Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1907, p. 3

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jim ndil a pint f iwilhrr niter tn a rmcuuffo of o srue fruit and winrdn a dthciotij desert ti greigs white swan jelly powder anil jniilimo a nw minutes ask ymir ftrocor fnr any fliwirjnu like vh rodcnr aneia co liutib tononto g our btok ofitoorfl s waddlntf fl vrouontrt 5 mlimkerwni fincy ctilua o nnd knlvuoi 3prtk bpoarib woildlnd kinfla id p tp data geo fivnds jaw oil or hum slarlon mhwmwhhwwmmhmwhmmwmwhhm thuimdav al ui htlm1 iwr7 bricr local items dame old plaint 11 10 wo 11 ii init a lltolliik hikiw uhlnguma not what thoy um m tliu minmim jilil hxikii owl you know hut biiii dlmii intu of lo triam monday will lie llim day tln clioo ijpllii ilnft nixt tuesday nrnln pliiliihu urltl pliiuih au both quot ed nt fancy prlceii toronto exhibition in now in full blaat aio yon ffolitff p the local tomato crop iu ilponinjr woll rtnil la of good nimbly tim lirlckuork oy tho new jjtmiln ion hot id in about coin pint id now iuvumimlu niii in doinnnd in varloiib qunrtmii tliioujch town tlio hrlcklayoio am nt work oh mr d tarmvollu ihw lion o on ilodurlik htiunt flood inornlok i ha you renew ed yom 1 hit 1itnm biihuciiptloti foi another yonr yotp tlio lawns and tho iitinoa nro iiiuildortihly iinptmrd iih n rosult of ju owl ny a aliowem tlio trnlnu to and fuim toronto nro all crowded t limit dnyu doublet lieadora nro frfiunnl tito 1ml i paylnt on tin utrootu with oi wlttiout yom lucrohuc utlckn is against tlio law hnya kahlniitriiujaini iiiuj in tlio intuit iiiboovoi y of sin oyui t ii ftptiltflit in now ontailo jhlckim thieim urtt updating in nolnon townuhlp tin ivotortivo association nill ho aftm tlillu mm tliou honicrvillohnapttrclian od front mr lohn miiuhoww toronto thu roaldunco nn mill htmul slni wen plo two hull on liotiilkecpi in worn fined 15 oarli i tut wul foi hulling htpuir lllooiilly liopal option in in forio llmiii mr intur hiiyiiu hi nuking for tandotu for tlio io hiilldliik f iiib hnnso nt tlio irihi of liuioli nml frulirlck utiiutv a t iipliono on iumy fatni will tin talked about nt a public minuting in tlio town ball thin cioiilnp you me invltud toatuitd mru ijimuii hunter of toronto iiiib purolmhcd tlio duublo dwelling on main fltrcot noxt to knox cliurcti from ii t arnold another opon air bund conceit probably llui hint of the uonuon will be tflvott from tlio liowoi ate band btftml tn m or row livening tito continued diy wont her anil prevailing heavy winds bnvo ciiuhod mnny npplen and olhor frulu to fnll from the truou tlio ptiut fnrtnlht tioktitu to tol onto will bo uold at ulnrln flrutilnuu fuio during tlio ex hibition flood going on nil tinlne hut thofl ih iint and loluthilnit uptohept 10 motidnj nuuked an eventful stop in tlio pioguma of godorlch by tlio opening of tlio guulph a clodorloh brunch of tlin fjaniulliiu iuoiflo llnll- nay ijiar on monday ovonlng a rolrt lookot bou ring mnsonio emblem on front and tnlttuln jitm on ohvorao iilo howard if hft at lmcic im rm oftloo a new uuty foot windmill hna boon erected by mfmru 1 ac a fimllh nt tho dominion motel to pump water for tho now uyntoui to be inutnlloil there contractor unui mi bti tho now phtkit and bnlcoity at knlrvlow place nbout eoinploted it hh much inv proved tho nppenrnnoo of thin flno t reiitilonoit vv olmaon hau removed lilt picture fmtnlnu nlid general wpnlr biirlnoib fiom mnln htroot tn tho nil op in mr hauona bulhllhg nppoalto willlftmh llvoiy mill htroot a homo hulonglnp to a noupla nf yoiuiff fiiruioih got uumi in tlio ntnllnn hotel shod youlonlay nmmlng nnd ran down mill mtiont nt a llpely clip a lirokrn nvlo wiih ibn extent nf tlio dnnintfflii vull plowing uu lu on almost nn impniiwlblllty tbn paid nnolt a nnlgh- borlng funnel nnd bo tho veuk vhkuh tho other day that ho had not found tho wound no dry in tvmly years whon plowing utirnnrr mo tlfo ngnln that gatn- hllng by i brow lug dlon ntulothonvlbo frequently indulged in in certain itotola in thin intmllty thoro la nvldoihly wink foi tho inapootor tmnn lino evening nr late in tlu night whnn tin one i expnotlng him tht oo nillkuum wma given aan- tounoa milted tnlho blfenoo last wcok it nn onbtimo ton n vav diluting itllllc wlmi wntot niio tium wni flnod w and imaib v- uellutu iklm- niotl milk foi- tho pnttt uiilohi another mnii wim flnod fid and 0 timte a third fur md1iiii milk inuivr lagitl fiundanl vm flaotl li0 mini 0 coati nhws op local import durst ttia wmui 11 p nome time on huuilny night the night iik h idbow nt the bland pipe in lhotit yunl leading from the big mimm gullon innk burnt ami nxidn ui in a hood until tho wnlu 4 tumid olf it win repaired nnd the wntot byilom put into roiuiiilaulon again on tuouduy evening uimm fturwiii biiqohi tmiohar mian lnn ivaruon hna imoii engdgrd on tho wtitly of ht ooorgou hchool jut ipb and will i mumencn her tint leu nimt weok mr t ihiih a monro la tho pilnclpal it lb u rompllnimit to miuu iinraon that alio biiccoitda ml ida 1attarann who wan her tnncbir while on the ntalf or tho acton hchool ml us iattfrruou linn been engaged on tho htnfr of the king ldwnrd hiluuili iuoimi mllnlolnnl ourt moors fmprovltijr ihn hfbonil wk lu juat loulng nliifii mi t t moore munlrhjuil jlnrk tmhiweil thoopiritlpu for pihjnilnllu ulu innjiy frlonda will he jib ihtrd to know bo la making rap id pftgiach towmd rocinoiy hit tout pemtiiio juin vpiltlllunl iiptuiul jtioul of the tlium liojin rvtotl wellaud nlhudlimllona polnl to a aiieidy von- vnliiw oiilo iln la if tho weuteru houpltal but will probably barniniivod to hiii dnugliuii 11 homo in n few dayn mia mckiiein mill with hitn iboigh ubo iviiii up homo one day hint week narrowly kfaoapari sarlopa dmimji on hittnrtlny aftorlioon nlwultmir oclock n timokot pninlng through hn park dropptd a llgbtod match in tho dry gnibb nnd wont on in u few nlnutoethohpark waa fanned to uhhio nml with tho prevailing weutoily wind wau aonn inclng towntd mr john ltiuuclla barn tlio nlorm of flro win rained and thu lire brigade hautennd to tint paik a inrga ntimbor of oltlzona notlctd tho flmnou aruiml theni- selvtb with brnnchoa of troia nnd biilceeded in conti oiling tlio flro in n fow mlnutcu hut for thono prompt error u tho loault might have im dluantroiib ohm bboiiietanv cor canada nv t albert moors ulaouri to oulr ama rv j a limrtr- in luirdm uv all in moo itov t albert mnoio wan chouen on halurdity no aiknuiior to itov hi j hlmtirer d i in i ho oftko of hui re- i tary of tho ioldn day allimxe of cnmidii wlilrh tho lattni luhly to algnwl to iiriept tbnl nf lintunl hm ibtury of t in pern i ico and moinl itofouu fot tho ireubylerlau jburtli ofrmihda lb neuctlon of llm mi mooie to ill i tho viiinnry waw uimnl- nioiih on tho pnil of the juoi utlvn hoanl it tnkea pfym t on the lut of novnmbi i mr monro him for aotiio yeaia paut iwen tho anaolato heeretury for 1 int ern canrtda of the iiidu day allium e of canada um well na hoi rnlnry of tin ontario ijohim may allinncv hi wofk in tluho cnpai rtloa llita boon fel known nn tboiougb puhnt taking hifif pntlalit tiivl ida wudom njid perloiei nnqn have inuibliud to win blut high edtaont rt ild gt iiiilui r ut i jualillatioiimwmu thliu umiuldiuid iih emhtenblyllttljih him fill hie bioiukr woik of the diiinlnlon ilild 1iu iaii edwuorjritlie lftu rnhiijittnryiimpfw tbn ioiniiiiimiipif in iln iloviurlal work will iuiii luun to ho ohnaoii a numliif of na iih h bawbeou ubgieuthl lunoug tbno being hut of iti v j jiaiinn11 d pichbylulnii minis ter at mount 1 ort at out hobo oilblvbons coilrlbiis iii iiiib ur lived at orovar bootta 11 1 v 0tua bhlttmant tho inrgeat alnglo shipment of export cattlo ovoi niado from llrampton wns mndo fast woak by mosaru jamoo it pa ilia nnd a p hctitt whon they delivered to mr o v campholl of chicago iv head tlicuo prim initio worn ahlpud in ucnra on he otit and 7 on tbn j 1 it in oxolinnoe tho inn received a check for t2hiti one of the hirgcotevor put tlmniah a bunk in llrampton in tho alilpiuent woro h7 bend purcliunod from moaam john nmlth m im and mr w k inwou for which thoy r i olved a llttlu ovur 9700 tho cattlp wuro aont to now york for kngland hrmnpton manner drnvor hcott purohoioa con- fildorablo of bin atock in thiii locality 00000 in iprlxsa at toronto the prumliiinu glvon in cash by the canadian national inhibition toron to which oponod on tuesday in the live utook ciiiubcr roach lliwki for horse 8u7i7 for cattle t i1b3 for nbeopi 2oji for awlimt 2l0t for poultry and pot block i 01110 furdalry producut 91135 for agrlonltnrnl pro- duotu lth0 for plantb and tloworsi 15l3for fruit t sw0o for rirw arta tkiu for ilogai ftloo for cata nnd jliulttfoi ladliiu and clilldreno work taking tho vnluo of tho inniinnornlilo uiidnlu and citpu twn or throoof the latter teaching vooo tho amount gl von hi kind and cash nt thn exhibition will nppioxlmntn very clouoly to 45ilok tlila a i nor than twluo na much na thn total anion nt given by any ntlmr foil on thin continent chanara in local uprm bualnaaw mr lohn ilnrvoy hna dlapoaod of hiu drny huulnodii with hla outfit ami goodwill nmmila beautiful lohlilencp hillorobt on vark ao to mr jnniuu torrance of orton the now propriotor will take poflnnsilon on uio let of novomlwr ior tlilrtoon year mi ilnrvoy hna conducted thin hual- nohu ho hiu lnon obliging and court- oouu and la highly oatcomod for lilu truatworlby obn motor and tho ontla- fnctoty mannor in which ho haa con ducted hla business mr ilnrvoy haa mndo a aucooaa of hla hiialnean for which nil hiu oiiutomoiy are plonood ilia homo a nno of tho moat comfort able nnd attraotlvo in town and it will requlro ronaldoruhlo planning nnd patient work to aucitre 1u npial mr torrnnoe tnkoa poaioaslon on thu flrat of novoinlwr ovarlondad oun loajt left hand on tuoadny ovanlnp tlioinnn haufl bad tho inlnfortiino to loso hla loft band iio la nn kngllahmnn aged 10 hna bout blitycnra in canada and haa boon working for walttr walker of notion lately ontuobday at noon ho loaded nn old rusty doiiulobarrallod inualelortdlng shotgun nnd fired nt- homo pigeons in mr oamumla liarn yard about a uillo from milton- nothing aromed to ho wrong with tho gun hut nn plgaona fall and otno of hniilla frlonila teaaod him nbout hu poor inarksmnnbhlp ilo went hnolc to tho bnrnynrd lit tho evening having loaded tho nun very heavily ho fired at the plgoniia nnd whan tho gun want alt it burst nt tho lironoh a piece of it- lielug blown away sniilla loft hand wau badly mutilated the forefinger diuapponrodt other lingers woro broken nnd an woro thn thumb nml ikinun in thn hand tho young man wnv brought to n milton burgeon who found it noaobsnry tn amputnto tho- hand nt tho wi 1st champion committed for trial oporgo vorboa of nuuagnwoyn nppoarod iwfnre 1 ii pononok j p nn monday charged wuli itonllnff jo from lohn mnfilrnw a atonomnson on thn htli tiny of juiiai inat aoonrdlnff to mootnwa ntnry he had boon work ing for ij 1 maud of thlt town until the nbovo date whan ho waa nld tho ntim nf lift in wagoa ha had been drinking that tiny nnd enw thn rtcoiibod imlilnd tlio now hnynl hotel that night ho was knocked dnwn by aninoonn at tlio tlmn thorn woro tbreo men near him nnd nnotiaod wnit nno of them h didnt know who atittok blni ha afterwarda found that hla pnnktt contain i the inortoy had boon nut out of jiu trouwr holwrt wetlgo ami john llontloy ajar gave evidence draorlblng what took plnoo beb htiv tho hotel on the night in noatlon onn 111111110 that ho aaw koilmailniguliip mogrnw itround tha yard ly hla pauui puokot af tor hoar- lug tho ovldunofl hla worship aont tho nociiaod up for tflnl boforo tho jlldgo uoloimor 1 tint lunch needed laut harvest lu oior nnd 1 1n funueih nte buoy with theii falundlog tjulto n iiumbei from line took 1 tho harvest home at lbem ei on mori lay night ml wm dennu little diiogh 1 kflli la seriously iii with infl imtiihtinn it la to bo hoped uhe may uoon ret ovi 1 ml ihoa nlckell of dunduu spent hundny nt mi j ii cilppn mr ilobt hlhbald of lale midi railed on dipt c h oaiublo 01 mon day mr mhbald waa corpoial in old no 7 acton coinpanv lth itegt in thooxciting tlnnuof iwui mibb iijlsio imibihnmn of acton apwilt n fov daya dmlng thn week at tho homo of mr wm dennla mr 1 crippa loaves on friday for tho nnrthweat mliu m crnbb of lwlaton n y visited at mr m rewaonu jr laut wook nookwodd oonoinl rytnpntby la foil foi col mu trio in the iobo of bin barn nnd ctop by flro last irldny thn hunlph hornld wiya 1 itov d ii taylor of itnrkvtnnd pi niched two practical nml impressive noimons in dublin street church j obii rduy tnklng fnr hla moiiilug unhjcot ivityer anil in tho evening i im dovoloptnent of christianity nnd hptrlttin lira in tho soul mr nnd mm anson huilth nf aiovomvllle ny 010 visiting hock wood friends oolntr to lararar prvmlam the flour nnd tued nnd ginln huulnoss of ii noble la to im moved in a few daya to tho enmmodloiis premises intoly occupied by mcsum c a flood uva ft oo tho business haa been foi ton ynnru in the arthurs building nnd itu ijrnwth haa nooossltntod btigin premises mr n v moore iiiiiuagir will appreciate tho change to the more commodious store numarouai haw pavamenta mossm mattliowa a cioft tlio pave mont nontnictoru have golten along aiifflolontly with their work to glvo nniple manifestation nf the satisfactory chnraoter of tlio pavomonts thoy nro conutructlng thoy hava flnubud walk on kduoatlnn inne west huworavo put k avenue nnd cluu oh htrcot west of mnln those pnvo inonta all preaont a handaomo nppcur- anco nnd booui to l in nil teapot u equal tn nny luld in town by provlous onntrnotora thoro nro ipilto n num ber of now ooniant walks yet to bo laid in town thla aonuon mr harry halmoa la in toronto thla wok mr jock- art burn of toronto waa liomo n day or two thla week mr w 1 gould spout aovoinl dnyu with hla alatora at toronto inat wook mr a i mnoklnnon in spending n week or ao with hla old frlotuls iii cnlodon corn roast puttlou nro now tho att motion tnoadaya bhowera woro veiy wol como nnd did much good mr a fltowortfl now cottage on ilrook street la halng brlokod mr mnloolin iotora has kindly itandnl tho ftticu puumm ooploa of tho johannesburg tlmob from bin old homo in south africa mr lllohnrd mnrohntont will dia pose of lilahouaohuld alyoota by miction on flat unlay 7th haptombor win hoinslreet auctlonoor mr potor hnyora hna puruhasud from mr honry orlndoll tlio brick blaou smith shop on mill stroet neon- pled by mr j itotiertaon itov john mills onulph dlod on saturday nt tho age of wl yoiira iio hnd boon in thn ministry ovor fifty yonra and froquontly preaohod in aatnn dr r i mowhrny hna been ndtnlttod to partnership with dr a huok pnloitno to aucoocd dr mo- crlmmon who hna rotlrod owing tn lllhaath tlio rumor la ngnln current that the fnrmora hank l about to efltnlillsb a brnuoli in aoton it la dven atjitod thnt it wilt lie locatoii in thn agnnw lilook oppnalto thn dominion hotel air j w paulknor i nlllnir t hla liiislnoaas thoro tho lltuouv hand under lender uuon oontrlhiitod tho fourth enjoy- alifo two upon nlr oouaort from thn grand atnnd on ilower avonuo 011 prulny 0 veiling cltliona nnd ibelr nuintiroiia visitor onjnyod thn pro- gramma vary much tlio glanwiiuinn juatloeu nt thn ponce will mon improaa uilon tltttio who llko a tltnn thnt auoh otiiuluot la likely to provn exponslvo at thnt burg lu addition to the thron anton yotilha roooutly hied thoro walter campbell paid fjrilmi nnd coatr week ftw a rneko in hut bu hftokilv of dealing aalo of j w ltaulknoc in nuotlior pugu social and personal mm lolin hi own u visiting friends liiioiunlo mishmiuuloneuiin vlaltedfrlviidaln tm nolo lust weak mia junius itydtir lu visiting rain- tivoi iilhrookville miuji leiia hanoi wau homo from ioinulo ibis wetu mi and mia c w mason vlultid fi lends in fuelpli thla week mm david hmlth la upending tho week with fi lends in toronto mlu i i mallhnws or ijvilin vuiti dfiieiidn hoio this weak mi w uarorlwa waa bume from tin iiiln fin holidays thla weak mins iliiniirn holmes haa token a hltmitlim ax i mm he at ltothsay misn aunu atexnnilei of abhgrove vihiiui a ion friends thin week mis ill lip htephmpion l landing jlifidn wllft frlundu at mldlatd f 1 l boffin a ijoiinolt re lofton jfon iliy to takit u uitiiutlon fn toronto mian iffitjni of woreoslor mn vihjled mrv j c nelson inat wook itev mid mrs w llarkof rot urn id fiimi iholr holiday trip on irldny mih lohnhuntorof marietta mirth is vhltlnjt frltyul 1n acton and vlidu- fly mus atfgui a wallnce of orlllln ir mpemuug 11 hw wwoka with robili llom m- a tamiiluiltnnd mlua jasaiu puvhthir vlalting frleiuu nt hootch iih k mi jaa 1 11 who 11 and mlua aggie wallace vjslted rilondu in omtph inst iveek mihu ida patterson of juelpb was liugumt this wiek of mm al hi curd siihb doiotby nelson returned homo last wiek fiom visiting filonda in kveitin mi artbui hmlth of philadelphia mndo a hying vlalt to 1alrviuw plnco thla week miss hanna plunk bus gone to hpriileilittu tn tako rlnirge of lur uliioo tbeiu misumnrlu caidiual of toronto lu a guest thin wiek nt tho homo of w ii denny li mihb mm ilia htorey or toronui la apundlng a fow daya with hor mother on down aio mru wut tor cart oil and halw of roionlo are visiting nt tho homo of mm w carroll m111 jimulu ill st brook la apondlng a couple of wonkji with her son nt olovorbville ny mr jameii wildu or glovoravllle ny lu vulting at tbn homo of mr david williamson mi nnd mm anaon hmlth or jtovenivllle ny 1110 visiting frlonda in aoton and hock wood pi of ui ynnlda prof day nnd mr it ii itodgu of guelpb wuro guests at moo 1 ei rnfl nn tuesday mm a cum phi 1 1 mid daughtria of llnlllnufnd visited nt hor hi other a mr o campbell ovor uunday mtb isllolbumtou nfhohonoctndy n y lu heio visiting hor ntothor mm cuorgo marl in church street miss minnie nelson roturmd homo last week from 11 pleasant two weoka visit with friends at hrnmptnii mlua mabel kuo of toronto haa been vlnltiug bur cousins misses nio nnd h n nl hind the past wook ml p mann or ht paul minn vlsludhu mint mm geo campbell vli tnrln villa dm lug tbn weak mi uohrt blbbald of e mlclr wa lu town during iln- iek itmew ing arrpirtlntancea of forty yoam ago mm ann itobertuon nnd mliu maty itobertuon or now yotk nro g uot of mi nnd mm hnbort agnow park avo mhoi mae hall 11 turned on monday nftei having enjoyed n fortnights holi days nt puulliioli uko and other points mulii ujmputby will im fult for mr and mm 11 d warren gnmgotawn in tho djuith inst piidny of hull baby daiigbtoi ml sues daisy and tlwlmilo cnnipboir have rotutned linino oftor apondlng thron wotka with their grandinronta at victoria vllhu itov w 11 crolghton hd odltor of tho chrlatlan gunrdinn la back nt hiu ilntk having fully recovered from his rocnut serloua illnoss mia innies poll nnd family nlaomlsa hiinunh htorey of cleveland ohio mo visiting nt tho homo or their mother mm mary htoroy bowor ave mr nnd mm tiiomna qnmblo enjoy ed u plonuniit outing nt midland inst wook mr gamble waa attending tho annual montlng nf tho high court iop mr john h monro or toronto bpont a few dnyu thla week nt hla fathers homo after nn enjoying canoeing trip in now ontario of 1 couple of weoka mr and mm 1 i warren mm a stephenson miss gordon nnd meaam j110 it kennedy nml jnmoe molntoah nttondod the funeral of mr it d wnrrenu llttlu ilaughtur at georga town on hniuiiliiy savings accounts invited interest paid quarterlv georgutown bilancir j jijbwat agent business training free a if6timc bpportftnity for some young men some young women witli ideas ltuuliintu hyulcnni com more ltd school limited foundad iivin r fact leal up to date huiiinctut linen formeit fnmi iiew intho 1 taflch huaiuciut nn biiiiltichii j doav linnlng tliolr iuhtrnctlonn uimu fotnla tuif supplier identical v ith uioku now micd in the mmit modern bus in ens lioiiftlh ban an i dm regarding iidvertlinj to work out tlua idea they newt yqiiraiiiihtauco alid are lllitif 1e piy you yen to pay yoil woll fnr it iiiynurbrain fertile is it active ih it in good working order if lie get llimy we want a good luicii iihraao to usu in our advertlslna we want tlio bent limb pbraie olitaliialilc wo now have nome food oncfl but they may not lie the beut we want the bent the lieiit in 110110 too good for nuslneiut bynlemn cemnicrclul wiliool tlio hunt for ituul- inomi training we now have the licst rooms tient equipment tlio iwiit teachers the htul plan of work and will undoubtedly glvo by far the bent can mo nf training wo also want te do the belt advertising that young people from all parts of the country will know of tho upocial advantages provided for them by thin iclictol tlio kiinenco of luieti- tlal kditcation hijilth of prnctknt rrlnclplcs we are prepared to give to three penuitm nix months four mautlm wo in on tint rliinuttlvcly of thin bent biiiiiueioi tralniuk free of nnv tuition chargotw i lie three ptrson mi u tinned will be the lnit tlin who fiend us the tliree betit catch phrnh or nhoilm tile one sekctiu nn the host be sent by three pontons they will rank in order an recoived first received being given first place second received second place and third received third plnco all other con lent ants who neud fn the plirime selected nn the bent and who subsequently inter our school for nt leant a three mon thn courne will bo given oue months an n bourn free of tuition charges the conilltionii of tho competition arc cuny nf fulfilment all coiiteiitauth tniiht bo candidates for a buslnesn trainiag fyir at ii 1 it a portion of the hchool year of 1007 inab or in other wordi all ptrlonu lompatlng nimit bo eligible for and ptujione taking wore june loot nt leant a one months ceunie in day or evening clawim lu some com in ort i nl sliiooi nr buhiuchii college it ldhtn nothing to try extent a little brain exorchte and a fow moments of tlrao in writing mi talk it over with your frlundu those who nro not compiling get their idcun with your own remcmlicriiig tliut two titail 1 are twttcr than oni the sh iter tho phrarto the lie tier no ions a one or mors good ideuti are conveyed all nus went must riaui 1111 nut later than september 30th if at a illhtnute mall in tinio in arili r that nu may tho bcttlr unnw homelhinc of the hpecial advantages 01 thl t iiliiooi and thus dot ideas to oho in thu formingnf the nhmso wo will be pteaned to mull all cimtehtntitu upon reimcht a lioek let dciicrlptivo of our school and itu connes nt btudy fall termliejlnh tuesday beptembcr 3rd mention thh paper when writing audrkbb business systems commercial school limited byatama dullcllns 4gs2 opadlna avanus toronto wanted all men who arc interested in working clothing to call at our more and inspect the carhartt brand hb made von honohablb wn wc know this inspection means a sale honorable men want the best in working clothing the carhartt brand is honorably made from the best of material again let us invite you dkclubivn e b swackhamer acton ontabio security genuine carters little liver puis mum bear slgnaturae big annual roimubuiik n bininuit rot iuoihum roatoiihbiiyw rot cotirtio nauiuwihii jbjkeoiojuuuoa our iok hkaoaohs summer sale clearing all onda and odd aizog and broken assortments of summer goods remnants ends of muslins lawns prints ginghams cot tons flannelettes dress goods linings shirtings laces embroideries ribbons etc at greatly reduced prices millinery tlio balanco of our summer millinery will be cleared out during the noxt week seo tho big snaps fall goods aro arriving daily and all aummor goods must vanish quickly lrst week of j drebs goods and 8ilfc sale i wihdiho up tub month with uomk taitt- lino mahgtain attflaotions this will be 1 record week at this store were just crossing the line stepping over irom summer into autumn next week with the first of september we will be ready to show you all the novelties for the fall season new dress goods mantles fancy goods mens wear etc will bo on exhibition and just here wo wish to say that a number of qur fall purchascbvin dilfcrent lines ooodi wore bought at very hltfch under price you will hear about sone of ihcsp goods a little later during the balance of the week everything that belongs to tllcsummcris going for what it will fetch j there is money to lie saved bore double yourmoncy in many cases lotus again reinind you that this is the last week of our 10000 dress goods and silk sale also canadian skirt cos offer to make goods up at 20 off their regular list prices mens outing suits at half price 1000 suits at 500 last call there is a whole lot of summer yet to come still we have dropped tho prices on the balance of our mens and youths 2piecc suits these suits aro just what you want for the re mainder of the summer they are or light durable material coat cut single or double with skeleton back the trousers cut full for comfort with turnup at the bottom belt straps attached sizes only 33 3 1 35 3g 30 40 and 42 this is a splendid opportunity to secure a good business or outing suit while the sale lasts d e macdouald bros the liion guciplj critical examination 01 the piece gondii in our stack always plaaaea uar and rarely falls to planus the othar wnn l p praparly cat proper tailore loarly prlcad thesa thlnjfu we guarantee you doitt order any t loth ing until you knva examined our stock wcq hooper the tailor corner mill and mala bt acton out the right house hamiltons favorite shopping placl wilite blolise bargains that rjuiilv vidrath with mohbysavino intbiikst the climsk of the greateit blouse selling in ilia history of llio store is bare pelow wa i ell of tempi ing price inducements on blouses for any mason wear- blouses lhat reflect i he beat efforts of ilia bast makers dainty are the styles fine is ilia workmanship pjroal the bargains wlsa women will buy half m dot en mo p whlu biqusmw worth l0a made of ttwn tuckatl in v- shaped yoba with tine pin luckinsa trimmed wllh val lacalnterllon v aleaiest cults finished wllh inserllons and edgings tt0 for- whlu blouai worth v2bo mada of sheer mmlin and fine lawftw soma are trimmed wild embroidery insertions and tsca down front in pretty cross designs oiliere have embroidery fronla ofayalel work still others have allover embroidery fronts and val lace yokes regular fa 30 sale price lijo eaoli 105 for whlu bioummi worth sm rerslan lawns miillsand miiallm in sheer inn qualities nnd dainty exclus ive styles alloverembroldery fronts in shadow work voire of hce and ew broidery inallenalo roua val uce yokes and allover embroidery fronts t dainty dutch necks wllh rows of val laca for yoke finished with embroidery and law down front neghlnr 13301 sale price f 1 03 thumb banoainm in ohildrbnb drbbsbb chlldrena dainty practical wash dresrea in wlilia and colors all sharply reduced thats the interesting story for tomorrow you will find a wide range lor telecllon tho aavlnga are a full ihlrd ohlldranai i6o wauah draanwi o0e white and colored the white dresiea are made of lawn muslin duck and pique tho colored dresses nro mada of percales ducks ginghams craihea and illmliles there are stripe dot check anil neat floral patterns all a plallad and efleelhely trlmmwl with frills fancy braid embroidery or ma uimiih ib all are lucked 1or henderson co hiu street aoton girls of 3 to 1 1 years regular it 30 side price fjha bs00 whlu waah dreauwai aiba pine muslin dresses and while duck sailor sulla the lulls hive large sailor collars cuffs collar and tie are trimmed wllh braid sklrla are full plaited the muslin dressea are tucked nnd prettily trimmed wllh lace yoke mil over shoulder 1 short sleeves tncked skirl value fi for iijb for glrla of 1 lo 14 years misuse b400 bailer bulu nt 0bo made of while duck also pink and blue ground percales wllh neat figure aad faney while hemstitched front collar and cuffs trimmed wllh while wwh braids separate sldrt on band la antra full anil vary jaunty in atyle theatf atunnlnk sulla are well mada nl good materials in anappy new slylo effecls value 4 00 sale price i j 30 each thomas o 1st atkins oornir kino st bait huohoon hamilton ont

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