Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1907, p. 2

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more new pavement wanted all i un u nill arlod kill ml llall htl i i iv lllll allljiimt to lay unli anniini m wauhi m in flu nimiiwn itlrl maruafiluml ui r ar- aulmr 11 ii h i r i i mnlitl hay any in i uhy luiinliler i ill liafall illtllsil vv a i m mi mi 11mv7 icditohial nqtttb i lie i n lu hiitt iihiii thhm viyslw lllliant in till fact hint in ihtw ivhuil tha jmipuutloii uf ilio tnltoil htntvu wiiu noooimx lliu total vporlainil liiimytiiiiiiiiliuil to ulo in jihki win it tho ipi1iiitiun or cnimiul atoml t ijvxs 1ki loul atwtii niil tntporui wornsuh rtkmnob in itoamhirr imjhj win ui vm wot til jjilohji liiiutuj tli rooil rniulti hyjay tlltl nt re c4vu its tllul iriilhi nl tilmiilfcyv moating v ihujcttliruy council it i to imh lut i wren until nhutlmr niqetliiih for tilt tliiiltliik iifleiltdii luniiui ylilrli will lm nucimuiiiy tu sucurp tin iipprrwul of tho llililfi woik ilepnrl niniil of ontuilo niul the oovcriiimml krunt vf one utlrj ut tlio amount ex iwuuleil oh rouil luilovimiii ctinitl- llou llotiunaof ilio furoltfn ti title of the dominion for tho twolvo months to tho ml f june have hion lomrillcd hy the trailo anil lloinmorcu duptiituiout nnd hiiow niarkotl improvement over th raoonl of 11nxl 11m imports anil tu ports tntiuthir nuiountcil to 012 002107 which mi liicuuu- of ilft7si ihkiovot tlm luovlntm yini tho importu of btfllhoul roprubontthl a gain o wlia8kirs niul tho ixpoiu of filfl 171071 a gain of iitttoii theulausiihi proloctlon law malting ships carrying emigrants ouhjoct to official uruiualon which hitherto lias boon llmltwl to vcssuln riestliifil for hawaii or south america will lo maila to upenitn in rrgartl to similar lllmi tlos until for camilla on and nftor hopt i 1h la will imvo no oltoct in re ducing tho vohnno of emigrant who already nro undor cortnln icstrlctloiis hut lu aimed pilnclpally toward nssur lng tlia safely of tho intorunth of offi cially recognized emigrants tliu weakly hull which in mattel u of the uutt la vtry wull informed du cltroa that thlu will lo ii inim yeni for ontario fnrnwrs hut unit after a long buccouhiou of good iiluhonu they can land oua of coursi tin y ran and it will he found that when nil the ciupu arc turm d into riwli that llimmhuuceil pllcuh for nmu ly ovuy commodity producul on tho furmeiti acrca the nredit huhini e of the yiu oporatlono will imj little if any hulow the rtvorngo year tho happiest man in the hind today is the successful farmer lie nils unilor his own vino and fig tree undu turned hy the mnddenlng nolsu of tho groat olty tlanka fall railroads go into tho hands of receivers itooinlng towns col lapae all tmalnlbu stagnutte tint tho wise farmer can snap his linger at these things lie lu tho monarch of all ho surveys in hu luoad acres and tho houeuty of his hoys and the purity of his girls in guarded against tempta tions und in them he in giving tho country- its heat iimntioud and woman- hood itm farmer is to he envied and if ha is not contented with his lot lie is inciting in nladoin hy although searching lnsattgatlonhy nti agupt of tlio vmlnral depiirtiiientof agriculture failed to roveal among the moat packing houues of this iftuntry any koilmia lrcegulnrltleu or shurt- cnmlngs nnd ulisolutely nothing of tho lata of nffairs which led to tho public outcry iigiilnnt tho cunuod foot pro ducts of the united htntes last year it will thought woll hy the dominion ptirllamont that thero should ha estali- libl a system of government insneo tlon nppllcnbln to tho txpnrt meat trade of canada as a guaranteo of good faltlt to tlioso who do not know all much about tho utundanl of tmallty olworvsd in this dopartmsnt of can adian industry at we do ourselves in oanfqrmlty with this law regulations imlvo boon prepared and go into effoot on hoptomborilrd wlilah will it is i- lloved afford ample surety for the nurlty and wliolosomoneas of cnimdlan eannotl food products in tho worlds markets wabsaoawbva mossrs p si t bayers have on their farm in this township trlplot heifers thro years old so npurly allko that they cannot be distinguished from one another mr peter 6ymu will exhibit tltem at tho toronto industilal isxhl- hltlon tliny uro spotted rod nnd white nnd nre pretty anliuau thoy wore bred hy malcolm mlohlo of st holanii nashagaweyn ilov v womlswoith qf toronto pnnichod lust hunday at tlio annlvar sary sorvlaus at ktiemzor ills ser mons wore nuln nnd impressive tim nhoncxor haivest hotiiu onur- ulninunt hold tin monday ovoning august aitb on the ohurch lawn on tho ounlph it oiul nuamigawoyti wom largely ottrnilod thu eonvoynnoos lin ing the roadaldo uour tho church ro minding one of show day in town i and mm gathoilng was diawn from far und heiir aoton sending iiu usual adolgatlon of repieseutntlves first in the pi9oeodlngs ciuno tho u fresh niontst served lu the toai of the plat form on tubleit hulen heavily with tho numaroiiu dnlntlcu provided for the tho oooaslnn the programme pro- vldod hy thrt himillton ymoa mule quartette i mr ilroughton nnd miss hontt violinist nnd plunut llmiillton t miss hoover diayton elucnilnnfsti was blight ttiluutod and entortnlnlng and was well applaudtnl aildresnesi were dollvcrtilthynelghliii lug eh i gy- man nnd llev it w v iiiidsworhi of toronto lluv it a kimy piintor of mnssngnvvtfya elroull mih in thnplmlr duelpti iliuiil added muili lit inusleal onto tilth men t to tho eenlig alio ftatlfr in spllo of tho enables of tour wratuio ovorynno suemml to ii nd counrll met mi monday evening hi gulur flijin mcinlktrmiiji pn i nl kuftvo hivnckhninor in the lnih lllie coinmltti n on i iniiuce prewnnt il thth blxtitulh rtikirt and leroni undid piijinint of uccouutu hh fol lows i lohu rnnimii lulu tile supplies m ci arton till it piiihh voliiu hutu lux uotlnw tti ii 110 u 01 1 in repot l wnu aduptad the muululptlcleik protein n ported tlirtt in accnnliiui i xtltli lustiiicllonu mr fhimgrtlhv ulvll ljnglnuei hiul ogngpdto jit pit rn levels anil otlui nnrobiiliy whrk ill connootlun wftli uiif hyjog of i enintwnlku tlio imlriiiiiu of the ill omul lfght uotifinlttee rrptntotl that the ah feet of now hose hdd imirn rectlvwl and teuud ntl fouiifl to imi ut ufactory also diat thfl yft foot of hohfljuivchasejlaat yourwlikh bad lieen found difuntlvo hail been lpxid op ttnd would bo re turned to tho tufiuiifaoturois at once as tercoridltluis of iuarantnii t a pcjitlon for u p rmauont puve- jnenfc iivm feit wide to ho laid utrtha south sldoff mill htreet from ivediir- icuhtreet to thoutll eroislng and sign ml by mlllio anderson john t urown hnrryltubsel watsou uiifllh and john c hill was pitienu d moved y c c hpolght ssconded by w wlllluinu thnl the petition for a now cement walk to he laid on tho south side of mill htraet from freder ick street to the ot it crossing and signed hy millie anderson john t drown harry htisuell watson tiriflln and j o hill the sums iwlng som- tlontly signed no required hy tho by law hagrnnted carrkd haveral other petitions wuro roiort- od to bo lu circulation nnd a special meeting of tho council will hi nil ptoli- ahlllty ho held to conflitn thorn the municipal oftuor was inutructod to have cement crossings laid at lohu nnd tight htraetson mill htrcot whsro tho stono flag ciouulngs had lieen ro- nibvcd during tho construction of tho innondnm roadway on this street it was reported that coal was requir ed for tho steam ilro onglne this was order d to bo seeurod tho council than adjoin ned ontaiuo aillls adnoad prov ajuoh llsiniirul thai tttolr oonduotor haaj to taka tho heat our tho mnpla tttveo the party of eleven girls uont out from toronto nnd other ontario points hy the toronto world for a tilp to ktiglalid and prance returned to camilla hy tho allan liner virginian on naturday and llnluhnd up their tour by doing tho ulghts of mont ron i they were enthuslnslia in their descriptions of the holiday thoy spent in tht old country and said thoy paitlcularly enjoyed the week thoy spent in london limy had n day or two in paris tlio party sooius to imvo given mr hmytho a lively time it was upon mr hmytho that the duty of condurt- lng tha party devolved ho hold out bravely until lio hntl sean thorn safa aboard tho vfiglnlan for tho return jon r my and then having counted them all over on his flngors for the twentieth time he hndo them revolr and sunt a cable to tho toronto world aiiuuiuialng that ho fult com pelled to stay behind for a few days and tnko dm rout euro ool hutriai barns buhhkd tha osrns and crop oaatroyad on frid gvanlnjr tho burn nud uiitbulldlngs of john mntrle oxm p p ijrniiiosn wore htirnod to tho ground hut friday night it sfttmis that a thresher had boon drawn into the bam to com mence woik on monday when tho family were at ouppsr th bnrn waa seen to lw on lire homo 2 noma of fall wheat 10 norou of bartay 40 tona of hay somu oats two hovsaa thrash lng machlno n onuple of bugglas and bonui implomentii wero hmnoil tho building wnu insured in tho nlohol mutual anabmia uured dr wllltama ptnk pllla brlnar book tho olow or llaalth by maklnjr how blood to hud into perfect womanhood tho growing gul must carefully gunrd her honlth unloss tho blood is kept rloh and pure hendacbes hnokaohoa nnd frequent dlxay spellg will trouhla her him will always be nlllng and niny slip into a dandly decline ir williams pink pills am a never falling remedy in building up tho blood just a short tlmo ago tho reporter of lavenlr du kord hnd the following eases brought to hu notion in tho towti of fit jerome que llioio is an orphan asylqm under tho caro of those itcalous workers tho uioy nuns in this homo dr williams pink pills are con stantly usod tor sou io mnntlia two of tho young girls in the homo wero u hi o tod with iinnouiln tlio symptoms in both cases wero very much alike thoy wero both pitlo lost nil onorgy and worn subject to headaohuu and dimness dr williams pink pills wero taken and soon theio wns nn lm- pinvoment in their condition the color returned to theli cheokst theh npjhitlto liupioiodt hoiidaehes consid and soon good bonlth took tha plane of duspoiidunoy what dr will la in u pink pills havednuo for those two or phillis mai in livulo uml duhiuii llrooks thoy will do fof others tho aoeret tf di williams pluk pills in curing itnuoiiihi lies in iliuli power to mnku new rich ted lilnotl tlintla why hipj xilkoiitialght ntthn mot uf all common nllmnnts ilka bsiul- anluth sldenahns niul backnohoa ihetl inallam neuralgia ludlgvallon ana inula ht vltiisdunoe paitlnl pinilyals nnd the special allmonts hint dftllot iilmosteuiy wnmnii and growing gh i di wlllliims pluk pills ma sold hy nil uiedlelun denlera oi mny iko had hy limit nt ml neiil u box or ulx imxos foi il k0 fiolii tim di wlllhims mhidiim- oi nroekvllli ifi h ityco lu now hamllhig 0 inbuilt schools reopen on tuesday ona ni tha bjtronsraat btarta of taaah- rta trt tha iprovlnea u 111 b in oharara arton srhoou will rn opmi next ttieuilny iiudni moat iitlnfm toiy run dltlons notwltlistinidlng thurlimiigi a in tho teaching staff caused hy the resignations of miss meklunnn and miss king mm lloiiid and the pnplbi urn to he enngru tutu led uton the fiirt that tun of tlio moat suliiessful ttneh- era of the province hava bti n secured to llll these ncmirleu mibh m maud norton of ll u wlllhuin will tnki mlsu moklunoiiu pliioo an asslnlant in the high hihool department and mlas mlnulo huiiuetl dimgliternt our nsteeijied towbumiin mi it ileunett mill take rharge of the maraud jcutjtiit- v miss nnrlait hulds a first cljus rer- 1 1 ilea to la a grnduntu of ihoontitilo normal collegr and has hud a mini hornf yaaru of jnost sutcessfiil xit- utice in high hchotd work- of in chnnictor uudfrtnvrn in out school mlss lloiinelt irtdds n second cliuu priifosslonn oertfflcato and took high stnndlng wltyn alio graduated from tha normal hcliool hhd has ihoii principal of hornby hahool lor four ycura nnd did suceassfill woik previous ly lit other iichonlii in addition to othei valued tipli monials hotli tliaife teachers arn highly reconiiiioiiiled by mr j ft dtnroo inupvetor for this county that lioth mlas norton nnd miss dennett are residents uf our own county la n iolnt also to be appreclntod tha schools ro open with tho entlto proiiiusa put in a thoroughly clean and sanitary condition all the rooms have been scrublwd and white washed i tho blackboards imvo imon ronewea or ro slated a new cemont pavement has been constiucutl from main htroet to tho school door and the contract has liean let for a fine new chimney which will ensure satisfac tory operation of tho heating system during tho cold waather tha staff at thu re opanlng will he an followu i w ii stewart principal m maud norton assistant in ii h dopt annie i hudson intraueo lloom mlnnlo ilannott second dept mnttle k hinlth third dept mlnulo it holmes fourth dept kate kcnnotly primary dopt verily the hoard of education is giving pialuoworthy attention tu tlio needs or the children and youths of tho community from an educational stand point only onkoahb this wk iho only bowling match of tha mok took place on the green horo on tueu day afternoon three rinks from tho chili of tho ontario agricultural col lege quolph came down on tho inld afternoon train and a spirited match took placo notwithstanding that a very dampening drizxla prevailed dur ing tho two hours and a half the game was in prognisii acton won hut by only four points with scares as follows o l utiiv prof i j zavlu w ii htewnit il ii itotlger v mliiiiobii dr holier t a j molntosh prof hatcourt josilnhnos kip 1 skip prof o a asavlti j j ulhlmns irof hiynolds ii p monro w s ciiibiioiiii a a secord r skip it mn roh mont a d nloblln ceo hyuda dm ilenderbon 20 akfp 0 jan hastings j o hoso kip d ii jones j ii fadrburn a clark prof day skip ih nj majority for acton i aoton has been luvltod to play a re turn match with tho col lego profobbors tin tha mcallister howling green guolph nbout tho mhldta of heptem- iter a dopntntlon waited upon bcatboro township council on monday to pre sent n largely signed petition asking that a local option by lawbosuhmlttcd tp tho electors get a good jxaoxt ltfght new uuiritthtta to start ukn unmet hlng to urtyotirkiilnaya and hyitm in slispa to wuhfllainl tlmildn chstirti of inllaiid u lntr uhlch tirlnaon rbu run i ut it and other klilosy dlsortsr buju is the retnedy to take luju lg-arbm- tecd your money bnck if it fslla boo drug aiar- ef by mall no nwcunmcmncalco umiui wmaaaa at wilsons fly sftr marafllmthfan pads r atouj sv buccllya cqbouti ahb cfmikal vftm a telephone to every farm vou are interested a public meeting of the citi zens or acton nnd the firmcrs ofal the suriounclinf country will be held in the town hall acton thursday 29tii august for the dibcusmun uf pro posed independent telephones throughout this section gentlemen of experience in establishing independent tele phone lines will deliver ad dresses the citizens of acton and all the farmers of tho com munity are urged to bo pres ent as the matter is pi inter est to all chair taken at eight oclock aipii hoover toronto summer complaints hot weather brings a host of troubles diarrhoea dysentory colo etc these can bo rapidly relieved and cured by using our strawberry compound 25c bottle a t brown chemist and stationer acton ont by mail at college british canadian business coll9sb touonto ji rlioiuisnit mslrloutitlon way lara raid it hits jtlonml iitilrwslua fali iiakhon ii a liiiiulpal laalloal and tiiorouali t sommerolal anil malrloutitlon v u a fraa hallway lara raid if tips clearing sale 180000 stock of groceries boots and shoes etc to be sold out at clearing prices also a quantity of the famous manitoba five roses flour all i lieu goods are new block and in rood condition we imvo also one delivery pony and ona driver four years old iwo delivery waftoni one now rubbarllrad buray one new cutler ona ut unlit dellvnry slalalis iwo wis inau harness one sat being black rubber and mi moron iliop fixtures alio ice crum tables and chairs wa wlih to clear out the whole block by september 7m io pro prietor direa to go weil the tale it on now corns quick it you wish 10 secure uargalne j w faulkner maih sthbbt aoton ont mjnymoiit and nil things went sua- 1 hroud of leorgetown a trial oosaftilly will convince you hint it id all tight farm laborers wanted wom huvutiim nil hth hu iii wwt0u ubura ud uuneuiwu 12 ooino cio mr qllo ooino nates- a jjiiiral hr- ih tklil mitt cnnjlilm m bikw aud 27 aud 30 sept 4 i north to anil tarenta ami atl la and inrliidw sliarliol tab and hlntlon ali north a toronto anil north at oanlwall jot on o t if and itorui of mtan duiwltoo en can pao aym tarenta ami at alia north of toronto anil north of caniwall jot of s1mn junction an can pao ongwav tkronncmw ticmbm wm nm sntn to winnireo oiv ikalrliwan nml aiimtu nnvrnmanu ui11u n tan 1v snil can nw t kanimdk anil hwhii itivar llnfluil wy want tliaraut in havlulcliawan aawffilnilaudwlia aaah uwi ami this amimwla whan aaatulatl by frm ol foat tha hompfraaunhuauralans witntaurltt oteaaara aug bt baa w ana m 1w fallmhiciilafaaaaaaablclr a whia q s fostkh dra orb tomonto men men how about hew shpes may wc show you footwear embodying all the good styles discretion may ask for shoes made ol serviceable leathers sefviccably put together von will never know what value j 5a will bring until yougivo gj b kyan co a shoe cjiancfe to please you our 150 shoes are a leading 500 brand jn city trade all over ontario let us show you ntyu and value new fall dress goodfe arc you intcrcbtcd in plain clotlib amazonh and broadcloths j ii ttyan a co with io annonncn tint tlicy are rcidy with complaie rsn ihe naw nnd ifiadltik sltatlos in i ntllrtn i jltin nl joe yard tatlla cloths 7jc s yard vile clnilii li co a yard ilroadcloihs 53 inclie wlda l jj a yard ilroricluthi ti 50 n ynrd nnd ilfoidcloilii i 73 1 yird tnllldcui t jnl if olpllis si 30c cp 7j ftjr ft tti nnd ti i ilroadcloihs in niacin j i jj ft 50 tis tj op j 50 ijau and ti jo a yard aojan irr lllack at ti 35 and lt3l ab ixoajpuoiiajljr oompfeta uaortmont or plain clothes in euorjk today if i lain cloiln itileratyqii do njji to uylnif until slocka lum bean deprived of ihelrpretlleal tbade mj hriitlic if u dlffi cull to iimtlvsly laid jualliy mero words mau imt 1 vsua impreailon compared to a fair iet niua in nnd aau 10 iuio the iialll we offor a popular prices and lht11 compare oiir cloitia wlili what may l procured eltewliere we imie cinkrii nrrt to your udmeni bampioai gladly airtiuhed st a chips jlhiitl mous 111 ml 1 ii 1 s11 1 lill ii 11 1 l it i l l i hjfl 111 all ul tli 1 1 ot 1 v0m halk a il if hl tuull 1 1 n iii 1 if qr b ryan cfe co gmelph we do what we say h h unsworth new fall goods new fall goods for all depart ments arc being placed in stock or your inspection new dress goods a big feature with us at present new hats and caps for men and children groceries large shipment just to hand for reliable fresh groceries at right prices you cannot do better than leave your order with us live chickens wanted big prices paid highest prices paid for farm produce h h unsworth oppomtk post owick mi 11 street ac top arnolds livery john st acton stylish rial double or single atippllodj on shortest not lor commercial travellers or- dbkbrlven bpacul atleolloe henry arnold proprwior 3 oubl1ph jjyslne0s ollcgc tic best system ihe oublph bubinbsb collbob tills srsuin baa bean uiewuslilr ustffl sad iiu dsiaeestiawd its sttpatloilty to all olliar bslaau of aommareui train i pa tbatlulb uslnsas oallaoa alone in utrf prevlnea ts auuioiited to uaeb and tntaauaa it llilatil yeana tain aad woman el sasray suit aiisraataream it themselves bare al tnajlamte aspausa fair lbs basi moaluens oftmlaa lu ilia tituluau mmu tbulhautiittaabeldsautiuiue m maaoommiokba smmlvad gtjelph central faixii tuesday wtdnosoav am thursday september mil i8ii1 and 19th tha dast aftar llnrvaat ilolulay nearly 5000 in prizes speeding wed and thur 3 a cuis 3 19 class a 13 cufs 3 2 class single railway fares flood rolrib p trains seplembar icih good io rot urn september jolh ii iockwooi ireiltlent wm laidlaw secretary hon 1467 ouolph ixocal salestqai wanted tor acton and adjoining country to re present canadas greatest nur series a permanent situation for the right man for whom the territory will he reserved pay weekly free equip ment write for particulars stone wellington ruuthlll nnmtji lou our8o0nciem touonto ont mn sisters hair grower hair and scalp cleaner for beautifying the hair keeping hair from falling out and removing dandruff for shamppoing it has no equal ksc per package hair grower mc and 100 bottles get it at hunters hehiinterpimb druggist stationer caitlilauicu wantki io it tlin mattilut iii hl lofl a vi wantkt a triim l ttf a lllnallfiu lo if h i i aptoro juod i10ijsk and m0t i on uyhli jioulartlrulnhllm w i laihi fltiolp or blly i i l t nsll ik au mill i ti il eroillj doo lost loan io i vou sajg 0 i on maliihtr- 1 on willow urrn rtlculaiaily ii 11 nm lu nilowt il hlrvst ai i llnu acluii lur iosition vacant tliih urrllory la ci i i i in m it i iii ct lady oiinnlhii ti t piimni ut atit liaiillauiirforlv t i u i uil n i t t lr hlrtt almoi il nt hi uuruuitlarf anlys jpk0r avingltkiws kijec- tric ixsolks tiulll om fitt cr mi il miniatlim oatit an i touluiv urnilutiuii i rloo jl cunu i air ulih ii ittln i i win v tit aait ilousk and lot foil gall ilia uooku lliiioj ill i m jli rilu al i ly utt au11 by pjuvate sake iuiiioaud ibelt nit t tllulmn itov siuiiio 1 kilo an tin uaoh i iualullatuu ruuuan ut 1 lu i lbl wli titan i irlronu ili iclrioiii all liaiiuiuu lani cui 111111101111 wlmultiar row iray 1 uui tirlan lu u an ct iwhar ui l 1 1uoi1ivi1 act hi out caltl of thanks till u iiji ill mi cil il ins tin giro thank t hi buil 111 rjalieral i111n wlm hai ian rt 1 1 imtroiiaiio itiirltm l iiu 1 ai 1 ultli llmlr liaau in ilio ci mi liuliu it llavluu ilujou i 01 tills liulliiorh tu mr la in lurralilq lu lo peak inr ilia aiiiuunnr it 1 mi 11 11 t norou aii ilaavora tu lainlatt til f null nil or tura uiitrnat oil io lllll john illllm voters list ii07 municipaljitv or thk village of acton ntffirjirt v diib luniitloncl in tit ut llin liitntlo otora i tat acl u n t u ixiuli l lm tal t huotluu to tioio i ran in lit i or iklkwrurt if hie hat mala 1 uraiuiil t im 1 t nt nil iruoin allaarlliil liy hit use rulio i armami nl lloll ot tlio mil hiiulrhttlily in i m mill i to vulo in tlio tail ahiuiuilllv i i reiki lur 11 m bars nl tint itlauuv vim ml ly mi 1 nt muiilci ial i tudllouu nil tunt tlwaaiallul unallrl- lmhhiui at juy 0 til t nl tin 1 1 11 hall tin on tlia i7tti ilay ot mipil hi an i tuuialti lliaio or imptililoii alii 1 liuiuty nil uijii all voltt to lake ilium i into 1 roooolin4 tu imvo any urnu or omniulanu mtn eta i amut uiiu tu ihh ntml tills 1 ill ilay o 1 mortgage salk itnd1 11 aul ly lrliio of urn iohij lou lj utnal in a ourlnlu mitiinit vtuioli mil tin nroiluioil at tliu llmi it nit ln ry mill i 1 olfurei for v 1 nbllo mtliion 011 ui uili day of hoitoiuliur 1 j ai ilio linir 1 f j tu u 0i00u in ilia a tin rim 11 at until u in tul in tlia vlllapa ot 1 1i011 mmu liy uuna m no don all auo lion oar tlio followliiu irilurly namely iiart ot tho waaturlylmll 1 1 lm iiurtilor ililrty two 111 ilia ill til diiiiiiiioii ot tlio toufiialilii ot nsauafiawoya 001 laltiliin titkuo aiii ol la 11 1 ba tlioaaum uiorunr 1 m iudio j arlluutarly la sarluoa in a itnol inn lu 1 i tliu aim rut of tlia uouuly omlaltoi to 01 illy ol llaltou 10 dim inn ma llailiy lmr ilafo tlio dili day ot lc m h 1 r v 1 imi an 1 not ijoloiiqluu to tiic uiuii of hi 1 iiu ion 1 ti laltioln criia umn lln 1 r afrauiailhollliiuuii 1 1 ink iumi nolli in mad tataor roiinlr tartuai twenty nr uiint o t in 0 nay to lip i nl 1 iijwii at hm tlmu j ti 11 tiktliiriaiiluilnraiiiilcoiill iv to in tlurty lt ortut f afiily tu will lmmiiivm hi lum r lr mtr oato i at ouulili tl in nii ii if n department of railways canals canada tltlnlcvn u ontaftldniou lauic division in miov m 1 notice to contkal ioitb sutlud tlvui ith uiiinul to ali j tlrant hiinrliiliiii1liii lupin ir imnt janal 1aurlinro ami rnloranf lonlor for trout cattal will lis rooolve 1 until hi 11 ntnok on tlmra lay lilt ofllolmr lixrr r lliu work oon nootait willi hi miiiatriioilnu n u hioii nn i ontario ulna imbf ulvlilnii ol lliu i aiinl ilana aim tiiaaliuitlnuf n tlio wnrk nan lm an on aiiilaflarllila ilato at tliu oillua ol tlia lilotl uuliirernf hm djiiiarminiit ot itallviay nil laual cutawa at lliu nlui n ut tlio ii h irtn ludlnii uiiiiliiour trout t aiml iot rlioru 1 uh 1 1 alllionillou ui mr u hriii luylaiou arlly i aulatllio nill liimlunar irsiiion o ol lamlpr may iiu nliuluml tlielowaet orally lonijpr lint ooplail liy orilai 1 k jnib dauirtinviit of lullnataan i diulii ultawn uhli auuilit i t nowiiiuri liif nl iiiiilanilvurtliniiiniitmliu out atilliniliy liuiii tl 1 liriaiiiiiotit will ialilfo it tm l01t hale butlding lots apply to hioaitimoiikco mam

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