Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 27, 1907, p. 4

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jc artou 3fi ps tiiuiisoav ji wllltlls timuandmam okto his uand tlwhiilliliiilii lllliihiilliilnl vi lllv t i ii ii iii ulll ililllim llnii ilmli piill ijillillmii lliy bnon nliiil li i 1 ik autl iii liwi limit wllll intnl ilit hill 11 iiiwoiii1i win l tin hiiiiiliiiiin il iii bmiill llbhl mill llm mini iy ami lolliilliiwli uintlm1 lint llifl liiuy illlli rbllilii ntuur luni iii limau tlmy 1111 11 lilnnmittl wi111 li linlu within lili imiiiii an1 lltut la why itity oilr vi10l- i ho muiiliiiiil uicii lilntiiiil i ilr rlli 11v1 b iliir iiij aiilhollihovl imilauminy anil nn o h until 11 lliliw a hi klll ulmwity ti lijui llf mil lf tfcillllbml lihliil whii lilllha 111i mliilil llim ihlmtilihnin unlliliiinill ii11i oarly in llu hi nufiik wkrn ii1cj lp nrimll mill nw ajrnlll ulll hn itlmli li wllliwl liw till limn limy 111 thijufnl aiiliimniiiy illllihimnl iliot in hi wliir irhl iimeliiiw r tklrpiionitib mm pomona nun m1 hhu dind takm kemiiif hoi hubbniili fox tt r- rlei l4i her iiiulhaia for u innrnlmf vult ntiil now ullec nn liour at home she dllovaiod hint ho hud nut 10- tunictl with her although mm pen rose liked nil animals u1i metiuies found tlio iftre of lunard a biuden this noun it seemed particularly nnoyhfl tnlmvr luhu mt in the hotaunineimiehufuuilihdd dog just im elm w uhiink to leave the house it ne lined to lir that she wne not at nil sure tlmt ilonard wee at her motheru for aha umld not remember whothe ho t hr or not hhn etupped to the telephone nil in moment wus mng ier mother if uonurdweie thorn y well i wish bad roll algbed mra panm why dont you tell blm ao i- re turned lor mother ill lm blm to the phone nml yon can cull him com rtenuid li ilony home ail tonit luniml omo htnyl coaxed mri ienroso dont cull blm any mm laugherl har mothgr he jumped out of my rim nlmot nt tl llrt unrt of your tolnnnd cnwha1 tlrouh th cimii door im mn li 1w way unm- ly iliutlino it w only ft fw nilnutm luur tlmt ittuurd with tin ilr ot bilik i- clumrnt ruihil luttklns on to tlio narah f hii niuitei house no oratehad tlio front door mirntoi- 1 inod doruy 1 nlr luna l w mra paniow lo fi liked about bar whan aim ut him in ami lhai wait or conallnua pibla 111 hfa atiibby lutor in i be day mia pnroio phonotl bai mihbit that ilermrd hail rulurnad iiifely igt mo an- if lio wilt come ovar hijuuitl raapolidad to bur invitutlon aa ptomplly hu had ubayuil tlio iiuimomt bouii nml nftor that tha twoudiouhnd much nuniaaiuant call- luff bint by phom from tins bouaa to tbanthoi lutmrd lnakh vaiy thin olmoi vail mr ivnroaa 11 fw ttuok intoi llo you think h f- iba heat ho i bnhitf won to 11 fula by ibo tolophona willil ma 1anrotr llea ot ao now thut ovory tinia bo hcara it ring ho rmhaa oft to mothaiu and if bo i tbara whin hoi pbona rlnrfi bn hnrrlm hark bro and an wo are both on party llnin tlio poor dog aponda moat of liu tlinn runnlnk 1- twaon thotwohouaga wall bavo to tiiko bint to a rant onra wharo thrin nn lalaphnnoi laligblnuly aiiffnaatatl mi ponroao and a woak aftorwnnl hnimitl found hlmaou aiijoylnu i uninlry b on an out ombnway faim where the whir of tho innwhff iiiuchlna and the bona or hlrda waro tho only aonntla to dlalnrbbiadoruhlp wonn out mis w bloom u wlion a vluitni ovmtnya bla wul- coma tho poophi of now vngund aay ua laiikva iid twlre lnd ulad whan ha comae i clad wbn bo nra a worthy oltlan or wcutfleld mnaiic obiiutta once put it oven more etronuly than that to a rtioat ono r the duwayw of waalhau ramuvad to tho llluck ltlvor eountry but etny full ha wi occuiloinod to bring bla family hack to pay a limp visit to bis willi- to do mlntlvea on one occasion after a piolohkd btay ha wan ainpriswl to ace his bout inaoornoi weophir why cousin tom suld br what vila you r youll novbi coma down to tuo mo any more i tho host rupllad oh yos i will uniialn tom i ill aurly como down noxt full no you wont hoineoblnr tflla me ymi wont nouaniibm i anlil tlio visitor what linu ptt hiuii a notion into your bend ilaviml wi idwuye romn down anil aput thu wltitfv with yop game ehem up 1oubiii tom i clmar up anil tell im what makes you think ao the rrlovlnu hniil blow bis nose wlpod bla uyeo und tm niiir bla aolmim faau to bis syiupiithllun guaat unlit caiibii yimil novoi uo nway i oonuhdiiumo what kin up whun llm mill rnmua dewn uinlnilln aionmt thu houti am moiiud tlio hnusfi tniil only nnn murk it ihuvphi whfifilhariow why did lrorri whwlmigtort etnnd up whllo hu ulipi y hfcauhti ho cjuldut ik why is u lniiii lilr ho oroimf tho miiiu mii hi i li tho dimim il wlivu mo liuu ilk nillvny whun tfiey hollli thwuihchi h ly uiiiikiiiik whun la a pirn of wood like a monarobv whou il u mado into a nil or what in mm liml hliutimou noli in hlrnidoiir lllrint intrnrbton oiiai1itv huron uiiiii1 icnllii mm hrlt k rrrhl invnr of uil onolitil tl oim tlinn to poto as u htbjur in a pulniliir which hli f 1 lend lliruiia dnlnriolk wan torir on 1 ms nlihjfltiri i was iilliuidnd by twofold icuultn as wn loam ftoiti a utoiy whith tht- i mnlly iliuld iill on llii itpiinlil iliy m111011 d- ltolhliild uppuuiud nl hi- studio tlio fniiii ii polutci plu nl a tuiilr round tin- liiiikiim hihiiiiiiih put a stout iltir lu iiim bund nml unidu him pose as if lio ttuiu nml hiu on thr etnp of hu nii init koiuaii uiiiplu in this nltitndo i111 was dlitovoiad by mm of thwnitivt pupil who luick ly thn ixlullaui r nf ibo mnilul i oiirihliliatad hla miislei 00 hiiiiir ftunul jut nhat ho noudvd natiuully ioik indiiik tha umdrl hud only just hi 11 hrmirlil in funn hoiii climili pun li thu pupil spl7dil mi o- poittnjlty to slip u pluio nf nionuy fntk thnturrnrsjiniil iturondo llotlia child thaoliod itlin utlh a look nml kitpthn imiofty tha pupil tooit init tifuliimliulio in fynkvacjn luijiilrfas madf ltli irolwlotd tlio bar 011 tliut hip jmuir man posunreil tuhjnt hut no uirnns hliorily dftarxvurd i he youtilt fdluw iiitfleda lutlur utathir tliat- 1 imrliy hoiu intout mid tlmt tin ucrunnilt ud inhirdst on llm amount ha had id roiimimily rivun id tyio wlioui hu anp- potmilto lw 11 btrriir irn now the aum of tun thoupuud frnnc to thu yoinir artlstvuodit at llotbschilds gvxsxcvjgia nsnnssscsvn kidney disease and its danger icnlm ili 1 null cm qiiii lly 1 il tun fur mum 11 mlltl 111 fiiihn li ulll 1111 1 hum im 411 1m1 1 ri uriui- irh ii tin i nt uiuu iii- r inl lilo llhil unlil di-tmliaui- nf hu r up h in il or thin mis ffim i or ntijil of iirun nr olllj hiirh j troiill doinx knlnrj illh mioiilil 1m 1 ikrn lit tin lint mu of miuliliilt wroiill th hlniclliii tlu ikiiimm und liilp tl to mlr tin li ki pmurl liiln tin 10 t lluli off und rrrj iiwuv iiti tin inniilin uutir till t1ui iinpiiritiin miiihi tin iiiikhi pilliirh ili in il- rjr- 7nl f fliihn mri lfnl lltlmr pi irk ranf lu writ i i ful it io duty to niy n vim nl unit doinv ividm in im i miuvnd dnndfnl piimi urnwi my luuu ki tiiil 1 mill i not i toon or liciul aftir liuuim us el two hoxfit i now ficl moit rnninli li ly run d i highly re commend ljoavb kllll ilmji castor i a tlio kind you ilaio aiuiuh ltouplit mid ulibji iiuh born in iiuo for mir u jcitrw imu borim ho itltrnutnro f f d linn in ni tiuufo timliif iiih iwir- 2 jlfjty hmnlhiiimirilhlim ahira uh liinmry tafyy scwca4m allow no into todixhvo yn in iwh all ooiintvrreltu inihiitbnih mid bub kvporhiiuiitm tlmt trltlo vtllli tiud ciiiiiiiiuoi tbn iinnltli nf itilliiitu nml clilldrtin ivpiruiici iipnliiht kxporliucut what is castoria cnwtorln im a iiiimnvhu rii1ih ltii4i for cimtor oil inro- irorlc lropn nml hoofliiuir hjrilpi it ik imcnhniit it jinuilim iidltlivr opium jioribluo nor ollinv uurrotlit kiiliuthium itu npo im ua gnu run ton it domirnym worms nlul nllnyu lovrlhlutpsu it citron dlurrhooa uud avlutl colic ti rollovah tuttjilna troubtrm iitrox cnntttlpiithhi nml iutliloimy it timhliiillutrh i hn rood ritiuliitoi tlo htonmili ittid itowtdx ulv nr liiiilthy und nuttiru mlqup tuo cbiblrciih jptiimcm vliu mnlbrtim ti loud cenuine castqhia always books tho slgnaturo of mu the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years chartered hy pomlnlon loornnicnt iltlllira 1kg4 the merchants bank wxhmxwr ii1ad ol mci intercut added four limes a year imldem sin ii montagu ai las m0n1klal iij uranche tuko tha poote wmk for tho busy hen dont pick ft up to inveatirftte provont disordfr at tha first symptoms of intarnul disorder par- inetues vcrotuhla pills should ha lasnrtfld to immadialely two or throe or thmn aalutuiy pallets taken hofororoliir to lied followed by doaoa of ono or ho pills for tno or tlireu nlrhta in sulci- bhioii will aeiva as a praventuo nf attacks of dyspepsla and ell thedlscouifoita illicit follow in the train of that fell dlsordei the iiisuua me simple when the way in known if you huvn groat taknts industry will impiovo them if you have but moderate nhllltlea industry will supply their deficiencies- haiuuel hmllos oieatrmtl fllgnt yylha kind vqii hun hlwaii b what a pity tho rink rlosed an ear ly just think what a moo seunon the proprietoia might have hml to curb a cold in ohk dav tabo ramivo llromo guhilua tsmnl a itruiiiiuli ml 11 11 1 1 tlio inoiioy it itulli to ouia i w urovthiklijijaluruoii all liaijaosiiu uvwy ttty fa n little lift nnd our whole life is but 11 day repented j d ncnunollonolm no pet sun should rh from home without a bottle of dr 1 d kellorra dysentery cordial in theli possession ea cl in hu o water eookinj ollmato otcfroiptglitly hrliirh 011 slimmer cnuiptplnt ami there fa uothliir llko bo i no preparrd with a sure remedy at linnd which oftentimes tuvos trout su torino and firquently vehuble lives this conllal line gained for itself a widespread reputation for uffordinu prompt rrlluf from all sum mer complalnta vice president jonathan hmiouv uv general manajicr 1- i hi imi n capital tald up g 000 000 no dcposlls over j ooiooo 00 surplus jc75io lotal aasets 83100000000 savings bank deposits one dollar or upwards will open an ncctuni money withdrawable any lima no deuy we add iniereut lo principal four tlmm n year farmers sale notes wa liavs hpccul facillt iflo for collactinj ilitjo wo ulll cihii diem at one ii dcilrcd at low ralo of inloretl joint accounts when rciiencil mo will open account in iwo namoi 10 that cither ono may driw tlio money huobitml or wlfo etc aoton branch w s chisholm hanager chamberlains cough remedy always cures and i plaaaaol nd sa uoiiutalloi i what ottirr kiv a uu character i what wo klvn oiirbilvul ii ntlzl castoria for infants and oklldrou the kind you have always bought doaro tho bffnnturo of kindness la nuver lout it may moot unklndnese but nothing con olyuletho work of beauty on tha heart of the river c unxtmi a clear healthy skin lruptlons of the skin and the blntcboa which blemish hoauty uio the result of im pure blood caused by unhealthy notion of the liver and kldneye in 001 reel ing this unhealthy action and reutor- tho orrans lo their nurmal condition painieleaa vegutablo pile will at the aaiue time oluunse tho blood and the blotohns and eruptions will dlsuppanr without leaving any trace there in lint a man or woman how ovor placed in life but baa power to leave the world the rrandoat thing on earth a nohlo cherartei otmlinern was weak and run down would very often faint away mm i ii rtntrniik tort tlmsley out tll uf in r i h rii nro ith mildurns heart and nerve plls 8hc nntim it in nitli rnititiuli i hi linn our ilinrt nod xme tills beuiilitti d on i i tn i i u unit run donn liud in ml iliu iiuul mri dnj und cry ciffin am mill fun it iin in fnrt my ilot tor nml th il munition i would mir corih nut if tin fiuiit it wih ihroilkll oik of ui trim hum 1111 utx thut i unu iuiluiiil in tn mill heart nnd n ru pills nml nfh r i ikiim tlm o lors i am itlnd ti n lute it li ih hi i n mimher of jniih june i hud n fniiituir hpnll nnd inini lj i i r ha u in iiilurhn i on inurli niniint i hhii in prujho of mil- hurnm ii ut nml ww lll for in mo lln him i iti i tut a pirfrt eon lrlri tio 1 1 ut i r ikiv or 1 ikimh foi l ji nt nil 1 r- nr lim t millmrn co i iuutlil loronto out only what is houiunbly dnno brings luuiot- when dnno nhino ily honorable miiius ure lioumahlo ends obtained htoleu luurula soon fado urate hla blijnftlu in cvnrv bee nl the fsnulnt nxntivc dromoqulnine tehteu itm renmlv thai a wld in a it takeu other acalna than those on a fish tn vorlfy the fishs weight the best positions require capable men can you fill this tlio lirnclorn o niminrna sy tbime liiiiifeiltiiirn in touch wild luminaum houies nil over cnitnilu wlio havft inilalleil mndrrn aystomn of nccounlina nml ulmoat every tiny are mot wild rniucals for copolilo mun to take charge ol tha new y sterna llioy iinvo inhlnllod riglil now pinunitiih syalema limitml cnn plnca twenlyfivn men at 1s0000 n yenr if tliey could got thorn i t imi for he ltnil of men whom tlmy would hn willing lo recommend far exceeda tho avallnmo supply it is i in order hot they mny linvo men lo fill those nomliomr hnt llioy iinvo nrrongeil or the marling of business systomo commercial srhool purely tn lencli modern methnilu nud to prcpnro ntntlcnlo who can stop right out of achool into any office anywhere nnd inua complete charge u nl in dm farm una ilvimn limitnl iml inulmln itl in i 0 tliriwiuli ml prsrnml tw leiiliiiit nmmnrrui liiuin niialilf inln tu ilnmil nf i in aflor tliormiblily imnllnnllnd ilia liotl clinals in amarics ilinincm sjiimn conimnrcul silionl iirvo inilnlloil iholtlikl miteunjiiiltununl snil tyiawrllln inaolilng only nupiirl lanrlin ss wlmilr rtlinn n- ntrpnily n fill in u tin wlin linn linil j iiibj fin i lo ymi nnd ffilnil p wall i indllnnu r lulii kiufl cnuffor y iiiiiiiiii nml wlm nro lulvrs fur niiiiidilnu lhi iiirnlh wlm n sclmol is nil vnlv l ly liiainhskiaiii thm ncoounluijf lilnnn il nn ntlfiplctj ly dm pirn limiilil jfmnh llor worufromllinllmnllin nnlnr ta racnivml lull win j ti llinniali llm lnllinu ninrlninnl imlijnr nli nni llmrmiglily r liintlintf itm a ns u jrni ilml lu in itlrrn mnllimu c tlto srlimm innolifl itn itlily commrrrui a nil iiiilircnminnreialshiini nml in itn mnrnnunne nil i lima cmnmrrrll uw nn i mmlorn linnlunf dimiunafi synlemn ciimmnrcinl school wnrtt no ilronoi no rluhlrnn or no nludrnln of iho chum whoso parenla aaml hem lo liusituiift rolleiln nirroy in pijl m n yvnr nllur thry hmvo urhool if ymi nro u hriulil nifuroiituvii young pnmnii nml want lo make yourhell a llinrouglily i ihlurpnomluil in modern arcoiioling idonh wnlo us or hnouct on iho coursui tiiiiglil trwmt5 toronto 32 spadlna avenue canada nmm tm mm own work the vanity of a certain wall known plntr im rldlriilatl in a story told of lilm it ralatea that the painter wue trhvelllug in s truln through the mniintiilna ami on the weather whs warn and the painter hud not bad enough lip the night betar it dod lu hlssfat j he bud h trnvrlllng rompenloii who insisted upon talking to him nev r thulais und ae th train psd line prospucl xrlalmud inokf look i what a heauliful ulldsrepel vup gruuled the painter dream ing and heating a shop phraat 1 pulntedlt niyaairi too much or a good tiiiho a stery of a man who took too large a moiitufil is tntd by tit ihu- tin man was a canon of tho kntfllsli clturrh and h magistrate in hlvfaparitt of utuglstrate be vtttu once visiting tlio county jut an1 rfcpalleted tn a frland wlio wee with himoti the virtuea or the ivfadmlll war it dug wmb bla thontelie derlarif that be had oftn wished be bad one ut hunfe to give hliti the kntl nser- cui- um rffiulreilp knd to riiuove big frleuda akeptlriam ho usked tho wm- den o glye him a turn i oil ml went tho wheel the rauoii derurlng that th movement wus de lightful but after two inlnutea be had had enough of it and aled upon the ofllcet to atop the mill to hla lmrrdr the ofluer answered vary sorry alrj i cant ite timed to go fifteen inlnutea and wont stop before it saved my uft rnaisk rtg x rimous meoicine mrs wiiieimm tills usw sac trk4 lysis c rlnlihaais yrgiubie cenpeeaj jt irt tiau mm t 0 vilhiilkin nf munnltii imwi vritisto mm ihiikbam i nrmm ilnl ham i uiii irulj mj th it mi 1 1 khwii my lif nml 1 riimiot xpnul my uratltiulu to j mi in words dav wohu amd pihom work two cannle ncote walking to audi- termiicbty saw an uncouth figure standing in a distant field after gaing intently one said ite never moving so its a latta potato bogle scuiecrow ite non a tatta hoglu replied the other ite a man working by the day the noblest mind the best content ment baa npencer how to draak up e gold it may be a surprise to til any to learn tkat a severe cold can be completely broken up in oue or two days time the llrat symptoms of a cold are a dry loud cough a profuse watery discharge from tha nose and a thin white cont- ing on the tongue when uhamber- lalna cough remedy la taken every hour ou the first appearance of these symptom it counteracts the affect of tbn cold and restores the system to a healthy condition within a day or two for sale by all druggists home cures work better when thero la nothing the matter with you o a0 ejp er sn x a bitrs the lhl wnj vim han hnyt baujm do not for one repulse forego the purpose that you resolvo to effect hhakeepoaro a ladywritse i was enahlod to remove the corns root and branch by thu use of ilollowaye corn cure othere who have triad it have tho same experience if you wish to reach tho highest begin at the lowest i neglect not trilleelerrold thoro novcr wnu nnd nnxor will lie a unlvomnl punncon in ono nunody for nil illn to which flush lu heir what would rolluvo onu iii in turn would nggrnvato tho ntliuro wo have however in qulnluo wine nhun ohtnlnihl lu a imund miaduluii- ntod suito n rolnedy for many nnd grlnvouu 111m ily iu gradmil nml judiclouu una tho fmllcut uyutomu nro led into co n valence nco and n iron nth by tho lnlltmnco which quinine uxoru on nuturoti own restoratives it io- lloveu tjiotio to whom n chronic atntc of inoibld doapondoncy nnd lack of i ll teres t in life lu a dlououn and by trampillizlnp tbn iiorvoa dlupouou to sound nnd rofroubbifc wleop impattu vigor to tho notion of tho blood which luiing atlimihitod couruon through tho vol nit utrtingthoniiip tho healthy nnl- in al fiiiigtloiia of tho ayutoiii tboroby making activity u iiuccwmry rouult fitrongthoning tlio finmo nml riving llfo to tlm dlgoutlvo orgaiih wblob naturally domaiul increauod aulwtnnoo rouult improvtwl nppotlto norh- rop jtr lymnn of toronto bavo given to tlm public tbolr tuiporlor qulnluo ily tho opinion nf eclentlhto tho wlno appmachnh noarust porfuatlon of any nn tho innikot all drngglutii noil it thawoarjmd tear of met is faetar that the wear and tear of work s hailtes a grand cure ron summer complaint and cramps dr fowlers extract op wild strawberry it is muuroa specific for diarrhoea dyuntary cramps colic win in tha blomach cholera morbus cholera in fantum ssa blcknesj bummer com- plslnt etc hnpid and rellahlf in its action its effrcth are marvellous and it la plimwaiit and harmltuu lo tajbe it hu been a household renleely for slitytwo years hefiuc substitutes they are danger- oiiii mrs wm floweulug arthur ont uriteu i find it muoli plenstim to rxtroiumeml dr inwmin kxxitact or wnu htiiawiii iiiiv rut ti grand euro for humiuir roniplniut my little boy one jiio old uom very bul with it nnd a fow dohiii tured him i nlno used it tin my olluir siif nhildren frr cramps nnd atill have half tho bottlo luft i cauaot pral it too unoli t fire i wrote to ypu tillltupjot liuw i rll1lialdojiiiirirjmriki ly unit iitlmurmmuyi int hi lrihi in hut tnirchlltblllnr ininuh 1 rjou imilidfl itiiiuiimril minhoiu llh llullik l uh ii nlii it i um hmuil hnirhiifituvii iiabheml i ia ft wiitl him hurl kijmnitin ami jit nm it utittihrlieyiil anil iry lli k iluk inn k vinilnhbt fi nml i am tlmiilirulllut t did crufir fh ihtjiijr lnvlnlhlhh with li i ml ki ut lim fffo inill rlmrtir i imuiiin r ulll ir iinl tn pi rfii t hi illh llud tt hut li n fur ni i would bu iii my jjnit lu ln i nliinnly tuii tliitililli iiriin had wry milli rllij muniim in tlm country to wrmifoiifrhlpsililm mlieti i unen an tniuliled with irnif- ular or pdiiful ptrlmlti wi ukueiia dlhiita- renii nt nr ulivrutimi of nn organ that twarlnudohii tn wnu inilamtnutiim hniksioe flat idem e ueni ml ilihilit itiiliumtiin or iiimiun irimtrstloil they ah mill i reini mlur tin ro lu inn tried and trxio remedy iydi 1- imkluuie vru- etablo coinponnil at nnu riumvin oinli troultlep xo other feuialn meilii ine in the world has reioiwd mull vlilt uprrad ami uiunia- uflcilimdnrw iniiit itifiihuallfitilmithiitca 1nr twmtjtho jiont mra rinkheri luutihur in law of bvilla ii ihikham ban under hi r dlrettion end alnra her ditosite been advising atrk women free of lliargo addrens lynn mann umdir ho obliaatiomb hhave youraalf air dont ynur auld a barler who wua trliiimliig the hair of riistomnr vtm repllnd ibfriibtnmer iluwdldyon know wellrjolnd she bsrbi r i know i knve naver almvnd you and i do bniuetimaa trim your hair ilmldns that i think a barber would do little imlter than you an to ilo very likely wed have pretty herd wmk making a living if every man wee like you pursued the burlier after clip ping and snipping a few moments in alienee perhaps youre in business aint you v yea well spose no barbers overbought anything nf you how would mi llko thut t i dont think it would make inmli dirfrence rejoined the ustomar my bilnits is selling pipiuirganuj and the barber finished the lob in sjlvm till glfanl trunk railway pauunqlciiriains 1 i j ul in i f ua in i 1 1 mm i u vi v ui true living la living victoriously tho common daya of llfo iarkhiirst death comas to all hut it need not come prematurely if proper pre caution are taken an ounce of pre vention la worth a pound of cure and to have pieyontlon at hand and allow a disease to work its will ia wicked ness dr thomas kclectrlo oil not only ullaye pains when applied e ternally but will prevent lung troubles resulting from colds and coughs try it and be convinced no ono who dote not enjoy work can truly anjoy anything else iluskln foundation prlnolplea fliutt when wo uudurtako to fill ynur iiuhiicilptlonii uoglvn thorn oui ulldivhbd attention and lnuit cuio tho pntlonta wolfuro u our hint co- aldcration second t wu guarantee our iliugu to bo of full utrongtll as v ell au puro and fiiob third t our cuutomem are iiuppuou with jimt what tboyohk for i uuhatitut- lug lu nover allowed palnicil cklwiiy coltlounn if you nro it sufforor from kldnoy iiihoiuw llvor complaint blood troubled rhoumatlhiii nmiralgiu oi norvoiw piostratlon wo confidently rocom- mend tho ma of palnuu culory com pound tliiu reliable and nover dlu- nppolntlng inedlclno in a tiuo dluoauo lumiuhitr and oyhtom hulldor wo supply tho kimiilno pninou colory compound at drown acton ont the sitoctlve lire and thn respective llfo nro one hi ooks rmash mvthtattt jenun ufisselltowfd aald all daacous am good hut thareaie odde 0 dfjioaiih andf it may be added that there are oddeln ollev vurletlse uf 1nen hiiifi lllunk aecordlng to huipeia itayaer wee not only tha rlcheut riiun in bla village but tha stingiest as well nothing gv him snoh keen dellgbi s to get something for nothing oue day ha- and several of bin neigh bore had men in confurouae with u iianufai tbrer who contemplated en tabllahing a mill in the town the conference wee held in the one stoie of the village and at its close the manufacturer stepped up to u show case containing cigars and said have a cigar gentlemen all the men selected a rigar except nqulro lllauk he did not smoke ih eta fore he said thank you air but i dont amuke bin ns the cigars are a dime epiece ill take a dimes worth of mustard it you suy so of course the astonished gentleman said so and the squire went home jubilant over a hull halfpound mustard that never cast me a red cent no li id il it i i m u i u i i i i i i hu lu mils all ihiiik mi i nl a ui i tho old and rollablo granite and marblo doalors mill luilclxilt in thn domiuluii wl rjii opr tataul iluliiir i jn nl iilrjiv to utautl law mi ih in it li r titiillm wn liavv um inrunal un i t i l irl t r i ij jul to in th ixmiliiliili- m in f 11 tlrvilojraut llm vufltii wni i citnut juliy mm nm inv tit auiii i mil in mi afrt tirtcalm ia l iiiumri il linoiint nliiultmiillolt ilcia te inllik inirlmiii iilily lnj dtty bpiullillmiil hamilton sons o nirfijitinjtt nu jwi it m tn kliii idleness travel slowly and poverty soon overtakes bar j hunter worms derauga the whole eyalotn mother hravea worm exterminator deranges woran and glvea rest to the eulterer it only costs i cents to try it and be ronvtneed we lose our grlafe by making othc cease to grieve c cahipbell iwffl good blood rs so will bad blood the one inn healths body nml ruddy complevicin the other in ill health hlounvh pimpleu imh and mini nnd frem tu tn intiiiui funn- ni ilium nlwcinkeh 1iynipeiiih hiilt rheum etc kver orgim of the both dejundh on thn hloiul fur fnrcu mid mtiht and is but mtiuitili iiervid wlun the mood ia impure no niiiid ii mi poti nt ns n mood piirther or niin mpidl prohieos new nnd henlth blootl thin 0urdock blood bitters which neutrnliii x the nrioiik pounns nnd renton the vitahinic power of thm nil important fluid tor snle by nil ilriiiuiitn and di nters wall paper qpropedy aeloclnd wall paper hill add more llisn all clt lo iho h arm on kiui f u rn nil irb of a liomc le a ma nil en or collage vt to humlilo fl make your wimtmn from altrld pf2at3 pnw wll ppanlor 1907 flcwrvtlunfl in wall pjr irom tha chtap- ml lhati good lo the uil that made tj apy styla any qui uy al any prica to mil any pocket book i sample thown and tilimakachecrlullytur- rut had williout ol4ijs uontobuy wm oimson palntaif and ispsr tlanstr aoton mit jc itlograpliers the david smith enr litho co formerly of rolph smith ft co 00 50 60 church btroot adjoining toronto hallway chambers toiionto- x4 unaravara and llthogrnphora dank and commorolal stntlonors manufacturers of high claea cal andara and advortlalng novoltfoa r e nelson sells the finest and best neckwear hats and mons fur nishings nt closest prices in guclph tion invited inspcc- ln repairing a watch to do it well the workman muil bve italtiral mechanical ability good training and experience wb iiavk tiiut am mr williams my foreman and my eel i have hail etch over thirty years practice experience nn all classes nf watches liood and had we feel i hat we have iho ability and ell the facilities for doing exlra cood work and u with yotirw our prices nie juit the same as other pooploa hut we lielleie we can fib ym lel ter lallifacllqii itisn jiobi plncci gdpringiie watchmaker iuclpli everton eden mills tlio llnut quality 6i i manitoba family anil pimtry flour tor enlo at lovvost prlcos oui own mnlic cluppliif hi tu nml oais kulkd every day 1 icd for li cnibfjr wlilat nml cain henry hortop money labor trouble il costi a ninth t ipph u poor urtitle a it d ci the ut t k01 if yen une toronto load and color cos puro mixed paints jon buv tin uiv inxt 1 he old price of uc quart johnstone go pa pur makers a io n urro w v o x r i1uuic nkws ni i illoltllll iaillts iso ii iialtlllilt acton pump tile works o b ebbaqe propriotor our picmiii no iuu fulv cpilppcil with all llm hliil unltiliitr ami appliances for nmniifncitiiin jlim fn mul ijjii stijih tvuur h tilv iiifrriu owlvarta ate stunm 1nw hit tin tools auit 1ipe a hi ii lies ordvrti promptl lillej main s1kli 1 acton tnaoc manhb dcaians copvntohtb ao anrinnnnlliis nknlrli nml ilnaorliitlmi mar nn if lily nirnrliilii iir innnli n froo wlailinr an iissispwififwalvisraa in t frihi olili il null r i r iiitiiil tn i a i win a i uiii i trrnili annul a t raealva pr4il htdlm wltliiiuntiirio la tlm scientific jffmericatt a imiiiliniinlr lllmttalml wrnklr tnrsmt hr miitliiiiirniirpiiiiitliinliiitii orniaua ronri fiurnii illinll hiaiuyah nowaleilaaj mlllnl ulllti fiveiuir npluli u mln ulirllirr il uimliatily luimuutiu lldlcuit ipplkatlniialiavaoriaii jteei iuiin litly it itt mrtl ly tia couilurl fillh rriiiliiiil i llua in jklouha aiimtatliiiirm llil ifllllm nloirniui ly illapiucli wtjili nml jiillh s rnto lo1i- rh trnailnr lr linntl n lllllici itfrrrn iurulutied iajriill lirfiriurl ciminti mail rlnn ratal v apfclal itnluv it 111 nut oyer ion ui llm lliin liilrii nllmltii ilueiiipwe tf maitufae- marion marion patent expert ind selleltera nlatta 1 naevwlilllsllmr ftoutreat j

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