy mul saturday h pair house furnishings 1 piece i inch cream wiudow scrim alley open work hlnpe regular 131 1 rlday and saturday 10c 1 nieee 43 incb coin boot window muhuh frille i on both cilgeu regular 4ol friday and buturday sjt 1 piec nottingham window net nil over lc i rcgul ir 5n- i rlday and suturday 3t 1 picjennitinghiim window net bm over design 44 inch regulur soc i nduv ami saturday 2 k iillhs old ymdow shades clear ing prices neuily evliy tc m tke i untlt 1 i rlnuijially 111 cream color lining fr 111 ih inliich un i ide 111 im 111 l lain and lute trimmed le t quality dole llur inborn roller 1 lightly moiled farmer price 30c to h51 l rid iy and bjitunluy aoc aad sjc accnnhiig to ue rs only mght orcen bhudes regular hue 111 erfuct order regular sue ibude i rlduy and saturjuy ajc each j wool mats regular i 00 i riday and s itiird iy 511c a number of remsmiith ip mae rat art ueiiiiu und lapeilry etc ul remnant pricrm all at tmclal pricei for friday uud silnnlu millinery 1 labt of a sorted flowers hrutm i ygt me nolh i oliugo and long inula regular 4m and joe friday und saturday 33c 1 luhle ttinuned hatti uncy jitruw n ml lhiiroh nhnpeii trimniehwlth lihljon hewer cbllton uml febtherti irimiticd apccittliy for 1 riday anil bauuday only j s t vhittxvtvlt children twkilor awn drew s ckihu i awti ureatou mother hub birduyle regular price 00c 1 riday and suturduy 4j s tchildren n mother hubbard lawa drehmcn very pretty ntyle regular 7jc to 5t itidayand buturday 50c s children k metker lluhherj lawn dreiseh very pvslty htyle regular i 10 tofiij friday uud saturday 7c 4 children a mather hubbard i awn lirekuh regular sl 7s to i 90 friday und saturday i 35 7 children u french style lawn orewai trimmed witb very fihe em broidery regular ti ij to jj on friday luid siturduy 1 jo corsets ado of 35 i airs ci geed quality only ao und ar regular t 00 friday mul imptflm coraetn white coulill in saturday sq 14 pairs summer coniets regular 50c friday nnd snturday jjc shirt waist suiu and skirt iimllty i3 iadi eccrdcn lloaiice friday and saturday ilrtu bwtfatmtnl st albuos goielv ma 1 i in w tt ii hun irateil ily h 4 iadieu white lawn shirt wui t all uiieu hutlensd m front with tucka one law of pon inaertiori dawn tin front spec hi for friday and b ilurduy atsc shirt waut suib j black luatro bklrt waint hmlu box pleat front and tiack regular fj 50 fri day and saturday v4 33 a navy blur and 1 brown liwlrc shirt waist buitu blcdy maibj tucked front regulur go jo friduy and saturday 4 75 3 navy tmjrtu a black check luatrn raetl quality aeveral raws eiiuckk down 1 front trimatfrd with buttons u vrry alylhli garment regular mjo friday and saturday ts sfi- ladies bhocs 1j imlrs ladlei uttwt tip and 1 fri lay mid uutufdu dongelu oxford rcguljr va 00 6 pain tadlea oupon ualuy oxferdj vagiur 3 friday and saturday a 00 spaheoueen quality okfnrd re 93 00 f rlduy atul baturda j 0 mens and youths suits ncy grey tweed sfuitii iwi unit baturduy 5 0lltllh regular 96 j 4nj 1 outhh fancy dark brown tweed hull regular 3 i rlday and sntur day 9 os mens suits 3 men n snitm dark tweed regulur g6 jo friday and saturday 94 03 7 men a bulls mixed grey tweed regu lar 99 no 1 riday nnd saturday 9s 03 ft men u buit dark brown mixed tweed regular 8q 00 friday and satur day 9 7s 6 men u fancy tweed suitu regul ir 81000 friday and baturduy 7 7s a mu s dark tweed suits fancy regi lar 9ia on friday and saturday gd 00 a men a fancy worsted suits regular 9 s i riday and saturday 9u jo g b ryan co guelph wc do what wc say wool wanted niagara navigation co tlilll tllllil dally rxooj l r m iny to 111 toot ol 0110a nt tnmitri jjohvh lornmn t vi a m vi 111 ii 111 u m 1 tliin ami bajii 111 arrive at tmontn 10 lie a to 1 11 in u p in t 11 11 1 mmnptn clir tieuet mnnv clrounl klnnr tr ultra luubjlnltlliiit a v watmior aod yntiuo hlreat wt af honest goods and reasonable prices have made our bueiness harris co items rocksstood 11wi h n6xum j on saijk ii his 1 in vittm ii j ml s a 111 iiouskjiaji waniet jooil w i- 1 hi mil jihof- vvantki immkdiatejjy uamniltuaif at iba atnly lo ion lluial kuwait sltuation wanted aktillhia wantki amajlhoillhorvrotiavf r luti iu linuitwork rv wlmwin rtuiliariittii iuki a i imia ai llnalon la v u0 161 ictdm i o egffn at itargain iricca 0k i unro or ai i i aid ii a irni 1 ivjan lotl at 7 c wfamlplle rinuor lost ddo lost i iii hi i urrloi ur 16 1 1 ooou i ibmal 1 10 tl a nam of hail lolnn 011 loli layabo 11 will la ill for liu cattle astray iflll dio rm al ion utitlnu l 111 be a tllalily nwar la aily on praiulaaa grain chopping tuesdays and batutldavb untii lurtliornotl oillu mill nlll le 01 an adon tumtaya aiij hituruy an 1 will not i o oimiml on my oilier daya under auy condition nltaiioavur ulaituuolin a co valuable piopoiry in acton for sale 1 1 1 idsi r tha lata tl oniaa meluolion at tl cnnmrol mill and wii trmt nan lonoltun l co a aiore the a la a wall i illt ruuulicam aiory an i a tibii conulna aatan tooiiia an i out lailldlngn lard anlaoli watar vary desirable looallon kor tanna an i jartlouurn auly to job 11 half nor an 1 1 ai un ftoi p uouaouon lllfllicato onl hollo way ijgjj 110c9 thl lirsrci ass imported clydesdale stallion will inabe thaianinii oflw7 aa fotlawa ljfsln um 1 wl l0 i stable feitf hlli kino lirln atlocloth an i tirocael to itojanallotalaiabpi ac ten nud rainelii oer fiojlnasday ho utt at n a 111 for hie ilau net hotel itablaa lnoruotowu for niolit tli ura uy be imni iti a m for lila oh 11 labia i be leafoeat it a 111 tor tbo tlloba lota alabtoa kiln wharoba will remain oiilll inm tliaiibahoinounilltliofollowlniltiiaala yarmii toliiurelu laynblolal kob 1wi vnr rtnri1kv kibviimnf aa tarea noatara uamiuti uohkciiniis bjanauar and colloolor wilsons fly pads hiimhem sill j no dead files ylby aabeut whih ueed no dlreeted hold bv dbucci9ti grooms ahb dinehal 8t0b1i too par psiehet or a pa o hot tar 9 bo will last a whole laaian unknbwn frlemlai tlioro aro many people who have uned ouamherliiin oolle cholera ami dlnrilutra heineily with splendid t units but who ate unknown becalm a- they have healtated almilt riving a testimonial nt their nxperlencn for pub lloatlon lliesepeuplo bowovor are none the less frlande nf this remedy i bey hnvn dniio nmou towaid making ii u iiouhpikiiii word hy their personal eofmuuniiiliitlfm to filnnds ami avikii- boia it in u good im illclne tn hnn in tho home and is widely known for its lutes nf d lar ilmed uml all fauns nf ikiwui linuhle vov aula by nil rtrug- kluui hhmiwio llhifil vpptir wymtlmtti hi ouctpb out progreerfli our walaliwonl 1 erf olloii niir roal we have now in aunoutaiul opara lo 1 tlm moil leroel un t data aalei 1 ol imiial i nalnota imftiina known la tlm modern duoatlonal worl i thin inatltutlon la ilia otilv plane in the iriivlimn of or vatilaaa can i iraliilna i as onini into and iraotloal nwrlc 1 oliialuml tl la ayalam nt 1 hilfliiaely intnroilliin aa it la a pull ooureo laaillnn to urahiatlon can i a taken ollhnr at our uy or 1 1 ilnu aaailona wllili onmlmiii will out lulu 1 1 1011 the wliolo var romil i iruia m maooohmiok d a principal titiiorapl7ers j tho davlfj smith enfflhhoco formerly ol kolph smith a co bo go oo church filroot adjolnlnit toronto nallway olmmbers touonto nnarnvnrn and llthornphore oank nnd qommnrolnl statlonars manufaoturare of lllu claan cal endars nnd advartlalnu novoltlou vottxil 1ib kirnl voulhmalwar daujtht run tba jf irid mnil tlbhhipmi i quality hats we sell good hals and recommend the kino 1 lioto arp drltaln a lleit llshlwelnhl and flexible fct us show you e b swacliltnnicp mnnsoiitfllur aoto ctop ttced qtsrc seed grrj mhlett apd iiriilps leading vanctieb highest prices for all kinds of grain t root nobln pfaruler i moomi rnir well finished floors ark ilkit mauk with the sherwinwilliams floor finishes they uro mndo to tlnuh floors in the moat durable manner in any stylo you desire liumrmr s h i or porth fiqoi rw a w nu painr lm vafnliliail flnnia ui ior a durable hear vamuli i vm producing a wa flnuhrf w hm wii ask for the ilooklet a t brown flunaoltldhd btooeoapitali 41ia0oo the wellington mutual insurance company vaubushed 1840 head offloe otjlflliph out inhunanou on oasb ana uutnal plan any liiaiirance reqnlrad wlllbeprotni sly attend w n dbnny aoanl youuglt aoton alaoasanl for the union lusurenea co for turlutr ixrlloulai notice to cueditoits in the matter or the estate or bllna beth sharp lata or tha villa or aoton in the county of hal ton widow deoeaned ntl2 rl 1 bl i uswaal to ll h q 1w7 cliap llfianl eiiiandluu aali that all jrodftoii lari oihora i tvuiu nlalnia ulint tba kit la nl ul atli hlmrptate of ibi lllaga ol aston in the county ol helton widow de m 0 ij rtay or rfhl l0o siueaioi1 10 land or dallvar to william ii llannr ol llie vjiiaaaor aoton in the county ol ualtoti one of u10 ko uora ol v il or afore tlia rirat day ol july 1007 their nanim a i treaaee an i itnaorlp- tlona tooaltier with a lull natameiit of tliclr fi llbvu nalnre ol ilia aaourltiea if any and lurtlinr lake nciue dial afler sail vlraldayof jnlv lur tlm llaaniitore will 1 ro eo i to illalrlliiiln tlieairdti of til a i deoeaiad amona ilia parti n on till ml tbornto liavinn re par1 only to ilia olali n of wbioli tlioy ihall ttian baveliailuolioe a j waokinnon flolloltorlnr william ii v nny an 1 john 0 uril hiaomoni to 4 epglisl7 friiit salts a pleasant eflcrvfltcenl combine l ion of 1rult salts for n laxative and blood purl tier clears the complehlon 350 not lies haters dipiig store the acton free press until dec 31 100 7 for so cents to nny address in tljc biimhii os- hcbklons snlhcrllc todny x

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