Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1907, p. 4

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3flie atloii iit ijrtss rlt hhji vv ii m i i 1wi7 uokl ho iiw ui vooii pack iiim 11 i lvl kl ui i illlll m iltjlkhlalll ii w ililnpm i ami iiil ll i clow ukiii llll h mil ll thua mvln liili i ii now ill uly lull i inn t i llouwiy i u li lull iolllrli oi ilium i win i llkt ilu nir li ivi iiilruil 111 llnbr or linliy iolll lil 111 illiilili lull imj woniliir wlm iiilu li for nn mm iirkiiiiw i lilm lunom r t in lltin ini a i knowliilniili lluu li i bin mil tn iny it jiii r iiii iwiiii in mm iioflllm i i llko in in ij ill a mlk llijvkn l i wlili intn w nt 1l yiiiiimnmliw ilmt liiki1 lili inivti lu- ahirt mil l iiji will it nl lkllli t wlirt biiil n n i irnhiniinm wlibtnlnmi ill 111 i yiarn lor yim u ml of u6ck1iim- 1 yon ru 11 yoill ff hmll mil your lintrril r ami worn iinny look tli ooiiial b wilt in fur a will i hi hmiiil inlliiy coinnionliu hut yon rn no hint o jopy tiiykivonwn hhikks the ono bug that cant be ktllotl liy pray in if is hid hiimuuk content not thyseir willi belrtfc vlr tuous in flsnoral for on link ndealnp the whole chain is defective penn mara helpful than nil wisdom li una draught of ashiiplu human pity tliut will not forsake vie cloorge kllot our grand bualness l not to see what lies dimly nt a distance but to do what ilea cloarly at haiidcarlytw tho virtue nf a man is inaaauiad not by extraordinary exertions but by avery day conduct pascal tuorols no trait of luimun charae tar ao potential foi weal or woe as arm greatrlk you do not learn that you may llva youllvo that you may isarn lohn husklx navar mluil no ninth whom your work may lie do it hpurgoon 13 very man stamps hi own valua on liltnstir hohlllei de incefie associate reverently and as mncli you can with your loftiest tlpiugllta mann noblest ffirt to niunja hia alncor- ity for it mbinraa his irtftgrlty aluo tho ilneat una of things aro the accldtiutal itoutlno is u ground to stand on u wall to ru treat to u reaolulely and faithfully what you am hn humbly what you aspire to ha disappointment will malts iib cunvetaant with tho noblest part of our nuturo wo londwr mm tho bant aailatrucaa by lottinu thoin tea bow rare u thing it la to naod any aaalutnnco ldno blbbpuiis tho amarlcnn in hnglnml aifordi matter foi iiuiuh pui ploitlly and niton lull moii t to bia lnuhah ulnnnon ona of our countrymuu w lwinr aliown mi old church wham in liuad rada of poopla wurs hurlod a ffrrnt many poopla alaapbotwuon tbaao walla mtld th guida indication tha- inaorlptiou coverad moor with u wunp of lila hand hap aald the amkiican aanio way ovei in oui ununtry why dont you gat a more lrimun pranohar runoot bombtuimo holon and bar futlinr nnd mothar woro dining in n hotel nnd union who waa ilx yliira old hml novar hafora dined in a publlo plaro tim waiter waa an attentive and ooiirtooua tlmt ilelana mother auld that ha inunt ho tlppod at the end of the nmal tim word tlppi waa ono helen bad newer hrnrd used except in coonaction with it dump oart on her fathers promlho when they got up to lanva tha dining room aha laid i o papa papal you forgot to dump tha waiter i if i watna a oirtl aoaim iirat or all i ah mid etudy elf con lint tluvcantrul of body cfaptix h of leinpn n power l nt ukt nrd in yuulli huffirci ihw i iiiitiul nf huliit hit uil tip pen rd tho imiiiim i of lf will miki inipntu oally but d in i hi rut in oviry huiniui hem i if i wxiti ii iii uii hoiihl i io nioro mrfnl iiliout my i onvnrnntlniih i rilionlil howaiu of nhuig mid h and a tiiilruiy h drop lutn allenre i aboum lyold unrrini liua a idaguc re mnmbprliig thul dm pumoi who iihoh it ahnwa line inink of hei own inferior ity i ahould pi art ice hie urt of eutb gay rrpartoo ua la fi fioln aatira and un- klndneaa learning to tall a ntory well and to dwell upon what ia kindly and hippy i ahould he mora ready tw ox piuaa my npprauiatlnn nnd thnnke foi rvicua rwderid buyiilnker with my piiilatrhikfturdihrwuh my uhlln thaao thlpga ahould do if i wifi a ghl again kidnty troubles increasing among womenbut sulferers need not despair the dest apvick is free of all th diiunmii imonn with uh tin female onnlllluni ht alllietcd kldiu y dlihtao 1 tho nimt aid and ntutuha nhow that thin dlwnw ia on tnhiruio among wcmui jtftflmma sawgeti unlcfwoarly nnd rorrort trcntnunt la appludrffiii pitkntwld un suriiwh when onco ca di iimi la twuncd ujmiit lior wohulit oidink plnlihiimairttnblo compound in tho hiohii llltlt nt treatment for hroiilt uilmy trouhhh of women mil hthx only innlhilio tajieclnlly in ji r d d r thin purnnno hen a mniiiiin li trmihllil with pnln or utifrtht in lolnx bndencho froouont inlnlul or kitldlnir urination uwolllng of limbo or kvt niuolhir iindor the cyca an tiionh lind fielinic in tho rcfjlon of tho kldni jh or not it a n etdiment in tho urine hiih choiilil lone no tliiio in run- int in inir tnutmi nt with i din 11 xink liimn vckittiibli cniupotind na it may h ho ini un i of ni line lier lifo lor proof itml whit ijdia 13 vink liama vojiltahlu coinuiid did for mrn kiwjcr i cnrmit ojmim ho u rrlldo trnlti rlnn i hud to union ad nuiilin ut oflhuli iiuilii inriinndvi1iii 1 in mini liriwtr itloii nn i a mrlouukl in jtrmlli ii licloratnmlii infirnyiii lmtikj uiiiit whpm tintll i u hi unnlilu to 1 1 imj lliliiif nnd i iimilu up my mind i could not lu i llimlly derided to try i dlt 1 1 in it li un h i iri liihln com jiouiiinuol int report mid 1 nm todny it ui ii wtinui iiiiiiiintpmliultli uliljililynn i i ti ii icry nnll rhiit worn in iihimi my ciiao 5ir lint mh iwjir mijun j jim iliikliain riven frtq ndvito to moinotij uddiviii in couildnilo lynn maml dont jump on a man whan ha ia down jump over him wa0toxiia nin tha l km you l alwrayg dautfil furniture hohptganbiib oxpeotbd a httla girl wall oxpn d the ming ling of hope and doubt which antici pation holda foi many people when alio received bar flrat very own drill after n luiooaaaion of trea- ura inhorited from bar nldtir alateia ahe turned to hoi mother face full of rapturn i oxpnctrd id havo u dnlaonie day aha imid hreatblnsuly but i didnt expoct i uhonld uvar havo my nxpaat t u nans wbin adlb for total nhutlnutico from atrnng drink thn itrgumnut la about ihle i if you think you liiuur no pei annul dnn gar from itu nbtini ahntaln for the aake of otluiu who wniild hii liilluencnd and imaalhly ruined hy yum okhiupifl if ymilnvulliindlhidlt haul to glvo it up in no at onnu ami hn glad that you can thiu aigiiinunt haa not lioon aiiawaud it in iimiuuwoiahlc it la aoinutlnili a good thing to havo a fad if yon can kuep jniopla from find ing it nut a good mmllolnn itaiiulree little aihortlalng dr lliomne llactrlo oil galnpd the good nauio it now eu joya not thrnugh elaborate ad vet tulnfr but nn ita great rnorlte ne a reinsdy for bodily puina and ailment of tho rruphatory organ it hae carried itu fame with it wherever it hauguiiit and it la prized at ilia anti podes aa well aa at homo doio ainatl effect aure the wot id ia n looking glaaa laugh at it and it laugha back i frown nnd your nwo gloom la rocaat george dllot aa ovary thtvad of gpld la valuable ao le every niumunt of timo j alaaon to curb a cold in onbj dav taka a ltlvn llrouio qiilnl na talilal a i iruuguu riifiin 1 llm money ii ll rli in oura is w oravnaalaqaliirooatadti lto u btnta tiio kind von ittivfl alwayn itmiulit ami uuu imw htovn in uho for over i jniin inth liorno tlio hlnnntiiro of y lh tim iwulo imrtw 1 1 u iwr- ljcjjtyj woimlmipcrvlhloii nlnrn llhliifhuny avyaf scmca44 j tollc4llvaolllll tlllh all counlorfolth inkuiitlniih nml ittimtiihpoml avo hub izvptirhnoiitm tlmt trldo u i tit iuhi nidmitror tlio 1icnll ii of lufiliitu mill clihdrou ki rlunco iigiihiut kxpuriuioiit what ss gastoria onutorla lit a hiirtiiltiuft niilmlftnfotor ciiitor oil pnra iforlo joropfi tlml alootlihto mywipf it in ltwihnnti it roiituliim iiolfhcr onluiat minilihiy nor otlior nun otln fuiiikluuco itu niroth km fiiuriiitdi drrstrojh wfiruifi mid nllnym rverlylulrhh t vurcu niurrlieii iuhi wind cttllo it rullovot xotlilntr actublon riirott const imtfoii nml avhioiiciicy it htihiiilliit h tlio roodn uhttm fho fltoniiu irmid jjowlih fli j ih nhlif nniliitttimil nlouii fllio clilfilro iiiiura tiio alotli rh ivr nd cbnuine castor i a always boars tha bignnturo bf the kind you haye always bought in use for over 30 years chartered hy dominion lovcrnment 1 alobllsheil 1i64 the merchants bank of canada hi ad ottice m0ntk1ai interoat added four times a year iiq dranchoa rreldent sir ii montagu aiian vleo irooldont josatiian hot oiom general minafer l i hi nm j capital paid up 1 000 000 00 deposit 1 over 37 003 cobo surplui j j r7 jgfl 19 toinl aitcla flji 00000000 savings bank deposits one dollar or upwrda will open an ncciunl manoy wltlidrawihlo any lime no delay we add intercut to principal four tlmcu a year farmers sale notes wo luve ipeclal facllltlea for collecting ihoao wo will canh thorn at once if deilred si low rate of interest joint accounts wlien requeued wo will open accounla in two nnmoi aa that cltlier ono may dnw the money hnshnnd or wife ole acton branch w s chisholm manager aodh dans kidney pills cure all kidney troubles mm himiii lhnj marnuiri out wntm 1 wiim trouhl d for fwtr juint with my hiik 1 in d a itnat many rem ill h i nl nil nl 1 until i wn nd iud hy a fn nd inn dovnh iviiimv ill 1 j i di i ho nnd tun ihim h mnd a coinnlite cun i 1 in h nrtilv utinii- mitul tinm to nil tioullid with tin ir lmrk 011 hum puhhih tin if j nu ivimii lricu r ci iita pi r box or 1 fnrtl 2b at all di ah in or inntlul dmrtim nimpt of prim hy mm do in kldmy llll co toronto hit judging from tho way lonm women go after tho dirt thuli family ttnu muit have jiaen a icruh oak chamberlains cough remedy i always cures and is plaabanl and said fanatics take the noundlnga of mental daepd and give tlio real of na aoinatblng to ateer hy there la only one thing that a young fntlow hatna woiae than being kept in the houas ut night and that la not being kt pt in bod in the morning you hna to either paddle your own canoe or know bow to do an me fancy diving and atronimue awiiuuilng ilivy drlvn pin 1 pi en away a face covomd with plinptea la nnalghtly it tella of intoritnl lrragularltiaa which ahould long elnca havo been correotod the liver and tho kldnoye nro not performing thoir ftinc- tlonu in the healthy way they ahould and thuao piniplaa nro to let yon know that tha blood protoata tarmewa vcgntable lllla will drlvu thorn all away and will loavu the akin pure and 1 lean try tboni nnd them will he another wltuoae to their excellence if a man were to awat n liar every timo ha uioate one ho would havo ida bund ready for a sling before ho had go no half a block castor i a tor infauts nnd children the kind you have always bought board tho egnataro of tuoolaik who makes tt0 u month and apunda 200 in n gieut flnnuc ier for n little whlla swa rymrt lila utiniatnr a on ovory tox ot the doniilnf nxntlvc bromoquinino ttnt 1u0 ramodv that a enia la eat day inurxpromienob an old heuli hiiiaii on the oiicaalon of hu marriage ton joung woman of twenty five waa lalliiid hy aome of hla filandi on tho dupnilty lmtwieii hla age nnd thai nf hla hi hie awaiv bit mpondcd tiaiin111y aha will bo uiai uiu to 1 louo toy win it may ln loiuaikid an old nulgh bor sfllttnnllmuly hul ito hud twa wlvaa and i hoy opened my 01m how to dreak up m oelil inmy ban miuiiini u mnuy tohmrn tfanta eaveio old oan ha kiiinphitely broken up in nun 01 two daya time thfl flrat myniptnma of n mdd nioadiy loud omiith a ptufuji w ifiuy dinelmigo friajii the nnio ami a tliin whlto emit- lug on tho tongue when olihmuni laloa rough 1 unioily n inken oaiy hour o the flint hppenihiiiui of heae eyniptnuoi it eon lit 1 mote iho altanb of the nold and laaloitia tha nyutem to a lieklthy condition within a day ortwo for aahthy uil diugglula the best positions require capable men can you fill this ofvlen ah a mhdioihat a robuke aluphaalxed hy a klndmau ia apt to hn leiitmiiibered one tiny nn otllrni walked into the ohlm of nun of llm woll known hualiierii 1111 11 f tlm wiet what do y 111 want horn p ho anhl to thaoflher i vnroino in uttrtc h tint wagna of onwofynui inuu for a debt who la hip man i he oftlrer unined him and he wm at onra hiiuimoiied to hfa rmpliiyfra ohke how long have you beau in debt wna the 111 at uueatlnn aakid jlenn liahlndlinnd for twenty yeaia i cant aco in to natch up laaid llm hut you have a good aalary i know it hut i iant gat nut of debt yon moat get out dr you imiat leave here jlow much do you ov ilia whnleva not niueh laaa thin ikmumud dollar hut theemployarlr piedlalqly wrirfr hla cheek for the utumint and aaid aa he handed 4t tn the juan l i hla will pay vllymir hilla if i hear your running lutn debt again youiltu to g it waa what the duotoia rail hmolc tlflatnierit and it not only aa ton i abed tho man but revolutionised him lie aattlad with hiacredltnre and then by oniefrttncaa knpt out of debt hatter than a ganltie for making money la tha habitof paylngabyou go debt le aoinitlmaa u mlefortntfa for which the inn who incurs it la not to hi a 111 a hut toa often it a tha reatilt of reck una folly or of the latk of wlm economy in expenditure una thing la certain 1 not ona of a thouaand aback led by auqlt bondage will find friend like the titan who paid hla workman a dobt unknown rhend there ar many people who lie uaed cbomherlalne colio cholera and diarrhoea kemedy with aptandiil re aulta but who ara unknown beoauin they bava haaltated about giving a teatlinonlal of thalr experience for pub lloatlon tliaaa people however are none the leai frionda of ihle remedy they have done muck toward making it a houaehold word hy thalr peraonal recommendation to frlanda and neigh lion it ii a good medicine to have in tho home and la widely known for its ouroa of diarrhoea and all forma of bowel trouble vttr aalo hy all drug- guta we cannot understand a character greater than our own until something congenial to it baa grown up within nuraelvee whipple milburns heart and nerve pills saved her life mm john v ennen little itocher n ii writrh i wow trniilitrd with a ntali i lite pnin tlirniirh my heart tried many rum dim hut thej mmed to lo mt more harm thnn rnnd i wna then ndvimtl h n frlind to try mil- hiirna lit art and sinn iiiim and after uhiiir two iiiimh i urn cfiiiiitt tel nirtl i cannot pniixc hit 111 t iioiirk for the worltl of rood tlirj did for inn for i ixhnve tiny mnid mj ide price fid edit i ptr box or t boxen for fl jv nt nil dt nit m or mulled dinct by the t milburu co limited toronto ont trutha wo ainoeraly anil heaitlly bti- llevn govern our whole ufa come- miontly our bollafa ara the real factori in our hlitory uaweon pounttatlon prlnolplaei flrat 1 whon wo midurtako to nil your uiibiiciipthmu wo glvo chum 01 undivided attention nnd iwnt enro tho pjitlunth wolf aro in our flrat flldotatlon second 1 wo guaiantoo our drugn to hoof full strength nu uoll nn puro nnd friish third 1 our ountomnru nro fluppllot with just what t hoy auk for t substitut ing lu nover nllowotl 1ainua oul1chy coh pound if you nro o hiifforor fitim iddnoy iiibojiuo llvor complain blootl troublou rhuiimntlhin nouralgln 01 norvoiw profltrntlon wo confidently rocom mond thu iibo of raluoy oolory com- pound thle rollablo nnd novor tils nppolntlnginodiolno la n trno tlludiiuu ban labor and aystoni builder wo npnly tlm gemilno pnlnoa olory compound at drown acton out tlia ilirbclora of rimineaa syjuamii limilod nro in toticlt will biiainaaa liotison nil over cnnntja who imvo inilalletl modern ayslomit or nrcoiinling nml nlinnafnvary day nro mot wild mnucim for onpnblo mon to lalca oliarae of tlio new systems thoy have inntnllcd right now ouilneii syiletm limitatl onn plnoa i wenlyfi vo pion at 150000 n year if lliey could got lliem i hoy con i gel llicm tho demand for tlio kind of mm wlioin limy would do willing to rocommontf far oxccoj tlio avallnula supply j in order llinl lliov may linva men lo fill i hear nosllinnn lint they imvo nrrnn for tlio marling of business pystems cjirnmorcifd school purely in lenoli mndorn mctlioda nnd to pronro sludontu win oan aton rialit out of school into any office nnywliere and talcn complole olinro a diulnm sitama cemmnroul selinol ia nnl con in ail in tlm fnnna mm icucdirait lii lluim slm llmllj lil inolmlx all mtlnrn aoooonllna l u tlirmigliaiil praolical nintlittila adoptaj lv tlm letting cmnmrojiil limiiaa hra irii tfolnb llior- oiifldv inln lli dauil nf hi wnrl from ilia llmallm ontir ia ranaiva1 fnltiwinif it llirmiqli lu lnllin ilapartmn uilra nte anil tlidfotiglily iliteminj ilia tlmlanl aa 4 apaaialial in modern mallimia c tlie srlnol laanhoa llinrmiahftr commarolbl arlll mnlin dmrtirolal kpllinu ami in lla iwhi ailvanr j ed e rnmik c nntikiciui law and moiljro lianling hiiainoan syhlnma cnrnninrrml s0i100i wnnl nn dronea them to humnihti ioiioko incroly lo pul in n yonr nftor they i f jiii aro n linulit awrossivo young oerwon nntl wnnl in make yoiirwlf thoroughly ijiinlu apoointiat in madorn nncoilnling hlona wrilo na for bouktet on llto ootirsos tnuuld knibi in inuuarn downvristcta scnoou xjt wr f iait j toronto 53 spndlnn avenue canada saaaaaffaaaaaaaaaaa t after llionii mvaliantinit llm lint aclinola in amarloa umlnaia 3lma commarolnl solinnl fceve inilalld llm inrm wattm id aliorllianl and typawrilind laaolnng c onk- dport laaolmia wlm imvo imd practical iiiiii nana aipurltnca employed and relail aiwell aa wholeaale liualncia mellintu are uuulil i tliara are flpeoial niukt courea fr almldnia who ail eeenpv ioii and wlm ara ileiirotu e ailing llm i wlm i a for itiiitlilnu linllvr rhildrrn or no studenla of tlm t intm whono pnrenle send srliool i have aeldnni known anyone who deserted truth in trlllei that ha could ite truatod in mat tare nf lupotunoa l lay there aro n number of varieties of onrne hollowaya corn dura will re- niovo any of them call on yourdrng gist nut get a bottln at mice the acquirement of knowledge la tho acijulaltlon of power 1 tha mo nf knowledge la tho exercise of power ibirtnn there novor wiih mid never will w a uulvorual pauaien in ono lomody fii nil lllu to which lleab im heir what would tothivrt 01m 111 in turn wniild agkiavtilo iho iillu la wo luivi howimi in qiiinlmi wlm win n nlitnliiid in a miuhi iiiiadultoi ntid htalu u m 1111 dy fm many nnd kiiivoux lib il hh gnitluul nnd jildli loini mm the fiailinl hyuleiuu ie hd lulu univalent uiu ami atri ngth by tint miluiiiin vvbub qiilnlun oxorta 011 natuiih ow n 11 utoiatlviiu it 10 hi vi u thoiiii lo whom a ihionh uuu nf moihld ilmpiith nry and lark of llitiliiit ill llfo lu 11 illiuaiik d by tniiiiiiililng llm iieivm diupohim to 11011111i nnd iifiimhlng nln p luipnrta vlgot to the in tlnii of tho hhmtl whlnli ih lug atimuhitid diuinoa tlirnigh tho vi ipn mim iigthoniug thu in althy mil nml fipii llonu of tho uyauiln tin rohy mekiilh a tivlty i ihuewtuty rifiiilt atiiiigflioiihig tint friunii nnd giving tlfd u the tllgentlvn 01 gun h whirl unliiinlly dfnuatid inrlewhi i tmhulnuro iitnilt liiiii6vil apjuto north pfc lyiimi of jovoiito hnvo glvidi lo tlm publib theii imporlor qillnliu hy tlio ojilnloh of m h rtintw tho wlnn appuindiih nuiliul plifd tiou of ntiy tn tlm uiuliul aii dipggiata hi ii it fdaaulocfv ia l the rorijmost hiiniclnllor tlrday it in a purely e table nmji iiitid i- eiihliig jmrfeet n finlal inc iui ni u or all tlid orgatih pf the 3iii in anil roi troll lug their kinnitlniim h no puriilea tlm lloml that it rutrii all hlootl huuiorn and dituihih nnd ij eomhlneil with ij unrlwilleil mpilalll rlentmiuff mid jmrli dm in llm nro m ndeii it iiu for idl iliwtiim 1 of ln 1 kin mr itobtrt ikilmi mlllhanl int wrltflil 1 home timo iign i m thfmhhd with holla nnd plnmlpa whleli 1pi lirenk- jfitt mil ooiiutantly aflir takliut two bolllea or ilurdnuk lllootl lit i em i mil eoniplotiily cured a for diarrhoea dysentery and all summer complaints dr fowlers extraot or wild strawberry 13 an imbtantane0u8 oube f khs lieon lined in thouiand nf homps during the paat sixtytwo years nnd lias slwnyn given njitiiifactlon evory homo ohnuld hnc a bottln ao on to im ready in caw of emerrenry prion 3s conti nt all drugglat and dealom do not let nnmn unprinclpnlled dmggint humbug you into taking ao- enllcd strawlierry compound tho or- glatnt ia un tow lliiii tlio real arc aub- atltutcu mm o bode lrthbridgo altn writea we have uaed dii iowlkna kxtiiait or wilo stiiwficiniv and found it a great remedy for diarrhoea bummer complaint and cramps wa would not like to bo without it hi the boiuo the old and rollablo granite and jharble dealers n waillillrtrin aid liklnia llliia havlnu i lir ciiktiuii ntnl wn liavi llm lul a 1 lunnoa only maaliaiilnli llinlomlnli 11 wli 1 nail am iiiauniaua utilu ia rlv w n ul rolareiiai irnin linn ln la t mt rnalnniala turonlo ana ntliar i li wham olliara have alaii i law nil in fir lor lo r lunl wa lie ilia larifai an i linl atonb of trnll in 11 domlnliin ir tnura llian any lliraa ilaalara i hit want waira ujllliiial daaluri ami liny no auanta an t ita not annny nr 1 i i ulnar liy un lluu onl iptionaiii uiita in anil ii fruiawa uuiliy inaolianlna only an 1 ilafy oainiiatlllnn hamilton sons cor nor lol- ami uulhl m i h i 11 rbbaalasrialbsbbbbbbnblabbbbbbbuiaiisbjbil one or the moat all iking eigne of smiling may la the big moving van tor inflammation of tho byes among the many good qualities which iarmeleea vegetable tills poeseaa beahlaaregulatlngthe dlgoitlve organs is their efficacy in reducing inilamina tlnn of tha ayea it has called forth many hitters of recommendation from those who were afflicted with this complaint and found a cure in the pills thoy affect the narva centres and tho blood in a surprisingly aotlve way and the result is almost immed iately seen thinking no evil doesnt play a very hig part in tho drama of life dr j d kellcggs dysentery cor dial ia prepared from drugs known to tlio profession ns thoroughly reliable for tha cure of holers dysentery diarrhoea griping pains and summer complaints it hae been uaed success fully by msdlcal praotloneere for a number of years with gratifying re sult if suffering from any summer complaint it la juit the medicine that will cure you try a bottle it aella for 25 cents keeping aeorets aesm to be a paying occupation for some iwopte help your children to grow strong aiid robust hy counteracting anything that causes iii health ona great cause of dlseaso lu children la worms itamovo thnm with mother graves worm bictarmlnator it never falls getting abend is easy enough when somebody else pays tha freight ojlmvoxixjl ours tha km vou llivi uniyi bwjm olftiaur it la not tha amount of money the amount of power tho amount of brains that a man hus but bis char acter which counts hiiakln wall paper fflvopv tnlccmd will iepoe will fcdd mora limn alt cfu to llialiifinfliufluifunudi jn nt a jii me ba it a mfl- m orcotugoavmr a liumhh 1 mete your tebctkona iron alrnrd ijarsmwwell ifnlof txj7 tinvcryllirvg in wall lvrml1mimp rtl lli t pxul to llm hut tint 1 made any ityle any qual- vay at any finca to turf imy ptxkat book fj 5mph iliown and tlimaie c near fully tut- naliatl vjulmul otuf- boatebuy wm- oimbon rihiur anil pa par ittdbtr aoton t jetr 7k a excelsior bakery wc are headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas- try etc of first- class quality wc also carry a splendid stock of groceries and con- lectionery t statham son mill street aoton synolsis of canadian northwest humcbt8ad iifto ul ationo anv ayan mini bared aaetlna of ponilelon lamia in uanltotia uukauhawan anil albarta aioapuniihadd ait not luerveil may be lloniutmiiaj by say person who la ill aola liead at a lamlty or hy male over if yean nt as to til a aitant ot one quarter eaotlon of 11io aorm uioraorlmi entry mini im matte iaraonklly at tlia looal land omca lor i lie dlalrlnt lu wbloli the land la llielollowlaa plana l al leaat six monllia reildenoe neon and oiiklvatloa of iii lauj in aaoli year for hi roe yoare 10 if tlio latliar armotlier if ttis father la daeauatl ol ilia lianimumdar raaldea upon a arm la ilia vlolnlty of tlm land entered lor the ulremanta sa 10 raildenoa may ueaallsnod aueli iienoni ratldlog villi tlia lailmr or require man la sa 10 raildenoa may ueaellsried ty aueli 1enoiii ratlt 1110 111 a r 11 if tlioaatllerlisslita irmanant rcalttenoa ipon fa nn no land ohiimi by lilm in ilia iolntiy if i1i1 lionimuajl hie vennlromenta aa lo real daiio may lb tianad tiy rteidauae upon tlm id latd hl monllti nntlda in wrltlna iliould tie siren j tlm onnimiulonar of poiiilnion lanate at ottawa of intention lo apply for patent deputy ol tlio mlqliler of tlm interior v ii unautlioriiad publication of till ad vartliement will not ba paid for iftm oritical w gooper examlnnllon ot the piece goodjt in our sleek nlwan planner us nnd rarely falls ta plosee the other wan pawhittiialile gexnls preperly cut pjoporly l3l jt these things we guarantee you dont order any ilothiug until you have examined our stock the taihor oiianil trunk railway paimicnomt tiiainu hats if am r p1ll klnf ha is if wakkimlkd all hlciilur hli all our cup from it i 00 nt half prkol cf4rnjg out rtitllah on utrajiml r npt wanting to mevt mr mofll ihooi itafj at big rrilutlioii 1 i ith wire h injer 1 fulv direction i fix va acintand 50c lafo ntaines fur store guripii j acton pump tile works o d eddaoe proprietor our premlica nro now fully equipped with all tha latest machinery and appliances for manufacturing pumps and 7umj suppilwm tilv far wvjjm cimfraw oujreru mte stm ripo rtiuaer tcaim mbii np supplies orders prompily filled main st it llt acton new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the best quality waters bros guelph am store hcton ii iz6r y bus ling tlia tinderatino i raapaolfully anllolt tbepauea k aie of iba public ami luforme tliatu tfisl well equipped and btyush itlgs oaa always babaourad at blaitablaa train belwtmn 10 a m and s 10 oarelul attention wan to eoaryo tub want of commercial travel p to ryortir fuilyiiiai john inilllikturs pbophistob yers saw mills na86acaweva tourtoot slab forsnlo lumlock mart tine lumber booo cedir fence towts toltphoa jo1m or codnr tar may pufonto tip to 40 tot long hill stuff out to order xrafn and shingle roattaatiy on hand p sayers sons nasaoawkya v o do vcano exptrienon corner mill and main ktreelh acton bubbsi in repairing a watch to do ll well the workman must imvo natural mechanical ability rood training and experience wit havit thicm alu mr wllllami my foromnn nnd mysell hove bad each over thirty years prcllc1 experience on all classes of watches oimi and hatl we feel that we have ihn ability and all ihe lacllllles for doing extra good woik and wc wish you re our prices are just ha same at oilier peoples hul wa believe we cm give yon hei ler saiisfnolloii than most plncea gt d pringfcle wgtchmakcr r guelph thade manke dcsians coavvniawra ao enillii3 aaltelfli and doirrlrtlnn may liifoily aemrlalii ilircilul 11 frae lulli an i itpiillnn ia 1 rittiablr p4irmtitl u rin miinlra llmaltlollrjsmnlelilfiil uandrow onlaianla r it re a ll nijoifr ti r inihirlj aratanta 1alaiila taken ihroiiuli lliuiii ivi remtf ipttunthoiut willidiitoliame tilth scientific jitttcrictat a hanrlinnielv lllulraf i troeklr i nroeil hp riiiallnji if aiivarifil lilln 1 iirnn lnasla foari nur bum tin it llulabyali pel- i rov me ill a ni ir wllllrjl yon opinion na i hlifllkr il lapiolialilrl 11 appllmlloitihavboftefil 1 monliaall lo prompt wilt for our liilrrounb i woke invent ets kile anl how j 00 ere a wind lad baud itaa rough abelch t r model l your in yeir trc imleulable itflrcted appl bean anrc via nil 1y pri mmm co 1 id lift fully eiiillliiwd nfllrra emt waalihibtoat miuiinllrice ly illipalch work nnd iiuculy arure ieumb a limed a llm hit eat it 11 lllalmalrcfareaai tiinilihad lalnit rriviiiril llnciinli mnrlntt a ma rlon reeelv apctal not if will mil chars in over iooiirwiientin illtutiiul throuylioml ihe in minion t eealaliyi tali nl i alneaa ol uaautee urarebhif lliiglueera marion marion pteni knperte jnti bpllfiuorsi

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