Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1907, p. 3

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the grand tkunk railway iabbienoin nialnq oki ho ulat no ih no a no ii nn u no lit all rain i clkorstiimii our stock of nogoro knlvon woddlnu vqrku bpoonn wortdlnrf is up to diln pro bo n to in ihluortii i iiy ci mi ie o hynds jovwllo mill st auiin hhhhhhmhumuiimhhutirxriltmm b z titian 3fm ijrrsff built local urns to moitow will lit tin yi ti limit nit tiny oakvillo y to luio an nil nitfht tulephono enjvlto nflei lnl lt the tliiio for lulif hot utnmin ollurcli gervheu h nt limul njiun tho tnoiitiiy nltcnil m in tin- ha ill on monday mid 1m mi 1 m sdiy inoakvllla thoy flnu tbo parent who fall to hornl llioii children to school mlrisuuiluci iiivluw in viuiib will ha held m th hhmhiy schools mxl h ii nil mr l williamson in una n commodious bmii nu bin prupi it on guelph fltreot i i woitlin li iiiliif iiih liiii her shop thin waek to tlio shop next kennoy urns store the prospecu mo rood for n ery large number tnklnjr in iho fklmshiu to th full next 1 no ml ii messrs ii lonne ii affiiuvv and tameo hinith mo usslstiiiu thu j kegl hand fit camp niiirfiini acton cllluns mind will lic no open air concert of ntnc iiiiidic nt tliu bund stand on fintuulay i vuilnu mr annuo 1 hiuuiiui who wm playing with lltn mi iph muslcul hocletys hand in tliu niilituy camp at london return d home un stindnj a raretiiihof lit utility f hal ton loyoloranke lodgi iii l hhl in theltoyil lompluin null milton mi monday uftmnoou limn jlth mm minting at j o idlu tim hen 10 hum tuiini lettitlii ly intended in bun ii in ii timed to land acton puhimittnu at llio i ninn htatlou in exactly mm hour and imiu minute arrivlnjj nt 1 1 li a crowd of nlioiit rut nty qvo young people hum cton mid vhiuiiy drove to htnnh y im it nil stitiudny morning and opont tlio iln wny uijny ubly at thut pnpjiliii nut it it will hunn ho tttnn foi thu urniiy to ha cut un thn trviu jhn the municipal odlcoi uill find thu liu cant brjou hate etc uiiilii who not rakad upas tistinl in tlio upiiiijt messrs w ii stony son limited hnn provided aim pi i inniot lawn for the ueo uf tliulr oinployanu nt tha noon hour mu mniilngti jhilt thouglitfillnuhu n nlm h nppiai iutod tha utronta ntro intlioi duutj on jimday ha too mm it to expect that with n uprlnljiiik nftm ilivm oclock hntiirihiy ihouiihr tln duat will ho until mmhltiy nwininn on bright mi nhiny viiniinii dnjn 1 ho work jurlnk thu pnm wual him hum tnoit atltfactorlly done houuver onodivy lnt mvu die dilll tcit wan madont tlm milton puhlic n hool und in nseoontli aftui tin almm win glvan ovory mom mm umplltid nf ill occupantu rlmuiiik ihnl iho din iliill adopted in moat iltm ifw 1nronlii who huvn lhllihni attandliir mhool will no douht ho pli nwi d to hmrn that in citio of flie luiinkhijt out at iho ohool tlinro nord lm no alariu fnlt an to their nfaty ltdfoi un i 10000trout fry to ottawn tha ottawa itlmi huj itm thomand pnrkled tiout fry from flntbrnou hum hntrheij nt acton arilmdin ottawit laut evmiiiik to ba dopnaltad in tho witrn leuned by tho rindlay ike tim and jjimn iluh tha conilnuient nilnnt d nutation at ijrookville and hud in w inought around by cotonu on the hi mid ijunu it nm a trying joiuiioj yet the fiy arrived in excolleiit imnilltlon mid through tha mini now of hofnior imnea comniluhloiiei of luhvrloi ml jm dlckbitn dormhiiy nf tho rtuh wai parinittod to lime thoduhlntakopt over night in tlio tankn or tlm lilitiiy axhlhlt hulliling quonn utrnit thuy will ha uuirii to 1 initlny lulto to dny munngur llohcilh ui ompaiih d iho ihlpiuant tha naw dominion ilntol vtw miiio llnio aiehlttirt w a mabnnoy of out iph hau hcon wink ing on pliini foi the lohulldlng oh tho nomlnlon lloud and now luinllmd ijenian hit lha hutiifucllmi of uoeltig the woik roiiiiiiiaicnd whldi will tranifmiii hi piemlmh into ono of 1 most cniimiodlnuh mid hi wt appointed liotala in the cilmity i ho rouiodellod building u 111 ptuaeiit a iiontagti of 77 feat nil mftlnhtrwol tliiin toiieii mid biueinont ulmnitv aildltion will hn 12xflfl thion atnrlru of olld hi ink and thapnmont hiiltillug l he faned with brick and a thhd utoi y itdilnd iho building uhon touiplnttid will ho n mmlein hotel utiuntnu with inufit llliprovainonlu find niiituleunan it will havo hpanloiih hiillx wlda utalr- wiiyi large hod ioohim mid pmloru jiath looini and ilmnha ho hintnd with hot watt i in nl tut well lightad with plain u in ni4 wlndinvm in tho fiont hoavn hwaikhuuiin liuu the inutiitcl foi tlmmiirpfiitm work ami 1 ilnh- timi will build urn icinnnt htnnn anil jiriakwoik tim unhnet calhf for tho fcoinplatloii of ihe hulldhik by tha jt ootohel nlws or local import moo on hnltott oao ktoumlon i ho luhph iloiald y that hallon milltj niil ijni elrumionliitu in ihe a mi hit iileventh annual i hour ulon laal hnlurdny it waa a glotluuy d ly foi an outing telit to lit oltt country i lie lat mooting of tlio oung roitt miclnty of knox jliurch fm iho mmion will ha hrld thin nvimliig nnd will hve a very in toijhtlng piogiiiiuiue mr l lln- ihuuoii m i will glva a uctura on liiu tilp lo lha old country hub jiai i loryhody w lciiinn there ulll ho a tolloi tlou mora mew uoumw oolltir up intactcn alackonle liai loiuinan i ml the aicltiou of a brick vinper cot- lagu lilxlj with an h iouji for mi dan hteuarl on wellington htraaf tlniitlid i in a alio lmei brokan for a hi it k venom ranliunci for mr hpanqer lluobalitl on wji1w htreal it wlllbrt 4kjt two ntqrlutt 4 uotyai to msv anther vany flot khuivi vanny returned laut awek fiom ielliit wltera hinittd iwieii rfth ndlug tha convantion of h l ihlinllc irdnr or ni ontefe tlivvon tatitlihi itrlectoil hhii provincial ifiiittur an olllco of importanrf and lie wiih alio gf vonthe honor of hi ing i lot d a dt legate to tha inter optional iinvi nt inn of tint ordifuhlcli meeta in st i mil minn in aligunt mud ri n danth l baqualntr mr lohn iiiiiih of lot ii don j ltmnulug dind on monday morning nfti r only u waekylllnaes mr hurai- hud la- on nuhing hie eheep on fjntiir- da nth inat and took cold and on sunday had a levera chill thie woe riilloivd with pnouuinnln nnd daath i mnii d on monday uiornlog deceaisd unit a hon of tho lata alan huina and wan horn on the homeiltnd where he leuldeil miu hunia who wn a daughter of the lata laorge ourrla ob na biigawpya niirvlvei him and their fom ihlldrep ahx ilnwnid dluko and lhrielimi all of whom are at lumii mi homo was nn ndlmtant of hen ton ciuuliyttrlilti ohtircli and wai an aidunt llhwial lha funeral took plai t yeitvrdny afternoon to ier- uruun cemetery milton llhpplly wadded at wlnnlpaa a very quiet wedding wai olomn- iml at tho church of ohrlet winnl- pi h on i uno 10th nt li p m whan dr i m muni y of yorkton bak and miu it un currio of auton onl wora united in holy wedlock ltav alex mlmiiiuii a former pantor of tha hrlde oltllinted tha hrlda wae bix miiiniy attired in nil oinplra gown of nhit paillrtto uilk with chiffon trim- inlngh nme tho usual hrlda veil and i an led u lnnuiuot nf cianui roias sha uan alt ndul hyhersiitsr miib kittle u hi wui ii a gown nf cream ellk tiillcniic a lilulk picture lint and cm- ikil pink cat tint lone ihe bride tiutolhng hiilt oonifnted of bine pnna ma cloth with white net hloute over tnivota ellk nnd hat to match tha loom mie ukhlated by hie couuln mr w m an vnluoubiirg of reglne stfak only thn immediate relet van of the cmiliactliig partloa residing hi tho lii ucro prcuent alter tlio un oniony a dalnly luncheon wae nerved nt iho lionn of the grooma iinuo mi t w ilanry 1w mher bijnike stieut iho bildal pnlr loft at j p in foi nt 1aiii denver and olln i polntewrul after their rot urn thu will rtibldo hi yoikton com pnlrvlaw plnoo pelntr modernised 1 or nioro than a quarter of a century i airviuw ilncnhne iield te distinction with itu niaeslve and conmindloua oloiiu roildanco nnd lie extunelve ginundu in which ara combined notuial beauty nnd arilillc lemlicnpe gaidoning of being actons finest lesfdouthil properly with a view to iiuidoiiiilng tho exterior ihe services of mr lohn oanioron contractor huiu engaged uome time ngo and pliihu nud opacifications have been pi npni ed und accepted by mrs 8ml th and nporatione have been coinmohced on tho w rk tbo improvements will i i iinerorm the npponranca of tho fa end of tho ft out ilovatlun of lha building and liicludo it vuro n da and balcony of i nod cut deulgn and commodious pro- poitioim tiib n audo will ba 10 feet long tun foot wldr and ba fin tubed uilh a clrliitur mid miming up the two stories and be surmounted with a chctilm timet with conical tiled roof 1 ho hatiou pf tho heavy posts support- ln tho n true lure aro to bo of solid i inikmil panelled and four in number iiohj fqunro mouldad columns will mippoit the iloor of the bnloany and roof ihooflrnm tower will be thirty futt high air camerons oxpsrlencod supui vision will ensure n fine oppoar biilo to tho remodelled ralrvlaw iihco tjib atuln bo n- drown nuptlala on wednoidny of last weak fair- viow the lioine of mr and mr lohn ihowiit kvipiflslng was most tastily decorated it holng tho occasion of the man ingo of their only daughter grace iniilst to mr thomns i atkinson nf li hi 1 he bridtr who was given away by her father was most handsomely gowned in ciaitm bilk with her thn of ovuihico and chllfon and carried n hoinpiut of ciaaiii and maiden linlr fitn tho htldeeinmldu mlm maggie wiijh of artdn andmlsaciaramoora of i lock wood woio gowned in cream crepe de chono mid carried boiupisth of pink i nsui end mahlou hair foi ii tho groom was supported by his oouiiln mr donjnmlu atkinson of tmonto the reieniony wav par- formed by uuv cj w harkqr of acton willi thn hrldal purly were taking their places nn tho vniandah which had beau made attractive with evergreen a and llnwera mis clayton km han i played meidlsiohnu wed- ding muiulit iho grooue gift to tha hildowun a bountiful gold watch and ohaln and lo iho bildesuialds gold biniielies home eovaiily live gnoite puttitok of thn bountiful lepaut served hpdsnhes of eongrnlnlullon wore imidi hy m 11 atkinson mr hlchard hhtilnok and ltav 0 v darker tha in ida wai tho i ecipient nf many hand- uome nnd cosily presents the bridal coiij lo loft on the evening train for toinnln nnd other points where hilr ikiimyuiuou will ba upaitt thn hildeh going away gown was reeuda gitieu wllk with white sequin yoke and hat to match iviehde were invited from luidph mm din ihlnllooli- wood arton alhefln wlunlpeg mleuniirl llnnwllllams clilngunconsy uveiton andtottitn a hfamorlal ewlo a memorial eervlru will ba held in thn methodist church next hominy evening it will relate to the ineuiliciu of the church who hnvu died tliu ing tha conferrum year ilttv mr lin ker nlll prrftrh rt special niumorlal eeriumi nv mr dryaaule cnllert to nootieuui luv it i drysdhle who hati immi taking a tlperlel courun nt valo i ui verslty has been eallod to hi ntiuii i ito paator with hev or htraym in llm third ireabyleilnu cburi h llmhilm n v mr itryau will not be nuk d to sever bis connection with iho ton gregatloual denomination cyellnjr on the tvment heveral vyelulh have hrcn i idiii mi the pavejuents lately with hiipiiuily the most frequent offonras hnvu inn committed on oung htrat it social and personal mi i i moure sint the week and aljuuinto nnd niagara i leiil a m hntlth was home from camp vlngura over hunday mrx w nvlili of naasngawoya is upuuding n few days with mellon fllflldx mih ilpps clulrrh ht a pending a few thtyu with mrs henilereon i iijii iiifu miu i liabetli iray of toronto w im n gunftt for a ft w daya title wek al mmieiroft mi 11 mn ihiiwu wont to toronto jmturilny lo write on her llrut axatn in ttloti pi inn ili- mi it i mcnebh rt turned fiom the imqilinl at luelph on httturday con- ttiilttnilily iinpinvid il mrs lumre livingstone tha last yoilng man appiehpudml tf i fl rt linitid finin tliolr ionaynioon tour itir vlelation nf the bydaw vrohlhlthig nnmiinilny lvenlng riding wbein on tlm inivmnunti il hi i rny hiixbaen tpendlngn few mayoet sevarnl tr targm anurdiy dttysrui hs unminl fluhhig tour on lie elinvtly if they persist in htitirruiiaf rauhwtt mmtfttrailum dkily the new tluilt table wth thn fhli rtewjrahn 1 now lit elfilcl on the 1 t ft ami the umdv f ills vhlniiy will jintly have nil the pi iru convejllohceutljey di alro twv 1 iuiiiih go oftiit ns follrtis by the mw lluin tahle d ik km lit u aiid i ii n in forenoon mid 111 mjl nnd h li in nrtorunoji lining wost iliey arv h ij and ii fitt in tin foinnopn jt-f- ii 1 iii and h jii in tlm aftf i mum nud tlm nv midnight tiald at u j all trains atop nt at iniii huh the hleatho ltklita till 12 do now thnt tin 1 1 it imih imnpli 1 with tha rrquuil of ihy couurll ml the hoard of liailti and put on a li tin leaving toronto at 11 p m anhli g nl arton at ij o would n t it bti iui i ful action nn tho pail of tlm i un 11 to run thn power plant till 1j in onch night so that passeng re wilt mt ho obliged to etep off hiih it in in tlm darkneus of niidnlghi t itione gin erfllly who may havo 1 1 ration to urn that train would appiet late mv much such un arrangement nn tho part of the coiuii ii rev to wallaoeaoeatowoodataau the resignation or ltav i v al lace ma as rectoi of ht little e church la to take effect nn lime kith and skortly after mr wnllnce will move to woodstock to take lhaig r nt pauls church theie this is out of the largest churches in union dim oo nd was in charge of dean imlblug now of kingston until u few iniiutlut ago the church lo hnndsomely endowed mr will luxe mine to oak vllle some five years ago from oeoigo town and has boon most ciictgotlc in atrengthediiig tbo church in all itu branches ilu li t unido hltntair pop utar with all deuomlnatlolm mid classes oakvills star aoton ii drlarht 1 the first home gatno for tho at tun team in tho intel mediate eeilnn of tbo a on natmilay afternoon win it brilliant success so foi at least an tlm core was concerned and tiiiinagvr flmlth wore a smiling faro unit evm ing with n score or lll to his ntilit against ilrlght ililght wns onlv nblo tn scrape up eleven men foi the ti i so one nf tho local team wns laid i it they might have laid olf four m ikn and still hna been iiitit for tlm game lay tn their hands from tho list faiii off the ilrlght nggitgiithm not partloularjy fast nud thrh ih fmco wasnt able to copa with tho aggua elvenraa and tllrkeiyuf tho oliloi heads of the local terfiu pddlo it dor whs particularly in evident e tlmn and again boring in on the ililght gunl keeper and scoring most of the tallln i the old tllliero hob hcntt ihadloy ooullette and campbelt were aluo prominent but the whole team did well iloally thuugb limy tlidu t have to work veiy hard iho vlultoru were not all up to tha maik nud will jtand little chunco in title district oho of the ililght euppfii tors wan in a pinch called on as re f one nnd haudlid the game wall keeping it wiiimknlily clean tho expoctsd ciowd was bid ing other ovontn that afternoon piov ing n stronger alttactlon born in acton in ib3b ihere paisod to bis rewind on luun til nt hie home irani knpldu mkh in the person of lioorgo wahhlngtou adams one whoso eaily lifo uau closely connected with a ton history mi adams was itoin at acton ono of the llrut children bom here on inly 4 ihti nnd had there fore renohed the rlpn ago of uovonty flo yenre llle father was the lata itoi kra adams ono of the eaily pioneer inlnlsteis of lha wusleynn mffthndlst ohiirohi who lived to ho over ninety yenrs itev ijtra adniuu was a brother of unfits and mius adams clooigo w adams was one ofa family of ten rhlldmu live snuu nd llvo daughtoio mm brother nud one slater of whom survlvn him di john ci adams den tint toronto und mrs itev thos onlbort of toionto iioiu of mr adams slsteru iimrrlsl mathodlst m i nlit tore itev iho lliulhurt kov mnl thew hwa nn itev las li dyer and llnv thou culbort at the ngo nf twnnty lu mairiud lenhalla inno lonex i ive chlldioii woie bom to them iho widow und two children nf whom ur- vlvw abnur j living in tho distant west and miss kmma who an lovingly and dovotedly iiii caisd for her ognil parents nt home km flflyllvo yean this aged couple enjoyed each othoiu sochtty and shared tho varied ox pailnnces of life now to bo supiirntttil but with the bright out hopes of n to union la heaven never to pail in n7i the deceased wont tn tho 1nltod rtatee and settled in north oitmliiia in 1h77 he letunvad to linnd llaplds mloh which hns been hlu homo bo past twenty nine- yearn fthorlly nfler ids marilnge he was cnuveited in hanover out and milted with tho melhmllsls ho had flllutl all tho oftlroo of the church outside of llm mlnleliy nnd was an notlve devoted spiritual christian man ho studied his hlblo lived a life of prnjerj iil lamp was trimmed nnd binning he was to garded in the highest terms no father husband and clnutlnu a imiu full of fnlll a mail of rlrnn llfo one who know not llm taste of intoxlonnts or tobacco in any ftirn u blight ft ml shining anamplu to the younger geiiernllnn ills roimilne wain inniltu- ly laid nwny tn iruauwoud cnuiolniy irani hapld- thflia to uwnlt the glurlou ieturreolloiootili aitx mntftilu itiver he will vet in il to da ulr and mru lohn cameron of olojlisvlllv n v uro spahdlng hril dik with fwentlu in acton and iiil ipl lmi iuudovo niul mrd doiitigb of allilnn vraia vulting at mrs i a iiiialinu s mrs denughy dtughter i r u mi l hondtiihoii mi ettei jed fuiiiiul r the late lohn waldle m i at ruronto- und durllngton laot i tiday mikoitrudeandmi it pallia re turmd homo on flitmlay after epeild- iokit rmijilo of days with friuads al milt ioiks mia i kllchiiig of ntibiagawayn and mm 1 u itlacklock nf way bill ti hnak viiltstl mrs i w hue- itd ihlswelk air i d cbrlitle and miss jean lirlutio left last week on a trip to the old country ihey will ba away a li mt two months mrs losluia noirlsh who has been ponding u month friends in toronto mm in a few tliiys for orauvllle ninth dnkutn where her dailghtoi residrii mr mnl mis william j rant or i ot onto are viuitlng acton friends for a wiuik in ho limy intend going to st mary a to spend the summer wltb tlmh ni thern mrs ciiun alblgtay of toronto has n en upending u hi ok or so at ialr- luw imare nnd with other friends in in towu hio intonds shortly taking a trip to thn weal alt nud mm c williams and liar it t of hanlt hie mai le nre spending n few weeks ut tlio homo of councillor w williams all william was at- t tiding toionto conference the past weok mi liailio a matthfiwi son nf iliatiunitri alntthowrf who has been in tlu stall n uome tun years nrilved lionio uit wurk to spend it fiw days ilu h lonlutnputlng settling in to iono mi itolinrt wulkui and family who have ifrtidid in acton ellice their airhal fioin hmtlnnd some thrse nam ago will rmovu to qalt in a few wunku i hoy have been vary vtiulhy itluuu tlio lata tliomaa lane it ij tlotihtful wlmther there remains in tliu townnhip of riposlig a rosl ilunt wiioho ngi exciedu that of the into llumiasliine nhnso lomalna were laid away in ira nwoni cemetery oeoittotovmi on haiindiiyjiet mr i iimt was born in iho township of tinfilgai in the vear 1h1h and was piim tij ks yimiii nnd o months old on tlm day of hlu dimth ho came with bin pureiith fiom trafalgar about the uu 1hj1 to lot j con ti liquet log niul with tlio oneplian of a very few juim tliu has been his home ever ninn when the family flretj arrived lni i hurts weie few buildings in the lot ulil y and it is atatud that the first niicht in thili pnmpoctivo home was npint iiudri the sliouernf n pine tree i lu douinsrd u as n man nf l emsrknble phvmbnl four niul to thn last he wu fiei fiom snliirlng mid disonee aid ngo heiug hie only allllotlan in irllglon all liuio was a methotllst la lug foi inventy yeara u member of that denoininatlun in politics he wnu a coitueiv alive he loaves a widow who lu now in her klrd year also two suns nnd tbue daughters thrcn of tho family died eomo years ngo there was a large attendance at tho funeral the service being conduct- d by itov ii a conk tbe pall- baaicm weiet win mcdowell laooh huinor itoheit urown innnord chis- holm win nowlon and future no tun the deceased wnu universally teepci led being a man of the strictest iultiiilly savings accounts i intrst paid quartcrlv georgktown bttancii vv v jbirely agent special iwgins after heavy nelltug there ih always a- lot nf broken klien odd leagtka and a lot of odd aedeiidn la each line of niercksiulii e absolute security genuine carters little liver pills must dour slgnatur of am paeiadls wrapper delew veit asseu end eaesay tatejuoeaisa carters rflrdininciiv yumemk rbn iiuouul roitribiivua roh cflhmipatlon mbuuowuim ror tmccompuxiflai euflft silisu heaoabhat ibgl- wlihth rituat bi cleared nut at one thna we have picked out and marked at rldlauloindy lew prkcu la order te mnke ipilck mii leg veu will huve te move quickly not to ba dkabpohited ill nlurimf what yeti waat tke supply will not laut inns at the prices dress goods aoo yards ureu goedu tea diutitict nkudes ami patterns to choose from regular sje to 75c yard to clear ut 19c loo yards drew good 11 fifteea utadcs and patterns tlielce regular joe lo 100 per yard to elear ut 37c allover lace and embroidery 40 yards allever lace and ismbroidery includiag wltite cream aad ecru regular price 30c to f 1 00 to clear at 39c yard silk finish moire 3 yards black ttilk miluked moire jft iach width suitable fer imderskirth regular 75c yard to tltar at 37c yard ladies and childrens gloves jo pairs only ia blaek grey white brewn and tan regular 15c to 40c per pnlr to clear at 170 pair childrens cashmere and cotton i lose broken she and numbers regtilaf urc teuc pnlr lo elear at ujc pair ladies whitewear while caeibrit underskirts regular s no lo clearat7nc esth night kebes i5 0 100 70c oih lot ef cambric underwear iacludlnr corset govern draweru night robed ukiru etc at greully reduced prices corsets tnchidisg croniptonn ii i and etker well kaewtl msteu eitaraateelng their quality broken niiett in ihe different klylen ut celletllvely a full range ef nlie from ia to 10 kegular 7sc te si 33 per pair te learnt oc pair carpets kxtra special itargalnu in carpets ruga nnd japanche mit tlngh whatever you want in iloor or btair cover 11 gu do not faute nee our hteck for the priced have twen made partlmiarly interesting cottonade and overalhng 75 yafds only gecd utreag quality reguliir iol to jst- yard te clear at ijc towelling 30 yards towelling to clear at 51 yard 3s i- pillow shams 30 x a inches with two tech benistitihcil border regular 50c to clear at sjc pair doilie sets regular 33c set to clear at 131 hr net pillow slips regular 40c pair la clear at sot pilr 500 351 pair cushion covers regular ijc te 4m to clear ut 10 and 151 iulii cushion cords te clear at 7c yard millinery the balance of millinery ax well us tho recent uhlpmenls butt to baud including the very latest drew and fancy ulinpcs te clear regardless ef cost all orders entrusted te our care will receive eur prompt and careful attention mens shirts a down uous odd bhlrtfi soft and dremi fronts regular 75c to 1 00 to clear at sac each mens collars indoiea ucnticellarii broken iln and tdyleu slightly hoilcd te clear at jc each beverul other letu at specially reduced prices lllfhcst prices paid for farm produce fl ii unsworth opposmt iost ofiich june bargain blossoms parasol aid sipsade s heres a chmcc for a bargain at the very moment you need the good we have been doing a little parasol and sunshade gathering an umbrella drummer came this way feeling pretty blue because business was poor with him on account of the backward scaoin he hntved ua his samples hut we didnt imy finally in desperation he offered us his complete line of samples at the greatest bargain we have ever come acrosii the goods are perfect in every detail and arc the fined lot of parasols we have ever offered parasols are with cotarlnffl ot fait llnck larfcilnes dorls silk and w01 sod pure sllbi the hnille are in unlimited designs of 1mil 0djd silver sod wd mdunllnjrs elc wlj made ti oostljii j5 value t yyt k jit 30 valuta al oic ibeoilinr lns artntnuped in ihrtmtfoii at ji i 30 and 3 93 worth from oife tilrdit one hall more unshades are n navg fedlgni la kotnsn strip silk j ktlka mb hemilchd appllpm alwi while ilnsns with main ullta eyebu embroidery lei all be ti 00 and 1 23 vmiliiilei v 73 i 30 1 03 3 lo j 73 1 00 j rj 4 ins- atliante lor exciiivenosi ho twobind ft 73 humilities l j3 e r bollert co wyndhom fllrootouolph r e nelson sells the finest and best neckwear hats and mens fur nishings at closest prices in guclph tion invited in spec- fjoiisefapqisling department is particularly attractive just now stocks are large and values unexcelled if you require anything in any of the following linen do not fail to sec what we are showing and compare values linoleums oilcloths mattings wool carpets curtains squares iortiers tapestry rugs squares art muslins spot muslins bobbinetts table covers cl henderson mill st acton phrhsol pric6s are from slqo to 500 not expensive youll say when you sco tlio beauties the year has brought forth plenty of them at this store for knowing what particu lar women will demand we havo ordered and received more than ever bofore heres pleasing news large purchasing has enabled us to buy a numbor of plain and fancy silk parasols and the most popular lingerie effects advantageously so that the lowness of tho prices for even tho most elaborate will surprise you for children too after her doilie and doll carriage nothing will pleaso the little girl more than a parasol bring hor in and let her roc ours j prices are jbc boc c and iw lliiiiilhiina oioliprtn ll iiiiiitilti rninlili llm vry utt imill for unnlan trtl picnic allium 0 all iim nil parlpiiin lilies pilrcu irliunlilrtlii nililrci 1 ii llilmlllnti tunc isa w toinntn luilotloti lhon juuollni 101 d e macdonald bros the hton guelplj the right house hamiltons 1avouite shopping iuicu the seasons greatest sale of white blouses buy the summers supply now and save a third to a half wo havo outdone eierypiil effort these offerings will stand aa ihe sea sons best bargains dont mlis them in every lot ihe mnerlau are fine and rood hie styles new and popikr and the varloly lor choice ample lo suit every style idea there are tboniinda ot blouses in hie tale and scores of different pretty styles mon of which areexolmlve head hie detail carefully save a hair 50c for regular 100 white lawn blouses made of lawns trim moil with ursa hemstitched plaits end wide panel of embroidery down front baglnplalted and bemilliclied ustra full sleeve with 1 rimmed cull these are ml new blouses dalnly in style end perfect in hi they are worlh regularly fl ooeich sale price soduisch 500 silk blouses 239 made of heavy jspanau bilk blank or while ivelty embroidered fronlt and trim me 1 with valenclentiti lacea worth regularly j to i3 for 13 30 175 lawn blouses 100 nearly half price made nf fine lawn some havo prelly yokes of valen- clenna isce and medallions nnlilied with pin lucks others wllh wide embroidery panel fronts ailll others have lucked yokes and are embroider iielow three- quarter and full sleeves world regularly li 50 ind tfi 75 lor 1 oo 250 lawn blouses 150 you save a dollar an een dozen prelly styles all prettily trimmed with fine valenciennes lace medallions insertions lace youes pin lucklngs or embroidery panels iteal valnu la in for 1b0 400 lawn blouses 295 made nf line persian lawns mulls and orrandlei some htve all over embroidery fronts others are itlmmed wllh laces and pretty yokeit still others wllh inset medallions and pin lucklnos collar sleet as and culls are tucked and trimmed with laces and inierlloiis worlh regularly 1400 lo f 4 o lor 82 05 thomas ctwatkins hamilton ont oorneh ktnq st cast huohbon

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