tiiuhhimv alxlimi itu kft tiiounlkinoor nvi inliiu whiie hut lu imiiii llnkiu whliilnt he uoeu round iiibihiiii him ik nhiiutihliilii ntvin uhiit win m jim l when mm town l nwdntln hn jii sots itinl niihwius vviill lulnr iirnimhiki never i old win in jim la none or ns uiladouht ii heelo wtrn nlli froum i ii aint thutwht iihmil it tlilnko unit rllti up others never wcm tnutilu liiuil trouhlu proof i mil it wleliluial1 wiallulilml jmwin u huhln in llpplnooua auhtmvldahttvlliwhorhv it in imt uoudfitl to hiv9 hsr a local hawutlutt ufid a surname ivery reader kjiw4 unit tfto uxute num- otlaly and priilinhfy hn hits huiid her or one of hur imiltn jyut iiiirb ohser- yatlaha as llinsu thnt follow the stray eantohers ktlirrtil itntl treasured in the cooks of a half hours converso tlon i tito recipes nwfsny toko so innny spoonfuls or upfiils of it hut you can t uo nyioli cooking without you mix cqnahlerahte kiiitiptlorr tupt a ttooil plun for n rrrl to think of nnthluifllmt rettlnb married enrrnlly she rcis so cross eyed from faartl looking thalvho sees tho wrong- man tito lust way to keep n secret from tha prylnu kind of fdvka la to tell them all about it 1 hen tbay wont moren bairbollovii wjkit you any and thayll forget it an ipck ns thoy can i itelluve irt womens rights but i never any ao tit thtioe uro young itrlilee that dont know how to cook any- tlilnr but fudg ct raona rights i talk to them funny isnt it how tba mini pud- dlaa and tho hurhodwlro lance go out o their way tn- play tog with a hoy tlmta got liu sunday clulhoa on t i npoiio you ntlrht iuy looking at it on one way that liquor is gwat atuk to dint of even up things of course ittaluieshlngliisuiyauiruis lirn hut thun it puts piuohss on hla pints theres ono complaint that most any ptett iiilillolna will curs provid ed yon keep on uulug it long enough its that dropsical awulllng of the pockatltook too vbrbatilib poor jack of nil trndos 1 ho strong la thoprojodlcongnliibt hlui that hn la oven denied tha right to practise ono avocation lest it interfere with hla calling thin la nn ago of narrow pmlalixntlou winn john ilolehcr known now ns n daring nnd original urobltcot was n young man ho gave a gooddoal of llmu to ntualo hn boil n lim voice and waa greatly in tlomnnd at evening parties on ovonlng after ho hnd sung to loud applause ho overheard two gontlomun talking him over who waa the fellow that sang juat uowf aakad one tho professional 1 mean oh that wan mr ilolcher an artb taot t wall ha cant be inuoh of au architect ir bo n elng like that tho lltunor novor aang again save at homo- ha dooldod that it waa bolter to be a good architect than a pretty good musician nnd a fairly good architect 1dlb mrs oilks- your young wife appears lu bo rather who of lato ventured the country doctor to farnur hies vans drawled the old former with a bunch of rnbbltaklns under hu arm alio la ono of those city gala and 1 am afraid alio liiumt enough to occupy lior mind think not v waal no after alio baa milked u eowa before broakfaat nnd coouwl biwikfaat for tho ploughmen nnd fed plga and cblakena and atarted waeblng nnd pub dinner on and put up preeor- tdflamlehalted a liuabol or pooa and lonoaome ironing and put supper on donn darning and patching for tho huiiaohotd nnd pooled a couple of pounda of apples for to morrow din- in r why abo luunt any thing more to hi until bed time i think ill lain her bow to mako our own ollonkoa for 1 ho eowa bo her mlnil will lie ooeuplod yea slree the only way to keep a wife amlllng nnd happy la to koop bar mind occupied tit hhs bnowninofl modbarrv the only turn of uoburt hrownlng nnd hluilbihtinuu wifn wan a diligent nit student wbun bo giow to manhood he waa ttollevtd tt btivn n promising career but oiuowbin the father waa showing a friend annm of hla aims plo- turoa hn t xpn shed n finr that be might sultoi from the high hope built upon him he ib plurid at a dumkniitago aatd ilrownlnr then bo explained further in n phiuan nu modest na any over uttered y a gi ent man i people ttupptt iiiuoh fiom hhn you aoe becniibo bo had aucli ii olover niothor oontisubd we are told that in many illrecllons it ib the imposuiblo wbluli la true perhaps the otttravageiico of tho fol lowing etory told by the now york times may help vouch for lta ai enr- aoyi a tank elub bad ongngtd in the atiidy of llamht hut two meet ings bail token piano whin one inn tu ber taitt another at nu afternoon tin aront you dying rnr the not niesllng of tho club f uhn asked i dont kmm whyp why lieenuse were studying hanitott aront you simply craay to know bow it coiuea outp knbwtmrinwavs tbe winners of nu id wldu fmiii iiro fw lu iltnrnturo on nunwbiim itut lh distinction nnd onulihrnllou aeronled to dvkii a inoibiul hi u try nun iih nm unit of ibn arknowlrdnd rewittda of tin pi ofimtiloii of intli ru in nu nuthoi a nwii borne bownvr ibo 1 1 llni to of upprtrlatlitn nnd pmlm tiveii if it lu erhoml or bituniifliml u itlao likely to lm wboloiiottivly dasliml with the spiny frankorna that iimn- tileu froiti niimory and kilt hen why dont you over ttiul my itooka p nuked one writer of ratbr solid llteratun jiutlugly of b yon tho hoy fi nrful of hurting bis fathei a fat ungu put hla vply ne dullt ato au ho knew how i will you know whan im fidtr bo said but now i roiul i inly intuit ut ingttoqke 1 1 lint itoy m grown up niul takoif to jnufuallslu tbare nr otlmc children ih the family and ojte a dauajhter recently had her jlrat artkln ncorfjml for piihlu fitltm rt faclwbliih accident- nfly reachadthn enru ofnnrtt in the klubeu nor bns iteeji idng lit iter place sna feels that vlie fully hiulorritanda 0i peeiilliirltlsa of literal j mop1e tltey muatatever hnvn tholr desks duutml they nttneb alwurtl luiportsrico tn the wrong bit of papor getting intb tho waste itasket tliey generally fall to bear tho dinner boll but jump wildly and gasp about their nerves if he dustpan falls down stair or one drop a pokor thoy forget to order from the marketing list they go down town on purpose to attend to are alwent mind ed to a degree nnd havu to 1m cars- fully fed and meals nerved ready to tho minute nn account of tlulr dlgea tlona film did noteongratulntn tho mother ofa budding authorssb ifer mouth foil open and tho saucepan remalneil usiended in her band holnts preset vo us mum i she ejaculated if they all write wont it be torrlhlol just tho thing thats wanted a pill that acts upon the stomach nnd yet lu ao compounded that certain ingredients of it preserve tliulr power to not upon the intestinal cnnnls so ns to clear them of excreta lbs retention of which cannot but lie hurtful was long looked for by the medical profes sion it wm found in purmeleoa vegetable 1ilu which are tho result of much expmtbtiidy and nro scienti fically prepared at a laxative and an alternative in one castor i a f and lta boon m w ctau allowmoormtni tho kind yon stnvo alwnyu ilouglif nnd wliloli lina rwwin in uho for over ho ynnrw lian boron tli4 nlgnntnr of i knnilo miidor ills por tion alnoo its liifanny allow no ono tolmivo yon in this all counterfeits imitations nml jiihtaaffoorar but isvimirlmenta tbnt trlflo wltli mid emlnngor tlio health of inftuiu and clilldron ifixiiorlonoo ngnlnst isicporlmont t what is jcastoria bmtar ir n linrmleas kuwitifto for castor oil jrar- trortn jropsrtia hititttiliiu hyrups it id xmruurtnti it eontnlnsv iioltltot opiinsv mnrphuio imr other unotja- snibatailoo its agr i lta cuornriteo it doatroys worms nnd nllays 7overjahnsa it ciiro idjarrhoani sujd wind oollo it relieves ftoetlilno tcmiblris curbs oouatliuitloii and flrttiilonoy it asalmllats thn food rgujatcw tho fitflnuioli nnd ooweln glvjng lionftby ami naturul sleep tho chlldrou lantueatlio mothorsivlond oenuine castor i a always 1 boar tho slfjnature of the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years llfo u greater tbnn any bnilea of bttrroundlngs that may off not it nnd tho greater aucceua in life consluta in following the pouslbllitleb of our blgb- sut aelvos ltlilley hoi forgot ful nosa in love for others bns a forcinout place in tho ideal char actor nnd represents the true end of humanity poabody castor i a for infants md ohildnn ttjo kind you havi always bought bsors tha etgnatnrs the tlmu a the vorat employed which wo give up to regrets unless wo hjnrn from them lossona for the future ijovis motberoravob worm exurmlnator iloas not require the bolp of any pur- gntlvo nitdiclno to compute tho euro glvo it a trial and lie convinced a growing fill lb will shutter many forms dishonest thinking does not load to lioly living oawtonia bwstu slhi hlj yttl hiw altiyi bmum blfsitue of chartered by dominion oovernnunt uftlolillitied 1h64 the merchants bank op canada monti ual no h ranches vice irealilent jonathan hoioboj lim uvkd oii ick iiuerest added four limes a year president sia h mcihtaou allan general manager u i ilinnicw capllsl paid up 6ooooooto deposits over ijjoooooooo surplus 14000000 oo total allots 13100000000 savings bank deposits one dollar or upward will open an account money withdrawable any lime no delay rarmerb sale notes we have special facilities for colloctlns these we will ciuh ibem at once if deilred at a low rate of interest joint accounts when requested wo will open accounts in two nstnes so thai either one msy draw the money liuubaml or wlfo elc aoton branch w s chisholm manager lhi hibj vflii 1 hw jluifi b i know no fnlluie sito fnllnie in cleaving to the purposes wblab i know to bo tho best ooorge kllol there is always a deiuitiul for the dian who does his iteat the never fulling imdlelne hollo- ways corn ohio removes all kinds of orna wart eta inven the most dim- ultto remove caimnt wltbslnml this wonderful remedy no impulbo la too splendid for the simplest tnuk 1 no task is too simple for the mobt splendid impulse phillips ilrookb a medlcino for the minors inck proepoctors nlid othora going into the mining regions where doctors are few and drug stores not- at all should provide themselves with a supply of dr thomas kaloctrio oil it will affbot the effects of exposure reduce sprains and ubun taken internally will prevent and euro colds and aoro throat and ns a lubricant will keep tho niuboios in good condition the best propitiation for ilia futtiro la tho present well scon to tho hut duty well ilono ooorgo mnodonahl ufo is mode up of trlnlu nnd cbnncns given to uu to ueo bow wo will not and i in pro vo ourselves fjrliiibhnw a grand cure ron summed complaint and cramps id dr fowlers extract op wild strawberry tt is rmturna spool do for dunhom dysentery cramps colle palo in lbs bloomed cholera morbus cholsra in fantum bea sickness qugpnsr com plaint etc llnplil nod letlnlila in its action itn efbelu nro innrvelloiia and ik is plrnsnut nnd luinuliws to tnko it has been a household remedy for rlitytno years nefumi auluitltutes they are danier- oim mm wm riflnolllng arthur out wrltea i find it iniieh pleasure to reeommend lr fowl nits kxtraot or who btjiawiihrhy as a grand euro for hitminer complaint my little boy one yi nr old was very bad with it and a few doses eitred htm i also used it on my other alx children for cramps and still haw half the houu left x it too much the trium of the time canadian national exhibition 1007 toronto 1007 auijusi 26th in september dili our countrys rewurce our counuy induiutm cantdin propel itluilraled 400000 in now iiulldlniv siooooo in premiums 40000 in premiums 40000 in special attractions 40000 induiliiil activity national il hutorical ah tluta dett in exemplified portrait collection agriculture fend n ah finest of the woriilt iianos maqnificent 1uttik hii ctacth unrivamed entkrtainmnnr feature smtu ium tar mud trip uj mcuiiim ratm oa mr ka irav fm all iatarmilloa ajjm w kceoroe j oorr was weak and run down would very often faint away mrs j ii arnihtrono port ilmsley dot trllu of her ojk rjciico with mildurhb heart ahd nerve pili film write it is with gratitude i tell how your heart mid nurvn pjiie benefitted inn i vast ory urnk nml run down linil bendnchru itinily eory ilny nnd ery often would dint nwny iii fart my doctor said tlmt mtiiietlnin i uonld tinier come out of the fnlnt it ush throti one of mir trnvnllinit nknitu that i unu induced to try mlliitinis llrnrt nnd lwn pilu unci lifter taking three boxes i am glnd to rrlntn it ims been n number of years since i hnd n fnlnting spell nnd scarcely enr iknin a lienilnelu loo nturh cntinnt iw hnld in nmiwi of mil- bunts heart nnd nerve piltu for in ine tliey have effected a perfect euro price ao cents per box or 3 linxes foi i 2b at all denlers or tha t milium co iimlled toronto out you havo not fulfilled eveiy duty nn- lesa you luivo fillftlled hint of lie log oheerful ilukton oamvonxa burs us alln kind vo hint uliiri bwijim ixtve la not in getting but riving i not a mild dronui of plenbiiro but goodnosa mid honor nnd ponco nnd noblu hvingrthnt is lovo induud henry van iyke 8w i lila lirntur- en evsry bos of the lenalsa taxallvo orotnoquinlne iwbuu jjj m truo wisdom is to know wbiit is best wot lb knowing and tn do whnt ib iwbi worth doing humphrey roundauo pr pint i when wo undeitjikn tn fill your aulwoilptlons wokwo tluun our undivldoil attention and bout tnio tito patlnnta welfare lu our llrst non- sldnratlou reoond i wo gunranleo our drugs to lie of full strength aa well an puro ami fresh third i our ouatomere are supplied with just what tbrrynak fur i subetftut- ing is never allowed iainhh dkihity cohlounii if you are a sufferer from kidney dlaeaso liver complaint- lilom tioublns rheumntlnm neuralgia 01 nervous prostration we eonldbntly roonni- mend the nan of palnea oolery onpi- pound tltlo rellablo and never d nphtlntllig tiled lei no la n tmo dlaonae itnnlsbnr and system bulhler we supply tho genuine palnea cjolnry ootiipnund at rrown aoton out llunulirul la tho activity that works for good nnd tho stlllneua that walts for good cjollyci there novor won and novor will be a uulvnihal tannoon in ono iomody for all ills to which flosh is holr what voultlrotlovo ono hi in turn would nggravato tlu otbera wo have hnwovor in qulnluo wine when oh tal nod lu a bound unndultois nttml auto n roininly for many nnd grlnvouu ills ily itn gradual and judlclotiu uao tho fralhut syutemn nro led into onnvnluhconou and atmngtb by tho influence which quinine nxorta on natures own rostorntlvoa it ro llnvea thnno to whom a chronic wtntc of morbid deupnndunoy and look of luteresb in ufa is a dlitueao and by trnmiulllzlug tho nnivoa dlspobea to sound nnd refreshing sloop impaits vlgoi to tho action or tho blood wblab lining fltlmulated coiuaeu throng the veins strength oiling tbo healthy ani mal functions of tho system thornby making activity a noocbhiiry reault stroiigthenlng tbo ftamo nnd giving hto to tbo digestive organs which naturally demand inereiuwd aulwtanco result improvwl nppotito knith- lopfc lymnrt or toronto havo glvon u thn puhllu tholi superior qulnim ily tho opluliiii of anleulluts the wlnri nppioiinhos nomest pirfectlon of any on the mnibet all drugglats sell it it ih mil whnt ho has uol even whnt bo does that directly expifsios the wnrlb of o ni nn but whnt be la iinitl p amtel ouciimhmh mid molnns mo foiblil den f i ult to iiiiiuv ppisona ao eonall lutod llinl tho leni1 indulgenmi la followed by altncks nfehnlein dysen tery griping olo these persons ore not awnro tbnt they emi indulge to heir hoiute content if i hey havo on timid a botllo of lc j d keltogga ilysenlery cordial n nimllelns lltht wilt ghn inituihllato reller and is a aunt euro for all summer eoinplalnts unto you vouno mbh pit kllot of harvard unlver slty liaa iteen a teacher of young inrri for half a cmtury he renntly had ibeso things to say tn his students and hu sentiments are just as much need ed by oanndlan aludonts aa by their american cousins i hi it vi ry aiifw proteetlve rule to live today us if you were going to marry a pure woman within a month that ruin you will find a safeguard for life it lu a good rule eatly to work to learn how tn work bard it lu a gtkrtl rule never to tnkn four minutes to do what you can au well accomplish in three minutes or lake four years to do what you can as well accomplish in three years it lea good rule to live to dsy and every day like a man of honor as an indispensable foundation for solid dursjhla satursomph at young hum might to w k chari wbolesonitr vigorous auluisl that ttf ho ftajuda tlmi for everything uks in domestic cjvfit and ltislness life we have to build everything on tbla animal strength u doesnt eneantlial to b etrokig you have tribe barhahuus yofl must nvold drunkenness ltcbntousnoss and getting into dirt or any kind it l line to enjoy sports they aie leglll- mate enjoyments hut if they are made the main ends they coasa to lie a source of durable satisfaction they must bo lucldentsl the second thing necessary is a strong mental grip a wholesome capa city for hard mental work ibn diff erence between tbo privileged class of educated men to wblab you belong and tho great innjorlty of other people s that the educated class uvea by the exercise of mental not physical powers you ought to get a capacity for rapid been intense intellectual labor tho third thing nooessary is a spot- loss reputation this only comes by living with honor there are things an honorable man wont do cant do he will novor wrong or degrade a woman he will never npprosa or cheat a parson weaker or poorer hi is honest alncsrn candid generous kidney disease and itsdanger kidney dlitensn comes on quietly may have hern in the nyntem for years bemre you mmprrtm tlte renl entliui of your trouble there mny inn iteen bncknelwh urorntrui sclutlrn rheumn- tlam etc 1erlinpo you did not knot llienn were uyuiptoiiih of kidney ducnse ho tlte trouble kept on arowlnjr wonw until diktnrlmncru of lite water np- penrel or there wns prrairl or retention of urine or some such sign of kidney troulile ooans kidney pills snoutd la taken nt tlte first nlgn of nn thing wrong they nt mint lien tlte kldnrju nnd lielp tlinn to lifter tlio blood properly help tlieni to lluuli off and curry nwny with the hiirnltiu wnttr nil thoxo impuntirs which tlte blood gntbers up in its elr- ntilt of tlte itoily mm alfred inltlnne hlnck cape que writes i feci it my duty to any n word nltout lloana knmir piuji i aulyered dreadful pains across my back so bad i could not stoop or bend after jinvina uuh two itoxes 1 now feel most completely cum i highly re oemmand uoans kiowbt pilu sinn does what bo can and hoars what he must and the name by which ho calls the reault is loft to each to decldo a clever man calls it happiness qootho chamberlains cough remedy alwa ys curbs and pimiui tat salt lt th iiolilonoaa of your mind lntl you to lta improvement llotvnrd oamvobxa ru 1h vm hw wmfl swim the virtus of a man la measured by bla every day conduct pascal to ounad a cold in onr day teh a latjalive ilromoquliilna tsbut ai flmunltii rmnt ilia nionay ii li falli lo eurs u vurovesilsdslureoneuh lloi uoaul a mans ideal must bo bla guide as well nn bla goal alnaworth ijat thy discontents its thy aoorets prank i in a our for pever and ague par- melees vegetable pills are compound ed for use in any climate and thoy will bo found to preserve tbolr powers in any latitude in fever nnd nftuu they act upon tho accretions and neutralise tbo poison which has found its way into tho blood they correct tbo impurities which hnd entrance into tho syatoni through drinking water or food and if uaod nsa preven tive foiers nro avoided only leve ami keep out bitterness lovo u stronger than the world s tin- kindness george kllot it takes a strong man to stop doing weak things cheerfulness opens like spring nil the blossoms or tbo inward man hloher good blood kuk so will bad blood the one in a liealthy itody nnd ruddy complexion tlte other in 111 itenltb hlntclins pimples ih nnd itnres and frequently in in tenner forms ns ulcer nlutcciihcu orywipelnu unit rliemo tie kery organ of thn body lepnnds on the hlond for force end ltally nnd is hut senitttty servetl when tbo mood la impure no remedy is no potent aa a blood purifier nr more rapidly prodiiom new nnd lienllhy blood titan burdock blood bitters whlclt nutmllam the vrriotu rwlaona nrul reatorea ib vltnllalnr power of thla nil imjtortlint fluid vorsale by all drugglete and daalere r wanted a competent man till gram triim railway would a careful employer hire yqu an executive position etoslness systems commercisj school will not turnfout any half ejucaled graduates i each student will have to bo capable when he leaves the achool ej stepping rmlit in aiij taking- hold if be a not capsbfe he wjll not ha allowed lo arsduate and urud they have graduated no atudenls wu be recommendnd or positions by qualneaa systems limited or by the directors of the colletfe that sounds pretty slilt doesnt it but bear llua in mind capable men net the hitfhest ssfsisa and with the training that dusmesa systems commercial school gives you you need have no tear about bemq able to hold dawn job on any set of books anywhere you will he more than a bookkeeper you will bo a specialist in modern commercial methods when you have fraduatej from business systems com mercial school you will hsve thoroughly mastered commercial arithmetic commercial spelling commercial law and modern hanking sunlit you hy expert teachers who have had arlual practical business experience you wilt not he in the rut ui will he in touch with all the latest innovations as installed by modern business houses if you really want to cfjuin yourself to hold down a first clsss position write ua for booklet on the courses taught in business systems commercial school tell term betfina tuesday sept 3rd wrawithjr js32 sfadlma avcniic hr kuuj toronto ont s jf yes i out they go all straw hats at half price latest styles r e nelsons ouelph ont critical examination oi the piece geslo in our slack always pleaben us- aaa rnrely falls to please the other stnn psbblsnabls gooou prope cat properly tailored preperly priced tlisss things we gwaraatee yas des order any let hi eg until yen kavs examined our stock wot gooper the taibor crnar mill and main st aetna out titliograpfyers j- tho david smith enkuthoco formerly ol rolph smith ft co 80 ob oo church hi r oat adjoining toronlouudlwar chambers toronto engravar and llthosjraphars bank and cornmarolal btatlonara manu otursrs of high class cal endar sand advsrtlslnar novsttlse new pictures at waters bros new- ideas in framing artiste supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the best quality waters bros guetph art btorb i the old and reliable granite and marble dealers wpj ere m s n a ml h rare anrl alreel iraponud o sllhlnruofuimuiuabtslsnaltewlitaiia wets wemllalrmllaourousteniarshlwlidls la prlees lltus mviiis eur eiuuttnsrt 40 ivar nl w liava ilia bt apitllanem an be inly wmhaulestu ih dowlnion wlio eaa opar- everton shsedeh mltts the uaat quality ol manitoba vamlly and pastry flour for solo at lowest prices our own make chopping done and oats itollod every day feed for sals cash tor wheat and oats henry hortop hamilton sons oer morfelk and voollsli sts ouhlril binder tvsrine plymouth gold mbdal silver sheaf ask for our prices you will find thorn right actoit jcc1 s boot nobut pmmr n i moorb naaar iaabknoiih trtaiml t1j ftllj ralnaeall jo h no n jo 11 un u no 11 l ila ii n i at wl 1 lati la i 1 1 1 a i in n i ii 1 7 l3 li ilnteir t a ijitsaiii in m am 0 s i iii r hi iiiva all trail bl at an t li aturlailiii ail ii illy ki at richelieu and ontario haviga- hon gorhpahy t tl nam in 1 1 ii k llil i j utw tumo tiduontiii ilini hi in hi oti liirtfiu rial tor arttnir iiiit0 stovtl i uim j b ml f il fv tcrmilij tuihak tlmrf fkii vii llrlnlatuiil udli rimttalln at lr la hiacaba havicfltion co dutralo hlassra pahnow vbrk an all unlud suttee polo nui tami i l ul vonuakt in j 4 iii ii anloa at t u 1 tri a r 1 i i i j r m f llf tlchrl ii trr i i i r tralrra ihaklluliliu v i 1w ujas remooval notice ltl onininc u 1 ur store it nnv locnltd on oiiolnc si rent enit opponlio llio itcral toflico will tin open tot riiiltr i mine is qiioiii annual itli lnlcbl blylch elc iapoiituines flat and fii store w wall paprn slproprrly erleclcd viltli ii add a llr oil n lo tlio irtj of all n r i it a man ii n r loiuo over w in mill i fvt f yinrrllion ir a i i ulo i lais mniwall iv 1x7 lvrviinij in wll prr in llr rl n fi id m jit a iu ilio lttl lliala made i any ilylt nny piol ily al any jm a to ml any pockol buul j sampltt tliown an eilmwlnclirrffullvdif niiud w ilioul oliiji- lion i a buy wm gimson wjpodemgravinct photoengraving thaif tones or any class of tnfjiwinfradvnjmi a putlposesflloquh haoaiiha c 9 fin way sryfafit tnaoe matlka diolqno coavniouts ao in hon mi iinilfr an aa s imi rti ii lnl nan r li r h omiijiim iaioiilil l4ktii irronili lltiiiii alw rjhfl ii null wli h mi oliaruo iii tlin scientific nmwkm k hanttnimnlr llliialrit1 wmtlr ltruptl tlf ulallijll it l a itlif ill j i tin iv if ri iv v vi waaliliihlt ur liiicuuiiii iih vittleyamt nl mm yu are iwndidi ih alirtti rmtilrl itf yriirlu i i nt ill itilalni itiltlrr ll a llinuliu iwteulalilj bi m kailnijthavitft ltliiel itilly iitt i iljwa hi k w iil liai iikicii lliiiiillnraiitnmmuit ty illiiwlrli mi iiii oiiuuv afriiasvii aalroailar itm lnviiill n llfnllrl ierttl rwiuj il ihri null mnrhn a 1 ton r cji apfrlsl nnllm trill ini charts ivrionik cioihtitlht 1 ihrniiiui ht l minion pwlattyirtlrni i imliii i manura liiiffanhilltildtiiraia f marion marion j haent ksperti ind sol ollorsj