Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1907, p. 3

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1 he finest jtmlit ciilfn rqtliiim finrtpuro t flivorn tlmts wkito swan jolly powder in 15 l licimi jivors holh hint nml wim ilb fiill 1 jnnhi1i1if ml 1 i 1 ltuhll lhl llll lllgdtmrrl au mr tri tr i ticc loc thnontiraiiliqbo limits at m m a s our stock 6t rotors knivotrt wedding forks frooonto spoons liiblulrwutiai 1 worthing hq cnina itlntfs in up to data teko hynds jfowlof mill st aclon s m m m h m s m a h h b a elfc jkttan vcc jjrtsc llluuhflav ai inurlf 1imf7 mtltr local items tub summkil vacation 10 wmku luilklpiilion 10 nf hustling pit tnritloi i to pick and r hi ii did utnthiti 1 1 of limit lenlluthm v w t clilidh in oiling clot a v tuition imw if you c in council muulng iaxt mouilay u veiling this 1 chimin will in opt 11 tinen wiekfl from ni xt 1 111 ml y j lio juki im hs will in pliiuidid hour from yon with 1 lltit 1 imwx nr suhjcrlptlnna an oikvlllu yliiwliiry ftiinr shipped lm 000 ql u i 1 uf at mwlh 1 ft to outsldi iilntiitlililii iiilj artiin mill hi iinptou pi ijul a haiolmll match lit 11 on i 1 11 rm lug tim hnmi it inn win mhii a acoio of 7 j houd tlio itanilu t f j nr vlbllnia to ihu filial iiiihh 1111 iiurtiru nut not i rson nlly ncipiiiluttd nilh nil your friends willi julj viinubod mill 11 wli k of anguat goii out voudira uhun tho summor hau mown it wi initlutttnly in arriving you kimn sir ailx a mtmril ii m ncelvcd tliu nowa of tho ilcuth 1 f hla vonurnlilo utiolo mr u w i m niiiuiirii iit bay city yoatoiday innrnlnjr in 11 football match between acton and dramplnn on nilurday otcnlng acton won liy i to 0 it wim a cloully contialcd nnd viry rough garni aclon luulorlmue lull club wuit to trln on clvlo iluliilny nml it ml a gamo with tlio team of hint town 1rln won nut with n ocoro of i to i in tin liiciobut tu itch at tlult laut huturduy mr it lbnrl hcott wn unfor tunntu in having threo xlm hrokon mid othir snmuwhat pilnfnl injuilos ground wn broken i ial ihursiuy for mr i m lundurwin u now teal donou on howir aveniu nnd tlio work of excavation for foundation la in progroaa heorb nro piophcbylng n mg nnd hot autumn season to turmlnntn with nn indian mi mm or or iiihuiuii in auty tlio hotteat day of iiiul year wah in tlio autumn oaason milton juhlltio mid ifumu oonidru ilu union from hatimlny to mondny liroiilit largo uunibors of fornior real dontfl to visit tlio county lawn oriiln llin nroobiklln wrro cmwilud with lutnibtlnt fonturoa an eat eo mod hitliaciuior in hock now in run owl 11 h ida 1 in i put hh biibtorlptlon unyu i could not think of dolntf vvltlioiit tlio imii i iuifriii fm i rugnrd it nn ono of tho olenuout nrid lrlhtit local pnpi m it him nvar iwon nly prlvllobo to rcu i milton hau hoon hnvlng n hoiich or potty tmrglnrlm latuly i ho he form ov aiiyui iltotlo as con ntnro hni imion broken into twice mid 11 fnw oopnera takon nacli tlinv find on man day night i m mckuy h hnnn atoro was microti tlirough n pa no of gnuit luokon nut of tlio fmnt dooi lovornoi aiohlo mcollilion hna itwn in olmrro of tlio jtll ulnco moll day morning ho haa throeprlionoib nna of whom will toavo to tiny nu hla urm iiabj pxplrod odd ii awaiting tinuafor to tho cmitrnl i mho 11 where ho in to mo tlim mid tho third btnitflucetl as n vaipnnt u likely to uuy for a long llmu lhiini1nn tttiul mlaa hmlthn annotinoouiont olsowhuro of nil inllllniiiy to hn nhl iwlow coat absolute security oenuino carters little liver pills mutt br slanaturo of 5m pe8lwll wnmi miow ncws p local imp0rt- cubru4l mu pltiuth mvttiday i ho fiihlko lilrlhdny of mr jhitii- i hnydorwtim httlnsly 01 1nlrudht hi- h line pino tnwn mill atrttt i ml i rid y a hirgn 00m patty of filuitlu wnt pitiuent mid th ort 1 i 11 whnii iiioulphnaiinililannh wlw ltro muh on bmtutttmy ihn 1 luilnltt guniti of tho v i a nlfh f hilnrdny in kl will iwipluytnl in tlutpnik hcrv and tin roitleaunu will tu iloia and aolim acton will hnvo a ry atioiiff tiam hlid ttm nmlrli will it la miimtiiil 1m on of th uat t nf tho crl tlw puhllo la i ninlm d a fluo nxlilliltlouof lacrtwan from tin an doughty coulvatanta moni tvopcrty mim mr 1 raukhwiickliamcrhahpiirnliai idfiom hla niothar tlio hikk houao oiaoihighlrrr mr w ii lnila hvliim anlil hla wniro jwilytomi mm uu wutoit l4uiy rniinr v iillnr ifr uarry uuaaall ijbm nil re h unit froiif r itoht moort huntw bilok imumi oh tlgln htnwt mr fhhti will build hlmauir a mw tud mo thai nmt atin fly i ho othlfaunwu wilt ik tu vt on di ck with big n hi tin jiarty to im iipw at willow ilrook farm tho bnmv nf illiiry 4yera 1 m hroyuhli on ill d mill inat ihn nrngniniinn will iticlola niimi rinia 11u1 ulliuii in ad dllhin to i lm pltnaant ilrlvotohpiy hit unit ij vi ry nojoyable oiilnff la ptomlwd mi 1 hi ndi rami ml nnouiicod to take thh chnlr th aorjrtow athlatlo ofim lhro waa u hlgday at jfoigott on monday th occtmlon of tho alhlullo i laid day anton coutrlbut i 1 i j or jui lo tho atundannc in ihu hnaulmll mntcli batweau acton and oaorgotown tho homo nlno won in a bcoroofll to 10 in tho mat of foot races i rank mclntoidi won iho 1ih ynrdarnco tlio 21 yaril nnd tho 100 yard run njian to residents of llalton only j boao rncoa wore all koanly con livtid mnlcnlui mckachorn won aec oml pruo in tho flvo mil race ttnjoyabla opon all conn ft i hi gonf 1 mm thoiiglitfiilniua of lliudninhoi mauon in prmldlng an opn olr concort nn tho ilowor avp hind htiml nn hatunlny nvonlng by arton itutn g ii mil wan napoclally iipprcllntpil by tho hnuio romera mid vmlna din okiclltinronf tho niuslo provltud wim froily cmmiiontotl upon by u numlmr or tho vlaltora and tho i 11 itit piiicim naaroiiiioatcd to ouproa to tho b 1 nd nnd ita ontiu prlalng loudor thnlr tlinnka fur tho treat provldail homo from california mr a c r uookovo nnd mlaa flood no m rived boiuu from tboli tiana onllnrnlal ti lp it thuraday mrs uoodiut wad iimiih imdtfltrd by th amy in onllfornla though bur health u nut yet iy rugged hororal inoiithu wiro upeut at ilarkoloy and pnaandoiia ihon tin homaward journey nna ci ntmnncol upthu piiclflc coast in eiay atagtu ulta wcro hindi- at portland hoaltlo lotorln nnd ancouvor i rlunda won via i ted at vnrloim polntn in munltobaand foi ii wiok or ao thoy wore tlio guaita of mra loodiiva a brothor mayoi aali down or wlnnljieg havtral diiya umoaplnton tho luat aoctlon of tho journey with mr and mrr ti a jckhiovo at iort william n mmmn th m mall ill aaa tot kiaweht roi dinimui ran iiuouihkift robyobhouvw roi c0nitipat10n niuiiawikin nitheeoiipuxiir a wttuit iaa lyaw ia dtmt lbk hftabaokk tho lata hobart orh iho renin iuu of tho hitu llolwrt cionch who tlltd nt ida hoint 48 lliirnn ht hrnntford on wtdnoaduy mat ult wcro brought to acton for in tcrmont nn irlday morning inter mont tonkplnca in rnlrvlowcometory hot j o wllaon ii a kindly offi ciating in tho nlwonco of her q w ilarker thp pall boarora wcro moaara a v nicklln alux hocord i i rnnclu j cj hill j lawann s and uoun lllor wllllnmo nil ponional frlonda of mr creech during hla long roaldonce in acton tho casket wan oovorod itli beautiful horn i tribute wldch in rlndetl pillow from the fimiil 1 croia mi nnd mra i led wilgliti nnchnr tho bonrdota in tho homo a uiouth mi and mm win luff 1 nlicnf mr and mra alri matthowe 1 sheaf mr nnd mra llnlbertndt iitul fmnllyj ahinr mr nnd mra lamb mrs wyllo nnd mian wnldrou 1 uhnuf lllbloclibi no a wellington attect mothodlat jin 1 rch mr dicoch cmiio f acton in hla young manhood nnd win fur many yoara ongngeil in imalnoab horo as n hnrnoaa mukor llo removed to wood stook bomo eighteen yoara ago nnd aiih sciiiantly want to flrrtntford ho was marrlod to fluaheth tho oldest diuightei of tho into ilonjauilnnloklln who with tholr threo daughter mro 1 iulf mra w wyllo mid mlaa jennlo uurvlvo him miiohuynipalhy 1h felt horo for tho ben ft family protty woddlnjr at p1u villa a very happy ovalit took placo at iyi 11 in tbo anaolaiiu realdonoo of i pyfo 1 nq yi atorrtny afternoon when ida second daughter mlaa mmgaret waa milted in holy wedlock to itav david dick tlio ontoomod piietm of tho imaclpteu oliuroli nt wynhwond pink lornntn vo tho btralna of tho wotldlug march played by mr wright toronto tho hi ida on tared tho parlor loaning on llor fathoi a arm mul aljn ooksd iimniily indeed in her very becoming bridal rnlifia iho ooremuny wna mji formed by hov it w htevenson loronto tho hrldo whb attired in white allk with veil and nrnngo blosaaiiis hh carried a bniupiot nf bildtil rnioa her g6lng away gnwn wan electric blue allk with chip hat ami nlumoa iho bildul oonplo wim unnttondnil master i yfo guuiey of calgary who waa drcaacd in white velvet was ring bonier tho groonle protout to tho brhlo wim a imnutirnl biinburat of penrlb a tnagntnclnnt array of preaontb wrra received among tho iimiiygiioatbpramnt were mre it l dm noy and maalei vyfe nf uatgnry ml and mra william momaoknn nnd mlaa lulu nf illdgotowiit mr krank mcmnekoui of hlgligale 1 mr nnd mra wni flurney mlmoaai mr and mib itlohaiil iii ok aa1igroe and a deputation nf fnui menilwre of tho hun rd nf wj oh wood park himiih after rerelvliigery onnlhil onngratul atlnna ami pnituklug of a delightful wedding dejuneur ilev nnd mra pick left by the afternoon train nn tholr hnnoy mnnn tour ct niagara i vi ik i in fit in and clihutaurjuu n y irpon thilr ioiiiiu they will irnttla in tholr now home in toronto otminoii atahawln th morth waat nftinattar whnthrr ui crop of thla yaar lm largo or amall ihu long pt rhul of dimbt piteetling tin hurvi at will liav a doeldoly bout llnl it flf nt 1111 the rondilliina of 111 xt ydr ihn nmaimt of atiinnii 1 fiillnw haa been incri nui d in very dlatrlrt and mnv llabllltlna hnv hit generally imhii imiiind mul n hpliltofrautlim piavillii nmnfiat all rlaaaaa hnrliiey htm th tlawpbcpry orou la lima ii itaaplhirrlea like tr twin rrlfw u tit aonn imi a tiling of ihu pout foi thla year a vlalt to n number of the fi ult fur ma at diirlliigtou i mlwi t k mvi nh d to the i ukit phkum tht fut that the rnapberry crop la vn y amnll 1 oinpari it with that of nthtr yana many biibhca wire kllhd i mt wluti 1 unlit le bollevid llinciop will im ulwmt dontf thla week t aiimui fonlo to ibtanuy lsrk ht aaua hlihluy hrlmol iji ill aurttil fiom llm rluimli on m uul ly inornlngat h l i l laigij liri- alnl four aiihtod ifji iieuldi u pihnl xolllcha jollied in ilia jiivttihfliuh tti hi in hip iluy wiwliiii mnl tlnitaleii eat ruin n tint afti rnihin but flnnlly rhared off file ilillihrii 1 njoyl theiiiiif ivihgn tly jljoarrnngi ifirntv wernln the imlmlaiirtht krr rryali of tho hiindiiy hohool rfr ii h fhi wood who w iii hnve a roimhli ruble bnlaiilo aflni payfug nil rxpt uuea ofntvowtmeifit lonawontaffo mrinklpil lhak 1 1 jii on- mul hla twnumih ivinrlpdl i moore ht jeorgeauclmnl luolph nml i m moore hmnngei of the ieoiuttown horuld tuft on luimdiy naming fm new ontario on a tun uu outing mr mimro u tho mvmi kom if th uotuiln oloraiia r 11 him 1 h imn lake noiiio thirty uilua imithuii from now i dki iui lluy nil l it thlu property mid fminl tin ir thin in proapertlng imtunliiug itntl ii blng iho outing will no dmibl b ivi 11111 ii punauro foi tlia trio ohanjr in th marohanta hank bun mr i h luvidatm r iho uuttt f morelmiitb llnnk inn mil mt ii llirmlnghmiii or watronl nxihanged placi a lust wi 1 k pi lor lo hla n uiov ill rr davlilannu ft iti man fihmlu outertaliiid him at 1 pkpd tioiit biipptr at tho homo of mr hugh wallace lout i ihhiy evening a vt iy phuuaut nvonlng waw wptnt mi h llubertu wna nuirtn of teietnonha ami wonlo of kindly fin will to mi davldanu wero epnken mr lllrmlng ham the now tiller lu rapidly hunm ingnripmlnted in town and u iii noon reel qulto nt homo here mairld in muakok ontuoaday inly with at tho homo or mr itdand perry iiian hiotlui or tlia brhk in tlio towuahlp or htutoil muikuka whom tin tuiill mebiiui liiorlng mibh i vmitplini aluj pini man woo united in miiiligu in mi anioa i leury invt ofloiontii iho brhlo dreaded in allk eolliu mirnnuii noarailk with trlnimhiga if ulltivn laconnd penrla nnd carrying n ahonvr ikiuiiuat of robca wnu given away by hir fathor mr llmiuna pitiyman her brothor ilolaud acted grooma man nnd mihb i file mndlll of allaim vllle performed tho ilutlea of luidea maid 1 ha hov i hecki t pei foruud tho coramony tint hindu thu jung couplo huahnnd nnd wlfi only the iniiunllato frloudu wore pi 1 hint aftur n bumptumm repuat thernmpniiy honrfily ondniaed tho proposal of hov mr heckot in wishing henllli we iltb and happlnoaa to mr nnd mm livl tho newly wedded pilr will mnue tholr homo in toronto after n uluit lionoyinoon in hrinthlng tin hi icing air and iwholdlng tho ikautiful lanny in tho highland of oiitm hi om atavad by th dark or m doat moaarfl forglo martin a ii ii uxt on predmatthowa i luie iliggm and mr corner chnulfnir rtnrt d it onlucbilny from hue rir nn automu bllorhle theyflrat tlaltod oikvllli going from thero to 1 01 onto itunrn log rroin that city that aamo night thoy took n blind road botwnon conku vlllo and ntrootavllle nnd weie going ntn lomllocllp when liny hennl a dog barking jlnd not being biiro wholhor thoy woro nu iho light road or not top pod thcli nuto mul inndo onijulrloa nt tho liouie where tho dog wna harking and dining tin unit dlbcovoiod that tho stnorlng bar itntl jiut broken thoy fut her uiiulo tho startling dlwcowiry that about lu foot further an tho hildgn over iililuh they woro to croan bad lioon wnahotl away hn unit had thoy not otoppod to cnijulro nf tholr whoronboulo thoy would have mot with a notions ml ilmp nt tho hilrigc nnd going nt tho rnto or 10 lulluu an houi iho rt ult would of nocoualty boon moat dlunu troim to tho occupnntu of tho nuto they arrived hero about u til that night congratulating thonibelve mi tlelr nlniobt mhntiulouu 1 urapu milton hofoimei daoaaa or formal llalton haaldent ihn death nf mra cnthnrlno hut ohnit ut ii mi i it on on inly 27th nt a rlpo ago remnvob uuolliur peison ft 0111 a olreto wheio nho wna oncn nu lull miilo frlond and tolatlvn in thla loui munlty the into mra ilulchait waa the relict of mr david hut chart who dlod in 1001 nftur a long hiibluoua aaroer in loorgotown and milton nho wna tho olduat daughter of the into holieil itoyce of tho township tit pm iriusn who in the latter y ara or hla life with mra itoyce mndo his ho in anton and enjoyed tho roapeot ut nil who know him fur hla uptight chrlutlun uhmnoter ab 11 vlultpr nt her futhoru homi and tuo at t he homo of her bister mrs mary orr now ic movnl mrs lluiohnrtliecnmonripiiihit od with many in this town and enjoy od tho rtapoot and nateein of nil 1 01 tho prist eight months alio hud b en a mil ferar from pnrnlysla in a painful fouu which waa bornn with ohiuthin realgnatlnn she wub cured foi hy her daughter mra loseph iiusllui of ii krlo ave hamilton mid nlan mrs lj mont el tit nf grand valley another later tho interment took plncn at kverton after the arilvnl lieio of i hit morning train horo mi july with hn idoa tho ofoiosald muntlonod ruhillvna mia hut chart leaves n hi oilier mr jnslah itnyee nf krnmoba nml n slu tor mrs ion lough of linnd vnlfny two buna survive hoi mi john it iliitohnit of hamilton nml mr ileuhon lliilnhnit of toronto tlir civic holiday visitors many oam ilom u tha om town and many otttmnawanl pf town ut town ng ntulvln holiday aim iltiitieonaty with tho majority oltbo d ulllia or tin province gk iiuuaunl mul nut look ml flu pli ii mi i mi pportunltlna for vlaltora to f town nnd largo numlmrtf intugo of tho ltw ratob and nit uniriidtd by an outing h mo ire from loronto a tm u oram wna lure rrom a i purvu of copper cliff 1 fow thiya in town during the illaa winnie morrla of loronto waa n gui at nt moon croft mib ni hh ii nner la homo from 1 111 1 nto fun wei k 01 an mra i imi a huaai ii nf detroit mhh i i lilting rrbiula in re mr in 1 liahamlbbpoiidhig a wek 111 twowlli rrlenda in loronto mwi hrt tihlimi nf toronto vlqlttd ft ithiiu in the ld iiouh mui4iiiggln drop nf toronto wm avltli vrtou filenda on moptlny mr ii rt llolmea wna hobie fri 1 llnuiiltotiji day or an thli wek mr i- 1 llnhiiea weill to torontoen monday tir take a poillloi there mi j nml mrs w j chaprnau wen in loroijtu hcvernltluya this weik mbei wlnuh lveo- of 1 liiiehoiibe whim mt r linio on ivlb hotlday mi mil mra w morrluon tf to 1 1 ni ialli tl frlandu hero uila week m liialn htaphnnaon of loronto w i b nn nvi r haltirdny mid monday mi mul mra wll ialrtl of tormi t win lu town fm a weekend mll mui liijtir of imoiilii a pent h10 hnllduya with hi r alater mm ir jiuy o c p hi of hamilton bkut clvln holidny with hla brothor mr 1 v pi let mr ii d davit of iho advocate mltibtll vlalted artou frlonila thla wit k mra apt nt 1 wtik mian i tlinl cuaa and mlaa trench ol loronto woro gutatb nf mlaa lottto moon mi nml mra 1 ii akhiu a pent a d iy or two thla wri k with rein uvea in ibillu mi mul mra v ii denny mid mlaa it ill i ljienl nevirnl dayu in toronto tblu week miu willi nu wllllnma spent a law iliya with filonda in i otidou during tho eek mun itota hrutt of park date waa with her aunt mm o ii hrown for tin hollduju mr v i moore of tho mncleau piibllmhlng on toronto waa home for n tew dnyo mra i c cheyiiit nnd maater hoiiur r detroit mich are ulllng ftlliida in town ii 1 rah nui of detroit was the gut at or hla shier mlaa holla uing thowiek mra i copping of houth pttrkdiile 11 ut ihu bolldaya with her daughter mra a j drown mr nml mra a 1 drown loft luat lb 111 till ny to bjioiid a week or ao with frlonda in toronto mr und mra matthew lrnj of lo lonto spent tho holiday at tho homo 1 mr frank kennedy hov and mra t ajhoit mooro and miaaia nmiim and dorothy woro guiihibiit moorocroft mlaa norn nmlth nf toronto wna tho guest or hir alulor mihb ilertle nt lllmioit hiat wet k mr hi my flrludill wan hi luelph i monday attending tho funeral of lh into mra william hlnan mibb punrl h to wait la spending a couple of wee lb with filenda in abor fuylo hamilton and toronto mr lohn mnrrla ni rived in town on nu turd ay from n two months trip to i1i1 former home lu yorkohlr ung mi nnd mm lohn longhead of luiunto bpent a few dnyn inat week with mi nml mra 1 v price willow ht mi d mini flmlth who hnn lieen con fined tp the houuo for about n year waa able to walk up town on tiles day mr d d clulallo and ml joan chi latin of oiiulph hava rt turned nfti i 11 two months trip tg thu old land mus alliorta price retutuwl to hani llttin last week after a pond lug a oouplo ofsveokb with her cousin miss metn li loo mlaa kosla ahn moore of wyah wo ml park and mltir ilortha woods of toronto nro tho guasta of mibb mngglo nmlth mi 1 p longheed and miss h htowait daughter of 1 x aid rj to wart loronto spent civic holhlny with mr and mrs t v imc mrs allan or holnllnld man has lieon vlaltlng hi 1 rather mr hugh mann thupnatwtek hor dnughtnr miss i mm neon m pan led her mr nnd mrs d d maun and son ef toronto cami up fiom tho chy in tin it nutoinnhlle 011 moniliy to vlalt nt tho home of hla father hugh mnnn ri mi ii h nickllu or ihu murclmnta hink hlnff la enjoying holidays ho hau i11011 bpumllug the past fow days with hla frkml mi i biyd a hnuli ot hamilton mrs win llveit iiocnmpanloil by mru mid mibb mnnn her gucsta dmvo to acton holiday for the day with their brother and sister ilemy and nulo irlmlill llverton oor mi henry p hill who was in town last biiminui and who went into imsinohm nt vanoouvei i o in thn fall haa iiuiiiivcd to hiniolulu 1 ii whom hu was previously in business fm aovmal years mm i limiiciu who was sojourning in muaknkn inst week when her brothel lii law mr hohlcreeoh died and did not rooulvo iho messages sent voapeillng tho sail ovent went to ii run i ford on mnnday ut spond a few tlnyn with hei buiui wim had lieen in 11 ft pali kadi dates if join glassrr aia not eoinfoi tnlil 1 or if join h lists niiiilie t bunging uuu stilt iho ip nhillst in ihuwiim diug htoioon lliuindny aug httli 1iiimilu ijondnn dutdnh hiiruiigtou dnkvlhv leorgf tmvii wntorduwn itiinkiiiioil n isuffgiihi yn mlllnii cnlnluhla kiln aug jl he jl 0 hejit 11 1 1 nept 17 ik hi hept ai heptjnin oot 1 a oct 1 oof ii 1 dot h out 10 ii oot 10 11 oot 1017 h h unswotttii two weeks only stocktaking clearance sale many line mnrlccd away below rebuilt- prictiu to clear at once extra special barrima in rcadto weir waists and skirts our counters arc bubbling over with genuine bargains goods marked for quick selling a highest prices paid for farm produoo h h unswobth opfohiti iost ort icb mid street aton dress goods and i lie rlhktna lint baa atlemlcil lha ami lukaiiirinl ol our dreia twmli an 1 silk sola baa imii most olufaclory tt 0 intb wo hav mt ouraelua to veil imoun worth of drati gomii it a unpen i utone but tlio flpeildiice nt i bo frit faw diyai f i lie ualo show ua what can be done when price oilcring are mulo an lovlllng rhern will ita tamti nrnnl tcllinil llita wceti 20 iin civn 1 discount iok making cmturufl canltavo noy of ibqui teoili ntkibi up in our catudian skirt co thirlnrf aiijuil at a apecb ojiomnl ol p per cant olr our rettular charge for inblng alo oscli dayilnrihtf aijtfuu cbmoejrlf linfcs r mu5linsundiipkickd cliooic front bur critire stock oflighcliin orgindiiii voilei dimities swibs muslins fancy ombroidcrrd wnsh voilra new york a mqflt lfhlonablc fnlinci kegulnr gc to 75c a yard at ltic e r bollert st co myndhkw strbbt gufblph hoiiseftipqislinji departiept is particularly attractive juit now stocki arc largo and values unexcelled if ygu require anything in any of the following linen do not fail to see what we arc showing nnd compare values linoleum oilcloths mattings carpets curlainb portiers tapostry rugs wool squares squares art muslins spot muslins bobbinetts table covers henderson stcg mill st acton t c yes i out they go i all straw hats at halv price latest styles h e nelsons oublpii out for the man who cares furnishings at low prices here is a line in choosing iroin which its a good thing to cercibo some care in mnking sorno selections unless you buy at this store or we have exerted the care and fore thought for you and no extra charge for it either goth working and dress shirts are hero in wide varieties ready to givo good hervice to any man who wisoly pur chases them the patterns and styles are new and varied besides assuring you of stylish neckwear in every case we offer you neckwear that doesnt easily wear threadbaro fray fnde or grow rusty our collars and cuffs are of the bcbt quality ol linen snow white closely woven and four ply no liability after a few launderings of their developing a saw edgo that near ly paws jour head or hands off whj ue pill such stress on mens little dress essentials susponders gloves hosiery and handkerchiefs is because wo can give you so much better ones than you can get moat other places for the same amount and more the tost of the cooking is in the pudding try tho pudding d e macdonald bros fle bon gclpi the right house iiamii tons 1 avoniti slioipino ilaci wwte gloiise bargains that paimv viditath with monbvbav1no intbrrst tlis cllnin of iho rreateat bloiito balling in the hlitory of the hois la tisro liolow we lull oflemplina prl inducements on blotliea for any uawrf wear hlouaea hist re licet the ben effort ol die iwft maboni dainty bio the it y lei mio la lha workmanship great the bsrislns wlae women wilt buy hslf a down a for whit bioumsi worth 1 00 mails ol f wn tucket in v ilianed yoke with line pin tucblnaa trlmmetl with vsl lncelnurtloii 1 sleeies cuiib inlslied with insertions sml edglnge vi b0 for whit blou worth s8w msdo of sheer mutlln and firm lswns lome are trlmmetl with embrolilsry insorllons and lice down front in prally croia tloiloni oiliera hsve embrolilary front i of eyelnt work still other hove allnvar embroidery front anil vsl isco yokes itcaiitir ii 30 aale prlco ii soeich l ob for whit bou worth mrio i erilin lbwiib mitlli end mitillni in ahoer line ipullllea snd dainty eiclua ivo slylea allover embrolilary fronts in alisdour work yobea of isce and em broidery in slternato row a vol iaco yokes snd il lover emliroldery fronla 1 dilnly dutch necks with rnwa of val lace for yoke finished with embroidery end ce down front regular vj 50 sale prlco f 1 91 thrbb dahoains in ohildrbnji dbbbbbs chllilrenb tlalniy practical wssh dreaies ih wlillo sn i colora all ahsrnly reduced t list s the iniereitlnfr story for tcmorrou you will find n wulo rango lor tolecllon 1 he savlnss are a full third children l bo wh draatm 08o wlillfl ami colored the while ilreaaes are mail of itwn mmllil duck snd plmte llin tolorexl ilroaaea nre made of rarcslea ducks nlnflliami craaliea and lllnillle i here sre stripe dot check nnd neal floral paiterna all sre lucked plalletl and srlectholy trlmmeil with frllla fancy braid embroidery or lace ior girls of 1 lo 1 1 years ttogulsr ti 30 sale prlco uxo s 00 whit wnaih bresum l sa pino mualln dreaasa and white duck bailor bulla tho bulla have larro sailor collnrs cuffa collar mid llo arc trimmed with braid skirls are full iiulted die inuilln ilreiaea are tu kid nnd prettily trimmed with lace yoke rill over shoulder sbori aleevas inckeil skirt vnhisti for i 3h tor girl ol t to m years hlaim sh00 bailor bulu rt 2ko made ol whito thick nlao pink and blue ground peraalea with neat fifliiroand fancy white hnmilllchml frpnl cillaraml cuffs trimmed with whim wiuh braids aepinle sulrt on hand la extra full and very jaunty in style ibeie atunnlng bulls are wall nibtln ol rood materula in snappy new alylo effecls value i4 no sate prlco i 30 each thomas ctvarrktns r gonnin kino st bait kuohron hamilton ont

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